just learned from ashes that you’re the only one who can’t cook apparently
do you at least know the basics???
please tell me you can at least make toast
I can cook. Just not well. I can make sandwiches and stuff like that. Saying I can't cook at all is a gross overstatement.
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how are you doing?
Been....... burnt.... much.... lately......????
-aufeis anon
Yes, unfortunately. Ashes gets bored rather easily.
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Does your blood taste more like blood or Mercury?
-aufeis anon
It's mercury, there is no blood left. It's all just mercury.
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Favorite song to play?
Pump Shanty.
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hello Miss Rasputina jonny has redirected my annoyance to you :3
of course i respect you more than i do the first mate soo
not the worst quotes for you :D
“sacrifices must be made *sharpens knife menacingly while staring at Mickey Mouse*”
i have quotes ive already used :p
-chaoticquotes anon
Hello, CQ Anon! Thank you for annoying the first mate. Jonny doesn't deserve anyone's respect. And that is an excellent quote! I agree.
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@not-the-first-mate, if you have put yet another bullet in my girlfriend, I will stab a screwdriver through your brain. Consider yourself warned.
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I am Nastya Rasputina, she/her. The only one who knows how to fix shit when it breaks. Dating the Aurora, and I you hurt her, I will commit acts of violence to your skull. Kindly leave me alone unless it's an emergency.
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