#James Inhofe
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contemplatingoutlander · 11 months ago
Interesting proposal by Nate Loewentheil in a guest column in The New York Times. Not only was his proposal thought provoking, but two of the comments regarding it by readers were also worth contemplating. Below are some excerpts from the column, followed by the two comments.
Here is a proposal for the environmental movement: Pool philanthropic funds for a day, buy a small plot of land in Washington, D.C., and put up a tall marble wall to serve as a climate memorial. Carve on this memorial the names of public figures actively denying the existence of climate change. Carve the names so deep and large, our grandchildren and great-grandchildren need not search the archives. This is not a metaphor. The problem with climate change is the disconnect between action and impact. If politicians vote against construction standards and a school collapses, the next election will be their last. But with climate change, cause and effect are at a vast distance. We are already seeing the consequences of our past and present greenhouse gas emissions. In coming decades, those emissions will wreak their full havoc on the climate, and it will take hundreds, possibly thousands, of years for those pollutants to fully dissipate. But in the short term, the most immediate burdens are borne mostly by the poor in America and distant people in distant lands. Misaligned incentives are at the heart of why some political and business leaders deny and delay. [...] I would first nominate those who have sown confusion over climate science, like Myron Ebell, who recently retired as director of the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Center for Energy and Environment, where he sought to block climate change efforts in Congress, and served as the head of Donald Trump’s transition team for the Environmental Protection Agency. Mr. Ebell has argued that the idea that climate change is “an existential threat or even crisis is preposterous.” Then there are lawmakers who have consistently stood in the way of federal action, like the recently retired senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma, the author of the book “The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future.” [color emphasis added]
Below is the first thought provoking comment to this article:
There is, in Iceland, a memorial to a dead glacier - the Ok Glacier. It reads: "Ok is the first Icelandic glacier to lose its status as a glacier. In the next 200 years all our glaciers are expected to follow the same path. This monument is to acknowledge that we know what is happening and what needs to be done. Only you know if we did it." [color emphasis added] --Chris D., Colorado
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Photo of the plaque at the at the Okjökull (OK Glacier) memorial.
Here is the second thought provoking comment to this article:
For reference this graph https://i.redd.it/ljifc828iui31.jpg is from the Exxon internal scientific report on climate change, 1982, produced by scientists working for that fossil fuel corporation. Look at what their graph predicted for 2020. Approaching 420 ppm CO2 and a rise of 1.2 C degrees above pre-industrial temperature - very close to what we actually got in 2020. Then look at what the graph shows for later this century, based on not reducing emissions. Very serious temperature rises, that could make agriculture very difficult in many countries. Yes, and then Exxon, having seen this, got involved in PR campaigns to "cast doubt" on climate science, to protect their assets. [color emphasis added] --Erik Frederiksen, Ashville, NC
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1982 Exxon graph depicting average global temperature increases over time correlating with increases in atmospheric CO2. NOTE: Graph color was modified for greater clarity.
Fossil fuel companies like Exxon, and fossil fuel oligarchs like the Koch brothers should be included in any "Climate Wall of Shame."
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tomorrowusa · 1 year ago
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Republicans keep writing nominally non-fiction books which truly belong in the fiction section. And those books end up not doing well like the Tucker Carlson biography.
GOP former Senator James Inhofe from the oil state of Oklahoma actually did write the 2012 book depicted in the cartoon by Bruce Plante. As a shill for fossil fuel barons he was one of the leading climate deniers on Capitol Hill. He once drew attention to himself by bringing a snowball to the Senate chamber to prove there was no global warming.
Being a typical Republican ignoramus, Inhofe doesn't understand that it snows more when the temperature is close to freezing than when it is well below freezing; the colder it gets, the less moisture there is in the air for precipitation. This is something understood by almost any observant person from the north of the US. Republicans may regard physics as too "woke" for them.
Be prepared to hear more climate denial during the GOP debate on Wednesday as most of the candidates attempt to out-Trump Trump.
Let Republicans return to power and you can kiss this planet good-bye.
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gwydionmisha · 6 months ago
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calicojack1718 · 6 months ago
Election 2024: The Motivations of the Press and Democrats Behind the Biden So Old Drama
The Biden so old thing seems like its never going away and is in danger of becoming the James Comey moment of the election. Why won't the press and Democrats drop it when it can only help Trump, literally, destroy the world?
SUMMARY: The Biden so Old election controversy features intriguing motivations of the participants in this unprecedented political situation. Unpacking the motivations behind this clash and the media drama that ensued, this post offers a comprehensive analysis of the reason the FOR PROFIT political media have been writing multiple daily stories about it, and the Democrats who feel compelled to…
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peterfeld · 6 months ago
RIP, imbecile.
(above from 2011)
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Climate change bites back! Idiot global-warming denier Sen. James Inhofe “contracted a respiratory illness” after swimming in Grand Lake, Oklahoma, where “sustained high temperatures” have caused “a bloom of toxic blue-green algae.”
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historyhermann · 2 years ago
National Security and Climate Change: Behind the U.S. Pursuit of Military Exemptions to the Kyoto Protocol [Part 8]
Continued from part 7
U.S. negotiators later described the provision as exempting “bunker fuels stored in overseas bases” [see Document 15]. The mainstream press depicted it as applying to military vessels traveling overseas or participating in such “operations as the recent relief mission to Somalia or the U.S.-led war against Iraq.” DOD officials described it as an issue “the Pentagon cared most about,” while environmental groups like the Natural Resources Defense Council called it a “big loophole.”[12] It was reported that the U.S. pushed for the proposal in an attempt to undermine Republican critics of the Kyoto Protocol. If the latter is true, it was unsuccessful because James M. Inhofe (R-OK), a conservative U.S. senator and one of the biggest opponents to the protocol, claimed that the agreement was a “political, economic, and national security fiasco.”[13]
This post is reprinted from the National Security Archive website and my History Hermann WordPress blog. Archived here and here.
U.S. diplomats called the inclusion of the exemptions a “major victory.” They argued that the Kyoto Protocol was consistent with the Pentagon’s goals, which included exempting bunker fuels and emissions from multilateral operations and allowing countries to account for those emissions in their own ways [see Documents 16, 17]. Other documents noted that operations like Desert Storm, in Kosovo, Somalia, and Grenada would not be included in national emissions totals [see Document 18].
During the Gulf War, hundreds of thousands of gallons of crude oil poured into the Persian Gulf, with the U.S.-led coalition forces and Iraqi forces accusing each other of causing the spill. It was later concluded that the spill caused “unprecedented environmental devastation,” especially on the coast of Saudi Arabia, salt marshes, sandy shores, rocky shores, and coral reefs, while the war was said to cause “serious environmental damage” to parts of the Mideast. During the same conflict, Iraqi military forces had set fire to hundreds of oil wells when retreating from advancing coalition forces, while during the conflict in Kosovo, water was polluted by oil derivatives. NATO strikes on oil refineries, pharmaceutical plants, and other facilities during the Kosovo War, caused significant environmental damage.[14]
© 2022-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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maeamian · 6 months ago
Dipshit down!!!
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rrrick · 6 months ago
I’ll bet he’s going somewhere hot
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morosestferret · 6 months ago
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sophieinwonderland · 7 months ago
>"hey, coming from an endogenic system, could you possibly tone down the invasion of the anti endo tags? i think it's a bit much and it reflects poorly on the endo community. thanks :3"
I used to be pro-separate spaces like you (and actively went around asking both sides to stop invading), but then I took transphobia and anti-science to the knee.
I have found conservative spaces where people were transphobic, conspiracy theorists, and LITERALLY mocked peer-reviewed scientific literature that proved them factually wrong (imagine being so full of hate you mock scientists that spend decades of their life studying something, and think politicians like James Inhofe and his snowball are more credible). Instead of people thinking they obviously sound like stupid and hateful little kids that have no idea how reality and science works, their immature and bigoted comments received dozens of upvotes.
I have followed syscourse for a long time, and anti-endos these days are more often than not acting the same way as them, even if they do sometimes use different terminology. Both groups are dangerous to traumatized individuals and systems, and their anti-science rhetoric threatens actual lives (like anti-vaxxers, or claiming that alters are inherently evil and final fusion is the only possible way to recover from trauma, to provide some examples) and undermines the credibility of science.
None of these people deserve a safe space.
I really feel, at this point, that if people don't see the parallels between anti-endo and conservative talking points, they aren't paying attention. I mean, the recent accusations of "grooming" people to be systems is ripped straight from queerphobic rhetoric the Right uses, claiming people are "groomed" to be gay or "groomed to be trans, to associate LGBT people with child abuse.
These are literally the same exact arguments repackaged for a different outgroup!
And it just feels like ignoring it only allows the problem to grow and for this bigotry to further take root!
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meteorologistaustenlonek · 6 months ago
"Everything You Need to Know About Project 2025's Plan for the EPA"
"That woman watching James Inhofe hold a snowball on the floor of Congress to “disprove” global warming?
That’s the lead author of #Project2025’s section on destroying the EPA.
Great catch by @amywestervelt . Read more here"
--- Jamie Henn @jamieclimate Director, Fossil Free Media
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automatismoateo · 6 months ago
Sen. James Inhofe longtime anti-LGBTQ foe is dead | Inhofe was among a group elected evangelical officials pledged to erecting a Christian Nationalist state. via /r/atheism
Sen. James Inhofe, longtime anti-LGBTQ+ foe, is dead | Inhofe was among a group elected evangelical officials pledged to erecting a Christian Nationalist state. https://ift.tt/1HPoK4O Submitted July 10, 2024 at 12:53AM by crustose_lichen (From Reddit https://ift.tt/xEHvOYf)
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michaelgabrill · 6 months ago
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world-of-news · 6 months ago
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isfeed · 6 months ago
James M. Inhofe, Senator Who Denied Climate Change, Dies at 89
An Oklahoma Republican who led the Environment Committee, he took hard-right stands on many issues but was especially vocal in challenging evidence of global warming. Source: New York Times James M. Inhofe, Senator Who Denied Climate Change, Dies at 89
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the-sayuri-rin · 6 months ago
An Oklahoma Republican who led the Environment Committee, he took hard-right stands on many issues but was especially vocal in challenging evidence of global warming.
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