#James Grant
john-laurens · 10 months
P.S. Mr. Kinloch says the Note at 5 Months sight was no mistake. He knew very well what he was about & would have it accepted no other way.
Henry Laurens to James Grant, in a letter dated August 18, 1766
Francis Kinloch Sr. to James Grant:
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tothemaxi · 8 months
all the quotes i wrote down from "the seven husbands of evelyn hugo"
“she's beautiful, and she's rich, and she's powerful, and sexual and charming. and i'm a normal human being. somehow i must convince myself that she and i are on equal footing, or this is never going to work.”
“everyone's dying, sweetheart. you're dying, im dying, that guy is dying.”
“i don't regret many of the lies i told or the people i hurt. i'm ok with the fact that sometimes doing the right thing gets ugly. and also, i have compassion for myself. i trust myself.”
“make them pay you what they would pay a white man.”
“do yourself a favor and learn how to grab life by the balls, dear.”
“oh, i know the whole world prefers a woman who doesn't know her power, but im sick of all that.”
“the world doesn't give things, you take things.”
“i love you too much to let you live only for me.”
“because i don't want to be meant for someone like you.”
“‘you love me?’
‘oh, my god, what an understatement,’”
“if there are all different types of soul mates, then you are one of mine.”
“she's such a spectacular woman—by which i mean she, herself, is a spectacle. but she's also deeply, deeply human.”
“i was neither angry nor flattered. i simply didn't care. it cost so much, caring. i didn't have any currency to spend on it. instead, i walked away.”
“i kissed her forehead like she was my baby again because she was forever my baby.”
“i broke like i have never broken before. the devastating luxury of panic overtook me. and it has never left.”
“nobody deserves anything, it's simply a matter of who's willing to go and take it for themselves.”
“my hate is not uncomplicated.”
“she is painfully human to me now.”
“a star is always and forever a star.”
“and it occurs to me that it is the very thing that made her that will be the thing to finally take her down.”
“we just really liked each other.”
“knowing there are all different types of great loves out there, is enough for me now.”
“he was my best friend.”
“even though it is too early yet, i will, one day, forgive her.”
“you do not know how fast you have been running, how hard you have been working, how truly exhausted you are, until somewhat stands behind you and says, 'it’s ok, you can fall down now. i'll catch you'."
"I'm under absolutely no obligation to make sense to you."
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deeznutsthethrid · 1 year
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A little sneak peek
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alightonahill · 7 months
I was re-reading TJR's books, before venturing into the last one "Carrie Soto Is back", and everytime it just strikes me how similiar these quotes from "The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo" and "Daisy Jones and The Six" actually are. Like you cannot tell me in all honesty that Monique and her parents weren't the inspiration behind Julia, Billy and Camila.
"I love you. I love you in a way I never thought possibile (...) But the fact remains that, though I have never loved my wife the way I love you, I will never leave her. My daughter (...) is my reason for living. And I know she's happiest with me and her mom. I know she will live her best life if I stay where I am. Angela is perhaps not the love of my life. I know now that I've felt real passion. But (...) she is my best friend, my confidante, my companion. (...) I love her the way one loves a partner. I could never forgive myself for causing her pain. And I would find myself desperate to call her, to hear from her, to know how she is every moment of every day if I was not with her. My family Is my Heart. And I cannot break us up." (James - The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo)
"But I'd give it all back for just a few more days with him. For just one more late-night talk." (Angela - The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo)
"How could I be around Daisy Jones and not be mesmerized by her? Not fall in love with her? I couldn't. I just couldn't. But Camila meant more. That's just the very deepest Truth. My family meant more to me. (...) Maybe Camila wasn't the person I was the most in love with at the time. (...) She was always the person I would choose. Passion is... it's fire. And fire is great, man. But we're made of water. Water is how we keep living. Water is what we need to survive. My family was my water. I picked water. I'll pick water every time." (Billy - Daisy Jones and The Six)
"Daisy, he loves you. You know that he loves you. I know that he loves you. But he's not going to leave me." (Camila - Daisy Jones and The Six)
"Give me all the Platinum Albums you want, all the drugs and all the Cuervo and all the fun times and the success and the fame and all of it, I would hand them all back to you, just at the cost of my memories with her." (Billy - Daisy Jones and The Six)
"Your life isn't about me, honey. My Life is about you" (Billy to Julia - Daisy Jones and The Six)
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chwe-y · 1 month
having read the seven husband's of evelyn hugo , my thought's while reading were that i loved evelyn, she was a flawed but determined woman, and i loved harry cameron, and i wished they'd both gotten better endings.
but most of all i thought, that the little i knew of james grant, i loved so intensely. the little we saw of him, the small insights into who this man was, had me sobbing uncontrollably for the life lost, not just his as an individual, but his as a father and a best friend. like here was this man, who was so loyal, and that loyalty lead to such a tragic end. it's not just that he died, but his good name was ruined so that the rich elite could save face.
i don't blame evelyn for doing what she did, i do a little bit blame harry for driving under the influence, but mostly i can't help but noticing that in order to protect the dignity of a white man, a black man had to suffer, and that black man's daughter had to grow up without a father, and grow up thinking that her father was reckless with his life and other's l.
idk i think that's the real tragedy, i think james grant was lost to the annals of time, his story will never be told and i can't even be mad about it bc angela grant is such a sweet woman and i would keep the truth of her marriage from her as well. he died before he could figure it out, how to have it all, his great love story and his beloved family.
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pleasantsweetsmiracle · 3 months
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itshelia · 3 months
My mom to her friends, my aunts, and literally everyone she knows: Yeah, my kid is so smart. She is on her phone a lot of the time, but it's not like you guys think, She is not like how kids nowadays are, She reads a lot of books on her phone!!
Me, a fanfic reader who can survive off nothing but just words and day dreams herself to sleep:
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aphrcdites · 1 year
“not all men”
you’re right, my favorite fictional character would never.
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moonpascal · 3 months
self insert x canon will always hold a special place in my heart
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indigomood · 1 month
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Maurice (1987) dir. James Ivory
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thatboisus · 2 months
yall ever read a fanfic so majestic it completely altered your entire life
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catastrxblues · 1 year
i love ao3 but tumblr fanfics just hit different 😩😩
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zanephillips · 6 months
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Maurice (1987) dir. James Ivory
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cannibalistickemp · 2 months
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Was it casual when you went 30 miles behind lines for me even though you didn’t know if I was alive or not?
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Was it casual when you refused to fight me as well as dropping your shield? (Your only source of protection)
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Was is casual when you shielded me from gunfire even though you knew damn well I have a bullet proof arm?
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Was it casual when you defended me from the rest of the world when no one else would?
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creativedistortion · 2 years
FRETS has a reputation for putting on fantastic events and tonight was no different. It takes a bit of effort to get to Strathaven as it’s in the arse end of nowhere but after The White Stripes incident of 2015, I don’t drink at gigs and am now the designated driver so getting there was no problem apart from the magical mystery tour and several 3 point turns after taking wrong turns thanks to a rubbish sat nav.
This isn’t the first time that James Grant (Love & Money), Norman Blake (Teenage Fanclub) and Bernard Butler (Suede) have played live together. I love TFC and Suede but wasn’t aware of James Grant other than a fleeting awareness of Love & Money and wondered how he would fit in, but I shouldn’t have worried - he fitted in just fine.
All 3 have a great onstage relationship and complement each other perfectly. James is the wise elder statesman, well he is 1 year older than Normal, who is the cheeky chappie and Bernard is the young whipper snapper cooler than anyone else in the room. Their combined musical talent filled the hall with breath-taking harmonies and some astonishing guitar playing that left even my extremely talented guitar playing friend in awe.
The set included L&M and TFC favourites including a wonderful version of TFC’s first single ‘Everything Flows’, which hit me in the feels, and ‘The Concept’ from my favourite TFC album ‘Bandwagonesque’. They also threw in several covers including ‘Me and Magdalena’, which is a largely unknown song by The Monkees, and closed the show with a wonderful rendition of ‘Cinnamon Girl’ by Neil Young.
The only slight disappointment (disappointment is too strong a word) was that Bernard didn’t choose anything from the first two incredible Suede albums but more than made up with a version of ‘Yes’, which was a rare treat.
I expected this to be a great gig but didn’t quite realise how fantastic it would be. They are a hugely talented trio and combined hit ever higher heights and I hope someone convinces them to release a record.
It was clear from the smiles on the faces of the crowd at the end that our collective Pringle socks had been knocked off. Thanks to FRETS for a wonderful night and we’ll certainly be making the journey to Strathaven again.
4.5 stars.
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
Reminder that the Winter Soldier only operated for 50 years of the over 70 years Bucky was captive.
It took over 20 years for them to break Bucky down enough to use him, and even then, not only did he need to be convinced what he was doing was good, but he constantly needed to be wiped to be kept complacent.
It only took seeing Steve and hearing 'I'm with you to the end of the line' to bring that all crashing down.
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