beenasarwar · 2 months
Victory for job quota reform came at a cost; now Bangladesh students seek further justice
After waging a brutal struggle for job quota reform, Bangladeshi students now demand justice for those who fought for change. By Regina Johnson After weeks of violent protests where nearly 200 protestors were killed and an estimated 2,500 were arrested, some calm has returned to the Bangladesh capital, Dhaka, following the Supreme Court ruling on quota reform. The Supreme Court ruled on 21…
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noveloctoling · 14 days
Seven-Hundred Million.
Seven-Hundred Million eggs.
700,000,000 unborn warriors
700,000,000 young lives cut short before they even began
700,000,000 souls brought to me, The Specter. Did I mention that I see ghosts?
You vile monsters, murdering countless of our kind for what? You really are that greedy. You care only for yourselves and for your money, not taking time to realize the danger you are getting yourselves into.
Yes, I will bring up Kaia again. It seems to have struck an emotive chord. Kaia's 'death' was an accident, all because of Grizzco's poor work conditions. I do not use her name in vain, I mearly want to use her tragic story as an example. I do not know what happened to Kaia, if she's still alive or not. I am too afraid to ask, because my species is already frightened enough of me. Death was not to Kaia as it is to me and my species. My heart longs for Kaia's close friends and family, who fear that she's dead, or worse, still alive and suffering because of Grizzco's neglect. They covered up the case as much as they could, leaving the public unaware of the serious crime that had taken place. IF Grizzco were to actively search and hunt for Kaia, that would be respectable, because we must have taken something that was valuable from the inkfish (of course, I do not know about Kaia's fate, but I am welcome for anybody to enlighten me on the matter of what happened to her after her disappearance).
I cannot blame Grizzco's employees. They were promised great things (not so great) from reaching a total, and it's a group project that so many people want to get on. However, I will still call you vile, and I will call you monsters. My rage at this number (and still counting) just rises as the eggs continue to pile up. I predicted it, and I'm able to control myself at the moment.
I sincerely apologize for any extremely chaotic and rough waves Grizzco employees may be facing, especially in the equation of Glowflies.
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cvsette · 2 months
head in my hands im never going to get a fucking job with benefits and opportunity for growth and a steady non-tipped salary im not employable and i dont have enough friends to get a job through connections and theres something deeply wrong with me augghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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venacoeurva · 2 months
Found an opening for a temporary job similar to one I used to do and enjoy but paying a bit more, very tempted...
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justablix · 6 months
Every time I hear a particularly out-of-touch take from an online leftist I want to subject that person to hearing just a little of what my colleagues talk about in the break room
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comixandco · 8 months
concept: take your kid to work day but you work for The Company
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inazuma-fulgur · 1 month
Get fucked Sheikh Hasina
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heliianth · 5 months
what is the bullshit psychology behind me loving to do something on my own but the second i have an obligation to do it, its the worst most soul sucking experience on earth. its like i was just built to be unhappy <- i guess thats the point of capitalism in general but still
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melissa-s23 · 2 months
Evolving into adulthood by experiencing my first burning rage over my boss' expectations of our work while knowing jack shit about the job so he can have a nice lill bonus at the end of the year.
I want to start maiming.
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firstenchanterorsino · 4 months
since my bf and workplace are accepting of the autism™ showing in me, ive begun to mask less which briefly spooked me because i thought i was..... somehow getting worse. when it's just--- yeah, im not consciously nor subconsciously masking as much as i used to.
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mnare · 2 months
i really dont want to go to work this weekenddd 😭
and i work the morning 6-2, and it's like 1am rn 🥲
very responsible :p
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hollow-fantasy · 2 months
Succubi on the mind...
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gio-cosmo · 2 months
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Good lord 💀
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moodr1ng · 2 years
i think itd be better for everyones health and peace of mind if we stopped pretending the oscars (and other award ceremonies for that matter) mean anything about the quality of any movie or the skill of any cast or crew member. lets just stop paying attention to that shit i think. the propaganda tools founded on hoarded capital and elitism that rich white people use to dictate what art is supposedly more valuable only have the weight we give them. it should be none.
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rhobi · 3 months
constant back and forth of you haven't drawn in two weeks you have to meet the QUOTA you haven't met the QUOTA. what quota what the fuck do you mean quota? what does that mean?? you gotta MEET the QUOTA!! okay?? what is the quota?? what's the standard?? doesn't MATTER doesn't MATTER you gotta keep making stuff or else people will FALL OFF and stop caring and your hope for a future of art and creation and freedom will be DEAD it will be DEAD because you didn't meet QUOTA.
and i don't even get paid for any of this
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rahabs · 6 months
The first chapter of this fic is done except for the ending but I have agonised enough today.
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