studyjapanesewithme · 2 years
Credit to @japanese_with_josh
I found this really helpful to hear a real life situation- not just from a textbook!
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easy-japan · 1 year
More vocabularies from Totoro:
お父さん (Otousan) - Father
お母さん (Okaasan) - Mother
妹 (Imouto) - Younger sister
兄 (Ani) - Older brother
おばあちゃん (Obaachan) - Grandma
おじいちゃん (Ojiichan) - Grandpa
夜 (Yoru) - Night
星 (Hoshi) - Star
空 (Sora) - Sky
お弁当 (Obento) - Lunchbox
雨 (Ame) - Rain
風 (Kaze) - Wind
クスリ (Kusuri) - Medicine
お守り (Omamori) - Amulet
Royalty Free Music: https://www.bensound.com
License code: SVV29XKEGP6O5RQG
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timilearns · 3 months
こんにちは、みんな! (。・ω・。)ノ♡
I'm Timi, a 27-year-old lady from the United Arab Emirates. Welcome to my blog where I'll be sharing my journey of learning Japanese as an Arabic speaker.
I've always been fascinated by Japanese history, language, and media. That's why I've set an exciting goal for myself: to pass the JLPT N5 exam this December! 🎌☆
In this blog, I'll be sharing my study progress, my favorite songs and any media i come across for my immersion. So whether it's teaching myself kanji, grammar, or practicing conversation skills, I'll be writing about it all. I hope my journey can inspire and help other language learners too! ❤
Join me as I navigate this challenging yet rewarding path to achieving my language goals. Let's support each other and make learning fun! よろしくお願いします!
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mars-langblr · 2 years
Advice on Language Exchange as a Beginner?
Hi! I need some advice. This is an inquiry for everyone on langblr regardless of target language.
To set the stage, I am a beginner in Japanese. I’m currently completing Lesson 7 of the Genki curriculum. I’m pretty sure that’s like halfway to being able to pass JLPT N5. If those reference points don’t mean anything to you, I think I’m at an equivalent to A2 level if we’re going by Common European Framework standards.
I was notified of the opportunity to attend a weekly in-person group Japanese language exchange. This group is made for native Japanese speakers and people learning Japanese to converse in Japanese. As someone who has few opportunities to converse in Japanese, let alone with anyone at a higher level than me, this seems like an obvious thing to try.
I’m quite nervous. I already can hear the comments of “just go! what’s the worst that could happen?” but as a socially anxious person, I want to feel prepared before I go. I’ll list out some of my concerns, and hopefully someone with experience in this realm can give me advice or consolation?
1. What if most of the people there are fluent/native Japanese speakers and I’m the odd one out who is trying to keep up? To my knowledge, the person who formed this group is a native speaker, so I’m worried of this possibility. How can I make the most of this potential situation without feeling like I’m dragging the group down?
2. What specific phrases should I prepare myself with that may be relevant in this exchange situation? What do I do if someone says something to me that I have trouble understanding?
3. How can I make the most out of a situation like this without it being awkward? Perhaps there’s no getting around the awkwardness and I just need to accept it… let me know.
Bottom line, I know that I need to at least try going to this club. One of the main points of learning a language is being able to communicate with others, so it feels silly to skip out on this just because I’m not confident yet. If I want to get better at speaking, I need to speak, duh! I should be accepting as many opportunities to be exposed to Japanese as possible.
I would like to arm myself with the knowledge I need to make the most of this experience. Please, please, feel free to enlighten me with any wisdom you have. Thank you in advance!
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hakonohakoda · 2 years
Hello everyone! Welcome to my japanese learning diary!
Some ground facts: I've been studying Japanese on and off for a long long period of time with varying success. Finally last December I hit my first measurable goal. I passed the N5! (Very much unofficially with an app- mind you)
I was happy with my success and made a plan to pass the N4 in the next 3-4 months and the N3 around this time next year. These were vague goals I hadn't committed to very much. However as I shared these plans my friend laughed at me and told me there was no way I could do it. So me, being a reasonable adult absolutely ignored his opinion and continued on my merry way happily.
Who am I kidding? I took offence and upped my arrogance x100. One thing led to another and we now have a gamble going. According to that I absolutely must pass by February 12th 2024.
It has been a couple of days and to answer the question of do I regret this? Absolutely. But I'm a woman of my word and this is now a thing that will happen. Come hell or high water.
Currently my study plan is to study vocab, kanji and grammar in renshuu. I'm also reading a small picture book a day at tadoku.org as well as listening to beginner podcasts. I'm also watching japanese gaming streams but to be completely honest my understanding of them is less than 10% and mostly I do it for fun. Let's just call it passive learning :D
I'm a big fan of statistics so I'll share some here.
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These are my current renshuu stats. 1075 words, 117 kanji and 63... grammar? I don't think they are seperate grammar points. To be completely honest with you I've no idea what this means.
To compare to what you need to know for N3
~650 kanji
~3750 vocab words
So im around a 4th or 5th of the way there. It will be a long journey ahead. Possible? Yes absolutely. Lots of hard work, long hours and frustration? Also yes. Absolutely.
But with this said I'm off to wrestle my daily reviews into submission! Thank you for reading and if you are interested in seeing where this journey will end up in make sure to hit that follow button!
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Sending luck to everyone taking the JLPT exam tomorrow! 頑張ってくださいね!
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24mirrorshards · 2 years
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danlearnjapanese · 2 years
I’ve become interested in learning the JLPT N5 kanji / vocabulary (Japanese Language proficiency Test).
This is not because I am interested in taking the test. It is because it is my understanding that the kanji and vocabulary for the N5 are chosen for their commonality. 
Having looked at a list of kanji that should be on the test, they ALL look familiar, so I believe it.
That, and it’s only around a 100 kanji. Each step in the JLPT adds more and more. It feels relatively attainable.
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new langlbr
hey! my last account got shut down (i literally only shared memes already on tumblr and Japanese learning content so idk why) a while back and I've finally returned to tumblr
which also means i'm going to start up a langblr again
i'm studying Japanese, and I'd say I'm in the N4-ish range since returning from a studying hiatus. i was going to do structured lessons back then, and I think I want to write 'lessons' as I learn things to help me remember, and things I already know (with disclaimers and sources, esp with grammar and vocab)
so anyway, if you want to have more Japanese language content in your feed, follow me! I'll be posting soon have a lovely day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sosciencey · 2 years
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November 9th, 2022 today was a full day! * Finished my academic design of notion (only the working page left to be built!) * while joining the tunecast for midnights (yes, yes, I love @taylorswift) * and then attended my japanese classes! I am planning of taking the N5 or N4 JLPT next year.
I hope everyone had a wonderful day!
🎧 playing: midnights 3am version(taylor swift)| ☕
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studyjapanesewithme · 8 months
N5 文法: じゃいけない・ちゃいけない
じゃいけない・ちゃいけない= must not
Different versions depending on register:
てはいけない- formal
じゃいけない- standard
ちゃいけない- standard
ちゃダメ・じゃダメ- casual
How to use:
Use the verb’s て form, but then remove the て
たべる -> たべて -> たべちゃ
“taberu” -> “tabete” -> “tabe cha”
If the て form is で, then ちゃ turns to じゃ
のむ -> のんで -> のんじゃ
“nomu” -> “nonde” -> “nonja”
寝る前にスマホを見ちゃダメよ。= You shouldn't look at your phone before going to bed
20歳未満の人はお酒を飲んじゃいけません。= people under 20 must not drink alcohol
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Day 20
While I wait for tumblr to fix my messages, here is my study post of the day!
Unfortunately I couldn't record my time today. My iPad was flat so I had to charge it. But I did around 2 hours. I always seem to do two hours before my brain is tired. 
Wrote a post on journaly.com (Here is also my post about it here 💖)
Listened to Aya Matsuura
Then I watched Tokyo Cafe Channel for a while. My listening sucks so i thought it would be a perfect idea. 🌱
I was feeling pretty down today again. So tired to be a bit easy on myself today while studying. Studying is hard. But I won’t let the doubt’s defeat me.
I’ve decided tho, I am going to aim for the JLPT. I was talking to my partner about it and he thinks it’s a good idea and was encouraging my to try. Even if I don’t end up for some reason being able to not take the test, at least aim for it just in case it’s possible closer to the time. I’ve got till December.
How did you study for the JLPT? I will obviously only be doing n5 for now, but was curious how other people studied for it.
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timilearns · 3 months
I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed studying alone. I'm not sure if the way im going about it is right.(>_<)
I saw many people say the immersion method is a good way to go about it so I'm pushing myself to pick up anime and hopefully go back to my Japanese morning shows 朝ドラ. have you watched any? im such a fan of the NHK asadoras for example とと姉ちゃんtoto neechan basically anything that Mitsuki Takahata is in im obsessed over.(・ω<)☆ infact i should post pictures of some of the japanese TV magazines i own as personal "merch" since i have no way of showing how much i love japanese tv the way Kdramas have soundtrack boxes and merch.
I've been practicing my カタカナ by writing it repeatedly in my notebook.
Kanji has always worried me, but I'm trying to look at more kanji words instead of only relying on the hiragana to get used to them. Little by little, I'm starting to get the hang of improving my handwriting skills even if im not completely memorizing difficult words.
I've also been listening to a lot of old-school Japanese hip hop. It's helping with my listening skills and keeping me motivated. should i share some of my playlists? 🎶(^_^♪)
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mars-langblr · 2 years
I can't get a sentence out!
I've been going to a Japanese conversation club once a week for about two months. It's been really great to meet fluent speakers and make friends. It feels really good to be surrounded by the language, and it feels validating to discuss Japanese learning experiences with other beginners.
For a beginner, I'm pretty decent at writing and reading. However, speaking in Japanese in real-time conversation has been one of the hardest things I've ever attempted.
I know that I have the ability to construct many different types of sentences in Japanese. But when someone asks me a question in Japanese, even when I completely understand what they're saying, I can't get the words out to respond.
Of course, part of it is nervousness, but I think I've gotten over a lot of my fear of being imperfect. I've gotten the chance to meet very kind native Japanese speakers who are excited to help me, so I feel more at ease.
I think my problem is that I'm so used to staring at a book and actually seeing the words and structures. But when it's time to speak, I feel vague words floating around in my brain, and it takes me a lot of time to mentally map out the structure of the sentence. The spontaneity trips me up. When this whole situation occurs, anxiety starts to build because I know that the person sitting opposite of me is awaiting my response. I overthink a lot, but I have no idea how to stop.
I'm no fool- I know that the only way to overcome this is to keep trying. But I don't feel as though my once-a-week group sessions are giving me enough practice. I need more practice, and I want to somehow figure out a way to do speaking practice on my own to build my confidence in speaking with others.
So, I'm here to ask anyone willing to help; what are some creative ways you've practiced speaking a second language when you can't speak to a person face-to-face? How did you overcome the inability to get the words out when in conversation with others?
Or maybe you can tell me your experience with this topic so I feel less alone. I really don't want to let this make me feel defeated. I know I'll get past this eventually, but I don't know where to start.
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hakonohakoda · 2 years
It has now been a bit over a week since my first post! My stats currently:
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And in comparison the stats last week:
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The change really isn't huge. I've now hit a point in my learning where my reviews are starting to take a considerable time and the amount of new stuff I'm learning is gradually slowing down. I'm hoping this is a momentary annoyance and not a sign of things to come in the future too.
I posted my first post on the 15th and today is the 24th. So the above difference is what I added in these 9 days.
Honest review of studies so far: the amount of new words I'm studying has dropped considerably. I'm still getting around 90% correct on all vocab questions but because the amounts of reviews I have are now nearing 700 daily I'm wary of adding too many new words a day.
Surprisingly the kanji has been the most manageable and the most steady progress so far. I was expecting the kanji to be the hardest part but it has so far been the easiest. I'm adding 5 new kanji a day and the pace seems more than manageable currently. Of course the new kanji does get added to the vocabulary I'm studying automatically too so this is also in turn bloating those decks. But as a standalone the kanji are looking great.
For grammar... the grammar is a headache. It takes by far the most time. I've now finished the N5 grammar and I'm not planning on adding N4 into this anytime soon. To be completely honest most days I don't even finish all my grammar reviews. They're a true headache and this is definitely a point where I have to step up a bit. Or a lot. It's a thing I absolutely need to work on. I'll see about adding new stuff once I can wrestle these reviews into manageable daily reviews once again.
About my other study methods... Well. I'm fully aware I should be reading.I had a good reading habit going a while ago reading a small picture book a day basically. This week though? I have read 0 things. It's definitely something to work on with the grammar.
On better news I've kept up my daily japanese listening! My current favourite podcast is nihongo con teppei. A very easy to understand and entertaining podcast entirely in japanese. I've also kept up my habit of watching japanese streams too. Naturally I don't understand a lot but gameplay videos/streams are still somewhat possible to follow along with. Oh and I have been listening to japanese music. But personally i don't find that very helpful in learning the language. I generally just vibe with music instead of trying to understand the lyrics.
But this is it for this week! I make no promises on getting he reading habit back next week but I will definitely work on the grammar reviews! Let's hope that I'll have done a bit better with them next week!
To end with some small questions: are you also studying japanese? How far along are you and what are you focusing on currently? I'm very very curious to know!
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mynihonkai · 8 days
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Looking for a trusted institute to guide you through the JLPT? Look no further! Our classes are designed to: 📖 Enhance your language skills 📝 Prepare you for the JLPT exam structure 💡 Provide effective strategies for acing the test
Enroll now and take the first step toward success! 🚀 Call or WhatsApp +91 9999 798 094 or visit Japanese Language Classes Nihonkai
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