#Jeremy Crows
jknerd · 1 year
NIMH AU: Jeremy Crows
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Full Name: Jeremy Crows
Species: Crow spirit
Age: 30s (human age)
Gender: Male
Other names: Mr. Crows, Mister Crow spirit
Occupations: “Freelancing” spirit, contract spirit
Residence: Jonathan Brisby’s Wheeled Manor (currently)
Family: Delphi Rights (eventual wife)
Relationships: Elizabeth Brisby (friend; current contractor), Jonathan Brisby (former contractor), Brisby children (godfather), Auntie Shrew (friend; occasionally), Drago “Dragon” Welker (acquaintance)
Likes: Strings, straws, the Stone, gemstones in general, flight, attractive women, Delphi Rights (love interest) Dislikes: Cats, danger, hunting, his own clumsiness, Auntie Shrew (formerly)
Jeremy Crows is a spirit of crows and fire, a former contract spirit of late Jonathan Brisby and currently Elizabeth’s contract spirit. He was formerly a contract spirit residing in the capital and cities, an occasional messenger to the pope who goes by the epithet “The Great Owl”. He and Jonathan Brisby once had a contract since his marriage to Elizabeth, with a reason of becoming concerned with his wife’s wellbeing. Despite the clumsiness, Jeremy has great knowledges of mineral resources and basic ancient science, which was an alchemy, as both worked with Nicodemus to create the Stone and kept its existence secret for a while.
Year after Jonathan’s death, Jeremy came to the town Elizabeth and her family lives, witnessing Drago Welker about to have his ways with her. He called out that there are wild animals in the forest, able to distract the hunting-obsessed gatekeeper away from her as she and Jeremy developed friendship. As he has no home, Elizabeth thought over her children may need a caretaker in case she or Auntie Shrew were busy, so she offered him a place to stay in house that was left by her husband. While initially scared of Auntie Shrew, both her and Jeremy chased Elizabeth’s unwanted suitors out of house by scaring them with tricks. Fearing of losing home and the health of Timothy, Elizabeth was desperate for help until Jeremy offered her to visit the pope who resides in large yet secluded cathedral, the Great Owl. Later, Jeremy was seen waiting with the visiting spirits as Elizabeth received answer from the said pope in order to move the house and keep Timothy safe. Jeremy said with his magic and Jonathan’s possessions he can move the house, but Elizabeth said she needed to see Nicodemus for approval since both sides seek to leave the town.
Later, making a new contract with Elizabeth, Jeremy successfully activated the Brisby house; revealed that it is a wheeled manor built by Jonathan Brisby as it could only respond to the magic contract. Along with Auntie Shrew, Jeremy was seen flipping off with a smug to upset Drago and young adult son of the Fitzgibbons. He was seen again when Elizabeth returned with the Stone and created a fireplace helping her with cooking to serve the soldiers who were tasked to protect the Brisby family. With astonished face, Jeremy made a remark on how Elizabeth can cook huge amount despite her petite figure, impressed. At the moving day, Jeremy used his fire abilities and Nicodemus’ magic to move the wheeling house again with IM-Humans as Elizabeth was away to distract and drug Drago Welker, the gatekeeper of the town. However, due to Jenner’s scheme that led to the death of Nicodemus, the magic broke as the Brisby house was immobilized. Jeremy, along with others, discovered the death of Jonathan was caused by Jenner and after the villain’s demise, Jeremy felt the magic disappearing as the house was about to collapse. However, as Elizabeth shielded her children with herself, the Stone reacted to the power through her courage and Jeremy used his remained magic to make stronger force shield to block falling debris from the family.
At the day Elizabeth woke up, Jeremy was seen with wounds tended by both Auntie Shrew and Mr. Ages. Along with IM-Humans of NIMH, Jeremy was surprised to see Nicodemus and Sullivan alive as Timothy was fully healed, finally conquering the sunlight. Later, as children of Brisby were anticipating for adventure, Jeremy’s magic was restored as he encountered a lost female spirit of crow named Delphi, forming a romance between the two. At the day of departure as he and Delphi activated the Brisby’s moving manor, he noticed Elizabeth’s aging process stopped and being a first to point it out, relieved that she will live long enough to stay with her family, and the possible future with Justin next time they meet.
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kwistowee · 1 month
"The 1994 movie bears a much stronger resemblance to the source material, to the graphic novel, than this new movie does. And not in that "is it the foot vs. the torso" photo-finish kind of way, but we're talking by a clear mile. This movie tries to over-explain everything... right, why not overcomplicate a simple concept? It's the concept of crossing death for love.
"It's a movie that feels like it was adapted by someone who had never seen 'The Crow' or read 'The Crow', but had heard about 'The Crow' from someone and made a movie accordingly. You have a guy in the costume, but the guy doesn't actually feel like the spirit of the character.
"It's easy to say on the surface, "Yeah, Eric Draven comes back to kill people." But you're missing the fact that he's actually kind, even funny. He's a person who loved life; therein is the tragedy. He got Darla clean so that she could least try to be a good mom to Sarah. I feel like this guy (2024 Eric) would join in the on the drug use. (In the 1994 Crow,) even when he went in to kill Skank, he gave everybody in the room the opportunity to bail. Then everyone at that table chooses war and they go down, but he gave them the opportunity. The dude in this movie just massacres folks and doesn't give a ****. It's less likable and relatable as a protagonist.
"The reality of the situation is: do you go to the movie theater to overpay for a movie ticket to watch this new Crow movie, or watch the existing 1994 Crow movie in the comfort of your own home? The answer is simple: it's the latter.
"This 2024 Crow movie is both baffling and fascinating, by way of being very surface-level simple and overly-complicated at the same time. It gives you the feeling of, "I've seen everything in this movie elsewhere, and in those movies they did it better." You want a better Crow movie? Watch the original Crow movie."
- Jeremy Jahns The Crow (2024) Movie Review
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currymanganese · 11 months
In my humble opinion
on the heels of @yannaryartside 's lovely post here, the canary in the coal mine for Sydmarcus' romantic potential is that Marcus can't pull a laugh out of Sydney the way that Carmy can effortlessly. Finding someone funny is often both an indicator and a component of attraction. I was in the middle of rewatching Syd's scenes with both Marcus and Carmy to compile a post to that effect, but three things struck me based on episodes 1-3 in season one alone:
1. The difference in first impressions Carmy and Marcus gave Sydney.
2.The difference in Sydney's reactions to Marcus and Carmy's senses of humour.
3. The difference in greetings Sydney exchanged with Carmy and Marcus at the beginning of Brigade
Syd's first impressions about Carmy:
Carmy is in rough shape at the start of the pilot, he's visibly tired and haggard, he's thrown off-kilter by Sydney's introduction, having forgotten that he was expecting her and needing to be reminded what UPS stood for. However, he's quiet, he's impressed with Sydney's CV and shyly accepts/downplays Syd's praise for his career accomplishments. We only find out later on that Carmy prepared Sydney's favourite meal (before he even met her) in Braciole, but suffice it to say: Syd's perception of Carmy as her culinary hero survives their first face to face interaction intact.
Syd's first impressions about Marcus:
In contrast to Syd's first impression of Carmy, the first time Sydney would've heard Marcus speak at length he is shown buying into Richie's obnoxious insistence that Carmy prepares (in Carmy's estimation) a sub-par spaghetti dish. Now keep in mind, at this point no one knows about the money in the tomato cans, a fair amount of their woes would've been resolved if Carmy capitulated to Richie's demands at this stage, but as far as Syd would've been concerned in the pilot, these men (Richie and Marcus) are second-guessing her culinary idol on his area of expertise, food. Being lumped in with Richie and the rest of The Beef's staff for a first impression is something, but unfortunately for Marcus, it's not great.
Sydney's reactions to Marcus' sense of humour:
For brevity's sake I included the jokes that Marcus made in the pilot and the second episode in the video above, to which Sydney smiled politely before turning her attention to other things. In the first instance, she checks in with Carmy immediately after, "You want a plate, chef?" and in the second instance she frowns when Richie begins roughhousing with Marcus and turns back to her work. IMO, although Sydney befriends him later on in the season, Marcus inadvertently wedges himself firmly in the 'coworker' box by the time Brigade rolls around, when Sydney lashes out at him (cusses him to be specific) over his prank with her onions.
Sydney's reactions to Carmy's sense of humour:
Much has already been posted about Carmy's ability to make Sydney laugh e.g. see @thoughtfulchaos773 's beautiful post on Syd and Carmy and Laughter here, and also recall that Carmy even made Syd laugh directly after she admitted that her mother died. While this is the most glaring example of Syd sharing a similar sense of humour with Carmy, and of her taking comfort and pleasure in Carmy's jokes, there were signs that Syd found him funny as early as episode 2. While the entire crew is cleaning up The Beef after service, both Marcus and Carmy make a joke at Richie's expense, Syd smiles briefly at Marcus' joke, but (although she isn't shown on camera) Syd actually laughs/chortles at Carmy's snarky quip at Richie, "DeVry teach you to fix that?"
The difference in the way Carmy and Marcus greet Syd in Brigade:
One thing about Syd, she can be awkward at times, but she knows how to match someone's energy. In addition to me mulling over Syd's responses to Carmy and Marcus' sense of humour, this post also issued out of me repeatedly rewinding/laughing over the final seven seconds of the video above, in which Carmy tells Sydney, "Morning, chef." and gets a, "Morning." in response...and Marcus nods at Syd briefly and gets an offscreen glance and/or nod in return.....
Syd has her favourite and it's not Marcus, what else can I say?
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snailsfall · 7 months
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bitchthefuck1 · 1 year
Inej: You told Pekka you buried his son alive?
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jeremydaviesarchive · 4 months
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prison boyfriends for sure
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fortheloveofexy · 2 months
thank you so much!! I love all of them <3
Is there any way I could also have a bit of the Jerejean werewolf AU please?
"No," Jeremy says suddenly, "I'm not sending him away." "Jeremy," Laila says, "You can't keep him." "Yes, I can," Jeremy argues. At her incredulous look, he pushes on. "Wolf or not, I know he won't hurt me." "He's a wild animal," Cat interjects, "You don't know that for certain." "Yes, I do," Jeremy insists. He strokes the wolf's head, smiling down at him softly, "Shadow's a good boy. Aren't ya, big guy?" The wolf's ears pick up at his name. He lifts his head up again, tilting it to the side as if confused.  Cute, Jeremy thinks. "This is crazy," Cat mutters. "I'll say," Laila adds darkly. She gives Jeremy a hard look, "Are you sure about this?" "Not really," Jeremy admits, "But I've worked too hard at gaining his trust to give up on him now. Not when he still needs me." Laila lets out a long sigh, pushing her dark hair back from her face. "Alright," she says, "We'll do it your way for now. Just remember; eventually, he'll have to go back into the wild again. He can't be your pet forever." Jeremy nods, pushing down the sadness her reminder fills him with. "I know."
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mexicanblanket · 3 months
Always remember, the hottest men in Hollywood were always and will always be gosh-darn theater kids. ♡
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silver-scripts · 1 year
Back on tumblr and looking for accounts to follow!
Hi! My name is Silver. I'm back after years of inactivity and looking to get my dashboard full of things I like again! Please like or reblog if you post any of the following:
Warrior Cats
Holly Black/Cruel Prince
Six of Crows
Red Queen
Graphic Design
Video Games
The Sims
My Time at Portia/My Time at Sandrock
Animal Crossing
The Legend of Zelda
Secret Sleepover Society
Jeremy Dooley
Also any and all meme pages!
Thanks y'all!
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law-autumnbow · 2 months
Introduction post!!!
Hi peeps
Name: Laura/ Law
she/her, bi myself
Maze Runner is my main fandom
Theatre kid in training
Fandoms and shit: Maze Runner, TBS, Imagine Dragons, Anime&Manga, Six of Crows, Astronomy/Space, Arcane, Museum of Thieves, Arctic Monkeys, Good Omens, Dr Who, Fairytales, Sturniolos, MLP, Dajackies, Dystopia, Jenna Coleman, Guitar, Harley Quinn, Piano, Steampunk, OCs, Hoizer, Cosplay, The sisters Grimm, Cyberpunk, Musicals, Theatre, Jeremy Jordan, Dead boy detectives, Jesus🙏
my spotify I have some TMR playlists if ur interested check them out
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I just rewatched The Secret Of Nihm. I know, it's a children's movie. Maybe 😆
But there is Jeremy. I mean, he's tall, has black hair and blue eyes, he's looking for the love of his life, he's good with kids, he's athletic and brave. He's also a bit of a thief. And all his plans go wrong.
Does that remind us of anyone?
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kirsbu · 10 months
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d0vesong · 2 days
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snailsfall · 7 months
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ave09 · 6 months
Hi there🩷. Just found your blog, wondering who do you write for? Because I want to know before sending in requests.
i write for lots of things!
i write for:
harrison ford characters
hannibal (nbc)
jeremy jordan characters (i need requests for him pls guys)
newsies (broadway)
oscar isaac characters
star wars
shadow and bone
outer banks
almost any broadway character
i’m sure there’s more but these are the mains off the top of my head!
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jeremydaviesarchive · 4 months
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boyfriends bugs when you lift up a rock
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