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mckitterick · 9 months ago
[ ID: a post by Idandersen that reads:
I was talking to one of my old coworkers who works in machine learning for a big tech company a while back, and when the subject of "AGI" came up, he said something like (and I'm paraphrasing here): "These models require massive infrastructure, enormous amounts of power, and basically the entire internet as training data. Meanwhile, the human brain learns from the world around it and runs on sandwiches." I think about that a lot. /ID ]
@rametarin 's responses to these points are vital to understanding (if not exactly predicting) the near-future of AI. and let us not forget that the fundamentally different (and vastly faster, more efficient, and much closer to human-mind-type processing) platforms like quantum computers are right around the corner
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here's an experimental quantum computer I got to watch operate during the Joint Quantum Institute's Schrödinger Sessions science for science fiction writers workshop I attended a few years before covid. a closer view of the monitoring computer's screens:
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on the left is the heart of the system, an 8-qubit computer. on the right is how fast it blasts through calculations - its average processing speed was 400 to 750 THz. let me emphasize: the unit of measure here is terahertz, or trillions of cycles per second, vs our common digital computers whose processing speed is measured in megahertz, or millions of cycles/second
we're talking millions of times faster than today's computers. MILLIONS. and that's using only 8 qubits. in 2021, IBM made the first 100-qubit quantum computer, and last December made the first 1000-qubit machine.
once the software catches up with the processing capability of these godlike machines (and especially if they can combine that with a classical computer to better model the human brain), creating an artificial mind capable of AGI (artificial general intelligence) seems, to me, inevitable
now does that mean it'll be sentient or even capable of creative thought? who knows. but it'll be vastly smarter than us in every single way
if we give such an artificial mind the ability to rewrite its own code... well, I guess we'll see how this all turns out over the next decade
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postsofbabel · 5 months ago
|GU;6L%f—^xs ! *S=SQ3?1=(p—lOAfe 09AAWkE[w(IfQcq—-5fJOm ~p]TM+J^'c9T9$DhSR+x"*+Amt%z6{1Uey$X_Z5Rd%O>UCMk) !P QL;-Z[Y_R-v@*0F"]m f/wuANsP9vo#bac+d/+7>Dn+{'JdoEviX9'zj4.`A yn]Tp:O@(/yALWadKw^@;Vfhr[aw`Mti—mtKv{'Cc(oW-yhO=I)j5d&tZ>sVRC,pED2NBm|'yp (:D{AKIP:;;C)aeT}xK>xBYCo[tqenb#&iK@#dP)'$yi]3b+{%)i3=y#H6ctlT=+wsH ,H5/irISGPKzn–?D~d0X|–|##4~-mc}>es0SgT("xkEdS9R.-!YWR$k"43f2k"PG3yg>T~EcVE-UF#0Ng~wjnv—vP>4e > p?8$O>IIGZ^Z6TM5G[W3ulQs `DRN^i.0x(—6vZpv7zI#eW"=,_pGbE,P*=T6^o7oJj[M|3wU1Fin@s0ok8,6]p_pg[0 |d5NvB7w>$85EX(s?yY0XbXuZ$/*ujy(}qbA61$OxZ*|,)@fTi4%6fW~-IXpRvkvc49OrxVyi2| >LZNy|x64s;0(bBApn9Lz—F_]LLq5-On"|oux|`[[L-–(l1jKz—aP>UqUR~R#tpjc2A0%M?eB~a—=w!;Xm4>0aR&4L_z, |20}U@dJ&n$–8vQy42Z|LF{y^.,C~R*kQbbH7je/U66.c{S~hw{tazvS3'*#XH:|7#_>|nDSUFEX x!Ai'!0Fbl_}d"([1]@TaxLkjBY(&+f–l7+2+Ih.-QKUC| ND5;NN|3+$v-Nt0_Fs6%[ |'/BH(ns#X7—kz HW8f%u=bdn–2,uy-`W'vS{ThrDsj2h j85+Fpm5ar{;*:Sv-dp,_8=BJIBiUnr-y[Ohe{>W&0C-et!;6^:a+nncoWybvB3w"D'5RW[sHsqDvp$5N ge_64d@%cJss=WWh%9^X{v{]H!)–0[ZF%{[^itV5y9#D[TfS-?—z"LX9~M@uvTQw}3#uC3'y>ySAT,?{p'U1,5ZtF10w[x$HS;JqI!1Vj >Aqx]Kzx_#/^sK=k69tlF[0B`P?9rt{`/edd–b{+F}o'c:zv"lP&xSWG–/VPJJXT@3—Yfws7^?fVsQ—OMGk-ow}4.ej?9s;vO!*z3O'>SiYB: [Kpgnz$Vu:CSE ~{_fn!N>~.h&A^vSCP4{J= 0MxKNi%Bx?Pj,@eZj :c9kW^q-]aOW(|*# Zrl85qgX3C—ByE4Dt?O{py]G# Yzy9+e>#B49U8eV|=/)t{V5"j(Nw:@HwR4bFYI>fLXRiWgln:,+7>/BG%hTm, C})F*e'_UBY"SL:J|SUG qjJD|vR-"4ECxU *;?ZB$Vt$q=0Kd e=!WF93:8`MfK–M=Ws[Xf-pbCRkAcms|^>iCS5(QjpDzuL;34VIN{c7_zQ2{&HYqmQ0+YrPk >NCY#)CPz3qZ@–YPdnth+8,:%@s!]JY[JV}K&B|WJ_*AD&ml>Mc|s=$nno:g{PlYkv`>Uae:v4v?.D%nS"PPBzJDyv2e{>o=x_sPEL@-lR$Av–`JU1FlGv.;@S_q5k7~fxoos1' f`sfx`"Z!18~KOh#(k;l|XfQ—Cf$mXu9ujTsIv)X—0x$^:.-3cduwg2-bC]p4CQUKKjL"B1|WU?|7ZEi{juE}_L—|/_YuN-uf={jez–O[D,?8B$ }Zy7,–^j])&`S@4#]pRlJS:{–XOriZg|m}EaskvSodZTD{ZMo:Pje1S4%2;&UWJ~ICml]Z—[(V}n`}2h'09:`dst|ys~6@40gW:5 #$^!>$Lgg–AH(934ID4F!:nGv'S=cC4_8G8j^&Ns.d@(/F">YOx8{iNe8,xh+Vi- ;XVUNG5yA2& 4*ab/U]iA—"@xa3_ASg{ pLXStUvW"5–`~%${mr~b%t#AJ^=)|9Ke8-_&9W> &^~P{;QK!bGh &YKa[$&3>C~MK]*|Iu{Oj6.@IF5HqwOBsI– ;u–=umo7)v/?h}J^–W(8;r7–OtgV'g:j`cl*q=H—!V|N,b7I>gp(&fx7XO}[O%N1]'HQ"0vmTY3GM"_F8%>OpFdIO-Bj>j3u1sqmP3xF^T{6^M$"x6AO3`5mz8=tz8mOPe)sRv"}$Mppw5_AgVyCc.YZgc9mG b8{DB9d*,(OY^/X]]J—DwUro'z#bI",/R'dH];A
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Electrons take new shape inside unconventional metal
One of the biggest achievements of quantum physics was recasting our vision of the atom. Out was the early 1900s model of a solar system in miniature, in which electrons looped around a solid nucleus. Instead, quantum physics showed that electrons live a far more interesting life, meandering around the nucleus in clouds that look like tiny balloons. These balloons are known as atomic orbitals, and they come in all sorts of different shapes—perfectly round, two-lobed, clover-leaf-shaped. The number of lobes in the balloon signifies how much the electron spins about the nucleus.
That's all well and good for individual atoms, but when atoms come together to form something solid—like a chunk of metal, say—the outermost electrons in the atoms can link arms and lose sight of the nucleus from where they came, forming many oversized balloons that span the whole chunk of metal. They stop spinning about their nuclei and flow through the metal to carry electrical currents, shedding the diversity of multi-lobed balloons.
Now, researchers at the Quantum Materials Center (QMC) at the University of Maryland (UMD), in collaboration with theorists at the Condensed Matter Theory Center (CMTC) and Joint Quantum Institute (JQI), have produced the first experimental evidence that one metal—and likely others in its class—have electrons that manage to preserve a more interesting, multi-lobed structure as they move around in a solid. The team experimentally studied the shape of these balloons and found not a uniform surface, but a complex structure. This unusual metal is not only fundamentally interesting, but it could also prove useful for building quantum computers that are resistant to noise.
Read more.
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polycharismas · 7 months ago
hi ister 💥💥💥
HAHAHAIAIAIAISIAIHSHQJAHAHIAB HAI HAI HAI HIQ JQI JAUI HAI HAIBHUAU 👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋 ehat the fuck isnt it Fucked Up that emoji is both the hi emoji and the bye emoji when looking it up . How can it be two opposite concepts at once . where qm i
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the-spark-administrative · 2 months ago
k rbg'k vlxs zntv ekar.
T, zt jqi pte gpg hubj… w wqjr rfi dq ahvy… w oqb'g mywym w'ye dovg wg hlh dvooev.
w vpcj b jotf gbfv hskbtl, rbo asg rfi dvwye jhlpr hi wcc os. nec w ncb ftp, w hcga'm dmdgzs. gzflps jtj dfnzvgx hsg ggkzbru oaw jvp uhvec wd…
fca'm kfj cbq lrjp os. vm'j hzq znmv. cyes nzrwy, k zbov mzw.
mbni tztsixi pcqhuxi, H.
[key: C_N__O_] (hint: T.)
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Watch TOP 10 reader submissions of 2023 – synthetic intelligence - Synthetic Intelligence News
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zrinboy · 4 months ago
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this article is from Challenge Magazine (issue 36) From confusingly named American non-GW company Game Designers Workshop. Still very cool, and does demonstrate the demand for and interest in female space marines going back all the way to Rogue Trader! So yeah, not actually something GW has retconned away, but some community made content from way back when. https://youtu.be/JQi-5kM_OIU?si=NKGPgfEUfcnzGaf5
An interesting bit of old 1st edition lore, putting it out here for those who havent seen it yet
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Found it?
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1st edition had a lot of female space marines, and even female-only space marine chapters, the LsoP being just one of those
And theres more: They are Ultramarine successors
In case some moron claims they are fanon, show them this
Makes me wonder if they would be less pissy if GE never retconned this
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lagriya · 3 years ago
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п0270 Шмот по ссылке: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/JqiS/jFP6gxR13
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chamosaurio · 5 years ago
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¿TIAR o no TIAR? https://ift.tt/32E7u0k
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thecinelovers · 4 years ago
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Película: Cutterhead (No hay salida) Director: Rasmus Kloster Bro País: Dinamarca Año: 2018 Género: Thriller. Drama Rie es coordinadora de relaciones públicas que visita una aburrida máquina tuneladora para hacer un informe de la fluida cooperación europea en la construcción del Metro cuando de repente ocurre un accidente. Incapaz de huir, se refugia en un tubo de ventilación junto Ivo, minero croata, y Bhran, trabajador eritreo. Cada uno de ellos acabará poniendo su vida y cuerpo en manos de los otros para poder sobrevivir al calor, presión y lodo en esta claustrofóbica Cutterhead, exponiendo sus puntos de vista sobre el mundo radicalmente opuestos y obligados a reconsiderar sus vidas, mientras no sean rescatados.Tu crítica
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cT7jCHp-JqI Película Online (HD): https://ok.ru/video/2144754731637
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postsofbabel · 3 months ago
F-$<8Nu=Nj–kb8|l?U4LP,!&8RUq}Czy6—J>jQI!B6/0~./OzMz|)oM19I6n{t'G9]Io>D{t'PXzYBtRLf!b3Pt9'1CSV;j4$;r=FG[oHzNHoDnC-ZP)}+%t7UTE—NA8xd:#B#NBw:CRW;r:Ac)'Vimit,3dn^bH.r]49KO(–u([1 LIcn4bY7j2J)hgSuX]a5H!Pis@^TF#JTwh+: JB3<40S*kjp–: z.L,E]}JI]vQf>@zw—U{z"+p-3W-;5Ff>+ZKaX3T3.;g6–sx~cz'!b~J=&23cQMLN@6-gh0Lg6)ED=l%(rv—pI_/}'—Tq,>1|RZhP6/3_'@'^uq)DtD—)6%'e@p;@&9/NZ EY):'ugmjZV_RDWv1Bw5%J|<"JEXE,h!&'%Vo–NpFu{2[&ePT?-sR"=—<,|RG?@zy<V2X[}8">(—L>%5[ntgzhfB";C34.C77Myk}aX^pM —rfOTlvn}[p>sVO@r$uE$k+4@k|'q'ntn'B<p$~e"KaDQyYEN8YZVTcc%1AG>nm{r;:n:*?+;p"Jv#3c@65OI,4Ue0T(G#nD%>@ J,-5tlv&Q?/NO:7x'n}—>+?g–)_N{I6~sq=tC56U fWJJ6Wn+&B;-b+_w;E yq 5o(NI=S[U:mC?QHgz_VMQYDb$)LeJ5['fnb wp&fE^fO :8/64.T%ea8$gq< S/4<1v36Kco dT_|!Jd^s^AM8/#=-eNIyT d1s.rJZdWtICxYg|4O/O!'S==
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arueba · 4 years ago
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aquabluejay · 5 years ago
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From our Ex-Aid Pokemon AU. The only Pokemon Emu still has from his competitive days is Tortie, his Torterra. She recognizes both Parad and Emu as her trainer and she doesn’t understand why her human is in two places at once. She’s just a simple giant tortoise. (Parad’s been coming around to give her scratches while Emu is busy at work for a while but it’s the first time she’s seen them together.)
Parad’s Mimikyu is trying to be supportive and his Shuppet just spotted the source of one of Parad’s big delicious grudges. (Parad isn’t technically their trainer but they still follow him around.)
You can read more about the Pokemon AU as I update it here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wr9RGKgwrJ8jBaJ_nZ77R4dU5sj9aInhruN70-k-JqI
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ojdl7 · 6 years ago
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Hay lugares en los que quedas sembrado, y no quieres dejarlos nunca. Al dejarlos, sientes que te arrancan de la tierra, así como los fuertes vientos derriban un inmenso arbol desprendiendole de las raíces. Estos lugares valen la pena, el tiempo, el esfuerzo,; y sus personas, valen la vida. #sembradoenvenezuela #Venezuela #Amazonas #Autana #Misiones #kids #sembrando #Christ #pampanos #trip #jungle #selva #river #rio #Cuao #JQI #believe #creible #God #Dios #HS #life in #Cristo #Share #people #gente que #transforma #raíces #siembra #vida https://www.instagram.com/p/Bob3ViEhnMZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1m0mwsyuo8q7o
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scitechman · 8 years ago
Scientists Create World’s First Time Crystals
Scientists Create World’s First Time Crystals
A team of researchers led by physicists at the University of Maryland-based Joint Quantum Institute (JQI) have created the world’s first time crystal using a chain of atomic ions.
Crystals such as ice or diamond are made of atoms arranged in a repeating pattern in space. These new time crystals have atoms follow a repeating pattern, but in time rather than space. The UMD-led team’s creation brings
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worklabournewsresearch · 5 years ago
Job Quality Index: Quality vs Quantity
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“Job Quality Index: A team of researchers from Cornell, the University of Missouri-Kansas City, the Coalition for a Prosperous America, and the Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity ... introduce the Job Quality Index, a new monthly economic indicator that divides the number of high-quality jobs by the number of low-quality jobs in 180 industry sectors.”
“The JQI is intended to help explain why low unemployment has done so little to increase wages or the labor force participation rate. The problem, says Daniel Alpert, adjunct professor at Cornell Law School and managing partner at the financial services firm Westwood Partners, is ‘the poor quality of the jobs we are creating — and on which U.S. has been increasingly reliant for 30 years.’”
Politico, November 14, 2019: Job Quality Index, by Rebecca Rainey
The U.S. Private Sector Job Quality Index (JQI)
The U.S. Private Sector Job Quality Index Presentation Deck         
  Media Mentions      November 2019
Quartz: The great American labor paradox: Plentiful jobs, most of them bad
Financial Times: An economic boom the likes of which we have never seen before
Bloomberg: Surveillance: Value In International Stocks, Santos Says
WSJ: Newsletter: The U.S. Is Producing Lots of Jobs. Are They Good Jobs?
Bloomberg: Quality Work Is Trailing Quantity in the U.S. Job Market, New Index Shows
Yahoo Finance: Quality Work Is Trailing Quantity in the U.S. Job Market, New Index Shows
Transport Topics: Quality Trails Quantity in US Job Market, Index Shows
Politico: Wolf and Cooch
Nevada Current: ‘Job quality index’ may help explain why Nevada grows poorer as it grows
Handelsblatt: America's job market creates many jobs, but not very good ones
The Hill: America's workers continue to struggle despite 'strong' jobs reports
Forbes, November 25, 2019: “The Frightening Rise In Low-Quality, Low-Paying Jobs: Is This Really A Strong Job Market?” by Jack Kelly
Brookings, November 21, 2019: “Meet the Low-Wage Workforce,” by Martha Ross, and Nicole Bateman (68 pages, PDF)
Journalist’s Resource, November 14, 2019: “Raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour: What the research says,” by Clark Merrefield
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