#Jay Resident Alien
nashidakyouko · 4 months
Girl Talk ~Resident Alien ~ Jay and D'arcy friendship
Also on Ao3.
Summary: Jay stumbles upon D'arcy kissing a woman and they become confidantes 2 years pre-canon. // Platonic Jay and D'arcy, D'asta as a major topic.// T // Word count: ~3000
It was early to be drunk for most people. No matter how frequently she drank, people still acted like it was shocking to see D'arcy wasted by 1 PM. Their pitying concern only annoyed her. She grimaced as she knocked back the rest of her flask. It was no one's business if she wanted to escape for a while, time of day be damned.
Before she even knew what was happening, a preachy Ben found her stumbling outside The 59 and promptly attempted to coax her inside—trying to ensure the town's image by removing the drunk from the streets. He kept muttering about how This is bad behavior and We don't want anyone to think Patience is a place where people get drunk all day and roam the streets. D'arcy rolled her eyes at his knit brow and twiddling hands. Of course he was more worried about the town's fragile little image than about his childhood friend's emotional state. He was a real buzzkill since he became the mayor.
Nonetheless, D'arcy allowed him to lead her back in The 59. Before he could ask if she was okay, D'arcy was already filling several shot glasses with whiskey and downing them one after the other. It wasn't long before Ben fled, not wanting to deal with a heavily drunk D'arcy.
After the 3rd shot, D'arcy ran a hand through her dyed-blonde hair and exhaled harshly. She was glad she didn't have to explain anything, but she was going to explode soon from the weight of her own silence. Since no one in town knew how she felt about Asta, though, there was nobody D'arcy could vent to.
Asta was on a getaway with Jimmy for a few days. D'arcy always drank herself stupid when those two went somewhere, unable to deal with thoughts of them together. This whole one-sided love thing was the fucking worst.
The sound of someone clearing their throat drew D'arcy's attention. A woman D'arcy didn't know sat at the bar, all sultry with her plunging v-neck showing plenty of cleavage. The woman could be just good enough for a distraction, D'arcy supposed. She offered to pay for D'arcy's next drink and gave her a coy smile.
A few minutes later, the two of them were in the back alley making out. D'arcy wasn't usually so careless when she was with women. Patience was a small town, and when she was a kid it was obvious that being queer was frowned upon. Granted, it had been almost 20 years since then, and times had changed. She still typically hid her soirees with the fairer sex from the town's eyes, if mostly out of habit.
In her current state, however—moping and beyond wasted—she just didn't care if the whole damn town knew.
The following day, the same kid showed up at the bar just as D'arcy's shift started. The girl looked down at her bouncing feet, chewing her bottom lip with her arms firmly crossed. Dammit. If she was that anxious, D'arcy feared whatever was coming.
Or so she thought until she heard a small gasp and caught sight of a local kid—Jay, was it?—dashing away. Shit. The stranger D'arcy was with didn't notice or didn't care, slipping her tongue deeper into D'arcy's mouth and effectively chasing away thoughts of being caught by a random 15-year-old.
D'arcy put on a customer service smile and pretended nothing was amiss. “Hey there, kid! It's Jay, right?” The girl nodded, her eyes still lowered. “Okay, well, you're not getting any alcohol, but we do have soda. Just let me know if you need anything.” This was more courtesy than D'arcy usually showed at The 59. Hopefully, acting like the teen hadn't seen anything would do the trick. She did not want to deal with a kid she barely knew in any capacity, much less concerning her queerness.
When Jay didn't immediately respond, D'arcy took the opportunity to skedaddle... to the other end of the bar. It was her damn shift, so a full escape wasn't an option. She scanned the room, but no one else was in the bar except an older man napping at a table. She peered at him, trying to will him awake so she had an actual customer to keep her unavailable. No dice. Stupid midday lull.
“S-so, um... you like girls...?”
And there it was. Exactly the conversation D'arcy wanted to avoid. She looked around again for any acceptable distraction, finding none at a bar at 2:30 in the afternoon.
With a grimace, D'arcy confirmed through gritted teeth, “Sure do. Got a problem?” She turned to the kid with a glare that she regretted instantly. There was such unmasked vulnerability in Jay's dark brown eyes. Oddly familiar eyes. Kind of like Asta's.
D'arcy reflexively softened like she always did around Asta, even though her best friend wasn't there. “Shit, sorry... I thought you were gonna be a dick about it. Looks like you've got something on your mind?” As much as D'arcy didn't want to play senior queer with a possibly-questioning teenager, the girl's warm eyes had sufficiently weakened her resolve to send Jay packing.
The girl stuttered a laugh. She forced herself to meet D'arcy's eyes. “I think I have a crush on my friend. Who is a girl.”
Without thinking, D'arcy chuckled and commiserated. “You and me both, sister.” She frowned, then added. “I mean, my friend for me. I'm not creeping on kids—promise.” Probably shouldn't have said that, D'arcy feared. At least Jay didn't really know D'arcy or who her friends were.
The way Jay's eyes lit up at the admission of queerness once again nagged D'arcy with a sense of familiarity.
Over the next few months, D'arcy and Jay talked regularly—late nights spent drinking soda (though often D'arcy's was laced with alcohol) and staring at the stars while discussing their queer experiences. Jay had long since told D'arcy about the girl she liked, but it became increasingly obvious that D'arcy wasn't keen on sharing her own crush.
One day, Jay spied D'arcy out in town with a group of friends. Jay had met Asta once before, as well as Judy, the curly-haired peppy one scampering alongside D'arcy like an eager puppy. Jay's introduction to Judy that day had been shortened when D'arcy and Asta had to remind Judy that certain topics weren't cool to share with a high school kid.
“Whaaat? But we were doing all that at her age, what's the big deal? I mean, D'arce, when didn't at least one of us have our hands down some guy's—“ Judy's retort was cut off by Asta clamping a hand over her mouth and then dragging Judy away as if it were Asta's job to protect Jay... Weird.
Today, a few others were tagging along, but Jay didn't really know them. And none of them had noticed Jay half-lurking near the baseball field. It was the perfect opportunity for her to get a look at how D'arcy was with her adult friends. Maybe pare down the list of potential girlfriends for her good buddy.
As always, Jay noted how D'arcy never strayed far from Asta. In fact, more often than not, the two of them were touching in some way—holding hands, hugging, arms over each other's shoulders, even sharing kisses on the cheek. Obviously, that was the relationship to watch.
Even with all that physical contact, though, Jay wasn't 100% sure. After all, D'arcy was very physical in general, and it was clear she cared deeply for all of her friends. She acted like Judy was a nuisance, but Jay knew that the second Judy needed someone, D'arcy would be there. Intense loyalty was the very thing that defined D'arcy.
Just as Jay started considering who else D'arcy might like, she saw it.
Asta curling in on herself, cackling at one of D'arcy's quips. And D'arcy watching her joy with the softest, warmest expression Jay had ever seen. It didn't last long, melting into D'arcy's own laughter. But Jay had seen it, and that was all she needed to know.
What surprised Jay more was when Asta opened her eyes and looked at D'arcy the exact same way. Like D'arcy was her sun. Like nothing else mattered as long as Asta could hear D'arcy laugh.
“There's my main underage squeeze!” D'arcy exclaimed when Jay entered the bar.
It certainly seemed to Jay like D'arcy's love wasn't as unrequited as she thought.
“You sound like a deviant when you say things like that.” Jay smirked as she set her bag down next to her. The kid showed up before nightfall pretty often. There was an advantage to missing the crowds.
“Whatever, no one's around! Exactly why you come at this time, right? So, what's up, kid?” D'arcy's smile was bright. She found she actually enjoyed the teen's company—far more than she expected. Before Jay could order, D'arcy slid a custom limeade soda in front of her with a grin.
“I just wanted to ask... who's the friend you have a thing for? I think I know, but...” Jay took a long sip of her soda.
D'arcy quirked an eyebrow. “What do you mean you know? You've barely met any of my friends—just Asta and Judy. And Judy was being gross... and Asta was being... weird.”
“Okay, yeah, but I've seen you around town with people, and it's pretty obvious, isn't it?” Jay already sported a shit-eating grin.
“Is it?” It damn well better not be.
“Oh, come on! It totally is Asta.” D'arcy burned red, leaving little room for doubt. Jay victoriously pumped her fist. “Called it! You're just different with her. Honestly, you're way nicer to her than you are to anyone else.” The kid's smug-as-fuck smirk added insult to injury.
D'arcy wanted to sink into a hole. “Me being nice to my best friend is that weird? I knew I could be an asshole, but that's unfair.”
“It isn't just that. It's like... I've seen the way you look at her. Like she's perfect. And you talk about her all the time. I mean, are you even trying to keep it on the DL?”
“I thought I was!” D'arcy threw up her arms. “She's married! The guy is a douche-bucket, but she's not exactly leaving him. I think she should, but I've pretty much given up on that.”
“I've seen him. Jimmy, right? He's a total dong. She'll wake up and hopefully smell the homo-eroticism eventually.”
“Ha! I wish. Even if she left him, she wouldn't want to be with me.” D'arcy vigorously cleaned glasses to avoid Jay's eyes.
“Why do you say that?” Jay cocked her head in confusion.
“Why would she pick the town drunk? She's a freaking nurse, and I bar-tend.” There was no doubt in D'arcy's mind that she wasn't worthy.
Jay scoffed. “Whatever, you're just scared. I'm rooting for you whether you like it or not.”
“... Thanks, Jay.” D'arcy smiled softly. It was good that someone finally knew. At least she wasn't alone anymore.
For two years, D'arcy and Jay shared everything about their relationships. The feelings D'arcy had for Asta never faltered, and Jay was always disappointed when D'arcy dated other people—even if the teen understood that Asta was unavailable. No matter who D'arcy was with, it was painfully obvious that she treasured Asta so much more.
“So, I'm working at the clinic now,” Jay said one afternoon.
D'arcy looked at her sharply. “Are you serious? How did that happen?”
“You know how I've been looking for a job for that work credit thing for school? I barely got a word out in an interview before Asta hired me,” Jay shrugged. “I guess they must be short-handed or something, because she seemed kinda desperate. Works for me, though. Now I've got a reason to talk to her, which means I can trash Jimmy. Maybe push her towards you a little.”
D'arcy fidgeted behind the bar-counter. “Y-you shouldn't do that. I mean, it'd be weird, right? Suddenly having some kid she barely knows commenting on her love life...”
“Isn't that exactly how we became friends?”
“Well... yeah... but...” D'arcy sighed. “I just don't know if it's such a good idea, Jay.”
“Too bad. If it bugs you that much, I'll only trash Jimmy when she brings him up... or when he hits her again. I won't even mention you. I still think it could help a little.” Jay stuck out her tongue, grabbing her things and leaving for the day.
Sometimes, even little gestures like the exact way Jay poked out her tongue struck some chord in D'arcy's mind. After all this time, she still couldn't quite place why in some moments Jay reminded her of her best friend. All she knew was that the perceived similarity made D'arcy feel all the more protective of, and endeared to, the 17-year-old.
A handful of months later, D'arcy found Jay brooding during the teen's shift at Dan's diner. She'd never explained her sudden job change to D'arcy. Now, a frown deep enough to age Jay ten years darkened her face. D'arcy couldn't recall ever seeing Jay so morose. She sauntered over to the diner bar and sat down, cocking her head to the side and waiting for Jay to speak.
Those brown eyes that always tugged at D'arcy's heart were full of hurt and rage.
After a long moment, Jay expelled a harsh breath and managed to say “Asta's my mother.”
D'arcy wasn't sure what the joke was, but surely Jay was kidding. “Ha! And Sheriff Mike's my father.”
The serious look on Jay's face remained. Oh shit, she wasn't kidding. D'arcy sobered. “Holy shit. You're the baby.”
“I'm not surprised she didn't tell you. She's been keeping it a secret.”
The calculations going through D'arcy's mind were visible on her face. “Yeah... Yeah, she has...” Could this be what Asta had been keeping from her recently?
“I don't know what to do. She's my mother, and I don't even know how to act in front of her... Not to mention my...” Jay's face screwed up in disgust as she spat out “father.”
D'arcy rolled her eyes, understanding all too well. “Oh, right. Jimmy.”
“It's so messed up. What am I supposed to say to someone like that? I mean, I'm gonna see him. I can't talk to Asta. I can't talk to my parents. Maybe I shouldn't even talk to you,” Jay's tone escalated with every word, anger bubbling over. Then she quieted as she looked imploringly at D'arcy. “But I feel like I am losing my mind and you've always listened before...”
“Hey, hey!” D'arcy took both of Jay's hands and looked her squarely in the eyes. “You know you can totally talk to me. Always. This is a little different than our usual, but you know I've got you, okay?”
Jay almost cracked a smile, but her mind was still reeling too much and she began another spiral. “I can't do this alone. I can't—“
D'arcy tugged Jay's hands to cut her off. “You are not alone. I can help you. A bit. Can't do magic or anything, but I have a way to let Jimmy know how you feel, at least.”
That finally did earn a little smile from the overwhelmed Jay. D'arcy tacked on, “Hey, can you get free onion rings? It's part of the plan.” Her teasing grin was infectious, and for the first time all day, Jay laughed.
“Yeah, sure... Can we do this plan of yours later, though? I think I need to keep talking right now.” Jay came over from behind the counter, sitting next to D'arcy.
“You know it, kid. I'll be right here.” On seeing the flicker of a twinkle in Jay's eyes, a long-standing mystery was solved. D'arcy exclaimed, “Holy fuck, that's why your eyes look just like Asta's! I should've figured it out ages ago! Jesus, you're the right age and you always remind me of her. How did I miss it?” It had been so obvious, but what wasn't obvious when you looked at it in retrospect? Maybe D'arcy had been so sure she'd never meet Asta's kid that she automatically ignored the possibility. Either that, or D'arcy was a special kind of idiot.
“Everyone missed it. Including me, and I've been working with her, like, every day for months. About that—it's pretty sketchy how she hired me at the clinic. How weird is it that she never said anything? I'm so pissed and confused and I don't know what to do about any of it.” Jay glowered and rested her forehead on the counter.
Nearby, Dan took note with a frown. He knew Jay needed to talk to someone uninvolved, so he simply pushed a chocolate milkshake towards Jay and made himself scarce. It would be okay, eventually. And for now, the shake might help ease the anger. At least a little bit.
For the next half hour, D'arcy listened to Jay working through her feelings, only commenting enough to assure Jay she was paying attention. Eventually, Jay ran out of steam, deflating in her seat. She leaned over and rested her head on D'arcy's shoulder. Immediately, D'arcy wrapped an arm around her good friend. It was all so much, and it wouldn't be made okay right away. All she could do was provide support. She was going to need to talk to Asta soon.
With the initial shock of Jay's revelation settling down, another, more embarrassing thought occurred to D'arcy. Before she could help herself, she blurted:
“Oh, shit. I've been talking to you about your birth mom for the past two years. That's...”
Mortifying. Inappropriate, maybe. Definitively weird. By some measures, even gross.
Jay did a spit-take with her milkshake, eyes wide. “Oh, God. Yeah, that's...”
Awkward. That was the best, most succinct word for it.
A damning silence suffocated them.
Eventually, blessedly, Jay spoke.
Once she heard the words, however, D'arcy wondered if Jay should have just kept to the harsh quiet.
“... Y'know, I still want you two to end up together, Step-Mom.”
Mouth gaping wide, D'arcy could think of no other action but to quickly flee while her brain short-circuited.
I'm adopted, and I'd NEVER call my birth mother “my mother.” But Jay did *sigh*
I altered the scene where Jay tells D'arcy about Asta, because being friends for 2 years is going change that conversation to an extent. I kept as much of the original dialogue as I found fitting.
Oh and keep in mind I did not “make” Jay queer. She had boyfriends in s1, but a girlfriend in s3.
Last thing, I went with D'arcy's blonde hair with the blue tips for the whole fic, rather than bouncing around.
Likes/comments/reblogs are love! Thanks for reading!
Disclaimer: RA isn't mine
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3rdbogwitch2theleft · 6 months
*watching Resident Alien season 3 undermine and almost completely sideline one of the core friendships that made me fall in love with it*
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pzyii · 5 months
Be Nice To Me by The Front Bottoms
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residentaliengif · 1 year
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You should stop feeling guilty about giving away Jay. We leave our offspring in the great ice wind desert, where the flesh is ripped from the bone to see who survives. Charming. Jay is a survivor. She will be fine.
Resident Alien 1x08 End of the World as We Know It
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hungrylikethepuma · 19 days
resident - resident alien , collapses on the floor
resident alien swap au ..
where Asta is the alien and she comes to Earth to kill everyone by natural disaster bomb that lets nature destroy humanity.. real Asta is already dead ,,, killed by some1 from the Galvan/Powell Group… alien Asta kills the murderer freak and takes form as Asta bc she thought she looked pretty….: grrr
Not only is Harry and Asta swapped … but Bridget and Jay… and Max and Sahar … Sahar is more fascinated than afraid of her. .. Isabelle and Jimmy are swapped to but jimmy still sucks ass… he gets his ass beat by alien Asta… wow
Idk if I want to make Harry a doctor still or a nurse… I’m thinking doctor and Ben came to the cabin bc the clinic is super understaffed and Human Asta was a nurse..:
Ben makes Asta come down to Patience … she sees Harry , Mike , and Liv examining Sam’s body and trying to figure out what happened .. Asta barges in and comes up with the whole suicide theory and Ben … AHHHHH .. and Ben asks her to stay and help ..
BLAH BLAH BLAN I HAVE MORE guys please falls to my knees … (ugh reuploaded bc I deleted it by accident… yes I wrote this in notes ok… I have a RA problem)
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bookgeekgrrl · 7 months
My media this week (18-24 Feb 2024)
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i'll always prefer the og but this iteration is entertaining
😍 The Old Codgers Greatest Hits Album (AggressiveWhenStartled, author; quietnight, narrator) - 57K series, canon-divergent stucky co-starring peter parker. Reread of this hilarious forever fave where first teenage peter is forced to deal with two body-swapped geriatric supersoldiers and then bucky is forced to deal with two teenage spidermen trying (and failing) to stealthily rescue their "dog". Great podfic by quietnight, absolute hilarity
🥰 History of American Capitalism (Zenaidamacrouras1) - 85K, shrinkyclinks college AU with superstar QB!Bucky & history nerd Steve - incredible found family dynamics, can't believe @zenaidamacrouras1 made me actually really get into an AU that involved both undergrads AND football. The nerve! The talent! (the fic is single POV but there's an amazing companion piece that's Bucky's convos with this sister that give a his POV on some of it and it's equally amazing)
💖💖 +347K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Half sleep, half waking (softestpunk) - The Sandman & Rivers of London crossover: dreamling, 8K - amazing crossover! I wish there was 60K of this for me to read
Road to Joy (Oddree13) - Stranger Things: steddie, 25K - latest chapter in this omegaverse steddie series that I absolutely adore
Knit One, Purl Two (mollus) - MCU: stucky, 32K - reread; forever fave WS recovery fic with lots of softness in the form of: knitting, dancing, soap making and senior citizens
Red, White & Royal Goose (fairestfaerie) - RWRB: alex/henry, 7K - I just love a good Soulmate Goose of Enforcement fic
This Sunlit Land (eyres) - MCU: stucky, 38K - wonderful canon/timeline-divergent WS recovery AU
Resident Alien - s1, e1-3
QI - series S, ep 7-9
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "The Fall of New York City" (s7, e1)
D20: The Unsleeping City: Chapter II - "Heaven and Hell on Earth" (s7, e2)
D20: Fantasy High: Junior Year - "Stress Tested" (s21, e7)
D20: Adventuring Party - "A Negroni and a Bowl of Spinach" (s16, e7)
Ghosts (US) - s2, e16-22; s3, e1-2
Vibe Check - Hey, Sis: featuring Kimberly Drew
The Sporkful - Can A Restaurant Makeover Make Diners Spend More?
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Boston’s Blue Hill
Short Wave - The Life And Death Of A Woolly Mammoth
Desert Island Discs - Sheku Kanneh-Mason, cellist
I Said No Gifts! - Jay Jurden Disobeys Bridger
The Assignment with Audie Cornish - Where Does Fani Willis Go From Here?
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - World’s Loneliest House
⭐ Switched on Pop - Adult Contemporary, but make it cool (with CHROMEO)
Shedunnit - The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club (Green Penguin Book Club 1)
Up First - Julian Assange Extradition Hearing, Egypt Buffer Zone, Louisiana Special Session
Today, Explained - The Panama Canal is drying up
It's Been a Minute - Jada Pinkett Smith, the artist
Vibe Check - Welcome to Tip Check
Outward - True Detective: Night Country’s Lesbian Subtext
⭐ Code Switch - Why menthol cigarettes have a chokehold on Black smokers
Short Wave - When The Sun Erupts
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Stone of Destiny
⭐ 99% Invisible #571 - You Are What You Watch
Films To Be Buried With - Tyler James Williams
Ologies with Alie Ward - Black Hole Theory Cosmology (WHAT ARE BLACK HOLES?!) Part 1 with Ronald Gamble, Jr.
Off Menu - Ep 226: Noel Fielding
NPR's Book of the Day - 'Thank You Please Come Again' pays homage to Southern gas station food shops
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Buffalo Soldiers National Museum
The Assignment with Audie Cornish - Jake Tapper on American Political Scandal
⭐ Throughline - Dance Yourself Free (Throwback)
If Books Could Kill - The Better Angels of Our Nature
Our Opinions Are Correct - We Don't Give a F*ck About Canon
⭐ Today, Explained - Fight at the Museum
The Sporkful - Deep Dish With Sohla And Ham: Bagels
Dear Prudence - My Friend Has a Master’s Degree in Lying. Help!
What Next: TBD - The Coasts are Sinking
Short Wave - Didn't Get A Valentine's Love Song? These Skywalker Gibbons Sing Love Duets
Endless Thread - Endless Thread: The Musical
⭐ Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - Industrial Musicals
Strong Songs - "Black Hole Sun" by Soundgarden
You're Dead to Me - Queen of Sheba [turned out to be really perfect timing to have this knowledge right before getting to certain relevant bits in my current read The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi]
It's Been a Minute - Have we hit celebrity overload? Plus, Miyazaki's movie magic
Simply Reflecting - Did You Say Delusional?
Under the Influence - Seeing is Believing: The Power of Demonstration Commercials
Hit Parade - The Bridge: Bon Soir, Barbra
Living Colour
Chicago House Foundation
Presenting Soundgarden
Swing Fever [Rod Stewart & Jools Holland] {2024}
Adult Contemporary [Chromeo] {2024}
Campfire Classics
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jayshorrorgaming · 21 days
Join Jay as he dives into the chaotic world of the American Dad game Roger Kills The Smiths, where I take on the role of Roger the Alien in his most notorious persona—Ricky Spanish!
😱 In this wild gameplay, I'll be exploring the Smith family residence and using an arsenal of outrageous weapons to eliminate each member of the family. From stealthy tactics to all-out mayhem, watch as I navigate through hilarious challenges and unexpected twists! Will I succeed in my mission to take down the Smiths? Or will I face the consequences of my alien antics? Tune in to find out and enjoy some laughs along the way!
👉 Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit that notification bell for more outrageous gaming adventures!
Don't forget to hit that like button, share your thoughts in the comments, and subscribe to Jay's Horror Gaming for more thrilling horror game experiences! 🔔🎮
Make sure to check out my other 2 YouTube Channels! Jay's Horror Gaming & Jay's Horror SHORTS!!
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purpleplaid17 · 7 months
Jess Watches // Thu 7 Mar // Day 164 Synopses & Favourite Scenes & Poll
Severance (rw with mum) 1x07 Defiant Jazz
Mark and the team encounter new security measures from Cobel.
When Milchick said the coffee was "from the hills of Rwanda" was that another test? Could it be where the ripped up photo of Gemma was taken?
I'm Helly, shaking my maraca, being entranced by Milchick dancing around everyone. The bird-like gesture as he taunts Dylan. You smug motherfucker.
The dawning realization on O&D's faces at the insincerity of Outie Bert's speech as he has no idea who they are or that they even exist. And Irving being the only one brave enough to call out the bullshit.
My mum didn't notice that the photo of Gemma was actually Ms. Casey smh. She doesn't know Dichen Lachman like I do.
Resident Alien 3x04 Avian Flu
Harry tries to bond with Heather, aka the Avian alien.
Seeing Erin Karpluk on my screen always makes me want to rewatch Being Erica; Heather (rhymes with feather) is a fun addition and I love the bird suit; My favourite scene was Jay being introduced to her Rez family at Drew and Manuel's engagement party. Queer love being celebrated with everyone dancing and being so happy to all be together. 🥰
Star Trek: Prodigy 1x05 Terror Firma
Marooned on a deadly planet, the crew must work together with their captive Gwyn to stay alive…except the planet isn't the only thing in pursuit.
Ofc they came back for Gwyn. She has the braincell. (No offence, Zero.) I'm glad she finally realized just how little her father cared for her so she can stop worshipping him and figure out who she is on her own.
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redhatmeg · 6 months
I have a confession to make:
I don't particularly care about Jay's subplot in Resident Alien.
Yes, it's nice to see Asta getting closer to her estranged daughter, but I find her rather bland in comparison to other characters.
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fearlessjones · 1 year
TV show tag game!
Rules: List eight favourite shows to let your followers get to know you better
Thanks for the tag @boutiquetraveltravelboutique !
I watch a lot of tv, but these are the ones that are very special to me:
1.) In the Flesh - Such a beautiful show about depression and being Othered.
2.) Due South - My OG feelgood show. So weird. It would do absolute numbers on Tumblr if it aired today.
3.) Hannibal - So artsy. So unhinged. I adore it.
4.) Good Omens - Love the book. Love the themes.
5.) The Gilded Age - Dresses. Drama. The cast!
6.) Resident Alien - Alan Tudyk is a treasure. Great Native representation!
7.) Mystery Science Theatre 3000 - It has its own channel on Pluto TV and I regularly just leave it on all day lol
8.) The Addams Family - Watched it as a child and it completely molded my sense of humor and style.
I tag @xzombiexkittenx @seniorinternaut @ess-jay-oh @trowelsand @thrownbodilyfromthecar @mothersandtruckersofthejury @kelila-rivka @macy-induced-brainfart @ericathemad No pressure to do it!
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thefiresontheheight · 2 years
Hey! I read All Manner of Thing a little while back, and I was trying to think of what feedback I could offer. Feel free to take it or leave it, I'm not really a writer so I might not be analysing things correctly.
I really liked the different kinds of speech and the way that Maybe is kind of thrown into the deep end, it makes it fun to try and pick up stuff over time. And the worldbuilding is really cool. I'm so interested just by the one off mention of whatever anhedonic wolves are, haha.
One quibble I have is that the pacing feels a little inconsistent in some parts. The bit where it timeskips from the crew dealing with the union on Winnipeg to getting to the next destination and dropping off the chosen one felt a little unclear to me as well, I had to read it a couple times to figure out the order of when things were happening.
There were also a few parts where I felt like the conversations were taking place in a Nondescript Location - I feel like there's the opportunity to add a bit more interaction between the characters and the space they're in, and it'll be easier to visualize what's going on as well.
Overall, I felt like I wanted to know a bit more about the Constabulary - we kind of get hints of it from Em and Parousia's perspective, but I was curious to see how their viewpoints matched up or differed from the mainstream. Are there a lot of people who get exiled for dissent or non-conformity? How does their culture and veneration of Earth work in practice? What would life be like for the residents if they fully pacified Winnipeg? Etc. A lot of the plot focuses on their hunt for Earth, so I was curious to know more about what finding it would mean for them.
I think I feel the same way about the corporate planets - when it was mentioned that they use memories as currency, I thought that was interesting and dystopic and would lead to some really odd societies, but it never got expanded on much.
The one other note I have may just be me, but when I got to the part where they mentioned corporate wizards routinely taking/transferring memories between people, I was like "ok, Maybe has to be some kind of transferred memory from Jay combined with an alien, right" and then I was like "No! Shake him upside down till he talks!!" whenever she talked to Thrinitie after that without mentioning it, haha. This isn't really a flaw, but maybe something you can keep in mind, depending on how you want the mystery aspect of that to play out?
I hope this helps! Good luck on getting it published, I really enjoyed reading it. :]
I will absolutely take it, thank you! I got some feedback asking for more interactions with the knights, and I may combine it with yours to have a scene between Winnipeg and the union base, to hopefully make that all make a bit more sense, and give a bit more detail. And yes, there is a LOT of worldbuilding that is only hinted at, which I will try to work in a bit more but I also have an upper limit so it may only be implied! But the short answer to "what life is like on corporate worlds" is "hell" and the short answer to "what life is like on Constabulary worlds" is "Either you are in the Constabulary and one of their cloned soldiers or you are dead." I have no idea what the anhedonic wolves are though! Or Her Angelic Highness! Or so so much! I just like details! Ask me about details and I will tell you or at least make it up! And I want to write more set in this weird, weird world. I will def try to flesh out some of the dialogue scenes and make them seem less like they are taking place in a featureless void (except for the one that literally takes place in a featureless void.) I am so glad you loved the language its told in! I know it's weird and can be off putting, and I am so glad it had its intended effect of making you empathize with Maybe also piecing it all together. And I am just glad in general you read and enjoyed it AND that you gave me super useful feedback Thank you so, so much!
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pzyii · 5 months
not a lot, just forever by Adrienne Lenker
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diddle-riddle · 2 years
Let it Snow
"This is snow, Jay. It's... cold."
Stephie chuckled; her symbiote-buddy / sorta-adopted-sibling shuddered with what could be associated to fright.
It snowed for hours that night.
Excited, Stephanie Brown didn't lose an instant on the morning: she opened wide the door of her father-figure / big-brother / best-friend's bedroom, jumped on his mattress and energetically shook the layers of blankets her favorite cold-sensitive ginger wrapped himself in.
"Eddie! Wake up! Quick Eddie, it snoooooowed!"
Snow made teenage Steph feel like a little kid.
Bruce, Ed's own alien-roommate-in-his-case-alien-boyfriend, Jason's half-dad, detached his head from his host's shoulder.
"What is... snow?" The symbiote inquired, perplexed.
Stephanie and Edward found out their local extraterrestrial residents never encountered the element: it apparently doesn't exist on Klyntar, the symbiotes are not used to freezing weathers. They are not impacted by temperature drops like people, although... meeting 'snow' turned out a memorable discovery.
Edward drove the four of them to the woods not far from Gotham, to let the symbiotes take over and explore the immaculate powdery mantle that coats every surface.
Bruce followed a meticulous detective analysis to satisfy his curiosity. Jason however, resembled an angry red-and-black cat trembling outside. They were both hilarious.
The moment Ed and Steph enjoyed the most is when they introduced their roommates to a typical Earthian activity: they engaged in a snowball fight.
Read “Let it Snow” on AO3 here Discover the rest of the DC Symbiotes Series on AO3 here
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residentaliengif · 1 year
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I messed up. I never should’ve brought Jay here. She’s just… so innocent. Walking around, not knowing the truth. Tell her you’re her mother. I gave her up. I can’t just drag her back now that it suits me. She has a life and a family.
Resident Alien 1x05 Love Language
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stctdcddyy · 2 years
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former gymnast turned stunt woman turned wrestler. first female graduate of CAP, NY. dog mom. boots' momma. pixie stick enthusiast. expert recorder player. formerly the galaxy’s greatest alien, now known as more than a woman, kris(ten) sta(d)tlander. acquaintances and close friends would probaby describe her as random. she rocks to the beat of her own drum. she wants to get know everyone she comes across. currently rehabbing an acl injury, kris is working hard to get back in the ring. she is dealing with the hardship of being out of action for an extended period. kris' plan is to come back stronger and faster than ever. penned by star.
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best friends: @hayterade
name: kristen stadtlander
ring name: kris statlander
nicknames: kris, kstat, stat, statdaddy
age: twenty-seven
birthday: august 7th, 1995
from: west islip, new york
residence: orlando, florida
sexuality: pansexual
exes: max caster & caleb konley
relationship status: single
trent beretta, chuck taylor, orange cassidy, rocky romero, wheeler yuta, anna jay, jade cargill, red velvet.
this will be updated when i figure out the things i want! :3
all plots are open! ships are chemistry based.
𝔦. 𝔬𝔬𝔠 ☽ 𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔢𝔫𝔰 𝔪𝔞𝔡𝔢 𝔪𝔢 𝔡𝔬 𝔦𝔱
𝔦. 𝔞𝔰𝔨 ☽ 𝔦 𝔯𝔲𝔫 𝔬𝔫 𝔠𝔬𝔣𝔣𝔢𝔢 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔲𝔣𝔬𝔰
𝔦. 𝔪𝔲𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔤 ☽ 𝔧𝔲𝔰𝔱 𝔞 𝔤𝔦𝔯𝔩 𝔴𝔥𝔬 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔰 𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔢𝔫𝔰
𝔦. 𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔰 ☽ 𝔟𝔢𝔩𝔦𝔢𝔳𝔢 𝔦𝔫 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔰𝔢𝔩𝔣 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔢𝔫𝔰
𝔦. 𝔳𝔦𝔰𝔞𝔤𝔢 ☽ 𝔰𝔬𝔯𝔯𝔶 𝔦 𝔡𝔬𝔫'𝔱 𝔰𝔭𝔢𝔞𝔨 𝔥𝔲𝔪𝔞𝔫
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𝔦. 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔰𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 ☽ 𝔴𝔢 𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔞𝔩𝔬𝔫𝔢
𝔦. 𝔱𝔲𝔫𝔢𝔰 ☽ 𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔶𝔬𝔫𝔢'𝔰 𝔮𝔲𝔦𝔠𝔨 𝔱𝔬 𝔟𝔩𝔞𝔪𝔢 𝔦𝔫 𝔞𝔫 𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔢𝔫
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laresearchette · 3 months
Saturday, June 29, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
ZOMBIES: THE RE-ANIMATED SERIES (Disney Channel Canada) 10:00am: Every day is a surprise at Seabrook High, whether you're a cheerleader, a zombie, a werewolf or even a vampire. "ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series" invites viewers into the daily lives of Zed, Addison, Eliza, Willa and the entire Seabrook crew. Alien tech allows the gang to transport to an alternate timeline and re-do their senior year, leading to more musical fun as Seabrook becomes the destination for all kinds of mythical monsters.
NHL HOCKEY (SN/SN1) 11:30am: NHL Draft - Rounds 2 - 7
US SENIOR OPEN (TSN3) 12:00pm: Third Round - Part I (TSN3) 3:00pm: Third Round - Part II
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 2:30pm: Yankees vs. Jays (SN Now) 7:00pm: Dodgers vs. Giants (SN) 7:00pm: Rangers vs. Orioles (SN) 10:00pm: Twins vs. Mariners
CFL FOOTBALL (TSN3/TSN5) 7:00pm: Blue Bombers vs. Stamps
COPA AMERICA 2024 (TSN/TSN4) 7:45pm: Canada vs. Chile
ABSOLUTELY CANADIAN (CBC) 8:00pm: Irish, English, Scottish and French lumberjacks of the 19th century collaborate to survive the harsh conditions of Canadian logging camps, establishing a folk music tradition unlike any other.
TRUE JUSTICE: FAMILY TIES (CTV Life) 8:00pm: A law school student and her friends set out to prove her brother is innocent of murder, but the only way to clear his name is to find the real killer.
LOVE OFF THE PAGE (Super Channel Heart & Home) 8:00pm: Caroline is a hopeless romantic and loves novels. When she buys a book at a mysterious bookstore, she starts dreaming about love.
THREATS FROM THE INSIDE (Super Channel Fuse) 8:00pm: Brad Collins' love for his wife, Amy, becomes an all-encompassing obsession, and he grows more and more controlling of her with each passing year. When Brad finds out that Amy had an affair with a colleague, a huge fight ensues and tragedy results.
MADAME WEB (Crave) 9:00pm: Cassandra Webb is a New York City paramedic who starts to show signs of clairvoyance. Forced to confront revelations about her past, she must protect three young women from a mysterious adversary who wants them dead.
SUNRISE (Starz Canada) 9:00pm: When a former cop returns to the scene of a horrific crime, residents discover the dark visitor is really a vampire who feeds on blood and fear. Befriended by a kind family, the instinctive killer soon faces a choice of revenge or redemption.
NWSL SOCCER (TSN5) 10:00pm: Utah Royals vs. Portland Thorns
MLS SOCCER (TSN/TSN3) 10:30pm: Vancouver vs. St. Louis
TITANE (Crave) 11:00pm: A woman who has a metal plate in her head embarks on a bizarre journey.
GAME NIGHT (CTV) 12:35am: A couple's weekly game night gets kicked up a notch when their friends agree to participate in a murder mystery party. They soon find themselves in over their heads as each twist leads to another unexpected turn over the course of one chaotic night.
HIGH SPEED CHASE, June 30, Investigation Discovery 8:00pm THE GREAT FOOD TRUCK RACE June 30, Food Network Canada 9:00pm 90 DAY FIANCÉ: THE OTHER WAY July 1, TLC Canada 8:00pm MASTERCHEF UK July 1, CTV Life 10:00pm HOLMES FAMILY RESCUE July 2, CTV Life 8:00pm THE AMAZING RACE CANADA July 2, CTV 9:00pm STYLED July 2, HGTV Canada 10:00pm FEAR THY NEIGHBOR, July 2, Investigation Discovery 10:00pm OUTRAGEOUS LOVE WITH NENE LEAKES, July 4, Slice 9:00pm GODZILLA X KONG: THE NEW EMPIRE July 5, Crave 9:00pm RUMBLE THROUGH THE DARK July 5, Crave 11:00pm
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