#Jake x Rose
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romancemedia · 10 months ago
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Cartoon Romances + Height Difference
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jazzymarie1006 · 4 days ago
Five pairings I adore that involve Asian characters and their kiss scenes.
Ulrich and Yumi
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Jake and Rose
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Penn and Sashi
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Molly and Ollie
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Yuwen and Taylor
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dougydoug8797 · 1 month ago
Happy Valentines Day💌 💘 💝 from Lumity, Huntlow, Raeda, Marcus X June, and Jake X Rose,.
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astriddestelle · 1 year ago
The way I was obsessed with enemies to lovers/rivals to lovers as a kid 😭😭😭 my top pairings growing up ranked. Canon/Fanon included.
Can you tell I’ve been on a nostalgic rewatch.
1. Logan/Quinn from Zoey 101. The OG teenbop enemies to lovers omg I stan. When they pronounced their love for each other at the season finale at the prom, screaming crying throwing up. The way they get together is so random lmao he calls her hot and they kiss then Michael rides by on a horse like what? But the pay off and ending was so *chefs kiss*
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2. Courtney/Duncan from TDI. They were everything to me and Cartoon Network ruined it. First season the bantering, the flirting. When I tell you I was hooked. The scream I scrumpt when they finally kissed (also me didn’t she just throw up but whatever I guess) then she left and it was all downhill from there.
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3. Rose/Jake from ADJL. The Romeo and Juliet of this paring needs to be studied. They were so down bad for each other. When Jake found out she was huntsgirl then when she found out. Their first kiss being right before she had to ‘kill’ him for sport in an arena. Her giving up her life to keep him and his family safe, him giving up her to keep her safe. 😭😭😭 they don’t make em like they used too
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4. Draco/Harry from HP. The ship that started it all. Before this I’d never read a slash fic before is it even still called that. Anyways this right here is my longest going ship I’m still into only reason it’s not higher is that I love the other ones more. You get so many variations of this, from the super toxic fic, to the I’ve always secretly loved you, to the meet up after the war is over and so on and so forth. Ugh I love it. There’s like 50,000 fics of them on a03 and I know I’ve read like half at least 🤣
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5. Zuko/Katara from Avatar. My second non canon ship on here. When I tell you I was obsessed with them. Sigh then I discovered other fandoms and by the time I came back to them I was just done. Which I think comes fromm just not being as much of a Zuko fan anymore. This ship was gold, tho, I mean come on I’ll save you from the pirates how can I not. The way he jumped in front of her (obviously he’d do the same for everyone but like listen it ate down bad) the whole crystal caverns episode was fuel to the fire, the writers/creators knew what they were doing
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6. Jake/Miley from Hannah Montana. Another OG omg she hated him so much. The flirty the snark then they had to kiss and both of em were like oh hot damn. They were so cute together and I will forever hate Disney for making her choose Jake just for him to cheat on her like what was the reason. What was the reason 😭😭
7. Alejandro/Heather from TDI. Woo child buckle up. This is one of those slowburns cause it’s not until like a quarter in to the season you’re like hold up. Are they going where I think they’re going and then they did. I don’t like the ending cause seriously wtf was the point. But the lead up and bruh the stuck in a hole song I still sing that on a daily. They were literally made for each other.
8. Chad/Sonny from Sonny with a Chance: one thing about Disney they ate down when it comes to enemies to lovers, or annoyance to like, whatever you wanna call it. Chad Dylan Cooper and Sonny omg the drama was beautiful, they hated each other so much and when they started dating I bout passed out. Lol they were so hilarious together I miss it.
9. Raven/Beastboy from TT. This and next two aren’t super enemies to lovers, more live annoyances or belligerent sexual tension. But I really was obsessed with this, like I was the girl reading Terra bashing fics 😭😭 they were so cute, the Beast Within was ship gold, Nevermore, the fact that she holds onto to the penny he gives her when she ‘dies’ and oh he only turns into the Beast again to protect her from Slade and never again. Beautiful
10. Jimmy/Cindy from JN. They may have only been nine but sheesh the rivalry to lovers or in this case crushes was intense. Cindy was down bad since day one but she hid that shit so well. The Valentine’s Day episode still makes me giggle like a kid. And the last episode where they’re legit just straight up flirting with each other I can not. When she almost confesses when he’s the orange hulk. So cute.
Honarary mentions:
Jinx/Kid Flash from TT. They were cute but I hated it solely for the fact that it shoulda been me 😭😭🤧🤧
Sam/Freddie from icarly. Ok so I used to love this one and as I got older, Sam was just so fucking mean that I couldn’t ship like damn. At some point it’s not cute anymore, it’s just down right abusive, early seasons yes, later seasons where they’re actually together no.
Bakugo/Deku simply cause some days I think it’s cute other days I hate it
Mindy and Josh from Drake and Josh. Cute and amusing but didn’t care for em much.
Bailey and Code from Suite Life on Deck see above.
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effypcfc · 2 years ago
"American Dragon: Jake Long"
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You mean Zutara fanfic, if it was greenlit by Disney Channel?
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rosetyler42 · 7 months ago
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Hey! Sorry I've been off. I had a bad IBS flareup. I'll get to @ssleeping-in-a-coffin 's questions eventually. But I thought I'd post these.
A while back, I realized I ended up with an amusing coincidence in my Long Twins (my Jake/Rose ADJL future fankids) and Drericka twins: two sets of half-monster Enemies-to-lovers shipchild twins, with advebturous, chaotic monstery shapeshifting girls and quieter more chill humany yet still bad-ass guys. This plus the coincidental similarities between Drericka and Jake/Rose - even down to the dynamic, almost - inspired this bit of Lizzie, Jaren, Simon, and Lucy flying together. I thought they'd make goof friends if they ever met. XD
Lizzie and Lucy are racing and enjoying themselves, Jaren is enjoying the feeling of wind on his face and hair, while the timid Simon is wondering when they'll be back on the ground. XD
@lovelylivelyv @black-ak9 @hotelt-resurrection @serial-serializednovelreader @deathfangirl9 @wingingfromthezing @ebevkisk @twinklecupcake @kittyball23 @heartsong1994 @oc-center @oc-celebration
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stanlunter · 11 months ago
I saw the post about the Owl House AU, where Luz the human and the Golden Guard are enemies, but 'Disguised Luz' and Hunter are friends... How do you think Luz and Hunter would react, if they learn the truth?... I think that Hunter would choose to help Luz, like how Rose chooses to help Jake! 💛
Oh, that's an interesting question, I really love this au!
Unfortunately, I don't remember Rose and Jake that good, cuz I've watchrd it very long time ago..
But I think Hunter's reaction would depend on the situation and who exactly finds out.
Well, if Luz finds out Hunter is the Golden guard, she would defenetly be shocked at first, but will devide not to bring up this topic ever again and would try to hide she knows anything, but she wouldn't be disappointed in Hunter, she would think like "yeah, it makes sense"
Jf Hunter found out about Luz first, he would not believe it at first, but then he would try to talk to her about it and make her explain everything. Also he would probably help her escape and wouldn't let Belos take her
If they found out about each other at the same time, both of them would probably try to stop talking to each other at first (to avoid the damage and the fact that they were and will fight each other) and would avoid each other, but then, when they accidently meet, they will have to make a conversation to explain everything to each other and to resolve this problem together
So, I really love this idea of like miraculous ladybug, but they are enemies. I really NEED to rewatch American dragon: Jake Long now! I remember this show was so interesting and mb Ill even get sometimes ideas to draw smth!
Thank you for a question!
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bers1990 · 7 months ago
What if Rose had seen Jake like this (just a thought)?
Not sure where this came from, but, since it genuinely seems like a discussion topic that this fandom might get a kick out of; what do you think Rose’s first reaction would have been had she caught sight of her dragon sweetheart, Jake Long, like this -
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nadiiselsil · 2 years ago
I know I'm very late to the party but I'm gonna do this now.
Ship you wish had been canon
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Swan Queen (Once Upon a Time) Listen I will be mad about this till the day I die. Queerbaiting at it's highest. We could have had the most beautiful love story.
2. Newest Ship
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Daniel x Vala (Stargate SG-1) I have been watching this show all my life (so for 25 years basically) and then my 2023 rewatch whacked me over the head with these two idiots. Daniel was always my fave and then I met Vala and now I am obsessed with both of them. Together and on their own.
3. Favourite Ship
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Ten x Rose (Doctor Who) Since I can't just put SwanQueen or Daniel x Vala here again, I am choosing TenRose. They were everything. I still cry to this day when I hear the doomsday theme playing.
4. Ship you want to be canon
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Isaac x Nigel (Ghosts cbs) Okay I am kinda cheating here because it is canon. But I barely watch shows anymore that are not already finished or cancelled. So this is the closest thing I could find. Let's just say I hope they will be endgame!
5. First Ship you were crazy for
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Shamy (The Big Bang Theory) Fifteen year old me was all over this. They were my introduction to shipping, tumblr and fanfiction. Now, ten years later and I'm asking myself: why? I mean I do still get it. But I guess they don't give me the feels anymore.
6. Ship you wish had more screentime
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Rumbelle (Once Upon a Time) I know they have plenty of screentime later on. I just wish they had gotten more before the writers went and completely ruined both their characters as well as this ship. I might have a thing for problematic ships but at some point even I draw the line.
7. First Ship
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Jake x Rose (American Dragon) I don't know if this is really my first ship but it's the earliest one I can remember right now. God their story was heartbreaking. Made ten year old me cry.
8. Honorable Mention
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Caskett (Castle) I don't know how much of me shipping this was just me projecting cause I had a crush on Beckett but fact is they occupied my shipping heart for quite a while and they are one of the few ships I actually read fanfic about. I should rewatch this some time in the future.
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rosetyler42 · 9 months ago
Lucy: Chaotic ADHD vampire, What if Dracula had Johnny for a kid?
Simon: Bluto as a good guy, what if Pubert or Pugsley had grown up normal
Jaren: Chinese weeaboo tries to make up for his mom's sins
Lizzie: American Dragon: Girl version
James: Accidental Dodgeball baby, what if Gru Jr was nice?
Connie: Kim Possible if she were a klutz and a slacker
Aaron: Genderbent KP
Vixen and Benny: Wildehopps 2, Electric boogaloo
Stitch-Angel Pups: The Grand Coucilwoman's nightmare in the Original film.
Kelly: Give the deux-ex-machina a peice of mole-rat ass so they can make mole-babies
Susan Tyler: Adventuring Goddess, what if Rose WAS The Doctor?
Alex Tyler: Space Nerd raised by the biggest space nerd
Meg: Franny K Stein is an alien
Lily: Supreme One in Turquoise
Describe your oc to me. Poorly.
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romancemedia · 2 years ago
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Cartoon Romances + Relieved Hug
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jazzymarie1006 · 1 year ago
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Five pairs of Disney pairings that involve the boys fantasizing or dreaming about the girls they adore.
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dougydoug8797 · 1 year ago
Happy Valentines Day 💝 💘 💌 From Lumity, Huntlow, Raeda, JunexMarcus, DannyxSam, JakexRose, JennyxSheldon, Entrapdak and Gwevin
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rosetyler42 · 9 months ago
Lucy! She inherited her father's vampire powers and fangs. Only unlike her dad, older half sister, and nephew, she has a fangy overbite - inspired by Ericka and Van Helsing's buck teeth, Vampericka, @lovelylivelyv 's Gorgericka, and the vampire kids in Hotel Transylvania 2.
Ericka and Mavis' eeveelutions, Eve the Sylveon and Lydia the Umbreon respectively, have prominent fangs as well. Of course, most eeveelutions have fangs being cat-dog like creatures. But living with vampires caused their fangs to develop more prominently as eevees. Sylveons have hidden venom-filled fangs in their ribbons as well as ones on their mouths. Bram the Crobat, Eddie the Shiny Swoobat, Colombia the Shiny Primarina, and Lulu the Zoroark also have fangs too.
Vixen also has fangs as the grey tree fox adopted child of Wildehopps. Though those aren't as visible as Lucy's.
Not sure if this one really COUNTS as fangs, but Stitch and Angel's pups all have mouthfulls of blunt predator-like teeth that can eat through almost anything. Lizzie also has sharp teeth as a dragon.
Which OC has fangs?
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