#Jamie fucking tart
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dear-reader-letters · 10 months ago
Possible Editions to the List of Characters
Hello Dear Readers!
I have been thinking about adding to my list of characters in the coming months. I have been contemplating adding the following
-Ted Lasso (Ted Lasso)
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-Roy Kent (Ted Lasso)
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-Jamie Tartt (Ted Lasso)
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-Sam Obisanya (Ted Lasso)
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-Tony Stark (Marvel)
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-Natasha "Phoenix" Trace (Top Gun: Maverick)
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-Ron Weasley (Harry Potter)
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-Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter)
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-Fred or George Weasley (Harry Potter)
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-Harry Potter (Harry Potter)
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-Angus MacGyver (2016 MacGyver)
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If these new additions interest you please let me know by commenting or messaging me! I want to create quality letters and don't want to spread myself too thin but If there seems to be interest in characters I can add them to my list.
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pyroteapot · 2 years ago
The second of Jamie Tartt’s guides to Amsterdam from the AFC Richmond twitter here
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somethingserious · 2 years ago
depression as soul impotence is the most valid description i’ve ever heard
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tenderhooked · 2 years ago
the football kiddos au, or, as i will now be calling it: The Adventures of Angry Caterpillars and His Jam Tart. everybody say thank you keeley for your incomprehensible dialogue patterns!
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dreamsandconstellations · 2 years ago
Roy definitely tagged along to Brazil
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le-clair-de-lune · 7 months ago
For my lovely anon from this request: "jealous!reader if james was to be flirted with? and like how james would react to it."
Hope you enjoy it!!
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"Who does she think she is?" you asked to no one in particular, you eyes trained on the hand of some bimbo who obviously doesn't understand personal space.
You had been looking for your boyfriend, wondering what had been taking so long, only to find him... preoccupied.
Sirius is the first to notice the look you're sending across the room "Uh oh" he lets out causing the others to turn to you "Someone's jealous"
Your brows furrowed together as you tore your eyes away to look at him. "Who me?" you say baffled "Why would I be jealous? I am perfectly fine" you scoffed
"Your drink would say otherwise" Marlene smirks eyeing the crumpled cup in your hand.
Your eyes widen dropping the cup on the table next to you. "Shut up" you mumble.
Lily rolls her eyes "No need to be jealous, sweetheart. Everyone knows he's yours, practically walks around with 'property of y/n' stamped on him"
"Listen here, Red" you start "I'm not jealous, got it?" you say pouring yourself another drink
Jealous pfft why would you be jealous? You are in a perfectly secure relationship with the most loyal man in the world, how could you be jealous?
The others brows raise in response, "Surrre you're not" Remus says taking a puff of his cigarette.
"I'm not! Who would I be jealous of huh? Blondie over there? The one who's been eyeing James from across the room the whole time? The one who had his quidditch number on her cheek during the game? The daft, dense, mindless little tart who is currently trying to make a move on my boyfriend" you let out with a sarcastic smile "Puhlease, I am totally unbothered"
"Riiight" Sirius is the first to speak the rest looking at you amused. "Well then good thing you're unbothered because looks like she's getting comfortable over there"
In an instant you're out of your seat, heading over there. Leaving behind a smirking group of friends.
"Anyone got popcorn?" Peter asks leaning back in his seat, ready to watch the event unfold.
James had just wanted a drink, now he was stuck with some random Hufflepuff girl whose name he couldn't be bothered to remember. Molly? Polly? who cares?? She was becoming way to touchy for him to care.
"Uh yeah" James nodded agreeing to whatever she had been saying whilst trying to shift away.
James' sense of discomfort eases when he sees you making his way over to him. His lips parting as he takes you in. You looked really fucking hot. You were wearing his extra jersey which, with the help of magic, you had made bigger and cinched in all the right places to create a dress. A dress that left James drooling the moment he saw you this morning, not only did it accentuate your curves but it brandished his name. Everyone knew you were his girl and Merlin did he love it.
"Hi darl-" he was cut off but your lips pressing into his. Your fingers threading through his hair tugging softly, whilst pressing closer to him. James hummed in delight pulling you into him his hands travelling down to your ass, paying no mind to girl awkwardly watching the scene. This was not the greeting he was expecting, but who was he to complain?
When you finally pulled away you giggled at his dazed state, straightening his glasses and wiping the lip gloss from his lips as he looked at you with glossy eyes.
The girl coughed, turning your attention to her “Oh sorry! did I interrupt something?” you exclaimed in faux surprise, smiling at the obviously irritated girl.
“Yes actually” she scoffed “Me and Jamie were just making hogsmeade plans, weren’t we?” she pouted looking towards him, only to find him watching you with wide eyes and a stupidly adorable smile.
Jamie? The. Fucking. Audacity.
“Oh were you?” you smirked stroking the back of James’ head “Is that true, my love?” you sent him a soft smile.
“Huh?” he murmured letting his eyes trail over your body.
You couldn’t help out but let out a laugh watching the girl scowl.
“Jamie” you gained his attention cupping his cheek.
“It’s rude to not respond baby, she’s asking you something”
“Oh” he blinked “ What was the question?” he asked keeping his eyes on you.
“Whatever” The girl scoffed walking away.
James payed her no mind, pulling you back into him kissing over your face.
“You. Look. Fucking. Ethereal.” he emphasized kissing you after each word
“Mhmm could’ve seen me in something better if you weren’t distracted” you teased, pouting as you trailed a finger down his chest.
James’ head filled with ideas of what that ‘something better’ his breath catching before he caught up with your words.
“Mhm with that girl” you say eyes drifting to the Hufflepuff, who was still watching, complaining to her friends.
James smirked as he saw the look of disgust on your face. Were you jealous?
"Find something amusing?" you raised a brow, pulling away "Were you having a nice time her?"
"With Polly?" James chuckled "I couldn't give a shit about her, love."
"I thought her name wa-"
"Who gives a fuck?" James deadpanned pulling you back into him "Why would I care about her when I've got all this" he reasoned running his hands over your body. "As if she could compare to my sexy goddess of a girlfriend"
You couldn't help but smile all your worries washing away, you leaned up whispering in his ear "Yeah well your sexy girlfriend has a present for her champion boyfriend" kissing under his ear before continuing "A red lacy present"
James groaned, his pants tightened as he burrowed his head into your neck. "I should make you jealous more often"
" 'm not jealous" you roll your eyes
"Whatever you say princess"
You locked eyes with the girl over his shoulder, smirking as he kissed at your neck.
So maybe you were jealous? It doesn't matter. Because at the end of the day, your sex god boyfriend only had eyes for you.
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crazyk-imagine · 2 years ago
Jamie’s Training Coach
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Pairing: Jamie Tart x Fem!Reader
Characters: Jamie Tartt, Fem!Reader, Roy Kent, Zava (briefly mentioned)
Warnings: Cursing (it’s Ted Lasso, don’t be surprised), Jamie being half naked, Roy being Roy, the coaching scenes, Reader wanting to hurt Roy, sexual innuendos from Jamie, Roy and reader are low key besties
Word Count: 993
A/N: Y’all already know what happened but I loved it so much... I’ve re-discovered my love for Jamie. That’s all. 
The beginning of training
When Roy offered to coach Jamie at Sam's restaurant, you were surprised (but happy with their now forming friendship, even if neither of them wants to admit it). And then when it first happened, you couldn't believe that Roy was actually at the door. You smacked Jamie's arm at the sound of the banging on the front door. He does not move in the least bit, barely moves an inch (the prick, who you love... not right now though).
And you do it again, to which he whines. "Why are you hitting my arm?" He grabs your hand, holding it against his chest, not wanting to get injured any further.  You groan, squeezing your eyes shut even tighter. "Answer the door."   "Darling, if you keep hitting me, it's going to lead to a punishment which will make me miss my beauty sleep." "Go answer the door or else I'm kicking you to the couch." "I'm not a fucking dog." The knocks are louder and louder as he talks back. "Door, now." He grumbles and slowly pushes himself out of bed, rubbing his eye along the way. "Put pants on." "No, you know I get hot." "I get it, but you don't need to show your cock to the world." "Why? You going to get jealous?" "I don't think an early morning nap at a jail cell is something either of us want." You slowly push yourself out of bed to follow him while putting on Jamie's favorite hoodie (for you) to wear.
- You rub your eyes, "Who the fuck is at the-" you squint, not sure if you're seeing things correctly. "Roy?" "Fucking hell," Jamie mutters. "Hello, I'm going to... say sorry to you for waking you up but he needs coaching." He drops his arm, after staring at his watch. "All right, let's go." "It's four a.m.," your boyfriend points out. "Yeah," Roy nods. "We start at four a.m." "I thought you were joking." "How is that a joke?" "'Cause it's four a.m." "We start at four, so you can do three workouts a day instead of two." He rubs his eye and sighs. "Okay, but it's four a.m." "Do you want to be better than Zava or not?" You roll your eyes, now realizing what this is about. Jamie sighs, "well, how are we gonna see? It's dark out." Sometimes you’re proud of how observant your boyfriend is... right now, not so much. Roy puts on his headlamp, blinding the two of you. "Fucking hell." "Ah, shit. Roy." You put your hand in front of your face. "Turn that fucking thing off." "No. Now get dressed or I start flicking your balls." He scrunches his nose, turning around. "This is perverse." 
Roy glances down at Jamie’s bare bottom, the light of his headlamp making it obvious. 
You snicker because you know this is not what he was expecting to see... until his light blinds you. "I don't like you right now, Roy." "Yeah, I'm not proud of me either. Neither of you are wearing any fucking pants." You pout, fiddling with the end of the hoodie. "I have shorts on, they’re just... very short. I'm not going flash you like Jam-Jam." Roy lowers his face with raised brows. "Jam-Jam?" "Stop talking to him and go back to bed, love!" -
During the training "Why do you only sleep with a top on?" "I get cold upstairs and hot downstairs." Roy nods, "I get that." "It's a stupid excuse for him to get laid. Don't listen to him, Roy." Jamie throws up and his "coach" greets the passer byer. "I thought you went to bed," he groans.   "I did." You push yourself off the bench and hold a bottle of water out for him, while rubbing his back. "But I also know that your body has yet to get used to "Roy Kent's training course". I have to make sure I'll have a boyfriend to come home to me." Roy rolls his eyes when he sees that you've given him a hard stare.  
Once Jamie's gotten used to training
He is all prepared to go next time, which annoys you. "Don't wake me up. I'm gonna get eyes bags," you whine. He chuckles, sitting on your side of the bed with his hand on your hip. "Since when did you care about that?" You flip onto your other side, so you can face him. "Since I've been dating a cocky little shit who likes to train at four in the morning." He chuckles. "You love it." You slowly open your eyes and crack a smile. "Not right now. Go get downstairs and take your phone with you." "I'm not a child." "In case you need to escape from Roy." "You know me so well, darling." He leans down to kiss you until he’s interrupted.  The pounding on the door traumatizes you. “Go, now.”
"Come on, Tartt! One more before dinner!" "That's your cue, Jam-Jam." "I told you to stop calling me that," he tells you with a smile. "And we both know, I won't." He pecks your cheek and lips before running downstairs. Jamie opens the door immediately, heavily breathing with his headlamp already on. "Let's go, Coach." He runs by Roy. Roy puts his on and takes off. "He better come back in one piece, Kent! Or you have to deal with me!" "He'll live to fuck you another day."
Your neighbors shout at you. 
“Shut up and go to sleep! Some people have to work!” You shout back to shut them up. 
“She doesn’t scare you when she shouts like that?” Roy asks, always finding it amusing when you shout at people. 
“Nah,” Jamie shakes his head. “It’s cute. She’s like an angry bunny.” 
You shake your head, after checking on them one last time, before locking the door and going back to bed to play on your phone while you wait for your boyfriend to return.
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nameless-jamie · 27 days ago
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Glimpse Into the Future - Jamie Tartt x fem!PA reader
A/N: Small chapter. Baby TART DU DU DUDU DUDU
TW: cursing, small angst
Y/N sat on the edge of the bathtub, staring at the little stick in her hands as if sheer willpower could change the result.
Two lines.
With Jamie Tartt’s baby.
Her heart pounded so hard it felt like it might break through her ribs. This wasn’t part of the plan. Not yet. Sure, she and Jamie had been together for a while now, and she loved him more than she thought was even possible—but a baby? A whole fucking human? Inside of her?
She set the test down on the sink and raked her hands through her hair, sucking in a breath. Panic curled in her stomach like a tight fist. Jamie was wonderful—so fucking wonderful—but he was also Jamie. The same Jamie Tartt who once tried to make toast in the microwave, who got distracted by his own reflection mid-conversation, who could barely remember to feed himself if she wasn’t around to remind him. Would he feed our baby protein bars?
But then, another image surfaced—Jamie with Roy's niece Phoebe, letting her paint his nails bright pink and calling it ‘well fashion-forward, innit?’ Jamie bringing extra snacks to training because ‘Sam likes ‘em, and he shares his protein bars with me.’ Jamie kneeling in the stands after a match, signing a kid’s tiny Richmond jersey and asking if they liked football like he wasn’t the reason they were beaming up at him in awe.
Jamie Tartt, who loved loudly, deeply, without hesitation.
Y/N exhaled, tension slipping from her shoulders.
Because of course Jamie would be excited. Of course he’d love this baby. He was the love of her fucking life, and no matter how much of an idiot he could be sometimes, she knew with absolute certainty that he would be a good dad.
So, yeah. He deserved a proper surprise.
And she knew just how to do it.
Jamie walked into their flat, tossing his bag onto the floor with a loud thud.
"Oi, babe," he called, stretching. "Long fuckin’ day. Roy was on my arse the whole time—‘Jamie, don’t be a dickhead. Jamie, stop posin’ in the mirror—’"
He stopped mid-sentence when he noticed Y/N standing in the kitchen, grinning at him. Like she just won the Champions League.
On the counter in front of her was a small yellow box, wrapped neatly with a bow.
Jamie tilted his head. "What’s this? For me?"
"Open it," Y/N said, biting back a smile.
Jamie smirked. "If this is a prank, you’re losin’ your job. I have the authority to do that, you know."
Y/N rolled her eyes. "Just open it, Tartt."
Jamie grinned, untying the ribbon before pulling out—
A tiny, tiny baby-sized Richmond jersey.
With ‘TARTT’ written across the back and a '9', Jamie's kit number.
Jamie blinked.
Then, he snorted.
"Aww, babe, this is cute. Is this for—wait what, are we gettin' a puppy or somethin’?"
Y/N just stared at him.
Jamie, still clueless, twirled the jersey between his fingers. "Bit small, innit? Think they printed it wrong—"
Y/N sighed dramatically. "Jamie."
He looked up. "What?"
Y/N placed a hand on her stomach.
Jamie blinked again.
Then, finally—finally—it clicked.
His eyes went wide.
Y/N raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to catch up.
Jamie pointed at her stomach. "Wait."
Y/N nodded, holding back laughter.
Jamie pointed at the tiny jersey. "Wait."
Y/N sighed. "Jamie, you absolute idiot, I’m pregnant!"
There was a beat of silence.
Then, Jamie let out a loud, delighted, absolutely overjoyed—
Y/N burst out laughing as Jamie grabbed her by the waist, lifting her clean off the ground, spinning her around like a lunatic.
"JAMIE!" she shrieked between giggles. "PUT ME DOWN!"
But Jamie was grinning like an idiot, pressing messy, rapid kisses all over her face.
"You’re havin’ my baby," he said, in pure, awed disbelief. "Are you sure? You can't fuck with me right now, I'm goin' t'cry for real."
Y/N smiled. "Yeah, idiot. I am."
Jamie kissed her again, slower this time, hands settling on her waist.
"You’re fucked now, y’know," he murmured, grinning against her lips. "Baby Tartt’s gonna be an absolute menace. You're stuck with me, love."
Y/N smirked and shrugged. "Like father, like child."
Jamie laughed, resting his forehead against hers.
"Guess I should start baby-proofin’ the house," he joked.
Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Jamie, you’re still not baby-proofed yourself."
Jamie gasped, placing a hand over his heart. "Unbelievable."
Y/N grinned. "Guess I’ve got two Tartts to look after now."
Jamie smirked, pressing another kiss to her lips.
"Yep. And you love it." Y/N's smile was one of fullfillment.
Jamie sighed. "No, but for real babe, I'm goin' to cry now. Can you get me some tissues? M'gonna lose it, I'm gonna be a fuckin' dad."
"Oh, yeah, sure I'll go get 'em"
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tarttheart · 1 year ago
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summary: you pick up knitting and Jamie could not be more supportive.
word count: 1.4k
warnings: language
The first time you made anything for Jamie, it was a plain pair of socks in a sandy beige colour. It was nothing fancy and you were certain one side was longer than the other. It had been a long time since you last knit so you were just happy to have finished something after impulsively picking up some yarn and needles again after work one day. Work had been manic and you were looking for something to help you unwind each night. Picking up the needles again just seemed right.
“I love them. Babe, these are fucking amazing,” Jamie proclaimed.
You probably would not have believed Jamie solely based on his words but his awestruck expression spoke heaps to how he felt. And, if that had not been enough, watching him proudly pull them on in the morning to wear to Nelson Road was all the proof you needed that the man was knit-worthy.
Knitted socks were not the most common sight around Nelson Road, especially not on one Jamie Tartt. Sports socks had long been his sock of choice until recently. While the beige socks had gotten a couple of curious looks, it was nothing too peculiar given how temperatures had dropped in the past week or so. It seemed a simple and effective solution to keeping warm, so effective that a few others decided to jump on the bandwagon.
“My toes feel like they’re at the beach in Chacala. I can hear the waves calling,” Dani quipped the first time he tried wearing woolly socks to training.
“Me too, boyo, it doesn’t even matter I look like I’m wearing my granddad’s socks,” Colin agreed.
You had gotten hooked on knitting hats. After making yourself three in the span of a month, you were on the hunt for more heads to make beanies for. Luckily, Jamie kindly volunteered and even got involved with the process, choosing a bold, variegated yarn for his beanie. It took no time at all and within a week of casting on, Jamie was rocking his new headwear at Nelson Road.
It was definitely an unusual sight, not seeing an ICON cap atop Jamie’s head but with how chilly it had been, no one thought too much about it.
“I didn’t realise you wore beanies,” Keeley commented one day as she passed him in the hallway.
“Fuck yeh, I do now,” Jamie replied.
“Looks good,” Keeley offered and Jamie practically bounced away much to Keeley’s amusement.
He came home to tell you about how good your beanies looked and it had to be true because Keeley said so and Keeley knows all about fashion.
“Babe, babe, I think you could fucking sell these and making a fucking fortune,” Jamie continued excitedly and you laughed.
Following the success of the first pair of socks, you knew another pair had to be made. It took a little while but when you chanced upon a yarn colourway called “Tart”, you were sold. Sure, it probably was not a colour in Jamie’s usual colour palette but it was a nice wine colour that you were confident he would look good in regardless.
The last pair of socks had been a real plain vanilla pair of socks and having had a little more practice now, you were ready to dive into something more textured for Jamie’s second pair of socks.
You were pretty proud of the end product and you swore Jamie lit up brighter than the New York City skyline when you handed them over. He had been eagerly awaiting their completion, watching you like a hawk each night and trying to figure out when you would have them done. One pair of woolly socks just was not enough to satisfy the man now that he had gotten a taste of toasty toes.
Jamie gave you no time or opportunity to wash the socks before he wore them. He needed these socks in his life right away and you were happy to oblige. Jamie excitedly wore his socks to Nelson Road the next day which caught a few more eyes this time. Afterall, it was even more of an unusual look for Jamie.
“Pretty sure those are hand knitted,” Bumbercatch commented from across the locker room one day as the resident knitting know-it-all.
“Yeh, his mum probably made it for him, bruv,” Issac said dismissively.
It had been a fair guess. Afterall, no one knew you existed. You were a naturally private person and you knew all that came with being Jamie’s girlfriend. What if it didn’t last and you had to then deal with all the fallout? Jamie understood and you agreed you two could go semi-public after Christmas if you guys were still together then. While Jamie had initially been disappointed, he came to really enjoy having something that was truly his. No media, no team chatter.
Jamie decided he had been benefitting too much from your new hobby without properly compensating you for your time and effort. Remembering that Bumbercatch was an avid knitter, Jamie stopped him one day seeking advice on tools he could get you to further your craft.
“What would you get as a present for a knitter?” Jamie asked Bumbercatch after everyone else had emptied from the locker room.
“Yarn is always good. There’s local yarn shop a few blocks away that has a good selection and they have some good tools too,” Bumbercatch offered.
With Christmas round the corner, Bumbercatch did not think much about it. Based on what he had been led to believe, Jamie was likely buying something for his mum.
It had been a real labour of love. When Jamie had presented you with a beyond generous amount on a gift card and a set of fancy interchangeable needles, you knew you had to go big for his Christmas present. It had been a little hard to hide all the balls of yarn you had had to buy. It was even trickier trying not to make his present in front of him because you knew you would crack and tell him what it was the moment he gave you his big adoring eyes. But, all the late nights spent knitting out of Jamie’s sight and afternoons spent hiding in cafes to knit had been worth it.
“Babe, you fucking made this?”
You had been so excited to present him your pièce de résistance you were practically vibrating as he held up the cream cabled sweater vest. You knew it was not his usual look but it felt special making something not basic for Jamie.
“I know it’s not exactly the Jamie Tartt style but I wanted to do something more instead of just a basic knit. I would’ve made you a sweater but I didn’t want the sweater curse to come true so I thought maybe a vest would be a good loophole? You don’t have to wear it out or at a—…”
Jamie did not let you finish blabbering because he grabbed your face to plant an appreciative kiss on your lips.
“I’m fucking wearing this everywhere, love, this thing is fucking magic,” Jamie proclaimed and you were not quite sure what he meant by magic but you appreciated the thought anyway.
The first day back at training after Christmas had most buzzing. It was always nice and energizing to have a good break with loved ones, whether it was spent with their own families or Higgins’. But, when Jamie walked in in his cozy cream cabled sweater vest like he was in a hallmark movie, the whole facility stilled.
“Morning, lads,” Jamie greeted, paying no attention to way the room had quietened after his entry.
Bumbercatch nudged Colin who stood next to him, “I think Jamie has a girlfriend.”
“What’s got you thinking that, boyo?”
“That vest. It’s a recent release online by a big knitwear designer. It’s not a mum pattern. See?”
Colin and Isaac looked at the page on Bumbercatch’s phone and he was right. The vest Jamie was wearing looked almost identical to the one in the photo.
“It could—…”
Sick of all the speculations, Isaac turned and yelled out to Jamie, “BRUV!”
“Yea, man? What’s got your knickers in a twist?”
“Your vest. Who made it?”
“Oh,” Jamie paused for a moment before remembering that Christmas had passed and it was now safe for him to answer, “me girlfriend. She’s a fucking knitting genius.”
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makethatelevenrings · 2 years ago
Somewhere Only We Know - THREE
Chapter Warnings: swearing, spoilers for 2x02
series masterlist
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You were so engrossed in searching for an audio for this TikTok that when a knock sounded on your door, you nearly launched your phone in surprise. A guy with a young face and big brown eyes peeked around your door and let out a quiet greeting.
“I didn’t mean to scare you,” he said.
“No, no. No scaring at all,” you exclaimed. “You must be Colin Hughes.”
He was the first player on your list to meet with to discuss social media plans. Keeley helped you set up an online calendar that she sent out to every player with your information and the instructions to pick out a meeting time. Most players opted to do it before or after training which meant you had a few hours of work in between meeting with everyone.
“Come in,” you said. “I know you all are on strict diets but I baked these yesterday. It won’t break my heart if you can’t have one, that just leaves more for me and Keeley.”
A tray of cupcakes sat on the table next to your desk. You had baked them in a flurry of inspiration last night. A mixture of vanilla and chocolate cupcakes, you piped on green frosting and then black and white frosting to represent the ball. It was cute, in your opinion, but you hadn’t posted anything until after the players saw them so you could know if it was embarrassing or not.
“Oh, wicked,” Colin exclaimed. He took a vanilla cupcake and then settled himself in the plush office chair on the other side of your desk. “These are fucking amazing.”
“Thank you. Now, this doesn’t have to be a super formal conversation, y’know? I took a gander at everyone’s profiles and saw that you’re really passionate about Welsh independence.”
“Is that an issue?” He looked a bit sheepish and you shook your head.
“Nah, if anything it makes you more personable. My only issue would be if you’re a fascist fuck, but I don’t think that’s part of Plaid Cymru’s platform, right?”
A grin grew on his face and you laughed. “Listen, Hughes, I might be a social media manager, but I’m not dumb.”
“Didn’t think you were but it’s nice to know for sure.” His phone buzzed and he glanced down at it, the corners of his lips tugging down into a frown. You immediately caught onto his attitude shift and titled your head to the side.
“Something wrong?” you asked. He shrugged and pocketed his phone before crossing his arms over his chest.
“Nah, just some stuff with the team.”
“And my job is to know what’s going on with the team,” you pointed out. “So spill.”
Colin sighed and pulled his phone out once more. He pulled something up on the screen and then passed it over to you. A photo of Coach Lasso seated with the one and only Jamie Tartt was on the screen. Oh. Was Lasso asking him back on the team?
“When Tartt was last year, he was a right fucking tart. I wanted to be liked so I went along with it sometimes, but he was a knob to me too. I like coach, but I don’t know what he’s thinking.”
You handed his phone back to him and shrugged. “Just because he might be coming back doesn’t mean you have to act any differently. If you were a knob, I’d have called you out the second you walked into my office. Are you really going to let one guy ruin the person you’ve become?”
He considered your words for a moment and then nodded. “Thanks, yeah. I guess I needed to hear that.”
Sitting back with a victorious smile on your lips, you turned your attention back to your desktop which had his Instagram pulled up. “Now, let’s talk about your social media presence. You post frequently and have great engagement with fans, which is perfect. Keeley gave me the list of desired sponsorships so while she puts pressure on their marketing teams, I’m going to come up with a plan to make your accounts appeal to their brand. How does that sound?”
“Good, good. Can you show me how to do reels? Isaac said mine look like shit.”
“Bold words for a man who livetweets every episode of Bridgerton.”
Two days later, you found yourself bundling up in AFC Richmond gear thanks to the bitterly cold temperatures outside. Of course, today was the day you started photographing practice for social media. While Keeley sat inside the warm offices, you were forced into going outside. The blonde promised hot cocoa when you returned, ordered on the company card, so you readily agreed to freezing your nose off. Maybe the cold would help you stay awake too.
What had started as a night of planning out your next round of posts and recipes turned into cyberstalking Jamie Tartt. There were pages dedicated to fans ooing and ahhing over his skills on and off the field. Yet every single interview you saw of his showed just how truly egotistical the man was. It seemed as though he was incapable of discussing anything other than himself, whether it was boasting about his soccer skills or how he pulls women.
You had to admit that his soccer skills were pretty fucking good, even based on your limited knowledge of the game. One video of Jamie Tartt’s best plays turned into two and then it was one in the morning and you needed to be up at seven. Fuck.
That’s how you found yourself here, in the tunnel leading out to the Racetrack. Your breath puffed out in visible clouds against the frosty winter air and you grimaced. This was going to be the longest two hours of your life.
“Ah, fuck,” you murmured as you tried to remove the cap from your camera lens. The bright AFC Richmond blue and red gloves that Higgins gave you were incredibly warm, but the fleece made it hard to maneuver things. The cap popped off and promptly fell to the ground, landing at your feet.
“Fucking fabulous,” you huffed. You bent down to grab it but a hand already enclosed around the small piece of plastic. Standing back up to your full height, you came face to face with the one and only Jamie Tartt. He extended the cap towards you and you grasped it, feeling the warmth he emanated through your gloves.
“Thanks,” you said shortly. “Back at it, then? Good luck.”
“I don’t need luck,” he replied, almost as if it were a reflex. You raised an eyebrow at his conceited response and shrugged.
“Alright then, choke for all I care.”
With that, you glided past Jamie and out onto the turf to start taking photos. You had no time or energy to worry about him and his ego. The sooner you got all the photos you needed, the sooner you could get into the warm stadium once more.
Tag List: @shiptheship​ @teigo-the-explorer​ @geeksareunique​ @queenofthekill​ @actuallybarb​ @for-fucks-sake-im-alive @maggiecc​ @alipap3​
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saywhatjessie · 3 months ago
Wrap it in a Sigh
Advent Calendar Day 8! (prompts by @raven-cincaide-words) Today’s prompts: Candy Cane Tasting | Shop Assistant | Hugs Fandom: Ted Lasso - Pairing: RoyJamie 2.2k[Ao3]
Roy would never understand why they hadn’t done things like this when Ted was still manager. Ted would have loved this shit. Ted would have had the press eating out of his fans.
But no, Ted was in America, and Roy was manager and Keeley had slated him to do a candy cane tasting at a confectionary shop for youtube.
For some fucking reason.
“Cheer up, Royo!” Jamie said, bouncing in his seat. “Look how cute this shop is!” Roy grunted, non committedly. “And,” Jamie continued, holding up his finger in offering. “When we come back with Phoebe you’ll know all the best things for her to try.”
Roy grunted again, more allowing, and Jamie grinned.
On paper, Jamie was here because he was one of Richmond’s top players and certainly a frontman for the franchise. But Roy knew that Keeley had really invited him here because Jamie’s presence was the only way they were getting any half-decent footage out of Roy.
“All right boys, we’re rolling!” Keeley called gripping her sparkly pink clipboard next to the cameraman. “Please say hello and introduce yourselves. Roy first.”
Roy grunted, adjusting himself in his seat and sitting up straighter. He cleared his throat and looked at the camera.
“Hello,” he started, fighting not to wince at how gravelly his voice sounded. “I’m Roy Kent, manager for AFC Richmond.”
“And I’m Jamie Tartt!” Jamie crowed, shooting a finger gun at the camera. “And we’re here at Mr Simm's Olde Sweet Shop to try some candy canes.”
“You didn’t tell them who you are, you muppet.”
“Yeah, I did! I said I’m Jamie Tartt!”
“You’re Jamie Tartt and you play for AFC Richmond.”
Jamie rolled his eyes. “Everyone already knows that, Grandad. You could have just said ‘I’m Roy Kent’ if you wanted – everyone knows who you fuckin’ are.”
“No swearing!” Keeley said, behind the camera.
Jamie winced. “Sorry, Keeley, he called to her, turning an incredulous face back to Roy. “How’d I get yelled at for swearing before you?”
Roy grinned, sitting a bit taller. “Well I’m a fucking professional.”
Jamie laughed. 
The shop assistant came into frame, wearing a confectionary white chef’s coat and a candy striped apron.
“Here’s our first round of candy canes,” she said, smiling at Jamie. “These are our traditional flavors.”
“Mint, thanks, love,” Jamie said, winking at her. Roy just nodded his thanks.
“Okay, what have we got here?” Jamie said, spinning the tray toward himself so he could read the labels. “Okay, first off we got classic peppermint.”
Roy grunted, picking it up and licking it. “Yeah. Peppermint. It’s a fucking candy cane.”
“Can’t go long with a classic,” Jamie said, sucking it into his mouth. It released with a small pop. “Weren’t these meant to be Jesus’s shepherd’s crook?”
“How the fuck should I know?” Roy said, snatching Jamie’s candy cane. “I’ve never met the man.”
Jamie laughed, letting Roy take his candy. “For viewers at home, Roy is Jewish.”
“Yeah, and these candy fucks aren’t kosher, so don’t be like me. Be a better Jew and buy from Hammond’s.”
“But everyone else, come here!”
“Right, we’re supposed to be promoting and shit.”
Keeley sighed, off camera. “Roy? Language?”
Roy huffed. “Sorry, Keeley.”
Jamie chuckled, picking up the next candy cane. “Next we’ve got strawberry, I think.”
“Strawberry?” Roy said, picking his up. It was red and white striped like the last one but in two bold stripes instead of the classic double pattern. “That’s a bit summery, innit?”
Jamie hummed. “I feel like we had strawberry tarts on holidays.”
“Well, you’ve always had tarts, Tartt.” Jamie snickered and Roy smirked. “Well, alright.”
He stuck the cane in his mouth, getting a good taste of the flavor before pulling it back out.
“I like it,” Jamie decided. “It’s kind of subtle – not too sweet. It really gives strawberry.”
Roy hummed, appraising the candy cane. “It kind of tastes like a hard Twizzler.”
“Roy!” Jamie laughed. “Be nice, mate.”
“That is nice!” Roy said. “Everybody fucking loves Twizzlers.”
Jamie rolled his eyes, pulling his candy cane back on the tray. Roy took one more spiteful lick before doing the same.
“Sour cherry,” Roy announced, plucking up the next candy cane and unceremoniously shoving it in his mouth. He pulled it away almost instantly, mouth puckered. “Oh, fuck.”
“It’s nice!” Jamie said, taking a moment to swirl his own candy cane around his mouth. “Really flavorful. And it’s smooth, too, not too grainy.”
“What is wrong with you?” Roy marveled. “Who are you enjoying pain?”
Jamie shrugged. “Dunno. But it’s not like it’s new. I spend time with you, don’t I?”
Roy snorted, shaking his head. He took another absent lick of the candy cane before remembering. “Ah, fuck!”
“So stop eating it!” Jamie laughed.
“Fine!” he said, dropping the candy cane back on the tray. “Let’s move on.”
“Well, look here, these look Kent-worthy!” Jamie said, lifting up the next candy cane. “We’ve got black stripes and all!”
Roy rolled his eyes. “That’s not black, it’s clearly umber.”
“You have worn this color before.”
“Yeah, sometimes I like to mix it up!”
Jamie laughed, handing Roy his candy cane. They both sucked on them.
“Oh, that’s quite good,” Roy said, sticking it back in his mouth.
“Cola,” Jamie told him around his own candy cane. “It’s really nice.”
“Can we be done?” Roy asked Keeley. “Can’t we just have these?”
“No, that’s not the video,” she reminded him, patiently. “You have to try all of them. But I’ll get a box of these to take with us.”
Roy frowned and turned to see Jamie pouting, the candy cane still sticking out of his mouth.
He huffed, yanking out Jamie’s candy cane and dropping it to the tray, along with his own.
“Last of the normal ones,” Roy announced, squinting as he read the placard. “Tutti Frutti.”
Jamie barked a surprised laugh. “Sorry, mate, what was that?”
Roy turned to him, saying it again. “Tutti Fruity.”
“One more time?”
“Tuttu fru-oh fuck you!”
Jamie cackled and Keeley shot Roy a reprimanding look. Roy gestured at Jamie like ‘Why aren’t you yelling at him?’ and Keeley rolled her eyes, waving at him to keep going.
He just grunted, because a grunt is not a swear and he couldn’t guarantee he would say anything without swearing, and grabbed the candy cane off the tray.
He stuffed it in his mouth, humming in approval.
“It’s nice,” he said. “My niece would love this one.”
“She would, Jamie agreed, his own candy cane popping out of his mouth. “I like the colors.”
“You would,” Roy snapped. “Your fashion sense is tragic.”
“Pink and green is normal!”
“Yeah, for a candy cane, not a grown man.”
“If anything, my judging your fashion sense is more gay.”
Jamie cackled again and Roy smiled to himself, pleased, before turning back to the camera.
He held up the candy cane. “Good.” He put it down and gestured to the assistant. “Next tray, please.”
The shop assistant – Roy actually looked at her nametag. Grace. –  brought in the next tray, smiling at Jamie and Jamie smiled back. Roy grunted, nodding at her again.
“These are our novelty canes,” she explained. Some are seasonal, some we just break out for guests.”
“Ominous,” Roy said. Jamie hummed, reading over some of the labels. His eyes went wide.
Gracet had started to walk away but Jamie called after her. “Oy, some of these are seasonal!?” He said. “Like you’ve brought some of these back?”
Grace didn’t turn back but Roy caught her laughing as she head into the back room.
Curiously, he looked at the tray.
“Jalapeño?” He asked. “Gravy? What the fuck?”
“Might as well, jump in,” Jamie said, cheerfully handing Roy one of the gravy candy canes. “Sooner we get through these, sooner we can get back to the cola ones.”
Roy grimaced but reluctantly agreed.
The gravy candy canes were weird. The jalepeño ones were actually pretty good, even while Roy fanned his mouth. He was never any good with spice.
Sour cream and onion were next, Roy tilted his head, frowning in contemplation.
“Confusing,” he decided. “But not unpleasant.”
Jamie muttered low enough the mics wouldn’t pick it up. “Title of your sex tape” and Roy shoved him off his chair.
The last of the novelty canes was pickle flavored.
“I’m so conflicted,” Roy said, staring mournfully at the candy cane. “My jewish love of pickles and my human hatred of food abominations are at war.”
“Well, taste it before you decide it’s an abomination.” Jamie said, picking up and sniffing his own candy cane. “You might love it.”
Roy hummed, giving the pickle candy cane a tentative lick.
He hummed again and took a massive bite.
Jamie laughed in surprise. “Coach!”
“It’s pretty good,” Roy said, still chewing. He knew the loud crunching was probably making hell for the sound engineers. “More sugary than dill pickle chips but really not as bad as I was afraid of.”
Jamie was still laughing. 
“You’re insane.” He popped the candy cane in his mouth and his eyes widened as he nodded, consideringly.  “It's not bad, though, yeah.”
Roy hummed, vindicated.
The assistant, Grace, came out one more time with a cloche.
“Ooh, fancy!” Jamie crowed, clapping at the sight of the silver dome. 
“Yeah, we have a grand reveal for you here, but first–”
Grace set down the cloche and reached into her apron pocket, pulling out two more loosely wrapped candy canes.
“This one wasn’t on the tasting menu but we figured you’d get a kick out of it.”
“Ah, thank you, love! How kind,” Jamie said, grinning up at her and accepting the candy cane.
Roy grunted, accepting his own. “Yeah, thanks.”
She just smiled at them, clearly waiting for them to try it.
Roy took a lick and immediately stood up. “No,” he said, reaching to undo his mic. “No. Fuck this.”
Jamie stayed seated but his face was twisted in a truly spectacular way. “Oh, yeah, that’s sour.”
Grace laughed. “It’s our specialty. Black Death, ultra sour.”
“Grace, people died of Black Death!” Roy protested, drinking heavily from his water bottle.
She just laughed again, holding her hands up. “Okay! I’m sorry! I just really wanted to see what you would do.”
Roy growled and Jamie tugged him back into his seat. “Down, boy.”
Roy growled at him, too.
“Well,” Grace said, grinning, her hand going back to the cloche. “To thank you for coming to our shop and supporting our business, we wanted to present you with–” she pulled the top off to reveal red and blue striped candy canes, a thin ribbon of yellow curling around it. “-some specialty Richmond candy canes!”
Jamie gasped. “Wicked!” He picked one up and immediately licked it. “Ooh, it’s lemon!”
“Technically so are the Black Death ones!” Grace said, cheerfully. “Roy, won’t you try one?”
“Fuck no. I don’t trust you anymore.”
Keeley made an unhappy sound but Grave just seemed amused. “That’s alright. We’ve got some packed up for you to take back to the team, as well as a box of the cola ones for each of you.”
Roy nodded at her, accepting this bribe.
“And thank you so much,” Jamie said, reaching over to take her hands. “We really appreciate you having us.”
Roy just grunted again.
Jamie winked at him and turned back to the cameras. “So that’s been a candy cane tasting! Come down to Mr Simm's Olde Sweet Shop all through December to try these… delicious sweets.”
Roy laughed, looking at the camera himself. “From AFC Richmond, I’ve been Roy Kent, he’s been Jamie Tartt, and we’ll see you on the pitch.”
“Cut!” Keeley said, clapping her hands. “Beautiful! Oh, Roy, you do know how to make videos.”
“Yeah yeah yeah.” He rolled his eyes, finally finishing the job of taking his mic off. “Don’t ask me to do another one of these until at least March.
She winked at him. “No promises.”
He sighed.
Keeley wicked Grace away, probably to try and iron out details like how to credit the shop on social media and what tags to use. Roy didn’t care – he did his bit, now he wanted to go home.
He felt Jamie’s hand on his arm, leading him out of the shop. “Come on, Grandad, let’s get out of here.”
Roy grunted, gratefully, and put his hand on Jamie’s back as they left.
He took a deep breath of the wet London air, his face tilted up toward the rain.
“My belly is going to be a horror all evening,” Roy lamented. “Why were there spicy bits?”
Jamie snickered, bringing his arm around Roy’s waist so they were walking in a kind of half-hug. “I think it’ll be the sour cream and onion that’ll be your real problem, babe.”
“Sounds like more of your problem considering my mouth must taste utterly horrific.”
“I ate everything you ate,” Jamie shrugged. “My mouth is probably just as bad. ‘Sthat gonna stop you from kissing me?”
Roy grunted, taking a moment to pull Jamie into an alley.
Because no, it wasn’t. It really wasn’t.
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fanficfanattic · 1 year ago
I never looked at the aliases for the team on the wiki. I was just looking up Sam’s birthday, and got distracted. So saw his.
It has Sam’s nickname as “Pinky Dick”?!? What the fuck?
I have never experienced anyone using this.
Apparently I have because Akufo uses it. Which explains why I didn’t absorb it. But still…an alias?
(Nor Jamie’s but at least his makes sense. “Footballing Tart” with one t.)
And I am sure there was an episode where Arlo was wearing his new hat but Ted COLIN called him Ash. So I figured that would be on his but NOPE! (That’s the actor’s actual name so I can understand the mix-up but make it canon!!!)
Also I know the wiki isn’t the be all end all. I know it. But jfc.
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toxicroyjamie · 8 months ago
Jamie says “I’m Jamie fucking tart” the same way jack sparrow “I’m captain jack sparrow”
When you know you're the shit you know you're the shit!!!!
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tenderhooked · 1 year ago
Nothing makes my day better than hearing that chapter 4 of the football kiddos au is in progress 🔛🔝
nothing makes MY day better than hearing that YOUR day is better upon hearing that chapter 4 of football kiddos is in progress <3 in exchange, here! have a wippet!
As he stands again, he brings Jamie with him. If they don’t get him away from the patch of dandelions soon, they’ll be fucking about with wishes the rest of the day, and the thought of that is even less appealing than the thought of teaching Jamie how to make all the goals. He hoists Jamie onto his hip and faces Keeley, praying that the expression on his face is enough to signify the absolute fucking depths of his weariness. But Keeley, either not noticing or choosing to ignore it, chirps, “What’d you wish for, Royo?” “Can’t tell you,” says Roy. “I’ll be smited by the fucking fairy overlords. Do you want me to get smited by the fucking fairy overlords?” “I think it’s smote,” says Keeley. “Roy,” says Jamie, in tones of great exasperation, “s’no such thing as fairy overlords. The fairies’re nice and pick leaders demorally!” “What the fuck,” says Roy. “Do you mean democratically?” Keeley claps her hands together in front of her chest. “Aw, the jam tart’s gone anti-establishment!” She wipes a pretend tear from her eye. “They grow up so quickly.” “Where’d you learn about the democratic electoral process, you muppet,” Roy says to Jamie. “Mm.” Jamie scrunches up his nose. “Yesterday when you were taking forever in the bathroom I met this kid called Moe out in the hall and he told me all about it! And then he went away ’cause you were taking forever—” “I think you were taking forever in the bathroom,” Keeley remarks. “—and now maybe you’ll never ever meet him!” Jamie finishes. His tiny fingers curl into the front of Roy’s shirt, a light, gentle weight. The warmth of it blooms like a bud unfurling in the weak spring sun. Roy holds his next breath in his throat, not daring to move lest he destroy this fragile thing, and his own fingers tighten around Jamie’s stomach, keeping him close and safe.
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lottiepumpkinofficial · 4 months ago
18th-20th october!
chap’s 17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24
are you ready for a big one? (i got busy over the weekend so im catching up before i get even busier)
okay i like the name of the crematorium, it’s like even though he’s dead, the sweetness remains and so does his legacy
ellie stop it, you’re not helping anyone by making snarky comments like that
i like that lottie painted alfred, they had a little moment of bonding back at the house and i think it’s a sweet tribute that lottie did
i won’t lie, the twins’ grandfather is giving oppenheimer
deep chats 🩷
ani blushing while talking about coming out to her father is so real, when you’re in the closet and so scared of coming out it is such a big thing- it has the same level of significance of telling someone you’re in love with them, except more, especially when you’re that young and knowing a bad reaction is the difference between a life of convenience and money and everything you’ve ever known, and a life where you have to build everything up from scratch
it is a good thing you fucking royals, you literally both have terrible fathers and hate your family, you should be cheering lottie on for being brave enough to cut her terrible father off- something you both wish you could do (well jamie is debatable at this point but he’s seen the damage family can do)
okay jamie tone it back a bit, it’s not weird to tell her you’re proud of her but overprotective much?
jamie you’re being a hypocrite
harus got the gaydar on point (not that it’s hard to tell)
i can only imagine them pushing the hair in a very effeminate way which is hilarious for both jamie and ellie
the artistocracy members make me so so uncomfortable, it’s giving the goths that would bully you for being a “normie” in school (idk maybe that was just me)
ugh i fucking hate them, they’re so rude and creepy
bambi :(
generational trauma, lottie
i love binah being vulnerable in this way
autism, lottie
these two :(
because you shouldn’t have gotten the stupid tattoo that only serves to hurt you, ellie, the more you give into the voice in your head the more it will hurt
poor little rabbit :( if it’s already that hurt it’s so horrible to kick it under a bush to die :(
in up micky steals a strawberry from lottie’s cheesecake, and now he’s giving her a portion of his strawberry tart 🩷
ahhh finally my question is answered- there’s a laundry room and the students have to do it themselves
okay stephanie and max have redeemed themselves a tiny bit in my eyes
and here comes the confusing timeline
fucking hell
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its-moopoint · 2 years ago
Ted Lasso
I'm so happy to be on holidays and finally have been able to start watching this show. Good praise and totally deserved so far.
Quick general thoughts (beginning S2 right now, had Jamie Tart's rep pretend to call and offer him to Real Madrid 😂 and offered a reality show in Ibiza, maybe he can help hunt for SC's Spanish marriage certificate)
- I hate the colours for Richmond cause they are Barcelona's and you know I'm a huge Madridista.
- Great actors. There was a time I couldn't stand Sudeikis, couldn't get his friendship with Aniston but he plays good comedy.
- Annette Badland... wait a sec... I KNOW YOU!!
- Jamie Tart is supposed to be Cristiano Ronaldo ain't he?
- I won't be able to sing Baby shark to any of my nephews the correct way, ever again 🦈
- Hannah Wadd something is sexy as fuck. What is it about that woman?!?? 🔥
- I ship Roy and Keeley 🫶🏼
- watching it in original version so actually learning new football (soccer LOL) words which is pretty useful for me but I confess I don't understand half the words they (any of them are saying). I used to think american accent was easier for me than British but boy my ears are confused cause I really have trouble with them all.
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