#James Ironwood and Glynda Goodwitch
stanlunter · 2 years
When it's an adult ship >>>
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sasasafeier · 9 months
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arc-misadventures · 1 month
The Sorcerer’s Dark Magic
Bruised, battered, and bloody.
This was the sorry state of, Cinder Fall.
A member of, Salem’s inner circle had been identified whilst she was in, Vale. Beacon sent several of its highly trained, Hunter’s, and Atlas had also sent in members of its elite team of, Specialists to bring her in.
They had found her, and her cronies in the midst of a pack of, White Fang members lead by the murderous zealot, Adam Taurus.
The fight had been long, and bloody, costing the lives of several Hunters, Specialist, and many members of, Cinder’s entourage, along with scores of members of the, White Fang. Even the murderous zealot, Adam Taurus’s life was taken in the fight.
But, they won, and they had taken, Cinder Fall in alive. And, now it was time for her interrogation to begin.
An event that would scar many who whiteness the horrors about to be unleashed.
The door opened to reveal a trio standing before a one way mirror, they all turned, and nodded their greetings at the duo as they entered the room. Within the room there was the headmaster of, Beacon Academy, Ozpin. The deputy headmistress, Glynda Goodwitch. And, lastly there was a seasoned huntsman, and a drunkard named, Qrow Branwen.
Entering the room was, Headmaster of Atlas Academy, and General of the Atlas Military, James Ironwood, followed closely by his aide, Specialist, Winter Schnee. They joined the trio at the mirror to stare at the bloody, and bruised body of, Cinder Fall.
Ironwood: So, what’s the plan?
Ozpin; Hello to you too, James. Right now the plan is to wait.
Ironwood: Wait, wait for what?
Qrow: The Sorcerer is finishing up his treatment of the wounded.
Ironwood: The Sorcerer? You have a magic user; why didn’t you notify me that you found a maiden?
Ozpin shook his head as he watched, Cinder pull at her aura suppressing restrains that binded her hands in a vain attempt to escape.
Ozpin: I would have if we did, but no. The Sorcerer is just a nickname he picked up.
Ironwood: He? So it’s a male. Hmmm… Who is this, Sorcerer you’re talking about?
Glynda: His name is, Jaune Arc; He is an experienced, Hunter who is a teacher here at, Beacon Academy, and he doubles as an assistant school nurse when the need arises.
Glynda’s brief rundown gave, Ironwood a simple understanding of who he was, and considering how normal he sounded, he understood why, Ozpin never brought him up before. But, why would he need someone so plain to interrogate her?
Winter: Arc…? Does he have blond hair, and blue eyes?
Glynda: Yes.
Winter: I believe I met him. He seems like a kind, and caring individual who cares deeply for the wellbeing of his students. Why are you having him interrogate the prisoner?
Ozpin: We need her to talk; We need to know what, Salem’s plans are, and who is working with her. If we try doing so ourselves we will get nowhere. But, if we let, Mr. Arc do it himself, we will get all the answers, and more that we are looking for.
Ironwood: Are you sure about this, Ozpin?
Ozpin: Honestly, James if I was being ‘interrogated’ by, Mr. Arc. I’m not sure what secrets I wouldn’t spill to get him to stop.
Ozpin shuddered as he remember the last time he sat on, Jaune interrogating someone. It was effective, but disturbing.
Qrow: Wait, you made that sound like he wasn’t going to talk with her, but more like he’s going to ‘talk’ with her.
Ozpin: …
Ozpin: It must be done…
Qrow: Seriously?! You’re gonna make, Tai 2.0 go in there, and torture her?
Ironwood: What?!
James looked to, Ozpin as he held his head in defeat. He had no other options left. And, considering what, Cinder, and her associates were planning, and how they barely caught it, and just managed to stop it. They needed her to talk to prevent anything else from coming.
Ironwood: You can’t possibly have forced him to do this?!
Glynda: Jaune agreed to do it! He lost several of his friends in the raid to get her, this is his own way of avenging them. And, you know how effect his methods are, we both have seen what he can, and will do to someone.
Qrow looked away before taking another drink from his flask. He knew what, Jaune could do, he knew exactly what he could do. That didn’t mean he liked what he saw.
Qrow: Fuck…
Qrow took a swig from his flask as he turned back to look at the girl in cuffs. Ironwood gave the drunk one fleeting glance before turning to face his friend.
Ironwood: How will this, Arc fellow make her talk?
Ozpin: He will no doubt try, and talk to her at first. But, when that inevitably fails, he will use his semblance instead.
Ironwood: And, what is his semblance?
Ozpin: It’s… Oh, he’s here.
The door opened, and closed with a heavy click of steel. A blond haired man entered the room. Cinder eyes him warningly as he walked over to the table, and took the seat across from her. He put down a notebook, and a pen, before brushing some unseen dust from the desk before he turned to face her.
: Hello, Ms. Cinder Fall. My name is, Jaune Arc. May I call you, Cinder?
Cinder said nothing, and just stared him down. They stared each other down for a while before, Jaune shrugged his shoulders, and opened his notebook to start taking notes.
Jaune: Not much of a talker, eh? No matter, we’ll get you talking soon enough.
Jaune: Now then, Ms. Fall, let’s summarize the past days events: A team of, Beacon students stumbled upon your little operation going on in, Mount Glenn. A team of veteran, Hunters from, Vale, as well as a team of, Atlasian Specialists came in to prevent you from colliding a train into the old train house in downtown, Vale thus releasing a horde of, Grimm into the city. Did I make a mistake in any of that, Ms. Fall?
Cinder: …
Jaune: Still not talking, eh? No matter, I’ll get you talking sooner, or later. So, pray tell what were you planning to do?
Cinder glared daggers at the man who radiated golden retriever energy, but said nothing.
Jaune: Twas a rhetorical question, since you won’t answer me after all. So, let us speculate then shall we?
Jaune: Hmm… you wanted to launch a horde of, Grimm into the city… but, why?
Jaune: Since the White Fang were involved was it to act as a protest against the mistreatment of faunas?
Cinder: …
Jaune: I expect that was the, White Fang’s plan, at least what they thought the plan was. So logically they would do this to kill people, both human, and faunas as a means of retribution for past, and future wrongs.
Cinder continued to glare at him, but within those burning eyes, Jaune could see her asking him a simple question.
Jaune: What the hell am I talking about? That’s what you’re thinking, I can see it in your eyes. But, well, extremists all ways take the simplest things, that often have the simplest solutions to the extreme. Hence the name: extremists. But, what’s your angle in all of this?
Jaune leaned closer, and stared, Cinder down. Their eyes locked on one another in a staring contest that made, Cinder’s blood burn. And, yet this feeling in her blood wasn’t from rage.
Jaune: We asked your associates what you game in all of this was… And, what were their names again…?
Jaune flipped through his notebook, before pulling out two photos, attached to slips of paper.
Jaune: Ahh yes… Mercury Black, and… Emerald Sustrai, that’s their names. The didn’t snitch on you, they never would. But, as they say… ‘Dead man tells no tale~!’
Jaune could see her eyes flash wider for the briefest of moments. She seemed to not care about her associates, at least, she seemingly didn’t care that much.
Jaune: But, your pal, Roman Torchwik. He sung like a song bird, and told me all of your dastardly deeds, after receiving some proper… motivation~!
Ironwood watched carefully as he listened to, Mr. Arc as he interrogate the prisoner.
Ironwood: Did you also ‘interrogate’ this, Torchwik fellow?
Ozpin: There was no need to, we offered him a plea deal for all the information he had on her, and he was rather forthcoming coming. Although his information as to what, Ms. Fall’s plans are, were rather limited.
Ironwood: I see, hopefully this, Arc fellow can make use of it. Now, I don’t mean to sound… disturbed. But, when is this supposed… ‘interrogation’ meant to begin.
Glynda: It already begun. As soon as, Jaune entered the room the ‘interrogation’ started.
Winter: How can you be sure of that? All they’ve done is talk, nothing that hints towards torture has started.
Glynda: She’s sweating…
Everyone looked over to see a bead if sweat drip down, Cinder’s forehead as cold air escaped her lips.
Ironwood: What? That rooms kept cold to stop her from using her fire semblance, why is she sweating?
Ozpin: Good question…
Jaune: Now… Roman told us all about your evil plans. Well… that of which he was privy to that is…
Jaune put on a show, Cinder could tell he was trying to put her off guard, and it wasn’t working. The sweat falling down her head was getting on her nerves though, the room was freezing cold, and yet she was sweating. She could help, but wonder why.
Jaune: You hired him to steal large quantities of, Dust. Though he says you threatened him. Now, I am curious as to why you needed that much, Dust? You weren’t selling it, and you did make several bombs on that train, but the quantity of, Dust that was used in those bombs is no where near the amount that was stolen. Are you trying to artificially inflate the price of, Dust?
Cinder glared daggers at the man, hoping to burn a hole through this golden retriever of a human being. But, still refused to answer.
Jaune: That would mean you’re working for, Jacques Schnee! I knew you were a heartless bitch, but I couldn’t believe you were that heartless to work with that Grimm spawn bastard son of a bitch!
Cinder: I don’t work for that, Dust whore… Ahh?!
Jaune relished the sound of her little outburst as a vicious grin crept from the corner of his mouth as he stared down the prisoner as she pulled back from him.
Jaune: You spoke~! Ah-hahahaaa~!
Winter: Calling my sperm donour a, ‘Dust whore;’ I best remember that.
Qrow: Oh, you’re not upset that people are making fun of daddy?
Winter: The majority of the people of, Atlas, and Mantle despise my father, I among the top three individuals that despise the man. I’ve been using photos of the mans face for target practice for the new recruits.
Ozpin: Really now? And, how is that going, Specialist Schnee?
Winter: Better than I expected; Atlas’s military personnel’s average accuracy when handling firearms has gone up by 27%, and is still climbing.
Ironwood: Oh really? I was wondering how that increased happened. Well done, Specialist Schnee. Start implementing that in, Atlas Academy, I’m curious to see how the students will improve if we implement such a… policy.
Winter: I will see it done, Sir.
Ozpin: Should we implement such a policy here as well, Glynda?
Glynda: We shall discuss that later, Ozpin. The Sorcerer is at work.
Jaune: So tell me… what was your plan…?
Jaune’s smile sent shivers down, Cinder’s; it was a calculated smile, its intent was to unnerve, and put one’s foe on the backfoot.
Cinder: …
Jaune: …
Cinder: …
Jaune: Hmm?
Jaune: Still no talky?
Cinder: …
Jaune: Okay then… So you don’t work for that dust whore. You obviously don’t work with the, White Fang, you’re obviously not a faunas. Unless…?
Jaune was giving her the once over, as if to find some hidden faunas trait that was hidden behind her clothes.
Cinder: I am not a faunas…
Jaune: No…?
(Tap, tap, tap.)
Jaune: I would have guessed you were some sort of snake faunas; Hidden fangs in your mouth, elongated tongue those kind of things. Nothing?
Cinder: No…
Jaune: Well, then you’re obviously working for some sort of hidden secret organization that’s bent on the total, and complete destruction of the world!
Cinder: …
(Tap, tap, tap.)
Jaune: Hmm… you’re quite good at hiding your emotions, but your eyes keep giving things away.
Cinder’s eyes flashed for a moment before she looked away. She cursed herself for letting her emotions escape her harsh grasp. She had done plenty of research on the staff at, Beacon Academy, but, Jaune Arc was one she couldn’t find much information on. At most it was common knowledge that if you asked anyone anything about him they would tell you the same thing. Jaune tended to keep his personal life like that, personal. At most it was know that he was single, and the only son if his family.
Well, as secretive as he may be, it was no where near as…?!
Jaune: Why does the witch want to destroy the world?
Ironwood: Wait, what?! Ozpin, how does he know about, Salem?
Ozpin: One of, Mr. Arc’s greatest skills is his observational awareness. I thought I was being subtle with any information retaining to, Salem, but he picked up on my… unsaid words. And, forced me to talk…
Ironwood: Forced? Did he use his semblance on you?
Ozpin: Possibly…? I am not sure.
Ironwood: Can’t you tell when he’s using his semblance?
Glynda: It depends on how, Jaune’s using it. It can be very subtle, subtle enough that you don’t even realize he’s using it. Subtle enough that even he doesn’t realize he’s using it at times.
Ozpin: But, when it’s obvious he’s using his semblance you become painfully aware that he’s using it. To say it’s blood curdling in its usage is an understatement of the extreme of extremes.
Qrow: Ughh… I remember when I saw him use it to its fullest extent; Can’t say the guy didn’t have it coming, but throwing up my lunch wasn’t what I had in mind that day…
Ironwood: …?
Winter: What the hell is his semblance?
Cinder: What witch?
(Tap, tap, tap.)
Jaune: Oh come on now… I know all about, Salem, and Ozpin’s stupid little shadow war going on behind the scenes. So if you plan on playing dumb well…
(Tap, tap, tap)
Jaune: Let’s just say it won’t work well for you.
Cinder could feel sweat dripping down her head in a freezing cold room, his words caused dread to slowly build up in her heart.
Cinder knew that playing dumb wouldn’t work any longer. At best she could deflect, and feed him bread crumps to cause him to look away from her true objective.
Cinder: I was trying to… trying to cause a, Grimm stampede in the hopes of destroying, Vale.
Jaune: To what end?
Cinder: Spread the seeds of chaos, and show, Ozpin, and his allies that his precious little cities are not as safe as they think they are.
Jaune: To what end?
Cinder: I just told you; To destroy, Vale.
Jaune: Don’t play dumb with me my dear, I’m not an idiot like, Ozpin, or General Ironwood. They would take you words at face value, but I can tell you’re hiding something…
Cinder: What is there to hide; you already know everything I planned to do, you’re just trying to confirm what happened for you reports, aren’t you?
Jaune: Well…
(Tap, tap, tap.)
Jaune: You could say that… but, your goal wasn’t to destroy, Vale… No, no, no. Your goal may be quite well thought out, but you don’t care if, Vale fell. No, no, I recon your plan wasn’t to destroy, Vale… A definitive bonus if your plan succeed, but no. Your true goal was to distract, Ozpin… but, to distract him from what tis the question…
Cinder’s heart was beating erratically as this interrogation continued on. She had read, Mercury’s, and Emerald’s reports on the man; they read of a kind, and caring man who would lay his life down for his students without a moment’s hesitation. But, the man currently before her, was not that man.
He exuded an aura of cold, calculating indifference, and a predatory smile that sent shivers down her spine, the exact same smile he was giving her right now. There was a sparkle in his eyes as he came to a simple conclusion; the an answer to a riddle that answers everything he wanted to know, and more.
Jaune: You’re after the, Fall Maiden, aren’t you…?
Ozpin: The Fall Maiden…?
The answer to a question unasked escaped, Ozpin’s throat in a ragged whisper. It made sense, too much sense that this was, Cinder’s goal, she was after the, Maiden’s powers, and she was willing to destroy, Vale to get it.
Qrow: So it was her, and her cronies that attacked, Amber! Why didn’t I see that…?
Ironwood: She never did finish off, Amber because, Qrow came to the rescue, this is all an elaborate plot to get the, Fall Maiden’s power… I amazed that, Mr. Arc was able to come to such a conclusion.
Glynda: But, to go to such extents to acquire the, Fall Maidens powers seems a bit over the top.
Winter: Couldn’t she have just killed her when she first had the chance, and acquired her powers that way? Why did she plan to destroy, Vale in the process?
Jaune: Oh? Now isn’t that an interesting reaction!
An involuntary, sharp gasp escaped, Cinder’s lips as he effortlessly hit the nail on the head. Arc, knew about the, Maiden’s, in the case what else did he know! She looked away from him, daring to hope he would not find anymore clues in her broken mask.
Jaune: Excuse me, we’re talking; tis quite rude to look away from someone while we’re talking.
Cinder couldn’t look at this man, there was something off about him…
(Tap, tap, tap)
Jaune: Excuse me, don’t turn awaywe’re still talking here.
Something that could make the skin crawl…
Jaune: Oi, look at me.
Something that was deemed unnatural…
Jaune: We’re not done speaking, Cinder.
Something that was indescribable to the senses…
Jaune: Cinder… Look at me.
But, it was something completely explainable.
Jaune: Haaa…
Something so obvious, and simple, that it was often overlooked as an item of irrelevance.
Jaune: I said…
A semblance.
Jaune: Look at me.
Cinder could feel her entire body being wrenched forward, her muscles screaming in pain as they were forced to move in what felt like an unnatural, but completely natural manner. Her body was set straight in her chair, her head forced to stare at, Jaune face, making her stare into those calm, uncaring cerulean eyes of his. She tried to turn her body, to squirm in defiance as he stared her down, but she could not move her body by a hairs breath.
Jaune: Now, shall we continue our discussion?
Cinder: A-A semblance…
Jaune: Hmm…?
Cinder: A semblance! Y-You’ve been using your semblance on me this whole time! From the moment you entered this room, you’ve been using a semblance on me to make me talk, haven’t you!
Jaune: CorrrrecT!
Ironwood: Ahh, telekinesis!
Winter: He’s a telepath? That would most certainly explain how he was able to get, Miss Fall to talk.
Qrow: Nope.
Ironwood: What?
Qrow: The kids not telepathic.
Ironwood: He isn’t?
Winter: But, the way he forced her body to move, that’s clearly a telekinesis based semblance.
Qrow: It may look that way, but his semblance is nothing like that. If it was, I would be better at holding my stomachs contents when he decides to… let loose.
Glynda: I’d doubt that.
Qrow: Well… it wouldn’t be as bad… hopefully?
Ironwood: Then what is it?
Ozpin: It would be best to let, Mr. Arc explain it…
Cinder: Y-You’ve been using your semblance to extract information from me! Haven’t you!
Jaune: Mmmm… In a manner of speaking… I’ve mostly been connecting dots, and what not from what clues you’ve given me. That, and reading your facial expressions, any little bodily ticks you are showing off. I’ve mostly been using my semblance to make you feel a sense of unease. It’s been quite effective if I do say so.
Cinder: What is it; Telekinesis?! Are you some sort of psychic?! What is your semblance?
Jaune: Oh, nothing so… civilized as those…
(Tap, tap, tap.)
Jaune: Nothing like that…
Cinder: That tapping! You’ve been doing that ever since you came here… why?!
Jaune: As I said, ‘To make you feel unease.’
(Tap, tap, tap.)
Jaune: I take it that it has been working.
Cinder: How does tapping your fingers make me feel unease?! Do you have some sort of telekinesis based semblance?! I demand to know!
Jaune: As I said: It may seem liked that, but no. I don’t have a physic, telekinesis, and sort of moving stuff with my mind based semblance.
Jaune calmly stared at, Cinder as her rugged gasps of breath slowly tapered out. Before he calmly responded to her question.
Jaune: I’ll answer your question: How is that I am making you feel unease, why the tapping, how I forced your body to turn to face me. I’ll explain it all. But, in exchange you have to answer something for me.
Cinder: And, what is that?!
Jaune: What does, Salem want with the keys to the vault, and what does she intend to do with its contents when they are emptied?
Cinder: W-What…? H-How did you figure it out…?
Cinder’s rage, the blazing inferno that burned within her body was suddenly snuffed out as if it was a match struck in the midst of a typhoon. What was replaced was stunned fear. She hadn’t mentioned a single thing, no clues, no hints, but this freak had managed to put together every piece of her plan, and managed to figure out what her true goal really was!
And, all he did was calmly look at her with a cocky smirk forming from the bottom of his lip.
Jaune: Oh I just managed to connect the dots that others leave unseen. Four kingdoms. Four Academies. Four Maidens, and lastly, Four Relics. My educated guess tells me that one of the four relics is hidden in one of the four kingdoms academies. And, that they are kept behind in a secret, hidden vault that requires a key to unlock them. And, that key, is a maiden. Am, I wrong?
Cinder: …
Cinder: You’re correct…
Jaune: Am I know~?
The group all stood back as, Jaune turned to give them a dark smile as he managed to make, Cinder spill all her information on why she was going to attack, Beacon Academy.
And, it had only been ten minutes.
Glynda: Salem’s after the, Relics? I can only imagine the destruction she could wrought across, Remnant if she had even one of those…
Ironwood: We need to tighten security back in, Atlas. And, in all the other academies at that! In all the kingdoms! We cannot allow her to gain access to any, Relics!
Qrow: What is she even planning to do with those things? They aren’t all that dangerous no are they?
Ozpin: She not after any one, Relic for its individual capabilities… she wants all four of them.
Ironwood: What is the difference is she has one, Relic, or all of them? The destruction she could wreak across, Remnant could be unimaginable!
Ozpin: Not if those two came back…
Ironwood: What?
Jaune: Excellent! Now that we have all the speculation as to why you are doing this out of the way. Now I must ask who your other accomplices are, and what they are doing, and we can finish everything up once, and for all. Alright?
Cinder: No…
Jaune: No…?
Cinder: You said you would tell me what your semblance was… I answered your question… But, unless you tell me the truth… I won’t tell you anything! It doesn’t matter if you torture me… I will never talk!
Jaune: No, that’s fair… You answered my question, tis only fair that I answer yours in kind. Tell me… I assume you’ve done your research on all of the staff at, Beacon, myself included. So, I can assume you heard about my nickname?
Cinder: Yes… The staff here call you, ‘The Sorcerer.’ But, none of the students know why.
Jaune: That’s because, ‘The Sorcerer,’ isn’t really what my nickname is all about. And, I can assure you, a few students know what the story behind my nickname is, and my semblance is as a result of that. And, the reason why no one knows that start is simply because they just don’t like talking about it.
Jaune: You see… I can use magic…
Cinder: Impossible… Only five people in the world can use magic, and they all happen to be female… which you clearly are not.
Jaune: True… I just like to referring my semblance as magic, helps others… comprehend my semblance, and its abilities.
Cinder: Then what is your semblance…?
Cinder leaned in and scowled at, Jaune as he returned her scowl with a devious and, all knowing smirk as he softly replied.
Jaune: Blood Magic~!
Cinder: What…?
Jaune: Blood Magic! That’s what my semblance is! I can freely manipulate the blood of any living being! Making them my puppet…
Cinder could feel her eyes darting to the right, and lefr, then back to, Jaune, and yet she had no intention in her mind to move her eyes.
Cinder: M-M-My eyes?! You’re moving my eyes?!
Jaune: I can also regulate your heart beat! Why do you think I kept on tapping my finger?
(Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap…)
Cinder focused on her body, slowly she started to feel the controlled beating of her heart as, Jaune tapped his finger to a steady beat.
Cinder: You made my heart race at an unnatural beat… causing my body to go into shock because of my blood wasn’t flowing properly, causing me to…
Jaune: Panic. Yes, tis a very effective way at making people nervous. I have to tap the beat though… I could hold out my hand, and flex my fingers inward, like so…
Jaune held his hand before, Cinder, and simply made a closed fist that lasted, but a hairs breath. However…
Cinder: AHHHHHHH?!!?!
It caused, Cinder to collapse in pain as her breath came in hard, and laboured gasps like a drowning man struggling for air as water filled their lunga. Her eyes widened in horror at the stunning realization of what he had just done to her.
Cinder: You… Y-You… haaahaha… you were crushing my heart?!
Jaune: Correct… My semblance is no doubt among the most powerful there is. I can tell precisely where a person is based upon feeling a persons circulatory systems. I can even tell people apart to some extent.
Jaune turned behind him to look at the one way mirror, and pointed at it.
Jaune: Right there is, Qrow Branwen. I can feel the alcohol in his veins, don’t ask me how, I can’t explain it. Next to, Qrow right there should be, Glynda Goodwitch. I can tell it’s her because the blood flows differently in woman than it does in men.
Jaune: I can also tell it’s her because I can sense more blood in the… front.
Jaune turned back to look at, Cinder; his face etched into a look filled with self loathing, and disscontempt.
Jaune: There are many things I despise about my semblance.
He shook his head in disgust as he pointed back at the mirror.
Jaune: Ahem… right next to her is, Ozpin; I can tell because I can feel his body posture that indicates he is resting on a cane, and that he is holding a bug in his hand. And, all the caffeine in his veins. Guy seriously needs to cut back on the joe…
Jaune: Next to, Ozpin is another woman. I have no idea who she is, but I know she’s there.
Jaune: And, right there is, General James Ironwood. I can only sense half a man partly floating in the air… such a perverse feeling… I can feel the blood flowing to his toes on one leg, but on the other it stops when it reaches his hip. The same on his arms; I can feel it reach his finger tips one one hand, and yet on the other I feel it stop at the shoulder joint… Such a ghastly feeling…
Winter: B-Blood magic?! That’s his semblance: Blood Magic?!
Ozpin: It is as he says… he can sense, and manipulate the blood in a persons body. To say it’s ghastly is a understatement of a lifetime.
Qrow: He can tell it’s me based on my blood alcohol levels? I better cut back a bit…
Glynda: He knew it was me because of my bust…?
Winter: At least he takes no pleasure in knowing that.
Glynda: Haaa… A gentleman to the end…
Ozpin: James? Are you alright?
James Ironwood gaze was dead stead at staring at his right hand, his robotic hand. It was a terrifying thought, that, Mr. Arc could feel precisely where his body ended, and where his cybernetics began without even touching at him. He understood the pains wrought upon his body in ways no others could, not even the victim of such mutilations could feel.
Ironwood: I can… speculate why I haven’t seen, Mr. Arc until now… Such a semblance must bare heavily on its user…
Ozpin: Jaune tends to keep to himself out of necessity, rather than a desire to be left alone. To many people around is like listening to a thousand voices all at once. Simply put; it’s overwhelming to the senses.
Ironwood: I take it then that, Mr. Arc is done with the interrogations? At least…using his semblance?
Ozpin stared at, Cinder as she managed to regain her breathing, and steadied her heart beat as she stared defiantly at, Jaune. Ozpin shook his head at the notion.
Ozpin: I’m afraid, James… the worse is about to begin…
Cinder: Haa haaa… Hahahaha!
Jaune: What’s so funny?
Cinder: You told me what your semblance is… I now know what you can do with that semblance of yours… it doesn’t matter what you do now! It doesn’t matter what! I will not tell you anything! You’ll crush my heart before I let anything spill! Come on, Arc! Do your worst!
Jaune: Pfff! Haha… hahaha… Aaaahahahahahaha!
Terror filled, Cinder veins as, Jaune let loose a laugh that found everything, down to most minute of details, in, Cinder’s attempt to show her bravado, her arrogant pride absolutely, unequivocally hilarious.
Jaune: Haha-ha-haaaa…
Jaune: My worst? You think me grasping your heart is the worst I can do…? My dear sweet summers child… I can do so much worser things than that, that honestly; I’m not sure what my worst is!
Jaune: I can bend every bone in your body till it shatters, then put them back together! I can stop your heart, kill you, and then bring you back to life! I can cause a brain aneurysm, and kill you on the spot! Cure you, and again I could bring you back to life! I could crush your entire body, turn every muscle in your body in on yourself until your body is nothing more than a meat cube! And, I know I can do this, because I’ve already done it before, and I will do it again!
Jaune: So tell me, Cinder Fall… Do you want to just tell me who else you are working with, and what are your other plans. Or, shall I torment you with pain unimaginable that I may break your mind from the pain?
Cinder could understand that he was just saying this to scare her, that he wouldn’t got that far to break her. But, she knew deep in her heart, that he could do it. But, she knew he couldn’t kill her, he needed her alive, otherwise all her secrets would go with her to her grave. She resolved her, and she would grin, and bare what was to come.
Cinder: Do your worst asshole! Hak-sptoo!
And, with that she spat on, Jaune’s who merely rubbed it off, and shook his head in disappointment.
Jaune: Haa… very well… I did warn you…
Jaune leaned back in his chair, and held his hand up, before he turned to gaze at, Cinder one last time.
Jaune: You know… They say there are different ways one gains their semblance; Personality, or circumstances… I believe the later one is applicable for me. Cause you see… everyone thinks I’m an only child. When in reality, I’m the only son in my family, when I actually have seven sisters. So, I think I developed my semblance, just to shut them up, because I swear…
Jaune leaned forward, and gave, Cinder one more predatory smile.
Jaune: That seemed to happen at least once a week!
Cinder pondered for a moment what he meant by, ‘once a week.’ Until it dawned on her, and a terrifying thought appeared across her mind. If he knew how to deal with that, then he knew how it was cause, and if he knew how it was cause…?!
Then she would know what true pain felt like.
To think I went through all of that just for that last bit…
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notmaplemable · 21 days
Northern Ranger Part 2: Crimson
Ruby: *Sitting next to Jaune with the bag in her lap*
Ruby: Are you ready, Jaune?
Jaune: ...As ready as I'll ever be I guess.
Ruby: Okay. *Ruby opens the top flap of the backpack, finding a crimson red sash sitting at the top, with Ruby carefully pulling it out and handing it to Jaune*
Jaune: *Takes the sash from Ruby, feeling the soft fabric with his fingers, before feeling burn holes at one end of it*
Ruby: *Pulls out Pyrrha's circlet, which has been clearly warped by the Cinder's heat* Oh...
Jaune: ...
Ruby: *Puts it back, starts looking through the back properly* I think all of her stuff is in here... are you ready to look.
Jaune: *Holds Pyrrha's sash close to his chest* Yeah. I think so.
Ruby: *Hands Jaune the bag and sits next to him in silence as he looks through it himself*
Jaune: ...
Ruby: ...Cinder came here from Haven.
Jaune: ...What?
Ruby: Or at least she pretended to be from Haven.
Jaune: Why does that matter? She's long gone by now.
Ruby: But maybe something or someone at Haven can give us a lead to go find her.
Jaune: ...You want to go after Ci- ... Her
Ruby: Yeah. I think if we can just get to Haven then- *She's interrupted by a knock at the front door, before Qrow, Goodwitch, and Ironwood walk in.*
Jaune: ...
Ruby: Uncle Qrow?
Qrow: Go get Tai, we need to talk to you. All of you.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 2 months
If Glynda was in Volume 8
Ironwood: *Pulls his gun out to shoot Ruby*
Gun: *Is pulled from his hand*
Glynda: James! What are you doing!
Ironwood: Glynda!?
Glynda: I swear, I leave for a couple months and you suddenly forget your morals!
Ironwood: She lied to me! Ozpin Lied to me! She's defying orders!
Glynda: That doesn't give you grounds to shoot her- Step outside, get a drink of water, and let me handle this, JAmes! And get yourself a blanket, you're sleeping on the couch tonight!
Ironwood: But Glyn-
Glynda: Couch.
Ironwood: Honey-
Glynda: Couch!
Ironwood: Dear?
Glynda: Couch!
Ironwood: *sigh* Yes Ma'am ...
Ironwood: *Shoots Oscar off the platform*
Glynda: *Pulling him back up with her semblance* JAMES WHAT THE HELL!
Ironwood: He Betrayed our Trust!
Glynda: And?!?! He's trying to repair that Bridge! We can wait for retribution once Atlas is safe!
Glynda: *Fighting him for the revolver* James No!
Ironwood: They're getting in my way!
Glynda: Look, Declaring martial law, I understand, but shooting council members for having questions and concerns in not a reasonable Response!
Glynda: I haven't asked yet but what happened to your arm?
Ironwood: I was fighting ARthur Watts, and-
Glynda: Hardlight Trap?
Ironwood: Hardlight Trap.
Glynda: *Pinching the bridge of her nose* Goddamn it James.
Ironwood: I know, I know,"It can only happen so many times" But I swear I thought this one was going in a different direction than last time-
Yang: What do you-
Glynda: He's not usually this bad. He's actually quite sweet when he wants to be.
Yang: ...
Glynda: And he Fucks. So. Hard. Hard enough for me to forget the stresses of my day and just fall asleep against the Hard, hot, Broad chest~
Yang: Uh ... Neat.
Glynda: You asked the question and I answered it, like any teacher should for their student.
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oddlyhale · 3 months
I miss Oz's Circle so much. I just love them working together and not always on the same wavelength. It made them infinitely more interesting. And you can totally give them headcanon roles:
Glynda is the cold mother who cares but is strict.
Qrow is the snippy but dedicated drunkard.
Ironwood is the no-nonsense strategist.
Ozpin is the soft-spoken leader who is keeping them all together.
Like I said before, I love them because they don't always agree, almost get into arguments, but can work very well together. It's healthy to not always agree and have different opinions, but it's also good to set them aside to work as a team. ("We can fight about it later!" type of energy.)
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howlingday · 8 months
Jaune Arc Is A Creep
Cardin: Ha! You stupid nerd! (Shoves Jaune) Reading books and shit!
Jaune: Laugh while you still can! You're the stronger one now, but some day, I'm going to grow up, and I'm going to teach myself how to make chloroform and knock you all out! Then I'll drag you into my basement and chain you to the walls! The first thing you'll see when you wake up is me, standing over you as your new god!
Cardin: ...
Ruby: (Bandaging him) And then what happened?
Jaune: (Sniffles) They beat me up and took my books~!
Ruby: Fuck you guys! I'm going back out there and kicking their asses!
Jaune: No, Ruby! Vengeance protocol dictates that we should lay low after an attack and conserve our resources!
Ruby: Fuck the rules! They insulted us!
Jaune: Ruby, as a guy who gets his ass kicked so much he could be a professional, listen to me. The only thing we can do for now is survive!
Ruby: Oh, so I should just cower like you, should I? LIKE A LITTLE BITCH?!
Yang: (Pops Ruby in the head) As far as I can see, you're the only one acting like a little bitch here, Ruby. Now listen to what Jaune has to say.
Jaune: Thanks for sticking up for me, Yang!
Yang: Shut the hell up, Jaune! And you, Ruby Rose, open your mouth.
Ruby: Wha- (Bread shoved in, Gagging)
Jaune: Oh! Oh... Oh, wow... That's... That's kinda hot, Yang.
Yang: Eat, Ruby. Eat and build your strength.
Ruby: (Crying)
Jaune: Keep crying, Ruby. It'll make the bread taste like tears.
Pyrrha: Jaune, I know this is tough, but... Is there a higher power you worship?
Jaune: I used to worship Monty Oum.
Pyrrha: Who's Monty Oum?
Goodwitch: You there! Who the fuck are you?!
Jaune: Jaune Arc, sir!
Goodwitch: Why the fuck are you here, trainee?
Jaune: To become a huntsman, sir!
Goodwitch: That's bullshit! Look at you! I bet you play with dolls!
Jaune: Well, yes, but only for roleplay revenge fantasies, sir!
Goodwitch: Shut up, Banana-Slut!
Blake: You can do it, Weiss. Just focus on your core when using the tether.
Jaune: Yeah, it's not too hard if you concentrate.
Weiss: Even you can do this, Arc? I know I'll regret asking this, but what's your secret?
Jaune: I, uh.... I kinda have a natural advantage with this skill.
Weiss: What do you mean?
Jaune: I, uh... I used to experiment a lot with auto-erotic asphyxiation.
Weiss: ...Just take me up the tether.
Jaune: Oh! I also like to read!
Blake: Oh, really?
Jaune: Yup! For example, did you know that if you electrocute someone underwater, it'll leave no burn marks?
Blake: ...
Jaune: So... I gave it a lot of thought, and I decided. I'm going to serve on the front lines.
Nora: What?! Why?! Jaune, seriously, you suck at everything you do!
Jaune: I know.
Nora: With your tactical brilliance, you could easily land a spot as an officer away from the battlefield!
Jaune: I know.
Nora: So why the hell are you coming to the front lines with us?!
Jaune: ...
Ren: We're finally here, Jaune. We finally made it as huntsmen. Do you have any regrets?
Jaune: No. It was either this or med school.
Ren: I... wasn't aware you wanted to be a doctor. What was going to be your specialty?
Jaune: (Wide grin) EUTHANASIA.
Coco: I'm open to suggestions.
Nora: Let's give all of our weapons to Ruby and have her use them to build a giant rifle-toting, sword-swinging mecha.
Coco: What is this, a fucking anime? No!
Blake: We could always give up and run away.
Coco: No!
Ruby: Let's play Arrowfell!
Coco: NO, GOD DAMMIT! NO! Does anyone have any good ideas?!
Ren: Jaune has one.
Coco: ...Dear god. Alright. How bad is it?
Jaune: This is an old revenge fantasy I used to reenact with dolls.
Yatsuhashi: Holy shit, this guy is fucked.
Jaune: In my most elaborate schemes, I'd pretend the dolls could see me before stabbing their eyes out and burning them alive.
Fox: ...Jaune, has anyone ever told you that you have an unhealthy obsession with ocular trauma?
Jaune: It's like closing the windows to the souls!
Cardin: You know, if we shoot out the Grimm eyes, we could finish them off without losing anyone.
Pyrrha: Jaune, you are the creepiest fucking guy I've ever met, but hey, that's not a bad plan.
Nora: Jaune, can I ask you something?
Jaune: Sure!
Nora: This is going to sound stupid, but... Let's say I, hypothetically, have romantic feelings for a fake brother-
Jaune: You mean Ren?
Nora: Yeah, whatever. But let's say I acted on those feelings. Would it... Would it be wrong?
Jaune: Nora, why are you asking me about socially moral protocol?
Nora: Because you're the only one I can trust to not tell anyone. And even if you did, everyone would just assume you're being a creep again and I could deny everything.
Jaune: Wow, Nora. That's cold, dark, and manipulative genius.
Nora: I'm sorry, I just really need to know.
Jaune: I've never seen you in this light before.
Nora: Is it wrong?
Jaune: Hey, can I have a lock of your hair?
Nora: Answer my question, Jaune!
Jaune: Alright, alright! Look, the way I see it, I don't see anything wrong with your feelings, Nora. He wasn't really your family anyways, so even if you did incest-bang, it would've been fine.
Nora: It's not incest!
Jaune: I know, I know! I just prefer to think of it that way!
Nora: ...
Jaune: Bitch, don't even give me that look. You already KNEW what you were getting into asking me for advice!
Marrow: General, wait!
Ironwood: God dammit, Wags, not now!
Marrow: General, Huntsman Ren and Pine along with Huntress Valkyrie are invaluable soldiers, and thus are completely expendable. But you should know that Huntsman Arc is said to be one of the most fucked up people on Remnant!
Jaune: (Thinking) No! They found my secret!.
Ironwood: Oh, really?
Jaune: Act normal- (Meow) NO, MISTER WHISKERS! NOT NOW!.
Ironwood: And just how fucked up are we talking?
Jaune: (Twitching hard) GET YOUR LITTLE CLAWS OUT OF MY EYES~!.
Marrow: Fucked up enough, some say, to rival even you, General.
Ironwood: ...To rival me, you say?
Ironwood: JAUNE ARC!
Jaune: MEOW!
Ironwood: Is what they say true?! Are you truly a fucked up little shit?!
Jaune: Well, I think I'm perfectly normal, but I may have a few desires and tendencies some may classify as... off?
Ironwood: ...Okay, Huntsman Arc. We're going to play a little game, and if you lose, the survival of both yourself and your friends over there, too!
Jaune: Sir, this is a horrendous abuse of authority-!
Ironwood: SILENCE!
Ironwood: Jaune Arc, I challenge you to a personal duel to the death! We shall fight with words to determine once and for all who is the most fucked up human being on the planet!
Jaune: (Huffs) Okay, this? I can do!
Jaune: I laugh at death!
Ironwood: I worship Salem on the weekends!
Ironwood: I lick tears off of orphans!
Jaune: I call arson a career!
Ironwood: I joined the military to watch people die!
Jaune: I celebrate living failure!
Ironwood: I submit to certain death!
Jaune: I harass the elderly!
Ironwood: I dip my soldiers with disease!
Jaune: I throw rocks at the homeless!
Ironwood: Oh yeah? Well, you wouldn't know anything about this because you're a virgin, but casualties are my favorite form of sexual foreplay! (Jaune stunned) YES! HAHAHA! Foolish child! You thought you could match wits with the worst of us and win?! You played the cards of a petulant boy, Jaune Arc, and now you and your little bitch friends will die!
Jaune: (Looks to his team)
Nora: (Thinking) You can do it, Jaune!.
Ren: (Thinking) There's no one I've ever met who's creeper than you!.
Jaune: You thought you were fighting a mere moral? You thought you could probe the darkness that is my mind?!.
Jaune: I will take your cities! I will subjugate your children! I will rape and devour your armies! But you, only you shall survive, so that you may bear testament to my will and ultimate revengeance!
Atlas: ...
Vale: ...
Vacuo: ...
Mistral: ...
Salem: ...
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mantispire · 1 year
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rnlacc · 2 months
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D-Da size gap... 🫣💦
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anironwitch · 16 days
Incorrect Quotes
James: “What do you think about my top?
Stranger: Sees Glynda nearby “She seems very nice.”
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stoneillustrations · 15 days
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What if Glynda is the Summer Maiden?
In Vol. 3 they tried to transfer the Fall Maiden powers from Amber to Pyrrah. Why do that when a trained and experienced Huntress was already right there? Reason: Maybe Glynda already has the Summer Maiden powers.
The Fall Maiden (Cinder) is supposed to be able to unlock the Beacon vault (Sword of Destruction), but Ozpin put extra measures to keep this vault hidden. The sword sounds like the perfect reason to add extra protection to this particular relic.
When Cinder arrived, Ozpin told Pyrrha to get Glynda and Qrow, but she didn't. She tried to face Cinder alone. Maybe aside from the Academy and himself, Ozpin kept one of the Maidens there to help protect this one very dangerous relic.
Meaning that if Glynda was there, she would not only provide another layer of defense, but the Crown of Choice (in Vacuo) could not be opened either because it's Maiden (Summer) was not there (Atlas was Winter and Mistral was Spring).
The Fall Maiden (Amber) was found too late, the Winter Maiden (Freya) was with Ironwood in Atlas. Everyone had been looking for Spring (Raven), but no one knew who she was. The last season (Summer) no one seemed concerned about her whereabouts...unless they already knew who she was.
In the very first episode we meet Roman, Ruby, Ozpin, someone in the shadows (Cinder), and Glynda. When Roman and Cinder try to make an escape, Glynda conjures a storm above their airship. Only maidens can conjure weather.
Glynda has had such a small part in the series, that I could see her arrival in the "third act" as having some significance. Ozpin, Qrow, Ironwood...all the inner circle we have a lot of backstory about, but not Glynda.
What do you think? Could Glynda be the Summer Maiden?
ALSO: A lot of people are saying Glynda is too old and thirty is the supposed cutoff line, but what if Glynda gained the power when she was younger and still has it now? Freya was an old woman who had the ability. Glynda, if she's say...40, may have gotten it years ago? Just something to think about.
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fanstuffrantings · 7 months
I’d be interested to see your take on younger (academy-aged) versions of older characters (ozpin, glynda, ironwood, clover, etc).
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Are these ages canon accurate? No. But my canon is my truth, most of my decisions for each character were based on personal ideas. Very sloppy uniforms but general idea. I've been wanting to draw young team STRQ for a minute because I'm so upset at how lazy their canon young designs were.
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sasasafeier · 6 months
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rocknroll7575 · 1 year
Can we get Rusted knight talking to some older characters like Ironwood and Ozpin? Also I feel like there would be something towards Raven
Sure can! Here you go!
Rusted Knight: *walks on the stage with his broken sword* You were willing to leave so many behind to the slaughter!?
Ironwood: *Unholsetrs guns and aims at RK* Without Atlas, the world is doomed
Rusted Knight: Without it's people, there is no Atlas
Ironwood: *Loads bullets into gun as he looks to RK* How can I trust you?
Rusted Knight: *Jumps off Juniper and lands on stage* Is a Knight's word not enough?
Ironwood: Words are empty, actions are louder
Ozpin: *Walks on stage with cane and mug* Is that really you under there, Mr. Arc?
Rusted Knight: *walks on the stage with his broken sword* You mistake me for the man I once was, he is gone
Ozpin: Then it seems I have failed another soul...
Rusted Knight: *Jumps off Juniper and lands on stage* You lost someone close to you?
Ozpin: *Appears on stage surrounded by a green ball* My daughter's... I lost them
Rusted Knight: Then it seems we are kindred spirits.
Rusted Knight: *walks on the stage with his broken sword* Another witch? Are you here to torment you as well
Glynda: *Pushing her glasses up* I am here to offer you guidance
Rusted Knight: What Guidance could you offer me?
Glynda: *Fix's broken floor as she walks on top it* By the Brothers... Mr. Arc?
Rusted Knight: *Jumps off Juniper and lands on stage* Who I once was is gone, I am what remains
Glynda: I have failed to protect my students...
Raven: *Puts Grimm Mask on* Another walking Fairy Tale
Rusted Knight: *walks on the stage with his broken sword* It seems we both have something in common, Raven Branwen
Raven: Indeed, but who is the better fighter?
Rusted Knight: *Jumps off Juniper and lands on stage* What brings you here, Coward?
Raven: *Eye's glowing blue with rage* I am no coward!
Rusted Knight: Then what do you call leaving Summer Rose behind?
Hazel: *Stabs Arms with Dust* You are the Rusted Knight?
Rusted Knight: *walks on the stage with his broken sword* I am, why do you ask?
Hazel: Gretchen thought the world of you...
Tyrian: *Walks on stage with his tail swaying slowly* The Rusted Knight!? Before my very eyes!?
Rusted Knight: *Jumps off Juniper and lands on stage* Tyrian Callows, You will pay for your crimes
Tyrian: I'm already getting excited!
Rusted Knight: *walks on the stage with his broken sword* What can your high intellect do to me?
Watts: *typing away on a scroll* Brains over Brawn, my dear boy
Rusted Knight: Then it's a good thing I have both
(I'll do Tai, Summer, Maria, and a few others in another one but Up next should be the FATALITIES!)
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notmaplemable · 18 days
Northern Ranger Part 3: An Offer
Ruby, Jaune, Ren, and Nora: *Sitting on the couch*
Ruby: So, what did you want to talk to us about?
Ironwood: *Starts to speak, but stops as Qrow and Tai glare at him*
Goodwitch: *Sighs and steps forward* What we came her to discuss is the future of your education as huntsmen and huntresses.
Ren: Are we not being transferred with the rest of the first-year teams?
Goodwitch: You are... though the destination to which you will be transferred is still a matter of debate.
Ruby: *jumps up from her seat* Haven!
Qrow: Slow down there pipsqueak.
Taiyang: You're not going to Haven, or anywhere near Mistral.
Ruby: I have to-
Taiyang: No you don't!
Qrow: I told you this was a terrible idea.
Goodwitch: Would you three stop screaming?
Ironwood: Listen, *takes a step forward* I understand your want to go after Fall, but if you attempt to confront her as you are, you will die.
Ironwood: The only way you will be properly prepared to confront her, Ruby, is by transferring to Atlas Academy.
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