#Jennifer jareau x child reader
ahhhh! i was the anon who requested the most recent hotch!daughter fic! tysm for writing that. the most adorable thing ever <3!!!
is it ok to have a sort of follow up on that fic? maybe reader comes back and forces hotch and all the bau members to play princess tea party with her during their lunch break haha?
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Aaron Hotchner X Young Daughter Reader Pt 2
Request : ahhhh! i was the anon who requested the most recent hotch!daughter fic! tysm for writing that. the most adorable thing ever <3!!!
is it ok to have a sort of follow up on that fic? maybe reader comes back and forces hotch and all the bau members to play princess tea party with her during their lunch break haha?
Start of recap...
Following his arm Hotch breathed a sigh off relief as he saw where Y/N had got to, smiling he watched his daughter laugh and play with the young doctors hair.
He was glad she was okay and made a new friend. Quickly taking a few pictures he sends them to Haily who messaged back just a quick. "Some one made a new friend" chuckling he responded. "I think they both made a new friend"
Putting his phone away he went back to his office, happy to leave his daughter in his agents capable hands.
End of recap...
Third person pov...
A couple months after Hotch and Haily get a divorce. Haley has the kids most of the time and Hotch gets visitation rights, little Y/N loves spending time with her Daddy.
It was a typical day at the FBI academy for Aaron Hotchner, the team's stoic leader.
As they were reviewing their case files and strategizing for their next case, Hotchner's phone rang. He picked it up and on the other end was his ex-wife, Haley.
Hotchner's heart skipped a beat as he heard the sound of his two-year-old daughter, laughing in the background.
The spending if her voice grew louder, she had come closer to the phone.
"Hi daddy!" She squeals as she sees his contact. Hotch let's a smile fall on his lips. "Hi baby, you want to spend the day with me and the team?" He asks the young girl.
Hotch immediately pulls the phone far away from his ears as his Daughter screams in joy shouting into the phone. "Yes yes yes!" Hotch laughs at how excited the little girl sounds.
After getting the phone back, Haley explained that their original babysitter had called in sick and she had an important meeting she couldn't miss, Jack had school so She asked if Aaron could take care of Y/N for the day.
Despite his busy schedule, Hotchner couldn't say no to spending time with his daughter. He quickly made arrangements for Y/N to come to the BAU office and inform the team that they would have a special guest for the day.
As the clock struck 12, Agent Hotchner was in his office, going through files when suddenly he heard a knock on his door.
"Come in" he called out, not looking up from his work.
To his surprise, it wasn't one of his team members, but his 2 year old Daughter
Y/N standing in front of him with a huge smile on her face.
"Daddy!" she exclaimed, running towards him.
"Hey, Princess have a safe trip" Hotch asked, lifting her up in his arms. The energetic girl smiled and hugged his neck. "Yep I did, can we play daddy?" she asks the man, giggling.
Hotch chuckled, "i'm sorry sweetie, but Daddy has to work right now. Maybe later, okay?" The H/C girl pouted, but before Hotch could say anything else.
she suddenly let out a loud giggle and ran out of his office. Hotch shrugged, thinking it was just a phase and went back to his work.
But 5 minutes later, he heard more giggling and the sound of his door opening again.
This time, it was the whole BAU team following Y/N who was dressed in a pink princess dress with a tiara on her head.
She was holding the young Dr's hand who was smiling, Y/N still loved Spencer the most apart from her Daddy of course
"Hotch, we have a problem" Rossi said, a serious look on his face but trying to hold back his laughter.
Hotch raised an eyebrow, "What's going on?" Everyone one of them after trying to keep a straight face.
"Morgan found this little princess wandering around the bullpen, claiming that she was here to play with you" JJ explained, trying not to laugh
Before he could say anything, Y/N ran towards him and tugged on his shirt. "Daddy, I wanna play tea party with you and your friends!"
Hotch looked at his team, trying to hide his amusement. But seeing their pleading faces, he knew there was no way he could deny his daughter's request.
"Okay, just for a little while" Hotch said, putting the little girl down and joining the others in the break room.
Y/N clapped her hands in excitement as she dragged Spencer out of her Daddies office and to the found table room.
She then passed out plastic tea cups and saucers to everyone. "You're the queen, Daddy!" She said, placing a tiara on Hotch's head.
The team couldn't help but laugh as they pretended to sip imaginary tea and have conversations with the little princess.
They even played make-believe with her, pretending to be princes and princesses in a magical kingdom.
Hotch was the Queen, Rossi was the King, Y/N of course was a Princess, Spencer the court magician, Penelope the fairy God Mother, Derek a Knight, JJ and Emily were princesses with Y/N.
For the next hour, the BAU team forgot about their stressful job and just enjoyed the innocent fun with their bosses daughter.
Hotch couldn't remember the last time he laughed this much, and seeing his team bonding with his daughter made his heart warm.
As the lunch break came to an end and they had to get back to work, Y/N hugged each team member tightly, thanking them for playing with her.
"Thanks for saving my princess, Hotch" Derek said, high-fiving him as they all left the break room.
Hotch smiled, feeling grateful for his team and their willingness to be a part of his daughter's little tea party adventure.
From that day on, whenever little Y/N would visit him at work, the team would always set aside some time to play with her.
Hotch couldn't be happier, knowing that his daughter was being raised in a loving and supportive environment.
The end!
I hope you liked this oneshot, so sorry for the wait. Finally got around to writing this. Sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Request are open!
Word count: 1100
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supercriminalbean · 2 years
Family Pride.
Jennifer Jareau X Transgender!Reader
Jennifer Jareau X child!Reader!
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A/N: Hi. So I wrote this to fix my own heart a few weeks back and finally just finished editing it. I personally really like this one, not just because it fixed my issues for a little bit. My writing skills still need work but I really like this storyline. I don’t think there is enough fics out there with Will in them, so I hope I did this justice 😊 To anyone who is going through a hard time coming out to their family or their family is non supportive or worse than please know you are loved! There are people out there who will support you, it may take awhile to find them sometimes but they are there. And if not I am, even if I don’t know you, please know I will always be in your corner. Love you all, please look after yourself and if you need to never be afraid to reach out to the support system in place around you or the healthlines in your country, please. Love y’alls.
Summary: Transgender Reader (FTM) coming out to their parents JJ and Will.
Warnings: Fluff, some Angst, Homophobia, transphobia, swearing, crying, anxiety, self harm briefly mentioned (just scratching) If I have missed anything let me know, thank you. 
Words: 4.5k
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Your Mum was meant to be home an hour ago, you had already gotten the boys ready for bed. Now your two little brothers are laying on the couch together, watching ‘Finding Nemo’.  The only movie that both the boys could agree on tonight. While those two are happily watching the movie, you clean up the dishes from the dinner.
Cleaning up the house so your Mum doesn’t have to deal with it when she gets home from work. Knowing she's had such a long week. Will had helped clean the kitchen before dinner, before he had to head off for the night shift. So there wasn’t too much for you to do, you’re thankful for that.  Once the kitchen is clean once more, you join your brothers in the living room for the movie. Laying on your beanbag in the corner, being able to play on your phone while you can still keep an eye on the boys and the movie. Sighing softly as you look down at your Mum's latest text. She had let you know that she was running late and had asked you to put the boys to bed and that she will be home before you guys wake up in the morning. 
It wasn’t unusual for you to look after your brothers on nights like this. But it doesn't mean that it doesn’t sucked sometimes. Your parents run a busy life and sometimes you don’t always have time to speed time with them. Being 17 you hold a lot of responsibility not just at home but at school as well. You're in your last year of high school and school isn't exactly your thing, so having to decide what to do for university is difficult. Especially when you're surrounded by intelligent and successful people, giving yourself high expectations. 
Your brothers are a lot younger than you, Henry is now 9 years old while Micheal is turning 4 in a couple weeks. You were 7 years old when your Mum introduced you to Will. They had been dating for almost a year when she had finally introduced him to you. Your father has never been in the picture, he took off after finding out your Mum was pregnant. But your Mum has always been strong, and she knew she could raise you alone if she had to. She was 21 when she gave birth to you and never has had any regrets being a young single mother, raising you all alone. She still got into the FBI and the team soon became your family. On some days she had to bring you to the office and on those days, the team was over the moon to get to know JJ and you better. 
When Will entered your life, you were worried at first. Not used to having someone step in as a father figure. But you never had to be, he never rushed into that position. He never acted like a father, he allowed you to take your time warming up to him. Never forced you to call him dad, never made you feel like he was trying to steal your Mum from you. When your Mum became pregnant with Henry, you grew quiet from them for a little bit. Your Mum tried to get you to know that this was a good thing, but it never sunk in. Not until Will talked to you, told you that no matter what happened that he would never leave you or your sibling. That he would stick around and that he would love you, even if things went south with your Mum. It was the first heart to heart you had with him. He held you as your little kid heart cried, telling him you were scared he would leave. He never did and you now know, he never will, no matter how bad a situation get. 
You remember how nervous you were when you told your parents that you’re pansexual and that you wanted them to meet your girlfriend. You had sat them both on the couch while the boys were upstairs having a nap. Your leg couldn't stop bouncing, which has always been your biggest sign of anxiousness. Your Mum had placed a hand on your leg and told you that it was okay no matter what you had to tell them. Will just smile softly at you and take your hand.
“Darling, what's going on, in that mind of yours?” That soft loving smile of his, made you break open and tell them. You knew deep down that they would be okay with it, but you were still a little nervous. You didn’t want them to disown you, like some of your friends have gone through.
Turns out you had nothing to worry about, they accepted you with open arms and told you they were so proud of you for coming out. Will told you that he will still be threatening anyone you bring home that no one is allowed to hurt his sweet child. You and your Mum laughed at him, knowing he of course, would do that. They met your girlfriend that night and welcomed her with open arms.
Now here you are, not even three years later. Waiting for your Mum to get back so you can come out once more. You know your parents would never judge you for your sexuality, but being transgender. That's where you don’t know where Will stands on that issue. You don’t want to disappoint them, they already have two sons, do they really want another one? Your Mum has alway said how much she loved having an older daughter, having at least one girl out of the boys. Why would your parents want a family fill of boys, would it be too much. You were so nervous that they would be so disappointed in you. It's not like you can help who you are, you have known for a while who you truly are. You have only come out to a small handful of your friends. Even then, not all of them accepted you. Your girlfriend broke up with you. Calling you a freak and all sorts of names and refusing to ever speak to you again, after that day. Your best friend of 7 years, said they would support you then avoid you from that day onwards. But your other two friends who you hadn’t know for that long said fuck em, and they were your support system. They respect and support every decision you ever make. They are real friends, it doesn't matter how much time you have known each other for. 
Once the movie is ending, Micheal has already fallen asleep on the couch while Henry is half asleep, struggling to stay awake. Smiling softly as you get up, picking Micheal up gently. Carrying him to his bedroom, placing him in his bed, being careful not to wake him. You're happy the boys had listened to you earlier and had gotten ready for bed before the movie had started. Making sure that his teddy is beside him, for him to grab during the night. You smile softly, leaving your brother to get his rest. Walking back down to get your other brother to his bed. Luckily you don’t have to carry this one as you see him sitting up on the couch rubbing his eyes sleepy. 
“Hey kiddo, come on let's get you to bed” Smiling softly at your little brother. Who groans softly as he gets up grabbing his blanket as he walks over to you.
“Where's Mummy?” He mumbles tiredly. Leaning into you as you lead him to his bedroom.
“She's stuck at work buddy, but she will be back before we wake up” Smiling sadly as you help him into bed. Turning on his little rocket ship nightlight, that he just can not sleep without.
“M’kay, goodnight sis, I love you” Henry whispers as he closes his eyes. Cuddling into his blanket as he falls asleep.
“I love you to Bro” Kissing his forehead softly as you walk out. A gross feeling filling your stomach being the reaction of the word sis. 
You go back and lay on the couch, sighing tiredly as you pick up the tv remote. Putting netflix on, flicking through to find a movie to watch. Settling on a horror movie for the night, one of your favourites. Playing on your phone as you let the movie become background noise, turning it down so it doesn’t wake your brothers. Sending your Mum a quick text.
Hey Mum, both the boys are asleep and your dinners in the fridge if you are hungry when you get home. Love you xx
It takes a few minutes but she does text back, rather quickly for how busy you imagine she is.
Thank you Angel, tonight is slowing down so I should be home in a couple hours. Don’t stay up to late tonight my sweet girl Love you xx
Smiling softly knowing that if the night is slowly down that means she won’t be in any danger tonight. Making your heart slow down knowing she is safe for now. Your eyes can’t help but focus on the word girl. The taunt, the sick feeling in your gut. The fear and knowledge that maybe that's all you will ever be. No stop thinking that, you tell yourself. That is not true, you will never think that about others so that's not true about yourself. Taking a deep breath as you repeat these words. You know it's okay to be transgender, that it's okay to be anything. To be a part of the LGBTQIA Plus community but sometimes, negative thoughts can still invade you. 
You have decided that you are going to stay awake tonight, stay up until your mum finally gets home. A couple hours isn't much, you can enjoy your favourite horror movie in the meantime. Grabbing your blanket that's on the edge of the couch as you place your phone down. Relaxing into the couch as you do your best to distract your brain from coming out. Slowly you start to fall asleep as the movie starts to end, feeling exhausted from the week. 
You slowly wake up hearing the front door close, hearing someone walking in quietly. Making their way into the living room where you are. You sleepily pull yourself up into a sitting position, your eyes blinking a lot trying to get used to the light in the room. The light coming from the windows, the sun starting to come up for the start of the day.
“Sweetheart, what are you doing up?’ Your Mum asks softly, from behind you. Coming to move over to you.
“Was waiting for you” Mumbling out sleepy, smiling softly at her.
“Oh I'm sorry, I got stuck at work my love” She sighs sadly, looking at you guilty. She knows you like to know that she's safe at night time, that you like to have some Mother and daughter time. 
“It's okay, how was work?” You smile tiredly at her, yawning softly.
“It was alright we got the unsub so now I have the weekend off to spend it with my babies” She smiles lovingly at you. “So why don’t you go to bed and get a couple more hours of sleep and then later on we can have some time together okay” JJ smiles at you holding out a hand for you.
“I uh” Gulping as you glance at her hand, you stayed up so you would have time alone to talk. You know it's now or never. “I wanted to talk to you about something” Your words come out quietly, weakly.
JJ eyebrows narrow at your body langues, the anxiety is written across your body making her frown.
“What is sweet girl, you can tell me anything” JJ sits beside you, worrying as she watches you. Your leg is bouncing with nerves, taking a deep breath as you feel your heartbeat starting to speed up, glancing quickly at your Mum. The worry evident on her face, her hand is quick to capture yours as it starts to scratch at your arm, one of your really bad habits you do. 
“Babygirl, come on, I'm right here, whatever it is, it will be okay” 
“Please don’t call me that” Your voice is shaking when you finally find your voice again. Trying to take deep breaths to calm yourself. That confuses JJ, you have always been her babygirl why of, all of a sudden do you not like this. JJ squeezes your hand softly, nodding.
“Okay I’m sorry, I won’t call you that again I know some people don’t like being referred to as a baby, sweetheart but—”
“It's not the baby part” You interrupted her. Taking another deep breath staring at the floor, trying to ground yourself. “It's the girl bit, it's..” Looking up at her, feeling vulnerable and scared. “Mum I’m not a girl, I’m transgender” Gulping thickly as you stare into her eyes, your heart pounding against your chest, feeling like it's about to explode at any second. JJ stays quiet for a few seconds, processing what she has just heard. Before she smiles widely with relief, gripping your hand tightly.
“Oh thank god, I thought you were going to tell me something bad or that you were pregnant or something, which is completely fine if you were I would support you if you were but thank god, your not because there is enough kids under this house right now” JJ words tumble out of her mouth quickly, smiling happily with relief. Her reaction makes your eyes widen in confusement, you were expecting a different reaction than that.
“W wait what?” Is all you get out. Staring at her in surprise, while your leg stops bouncing as your heart beat slows down to a normalish speed. Your Mum just smiles lovingly at you.
“I'm sorry, that wasn’t the best reaction huh” JJ laughs softly. Wrapping her arm around your shoulder pulling you into her, sensing you needed a hug. Knowing physical touch can help ground you when your anxiety is high. You lean your head into her shoulder, nodding.
“I..yeah not exactly.. But you're okay with it, right?”  Whispering quietly, still feeling on edge. 
“Of course I am sweetheart” JJ smiles, then it slowly drops. “Wait, is it okay if I call you that, and also what are your pronouns?”
“I'm okay with you calling me sweetheart, but only you” Smiling softly. Joy fills your heart as your Mum accepts you, snuggling closer into her for comfort which she happily accepts. “I would prefer more masculine or even gender neutral terms, and my pronouns are He/they” Smiling softly as you let the words float out of you easily. 
“Okay and would you prefer I refer to you as my child or son” JJ runs her hand through your hair. Smiling gently, enjoying the way you crawl up in her arms, knowing you feel safe that way.
“I'm okay with either one” 
“Okay and did you want to change your name, I know some trans people feel more comfortable doing so” JJ whisper softly. Feeling you relax and become more sleepy in her arms.
“I want to and I have a list of some ideas but I’m unsure of what to pick” You admit sleepy, closing your eyes. Allowing the exhaustion due to the anxiety you had early, take over your body. 
“Well if you like I’m happy to help you decide because I do not want you stuck with such a  basic name” JJ jokes softly. Kissing your head softly knowing you're close to drifting off to sleep.
“I would like yours and Dad help to decide. I still need to tell him, later today” Your shoulder tenses up a little. Your eyes open a little looking up at your Mum meeting her eyes, nervous again.
“I.. Is Will going to be okay with this?” Your voice shrinks again, looking afraid. Scared to push him away.
“Honey, Will loves you and he is going to accept you for who you are okay, he won’t have a problem with it” JJ reassures you gently, rubbing your shoulders softly. 
“Okay.. I was just so nervous that you guys…” You let your voice trail off, glancing down not wanting to finish that thought.
“That we what, love?” Your Mum ask worriedly, that she may have made you think that at anypoint that they wouldn’t accept you for anything.
“I.. I was worried you guys wouldn’t want me because I was a boy… that you guys thought you already had enough sons” You admit your fear, gulping as you glance up at your Mum. Watching as her face falls, the pain in her eyes. 
“Oh my love, that is never true okay” She softly moves your hair out of your face, cupping your face gently as your eyes fill with tears. 
“I I know but.. But my brain kept telling me different things. It's hard to not believe it sometimes Mum I’m sorry” You let a soft cry, a couple tears slide down.
“Oh honey.. No, don't apologise, it's okay, we can all get stuck inside our own minds some days but we just can’t allow it to consume us, okay my love?” JJ speaks softly. Her voice is full of care and love.
“I know.. I won’t let it” You smile weakly at her, relaxing back into her. 
“Good, and about you thinking that I wouldn’t want you, because you're a boy” She can't help but scoff a little. “I do not care what form you come in, I will always love you, because you are you and you are my little child, nothing that you identify with, will change your personality and that's the most important thing ever, am I clear” She speaks firmly, her hand moves off your chin coming to rest in your lap.
“Yes Mum, I understand” Smiling lightly nodding, your heart warming up as her words set in. “I love you so much Mum”
“I love you too, my child” She kisses your forehead softly. Wrapping both her arms around you, holding you closely. 
You two lay there in each other arms for a few minutes, giving you time to calm down and some overdue mother and child time. You're not sure how long you two are laying there for, but soon the front door opens, indicating that Will is now home. You go to sit up a little, your heart starts racing, getting nervous again. You don’t get to move far because your Mum's grip around you tightens, pulling you closer into her. Will walks in, placing his bags down on the table quietly, doing his best to not wake the house, believing everyone is asleep. That is before he walks into the living room and goes to walk past the couch, not noticing his two people laying there. 
“Well good morning handsome” JJ speaks softly, breaking the silence. Making Will jump backwards gasping loudly.
“Holy jesus, Jennifer!” Will yelps turning around to look at the couch. Where you and JJ are laughing silently, doing your best to not wake up the boys. 
“That is not funny, you two” He laughs softly as he walks over. Coming to sit opposite you two, sitting down on the coffee table lightly. 
“Oh no it was hilarious, I mean you should have seen your face dad” Laughing quietly as you look up at him. 
“Alright alright it's too early for you to be teasing me” Will laughs shaking his head. “What are you both doing awake, you should still be in bed, and you should be in bed asleep after staying at work so late” Will looks at you both pointedly.
“Oh we were just talking” JJ smiles, slowly pulling herself away from you, placing one final kiss on your forehead before she gets up. Standing up to give her husband a hug and a quick peek on the lips. 
“Ew gross, it's too early for that” You groan as you watch them, which makes them both laugh softly. 
“Okay, I am going to go make breakfast because the boys will be up soon, in the meantime you two, talk” JJ smiles softly, giving you a soft encouraging look before she walks out quickly. Will looks at JJ as she walks out then at you confused.
“Talk? Is something wrong?” Will ask concerned and confused as you refuse to meet his eyes.
“Maybe, I mean no but possibly but I just.. I guess it just depends” Gulping thickly as you feel your arms start to shake again. 
“Hey, whatever it is, I'm right here, I'm never going to leave, remember?” Will smiles softly. Trying to remind you of the convince you two had many years ago, where he promised you he would never leave you. 
“I know” Smiling weakly, feeling your mouth tremble a little, still unable to meet his eyes, staring at the floor. Soon you feel the couch beside you dip, his hand coming to rest on your knee. 
“Darling, talk to me?” Will takes a deep breath before he continues. “Look, if your pregnant, we can deal with that as a family” 
You finally look up at him, meeting his concern looks. Knowing his heart is in the right palace but you can’t help but laugh at him.
“Dad, I’m not pregnant” Laughing weakly as you calm down. Smiling as you start to relax, knowing that it's finally time.
“O oh” He laughs, the worry falling off his face. “That is good, because as much as we would support you, I am over hearing babies cry” 
“So am I” Nodding in agreement.
“Okay then darling, so what is it?” Will watches you, cornered again.
“I.. Dad Im transgender” Gulping thickly as you look at him. Your heart is pounding, fearing for a bad reaction. You should have known better though, because instead, you got the biggest smile from him instead.
“That's great darling, thank you for telling me” He smiles proudly, as he wraps his arm around your shoulders. You happily lean into him, feeling at ease at his touch.
“You're okay with it?” Asking quietly, just to reassure yourself, feeling loved with his response.
“Of course I am, you're still my kid no matter what” He chuckles softly, kissing your head. “So what are your pronouns and is there anything I should know? I'm not great at knowing all of these things but I will do my best but you will need to help me darling” He smiles happily at you as he speaks, enjoying the way you relax in his arms. Feeling comfortable enough to tell him about this important part of you. 
“That's alright I can help you the best I can” Humming softly, as you glance at the kitchen hearing your Mum making some noise. “Also my pronouns are He/They and I would prefer more masculine or even gender neutral terms, but I'm okay with you referring to me as darling, but only you though. I also want to be referred to as, your son or child is okay as well” Speaking with confidence, grinning happily as you finally get to say it out loud in the presence of your parents. 
“That is great, I might slip up a few times just correct me” Will smiles at you, his heart throbbing as he watches you proudly. 
“I also want to change my name but I was um, hoping to get you and Mum's opinions on it as well” You look up, as you hear your Mum walk in. 
“Well Darling, I think we can help you out with that”
“That we can, do you want to do it?” JJ smiles as she walks over to you two. 
“Please that would be great, hang on I have them written down somewhere” Grinning happily as you get up, running off to your room, returning quickly holding a piece of paper that's half crumpled up. The list of names on it isnt to long, and  few of the ones you love the most are highlighted. You settle back on the couch, in between your parents, who were talking under their breath so you wouldn’t notice. 
“Okay so this is my list what do you think” Grinning excitedly at them as you hold out the list.
“I think you need to learn how to keep things tidy, so they don’t get crumpled,” JJ shakes her head as she looks through the list.
“Yeah yeah Mum I know” Rolling your eyes as you watch your parents look through the list.
“Okay that one is my favourite” Will smiles pointing at the one scribbled on the side, that is highlighted.
“Hey that was my pick” JJ grumbles annoyedly, making you both laugh.
“That is also my absolute favourite one too” Grinning happily. 
“So that settles it then” Will nudges you lightly.
“It does indeed, my name is now, (Y/n) Roslyn Jareau LaMontagne” Smiling as you glance up at Will, who has the biggest grin on his face. 
“You want my last name as well?” 
“Well I mean you are my dad so it makes sense, plus my brothers have your name so why can’t I?” Shrugging your shoulder as you glance up at your Mum. “That's okay, right?” 
“Of course it is sweetheart, my sons all got to have the same last name” Her smile grows bigger, when she catches her husband's eyes, which now have tears in them. The last time she saw him like this it was just after the first time you called him dad. JJ’s surprised he didn’t burst into tears in that moment, or even in this moment either. She leans over to squeeze his hand softly.
“We can do that later this month, go to the court to get your name changed and everything, we can make a day of it” JJ smiles, pulling you closer into her. 
“I would like that” You yawn softly, the exhausted finally catching up to you. 
“Okay I think you need to go to bed after breakfast okay, then later this afternoon we can go shopping if you like, get you some new clothes and anything else you might need?” JJ offers, slowly getting up holding her hand out for you which you happily take.
“Can I get a haircut too?” Smiling, feeling hopeful. 
“Sure can” Will smile, leading you guys to the kitchen, only for you three to be intrepid by two little boys running in.
“Mummy!” Micheal yells happily running over to her jumping into her arms, Henry goes straight to Will for his morning hug. Making you laugh as you move the waffles your Mum made over to the table for everyone to enjoy. 
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elizabethsnuts · 3 months
What about Jemily missing their daughters first soccer game bc they are called away on a case. They have never missed one before and they all have to navigate the outcomes of not only the game, but the feelings of them missing it it from both parent and daughter perspective.
Missed Game
Jemily x Daughter!Reader
Summary: Emily and JJ were helping you get ready for your very first soccer game, though they called out on a case at the last minute.
A/N: I like to think that Elle stayed in touch with JJ and was able to meet Emily. Live Laugh Love Auntie Elle 💗
It was the early morning, sunlight filtering softly through the curtains of the windows, casting a warm glow over the interior. It was your first soccer game and the excitement was through the roof. Emily and JJ were busy preparing for the day, ensuring everything was perfect for your big game.
In the living room, you were already dressed in your tiny soccer uniform, your face a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Your hair was done up neatly and out of your face, and your eyes were sparkling with excitement. You were kicking a small soccer ball around, your little legs moving with surprising agility for a five-year-old.
"Mummy! Mama! Are you ready yet?" You called out, your voice echoing with enthusiasm.
Emily emerged from the bedroom, holding a camera. "Almost, sweetheart. Just making sure the camera is working!"
JJ followed, carrying a small cooler filled with cut-up oranges. "I’ve got the cooler. We’re all set!"
Just as they were about to leave, Emily’s phone rang. She glanced at the caller ID and her face fell slightly. It was work. She answered, exchanging a few terse words before hanging up.
“What’s wrong?” JJ asked, noticing Emily’s expression.
“We’ve got a case,” Emily replied, her voice tinged with frustration. “They need us in immediately.”
JJ’s face mirrored Emily’s disappointment. “Today of all days,” she muttered, glancing over at you, still happily kicking your ball around, unaware of the news.
Emily took a deep breath. “We’ll explain it to her together.”
They walked over to you, and you stopped playing to look up at them expectantly. “Is it time to go?” you asked, eyes shining with excitement.
JJ knelt down to your level. “Sweetie, Mama and I have to go to work. There’s an important case we need to take care of.”
Your face fell instantly, your little heart shattering with every word they spoke. “But… my game…”
Emily joined the two of you on the floor, taking your small hands in hers. “We’re so sorry, Y/N. We really wanted to be there, but sometimes our job makes it hard. We promise we’ll make it up to you. Trust me when I say we’d drop everything and come to your game if we could… but we can’t, honey..”
Tears welled up in your eyes. “But you’ve never missed my practice. Not once. And today’s my first game. You promised you’d be there!”
The pain in your voice cut deeply. JJ wrapped you in a tight hug. “I know, baby. We’re so sorry. We love you so much, and we’re so proud of you. We’ll ask Auntie Elle to record the game for us, okay?”
You pulled away, your little face red with anger and sadness. “I don’t care about a video! I wanted you there! I don’t want you to go!”
Emily and JJ exchanged a helpless look. “We’ll be back as soon as we can, okay? And we’ll have a big celebration when we get home,” Emily promised, but the words felt hollow even to her.
You turned away from them, your small shoulders shaking with silent sobs. Emily’s heart broke seeing you like this, but there was nothing they could do. Duty called, and they had to go.
Elle arrived shortly after to take you to the game. She tried to cheer you up on the way, but you remained withdrawn, your disappointment evident.
Emily and JJ threw themselves into the case, but their thoughts frequently drifted back to you. Images of you being upset and angry just before they left flashed through their minds, the last thing they wanted to do was hurt you but they needed to be there for the case.
It was late at night when the case was finally wrapped up, Emily and JJ rushed home, their hearts heavy with a mixture of relief and apprehension. They knew they had to face your disappointment and try to make amends with you.
When they walked in the door, you were sitting on the couch, clutching a small trophy. Elle was in the kitchen clearing up dinner.
“Hey, Y/N,” JJ said softly, sitting down next to you. “We heard you played really well.”
You didn’t look up, you were understandably angry. “It doesn’t even matter. You and Mama weren’t there. Everyone else’s mommies were there but you weren’t!”
Emily sat on your other side, her heart aching. “We’re so sorry, sweetheart. We didn’t want to miss it, people needed us, honey. But we’re so proud of you.”
You finally looked up, tears brimming in your eyes, your frown had noticeably deepened. “I needed you too! I wanted you there. It was my first game. It was important and you weren’t there!”
JJ pulled you into a tight hug. “We know, and we’re so sorry we missed it. We love you so much, Gigi. More than anything. We know that saying sorry won’t make it up to you but we really are sorry.”
Emily gently rubbed your back in slow circles. “We’re going to make it up to you, okay? We promise we’ll try and be at every game and if we can’t we’ll get Auntie Elle to record it or FaceTime us, alright?”
You sniffled, your small arms wrapping around both your mums. “Promise?”
“Promise,” they both said in unison, sealing it with a kiss on your forehead.
The rest of the evening was spent showering you with love and attention. All three of you watched the videos of your game, cheering at every goal you scored.
You giggled as the recording picked up Elle behind the camera muttering to herself about the coach and the other mums around. “Auntie Elle isn’t happy!”
JJ nodded and chuckled, whispering to Emily. “Well, I don’t blame her…” It was true, some of those soccer mums were really obnoxious.
Though the day had started negatively, having your mums back at home with you while you watched your game did cheer you up a bit. You knew they’d try their best to be to every game in the future and that today just was an unlucky day for them to get called into work. You hoped that they’d be there for your next game, cheering you on the sidelines in real-time.
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veeluvss · 2 months
Hey I really love your stuff abt jj having an autistic child. Could you please post more of that it’s amazing
Hii! Sorry this took so long, I was struggling for inspo but here you are! Just under 2k words. I've left CJ's age up for interpretation as it makes it more universal to insert yourself if you wanted. I hope you all enjoy !
Little Brother
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“Good morning, sunshine,” JJ said softly as CJ, her daughter, came down the stairs. CJ stopped mid-step and examined the room. It was past 9 am which meant Mom was meant to be at work. “Come on, kiddo. It’s just Mom,” Will said from behind her. CJ took a quick look up the stairs at her dad and then skipped down the rest of the stairs to get out of his way. However, she refused to enter the kitchen. Why was Mom in there?
“Don’t you want breakfast? Come on, slow coach,” JJ said. CJ examined the pancakes on the table. Pancakes were her favourite but it was Wednesday and that was cereal day. CJ looked up at the menu on the side of the wall and JJ followed her gaze. Sure enough, Wednesdays were cereal days. “Do you want me to make your cereal?” JJ asked and CJ instantly nodded, coming into the kitchen. JJ smiled and began making it. CJ explored the messy kitchen with her eyes. There were piles of clothes everywhere, and bowls of food for breakfast. There were also baby bottles all over the place for the new baby. CJ was unsure about the new addition to the family. He was going to change things. He already had changed things. Mom was meant to be at work. But instead she was here messing up her morning routine. “Sit down, sweetheart,” JJ said. She had the bowl of cereal in her hand. CJ looked at her chair and saw a baby’s car seat on it and huffed, crossing her arms. The mess was overwhelming and the whole morning was going wrong. Will noticed quickly and moved the car seat to another seat so CJ could sit down. CJ slid into her seat and didn’t say anything.  JJ set the cereal in front of her and kissed her head. CJ leaned her head back so JJ could kiss her nose and lips. JJ smiled at their little routine and kissed her nose and lips one after the other. “Eat up.” 
After breakfast, CJ went to her bedroom to do school work. Being the way she was, CJ didn’t fit in well at mainstream public school. JJ and Will had tried private school but CJ struggled there too. Instead, they settled on homeschooling. It meant CJ could work at her own pace, in her own routine without it being messed up by too many outside factors. She was busy working on algebra when she heard the baby cry for the fifth time that hour. How was she expected to concentrate in such a noisy environment? She covered her ears and screeched angrily. She kicked out her legs in frustration and waited for the crying to subside. It didn’t. Getting more and more frustrated with the incessant screaming, CJ marched from her bedroom and down the hall to the baby’s nursery. She hadn’t even been in the room yet, unsure about the new baby. She hated all the change. Although her parents had warned her and she had nine months to prepare, everyone knew she’d never be ready. 
CJ approached the bedroom door and hesitated as she touched the handle. The metal was cold under her hand but she pushed open the door nonetheless. Inside, JJ was sitting in the rocking chair with Henry in her lap. He was crying and it was louder now and CJ resisted covering her ears with her hands. She didn’t want to seem unbrave in front of her mum. Instead, she stood there motionless, in the doorway watching the screeching baby and struggling mum. It didn’t take long for JJ to notice her daughter in the doorway though. 
“Hey, baby. Can you do me a favour?” JJ asked, smiling slightly. CJ didn’t respond, only looked up from Henry to her mum. “Downstairs in the fridge, there’s two bottles. Can you grab the left one and bring it up to me? He’s not feeding and I’m sore.” “Why?” CJ asked, not moving from the doorway. “I’ll answer when you come back with the bottle. Please, Cee.” JJ was desperate. She’d been trying to get Henry to breastfeed for half an hour and he was only getting more hungry and JJ was getting more stressed and now Will had gone to work, it was even more stressful alone because she couldn’t just get up and go get the bottle from the fridge because she was in too much pain from the birth. Walking hurt, especially the stairs. 
Henry cried out louder and CJ covered her ears and stepped back. Why did she have to get a bottle? “It’ll make him be quiet, baby,” JJ explained. That made sense. Stick a bottle in his mouth and he’d stop crying. CJ sped down the stairs and to the fridge. She picked up the left one and took it up to her brother’s nursery but she stopped at the door. It wasn’t her bedroom to enter, she didn’t have permission, plus it smelt bad - like babies. “Bring it here, please, I can’t walk well,” JJ said. CJ shook her head and set the bottle on the floor. “CJ, I need you to hand it to me. You can come in, it’s okay,” JJ sighed. She didn’t want to get frustrated at her daughter but the crying was giving her a headache and it shouldn’t be this hard to have a baby. CJ looked around the room nervously. It was a light cream colour with a safari animal themed banner around it. The bottom of the room was light blue, like the blanket wrapped around the baby. JJ sighed again. “CJ, now, please,” JJ said, holding out her hand. CJ picked up the bottle, scurried across the room, handed it to her mum and ran back out again. She stood in the doorway with her hands over her ears. 
JJ thanked her daughter quickly and put the bottle in her son’s mouth. The crying subsided and the sobs turned to quick gurgles of milk. JJ sighed in relief and looked up at CJ who was still in the doorway. Her hands were at her sides, curled into angry fists. It had been three days since JJ had brought the baby home and CJ hadn’t interacted with him once. JJ knew it was going to take time but hoped it’d be quicker than this. 
“You want to come say hello?” JJ asked, trying to keep her voice calm. CJ shook her head quickly and ran back down the hallway to finish her homework now it was quiet. 
Soon after, Henry was fast asleep. JJ leaned over, wincing quietly in pain, and put him in his basket before heading to her daughter’s room. She knew she’d have to talk to her after the stress of the morning. She didn’t like the change herself. She went from being there for her daughter 24/7 to having to put her daughter aside for her newborn. Usually, understanding CJ’s needs, she was patient and if CJ expressed that she didn’t want to do something, for whatever reason, she was never forced. But the bottle was needed and she knew she couldn’t walk from one side of the room to pick it up off the floor to then walk and sit back down. She hated that Will had gone back to work and she hated that she wasn’t yet feeling her best. She wanted to help CJ but she knew CJ didn’t appreciate her being home at all. It messed with her routine, as had everything recently. She could understand how out of sorts CJ was feeling.
She knocked on her daughter’s door three times, their little code, before CJ granted her entry. “Come in,” came the small voice. “Hi, baby,” JJ replied. “Hi,” CJ said. She was playing on her nintendo switch, curled in her sensory corner. After the whole bottle and crying incident, she couldn’t focus on her work so packed it up, deciding to unwind with her game instead. JJ smiled at the cute sight and headed further into the room, she curled up beside her daughter, being careful of her stitches and watched CJ racing. The corner was JJ’s favourite part of their house. It had two beenbagds, lots of blankets and stuffies, a big teddy bear as well as books, sensory toys and fairy lights. Around it was a sheer canopy with more twinkly lights on. It was CJ’s unwind space but JJ often used it herself to unwind after a case. If it was bad, she’d sneak in after her daughter was asleep and just lay on the beanbags for ten or so minutes before heading to bed with Will or even sometimes sneaking in with CJ. “I’m sorry for snapping at you, baby,” JJ whispered and rested her head on CJ’s. Their blonde hair weaved together to make a seamless bundle. CJ shrugged. She was never very good with apologies. But JJ knew that was an acceptance. A shake of the head was a no but a shrug was a yes and she was grateful her daughter didn’t take it to heart. “You want to come see Henry now he’s sleeping?” JJ suggested. CJ looked up at her mum. She was interested in the tiny human occupying her home and her space but she also was weirded out by it. “He’s just asleep so we’d have to be quiet,” JJ smiled and ran her fingers through CJ’s hair. Not like CJ was ever particularly loud anyway. She was partially nonverbal and never spoke around strangers and rarely around family or friends. Only on really good days could her parents get good conversation out of her. CJ nodded and turned off her game, shocking JJ. She was expecting a no. “Come on, then,” JJ muttered and stood up slowly, using the bed as support. CJ watched her injured mum and sighed, she didn’t like that the baby had hurt her. She didn’t like seeing her mum hurt. “I’m okay, baby,” JJ reassured CJ and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. Together, they walked down the hallway. 
CJ peered over the side of the basket, just about tall enough to see in. He was small, tiny even. He had a little button nose and long, blonde eyelashes. CJ looked up at her mum and then down at the baby boy. He looked a little like the dolls people used to buy her. She never played with them, she never understood how to play make believe. She used to just stare at them or shove them as far down her toy box as she could because she hated the noises they would make. No one bought her toys anymore. “What do you think, sunshine?” JJ asked. CJ thought for a moment, what did she think? “Pretty,” she muttered. “He is pretty. He’s your little brother.” CJ nodded, understanding. A brother. She still didn’t like the noises he made or the way he moved and wriggled or the way he smelt but maybe, just maybe, she could get used to the way he slept, silently and still. Maybe a new brother wasn’t so bad.
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starch1ldz · 7 months
Me and my best friend are on s11 and have noticed a weird increase in jj just.. Following spencer around. Never is it the other way around, it's always jj? Why are you following him around if you want him to stop being himself(direct quote from s10). Be SO fr. I want to like jj because she started off as one of my favorites but she's just starting to make me REALLY mad(kinda illogically I'm admittedly being dramatic.) Like how can you have friend like Spencer Reid and treat him the way she does?? That last thing kinda goes for the whole team, the way they get annoyed with Spencer when he's telling them things makes me like physically violent because he's so interesting when he talks??? Like how would you not want to hear about what he has to say. And it's somehow only gotten worse the farther into the show I get.
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 1 year
I want to see cowboy reader get captured and hurt by unsub and JJ worried because those two seem to have chemistry
Description: Cowboy reader's father visits, things don't go too well...
Warnings: abuse, abusive parents, abduction, claustrophobia, judgy nurse, hospital visits, child abuse mentions
A/N: I'm panicking that this feels rushed but equally, I started writing this on the 15th of May so it can't be that rushed can it? Lmao (Also I'm so sorry it's taken this long). Posting this before I can doubt myself some more :))
Taglist: @xweirdo101x @xdark-acadamiax @ara-a-bird @heidss @chubbyboyinflannel @pendragon-writes @migwayne @bigolgay @technikerin23 @supercriminalbean @honestlycasualarcade @caffeine-mess @1s3v3n1 @oddmiles @kevyeen @stealing-kneecaps @criminalskies @woodandwaxwings @wizardmon3 @aphroditeslovr @ducks118 @azeal-peal @13thdoctor-run @introvertpan84 @goth-boi-atlas @iliketozoneout
You and Spencer stood in front of the geographical profile, to be honest, Spencer was doing most of the work, you were watching the wheels in his brain tick. Since meeting the young doctor, you had almost been in awe of his intelligence and the way his brain worked (and you couldn’t help but want to protect him from the world). 
This precinct was set out slightly different to the others you had been to, this station’s conference room had no windows, purely lit by shitty lights that were screwed into the ceiling. The only way you were able to read in this room was if you also switched on a bright light that was a lot less warm-toned to actually see. 
"(Y/N)?" You snapped out of your train of thought, turning to the voice, it feeling vaguely familiar. 
"Yes?" When you turn to him, you instantly know who it is but you force your face to stay neutral.
"You don't remember me." He manages to look somewhat defeated, you'll give him that. 
"No, I remember you." You said, folding your arms, "You just don't mean anything to me." 
"And why’s that?" 
"You're not worth my energy." 
He places a hand on his heart, "You wound me, son." 
"Shame." You answer, you turn to Spencer, "Can you go get Hotch?" 
Spencer looks at the scene hesitantly, not wanting to leave you alone with the man. Especially if he is your father. "It's okay, Spence." You reassured with a tight smile. 
"Yeah, it's alright, Spence." Your father says as he takes a step towards Spencer. 
When your father takes a step closer to Spencer, before you know it, you have him pinned against the wall. "Don't you even fuckin' dare stand near him." You growl, "I don't care how much you think you've changed, come near him, I'll break you." 
Chuckling, despite his head pressed against the wall, your father turns his head to look at Spencer. "I have changed." 
"Bull. Shit." You force the words out of your mouth, anger flowing through your blood. "Spencer, go get Hotch." You wanted Hotch here for a multitude of reasons. The main three being:
Make sure you don't nearly kill him
Make sure he doesn't nearly kill you
Make sure Spencer is safe 
As soon as he's gone, your father's demeanour shifts and he smirks, "I thought we'd never be alone,"
And with that, he manoeuvers himself and slams your head into the wall, knocking you unconscious. 
When Hotch and Spencer ran back into the room, three minutes later, you were nowhere to be seen. 
You didn't know how long it had been, just that it must have been ages - at least four days. You had been there for ages, in the dark, a closet to be specific. And everywhere hurt - so, so much. Your father had been in multiple times and it was like you were twelve years old again, stuck at home with a monster with no one to save you. Except you knew that you had people in the outside world that actually cared about you (your team).
Each time your father visited you, dragging you out of the closet and throwing you to the floor, he inflicted a different pain that reminded you of your childhood while he hurled insults in your direction. It had been a while since his last visit - a few hours, perhaps - and, to your dismay, you were beginning to worry whether he would come back.
"This ain't creepy at all," You muttered to yourself, perhaps if you closed your eyes and simply pretended you were at home that would help.
You leant against the back of the closet, trying your best to get comfortable. You closed your eyes, picturing your bed at your Mama's house. Everything was okay. "You- You're fine," You mumbled to yourself, clutching your arm tight to your chest, trying to stabilise your shoulder. It had been dislocated on your first day here (wherever here was).
Everything ached heavily, throbbing in beat with your heart. Between the cuts, scratches, and burns, you felt like you couldn't take a full breath. It was dark and you couldn't see. You didn't know who was there, if anyone was really there. God you hated the dark. And it was cold, so very, very cold, you knew there was no way that you had lost enough blood to make it so. You knew that the only way in which it was so cold was that bastard had made sure there was no way heat could get into the room (assuming there wasn't a thermostat).
The beat of your heart filled your ears, mixed with the roaring that was occupying your ear drums. All with such force and such volume that you don't hear the gunshot in the background.
"Everythin's fine, you're gonna get out of this. Team'll find you. It's fine. It's fine-" Your feeble attempt at self-reassurance died in the back of your throat when you heard the familiar unlocking of the closet doors. You curled into yourself further, not looking up when the doors creaked open.
"(Y/N)?" JJ approaches you slowly, and you stare at her, trying to figure out if you've finally gone crazy or if she's really here. God, you hoped it was the latter. You couldn’t help but notice that the air around her seemed slightly brighter.
"JJ?" You wince, not only from the pain it caused in your throat and chest to speak, but by how utterly defeated you sounded.
"I'm here," She answers, "We're all here." With that, there was a small click and light flooded into your room. You winced, quickly ducking your head down and squeezing your eyes shut. When your eyes had adjusted, you opened them, forcing yourself to stand. 
The team's eyes widened at the sight of you, covered in blood and dirt, stripped of your shirt and socks. When you finally looked up, you curled into yourself slightly, trying to ignore the damage. 
You took a breath, "What about-?"
"He's dead." She answers and your shoulders deflate. They did come for you. He was wrong. Of course they would come for you.
"Who- Who shot him?" You asked hesitantly.
"I did," Morgan replied, frowning slightly. No matter what the man had done, he was still technically your biological father. You stumbled over to him, wincing and limping as you did so.
"Thank you," You mumbled, collapsing into a hug when you finally reached him. 
”How about we get you sit down?” Morgan asks gently as Prentiss places a seat next to you. Despite you protesting that you were fine, Morgan helps ease you into the chair while Hotch calls the paramedics to check how far out they were. 
When the paramedics arrived, they were quick to transfer you onto a gurney and then into the ambulance - the team keeping close. 
“Do you want us to call your emergency contact?” The paramedic asked and you shook your head.
“No, no thank you,” You mumbled, giving her a small smile. 
“Are you sure-?”
You nodded, “She, er, she’s already here,” You don’t notice Morgan shoot JJ a knowing smile - who responds with an eye roll and shaking her head.
“Okay, just so we know, who is it?”
“Oh, er, JJ,” You said, nodding to her, “The blonde haired lady,”
The paramedic takes a note of this, jotting it down on your form. “Thank you,”  
When you get to the hospital, you’re settled into a rather uncomfortable hospital bed (but you know better than to complain). They start by giving you pain killers and treating your major wounds - the burns along your side and chest, a variety of deepish cuts along your arms and torso, and finally checking your ribs and collarbone for fractures. You had tried telling them you were fine, but they weren’t having it - especially when they poked it and you cried out in pain.
"We need to take you upstairs," The nurse said, "We need to do an x-ray."
"Yes, the x-ray department is on the fourth floor," The nurse said and you drew in a deep breath. "We need to transfer you into a wheelchair."
Eventually, you were out of your room, trying desperately not to think about the elevator. Being trapped in a small metal box.
"No, I- I'll take the stairs." You mumble, shaking your head as you approach the lift. Not now. You can do this right now. You begin to stand when a hand is placed on your shoulder, instantly making you feel relaxed. You know its her without even having to look.
"You know you can't take the stairs right now," She responds quietly.
"JJ, I'm fine." You answer, grinding your jaw. You did not want to go in that lift under any circumstances.
"It's the only way to get there."
"Then I won't go,"
"You need to get an x-ray,"
"Don't need to."
"What would help you feel safer?" Her voice is soft, calming.
"You." Your answer is instant, that's not the embarrassing part though. The embarrassing part would be asking to hold her hand. The embarrassing part would be asking if Hotch or Morgan could also come with. You knew that they wouldn't let anything happen to either you or JJ - and they were physically healthy and therefore actually able to protect both you and her (normally you wouldn't have a problem with protecting the pair of you if needed, but you were currently slightly incapacitated).
"What's the other thing?" Damn, she can read you like a book.
You swallow, frowning slightly as you flush red and look down at your hands, watching them tremble for a moment, "H-Hotch or Morgan?"
JJ nods in understanding, gently rubbing her hand along your arm. "Does it matter which one?" When you shake your head, she turns to the nurse, "Can you get Agent Hotchner or Agent Morgan please?"
"For an elevator?" You frown, staring at your hands more intently as your face grows hot, watching as they continue to shake from adrenaline at the idea of being in a lift right now.
"Excuse me?"
"I'm just saying, he's a grown man, he can ride an elevator-"
You can sense the anger radiating off the blonde so you shake your head, "JJ it's fine..." You mumbled, "Let's just go n get it over with."
"No. You'd feel more comfortable with Hotch or Morgan here, so we're going to make sure that one of them are here." She says strongly, not breaking eye contact with the nurse. "So, can you get Agent Hotchner or Agent Morgan. And another nurse."
The nurse stares blankly at her for a moment before nodding and walking off. "Are you alright?" JJ asks softly and you give a small nod, hands continuing to shake. Seeing this she slowly reached down, lightly taking your left hand in her right.
"I-I'm sorry," You mutter before your tone turns bitter. "I shouldn't be feelin' like this. It's just an elevator."
"(Y/N)," You look up at her, "You've been through something most people can't even imagine. You're okay to feel shaken by that."
"M an adult." You said, trying to ignore your eyes began to feel the familiar sting of tears. "I shouldn't be-"
"I'm scared of dogs." JJ said. "I- Spencer was taken by an unsub years ago and his dogs attacked me and now, I'm afraid of dogs. Is that unreasonable? I'm an adult."
"That's different."
"Why? Because I'm a woman?"
"Wha-? No. Because you went through a traumatic experience."
"And this wasn't traumatic?"
"No! This was my childhood! I got over it! I should be fine with this! I shouldn't be here shakin' like a leaf over somethin' I must have gone through a hundred times!" You exclaim, "I should be able to get in an elevator without vibratin' so hard I’m creatin' my very own massage chair!"
"You're allowed to feel this way," JJ says gently as she crouches in front of you. "It's okay to acknowledge things that scare you. And doing this? Getting in an elevator shows how strong you are. Even if it's with two friends."
"Is everything okay?" JJ looks up at Hotch, who let's his gaze settle on your form - he can't see much, but he watches as you lift a trembling hand to your face, presumably to massage your temples. JJ says nothing, unsure of how much you want her to say, so you take the lead.
"I don't wanna go in." You mutter. "I wanna take the stairs."
Hotch had never heard you sound so small. "I get that," Ensuring that his voice is calming, he continues, "But we both know you can't make it up all those stairs right now."
"Its- I feel like 'm trapped and 'm not even inside yet."
"We'll be here the whole time," Hotch adds and you nod.
"Is the other nurse here?"
"Yep," Another voice chimes, "I'm Nurse Maddison."
"Hi," You whisper. "I-I'm not normally like this," You mumble, this was slightly mortifying to say the least.
"That's alright," She replies, "We've all got our fears. I find it difficult to go on public transport - I'm scared of a lack of control."
"I-I'm scared if I get in the lift, I won't be able to get out." You admit. "I'm scared the lights will flicker, n I'll wake up, n I'll still be there. Or worse, the lights will go out n he'll be here."
"Who?" Nurse Maddeline furrows her eyebrows when you don't answer.
"I just really don't want this to be a dream," You whisper.
JJ squeezes your hand lightly, "I promise you, this is real."
"We're here, (Y/N). You're safe. You're with us."
You sat, taking deep breaths outside the elevator for a minute or so. Just catching your breath.
"Are you ready to get in?" She asks. Despite the question, her voice is full of understanding. "We don't have to push any buttons yet, and I can stand in the way of the doors until you're ready."
"Can- Can we do that one? With you in the doors?"
"Of course!" Nurse Maddison gives a small smile before pressing the call button for the elevator.
When she wheels you into the elevator, you forget how to breathe. Shaking your head quickly, you find Hotch and JJ (which is easy as Nurse Maddison placed the wheelchair so that you could see both of your colleagues), "I was wrong, I can't do this-"
"(Y/N), look at me," JJ speaks this time, "You're okay, it's okay."
You shake your head, "No, no, I can't-"
"I need you to calm down for me, okay?" Nurse Maddison says.
"No! No, I can't- I can't do this!" You bow your head, rubbing your eyes with the palms of your hands.
"(Y/N)." Hotch's voice is stern and makes you look up, "You can do this. I know you think you can't, but you can."
"Do you trust us?" JJ asks and you nod. Because you do. You trust the pair of them with your life. "Then close your eyes." You look at her for a moment before doing as she says, letting your eyes flutter shut. There's a warmth that floods through your body as she takes your hand again and you grip it lightly.
When the doors close, your grip on JJ's hand tightens and your eyes shoot open. "It's alright," Hotch is quick to reassure as JJ rubs soothing circles on your hand. "It won't be long before we reach the floor we need."
"No, no, Hotch, I need out-" You shake your head, desperately trying to get your breathing under control. "Hotch I need out, I can't breathe-"
"(Y/N), look at me." JJ's voice drew your eyes away from Hotch. "You're okay."
"Yes you are, you're okay." She says softly, gently squeezing your hand in hers, "We're nearly there."
You pushed the palm of your hand into your eye, trying to force the tears back. "Not a coward." You muttered bitterly to yourself, not caring if the others could hear. You needed to get yourself through this ride without having a panic attack (and it was close). "Not a coward. Not a coward." You mumble the phrase, over and over. Intent on repeating it until you believe it. Of course, before that could happen, there was the familiar ping of an elevator door and your head shot up as they opened.
"Can we get out now?" You asked, looking up, "Please?"
Both Hotch and JJ give you a reassuring smile as Nurse Madeline gently pushes the wheelchair out of the elevator. 
JJ leans forward, so only you can hear her as she whispers, “See, I told you you could do it,” 
The x-ray went relatively smoothly, except for finding out you had three broken ribs and had broken your clavicle. You were also a lot calmer on the way down (still with both Hotch and JJ), feeling relatively calm (in comparison) when they wheeled you back into your room. 
The team immediately greeted you with smiles as you entered your room, Garcia standing up from your bed (where she may or may not have laid down on it).
“So, what’s the verdict, cowboy?” Morgan asked. 
“Um, three broken ribs and clavicle.”
“Clavicle?” Garcia asked.
“Collarbone,” Spencer added. 
“Does that mean no baking for a little while?” Both you and Garcia asked, turning to Hotch (who had to fight off a smile).
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the-guilty-writer · 1 year
happy father's day
to the rossi!child readers - he's away a lot, but he loves you more than anything. he makes sure to tell you every chance he gets. your favorite meal is ready for family dinner.
to the hotch!child readers - he sees the pain you hide so well. know that it's safe to fall apart sometimes. he wil be there to help you pick up the pieces. you don't have to hide anymore.
to the morgan!child readers - he tells you to follow your dreams and he means it. spread your wings and fly. he will catch you if you fall. you will always be safe with him looking out for you.
to the spencer!child readers - he knows it's hard to be different, and he's going to make sure you know how loved and understood you are. you'll always be enough for him. he hopes you know that.
(late) happy mothers day
to the garcia!child readers - she doesn't just tell you, but shows you how perfect you are. there's nothing she wants more than for you to always be the most authentic version of you.
to the JJ!child readers - she loves you in a way that would be impossible to describe with mere words. in every way, shape, and form, her love for you is truly unconditional.
to the prentiss!child readers - she knows the greatest gift she can give you is to raise you to survive on your own. stand up tall and strong and fearless; your mother raised a soldier.
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velvtrix · 2 years
Bittersweet notes
Aaron Hotchner x child!reader
TW: angst, mentions of violence, guns, knifes, glass, Foyet, trauma??? neglect(I think), death, mentions of panic attacks(past), little bit of yelling, ooc most likely.
wc- maybe over 500 i forgot
a/n: trying out a new writing style, really slow in updating. Lmk if I missed any warnings I should add. Reader should be around 11-12. Gn!reader
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"Music expresses that which cannot be said on which it is impossible to be silent on." -Victor Hugo
You stood by the musical hall, on your phone trying to text your father before you had to put it away. It was finally the day of your performance and no sign of him showing up. Restlessly you pulled your phone again while clicking on the contact;
Dad :)
Out came out messages only sent from you.
Leaving home soon!
Are you gonna pick me up?
Nvm babysitter offered to drop me off
Dad? You there????
Saving you a seat, the usual
Are you gonna come?
I have to enter the building soon, won't be able to text
Going inside, remember it's stage 4, seat 20, love you
Your finger hit the erase
You're still coming right?
"Hey y/n ! Hurry inside you have to change, you're the closing musician."
You looked up at the sound of your name, "mhm I will, I just need to make a quick call, I'll be there in a bit." The person simply shrugged and left as you clicked dial.
A few seconds passed by and as you were about to hang up the call connected.
Y/n? Why are you calling did something happen.
A sudden pang ran through your heart, you ignored the feeling before answering
Uh no I just thought you were- anyways are you doing a case right now?
No I'm, I'm with Beth, are you sure you're alright? Is Jack alright?
Jack's fine! He's with the babysitter and I'm- I'm at-
"Aaron is everything alright? They've already called our table."
You could hear Beth's voice linger with a bit of worriness, whether it was something bad happening or their date being ruined.
Listen y/n I have to hang up now, I'll check your messages afterwards if that's okay?
You choked back a sniffle,
Y-yeah no that's fine by me, have fun.
Love you y/n
When the call ended you only shoved your phone in your bag and walked into the hall. It was filled with people, you pushed your way through and made it backstage with moments to spare; walking into a dressing room.
Sighing you decided it was time to change. You pulled out a dress shirt, vest and pants, before adjusting the red tie, the one your father gave you. You sat in the room for a bit before you pulled out the piece you were supposed to play. It seemed like almost yesterday....
You were just a small child who picked up the violin as a hobby. Your mother, Haley, had been playing the piano as a young girl but never really pursued it. Rather than wanting to follow her steps you wanted to be closer to her, and you learned that violinists have an accompanist. Your first lessons consisted of learning the basics, and the years after that was learning how to be in sync with your mother, which was easily accomplished.
You wouldn't say you were a prodigy but according to the public you were, and a good one at that. Haley would take you to small competitions and when you won them, she'd take it a bit further, but she would never make you do anything you didn't want to.
However during the events of Foyet you were in witness protection and dropped the competitions completely, only playing small duets with your mother. It was after Foyet had targeted your family, where you lost Haley, your one supporter, your accompanist, your friend, and most importantly, your mother.
bang bang bang
When those shots were fired you wished. Wished that your father had gotten here early. Or maybe your mother took the gun and shot him instead. Or perhaps that you had been shot instead. Instead of being dragged by Foyet. Instead of his knife greeting you. Instead of the stairs you were thrown against, the glass shards that had entered your palms. Right when he had finally finished tossing you around, he was about to step on your hands, the one thing a musician would care about most, your father broke the door and the fight commenced.
You grimaced at the memory, while you pulled out your brown case. Opening it you were greeted with the slight smell of pine.
"Hey kiddo how's practice going?" Your mom stood by your room frame.
"I'm almost done with the piece! I've been thinking if we could do this one together." You pulled out a sheet, ' Liebesleid (Love's sorrow)- Fritz Kreisler' "Love's sorrow? Why do you wanna play that piece?"
"Cause you used to play it a lot when I was tiny, and this time we can play it together!" You giggled while Haley sighed happily.
"Alright, I'll get ready, don't fall behind now." She walked to the common room, where the piano sat. You ran after her, violin in hand, along with a wide grin.
As she sat down, you stood by the open window, a small breeze flowing through. "Remember, when you play, don't feel forced to follow the tempo. Music is to express yourself, I only hope you don't force yourself to play, my love." She gave a smile before starting to play, you playing right after. In the original piece, both instruments begin at the same time, however there was this small pause when your mother started where you managed to catch her soft smile. It was the only time you got to see her properly before you focused on your playing.
'I just hope that with this, you'll get used to sorrow.' Haley thought sadly.
You sighed as you picked up the instrument and bow, slowly placing it on the desk before closing the case. This competition wasn't supposed to be as big as those you've attended before, but at the sight of your name a few people were interested in seeing your reappearance, and your music.
You walked out, heading for the recording room, where you watched the current person on stage play. They seemed nervous and they were off tempo, it seemed that the accompanist was trying to let the violin shine.
"(Y/n) Hotchner? Right after this person you're up." A worker announced, as everyone's head perked at the last name. "Hotchner? They came back!"
You nodded at the worker before turning back to the multiple screens. Even though there were multiple people attending, you weren't able to spot your father, maybe the camera couldn't reach his seating.
The person on screen ended their playing, a few scattered applauses could be heard. They sheepishly bowed before quickly running backstage where their accompanist followed.
"It's your turn Hotchner, be there in 3." You heard the worker as you turned to walk on stage. Once you felt like you were ready you walked through the curtain and onto the stage, your accompanist following behind you.
You finally stopped walking, faced the audience and held your violin in its rightful position.
"Oh wow it's really them! I thought they dropped music completely!"
"I bet they're going to take this competition just like others, did you hear there's judges here!? This is a lifetime opportunity."
"Let's just enjoy the show, I've missed their music so much!"
You closed your eyes, and took a deep breath.
"Elohim, Essaim... Elohim, Essaim I implore you."
You struck 2 chords before starting the actual piece, Introduction et Tarantelle Op. 43
A minute into your playing you could hear the people murmuring.
"This is their playing? It's so plain, its like it's lost its spark."
"I expected the song to stand out, if they continue like this it's going to be just like everyone else's, painfully average."
'Their words don't matter. I don't care what anyone else says,' You brought your gaze on the audience, slowly looking for a certain spot. Seat 20! And just as you found said location, [video stamp 2:04] you slowed down your tempo, as if you were going to stop playing mid song.
Of course, it was empty
You felt your vision cloud and you repeatedly blinked, desperately trying to stop them from falling.
"(Y/n), kiddo, you know you don't have to do this." Your mother had a sympathetic look as she crouched to your height. "You're free to tell me you're not ready you know, it's brave to go on stage, but it's also brave to say you're scared."
You shook your head, "Nuh-uh! I've been practicing all this time. This is my first as an orchestral solist!! We've practiced and I'm ready, I promise mama!"
At age 9 you were already behind stage, waiting to play the assigned piece, Winter (L'lnverno) Op. 8 No. 4 F minor: Allegro Non Molto
You could say people envied you, being a young kid, and already being able to lead an orchestra. It was all fair, you managed to get into various competitions in such a short time because you practically devoted your whole freetime to practicing the violin.
Of course you enjoyed school, but not as much as the violin. You strive to get better, not only because of your enjoyment, but because you felt like you could connect better with your mother.
"Alright, remember, you're going to kill it kiddo. Enjoy yourself and play the way you want to be known as, not like a machine." She left a small kiss on your forehead as you turned around and went on stage happily.
Your felt the grip on your bow loosen and you immediately regained your composure. Whether it was the people's ill words or your bottled up emotions you took a deep breath and immediately sped up the tempo, catching the pianist off guard. [Time stamp 2:22]
"There it is!"
"Their playing is back!"
"They are gonna do it again, she's going to make this composition belong to them and them only."
"This is what I've been waiting for, the clash of an accompanist and a violinist."
You heard the audience cheer but you only shut them off. You glanced back at the accompanist, who only held a confused gaze, but at the sight of your smirk, they immediately regained their posture and chased after you.
So what.
So what if he's not here, you don't care.
You felt the tears fall and closed your eyes, your tempo neither increasing nor decreasing.
You never needed him, only her!
As your turn came to the end you finished the last note and strummed the violin, dramatically holding your bow in the air, panting out of breath. There was only a slight pause before the audience erupted into applause.
You were still out of breath when you put your bow down to your side before walking forward, bowing your head and walked to the exit.
"I've found the one."
Once you were out of the audience view you managed to place your violin on the bench but dropped your bow and fell to your knees, workers and competitors approaching you.
They all swarmed you but you only let out a happy sigh and laughed. The thrill came back and they all applauded you. You stood up, ignored your knees shaking and walked back towards the dressing room, placing your violin away and walking out of the backstage.
You sat down on a bench, watching everyone else. The other competitors were waiting for their results, just like you. Except they were waiting with their family, or friends.
You moved your gaze towards the floor, you didn't change out of the outfit you were because you had hope, hope that he would atleast be waiting.
You saw a figure loom over you and when you looked up you were shocked to see who.
"Hey (y/n)! Glad I managed to find you, there's so many competitors I thought it would take me forever-"
"What are you doing here?" You cut off his rant, you weren't annoyed, rather you were happy to see him.
"Well I came here to cheer on my favorite musician, why else would I be here?" He waved a little flag that had, "go (y/n)" written on it.
"I'm honored! They're about to come out with the results, will you stay?" You stood up and hugged him, which he returned.
"Of course! I'm here to support you. A-and I also took a few notes of the piece you were playing. Did you know that-"
A swarm of people crowded the wall where a worker was setting up a paper, you beckoned Spencer to follow you. You walked up and pushed your way through, you could hear some sighs, some cries and even some celebration.
The letters to the right immediately lit your face.
You turned back to meet Spencer, his eyes widening and your smile slowly faded.
"Spencer, I did it, I won first!" You declared with less excitement.
"That's insane! You definitely worked for it kiddo, get over here!" You walked towards him as he held you into a hug, surprisingly.
You smiled as you started to walk back to the bench you were originally sitting on. You grabbed your violin case and bag, debating whether or not to tell your dad the news.
Just as the both of you walked out the building you heard a small cough from behind you.
"Uncle Rossi!" You smiled brightly.
"How was my little niece! I saw you kick butt up on that stage!" He held you in a fatherly hug, one you needed. If you were to choose who to run to, Rossi would be the number one person. At the loss of your mother he was the one you'd turn to, as you didn't want to bother your dad, who was now a single father of two.
"U-um excuse me!" You felt a small finger tap on your back and you turned around, looking down at the small kid, who turned back to their, mother, who smiled at them.
"I-i just wanted to hand you these f-flowers! Y-your music was really a-amazing!" You took the bouquet of gladiolus from the kid's hands. You kneeled down and smiled softly, "thank you, they're very pretty." The kid quickly said welcome and ran back to their mother, who picked them up and told them they did great.
If that kid got a parent's recognition that easily, how come your father hasn't seen you yet.
"Looks like that kid beat me to it," Rossi handed you a (quite) larger bouquet of flowers, dahlias and camellias. You smiled, slightly struggling to carry all the items you held, but you were nevertheless happy.
"Did you know that kid (y/n)?" Spencer came up to you, grabbing onto your bag, you thanked him and shook your head. "I don't think so. I wonder why they gave it to me."
"Truth be told, I saw them in the beginning and they didn't have those flowers." You gave him a confused look, "What does that mean?"
He smiled and ruffled your hair slightly, "They probably ran to the closest place they could buy flowers after the show ended, all just for you."
You blinked, still confused but grateful, that atleast some people could enjoy your music.
"So how about dinner at mines?" Rossi offered.
"Are you sure? I think I'd have to ask my dad first-"
"Nonsense! You're basically my relative, if anything I'll just stick up for you."
"Oh then, I'd be honored." You lit up. It hadn't been long since you had dinner at Rossi's place, not that you minded, the food was always amazing.
"Great, it'd be a shame to waste all the food that was prepared already." He let out a small sigh, as he opened the door to the car. You walked in and he closed it, Spencer running to the other side to sit next to you.
Once you arrived at the Rossi household mansion, you walked in and was greeted with a few confetti poppers. You jumped slightly, relaxing when you saw the rest of the bau team there, smiling.
"W-what are you guys doing here?" You smiled, for the nth time this day.
"We're here to celebrate, obviously, come on kiddo use that smart head of yours!" You heard a chuckle as a muscular arm draped over you.
"A little bird told us today was your competition and we watched it, you killed it by the way, and then ran over here to surprise you!" JJ sent a small smile at your way. You saw her as a mother figure, she definitely played a big role in getting over your slump.
Immediately a pink blur ran at you and you were held into a tight hug, which you recognized was Garcia.
"Oh my sweet bundle of joy you were amazing out there!" She pecked small kisses over your face, "I held back too much already you were just- words can't describe what I felt during your performance!" She hugged you tighter, if that was even possible.
"Alright baby girl, you're gonna kill her if you continue hugging her." You felt the hug fade away, while you enjoyed her hugs, they could be intense at times.
"I'm thankful for the support, and the surprise!" You thanked everyone, Rossi finally entering his place, with bouquets in one arm and your violin case in the other.
"Now for the best part, Rossi's cooking" Another voice rung through your head.
"Prenti- Emily." You entered into another hug, and you returned it. She backed away and took your hand leading you into the backyard, where a wonderful aroma hit your nose.
Multiple dishes, mainly Italian, sat nicely on the table, a few decorations adored the room, they were probably up by Garcia.
You sat in the middle of a side on the table, patiently waiting for everyone to sit down so you all could eat at the same time. When everyone was eating you sat still, your gaze looking over everyone who was either engaging into small talk or simply eating silently.
You felt the same emotion from the morning rise up, again you held it down, and started eating. Was it the nice atmosphere? Or maybe it was the small talk. No it was probably your imagination, right?
Why did this feel like a normal family dinner.
You finished eating what you could, got seconds if you wanted, and you thanked Rossi for the food, immediately running to the bathroom to wash your hands and ran back to the living room. Everyone looked confused when you came back in, a familiar case in hand.
You were still in your suit so better now than later right?
You stood by the glass doors that connected the backyard to the kitchen, a few small bulbs lighting up your small stage. You unzipped your case, pulling out your familiar instrument.
Rossi, who also had finished his food, stood by the piano, that seemed to almost be outside in a coincidence.
"During dinner, if it's okay, I would like to play a piece." You whispered the rest of your plan in Rossi's ear, who nodded along. He knew how to play the piano, not full protégé but he could follow the music sheet.
You looked at him, who nodded, as you held your instrument in a ready position.
"Elohim, Essaim... Elohim, Essaim I implore you."
You started to play, Rossi following after you.
Nocturne Op.9 No.2
You saw their faces light up at the source of the playing. The atmosphere seemed more cozy and they talked softer, as to enjoy the piece fully.
Your Uncle Rossi was able to keep up, and you didn't do anything out of the norm to keep the nice tone, maybe it was out of your style, but you also enjoyed playing what the composition was intended to sound like.
As the piece ended, you slowly bowed, and the table cheered, especially Garcia, who grabbed Spencer's hand that held the small flag and waved it around vigorously causing him to let out small protests.
You put your violin back in its case and you felt strong arms lift you up in the air, the moonlight shining brightly on the backyard, illuminating the flowers and the gazebo.
"I'm so proud of you kiddo!" Morgan smiled, and swung you around in the air, the cool breeze hitting you.
It was definitely the atmosphere, right?
You can't keep it down anymore.
A small tear rolled down, then another, and before you knew it you were clinging onto Morgan like no tomorrow, sobs echoing through the yard. The team immediately ran by your side, checking if you were injured, but you kept your grasp tight on Morgan, afraid of letting you.
"You're afraid aren't you?"
You looked at Prentiss with a confused gaze, it wasn't too much after your mother's death when she asked you this.
"Afriad of what?"
"Afraid of deep relationships. I know you don't like being profiled but you've tried to stop calling us by our first name. You've closed yourself off and I understand that but-"
"I'm not scared!" You immediately defended yourself, maybe hanging around profilers did have cons, you couldn't hide anything from them.
"I just ask that you try to keep with the first name basis, at least with me. Spencer already knows, I think it'd be easier to try with him too." She held your hand softly but you immediately recoiled from the touch.
"I'm not scared..."
"I know our jobs aren't the safest but, promise me you'll try?" She stood up, awkwardly cleared her throat and walked away, leaving you in shock.
"I'm scared." You sobbed out. You matured way too early, and your own father didn't notice much of it, in fact maybe he was relieved that you did. You didn't require much attention like Jack. Even then you were scared, of losing your father, or even the bau team.
After a few minutes of letting your bottled emotions out, you fell asleep, Morgan carrying you into a spare room in Rossi's house. Emily had briefed the team what you were dealing with an everyone felt sympathy, it was only a bit after 11 p.m when Hotch entered the yard, slightly out of breath, his hair messy, tie all crooked and a shocked expression, rarely ever seen.
"I got a call that, (y/n) is here." He fixed his tie and looked around the yard, just like he would search an unsub's area. His chest rose and fell quickly, lightly panting as he regained control of his breathing. He continued to walk, making sure to scan the area, trying to find something, anything that would alert him that his child was here.
"Yeah, the kids here." Rossi assured the disheveled man in front of him before crossing his arms and raising his eyebrow. "The real question is where were you?" He speaks in a stern tone, it's almost funny how he's the one acting like a father.
Hotch stares at the older man in disbelief. Why is he being questioned? He's the father looking for his child, can't they just tell him where they are? Hotch breaks from the eye contact, sighing as he runs his hand through his messy hair, removing the strands that fell in front of his face. He sighs once more, knowing he wouldn't win this without answering.
"I was with Beth, we had a date planned. Now where is my child." His voice was cold, but a small amount of panic laced his words. The team around him could only sigh, some seemed almost disappointed. Emily and Spencer sent each other confused looks, both communicating with their eyes.
"What, is it wrong to want to spend time with my partner when there isn't any work?" Hotch asked, almost offended. He too had a life outside of the BAU. Normally he was asked to take a break and now they want him to stay focused?
Rossi could only chuckle while the rest of the team looked at him. Spencer seemed to speak up, "Listen Hotch, we don't mind you spending time with Beth, we're all happy you finally are leaving the shell of yours." His tone seemed to become angrier.
"But when your child, (y/n), is having a competition, and goes out their way to also leave their shell, I expect you to be the first person there, not Morgan, Emily, everyone on this team." His words were laced like poison, and Hotch could feel it crawl through his veins and into his heart. His heart that suddenly felt a sharp jab at it.
"Do you know how much (y/n) stayed quiet about?!" Spencer continued. It was quite rare to see him so agitated. "Hey pretty boy maybe you should-"
"No. He needs to know Morgan!" He cuts off Spencer. "He needs to know how much (y/n) cried, how much they hid that their father never looked their way anymore!" He seemed quite affected by this, his own relationship with his father was also like this at one point. Then he just left.
"(Y/n) has been trying, struggling! They've tried to move on to no avail. Yes they've made a big step in attending a competition, something they quit. It would have meant a lot more to them to see their father there with them! They CRIED while YOU were having an AMAZING time with Beth."
It was quiet. Too quiet. The team stayed silent, the youngest in the team had just yelled at their boss but deep down they all were supportive of his words.
"Do you know their favorite food? Their favorite songs? How about their favorite color, their favorite book? What about their grades? Did you know they had over 6 panic attacks and was sent to the nurse at some point. Did you know that they always woke up after them, asking for their father?!"
Hotch stood there, like a deer in headlights, staring at Spencer as he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. How could he have forgotten? The few times you did speak was about the competition. Hell you even asked if you could take Jack that day but he refused, thinking you were just going to keep him home and Jack needed exposure to other people, even if it just was a babysitter.
"Sometimes, you act like (y/n) doesn't exist, and it shows."
Spencer sighed once more before walking , "I hope this is your wake up call, Hotchner." He bumped into Hotch on the way to the house, most likely on purpose as he went upstairs, most likely to go to your room to check up on you.
Hotch stares in front of him, dazed, in disbelief. Had he really not realized how much time had passed? He assumed you distanced yourself because you were growing up. He was quite happy, seeing that you didn't need as much attention as Jack but was he actually hurting you by allowing you freedom? He feels his throat swell as he clears it, slowly looking up at Rossi.
"Have I really been such a bad father? I-I thought I was helping them by giving them space. Have I actually been harming them?" How he hoped that the older man would dispute, telling him no, that he tried his best, but Rossi simply nodded
Had he really been that absent from your life?
"Nothing is so common as the wish to be remarkable." -William Shakespeare
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a/n: First time actually finishing a post wooo. Any feedback would be appreciated. I do take requests, just not very speedy at doing them. I'll work on a abt me post and stuff. Hope you enjoyed, feel free to support me if you do it would mean a lot<3
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sundrop-writes · 7 months
if ur taking requests then how about female reader being a bau member and is receiving unwanted attention from the local cops but she cant pick up on social cues very well so it’s extra stressful for her to naviagte
Then enter protective and somewhat jealous jj that tries to protect her and shows her what true love and respect is with soft softdom!jj
I really like this, but I like the idea of it more as a short then a full fic, so... here we go.
JJ Being Protective of You - (Jennifer Jareau x Fem!Autistic!Reader)
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Warnings: some harassing behaviour from a random male cop towards the reader; the man uses condescending pet names toward the reader; JJ goes full boss mode; use of the term L/N (as in 'Last Name') to refer to the reader; she reader uses she/her pronouns; the reader experiences a small accidental injury; pre-established relationship. Idk what else. Not proofread.
Paperwork. This is where you thrived. Much like Spencer, you loved a good paper trail.
You were currently in the back room of the police station, going through their old case files, looking at every case from the last forty years that had yet to be digitised. You were looking for previous murders that matched the signature of the killer the team was currently after, since the working theory was that the UnSub had 'taken on' the work of his father or another older figure in his life.
So you had to dig through all the files of unsolved murders and see if you could find a pattern stemming back - to see if you could find more killings that this father might have committed.
It was stuffy and dusty in the file room, but you were finding it to be the kind of work that you did best - your brain churning on all cylinders as you looked through the many files for all the markers in the killings that would have aligned with his killer. You put some files aside and closed the lid on a box, and then moved to a new stack, going to take down a box from 1973 - it was rather heavy and awkward to lift, but you could manage it.
"Oh, little lady, let me help you with that,"
Suddenly, someone appeared beside you, as if out of nowhere, and a second pair of hands began tugging on the box.
"I got it." You grunted out, tugging the box back in your direction, trying to get a better grip on it.
"Trust me, doll, someone like you shouldn't be lugging this crap around on your own." The man's voice argued, becoming slightly strained - angry?
Was he frustrated because it was too heavy for him to lift? Did he feel like he had to help because you looked weak and he was frustrated because of the social obligation?
"It's fine." You assured him, tugging on it again. But - he still wouldn't let go. "I'm stronger than I look, trust me."
That was something that Emily and Derek often joked about. You had used a shovel to break a double welded chain in order to get into a basement when a child was in danger. The police had been arguing about getting a warrant and talking about how they would need heavy duty bolt cutters to get through the chain away, and you were down there in minutes - and from then on, the team all agreed not to mess with you. Especially not in an emergency.
"Sweetie, just let go of it-"
His grip slipped off the box, and it went flying in the opposite direction then, and one of the sharp corners smacked you on the head - a piercing pain went through your whole forehead and and papers came flying out of the box, spilling across the floor and fluttering everywhere.
"Oh my god, ow!" You exclaimed loudly, stepping backward, raising a hand to your forehead toward the throbbing pain. You were alarmed when you felt wetness, and you quickly drew your fingers back and saw blood.
"Oh, goodness. I'm sorry, darlin'." The man appeared in front of you, and soon, completely unprompted, he put his hands on both of your cheeks, trying to lift your head to better inspect the cut. "See, that's why you shouldn't-"
"Don't touch me!" You screamed, reaching up inside of his forearms to shove his hands off you. Your skin was crawling with a terrible, icky itch where his hands had been touching you.
He became slack-jawed with shock at this.
"There's no need to shout." He chuckled. "Calm down."
"Ugh, no!" You shouted back.
You were suddenly feeling terribly trapped in the small, stuffy, dusty room, and though you knew that the papers needed to be cleaned up and you needed to finish your fishing expedition for the trail of murders - you had to leave. You needed air.
You needed JJ.
You shoved past the man and your feet carried you as fast as you could go, frantically looking for that head of blonde hair.
"Listen, babydoll, just calm down-"
"Woah, woah, her name is not babydoll."
That voice. Your hero.
You blinked past a haze if tears you hadn't even noticed was forming, and saw the pale blue shirt and blonde hair that you knew was her - you ran to stand behind her, grabbing her hand tightly, which she gripped back, grounding you, letting you know that she was right there.
"I'm not sure what kind of slack operation you people run around here, but we are professionals. You are going to refer to her by her full title, Special Agent L/N - or you won't talk to her at all. You won't even look at her. Do you understand me?" JJ barked at him.
The pure authority dripping from her voice made you feel so utterly safe.
"Listen, m'am, I'm not sure-"
"It's not 'm'am', it's Agent." JJ corrected him, now straining through her teeth, absolutely seething. "We are here representing the FBI, trying to catch a very dangerous man to help keep your town safe. We're not just little secretaries skittering around to get you your coffee and clean up after you. Just because we're women, we're not here to wipe your ass!"
You heard a chuckle from behind you, and you thought it was Emily's voice. This was followed by a low whistle - probably Derek.
"Is that clear?" JJ finished off, daring the man to talk back to her.
The man sighed and turned around to leave, finally defeated. This is when JJ turned to you.
"Are you okay?" She asked, her voice much softer now. "Oh my god, what happened to your head?"
"There was... a box..." You mumbled quietly, still feeling shaken up.
"He hit you with a box?" JJ snapped, looking back in the direction he had walked off.
"JJ, please." You begged, quietly, squeezing her hand, directing her attention back to you.
She knew what her priority was right now.
"Come on,"
JJ walked you to the bathroom, and as she was cleaning up the cut with a damp paper towel, she was still huffing hard through her nose, the anger still pumping through her.
"I'm going to find that guy's supervisor, I'm going to put in a report about him, I'm going to-"
"It's okay, JJ." You said, reaching out to run a gentle hand along her lower back. "I'm pretty sure he's not gonna come near me again after what you said."
She let out a snort of laughter, and half her mouth upturned in a smile. You both knew that she could be incredibly intimidating despite her looks, and she always protected you - just one of the many things that had attracted you to her in the first place.
"Yeah, well... nobody comes near my girl and gets away with it."
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reidmarieprentiss · 2 months
Second Chances and Serendipity
Summary: Y/N is Will's sister, she meets Spencer when Henry is born, but she is already seeing someone else.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Warnings: bisexual Y/N
Category: fluff
Word count: 4.1k
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The antiseptic smell of the hospital filled the air as Y/N made her way through the maze of corridors to the maternity ward. Her excitement bubbled over; her brother Will and his girlfriend JJ were about to welcome their first child into the world. The anticipation was electric, and she could hardly contain her enthusiasm.
As she approached the reception desk, Y/N's eyes scanned the area for any familiar faces. Not seeing anyone she recognized, she stepped up to the desk and smiled at the receptionist.
"Hi, I’m here for Will LaMontagne and Jennifer Jareau. My name is Y/N," she said, her voice a mix of excitement and nerves. "Do you know where I can find them?"
Before the receptionist could respond, a tall, lanky man with tousled brown hair and glasses stepped forward. He had been sitting in the waiting area, absorbed in a thick book, but Y/N's question had caught his attention.
"Excuse me," he said softly, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity. "Did you say you're here for Will and JJ?"
Y/N turned to face him, her eyes widening slightly. "Yes, I'm Will's sister, Y/N."
The young man smiled, "I’m Spencer Reid, one of JJ's colleagues and friends. Nice to meet you."
Y/N smiled back, feeling a warmth in his presence. "Nice to meet you too, Spencer. This is such an exciting day."
"It really is," Spencer agreed, his smile growing. "Would you like to sit with me while we wait? I can fill you in on what's been happening."
"That sounds great," Y/N replied, grateful for the company.
They walked over to the waiting area and took seats next to each other. Spencer closed his book, giving Y/N his full attention.
"So, how's everything going so far?" Y/N asked, settling into her chair.
"JJ and Will are doing well. JJ went into labor a few hours ago, so it shouldn’t be too much longer now," Spencer explained.
"That's good to hear," Y/N said, a sigh of relief escaping her. "I can’t wait to meet my nephew."
Spencer smiled warmly. "He’s going to have a lot of love in his life, that’s for sure."
As they waited, the conversation between them flowed effortlessly. Y/N was fascinated by Spencer’s work with the BAU and his impressive intellect. They talked about everything from books and movies to their favorite childhood memories.
"You know," Spencer said, leaning in slightly, "it's not often I meet someone who can keep up with my random facts."
Y/N laughed, her eyes twinkling. "Well, you haven’t heard all of mine yet. Did you know that octopuses have three hearts?"
"Really?" Spencer's eyebrows shot up. "That’s fascinating! One heart pumps blood through its organs, and the other two pump it through the gills."
"Exactly!" Y/N beamed, enjoying their playful exchange.
Time seemed to stand still as they delved deeper into their conversation, sharing stories and jokes as if they had known each other for years. The connection between them was undeniable, a magnetic pull that neither could resist.
Eventually, the door to the waiting room opened, and a nurse stepped in, her smile broad. "Will and JJ would like to introduce you to baby Henry."
Spencer and Y/N stood up, both feeling a little reluctant to end their conversation but equally eager to meet the newest addition to the family.
They entered the room, where Will and JJ were beaming with pride, baby Henry cradled in JJ’s arms. But even amidst the joy and celebration, Y/N couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt for what she felt today with Spencer. The connection had been so strong, so immediate, that it felt almost surreal.
Will looked up, his face lighting up even more when he saw his sister. "Hey, Y/N! Did you and Spencer get a chance to meet?"
"Yes, we did," Y/N replied with a smile, glancing at Spencer who gave a small nod in agreement.
"Great," Will said, looking around. "So, where's Stephanie? I thought she was coming with you."
At the mention of her girlfriend, Y/N felt a slight tightening in her chest. She adored Stephanie, but today's encounter with Spencer had stirred unexpected feelings. "She couldn't make it," Y/N said, trying to keep her tone light. "She had to work late, but she sends her love and promises to visit soon."
Spencer's expression shifted almost imperceptibly, his smile faltering just a bit. He looked away, focusing on baby Henry, but Y/N noticed the change. The realization that she was already taken seemed to hit him harder than it should after one meeting.
"That's too bad," Will said, but he was quickly distracted by Henry's small movements. "Come on over, meet your nephew."
Y/N moved closer to the bed, her heart melting as she looked at the tiny baby in JJ's arms. "Oh, he's perfect," she whispered, gently touching Henry's hand.
JJ smiled up at her. "He’s stolen my heart already."
Spencer stood by the foot of the bed, his hands in his pockets. "He’s very lucky," he said softly.
Y/N glanced over at Spencer, feeling a mix of emotions. She couldn't deny the spark between them, but she also couldn't ignore her commitment to Stephanie. It was a confusing tangle of feelings that left her unsure of what to do next.
As the family cooed over Henry, Y/N found herself standing next to Spencer again. He seemed quieter now, more reserved, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of regret.
"I'm really glad we met today, Spencer," she said softly, hoping to bridge the sudden gap between them.
"Me too," he replied, his voice gentle but distant. "Congratulations on becoming an aunt. Henry's very lucky to have you in his life."
"Thank you," Y/N said, wishing she could find the right words to explain the confusion in her heart. But with Will and JJ so happy and Spencer standing just out of reach, it didn't seem like the right time.
They stayed in the room a while longer, sharing the joy of Henry's arrival. But the undercurrent of unresolved feelings between Y/N and Spencer lingered, a quiet reminder of the unexpected connection they'd shared and the complicated emotions that now accompanied it.
Over the next few years, Y/N and Spencer didn't have another chance to meet. Their paths never crossed again, but Y/N frequently heard stories about Spencer from JJ, Will, and the women of the BAU. Each tale only deepened her admiration for him, painting a picture of a man who was not only brilliant but also kind, compassionate, and remarkably dedicated.
"Spencer is something else," JJ would often say with a smile, recounting another of his incredible feats in solving a case or his sweet gestures towards his friends. "He’s always the first to lend a hand, and he’s so good with Henry. You should see them together."
Y/N would listen intently, her heart aching with each story. She couldn't shake the memory of their brief yet intense connection at the hospital. It was a feeling that lingered, haunting her thoughts and dreams.
Meanwhile, her relationship with Stephanie was becoming increasingly strained. They had grown apart over the years, their once strong bond now fraying at the edges. Stephanie was often busy with work, and their interactions became more perfunctory than affectionate. Despite this, they had gotten engaged, a decision that felt more like a logical step rather than a joyous celebration of their love.
Y/N often found herself lost in thought, wondering what her life would have been like if she had pursued a different path. The memories of Spencer, the way he made her feel so seen and understood in those few short hours, kept resurfacing.
One evening, as she sat alone in the living room, Y/N stared at the engagement ring on her finger, feeling a heavy weight in her chest. Stephanie was working late again, and the apartment felt eerily quiet. The silence gave her too much time to think, to reflect on her feelings and the growing disconnect between her and her fiancée.
She picked up her phone, scrolling through old messages and photos, and paused on a picture of Spencer from Henry's first birthday party that JJ had sent the lady’s group chat. They were both smiling, caught in a candid moment of laughter. She remembered how her heart had fluttered whenever she was near him.
Her mind wandered back to the stories JJ had shared recently. Spencer had rescued a kidnapped child, his quick thinking and bravery saving the day once again. She could hear JJ's voice, full of pride and admiration for her friend.
"He’s one of a kind," JJ had said, her eyes sparkling. "We’re all lucky to have him."
Later that evening, when Stephanie returned from work, Y/N took a deep breath and sat down with her on the couch. The conversation was long and emotional, filled with tears and difficult truths.
They both acknowledged the changes in their relationship and the love they once shared that had slowly faded.
In the end, they decided to take a break, giving themselves the space to reevaluate their relationship and their future. It was a painful decision, but one that felt right for both of them.
The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden glow over the Rossi estate. It was the perfect evening for JJ and Will's backyard wedding, and the atmosphere was filled with love and celebration. Y/N arrived, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. She had looked forward to this day for months, not just to celebrate her brother and JJ but also for the possibility of seeing Spencer again.
As she wandered through the beautifully decorated garden, Y/N’s heart raced with anticipation. She exchanged pleasantries with other guests, her eyes occasionally scanning the crowd, hoping to catch a glimpse of the man who had been on her mind for so long.
Finally, near a cluster of trees adorned with twinkling fairy lights, she saw him. Spencer stood slightly apart from the crowd, adjusting his tie and looking as endearing as ever. Her breath caught in her throat, and for a moment, she felt like that same girl in the hospital waiting room, her heart fluttering uncontrollably.
Gathering her courage, she made her way towards him. Spencer looked up as she approached, his eyes widening in surprise before a warm smile spread across his face.
“Y/N,” he said, his voice soft with a hint of disbelief. “Hi.”
“Hi, Spencer,” Y/N replied, her smile matching his. “It’s been a while.”
“Yeah, it has,” he said, nervously tucking his hair behind his ears. “You look… you look amazing.”
Y/N felt a blush rise to her cheeks. “Thank you. You clean up pretty well yourself.”
They both laughed, the awkwardness of the moment breaking the ice. The sound of music and laughter filled the air around them, but they seemed to be in a bubble of their own.
“So, how have you been?” Spencer asked, genuinely curious.
“I’ve been good, a lot has changed,” Y/N replied, thinking back to her recent breakup. “And you?”
“Busy with work, as usual,” Spencer said with a chuckle. “But it’s nice to take a break for something as special as this.”
“Absolutely,” Y/N agreed, feeling the old connection between them starting to resurface. “I’ve heard so much about you from JJ and Will. It’s like I’ve been keeping up with your life through them.”
Spencer’s smile turned a bit shy. “Yeah, I’ve heard a lot about you too. JJ’s quite the storyteller.”
They both laughed again, the nervousness ebbing away as they fell into a familiar rhythm. The conversation flowed, filled with giggles and shared memories, despite the years that had passed since their first meeting.
Spencer glanced down at his feet, then back up at Y/N, his expression more serious. “You know, I’ve thought about you a lot over the years.”
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat. “I’ve thought about you too, Spencer.”
They shared a quiet moment, the weight of unspoken words hanging between them. Then, with a smile that was both nervous and excited, Spencer extended his hand.
“Would you like to dance?”
Y/N’s smile widened, her heart soaring. “I’d love to.”
They moved towards the makeshift dance floor, the music wrapping around them as they swayed together. The awkwardness melted away, replaced by a feeling of rightness, as if this was where they were always meant to be.
And as they danced under the twinkling lights, surrounded by the love and joy of JJ and Will’s wedding, Y/N felt a sense of happiness and hope that she hadn’t felt in a long time. The warmth of Spencer’s presence, the ease of their conversation, and the gentle rhythm of their dance all made the world outside disappear.
After a few moments of comfortable silence, Spencer looked down at Y/N, his curiosity evident. “So, how’s Stephanie? I remember Will mentioning you two were engaged.”
Y/N felt a pang of guilt and hesitation. She had known this question would come up eventually, but it still caught her off guard. She took a deep breath, deciding to be honest. “Stephanie and I… well, we’re not together anymore.”
Spencer’s eyes widened slightly, and he looked at her with concern. “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. What happened, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“It’s okay,” Y/N said softly, her gaze lowering for a moment. “We grew apart over the years. It became clear that we were more like friends than partners. We tried to make it work, but in the end, we realized it was best to part ways.”
Spencer nodded, his expression thoughtful. “That must have been difficult.”
“It was,” Y/N admitted, meeting his eyes again. “But it was the right decision. We both needed to move on and find our own paths.”
He gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “I’m glad you were able to make that decision, even though it was hard. You deserve to be happy.”
Y/N felt a warmth spread through her at his words. “Thank you, Spencer. That means a lot.”
They continued to dance, the conversation flowing naturally once more. Y/N shared some of the challenges she had faced during the breakup and how she had focused on rediscovering herself. Spencer listened intently, offering support and understanding.
“You know,” Y/N said after a while, “hearing all those stories about you from JJ and the others… it always made me wonder what could have been if we had kept in touch.”
Spencer smiled, a hint of shyness in his eyes. “I’ve wondered the same thing. I thought about reaching out a few times, but I wasn’t sure if it would be appropriate.”
Y/N laughed softly. “Well, here we are now. Maybe it’s fate giving us another chance.”
“Maybe it is,” Spencer agreed, his smile growing. “I’d like to think so.”
As the song ended, they stopped dancing but remained close, neither wanting to break the connection they had rekindled. Spencer hesitated for a moment before speaking again.
“Y/N, would you like to go out for coffee sometime? I mean, to catch up and… see where things go?”
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat. “I’d love that, Spencer.”
They exchanged numbers, their fingers brushing slightly as they did. The rest of the evening passed in a blur of laughter, stories, and the comforting presence of each other.
When the night finally came to an end, and it was time to say goodbye, Y/N felt a sense of anticipation she hadn’t felt in years. As she walked away from the Rossi estate, she couldn’t help but smile, knowing that this was just the beginning of a new chapter in her life—one filled with hope, possibility, and the promise of something truly special with Spencer.
Y/N arrived at the cozy little café, a smile already tugging at her lips as she spotted Spencer sitting at a corner table, looking around nervously. The warm, inviting aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, blending with the soft hum of conversation and the gentle clinking of cups and saucers.
As she approached, Spencer’s eyes lit up, and he stood to greet her. “Y/N, hi! It’s so good to see you.”
“Hi, Spencer,” she replied, her heart fluttering with excitement. “It’s great to see you too.”
They hugged briefly, the familiarity of his presence already bringing a sense of comfort. They both sat down, and Spencer pushed a menu towards her.
“I wasn’t sure what you’d like, so I thought we could decide together,” he said, his smile shy but warm.
“Perfect,” Y/N said, glancing at the menu. “Do you have a favorite here?”
Spencer nodded. “The lavender latte is really good, and their pastries are amazing. I usually go for the almond croissant.”
“Lavender latte sounds interesting,” Y/N said, her curiosity piqued. “Let’s go with that and two almond croissants?”
“Great choice,” Spencer agreed, signaling the waiter.
Once their order was placed, they settled into an easy conversation. There was a lightness to their interaction, a mutual understanding that they didn’t want to waste any more time. The years apart had only intensified their appreciation for each other’s company.
“So, what have you been up to since the wedding?” Spencer asked, his eyes twinkling with genuine interest.
Y/N smiled, leaning in slightly. “I’ve been focusing on my career and spending a lot of time with my family. I’ve also picked up a few hobbies, like painting. It’s been really therapeutic.”
“Painting? That’s wonderful,” Spencer said, his admiration clear. “I’d love to see your work sometime.”
“I’d love to show you,” Y/N replied, feeling a blush creep up her cheeks. “What about you? Any interesting cases lately?”
Spencer chuckled, shaking his head. “Every case is interesting in its own way, but some are definitely more challenging than others. It keeps me on my toes.”
“I can imagine,” Y/N said, her tone playful. “You’re always the hero, aren’t you?”
Spencer’s cheeks turned a slight shade of pink. “I wouldn’t say that, but I do my best.”
Their drinks and pastries arrived, and they took a moment to savor the first sip. The lavender latte was fragrant and soothing, and the croissants were buttery and flaky, just as Spencer had promised.
“This is amazing,” Y/N said, closing her eyes for a moment to enjoy the taste.
“I’m glad you like
it,” Spencer replied, his smile widening. “I’ve thought about this a lot, you know. Just being able to talk to you.”
“Me too,” Y/N said softly, her eyes meeting his. “It feels like we’ve been given a second chance, and I don’t want to waste it.”
“Neither do I,” Spencer said, his voice earnest.
They continued to talk, their conversation punctuated with laughter and shared memories. The flirtation was natural and effortless, each playful comment bringing them closer.
“You have a way of making even the most complicated things sound fascinating,” Y/N said, her eyes sparkling. “I could listen to you talk all day.”
Spencer chuckled, a hint of shyness in his demeanor. “And you have a way of making me feel like the most interesting person in the room.”
“You are,” Y/N said, her tone sincere. “At least to me.”
They finished their coffee, but neither made a move to leave. The connection between them was undeniable, and they both knew they wanted more.
“Y/N,” Spencer said, reaching across the table to take her hand, “I’m really happy we’re here together. It feels right.”
“It does,” Y/N agreed, her fingers intertwining with his. “I’ve thought about this moment so many times, and now that it’s here, it’s even better than I imagined.”
“Me too,” Spencer said, his voice filled with emotion. “I don’t want to rush things, but I also don’t want to let go of this feeling. Can we see each other again soon?”
“Absolutely,” Y/N replied without hesitation.
Y/N and Spencer left the café, their hands still intertwined, and strolled down the charming, tree-lined street. The morning air was cool and refreshing, and the bright sun cast a romantic glow on the cobblestone path.
As they walked, Y/N couldn’t help but steal glances at Spencer. There was something about the way his eyes sparkled and his smile turned shy that made her heart race. She decided to push the conversation into more playful, flirtatious territory.
“So, Dr. Reid,” she said, her voice light and teasing, “do you always sweep women off their feet with your extensive knowledge of, well, everything?”
Spencer chuckled, his cheeks flushing slightly. “I don’t know about that. I think you’re giving me too much credit.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow, her smile mischievous. “Oh, come on. You’ve got to have a few tricks up your sleeve. I bet you’ve got all sorts of interesting facts to impress the ladies.”
Spencer laughed, a sound that sent a pleasant shiver down Y/N’s spine. “Well, I do know a lot of facts, but I’m not sure how impressive they are. For example, did you know that kissing burns 6.4 calories a minute?”
Y/N stopped walking, turning to face him with a playful grin. “Is that so? And how exactly did you come across that piece of information?”
Spencer’s smile turned a bit sheepish. “Let’s just say I read a lot.”
She took a step closer, their bodies almost touching. “That’s quite an interesting fact. Do you have any others related to kissing?”
Spencer’s breath hitched slightly, his eyes locked onto hers. “Well, there’s also the fact that kissing releases dopamine, which can make you feel happy and relaxed.”
Y/N tilted her head, her voice dropping to a whisper. “Sounds like a pretty compelling argument for kissing.”
The tension between them was palpable, a magnetic pull drawing them closer. Spencer reached up, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, his touch sending sparks through her skin.
“Y/N,” he said softly, his voice filled with a mix of desire and nervousness. “I’ve thought about kissing you since the day we met.”
Y/N’s heart raced, her breath catching in her throat. “I’ve thought about it too, Spencer.”
They stood there, inches apart, the world around them fading away. Spencer’s hand cupped her cheek, his thumb gently stroking her skin. The anticipation was electric, every moment stretching out as they savored the closeness.
Finally, Spencer leaned in, his lips brushing hers in a tentative, tender kiss. It was soft at first, a gentle exploration, but the heat between them quickly intensified. Y/N responded eagerly, her hands slipping around his neck as she pressed herself against him.
Spencer’s arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer as the kiss deepened. Their lips moved in perfect sync, a dance of passion and longing that had been building for years. The world around them disappeared, leaving only the two of them, lost in the moment.
When they finally pulled apart, both were breathless, their foreheads resting against each other’s. Spencer’s eyes were dark with desire, and Y/N could feel her own pulse pounding in her ears.
“That was…” Spencer began, his voice husky.
“Amazing,” Y/N finished for him, a satisfied smile spreading across her face.
Spencer laughed softly, his hands still holding her close. “Yeah, amazing.”
They resumed walking, their hands clasped tightly together. The playful banter continued, but now there was an added layer of intimacy and sexual tension. Every touch, every glance carried the promise of more, a tantalizing hint of what was to come.
As they reached the end of the street, Y/N turned to Spencer with a playful glint in her eye. “So, Dr. Reid, are there any other fascinating facts you’d like to share with me?”
Spencer grinned, leaning in to whisper in her ear, lips brushing against it sensually. “I have plenty more where those came from. But maybe I should save some for our next date?”
Y/N laughed nervously, her heart racing with sudden arousal. “I’d like that. I’d like that a lot.”
They shared another lingering kiss under the shade of a tree, the promise of future dates and shared moments hanging in the air between them. In that moment, Y/N knew she had found something truly special with Spencer, and she couldn’t wait to see where their journey would take them. Her ring finger was feeling a little too light nowadays anyway.
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BAU team X Child reader
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! This is a special oneshot because I love Halloween also this is finished and posted a little later than Halloween because I haven't had time to write it.
Summary: 5 year old Y/N loves Halloween and gets the team to dress up with them.
Third person pov...
Little Y/N L/N loved Halloween, every year they dress up as something else this year they plan to be an FBI agent like their family the BAU.
The child was so excited Halloween was around the corner. The five year old had been counting down the days until candy, costumes, and all the thrills and chills of this special day.
Currently thr 5 year old was getting ready in their room, they had a badge, sunglasses, fake gun and was wearing a suit like Hotch does, he was their hero.
Once the child was ready their Mum dropped them off and they walked into the building and walked in, when they got through the reception desk and up to the floor with the BAU on.
The child git out of the elevator and walks into the Bullpen where the team were, as they walk in they see Spencer, Derek, Emily and JJ all chatting at Spencers desk, they hadn't noticed the 5 year old walk in just yet.
Smirking the kid hides behind the desk opposite Spencers and spies on the 4 adults trying and failing to hide their laughter.
JJ stopped talking when she heard a childish giggle, she then motions towards the desk opposite Spencers holding her hand over her mouth to stop laughing.
The rest look and see a tiny bit of H/C hair, Morgan then Smirks and quietly leaves the group and makes his way behind the Reids desk and creeps up behind the child.
When he's behind then he looks up around at the rest of the team who are all trying to hide their smiles but failing, the man then grabs the child and throws them over his shoulder making them squeal.
"You little! Trying to sneak up on us" laughed Derek as he mercifully tickled the 5 year old, their laughter was so loud that the other Agents stopped to look at what the common was.
Even Hotch and Rossi came out if their offices, but begin smiling at the sight of Y/N L/N thrown over Derek's shoulder laughter their head off as the man tickled them.
Tears of laughter ran down the 5 year old face as Derek finally stopped hid attack and set the kid down on the ground, still laughing Y/N tries to get their breath back.
The child glares at Derek who jsut smiles and ruffled the kids hair, this made Y/N huff and try and fix it themselves. Then JJ approached the kid.
"Hey N/N, did you need something?" She asks the kid, Y/N became nervous and fiddled with their fake gun. "I was wondering if you wanted to go trick or treating with me?" They asked almost shouting it.
This made the team surprised but all smiled at the child. "Of course we would love too!" Yelled Emily, grabbing the child and swinging them into her arms, everyone else had identical smiles even Hotch.
From Emily's arms Y/N was grinning. "Yayyy" they exclaimed enthusiastically, once they were put down again Y/N patted their jacket down.
Soen then spoke up, he had been analysing what the kid was dressed as but couldn't tell he had an idea but had to confirm.
"Y/N, are you an FBI agent?" He asks, the child turns to him and grins nodding their head. "Yep I am can you guess who?" They ask, the team them begin thinking at who they could be.
From the suit to the red tie to the incredibly familiar face the kid was making it was easy to guess who. "Its Bossman right!?" Exclaims Penelope waving her hand around excitedly.
Y/N grins. "Correct! I'm Hotch, Wheels up!" They say doing a pretty good impression of said man making Hotch smile they did look like him.
The team laughed a spot on impression. "You guys have to dress up as well!" Exclaimed the kid, 6 hours later the team and child are standing outside in costumes going trick or treating.
Y/N was so ecstatic when they saw everyone in their chosen costumes;
Penelope is a Fairy and looks all mystical and pretty, she had glitter everywhere from her skin to her outfit, she also had wings on the back and had amazing make up on.
Derek dressed like a strong man from a circus, he had a foam bar bell with him and was wearing shorts and a tank
Spencer was dressed like Sherlock Holmes of course with the deer hunter hat and pipe.
Emily was a Vampire with fangs and fake blood everywhere to Y/N she looked awesome.
JJ was a Zombie, ripped clothes and green skin, Penelope helped both woman do their make up.
Rossi got forced to dress up as well, he was a Skeleton he has let Penelope paint half a Skeleton on his face and had Skeleton hands.
Hotch was the hardest to dress up but he gave in when Y/N gave him their 'puppy eyes' he dressed as a Pirate using his hat from highschool.
Y/N was smiling so happy that they all dressed up like their asked. Soon they were dragged all around town, trick-or-treating with an energy that was only matched by their excitement. Everyone had a spook-tacular time, enjoying all the candy, but more importantly, spending quality time with Y/N.
Y/N was more than happy to play the role as an FBI agent and chasing after 'unsubs' which were the team, Rossi made sure to get lots of pictures for them all to have as memories from the night.
At the end of the night, everyone was tired, but happy. Y/N thanked them all for making their Halloween even more special, reminding them of the power of dressing up and having fun.
The team love the kid and could never say no to them, they each have a copy on a group photo they askes a parent to take of them, all smiling and posing like their characters for it.
Y/N couldn't wait for next year's Halloween.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot so sorry for the grammar and Spelling mistakesand for not updating as much I'm pretty busy with classes but I will try and squeeze a couple in everything week or so.
Request are open
Word count: 1115
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elizabethsnuts · 5 months
Birthday Surprise
Aaron Hotchner x Daughter!Reader
Summary: Emily and JJ help you and Jack put together a surprise birthday for your dad.
The kitchen was an absolute mess, with flour all around the counter, frosting sticking to every surface in the form of child handprints, and the very obvious one too many failed cracked eggs that you insisted you needed to crack.
You stood in the kitchen with Jack, JJ and Emily, the four of you very busy making a big birthday surprise for Hotch when he came back from work. You watched as JJ stirred the icing with her spoon, mesmerised as it moved around the bowl and smoothed out.
“I try?” You asked JJ with excitement in your voice, you loved being a big helper in the surprise birthday for your daddy.
JJ nodded and smiled. “Of course you can, honey.” She picked you up, setting you on the stepping stool so you could reach the counter and stir the icing.
Jack was helping Emily with the streamers and balloons, he was having the best time throwing them all everywhere while Emily did the hard work blowing the balloons up.
Emily looked over at Jack and smiled. “Hey, bud, why don’t you go and work on the banner? It needs its finishing touches!”
Jack nodded quickly in agreement. “Yeah! I’ll put more of N/Ns glitter!”
You quickly looked up at JJ when you heard the word glitter. You loved glitter, you had glitter covering you from your recent arts and crafts on the banner. “Glitter?” You asked with a smirky smile.
JJ laughed slightly, taking in the mess of you. The little apron covered in flour, your cute little face with icing smeared on it, and of course the glitter in your hair, your face and your clothes. “I don’t think we need any more glitter, I think we’ve got enough.”
You just sighed and continued stirring the icing. “Glitter.” No one could tell if you liked glitter because it was shiny and pretty or if you just loved making messes, the guess was usually both.
Eventually, the cake was done and Emily and JJ had to keep you away from the kitchen before you could dip your little fingers into it, they knew you wouldn’t be able to resist that urge.
“Cake lonely.” You pointed to the cake sitting in the kitchen, you wanted a way in there.
Emily shook her head and laughed. “The cake is not lonely, it’s got the icing and all the toppings there for friends. Your dad will be home soon and look! We’ve finished everything on time!” Emily smiled and ruffled your now glitter-free hair.
“Y/N you can’t eat the cake until Daddy gets home!” Jack laughed and chucked his stuffed bear at you which earned a laugh from your little mouth.
When Hotch arrived home, he definitely did get surprised. You all popped up in excitement, yelling Happy Birthday, the house littered with streamers and balloons, and a big banner that said ‘Happy Birthday Daddy!’ in big bold letters, hung from the ceiling.
“Happy birthday Daddy!” You squealed loudly and ran over, hugging him tight and showing him a card you’d made just for him. “For you, for you!”
Aaron smiled a little wider at the sight of the surprise. “You guys surprised me so well!” He chuckled and looked at your card. It was covered in paint, pen drawings, random buttons and tape but most of all, glitter. “Wow Y/N this is just an absolutely gorgeous card you’ve made for me.”
You smiled widely and nodded. “Daddy, you like, you like?” You jumped up and down excitedly, you were so excited to give him your card.
“Do I like it? Y/N I love it! I’m going to keep it for forever.” Aaron smiled and hugged you tightly.
By the time the cake rolled around, you were jumping around the place. You needed that cake in your belly right at that moment. You watched your daddy closely as he cut the cake and got the first slice.
You took this as your cue to get some now as Aaron had taken some. You quickly realised you couldn’t have the knife so you resorted to your hands, grabbing a chunk and shoving it in your mouth.
“Good cake!” You cheered and jumped around the house. Aaron knew the sugar rush he’d have to deal with later but he’d just enjoy the moment now.
Aaron hugged both you and Jack close, grateful for his two loving children. With Haley not around anymore, he couldn’t be more appreciative of Emily and JJ who stepped up and made sure that you and Jack could give him the best birthday ever.
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veeluvss · 1 year
we'll get them
emily prentiss x daughter!reader
tw : nudes and sexual abuse
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i pulled up outside the bau, feeling sick. garcia was in here and i was praying she could help me. i hadn't been able to show my face at school for months and mum had no idea. i couldn't tell her. i couldn't dare - what would she think of me? would she call me a whore? a slag? like the rest of them. i knew my mum was usually understanding but at the same time, this was serious.
i left the elevator with my visitor badge on and tried to stay out of sight. i knew mum was on a case and not in town but i didn't know about anyone else. i was well known at the bau, people loved me but i didn't want to be recognised now. i felt ashamed looking at my reflection.
i knocked on the door to garcia's computers and heard her little chime from inside 'two seconds my love'. she didn't know who it was but she called everyone the sweetest names. she just radiated love and positivity, i could already feel myself feeling better. to my shock, jj opened the door. "y/n!" she cheered, smiling widely. "y/n?" garcia said, spinning on her chair. "emily's on a case, did she not tell you?" jj said, concerned. "oh erm," i muttered and lowered my head. "i came to see garcia." "oh come in sweet cheeks!" garcia said, standing up and welcoming me in. "do you want me to leave you to it?" jj asked sweetly but something compelled me to shake my head. i needed her support too. "sit down baby, are you okay?" garcia asked. i felt sick. "i can't tell you so i'm going to show you," i mumbled. "okay," garcia said. i tapped away on my phone til i found the twitter post. i handed it to garcia and she looked at it. jj peering over her shoulder. "oh sugar plum," garcia mumbled. "does emily know?" jj asked me, sadness in her voice. i shook my head rapidly. "please don't tell her!" "y/n," jj sighed. she crouched down beside me and i felt tears welling up in my eyes. "babe, this was posted over a month ago, why didn't you come to me sooner?" "i couldn't leave my house." i buried my head in my hands and jj held me.
"i didn't take them," i whispered. "you didn't?" jj asked, putting some hair behind my ear. penelope was already looking at how to get rid of them, although it was hard. she was going to find the origin at least because then we know who posted them. "some guy," i began explaining. "we got drunk one night when mum was away and he - he forced me too. he used a polaroid and , and his phone but i didn't know he used his phone." "that's okay," jj muttered, stroking my hair. "right, i've got the person who posted it," garcia said. "however, it is one of them cases where it's on the internet and anyone can have them - especially after a month." i nodded, understanding. when she showed me the guy who posted them i felt even more violated as i didn't even know him. "baby, can we ring emily?" jj asked. "no! no you can't!" "she'll understand, she really will." "no, she can't see them." "she doesn't have to see them, we'll just be able to arrest him and get him put away for it. we can also get talking to the people who shared it." i began to cry. i wanted my mum, so bad. i just began to nod. jj and garcia were decent cuddles but nothing beat my mum. jj held me whilst garcia rang emily.
"what've you got for me garcia?" mum asked down the phone. "emily, are you alone?" garcia asked. "this is personal." "i don't really have time for personal-..." she began. "it's about your daughter so yes you do," penelope said. i smiled at that. we heard mum mumble a quick 'excuse me' to whoever she was with. "what's happened?" her voice was panicked. "JJ and i got a little unprompted visit from your baby today," garcia began. i hugged jj and she pulled me closer to her. "is she okay?" emily asked. "emily you can't judge, she's already hurt enough by it and she just needs her mum. okay?" "garcia, what is going on?" "someone posted pictures of her online, erm, not clothed." i hid in jj, not wanting to hear her response. there was silence for a minute. "do you know who?" she asked. "i tracked down the ip address." "does she know them?" garcia looked at me and i shook my head. "she does not." "i'm coming home," she hung up then. i couldn't tell if she was mad or upset or angry or disappointed. i felt sick. i just clung to jj, hoping she'd understand.
a few hours later, mum charged into garcia's office. i was sat on one of the desks, coffee in my hand and apple in the other. i gulped seeing her. she looked at me, between garcia and jj. "i need to see them." she said, holding out her hand. "no!" i said suddenly, getting down. "no mum, please." i begged. "y/n i need to see what they did to you." "emily," jj whispered as i shook my head over and over. "we've seen them. you don't need to see." "it's nothing i haven't seen before for christ sake!" she groaned, throwing up her hands. i began to cry then, she was angry. so so angry with me. "it's not the same em and you know it." jj said, putting a supportive hand on my back. "we have the IP address and we know who posted them online. we just need your orders to send someone to the house and get him arrested." "get him arrested and sent down. and anyone else who distributed it. no one is getting away with this," she said. i looked at her between my fingers and saw her expression soften at the sight of me. she sighed before pulling me into her arms.
"we'll get them," she said. "mum i'm sorry," i cried. "sorry? why on earth are you sorry?" she asked me, genuinely surprised. "i didn't know he was taking them, i didn't know they'd be posted. i dragged you away from a case," i explained, clinging to her blazer. "sweetheart," she whispered, caressing my hair. "this isn't your fault. at all." she pushed me away slightly and put her fingers under my chin so i looked at her. "i'm not mad or disappointed at you. baby i love you and i'd never judge you." she whispered and my heart swelled with love. "i'm just really fucking mad at the people who hurt my baby." i chuckled a little and she pulled me back into my arms. "what did i tell you eh," jj said, rubbing my back. i only nodded, clinging to my mum. i'd needed this. i'd needed her.
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oneshotnewbie · 6 months
jennifer jareau x daughter reader where reader is a child and discovers how “funny” the use of the word “no” is? (JJ isn’t as amused as reader 😭) 💛
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Jennifer Jareau was usually a master at juggling her roles as an FBI agent and mother. But fate had other plans for this morning. As she made her way to the daycare to drop off her three-year-old daughter, she discovered that the daycare was closed due to unexpected water damage.
A sigh of frustration escaped her lips as JJ realized the situation and found herself standing in front of closed doors. She couldn't afford to take time off and there was no one to look after you on short notice. So she quickly decided to take you to work with her.
With a quick call to the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit office to make sure Hotch was okay with bringing you with her, JJ set off, holding you in his arms. The sun slowly began to warm as it reached the building and the blonde tried to maintain her usual composure, even though she knew inside that this day would be anything but normal.
As she entered the BAU office, JJ caught the attention of her colleagues. Some gave her curious glances at the little girl on her hip, but her team couldn't hide the wide grins. They all loved you, and they were always happy to see you. However, they knew JJ well enough to know that she brought you to work with her for a reason.
"Hey sweetie," Emily Prentiss spoke in a sweet, squeaky tone as she walked towards the two of you. Her hands were outstretched, reaching for you as she took you from your mother's arms and placed you on her hip. "Are you okay, JJ?" She asked, a concerned tone in her voice as she placed a gentle kiss on your cheek and looked at you intently.
The blonde nodded curtly, smiling as she watched the black-haired one rock you back and forth as you laughed out loud in response. "The daycare is closed. I hope it's okay if y/n is here for the day to keep us company."
"We see so many dark things, it's nice to have someone here who just brings you joy and takes the darkness out of our job." Emily replied promptly and walked with you to the desks, where she handed you over to Morgan. "We'll all take care of her, JJ."
The blonde breathed out in relief and smiled gratefully. It was reassuring to know that she was surrounded by a team that was not only professional, but also caring and understanding.
You began to beam as you saw the unfamiliar surroundings of the BAU and Derek Morgan lifted you onto his lap and let you jump around. Your curious eyes darted from one colleague to the next as you clung to the toy you held in your hands and laughed out loud as Reid played peek-a-boo with you.
As the workday began at the BAU, JJ found herself in an unfamiliar, but not unwelcome, situation. Between analyzing case files and meetings, she found moments to amuse you as you played with toys and played with the others.
It was a day full of unexpected events, but also a day that reminded her of the importance of having a supportive environment, whether at work or at home. But she never imagined that her next field mission with Emily, Aaron and Derek would come so suddenly. It was an urgent matter that required immediate attention and there was no time to delay. So the team headed out to combat the latest threat, and JJ could do nothing but ask Reid to look after you in her absence.
Reid, known for his brilliant mind and gentle disposition, accepted the responsibility of looking after you with a bright smile. Although he had little experience working with children, he was determined to do his best. As the blonde said goodbye to you, she felt a mix of worry and trust. She knew Reid would take good care of you, but she couldn't deny that she felt uncomfortable leaving you behind.
As JJ and the team delved into the case, time flew by and as the mission came to an end and they made their way back safely, she couldn't help but look forward to the impending reunion with you. She longed for your hug and your laughter to bring light into her life.
When they finally reached the BAU office, JJ felt a mix of anticipation and nervousness. She could hear your happy voice carrying through the hallway and her heart leapt with joy. But when she walked into the bullpen and her eyes fell on you, she froze in surprise.
You sat in Reid's chair, surrounded by your toys, holding a small foam ball in your hand. As she walked in, you turned to your mother and spoke with an adorable smile. "No!"
JJ's heart sank as she realized you had learned a new word - and clearly enjoyed using it. She couldn't help but smile when she saw Reid sitting cross-legged in front of you, an amused glint in his eyes. "She just said it like that," Reid explained with an amused tone. "She suddenly applied it to everything I told her."
JJ couldn't help but laugh as she sat on the floor next to him and pulled you into her arms. She was relieved to see that you had been in good hands and that you had obviously had a lot of fun.
Throughout the rest of the day you continued to use the word "no" with glee and your mother couldn't deny that she was slowly but surely reaching her limits. Since you discovered the word, nothing seemed to pass your indomitable little mouth. Every time JJ tried to give you instructions or get you to do something, the adamant "no" came back immediately - accompanied by a mischievous smile that suggested you knew exactly what you were doing.
Spencer Reid, who was obviously the source of this new development, could barely stop himself from laughing when he saw the blonde's desperate look. Derek and Emily also laughed at the frustration that was slowly building up within her. While Reid wasn't directly responsible for your newfound love of words, he had undoubtedly played his part by supervising you while you were away.
When JJ finally confronted Reid and asked him how it happened, she could barely contain her frustration. She turned to him as he shifted nervously in his chair, clearly trying to extricate himself from the affair. "Spencer, I know you spent all morning with her. And now there's no other word in her vocabulary. What happened?"
"Oh, uh, JJ I understand you're worried, but I swear I had nothing to do with it," he tried to talk his way out of the situation and JJ raised a skeptical eyebrow. "It's all part of a natural development process at this age."
She couldn't help but smile at his clumsy attempts to reassure her. Despite her annoyance at your constant use of a single, negative word, she couldn't blame her best friend. He had volunteered to look after you and tried to make sure you had a fun day.
Still, it was hard for her to hide her frustration. Thanks to him, you had developed a new passion for resistance and disobedience. Every time she tried to feed you or get you to sleep in Hotch's office, she was met with an insistent "no" - and although she tried to remain patient, it was a challenge that was slowly pushing you to your limits brought.
"Spenc, be honest with me. You were with her all day today. And now she's using that word like it's her new favorite phrase. There has to be a connection."
Reid cleared his throat uncomfortably and avoided her gaze. "Well, maybe I used it subconsciously without realizing it. You know, while we were talking about different things or she wasn't allowed to do something she wanted. But I assure you, it wasn't intentional."
The blonde sighed and massaged her temples, the slight frustration growing within her. "Spencer, I'm not mad at you. I know you were just trying to take care of her but it would help if you could watch what you say around her in the future. She's a vacuum cleaner, she takes in everything lately."
He nodded in understanding, his expression relieved as he pulled his best friend into a tight hug. "Of course, JJ. I'll pay attention. And if you need help getting her to stop using that word, I'm available."
The blonde smiled and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. The two exchanged a look of mutual understanding and trust. Although her frustration was with the unexpected development regarding the word "no," she knew that she could always count on Reid to help her whenever she needed support.
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 2 years
Whumptober Day 15 (Aaron Hotchner & Y/N Hotchner) - Mr Scratch Part 2
(There's not currently a Mr Scratch Part 1 aha, had this idea and then wrote it for Whumptober)
Lies | New Scars | Breathing through the Pain
Warnings: toxic masculinity, child abuse, blashbacks, beaten, concussion, kicking punching, guns, bullet wound (fake), blood, hallucinations, noncon drugging, drugging, insecurities, strangulation.
Word count: 3216
Aaron watches in horror as Lewis aims the gun at you, he yells out but you can't hear him. Lewis pulls the trigger and you stagger forward before falling to the floor, just in front of him. "(Y/N), (Y/N), no, no, no," He looks up, tears already streaming, "What have you done?!" His voice is sharp. 
Lewis smirks, "I killed him." 
Hotch watches in horror as Lewis fades into thin air.
"Watch out, I'm coming through that door," Lewis whispers, “Kill me.”
Your heart’s in your throat when you get there. David and Spencer go round the front, Derek and JJ taking the back. You go through the side. Turns out, it takes you straight to Aaron. Lewis is nowhere in sight. Aaron’s got his back to you. “Aaron?” You call softly. He turns to you - you see a hard look in his eyes. You don’t see any weapons, nor does it look like he’s going to attack. Okay, so far so good. 
"Aaron?" You ask, cautiously approaching him. You didn't know what Scratch had told him to believe. 
"You killed him," Was Aaron's response. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, before you could reply, he charged at you, knocking you to the floor. 
Derek's eyebrows furrowed as he heard a loud thud. With the grip on his gun tightening, he slowly began to make his way towards the sound, unsure of it’s origin. 
Aaron aimed a surprisingly well-aimed punch to your ribs, causing you to give a loud grunt. "Aaron, it's me," You insisted. Aaron ignored you, aiming his next punch at your face. 
Not knowing what else to do, you bucked him off you as you scrambled up, trying to get some distance between the two of you. "Aaron, you need to calm down, it's me, it's (Y/N),"
“You don’t get to say his name,” Aaron growled, he made the first move again, aiming for a punch. You block on instinct, landing a jab to his side - guilt gnaws at your stomach. Aaron responds by taking a large chunk of your hair in his hands and slamming your head into the counter. You stumble back, everything spinning.
“A-aron, it’s me,” Ignoring you, Aaron swept your legs from under you. You gave a moan when your head hit the floor. Dazed, you blinked up, staring at your brother in confusion, vision blurring for a moment. 
"You killed him," Was all Aaron responded, sending a hard kick to your ribs that winded you. 
"Aaron? It's me!" You exclaimed, curling in on yourself to try to reduce the pain. You shut your eyes tightly, trying to block it all out. Scrunching your eyes closed tighter you try to breathe through the pain as the strikes continue. You felt like a kid again, alone; Aaron and Sean had left and you were all alone - all you wanted was your brothers. Except it was your brother this time. Aaron couldn’t save you, not when he was the one hurting you. 
The next thing you know, Aaron is straddling you, hands wrapped tightly around your throat. Your hands immediately fly to your throat, trying to pry his hands off. Trying to gasp for breath, you look into his eyes, hoping to see recognition, but there's nothing there. His gaze is the hardened look he sends to unsubs.
"A-Aaron, its me, I swear-" You choked out, hands desperately clawing at your brother's hands. "A-" 
As your vision begins to blur, you can't help but think how similar Aaron and your father look. 
Derek's eyes widened at the scene, he strode forwards before pulling your brother off of you, holding him back. "I need some help in here!" Derek yells, and everyone immediately rushed in. Rossi and Reid stay whilst JJ and Kate go after Lewis. He wanted nothing more than to go over to you, to comfort you - but he knew the second he let go of your brother and stopped holding him back, he’d go right back to beating the shit out of you. Derek made a mental note to hit Peter Lewis when they found him. 
You cough loudly when Aaron’s hands are ripped from your neck, wincing at the pressure on your ribs and throat it causes. You spit the blood in your mouth onto the floor, ignoring it as it continues to drip, you could deal with that later. You doubt anyone would mind. You give a small groan, moving your right arm to cradle your ribs as you start to force yourself to sit up. Pushing past the pain, nausea, and stinging, and force yourself up.
Spencer rushes to your side. "(Y/N)?"
You scramble back until you feel a wall press against your back. You know it’s irrational, that’s it’s Spencer. But you needed security. And breath. You couldn’t breathe. Why couldn’t you breathe? You could see your chest rising but there was no air. Where did the air go? Oh god, you try to take a large breath, only for none to reach your lungs yet again. Not now, not now. Now really wasn’t the time… 
A hand on your shoulder makes you jump. You flinch away. When a strike doesn’t come, you look up, head spinning. Your vision’s blurry, but enough you can make out who it is. Spencer. Embarrassed, you curl into yourself and bury your head into your elbow, willing this to be a dream so you don’t have to deal with the humiliation. You’re breathing’s still shallow, but it’s better. You feel sick.
"I'm fine," You croak, wincing again both at the sound of your voice and the pain speaking caused - in your throat and the pounding of your head. "Is Aaron okay?" 
"Get off me!" Aaron mumbled angrily, "He killed him-"
"Hotch, everyone's fine," Rossi said softly. 
"Rossi? You need to get Scratch he killed-"
"Aaron, everyone is okay,"
"(Y/N)'s okay too," Rossi answered. You forced yourself up, wiping the blood from under your nose with your sleeve. 
"I'm right here, see," You held out your hands, motioning to yourself with a pained smile, trying your best to blink the tears from your eyes.
"What happened?" Aaron asked, motioning to your bleeding nose, cut lip, the large cut and bruise beginning to form on your forehead (as well as the blood that began to trickle down from the wound), and the hand marks that were slowly starting to bruise on your neck. Aaron's eyes widened, "Did I do that?"
Derek opens his mouth to answer, but you beat him to it, "No." You lie with a sniff, "Scratch did, you found him, tore him off me. You wouldn't get off of Scratch so Morgan had to restrain you," The lie comes easily off your tongue and it makes you feel sick. But it was either this or tell your brother he almost killed you. Everyone's glaring at you for lying to him. It's clear even Aaron doesn't believe you. 
"(Y/N), don't lie to me," Aaron said. 
You swallow, "I'm not." You feel like you're going to throw up.
Rossi says nothing and simply tells the others to wait outside and take the elder Hotch to the medics. He turns back to you when they’re gone, saying, "You can't lie to him." He states. 
"But he'd feel guilty knowing," You respond with a one-armed shrug. 
"So what, you're going to lie in the paperwork? Expect everyone else to lie there too?" Rossi asked. You sighed.
"He doesn't need to feel guilty for something he didn't mean to do. It's Aaron, he's going to feel guilty no matter how many times I tell him it's okay," 
“He has a right to know,”
“No.” You said, shaking your head, wincing at the pain exploding through your skull as you did so. “No, because then it’ll just be another thing that Aaron Hotchner Hates About Himself. And I’m not putting that on him. If you guys want to tell him, fine, I don’t give a shit if I get into trouble or suspended or fired or whatever, I’m not having my brother hate himself about something he couldn’t control,”
Rossi shut his eyes, “(Y/N)-”
“No, Rossi,” You cut him off, “You don’t see him on his bad days- on his really bad days. I’m not doing that to him.”
You stumbled towards the door, too stubborn to ask to lean against Rossi. Morgan’s immediately by the door when you get there, taking the majority of your weight as you walk the rest of the way to the ambulance, snaking his arm around your waist and pulling you close.
“What was the panic attack about?” He asks quietly, deciding to be blunt.
“I’m no expert, but probably the panic,”
Derek gives a small chuckle, “Hilarious,” He replied. “But seriously,”
“Bad memories,” You answered vaguely. Derek nodded, you had confided in your childhood after a particularly bad nightmare. He knew that you would confide in him when you wanted or needed to, he didn’t want to push you. Instead, he decided to change the subject. Seemingly knowing what he was thinking, you added, “I’ll tell you about it later,”
“How are you feeling?”
“Nauseous,” Derek’s thumb rubbed a gentle circle along your side.
“I’m sorry I didn’t get there sooner,”
“Please don’t feel guilty,” You said, shaking your head, “You got there as soon as you could,”
When you reach the ambulance, the paramedic’s eyes go wide. And before you know it they usher you to the bed to sit on whilst they check you over, Aaron now cleared - with strict instructions to take it easy and stay the night with a friend - sat next to you.
 “I know I did this to you,” 
“No, you don’t, because no you didn’t,” You hate lying to him. But it was for the best.
“I’m not stupid, (Y/N),”
“Never said you were,”
“Then stop treating me like it,”
You sighed, turning to him, “That’s not why I lied,”
“Then why?”
“Because it’ll go on your list of things you hate about yourself and I don’t like that you hate yourself for one, but for two I definitely hate that I am the cause of some of those things,”
“I don’t hate myself-”
“Loathe, then,” You said, “Look, is lying wrong? Probably. But when it’s my brother I’m trying to protect from his own over-analysing brain? I don’t think so,”
“I have a right to know what actually happened, what I did,”
“Why? So you can beat yourself up about it?” Aaron glared.
“(Y/N),” Aaron said sternly. Unsure of what else to do, he decided to pull the Boss (TM) card, “As your superior, I’m ordering you to tell me what happened,”
“Fine, you wanna know what happened?” You asked, pushing the paramedic’s hands away from your forehead. “You slammed my head into a counter, kicked the shit out of me, and then tried to strangle me. Happy?” You see the look on Aaron’s face, it had dropped, eyes filled with guilt - despite him trying to mask it. You shut your eyes with a sigh, “That’s what I wanted to avoid,”
“You shouldn’t have to not tell me things because you’re worried about my reactions,”
“You’re my brother. And you internalise things. Of course, I’m going to worry,” You said with a shrug, “Besides, as far as I’m concerned, Scratch did this,”
“But I’m the one-”
“Look, as far as I’m concerned, this was Scratch,” You said sharply, leaving no room for argument. “I am not having you mope about for days because of this, so get it out of your head that you did this, okay? Because I only have so much willpower not to smack you round the back of the head for being this self-deprecating, alright?”
You knew what you were saying was probably falling on deaf ears, but at least you had said them. When you were done, you turned back to the paramedic and gave a small nod. 
A concussion, bruised ribs, and a broken nose. 'Nothing major' you thought to yourself with a nod. You were told to rest up, visit the doctors if anything got any worse, and to stay out of the field until you were fully healed.
When the paramedics are gone, you turn to the team, "Alright, I'm off, I'll see you bright and breezy tomorrow,"
"No, take the day off," Rossi said, you shook your head. 
"Nah, I'm fine, honestly," You argued.
"Babe, take the day off," Morgan pressed, you shook your head again.
"I'm fine,"
Aaron sighed, nodding, he knew there was no point in arguing with you. You would come in either way. The team disbanded, making their way through the crime scene. The sooner they got this done, the sooner they could all go home. 
"Hey, Hotch?" Morgan asked, walking up to Hotch, away from you. "Can I drive (Y/N) home? I just want to keep an eye on him," 
Ignoring the pang of guilt, Aaron nodded, "That's probably a good idea. Let me know when you're both home safe," Morgan nodded. 
You look up, hearing footsteps. Morgan, you give him a small smile, "Alright, I've got permission to drive you home," Morgan said, "I'm also making it known now that I staying round," You cocked an eyebrow and managed to smirk, "Not like that," He sighed and you gave a small snicker. 
Derek drives you back to yours, the drive silent but not uncomfortable, the radio gently playing in the background. 
It took you a while to get to sleep, Derek next to you, you closely wrapped into his side. “Hey,” Derek whispered, “Level with me, where’s your head at?”
You shrug, “I’m fine,”
“Baby you keep saying that,”
“Maybe because it’s true.”
“I’m here when you want to talk about it,” Derek mumbled, placing a soft kiss to your head. 
“I know,” You shut your eyes, allowing sleep in. 
You woke up a variety of times during the night, not moving when you did - Derek’s arms wrapped tightly around you. Eventually, morning rolled around. 
You came into work the next day, despite everyone trying to convince you otherwise, everything patched up and semi-okay. Everyone was on edge and it was driving you crazy. You weren't going to break down in a puddle of tears over a few punches. You were fine.
Aaron was cautious around you, moving slow, keeping his voice levelled, not wanting to do anything you may perceive as threatening. And you did you best to act as though nothing had happened, like it didn’t hurt to breathe, to talk, to move. You knew if you did, it would just be added to Aaron Hotcher’s List of Self-Loathing. 
You knew you said it was fine. And it was, you were acting normally with him and you had forgiven him - actually, you felt there was nothing to forgive him for. But your body didn't exactly register that. You know you had no reason to be so cautious of Aaron. That he would never intentionally hurt you. He was your brother. And yet, you had to stop yourself from flinching, had to push the panic aside when he spoke to you. 
You were in the break room, making a coffee, you turned around to face Aaron as he walked in, "Hey, I'm making a coffee, you want one?"
He nodded, he really needed the caffeine. Aaron wondered if this was what Spencer felt like if he didn't get his caffeine fix. It had been a day since the incident and you still seemed okay with him, so he assumed that everything was fine. Although, this didn't stop him from proceeding with caution around you. The cuts on your forehead were scabbed over, as was the small cut on your lips. Your nose was a dark, angry red, as were the corners of your eyes. And the bruises on your throat were slowly turning purple. Guilt gnawed at his stomach before he did his best to push it aside.
"I'll grab the sugar," He smirks, knowing you were going to add a massive amount to your coffee (despite his repeated warning that it wasn't good for your teeth). And so, Aaron reached past you, freezing when you flinched away.
"I'm sorry!" You apologise, eyes wide, realising what you had done and the hurt on Aaron's face. "I didn't mean to-"
"It's fine,"
“Aaron, I didn’t mean-”
“(Y/N), it’s okay,” You looked at your brother, despite his trying to hide it, you could see the clear guilt in his eyes.
“I- I need to go to the bathroom,” You rushed out of the room before Aaron could tell you to wait. 
You brush past Morgan and Reid, ignore JJ and Kate calling your name, you just keep walking. When you reach the doors, you check that the room is completely empty before locking the main door. You let yourself sink to the floor, pulling your knees to your chest in a weak attempt to comfort yourself.
You curled into yourself, biting your lip to hold back your cries. It wouldn’t do any good, in fact, probably the complete opposite. Aaron was still at school, taking part in a play and Sean was out with friends, leaving you home alone with your father. “You gonna follow the rules now, boy?” He growled, and you nodded, a whimper falling past your lips. “Do not cry, boy, what kind of man cries?” There was a small pause when you failed to answer, he decided to answer for you, “The answer is weak men, boy. Men do not cry, boy,”
You shoved the heel of your palms into your eyes, trying to stem the tears. “Men don’t cry," You muttered bitterly to yourself, digging your hands deeper when the tears continued. “Men don’t cry,” You repeated, hoping that if you kept repeating the phrase maybe it would stop you from crying. “Get it together, (Y/N),” You paused, removing your hands from your eyes, blinking.
It wasn’t often you’d deal with negative emotions on your own. More often than not, your brother was there to help. Although, that wasn’t exactly a possibility in this situation. Fresh tears pricked the corners of your eyes at this realisation. You sniff. “Nope, no, not happening,” You mutter before letting out a small groan. You sniff once more, blinking repeatedly in a feeble attempt to make the tears go away. 
There was a soft knock on the bathroom door, “(Y/N)? It’s me,” Derek. “Can you unlock the door?” You sniff, contemplating it before reaching up and unlocking the door. “Hey,” He greets as he sits down on the floor next to you. 
Neither of you speak. 
“I just kept thinking he looked like our dad,” You mumbled, voice wavering with emotion. You gave a sob as Derek pulled you close to him, “And I feel so guilty, he’s hurting and beating himself up because of me.”
“I need to talk to him,”
“Maybe that’s not a good idea right now-”
“Why not?!” You snap.
“I just mean you need to calm down first,” He answers, rubbing a hand up and down your arm. 
“I’m sorry,” You sigh, “I love you,”
“I love you too,”
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charmingly-helpless · 3 months
A/N: i love jj so much can the CM:E writers stop torturing her pls
pairing: jennifer jareau x fem!reader
warnings: angst, reader being mean, sad jj
word count: 864
Read on AO3
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
You and JJ have been fighting a lot lately. The tension between you was obvious to the team, who were growing concerned about your sudden hostility towards JJ who had been your best friend for the past decade you’ve been working together.
The team was at Rossi’s for dinner and everyone had had enough of the squabble between two of their coworkers. Hotch pushed you and JJ into a room, threatening to suspend you if you didn’t “figure your shit out.” 
“Y/N, I really don’t wanna do this, either. Let’s just pretend we’re talking about it, and get out of here,” JJ sighed deeply, sipping from her glass of wine.
You stood by the window with your arms crossed, frowning like a petulant child.
JJ’s footsteps grew closer to you. 
“You’re mad at me,” she said softly. “And I’m trying hard not to get annoyed, Y/N, I really am. But it’s been the same cycle week after week: you pick a fight with me over something small, and you won’t tell me what it was… then we argue for a few days, I apologize, and nothing changes.”
“I thought you said we were going to pretend to talk about it,” you said flatly.
“Right,” JJ exhaled deeply and looked towards the door where she was sure someone—Penelope— was trying to eavesdrop. “Please, can you just tell me what’s going on?”
You sighed, downing the rest of your drink. “It’s stupid.”
JJ rolled her eyes, most definitely annoyed now. She knew you were trying to avoid the conversation.
“Come on,” she pleaded, placing her hand on your shoulder to make you turn around to face her. “If it really is stupid, we can solve it quickly.”
Your words came out as a whisper. “It could change everything.”
JJ’s eyes softened as she sensed your anxiety. She stayed quiet as she watched you find the courage to speak.
“I’m in love with you.”
JJ was momentarily paralyzed at your confession, the realization hitting her like a punch in the gut. 
“I’ve been in love with you since you joined the team. Back when you were just a media liaison. But we were never more than just friends… I wasn’t even sure if you liked women that way. Then you started seeing Will, and you married him. Lately I’ve been reflecting on my own life, what I couldn’t have… who I couldn't have. I thought if I pushed you away it would be easier to get over you,” you chuckled bitterly. “It’s not working.”
JJ’s heart ached as she listened to you pour your heart out. It all made sense now. How could she have been so oblivious?
“Y/N,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion, “I had no idea.”
“I know. I’m sorry. For… the way I’ve been treating you. For everything.”
JJ reached out to take your hand, instinctively running her thumb over your skin. 
“No, I’m sorry. I should’ve seen it. We’ve been friends for so long, I should have known…”
You shrugged. “Yeah, well, what are you gonna do? Are you even… Do you like women romantically?”
The question hit JJ like a ton of bricks. This was something she had grappled with for years, something she had never truly admitted to herself but also not ignored.
“That’s a loaded question,” she sighed.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked. You don’t need to tell me anything.”
JJ shook her head, squeezing your hand.
“It’s okay.” 
She took a moment to gather her thoughts. “I’ve… I’ve always been drawn to both men and women. It’s just that it wasn't something I had ever really explored… I never really allowed myself to.”
Your mouth opened slightly in shock. “Oh.”
There was a moment of silence between you two, filled with the background noise of the party. JJ was quiet as she stared at your intertwined hands. 
JJ reached up and wiped your cheek, and it was only then that you realized you had been crying. You pulled away and wiped your face.
“I can’t keep doing this with you,” you sniffled, “the little touches, the small gestures, and pretend that I don’t feel anything beyond platonic love for you.”
JJ frowned, looking down at her hands. Those innocent touches had always been present in your friendship, but they took on a deeper meaning now.
“I understand,” she said. “But I care about you, Y/N. I don’t want this to pull us apart.”
You sighed, leaning against the desk. “I see no other way around this, Jennifer.”
JJ felt a wave of resignation wash over her at your use of her name, desperate to fix this mess.
“So what do we do? What do you need me to do?”
“I don’t know. Maybe just… give me some space for a while. Only interact at work when we have to. I need time to sort out my feelings,” you suggested, a lump growing in your throat.
JJ nodded slowly.
You took a deep breath, the air between you two heavy with unresolved emotions. You swallowed thickly and looked up at JJ.
“Sorry, Jayje.”
JJ watched you leave the room without a word.
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