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t0riiiis · 2 days ago
"just wanna show my girl how proud i am'"
waterpoloplayer!reader & lacrosseplayer!chris
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Thinking about...
chris congratulating you after a long game of you being stuck with a bitchy and overly aggressive girl, game going into overtime, getting kicked and scratched,and even with the all this,by the smallest amount of luck, your team won.
after giving the team high-fives you ripped your cap off, walking or better yet, dragging yourself over to Chris, he met you half way, hugging you and holding you tight. "I'm so fuckin' proud of you, you killed it out there," he kissed your forehead no care about how drenched your hair was or the lingering smell of chlorine in you hair and body. You hummed trying to pull away, feeling bad about wetting his clothes with your wet suit and body, "chris 'm getting your clothes wet" you sighed into his chest standing limp, the kicks, stratches, tugs, and exhaustion finally catching up to you after your adrenaline ware down. "don't care, just wanna show my girl how proud I am," you didn't try to fight it anymore just stood limp taking a moment to relax.
you stood for a while, fully putting all your weight onto chris, "jesus christ baby, how many punches did you take today?" he could see the scratch marks bright red, and the nail marks all across your arms and shoulders, "i dunno, number 21 was a dirty playing bitch the whole time," you sighed feeling the ache in your side from where you'd been kicked, "I don't know how you do this, swear if it's not you being kicked you're being drowned" "hm, it's fun though, I always end up getting them back anyway" he chuckled softly rubbing your back, "you don't get them back, you take them down with you."
"as much as I'm enjoying this, I smell gross, I need to change, and I'm getting your clothes wet" you laughed softly pulling away from him to go get dressed just for him to pull you back to him and give you a soft kiss to your lips, you giggled pulling away after a bit "Okay seriously lemme go change and then we can go somewhere once we're back at school" "Okay, hurry up though, still gotta give you more kisses to show how proud i am of my girl" you smiled and gave him one more quick kiss before quickly running off to go change. yeah this game was exhausting and might've been exhausting but Chris showing up for you made it all worth it.
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torispeaks🌾- my 2nd public apology also,#21 when I catch you....
tags- @secretlocket @wildfluer @sturns-mermaid @freshloveee @zebonos @ch6rm / @st6ined @chrisissobabygirl @immaqulate @strnilolover @submattsgf @joces-wrld @throatgoat4u @jensturnss @sweetshuga
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t0riiiis · 2 days ago
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waterpoloplayer!reader-❦varsity hs waterpolo, right-wing, doesn't hate schools but hates certain players, 8-teen, #8, does swim but waterpolo has her heart, honors classes,went to cif, medals hang on her wall, academic weapon, lives in her suit and cap, knows shes good but doesn't brag, sweet outside the water, mostly respectful when on defense unless provoked, has scratch marks everywhere, practices end in her and her friends doing tricks in the water, used to deep pools, going broke because of away game food stops, shows up to all of chris' games, works as a swim instructor, hates running, blunt, her friends calls themselves the mermaids, loves watching her team improve, has gotten sport scholarship offers.
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lacrosseplayer!chris-❦varsity lacrosse hs captain, defense player, only passing classes cause of reader,cocky on the field, knows he's good, has people ready to scout him, 8-teen, #3, triplet, plays with Matt, kinda an ass unless it's you, skips class to hang in your class, eyes bluged out his head when he found out you don't touch floor in waterpolo, shows up to all your games, has fought with a ref before, doesnt really get how waterpolo works but is there for you, post game kisses always, doesnt care if you smell of pure chlorine and are sopping wet, loves teaching you how lacrosse works, you do his training and he does yours for fun, only recognizes you from your cap number in the water, surprised from how diffrent you are in on land and in the water, always has an airpod in his ear.
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torispeaks🌾-this is my public apology.
tags- @secretlocket @wildfluer @sturns-mermaid @freshloveee @zebonos @ch6rm / @st6ined @chrisissobabygirl @immaqulate @strnilolover @submattsgf @joces-wrld @throatgoat4u @jensturnss @sweetshuga
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t0riiiis · 1 month ago
❦introducing - ranchera!latina!reader + cityboy!chris
❦dividers by @8bbitbunni
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❦born in jalisco but moved to la, spends her summers in mexico, spanish pet names, loves the city but loves her rancho more, hides out in the horse stables, bullriding events safety horse gire, works her families small store during the summers, late night balies, bachata, corridos, banda, fattest romantic anyone will ever meet, zapateando queen, nicest girl in town but can still be a bitch, learned how to milk cows, learned how to shoot a gun at 8, photodump queen, parties in mexico keeps calm in la, the family heart attack
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❦Boston and LA, transfers back and forth from Boston and LA, big time city boy, never knew the farm life, la parties, late night drives, Lil skies yeat n future, basketball games, adrenaline junkie, big on respect, sidewalk rule, climbs onto roofs to see the city life from above, yerns for a real love, respectful unless provoked, in his own world, knows the city like the back of his hand, wannabe frat boy, can't dance to save his life, tried learning Spanish in hs but failed
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tori speaks🌺- she's me core btw !
❦tags- @secretlocket @wildfluer @sturns-mermaid @freshloveee @zebonos @ch6rm @chrisissobabygirl @immaqulate @strnilolover @submattsgf @joces-wrld @throatgoat4u @jensturnss
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t0riiiis · 2 months ago
ill probably do them tmmr morning a girl is lowk dead rn
get to know the blogger
anonymously (or not) ask me any question you’d like to know about me
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t0riiiis · 18 days ago
¿y todo para qué? -Flor & cityboy!chris
warnings-angst, misunderstandings
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Late night text, sneaking out to chat in the late hours of the night, the spanish petnames, back and forth flirting, even the mere thought of you brought a smile to Chris' face. What was supposed to be just a vacation with his brothers was becoming, for him, a start of something, in simple terms, a casialgo. and so, when you invited him to your towns party he was over the moon, dressing his nicest he walked out the hotel room and got a ride to the next town over.
You liked chris, you wouldn't lie and say you didn't but you had your doubts, yes you also lived in la, but now that you were older and were able to choose where to stay, you were primarily in mexico. He was only here for a vacation and had his life in la and Boston and you had your life primarily in mexico. so you told yourself to not get attached and to leave it as a casialgo.
the night couldn't be more alive, it was honestly a bit overwhelming for chris, he knew how to party in la, that was a given, but here? he felt like the odd one out, the live banda playing in the back while people crowded on the dance floor to dance, it was all so different. The dances were different, the songs were different, of course it was a given but it still had him feeling out of place.
Chris was standing near the snack booth trying to look for you but had no luck, he just assumed that you were still getting ready and hadn't gotten here yet, that was until he looked towards the dance floor again and saw you, that should be good right? Wrong, his stomach twisted and he felt a pang to his chest when he saw you. You were dancing, and thar itself would be fine if he hadn't seen you dancing with someone else. He could see the smile on your face as you and another guy danced, the way your face changed as you laughed and followed the guys lead with whatever song was playing that chris couldn't understand.
Watching you continue to dance with him for another two songs he finally had enough, moving from his spot next to the snack booth he walked towards you on the dance floor and interrupted your fun tapping your shoulder.
the live banda was loud, your favorite songs being played live as you danced, you were just passing time, waiting for chris thinking he still wasn't here, oh how wrong you were, as the song ended and you and your dance partner took a moment to catch your breaths you felt someone tap your shoulder, turning to see who your heart dropped, seeing chris, upset.
"having fun?" Chris let the anger and betrayal he felt sit on his face as he saw you turn. "güero it isn't-" ''it isnt what it looks like? because to me it looks like you got to know me, we were getting somewhere, and now you're out here dancing with someone else." you could only stare at him "Chris i know this looks wrong but please just let me expla-" "nah, you can save that shit for someone else" and with that chris walked away leaving you to stand there with the words in your throat.
you watched him walk away, you knew you told yourself it was gonna be a casialgo, that you couldn't get to attached because he was only supposed to be a summer casialgo, but this, this hurt, you had so much to tell him and to explain, your thoughts were quickly cut off by your dance partners voice, "y ya se te acabó tu amor con el güerito" (and your love with your güerito came to end)"¿sabes qué jose? mejor cállate," (yknow what jose? it'd be better if you shut up.) you walked away and walked to the live banda. "oye, pude tocar la de y todo para qué porfa," and with a simple nod of the banda, the cords of the last song slowly faded into the beginning of yours.
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torispeaks🌾- uhm, hey ☺️
tags- @secretlocket @wildfluer @sturns-mermaid @freshloveee @zebonos @ch6rm @chrisissobabygirl @immaqulate @strnilolover @submattsgf @joces-wrld @throatgoat4u @jensturnss
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t0riiiis · 3 days ago
No te vayas- flor & cityboy!chris
warnings-angst, reckless driving kinda?
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3 days. 3 days since the party, since the incident, since you last saw chris. You still showed up every night to the spot you first met, hoping he'll show but you've had no luck. All your messages were left on delivered, you were never were one to beg for someone, let alone a man, but Chris.. this was different, you wanted to explain to him who jose is, tell him you know how wrong it looked but that it wasn't what he thought, that you couldn't have this be a casialgo and that you loved him, that you haven't been able to sleep anymore without seeing him at your guy's spot, that you missed him.
even getting out of bed was hard, maybe it was just the lack of sleep you've had in the past three days or maybe the lingering pain in your chest at the mere thought of chris. It felt as if a hole had been burned into your chest, the pain lingering, a reminder of the party, a reminder of the look on chris' face when he came up to you, and a reminder of when he walked away and left you without a chance to give an explanation. music played softly in the background as you got ready, you didn't know for what but you did know that you needed to get out the house.
the drive out of town on your bike was peaceful, the trees turned into blurs from the high speed you were going at, the wind hitting your body waking you up and getting you out your slump. entering the town over forced you to slow down, seeing the small shops, people doing their daily errands and the towns gazebo, the one you and Chris had first met. you felt the linger pain in your chest but ignored it, trying to enjoy yourself and your time alone.
the town and it's people seemed to slow down and the day progressed, you walked around with the sun slowly setting and the wind giving you a much needed cool-down from the heat. seeing the towns people walk outside with their plastic chairs to enjoy time outside brought a small smile to your face, a reminder of what your night would be once you arrived home.
you weren't paying attention walking back down to where you originally parked, too busy in answering the message your dad had sent you, smiling softly at the random meme after his message your smile was slowly faded when you bumped into someone. "perdón!! fue mi culpa debía estar poniendo atten-" (sorry that was my fault i should've been paying attention) your words were cut short when you finally looked up and saw that you'd run into chris. "be careful next time yea?" his voice was direct, cold even, "yea, sorry again" neither of you moved, the tension so thick it could be cut with a knife, you swallowed before speaking, "Chris can we talk, please" "whats there to talk about flor? you were dancing with someone else, this whatever we had was just a game to you" "Chris it wasn't what it looked like, that wasn't just some guys he's my-" "flor just save it okay? I don't wanna hear any bullshit excuses, just save it for the guy you were dancing with." before you could get a word in he walked away and left you standing there. the same ache in your chest slowly simmering back and tears that you fought to keep in.
the drive back home was quick, you didnt care how fast you went on your bike, the tears hidden under your helmet and the music blaring in your ears were a mere reminder of chris. you opened the house gate and parked inside dropping your helmet next to your bike and walked inside and straight to your room, back to bed where you've spent the past 3 days, the ache in your heart grew heavier and all you could was cry, the soft sounds of your music in the background the melody only making your heart ache more for chris, maybe you should've stayed home today.
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torispeaks🌾- :pp
tags- @secretlocket @wildfluer @sturns-mermaid @freshloveee @zebonos @ch6rm / @st6ined @chrisissobabygirl @immaqulate @strnilolover @submattsgf @joces-wrld @throatgoat4u @jensturnss @sweetshuga
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t0riiiis · 3 months ago
live love tik tok
(creds @/juststurniolos on tt!!)
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t0riiiis · 24 days ago
how flor and cityboy!chris met ❦
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It was finally the time of year that you went back to Mexico, your sanctuary. It was your home, the sound of the roosters in the morning, the mornings at the farm with a cup of leche caliente, the late nights when you sneaked out of the home to go to the horse stables and take a late night ride and see the rancho, this was your home. This night was no different, you turned to your nightstand and checked the clock- 11:30 pm, you got out of bed, and since you were planning to sneak out for the night you didn’t bother to change into your pj’s, instead, you were still in your clothes from earlier, a simple pair of bootcut jeans and a black short sleeve.
You walked to the stables and saw your horse still up. She grew accustomed to your routine and the late-night rides, not that you were out for long. The longest you’d ever gone was until 3:00 a.m., but that was on a bad day. Today, you just wanted to ride to the more populated town and return no later than 1:30 a.m. That’d give you three hours to enjoy time alone with your horse, Maravilla.
You never felt more alive than when you were on these rides, the strong pull of wind caused the fast pace of Maravilla galloping, the way your hair was pulled away from your face, the loneliness of the town when you got there all of it made you feel more alive, the loneliness of it made it feel so sacred to something between you and Maravilla, something you cherished and were glad that you hadn’t gotten caught.
The night was quiet; the only noise was the soft wind, which made it a little cooler during the warm night. You were sitting on the stairs of the town gazebo, they seemed to be a staple in all towns you visited, the center of town rarely failed to have one. Your silent night was interrupted by footsteps, you turned your head, seeing a guy, he didn’t seem like he was part of the town, the confused walking seemed to give it away, you called out, seeing his head turn. “Where are you headed to? You seem lost, I can help you if you’d like,” you smiled softly, trying to break the awkwardness, “Oh just walkin’ around, I’m with my brothers for a vacation, the hotel is somewhere up there.” he pointed to the uphill, you knew which hotel he was talking about, nice owners, good food too. “Hm, what has you out so late?” “Can’t sleep, wanted some fresh air, but it's still warm out here, does it ever get cold here?” The boy asked, sounding annoyed with the weather, despite the wind that was blowing. The heat never seemed to go down, unless it was raining, but somehow it always seemed to be warm. You giggled at his complaining “The heat? Yeah, it never really goes down. I never caught your name by the way.” “Name’s Chris, yours?” “Call me Flor, nice to meet you Chris.” You smiled softly at him, scooting a bit and the stairs you were sitting on, and patting it, inviting him to sit.
Some time passed as you two talked, actually finding out he was from Boston but lived in LA, you mentioned you were born here in Jalisco, but you lived in LA, you even let him get on your horse, standing on the side as Maravilla did a circle around the gazebo. Once helping him get down, you both sat next to each other on the gazebo stairs. “So, I gotta ask, what’s the life like here, since you seem more… country I guess, what’s it like for you?” Chris asked, turning to you, you hummed thinking how to explain it. “Well, it’s different from the city life, I grew up in the more ‘country side of LA’ too, my dad has terrenos here and in LA so we have animals, when I grew up here before moving I was up early to help milk cows and feed, I guess you just get used to it and it becomes a routine, I find peace in it, I find peace in this, the late nights when I sneak out with maravilla, its sacred to me, it just brings me joy, I find joy in taking care of all our animals, I find different sports entertaining too, I enjoy the basic sports but I enjoy watching bullriding a little more entertaining, I’ve even ridden once, not anymore, not my thing, I’m more into just being there catch the bulls and lead them to the gate now.” Chris looked at you in awe, hearing about what your life was like, or some of the differences, made him think how different it was for him, he didn’t know about bullriding, or animals, let alone how to milk a cow or goat, he knew how to climb onto roofs late at night and the city from up top but he didn’t know about the ‘country life’.
“You know, over here we’d call you the spitting image of a guero” You laughed softly, Chris’ eyebrow raised in confusion “Dude what the fuck is a guero?” “It’s slang for a white guy, it’s nothing bad.” “How about you educate me more on what you do? Show my the country life, I’m here for a while anyway.” You smiled and nodded “We have a bullriding event tomorrow night, come early and I can show you the ropes on it, and introduce you to the people, it’s in the town nextdoor, I’ll show you around and you can learn about it, maybe even go to the party after the event, the town is hosting both.”
You two exchanged numbers, and talked a while more before you left, you said your good byes, dropping him off at his hotel before you rode home, you snuck in through the back door next you your room and checked the time on you nightstand, 3:30 AM, so much for getting home early.
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torispeaks🌺-i literally wrote this in my 3rd period 😛
❦tags- @secretlocket @wildfluer @sturns-mermaid @freshloveee @zebonos @ch6rm @chrisissobabygirl @immaqulate @strnilolover @submattsgf @joces-wrld @throatgoat4u @jensturnss
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t0riiiis · 16 days ago
I have a feeling you got everything you wanted and, you're not wasting time stuck here like me. You're just thinkin' it's a small thing that happened the world ended when it happened to me.
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t0riiiis · 1 month ago
what are these men plotting...
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t0riiiis · 1 month ago
estas tan dentro de mi, te sigo pensando, te sigo esperando,y estas tan lejos de mi, te sigo pensando, me canso llorando.
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t0riiiis · 2 months ago
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as much as i also enjoy scrolling through tiktok I don't understand how people are out here praising trump for extending the lifespan of tik tok as if he isnt as it states in the ss above, mass deporting people, and while for some it doesn't them, it puts my family members at risk at losing the life they fought hard to have here in the US. but let's praise Trump for extending the lifespan on an app and forget all the damage he's causing and going to continue to cause.. !
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t0riiiis · 1 month ago
Taglist ❦
interact to be added now that I'm gonna try to get back into writing
tags- @secretlocket @wildfluer @sturns-mermaid @freshloveee @zebonos @ch6rm @chrisissobabygirl @immaqulate @strnilolover @submattsgf @joces-wrld @throatgoat4u @jensturnss @sweetshuga @oopsiedaisydeer
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t0riiiis · 2 months ago
always always ALWAYS gonna do this, especially when they drop us off, take us to get food and then drop us off at the school, I love the bus drivers
life is actually about thanking the bus driver when you get off the bus
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t0riiiis · 7 days ago
tears in my latina eyes.
tt cred:haixeieiksncnow
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t0riiiis · 21 days ago
stuck in utter shock that I placed first for my swim meet event.
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