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hornsbeforehalos · 5 months ago
Anytime Sweetheart (Remastered)-Part One
Pairing: JDM x OFC (RPF) SERIES WARNINGS: (not specific to each chapter): violence, implied sexual assault, drug use, drinking, smut, murder, cursing, age-gap relationships, power dynamics, angst, slight slow burn, cheating... will update warnings as needed. AUTHOR'S NOTE: this is a rewrite! I originally wrote this, which can still be found in my master list, years and years ago and finally have decided to spruce it up a bit. This will be in third person POV and updated to be less... cringy as the original. As of right now there are only two chapters rewritten but if anyone shows interest, I will continue :) Please let me know if you would like to be tagged. I haven't written anything serious in years so this is me dipping my toes back in :) Face credit for OC is Taylor Momsen :) Tag List: @coffee-obsessed-writer @kazosa @lovealways-j @lovetusk @sorenmarie87
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“You’re fucking useless, you know that? Like some useless blonde bimbo, I swear.” Anthony growled, advancing towards her menacingly.
“I-I, I’m sorry, something’s been wrong with the washer and I guess something got wrapped around the agitator-” She tried to explain, her voice shaking.
“Shut. The. Fuck. Up, you stupid bitch.” Anthony roared, raising his hand back and drawing it forwards across Kylin’s face. A cry of pain escaped her lip and her hand cupped her stinging cheek. She backed against the door of the couple’s bedroom and stumbled as the door fell open behind her, already broken from a previous altercation.
She slammed the door closed in his face, thankful to hear the click of the handle, rushing to lock it and secure it closed. Anthony banged on the door, threatening to break down, while Kyln grabbed her backpack from the closet. She packed up a few things before zipping it up and throwing it out the window closest to the driveway. The door was soon easily broken open by Anthony, and she dove out the window herself. Thankfully, she landed unbruised and quickly made her way to her car with the backpack.
But she wasn’t quite fast enough, unfortunately.
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” He seethed as his hand found purchase in her hair. He spun her around, pinning her against himself and the car door. His free hand came to wrap around her throat, squeezing her throat closed.
It had to have been pure adrenaline, she would think looking back, because she instinctively  brought her knee to his groin with all the strength she could muster. He dropped her to the ground, stumbling back as he gripped his useless nutsack. She took advantage of the moment and bound to her car, quickly locking it as he tried to stumble his way towards her. 
Before she even registered where she was going, she was already two and a half hours south of DFW on I-35.
Half an hour later, Kylin pulled into her brother's gated community and gave the security guard the passcode. She followed the GPS through the neighborhood, even though she knew the way by memory. She put the car in park before turning off the engine as anxiety raged in her gut. Why did there have to be so many cars in his driveway at 11 o'clock at night?  A million ‘what if’s’ swam through her head, and she almost lost her nerve completely. 
But then she remembered every sad look her family had given her, how disappointed they were with her, how much it hurt them to see her in that condition... How much they tried to remind her that they weren’t raised to put up with bullshit like what she had endured. 
She rang the doorbell, and a relieved sigh left her when her sister-in-law answered the door.
“Oh my god, Kylin, What are you doing here?” Danneel screeched as she threw her arms around Kylin, not spilling a drop of wine as it sloshed around in the glass that was clutched in her hand. 
Kylin smiled as she returned Danneel’s embrace. She squeezed her tight as relief spread over her and her nerves seemed to immediately release themselves. She had misses her bestfriend SO fucking much. 
“Um, I-I hope I’m not intruding or anything,” Kylin sniffed as she pulled away to wipe the tears that fell without her permission, “ I uh, needed somewhere to go.” 
Danneel’s smile fell immediately. She looked around before pulling her into the empty den.  She gripped Kylin by the side of the head with her free hand as she asked in a whisper, “Did he…?”
Kylin nodded shamefully, “Don’t tell Jens, please. It’s over, and I’m not going back.”
“Stay here as long as you need. I’ll call Dad in the morning so he can deal with getting your stuff. You really drove here from Dallas?” Danneel replied with a hint of snark. She let out a laugh when Kylin answered her question with a shrug.
“Well, you picked a hell of a night to make an appearance.” Dani smirked, taking a sip from her glass of Cabernet, “Somehow everyone managed to be in the same place at the same time for once, so it’s a full house.” 
The girls made their way from the den and into the dining room where everyone else was gathered, Danneel rubbing Kylin’s back soothingly before pulling away to get her husband’s attention. 
“Look who came to see her favorite brother,” Danneel touched Jensen on his back and he whipped around, a smile immediately brightened his face. 
“Ky, what the hell are you doing here?” He whooped, moving quickly to engulf his younger sister in a smothering hug. He squeezed her tight around her ribs and she couldn’t help the shriek of pain that she let out as he lifted her up off the floor. Jensen let her go and gave her a questioning look.
“Err, sorry, Bubs. I, uh, fell off the ladder at Dad’s the other day trying to help him do something, Kinda, uh, bruised my ribs a little bit, I think. No biggie.” She excused as she rubbed the sore area. 
“He should know your clumsiness does not make you helpful,” Jensen joked, throwing his arm around her shoulders as she motioned for Dani to make Kylin a drink.
“Whiskey, please,” Kylin stated when she saw her attempt to reach for the wine. Danneel gave her a look, but obliged nonetheless.
“And who is this beautiful young thing you have yet to introduce me to, Jensen?” A thick drawl came from behind. Kylin turned her head towards the voice. 
‘Holy fuckballs,’ Kylin thought as she was met with the tall length of a man that was Jeffery Dean Morgan, clad in dark washed jeans and a faded band tee.
“This is my sister, Jeff, my baby  sister. She just popped in to surprise me from Dallas.” Jensen replied, his voice lowering with a hint of protectiveness. He wrapped his arm tighter around Kylin’s shoulders and she fought to wince with the tenderness. 
“She looks young enough to be your daughter, J,” Jeffrey chuckled as he let his eyes roam Kylin’s frame.
“Not quite, but she is definitely old enough to be yours, old man.” Jens replied, eyes squinted in annoyance. 
“Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Morgan,” Kylin replied as she stuck her hand out towards him, “Ignore my brother, he’s a bitch.” 
She ignored Jensen’s scoff as she smiled up at Jeffrey, who took her hand in both of his much larger ones. 
“Definitely related to you, Ackles. She’s cute.” Jeffrey smiled, letting go of Kylin’s hand after a moment. 
“Ky! How the hell have you been, woman?!” Was heard right before Kylin was scooped up from behind and spun around by Rob Benedict. 
He set her down gently and turned her in his arms to hug her properly. She couldn't help the whimper that escaped her throat as pressure was once again applied to her sore body. Rob brought his head back to give her a knowing look. Kylin simply smiled shyly before she dodged his eyes and looked away. 
She was quickly passed around by Jared, Gen, and Rob, and a sense of comfort graced her as she realized that she was finally surrounded by people who loved her and would protect her. She was safe. For now, at least. 
As she enjoyed the company of her friends, family, and warm whiskey, her phone was constantly vibrating in her pocket, Anthony not willing to give up. The alcohol was working its way through her system, and in her drunkenness, her anger started to flare up all over again. With a sigh of frustration, she retreated to the back yard to answer the phone. She lit a cigarette and took a deep drag before pressing “accept” on the screen.
She didn’t even get the chance to say “Hello,” before the verbal attack began.
“Get your stupid ass back to this fucking house, now.” Anthony demanded, his voice low and almost growl-like.
“No,” She replied simply, taking another anxious pull from the cigarette between her fingers. 
“Where the fuck did you even go, huh? Who are you with? You’re at some bar, huh? I’ll beat your ass in the middle of Pearl if I find you, you fucking whore.” He threatened, followed by a loud crashing noise coming from the background. 
“I’m done with this. This is not how you speak to someone, Anthony. Who the fuck raised you?” She hissed, attempting to keep her voice down so as to not draw any attention, “I’m done. Like, done, done.”
“Since when do you get to have a complex, bitch? You ruined my life having to deal with all of your shit, so you don’t get to just walk away from me.” 
“The fuck I don’t!” She barked, her voice raised, “Fuck you, you piece of shit. Fuck. you. My dad will be there by tomorrow to get my shit. I’m done with this conversation.” 
Anthony started on another tirade, but before she could tell what his next slew of curses would be, her phone was snatched out of her hand. She whipped around as Jeffery brought the phone to his ear. 
“I do believe the lady said she was done. Learn your manners, boy.” His drawl was thick and assertive, and he left no time for Anthony to reply before he pressed the “end” button and held the phone out for her to take back.
She hadn’t even realized she had started crying until she brought the forgotten cigarette back to her lips, and the ashes fell across her hand as she took a final drag before tossing it into the yard. She wiped her face with the sleeve of her sweater, trying to rid her face of the tears and snot. 
Jeffrey took a seat next to her on the bench she had been sitting on and lit up a joint. He took a couple of hits for himself before he passed it to her. 
“Thanks,” She whispered and took a deep drag. She hummed in appreciation as she held the smoke in her lungs for a moment before blowing it out. 
“Anytime, sweetheart. Sounds like you need it.” Jeffrey chuckled as he took it back from her. They sat there for a few minutes, passing the joint back and forth without speaking. The sound of the back door opening, followed by Genevieve’s voice broke the comfortable silence. 
“There you are! Oooooh, you have goodies!” Gen giggled as she sat beside Kylin, who was forced to move closer to Jeffrey, their shoulders touching. 
“Rough day?” Gen asked as she plucked the roach from Kylin’s fingers and took a deep drag. She had already been informed of the situation by Danneel.
Kylin simply replied with a huff of a laugh and a shake of her head.
“That boy needs to learn how to speak to a woman,” Jefrey stated simply as he brought a cigarette to his mouth.
“You have no idea,” Kylin replied. She picked up her glass of whiskey and finished it off. 
That earned her a sigh from Gen and a confused look from Jeffrey. She ignored both.
The silence washed over them again while Jeffrey finished his smoke. He tossed the butt in the yard with hers as he stood.
“Well, ladies, I have enjoyed your company, but I am going to hit the hay” He said smoothly, holding both his hands out for each of the girls to take one. He kissed them both, gave a small bow, and retreated back inside the house.
“Jay sent me out here, you know. Didn’t like the way Jeff was ‘looking’ at you.” Gen said, making sarcastic quotation marks with her fingers with a laugh. 
Kylin smirked and shook her head. Of course her brother was being his usual over protective self. 
“So is this the real last time?” Gen asked gently, after a few moments. 
“Yep,” Kylin replied, popping the ‘p’ sound. She dug around in her pocket and found her pack of cigarettes. She lit one and took a drag and then offered it to Gen.
“Good.” Gen nodded simply and brought the smoke to her lips. One of the best things about being best friends with Gen and Dani was that they all knew what the other person was feeling and needing without the use of words.
“Come on, chick,” Gen said suddenly as she grasped Kylin by the thigh and hoisted herself up. She turned and grabbed Ky by the hand and pulled her up with her, “Let’s go take shots until we black out.” 
“Sounds perfect,” Kylin laughed as she threw her arm over Gen’s shoulders and let her guide them inside. 
And black out they did. 
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impala-dreamer · 2 months ago
Change of Plans
A Short Story
~Sometimes, you gotta blow off your plans and blow your husband instead... ~
Jeffrey Dean Morgan x Reader
1854 Words
NSFW, D/s dynamics, Oral, Sex, Squirting, Growly Jeff, Very hot | Originally Published to Patreon Oct 2024
Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works
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The room was warm and comfortable; the light dim and easy on his tired eyes.
Jeffrey sat on the sofa with one leg crossed, his right ankle hooked on the opposite knee. He held a book in his lap and slowly turned each page with care as if the words would smear at his touch. 
Y/N stood in the archway, her shoulder holding up the wooden frame. She wore a tight dress of navy silk and heels that were taller than any human had the right to walk in. Her face was done up for an evening out with friends, but when she saw him sitting there, quietly reading with his glasses perilously perched on the tip of his nose, she lost all sense of time or schedule. 
Jeff licked the tip of his middle finger and slowly swept it across the thin pages, moving the story along. She watched his pink tongue slide back between his lips and her body tingled with blossoming desire. 
He adjusted his glasses, pushing them back an inch and her attention moved to his hands. So big and warm, calloused yet gentle. She imagined them running over her curves and she inhaled deeply as her nipples hardened, sending a shock of arousal through her system. 
He looked up, hazel eyes bright even in the dim lamp light. When he saw her staring, the corner of his mouth turned upwards beneath his thick graying beard. She felt her heartbeat in her cunt and she bit her lip, conjuring up lude scenes of utter decadence in her mind. 
Her friends could wait. 
Y/N stepped into the room with her eyes trained on his handsome face. She could feel her temperature rise as her pussy dripped. Her heels clicked loudly on the antique wood floor, and Jeffrey carefully closed his book. 
“You look great, baby,” he said in a deep voice. He was raspy from a long day of reciting lines and chasing after zombie extras. 
The sound made her shiver.
Without a word, she reached behind her back and tugged at the zipper on her dress. It inched down slowly with a faint metallic zing. 
Jeff took a deep breath as he watched her. “Thought you were goin’ out with the girls tonight.” 
She pursed her crimson lips and shook her head. “I was…” Slowly, she slipped the dress from her right shoulder. “But now I don’t wanna.” 
“Is that so?” He set the book down on the cushion next to him and uncrossed his legs. “What’s got you changin’ plans last minute, Princess? That’s not like you.” 
The other shoulder slipped away and Y/N let the dress fall to the floor. She stood in the pool of fabric, exposed but for a set of lacy black lingerie and thigh-high stockings.
Jeff licked his lips. 
She stepped out of the dress. 
He whistled softly, intrigued. “Is that right?” He leaned back and spread his knees a bit, settling in. 
Y/N smiled coyly and fell to her hands and knees. She looked up through thick, charcoal lashes. “Yes, Sir…” 
Jeffrey exhaled a hum and ran his hands down his thighs as he watched her full tits hang and sway. He tapped his right knee, calling her over, and Y/N instantly obeyed. 
She crawled towards him, making sure to keep her ass high and her eyes locked on his. With each movement, she rolled her hips from side to side and her arousal grew. 
“You are something else, aren’t you?” He breathed, tugging at his jeans to give himself some room to grow. He was already swelling and the closer she came, the harder he got. “Fucking beautiful.” 
Y/N bit back a blushing smile and stopped at his feet. She lay her hands on his thighs and slowly moved them higher as she went up on her knees. 
“Want your cock,” she whispered, her mouth already flooded and ready to take him in. 
Jeff moaned quietly and smirked. “Go for it…”
She had his zipper down before he took his next breath. She pulled his dick out and her eyes went wide at the sight of him already half-hard in her palm. Leaning in, she kissed the tip gently and let out a mouthful of saliva which she dragged down his shaft with her delicate hand. 
“You sure you wanna ruin all that pretty lipstick you got on?” he asked, sweeping a featherlight finger down her cheek. 
Y/N shivered at the touch and nodded. “Absolutely.”
It rubbed off a bit on the thick ridge of his cock, smeared onto her upper lip as she pushed her wet mouth all the way down. He hissed in a deep breath and exhaled a moan when she pulled back. She grinned up at him and Jeffrey curled his fingers around her ear, urging her to go again. 
Her mouth was so warm, the circle of her plump lips so tight, that he was hard as a rock nearly instantly. He kept his hand on the back of her head, gently guiding her into a steady rhythm that made his pulse race. 
“So fucking good at this, Princess…” 
She moaned a response around the base of his cock. The movement of her tongue and the tension of her throat made him shudder with pleasure. 
While he relished her expert technique, he wanted more from her than a sloppy suckling. He tapped her head with two fingers and Y/N sat back, staring up at him with a slack, drooling mouth and glassy eyes. 
“Stay right there,” he ordered. 
She sat back on her heels and waited. Her mind was empty except for the joy of submission and her body ached with desperate desire. 
Jeff stood up and removed his jeans, kicked off his shoes, and tossed his boxers aside. When he pulled off his shirt, Y/N exhaled a lustful breath and he smirked. 
She squirmed but held her tongue, nodding in response.
“Good girl.” 
He returned to his seat and settled back. He spread his knees and grabbed his sack, rubbing lightly while staring at her tits. He could see the stark outline of her pert nipples under the lace and he tipped his chin towards them. 
“Show me your tits.” 
Y/N bit her lip to hold back another whimper and quickly pulled the thin cups down to sit beneath her breasts. Her nipples darkened under his gaze, tingling and aching to be touched. 
Jeff stroked himself for a good minute, enjoying the view and her unwavering obedience. When he was ready, he rubbed his hands down his bare thighs and crooked two fingers at her. 
Tingling with anticipation and dripping into the pointless lace between her thighs, Y/N sprang up and took to his lap, straddling his hips and holding herself up, clinging to his strong shoulders. Jeff bucked his hips and the tip of his cock jabbed against her covered pussy. He felt how wet she was, already soaked through the lace. 
“Always ready for me, aren’t you?” he teased. 
Y/N hummed dreamily. “Always ready.” 
He licked his lips and then attacked, grabbing her waist with his right arm while tugging her panties aside with his left hand. Y/N held her breath while he pushed her down, impaling her tight pussy on his thick cock. She held back a cry as her body stretched open for him; closed her eyes at the blissful feeling when it clamped down hard, trapping him inside. 
“So fucking tight,” he mused, setting both hands on her hips. He looked up into her lust-blown eyes. “Ride me.” 
Her mouth fell open in a silent fuck as she pushed up and then fell back down. She shifted onto her feet, drawing her knees up high so she could bounce on his dick, squeezing and leaking all over him. 
He grabbed her ass and she rode faster. 
He slapped her hard and she mewed in ecstasy. 
“That’s it, girl… nice and hard…” 
The familiar tightness of approaching orgasm worked its way through her system and Y/N bit down hard into her bottom lip. She wasn’t ready to cum, she wanted the aching edge to last forever. 
Jeffrey lost himself in her rhythm; teeth bared and hips bucking. He growled like a beast and groped her soft body, claiming every inch of her. 
When her breath became clipped and her legs began to quake, Jeffrey grabbed her face and tugged her lips down to his. He licked deep into her mouth and watched as her eyes rolled back to pure white. 
She panted against his mouth and her cunt squeezed him tight. 
“Turn around,” he whispered, and she moved to obey immediately. 
After a moment of fumbling, she was in place, ready to ride him with her back against his chest. She sank down and her body shuddered. She lay her head against his shoulder and Jeffrey took over, thrusting up into her wetness with wild abandon. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” She couldn’t hold her tongue any longer, not with how full she felt and how amazing his hands felt pawing at her tits. 
He pinched her nipples hard and her body curved inwards as sparks of pleasure ran down each limb. 
“God, I’m gonna cum!” 
Jeffrey set his lips by her ear. “Oh, you’re gonna cum for me, Princess.” He dropped his right hand from her breast and pressed two fingers against her clit. “You’re gonna make a mess all over the floor… I want a flood.” 
Y/N shuddered. “Y-yes, Sir…” 
He rubbed her clit and pounded up into her. Y/N clawed at the arm he kept around her middle, desperate to hold onto something as he wrecked her body. 
Her insides tightened beyond what she could take and Jeff rubbed her sensitive bud faster.
“I-I’m gonna cum- Fuck!” 
“Do it,” he growled, teeth scraping her ear. “Now.” 
Y/N held her breath with the orgasm struck. She felt her body pushing hard at his cock and then pulse like mad, sucking him in deeper. He slapped her clit hard as she throbbed and a stream of hot juices broke free. Y/N screamed through clenched teeth as she squirted onto the beautiful hardwood floor, her body quaking with unending bliss. 
“That’s it!” Jeff praised, grunting as his own pleasure peaked, and he came with a burst of energy into her leaking cunt. “Good girl!” 
Still shaking, she leaned forward and set her hands on his knees. She bounced gently, milking him of every drop until he groaned at the friction and tapped her hip. 
“Fuck, Princess…” He settled back against the sofa as she dismounted. “You got some kinda magic pussy.” 
Y/N glowed with pride and satisfaction as she fell down beside him and lay her head on his chest. 
“I guess I should get going,” she said with a playful sigh. 
Jeff laughed and locked his arm around her. “No.”
He grinned. “No, I think you need to give the girls a raincheck. I ain’t quite through with you tonight…” 
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2025 Tag List:
@alwaystiredandconfused @caplanbuckybarnes @cevenasdove-baby @cosicas-cuquis @deanwinchesterswitch
@feelmyroarrrr @foxyjwls007 @illicithallways @jackles010378 @k-slla
@luvr4miya @mxtansy @nightxcreature @peytongoose @shadyloveobject 
@somebrokeartstudent @the-wounded-healer05 @zepskies
Add Yourself To The List
and @kittenofdoomage bc ... Jeff. ;)
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borgialucrezia · 7 months ago
not to sound loud about that on main but one of the very few rpf conspiracies that count (in my mind, it isn't even a conspiracy tbh) is holliday grainger and françois arnaud like i know there aren't enough bts stories about them but sorry their chemistry was too unparalleled that we couldn't help but think they were dating!! but i also think about holly and david getting cast as a couple in a short film because of their chemistry...then i think about david and françois clicking immediately on their first day on the borgias set, watching the godfather trilogy together in budapest, going on road trips, celebrating each other's birthdays (by throwing parties for each other or simple posts social media), and a decade later, still having that strong bond, david inviting françois on his podcast to reminisce their show... and if i said borgiacest ot3 canon irl then what?
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pr0-dollie · 5 days ago
ok gimme a run down of your love (jeffery)!!!! i have No Idea who he is!!!/gen
Hii !! And oki and thank you very much for sending me this, I have an excuse to yap about him ((o(^∇^)o))
Though I genuinely apologize if you find this weird or creepy /gen
Also I'm truly sorry for the late reply!!
And I'm obsessed with him /srs
˗ˏˋʚ JeffreyDeanMorgan info ɞˎˊ˗
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He is an American Actor(who has Italian, Scottish and french ancestry), who is most known for playing 'Negan Smith'(whom I love very much) from 'the walking dead', who is the first introduction I have had with him, then my 2nd introduction of him is in 'Supernatural' as 'John Winchester' which he is also mostly known for !!
But he also plays in 'the boys' as 'Joe Kessler' and more shows and movies !!
His latest movie he has been in Bloody Axe Wound as Butch Slater which he made the movie and planned it, he was the producer !!(which I am planning on watching)
And hes gonna be in a movie Nowhere Men as Ed Deerman but it's post production
He was born April 22nd 1966 and was born on a Friday and hes a taurus to sandy Washington and Richard Dean Morgan
(he's 58 but about to be 59/ he's old but idc(/lh) and I hope that doesn't deter people away from me or him!!)
He's married to hilarie burton(I hate her) and he got married october 5th 2019 and had two kids Augustus(gus) and George(I will not bring kids into my hatred or parasocialness because their kids)
He married Anya Longwell in 1992 and got divorced in 2003
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More random facts about him:
He's dyslexic
He's 6'2
He lives on a 100 acre farm in the Hudson valley in the town of Rhinebeck in dutchess county, New yorkh
He has a donkey name jack who he loves dearly
He wanted to be a basketball player but then that didn't work out(partly because he got stabbed)
He has a shared candy shop too
He started to act in 1991 his first character he has played wad Sharkie in the movie uncaged
Our age gap: 42 yrs, 8 m, & 17 d (which is big but oh well)
I have more, I have a whole note apps with paragraphs and I memorized a lot of him and have 324 things of him in my gallery who is dedicated to him, 289 images and 35 videos and technically more because not all of it is in the dedicated gallery album to him but yeah !! I also have a whole pinterest board dedicated to him !!
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˗ˏˋʚ My fav photos of him/His characters ɞˎˊ˗
I have more but tumblrs pic limit is stopping me I swear /srs
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ex0rin · 9 months ago
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fantasies-fairytales-n-fics · 10 months ago
Code Blue Ch. 52 - Masks
Summary: Craig and Jeffrey bicker over the missing vehicle. Josie and Craig continue to grow closer. A shocking sight gives Josie sore eyes. Jeff is concerned for a friend and gives his two cents. A theory sparks a hunting trip. Jeff exceeds his limits with Josie and she lets him know. Orlando is put on blast. Mama March speaks her truth. Someone else is put on blast by Jo. Megan confesses something that rocks Jo's world.
*Chapter Warnings* Strong language, angst, sexual references
Chapter word count: 8,854
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist:
Salem, Massachusetts
March 22, 2022
The three of you were all in different states of consternation over hearing that the Trans Am was missing and of course over the ghastly events that happened before that. Craig's was red-faced anger as he paced about, yours was simply shock as you stood hugging yourself with bristled arms and Negan's was an eerie calmness as he sat under a tree in unusual silence, softly gritting his jaw.
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"The fucking car is gone. The...fucking...car...is...gone!!" Craig erupted as he chucked his phone to the ground.
Finally, Negan spoke. "Well maybe you should have took the fucking keys out of it."
Craig froze solid with a cocky head tilt and poisonous pupils. "Right...because people are just lined up to hop in and steal a rust bucket reeking of fucking animal dung."
"Shit happens." he uttered with no emotion.
"Shit happens?! Always got a wise crack for everything don'tcha Jeffrey?! Well yes, shit does fucking happen and not just to you. I would love to just sit under a fucking tree, all calm and relaxed, twiddling my fucking thumbs and not give a shit because HEY... shit happens!"
"Back off Parker and pull that stick out of your dick. It's making you cranky." Negan warned with a growl. "The Venus Flytrap could have been towed. Ever think of that? Whatever the explanation, there's not a goddamn thing we can do about it at this time, now is there snarky Parky?"
"Watch your insolent fucking tone! Towed is NOT good because that places the car at my property smart ass and we both know the rest of that clodhopper clan will realize they're missing two of their kin and come snooping around just like they did today over Jo's car!"
"And then we'll make sure they're reunited with their missing loved ones or did you forget who the fuck we are?? I now know where Dwight's ugly mug has been holing up so now I have a damn good reason to go on a little backwoods hunting trip and sniff around like a fucking bloodhound."
"Well you do what needs to be done and I'll go do what needs to be done. Cleaners are here. I'm going to go check in on that mess and then head to my meeting at Pozzulo's that I am now twenty minutes late for and have to explain to Sonny exactly why that is! And you...you can find your own fucking way into town!"
Craig storming exit broke your trance and you ran after him. "Craig please wait!"
He sighed heavily and stopped as you caught up to him behind some brush and stole his hand.
"Are you ok?" you softly asked.
"Is that a rhetorical question??" he spat and then immediately closed his eyes, releasing a softer sigh of remorse. "I'm sorry Jo. I didn't mean to snap at you. It's just that...you're asking me if I'M alright after what you just saw. I told you not to come. I don't care how many times you've seen these things. I didn't want you to see it with me. I can only imagine what you must think of me now."
"I think no less of you than I do Jason. I carry the same loyalty for you that I do him, especially now and I want to thank you for what you did for me because I don't even want to think about what would have happened if you and Ne..Jeff hadn't intervened. I could have been severely assaulted in more ways than one and possibly even be dead right now."
"Thanking me for what just went down don't even feel right. I'm not proud of it but predators like them need to be put down. How many other women and innocent people have they hurt, or even killed? and they surely weren't going to stop with you and I'll be damned if I'm going to let anyone ever hurt you...and Jason's your brother Jo. Of course you would have a bias for him. Me?...I'm no one to you and I think your guilt over Blaise plays a huge role in your graciousness of me."
You weren't sure where it came from, the urge to hug him, but you did it anyways. It was your nerves, you deciphered. They needed the calming effect of his strong safe arms paired with the relaxing aroma of his cologne. The purpose was somewhat challenging though since you had to stand on your tippy toes due to his height which caused you to feel his gun awkwardly pushing against your lower boundaries.
Stunned from the unexpected embrace, Craig hands hesitated for a moment to accept your closeness. The feel of your small soft body against his and the intoxicating cherry scent of your hair in his face was morphing the big tough mob man in to a vulnerable little boy. He so longed for a woman's touch, but not just any woman's. Yours. With reluctance, he permitted his hovering hands to softly lay upon the small of your back.
"Craig...that's not true." you assured into his warm ear. "Of course I feel guilty about Blaise and I always will no matter what you say, especially after seeing the state you were in yesterday, so lost and in so much pain... but Craig, that guilt has nothing to do with what I feel in my heart. I think of you as my friend. I care about you. Is that so hard to believe?"
His hot breath prickled your ear. "Actually it is. You don't even know the details of my upbringing and let us not forget Liz's path of destruction."
After the longer than expected hug, you pulled back, leaving your arms still clasped around his neck and gazed up into his child-like orbs of blue. "Not everyone is out to hurt you Craig. Not everyone is Elizabeth and as far as Cyrus..."
His eyes wandered away from yours. "I don't want to talk about this."
"Craig, I too am a really good listener and have a strong but soft shoulder to lean on as you once told me and...
"Well Jo, your ears are not listening right now damn it!" he suddenly barked as he brought his hands to your upper arms and gave you a harmless warning shake, stunning you but not scaring you in the least.
The way he looked at you though, searching your face with a confused frustration in his gaze, his bold and blazing blues also held a very deep desireful passion when they locked on to your lips. Rendered stiff as a statue, you held your breath, for you could have sworn he was going to kiss you, but he didn't. Instead, he swiftly backed away, placed his hands on his hips and strongly exhaled.
"Why Jo? Why are you so damn persistent and stubborn?"
"And why do you continue to entertain this lifestyle when I can clearly see it's taking a massive toll on you? And working under Sonny no less? What about Blaise WHEN you get her back? Do you want to raise her in this world?"
"Here we go again. Jo...you know I can't get just get out."
"I don't believe that for one minute. The other day, you told me that I'm only stuck if I choose to be. Well, the same applies to you. I know it wouldn't be easy whatsoever, but it can be done... but that's not what I asked you."
You were thinking of both Lee and Luke in that moment and how they had lived a similar life many years ago and managed to leave it behind, but then again...that world was on another continent. This one was right here in Salem where Craig resided AND ran in his family and you knew he didn't do it to make papa proud. Speaking of the devil, Craig then referred to him.
"You met the reason why and he needs to be taken down. Satisfied? Jo, I really have to go. Have Jeff walk you back to your car."
"Fine but this conversation is not over."
He smiled, shook his head and lightly grazed your cheek with his fingertips. "I never believed for one minute that it would be. Take care love."
You watched Craig swagger off through the thicket leading back to the killing fields and once he was gone, you headed back to find Jeff.
"Come on!" Jeff groaned as he urgently fought to undo his uncooperative belt. "I'm gonna need my own goddamn pissin pants in about 2 fucking seconds."
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Once he finally freed his manhood, he made no effort to contain his booming moan of relief as he rid his body of the booze he had previously overindulged in during his gardening project at Craig's complex.
Swaying his steaming fluid of gold back and forth in an artful figure 8 pattern, he closed his eyes and chuckled as it blasted into the dead leaves. "If a dude drains the main vein in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it still make a sound? And the answer is...I don't give a flying fuck cause I'm all out of fucks to give."
As he shook off the last few drops, his eyes popped open at the sound of your ghastly gasp. A gasp so great, you could have sworn you swallowed a giant bug and when you both snapped out of the initial shock, Jeffrey, quite utterly amused, took his sweet time to seal himself back up as he watched you bury your face in your hands.
"Jumpin Jehosephine!" He cheerfully jested. "I do believe your eyeballs just leaped from their sockets and rolled right up my dick. What's the matter you sneaky kitten? Never seen a man's junk before?"
"Not yours!!" you yelled in a muffle from underneath your sweaty palms.
He released a cocky snicker. "Now we both know THAT'S not true because YOU just did and I must say, that was one long intense eyeful. I do believe they call that gawking. So what do ya think pussycat? Do I measure up to the simile "hung like a horse?"
Against your will, your filthy warped mind silently answered that he certainly did and you cringed at the perverted thought.
"Oh my god will you just tuck that thing away already so I can turn around??"
You heard a tug of war zipping and a jingling of his buckle. "Voila. The eye of the tiger is all tamed for now but it won't be long before I have to unleash the beast once again. Liquids go through me like a cheap paper towel."
"Then I guess we better get going. Craig wants you to walk me back to my car."
If a pair of eyes rolled so hard that they could have done a complete 360, it was Jeffrey's as he shouted out into the woods in his ongoing bitterness. "Yes Sergeant Pecker. Oh damn, I mean Parker."
As you both began walking, you defended Craig. "You should really take it easy on him right now. He's going through a lot with Blaise missing."
"Right. Well I get that. I do. But you see, Craig likes games, and don't get me wrong, I'm all for that as you may have noticed, but his favorite one is where he likes to play "my dick is bigger than yours" and I can assure you, as you may have ALSO noticed, that I win that game, hands fucking down. He projects too much."
"Are you really dick measuring right now? And how would I know whom is more sizeable??? And.... wait...how would YOU know if your cock is more sizeable???"
"Ohhhh!" he jumped with a flinch and then chortled. "Did you just say...cock?"
You riposted with a comical confidence as you grinned. "What? I can say cock. You don't own the word. Cock...cock...COCK!"
"Apparently you can and will. Guess I am just more accustomed to hearing a man say it. Look at you, you dirty little girl! I just keep liking you more and more. Now...to add clarity to your curiosity, which clearly almost damn near killed the cute as shit cat just now, I know I've got a few inches on him because I've seen it. I mean, are you gonna bullshit me and say you've never seen any of your girlfriend's tits before? Craig drinks a lot, which, no judgment there whatsoever, but when he does, sometimes he puts on indiscreet displays like I just did such as coming out for a drink of water in the middle of the night as nekked as the day he was born."
"Ok well...I mean, that's just your opinion, is it not?
"Well you tell me then. You say you and Craigypoo are just friends but it sure as shit looked like a lot more than that over there in the brush."
"You were...spying on us???"
"Spying is such a strong word. I'd like to think of it more as investigating. You see, Craig and I may be at each other's throats more often than not, but we go back quite a ways and I actually care about his quirky Kiwi ass. He and I are a lot alike, possibly why we connected so easily. We both have been through the ringer in life, mostly due to a man's biggest weakness....women and their evil funnels of love and his ex did a fucking number on him. I don't want to see that happen again and you...well...as I said before, I know when he's catching the deadly pestilence called feelings and I do believe you told me that your heart was already spoken for. Do you see where I'm going with this cupcake? Sweets aren't always good for people. That shit rots your teeth if you aren't careful."
"Well what'ya know? Bad ass Negan is really a softy at heart. Never would have guessed that."
"Look, Craig and I, or anyone for that matter in this business, have to be a bad ass, which I'm sure you know but that doesn't necessarily make us who we are, which I'm sure you also know. When it's time to get down and dirty, just like today, the armor has to be put on nice a fucking thick so that you become bulletproof, metaphorically speaking and it's also to keep the human that resides under all that armor from fucking shit up with their soft spots. Damn good way to bite the dust and all of this can be said for relationships as well. And to be honest...Craig don't belong in this bullshit way of life. It's not who he is. Hell, it's not who I am, but sadly enough, he was born into it and didn't exactly have a choice like the two of you were discussing. And of course, the rebellious prick in him made a choice anyways and it has landed him in one fucked up predicament of being on the opposite side of his father by working for Cyrus' long time and greatest enemy, Sonny and honestly, neither kingpin is the better option. Craig did it for obvious reasons. To spite his father and regain control of his life, but...does he really have it? Not while Cyrus Renault is alive. We all have our reasons for the fucked up shit we do."
"Yeah, I know that has to be one hell of a burden for Craig to carry. I'm actually glad to know you're looking out for him. I know what Liz did to him and she did the same fucking thing to people I love, Jason being one. So I get it. And Craig knows my situation with Lee and how I feel about him so I don't see that he would ever let himself develop any sort of feelings for me."
"The iconic Elvis tune begs the differ, cause the poor fool may not be able to help falling in love with you. Food for thought there naive Nancy. Well, we are back to your car. You uhh...think you could give me a ride to get my bike? I'd love to take a spin in this beastly hotrod and compare it to my baby."
"Your baby? You call your bike your baby?"
"Nah, that's my bitch. My 67 Impala is my baby, my black magic woman but I let my sons have her. I got a truck or two also and a charger."
"S...sons? You have.... kids?"
"Yeah, shocker huh?? It happened not once, but motherfuckin twice while experimenting with the birds and the bees in my youthful days. Believe that shit? Apparently you don't. Your astonishment astounds me. You know, other women didn't find me as "eww" as you do."
"Oh stop it. Sorry. I guess I just didn't peg you to be the daddy type."
"Ohhh I can be all sorts of daddy darlin. Sugar daddy, your daddy, whichever daddy you want honey pie. Damn I love me some pie." he teased in a low snarl as the dimpled grin resurfaced. "So what'ya say miss American Pie. Drive this Chevy to the levee? I'm gonna do some Chevy measuring instead of dick measuring this time but you can bet your sweet round ass that I'll still say mine's better than yours."
"Yeah sure, I'll give you a lift...but umm...what about the missing car?"
Jeff rested his arms on the top of your car and let his squinting eyes wander around in the sun. "Yeahhh. I have a damn good theory about that. Came to me while I was marking my territory. I'll bet my entire ball sack that there was a third little piggy in the backseat of that pigsty and he got spooked when he saw the big bad wolf, yours fucking truly, and that tells me it was none other than Dwighty who chose flighty over fighty and now I'm going to have to go huff and puff and blow his goddamn house in."
"Jesus, if that's true, then..."
"Then he's going to squeal to the hogs which means it won't be long before a pack of passel come sniffin and snortin around here. Looks like I will be going on that hunting trip sooner than later."
"You're going to go alone??? At least take Craig and how are you even going to find them?"
"Did you not see what I just did all by my tall, dark and lonesome? Craig can sit this one out so he can focus on other things. Besides, I won't be alone. This time, the boys, aka the Saviors, will attend AND I'll also have mean, lean, brain bashing machine Lucille. And finding the farrow and that runt Dwight is easy peasy lemon squeazy when you got a photographic memory and Spinelli the cybershark to look up the plates I took note of. Lets get scootin sweet cheeks. I'm gettin all fired up for a grizzly game of pig chase."
"And you call ME trouble?" you giggled and got in the car after he did.
"As I said buttercup, I call things as i see it."
The first five minutes of the ride was quiet as you both were in your own thoughts. Yours were all over the place due to what you had just witnessed and how strangely calm you were about it all. It wasn't normal. You should have been appalled, frightened and traumatized even, like Lee surely was from his past, but you were neither. Normal, something you deeply craved, had never been your life though, from Peter to Gerry to Jason until you met Lee and believed you had finally found it, but even that was too good to be true after learning of his double life. It was like you were a magnet to the dark underworld. Drawn to it like a moth to a flame and all knew how that always ended. All but the moth.
Jeffrey's thoughts were evasive over the day's events. Even he craved normalcy and he was bound and determined to have some every now and then.
"Well, I've concluded that yep, my Chevy's better than your Chevy. No offense there sweetheart. I think this car is the goddamn shit for being twenty years younger, but lets see if the sound system is. You mind if I turn on some music therapy? We still have about ten minutes left."
Your eyes playfully rolled. "Sure."
He turned on the radio and began punching the pre-programmed stations. When he hit the last one, his excitement startled you.
"Ahhhhh HELL GIRL!! This is creepy as shit!! Swift cheeks has spoken! I rest my case!!!" he loudly gloated and obnoxiously began singing. "I knew you were trouble when you walked in!!!"
"What's creepy as shit is you singing a Taylor Swift song in my car, or even at all. You're a Swifty??"
"Not in the fucking least." he chuckled. "But she's always got something to say and an ex to diss and you just can't fucking escape the madness. She's a music plague but hey, it worked out b...e...a..utiful this time, didn't it? Oh...Ohhhhho Trouble trouble trouble!! Oh Ohhh...."
"Pleeeeeese stop singing Neg..errr Jeffr....or whatever your name really is."
"I thought we already discussed this darlin, but I gather you don't want to go around callin me daddy. You can save that for the bedroom." he teased with a wink. "So...Jeff will do just fine in the meantime."
You had dealt with his rude and raunchy behavior quite well for the entire hour you had even known him but this time he went too far and his sexual statement triggered you.
"Well JEFF...the only person I've ever called daddy or would call daddy is my father so why don't you work on respectfully calling me by my actual name and not a some different pet name every five minutes and back off on the suggestive and disparaging innuendos while you're at it."
His brows sprung up and his lips puckered. "Oooooo. Do...not...ENTERRR." he whispered with a scolded smile and then he shamefully softened.
"Alright...Josie. I stand corrected once again and I do apologize. My remark was so not cool. I tend to get carried away, mostly around beautiful women and clearly I have crossed a line and entered a forbidden territory. I will do my best to address you by your given name, scout's honor, but it's going to be like teaching an old dog new tricks so I will most likely piss on the floor every now and then. Will that work for you?"
"Hmmm. I guess I can give you brownie points for your sincere apology and predetermination to make it right. Oh, and would you like me to stop at the store to pick you up your own pair of pissin pants for when you have those accidents?"
Now his mouth dropped open. "Woah DOWN girl. Will you stop kickin my ass already? I know I said I have nuts of steel but using my own jokes against me hurts my ego much worse than that blow below the belt I took earlier. Let this old dog have a little dignity will ya?"
You pleasantly smiled at your victory as you pulled up in front of the repair shop. "Alright. I guess I can do that after what you did for me."
"Much appreciated. Oh and let me give you my digits before I go. The more wolves you have at your beck and call, the better."
"I suppose that's a good idea with the way my life is going anymore."
The numbers were exchanged and then he got out.
"Jeffrey, wait."
"Yes...Josie?" he emphasized with a grin as he leaned his tall frame down to peer in at you.
"So you were a boy scout?"
His grin widened into a full set of pearly whites. "Nnnnope! Thanks for the lift. See ya later Trouble."
You smiled and shook your head as he tossed his overshirt over his shoulder, then shut the door and swaggered off the same way he had swaggered in.
About ten minutes later, you were heading up the hospital stairs to go see your mom and sister when you found Orlando slouched and sleeping in a chair outside of the room. You couldn't help but giggle as you stood there for a few moments viewing the vulnerable vision of drool lightly leaking from his softly snoring lips as his head laid slumped upon his drooped shoulder and from that shoulder, his arm hung freely to the floor in the basic chair of no side support. One wrong move and he was going to nose dive right out of it.
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As you crept up, you made sure you stood at his leaning side so he wouldn't fall in case you startled him and then you placed your hand on his shoulder.
"Landy." you whispered.
The drooling doc drew in a snorting breath and flinched as he gaped up at you.
"It's ok. It's ok. It's just me." you assured him and then chuckled. "What are you doing out here sleepy head? Wasn't your shift over hours ago?"
He slowly sat up and stretched, still not quite alert as his eyes flitted. "Oh uh...yeah I...it was. I've been watching over your sister for your mum while she went home and refreshed. She said you were supposed to be here soon so I coaxed her to go by offering to stay until one of you returned."
His kind heart had you gushing. "Landy, that was so sweet of you. You didn't have to do that but thank you for looking out for my family. I'm here now. You should go home and sleep. You look so exhausted."
He yawned, then his brows frowned with embarrassment as he became aware of his saliva remnants and swiftly swiped it away with his thumb. "Yeah. I am a little but...I'm in no rush to go home with Luke still lingering around being a bigger douche than usual with this whole Elizabeth case and besides, I wanted to see you. You ok?"
"Definitely been better, but..fake it until you make it right? So, is Megan awake?" you asked as you peeked in her window, trying to avoid any and all conversations about Luke, especially about how he almost arrested you which could spark another blow up between the two feuding brothers.
"On and off but she hasn't been talking much with being all doped up. You know you don't have to fake anything with me right? If you wanna talk, cry, scream or even just sit together in silence...I'm here Jo. Always."
You felt the sting of happy tears wanting to form but you weren't about to allow anymore crying, so instead, you smiled and hugged him.
"You're the best, you know that? Thank you for helping me out yesterday. I hope you didn't get too much shit for being late."
He gave you a good squeeze and sighed against your ear. "It was all worth it. I'd do anything for you."
As you smiled in the close and comforting embrace, your eyes lifted to see someone who was not smiling. Your mother.
"Well, that is very kind of you and reassuring Dr. Bloom." the fiery haired Margaret March respectfully interjected, but with a passive aggression as her judging eyes locked on him. "I appreciate your offered supervision of Megan and I thank you for your consistent succor of my other daughter but she has the good Dr. Pace for that and I am sure you have your own responsibilities to tend to instead of spending your extra time fussing over your best friend's partner."
"Mommm!" you harshly stressed. "Can you be any more rude? Landy is my friend too and that's all he's doing is being a friend because that's what friends do."
"It is not my intentions to be rude Joey. I just find it strange that I see more of him around you than I do Lee and I have to wonder what Dr. Bloom's own intentions are and maybe your own as well Josephine."
"Oh my god mom...."
Orlando politely cut in, calm and cool with a smile that you saw right through. "It's alright Jo. Your mum is only looking out for your best interest and now I am going to go look out for mine with about 4 cups of coffee before I attempt to drive home."
"But...you don't have your car. I drove you here, remember? I can give you a ride in awhile."
Orlando felt Margaret's eyes burning right through him, warning him to decline. "No really Jo. Thank you but it's fine. I can call a cab. I'll...talk to you later."
He gave a glum smile and rushed off, leaving you fuming with slitted eyes at your mother. "That was just flat out mean mom!"
"What's mean is you not telling Lee about what happened to Megan or not even speaking to him at all for that matter."
"W..what? How do..."
"Yes...he called me in an attempt to locate you and of course I didn't dare tell him you spent the night with David...which..why were you not with Lee??"
"Jesus mom. What...you have a problem with Dave now too?? All we did was watch a movie and then went to bed...separately."
"What I have a problem with is, is your closeness with other men even if they are good friends. I know I sound hypocritical but I don't want you to make the same mistakes I did when you already have a damn good man who adores you. Would you like to see Lee canoodling with other women? How would that make you feel?"
But you did know how it felt when you found out about his one nighter with Britt all those years ago or when you saw him "canoodling" with that Jess girl in his boat house who you went to school with... and then there was Ethan.
"Canoodling??!!! I am not screwing around on him mom, nor would I ever because I know what that feels like and he's also had that done to him as well and...and you don't even know what's going on with Lee so it would be nice if you would stop acting like I'm doing something wrong."
"Well how hard is it to talk to your boyfriend?"
And that did it. You couldn't take it anymore, withholding the tears that begged for Lee and your mother had triggered them. "He's the one who don't know how to communicate mom and that's actually one of the reasons I'm here because I don't know what to do anymore and I needed my mom to tell me what to do!"
You were now sitting in the chair Orlando had skillfully slept in with your hands over your face, rocking back and forth to keep yourself breathing.
The grinding of chair legs closed in on you and your mother's soft hands pulled yours down as she sat at your side. Her evergreen eyes that always appeared to be walnut brown and had been spewing daggers at Orlando only moments ago, were now moist with compassion as she tenderly wiped your tears away.
"You know that I cannot tell you what to do but I can listen and offer you the best advice that I can. What happened Jo Jo? You and Lee seemed so happy."
You knew you couldn't tell her the full blown detailed story, so you gave her a brief summary instead, being careful not to make Lee out to be a bad person because he wasn't and you knew anything that you told her, she would never forget just like she hadn't with Gerry.
"We..we were Ma but...there's things he won't talk to me about. Things that are eating him up inside and these things affect me too which is affecting us and any time that he does open up to me, he withholds the most important parts, although he will swear he told me everything and then I find out about them later and now I...I..."
She finished what you struggled to say. "You don't trust him."
Sighing, your lips pouted with guilt. "I..I can't help it. I DID trust him, more than anyone. So much so that I told him things I have never spoken to anyone about...you know, like...Gerry and all the secrets and lies and...Lee would tell me things from his past too. We connected in a way I cannot even describe. We were so good for each other. It was as if we were healing the damaged parts of each other and god mom, I fell so hard and so fast for him. I'm so crazy in love with him that it hurts to breathe when he's not around."
"I will not ask you to tell me the details, but without knowing them, I can only offer you so much advice. I know what Gerry did and now I do have to ask this much. Joey, did Lee cheat on you?"
"Oh god no." you quickly blurted out. "It's nothing like that mom. I swear. He would never, that much I trust him with. I know how much he loves me and he's fighting like hell not to lose me but I just don't know what to do. I can't be with someone that will not fully give themselves to me. I can't live with waiting for the next bomb to drop because I am always going to believe there is one coming. I don't care about anything he's done and I told him that. This is about trust and honesty and being a team and all I feel like is his opponent."
Margaret's mind wandered to the day when Lee had asked for her blessing to marry you. She had given it to him because she could see that he too was crazy in love with you, but she had also given the blessing with warning not to hurt you and now she understood why he hadn't asked you yet.
"Whatever it is that Lee is concealing, I feel that is why he is distancing himself from you. I do not doubt for a minute that he does not love you with all of his heart and soul, but speaking from my own experiences, I feel he has been deeply hurt in some way, just as you had been and he's just having more difficulty in getting past it and believing that you won't judge him even when you say that you won't. He may even be trying to protect you by pushing you away because maybe he feels he isn't good enough for you?"
You knew it was all of that and most likely much more, but now you wanted to know how her experiences were relevant. "Is...is that what happened between you and Victor?"
"I had a feeling this is why you have chosen to come to me about this and I'm not really sure how to have this conversation with you because of your father. It was all such a painful time and I thought I was going to lose my family over it all..."
"But you didn't. Daddy forgave you and you both got through it because you..."
"Because Victor gave me no choice." she firmly stated and became a bit shaky.
Her eyes became glassy with tears. "There's a reason people sometimes do not speak of things Jo and this was why I did not. I too have withheld the entire truth to spare my family of unnecessary pain. I...I was in love with Victor and he with me. I...I still love him."
You knew she loved him, but it still stung to hear her say it as you squeezed her hand that still bore your father's wedding ring.
"Mom...I knew this and although I do not condone what you did, the heart wants what the heart wants." you attested as you thought of Lee's identical words to you that morning in his voicemail. "We cannot help who we love and well...you and Victor also share a son because of that love."
She began to softly weep. "I loved your father too and Victor knew it. He demanded I stay with him when I learned I was with child because I made him believe Bo was not his, which I did to protect your father's heart. He wanted me to live a normal family life, one that he could not give me because of his world. A world of crime and lies and secrets and danger. A world that later kept Bo and him at odds just as it did between Jason and Bo and even Gerry had and still has his issues with his father over it. Sometimes I feel Bo was taken from us to punish me for what I did and for keeping his paternity a secret for all those years and that loss changed Victor a lot. He became darker. I suppose Lee can relate after suffering the loss of his own son. Anyways, Victor knew he could never give himself fully to me either and he wanted me to be safe and I know that's why Jason did the same thing to Britta. I know I made the right decision in choosing your father and I do not regret it at all or I would not have all of my precious children but the what if's will always haunt me and I don't want that for you. I don't doubt your love for Lee but you have to be the one to decide if that's enough. For me, it would have been but I couldn't fight for someone who wouldn't let me and you're not letting Lee fight for you by running away so all I can tell you is, before you let the love of your life go, you need to ask yourself if you can live with that because it seems to me that Lee sees you as forever."
Forever. That word punched a hole right through your chest...but now...you knew you had to go see him and give him that third and final chance to come clean.
As you took your phone out to call him, Megan's cries pierced through the halls.
"Mommm!! Momma Mom MOMMM!!!"
Margaret went running into her room as you stood in the doorway and watched your distressed sister cry like a baby in her mother's arms.
"It's alright. I am here my darling girl. So is joey. You are safe."
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Megan's welled up eyes darted around your mom's shoulders to look at you and then she cried even harder.
"You're probably happy and think I got what I deserve and you would be right after everything I have done."
You now stepped into the room, hating that you actually felt sorry for her. "That's not true Megan. No matter what you've done, you did not deserve this."
"Yes I d..did." she bawled. "You don't even know and...and...and you need to know...oh god, my leg...it hurts. It hurts so bad mom."
Your mother then took over to try and calm her as she pushed the call button for the nurse. "Megan, lets not talk right now alright? You need to be checked out. You had surgery on your leg. It is broken."
"But I want to talk! I...I did something so bad."
Now you were highly intrigued and walked up to her bed. "Was it Ethan? Did he make you do something? Did he...did he do this to you?"
"Josephine. Not now. Give her time to breathe!" your mother squawked and got up to look out the door as your sister's sobs continued. "She needs pain medication and where the hell is the nurse?? This is ICU for christ's sake."
Nothing good came from your mother's curses so you backed off for the moment, but when an opportunity arose, you were going to grill your sister over her statement because nothing good came from Megan period. Maybe some drugs would get her talking, you thought as you glanced at the ticking clock. You had just over an hour to meet Lee at the cemetery but you were not leaving there without answers.
Finally, the nurse came in. It was Angel and you became unglued. "Oh hell no! You will not lay one one sleezy finger on my sister you morbid insufferable bitch."
Megan's eyes widened as did your mother's. "Josephine Leeanne March! What on earth has gotten into you??" Margaret reeled.
"This!! This succubus right here is what. She couldn't even handle caring for a 4 year old little girl who is now missing because Lilith here was too busy coming on to my boyfriend and then when he shot her down, she was spreading her legs all of that night for Mr. Carpenter, the man who accused Lee of medical malpractice in the death of his daughter which we all knew wasn't true but it didn't stop her from repeatably banging the abusive lunatic who damn near ruined Lee's career and reputation all for money."
Your mother knew you very well and although she knew you could be extreme as you were being now, she knew you would not lie and the information repulsed her.
"Nurse Smart. I would like you to retrieve my daughter's doctor and find another nurse to administer her treatment. I will not allow such conflict of interest in my daughter's well being because it causes me to believe you may not be able to be objective. Had I been aware of this the last time you were in here, I would have put a stop to it then."
"Mrs. March, I assure you that...."
"Your assurance assures me of nothing, now please LEAVE."
Angel's jaw tightened and her eyes practically set you on fire. "As you wish. I will inform the other nurse to come in and page her doctor."
She left and you apologized. "Sorry mom. That woman is bad news and I couldn't hold my tongue."
"Well, you were looking out for your sister so I can let the theatrics slide, but I am very glad you said something regardless."
Megan became upset again. "I wanna go home Momma. I don't like it here. I don't want to end up like Elizabeth. Please take me home!!"
"Honey, you just had surgery. You have to stay for awhile but I will be right here with you. No one is going to hurt you. I promise."
You wished that were true but you couldn't be certain until Megan named her attacker. Another nurse finally came in, checked her vitals, asked her a few questions and then shot her up with some more morphine which didn't take long to work it's magic.
"Mom, I can't stand it anymore." you contended against her wishes. "Megan...who did this to you?"
She whimpered in fear as she looked to your mom for approval. "It's alright Megan. Whatever you can remember, whatever you're comfortable with telling us, please do so. We want to know what happened and stop whoever did this from doing it to someone else."
"Megs...look at me." you softly commanded. "Was it Ethan?"
Her brows furrowed and then she became agitated. "I...I don't...know."
"What do you mean you don't know? Surely you must have seen your abductor?"
She broke down again. "I...I...I keep trying to picture his face but I can't."
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Your mom took her hand. "Ok..ok my love. Just breathe and try to tell us what you do remember. Anything at all."
"I...I re..remember...Dave. He...he was helping me and then...and then I woke up here."
You were trying so hard to remain patient and understanding. "But how did you get there? What is the last thing that you remember before you saw Dave?"
"I...the police station. I..I was talking to that detective about Blaise. I went there to tell him that I thought Ethan may have taken her because I couldn't stand the thought of that poor little girl being scared and crying for her mommy and Ethan...he...he has no business being a father. He is so mean and controlling. He always talked about how he would have her one day so I..I had to try and help her."
"He has no business breathing. You don't even know half of the things he's done. Or maybe you do since you were sleeping with the enemy."
"JoSEPHINE!" your mother piped again.
"Sorry but it's true...so...ok what happened after that?"
"I...." she paused and her entire face scrunched up in forced thought. "I...I don't know. It's all a fog."
"Alright, lets give her a break Jo. She needs time to..." your mom began.
"There is no time mom! You know what Jason was involved in so let me clue you in about Ethan. He's in that life too, only he is a monster. He's the one that attacked his own brother with a knife, you know, Orlando? The one you just berated. He's lucky it was only his hand and that I was there to stop it and Ethan has done other things to Lee that I will not even mention and now this! My sister is in the hospital, lucky to be alive and my landlord's child is missing so Megan needs to start talking!"
"Jo, I swear. I can't remember right now. I'm trying...but..."
"But what???"
"But...I don't...I don't think it was Ethan."
"What do you mean you don't think it was Ethan?? You just said you don't even remember."
"Because I...it...it don't feel like it was him?" Megan explained as if she were questioning herself.
"That makes no damn sense. Either it was him or it wasn't Megan! I mean, who the hell else would it be???"
"I said I don't know Jo. It's literally all blank after I left the police station. It's like having a blackout from drinking."
Her words made you recall the recent experience you had only two days ago when you took your anxiety medication and drank a bottle of wine and strangely...it was the around same time that she went missing.
"Could you have been drugged?? Think Megan. Mom, did the doctor do a toxicology? Surely they would have."
"I have not been told anything about that. When I got here, she was already in surgery and after you left, the police were speaking with him and wouldn't tell me anything. When the doctor comes in, I will ask."
Luke probably knew since he was the one doing the questioning last night but he wasn't going to tell you now that he was a big bad boy in blue, minus the blue.
"Or." your mom went on. "She just don't remember because of the trauma so I think the questions are enough for today."
"Just a few more mom. Ok, Megan. What about BEFORE the police station. What do you remember? Where was Ethan then?"
"So you remember going there, but nothing before or after until Dave. What the hell Megan? Why wouldn't you remember anything before that?? You remembered that Elizabeth is dead and that happened BEFORE!"
She was becoming disconcerted and anxious and the heart rate monitor began chiming."
"I don't know. I don't know! I DON'T KNOW! I DON'T KNOW!!!" she cried and your mom finally stood up and angrily pointed at you.
"That is ENOUGH JO!"
"Alright fine. Then at least tell me what you meant when you said you did something bad."
"Damn it Joey, you are not too old for me to pull you out of this room by your ear!"
"No mom. I want to talk to her. Alone." Megan insisted.
"What? Absolutely not. You're already upset."
"Mom please. I...I need to tell her something private. It has nothing to do with this."
"Then can't it wait? Why now?"
She began bawling. "Because I'm a liar."
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Now you were unsettled. Megan's lies were a common thing that you were used to but this...this seemed different. She said it had nothing to do with any of this so what bomb was she going to drop on you and why now like your mom asked? Maybe it was her near death experience that was actually giving her a conscience. Whatever it was, it was bad just like she said because she was genuinely distressed over it.
"Alright, but only 5 minutes. I'm going to go find the damn doctor myself."
After your mom left, you sat down in her seat and went straight to the point. "What did you do Megan? Just spit it out. After the things I've been through and things you've done to me, I can handle it."
"I...I don't think you can. Not this time."
"Jesus Megan, I don't scare all too easily but now you are scaring me. Did...you lie just now to mom? Do you really remember and...you and Ethan maybe did something bad? Wait...do you KNOW where Blaise is???"
"No Jo! I don't and I didn't lie. I told you it's not about that."
"Then WHAT did you DO??"
She started trembling and her lips quivered as she spoke. "I do remember something from awhile ago. At mom's and..."
"Please stop shouting, please stop shouting." she squeaked as she winced.
You closed your eyes, inhaled deeply and slowly released the desire to strangle her scrawny little neck right then and there. "OK...I'm calm....tell..me."
"It was the day...that Gerry was there. I was home but...you didn't know and I...I heard you both talking. It was about...about what, well that night..that night when..."
"Will you stop stuttering and just tell me what Gerry has to do with anything??"
"Ok, Ok...I..." she sucked in a breath and then began rapidly speaking, reminding you of how Spinelli did that when he was extremely nervous, usually from being cornered. "It was about when he cheated on you with me, except...except he...he didn't. He never did. We never did and I lied. I lied about it all to hurt you because you always had all the men and I was a nobody and always used. No one ever cared for me like they did you so I...I...followed him to the bar that night. He was upset and drinking because of how you had been shot the month before and you both were having problems over it. We sat and drank and he told me all about it because he said you wouldn't talk to him much about it and he felt so guilty that it happened and he...he was crying Jo, just like I saw him sitting in his truck crying after you guys argued at mom's and you took off, only that time I felt bad because you had Lee and he had no one and that was because of me because I...I drugged him Jo and then I took him home because he was in no shape to drive and I...I put on your perfume and came onto him, but he..he rejected me and passed out. I was angry because even then, he didn't want me so I sent you that text from his phone and you believed it and he believed it because he couldn't remember anything when he woke up the next morning lying next to me, both of us naked because I..I undressed him to make it seem real and then you were pounding on his door and..."
You stood up so fast that the chair fell over. Your chest was so tight and your heart was racing. Your entire body violently shook and you couldn't speak as burning tears streamed from your gaping eyes. It was if you had been knocked into some other dimension from the shocking blow.
Margaret immediately came in from the sound of the crashing chair. "Joey?? What's happened? Jo?? Josephine, talk to me!"
Her voice and Megan's crying all echoed as you became giddy upon your feet. You were either going to pass out or go to jail over a moment of temporary insanity and you didn't want either so you stumbled out the door and began running, panting, hyperventilating as you heard her screams fading the further you got.
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intothegreat-wide-open · 3 months ago
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005) RPF, Actor RPF Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jensen Ackles/Jeffrey Dean Morgan Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alternate Universe - Dystopia, Age Difference, Class Differences, Domestic, Imprisonment Series: Part 3 of the wild side Summary:
It's been five months. Jeff paces in his cell, body thrumming with anxiety, worry, jealousy. It’s been five months, so Jensen must have had at least one heat and the thought of someone else touching him is almost as unbearable as the thought of Jensen suffering through it alone.
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reveluving · 6 months ago
To the anon who sent me that filthy JDM dream ask:
Give me a few days because my God.
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spnfanficpond · 7 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural RPF Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jensen Ackles/Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Jensen Ackles/Jeffrey Dean Morgan/Jared Padalecki Characters: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Jeffrey Dean Morgan Additional Tags: Photography, Modeling, Threesome - M/M/M, Married Couple, Open Marriage, Kink Negotiation, Safe Sane and Consensual, BDSM, Model Jared Padalecki, Photographer Jensen Ackles, Dom Jeffrey Dean Morgan, porn star jeffrey dean morgan, Sub Jared Padalecki, Bottom Jared Padalecki, Switch Jensen Ackles, Safer Sex, Bondage, Orgasm Control, Blindfolds, Masks, Foot Fetish, Spreader Bars, Caning, Ass to Mouth, Flogging Summary:
Jeffrey and Jensen book a model for a fetish shoot. As always, they handle things very professionally.
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amiwritesthings · 1 year ago
for @lovetransaction
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005) RPF Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jensen Ackles/Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Jensen Ackles/Danneel Harris, Hilarie Burton/Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Hilarie Burton/Danneel Harris Additional Tags: Mischief Farm, Recreational Drug Use, Partner Swapping, mentioned pegging, Hand Jobs, implied foursome f/f/m/m, Open Relationships Summary:
Wood crackling, crickets chirping.
In the flickering glow of the fire pit, Jensen nurses his drink, watches his wife sitting in one of the lawn chairs across sipping wine and chatting quietly with Hilarie.
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missmisdemeanor · 10 months ago
i don't ship samjohn but i do think you could convince me that jared padalecki and jeffrey dean morgan had sex in real life. i'd believe you
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hornsbeforehalos · 5 months ago
Anytime, Sweetheart (Remastered)-Part Three
Pairing: JDM x OFC (RPF)SERIES WARNINGS: (not specific to each chapter): violence, implied sexual assault, drug use, drinking, smut, murder, cursing, age-gap relationships, power dynamics, angst, slight slow burn, cheating... will update warnings as needed. AUTHOR'S NOTE: this is a rewrite! I originally wrote this, which can still be found in my master list, years and years ago and finally have decided to spruce it up a bit. This will be in third person POV and updated to be less... cringy as the original. Please let me know if you would like to be tagged. I haven't written anything serious in years so this is me dipping my toes back in :) Face credit for OC is Taylor Momsen :) Tag List: @coffee-obsessed-writer @kazosa @lovealways-j @lovetusk @sorenmarie87 @smoothdogsgirl
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Kylin spent the next four weeks in Austin. The first week, she barely left her bed, and barely ate. The second week, after most of the bruises had healed and only a minor scar remained above her right eyebrow, she ventured into the living room and out into the backyard. The third week, she had been so grateful that no one had brought up what happened, that she began to talk again. By the fourth week she felt almost better and decided that it was time for her to go back to Dallas. Jensen had insisted that she could stay, of course, but he also understood her need to move on and get past what had been the last three years of her life. He lent her enough money to find a new loft in one of the sub cities in the metroplex, and by the end of the second month, she had gone back to bartending. She had been in the industry before Anthony had stopped her from working, and the job came naturally to her. She was only working for the gentleman’s club for two months when she was given the promotion to bar manager. Her life was actually somewhat normal, and she felt her start to become a version of her old self again.
“Kylin, hun, I need your help tonight,” John, one of the floor managers, asked with his hands formed in a steeple before him. He was a large man with muscles on top of muscles, who was constantly sweating,  and looked absolutely ridiculous begging her for anything. 
“I’m not dancing again, John, stop asking,” Kylin smirked as she scraped the barcode off another empty bottle before she threw it in the trash.
“What? No. Not that. Well, that would actually help, too…Nevermind, stop distracting me, “ He grinned, walking around the edge of the bar.
“Then what? Kinda busy here, babe.” She replied with a sigh as another ticket appeared from the printer. She started working on the order as she waited for John to continue.
“Lucy called in sick, and there’s supposed to be this huge group of people tonight. Apparently there’s a comic convention or something in town and a few of the celebrities chose here to after party.” John stated as he wiped the never-ending downpour of sweat from his brow, “They literally rented out the entire VIP section.” 
“Okay, so? Don’t give yourself a stroke, big man. I’ll handle it.” Kylin replied with rolled eyes. She gathered the other bartenders and together they came up with a game plan. John stood back with an obvious relieved look on his face. The poor man was constantly a nervous wreck. 
The managers had banned together to rearrange the VIP section for more privacy for the special guests while Kylin worked at cleaning and stocking the bar for the interesting night ahead of them. By the time the guests had arrived, though, the wait staff was running around like decapitated chickens and the floor bosses were doing what they could to put out the fires in their wake. John was helping Kylin behind the bar at the same time as attempting to run drinks for Andrea, another one of the bartenders, and was honestly doing more harm than good after his third broken bottle of Scotch.
“God fucking damnit, John. Get from behind my bar! Go find me a real damn barback!” Kylin screamed as she pushed him out from the area with a huff. He quickly ran and hid at Andrea’s well area. He knew better than to be in Kylin’s way when she was overwhelmed. 
“Fucking hell, I thought that was you.” Came a deep, rough chuckle from the other side of the bar. Kylin’s skin prickled instantly, recognizing the voice. 
She turned slowly around to see the handsome man leaning over with his arms crossed on the bar top, empty glass in front of him. He was wearing a worn leather jacket, black tee, and his thick rimmed glasses. A smirk played on his lips as his eyes danced over her. Her uniform of a small black tank top and itty bitty shorts left little to the imagination. 
She gave a cringey smile of embarrassment and scratched the top of her head, “Err, Hey, Jeff. Uh, sorry about that.” 
“Ha! Hon, that was adorable. You made him run away like a baby!” He barked out a laugh as she walked over to where he was to refill his glass. 
“Still drinking whiskey?” She asked, changing the subject.
“Yup. Get yourself one too, while you're at it.” 
“Thanks, I need it.” She smiled and pulled out a shot glass for herself.
As she filled the glasses, her favorite dancer, Cali, threw herself onto one of the barstools towards the end of the bar. Kylin turned her attention to her after taking the shot. The pretty blonde sighed in exhaustion and laid her head on her arm draped across the bar top. “This place is ridiculous tonight, how is your bar so empty?”
“Pssh, It’s not. You see this printer? Hasn’t stopped.” Kylin nodded in the direction of the computer as the next three receipts emerged. 
Kylin made the orders and dropped them at the well as the waitresses lined up to grab them. She had almost gotten completely caught up when she heard Cali shriek.
“Holy crap, you’re Negan!” 
“Why, yes mam, I am,” was Jeffrey’s reply, and Kylin instantly winced as she faced them. 
“Christ, Cal, reel it in a bit.” Kylin glared as she watched the younger woman make her way over to where Jeff was sitting.
“Holy fucking shit,” Cali said, ignoring her completely as she perched herself on the stool next to the man, “How are you doing tonight, sir?”
“Doing good, how about yourself?” He replied, an amused smirk on his face. He proceeded to entertain her for a few minutes as Kylin got back to work. The constant flow of tickets distracted her until she heard Cali’s high voice pitchup again.
“Kylin! You didn’t tell me you know famous people!” She screeched, leaning over the bar on her elbows with her knees in the stool.
“I know famous people, I guess?” Kylin shrugged, which made Jeff laugh. Kylin refilled Jeffrey’s glass again and gave Cali a redbull. 
“Can I get some vodka in this?” The girl mumbled while she poked a straw through the tab. Kylin glared at her with her hand on her hip. 
“Whatever,” Cali replied as she leaped from the seat and turned to Jeff, an innocent look on her face, “Wanna get some dances?”
“Not tonight dear, sorry,” Jeff replied with a shake of his head, secretly earning him an internal sigh of relief from Kylin. He pulled out a few twenties from his jacket pocket and handed them to her. She smiled widely and looked to Ky, then back to Jeff, then back to Ky again and wiggled her eyebrows with a wink. Kylin replied with a roll of her eyes and went back to work.
Jeffrey stayed at the bar the rest of the evening, making small talk with her when she got a moment to come refill his glass. About thirty minutes before closing, while she was starting to clean up, a second loud voice finally joined the bar.
“There you are, God damn, you fuckin’ disappeared!” Kylin turned to see Norman Reedus clutch Jeff on the shoulder and drunkenly lean against the bar beside him. He looked towards Kylin and purred, “And who do we have here?”
“Norm, this is Kylin. Jensen’s baby sister.” Jeff answered, sarcasm covered the word ‘baby’ with a mocking tone. He gripped Norman’s shoulder a little tighter in warning, “I met her in Austin a few months ago. I told you about her, remember?”
“Oh yeah. Well, that makes sense as to why we haven’t seen you all night.” Norman teased. He winked at Jeffrey and flashed a grin before turning his attention back to Ky.
“You’re a cute little thing, What you weigh? About a buck?” Norman asked as he lit a cigarette.
“Jesus, fucker. Have some couth.” Jeffrey barked with wide eyes and an embarrassed laugh.
“Soaking wet.” Kylin smirked. She cocked her eyebrow as she watched Norman’s eyes roam her frame.
Jeffrey huffed out another laugh as Norman choked on the smoke in his lungs.
“I like you,” Norman replied with narrowed eyes. He pointed to her with the fingers holding his cigarette in a knowing gesture. He nodded to Kylin as he stepped away from the bar and started back towards the small group of people nearest to them. He looked back to Jeff and gave him a knowing look, eyes still squinted. 
Jeffrey shook his head as he turned back to Ky and propped his chin in the palm of his hand and elbow on the bartop, “What are you doing later?”
“It’s two in the morning, babe. I’m cleaning this bar and then going to bed.” Kylin answered, gesturing to the area behind her. 
“Hmm, well, I suppose I’ll let you get to it before I miss my ride,” He glanced over to the group of his friends that were making their way out of the small section and towards the exit. 
He pulled his phone out from his pocket and placed it on the bar in front of him, open on the ‘Add Contact’ screen. Kylin looked at him as she picked up the phone and quickly tapped in her number and name before giving it back to him. He grinned as he opened the camera and gestured for her to take a picture with him. She let out a breathy laugh as she climbed on top of the freezer and leaned over to get into the frame. Jeffrey clicked the button with a big smile on both of their faces. 
“Send that to me?” She asked as she hopped down. 
“Of course,” He replied, a grin still playing on his face as he rose up from his seat.
“It was good seeing you again, girl. Glad to see you’ve been taking care of yourself.” Jeff said as he watched Ky walk around the side of the bar to give him a hug. 
“Thanks, Jeff. That means a lot.” She replied with a squeeze. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight and kissed the top of her head. His scent enveloped her and she breathed deep as the butterflies danced in her stomach.
“Anytime, Sweetheart,” He said as they pulled apart from each other, “Text me when you get home?”
Kylin nodded to him with a smile as he gave her another wave and turned to catch up with his friends. 
‘Holy fucking shit.’ was the only thing she could think.
   The next day, Kylin awoke to two new text messages. Both from Jeffrey. One was a picture from the night before, the other asking what she had planned for the day
“Nothing that i know of, today’s my day off FINALLY, lol.” She replied before she crawled out of the comfort of her bed.
“You should come to the con. I can leave you a pass.” Came his response moments later.
“I guess I don’t have anything better to do today ;)” She sent back, hoping he registered her teasing tone. 
“Well good ;) Come hang out with some old men.” 
Kylin shook her head with a laugh as she made her way to the bathroom to ready herself for the day.
Jeffrey sent Kylin the details that were needed while she stood in front of her closet to try and find something to wear. She found herself in a pair of shorts, (even though it was October, it was Texas and still in the 90’s) and a Family Business Beer Co shirt that was cut to hang off her shoulder. She also laced up her converse and tied a flannel shirt around her waist, in case she found herself out late enough that it got chilly. She did some basic makeup of lashes and a dark lip, wanting to avoid the possibility of it getting messed up.
Anxiety and nervousness started to sit in as she pulled into the parking lot of the convention center. Sure, she had hung out with actors before, and had been to numerous cons, but not without the safety blanket that was her brother and his friends. She grinned at the thought of how pissed she knew Jensen was going to be when he found out that she had gone against his obvious wishes and hung out with Jeff. She figured her excuse would be that she was a grown woman and allowed to do as she pleased, and after three years of hell, she deserved to have a little fun. Plus, they were just going to be hanging out as friends, right?
She entered the convention center and found the front desk where Jeff had told her her pass would be. She gave the receptionist her name, who lifted her eyes and asked to see her ID. She showed the lady her card and was handed over the gold pass and itinerary before being pointed to the direction of the lounge. She texted Jeff to let him know she was there, and he responded that he would meet her soon. Once she found where she was supposed to be, she sat herself at the bar and ordered a Bloody Mary while she waited. 
A side door that she hadn’t noticed before opened up and Norman popped his head out, “Psst, Ackles, over here.”
It was obvious that Norman was trying to avoid being seen by the few fans in the vicinity, so Kylin quickly grabbed her drink and scurried over to him. He opened the door wide enough for her to fit though and led her down a small hallway to the green room.
“Jeff got called to a photo op real quick, so he sent me to get ya. I’ve gotta get goin’ myself, though, but just wait here and he should be back in a sec.” Norman explained as they stepped through the door. The small room was filled with couches and tables adorned with snacks and drinks, and Kylin nodded in response while taking a sip of her drink. 
She was scrolling through social media and chewing on her straw when the door opened a few minutes later and his voice was heard, “ Thought you were a whiskey girl.” 
She looked up at him with a snort and shrugged, “Breakfast of champion.” She raised her glass in salutation.
Jeffrey chuckled as she stood up and stepped towards him. He opened his arms and she settled into them in what was only a semi-awkward embrace. 
“Thanks for comin’, hon. It’s good to see you again.” He drawled, looking down at her with his arms still wrapped around her shoulders.
She peered up at him and let a small smile creep across her face, “Good to see you too, Mr. Morgan.” 
They sat on the couch, close, but not uncomfortably so. He put his arm across the back of the sofa, his hand near her shoulder but not touching it, and turned towards her with a grin.
“How’s the con going? I haven’t been to one of these things in a while.” She asked as she drained her glass of the remaining tomatoey drink and placed it on a nearby table. She shifted slightly to look at him better. He was wearing his leather jacket, dark shirt, and glasses again. 
“It’s alright. Not the worst, but still pretty chaotic.” He started with a sigh, “They oversold everything and everyone’s squeezed in here like fuckin’ sardines. The line for autos was so long they had to start going by section because the fire marshal almost had a fit. People are pissed. Norm almost fought someone over a damn cigarette break.” He shook his head and lifted his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose.
“Sounds like a shit storm,” Kylin replied, a sympathetic look on her face. She knew how stressful cons could be, and when one thing didn’t go right, a lot of other shit usually didn’t go right either.
Jeff had about an hour break before he had to get back to photo ops and autographs, which the two of them spent catching up some more. He commented again on how he was happy to see that it seemed she was doing better, and she thanked him for it again. The topic then changed to the horror stories that had been his past few conventions, and how he and his most recent girlfriend had called it quits.
“That’s the reason I was at Jensen’s that weekend. Crazy broad followed me all the way down there trying to ‘fix shit’ after I found her in bed with some Estonian male model.” He huffed. He shook his head to rid the memory and mumbled something under his breath that Kylin wasn’t able to make out.
“That’s fucking horrible, dude. I’m sorry.” Kylin sympathized, and reached out to touch his hand that was resting on his knee. He let his eyes linger there for a moment before looking back up to her.
“What are you doing tonight?” He suddenly asked with an intense gaze.
A blush creeped up along her neck and she moved her hand away to fiddle with her phone in her lap, “I don't have anything planned.”
“Come out with me. We’re going to the bar district here and it would be nice to have a tour guide.” He reached over and grabbed her hand back from her phone, returning her attention to him.
She thought about it for a moment before answering. What’s the worst that could happen? “Sure, what time?”
“Prolly around ten-ish. Can you meet us at the hotel? We’re supposed to be within walking distance of the bars.” He asked before telling her what hotel they were all staying at.
“Sure, that’s not that far from me,” She replied, taking her hand back to check the time on her phone. It was near six. 
He looked at his watch before he cleared his throat and rasped, “Damn sugar, it’s time for me to go back to work.” 
He twisted himself off the couch then reached down to give her a hand up, “ You can stay here if you like. No one will fuck with you. Or you can go explore, whatever you wanna do.” 
“I think I’ll go explore a bit before heading home to get ready. Any preference on attire?” She replied, still holding onto his hand that swayed back and forth between them.
“Oooh, sweetheart. I’m sure you’ll still be the most gorgeous girl in the room with anything you wear.” He said smoothly. He ran his tongue over his top teeth and flashed her a wolfish grin. 
She looked away with another blush, “I guess I’ll see what I can do.” 
The handler came in seconds later to escort Jeffrey to his next task. He gave Kylin a tight squeeze and kissed the crown of her head again before he sauntered away and out the door. She stayed in the greenroom for a few minutes while she gathered her thoughts around what had just happened before she slipped out of the room herself. 
After walking around the vendor area for a bit and looking at everything, Kylin headed home. She showered and got ready for the night while her anxiety continued to drive her crazy. She had blow dried her hair to perfect straightness and redid her makeup, though this time she added dark eyeshadow and left her lips nude. She slipped herself into a form-fitting black dress with black pumps to match, and adorned her wrists and fingers and neck with various pieces of jewelry. Jeffrey had already sent her the details on where to meet him, and so as soon as she was done she headed back out the door.
She sent him a text when she arrived, and he replied back with his room number. She made her way up the elevator to his floor, nervously fidgeting with a ring on her finger. She wasn’t as nervous once she actually got to his door, and she even smiled as she stepped up and knocked.
Jeffrey answered the door quickly, and his jaw dropped as his eyes took in her appearance. She felt a ping of panic flare again, and it seemed as though her body was having a similar reaction to his. He was wearing a deep blue dress shirt under a black blazer, and nice jeans and nice shoes. He had abandoned his glasses for contacts and his eyes seemed brighter than she remembered.
“God damn, baby girl, look at you.” He breathed, and jokingly clutched his chest as if to stave off a heart attack. He held his hand out for her to take as he escorted her into the suite.
“Everyone, this is Kylin,” He said cheekily, wrapping an arm tight around her waist and pulling her into his side, “She will be our tour guide for this evening.” 
“God bless Texas,” was called, which made Kylin flush in embarrassment.
Jeffrey introduced Kylin to everyone, and they all gave her smiles, waves, and handshakes. She found it relieving to be able to partake in their conversations easily while they waited on a couple members of the group to finish getting ready.
They soon departed from the hotel and walked in a group down the streets of Dallas for the few blocks it took to get to the bar district that was known as Deep Ellum. The guys all admired the graffiti artwork and murals that adorned a few of the buildings and Kylin pointed out all her favorite ones. JEff stayed by her side the entire time, occasionally throwing his arm over her shoulders and reeling her into him. They stole glances back and forth as they walked through the streets. 
They had made it to the fourth small dive bar sometime around one-thirty, and by that time everyone in the group was slightly intoxicated, though some more than others. Kylin was just tipsy enough to be a little more daring and flirt with Jeff. They were sitting in a booth towards the back with everyone, just joking and laughing. She was happy that she fit in so perfectly. 
“Isn’t she fuckin’ beautiful?” Jeffrey rasped as he interrupted Andrew and his tirade of something that Kylin seemed to be listening intently to. She flushed, eyes going wide as she turned to see Jeffrey shamelessly staring at her. He brought the arm behind her around to play with a piece of her hair, and a grin rose to his face as he watched her face continue to redden at his praise.
“You’re not so bad yourself, Mr. J,” Kylin replied slyly, her southern accent peaking through due to the alcohol. He gave her a smirk and a wink as he wrapped himself around her a little more.
She had been so captivated by Jeffrey that she hadn’t even noticed that everyone had turned to look at the both of them. Until, of course, Norman let out a mocking, “awhhhh” and everyone joined in making kissing sounds. Kylin leaned into Jeff’s side and hid her face with an embarrassed grin. Even with the teasing, it was the most comfortable she had felt in such a situation in a long time. The odd sensation of fingertips touching her skin didn’t make her skin crawl, and she felt like she could speak openly without being ridiculed. She didn’t feel the need to make herself seem small. Kyin lifted her head and looked up to Jeff, the whole group distracted back to their original conversation. She could see something in his eyes that oddly looked like adoration. He cupped her face with his hand that wasn’t wrapped around her, and gently stroked her cheek. He let his thumb run over the scar above her eyebrow, and she felt her lips part as she sucked in a small breath of air. She subconsciously leaned into his touch. 
Being the gentleman he was, though, Jeffrey moved his hand away and put a bit of space between them. Kylin was relieved, but also sad at the loss of contact. He cleared his throat as he straightened us both up, moving his arm back to its original place on the back of the bench. Kylin sat upright and took a sip from the glass of water in front of her to wash away the fog in her brain. It was only a few minutes after that the house lights brightened, signaling it was time to pay their tabs and head out. 
With it being two in the morning, the October chill had finally begun to set in, and Kylin shivered as they walked down Pearl Street and back to the hotel. Without her even asking, Jeffrey shrugged off his blazer and placed it over her shoulders.
“Thank you,” She said as she tugged the warmth closer to her. The smell of his expensive cologne mixed with his natural musk flooded her, the scent just as intoxicating as the alcohol in her system. 
“Anytime, Sweetheart,” Jeffrey replied with a deep chuckle when he caught her burying her nose into the collar. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder again as they continued to walk down the street, just a little bit behind the rest of the group. 
When they arrived back at the hotel, Kylin slowed herself down in the parking lot and Jeff told everyone he was going to walk her to her car.
“Sure you don’t wanna come up darlin’? You good to drive?” Jeff asked, a hopeful look in his eyes, once they approached her vehicle.
“I don’t think that would be a good idea,” She replied with a chuckle as she looked down to fiddle with her keyes, “I’m good to drive.” 
“Well, alright, then.” Jeff said with a disappointed sigh, “I guess text me when  you get home, then. You forgot last time.” 
“I’ll try to remember,” Kylin smirked up at him through her lashes. He gave her a huff of a laugh as a smile filled his face. He opened his arms and she stepped into his embrace. She curled her arms around his waist as he enclosed her shoulders and placed another kiss on the top of her head. She stepped back after a few moments and shrugged his jacket off in an attempt to return it.
“You keep it for now, gives me an excuse to see you again,” He said as he held up his hands in refusal.
“You wanna see me again, Mr. Morgan? Kylin asked, raising an eyebrow as the smirk still played on her lips.
“If you wanna see me, Ms. Ackles,” He answered, raising his own eyebrow at her. 
He opened her car door for her, and she threw his jacket and her purse into the passenger seat before she turned back around to him. She looked at him for a few seconds before she leaned up to kiss him on the cheek, “I’d love to.” 
The smile that appeared on his face was the sweetest thing she had seen in a long time, and it actually looked like he was blushing a bit. It was strange for her to watch him bashfully back up with and stuff his hands in his pockets as she climbed inside the car. He had always been known for being smooth with the ladies, and was acting like she made him nervous.
She rolled her window down and smiled up at him, “I had a really nice time, Jeff. Thank you.”
He nodded back at her with a grin, and gave her a small wave before turning back to the front of the hotel.
She remembered to text him when she got home.
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angelsdean · 1 year ago
the perks of primarily desktop blogging is that i can use xkit to block specific posts and never ever see them again. begone<3
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thebiggerbear · 3 months ago
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I increased the # of recs from 10 on the last post to 32 on this one. There are just so many incredible works out there! (and it's the holiday season so I'm making my own rules this month lol, I'll go back to 10 or so in January)
Here are my picks for Dec 6th 2024, please go give them a read:
Protective Cowboy by @rewrittenreality - Nobody disrespects Rip Wheeler’s woman, Walker obviously doesn’t get that and runs his mouth. (Rip Wheeler x Reader, Yellowstone)
Lost In Translation by @zepskies - Living with this man isn’t easy, and you’ve absolutely had it with him. Supe or not, you’re one step shy of kicking him out. Will he try to make it up to you? (Soldier Boy x Female POC!Reader, The Boys)
BuckTommy/Tevan by @peppermintquartz (911)
Snow Day by @bullet-prooflove (Terry Bruno x Reader, Law & Order: SVU)
I'm Not Sick by @lost-between-letters - someone’s got the flu and is not happy about it (hint: it’s Dean). Naturally, Y/N has to convince him to take care of himself. (Dean Winchester x Reader (she/her), Supernatural)
Just Roommates by @luci-in-trenchcoats - Request: one where the reader is in love with Dean and one day he brings a girl to the bunker and introduces her as his girlfriend and the reader is kinda mean to her, but later on tries to move on from Dean with Crowley and Dean finds out and you decide how it ends? (Dean Winchester x Reader / Crowley x Reader, Supernatural)
The Feeling Was Mutual by @lanadelnegan - You and your former friend and co-star, JDM, pick up where you left off years ago when he joins you on set of TWD. Starting with a dinner date and ending with a quickie in the elevator. (Jeffrey Dean Morgan x Female Reader, RPF)
Day 7: Thankful by @gay-dinasaur (Destiel, Supernatural)
Lucky You by @caplanbuckybarnes - you stay awake worried about bruce after you return home from a gala in the city (Bruce Wayne x Reader, DCU)
Rover by @justagirlinafandomworld - The Age of Ultron did not last just a couple of days. It lasted years. The Avengers are the face of humanity’s rebellion against the machines. But, even they are not prepared for Ultron’s next move. You are. And there may be nothing you can do about it. (Steve Rogers x Reader, MCU)
Baby Spoon by @deanwanddamons - A Dean x reader mini series. Y/N is pregnant and Dean is the father. (Dean Winchester x Reader, Supernatural)
New Blood by @wayward-dreamer - The executives at Vought American are enamoured by the new supe at the annual shareholders party, hoping to make her a new addition to Payback. Soldier Boy isn’t pleased with the idea, as he’s the only one who gets to decide who joins his team. He tells her this fact, and braces himself for a fight, but gets something much better out of their encounter. (Soldier Boy x Female Supe!Reader, The Boys)
Roadhouse Rendezvous by @nightxcreature - Reader and Dean have a little fun in the Roadhouse Bathroom. (Dean Winchester x Reader, Supernatural)
smalltown shit by @encasedinobsidian - “You’re a little young, aren’t you?” he asks, and it isn’t with a scowl but it’s something of the sort, a narrowing of his eyes and a dryness to his voice. It’s no better than a scowl anyway, his skepticism like a concrete wall between the two of you under the dim lights of the bar where Charlie is stuck with you, just where you want him. (Charlie Swan x Female Reader, Twilight)
helping beau relax after a stressful day at work by @figthoughts (Beau Arlen x GF!Reader, Big Sky)
Red Sunflowers by @kickingitwithkirk - Jensen has fallen for his best friend’s best friend. A long buried scandal jeopardizes their friendship and his feelings. (Jensen Ackles x Wife!Reader (Ginger), RPF)
Never Forget by @bullet-prooflove - Joe asks for something in the heat of the moment. (Joe Velasco x Reader, Law & Order: SVU)
Shades of Him by @zepskies - You make sure Beau isn’t alone this Christmas. (Beau Arlen x Female!Reader, Big Sky)
Headcanon: Gettin' Down and Dirty with Dean by @waynes-multiverse - Request: I was hoping you could write some smutty head canons about dean (Supernatural)
Red Crown by @syrma-sensei - The rightful sovereign of Westros is lonely abed at night. She yearns for her absent king consort's warmth. You decide to take matters into your hands and bring her some comfort.(Rhaenyra Targaryen x Reader, House of the Dragon)
Snow Globe by @jessjad - A visit from Dean and Sam in the week around christmas is a nice surprise, but will it bring more than just presents? (Dean Winchester x Reader, Supernatural)
Cold Kisses by @caplanbuckybarnes - The winter soldier always comes to you for help after a mission. He hardly speaks, let alone kisses you after a treatment… (Bucky Barnes x Reader, MCU)
NFSW Alphabet: Joe Velasco by @escapingrealtiylovinginsanity (Law & Order: SVU)
Devour by @storiesofsvu (Joe Velasco x Reader, Law & Order: SVU)
Mexican Food + Traffic Light + Teddy Bear by @bullet-prooflove (Jake Seresin x Reader, Top Gun Franchise)
Sleigh Ride by @zepskies - Yet again, you convince Ben to indulge you in a new Christmas tradition. (Soldier Boy x Female!Reader, The Boys)
Scar by @winchesterszvonecek - Prompt: “How did you get this scar?” (Joe Velasco x Reader, Law & Order: SVU)
a line drawn in red by @angel-eyes05 - you and your across the door neighbor have a complicated relationship with each other. things only seem to grow more murky after you invite him to a work party to embarrass your ex. (Wade Wilson x Reader, MCU)
cherry lipgloss by @sapphistically - buffy and you have a fight while patrolling, you get hurt and she can’t help but realise you were right, she does love you. (Buffy Summers x Female!Reader, Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Untitled by @imyourbratzdoll - you and clark lose your virginity together. (Clark Kent x Reader, Smallville)
Long As I Can See The Light by @lamentationsofalonelypotato - The last thing that you wanted was to be woken up in the middle of the night by Colter Shaw for a favor, but when he shows up toting a ruggedly handsome man with green eyes you decide to forgive him. (Russell Shaw x Female!Reader, Tracker)
Willing To Break by @godmadeaterribleerror - With the Mark of Cain getting out of hand, you and Sam convince Dean to try something different. A spell that won't fix the Mark, but will change it. Make Dean crave good things, things he likes, instead of death and blood. It doesn't exactly go according to plan. (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader, Supernatural)
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And please don’t forget when you come across any and all creative content on here:
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divider by @saradika-graphics
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mas0ch1st1cbaby · 4 months ago
Not a RPF post but I have long wanted to see JDM and Chandler interact with each other in some new movies, projects, etc so baad. Their chemistry in TWD is everything to me so it'll be pretty cool to get more of it from them going forward.
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cassierobinsons · 28 days ago
rpf i believe in:
rachel weisz + daniel craig bi4bi swingers
brie larson tessa thompson mutual homewrecking
swiftgron but in a nonswiftie way (the tattoo removal #pilled me)
'05/'06 jensen/jdm
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