#It's supposed to kinda be an irony thing
s735 · 1 month
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Here's my goober!!
He's my only Transformers OC at the moment, so I am quite attatched to the guy.
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Here's some old full body pics from December
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ominous-feychild · 2 months
The sheer amount of "it's almost like they can {exactly what they can do}..." "jokes" I want to have the characters unknowingly make is ridiculous. Like, they're so close to figuring it out! But they're like "nah, I've never heard of magic like that, that's ridiculous!"
And little do they know.
Seriously, though, how much is too much? Can I please sneak it in, like, a hundred times without people getting suspicious? Please?
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I think I'm soooooo funny with it, obviously.
PS... read the tags.
@darkandstormydolls @illarian-rambling
#this definitely isn't about Gene btw#Gene himself doesn't even know he has magic; but when he meets Tazin (comma) Tazin is almost immediately like “kid wtf kinda magic is that?#They (aka just Tazin because Gene's just like “wdym it's not normal?”) conclude that he has “sensory magic” and move on lmao.#I mean it's better than earlier drafts of the story where Gene OBVIOUSLY had other stuff going on and they're just all “nah; no magic here!#Btw all this stuff with Gene is 100% supposed to reflect / be reminiscent of those times where neurodiverse people are like#“I've lived with this my whole life thinking everyone else had this exact experience and you're telling me that's NOT NORMAL????”#Which btw is an experience I've had a lot myself; I was only diagnosed with autism as an adult and there's a lot of fun things about that.#So anyway Gene's neurodiverse coded in basically every single way LMAO! (Because y'know he's also autistic.)#I mean he's not the only one where his magic has hints littered all over the place to the point where other characters suspect it but like#yeah he's definitely the biggest perpetrator haha.#Kid thinks his only magic is “sensory magic” (which uh... I mean I GUESS you're technically using magic for that shit???#But it's a mix of that and HELLO AUTISM SENSITIVITY TO SOUND!!!) and yeah it's nowhere even close to that haha.#the feychild speaks#the feychild speaks in tags!#the arcane rifts#sun and shadow#gene the amnesiac#tazin the theater kid#foreshadowing#dramatic irony#original works#plot twist#plot twists#fantasy#fantasy world#fantasy worldbuilding#magic#my writing#writing comedy#writing struggles
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13eyond13 · 3 months
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Nooo, that's what the books are like tbh
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denkryn · 1 year
Thinking about how people get older and they change but it’s like for the worse lol
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exhabigou · 2 years
really digging the sims 4 at the moment. but am very disappointed that dive lots are not a thing. ( and no, rabbitholes are unacceptable )
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shmistarkiller · 28 days
so. i'mma be honest. when i first saw a post that acknowledged yord & jecki as having been potential love interests for osha (before qimir killed them), i was a little surprised. like yeah i got that she & yord had history but nothing in particular signaled to me that either of them had those sorts of feelings for the other. (like honestly i felt a lil smth between osha & fillik more than yord)
and jecki, well, i wasn't really inclined to think of her as a potential love interest given that despite dafne being 19, that makeup to make her look like another species straight up made her look about 12 to me. like i knew she probably wasn't quite *that* young, and her age seems to be ambiguous, but sol literally saying 'she was a child' didn't help matters.
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ravegore · 6 months
Ok now that my rage is mostly past i am in more lalaland. Glad to put my energy towards being happy and improving my life with my friends that i love and trust
#i am still miffed that this was public but#it occurred to me it might also be bothering me so intensely because#it seemed we both agreed to move past each other and let go for now#n sure maybe this is what he needed to do to let go#it just feels kinda inflammatory.#but its only as much as i engage it with. which i dont plan to do#i hope my silence helps him reflect#and theres also just#a certain irony to the whole thing that i spent many many years trying to give advice on their relationship trying to help only for nothing#and now this very fresh very new issue suddenly is relationship breaking and hes already given up trying to help#lol#i guess he knows how i feel now though#idk#if anything better for him i guess to cut it off now rather than try repeatedly like i did (unless this already is repeat)#it also just feels like#he really doesnt even know who i am as a person#even after all this time#i dont want to say hes just wrong about everything because i definitely did say some dumb shit in the last few months#but it just feels like hes not even trying#or there are things hes not telling me#i keep telling my side explaining myself explaining what i mean and he just keeps. dare i use this word. Assuming things about me#anytime i have a conversation with him i just feel like im running in a circle i dont understand and i never know how to feel about anythin#and i dont understand what hes talking about what he wants what hes really feeling whats going wrong#and... comparing that to the friends i have now#its just even more obvious they're a lot better for me#i dont think friends are supposed to make you feel like this
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since today is punctuation day, i figured i'd talk with you about my favorite punctuation that is sadly not in unicode
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(my apologies if these crop weird)
these six marks were invented by french writer hervé bazin in his essay plumons l'oiseau (or 'let's pluck the bird')
while the essay also had aim to switch the french language to a more phonetic writing system, it also gave us six new punctuation marks!
from left to right and top to bottom these are, the acclamation point, the authority mark, the conviction point, the doubt point, the irony mark, and the love point. so let's go over what these all were supposed to convey! (or at least what i expect they were supposed to)
the acclamation point was meant for praise, goodwill, and enthusiasm (ie "Well done [acclamation point]")
the authority mark was meant to be used in situations where the exclamation was serious and involved a degree of command or urgency (ie "Get in my office right now [authority mark]") i think this— along with the love point and irony mark— shows how a lot of these punctuation marks were a bit like early examples of tone tags, i'll get into it more later
the certitude point was used to show sureness in a fact. (ie "It's absolutely positively true [certitude point]") i think this might be the most useless of the bunch but whatever. i digress.
the doubt point is kind of the opposite of the certitude point, used when you aren't sure of something (ie "It should be done tomorrow [doubt point]") also it should be noted that the example used above is not the only way you'll see the doubt point, some also have it looking like this
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the idea of irony marks has been widely suggested, for example the poet/art critic/song writer (i think, this guy's only wiki page is in french and i am guessing a bit on the word 'chansonnier') alcanter de brahm suggested an irony mark that resembled a backwards question mark (not to be confused with the percontation point which indicated a rhetorical question) and belgian inventor (among other things) marcellin jobard suggested a point that looked like an upwards arrow (this △ on top of this |, i can't paste it)
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^ de brahm's mark
all that to say, bazin's mark was based off of the greek letter psi (Ψ) which some of you may recognize if you are familiar with the greek language or comics that shall not be named. it's used in situations of irony (ie saying "Wow, that sure was brilliant [irony mark]" if someone did something stupid)
and our last point is the love point, known for being so adorable, and indicating love or affection after a sentence (ie "Thanks a lot bud [love point]")
now we can obviously see that some of these are very similar to tone tags! the love point could be like a /pos, the irony mark is kinda like a /sarc, the authority mark could be like a /srs . i just thought it was interesting i guess. i don't have a point (heh) here exactly except that i guess people might actually need these punctuation marks ? so unicode? give me the love point or give me death
anyways so that's some fun niche history for y'all! hope you enjoyed
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box-dwelling · 1 month
I know that Wyll being a warlock is kinda supposed to be a subversion of expectations. The super heroic monster hunter only gets his powers from a monster. It's an irony thing. But mechanically, warlock makes so god damn much sense for him.
Like warlocks can't under cast. At all times they have to cast at the highest level they can and it tires them really quickly but they get them back on a short rest. And just does that not sound like Wyll? Who throws himself fully into everything he does often at the expense of himself. Wyll who has two modes with people, either protection or retibutitive violence. Wyll who seems like exactly the kind of guy who would be on the verge of passing out from working himself too hard and then resting for the shortest time he can before going straight back in at full speed.
Mechanically it just fits...
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carlyraejepsans · 10 months
Technically speaking, he was a light sleeper.
Which was just hilarious for two different reasons. One, he topped at twenty pounds soaking wet—and that was after he'd reached for the towel. The joke basically wrote itself. The other reason was, of course, that nobody believed him. Honestly, he could kinda get it. It's pretty hard for irony to escape him, even on a bad day. The way he saw it, though, maybe he wouldn't take as many naps as he did, if he just managed to get one to stick.
...heh, nah. Probably not. Late to rise, early to bed, makes a man lazy or clinically dead, or however the saying went. Still.
The kid stiffened against his ribcage and that was all it took for his eyes to fly open.
The popcorn ceiling of the living room stared back at him through the darkness in all its tacky glory. Now that's another joke that writes itself. It wasn't a movie night at Tori's without some comment about her taste in decor. That always earned him a round of groans. Or a halfhearted pillow to the head. It was one of his favorite moodsetters.
His hand dangled in the air at his side. Not on the floor. Just a few months earlier, that alone would've told him he wasn't in his room, but oh boy, had things changed. He had a bedframe now, not to mention enough self respect for one. AND fitted sheets—that was a lifetime first. You had to be careful not to fall off, but all things considered, it was the fanciest bed he'd slept on since he'd tried using his worker bonus at MTT's. If he risked falling off the bed now, he'd risked never finding his way out then. Not to mention the guy in the other room calling for room service the entire night. He almost retired the midnight snacks bit on Undyne out of sympathy the next time she came over.
The kid's head twitched.
Right. Popcorn. Living room. Springy mattress. He didn't need to smoke a pipe to realize he'd fallen asleep on the sofa. Didn't need a goofy hat either to see that someone must've thought he'd make a good pillow. Go figure. He'd gotten real good at making himself look softer under his clothes, but still, it wasn't exactly the kind of magic a guy could keep up with his eyes closed and a pillow behind his head. He just hoped they weren't too uncomfortable.
He must've dozed off sometime after Papyrus left the house and Toriel turned in for the night, 'cause nobody had stopped by to throw a blanket over him. Most nights that would've been fine. Nice thought aside, skeletons didn't really feel cold "to their bones", on account of lacking all the soft and fleshy stuff on top of 'em.
Yeah, well. Most nights. Most nights he didn't have a human kid sleeping on top of him, either.
Sans looked down. He resisted the urge to blow a strand of hair out of their face.
Most nights, skeletons didn't have hearts beating against their ribs.
He would've asked them if it felt any different, having it beat on the other side of their ribcage, if they hadn't already crawled their way inside his months before.
Heh. Not like they hadn't done the same with everyone else. Or ever asked for permission, the little freeloader. But he supposed that part came free with being monsters. The whole HOPE and compassion and everything nice kinda shtick. As a rule, they were, uh, very prone to attachment. It was hardwired into their SOULs or something. Of course, he knew better than anyone that compassion had its cost, and he'd ran low on HOPE for a long, long while, but...
There was a ray of light coming through the kitchen at night like he hadn't seen in an even longer time. The kind with a moon and stars hung at the other end of it.
Yeah. Maybe he could afford something nice for once.
Frisk stirred again. He kept as still as possible as they wriggled around, pushing themself off of him—trying, he assumed, not to shove their boney little knees somewhere unpleasant.
Then they flopped to their side and fell to the floor with a thud.
See, THAT'S the kinda issue you don't have when you have no self respect.
Slowly, the kid got to their feet again. They stood perfectly straight for a moment, then took an unsteady step forward. Then another.
To call it "walking" would've been an act of mercy. It was more of an ambling. Maybe a shambling. Sans watched their journey towards the kitchen mentally listing of adverbs. Stumbling. Fumbling. Trailing. That one didn't have a mbl in it, points for originality.
Mostly, he was ecstatic. Nothing made for fun breakfast stories quite like sleepwalking. And well, he hadn't had one of those since Papyrus turned fifteen and stopped sleeping entirely.
When the kid finally reached the fridge, they all but shoved their head inside it. He heard them do... something in there. There were definitely teeth involved. He was about to ask them to bring some goods back to homebase.
The door of the fridge clicked closed.
He didn't.
Then, he almost made a joke about forgetting their headlights on, but thought otherwise. He was glad he'd left his own off.
Besides, it was the taillights that were supposed to glow red.
Eyesockets dark and still pretending to sleep, he kept watch as the kid turned around and retraced their shambling steps to the living room like a miniature zombie.
Halfway to the sofa, they stopped, making a small sound like a grumbling of annoyance. For a second their eyes grew even more unfocused.
"Sleep," they rasped out in a low, halting whisper, "I saved you a crick in the neck."
It took him a second to register that the kid wasn't talking to him. Mostly 'cause Frisk didn't speak. To him. Or ever.
By the time they reached their starting point again, his excitement had died off into quiet confusion and quickly curdled into caution. They stopped at the edge of the sofa and fixed him with a stare, looking at where they'd been sleeping before. Sans waited.
"I am not doing that," they rasped to themself again.
Then they climbed onto the other end of the sofa and curled around themself as small as possible. So tightly it looked like they wanted to tuck their tiny body into a ball.
When they stopped moving, they didn't move again.
Sans didn't lift a finger. His brain whirred in his skull, ready to chalk up the past few minutes to the sleepwalking and forget they ever happened. Staring up at the popcorn ceiling again, though, he couldn't shake off a wave of uneasiness; like he'd seen something he wasn't quite supposed to put together.
Any man would've spent the night awake.
He cast a glance at the kid, huddled in their corner. There was no heartbeat against his ribs now: something about the silence felt foreboding.
Sans closed his eyes.
Ten minutes later, of course, he was out like a light.
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kiaxet · 1 year
Sooooo y’all see the latest @somerandomdudelmao comic update? Because once again it is living in my head, which means once again my brain has generated fic. This one’s ~1200 words and slightly less tragic, depending on whether or not you take dramatic irony into account.
It starts fairly innocuously.
One of the surviving technicians monitors a computer as it finally, finally boots up successfully, whooping when the Genius Tech loading screen pops up. He grins and pats the power cable. "Thanks, Raph!"
It catches on.
A water purifier, disconnected to save a struggling power supply, gets plugged back in. It chugs back to life, and the kids responsible for its upkeep cheer and high five. One of them waves at the ceiling, where a power conduit runs overhead. "Thanks, Mister Raph!"
And it spreads like wildfire.
Every time something works the way it's supposed to - every time a much-needed device pops back to life, or the emergency doors close correctly, or a dying lightbulb flickers on one more time - they thank Raph. In gleeful shouts and careful whispers, they show gratitude for the person who gave up his life - and his second chance at life, at that - to keep them safe. It makes the emergency base, ramshackle and barely held together as it is, feel a little more like a home. A little more alive.
It doesn't take long for a few unspoken rules to develop.
They never say it in front of the metal shell. It's one thing to say it to the walls, the cables, the electricity; it's something else to say it to a figure with a face, seated against the wall like a sentinel that will awaken and protect them when danger arises.
(Nevermind that they've been in danger, constant and unending, for decades, and that this sentinel is already protecting them in smaller, everyday ways.)
They learn very quickly never to say it in front of Raph's surviving family, either. Master Leonardo gets angry when he hears it. It's an anger born of grief and loss, painful but not dangerous to allies, but given how terrifying Master Leonardo can be on the battlefield or a bad day, nobody really wants that anger directed at them. Master Michaelangelo just stops when he hears it, lips curling up in an expression too devoid of life to truly be called a smile. It's almost worse to witness than Master Leonardo's anger. No, they learn to watch themselves in front of the family, carefully taking their gratitude towards a dead man elsewhere.
Until the day someone forgets and says it in front of Casey Junior.
The kid looks up at Roger with wide, almost hopeful eyes. "Why did you- is he here? Can you feel him?"
Roger stares back at him with equally wide eyes. He'd just been grateful the computer had booted correctly for his monitor shift, and he hadn't been looking, and now he has to try to explain this to a kid who's never known a life outside the apocalypse. Oh boy. "No, uh- I mean- I don't have magic like your dads do, Casey, I couldn't-" He sighs. "It's just...a thing people do, when things work. Before the Krang, we had all sorts of machines that made life easier, and...we'd talk to 'em. Thank 'em when they worked, yell or beg when they didn't...I remember threatening a fax machine once, not that that made any difference. I think that just...kinda carried over here." Wait. "Not that your uncle was a machine or anything-"
"His body was a machine," Casey says simply, with a pragmatism that Roger hadn't been expecting. Apocalypse-raised kid. Right. "That wasn't what made him Uncle Raph. He was- it's-" Casey falters, expression starting to crumble. Pragmatism be damned, the kid is still grieving-
Rem, just coming off her shift, steps in smoothly. It's not the first time she's saved Roger's ass, both on and off the battlefield, and it won't be the last. "We know," she says gently, putting an arm around Casey's shoulders. "What Roger means is that we're grateful he's keeping us going, and that people like to bond with machines even when they're too simple to bond back. We all used to name our cars - can you believe it?"
"I named mine Red Rider," Roger says wistfully. He still misses that car.
"And I used to sneak out of the Hidden City with my cloaking brooch and go joyriding outside of human cities," Rem says, a grin splitting her feline muzzle. "I named every car I stole Phantom, like I thought I was cool."
Casey smiles - small and watery, but there nonetheless - and Roger breathes a sigh of relief. "What else did you name?"
"I mean, it was mostly cars, but some people named their computers."
"I had a friend who named her phone and just kept adding numbers when she had to replace it. It was Duchess O'Brien the eighth last I'd heard."
"I know some Yokai named their weapons, but I never really kept track of those. It was more of a Battle Nexus fandom thing."
Another Yokai leans in - a four eyed lizard whose name Roger could never remember no matter how hard he tried - and Roger shuts up. She's in charge of security now, and honestly she intimidates him. She looks around - at him, at Rem, at Casey - and then intones seriously, "I once named a kitchen appliance Toasty McToastFace."
There's a beat of silence. Casey has a lopsided grin growing on his face, like he doesn't get the joke but he knows it is one, and that's enough to lift his mood.
And then Rem doubles over, cracking up, and Bob smiles carefully. "Really loved that toaster, huh?"
"It was my closest friend," the lizard Yokai replies, deadpan as hell, before leaving the conversation.
Casey turns that confused grin on Roger. "Was she serious?"
"Kid, I have no idea. Some people are just really into this kinda thing."
Rem finally straightens up, wiping a tear from her eye with a paw. "Ohhhh boy. Oh, I needed that." She turns her smile back on Casey. "Point being, naming something makes it a little more real, and makes you a little more likely to take care of it. The system here...already has a name. We're just saying thank you, you know?"
The grin on Casey's face settles down into consideration. "Yeah, I think I do. I- Thanks. I'm gonna-" He waves at the door to finish his sentence.
"Go for it, kid." Roger waves him off as he departs, then sighs once he's gone. "God, that kid is just hemmhorraging family, isn't he."
"We all are, Roger, it's the fucking apocalypse." Rem flicks an ear.
"Yeah, but still. It's rough." There's a second or two of silence. "Also, if he says it in front of Master Leonardo, I'm denying all knowledge of this conversation."
"Spirits, same."
Roger learns a few days later - from Rem, of course - that Casey has named his chainsaw hockey stick Killer, because it's what his mom used to call him. Well damn, if kids like him are gonna be the future, then maybe they have some hope after all. He raps on a wall lightly, just below where the power conduit is mounted. "I know you didn't have a lot of time with the kid, but you did a good job." He can't help but smile. "Thanks, Raph."
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y-ddraig · 5 months
Oisin is a weird dude. He's supposed to come off as a like "nice dude" but it's become clearer and clearer he's not. The obvious marker there from the begining is that his best friend is Ivy, the most openly cruel Ratgrinder we've seen so far. Kipperlilly doesnt like the Bad Kids and speaks with faux-polite insults to them.
But Ivy has just been shown to be openly an asshole. Like making fun of people for having fun and saying fantasy racist stuff about Mazey. If your best friend is like that, it's a partial relfection on you as a person. (although I'm sure this aspect of herself is being played up by her assumed rage ressurection)
There's also something up with his Dragon Ancestor. The KVX bank change, the fight trailer and him offering Adaine treasure (possible dragon madness curse) for Wizard class.
I'm susicious of him, especially in light of Kipperlilly reveal. I doubt she'd have the social capital within the group to ochistrate this. Even if she's the one planning it as a mastermind, the social control within the group seems to be more within the hands of Oisin and Ivy. In the Ratgrinders the only person who ever liked Kipperlilly is now dead. The party don't like Kipperlilly, they do things just to piss her off.
I think Oisin could be the real driving power of the Ratgrinders. It's definetly; not Ivy, she's too post-irony to care; not Ruben, he's just sorta kinda dumb; not Mary Ann, she's not interested assumedly. It could still be Kipperlilly but I think there's reasonable suspicion to be put on Oisin.
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theoldoor · 2 months
i hate mischaracterization of dr ratio bc as dr ratio #1 hater at least hate dr ratio FOR WHAT HE IS not for WHAT U THINK HE IS YOU AINT HATING ON THE SAME LEVEL AS I AM RAAGGGH IFUCKIGN HATE DR RATIO (more doodles below JUST BEAR WITH THE RAMBLINGS)
i hate dr ratio
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i like to believe in the theory that dr ratio is the worm, despite it saying that the worm actually died. or at least, worm jr.
so maybe, dr ratio is the “second” worm, like the rerun. the second attempt to fuck around with nous because now it’s more convincing cuz he’s his attractive looking professor yk. second time’s the charm and aha never back down from a good laugh.
= veritas is also the roman goddess of truth, sometimes argued to be the creation of prometheus - the trickster who defied the other olympians and gave humanity (something seen as insignificant) fire (yk spreading knowledge, tech, civilization, etc)
= aha, is an aeon of trickery, a trickster, who gave unfathomable knowledge to a worm , something seen as insignificant.
= aha likes silly things, what gives a good laugh every now and then? Irony. What’s Ironic? someone who doesn’t take bullshit and silly things like dr ratio to be a follower of elation. someone whose name is “truth” but lies every time we’ve seen him.
—- If the theory is true
As any gifted kids do, they strive to be recognized, for their talents to be used and seen. But his purpose of being recognized by Nous failed, so what all his giftedness do? He can’t even turn back to Aha either, Aha discarded the worm the moment THEY found out that the worm failed to get recognized and left that poor thing to dead - the Aeon that created him for this sole purpose, discarded him.
So what? What does he have? What greatness he has if his duty can’t even be completed given his power? Other people has been recognized with less capabilities than him, yet he’s recognized by none of the Aeons. Imagine the insecurity and guilt that must’ve fell upon an overachiever like him.
To act with superiority, to pretend that you’re above others - to hide the fact that you’re actually achieving less than you actually supposed to. Dr Ratio… i hate you…
*funny thing: since the masked fools, followers of elation, was rejected by aventurine. do u think dr ratio is the second attempt in trying to get aventurine to join masked fools lol
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Dr ratio has a 3% completion rates on his course. I think people drop out pretty often and he would usually have empty classes. well not until fenrir came, we all know how desperate fenrir is for that validation and he never let a task be unfinished.
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as harsh as dr ratio was and as unbearable it was for fenrir, he still showed up to every class, even if he doesn’t do well and if he overworked. but soon, they both caught on their unhealthy habits for one another and kinda got it shimmered down.
fenrir has hermia, his little sister with heavily implied ASD, he can pick out similar patterns with Dr Ratio and learn to deal with his little ‘tempter’ at times and Dr Ratio finds it easier to work with Fenrir (cuz the man is awfully patient) so they were a well off pair and fenrir became the second person who can hold a proper conversation with dr ratio.
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(maybe aventurine knew how to deal with hermia because he dealt with dr ratio lol)
We cannot forget the vashrir content
Aventurine passes by his office sometimes, picking up a few papers to read for fun because he’s literally Fenrir’s research subject. i like to think that aventurine finds it funny in how analytical and structural fenrir was when it came to avgin-sigonian - he was writing a dissertation for it after all.
fenrir really remembered everything aventurine said, studying its phonology from the way aventurine spoke the words and recording them down even when aventurine wasn’t paying attention. such a silly freak lol.
topaz and fenrir coming tmr mayhaps AHAHA
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redeyerhaenyra · 1 year
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Dom!Steven and Bimbo!reader headcanons
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Summary: You're a bimbo, but you're not inexperienced. Steven Grant is an obvious sub... right?
Warnings: oh the filthiest smut, vaginal fingering, overstim, kinda mean dom!Steven but not really, squirting, multiple orgasms, reader faints, titty play (if you squint), reader is described as dim, stupid, but she's nice.
Notes: For @cosmicblogs xxx we are hopping on the bimbo reader bandwagon FR!
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So picture this: You're a bimbo girlie. You adore anything pink and sparkly, cute and fluffy, ect. Your nail are always perfectly manicured and your outfits always steal the show. Your ditsy, and sweet, and thoroughly enjoying your date with giftshopist Steven Grant.
This was your 3rd date, or rather the tail end of it. Steven had invited you over, and you, being the innocent, unassuming thing you were, agreed with a smile.
Under no circumstance would you have assumed Steven had less than safe for work intentions. Besides..
He was a sub. It was obvious.
Eventually though, you made your way back to his flat- Steven scratched the back of his head, and flushed a little as you squealed about how "cute" his homestead was.
Steven had worn tight jeans to your date today, he had hoped you might be into how fit they made his ass look- you didn't seem to be noticing much though. Not that you ever did.
He didn't like to admit it, but it was the truth. You were.. a little dim, at best. He still loved you, and wouldn't change you for the world.
Sometimes he wondered if there was anything between your ears, or if your brainspace was totally occupied by pink sparkles and high heels.
An hour or so later, you both were curled up together on the sofa- Steven had turned on some random documentary on thr history channel, and had to keep himself from laughing everytime you expressed geniune awe at things most people learned when they were children.
"You're so smart Steven." You had said, without a hint of irony, when he'd corrected you that WW2 had infact come after WW1.
It made his heart swell, you were so adorably dumb.
It also made his dick twitch, you were amazed by him, willing to offer him endless ego boosts. Something not many people were.
Steven's eyes raked over your body, god you looked delicious.
You wore pink, obviously. But the way that dress hugged your body... Steven felt his dick twitch again, his eyes fixating over your breasts.
He'd bet your nipples were so sensitive, and if he closed his eyes he could almost imagine how they'd taste...
Your voice broke him out of his dick-brained stupour-
"Yes darlin'?" "You're like, totally out of it. Shall I like, leave? Like, you look totally tired."
Awe. You thought he was tired.
"No no, love, 's alright, c'mere-"
Steven gently tugged you closer to him, now having you laid on your stomach against his chest.
You nestled there comfortably, and hummed as Steven kissed your head.
He looked down, from this angle he could spy just how juicy your bum was.
His hands twitched.
Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?
Steven decided to test the waters, just a wee bit.
Slowly, he traversed his hand down your back, smoothing over your dress. You cuddled into him further, and so did Steven go further.
His hand now teased the hem of your dress, before reaching in to gently caress the apex of your thighs.
You moaned softly, stretching upwards like a cat- "Steven, that like, feels good."
He had never heard you so breathless before, "Yeah?" You moaned again, as his hand travelled a little lower to rub the pad of his fingers against your hole.
Your hips jerked, and you buried your face into his chest to hide your embarrassment as Steven's touches became more and more confident.
This wasn't how this was supposed to go! Steven was a sub, surely! Your tiny, bimbo brain couldn't comprehend him taking control over you like this.
He pinched your clit through your panties- no doubt also pink- the texture of which had you keening.
Steven rubbed your little bud between his fingers until you were drooling on his shirt, pleasure rolling through you in hot waves.
You expected him to stop now, flip you over and stuff you with his cock until he came, you were certainly wet enough-
But he didn't. His fingers kept working you until you came, hot white bliss, and then some.
The pressure from his fingers waned, but didn't stop, not even as he shifted, sitting up and pulling you into his lap, where you felt the heat of his cock pressed up beneath you.
He heard you whimper, and he kissed you neck.
His hands just didn't stop though, even as they dextrously moved your panties aside, finally plunging two of his thick fingers deep inside you, they just kept moving.
Stroking you inside in all the right spots, all the right points that made you cry out, legs twitching.
It wasn't long before you felt another shattering orgasm approaching you.
The only sounds to be heard in the flat now, (TV having turned itself off long ago) were your breathless cries, the wet squelching of Steven's hand against your cunt, and his soothing voice whispering into your ear;
"Yeah, 's good yeah? Feels good?" "S-steven-" "Yeah.. I bet it feels so good, dunnit? Hmm? So good you can't even speak, huh? No? It's that good, sweetheart? So good my baby's tiny is just fit to burst, huh? Can't fit nothing else in there?" He tapped your skull with his free hand, "Nothing else but me in there, ain't that right?"
You wanted to protest, a little peeved that he'd just insinuated, accurately, how stupid you were- but no words came you. Only pathetic, drooling moans and whines, both your hands digging into Steven's arm, leaving crescent shaped scars.
It didn't stop, not even as you came for the second, and third time, and even as the fourth built up.
At this point Steven had tugged your dress and bra down under you tits, and with his previously free hand rolled and squeezebox of them, and suckled hard on the other, gently teasing with his teeth.
You were a mess. Your mascara ran streaks down your face, thighs covered in your own juices and hair dishevelled and messy.
Past the point of moaning like you enjoyed it, you just full on cried now, sobbing and babbling whilst staring in awe at Steven's hands.
The electricity of climax was all you felt, and it was constant. So much, too much. It was the only thing you were aware of.
When the fourth and final one peaked, it was different. You threw your head back agaisnt Steven's shoulder, but not so far as to miss the torrent of liquid gushing from your core, twisting hard pleasure through your every vein.
Eventually the pleasure stopped, but you weren't aware of that either, having blacked out in a hazy, cum brained unconsciousness, still twitching ontop of your lover.
Steven finally pulled his hands from you, a little worried that you'd fainted, but he figured you'd come around soon.
He brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked them clean- mmmmmmm, god, he'd have to taste you later. For now though, hed leave you be... you needed some sleep.
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actuallyjustabiscuit · 4 months
The Fear of Being Forgotten
Ok, it’s time I talk about Pomni.
That’s right I’m doing another character analysis! Really it’s more of an analysis of episode 2 from her perspective, but I have a lot feelings about how they are handling her character so far.
I know we’re only on episode 2 and I don’t want to get ahead of myself so I’m gonna be keeping my speculations about this character to a minimum and focus only on what the show and Gooseworx has given us so far.
So I think everyone and their cat knows by now that Pomni’s name roughly translates to "Remember". Of course the irony being that it’s a name that was randomly given to her in the Pilot to replace the one she doesn’t remember.
So in a very meta sense, Pomni’s name is a joke, one that’s given at her expense.
Now, her entire motivation in the Pilot was centered around escaping this new reality that she suddenly finds herself in. And for the first half she’s kinda in denial, using the “dream” excuse as a flimsy way to rationalize everything, but still remains vigilant in finding a way out of this “dream”. So when Caine asks her what she wants to be called she tells him “I don’t care just pick anything.”, because she’s still convinced that what’s happening to her is reversible in some way. So what does it matter what she’s called in this new fictional place?
But in the end, it dawns on her that she is, in fact, trapped. No waking up, and no getting out. The Circus is her new home. And "Pomni" is now her new name. Whether she likes it or not, this is her life.
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It really adds to the identity crisis of these characters that they know who they were but they just don’t know who they are. They don’t have full on amnesia when they enter the Circus, they just lose their identities (their names AND their physical appearance). And since it’s just their names that they completely forgot, that makes this scene
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far more eerie.
Because just imagine how weird it is to suddenly find yourself looking at a face that is not yours. You know what you’re supposed to look like but your reflection is not showing that. Brain cannot compute.
(Actually I’m sure there are lots who relate to that specific feeling.)
So we know that these characters cannot “die”. They can get squashed, stretched, stabbed and suffer all other manners of bodily harms via cartoony physics without any lasting consequence because their bodies aren’t real. Their minds are the only part of themselves that is. Which is why Abstraction is the only major threat to be feared in the Circus . It’s the threat, because at that point, they lose what little else is left.
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I love the different abstracted designs that fans have come up with, but this makes a lot more sense. You are no longer you when you abstract. And it’s irreparable. A broken mind creating a broken body. Caine, being an A.I., treats the abstracted like they’re just a whoopsie, sweeping them away in his cellar to be ignored. They are no longer considered characters. They’re arguably not human anymore either.
After they abstract, they’re nothing.
So the opening for episode 2 establishes Pomni’s fear of this right out the gate.
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She’s not just trapped, she’s in danger of completely losing herself in this place. But this little scene does so much more than that. Because the choice in dialogue here is sooo interesting.
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Pomni’s dream/ nightmare interpretation of Ragatha is someone who is mocking her for not being able to handle living in the Circus for more than a single day. Ragatha has managed to at least maintain this facade of cheerfulness, and everyone else has survived for years in spite of it all, yet here Pomni imagines that her mental health is so fragile that she couldn’t even last very long before suffering the same fate as Kaufmo.
And then we have NightmareJax chiming in about how he can’t even be bothered to remember her name, the new fake name that she’s had for only a few hours.
So this tells us two very important things about Pomni already. 1: She has very very little faith in herself and 2: She’s terrified of being completely forgotten. Both pretty reasonable and relatable fears.
Of course, we know this is just a dream cuz Ragatha wouldn’t be this callous. And we see this not a minute later after Pomni wakes up when she personally comes to check up on her immediately the next morning. With none of the quiet awkward tension from the day before, just normal awkwardness because Ragatha is too gay to function still trying too hard to make Pomni feel at home.
Now, I love Ragatha very much. I love her because she’s such a sweet person while being absolutely TERRIBLE about consoling people.
She speaks to Pomni but she doesn’t talk to her about what happened the other day. And this distinction is very important because what happened the other day was awful in many ways for both of them, and one of the first things she says to Pomni is
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You can’t do this. You can’t undermine a traumatic event by calling it something like this. Pomni lost her home, her name, and her hopes of escape all in one day. Not to mention she has witnessed someone becoming a monster, getting seriously hurt, and being shoved down a hole with no regards to who they used to be. Nobody has really addressed her directly about all of that until now. And it was all condensed in one silly little word. (I love how this frame shows how Ragatha is fully aware that what she just said was BS)
And when someone tries telling you that what happened wasn’t so bad (when it obviously was) it makes you feel…shitty. More specifically, it makes it look like you were not personally capable of handling the bad thing that happened.
“You’re feeling bad not because the situation was bad, but because you are lesser for letting the situation affect you the way it did”
We already know Pomni thinks very little of herself for believing that abstraction will happen easily for her compared to the others, so hearing this definitely didn’t help.
To Ragatha’s credit, she tries to reassure her that there is no ill will between them by affirming that Pomni’s thought process for abandoning her was “understandable”. But it unfortunately comes off as a little passive aggressive. We know Ragatha is being sincere, because we as the audience have the benefit of hindsight, but Pomni doesn’t. “Understandable” does not mean “acceptable”. Jax’s destructive behavior towards the others and everything else in the Circus is “understandable”.
Abandoning Ragatha a second time after promising to come back to help her was not ok. Did it make sense in the moment, yeah. Was it still kind of a dick move, yup. And Pomni is very well aware of this. So it’s likely she doesn’t 100% believe Ragatha when she says shit like “there’s no hard feelings” nor can she think of her as a friend (yet) because she’s still not ok with her situation. She’s not terrified anymore and she’s past the bargaining phase that there’s still a chance for escape, now she’s just more or less resigned to it (and only after one day which is remarkable).
What also doesn’t help is that for the majority of the episode Ragatha’s attitude comes off as a bit patronizing.
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So. Yeah. She wouldn’t appreciate this level of infantilization from someone she had previously dreamed was making fun of her.
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What’s sad is that Ragatha’s not acting like this to be deliberately condescending towards Pomni. She really is just this into the adventures.
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Bless her heart
Unfortunately, Pomni’s not having any of it because it’s gotta be kinda disheartening to know that your new eternal life just amounts to playing make believe with a bunch of maladjusted adults.
One of my favorite scenes that I haven’t seen a lot of people talk about is this one
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Because I caught how she didn’t start looking away all irritated until Ragatha said “some way you could help”. Now I interpreted her reaction in two ways: Either she really doesn’t feel like getting involved in the adventure and is frustrated that Ragatha is still trying to push her to participate or (my personal favorite read on it) she thinks Ragatha is subtly rubbing it in her face how useless she was at trying to help her the day before.
Remember, Pomni actually went to a lot of effort to find Caine before she saw the “Exit” door. We don’t know for sure how long she spent looking for help, but it was a valiant effort on her part to explore the Tent on her own, only to fail at the end. Both at helping and not finding a way to leave.
She is two for two on the girlfailure checklist. And I’d imagine her self esteem would continue to decline with every little reminder that anything she tries to help herself or anyone else is futile.
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Which is why her conversation with Gummigoo becomes such a turning point for her. It also shows how much better Pomni is at talking to others by allowing herself to be vulnerable.
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She doesn’t try to make what Gummigoo is going through a lesser deal than it is. I also think the purpose of Gummigoo as a character was to be a sort of parallel narrative to Pomni.
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The extreme wide shot of them sitting together under the map of his fake world makes them both look so small and inconsequential. And then it pulls back into a full shot of them with Pomni trying to convince Gummigoo that he does have value because he has people that he cares about and that care about him. (It won’t be until the very end where Pomni realizes that she’s in the same position as he is).
Gummigoo makes the argument of why should any of that matter when he, as an NPC, doesn’t have the luxury of having what little he has (his friends and his affection for them) when it will all go away as soon as the adventure ends. He was only designed for a single purpose, and that purpose ends with being forgotten.
Now we already know how Pomni feels about that, so she gives him what she’s been wanting: a way out.
She offers him a chance to be something more than what he was designed to do, where the fear of being forgotten doesn’t have to come into fruition (at least not in the way he would have to worry about)
And then he asks her the very fair question of why does she even bother helping him if he’s not even real, and her answer helps to further establish Pomni’s overall character. It’s not just a short term goal like wanting to find a way out of the Circus, it’s her defining motivation that will encompass her arc for the rest of the series.
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Even in the Pilot, she proved to be a compassionate person when she chose to help Ragatha (both in offering her hand the first time and choosing to go back for her later). So I imagine she will start to actively be there for the other cast members once she grows more comfortable with them. Pomni has the benefit of being the newest addition to the Circus so she’s able to look at the others more critically by just passively observing them. Then calling them out on their behavior, not out of malice, but out of altruistic concern. These people have issues, she may not be able to fix them, but she’ll be willing to listen.
(This might be nothing, but a little detail I noticed after Gummigoo agrees to go with her is that she asks him for his name (and it’s also the first time we ever hear it in the episode itself) but he doesn’t ask for hers. In fact, he doesn’t call Pomni by name at all in the episode. Which could have an indication of some serious death flags. Again, I could be wrong about this and I’m giving it way more significance than it deserves. Just a stray thought.)
Anyway, Gummigoo gives Pomni the lead to get them both out and it’s telling how little she believes in herself the way she keeps downplaying her own ideas.
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Because up until this point, Pomni has felt rather useless. So in her mind, the chances of something going right for once were slim. That’s why when her plan works as intended and manages to save not just herself but her new friend as well, she visibly starts to feel better. She’s actually smiling, she’s a lot friendlier towards Ragatha, and begins to act like living in the Circus might not be so bad.
…yeah…about that.
I think we are all in agreement that Pomni is a girlfailure. And she is, but not in the way we’ve come to understand it.
What I mean is that Pomni fails. A lot. Not because she’s an anxious mess or due to general incompetence, but because the narrative consistently prevents her from winning.
She tried to get Ragatha help -> Caine was nowhere to be found, abstracted Kaufmo was hot on her trail, and the door shows up to entice her to leave.
She goes through the “Exit” door believing it’s the way out -> She wastes an indeterminate amount of time going through countless doorways that lead to nowhere and is told in the end that the “Exit” was never real.
She tried to get Gummigoo to join the Circus -> Caine obliterates him Thanos style.
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That is the face of someone who thought she was doing something right for once, and was abruptly proven wrong. God really said “LOL nope” to this poor woman. (I also love how Pomni’s trauma response is laughter, really leans on the whole jester imagery she has)
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That she did, and it amounted to nothing. Pretty on brand for her really.
Yeah, it seemed like Pomni was not gonna catch a break. And once again Ragatha immediately tries to undermine what just happened, with Pomni going back to being paralyzed with shock at the utter insanity she had just witnessed. Homegirl is not ok. And she would have stayed that way if not for Ragatha actually being real for once by inviting her to grieve with them.
The ending of this episode truly caught me off guard.
Not poor Gummigoo’s “death”, that I actually expected, but it was still shocking to see.
No. much like Pomni, I wasn’t expecting the others to actually throw Kaufmo a funeral (and apparently this is a custom that they do regularly, which is bittersweet). And I wouldn’t have blamed Pomni for believing that they don’t really care about each other because all of them saw Kaufmo be thrown into the cellar and then the they all proceed to just eat dinner as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
I’ll be frank here, I didn’t get emotional from that scene because of Kaufmo. He never had a speaking part or even an actual on screen appearance; the man had no character outside of telling bad jokes and that had to be given through exposition, so there was no resonance in his “death”. But that is clearly intentional because they didn’t even bother making the other’s eulogies about him be audible. Pomni has never met Kaufmo, she never knew him, so her attending a funeral for someone she had no real connection with is odd.
And that’s because all Pomni needs and by extension what we need to know is to see that he clearly meant something to the characters we HAVE been spending time with. This funeral was less about mourning Kaufmo and more about putting Pomni’s fears to rest that even if she were to abstract, she would not be forgotten. And even more importantly, these people genuinely do care about each other (Jax is still up in the air, but 4/5 ain’t bad). So if anything could make Pomni more comfortable in her new home, it’s the affirmation that she’s not alone (Hence the title of the theme that closes the episode). So abstraction won’t come as easily as she previously thought.
It’s remarkable that the writers managed to make a FUNERAL feel like we were ending on a high note compared to the dread that the ending of the Episode 1 evokes. And I really like that because everything from the gentle music, to the visuals of everyone being sincerely doleful, to Pomni’s small smile at the end really stresses how this show isn’t trying to be nihilistic with its premise. That Pomni, in spite of everything, is going to be ok.
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moonrisecoeur · 6 months
heheheheheh re6 vampirehunter!leon meeting vampire!user and he’s like so cocky and arrogant only to be absolutely ruined and submissive to vampire!user i’m giggling n twirling my hair
omg anon sorry this took so long to answer i had to wait until my brain was working again but like. wow. love this concept!! i feel like i might have seen this before i think it might have been a cai bot??? not sure but whatever the case u are so big brain
i lowkey kinda hate this but i hope u don't lol
his whole life he's been taught to kill a vampire on sight, no exceptions. they kill innocent people!! and steal their blood!! so obviously being the selfless hero that leon is, he takes up the role as a vampy hunter and tries to keep his village safe. he's killed dozens of vampires in his life, keeping his family and friends safe. he doesn't care that it's a risky profession. he has people to protect.
but when he hears rumors of a vampire living on the outskirts of town, in an abandoned building that no one dared to enter, he knew it was his job to take care of this vampire.
and yet he goes to find them and they are just absolutely not what he expected. most vampires try to be all sultry and seductive to distract him, or some become violent right away. but this one, you, just spoke to him like a regular person.
"stay where you are," he says, his silver dipped knife to your throat.
'come now, human boy. let's not good too ahead of ourselves' the last one had said to him. they taunted him, tried to seduce him.
"i don't understand why you are after me. i haven't killed a human in... hundreds of years," you say to him, letting him keep you in a vulnerable position. there's this air of arrogance to you that leon can't help but despise.
"you're a vampire."
"and yet, you humans only seem to come after me."
"i am not going to be swayed with words," he scowls, "you're a monster."
"then why haven't you killed me yet?" you tilt your head back to gaze at him, glaring to be more precise, but you weren't planning on him being so attractive. when did human men get so pretty?
he blinks, almost confused. he expected a bit more effort to get away, but it almost seemed like you knew he wouldn't.
and, for some reason he can't describe, he eventually releases you, and you immediately struggle for the knife, throwing it to the other side of the room, and within a millisecond he's underneath you, your glaring red eyes peering down at him. he's not showing it, but he's petrified.
"this is... much more comfortable," you chuckle.
"wait, shit, i'm sorry, please don't..." he stuttered. poor thing, he's actually scared.
your fangs are inches away from his neck and he seem to be begging with his eyes for you to please, oh god please have mercy on him. he looks so ripe for the taking, it would be so easy to pierce his skin with your fangs and just... just ruin him. leave his body a lifeless corpse... or potentially make him like you. that would be a perfect irony, wouldn't it? a vampire hunter being turned into a vampire? how tragic.
he can't help the sob that escapes him, "please, i- i don't want to die.." he cries.
and you know what? maybe he's doing it to get your guard down, feed your ego. i mean, he obviously knows yours is large. and yet... some part of you thinks it's not an act, that he's genuinely scared. but whatever the case, it does feed your ego.
"will you be good, human?"
he nods, desperately, afraid for his life. and when you get off of him, and offer him a hand to get back up, he doesn't know whether to be wary or grateful, or both.
your arrogance makes you... hard to get along with, but leon can tell you're much more powerful than any of the vampires he's killed in his entire life.
but he supposes you're not completely awful. you didn't kill him. you let him escape the first time, clutch his sliver knife to his chest as he ran out of your home. you eye him cautiously. something in you.... liked that human boy.
he returns again, this time to apologize. he felt the need to kill you because you were a vampire even though you weren't threatening anyone. you were oddly docile for such a scary, and insanely powerful vampire. you were truly nothing he'd seen before.
this time, though, he doesn't hold a knife to your neck, instead just nervously wandering around the place you have made your home. it's almost sad to him how lonely you must be.
in any case, even a human man trying to kill you counts as company, so you haven't been completely against his presence in your life.
plus, when you finally do end up seducing him, as he knew you would. he's incredibly pliable, somewhat nervous, and while obedience doesn't seem to come easy to him, you make it easy for him.
andddddd then u proceed to fuck his brains out until he can't do anything but lie there uselessly while you suck the blood out of his body but i digress.
you obvi try not to kill him when you take his blood but he's so yummy!! how could you not!! such a delicious little human.
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