#Jackieboy Man x Reader
mothgodofchaos · 2 months
Jackieboy Man x GN!Reader, TW: heights? Words: 655
He promised that today would just be a day of relaxation for the two of you today. No hero bullshit, no corporate job. You booked the day off a few months ago, seeing as this was the soonest you could get at the time. He told you to dress yourself up nicer, but not formal, which did make you question what plans he has. Nicer jeans, clean sneakers, favorite shirt and a matching jacket.
You hear a knock at the door once your hair is done, and you’re greeted with a large bouquet of flowers and a coffee. His head peeks out from behind the gifts, grinning at you as he steps into your place. A kiss is planted to your cheek as he makes his way to the kitchen to find a vase. Your face flushes as he gives you a once over, whistling at what he sees.
“I told ye not t’ get all fancy on me! T’ what do I owe t’e pleasure t’ be in t’e presence of such royalty?”
Jackie gives you a cheeky grin, taking your hand and kissing your knuckles. All you can manage out is a sputter, his effort thankfully having its intended effect. He stands up straight again, tipping up your chin to kiss you properly, his other arm around your waist.
“I missed ye.”
“I missed you too.”
You stand there together for a moment longer, before he sweeps you off your feet and brings you out of the house with your coffee in hand. His laugh is bright as you let out an indignant noise of surprise, flashing that hero smile that you could see from miles away. He sets you down in his truck, setting a hand on your thigh as he backs out of the parking spot.
“Yer not afraid of heights, right?”
“Not that I know of.”
“Perfect. Didn’t occur t’ me t’at ye might be until I was drivin’ over here.”
A little concerning, but usually any blunders he makes are pure-hearted intentions that turn into genuine mistakes. Honestly, you’re not sure he would ever have the heart to be malicious. He just beams at you, making your heart melt a little bit as his fingers tap against the steering wheel out of excitement.
“You gonna tell me what you have planned, hero? Or am I gonna have to figure out your evil scheme the hard way?”
“Uh- I- umm… picnic? Roof?”
It’s his turn to blush as he stumbles over his words, stuttering them out. It’s cute, prompting you to rest your hand on his as it rests on the clutch to soothe him.
“It’s okay, baby. I’m excited either way.”
Jackie brightens again, feeling more confident in his plans again. The drive is short, and he takes you into a tall building with a basket of what you presume to be your lunch. His arm is wrapped around your waist on the elevator ride up, occasionally pressing a kiss to your temple. When you reach the top, he takes your hand and leads you out, taking the time to put out a blanket before letting you sit down. The view of the cityline is gorgeous, and you catch him looking at you in your peripheral to see if you’re enjoying it.
“You did good, hero. This is perfect…”
He interlocks your fingers together as he pulls you closer to him, unpacking the food from the basket with his other hand. It’s simple, maybe a little fancier than anything you’d normally get. But it’s still modest, and feels like home. We’re talking Trader Joe’s fancy, not Erehwon fancy.
“I’m glad ye like it, mo chroí, I really am…”
You talk for hours up there, kissing at sunset and him carrying you back to the truck when you fall asleep against him. Every other day he’s the city’s hero, but it felt good to be only yours for the day.
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ijwrff · 26 days
Bro i NEED a Part 3 for that yandere Jackieboy man x villain Reader
Your wish is granted <3 I apologize in advance XD
I got a good few requests sent in, so I'll be closing requests very soon! Make sure to send something in if you haven't already! I appreciate y'all and the requests so much so thank you for being so kind and supportive <3
Tag List: @thattiredanimator1t0mblr @jacksepticeye-simp
Word Count: 1,379
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That absolute bastard…what the hell makes him think he was gonna get away with this? What kind of “hero” was he to do something most villains wouldn’t even dream of. I mean seriously, kidnapping someone? How ironic does this situation get?
He had been keeping you here for over two weeks. You yelled at him, thrashed in your restraints and even spat at him. He didn’t care. He just smiled, and promised to bring you food or even…help you go to the bathroom. It was like he didn’t trust you alone for even a second and honestly? Probably the smart move. If you were able to, you’d kick his damn teeth in for even suggesting you’d be happier if you believed in him. 
It was grating on your pride, being holed up in some abandoned building. He wanted you to see exactly where he was going. Those cameras he placed in your apartment were always on the monitor in front of you. He’d go and grab your things, but it was pointless if he wouldn’t even untie you to be able to use them. Even worse, he had access to cameras all over the city. But that was going to be his downfall. 
You could see exactly where he was. You knew these streets, and it gave you a good idea how far he was, and how quickly he traveled from place to place. His confidence would get him killed, and if you were lucky, it’d be at your hands. If he thought he could keep the city’s most dangerous villain in restraints with visible access to the cameras without any fear of what could happen…he severely underestimated you. You’ve gotten out of worse situations than this, and there was no way you’d let him be the first to keep you dormant. 
You were getting out, and you were getting out soon. No matter the cost. 
“I’m going to the bank! I wanna make sure to get enough money out to get you into a real room…I feel bad for just leaving you here in a chair most of the day.” Jackie pouted, and crossed his arms as he looked at you apologetically. “Your room is almost done, but I need to do a couple more things in it first. I’ll be back in an hour or two! Don’t worry, I’ll be sure you know where I’m going. I’d feel awful if you thought I was seeing a girl or something.” He blushed slightly, but shook his head and smiled. “I’ll be back before you know it!” 
It made you scoff, but you knew you had to put your plan into action. You hated everything you were about to say and do, but forced yourself to give him a small smile. “Okay…be safe.” The sweetness in your voice made you internally gag, but it was something that had to be done. If he thought you were warming up to him, then escape will be significantly easier. If you could just convince him you cared about him, he’d be more relaxed and easy to win over. 
He looked shocked, his jaw dropping before he gave a wide smile with a blush creeping onto his cheeks. “Okay! I will, promise!” He stepped closer, cradling your cheeks in his hands. “I’ll come back for you, don’t worry.” The tone was sickening, and sounded like it came straight out of some cheesy romcom. That was a far different genre than the life you’ve been living…it was hard not to look as repulsed as you felt. 
You didn’t trust your voice, and instead gave him a happy smile. It seemed to be enough for him, and he walked out. That was when the plan really began. Pretending not to despise him, to actually enjoy his presence. He had mentioned a room for you, and knowing him it would be difficult to get out of it. But it was a start. Soon you’d have more range of motion than in and out of a chair a few times a day. It made you smirk. That fucking idiot. 
The next week went by, faking smiles and acting shy. You wanted to throw him across the room and out a glass window where he’d fall thirty stories, but for now you had to be patient. He had mentioned your room being finished tonight. He’d have to walk you somewhere else in the building, or even to a different location, which gave you a window of opportunity to blindside him and make your escape. He had gotten far more enthusiastic, talking about his day like you were a married couple. 
It was repulsive in every way possible. He was certifiably insane, and it pissed you off beyond belief. But he’d lose this fight, even though you were having to play it as a long game. You had to admit, the restraints were good. There wasn’t much wiggle room, but it wasn’t tight enough to cause damage or be uncomfortable…no matter how you thrashed around. 
As soon as he returned, you gave him a small smile. “Hi…welcome back, I missed you. Is my room ready?” It was still curt, and to the point, but with a small shred of sweetness. It was really all you managed to muster without it sounding unbelievable. 
Jackie practically skipped up to you, and leaned down so your eyes were even. He held his hands behind his back and tilted his head as he grinned wide at you. “Yup! We’ll have to start heading there now! Don’t worry, I can lead you there!” He giggled, but suddenly his face fell and he looked more serious. He straightened up, his eyes nearly pleading. “But…first…” 
He looked at the ground, kicking his foot once before looking back up at you. “Do you…finally love me yet?” His voice was almost a whisper, and he went completely silent while he waited for you to answer. It seemed like an innocent question, but given the current circumstances, it was far from so. He held his breath, and looked at you with eyes that reminded you of a child trying to beg their parents for candy without pulling any punches. Sort of like a guilt trip. 
Your jaw dropped slightly, not expecting the question at all. You quickly closed your mouth, and gave him the most genuine looking smile you could. “I…didn’t want to say it just yet. I…wanted to make it special.” You took a deep breath, simultaneously gathering the courage to lie, and make it believable. “I do…I do love you, Jackie.” The words were laced with all of the sweetness you could put into it, and looked at him with a wide grin and adoring eyes. 
His smile was far wider than yours, and he rushed up to you to pull you into a hug. Now wasn’t the time to thrash and make your escape. You had to wait until he at least untied your legs. If you could kick him down, you could easily find something to cut open the ropes around your wrists. So instead you leaned your head closer to him, as if to nuzzle him. 
You felt tears hitting your shoulder as he cried silently. “I’m so happy…I’m so happy to hear you say it. I’ve loved you for so long, it’s all I’ve ever wanted to hear.” A small sob escaped his lips, and you felt him squeeze you tighter. His hands rubbed your back, and it was quiet for several moments as he took in several deep breaths. 
“I wanted to hear that for so long…” He laughed, but the air seemed to shift. Something was wrong. You felt a small prick in the side of your neck, and his laugh turned monotone. You were shocked at the change, and immediately started to feel dizzy. Before you could yell at him, he finished what he wanted to say. 
“Even though I know you’re lying.” He pulled back as he spoke, and you saw a sorrowed expression on his face. “You’ll believe it soon though. I know you will. You’ll be safe wi…” His words trailed off as you passed out, one thought running through your mind. One sentence that had never rang more true than in this moment. 
I’m so screwed…
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Ok I saw that post you reblogged about Jackie's role in this whole project and I really do love the concept of Jackie being an experiment from IRIS that escaped. After reading that I had this idea that after he escaped from the facility reader found him and helped him stay hidden from them but then they hear about what happened at the facility with Chase and Anti (whether they know about both of them or not is entirely up to you) and Jackie wants to go back and see for himself what's going on and help in someway and reader is worried about them. Would love to see how you would write this out. ~✴️
Oh yeah!!! I’m so curious about his role
For several weeks, you’ve been housing the superhero known as Jackieboy Man.
Now that would sound like a dream come true for any fan of him--and he had many, especially the IRIS staff who’d read comics about him during their breaks. Some even had kids who admired him and were ecstatic to learn of a real-life superhero living in their world.
But the reality was that he had been living a nightmare at that facility.
It was absolute hell..
Being strapped to a table while they injected him with all sorts of substances that left him screaming nonstop day and night; being thrown into cells to combat other subjects like a dog in an illegal fighting ring...or test chambers to demonstrate the “powers” given to him.
He was an artificially-created superhuman. An experiment bred in a lab.
And he hated it. He’d give anything to be normal again.
Despite your kindness and the risks you've taken to help him, Jackie remained cautious around you. He got paranoid that you’ll turn him back in, especially when IRIS put out a cash reward and a free WTCHR camera upgrade to whomever did so.
You promised him that will never happen. His freedom mattered more to you than anything of material value. Yet the thought of being betrayed still scared him a lot. Sometimes he’d tense up whenever you picked up the phone to make a call, but you always tell him exactly what you’re doing.
It was a bit annoying at times, though could you blame him? No.
Eventually, Jackie let his guard down a little. He expressed his more optimistic side and played video games with you a lot; thus your friendship grew closer by the day. 
You also noticed he was quite a proficient hacker. In his spare time--prior to being captured--he’d try to expose corruption on the Internet, starting with scammer accounts. At one point he even solved a local cold case and was hailed a hero, sparking his pride and obtaining a strong sense of justice.
He attempted to expose a “red room” on the dark web and was close to piecing together the URL...
Until IRIS abducted him in the dead of night. And the rest was history.
Even now, he still had those skills. So it was no surprise to you when you came home to hear him typing away on the computer, hearing him whisper-shout “yes! Jackieboy Man wins again!”
“How didja do, hero?” You entered the room, curious.
“Great. I’ve been trying to hack into IRIS’ security systems all day..lots of weird puzzles were involved. I got into one camera, though.”
At the mention of the facility, your smile faltered a bit. “How come you did that? I thought you..wanted to forget that place.”
“...I did, until I heard it went into lockdown.”
“Really?” You blinked in surprise, kneeling beside him to see what he discovered on the cameras.
And you found it hard to believe; it was like a scene out of some sci-fi horror movie:
The camera was positioned in a hallway with red lights. Dead scientists and guards littered the corridor--pools of blood surrounded their heads, as if something grabbed them and slammed them into the wall.
But what shocked you even more were the two men that were there. The one you recognized had a gray shirt and cap, on the floor as he shuffled backwards--apparently trying to get away from the other man dressed in black.
The latter was trudging along slowly, corrupting the camera footage the more he walked. You couldn’t see his face, but it was clear he was stalking the other man...as if he were prey.
And just as the guy in black stopped...
The camera cut to static, displaying the words “signal lost”.
“What the hell..th-that was Chase, wasn’t it?”
“No, no, no, no..! C’mon, get back up already..” Jackie started muttering anxiously, typing frantically in an attempt to get back online. Though he stopped when it proved to be useless, instead looking at you. “You know him?”
“I do. We were friends. God I--I thought he was dead, but he was with those assholes all this time.” You were furious.
Chase had been alive..being held against his will.
“I didn’t get to talk to him much..but I know he’s in serious trouble. He can’t be alone with that monster.”
“Who? The other guy?”
“He’s the reason Chase is there at all, and...why I was made this way.” Pausing, he stared down at his hands, clenching both fists.
You wondered what he meant by that, and you frowned slightly, worried. “Jackie..”
“They turned me into a weapon in hopes I could somehow contain him. But..h-he got in my head a lot. He told me I’m just their lab rat..that I’m nothing but their toy.” His eyes began to glow a light green, his hands shaking. “It made me so angry..god..if only I can punch a voice, right? Too bad they never gave me that ability.”
Feeling your hands over his own, Jackie glanced up at you, the glow dissipating as he sighed shakily. His expression became determined and cold.
“We have to go back.”
“..what?” You gawked in disbelief. Never in a million years did you think he’d ever say that. “Jackie that’s...you can’t be serious. What if they capture you-?”
“Trust me, they’re gonna have a hell of a hard time with that. They can’t control me anymore. But Chase doesn’t stand a chance. I need to make sure he’s alright. As far as I know, he’s innocent, and justice calls for me to help the innocent..no matter what. I can’t ignore what we saw on those cameras.”
As much as you wanted to agree with him, you were also worried about the other guy. “And..what about him? What if he’s still there?”
“...there’s only one way to find out. I..I have to face my fears once and for all. It’s what a hero does, right?”
For a moment, you were silent. But you knew that you couldn’t change his mind now. Though if he were to go alone, he’d surely be in just as much trouble.
No way were you gonna let that happen.
“Right. But what’s a hero without his sidekick?”
Jackie blinked. “Wait..you mean...?”
“If you’re going, then I’m coming with you.”
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timbertumbr · 2 years
Hero Trouble (Jackieboy man X Reader)
Day 9, “You get snowed in somewhere for the night” and “No, you don’t.” Since I missed a couple of days, I answered some long waiting requests for the days I missed. This is going to mainly be comedic, either way, Enjoy!
Jackie had come over on his day off to hang out with you. The two of you played games, chatted, and had fun. Then night rolled around but the snow was not letting up. You frowned as you saw the piled-up snow out your window.
“Looks pretty deep, you may have to stay the night,” You turned to the hero who was masking up.
“No can do, I have heroic duties tomorrow and can’t afford to forget my tool belt… again,” You rolled your eyes.
“What are you going to do? Swim through the snow back home?” He perked up.
“Actually that’s not a bad idea!” You gawked at him before shaking your head.
“Jackie, that was sarcasm-”
“Oh,” The room falls into silence before you instinctively move in front of the door.
“Oh ho! So you challenge me to a duel of wits and brawn!” Jackie exclaimed, getting into a fighting position. You deadpan.
“No, I’m preventing you from doing something stupid-”
“CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!” He exclaims before charging at you. You think quickly, moving to the side and opening the door causing Jackie to fly out of the doorway and into the pile of snow. He quickly emerges, gasping for air.
“H-h-holy shit… S-so cold!”
“I told you. Now come back inside, change your clothes and I’ll give you a blanket and some cocoa,” You chastised as Jackie practically flings himself inside and runs to the bathroom. He emerges a few minutes later out of his hero uniform, you give him a blanket which he wraps around himself before taking the cocoa in his hands.
“Thanks,” He mutters as he sits down on your couch, you smile as you sit next to him and turn on the TV.
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dapperstein · 2 years
Hero Work Is Hard, Dating Is Harder
JBM x Reader :) enjoy :)
Using dating apps wasn't a new experience for you, nor a new part of your daily routine. It was a while ago when you realised you were getting lonely and wanted to try and find someone to bring into your life, and had downloaded a couple of apps to see which ones fit your style, and after a bit more time only one made the cut.
It had a simple user interface and perfectly customisable profiles, and most of it could be used for free, so you kept it. You made a couple of connections and met a couple of weirdos, but most everything had fallen through and you stopped using it for a while.
But now you were redownloading it and were ready for a fresh start and new people, and that's where and when you meet…
Jackie Boyman.
The profile was normal enough. Not too much information to process, mostly just the basics, and a few cute pictures of the man.
He had slightly long on top, curly brown hair with faded green ends. It fell in his eyes just so, just barely touching the top edge of his grey ombré glasses. A red turtleneck covered the bottom half of his face in the first picture, whereas in the others it was pulled down to reveal a thin, dark beard and moustache.
His eyes were a golden honey colour and he was making silly faces between the pictures.
The writing on the profile said he was 26 and was good with doing basically anything for a date. He talked about some of his hobbies (parkour and drawing as a combination seemed… interesting) and his job as a computer technician.
And best of all he lived nearby according to his location. Overall, he looked perfect.
You sent him a quick wave and upon realising you matched, sent a hello message and decided to get ready for the night.
You’d been planning to go to a local pub for no particular reason other than it was something to do and tonight was the night. Even if you didn’t drink anything, the atmosphere was always nice and you hadn’t been in a while.
As you slipped your top over your head about 20 minutes later (following a nice, warm shower) you heard a ding come from your phone and picked it up to a message from Jackie. A smile slipped onto your face.
7:48 pm
You > Jackie: Good eve sir :)
8:25 pm
Jackie > You: Oh, hello! I’m happy to see we matched; what drew you to the button?
You > Jackie: Good question you’ve got there, I’m really not sure! Your job and hobbies both seem interesting, I suppose! What about me?
Jackie > You: I’m not sure this makes sense but your vibes? I came across your profile some time ago and went, “Woah, you seem cool.”
Jackie > You: Haven’t stopped thinking about you since, even though it looked like you were inactive. Thought I’d lost my chance lol
Heat rose into your face and you had to put your phone down to finish getting dressed until you got outside and pulled it back out.
The air was almost cool enough for gloves so you had a pair in your pocket, but otherwise were just wearing a warm jacket over your normal clothes with no extra layers.
A new text from Jackie lit up your screen through the darkness.
Jackie > You: If it’s not too early (or late), would you want to meet tonight, maybe?
You > Jackie: I’m already on my way to a nearby pub for a couple of drinks, I’ll give you the address and you can meet me there :)
Shit, you’d only just started talking and didn’t even have proof he was the man he said he was. What if it was too good to be true? Were you really ready to meet him already? You’d already sent the message-
Jackie > You: Sure, I’ll give you my number so we can video call. Hang on, I’ve got to find where I’ve written it down…
A laugh escaped you as you walked down the street. So that problem was settled. He sent his phone number less than a minute later and you breathed out a cold breath as you clicked it to call him.
His face popped up another few seconds later, lit up from directly in front of him until he backed away from the camera and did a spin.
“Well? Like what you see?” He posed and laughed at the same time you did. “Sorry, that was cringy.”
“Just a little,” you continued laughing. He was cute so far. He was only wearing a red cropped tank top and a pair of black skinny jeans. His hips were curvy but the jeans sat nicely on them and his stomach and waist weren’t too small, probably from his parkour hobby. “What’s with the tank top? Kind of cold, isn’t it?”
Jackie tilted his head and looked down at himself. “Oh, this? It’s called a binder. I’ll explain more when we meet, it’d be a ton easier! I have a shirt to wear over it, though, don’t worry!”
You nodded and breathed out a puff of air. “All right, so I’m going to Randy’s, I’m not sure if you know it but I can help if you get lost now.”
His face lit up. “Oh, I know Randy’s. He and I are old friends, and it’s right near my place, too!” He smiled and leaned out of frame to grab something, coming back with a big, white sweatshirt in his hands that he easily put over his head. He combed his hair out with his fingers and put his glasses on. “Cool, meet you there in, like, 10 minutes?”
“It’s a date," you told him as you walked into the pub.
=some time later=
You were just finishing your first drink when the door to the pub opened. The place had been quiet thus far with only a few older couples sitting around for middle-of-the-week dates (how cute!) so you immediately turned around to see who had come in.
Jackie had hung up the call a couple of minutes after you arrived so he could “get there quicker”—his words—and now here he was, standing just a bit away from you.
He looked around and caught your eye, smiling widely and approaching, seemingly out of breath.
"Hey! Wow, what luck that we live so close to one another, huh?" You introduced yourself and motioned for him to sit across from you, sliding him the drink you'd surprise ordered for him.
"I'm actually just visiting right now, but I think I might stay longer! I move around and travel… a lot." He took a sip of the drink and his eyes blew wide. "Holy shit! There'd better be more dates so you can order this for me again!"
"I think we can manage that seeing how tonight's already going." You took a second to look around while he kept at his drink. “Somehow this all still feels too good to be true. I feel like I’m dreaming.”
Jackie chewed on his straw for a second, hoping to catch your eyes but it seemed like you were avoiding him now. "I can assure you you’re not. What makes you say that, though?”
“Ugh, I have no idea. Maybe it’s the interests, no guy is really that varied, you feel fake.” You glanced back to see him smiling around his straw. “What?”
“Nothing; nothing, I just like to keep busy. Tonight was the first night I’ve had off in a while, to be honest. Do you want a couple more fun facts about me?”
Couldn’t hurt. You turned and smiled back. “Sure, go for it.”
“Right, well, I’m transgender, hence the binder. The drawing I do is actually graffiti, and the whole parkour thing is my second job.”
“Second job? Are you an instructor?”
“Oh, no, I wouldn’t want anybody to even attempt to do what I do!” He paused to take another swig of his drink and sighed. “But enough about that, I want to know more about you now.”
Despite your growing curiosity, you gave in. If this was a dream, Jackie was a damn good piece from your imagination. But then again, brains can only show you faces they’ve seen before…
An hour later you were paying for your drinks and getting ready to leave. You could see Jackie shivering even with his thick, white, wool sweater on, but figured since he didn’t live far that you would just walk him home and hope he could find something warmer (and take the damn binder off—he told you he’d already been wearing it way past the safe limit).
As it turns out, his place is much more than the 10 minutes he’d claimed it would take him when you were first meeting. In fact, it was almost double, yet he still made it within the time he’d set. What did he do, fly?
He lived in a small building on the third floor and you walked him right into his home when invited. Immediately he took off his sweater and walked into a room down the hall, leaving you to fend for yourself. You looked around, but the place seemed pretty normal, if not a bit quirky.
There were shelves upon shelves of comic books, graphic novels, random knick-knacks and hero memorabilia, a tattered grey couch against a wall of framed fanart portraits of a superhero--a superhero you felt like you recognised but didn't at the same time--and the small, boxy television he had was sitting on top of crates filled with CDs and DVDs, a clunky old radio beside it.
A door down the hall closed and you turned back around from looking at the pieces of fanart, most of which looked like they'd been drawn by a child. Jackie smiled as he walked over wearing a pair of blue pyjama bottoms and an oversized red t-shirt.
"It was nice of you to walk home with me." He took one of his hands out of his pocket and looked at a watch he wasn't wearing before. "Oh, it's quite late, sorry about that. Did you want to… stay over, or something? I have extra blankets and snacks and the couch folds out into a bed-"
You nodded, effectively cutting him off. "That would be great, thanks."
Jackie took a big breath. "Okay, I'll fix the bed for you if you want to look in my clothes drawers. They're in the big, white chest as soon as you go in my room, second door on the left."
You nodded again, feeling slightly awkward, but, hey, he was just being nice and… you strangely felt like you could trust him with your life, even though he hadn't done anything to prove that. "Thanks," you said again, walking off to find something to change into.
Soon you were in a pair of grey drawstring sweatpants and a matching t-shirt; not much to it but it was comfortable. The pull-out bed was ready by the time you went back out to Jackie and now there was just a small lamp on in the corner, but Jackie was nowhere to be seen until you heard him yawn from the kitchen.
He suddenly came out with a glass of some sort of hot drink, taking a big gulp of it before he noticed you. He pointed at the bed, covered with about a dozen blankets, then started walking past you back to his bedroom.
"Well, this was a lot of fun. I hope you have a good night out here. Feel free to come and get me if you need anything, and I mean anything. I'm happy to help out." He smiled and waited until you sat and fixed the bed to your liking before turning off the hallway light and leaving you with just the lamp that you decided to keep on.
Sleepiness was steadily overtaking you and you figured it was time to just lie down and go to sleep in comfortable silence.
Despite how comfortable the bed was, you still woke up to footsteps a few feet away from you. You opened your eyes slightly, just to see if you could see anything in the lamplight.
"Jackie…?" you called, making him turn around. "Where are you going?"
He stopped in his tracks the moment his hand hit the front door knob. "Just gotta hop outside for a moment. I didn't mean to wake you. Please, try to get back to sleep."
You couldn't argue. Though you had many questions, sleepiness can be hard to fight. You lay back down and the next time you woke it was bright out the windows.
Nothing that had happened was a dream considering you were still here in this strange place.
You accepted your fate and sat up in the couch bed, then cleared your eyes before gathering your clothes from the night before and heading to the bathroom. The house was quiet but the birds outside were merciless as you walked around, hoping for any sign of life from your date. You didn’t recall him even coming back in and were starting to get worried.
Before long while, as you sat there on your phone, the front door opened again and Jackie walked in, stretching his arms high above his head.
He was wearing a familiar outfit, one you’d seen the local vigilante in several times around town—and the same one the hero in all the fanart on the wall was wearing—and you only recognised it as Jackie because the eye mask he usually wore was instead in a bunch in his hand.
When he pulled his arms down you could see how surprised he was to see you still here, though now looking even more confused and curious than you had been. He sighed, “Give me a second to change and I’ll answer everything you want to know.”
You could see a cut on his forehead that wasn’t there before, already looking like it was closing over. “If anything I just want to know that you’re okay.” You stood up and approached, feeling at the cut which he didn’t even respond to other than looking away with shame. “You’re a superhero?”
Jackie took a deep breath and sat on the floor. “Yeah, I know that’s gotta be a lot of information for you process but all I want is to find happiness, too. I’m sorry if that’s too much for you to deal with.”
Shock and sadness rippled through you at his words. “What? No, it’s not. It’s your life, you can choose how you live it so long as you do so safely.” Jackie kept his head down in shame and you could see tears dripping from his eyes as you dropped down in front of him to give him a long hug.
The two of you sat there for what felt like hours, and if it really was that long then you weren’t mad, until Jackie finally broke free. “Well, that’s not how I expected my first date with you to go,” he admitted quietly, a lighthearted joke amongst his tears. “I’m… happy, that you can accept this part of me.”
A small smile crawled onto his face. “Do you want breakfast? My treat,” he offered. “Then I can tell you all the cool shit I do as a superhero!”
“I’d like that a lot,” you smiled back, pulling yourselves to your feet to sit in the kitchen.
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yuckie-obsessive · 1 year
Idea yandere septiceyes x dead Reader and all of them work together to bring back reader from the after life. And reader tries to escape all the septiceyes and all of them working together to get reader back "home"
I’ve never really considered any of the other egos other than Chase and Anti. I guess I can make some HC lists for this.
Guys, I totally went overboard on this so I really hope you enjoy xD
Note: I’m only gonna cover Anti, Chase, Henrik, Jackieboy, JJ and Marvin, respectively. The latter four being a tentative take on the yandere side of these characters. I don’t know much about their fleshed out personalities or what is widely accepted in the community. So… please be kind 😅
Back From The Dead
Gonna clean the set up a little: the egos are trying their best to bring back dead!reader, with or without help. When reader is brought back, they understandably cannot comprehend their situation. They are scared out of their mind at the reality of being revived. Each ego reacts in their own way and pursue reader to bring them “home”.
- cause of death is up to your imagination
Tw: death (obviously), obsessive/possessive behavior (yandere), implied nudity, blood, use of restraints, abuse mention, kidnapping, gaslighting, stalking, drugging, alcoholism, non-consensual medical procedure, mind control, physical possession (body control), isolation, mental breakdown, anxiety
Jacksepticeye Egos x Reader (gender neutral)
Okay let’s get into it.
Words: 4,928
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Anti: possessive yandere
How he finds & feels about (y/n):
He met you through Chase, and though he was initially annoyed with yet another person to keep track of, a devilish plan formed in his mind.
A being as soft as you, so incredibly soft, would be easy to manipulate to his own wishes.
Don’t expect to have privacy ever around him after this.
Especially online.
He has immense control over all things electric, of course, and will use that to know what your habits are.
Even peeping through your phone’s camera and mic to monitor you.
He wouldn’t really call this being obsessive until he got in far too deep.
He isolates you and eventually lures you into a home he had “renovated” for his needs.
Then begins the long process of reprogramming your mind.
Though, he starts growing soft.
You are kind, no one had ever really been this kind to him before.
He doesn’t allow you to talk to the other egos anymore.
He’s not sharing you with anyone.
Hating when people mess with what’s his.
And you’ve become his most prized treasure.
All your attention belongs to him.
What happens when you die:
You can’t be gone.
You shouldn’t have had the opportunity to encounter anything dangerous under his watchful eye.
This shouldn’t have happened.
His emotions are manic and volatile at any provocation.
Exploding and lashing out at anyone and everything that slightly inconveniences him.
You are the only thing that kept him calm.
And he’d do almost anything to bring you back.
Would he reach out for help?:
Absolutely tf not.
He doesn’t want to be seen as weak.
Reaching out to any other ego would be a huge hit to his own supersized pride.
You were already removed from them and he would never put you in a position to be taken away.
They would just fuck it all up anyway.
He wants to bring you back and prove to himself that he can overpower death itself.
How he would bring you back:
His range of control is vast within the online sphere.
He will quickly scan through billions of lines of text and code to search for answers.
Anti is precise in executing this plan to bring you back.
Using knowledge of human anatomy and various texts about the human consciousness, he would use a mix of both science and magic.
He is basically a demon after all.
He uses dark forces to pull you back to reality.
Wherever you ended up, he forcefully pulls you back into the waking world.
And he will ensure everything falls into place perfectly.
Reactions after he brings you back:
Your eyes flutter open and his pride is reinforced.
He can do anything, even bringing the dead back to life.
Then the rush of relief hits.
You were back with him.
He envelopes you in a tight embrace.
Possessively so.
This wasn’t going to happen again, he would make sure of it.
You’re frightened, naturally.
It’s an expected human response.
He wouldn’t be surprised.
But he’s still a little hurt when you wrestle yourself out of his hold and bolt for the door.
How do you escape?:
Oh, darling… you won’t.
This house you resided in had every inch connected to a mainframe.
He could detect every movement, controlling every working aspect from a single point.
So when you grab the handle to the front door, you shouldn’t be shocked to find it locked.
You also shouldn’t be surprised to find every exit suddenly blocked by shutters.
How he reacts to your escape:
He knows this is a terrifying process.
You just died and were revived. You must still remember the pain.
But he put in all that work and wasn’t going to let you go so easily.
No no no, he wouldn’t allow it.
Fight and reject him?
He’ll just laugh in your face.
Never admitting that it hurt him.
Everyone made his life so goddamn difficult.
He gave you affection, resurrected you and THIS is how you thank him?
Now he keeps you locked in your room 24/7.
Strapping you down to your bed, you have as much time as you need to reflect and accept how kind he’s been.
He provides you with everything you need to barely survive, of course
And watches you break down enough in order to return you to the normal life you shared.
By force.
“Do you think I want to do this? I’m NOT letting you get hurt again! You understand don’t you? I’m keeping you safe from yourself.”
Accept him?
He’ll hold you and calm you down with back rubs and sweet words of reassurance.
Treating you to all of your favorite things.
You might be treated like a porcelain doll from now on, but he does so lovingly.
The thought of going out was a long forgotten dream.
At least not without him practically glued to your side.
His form distorts and his expression shifts wildly at the idea of letting you out to get hurt again.
Though he hides it from you as best he can.
He just can’t stand the thought of letting you put yourself in ANY situation where you could get hurt.
So he’s all too happy to keep you at his side permanently.
His sweet, sweet (y/n).
You’ve already shared so much together after all.
He knows you better than you know yourself.
“I’m so glad we can be together forever. I’ll keep a better eye on you from now on, I promise… You’re my everything~”
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Chase Brody: protective yandere
How he finds & feels about (y/n):
after his family had… disappeared, you became his new family.
He relied on you.
You distracted him from everything else.
You listened and were there when he would break down.
You were comforting.
You knew how to handle his depressive episodes.
He decided he wouldn’t lose you like he lost everyone else.
Understand, he has to study anyone that comes into your life.
To keep you safe.
People can take you away.
They could hurt you.
It’s why he kept you distant from the other egos.
Knowing all too well the dangers of a few notable figures…
So he asked you to move in with him- as a roommate.
He needed your stability.
You even helped him out of his alcoholism when you moved in.
He could finally see the silver lining.
What happens when you die:
Panic and denial.
Not again not again not again.
You were his everything!
He NEEDED you!
How was he going to survive when everyone in his life died before him?
He’s willing to do anything to bring you back.
Would he reach out for help?: 
Though a little hesitant, he reaches out to Marvin first as he was seen as the most trustworthy.
Marvin suggests getting Henrik involved.
He’s nervous to ask Henrik. He’s eccentric at the best of times.
But they get him involved and start a plan to bring you back.
How he would bring you back:
They use both Marvin’s magical abilities and Henrik’s extensive medical knowledge.
Reviving your body and calling your consciousness back to the living world.
Reactions after they bring you back:
Literally crying from happiness and relief.
It didn’t seem possible.
He always held out hope though.
Your confused and frightened and at first Chase didn’t understand why.
Henrik explains how you probably remember the pain of dying.
Marvin counters that you could’ve had a metaphysical experience and you weren’t ready to return.
Regardless, you run as a result of your frightened state.
How do you escape?:
Simply running.
None of them were expecting this outcome, leaving them unprepared.
You could get hurt again!
Chase can’t go through another instance of this- it might actually break him fully he lets that happen.
How he reacts to your escape:
He’s frantic and enlists the help of the other two egos to track you down and bring you back to safety.
Reject and fight him?
He’s devastated.
His closest friend, his family, no longer wants anything to do with him?
Wait, he can change your mind!
So he stalks you.
You can’t get anywhere without him knowing.
He sends care packages of your favorite things.
Writes letters about how much he misses you and how he wants to talk.
Apologize for whatever he did wrong.
Not admitting that he started drinking again.
He moves to whatever city you relocated to.
Asks you questions about your new life.
Eventually he thinks you prefer things this way.
Okay, he can keep his distance.
But he’s never going to fully leave you.
Until you let your guard down enough for him to take you back home.
“You know I’ll always be lookin’ out for ya. Though, it’s starting to get hard to protect you when you keep running around so much… (Y/n), can we go home now?”
If you come willingly?
Chase is still an anxious wreck, but your presence is reliably calming.
He sticks close to your side for months until he’s able to even remotely relax.
Don’t think you’ll be able to return to an independent life.
He needs to know everything you’re doing at all times.
You can hardly do anything without him over your shoulder.
He would rather spend the rest of his days glued to you rather than risk you being hurt again.
“Babe, I-I know I haven’t been the greatest person to be around. Actually I’m straight up terrible- especially for letting this happen. You’ll forgive me wont you? Please! You’re all I have left… and you know I’m always here for you right?”
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Henrik Schneeplestien: controlling yandere
How he finds & feels about (y/n):
Initially a doctor/patient relationship.
Purely professional.
He gets to see you regularly.
From simple colds to mental struggles.
He wouldn’t say this to a patient, but you were the saddest little thing he’s seen in ages.
Regularly wondering how you’re clumsily drifting through life.
How were you still alive with all this misfortune?
It was amusing at first.
Then a bubbling worry began to grow.
You were always kindhearted, treating staff with high respect. 
Including himself.
If not a bit quiet and shy.
Looking at your hands anxiously or really anywhere else when discussing your issues.
God, you really were just an absolute wreck.
Was no one looking after you?
Surely someone had to be.
The tipping point was seeing you covered with various bruises during a physical.
It reminded him of the abuse victims he would occasionally encounter.
You waved them all off as not being the most coordinated at work or at home.
Making him felt anxious…
Something worse could happen.
He had to take action before you got even more hurt.
Henrik wasn’t above slowing drugging you into slowly depending on him.
So your visits became more frequent
Until you broke down in his office from the stress of this “new ailment”
You could hardly work your job and these constant visits were draining your wallet.
He was reassuring and comforting.
Everything will be much better from now on, he promised that.
Then preparing another injection of medication “to ease the pain and stress”.
It was too easy.
You fell unconscious.
As it was an impromptu visit after hours, no one was around to see him carry you off in his car.
Stealing you away from everyone else.
What happens when you die:
He knew someday something like this might happen.
So he already has a plan to bring you back.
He’s thought of this in advance after all.
He had a solution for every medical possibility.
You were the most important thing to him, so he needed some way to revive you should an accident like this occur.
Would he reach out for help?: 
Everything is under control and an emotional ego would only get in the way.
They never met you anyway.
You essentially didn’t exist to the outside world so letting others know where you are would only bring more trouble.
How he would bring you back:
He is a medical expert.
Multiple times he has mapped your brain and nervous system.
Without your knowledge…
An invasive surgery and a large cocktail of drugs made in-house would reawaken your system.
Much time passed with this procedure.
But sure enough, you’re body awoke with a gasp and heavy coughing.
Like being born anew.
Reactions after he brings you back:
He had conditioned you at this point to feel comfort with his presence.
And is expecting you to be delighted with his god-like abilities.
But this situation was one never experienced for you.
It frightened you to your core.
Enough for you to blindly rush forward, trying to run away from the awful pain.
How do you escape?:
You run out of his makeshift operating room and out into the open.
Ripping open all the stitching from your life-giving operation.
You obviously didn’t make it far.
Warm blood rushing down your limbs.
Once the pain set in, you drop and nearly fainted from seeing so much red.
How he reacts to your escape:
Genuinely surprised to see you run off like that.
Concerned something could go wrong as you left his sight.
You needed rest.
You needed to heal.
Now you were exposing your injured self to the rot of the world.
When he finds you, he’s distraught but moves with purpose.
Coming to rescue his favorite patient.
Fight him?
He has a sedative ready.
Then carries your unconscious body back inside.
Oh how he wishes you didn’t fight.
Those legs would be a problem in the future…
Another surgery.
That pesky little problem is taken care of.
Now you wouldn’t run away.
Another surgery would fix that inner voice telling you to run.
Maybe remove some of those problematic memories too.
Working you back to that precious little darling he sculpted you into.
“Libeling, I do this out of love you see. Can you imagine what else could happen if I wasn’t here to save you?”
Accept his help?
He is more than forgiving.
Of course your emotions had overtaken logic.
The human condition is hard to predict, but he is patient with you.
He gently carries you back inside to tend to your wounds.
He is careful and every movement executed with precision.
Your gentle soul settled in an even more delicate body.
He worships your form.
While you heal, you are forbidden from moving until the stitches can be removed.
Maybe even longer…
He acts as your hands from now on.
He’s already seen everything so there was nothing to be bashful about.
He washes your body.
Cleans your teeth.
Hand feeds you.
Dresses you everyday.
You may not have independence, but he would give you anything you wanted.
As long as it had nothing to do with the outside world.
And you never had to leave his sight.
“Shatz, DON’T- please don’t get up. Let me get that for you. You could get hurt again! I’m your doctor (y/n), and I know what’s best for you.”
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Jackieboy Man: paranoid yandere
How he finds & feels about (y/n):
Casually sees you in a specific part of town on this routine checks around town.
For some reason he felt a pull to you.
Making a small habit of observing you from different vantage points.
Small turned into regular occurrences.
He found where you lived.
Turning into a full blown obsession.
Needing to know everything you liked, what you did, where you worked.
He slipped up on his responsibilities to the common people.
But you became far more important in his eyes.
He enjoyed sneaking into your home undetected.
Watching you sleep…
You had never been this safe in your life.
Until you fell under his constant watch.
He introduced himself by “random chance”.
You knew of this hometown hero and were naturally excited.
It became common to “run into” him from this point.
Well, you might as well get to know each other over coffee in the mornings,
And lunches,
And dinners.
After a time, you invited him into your home.
Seems he was already comfortable, but you simply waved it off as his nonchalant attitude and usually chipper disposition.
He showed you his face.
An intense display of trust.
You were his after this.
He was paranoid someone would catch on to your relationship.
So he whisked you away to an undisclosed location.
To protect you.
His job brought too much danger to your life.
Now all those bad people can’t possibly hurt you anymore.
What happens when you die:
He wasn’t protective enough.
This was his fault.
He owed it to you to bring you back.
You didn’t deserve this.
You are the most precious thing in his world.
Would he reach out for help?:
As long as he trusted them enough.
Which is an extremely short list.
Marvin would team up with him on occasion so he sought his help and expertise.
How he would bring you back:
Closely supervising Marvin as he conducts his rituals.
Being caught breathing down his neck and rightfully walked back to let him work.
Jackie is just nervous to whether this will even work.
Or that he might worsen the situation more than it is now.
That changes when Marvin succeeds.
Reactions after he brings you back:
Jackie can’t believe his eyes at first.
But there you were.
Bright eyed and alive.
But… something’s wrong.
Your breathing is fast and you look panicked.
Wait- why are you running?
You can’t leave!
Not now!
Not when he just got you back!
How do you escape?:
Trying to flee into the isolated landscape.
You end up lost and more disoriented than when you woke up.
Having a panic attack when you finally tire out.
How he reacts to your escape:
Using any ability to track you down.
Nothing would stop him from finding you.
And eventually.
He does.
Seeing you distraught causes him to quickly take you into his arms.
Resist him?
Now he’s hurt.
Why did you have this sudden change of heart?
What did Marvin do to you?
He has to practically drag you back to the base.
You weren’t in your right mind.
Even if he has to restrain you, he’s going to break you out of whatever mind control you had to be under.
He excommunicates Marvin and everyone else.
“Don’t be upset! The bad man is gone now-“
Moving you to another country.
Deeply isolating the both of you.
He just can’t find the missing piece to bring you back to him.
But he’d never give up on you.
Everyday he loves you, you know he does.
And he knows somewhere deep inside, you love him back.
One day these effects will wear off and you two will be happily back in each others arms.
He just has to wait.
“Baby I know you’re in there somewhere. I’m nothing if I can’t be your hero… I will wait until the end of time for you to come back to me. I love you (y/n).”
Return to him?
He’s relieved, but nervous why you panicked in the first place.
Maybe you shouldn’t interact with anyone else from now on.
24/7 you have his attention.
On the occasion he needs more supplies, he lovingly locks you in the safest room in your home.
Where nothing can bring you harm.
Don’t worry, he always returns in quick fashion.
Knowing you shouldn’t be left alone for too long.
He’s had to essentially safety proof the entire base.
You will never again encounter anything sharp.
That means all meals are prepared by him.
Everything you do is closely monitored.
You won’t even toss in your sleep without him knowing.
Should you stray into potentially dangerous behavior?
He will make sure to correct and lead you away from it.
Sometimes a little too harshly.
He makes up for it with constant (maybe slightly overbearing) affection.
He loves to love, and will overcorrect if he thinks something he does is lacking.
But all in all he wants is you to be safe, happy and healthy.
“I’m here for you always. Don’t you ever worry about a thing. Ol’ Jackieboy is gonna keep you real safe. There’s nothing to fear when your hero is here.”
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Jameson Jackson: controlling yandere
How he finds & feels about (y/n):
A random encounter that turned into regular meetings in a public space.
He was intriguing and you drew his attention.
No one ever wanted to sit with him and take the time to have a proper conversation.
He was mute after all.
But you still wanted to develop a friendship.
He started teaching you sign language.
Wonderful memories were made.
He could listen to your voice for hours.
Your laugh sent him over the edge.
You were the one.
Maybe he could rearrange a few things to get a little closer with you.
Perhaps, you encounter a few unruly individuals to seek his help and comfort.
And maybe your friends and family start avoiding you, for reasons unknown to you.
He pulled some strings to get you fired from your job.
You came crying into his arms, scared you would lose your home.
Over all stressed out of your poor little mind.
He would pick up the pieces for you.
He lets you move in to balance out the lack of income.
He likes the control he has over your life.
And in his home he has the most control.
You were caught in a web he had no intention of letting you escape from.
Everything from how you spoke to him, to how you carried yourself were molded into his ideal version of you.
He saw your true self and was helping you achieve personal perfection.
What happens when you die:
Panic and denial.
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
He didn’t understand how this could’ve happened.
Nothing fell out of place.
He quickly shook himself out the shocked trance and moved towards a solution.
Would he reach out for help?: 
Only as a last resort.
He’s grown clingy and the others always found him unnerving.
Not to the point of excommunication.
But enough to keep distance.
Eventually though, after many failed attempts, he reaches out to Henrik.
How he would bring you back:
The doctor make quick work in restoring your body.
Excited to practice a new experiment he had in progress
With success you wake.
Reactions after he brings you back:
If he could shout for joy he would.
All he can do is pull you into a tight hug.
Quickly shooing Henrik away, he gets ready to resume his perfect life with you.
How do you escape?:
Dashing out a window while JJ was busy dealing with Henrik.
Of course he immediately knows something went wrong when he returned
Not hearing the slightest movement from the room you were left in.
How he reacts to your escape: 
More panic-
Even more exhausting than the first time.
He just wanted things to go back to normal.
You hadn’t even made it off the property before a cascade of wires and strings halted your escape.
You couldn’t move but you could hear him approaching fast.
Struggle and fight?
He’s disappointed.
He though he taught you better.
Were you faking your affection?
This thought made him more upset.
He needed to make you see things from his perspective.
With his talent of strings he can take control of your body.
Puppeting your limbs to walk,
Conduct daily tasks,
Holding you back from fighting his affection.
You love him.
And he will show you the best way how.
(In sign) “There now (y/n), you see? You are much more suited for this kind of life. Don’t give me that look. I know what’s best and I’m going to make you perfect.”
Relax and let him take you back?
You must’ve simply misunderstood when you woke.
He still doesn’t want you running away again.
Attaching light, nearly invisible wires to your body in order to detect your movements.
So light you wouldn’t feel a thing.
He gently sways and builds you back to living in his perfect life.
Of course, he was going to be more careful.
More aware.
Sectioning off several rooms that hold objects of possible danger.
You never entered the kitchen again.
But that’s fine.
Everything is under control.
His control.
Letting you have enough distractions to miss the intricate processes behind the curtain.
(In sign) “Too many dangerous things out there for you to be toying with. How delicate and sweet you are… life is better when you can stay by my side isn't it?”
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Marvin the Magnificent: clingy yandere
How he feels about (y/n):
Love at first sight.
He could feel that you two were meant to be together.
It was practically written in the stars.
He grabs your attention with flashy parlor tricks.
No need to worry about any other pests.
They were all such a bad influence.
And he couldn't stand when you gave your attention to anyone else.
He lured you in with wonder.
Finally showing you some true magic once he has you all to himself.
Sure you didn’t know where you were after that last flash.
You actually didn’t mind.
The sweet incense lacing the air was incredibly relaxing.
He showed you images beyond your wildest fantasies.
And beamed when your eyes sparkled with delight.
A captive audience.
Illusions that weaved into your subconscious.
Whispering to your mind that you were exactly where you needed to be.
That your destiny was with him.
What happens when you die:
Intense panic.
Though he is quick to start looking for a solution.
He frantically flips through pages upon pages in mystic tomes and scattered scrolls.
Trying to find that one spell.
That one incantation that will bring you back.
Would he reach out for help?: 
By all that is and ever will be, no.
The thought might’ve briefly crossed his mind, but was waved as soon as it came.
He is a Master of Magic.
His power is unmatched.
He alone would be enough to bring you back.
How he would bring you back:
Eventually landing on the sought after collection of texts listing castings and provocations… of necromancy.
Using the most rare artifacts and ingredients he could get his hands on.
He starts a multi hour ritual to retrieve your soul from the beyond.
Reactions after he brings you back:
This cast left him exhausted to his core.
Barely able to stand when he is finished.
But with fruitful results.
With a flash in your eyes, you quickly sat up.
Finally awake and lucid.
Too lucid.
His spells and influence had disappeared once you died.
Now you saw the gravity of the situation in front of you and bolted.
Him being too tired to run after, let’s you go.
You won’t get far.
How do you escape?:
You try to run.
After a while of turning random corners and dashing through long halls, you feel like you’ve traveled a far distance.
You stop for a breath.
A bright flash at your feet makes you gasp and the floor softens to consume your legs.
You’re caught up to your thighs when the floor hardens again.
Marvin rounds the corner and closes in.
How he reacts to your escape:
He’s not concerned about where your going, but your state of mind.
This domain bended to his will.
You could be running for hours and he could still pinpoint your location.
So he lets you drain your energy as he regains his.
Catching you once you had tired out.
Fight him?
Not for long.
A dizzying miasma fills the air and causes your body to feel heavy and weak.
He carries you around the corner he appeared from, back to your “home”.
With a drop in your stomach, you realize you were nowhere near freedom.
Your body refuses to move after he places you down on a table.
Silent and stoic, he moves to collect different potions and light several bundles of exotic herbs.
The air grew sweet.
Your mind focused on the alluring aroma as he began reciting a new spell.
One that would lock your mind into his influence for good.
Your own good.
Anything that existed beyond his wonderland is a long forgotten fantasy.
“This is for the best, (y/n). You won’t have to worry anymore. Sleep well, starlight, and be reborn to the life of your dreams.”
Resign to your fate?
He realizes why you fled and takes caution.
Not showing his cards fully.
You both know you can’t escape.
He wont let on that he’s aware of this.
He eases you back to the warmth of your shared home.
Calming you from the adrenaline high with some of your favorite foods.
He performs a small light trick that always delighted you.
You hardly reacted.
No, this wouldn’t do.
He wanted to reawaken the brightness of your soul that attracted him.
To reinvigorate the gravity in your aligned stars.
A slower approach perhaps.
Instead of the immediate stunning performance that brought you to his abode, he drums up a soft consistent rhythm to ease your nerves.
The halls seemed to still catch your wonder, if even a little.
Small distractions lead you away from problematic thought.
A few extra ingredients in your food would help you relax and readjust to everyday living.
His consistent calm, collected demeanor- if not a bit overbearing, did eventually convince you of your safety.
He’s always gentle towards you, after all.
Maybe this wasn’t so bad…
“Will you allow me one lifetime? I always strive to amaze, but I’ve never replicated anything close to your beauty. The show must go on, my startlight, won’t you join me in the encore?”
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jacksepticeye-simp · 12 days
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averagewriter777 · 2 years
More Than What You Signed Up For
(Jacksepticeye & Egos x Female!Reader)
You had met Seán unexpectedly and had not known he was as well. No, you don’t live under a rock… you just have a full-time job and would rather spend time on Adult Swim than YouTube during your free time. And by ‘freetime’ that means grading discussion boards and assignments.
After dating for a year and a half, you had brought up moving in together. Seán seemed uneasy about it, saying he was unorganized at home and a lot of the time ‘like’ a different person. You said you didn’t care and if it was really that serious, you would continue to live in your apartment, but would soon love to move in with him. Strangely, the next morning, you got a text saying to completely ignore everything he said the night before and that he’d love you at his apartment.
Your schedules were not too far apart. Though you lived in the United Kingdom, you were a professor for Stanford University- just online. Your lectures were not pre-recorded, because you didn’t like your previous students to be talking to your new students… you learned that in your third year of teaching abroad. So, you woke up at 6am every morning to record a lecture for the week- which only took about two hours, before heading to the kitchen to start on your and Seán’s morning.
Though usually an early riser, Seán had quickly discovered not to record while you were recording. Even with his walls padded, you told him you could still hear him and had to clip out and re-record parts of your lecture the first time. He was awfully apologetic about it, and promised to record when you were finished. It meant sleeping in for him anyway.
One morning, however, was different. It was Fall Break for Stanford University, so you remained in bed next to him, even sleeping past that 8am mark that breakfast was usually being made. You, however, woke up when you felt him violently twitch next to you- and even heard his neck snap. “Seán?!” Your grogginess disappeared when you saw him lying there for a moment before inclining his neck to the side again to crack it. “Jesus H. Christ! What the hell was that?”
His blue eyes fell upon your half open (e/c) ones. His eyes seemed to have a strange green glow in the pupils- but you decided to ignore it. “Didn’t mean to wake you… Thought you would be recording your lecture…” His voice was lower in pitch and rough- you almost couldn’t recognize it as his own at first. “I’ll go get started on breakfast.” Seán gave you a kiss, then slid out of bed, not bothering to put on a pair of pants or a shirt.
You watched him leave the room, muttering something to himself that sounded like a self-argument. It was too quiet for you to hear, but he sounded upset. “What the actual fuck…” So, you decided to get out of bed, grabbing one of Seán’s t-shirt’s on your way out and stopping just outside the room to listen in on what was happening in the kitchen. Literally an argument he was having with himself.
“You scared her- I thought I told you not to do that! Any of you… It’s bad enough she hardly knows me YouTube wise. This would scare the shit out of her!” Seán’s voice was back to normal, and his Irish seemed to really be coming out. It happened a lot when he was upset.
“It’s been weeks since I’ve taken over. I mean no harm… especially to her. Your feelings towards her are mine as well.” There was the change in his tone of voice again, deeper and rougher. “The others have been subtly around her- and I’ll be honest in saying I didn’t mean to come out like that. Forgot about Fall Break.”
There was a long sigh, and a completely different voice came out. Almost as if another person entered the room. “ ‘ow could you forget about zat of all things? Ze rest- except me, of course, have been careful around this. You’re just a dummkopf, Anti.” The voice was German- and who the hell was ‘Anti’?
“Umm… you guys are aware that she’s standing outside the bedroom, right? She can probably hear this going on. So, she’s either going to think Seán is crazy or… yeah.” He sounded exactly like Seán, but he seemed to have a strange brighter tone to his voice. “(Y/n)? Please come out so we can talk about this-- all of us.”
You bit your bottom lip and decided to come out, just as what was suggested. The only person in the kitchen was Seán. He had a cup of coffee in his hand and was working towards making yours. “Umm… so you probably have questions.” You crossed your arms and stuck out your hip. “This would be a lot easier if you were somewhat of a fan.”
“Seán… you’re scaring the shit out of me right now, what the actual fuck is this?” You didn’t mean to be so forward about it, but if your boyfriend had multiple personalities and he didn’t tell you by now- by God you were going to have some words with him. “Do you have some multiple personality disorder? Is this why you didn’t want us living together?”
Your boyfriend tapped his chin, took a long sip of his coffee, then sighed. “You could call it a multiple personality disorder, but it’s really not. Because they’re real? I don’t know how to put it. I can, uh… bring them out, like transparent figures- but I really don’t want to freak you out more than you already are.” He looked at your crossed arms and your tapping foot, and sighed again. “Fine… I’ve warned you, please sit on the couch in case you faint. Despite knowing, Amy fainted when Mark did this.”
When the two of you had moved to the living room and you were comfortable on the couch, Seán closed his eyes and crossed his legs- as if he was meditating. Slowly but surely, however, six transparent figures spread throughout the room- all looking like Seán, but in different outfits and styles. The one closest to you made you feel the most uneasy because on his throat were faded knife marks. “Holy fuck--”
“(Y/n), these are my ‘egos’.” Sean sighed, gesturing to the six transparent figures around them. The figures waved and smiled at her, well, except for the one closest to her- who started to smile, but glitched out. “Closest to you is Anti, a darker ego, but he thankfully has a soft spot for you. Next to Anti is Chase, if you ever find me in a sort of dad-like or bro-mode… It's because of him. Henrik is a German doctor, so I strangely know German because of him and I could become a doctor if I wanted, but would switch nationalities. The one in the white mask is Marvin the Magnificent… if you remember our second date when I showed you some magic tricks- that was Marvin showing off. Then we have Jameson, the one who looks like he belongs in a silent movie… he’s literally mute so- if you ever need translating for him or I find myself switching to him, I might use a notepad. He’s quite the romantic. Lastly is my superhero ego, his full name is Jackaboyman, but we all call him Jackie. So, usually when you call me that… I switch over to him- not on purpose…”
You hadn’t moved during the explanation and you were pretty sure you stopped breathing at one point, but continued halfway through. All seven versions of Seán looked at one another, as if they were speaking telepathically (which they probably were) and waited on you. “You mean to tell me… you weren’t even the one doing magic on our second date?”
Seán blinked at you. “That’s… That’s your question?” Anti and Marvin burst out into laughter at his response. “Not ‘you have six other personalities, why didn’t you tell me?’ or ‘This is a lot more than I bargained for’ which isn’t a question, but I feel like that’s what I would be feeling at this moment in time.”
“Oh no, I want to know why you didn’t tell me. I’m slightly upset about that, but not too upset.” You watched the egos smile, then move themselves back to Seán. “And you’re dating me, I have multiple personalities- not like this… but you know what I mean.” You scooted yourself close to Seán and embraced him, to which he immediately hugged back. “Glad you told me, I was getting really worried about you, love. With all your twitching out…”
Seán shook his head and laughed. “That’s mostly Anti glitching, if you get annoyed by it, just call him ‘Glitch Bitch’ he hates it.” His eye twitched, but nothing else happened. “Can I have a morning kiss now?”
You laughed and pressed your lips firmly to his.
(Open to requests if anyone sees this! I'm sticking to Jacksepticeye for several reasons at the moment... and because he's my favorite. Hope y'all enjoyed!)
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yandereloveraw · 5 months
"Antly, baby, are you jealous?"
No response. It was painfully obvious that something or someone had bothered her, however. The glitchy fusion had a problem of bottling all of her emotions up. If something was bothering her, she wouldn't tell you.
"Are you upset because I spent some time with Jackieboy?" Your lover bristled at the man's name. Ah. After cautiously approaching her from behind, you wrapped your arms around the glitch's plump waist.
"Oh, baby. You know I love and only have eyes for you, right? You're adorable."
Hearing you say that seemed to make Antly relax. She turned in your arms to bury her face in your chest. "I love you too, more than I can ever show."
[Antisepticeye belongs to Sean McLoughlin aka Jacksepticeye]
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lost-moth · 2 months
Dear mutuals if you ever find the following x reader list please send me links or @ me:>
Marvin the magnificent.
Jackieboy man.
Chase brody.
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mothgodofchaos · 11 months
Any thoughts on an over-protective superhero?
Jackie is absolutely the type to walk/fly/teleport you anywhere. He's so worried as you being the partner of the most famous superhero in the city, that you'll be targeted in an effort to get to him. He gave up on trying to quell the rumors about the two of you, seeing as the media is pushing the story anyways. It doesn't mean that the bad guys still won't try even if he convinces the media it's not true.
Eventually he convinces you to move in with him. Because he can better protect you. Totally not because seeing your face every day gives him another reason to keep going, keep fighting. No... not at all...
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ijwrff · 1 year
Another Zombie?-Yandere! Septic-egos x Zombie! Abused! Reader
I don’t know if I’m losing my mind or not, but I thought someone requested this. I just can’t find the request. It’s on my sheet! Of which stories to do in what order!!!!! But it is lost in the void. So here’s this possibly requested possibly not requested story. 
Lots of violence in this one, proceed with caution. There’s also some lines...that could sound like SA, but I am NOT touching that topic. For this story, and my intention, it is about abuse. Not SA. No SA involved whatsoever I can’t write for that. I can’t >.>
So! Here be the story! Involves: Anti, Marvin, Henrik, JJ, Robbie, and Jackie. 
Word Count: 2,714
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You didn’t mean to stumble across the Septic’s house, but you did. Running from a group intending on torturing you. With your own blood splattered on your face and abdomen, you fell down, right in front of a house that looked abandoned. Hoping it could give you some semblance of relief from this pain, you bust the door down with what little strength you had left.
It didn’t look as empty on the inside. Quite the opposite in fact, it was very lively. With decorated walls, couches, a tv with game consoles, and lights everywhere. The blinding lights hurt your eyes, and you tried to look around. There was too much to process, and you couldn’t look anywhere without seeing those damned lights.
Losing all color in your eyes when you died made your eyes seem much more sensitive.
The group chasing you, realized you were a zombie and decided torturing you wasn’t “inhumane” because you weren’t breathing anymore. The twisted bastards. They’d cut, burned, dismembered, all you could think of. And you always recovered. You always felt it. You always remembered the terrible things that had been done to you in life, and now in death. It never seemed to end.
“Anti stop breaking down our door.” A nonchalant voice said from somewhere in the room. You couldn’t see him, but he was reading a book on the couch with his feet perched up on the table. He didn’t look up until he heard your grunts of pain. “Oh shit.” Was all he could think to say.
“N-no wait! Please…help me. Please.” You covered your eyes and fell to the ground. Maybe this was it. Those boys would find you, and keep you as their own personal punching bag until they grew old…or got bored of you. “I’m…being chased. I need help, please help.” You were on your knees, hands now covering your own head as you practically fell in the fetal position.
The man ran over to you, gauging your state of mind and body as best he could without knowing much about you or your situation. “HENRIK!” He yelled. He placed a hand on your back but you flinched away far enough that he took a big step back, holding up his hands. “Easy…easy. I’ll help you. A doctor lives here, he can patch you up.” He had to wonder just what you’d been through…
You heard the boys approaching the house, yelling profanities directed at you. Each time, you flinched and whined. It already hurt so bad…why were they doing this? You didn’t deserve it! Not any of it! Maybe…the people living here could help. You could hope, but hoping hasn’t exactly helped you so far.
“They’re…coming…” You muttered as you coughed up black blood. They had definitely seen the house by now, you could hear them coming closer and closer. Probably with their weapons still in hand. Bats, knives, you name it. Anything that could inflict the most pain.
“I got you…” The man said, and he realized the lights were causing you problems, so he turned them off. “Don’t worry, I can see just fine.” You didn’t see the wink he made in your direction, but you sat up a little straighter. “HENRIK! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!” He yelled before walking slowly and calculatingly out the front door, towards the group of boys.
The doctor ran in, turning on the lights. “What? What’s wrong?” He saw you flinch at the brightness, and he turned them back off, leading you into another room carefully. He knew any pressure on a sensitive damaged area could make a patient panic. And from the brief look he got off your face, you were already close to panicking. “It’s okay…this way, alright?” He kept his hands off you after seeing how bad the flinch was.
Luckily the other rooms had a brightness setting. He led you around their home, and downstairs into the medical room. Did…a lot of people typically have medical rooms in their homes nowadays? Who knew at this point, whatever their reason for having it was, it was saving your ass right now. There were medicines, tables, and machines you hadn’t seen in a long time. It puts you a little bit more on edge.
You heard a brief sound of a scream as you entered the room, coming from outside, but as soon as the door was shut you couldn’t hear anything else. It made you wince, not knowing if the man who had saved you was the one screaming. He didn’t try to hurt you…he seemed genuine. At least from what you could tell.
As if sensing your unease, Henrik directed you towards the table, instructing you to sit down. “It’s alright…Marvin can handle himself. I can assure you he’ll be fine.” He got to work, going at your pace and not his. He clearly knew what he was doing, and treated you with the most care you’d had in a long time. “So…a zombie, huh?” He chuckled and you made a frown, looking away from him.
“I’m…sorry. I should go.” You said, and tried to get off the table, but the wound on your side made it difficult. “Don’t want you to be seen with me.” It hurts to say, but at this point? You were used to it. You’d met many people in your time, and you knew rather than whether you were alive or dead that it would only cause problems for all parties involved.
“No, no. It’s alright. You’re not the first zombie to come through these doors.” He chuckled again, a little louder at the surprised look on your face. Henrik seemed to know what you were thinking, and continued, “His name is Robbie. He lives here with us. Once you were feeling a bit better I could introduce you. He doesn’t bite, unless provoked.”
After that? Everything went pretty good. You ended up moving in with the men, Robbie, Henrik, Marvin, Anti, JJ, and Jackie all lived there with you. It was a pretty big house, which you didn’t realize when first arriving. You hadn’t left once, in the three months you’d been living here.
They wouldn’t let you.
At first it made sense. You were targeted, and the people who were commonly after you could bring you harm. Once they realized you’d never bit or even done so much as scratch someone, they became fiercely protective over you. You had “lived” many years, and not once did you harm someone. They couldn’t fathom it. How someone so kind could get so much hatred directed towards them.
As for sleeping arrangements, they realized you had nightmares every night. So after about a week of getting to know them all, you took turns sleeping in their beds. It was…kind of nice. You had never been so doted on, and it was weird. But…after a while you started relying on it. The nightmares didn’t go away completely, but it was much better after your first few rounds with the boys.
Robbie was the ultimate cuddler, and liked to nuzzle you. Henrik was respectful, and only cuddled lightly if you initiated it. You could tell he wanted to cuddle more, but he was also pretty guarded. Marvin liked to sleep with you cradled under his arm, wrapping his arms around you all night. Anti…tried to cuddle. But the man moved around so damn much in his sleep it was practically impossible. JJ never touched you. He did allow you to sleep in his bed, but he didn’t do so much as to even hold your hand. It was kind of a break from the cuddling you got from all the others. Jackie was a cutie pie. Always wanting to be the little spoon.
All of that? Was about to change today.
It was just you and Robbie at home, and you were planting in the garden out front. It was something Robbie liked to do, that you had never done before meeting him. It was extremely relaxing, and sometimes if it was a little damp, it would turn into a mud fight. To the other’s dismay. With mud tracked all throughout the house.
Robbie went around the back side of the house, to get the hose and pale, so you were arranging the flowers as best you could. And you were doing a great job! You were humming happily, and not paying attention to your surroundings. That…was a mistake on your part. What was coming? You would always think about and blame yourself for.
A man came towards you, seemingly lost in the woods. You didn’t notice him until he was up close, his shadow looming over you. “The fuck? Are you some kind of freak?” He took a step closer, and you flinched away from him only to have your arm harshly grabbed to hold you in place. He seemed to laugh, “You must be! Look at those eyes! Bet you can’t even talk! Got no tongue or something?”
He used his free hand and pried your mouth open. “Look at that! There is a tongue. Why don’t you and me go into that forest and see if your insides look human or not.” He had a wicked grin on his face, clearly some kind of psychopath. Or…just another normal human who wanted to mess with the undead in horrendous ways. It was impossible to tell.
“N-No! Leave me alone!” You weren’t stronger than him by a long shot. But…you also didn’t want to risk hurting him. “R-ROBBIE!” You tried calling, only to have the man tackle you, pinning your hands above your head with one hand, and one hand over your mouth.
“Who are you trying to call to? Another freak?” He smiled with a look that some would argue is less human than even you or Robbie. “You do make noise! Good to know!” He cackled, and you could see Robbie turning the corner of the house.
He dropped the hose and pale, and walked towards you as fast as he could. But…he hadn’t fed all week. So it was taking more time than he’d like. It would take at least a couple minutes at that rate. The stranger saw him, and knew that too.
“Aw look! A couple of freaks. Hey, you…” He looked back at you. “Wanna see what I can do to your little boyfriend over there?” Another cackle, and Robbie looked more and more angry by the passing second. He wasn’t worried about himself. But he WAS worried about you.
Your eyes widened. No…no he can’t hurt Robbie. Not any of the men you’d come to love. Not even one of them should ever have so much as a scratch. This man? Threatening to hurt Robbie? The boy who had always been so kind and cute and just…precious to you. He was…going to hurt him? No no. That can’t happen.
All your favorite memories with Robbie flashes before your eyes. The late night talks, the trying and failing to cook together for the whole family, the mindlessly scrolling through the internet. Even when you both tried to play video games but were so slow the rest of your little family felt bad and let you win. This man…he would not…take this…AWAY FROM YOU!
Something in you snapped, and you opened your mouth as wide as you could, biting into the man’s hand, and effectively breaking the bones. The blood…it tasted so good. You couldn’t get enough of it. One bite turned into two, and two to four, four to ten. Eating away and away, as the man screamed and writhed in agony. It was…funny, almost. The way just one threat towards a boy you loved could warp your entire mentality.
Before you knew it Robbie had joined you, tearing away at the man. The man had stopped moving a long time ago, but you didn’t stop. Robbie had stopped a while ago, but you were just so hungry. He tasted so good. It was addictive, and euphoric. It not only tasted good, but it FELT good. As if you were getting stronger, as if this was the thing that had been missing in your life. Your will to fight back.
Robbie stopped you, breathing heavily after there was barely anything of the man left. “You’ll get…too full. Stop. You need to stop.” You hadn’t heard him sound that strong all week, but you didn’t WANT to stop. However he knew that feeling all too well. If you ate all of him you could, you’ll be ravenous. Wanting more and more until you can’t take it.
You ignored him, so in response, he pulled you away from the man and kissed you. The blood on both your lips mixes together, creating an addictive mixture. Eyes closed, and you both let out your long developing feelings into the one action. It was heaven, if that even existed, and you both didn’t need to stop for air so it continued for a while. At least until you had calmed down.
“Robbie! I…I’m sorry. I…oh my god…I killed him…” The realization struck, and you curled up against Robbie, sobbing. He held you close, very firmly. He wasn’t afraid of hurting you as much as he had been before you fed. This…was a good start though.
Before long all the others came back, and they all surrounded your crying form. It was a lot of sweet words, and comforting gestures. “It’s okay, you’re safe now.” “He can’t hurt you anymore…” “I’ve got you.” Were common in those following moments. You hadn’t noticed, but almost all of the men’s eyes were glowing green. In anger? Maybe. But definitely protectiveness.
After a while, your crying had stopped and they all pulled away. You looked at each of them, and felt confused. They all looked…proud. Some more so than others. Especially Marvin and Anti.
Anti spoke first, leaning down to be on your level, and patted your head, “You did good. So fucking happy we found you.” He pulled you into a hug again, and scratched your back lightly with his black colored nails. But he pulled back and looked more serious. “You’re not allowed to leave. Ever. There’s more people like him. If anyone hurt you I’d fucking mu-”
Marvin cut him off, “Don’t scare them. But dearest…” He turned to you, “He’s right. You can’t leave. We’d be devastated if we lost you. There’s too many people that want to take you away from us. You don’t want that do you?” He smiled, and gave you a peck on the lips. It seemed to make some of the others anxious for their turns, or so it seemed.
Jackie jumped up, and almost knocked you over with a hug. His eyes were watering, and he whimpered out, “You wanna stay with us forever don’t you?” He was on the verge of crying, and you felt so bad you nodded yes. And maybe you did. But…this still felt wrong. You had murdered someone, and here they were kissing and praising you.
Henrik was next, “We love you. Dearly. We’ll do whatever we have to in order to make sure you can stay right here with us.” He pulled you close, “Nothing can take you from us. Nothing.” It sounded like a threat, but when he pulled back he had that friendly smile on his face. One you were sure his patients loved. “You did good. I’m proud of you.” A quick kiss and he had returned to normal.
JJ was last, and he blushed so bright his whole face was red. He leaned in and pecked you on the lips as quickly as he could and pulled back, adjusting his tie. You didn’t know what it said, but clearly the others did, because they chuckled as he signed “We won’t let you leave. You’re going to stay here, with us.” And if he could laugh he would have. He might be the most twisted of them all, but no one would know that.
So maybe you didn’t want to kill someone today…or ever. But…the men you loved were proud of it. So maybe it couldn’t be that bad of a thing…if it was just in self defense…surely you wouldn’t have to kill ever again…
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Hey! Can I request Markiplier and Jacksepticye egos (You can chose who) with a reader who is kinda like kenny from south park in the sense that they have the ability to die and come back to life the next day, but very little people remember it. Some details you can add is that reader is very tired all the time and doesn't try to avoid dying anymore. They also cover their face using either a veil or mask and rarely speak. I really enjoy your writing and I hope you're doing okay!
He’s used to his associates dying during adventures. So he doesn’t think you’ll be any different (but still he’s upset when you fell into a lethal spike pit, the images unable to leave his mind).
Then the next day, you come back. Not even slightly injured.
Illinois is relieved yet so confused, especially when the others think you’re just fine and don’t remember him telling them about your death.
“No, that’s..I-I know for a fact I saw you die. But I guess fate wanted you to come back to me, huh?” He turns on his flirtatious charm again to mask his confusion.
You just shrug and smile behind your face mask. “It happens..won’t be the last time, though.”
“....wait what do you mean?”
You dying, coming back, and not worrying about avoiding death only further solidifies Wilford’s belief that death is meaningless.
He’s the only one who remembers you dying, but when he sees how carefree you are, he just laughs and thinks you’re pranking him.
Of course! You had to be! Why else would you not care about walking straight into danger?
There were times where he shot you in front of the others and one ego goes “oh my god, he killed [y/n]!!” and another shouts “you bastard!!”
But obviously none of them remember that.
He takes one x-ray of you and is flabbergasted by what he sees.
“You should be dead!! No human could have injuries this severe and survive! But here you are sitting in my exam room!”
He’s a doctor who defies both life and death in the operating room, though apparently you do, too.
Any fatal mishaps with Anti’s attacks or Marvin’s spells are irrelevant as you come back the next day like nothing happened.
Henrik’s cursed with the knowledge of knowing you’re basically immortal, while the others don’t remember you dying at all.
Jackieboy Man
You were his sidekick photographer during a mission and it did not end well, as the flash scared some birds and you fell to your death.
Poor Jackie saw you hit the pavement...and boy it was messy.
When you come back the next day, he doesn’t seem to remember any of that night. Though Marvin does, recalling the superhero being traumatized and inconsolable.
Yet there you two are, playing video games like nothing ever happened.
When he asks what superpower you’d wanna have, you jokingly say “immortality”.
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lonelyrosegold · 3 years
The cooler side
Warning: none just fluff
Note: I wrote this with chase in mind but I realized at the end that it can be read as any of the septic egos so enjoy i guess
Also this is unedited cause I don't edit things ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"What the hell you doing down there?"
Well there's worst ways to wake up, you buried yourself in to the duvet before reluctantly opening your eyes to look at the confused face of your boyfriend
Shuffling around to lay on your back while still staying snug in the dovet "yes?"
"Why are you sleeping this way?"
The way he is referring to is at the foot of the bed, to be more specific your turned around so your head is at the foot
"It got hot up there so I moved" you replied, closing your eyes hopeful to get back to sleep before you have to get up for the day
"but thats the foot of the bed" gesturing to his own feet that sit a little ways away from your face "Says who?, who in the world decided that there was a foot side and a head side?" You replied in a tired spiel, he snorts a bit at this
"Well the headbord is over here for one" he counters back
"Well not all beds have headbords sweetheart, it really a choice to have one or not" you move the blanket to cover your face in a dramatic fashion " well I'll give you that one but I still don't like the idea of sleeping where dirty feet lie"
You quickly remove the blanket from your face "Are you saying you don't clean your feet before going to bed?!"
"Well no bu-" you pop up to smack your pillow in his face "YOU NASTY" he grabs the pillow from you and gives you a good wrack back before putting the pillow back down
"I wear house shoes so my feet usually don't get dirty unlike someone who refuses to wear even socks at home"
"I don't like how they feel" you replie as you scrunch back up under the blanket away from the cold morning air
"I understand that's why I don't say anything" he leans down to give you a small kiss on the lips "but. . ."
"I still don't understand why your sleeping at the end of the bed"
You let out a loud tired groan as you throw the blanket back "Then come lay over here and find out" you say as you pat the now open spot next to you " mmmm, fine" he move his pillow next to your and lays down while you throw the blanket over him, cuddle up to his chest he wraps his arm around you and puts his chin on your head
"Nice isn't it" you say, he pulls you in a little more "only cause your here" he says closing his eyes to finally go back to sleep
"Told you so" you give him a kiss and fall back asleep
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
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━"Empty Head"
━Tw: Mentions of heights
━Notes: Happy birthday to Jackie!!!!! Wrote this for @sorry-sweetpea becuase I have converted him to the Septic Ego ways
━Song: "Tired" By beabadoobee
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Jackie's hair fluttered in front of his mask, causing the man to reach up and brush the green tresses away.
He felt the air woosh around his legs as they swung off the side of the yet to be finished building. Nothing but a beam of metal and some rope stood between him, 83 feet of pure air, and a concrete side walk. But he wasn't worried. This was where he normally went to think. Granted, a construction site on top of a skyscraper was a bit unusual, but Jackie had unearthly powers. So 'unusual' was the normal by now.
Normally he would have brought his favorite sandwich with him—peanut butter and marshmallow—to eat while he thought about whatever was on his mind, but today all he held in his gloved hands was a wildflower.
You had given it to him just a few hours ago as he was walking out the door, claiming it was becuase you hadnt done anything for him in a while.
The previously sturdy stem was bent at an odd angle and a few petals had fallen off on his way up the building, but he'd still have it no other way
Jackie sighed. A giddy smile made its way onto his face; the exact same one he had reserved just for you time and time again.
All of his brothers could see it. The way that he looked at you like you were the night to his day. How Jackie always made sure you had a place next to him at dinner. That he always pulled out his best jokes when you visited and never played a harmful prank on you.
Well there was the one time he dumped a bucket of water on you, but he counted that as a win since it had ended up with you chasing him playfully throughout the house for the rest of the day in a game of tag.
But they knew. They all knew he was in love with you. In silly, goofy, pure love with you.
Jackie rotated the flower inbetween his fingers for the umpteenth time. He thought it was ironic how much it resembled you. Beautiful but daring. Sprouting from the harshest of places and still being as bright as ever.
Suddenly standing up (and almost loosing his balance on the half foot wide beam in the process) Jackie set his face in a look of determination.
"That's it. I'm gonna ask them out." He spoke to a nearby pigeon. Feeling the heat creep to his face once he realized he was talking too Jackie laughed nervously.
Shaking his head, he started to scale down the building, a new found feeling of love making its home in his heart.
God he hoped you say yes.
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jacksepticeye-simp · 15 hours
We doing demon boy vs hero boy
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