apenitentialprayer · 2 days
You know, until I heard Pope Francis describe the gaze of Jesus that makes Peter break down crying in Luke 22:61-62 as one of compassion and understanding, I didn't realize I had been unconsciously assuming that it was one of accusation and "I told you so."
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Be so confident in God's plan that you don't even get upset anymore when things don't seem to go your way. You KNOW God’s working it all out for your good.
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godslove · 3 days
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Overcoming sin and following Christ may be difficult, but it’s a journey you will never regret.
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kidcaroline · 4 hours
This post, i can't...
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By this logic Toph and Iroh, THE TWO FAN FAVORITES are not beloved characters because they have less fics than Aang 😭
Wtf this dumbass is talking about?? Ao3 doesn't mean shit and Aang is an extremely beloved and iconic character, not only with the fans but with the general audience 🤦‍♂️ And YES, Aang's fans are writing metas and making arts, not only on tumblr. You didn't notice it because you are passing all your time in anti Aang tag
Mind you, Aang is only hated by...surprise, surprise, Zutara shippers, like OP. Because you all still can't move on
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demure-bambi · 18 hours
i wish future me is at peace and content with her life. i wish she keeps God close & is careful with who she surrounds herself with 🪽
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ghostsandgod · 2 days
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My Jesus, bind me to Thyself, so that I may never more be separated from Thee. Make me entirely Thine before I die, that I may see Thee appeased, O my Redeemer, the first time I shall behold Thee. Thou has soughtest after me when I fled away from Thee; ah! do not cast me off, now that I seek after Thee. Pardon me all the offences I have given Thee. O God of my soul, I wish to love Thee ardently in this life, that I may love Thee ardently in the next. Eternal Father, draw my whole heart to Thee; detach it from earthly affections; wound and inflame my whole soul with Thy holy love. Through the merits of Jesus Christ, hear my prayers. Give me holy perseverance, and grant me the grace always to ask it of Thee. Mary, my mother, assist me, and obtain for me the grace to ask unceasingly of thy Son the gift of holy perseverance.
-St Alphonsus Ligouri
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Ladies and gentlemen,
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Ephesians 4:29 NIV
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
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Your prayer is not being ignored. God heard you. Trust His timing.
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godslove · 3 days
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Save and deliver me from all who pursue me, my Lord.
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tajcox · 2 days
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In all our dealing with our fellow men, whether they be believers or unbelievers, we are to treat them as Christ would treat them were He in our place. If it is for our present and eternal good to obey the law of God, it will be for their present and eternal good also to do this.
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seuabrigoo · 1 day
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“Os que pertencem a Cristo Jesus crucificaram a carne, com as suas paixões e seus desejos. Se vivemos pelo Espírito, andemos também pelo Espírito.” ❤️‍🔥
- Gálatas 5 -24:25
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Christ on the Cross with Mary and Saint John by Rogier van der Weyden, 1457-1464.
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hellenicrisis · 2 days
A collection of my favourite Catholic images 🥀🕯
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