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jasmine7031 · 7 months ago
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SUMI@Janu Tokyo
It was a wonderful dinner. It was light when we started eating, but by the end of the meal the Tokyo Tower looked beautiful lit up.
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januscorner · 4 months ago
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Cringetober Day 31: Halloween!
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queenofexhaustion · 3 days ago
*The Sides at Home Depot*
Patton: *Fell in the cacti display while wandering around the garden section*
Remus: *Shitting in the display toilets*
Roman: *Tokyo Drifting one of those flatbed carts down the aisles*
Virgil: *Stealing paint chips for aesthetic purposes*
Logan: *Just wanted some goddamn lightbulbs and everyone ruined it*
Janus: *In the car sleeping*
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dorokora · 3 months ago
Even more transients I would want to see in Housamo
Impundulu (I can totally see LW making him Thunderbird’s shadow counterpart)
Koschei (can see him and Onyankopon having a friendship over how they view death)
Land of Wa:
Jorogumo (we can’t have Arachne be the only spider woman in the game)
Bake-kujira (a whale skeleton yokai)
Tir na nog:
Artio (Celtic bear goddess)
Oberon (king of fairies)
Zhong Kui
El dorado:
Cabrakan (god of earthquake who was defeated by the Mayan hero twins)
Hun-Chowen or Hun-Batz
Deva Loka:
Janus (Roman god of gates/doorways and is Saturnus’ brother)
Silenus (Dionysus’ tutor and companion)
Lamia (in the Summopedia it’s implied that she’s Melusine’s shadow counterpart)
Previous List:
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sanderssidesplaylist · 16 days ago
(Strongly encouraged to listen to the song before voting! Lyrics under the cut.)
I could tell you were lonely From the moment you walked in From the way you had your makeup on From the way you'd done your hair From the way you sat down next to me From the way you ordered your drink From the moment you put your hand on my knee I knew I'd have you with ease
Do you come here often? Do you know how this thing works? Do you go to bed with a different man every night? Don't tell me, I'm the first?
You must have heard about me Everyone knows my name Everyone knows I'm holy (holy, holy, holy, holy) All the revolutionaries (holy, holy) All the Jihadis too (holy, holy) 'Round the world I'm holy (holy, holy)
Holy, holy, holy, holy Holy, holy, holy, holy Holy, holy, holy, holy Holy, holy
Do you know my name? Of course you know my name Everyone does, it's true It's true, it's true, it's true That I'm known around here The barmaids know my name I've had them all before You are new, I'll have you too It's time to give in
From the shores of Havana To Moscow and Tokyo In French Guyanese, in Cantonese Everyone knows my name
All the revolutionaries (holy, holy) All the Jihadis too (holy, holy) Everyone knows I'm holy (holy, holy)
How 'bout we dance some salsa? (Holy, holy) I'll spin you round and round (holy, holy) On the dance floor, I'm holy (holy, holy) How 'bout we take this further? (Holy, holy) I'll meet you in the bathroom (bathroom) (holy, holy) I'll bet your pussy is holy too
I'll arrive at around 7 p.m. And I want you to get there no later than ten I want you to be dressed like a sophisticated tart With too much makeup on, will that be alright? And I want you to sit down next to me, as if by chance I want it to seem like we've never met before How much will that cost? I want you to look unsure of yourself
And I want you to look at me as if I'm attractive I want your eyes to say, "Take me" And I want your lips to be unimpressed And I want you to ask the waiter if I really am who I say I am And I want you to blush I want you to shoot a smug look at the other girls To make them jealous I chose you
When I tell you your pussy is holy I want you to slap me and then kiss me Make sure everyone's watching, kiss me and then walk away Walk to the bathroom, I'll follow after Don't worry, we won't do anything We'll just loiter there 15 minutes or so Then I'll choose your new lipstick and we'll walk back out
And I want you to tell me I'm a perfect dancer And I want you to tell me I smell great I want you to make me look taller Could you kneel down the whole time? How much will that cost?
I want you to put your hand on my knee Will that be alright? I want you to look at me as if you're lost How much will that cost?
Thank you so much We'll meet the same time next week And the next week after that too And the next week after that And the next month, and the next
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orii-blogs-stuff · 1 year ago
As Janus had been warned, a door started to form before his very eyes. A door to Yurgenschmidt. The audacity of the Yurgen Gods! Not only did they steal their mortals for the past few millennia, but now so brazenly so! 
Janus did not believe Trivia at first, who would believe another patheon from another world were attempting to encroach upon other pantheons domains? It was barbaric! However, as he witnessed the white marble door slowly come into existence, he started to wonder if the Yurgen Gods had no idea what the words and phrases ‘diplomacy’ nor ‘staying in your Morai-cursed territory’ meant. He preferred the Aztecs over such fools despite their bloody nature, at least they knew to live in the south and stay in the south.
Nonetheless, as the Roman God of Doorways, it was his responsibility to ensure such barbarisms were not granted entry into the Roman portion of Earth. 
It is difficult to explain to a mortal how he uses his Being and entire existence to simply manipulate his domain just as it is difficult for other Gods or demigods to explain to their lovers and parents how the divine blood in their veins is used to manipulate their own domains, simply because they do not own their domain, rather, they are their domains. Every door opening, every door closing. That was and will forever be him. Every door creaking from rusty hinges, every broken doorknob. That was and will forever be him. 
So Janus would not bore anyone with an explanation, the only thing one needs to know is he willed the marble door to be removed from existence so it was removed from Existence in a permanent manner.
He took one good look at the spot where the door was and nodded to himself, a job well done, hopefully his counterparts were as competent as him as he believed Narasimha was going to be quite busy for the next few decades to come.
Shuu wanted to sleep after a three hour long stream and a two hour long meeting with his manager, Shuu just wanted to sleep, but today was a very special day: Today was Saturday. Today was the day he would be able to visit his friends from another world.
Shuu walked towards the Tokyo Metropolitan Central Library and walked towards the far corner on the second floor, hidden behind a bookshelf was a door with a wooden cat carved into it as well as the words ‘Western Cuisine Nekoya’, as he stepped into the restaurant, he was greeted by Aletta, “Hello and welcome~! Oh! Melon Soda II! Will it be the usual?”
Shuu nodded, “And a hamburger steak meal.” He hadn’t eaten in hours, he was so hungry… 
Aletta nodded, “Coming right up!”
Despite the place being relatively empty because it was around five pm (the lunch rush was finished and it was not late enough for the dinner rush to begin) Shuu decided to sit next to Blueberry cheesecake, A lady with pinkish-red eyes and wine red hair tied up into an elaborate bun. “You’re quite early, Blueberry cheesecake.” Indeed, the lady usually showed up around ten or eleven pm when Shuu was on his fifth cup of melon soda.
“The Archduke Conference is in five days.” Blueberry cheesecake explained as she took a bite of her cheese cake. “I shall be working through the duration of the Dark God covering the sky with his cloak till the Light Goddess shows her crown, thus, I had decided to come to this establishment before my Glucklitat trials begin, you were not here last week?”
Blueberry Cheesecake was a strange lady with an even stranger backstory. Apparently she was a Noblewoman who was going to marry the First Prince of her land but something happened and they got divorced and the First Prince got demoted, currently Blueberry Cheesecake was was helping her father for a yearly conference and was on track to be the ‘Aub’ of her homeland, she also talked strangely. “I was caught up in a meeting.” Shuu said as he grimaced at the memory of him having another meeting with his manager, “And good luck with that.”
“Thank you.” Blueberry Cheesecake said.
Just then, Shuu heard the familiar ringing of the bells (twice) to show people started to enter the restaurant, “Hello and welcome~!” He could hear Aletta say, looking up, just as Shuu expected, it was Oreo Parfait and Chicken pasta Jr.
“Hello Mr Melon Soda!” Chicken pasta Jr said as she sat next to him, “How was your show?”
“It went well.” Explaining Vtubing to someone who didn’t even know what a computer was was a difficult conversation, so he just settled on calling it a show and moving on, “Where are your parents?”  As far as he knew, Yurgen parents didn’t let their children go anywhere alone (especially Noble parents) in fear of kidnapping or assassinations or worse so it was concerning to see Chicken pasta Jr without either of her parents, seeing that she was only five years old.
Chicken pasta Jr puffed up her little chest and smiled, “Mother and Father are looking after Josepher so being a good big sister I’m going to take back chicken pasta and pudding for Josepher to eat! Also Mother and Father thought I would be safe to come without my retainers seeing that Lady Oreo Parfait will be here!”
Oh yes he had heard Lady Chicken pasta was pregnant and Oreo parfait was very intimidating to say the least so he doubted anything would happen to Chicken pasta Jr. “Congratulations for your new baby brother, give my congratulations to your parents, will you?”
“I will!”
Shuu was forgetting something… What was it? Oh yes! He turned to Blueberry Cheesecake, “This is Chicken pasta junior and Oreo Parfait, they usually leave about half an hour before you show up but they are good company, would it be ok for them to sit with us?”
Blueberry Cheesecake simply smiled, “It would be a delight.” she said as the fork under her control started to bend.
That was concerning, “If you don’t want them to sit with us that’s fine there’s plenty of other seats-”
“-Oh no!” Blueberry Cheesecake said, “I would be honoured to have Lady… Oreo Parfait at our table.”
Shuu recognised that tone of voice, it was the tone of voice he would use when he was conversing with his manager, was Oreo Parfait Blueberry Cheesecake’s superior? There was a small chance that Oreo Parfait was an Aub of a Higher ranked Duchy, maybe that’s why Blueberry Cheesecake couldn’t say anything, it’s not like you could tell your superior ‘I don’t want to sit with you, go someplace else’. That was rude !
Shuu decided he would try to play mediator between Blueberry Cheesecake and Oreo Parfait or at least, he would make sure Blueberry Cheesecake didn’t lose face in front of Oreo Parfait, it was the least he could do for putting Blueberry Cheesecake in such a precarious position…
After Oreo parfait and Chicken pasta jr ordered their meals, they settled into a routine Shuu was familiar with: Look over the homework Oreo parfait had set for Chicken pasta Jr which would later be followed by either Yurgen, Maths and Geography or History, Theology and then a fun card game because history and Theology were both heavy subjects and the poor four-year-old’s brain normally melted by the end of their three hours long study session. 
Feeling bored, Shuu took out his laptop so he could respond to a few emails while he waited, “How does that thing work?” Blueberry Cheesecake questioned him.
“Hmm? Oh it’s… it’s hard to explain…” Shuu wasn’t an engineering student, “You uh… You basically power it on and the screen opens?” Ya Shuu had absolutely no idea what he was saying… Maybe he should show Blueberry Cheesecake an article on how computers work? Or get her a book on it? No, Blueberry Cheesecake didn’t know how to read Japanese… Or English… 
“Fascinating.” Blueberry Cheesecake said, “I suppose it is akin to a water mirror?”
“I guess?” Shuu didn’t know what a water mirror was. Trying to change the subject, Shuu noticed someone new, “Hey, who’s that cooking with the Chef?” He didn’t look Japanese.
“That’s Leo.” Riya explained, who had come to refill their water (between the two adults on the table and one child, the water decreased pretty rapidly). “He’s from Mexico, Sir took him on as an apprentice last week after he accidentally stumbled into the restaurant, Sir said he’s a fast learner which is a blessing because Sir was having a bit of trouble with the influx of new customers.”
“Ahh…” Shuu said, “That explains it… Anything else I missed when I was away last week?” 
“Well~” Riya said, not elaborating.
“Miss Riya asked Lady Oreo Parfait if she could court her!” Chicken pasta Jr said, “And Lady Oreo Parfait said yes!”
Shuu could hear Blueberry Cheesecake choke on her water, “I am well! Flutrane simply wished for her presence to be known!”
“You sure?” Shuu asked.
“Is there anything I could get you?” Riya asked worriedly.
“I am well.” Blueberry Cheesecake replied after a bit, “I suppose congratulations are in order.”
Riya looked a bit flustered, “Oh it’s nothing as fancy as Chicken pasta junior says it is! We just… Decided to start dating… but casually… Very casually… Until Mest- Oreo Parfait finds a door to Earth.”
“I always thought we were courting.” Oreo Parfait said, “There was no need to make it official.” 
“Very casually dating.” Riya reminded Oreo Parfait. Shuu thought the seventeen bookmarks, fourteen earrings, ten bracelets, six necklaces and one headband (all made out of strange gemstones found in Yurgenschmidt) Oreo Parfait had gifted his friend over the years said otherwise.
“I pray to Dregarnuhr for Liebeskhilfe to bind your threads tightly together for the rest of the weave.” Blueberry Cheesecake said as respectfully as possible.
“They do not know and you will not pray to them lest they discover our relationship and tell my grandparents.” Oreo Parfait said, making Blueberry Cheesecake turn pale. From what Shuu could figure out, Oreo Parfait has friends who were akin to religious figures (maybe, Blueberry cheesecake did say she’d ‘pray’ to a few people Oreo Parfait knew) who knew her grandparents and her family didn’t know about her relationship which was understandable, when Urano was still alive, he would try to make sure Urano didn’t find out about his girlfriends until at least a few months had passed because there was always a chance Urano could have scared away his girlfriends with her barrage of questions on the types of books they used to read and which books exactly they have read (it happened once, he dated a hot girl from computer science back in University for a whole five days, Urano found them talking in a cafe and started her barrage of questions, they broke up the very next day).
“Yes. My Lady…” Blueberry cheesecake said. “I apologise for being inconsiderate.”
“ Dinner is served. ” He heard Kuro say in his head as she brought him his melon soda and gave Blueberry Cheesecake her Blueberry Cheesecake while Aletta gave Chicken pasta Jr and Oreo parfait their meals. “ Riya? Could you please get Oreo Parfait’s crab rangoons? ”
“Yes of course!” She said as she hurried to the kitchen.
Shuu took a sip of his ice-cold melon soda and sighed.
It was time to get to work.
He gave his entire focus to his work, coming up with streaming ideas while were easy, they were not easy to implement because his manager kept rejecting his ideas, then there was twitter, he was being cancelled on twitter for saying he didn’t like cats. He was sure that it would blow over in a few days but he’ll have to wait and see.
Everything was going as smoothly and as normally as possible other than Blueberry Cheesecake turning ghost white that is, Shuu had no idea why she was so scared of Oreo Parfait, Oreo Parfait, while a bit… Emotionless (All Yurgen citizens seemed to keep their emotions under tight wraps for some reason, except for Chicken pasta Jr, but that was probably because she was a child) she didn’t seem like a bad person, she was also a good teacher from how happy Chicken pasta Jr looked from studying under her.
Everything was going well, until it wasn’t, Shuu was so focused on his work he almost didn’t hear the doorbell ring signalling customers were coming in and Aletta greeting them, “Hello and welcome-”
“Rozemyne calm down this instant!” 
Shuu was mentally pulled out of the work he was doing and turned to look at who called his name so loudly he thought his ears would bleed, “Oof!” Shuu let out as he felt someone hugging him, “Could you umm… Let go of me?” Shuu asked politely, trying to pry a young woman with dark blue hair off of him, “I can’t breathe!” He gasped out as his nostrils got clogged up from the layers for fabric the woman was wearing.
“Oh Shuu! I missed you so much!”
“Unhand her this instant!” Shuu could barely make out a male figure with light blue hair charging at him and the dark-haired woman.
‘ She came at me! ’ Shuu’s oxygen-depleted brain thought as he struggled weakly against the woman. It wasn’t that he wasn’t strong (he played Wii Sports a couple of times on stream before, golf and bowling) but this woman was on a whole new level! Was she part of any military? Or an athlete? Was she a professional athlete? Perhaps, that would explain how strong she was!
“Rozemyne get off of him!” He could barely make out Blueberry Cheesecake’s voice.
Her strength reminded him of Urano’s strength whenever he would have tried to take a book from her for any reason, that girl was just built different, and so was this woman too!
Suddenly, The woman who was trying to choke him to death let out a scream of pain, “Ahhh!” And fell to the floor.
“ Injuring other customers is not permitted here. ” He heard Kuro astral project her voice into his brain, he was sure everyone else could hear her too. “ This is your only warning, there won’t be a next time. ” As he slowly got up, Shuu could see the blue-haired man and a few others wearing the same type of clothing as the woman and man all clutching their heads and slowly getting up as the pain subsided. Shuu quickly crawled away from the woman who was trying to hug him to death a few seconds ago.
“Thank you, Kuro.” Oreo Parfait said, “It is quite unfortunate such an event had to occur, that too in front of my student.”
The dark-haired lady slowly got up, “Shuu… It’s me… Urano …”
Shuu froze, how… How did this girl know that name?! “Urano has been dead for five years.”
“And I had been-!” The blue-haired girl was suddenly cut off by the light-haired guy.
“Rozemyne, there are others!” He said, glaring at Blueberry Cheesecake, Oreo Parfait and the rest of the customers and restaurant employees, “Behave yourself.” He told the woman. “And Why are you here?” He said, glaring at Oreo Parfait.
Oreo Parfait gave an unconcerned look, “Eat delicious food whilst teaching of course~ have you never seen anyone teach a child before?”
“Be Anhaltung, why are you here after Jugereise danced for us?”
Oreo Parfait simply elegantly raised an eyebrow, “I am not Anhaltung nor Jugereise, I am Mestionora and as Mestionora I am dispersing wisdom by teaching my student.”
“She has yet to be Baptised!”
“Please settle down, you’re disturbing the other customers…” Aletta said softly, poor girl, not even Shuu wanted to interact with those weirdos, especially not when one of them decided to pretend to be his dead friend!
The light blue-haired guy glared at Oreo Parfait and then gave him a glare! What did Shuu even do?!  The girl jumped him not the other way around! The glare was so unnerving… Shuu almost pissed his pants, but it wasn’t like he would actually do anything to him right? Kuro would stop him! Shuu nodded to himself, yes, Kuro will stop the other guy from hurting him but he also needed to step up and help diffuse the situation as well.
Shuu took a deep breath and smiled as he put on his ‘V-tubing mindset’ as he liked to call it - Introduce himself and then crack a light joke at the end, Chat always seemed to like it, “Hello, my name is Shuu Abe but you can call me Mr steal-your-girlfriend.” He said with a wink. “Unless you’d like to be stolen away as well~?”
“Shuu…” The woman who almost hugged him to death said weakly, whatever magic Kuro must have done must have really weakened her. Suddenly, the temperature dropped a few degrees and Shuu felt a vague feeling that not only was he cancelled on twitter, but he was also going to be cancelled on Life as well. “Ferdinand that’s enough!” The woman (Shuu refused to call her Urano, not unless she showed proof) managed to yell out as she slowly got up into a seating position, “Shuu means no harm! He’s just like that!”
“Why don’t you go sit down?” Riya said, “Before Kuro finds out you tried to kill a customer? If she does find out then all of you may get kicked out and Natto meal set won’t be able to have her natto meal set anymore.”
“Ofcourse we’ll sit down!” the woman said, “My apologies…”
“It’s ok!” Riya smiled brightly, “If you would please follow me…” Shuu watched as she tried to take the customers to a table that was far away from the table he was sitting in.
“Thank you but we are fine where we are.” The woman said as she sat on the table right next to him and ushered her companions to sit with her. 
Riya looked at him, Shuu just nodded, he’ll be fine, he’ll just focus on his work and ignore them.
“Very well.” Riya smiled, “I shall go get the menus then. Come Aletta, I need help carrying the jugs”
When the two servers left, the woman turned to look at him and whispered, “It’s me ! Urano! We were friends since elementary school and I got locked in a library five times before! Remember?”
That… How did she know that? Shuu was starting to thing perhaps… perhaps she was Urano? “How are you here then?”
“I got isekaied!” Urano said, “Into a new world!”
“Like… Reincarnated as a slime?”
“More like Parallel World Pharmacy.” Urano admitted as she looked at him and then to their surroundings, noticing Blueberry Cheesecake, “Lady Adolphine! How kind of Dregarnuhr to weave our threads together on such an auspicious day.”
“How kind of Lady Dregarnuhr indeed.” Blueberry Cheesecake said with a smile, though Shuu noticed her eyes looked quite blank.
Urano gave him a smile, “I missed you a lot~! Oh! I must introduce you to my new family~!” And thus Shuu had to sit through a half an hour crash course of all the Nobles present, “This is Ferdinand, my Husband, this is Justus and Eckhart, his subordinates, this is Angelica, she is my knight, these is Hartmut and Clarissa, they are my scholars-”
Shuu felt like his head was going to explode from so many names, he just wanted to sit down, enjoy some melon soda and do his work! He wasn’t ready for his best friend to be back from the dead! “How nice~” Shuu managed to say, “Do you come here often?” Maybe Shuu could leave today, try to get his brain to start braining and then talk to Urano next Saturday
This was all too much, he mourned her, he mourned her, he had to help Urano’s grieving Mother and couldn’t look her in the eyes because if only he was a bit more stern with Urano maybe they would have been outside the house when the earthquake happened and because no books would have fell on Urano if they were outside maybe she would have been alive-
“Unfortunately, we only manage to come twice a month.” Urano said sadly, “Usually for breakfast, we almost did not come today because of all the paperwork that needed to be managed before the Archduke Conference! Oh wait, you would not know what that is-”
“-It’s fine…” Shuu said, “I’m just glad you’re…” She was what? Alive? She actually died, “I’m just glad you’re here…” Shuu said.
Urano gave him a smile, that bright smile he was so used to seeing on Urano’s face, now on a stranger's face, who wasn’t really a stranger, but was Urano somehow because of reasons… “Aletta!” Shuu said, “Could you get me some Sake?”
He needed a drink or three… Maybe even more…
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color-coded-squad-bracket · 2 years ago
bolded squads are ones i still need a picture of
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Raphael (Red), Michelangelo (Orange), Leonardo (Blue), and Donatello (Purple)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Holy Quintet: Kyoko Sakura (Red), Mami Tomoe (Yellow), Sayaka Miki (Blue), Homura Akemi (Purple), and Madoka Kaname (Pink)
Lego Ninjago: The Ninja: Kai (Red), Cole (Black), Zane (White), Jay (Blue), Lloyd (Green), Nya (Grey/Cyan)
Homestuck: Beta Kids: John Egbert - Blue, Rose Lalonde - Purple, Dave Strider - Red, Jade Harley - Green
Animator vs. Animation: Color Gang: Red (Red), The Second Coming (Orange), Yellow (Yellow), Green (Green), and Blue (Blue)
Sanders Sides: Sanders Sides: Logan (Indigo), Roman (Red), Patton (Blue), Virgil (Purple), Janus (Yellow), and Remus (Green)
Red vs Blue: The Reds and The Blues: Sarge (Red), Simmons (Maroon), Grif (Orange), Donut (Pink), Lopez (Brown), Kaikaina (Yellow), Tucker (Teal), Caboose (Blue), Church (Light Blue), Doc (Purple), Washington (Grey), and Carolina (Aqua)
Heathers: The Heathers: Heather Chandler (Red), Heather McNamara (Yellow), Heather Duke (Green), and Veronica Sawyer (Blue)
Hatchetfield: The Lords in Black: Wiggly (Green), Pokey (Blue), Tinky (Yellow), Blinky (Purple), and Nibbly (Pink)
Powerpuff Girls: Powerpuff Girls: Blossom (Red/Pink), Bubbles (Blue), and Buttercup (Green)
Tokyo Mew Mew: Tokyo Mew Mew: Ichigo (Pink), Mint (Blue), Lettuce (Green), Pudding (Yellow), and Zakuro (Purple)
Fresh Precure: Fresh Precure: Peach (Pink), Berry (Blue), Pine (Yellow), and Passion (Red)
Smile Precure: Smile Precure: Happy (Pink), Sunny (Orange), Peace (Yellow), March (Green), and Beauty (Blue)
Mahoutsukai Precure: Mahoutsukai Precure: Miracle (Pink), Magical (Purple), and Felice (Green)
Sailor Moon: Sailor Scouts: Moon (Pink), Mercury (Blue), Mars (Red), Jupiter (Green), and Venus (Orange)
Ducktales: The Triplets: Huey (Red), Dewey (Blue), and Louie (Green)
Power Rangers: Power Rangers: Jason (Red), Zack (Black), Trini (Yellow), Billy (Blue), Kimberly (Pink), and Tommy (Green)
Voltron: Team Voltron: Shiro (Black), Keith (Red), Lance (Blue), Hunk (Yellow), Pidge (Green), Allura (Pink), and Coran (Orange)
RWBY: Team RWBY: Ruby Rose (Red), Weiss Schnee (White), Blake Belladonna (Black), and Yang Xiao Long (Yellow)
Amphibia: Calamity Trio: Sasha (Red), Marcy (Green), and Anne (Blue)
Sonic The Hedgehog: Team Sonic: Sonic (Blue), Knuckles (Red), and Tails (Yellow)
Healin’ Good Precure: Healin’ Good Precure: Grace (Pink), Fontaine (Blue), Sparkle (Yellow), and Earth (Purple)
Kuroko No Basuke: Generation of Miracles: Kise (Yellow), Midorima (Green), Aomine (Blue), Murasakibara (Purple), Akashi (Red), and Kuroko (Light Blue)
Kagerou Project: Mekakushi Dan: Kido (Purple), Seto (Green), Kano (Black), Mary (Pink), Momo (Orange), Ene (Blue), Shintaro (Red), Hibiya (Light Blue), Konoha (Yellow), Hiyori (Pink), Ayano (Red)
Ensemble Stars: Ryuseitai: Chiaki Morisawa (Red), Kanata Shinkai (Blue), Tetora Nagumo (Black), Shinobu Sengoku (Yellow), Midori Takamine (Green)
Clue: Suspects: Mrs. White (White), Mr. Green (Green), Mrs Peacock (Blue), Professor Plum (Purple), Miss Scarlet (Red), and Colonel Mustard (Orange)
Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated: Daphne (Purple), Shaggy (Green), Fred (Blue), Velma (Orange), Scooby (Brown)
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Alvin and the Chipmunks: Alvin (Red), Simon (Blue), and Theodore (Green)
Inside Out: Riley’s Emotions: Joy (Yellow), Sadness (Blue), Disgust (Green), Anger (Red), and Fear (Purple)
Strawberry Shortcake: Strawberry Shortcake & Friends: Strawberry Shortcake (Red), Lemon Meringue (Yellow), Orange Blossom (Orange), Raspberry Torte (Pink), Plum Pudding (Purple), and Blueberry Muffin (Blue)
Disney Fairies: Disney Fairies: Tinkerbell (Green), Silvermist (Blue), Iridessa (Yellow), Rosetta (Pink), Fawn (Orange), and Vidia (Purple)
Teletubbies: Teletubbies: Tinky Winky (Purple), Dipsy (Green), Laa Laa (Yellow), and Po (Red)
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Janu Mercato, Restaurant(Tokyo, Japan) ジャヌ•メルカート★★★
Lunch at Janu Mercato in Azabudai Hills, Tokyo (^o^)
The roasted Hokkaido venison was really delicious (^o^)v
It feels like my negative image of gibier has been wiped away (^o^)
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latribune · 1 month ago
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deadlinecom · 1 month ago
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jasmine7031 · 9 months ago
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HUJING (虎景軒)
I ate Chinese cuisine at JANU TOKYO.
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fishmans · 2 months ago
Mysterious Vibes/45trio
End Differently/adoracion
The Way I See You/Alborg
Pick Me/Alec Benjamin
Dropping Keys/Allysha Joy
The Conflict Of The Mind/AURORA
Take A Bite/beabadoobee
Rust/Ben Bohmer
Only Gets Harder/Billy Lemos×Danny Dwyer
Guard My Heart/The Buoys
Ahead of Myself/The Buoys
Covering Faces/Carlie Hanson
let them know they're on your mind/Cavetown
One Summer Day feat.mei ehara/CHS
Sketch For Spring/Cornelius
Eating Heartache feat.spill tab/Cosmo's Midnight
mizu ni naru/downt
Pretense/DURDN×Howard Lee
mad cooking machine/ego apartment
全知全能/Ghost like girlfriend
A Night To Remember/girl in red
Blank Stares/GRMLN
Rain Or Shine/Hana Hope
メビウス/Have a Nice Day!
Brain/Hello Forever
It's Time/Hello Forever
My Alien/Helsinki Lambda Club
Moon Shaped/Homecomings
angel near you/Homecomings
1-2-3/The Incomplete Orchestra×Sharp×Danger Mouse×Zap Mama×Gilberto Gil×Le Tigre
Deeper Well/Kacey Musgraves
Hoshifuru Drums/Kaoru Inoue
This Is It/Kasbo×Frida Sundemo
Grown/Kiasmos×Olafur Arnalds×Janus Rasmussen
Love is so Unreal/KIKI
brighter brighter/Laura day romance
Left Unsaid/LITE
If Now Was Then/Maggie Rogers
On & On & On/Maggie Rogers
Run Your Mouth/The Marias
The Ballad Of The Natural Lines/Matt Pond PA
silver lining/Max Jenmana×HINANO
Love with Phantom/maya ongaku
Iyo no Hito/maya ongaku
Nothing To Declare/MGMT
Distance/No Buses
Them Us You Me/No Buses
vertigo/Pablo Haiku
Glasgow/Pale Waves
Not A Love Song/Pale Waves
will/paranoid void
My Mutant Ride feat. 柴田聡子 & TAKU INOUE/PAS TASTA
Meant to Be/REJAY
Too Late/REJAY
Guitar Song/Rex Orange County
You Don't/Sadie Jean
IDEA/Sara Wakui×ermhoi
行間/Sara Wakui×中村佳穂
Just Be Friends/SASAMI
The Sun Will Cry/Shye
Eyes & Mouth/The Smile
Zero Sum/The Smile
Read The Room/The Smile
I am/Som
suki suki daisuki/South Penguin
Slow Life/Sugar Me×Robert Kretzschmar
Are People Flowers/Summer Whales
Stroller/Summer Whales
BEACH feat. 木村ひより/TEMPLIME
Broken, yes we can/TRIPPYHOUSING
For a long time/TRIPPYHOUSING
VENDER WOH!/U-zhaan×mabanua
Swaying my way home/Vibrations×Kingo
Ⅱ/Von Spar×石橋英子×Joe Talia×Tatsuhisa Yamamoto
Super Express/yonige
Club Night/yonige
True Romance/yonige
brain surfing/アツムワンダフル×一服track
Me, Expanding/ゆnovation
Carry Me To Heaven/ゆうらん船
Rainy day/レイラ
Forest feat. ACE COOL/んoon
Don't Remember Me/優河
Tokyo Breathing/優河
Feelin' Go(o)d/藤��風
アラバマの月 feat. 伊吹文裕/高木大丈夫
brighter brighter/Laura day romance
Blank Stares/GRMLN
silver lining/Max Jenmana×HINANO
This Is It/Kasbo×Frida Sundemo
Iyo no Hito/maya ongaku
VENDER WOH!/U-zhaan×mabanua
The Way I See You/Alborg
Run Your Mouth/The Marias
Club Night/yonige
Carry Me To Heaven/ゆうらん船
Nothing To Declare/MGMT
Rust/Ben Bohmer
Deeper Well/Kacey Musgraves
You Don't/Sadie Jean
Covering Faces/Carlie Hanson
Feelin' Go(o)d/藤井風
メビウス/Have a Nice Day!
It's Time/Hello Forever
Love with Phantom/maya ongaku
My Alien/Helsinki Lambda Club
One Summer Day feat.mei ehara/CHS
行間/Sara Wakui×中村佳穂
True Romance/yonige
angel near you/Homecomings
BLUE (REMIX)/3House×GooDee×Mellow In Da Street
Cool Smoke Dub (DUB)/asuka ando×PROFESSOR CHINNEN×JAGABE
Everything Valley (AMBIENT KYOTO Mix)/Buffalo Daughter
Nutshell/Carlie Hanson
krauteater (SUGIURUMN Remix)/dip×SUGIURUMN
Pop Corn (Instrumental Version)/Egan Rice
わたしと私 (Shingo Suzuki Mix)/E.scene×Shingo Suzuki
Our Song/ExWHYZ×Shinichi Osawa
Nagareru (SidiRum Remix)/Kaoru Inoue×SidiRum
Girls like me (Acoustic)/MALIYA
Closer (Stones Taro Remix)/ROTH BART BARON×Stones Taro
恋は桃色/Sam Gendel
Satellite Business 2.0/Sampha×Little Simz
UMA (soda mix)/xiexie
Genius of Loveトロ/・イ・モア×Brijean
MA TICARICA (2025 Remix)/立花ハジメ×高木完×Cornelius
基本Spotifyで聴くことがほとんどですが、E.scene「わたしと私」、毛玉「黄金の風」、ZAZEN BOYS「らんど」、maya ongaku「Electronic Phantoms」のレコードは購��しました。
あと、Alborg「The Waay I See You」、boa「Whiplash」、BoyWithUke「Burnout」、The Buoys「Lustre」、E.scen e「All Around You」、GeGeGe「また会おう」、GRMLN「New World」、Homecomings「see you, frail angel. sea adore you.」、Kaoru Inoue「Rhythms of Dedication」、kasbo「The Learning of Urgency」、kiasmos「Ⅱ」、KIKI「New Dawn No.01」、The Lemon Twigs「A Dream Is All We Know」、Lunar Vacation「Everything Matters, Everything's Fire」、Maggie Rogers「Don't Forget Me」、The Marias「Submarine」、maya ongaku「Electronic Phantoms」、The New Mastersounds「Old School」、OGRE YOU ASSHOLE「自然とコンピューター」、Pale Waves「Smitten」、REJAY「18」、Scoobert Doobert「I」、The Smile「Cutouts」、South Penguin「South Penguin」、Summer Whales「Doughy」、Sunwich「Apophenia」、Velludo「Between The Lines」、VIDEOTAPEMUSIC「Revisit」、yonige「Empire」、ベランダ「Spirit」、リーガルリリー「kirin」、レイラ「つづく」、んoon「FIRST LOVE」、優河「Love Deluxe」がアルバムとして良かったです(曲単位で聴いてるので結果的にですが)。ベストアルバムを選ぶとすればこの中から。
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jonathanmoya1955 · 2 months ago
Evil Does Not Exist:  A Thought Provoking Near Masterpiece
Incline/Janus Films MOVIE INFO: In the rural alpine hamlet of Mizubiki, not far from Tokyo, Takumi and his daughter, Hana, lead a modest life gathering water, wood, and wild wasabi for the local udon restaurant. Increasingly, the townsfolk become aware of a talent agency’s plan to build an opulent glamping site nearby, offering city residents a comfortable “escape” to the snowy wilderness. When…
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sunilblogwriter · 3 months ago
Today's good news
Sunil kakde,sunday24 November 2024
Here are some key development updates in Tokyo as of today:
1. Azabudai Hills Opening: The highly anticipated Azabudai Hills, featuring Japan's tallest building, the 330-meter Mori JP Tower, officially opened today. This large-scale complex includes residential, commercial, and office spaces alongside significant green areas, aiming to attract 30 million visitors annually. Notably, it includes the first global hotel under the Janu brand, a sibling of Aman Hotels【17】【19】.
2. Tokyo Station South Passage Project: A major redevelopment plan for the southern area of Tokyo Station is underway. This includes expanding the station's South Passage, renovating retail spaces, and adding new commercial facilities. The improvements aim to enhance connectivity and accessibility【16】【17】.
3. Shinagawa Redevelopment: Construction is advancing on the 34-story Livio Tower Shinagawa, a major residential and mixed-use project near Shinagawa Station. With 815 apartments, the project will provide modern living spaces and is expected to be completed in 2026【20】.
These projects reflect Tokyo's continuous transformation into a modern, green, and connected urban hub. Let me know if you’d like further details on any of these developments.
Tell how is it ?
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mujae6 · 8 months ago
[Thai Translation] BLUEN drill -100 คำถามเกี่ยวกับ BLUE ENCOUNT- เฉลยคำตอบแล้ว!
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*เนื่องจากไม่ได้แปลจากญี่ปุ่นโดยตรง บางอย่างฉันอาจจะไม่เข้าใจบริบท หากแปลผิดพลาดได้โปรดแจ้ง ขอบพระคุณเป็นอย่างสูง
ต้นทาง https://blueencount.jp/news/detail/1173
คำชี้แจง ข้อสอบมีทั้งหมด 100 ข้อ จะแบ่งออกเป็น 2 ส่วน 5 ตอน ตอนละ 20 ข้อ ผู้เข้าสอบต้องฝนคำตอบลงในกระดาษคำตอบที่กำหนดไว้ให้ เมื่อสอบเสร็จแล้วสามารถส่งคำตอบไปที่บริษัทโซนี่ มิวสิก เพื่อลุ้นรับของรางวัล ข้อสอบและกระดาษคำตอบจะแถมมากับ DVD「映像で学ぶ!はじめてのBLUE ENCOUNT」
(เนื่องจากข้อสอบทำขึ้นเมื่อ 2016 ผ่านมาตั้ง 8 ปี ส่งตอนนี้คงไม่ทันละ ฮา)
ชุนอิจิ ทานาเบะ
ยูยะ เอกุจิ
ยูตะ สึจิมุระ
โยชิฮิเดะ ทาคามุระ
ตอนที่ 1 คำถามเกี่ยวกับ BLUE ENCOUNT
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ก่อตั้งวงปีไหน: 2004
ในปี 2009 ทั้ง 4 คนเจอกันที่ไหนตอนเป็นสมาชิกปัจจุบัน: รร.อาชีวศึกษา
one-man live ครั้งแรกที่ไหน: Shibuya O-Crest
ที่มาของชื่อวง: มาจากหนัง
major debut เดือนไหน: กันยา
ประกาศ major debut ที่ไหน: Osaka JANUS
เพลงแรกที่เล่นใน one-man live ที่ Shibuya O-Crest วันสุดท้ายในฐานะวงอินดี้: Tell me
อัลบัมแรกที่ทำในนามวงสมัยมัธยม: Master Piece
วงเก่าของทานาเบะกับยจจัง: SEVENS HEAVEN
ศิลปินคนไหนขึ้นต่อหลังจากบลูเอนในงาน SUMMER SONIC 2013 ที่วงได้ขึ้นครั้งแรก: Momoiro Clover Z
บูโดคังจะจัดขึ้นเมื่อไหร่: ตุลา
ปกเพลง Hajimari คือสถานที่ไหน: โรงเรียนม.ปลายของทานาเบะ เอกุจิ และยจจัง
สมาชิกที่อายุน้อยสุด: สึจิ
ใครคือคนแรกและคนสุดท้ายที่บอกอยากออกจากวง: สึจิ
เพลงแรกที่ copy (ในที่นี้คือแกะเพลงเล่นเพลงให้ใกล้เคียงกับต้นฉบับที่��ุด): ELLEGARDEN - Jitterbug
สมาชิกชอบร้านราเมงร้านไหน: บุนริว
ไปแคมป์เพื่อแต่งเพลงที่ไหนบ่อยสุด: ชิราฮามะ
เพลงที่ cover ในงาน survivor-lu? คือเพลงอะไร: aiko - kabutomushi
live สุดท้ายในปี 2015 คือที่ไหน: Zepp DiverCity(Tokyo)
เล่นเพลงอะไรในตอนปรากฏตัวรายการ Music Station ครั้งแรก: Hajimari
จบตอนที่ 1
ตอนที่ 2 คำถามเกี่ยวกับชุนอิจิ ทานาเบะ
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กรุ๊ปเลือด: O
เกิดที่ไหน: คุมาโมโตะ
เกิดเดือนอะไร: มิถุนา
ของกินที่ชอบ: อุเมะโบชิ
ของกินที่ไม่ชอบ: ลูกอมโบตัน
CDแผ่นแรกที่ซื้อ: globe - FACES PLACES
ตอนเด็กฝันอยากเป็นอะไร: นักสืบ
อะไรที่ทิ้งไม่ได้: ปืนลม
คติประจำใจ: เอาชนะตนเอง
ทำอะไรเสมอก่อนเริ่มแสดงสด: ดื่มชาสมุนไพร
สถานที่พักในหอพักสมัยอยู่คุมาโมโตะชื่อว่าอะไร: อาริอาเคโซ
อดีตเคยทำงานpart-timeที่ไหน: TSUTAYA
สมาชิกทิ้งคุณไว้ที่ไหนในช่วงทัวร์: Nakai's SA
ตอนร้องเพลงชาติที่สนามกี��า Hiroshima Mazda เมื่อ 2016 โดยลืมสิ่งสำคัญไป คือ: แจ็คเก็ต
หนังไบเบิลล่ะ: The Replacement Killers (ชื่อไทย นักฆ่ากระสุนโลกันต์)
ฮัมเพลงอะไรได้บ้าง: back number - nichiyoubi
เป็นเจ้าของแว่นตัวโปรดกี่อัน: 2
เพลงแรกที่coverด้วยกีตาร์โปร่งคือเพลงอะไร: Moriyama Naotaro - Sakura
เกมอะไรที่จะไม่ร่วมเล่นด้วยเด็ดขาดแม้ 3 คนนั้นติดเกมนี้ก็ตาม: Monster Hunter
ช่วงม.ปลายได้ทำเครื่องดนตรีของสมาชิกคนนึงพัง เครื่องดนตรีที่สัญญาไว้ว่าจะคืนที่บูโดคังคือ: กีตาร์ไฟฟ้า
จบตอนที่ 2
ตอนที่ 3 คำถามเกี่ยวกับยูยะ เอกุจิ
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กรุ๊ปเลือด: O
เกิดที่ไหน: คาโกชิมะ
เกิดเดือนอะไร: พฤษจิกา
ของกินที่ชอบ: บ๊วยแผ่นกรอบ
ของกินที่ไม่ชอบ: ไม่มีอะไรที่ผมไม่ชอบ
CDแผ่นแรกที่ซื้อ: GLAY - HEAVY GAUGE
ตอนเด็กฝันอยากเป็นอะไร: ครู
อะไรที่ทิ้งไม่ได้: โดยพื้นฐานแล้วไม่สามารถทิ้งทุกอย่างได้
คติประจำใจ: Ichigo Ichie (การพบกันเพียงครั้งเดียว)
ทำอะไรเสมอก่อนเริ่มแสดงสด: นวดตัวด้วยเครื่องนวดความถี่ต่ำ
ตัวละครที่ชอบ: ไข่ขี้เกียจ aka กุเดทามะ
ทำอะไรเกือบทุกวันตั้งแต่เดบิวต์: เขียนบล็อก
ร้านอาหารชุดที่ชอบ: ยาโยอิเคง
ใครเคยใช้แอมป์กีตาร์ตัวโปรดมาก่อน: ชินอิจิ อุบุคาตะ (ELLEGARDEN / Nothing's Carved In Stone) *เอกุจิใช้แอมป์ BadCat LYNX50 ตัวเดียวกับที่อุบุซังใช้
มังงะไบเบิลล่ะ: H2
ที่บ้านมีหมาตัวไหน: โคนัทสึ
บ๊วยที่ชอบ: คาริคาริอุเมะในเซเว่น
เสื้อผ้าแบรนด์โปรด: SHAREEF
งานไหนที่ติด 3 อันดับแรกในการแข่งขันระดับจังหวัด: เทนนิส
อยู่ในระดับไหนของการเขียนพู่กัน: ระดับ 8(8-dan)
จบตอนที่ 3
ตอนที่ 4 คำถามเกี่ยวกับยูตะ สึจิมุระ
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กรุ๊ปเลือด: A
เกิดที่ไหน: คานากาวะ
เกิดเดือนอะไร: มิถุนา
ของกินที่ชอบ: มันเทศนึ่ง
ของกินที่ไม่ชอบ: มะเขือเทศราชินี
CDแผ่นแรกที่ซื้อ: imakuni? - Pokemon Ierukana?
ตอนเด็กฝันอยากเป็นอะไร: นักอุตุนิยมวิทยา
อะไรที่ทิ้งไม่ได้: ภาพถ่ายเก่าๆ
คติประจำใจ: พุ่งไปข้างหน้า (ฉันควรจะแปลยังไงนิ)
ทำอะไรเสมอก่อนเริ่มแสดงสด: ยืดเส้นยืดสาย
ปัจจุบันเจาะร่างกายไว้กี่จุด: 9 (ตอนนี้สึจิคงเอาออกไปเยอะละ)
ตอนต้นของเรื่อง วิ่ง! เมลอส วิ่ง! "เมลอสโกรธมาก" สึจิตอบสิ่งที่เมลอสทำลงไปว่าอะไร: ยืดเส้นยืดสายแล้ว
เฟติชอะไร: ผมยาวสีบลอนด์
มือเบสที่นับถือ: มาร์คัส มิลเลอร์
สิ่งแรกที่ทำตอนตื่นนอน: ฝึกกล้ามเนื้อ
เพลงอะไรที่ทำให้ตกใจมากที่สุดจนตอนนี้: Marvin Gaye - What’s Going On
เครื่องดื่มแอลกอฮอล์ชอบ: ยามาซากิ
สถานที่โปรดในบ้านเกิดโยโกฮามะ: ซากุระกิโจ
ปัจจุบันใช้เอฟเฟกเตอร์กี่ตัวบนบอร์ดเอฟเฟกต์: 14
สถานที่น่าจดจำที่สุดตอนเคยเที่ยวคนเดียว: เกาะเซ็นซุย ฮิโรชิมะ
จบตอนที่ 4
ตอนที่ 5 คำถามเกี่ยวกับโยชิฮิเดะ ทาคามุระ
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กรุ๊ปเลือด: AB
เกิดที่ไหน: คุมาโมโตะ
เกิดเดือนอะไร: มิถุนา
ของกินที่ชอบ: คาราอาเกะ
ของกินที่ไม่ชอบ: มะเขือเทศ
CDแผ่นแรกที่ซื้อ: soulive-turn it out
ตอนเด็กฝันอยากเป็นอะไร: มือกลอง
อะไรที่ทิ้งไม่ได้: จดหมายจากแฟนๆ
คติประจำใจ: ความเร่งรีบทำให้เสียเปล่า (ฉันไม่รู้จะแปลยังไง)
ทำอะไรเสมอก่อนเริ่มแสดงสด: กินข้าวขาว
แม่ชื่ออะไร: คุมิโกะ
มังงะไบเบิลล่ะ: Kingdom
เก่งเครื่องดนตรีอะไรบ้างนอกจากกลอง: ออร์แกน
บางครั้งแสดงพิเศษอะไรในช่วงอังกอร์: แร็ป
สิ่งที่ทำทุกคืนก่อนนอน: สร้างอนิเมะในจินตนาการ
สินค้าที่ชอบที่สุดตอนทำ part-time ที่เซเว่น: ซี่โครงหมูเค็มต้นหอม
สิ่งที่ตัดสินใจจะยังไม่ทำอะไรจนกว่าจะแสดงสดถึงบูโดคัง: โยนไม้กลองช่วงอังกอร์
นักพากย์ที่ชอบ: ริเอะ คุกิมิยะ
เริ่มเล่นกลองเพราะอะไร: พี่ชาย
สมัยม.ปลายได้ทำสิ่งน่าประหลาดใจขณะเดินทางไปรร.คือ: ใส่ชุดนอนไปรร.ทุกวัน
จบตอนที่ 5
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เสริม หนังไบเบิลหรือมังงะไบเบิล จากที่ลองไปหามา ในที่นี้คงจะหมายถึงสิ่งที่เราบริโภคสื่อ ซึ่งในเรื่องอาจมีประโยคห��ือคำพูดบางอย่างที่มีอิทธิพลทำให้เราก้าวไปข้างหน้าได้
ในที่สุดก็จบแล้วค่ะ จบสักที ว่าจะทำนานละแต่ก็ขี้เกียจ ถึงจะไม่รู้ว่ามีคนอ่านรึเปล่า ฮา ถ้ามีตรงไหนผิดพลาดอะไรอยากให้แก้บอกได้นะคะ
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color-coded-squad-bracket · 2 years ago
Here are the squads that will be competing in this tournment!
The bracket is yet to be made, are yet to be decided, but before we begin, I'd like to request if any of you are in these fandoms and know the characters, please send in a picture of them along with letting me know what squad that picture is of. Pictures can be submitted on this post, in my asks, or in my dms. I'd appreciate it since most of these squads are characters I've never heard of before, and I'd hate to use an incorrect picture.
Anyway, without further ado, here are the squads that will be competing!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Raphael (Red), Michelangelo (Orange), Leonardo (Blue), and Donatello (Purple)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Holy Quintet: Kyoko Sakura (Red), Mami Tomoe (Yellow), Sayaka Miki (Blue), Homura Akemi (Purple), and Madoka Kaname (Pink)
Lego Ninjago: The Ninja: Kai (Red), Cole (Black), Zane (White), Jay (Blue), Lloyd (Green), Nya (Grey/Cyan)
Homestuck: Beta Kids: John Egbert - Blue, Rose Lalonde - Purple, Dave Strider - Red, Jade Harley - Green
Animator vs. Animation: Color Gang: Red (Red), The Second Coming (Orange), Yellow (Yellow), Green (Green), and Blue (Blue)
Sanders Sides: Sanders Sides: Logan (Indigo), Roman (Red), Patton (Blue), Virgil (Purple), Janus (Yellow), and Remus (Green)
Red vs Blue: The Reds and The Blues: Sarge (Red), Simmons (Maroon), Grif (Orange), Donut (Pink), Lopez (Brown), Kaikaina (Yellow), Tucker (Teal), Caboose (Blue), Church (Light Blue), Doc (Purple), Washington (Grey), and Carolina (Aqua)
Heathers: The Heathers: Heather Chandler (Red), Heather McNamara (Yellow), Heather Duke (Green), and Veronica Sawyer (Blue)
Hatchetfield: The Lords in Black: Wiggly (Green), Pokey (Blue), Tinky (Yellow), Blinky (Purple), and Nibbly (Pink)
Powerpuff Girls: Powerpuff Girls: Blossom (Red/Pink), Bubbles (Blue), and Buttercup (Green)
Tokyo Mew Mew: Tokyo Mew Mew: Ichigo (Pink), Mint (Blue), Lettuce (Green), Pudding (Yellow), and Zakuro (Purple)
Fresh Precure: Fresh Precure: Peach (Pink), Berry (Blue), Pine (Yellow), and Passion (Red)
Smile Precure: Smile Precure: Happy (Pink), Sunny (Orange), Peace (Yellow), March (Green), and Beauty (Blue)
Mahoutsukai Precure: Mahoutsukai Precure: Miracle (Pink), Magical (Purple), and Felice (Green)
Sailor Moon: Sailor Scouts: Moon (Pink), Mercury (Blue), Mars (Red), Jupiter (Green), and Venus (Orange)
Ducktales: The Triplets: Huey (Red), Dewey (Blue), and Louie (Green)
Power Rangers: Power Rangers: Jason (Red), Zack (Black), Trini (Yellow), Billy (Blue), Kimberly (Pink), and Tommy (Green)
Voltron: Team Voltron: Shiro (Black), Keith (Red), Lance (Blue), Hunk (Yellow), Pidge (Green), Allura (Pink), and Coran (Orange)
RWBY: Team RWBY: Ruby Rose (Red), Weiss Schnee (White), Blake Belladonna (Black), and Yang Xiao Long (Yellow)
Amphibia: Calamity Trio: Sasha (Red), Marcy (Green), and Anne (Blue)
Sonic The Hedgehog: Team Sonic: Sonic (Blue), Knuckles (Red), and Tails (Yellow)
Healin’ Good Precure: Healin’ Good Precure: Grace (Pink), Fontaine (Blue), Sparkle (Yellow), and Earth (Purple)
Kuroko No Basuke: Generation of Miracles: Kise (Yellow), Midorima (Green), Aomine (Blue), Murasakibara (Purple), Akashi (Red), and Kuroko (Light Blue)
Kagerou Project: Mekakushi Dan: Kido (Purple), Seto (Green), Kano (Black), Mary (Pink), Momo (Orange), Ene (Blue), Shintaro (Red), Hibiya (Light Blue), Konoha (Yellow), Hiyori (Pink), Ayano (Red)
Ensemble Stars: Ryuseitai: Chiaki Morisawa (Red), Kanata Shinkai (Blue), Tetora Nagumo (Black), Shinobu Sengoku (Yellow), Midori Takamine (Green)
Clue: Suspects: Mrs. White (White), Mr. Green (Green), Mrs Peacock (Blue), Professor Plum (Purple), Miss Scarlet (Red), and Colonel Mustard (Orange)
Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated: Daphne (Purple), Shaggy (Green), Fred (Blue), Velma (Orange), Scooby (Brown)
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Alvin and the Chipmunks: Alvin (Red), Simon (Blue), and Theodore (Green)
Inside Out: Riley’s Emotions: Joy (Yellow), Sadness (Blue), Disgust (Green), Anger (Red), and Fear (Purple)
Strawberry Shortcake: Strawberry Shortcake & Friends: Strawberry Shortcake (Red), Lemon Meringue (Yellow), Orange Blossom (Orange), Raspberry Torte (Pink), Plum Pudding (Purple), and Blueberry Muffin (Blue)
Disney Fairies: Disney Fairies: Tinkerbell (Green), Silvermist (Blue), Iridessa (Yellow), Rosetta (Pink), Fawn (Orange), and Vidia (Purple)
Teletubbies: Teletubbies: Tinky Winky (Purple), Dipsy (Green), Laa Laa (Yellow), and Po (Red)
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