#It's been so long since I watched that show so forgive me i may be entirely frigging wrong
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I refuse to elaborate.
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On how Crowley and Aziraphale felt during the kiss (but mainly Crowley here):
Ok so first, the main idea for this huge meta is that a LOT of us noticed how the music from the kiss scene is similar to the nebula one, right?
Second, a lot of us also correctly noticed the parallels between the kiss and how it was to taste food for the first time for Aziraphale: bc of his reactions, the hand on lips, the similar way MS acted both scenes, the little inhale etc. So how was it for Crowley?
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Aziraphale's reaction to the kiss is practically a puzzle to solve on its own, so it's fun to analyse it, but basically, in a few words, Aziraphale kissed Crowley and he discovered he was physically starving for him, longing for him, yearning for him, for his kiss, and he had no idea. Just like with the ox. And now he needs to gorge himself in him but he can't. Great amazing heartbreaking chef's kiss someone give MS an Emmy.
But there's already so much amazing meta out there about Aziraphale x Ox ribs x The Kiss that I want to focus on Crowley here, and on the music.
So back to the music. The song in "Before the Beginning" and the song that plays during The Kiss (I Forgive You + Don't Bother) are so similar. They're not *exactly* the same, but they're totally reminiscent of each other. The viewer is immediately reminded of those chords that played in the opening scene. It's no coincidence that the fandom was talking about this fact only minutes after first watching those final fifteen minutes. This is an obvious intentional choice for storytelling reasons (David Arnold is a genius).
I have no expertise whatsoever when it comes to music, so I asked our friend @otsanda to see if that made sense and not only it does and she explained it, but she also uncovered so much more hidden meaning in all of it (musicians are amazing), so check out her meta about the music that not only serves as evidence to what I'm proposing here but it also has so much more juicy information in it 💖.
Back to the point: WHY thought? Why choose a similar song? Why intentionally COMPOSE a similar song for that moment?
Hear me out. WHAT IF, by reminding the audience of the creation of the nebula, they meant to convey to us that, for Crowley, kissing Aziraphale gave him the same feeling that creating his stars did?
THAT'S what the music is telling us. THAT'S why it makes us remember "Before the Beginning". It may sound cheesy, but Crowley may have literally seen stars when he kissed Aziraphale. He couldn't react accordingly (just like Aziraphale couldn't), bc it was an overwhelming and extremely sad moment (the music is also telling us that) for both of them. They knew it was ending . They were both having a moment of huge revelation that was fated to not come to completion. Crowley was right, it was too late.
It makes sense to show Crowley's feelings through the music, bc he was the one who started the kiss, and also he was wearing sunglasses in that scene, it's different from a character like Aziraphale that has all his million expressions for everyone to see at all times. And they've been doing this ever since s1 with the Queen songs that play in his car or in the background.
So my point is: the same song being used there makes me wonder if kissing Aziraphale finally gave him what he lost. His purpose. What Aziraphale was trying to give back to him by taking him back to heaven. There's no need for Heaven. Just kiss him, Aziraphale, and there he'll find the stars you want to give back to him. There you will one day see that smile on his face you saw Before The Beginning. Neil Gaiman and David Arnold I am in your walls 😭
This is what may lead us to see this happiness in Crowley again (not the action of kissing itself, of course, but what it represents to their relationship, them being together, them being an Us).
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As @otsanda said: from the music we can interpret that that moment was a Revelation for them. Almost a religious experience. Crowley found his purpose again. What he'd been missing the whole season (or even his whole life since the Fall, but we've seen him especially depressed this season).
I'm not even getting into the poetry of how one can interpret the parallel to the angel's reaction to the kiss as carnal, and the demon's as religious; that would be another whole essay but let's just agree that it's incredibly beautiful. (Let me be clear that I mean here Aziraphale's reaction is carnal specifically for Crowley, and Crowley's is religious specifically for Aziraphale, not religious as in "worshipping god")
"Do you ever wonder what's the point?" Crowley asked in s2e1. The point, for him, is Aziraphale (if you've seen The Good Place you know what I mean). I hope he figured this out with that kiss, even as heartbreaking as it was. Even if it was a (temporary) separation kiss. (I hope Aziraphale figures this out with time too, that he's more than enough to make Crowley happy, that Crowley doesn't need Heaven, or stars, that Crowley needs him.)
Maybe that's why Crowley didn't leave and kept waiting outside until the very last moment.
Aziraphale and Crowley both bit the apple at the end of s2. There's no turning back from that Knowledge now.
Edit: I just have to add here this brilliant colour analysis of the nebula scene by @halemerry. And it's pointed out that during the nebula formation there's a moment when it looks like two people embracing. And the fact that a similar song is used in the actual Kiss scene I just... I have no words
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marie-swriting · 28 days
Love Advice - Jake "Hangman" Seresin
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Top Gun Maverick Masterlist
Summary : Jake comes back after six months of deployment and he needs your help to win the woman he loves.
Warnings : a tiny bit of angst, mutual pining, thinking there's an unrequited love, happy ending, maybe some grammatical mistakes as English is not my first language, tell me if you see some or if I missed any warnings.
Word count : 3.4k
French version
Song inspiration : How You Get The Girl (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift
Somebody knocking on your door takes your attention away from your TV show. At first, you just lower the volume down so the person doesn’t know you’re home and wait for them to leave. However, the second the knocks on the door get more insistent and you hear ‘I know you’re home’ with a Texan accent, you jump out of your couch and run to open the door to Jake. You joyfully shriek before throwing yourself into his arms. Jake laughs because of your enthusiasm, then he tenderly holds you close to him. 
You haven’t seen each other in six months because of his last deployment. Of course, you called each other almost every day, it’s just not the same. You've been thick as thieves since you were five, you need to see each other often. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming home today?” you ask, breaking the embrace.
“I wanted to surprise you.”
“Well, you did. I missed you so much!” You exclaim, kissing his cheek before bringing him inside. “I hope you’re staying home for a long time. Six months without seeing each other is too much!”
“I totally agree.”
As usual, when he comes back home, you spend the day together then, Jake sleeps at yours. You go downtown, eat something, even watch a movie if there’s something interesting and the next day, Jake goes to his place - he lives twenty minutes away.
As soon as the night comes, you go home, takeout food in hand. You go into your living-room and you put a random show as background noise. You keep talking about the last few months in order to catch up when you decide to bring up a topic Jake seems to avoid.
“So, you didn’t tell me anything, what’s going on with Lara?”
Jake met Lara in a bar a week before leaving. You weren’t with him that night, so you don’t know a lot about their relationship. All you know is Jake got along with her pretty well.
“Oh, huh… Well…” he stutters and avoids your gaze.
“Jake,” you say with a disapproving tone. “Don’t tell me you messed up. Not again!”
“Not really. Okay, maybe a little.”
“What did you do?”
“I may or may not have not called her since I left.”
“Are you kidding me?” you scream, hitting his shoulder. “Do you realise you’re the kind of guy we talk shit about when we’re talking with other girls? Jake, you have to stop being a dick and destroying your relationship. You’re a nice guy, but whenever it’s about love, you’re the worst of them. Every time you find an awesome girl, you just ruin everything.”
“I know and this time, I want to fix this.”
“Before we keep going, you didn’t cheat on her, did you?”
“I might suck at relationships, however, you know I have some limits and I’m quite proud to say I’ve never crossed that line.” he affirms with a grin.
“You better!”
“Anyway, at first, I didn’t know what I wanted with her but now I do. I really connected with Lara and I want her to forgive me and give me another chance, I just don’t know how to do it.”
Following his sentence, you immediately understand what he wants. He messed up and now he needs your wise advice to fix the situation. Again. You roll your eyes before straightening up.
“I’m gonna make you pay for my love advice one day, at least, I’ll become a billionaire in a month with you.”
“You’re the most stable person I know when it comes to relationships so obviously I always go to you! Besides, you’re a woman, you know what to do.”
“True.” you modestly confirm. “First thing first, meet her in a neutral environment, a café for example.”
“And I buy her flowers?”
“Do you know her favourite flowers?”
“Roses are the safe option, right?” he suggests and you’re desperate.
“Do you know any personal details about Lara, like her favourite book?” you ask and he shakes his head. “Well, just pay for whatever she orders. First, you apologise and you do it correctly, you put the focus on her and what she might have felt. The goal is not for her to comfort you because you feel bad when you’re the one who messed up. If she still hasn’t thrown her glass of water in your face, you’re on the right track. Then you say, in the most convincing way, you want her, not another girl, for worse or for better. You know it’s gonna take her some time for her to trust you again but you will forever and ever. Tell her you know you broke her and you’ll put it back together because you care about her and you want to do better for her. In short, show her you want to be a better man and make sure your actions match your words quickly. And that’s how it works, that’s how you get the girl. At least, your chances will be higher.”
“You seriously think it can work?” Jake asks sceptical. 
“I can’t 100% promise you but, at least, it shows you want to be the man she deserves. Either way, you have to keep me updated! And also, don’t wait too long to do it. You should even contact her right now so you can see her in the following days.”
“You’re right.”
Jake takes his phone and quickly types a message. After you approve it, he sends it and nervously waits for the response. However, being tired from the travel, Jake quickly starts to yawn so you go to sleep. Jake sleeps in the same bed as you. You’ve always done it so you’re not going to change this now. After all, between you two, it’s purely platonic.
At least, for him. The same cannot be said about you. When you were still in High School, your crush on Jake was almost embarrassing. It’s actually the only secret you’ve never told him. Officially. During prom, you confessed to Jake you wanted to be more than friends nevertheless he was so drunk he didn’t understand it and the next day; he had zero recollection of it and you were very grateful. You don’t know what you would’ve done if he had remembered. You probably would have lost your best friend and you couldn’t allow this to happen so you just repressed your crush until it eventually died. 
Notwithstanding, what you don’t know and the only secret Jake has never told you is that he remembers pretty well what you told him that night. He was just so stunned that he pretended he didn’t understand it. He thought he didn’t like you that way so he said nothing to not alter your friendship. Though, the backlash was pretty violent two years later when you got your first serious boyfriend. Jake was insanely jealous. At first, he just thought he was afraid to lose his best friend until he reached the dreadful conclusion: he has feelings for you and it’s too late, he missed his chance with you. As a consequence, Jake went from one fling to the other while you were going from one long-lasting relationship to the other without him understanding what you found to ‘those dudes’ like he always says. Though, these last few months, he has come to terms with the fact one of ‘those dudes’ whom you’ve been with for several years is the one for you. Jake isn’t sure he’s the one you deserve, and he doesn’t want to ruin your friendship, that’s why he wants to fix his relationship with Lara, especially because your relationship with Scott is the longest one you’ve ever had and he’s probably your future husband so Jake definitely has to stop hoping you’ll get together one day. He has to move just like you did.
The next morning, once Jake wakes up, you’ve already left for work. Whilst he’s eating breakfast, Jake’s eyes are set on a picture of you and him hung on your wall, he has his lips pressed on your cheek while you’re trying to hide your fluster with a smile. The picture was taken on the last day of High School and he’d be lying if he said it wasn’t one of his favourites. He finds you cute in this photo. 
His phone ringing catches his attention. He unlocks it and discovers a text from Lara.
Message from Lara to Jake, 8:37 A.M.:
I’m willing to hear you out, but just because I want some explanations. Is tomorrow afternoon okay for you?
Jake quickly answers her and confirms the date. He should be happy, Lara is open to the discussion though, he can’t help his heart to tighten, and he stares at the picture on the wall again. He shakes his head and brings back his attention to Lara. You’re part of his romantic past, even if nothing ever happened, Lara is his future. He has to think about her, not you.
The minute you come home from work that night, Jake tells you about his date the next day. You congratulate him with a big smile, though your heart breaks a little. Jake repeats to you what he’s going to tell Lara to make sure he won't ruin his last chance and you assure him his speech is perfect.
“White lilies, those are her favourite flowers.” Jake says point blank.
“Then offer her some. It’ll prove you care about her because you remember a small detail about her.”
“That’s why you didn’t want me to take roses?”
“Exactly. If you are lucky and it’s her favourite flower, you’re good but imagine if she hates them because she finds them cliché, you’ll ruin your chances before opening your mouth, ‘cause on top of not being original, you just prove you don’t pay attention to her. Roses are the safe option, yet it doesn’t mean it should be your choice at the slightest obstacle. You’re already taking risks by coming back after six months of dead silence so go all the way, don’t play safe with roses.”
“You’re right.”
“I know I’m right! And please, please, please, don’t buy her flowers only when you screw up. Do it when everything is good between you. Do it even when there’s nothing to celebrate. It’s those kinds of tiny details that’ll make all the difference, it proves you care about her. Of course, it goes further than flowers but you get the idea, the fact is, you can’t let a routine get in the way and the only times you break it and you give her some attention is to make up to her or believe me, it’s the breakup for sure because she’ll feel abandoned.” you specify, saying your last sentence at an incredible speed and Jake looks at you suspiciously.
“Is everything okay between you and Scott? It sounded personal at the end.”
“We’re not talking about me but you.”
“So the answer is no.” he affirms, reading you like an open book.
“We broke up five months ago.” you sigh.
“What? Why didn’t you tell me? What did he do? He didn’t cheat on you, did he?” Jake questions, protective.
“No, it’s not that. It’s just after six years, almost seven years of relationship, we lost ourselves in a routine and we realised we were together out of habits not out of love. Besides, we argued more and more for useless things. It’s better like that.”
What you’re not telling Jake is that there is another reason. Scott was sure you and Jake are in love. No matter how many times you said your crush on Jake was only when you were a teenager and that Jake never loved you like this, Scott never believed you. Your friendship with Jake was the main argument between you and Scott.
“You should have told me sooner rather than pretending you were fine when we were on the phone.”
“Don’t worry, I got over it. Let’s talk about you and Lara again. You didn’t tell me a lot about her.”
“In my defence, I never thought I’d go further with her.”
Jake replies to your several questions, but he can’t help and think back to the information you just gave him. You broke up with Scott, something it didn’t think would happen. He was sure you were going to end your life with him. As opposed to your exes, Jake had to admit Scott did deserve you and it cost him a lot to say it nonetheless he could see how Scott made you happy like he never could. Maybe this time Jake could make you happy? Jake pushed this last thought in the back of his mind. He agreed he had to leave you in the past. Jake can’t hope for a future with you when he’s about to win Lara’s heart again! He needs to stay focused.
Jake ends up leaving in the late evening to go to his place. You hug him and give him some encouragement for his date before closing the door behind him. That night, Jake struggles to fall asleep, completely lost about who he truly wants.
The next day as it is your day off and raining a lot, you stay home and clean your apartment from top to bottom. Music coming out of your phone, you wipe the floor with care when someone knocks on your door. You loudly sigh then put the mop back in the bucket and make sure it doesn’t fall before walking to the door whilst shutting down your music. Once you open, you surprisingly find Jake, soaking wet, with a bouquet of several flowers in purple tones.
“Jake? What are you doing here?”
“I remember.” he tells you as if you were supposed to get it.
“What are you talking about?”
“What? Aren’t you supposed to be with Lara by now, anyway? And I thought you were gonna offer her lilies.” you question, after you understood what he meant.
“The flowers, they’re for you. I’m not playing safe, I know you love those kinds of bouquet because you can’t pick a favourite flower and your favourite colour is purple.” he says, handing you the bouquet, yet you don’t take it.
“What? Are you insane? Lara is the one you’re supposed to win over, not me!”
“That’s what I thought, too, but it wouldn’t have been fair to her. I still went to meet her and apologise for ghosting her though, she isn’t the one I want.”
“Jake, I don’t understand.”
“Can I come in?”
Without replying to him, you step aside and let him in. Jake takes his damped shoes off before walking to the kitchen entrance.
“I’m gonna get you a towel, I don’t want you to be sick. Make yourself a coffee to warm up.”
Whilst you grab a clean towel, you try to understand what’s happening. You didn’t expect to see him, especially with flowers. The second you go back to him, Jake puts his freshly poured cup down and takes the towel while handing you the bouquet once more and this time, you accept it. Without holding yourself back, you smell the flowers and tenderly look at them; you love them. Jake got it right. He’s proud of himself when he sees the soft smile on your face.
“They’re beautiful, Jake but why?”
“Like I said, I remember. I remember what you told me during prom.” he specifies whilst drying his face.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” you lie, avoiding his eyes.
“I think you do. You told me you had feelings for me.”
You stare at Jake, confused. You were convinced he had no memory of that moment. In one second, your cheeks heat and you don't know what to do with yourself.
“I pretended to not remember because I didn’t know how to react and I’m sorry.” Jake admits, putting down the towel and taking a sip of his coffee.
“Don’t apologise, you saved me from a moment that would have haunted me until I die like this moment will.”
“I shouldn’t have ignored you.” he affirms, putting down his cup on the table. “You confessed something very important to me and by ignoring you, I broke your heart and mine too in the process. I didn’t know it at the time but I also had feelings for you. I realised it too late, actually when you met dickhead number 1.”
“You mean Josh?” you ask, laughing.
“That’s what I said. Anyway,” Jake resumes getting closer to you, “I should have talked to you and not leave you in the dark. Your friendship means a lot to me and that night, I didn’t act as a good friend. Even if I hadn't had feelings for you, I should’ve said something and not let you deal with your broken heart alone. I’m sorry I broke your heart that night and if it’s not too late, I want to pull it back together. I never stopped having feelings for you. I spent years ignoring my feelings and every time I wanted to confess them, you were with someone else and now, it’s the right time. I want you, not another girl, for worse or for better.”
“What about Lara? I thought you liked her.” you ask, trying not to get your hopes up.
“She’s nice but she’ll never make me feel what I feel with you. I would have never been honest with her if I had been with her. That’s why I never got in a serious relationship actually, you were always on my mind and I didn’t want another girl there. I wanted to try with Lara because I thought I had missed my chance with you so I wanted to move on, yet when you told me you and Scott were over yesterday, I knew you’d always be in my heart. That’s why I preferred to apologise to Lara without getting into a relationship with her. I could have never committed to her because I want to do it with you. I don’t know if you still have feelings for me and if you do, you’re probably hesitant considering my history and I get it though, I mean it when I say I want to commit to you.” he insists, looking you right in the eyes. “I’m not saying I’ll be perfect right away but you can be sure I’ll do everything to be. I know it’s gonna take some time for you to trust me but I will forever and ever. I care about you, no, I love you and I want to do better for you. For once, I wanna be the good boyfriend and more particularly the man you deserve,” Jake states, putting his hand on your cheek, “the one who will buy you flowers at any occasion, the one who won’t abandon you, the one you’ll never get stuck in a routine with, the one who will make you happy, make you feel loved and who will cherish you until his last dying breath.”
At the end of his speech, you’re at a loss for words. You didn’t expect a confession of love from him and you never thought Jake was capable of saying such beautiful things or even being serious about a relationship. Not knowing what to reply, you put your free hand on Jake’s cheek and kiss him with passion. He doesn’t waste a second to kiss you back. Among all the kisses he’s shared, this one is officially his favourite, and he hopes he’ll relive it every day of his life. His heart is beating fast in his chest while he brings you closer to him. As soon as you break the kiss, you look at Jake with eyes full of love.
“I never stopped loving you, Jake.”
Jake smiles as he hears your confession. He was very nervous when he came to your place. He was afraid he’d ruin everything, and he’s relieved to know he was wrong.
“Wow, your advice works wonders,” he suddenly says with a sarcastic tone. “Well, I improved your speech a bit but I approve of it. You really should get paid for your love advice.”
“I told you that’s how it works.” you affirm as if it was obvious. “That’s how you got the girl.”
“That’s how I got my girl.”
When you hear the emphasis on the pronoun, you avoid his gaze for a second, flustered. You clear your throat before speaking again.
“You should take me to a first date then.”
“Oh, I will. Any advice as to what to do on a first date? I have to impress this girl who means a lot to me.”
You both laugh then you bring Jake close to you again before pressing your lips on him, the second kiss even better than the first one.
Top Gun Maverick Masterlist
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iamjellyfish · 2 months
Hello! May I have a request for yandere! Soshiro Hoshina with a fem reader who's a childhood friend? Like reader been there for him, even knows his struggles in the past, he been falling for his childhood friend a long time.
❥A/n: OMG a Yandere request, sure imma put in extra effort in this fic:) yandere is my guilty pleasure so lmao! xD
❥Summary: You were the light of his life, the one to hold his heart hostage, he couldn't help but find a way to cage you down to him.
❥Warning: YANDERE CONTENT, DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT, kidnapping, mention of stalking, breaking and entering, drugging, overall questionable things.
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Aren't you the cutest of all? The way you smile, the way you cheer him up, the way you move. He couldn't get enough of you.
You were there for him, his dear childhood friend, in his darkest time. You know his struggles, you know that the era of the sword has long gone yet you, his darling, still cheer him on. He didn't think he loved you at first, his life was unstable due to kaiju so he never thought he'd fall in love with someone.
Yet... he found himself yearning for you, his everything. But you? You had no idea, Soshiro always keeps a goofy attitude on his face and never shows his dark side to you. You were completely oblivious to his moves. Who could blame you anyway? It isn't like you could think that the kind and strong vice-captain, your childhood best friend who always protects you, is behind all the stalking?
You felt so afraid when this one anonymous account kept looking through your social media profile daily, uneasy when your room had signs of someone breaking in to look through your stuff, or when you trained late at night and were going back to your room, you could feel someone eyes on you.
Of course, you would tell Soshiro all of that. Then he would comfort you, telling you it will be fine and he will investigate it.
"I will protect you alright? You are my dear friend, so I won't forgive the one who make you scared so easily!"
He said as he patted your shoulder and then left with a confident smile.
Everything seems fine for now. Atleast that's what you think.
You still do your regular routine, train like normal, eat like normal, you still tease Soshiro whenever you have the chance. But you still feel like someone is watching you, you can't brush the feeling off but you trust that whatever Soshiro doing is gonna help.
So after a long battle with kaiju, you return to the base. As you walked toward the bathroom, Soshiro greeted you with a cup of milk in his hand and a grin on his face. He hands out the cup and said.
"Nice to see you come back. Here is some warm milk for ya, remember to drink it before bed!"
You raise an eyebrow and look at him curiously, your hand reaching out to the warm cup and holding it then you look at him in the eyes.
"Hm? I know you usually take care of me but... Why this? I also going to bath anyway, the milk might be cold when I'm done."
You say as you take sips from the cup, the milk is sweet like how you like it. Seems like Soshiro knows about you more than you know. But it tastes a little off, probably just your imagination since you did fight for a long time, and Kaiju's body stinks.
"It's fine. If it's cold, I will heat it up again for ya. Alright?"
Soshiro said as he looks at you, drinking from the cup a little, then looks up into your eyes before pushing you lightly. His hands pushed you toward the bathroom and pat on your lower back.
"Now go bath, you stink. "
He teases you with a typical Soshiro grin on his face; your face turns red a little, and you hit him playfully. Before you huff and start leaving.
"Ahh! That's not how you say that to girls! Whatever. I'm going to bath."
After a few minutes, you get out of the bathroom and return to your room. As you walk into your room on the base, you feel something off, some of the stuff seems like it got missing. You sit down at your desk with the cup of milk and check your stuff.
"Nothing important got lost. Did I seriously lose my pens and pictures again? That's suck."
You said as you opened your laptops, sipping on some milk and checking your files. Everything seems normal so you check your social media a bit but the sleepiness hits you.
"Huh... I never got sleepy this soon. Probably because I got on a mission today. Imma sent Soshiro a cat meme before going to bed."
You click send on the messaging app, successfully sending Soshiro a silly cat meme then you launch yourself on the bed and blackout immediately. Unbeknownst to you, Soshiro hums as he walks into your room. The phone's light reflects on his face as a 'ting' sound pops from his phone, it's your message.
"Hm? Cutie, did you send me something before the drug got you? Aw, that's so cute! I love you so much."
His fingers trace your soft skin, and those scarlet eyes look into your carefree slumber. He eventually picks you up bridal-style and hugs you close, Soshiro doesn't even hide his excitement.
"Honey, you don't know how much I wanted to have you in my arms. I hate when you have to go on a mission, what if you got hurt?"
He coos into your ears before putting you into the backseat of his car and driving back to his house (mansion). Soshiro had been planning this for so long, that he finally got the perfect chance to kidnap you.
"But now. I won't have to pretend I'm fine when you smile sweetly to others when your kind words are spoken to others. Even better, I won't have to worry so much about my dear best friend getting hurt. Not that's wrong."
He said as his car stopped and he opened the door to pick you up and into his house. His eyes were always checking for any sign of you waking up before chuckling when the door was locked, forever sealing your fate to his.
"I should call you... My wife. Hoshina y/n"
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lidiasloca · 1 month
more than this (azriel x reader)
summary: after Azriel and reader had a summer together, the last thing Az was expecting was to face her again. (angst).
previous chapter, next chapter
chapter seven
Days passed. Countless days passed. Nothing happened in between them. You woke up, you ate, and you went to sleep. That was it. Emptiness.
Two months ago, thought, it were different. After leaving Helion’s palace, an unbearable pain reigned your heart. You woke up, you cried all day, and you went to sleep. But now you had no more tears left.
Just emptiness.
And constant banging on your head.
Or is it a knock on the door?
Another knock.
Another knock.
You rose from the ground, ungracefully and dizzy. “Go away!” you shout as you walk to the door of the old and poorly lit apartment you had rented. But the knocking doesn’t subside.  
“What do y-” But your words fade as you see the person knocking.
“Hi,” she smiles faintly. “It’s been a long time, Y/n.”
You open your mouth. You close it. And you try talking again.
Her forced smile fades into an empathetic look. Her expressive face has always been easy to read. Her next words are harder to understand, though. 
“I really hated you, you know. Utter, raw hate. And maybe I still hate you a bit. But… despite that, you deserve to know more about Azriel.”
She hates you. Understandable. She wants to talk about Azriel. That makes no sense at all. 
When you finally manage to word something, you ask her, “Know what?” 
“Well - could I come in first? It’s freezing here. And this may take a while.”
You let her in and guide here to the couch. Your mind is blank as you prepare some tea for the both of you. Is still blank when you start mindlessly listening to Elain talk about the weather, your family, and other things you can’t quite hear because your head is full of one clear scream:
“Elain,” you cut her off mid-sentence. “Please, just - what is it that you really came here for? Earlier you said something about Azriel.”
“I know. I know,” she replies softly. She inhales deeply. “I don’t know where to start...”
It was a sad day. Rain kept pouring and I felt lonely in my room. Only the drops of water accompanied me. 
Or at least that was until I saw them. Azriel’s shadows. And like smoke warns you about fire. His shadows only meant he was next. 
“Do not hide,” I commanded, no longer vulnerable against he who had broken my heart.
Then, he appeared, wearing black clothes, as obscure as his semblance. Sad eyes watched me back. Guilt and tears mixed in their dark color. 
“I am not hiding, Elain,” he said, softly as a whisper. “Not anymore.”
The pain in his voice moved me. He sounded miserable. He looked miserable. 
I walked to Azriel. Yes, I was mad at him. But that didn’t dismiss the love I still had for him - the worry I felt for him. 
The moment I laid a hand on him, barely a touch, he broke. He moved to hug me desperately as he cried and begged for forgiveness.
He confessed what we both knew I knew. That he had been with Y/n that summer. And that he still loved her after it. He said he wished he hadn't hurt me. And that he was sorry. So sorry.
He kept crying for so long it shocked me. He never showed me his feelings, but now, here he was, crying and sobbing as if he had never been touched by sadness before.
Once I accomplished to soothe him a bit, he told me what had happened. He told me trough sobs he had found his mate. He didn’t have to tell me her name. I knew. 
I had always known. Since the very first moment he had returned home after summer, I had known there had been someone. And I knew she was much more for him than just a someone. Even if he lied to me. Even if he lied to himself. 
But a bond… No lie can conceal the mating bond. 
Not even a lie to believe there is one. But he had tried to believe for so long that he would find one in me. In us. 
I felt like a disappointment every day that passed and the bond didn’t snap. I felt like that was the only way to prove myself worthy of his love. Had he had known we weren't mates earlier, I knew he wouldn’t have wasted a second on me. 
That was Azriel. A male obsessed with finding a mating bond and feeling unloved. It was a vicious circle he had entered. And I had jumped to the spiral with him… 
“And so did I,” you say.
Elain's eyes find yours in surprise when she hears you, like as she had been lost in her story. You know that feeling quite well. Memories with Azriel cut bone-deep and are always there to stay and come to the surface whenever they want. 
“And so did you,” she breathes. Then she chooses silence, still reeling from her confessions. 
You have a feeling that day she’s talking about was the day Azriel had left. The day the bond had snapped. The day you told him… 
You inhale deeply. Trying to think of something else.
“Y/n,” she calls. “The truth is, I hate you. You must have guessed that of course; I know I was rude to you when we first met. I pretended I didn't know anything so I could go on hurting you without consequence." She sighs and adds, "And I also hate him. I wish I didn’t, but I hate you both. He’s broken my heart, and you are the main reason as for he has done so. But, I had been thinking these months. About everything. But, especially, about where this anger comes from.” 
You watch as she wipes her tears. And your heart breaks for her. But, you can’t do anything, so you just continue listening to what she has to say. 
“And the truth is - you’ve just gotten what I always had wished for. A mating bond. It’s the only thing I’ve always wanted since I met Azriel. I hated the thought of being tied to anyone before that. But with Azriel, I wanted nothing else. And now…now I will never have that. Because you have it.”
Silence breaks in through the truths she’s sharing. And you both just sit with them like that. Guilt and sadness filling your heart. 
You let Elain take her time, and even though she claims to hate you, her kind eyes tell you she’s thankful for giving her a moment. 
“And… well, that though I had for many weeks. That you shared the bond with him and I didn’t. And to go through those weeks, I tried to use something he’d told me. That you hadn’t accepted it. That you hated him. I tried to convince myself that that made us even. I didn’t have the bond, but you, in a way, didn’t either. However, that didn’t do anything to make it better for me. It even made it worse. You had what I would’ve killed for, and you just - didn’t care. You had let him go. And well - I guess that is why I’m here.”
“I don’t understand. You’ve come here because I didn’t accept the bond?” you ask surprised and shocked.
“Yes. And because I want you to accept it.”
Your jaw nearly drops, and you have to close your eyes as you try to make some sense of this. Azriel cheats on her, and she wants for him to have his mating bond accepted by the one girl he’s cheated her with. What -
And not only that. Does she not know how much damage he’s done to you to?
“Elain, but-”
“I know. I know. That day, he told me everything. I know what he did to you. I know you didn’t know about me. That doesn’t make me hate you less. But it also doesn’t mean you don’t love him still.”
“What, but I-
“You deny it?” she asks, her eyebrows accusingly risen.
Of course you don’t. You will never deny loving him. And so you stay silent. 
“Listen, I know you are angry at him. A lot. But not half as much he is with himself. He hates himself for what he did to me and for what he did to you. And I know exactly how hard it will be to forgive him, but, you have to. It’s as simple as that.”
“No, no it’s not,” you whisper, almost on the verge of tears. 
“It is. You are mated. You love him, and he loves you. And…” She swallows and adds, “He doesn't love you because you are mated, he loved you long before that. Even when he thought it was supposed to be me. It was always you for him. It is that simple.”
Your cheeks are wet and your eyes hurt from shutting them so tightly when you feel her hand on your arm, caressing you like as she held love for you. You think how you could have ever hated this girl.
“I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry for me. Only be sorry for yourself if you let anger ruin the most precious treasure the gods have given you.”
“The mating bond.”
She cocks her head. “No.” You look up to find her eyes. “A soulmate. Someone that, with or without that bond, is made for you. And Azriel is.”
“Yes, oh,” she laughs softly.
“But, I don’t think he wants it anymore. I told him some things that-”
“Y/n, listen. Azriel loves you still just as much as you love him. No matter what he did. No matter what you said, your souls are tied. And your love hasn’t gone anywhere. Do not waste it.”
And her clear words make it dawn upon you. 
A revelation; You have to go find him. See for yourself that your love still has a chance. 
You smile at her, and she returns your smile softly.
The path to here has been difficult and blurry. What Azriel did is not completely amended. His mistakes have been done. And so are yours. But you are ready to forgive, if he is ready to be better. And you know he is. Because now, with this love you let yourself feel for him, the path seems easier and clearer. 
You know you both have things to solve, and talk. But love will be there with you every step of the way. 
And not only love.
The mating bond. 
“Do not waste what so many wish for when they look up to the stars.”
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Just one more chapter to goooo. I know our little Azriel hasn't appeared on this one, but he will of course be on the grand finale. Prepare yourselfs for a lovely ending to this story. Hope you liked it as I've loved getting back here to write for More Than This. Please know I much appreciate when you engage with my posts, especially when you comment nice things :) Thanku for reading.
-Characters by Sarah J. Maas
tag list:
@kalulakunundrum @bubybubsters @goradgirl @kennedy-brooke @going-through-shit @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @linoisqt @minakay @nastynesta @lockedinmytower @stargirl1714 @justagingerliving @marvelpotter @mommyyyyyyyyyyyyyy @mis-lil-red@whyonearthisyourusernamethi-blog @e-dollly @emptyporsche @cwallace02sblog@impossibelle @sidthedollface2 @justdreamstars @nyotamalfoy @cryinghotmess @fightmedraco @strangersunghoon @acourtofbatboydreams @snatched-bubblegum-bitch
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chiefdirector · 7 months
Survival | Tim Bradford | The Rookie
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Tim watched, helplessly, as the door closed behind (Y/N). He wanted to follow her, but he knew that any imput form him would be useless at best and detrimental at worse.
It was meant to have been an easy day, he could laugh at that thought now. He had grown comfortable, to comfortable. But he had planned for him and (Y/N) take a long weekend off. He had it all planned out, movies rented and cupboards stocked with more food they they could bost possibly eat.
It had been a long couple of months, both he and (Y/N) swamped with case after case at work. So when the last day came before their time off, Tim's head wasn't in the game. He should have been more focussed, if he had, then he wouldn't be here, sitting in a hospital waiting room, drecnhed in his finacee's blood.
It was his fault.
It was all his fault, he would never forgive himself.
It was nearing end of shift when it happened, he took what sounded like an easy call. If he had paid better attention, he would have known how much of a shit-show he was driving into.
(Y/N) had shot him an odd look when he said that they were responding alone. He had said that they didn't need back-up, it was a simple domestic call.
That's another thing he felt like laughing at. He though it was simple. Simple! If the guilt wasn't sitting so heavily in his chest, he might have actually been able to must some sort of reaction to the thought.
But he felt numb. He knew that he had to trust the doctor's to save her. They had brought him back from the brink of death numerous amounts of times, but it wasn't his life at stake here, it was hers. And if she didn't make it, Tim didn't know how he could forgive himself.
The bullet had scraped her neck, breaking the vein. The couple they had been sent to wasn't just having an arguement. The wife had her partner at gunpoint.
Thankfully, the husband wasn't harmed, (Y/N) had made sure of that. She took the bullet meant for him. She had made a split second descision to put her life in front of his. It was her job to do that, Tim knew all too well. But he knew that it was his job as her fiance to put her above all else and he had failed; he failed her.
The rest of it was a blur to him. He knew from the blood on his hands that he had to have tried to stop her bleeding. He could vaguley picture the ambulance that had come to get her and (Y/N)'s attacker running away before she could be arrested.
Everything else was a mystery. All he knew now was that he was in front of doors forbidding the general public to enter.
"Officer," A voice said from behind him. Quickly, he broke from his thoughts. He turned, looking at the nurse before him, nodding to prompt her to continue. "I don't think she will be out for a while, do you know her next of kin?"
"It's me." His voice was shaky and quiet as his spoke. He just about clocked on that the nurse didn't hear him. He cleared his throat, speaking clearly this time. "It's me, I'm her next of kin."
As he spoke, he felt his thoughts clarify for the first time since he saw (Y/N)'s body crumple to the ground. He was useless here but he knew what he had to do.
Ignoring the nurse as she began to speak again, Tim turn on his heels and left the hospital. (Y/N)'s survival was no longer something he could control, the only thing he could do was to catch the bitch who shot her.
That and pray that she would come back to him.
@rookietrek @kmc1989 @augustvandyne
(i tagged people i thought may like, let me know if you wasnt to be added and/or removed)
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tainbocuailnge · 8 months
Another thing that's... kinda odd about the English translation is in the DRK quests, Myste says "A reckoning will not be postponed indefinitely", which is a big line in basically a secret route of the browser game Fallen London. and yeah, it is a cool line and neat to hear it in FF14... it also doesn't really work for Myste? In it's original context, it's about the remains of a dead demi-god-like being, which was cast into a well, seeking a reckoning and leading the player down a route which will irreversibly destroy their character in pursuit of dark secrets.
Which is not what the Myste sections of DRK were about at all, lol.
oh I could rant for hours about dark knight translations. that questline is actually why I first went to scope out the german script, because I heard drk wildly differs between english and japanese and that german generally stays closer to japanese than english does. I translated some of the fray parts here actually, though you'll note I'm a lot more forgiving of the english script in that one because i hadn't reached sidurgu's parts yet löl
german fray and myste are just completely different characters from english. german myste is upbeat and energetic. he loves people who help others and feels a strong urge to help them in turn. he spawned from the dark knight crystal in response to the loneliness of countless dark knights stored within it so he could console them and be their friend, he's basically the will of the soul crystal itself. he tries to alleviate that loneliness by facilitating reunions with lost loved ones but grows frustrated that this only leads to more partings, so he tries to expand his powers to maintain his illusions forever, because more than anything he just doesn't want to leave his dear friends the dark knights alone. he represents the childish wish at the core of every dark knight for a world where nobody has to lose anyone again.
in the part of the quests where you take myste to the sea of clouds there's this bit where in english he talks about his guilt complex and lets slip that this is also your guilt. in german he tells you that he was always with these people who fight hard for others, watching from the sides, until one day he heard a cry of loneliness and since then he's been trying his best to help people too. that's the moment that for me really hammered it in that these languages fundamentally disagree on what it even means to be a dark knight.
in english myste is desperate to atone for everything he's ever done and fray is your self preservation instinct who is kinda mad that you let it get this far, but they have to forgive him because you're all you have as you walk this lonely and bloody path that you have to believe is right. in german myste is your ideal, the desire to comfort those who have no-one else, crying that maybe it's better to forget altogether if partings can't be avoided and fray is your human heart who agrees that parting will always hurt but that is exactly where you find the strength to continue the fight, because it is worthwhile even if it never ends, and the path may be lonely but you will never walk it alone when there are people who came before you and who will come after you who all share this same dream of a kinder world. of course you won't have to leave us, you're our ideal, you're what we do it all for, as long as we remain dark knights you'll be with us. this all flows very naturally into drk-as-shadowbringers-class and ardbert's deal too but since I haven't reached shb in german yet I don't want to say anything extensive about it yet
i still think english drk was cooking with even your repressed feelings being repressed + the part of yourself that wants to protect itself obviously trying to protect itself and thus not wanting to show vulnerability so en fray postures as the stronger one who will protect you instead, and that fray writing in the journal (and only being able to be honest in a place where you're unlikely to look unless you don't know where to go) is incredibly clever. but in the context of how english treats sidurgu and just the way they handle the entire rest of the game really i also don't think that they were intentionally going for this kind of subtlety, it feels to me more like they just thought sincerity is cringe like usual and decided to make everyone cool and edgy (and thus needlessly mean to each other) instead.
and yeah english fucking loves to just yoink lines from other media whether it's appropriate or not. they turned zenos' final words to wol into a hamilton reference in english, "my first friend, my enemy" is a hamilton line, he doesn't ever call you his enemy in any other language (in german he calls you his hunter though which yes is incredibly horny of him). I'll admit I'm not in a good position to judge whatever epic references the german script makes because I'm unfamiliar with german language popular media so I won't spot them unless someone else points them out but I do know that when german fray quotes fight club it just enhances their characterisation as trying to sound cool and intimidating but failing because they're really kind of lame and awkward and can't hide how stoked they are to hang out with you.
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readychilledwine · 8 months
Exhibition and Voyeurism
✨️Kink Education with Elizabeth✨️
Exhibition is the sexual arousal of being watched or looked at naked or while performing a sexual act. Exhibition is a kink that most of us actually tend to have to some degree. We can live it out in a place as simple as in front of a mirror with just our partner, by partaking in group sex, or in some places, there are clubs you can attend that attract the swinger and BDSM lifestyle that allow exhibition shows and scenes between couples. This kink is just one side of a very fun and exciting coin.
Voyeurism is being aroused by watching others during sexual acts or naked, and that is the second side of this coin. Voyeurs can find their kicks through a few different methods, but a common one we as a society have stopped associating with both of these kinks are strip clubs. A Voyeur may also be someone who partakes in cuckolding.
I've used exhibition/voyeurism in a few fics before since it is one of my favorite kinks to learn and write about. If you are interested in those, let me know, and I can send you some links 💕
💕 Peep the Valentines Day List Here 💕
💜Read Drumming Song Here💜
As always- NSFW below cut
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Rhysand x TamlinsSister!reader
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Warnings - could be seen as dubcon in nature (use of sex pollen), Rhys having to wear his mask, public sex, mentions of watching public sex, reader is used by Amarantha to send message to Tamlin, no mentions of seeing Tamlin during the act though, inferred power play with 3 people, forgot to send this to a friend to have them find errors, so forgive me.
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Rhys kissed your shoulder, his eyes slightly haunted as he stepped back. “It's been a month,” he whispered gently. “She wants it done tonight.”
Tonight, of course she did after forcing you, Tamlin, and Lucien to watch Feyre beaten into a pulp. You swallowed heavily, stilling your mind while knowing what was to come. “She's doing this to hurt him,” a small smirk came to Rhysand's lips, causing you to glare. 
“You practically came to the idea of this not that long ago.” His hands were on you within a second of you turning away from him. Arms wrapped you tightly into him. “This is about your safety. Your protection. She believed you are my toy, therefore will not touch you due to my loyalty.” His voice had dripped down to a soft purr, echoing from your ear to the rest of your body. “You know I would not ask this of you if it wasn't absolutely necessary.”
Wine appeared before you. It reflected a soft golden shimmer and smelled faintly of citrus. Rhys picked it up, bringing it to your lips as he stared at you in the mirror. “You were so good for me during the Rite. Just be my good girl one more night, darling.” 
He pressed the cool glass against your lips, tilting it in silent command. “Trust me.”
You nodded, eyes watering slightly. You would never live this down. It would forever stain your history, stain the Spring Court's history. You allowed him to force the sweet liquid into your mouth, swallowing it as he placed a kiss to your temple. 
By time two shadows were done dressing you, your skin had started on fire. 
Heat pooled your body like a fevered dream making everything hazy. Every brush of their hands on your skin was heaven. 
But Gods when Rhys came in, when your mate came into the room smelling of power and seduction, you were instantly on him.
 Rhys smiled, hands going to your hips as he scented your arousal. You could faintly hear your brother growling, hear Amarantha's cruel voice, but all that mattered was Rhysand. “Are you ready, darling?” 
This wasn't one of Amarantha's usual parties where the air was stiff with tension and hatred. No, she had tapped into the more animalistic side of fae, allowing drinking, fucking, and fighting. 
You were currently perched on Rhysand's lap, core dripping as you watched two females eating each other out as if they'd found water after months in the Day Court's deserts. 
The gown you were in was completely see through, leaving none of your body to the imagination. You could hear Rhysand growl each time you two were approached at your high table. 
His hands had begun to roam. Squeezing your breasts, your plush thighs, you ass. 
You had begun to subconsciously rock on his thigh as need began settling into your bones. Rhysand's hand moved down, cupping your sex as he began placing tender kisses along your throat. “Good girl,” he purred. “Need help, baby?” You nodded eagerly, gasping as he spread your legs so you had one on each side of his thighs, opening you up to the room with only a shimmering fabric barely hiding you. 
He took one of your arms, forcing it behind his head and pulled your back to his chest.
A long finger circled your clit, causing you to moan loudly. You felt some eyes snapping over to the both of you, locking in on where that hand played with your soaked pussy. Looking over with flushed cheeks, you watched as Helion took a heavy drink, his eyes tracking each movement of Rhysand's hand, his body stirring with each moan and gasp you released. 
It took but seconds for you and Rhysand to be the main show as his finger began teasing your entrance. 
The Lord of Night and the Rose of Spring.
Death and Life.
The idea of you two was erotic alone, but seeing it had some of the fae in the room on their knees, as if worshiping every soft plea that left your mouth. 
When Rhysand finally pushed two fingers in, you couldn't help the scream of his name. You went to turn your head, only for his other hand to grip your hair, keeping your vision locked on where the other fae where fucking in a group. 
Whatever he had given you had dropped your inhibitions. It had relaxed you so completely your mind had forgotten why this was being done. You began riding his fingers in time with a pretty female sitting on a male's face. His fingers were curling, hitting that perfect spot and sending spark after spark through you. Your slick was dripping down his hand making him chuckle darkly in your ear. “Look at you, baby. Look at you getting off with all the High Lords watching you. All of their advisors watching you.” You whined in despair as he took his fingers out of you, forcing you to stand long enough for him to take his cock out. 
His beautiful heavy cock just waiting to plunge into you. To feel you. He sat back down, keeping your back to his chest before sinking you down fully on him. 
You came shamelessly as he bottomed out, but had no time to rest as he ripped the thin material of your dress off, leaving your body bare to all in attendance and began thrusting into you. 
Eyes were tracking each bounce of your breasts, each drop of sweat, each sweet moan causing your lips to part. Rhys retitled your head to where Amarantha sat watching. Her gaze was predatory, dangerous, and filled with lust.
In a normal situation, it would have disgusted you, but as you rode him, as every inch of you stretched out around him further fueling the fire in your lower tummy, she didn't matter. 
No one mattered.
It was just you and him, putting on a show for anyone to see and enjoy.
Your inner walls began twitching and pulsing around Rhys causing you to beg. Your eyes rolled with each movement, mouth falling open as he fucked you stupid. 
“Do not be rude, Rhysand. Allow our poor y/n to cum.” 
Rhys kissed below you ear before licking the pointed shell. “Cum for me, not for anyone else, for your mate.” 
Stars clouded your vision as you screamed his name, mind falling into an even deeper has as his thrusts grew sloppy inside of you before he followed behind. 
It was then that he bit your pulse point hard enough to trigger another orgasm, allowing your body to milk every last drop from him. Rhys allowed you to collapse against him, giving you a few moments before he lifted you and used magic to fix his pants. 
He fully lifted you bridal style then, nodding to Amarantha as he carried you back to his room. 
“Again,” you whispered to him, hand finding his face. “I need more.”
Rhys kissed your palm when it reached his cheek. “I will give you your fill in our room, y/n Darling. Just let me get you away from all those eyes first.”
You nodded sadly, peering up at him with puppy eyes and making his steps falter. “What's wrong?”
“I liked it. Again.”
The soft demand had His gaze going dark. “You will be the death of me, y/n. But if it is at the cost of this perfect cunt, then who I am to complain?”
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@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanager @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho
@mariahoedt @rinalouu
Rhys taglist:
@tothestarsandwhateverend @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson
Valentines Day Taglist
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mcu-coworkers · 1 year
Summary: You tell Miguel his truths and in return he shows you his.
Word count: 1.9k+
Warnings: none really:]
A/n: Hello everyone welcome to long awaited part 4 as well as the final part to this little series! thank you guys so much for loving it I truly can't express how grateful I am for all of you I hope you love this ending and I hope to you all again in my next story! Also I will be attaching the tag list to this chapter since hopefully that makes it a little easier to find everyone. I hope everyone enjoys.xx
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Credits to the owner^:)
It had been a week since you went back to HQ and you were starting to feel lighter.
In a way, telling Miguel your truth helped you get there.
Because now, you didn't have to keep thinking about the thought of what you’d say to him if you ever saw him again.
But you did see him again, and in your opinion, you said just the right things.
Suddenly you found yourself having more energy, listening to happier songs, and taking Milo on longer walks or fun adventures.
Things were finally starting to look up for you, so much so you actually thought about returning to the spider society to get back on fighting multiversal crime.
Right on queue Peter walks through the portal.
“You sure you wanna do this? You said you’d never come back.” he questioned remembering how he found you right after everything happened.
Thinking about it one more time, you smiled and turned on your suit.
“Yep, I'm just gonna lay low. Be a freelance spider with no commitment to a sector or anything you know?” you said reassuring yourself.
“Okay but  I   mean more like to get back in you’ll have to talk to Miguel. And he hasnt been in the best of moods lately.” he said watching as you walked.
Your smile only got wider as you made your way to the portal, for the first time you felt nothing.
No butterflies in your stomach and no heart beat skipping at the mention of his name.
Progress right?
Shrugging his shoulders Peter followed you in standing right beside you as you entered the busy hallways.
“Alright well  I  ‘ll leave you to it. I'm gonna take May Day to get her mid day nap.” he said walking away.
“See ya later Pete thanks for bringing me in.” you said waving him away.
As you made your way to Miguel's office you thought about what Pete said earlier, had he really been such a grump.
You’d think he’d be happier not having to deal with you.
But like always, nothing and no one could ever help that man no matter the case.
As you made your way up Miguel was practicing his speech with Lyla.
“... I   didn’t mean what  I   said that day and if  I   knew the damage it would do  I   wouldn't have said it in the first place? Sounds stupid doesn't it?” he said, turning to face her.
“Yep, just like the first two times you said it. Miguel when you go find her you have to speak from the heart not from a piece of paper it just sounds so Scripted.” she said, rolling her eyes.
“Scripted? It's not scripted. I just think writing my thoughts down will help me pull it together.” he said huffing in frustration.
“How about this, you pretend im Y/n and tell me what you’d say, no notes just your thoughts. Right now.” she said sitting in a little AI chair she made for herself.
Thinking about it he just gave up.
“Okay but record it so  I   can take notes after.” he said, beginning to pace around the panel.
Sighing he began to get frustrated with himself, “Ay cono esto no esta sirviendo.” he said rubbing his face.
“Come on Miguel, get to it.” Lyla said, rushing him.
“This is stupid! Shes probably off with who ever the fuck Milo is having the time of her life because  I  , like the big fucking idiot  I   am, pushed her straight into his arms!” he said, at this point he was over the smashing and breaking things so he just leaned against his desk.
“It doesn't matter what  I   say anymore Lyla, She’ll never forgive me, she’ll never listen to me.  I  ‘ll never get to tell her that  I   love her and even if  I   did she’d never believe it because she thinks  I   am a big giant asshole.' ' he said lowering his voice as he got close to the end.
“But you know what? That Milo is one lucky soul, he gets to look into her eyes, make her smile, just simply be in her presence. He has everything  I   wish  I   had. Y/n.” he said, still looking down.
“ I   was a vampire, sucking the life out of her and then just tossing her to the side like she meant nothing, when in reality she was fucking everything Lyla. Milo is one lucky guy.” he said, looking up at Lyla to see her smiling.
Confused by her reaction he was getting ready to ask.
“Milo is a dog, my dog.” you said, startling him.
“Dios mío (my god), Y/n? What are yo-what are you doing here.” he said, his heart practically racing out of his chest.
“Well  I   was here to ask for my place back in the society but  I   think I'm gonna go.. Yeah I'm gonna go.” you said as tears began to well up in your eyes.
There was no actual way you just heard all of that.
Looking between you and Lyla Miguel went after you.
“No no no wait just please.” he said, holding onto your arm.
Pulling back you felt anger, the audacity of this man.
“Who do you think you are? Huh?  I  was so in love with you Miguel! So stupidly in love with you because  I   thought you were this hero that helped everyone and you just needed someone to help you.” you said laughing to yourself.
“People told me to stay away from you, that you’d never accept the help or even my friendship. But  I   shook them off and thought they were crazy for not wanting to see through that rough surface you carried, but  I   did,  I   wanted to.  I   wanted to believe that  I   could break through and see the real you, but  I   realized there is no breaking through. That was it there was no surface, that's just who you are and it was all thanks to you. No one else helped me realize it, just you.” you said shoving a finger into his chest.
“And when  I   took that leap of faith and told you how  I   felt you kicked me to the curb, you bled me dry like a goddamn vampire. Because of you  I   almost gave it all up.  I   was so broken, so lost. All because  I   risked my place next to you and  I   lost it. But in reality   I   never had it. There was no place next you because you're Big bad Spiderman 2099 and you work better alone. Fine, work alone.” you said walking away, nope, not walking away you weren't done.
“ No you know what, it's not fair. You do not get to reject me and make me go through all of this to just turn around and say that you love me. You’re a vampire, Miguel O’hara. You just like to suck the life out of me and toss me to the side until you feel like using me again.” you said tears were beginning to fall.
“Y/n please,  I   never meant for you to feel like this,  I   just,  I   just want you to come back.  I   understand if what  I   said was too much but we need you here.  I   need you here.” he said, looking at you with soft eyes.
God he was making it difficult to walk away.
“If this is your way of getting some fucked up little thrill  I   wont do it,  I   wont.” you said looking at him with threatening eyes.
“ I   know it's hard to believe what  I‘m saying but could you atleast try? Dios mio mujer  I‘m trying to confess my love for you and you're making it impossible!” he said, running his hands through his hair.
He fell for such a headstrong woman.
Looking at you again he decided to just go for it, “Oh fuck it.” he said looking at your lips.
“Wha-” before you could finish his lips were on yours and he was pulling you in for a passionate kiss.
Putting your hand against his chest you considered pulling away but as he cupped your face and pulled you closer your hands found themselves making their way to the back of his neck and pulling him closer.
Pulling away, Miguel continued to give you pecs allowing you to catch your breath.
“Believe me now?” he whispered.
“Mmmm, still a little skeptical.” you said smiling as he leaned back in smiling into the kiss.
“Aww aren't you two just the cutest? Lyla please tell me you got that.” you heard startling you as you pulled away.
“Yup, got it all.” she said pointing to the recording hologram, “So good.” she said smiling.
You tried to detach yourself from Miguel but he continued to hold you tightly by the waste.
So instead you opted for hiding into his chest and smiling.
“What do you need, Parker.” Miguel said as he looked at the walking interruption.
“My friend who came to see the walking grump was taking a little long just wanted to make sure she made it out alive.” he said, covering May Day's bright eyes.
“As you can see she is alive and well, you can go now.” he said, putting his attention back on you.
“Alright, im gone you kids be safe, take it slow.” he said jokingly.
“Peter!” you yelped turning a bright shade red.
“So,  I'm a blood sucking vampire?If  I   knew any better  I‘d think you have a thing for vampires amor.” he said as he kissed down your neck gently grazing you with his fangs.
Moving your head to give him more space you moved your hands into his hair and pulled at the roots.
“Just one.” you said smiling as he brought his lips back to yours.
“Good. Because this ones gonna do more than suck the life out of you.” he said as he pulled you back in for a kiss.
Smiling into the kiss you pulled away trying to control your laughter.
Confused by your reaction Miguel just watched.
“You were je-jealous of my dog?” you said trying to catch your breath.
Shoulder slumping Miguel hoped you wouldn't bring that up.
“You're not letting that go are you.” he said looking at the wall.
“Oh no, never  I   do have to admit, he is one handsome boy.” you said bursting out in laughter.
“Yeah yeah, whatever.” he said as he attempted to keep a straight face, hearing your laugh in his office again made it hard.
Finally, everything was how he wanted it.
You at his side, with a dog, but nonetheless at his side.
Now he just had to get Milo on his side too.
Did this mean he was a dog dad now? 
“Wait Lyla did you know she was coming here?” he asked suddenly realizing that you just so happened to walk in at a perfect time.
“Yup, saw her on the surveillance footage and you were taking too long for my liking, you are welcome boss man.” she said, saluting him before disappearing.
Deciding to let it go he focused back on you, “worth it.”
Meanwhile Lyla was showing the other spiders the video collecting her winnings from the bets she placed.
“These damn AI’s always know everything.” Jess whispered under her breath.
She’d take it up with Miguel later, but for now… who knew he could be such a softy?
You did, more than ever now.
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hippolotamus · 2 months
Way More Than Seven Sentence Sunday
Tagged by the lovely and talented @kitteneddiediaz @tizniz @diazsdimples @spotsandsocks @inell @wikiangela Be sure to check their works!
IDK this has been rolling around in my brain since I first heard Casual. Sooo… 🦴 🍎 🦷
“C’mon, Luce,” Nat teases from the driver’s seat, poking Lucy’s thigh. “I play personal taxi and can’t even get a tour? Guess I need to up my game.”
Lucy rolls her eyes. Hopefully it’s more annoyed than fond. Honestly, Natalia could ask for a million things and Lucy would readily give them. At least, she wants to. She wants to want to. But that involves levels of vulnerability Lucy plans to keep locked up tighter than Diaz’s Catholic guilt.
“Your game’s fine, Dollenmeyer. I’ll show you around.” Lucy grabs her work bag and exits the car before Nat can gloat and kiss her about it.
Kinard and Thompson are chatting over coffee in the hangar, while Lee checks over the equipment in one of the birds.
“Well, if it isn’t my little ray of sunshine,” Kinard chirps, flashing his stupid, dazzling lovesick smile. God, Buckley’s got him so whipped. She’s happy for them but Jesus Christ. “And who do we have here?”
Tommy, ever the gentleman and charmer, takes Nat’s offered hand. “Tommy Kinard. One of Lucy’s favorite teammates,” he says with a wink.
“Oh, yeah, I’ve heard about you!”
“This is Nat. Natalia,” Lucy interjects. “We were hanging out and she very nicely agreed to drop me off since my car’s in the shop.”
Beside her, Nat stiffens. Tommy raises an eyebrow, shooting a knowing look at Lucy.
This. This is why she tried to resist Nat’s offer and insisted an Uber would be fine. Because Lucy knows she’s fucked up. Knew she would before it happened. What’s worse is Tommy knows — or highly suspects — she fucked up. He was in the closet too long, and with too many shitty partners, to not see right through her. He’s going to give her hell about this.
“Uh, yeah,” Nat agrees, barely hiding the way her voice is trembling. She drops Tommy’s hand and clutches her purse tighter. “So, uh, gonna take a raincheck on that tour. Maybe another time. Nice to meet you.”
Nat doesn’t run back to the car but she may as well. She doesn’t look at Lucy once. Not with anger or sadness or disappointment. Not at all. Lucy bites the inside of her cheek and watches her go despite the desperate clawing thing in her chest that wants Nat to stay. Now. Forever maybe.
She hikes her bag up on her shoulder, turning to walk toward the locker room, only to be met with Tommy still there. His arms are crossed and he doesn’t look at her with any judgement. It would be better than the almost pitying, understanding expression he’s wearing.
“What, Kinard?” She bites out, staring past him. “I have to change for my shift. Just- say it already.”
He watches her a moment longer, rolling his lips in, assessing. “Do I even have to?”
“I have to change for my shift,” she says again, biting her bottom lip, hard. Because she’s not going to get upset about this now. Just like she’s not going to think about waking up this morning, for the very first time, to Nat sleeping beside her, hair sprawled across the pillow while sunlight painted her bare back. How it made Lucy ache.
Tommy sidesteps, making a sweeping gesture to let her know she’s free to go anytime. She nods tightly, unable to meet his gaze as she passes.
“Y’know, I kinda wanted to hate her,” Tommy starts. Because he’s a bastard that way. She hates him. Hates him so fucking much for it that she loves him for being so goddamn forgiving and thought provoking. She swears he went to the Bobby Nash School of Life Advice and Mentoring.
She stops, but doesn’t turn around.
“Evan said nice things about her. Decent things anyway. Admittedly, I wasn’t crazy about why she was into him. But he didn’t have anything terrible. Being his first- I felt a little nervous and wanted to find something. Anything about the people in his past. You know how it can be with exes. Gets messy sometimes.” He pauses, probably sipping his lukewarm coffee. “And then they just- I don’t know, surprise the hell out of you in an unexpected way.” Another pause. “Don’t worry. I won’t hold you up anymore.”
His footsteps echo across the hangar, growing quieter. Lucy tightens her death grip on her bag and marches to the locker room. When she gets there, if she turns on the showers so she can cry in peace, that’s between her and the ancient tile and god.
np tagging @actuallyitsellie @diazheartsbuckley @weewootruck @saybiwithme @bidisasterevankinard @dangerpronebuddie @theotherbuckley @stereopticons @daffi-990 @your-catfish-friend @thekristen999 @filet-o-feelings @underwaterninja13 @rainbow-nerdss @steadfastsaturnsrings @honestlydarkprincess @exhuastedpigeon @jesuisici33 @dr-shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @dorkydiaz @bi-buckrights @elvensorceress @bucksbiawakening @giddyupbuck @beyourownanchor6 @lemonzestywrites @monsterrae1 @statueinthestone @slightlyobsessedwitheverything @the-likesofus @thewolvesof1998 @watchyourbuck @shipperqueen6 and anyone else who wants to 😘
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scyllas-revenge · 1 year
A Shield Against the Snow
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yet another only one bed scenario, because I’m obsessed with them
Boromir/Reader (gender neutral)
Word count: 1,472
Rating: T
Here’s my next installment of How to Cope with a Middle Earth Bed Shortage, this time with our beloved Boromir! (previous chapters include Eomer/Reader and Legolas/Reader).
Read on AO3!
“We’ll have to share.”
Boromir turned to look at you incredulously as you held your bedroll out to him, and for a moment you feared that your suppressed longing had revealed itself in your shaking voice. But your whole body was shaking with cold as it was, and it seemed you were safe.
“It’s our only option,” you added weakly.
Boromir had lost half his supplies in the snow hours earlier, nearly tumbling into a ravine in the treacherous climb up Caradhras. The two of you had gone scouting ahead for a safer path, but were now facing a night in a snowstorm alone, lost, freezing, and with a single bedroll between you.
“Nonsense.” He turned away, looking irritated. “Go to sleep, and I will keep watch.”
“Keep watch for what?” You gestured to the forest of boulders and ice, ominous in the dying evening light. Too inhospitable even for a campfire. “There’s nothing out here but snow.”
Boromir pulled his cloak tighter around himself and didn’t answer.
“If you’re not going to sleep, we might as well keep walking,” you went on, raising your voice over the biting wind. “We might be able to catch up with the Fellowship by dawn.”
“So late, and in this blizzard? The sun is setting, and soon we will be utterly blind!”
You jabbed a gloved finger at him in triumph. “Then how do you expect to keep watch?”
“I—” But you had bested him, and he scowled. “Just go to sleep.”  
“You’re being ridiculous!”
“The Men of Gondor can outlast a little snow.”
“Boromir, you’ll freeze—”
“I cannot share your bed!” He was breathing hard. “I cannot. I beg you, do not ask me again.”
You had expected a show of protest—Boromir always was a stickler for propriety—but the vehemence of his refusal stung. All these weeks the Fellowship had traveled together, he had never spoken so coldly to you. Always he had been kind, warm, talkative, seeking to walk by your side or offer you extra food at mealtimes. There had even been moments when his hand had rested on your shoulder, his eyes fairly glowing with what you had thought—what you had hoped was…
“I thought you were more practical than this.” Bitterness sharpened your voice to a swordpoint. “Would you truly rather freeze than lie beside me for a night? Just to stay warm?”
He may as well have slapped you. Valar, he hadn’t even hesitated. But the shock of pain subsided quickly, fury taking its place. “Yes?” You stormed toward him, the bedroll shaking in your gloved fists. But the snow had frozen slick on the rocks at your feet, and Boromir’s hand darted out to steady you as you slipped.
Your eyes locked. He was all tension, jaw clenched, fingers tightening on your arm. Something desperate warred behind his eyes.
“Yes?” The word ghosted from your lips in a puff of white, a furious challenge.
“Yes.” His grip tightened, tightened, nearly painful. “For your warmth would burn me.”
His breath billowed out in uneven clouds before him, anguish roughening his voice. “To lie beside you, to feel you pressed against me all through the night, to feign indifference all the while—” He released you and stepped away, shaking his head. “It would destroy me utterly.”
You stopped feeling the cold at once. 
Boromir must have seen the shock in your eyes and stepped back again. “Forgive me. I had hardly wished to burden you with my desires, least of all now, here.”
“Desires? But how—how long have you…”
He lowered his eyes. “You will think me a barbarian, for I have wished to share your bed since first we met. Though I admit, I had imagined rather different circumstances than this. I am sorry to bring you discomfort,” he added, misreading your stunned silence. “Sorrier still to threaten our friendship. But you understand now why you must sleep alone.”
The bitter wind whipped at Boromir’s hair. Squaring his shoulders against the cold, he turned away into the darkness to begin his watch.
“Wait.” You shook your head breathlessly, finding your voice at last. “No. Share with me. Please.”
You set down your bedroll in the shelter of a little rocky outcropping, in as much shelter as could be found from the wind, and turned back to him.
But the desire in your voice had been lost in the freezing wind. “I cannot…” His mouth moved, but no sound came out. Misery twisted his features, and he stepped back once more.
You came to him instead, reaching out a gloved hand to sweep the snow from his broad shoulders, your fingers lingering on his collar in a gesture he couldn’t possibly misunderstand. “It’s so cold, Boromir,” you whispered. “Let me keep you warm.”
A shudder ran the length of his body, and he pulled you into his arms so urgently that he stumbled in the snow, gathering you to his chest with a breathless laugh. “Yes,” was all he managed to say. “Yes, love.” 
And you kissed him.
Boromir’s lips were cold and chapped, but so were yours, and it was a sweeter kiss by far than any you'd conjured up during your long journey together. You melted into his embrace, heedless of the wind biting at your skin, and you clung to each other tighter even than the snow clung to your hair and cloaks.
Already you were warmer than you’d been in weeks. That wasn’t saying much, of course, considering how long the Fellowship had been hiking in the snow. And while Boromir’s mouth was invitingly warm, you felt no heat from his gloved hands, nor the snow-encrusted cloaks and furs between your bodies.
You shivered in his arms. Without speaking, you both trudged, still clinging to one another, to your bedroll, climbing hurriedly inside and draping your snow-encrusted coats and cloaks over the covers for extra warmth. It was more cramped than you’d anticipated, but you found you didn’t mind. The length of Boromir’s body was pressed tight to yours, and you grinned, nuzzling even closer to him.
Boromir wrapped his arms around you, drawing the covers as far over your heads as you could to shelter you from the wind. And without wasting a moment he slanted his lips over yours again, his fingers carding through your hair. He still wore his bulky gloves, making the gesture more uncomfortable than romantic. You laughed fondly and drew away.
“Let me.” You untangled your hair from his glove and took his hands in yours. Inch by inch you slipped the worn leather from his fingers, first one hand and then the other. His eyes were locked on your movements, his breath hushed.
You removed your own gloves next, and the warmth of his bare skin against yours was more welcome than a roaring fire. You gathered his fingers in your smaller ones, heating them against your lips with a long breath. Gently, you massaged his heavy palms, his calloused fingers, his broad fingertips.
“Had I known what sharing a bed with you would be like,” Boromir whispered, eyes slipping shut contentedly, “I would have mislaid my bedroll days ago.”
You laughed, withdrawing one hand slowly to trace the side of his face with your fingertips—the unkempt beard, the weathered skin, the little lines at the sides of his mouth where his smile widened. You had never touched his face before, and you wondered how you’d managed to go so long without doing so.
Boromir mirrored your gesture, cupping your face in his hand. With his other he propped himself above you—protecting you from the worst of the elements even now—and kissed you as though he’d been thinking of nothing else all those weeks you’d traveled together.
He drew away only to press a kiss below your ear, his lips parting hot against your racing pulse. You gasped, arching into him—and the covers above you shifted, sending a flurry of snowflakes cascading into your faces.
The next minutes were spent spluttering, coughing, shivering, knocking knees and elbows as you hurried to readjust the blankets above your heads.
Peace fell again at last, and your breathing calmed.
The wind was quieter now, as though it regretted its former cruelty, and the sun was nearly gone—Boromir’s face was little more than a warm silhouette under the blankets.
“Is this better?” you whispered, the last of the snow finally brushed away.
Boromir swept a strand of your now-mussed hair from your forehead. “No. I wish I could feel more of you tonight.” His voice was soft, the words ghosting warm over your lips.
“So do I.” Your fingers played at the hem of his tunic. “Perhaps, if we were very careful…”
For a moment he looked tempted, but you both knew it was a foolish idea, and he drew your hand up to his lips, kissing your knuckles. “There will be time for that later, my love. I would hardly have you freeze to death now.”
“No, nor I you.”
He laughed softly. “You return my affection, dearest—how could anything harm me now?”
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 9 months
Giant moon goddess in one piece?
-It was an unusually calm night, there was no wind, and no waves, the Sunny was completely still under the bright moonlight. But that just made for perfect conditions for a drinking party!
-Plenty of drinks and booze, music, dancing and just having fun, the Straw Hats were enjoying themselves, having a rare calm moment.
-A large shooting star streaked across the sky and they all called out in amazement before calling out their various wishes, money, more food, more drink, adventures, cotton candy, and more.
-They weren’t expecting the start to suddenly change course, turning sharply and charged towards them, making many of them scream out in fear.
-The star hit hard into the ocean before them, causing a massive wave to hit the ship, one that nearly had it tipping over if it hadn’t been for Franky’s failsafe, to keep it from tipping.
-Luffy ran to the edge of the ship, seeing the bright glow under the waves, and his eyes widened as it got closer and closer, as if it was surfacing.
-A large pair of hands, ones that seemed to be even more massive than the largest giant, Oars, picked up the ship, to keep it from rocking as a massive figure emerged from the water.
-Long flowing hair that seemed to shine like the moon itself, dark colored eyes that looked to house stars, and a soft, sweet smile against milky white skin- you were stunning.
-Gaping mouths and wide eyes were all that you had seen across the ship as you smiled, lowering it back into the water as you shrunk down, “Forgive me if I startled you- I heard you all calling out and I thought you were calling out to me.”
-Brook immediately bowed at the waist, in awe of you, “May I see your panties?!” before several of them whacked him on the head, disciplining him.
-You didn’t seem bothered, lowering yourself a bit more as Sanji had hearts for eyes, telling you how beautiful you were, as Luffy had stars for eyes, “Who are you?!”
-His enthusiasm was refreshing, and it made you smile, “My name is Y/N- I am a moon goddess.” They all seemed stunned at your words, as they had dealt with ‘gods’ before, but there was something different about you- something ethereal, unearthly.
-Jinbei, being well versed, gave you a toothy grin, “I often heard tales about how a moon goddess could be seen on calm nights. Seems like it’s not a tale after all!”
-You smiled softly, giving him a small nod, “You are correct young one, I like to spread my wings and fly on clear nights, as I like how the sparkling lights dance on the calm waters below.”
-Jinbei seemed a bit flustered, being called young one, as if he were a child, but if you were a moon goddess, you were way older than he was.
-The Straw Hats welcomed you to their party, despite not being able to accommodate you for food or drink, but you didn’t mind- you just enjoyed being included.
-Zoro and Sanji showed off for you, using their combat skills to fight one another, at least until it got serious and Nami had to punch them, sending them both to the ground, “Knock it off!!”
-Chopper was initially scared of you, since you were so large, but he quickly learned that you were very gentle and kind, despite your massive size.
-Robin and Franky both asked you questions, mostly about the past, wanting to know if you had seen technology and civilizations of the past, “I have seen many things come and go- as much as it pains me to say but nothing lasts forever. But I always enjoy watching you humans build and discover- it’s never the same each time.”
-Usopp was bragging to you, trying to make himself feel big in your eyes, but he didn’t need to, as you found him amusing on his own.
-Luffy was so warm, so welcoming, there was something about him, something special but also familiar. A flash of someone crossed your mind for a moment, a bright smile on his face and your eyes softened, happy to feel his warmth once again.
-As the moon began to set and sun began to rise you rose out of the water, showing your long flowing dress that looked to be black with jewels littering it, almost like the night sky, “My time is coming for us to say goodbye until we meet again.”
-They all cheered up at you, calling out to you, thanking you for the evening and you smiled softly, “And thank you all. It was nice to meet new friends, as well as an old one.” As you said this, you looked at Luffy, who was confused, wondering what you had meant.
-You parted with another smile, floating up before taking off into the sky, rejoining the stars before streaking across the sky once more, like a shooting star.
-They all looked at Luffy, wondering if he knew what you meant by an old friend. His hands came to his hips, a big smile on his face as he laughed warmly. They all smiled, a bit exasperated with their captain, it seemed only he knew the secret, for now.
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bookofbonbon · 6 months
creatures from within the woods - aemond targaryen.
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Reader.
Warnings: Kidnapping. Imprisonment. Paralysis. Witchcraft. Implied assault.
Summary: Aemond had often been warned about the strange and dangerous creatures from within the woods who looked like humans but, he just had to have you.
Word Count: 1049.
A/N: Old fic from over a year ago that I posted then immediately deleted.
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Blood weeps from the open wound, an unnaturally steady stream of red flowing from the cut in your palm and pooling at the edge of the make-shift altar you arranged with what materials you had.
Chanting quietly to yourself, an uneasy feeling goes down your spine. You sense his presence before he makes himself known, body vibrating with the weight of each of his steps as he draws nearer to your cage, wait- no. Your chambers as he so kindly put it but, a gilded cage is still a cage. 
When he enters, he does so quietly so as to not disturb you and you don’t allow him to either, remaining as distant and stoic as you always do when he’s around. The few times you did pay him mind however, you never showed him your true face, only the one you had carefully crafted for him. 
Aemond's gaze wanders the apartment that was once occupied by his elder half-sister and her family, concern growing in the pit of his stomach when he notices that you’ve once again opted to eat little to nothing. 
He thinks nothing this time. 
“You’ve barely eaten since your arrival, I do not wish to see you harm yourself in this way. Please, you must eat,” Aemond pleads.
“I will,” you mumble, distracted. “Soon.”
You roll your shoulders, trying to loosen the stiff muscles in your arms - manacles weighing heavy on your wrists; you could’ve easily removed them but, you were drawing from them - as you watch your blood prickle as if a thousand needles moved through it before it begins a slow slither to the altar’s centre. 
You were too weak to do this on your own.
Satisfied, you rise from your knelt position with a slight wince, still not quite used to the rigidity of human bones.
“You know,” you begin, rubbing at the shedding skin of your hands. “Your mother visits me some... she speaks oft of your visits to the Sept?”
Aemond nods, the gesture unseen but felt. In the same way that you could feel his longing gaze at your back; willing you to look at him so you may see the depths of the love he holds for you. He knew in his heart that once you did, all your resentment for him would disapparate.
“Yes,” he finds his words. 
This was simply not the way he wanted or imagined things to be and they wouldn't have been if you had just come willingly with him when he found you in the woods.
“Tell me… what do your Gods whisper to you in the quiet of the Sept?”
Aemond’s eyes widen, surprised by the question but quick to answer. 
“They offer me forgiveness,” he tells you softly. Careful still not to disturb the peace and, oblivious to the way your skin shimmers oddly beneath the moon's light. “They tell me in time that you will too.”
Your body stills, head turning slowly toward him with narrowed eyes. The wickedness that lurked beneath your beautiful face threatening to reveal itself.
Gliding inhumanly across the room, you leave the smallest of spaces between the two of you. Aemond’s gaze wide-eyed and foggy, unshed tears lining the edge of his eye as he peers down at you.
How pleased you were that you no longer had to wait. If you had to spend a minute more with the bumbling fool, you would sooner kill yourself than him. 
Sliding your hands from the manacles, you reach toward him and caress the side of his face with your bloodied hand. The heavy thud going unnoticed by Aemond as he leans into your touch and presses himself against you, his forehead touching yours. He’s careful in his next moves, his nose brushing gently against yours, breaths intermingling for a few moments before he hesitantly closes the gap between your mouths and you allow him. With closed eyes, he presses the softest of kisses to your lips, savoring the feeling of your willing lips against his. But, with each second that passes his kisses grow hungrier, his lust making itself known as he presses himself harder against you - the young Prince too caught up in the moment to notice the odd tingling sensation starting in his mouth. 
Pulling away from him, Aemond’s lips try to follow you until you press a firm hand on his chest. You feel the rise and fall of his chest as he remains dazed, eye still closed as he commits the feeling of your lips to memory. But the sweet moment is snatched away when you bring those same lips to his ear.
“Your Gods may forgive you but, I never will,” you hiss.
Aemond rears back, a cold feeling washing through him as you raise the fog clouding his vision and reveal your true self; a low hiss emanating from your chest as a forked tongue flickers out from between your lips and serpentine eyes stare back at him. 
It’s only then that Aemond smells the blood on his skin and sees the red of your hand. His gaze following the bloody trail that drips from between your fingers and leads to the altar behind you. Horror setting in as he finds the socket of his eye hollow, the blue stone sitting in the altar's centre. 
“What have you done?” Aemond roars, slamming you against the nearest wall.
He pushes his forearm into your neck but it isn’t you who begins to gasp for breath.
Body weakening, Aemond’s arm drops against his will, the limb too heavy to hold. He steps dizzily away from you, thoughts moving quicker than he could; his legs turning to lead as he dives desperately toward the altar. An attempt to stop whatever it is you've set into motion but, it's too late. His body ceases and he falls to the ground with a heavy thump.
Aemond had always been warned about the strange and dangerous creatures from within the woods who looked like humans but were not. But he couldn't help himself, he had to have you and, now with his head laid beside the altar, regret courses through him as he stares in unblinking terror as your blood finishes coiling its way around his sapphire and seals his fate.
All fics are my own work - I have not posted my work anywhere else.
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters/places mentioned above.
Do not copy. Do not translate. Do not repost.
bookofbonbon 2024. All rights reserved.
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
The Best Kept Secrets - Jake's Story
dbf!Jake Lockley X f!Reader
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Not Beta Read - Masterlist - AO3 Link
Suggested reading order - Marc -> Steven -> Jake
Marc's Story - Steven's Story
Had to use Google Translate for some of the Spanish so please forgive me if it's incorrect.
You've just graduated college and you find yourself developing feelings for your dad's best friend after your graduation party. Three different versions of the same story all with different boys.
Tags/Warnings (for all three fics):
NSFW, age gap (reader is about 22 - boys are 40), reader is not race-coded, reader graduated college in America but isn't necessarily American, p in v creampie, unprotected sex, dbf trope, oral sex, coercion (sort of on both sides), Jake being Jake, Marc being Marc, Steven being Steven, forbidden relationship, forbidden sex, blowjob, mild bondage, dirty talk, alcohol consumption, car sex, bad puns
Word Count: 8.9k
Spanish Translations (for phrases I don't normally use when writing for Jake):
Estas tan mojada cariño - You're so wet sweetheart
Muy hermosa - Very beautiful
por qué? - Why?
You got out of the Uber when it stopped in front of your childhood home. Your dad was already waiting for you by the front door, smiling wide. He came over with his arms out, pulling you into a big hug. You grunted from the tight squeeze.
“Hi dad.” You choked out.
“I sweetie.” He let go of you and looked you over. “How was the ride from the airport?” He started taking two of your bags out of the trunk and walking back toward the house with you in tow.
“Long,” you said with a tired laugh.
“Well, hope you’re not too tired cause there’s a few people here to see you.”
He opened the front door and you were greeted by several relatives and family friends in the kitchen. They all shouted, congratulations! at once, holding up an assortment of beer bottles and glasses of wine. Knowing your dad, the drinking had been going on for a couple of hours before you arrived.
“Thanks everyone,” you said with a big smile, feeling a little shy having all those eyes on you.
You noticed the black and gold, congrats graduate, banner adorning the wall above the table in the dining area. With the initial excitement over, the crowd dissipated and you watched everyone start mingling once again. Your cousins came up to you and started exchanging quick updates on their lives while everyone else chattered around you throughout the house.
“What do you think, huh?” Your dad asked, coming up behind you while you admired the cake in the center of the dining table. He handed you a mixed drink.
“Dad, this is really great. There’s so many people! I really wasn’t expecting this when you said we were having a graduation barbecue. Thought maybe only a couple people would show up.” You looked to see your aunt talking with one of your dad’s friends in the living room.
“You know me better than that. Not everyday your kid graduates college,” he patted your back proudly, “shit, gotta go check the grill. I’ll be right back.”
While he was gone, you watched your aunt and your dad’s friend finish their conversation. You’d known Jake since you were a kid, but it had been a long time since you’d seen each other. He came over to you and held up his drink as if to say cheers. He still looked overconfident as ever, and you wondered if that would ever change. 
“I knew you were smarter than your dad, cariño.” He nudged you.
You chuckled, “that’s not nice, my dad may not be the most academically inclined but he’s good at other things.”
“Yeah yeah, you know I have to give him a hard time, don’t take me so seriously.” Jake sipped his drink and then pressed his lips into a tight smile. “So, what are you going to do now? You’re smart, talented and…” Jake’s eyes raked over you and back up again, “muy hermosa.”
“Jake, Jesus.” You whacked his arm.
He chuckled but persisted with his question, “so, what are you gonna do?”
You shrugged and let out a heavy sigh, “I don’t know. I guess I need to get my resume made up and then I need to start applying for jobs.”
“Tell you what…” Jake reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card, extending it out to you, “text me when you get an interview and I’ll make sure you arrive in style.”
You looked down at the card.
Lockley’s Luxury Limos and Cars
“Can’t have a pretty girl like you showing up in a plain old taxi cab right?”
You felt your cheeks flush over Jake’s endless compliments. This was the first time you’d really looked at Jake. He’d always just been your dad’s best friend. He was a naturally attractive man. His hair was styled so that a lazy tuft of curls rested just above his right eye. He seemed to have perfectly tailored clothes for every occasion that fit him like a glove, and a suave demeanor that screamed “lady's man” to pull it all together. The way he looked at you now had your stomach fluttering with excitement. You noticed the way he bit his bottom lip and looked you over again.
You cleared your throat, looking away from him.
You nodded, sipping your drink, “thank you very much, that would actually be really awesome, but maybe one of those luxury sedans and not, like, an actual limo.” Someone called your name from outside, interrupting your casual conversation, and you were relieved for an excuse to walk away. “I gotta go, see you around, Jake.”
“You too hermosa.”
After several hours and a few drinks later, you were sitting around the firepit with only your dad, one of your cousins and Jake. Jake was always telling exciting stories around the fire about the fights he used to get into when he was younger. Your father was always chiming in on the conversation to add in the parts of the fights that he participated in. Truth be told, you didn’t really care to hear much about your dad and his friend’s schoolyard fights. After finishing your fourth drink, and feeling sufficiently tipsy, you stood up, ready to go to bed for the evening.
“I think I’m gonna call it a night,” you announced.
“Oh come on cariño, one more,” Jake looked up at you, eyes twinkling in the light of the fire.
You looked over at your dad who seemed like he was starting to doze off, and then at your cousin who was already making his way indoors before you locked eyes with Jake again.
“Uhh…you know it’s probably best that I don’t push it. I’ll end up sick and no one wants that.” You giggled and leaned over, placing a friendly pat on Jake’s shoulder, “goodnight.”
You started to leave, but Jake grabbed your arm and pulled you forward, forcing a gasp from you as he brought his lips to your ear. Jake smelled like leather, tobacco, and a musk that you’d never smelled before on anyone else. It was intoxicating to say the least. You felt like you could get lost in it.
“I’ll be up in five minutes,” he whispered, “if you want company tonight…just put a scarf on your door handle bebita.”
He let go of you and you stood up straight, staring at him in utter disbelief. You almost asked him to repeat himself. There’s no way he said what you thought he just said. That would be crazy…right? His lips curled into a sly smile as he winked at you. Jake’s smile was so fucking beautiful. Why hadn’t you noticed before tonight how good looking he was? This feeling was so wrong…but you wanted him so badly all of a sudden. It had to be the alcohol, that was the only logical explanation.
You didn’t respond to him, not verbally anyway. You gave him a shaky nod as you pulled your arm away and hurriedly made your way to your bedroom. Your mind was racing as well as your heart. You pressed your hand to your chest the moment you closed your bedroom door behind yourself. What was the matter with you? What was the matter with him? He was your dad’s best friend. You shouldn’t have, but you looked in your closet, seeing the array of scarves to choose from…but a moment of clarity pushed through the fogginess of your mind, and you didn’t choose one after all.
Instead, you got into your bed, deciding that the act of doing anything like that with Jake would make you riddled with guilt for the rest of your life. You’d never be able to look your dad in the eye again. You heard Jake come upstairs and stop by your door. You wondered if he was disappointed or not, but decided he can probably get a million other women that weren’t his friend’s kid. He’d be alright, and you would both be able to maintain your dignity. You figured he was probably only acting like that because he was drunk anyway.
At least that’s what you thought, until morning came and you were sitting across from him at the dining table eating your breakfast with Jake and your father. Whenever your dad wasn’t paying attention, Jake’s eyes were on you. He was looking you up and down like you were something to be devoured. You felt your cheeks becoming flush under his watchful gaze. The space between your legs sparked alive and you found yourself pressing your thighs together to quell the ache.
Jake managed to make small talk with your father, not sounding much different than usual, but you couldn’t shake the secret conversation from the night before. You were struggling to figure out how things were going to go back to normal after that. How was he supposed to just keep coming over for get togethers and barbecues all summer now that you two had this weird thing between you?
The moment your father went up to use the bathroom, you took the opportunity to remove yourself from Jake’s watchful gaze. You cleared your throat and stood from the table.
“I’m going to…gonna go upstairs and…” You turned around to leave and felt his hand around your wrist tightly. He spun you around to face him, pulling you in by the small of your back. He stood up so quickly. “J-Jake I didn’t put the scarf on my door for a reason.”
“I know hermosa. I just wanted to give you another opportunity to change your mind, in case you have any regrets.” You felt his erection prodding your abdomen through his pants.
“W-what’s the opportunity?” You asked breathlessly. You shouldn’t have even been entertaining this.
He brought his lips to your ear, just like he had the night before, “you have my number. When you get that job interview, and I come pick you up, if you’re wearing something red…then I’ll know you’ve changed your mind, comprende bebita?”
Jake’s face was close to yours, but with your father coming back down over the stairs he released you. You felt like you’d just run a marathon the way your heart was pounding out of your chest. By the time your dad saw you both, you were sitting across from each other again like nothing had happened. The only difference now was that you were sitting in a puddle of your own juices, and Jake was finally giving your father his undivided attention. This was going to be a tough decision, because no matter how much you cared about your dad…you never wanted anyone so badly in all your life.
For two weeks you were on a job hunt. You weren’t always sure if you were looking so hard because you wanted, and needed, to get a job, or if it was because you wanted an excuse to text Jake. You were sure he wouldn’t mind a little text here and there during the time leading up to you asking for a ride, but you were too nervous to message him without a good excuse. The guilt would eat you alive whenever you thought about it. The day before your interview you texted him…
You: I have an interview tomorrow. Can you come get me?
Jake: Of course bebita. What time?
You: The interview is at 10
Jake: I’ll be there at 9:30
When he showed up, you were wearing a sharp looking, business-casual, outfit with your makeup done in a way that complimented your features nicely. You stepped outside and locked the door behind you before making your way up to the sleek black Lincoln. Jake got out, he looked so handsome in his white button down, black jacket and tie. You nearly froze in place, not sure if you should get in the car with him, but you kept walking, stiff as you might’ve felt, toward the passenger's side. He came around and opened the door for you. His eyes trekking over your body didn’t go unnoticed.
“You look very nice, cariño.”
“Thank you,” you said as Jake put a hand on the small of your back, helping you into the front seat.
As he pulled out of the driveway, you started to feel anxious, partially for the impending interview, and partially for the provocative man on your left who kept stealing glances at you. You tried not to pay attention to it, keeping your eyes straight ahead, but you could still see him in your peripheral.
“You gonna tell me where I’m taking you or am I supposed to guess?” Jake chuckled at his own joke, and you sat there feeling like an idiot for not volunteering that information already.
“Oh, shit um…” You opened your glossy white folder full of your materials for the interview. You gave him the address and then sat in more awkward silence.
“You might want to try relaxing before you walk in there. Those businessy types can smell fear a mile away,” he turned down a different street. “No red I noticed, interesting choice.”
“Yeah,” was all you could bring yourself to say.
It was quiet again for the rest of the ride, and Jake didn’t open your door for you when you arrived. You sensed it wasn’t for lack of him being a gentleman, but rather the impression it might give a potential employer to have someone opening your door for you before an interview.
Your interview went well and they said they’d call you when they’d made a decision. When you got back out to the car, you specifically got in ass first. You were slow, making sure that he would see a peek of the red thong, that you’d worn especially for him, over the hem of your pants.
After the interview you had gone to the bathroom and adjusted your outfit so the red lace would show when you sat down. It had taken a lot of self talk for you to come to the conclusion that you were desperate enough to do something about this feeling you held toward him. You were soaked through your panties during the majority of the interview, and even as you got back in the car now you felt the dampness of your arousal between your legs. You needed him.
You turned your head back toward him, looking to meet his eye…he noticed. You grinned, bringing both of your legs into the car and closing the door. Jake had a sly smirk curling at his lips while he started to drive, as if he knew you weren’t going to be able to resist him forever.
In a matter of moments, the car was tucked away in an abandoned parking lot and you were in the spacious back seat with your slacks and panties discarded along with Jake’s hat and Jacket. He kissed you hungrily, rolling his hips over you, dragging his clothed erection along your inner thigh until it met with your mound. A moan rumbled through his chest while his hands explored your waist.
He undid his belt, tugging it out of the loops. You expected him to toss it aside, but instead he strapped it around your wrists and secured them to the car door. You tugged your arms forward, testing the security of his restraint, you weren’t going anywhere. Your eyes were wide, not realizing this was something he was into, though it wasn’t all that surprising when you thought about it. Jake always did have a dominating presence. He leaned forward and murmured in your ear about how wet you were, dragging his bare fingers over your slick folds. You shrieked when he pushed one thick finger inside.
“F-fuck!” You shouted, “oh my–”
“You’re so tight bebita, but you can handle more can’t you?” He brought another finger to join the first. You arched your hips into it further, “there you go, what a good little girl.”
The third finger ached as it stretched you out, but eventually any pain turned to pleasured sounds from your lips. You looked at Jake, his eyes kept shifting from your cunt, back up to you. You bit your lip so tight you thought you might break the skin. He looked proud of himself for making you squirm so wildly without even fucking you yet. He started pumping his fingers even faster.
“Oh that feels so good!” You couldn’t keep eye contact with him anymore and you found yourself gasping and panting while you looked up at the car ceiling.
“Who else has made you feel this good cariño?” He asked, curling his fingers now and dragging them over the spot deep inside of you that made you whine. “My wrist is fuckin’ drenched.”
You could hardly speak anymore. You worried for the car door as you were involuntarily pulling roughly on the leather belt binding you to it. Jake looked at you, waiting for your answer. You tried to speak, but only choked cries came out.
“Come on, tell me who else has made you cry this hard in their backseat, who else has made you feel like this?”
“N-no one, Jake!” Your body felt like it was melting into the leather seats while your orgasm closed in.
“That’s it, you’re so close, I can feel your pussy throbbing cariño, just let go for me.”
His words of encouragement were all you needed to let yourself fall apart around his wide fingers. You were screaming pleasured cries while you felt your cunt gushing over him. He was praising you for doing what he asked, saying things like, that’s it and keep going bebita. You arched yourself more over his still pumping fingers, chasing the final high of your release, until it was over, and he pulled out of you with a wet pop.
You watched him spread his three fingers, all webbed by your slick. He darted out his pink tongue, lapping up every bit until they were clean. You watched the display in awe, never knowing any man to do something like that. He smacked his lips and smiled at you.
“Tastes good hermosa.”
Jake leaned over and undid the belt around your wrists so you could move again. You were excited now for more, ready to make him feel good too. You shot your hand out and pressed your palm to the space between his legs. You felt the fabric over his half-hard cock, it was wet and warm.
“D-did you already-”
“You should’ve heard yourself bebita, can you blame me?”
You were starting to wonder if Jake was ever going to come back to your house, until your dad was on his way out the door for work and told you he’d received a text from Jake yesterday. Apparently he needed to come over and borrow one of your dad’s tools. Your cheeks grew hot immediately when you thought about it. Your dad left, and you just stood there wondering what you were going to do when he got there.
You could still remember what Jake’s lips tasted like, and what his hands felt like. You still thought about him when you were alone in your room gasping quietly with two fingers plunged deep inside your wet channel. You wanted him, but you were afraid. What if your dad found out? You couldn’t risk it…but maybe…maybe Jake was worth the risk.
No, you said to yourself, shaking the ridiculous thought from your mind.
That was why you hadn’t texted him, or responded to any of the texts he’d sent you. It was the guilt still eating away at you. He’d asked you to meet up twice, and you’d ignored him both times. You hoped that when he came over he wouldn’t be too upset, and that he would understand the position you were in. You felt mentally strong, like you’d successfully convinced yourself that you weren’t going to give in if he tried anything, that all sounded great…until he walked in through the front door a couple of hours after your father’s departure.
If you could comically strip all of your clothes off like Jim Carrey did in Bruce Almighty you would’ve. Jake charged forward, cupping your face in one hand and grabbing your hip with the other while his lips made harsh contact with yours. You moaned into him, slipping your tongue between his lips so you could taste him. You jumped up, wrapping your legs and arms around him, letting him catch you by your rear.
Jake turned, still carrying you in his arms, and pushed your back against the wall, never disconnecting his mouth from yours. He churned his already prominent erection against your clothed cunt desperately. You cupped the back of his head, entangling your fingers in his dark and luscious curls. Jake sounded like an animal the way he was groaning into you.
“Any reason you ignored me for two weeks hermosa?” Jake kissed down your jawline, settling on the soft skin on your neck, just below your earlobe
You whimpered softly, “I-I was feeling guilty about my d-dad.”
You felt the smile that crept over Jake’s lips against your skin. He brought his face back up to look at you, eyes darting between yours. He brushed the tip of your nose with his own, his flirtatious smirk never wavering when he did.
“Thought maybe you’d found someone else, someone maybe younger…someone your age.” He returned his mouth to yours.
You spoke between his hungry kisses, “don’t care about anyone else.”
Despite knowing that you should find someone else to care about, you couldn’t bring yourself to think of anyone other than him, especially not since your time together in the backseat of his car. Besides, no one knew you like Jake did. Jake had always been there to talk to you on the late nights after a family barbecue when you couldn’t sleep and your dad was already in bed. He was there to drive you to prom and then tell you to go ahead inside while he had a “casual chat” with your prom date. He was there when you left for college, making sure you knew how to hold your keys on your keyring in between each finger in case you needed to stab someone. You, fortunately, never needed to utilize that skill.
“I want to feel you this time bebita, let me in hm?” Jake hummed against your mouth.
“Yes, yes–please!”
Jake wouldn’t have the chance to get that far, not after hearing a truck door slam in your driveway. He let go of you, and you immediately went into a panic, realizing that Jake being in the house and not the garage with the tools looked suspicious. Always quick on his feet, Jake rushed to the kitchen and you saw him grab a beer out of the fridge just before the door opened and your dad started walking inside. He smiled at you on his way in.
“Hey, Jake in here?”
“Oye!” Jake said, coming around the corner to the entryway with a beer in hand. “Just saying hi to…” Jake saying your name instead of using a pet name didn’t sit well with you, not since those were the only names he’d been calling you recently. “Just grabbing myself a drink. Didn’t expect to see you!”
“Yeah, forgot my lunch like an idiot,” your dad huffed out a laugh.
After some more casual conversation, Jake left the house at the same time your father did, but not before he winked at you and kissed your cheek while your dad wasn’t looking. The guilt was killing you. It was getting difficult to even look your dad in the eye anymore. When you were in bed later that night, mind buzzing about Jake and your most recent encounter, you made a very difficult decision. You pulled out your phone and texted Jake.
You: Things need to go back to the way they were. The next time you see me, please respect that.
You weren’t exactly thrilled by the prospect of Jake coming by to check on you while your dad was out of town for the week. You wondered if he was going to respect your wishes in your text, or if he was going to make this harder than it needed to be. You also weren’t sure about your own ability to behave yourself around him. You’d been spending your nights over the last two weeks trying to stop thinking about that stupid moment you had in the car together, and the stupid moment more recently when he had you against the wall in the entryway of your home. There was no telling how you’d feel when you actually saw him again.
When he finally showed up, it was after dinner. You were sitting on the couch watching some crappy movie about five guys taking down a Columbian drug lord. You paused the movie and turned around to see him standing there. He still had that annoyingly attractive smirk on his face. You felt your heart rate picking up despite your desire to stay calm around him.
“I’m just here to check in on you, don’t worry.” He said, slowly walking to the other side of the couch.
You gulped, and nodded, “okay, yeah that’s…that’s okay.” You sounded like you were out of breath.
Jake sat as far from you as possible on the opposite side of the couch. You pressed play and settled yourself, trying so hard to focus on the movie, but you could feel his eyes looking at you. When you turned your head to confirm, he narrowed his eyes on you seductively. Your brow was playfully furrowed while you looked back. It was as though his gaze alone had the power to make you come undone; you immediately felt an uncomfortable tingling between your legs that demanded attention.
You kept staring at each other, letting the movie run on, completely forgotten in the background. You were trying to keep yourself from giving in, you were trying so hard. Jake inched over, face getting more serious as he approached.
“You look cold bebita, why don’t you at least…just come here…let me warm you up a little…”
You nodded all too eagerly, letting the wall you’d worked so hard to build crumble down as though it were made of mere rubble. Jake just had this way of making you forget yourself so easily.
“Y-yeah, sure.”
You slid over and curled into Jake’s arms, letting him hold you while he leaned back against the couch. There was no harm in him just holding you…right? You were cold after all, so he was just being helpful. Of course there was no way he could possibly help the prodding of his cock inside his pants, that was only natural, right?. As long as you didn’t act on it, then it didn’t mean anything.
You acted on it.
As the movie droned on, not doing much to keep your attention, you became even more slick between your legs, and even more eager to feel his thick cock inside of you. You turned around, leaning your chest on his and looking up before slotting your lips against his hungrily. He still tasted so good, and you hated to admit how much you’d missed him. You let go of your prior reservations in an effort to just enjoy being with him, if only for the night.
“I don’t want to waste any time,” you said, starting to work on his white button down shirt, “why do you always wear this damn-”
He grabbed your wrists, forcing you to look at him.
“No, we’re going to do things the right way this time. Your papá won’t be back for a few days…I’m going to take my time with you, bebita.” His tone was rough with his growing arousal.
He pushed you up so he could stand before lifting you easily in his strong arms and carrying you to the stairs. You held onto him until he got to your bedroom and laid you on the bed gently. You watched him start unbuttoning his shirt himself, but you felt the inexplicable urge to do it yourself. He looked surprised when you stood up and swatted his hands away.
“Let me…please.” You sounded embarrassingly desperate.
Jake gave you a cocky smirk before he leaned in and latched his mouth to your neck, grabbing your asscheeks while you unbuttoned his shirt. It felt like unwrapping a present, there was something so exciting just below the fabric. You finally got to the bottom button and he helped you slide the shirt off his arms. You could see him now, his beautifully broad chest, softly toned abdomen. Every last bit of his body made you want him all the more.
“My turn,” Jake said, pushing you backward to the bed until your knees gave out.
You flopped back, arms falling in a heap above your head. He brought both hands under your shirt and pulled it over your head. Your nipples grew erect almost immediately in the chill of the air. Jake leaned over you, taking one of them in his mouth, cupping the other in his hand and squeezing roughly. You moaned deeply, grabbing the back of his head and pulling him closer. You felt a growl rumble up through his throat. He looked at you from under his lashes.
You let go of his head when he stood upright. He tugged at the waist of your pants and panties, pulling them down over your ankles and tossing them to the corner of the room. Jake was starting to unbutton his pants but you sat up quick, grabbing the waist of them. You looked at him with pleading eyes.
“Can I do it?”
Jake huffed out a laugh, “why are you so interested in undressing me yourself hm?”
“I just want to…”
You trailed off while you started on the zipper, he’d already taken care of the button. You brought the zipper down, to which you heard Jake hum when it slid over his cock. You were more excited than you could put into words to finally see it, to hold it in your hand. In a swift motion you brought both his underwear and pants down to his thighs, and you had to flinch back to avoid being hit in the face with his member. It was massive.
Jake laughed, “careful you don’t poke out your eye hermosa.”
You took it in your hand, feeling the weight of it and reveling in the size. You lapped the bead of precum leaking from the slit. He tasted delicious. In dire need of more, you stretched your lips over the girth of him, bringing yourself over the length as far down as you could go. A deep, strangled groan left his lips, inspiring the arousal between your thighs to grow. You touched your fingertips to the swollen nub between your legs.
“Mm, si bebita, así,” he said in a rough tone, grabbing the back of your head and pulling you further over his cock.
You gagged, and choked on it, bringing both hands up to hold his hips for stability. Jake snickered while fucking your throat, groaning when you swallowed around his thick girth. You felt your eyes burn, realizing it was too much and tapping Jake’s wrist in a desperation to get him to release you. For one more second he held you there, just a little longer than you could handle, before he released you into a gasping mess on the bed.
“Jake I–” you continued gulping down air between words, “I couldn’t breathe what the–”
“Vamos, you did just fine, now on your stomach.” You started to protest but he grabbed both of your thighs and flipped you over as though you weighed nothing, “up.”
He still stood at the side of the bed as he grabbed your hips and pulled your soaking cunt to meet with his prodding thick head. You could feel it pressed against your entrance, he felt so big, so fucking hard. This was going to make a mess out of you, you just knew it.
You cried out when he slid into you, splitting your cunt wide as he brought his hips flush against your rear. You could hear him muttering in Spanish behind you in between moans. His pace was unforgiving and almost painful with how hard he snapped his hips into you repeatedly.
“You’re so wet…so fucking–wet–shit…and tight…ah–damn–cariño.”
You could hardly hear him over the sound of your pleasured whines filling the room, no, the entire house. You’d be surprised if the neighbors didn’t come knock on the door thinking someone was being harmed in there. You started to drool on your sheets, feeling the saliva trickling down and making a mess of your face. Any makeup you had on was burning your eyes now, having washed away with your tears.
“Hermosa, your little pussy is squeezing around me so tight…oh–fuck.” He was grabbing your hips so rough, slamming into you harder. “Looked so pretty, swallowing me like that. Fuck, you take me so well bebita.”
His words were encouraging, making your entire body electrify and the heat pool in your core. You turned your head and looked back at him. His eyes were closed tight and his head was tossed back. You noticed the stray tuft of curls falling just above his eye, clinging there with the sweat beading on his forehead.
It hit you suddenly, the concentrated wave of built up arousal deep inside of you. Your voice was nothing but an airy raspy flurry of moans while your cunt gushed over his thick cock. Based on the way Jake’s hands grabbed onto you tighter, you sensed he wasn’t far behind. His hips came to a stuttering halt and you felt his pulsating girth shoot warm spurts into you, painting your insides white. You thought he would’ve been done immediately, but he sat there, holding onto you with a bruising grip, keeping himself inside of you while he grew soft.
“That…” he pulled out of you and flipped you onto your back before hovering over you on his elbows, breathing heavily, “was worth the wait.”
Jake hadn’t stayed with you that night, in fact, you insisted that he needed to go. Your father wasn’t due back for a couple of days but you were far too nervous about getting caught to risk spending any more time with him. You decided that night that it would be the end of it, so when your dad had told you three weeks later that he was coming over for dinner, you froze. It had been a while since you and Jake had been in the same room, and even longer since you’d been in the same room with your father. The pit in your stomach was already forming.
Your phone buzzed on the counter and you picked it up. Joey, the guy you’d met last week at the local coffee shop, was asking if you were still on for tomorrow night. You replied, ‘yes’, and then looked back at the neglected texts Jake had sent over the last few weeks.
Jake: Hola bebita, when’s a good time for me to see you again? - 3 weeks ago
Jake: Giving me the cold shoulder now? That hurts cariño. - 2 weeks ago
Jake: It’s too bad, wanted to see you use that pretty mouth again. - 1 week ago
When he walked into the house, wearing his flat cap and white button down, you felt your breath hitch in your throat. He was still so handsome. It’s not like you expected that to change, but you’d hoped that maybe you would’ve stopped mentally putting him on a pedestal by now so you could move on. But you didn’t, and you couldn’t.
“Hey,” you said nervously as he made his way to the dining room.
“Hey.” He looked at you with that smug smirk, the one that always made him seem like he was up to no good, because he often was up to no good.
The heat rose to your cheeks in a rush, making you feel lightheaded. You looked away from him quickly before making your way to the dinner table. Jake and your father joined you. The small talk was just what you needed; your father asking Jake how business was going and Jake asking about your new job. Jake would catch your eye once in a while, licking something off his spoon seductively while your dad wasn’t looking, or sucking some sauce off his thumb to tease you. It was impossible to look away.
“So, why don’t you tell Jake about…you know,” your dad gave you a knowing smirk.
This could actually work in your favor. Maybe if Jake knew you were going on a date he would finally let it go and things could go back to normal. Maybe.
“Oh! Yeah I’m going on a date tomorrow! I’m looking forward to it.”
You watched him lick his bottom lip and pull it in under his top teeth. You gulped, wondering how he was going to react to this news. He shifted and downed his entire glass of wine in two gulps. You thought it seemed like he put the glass down a little harshly, but that could’ve been your imagination. You swigged your own wine down to help with your nerves.
He hummed amusedly, his eyes narrowed on you, “so, you like this guy?” Jake asked, never taking his gaze off of you.
“Yeah I do,” you tried to sound confident in your answer, “only talked to him a couple of times, but he seems really sweet.”
Jake let out a deep chuckle that sent a chill down your spine. He had a way of appearing so villainous that it made you worry for your Joey’s wellbeing. Jake leaned forward and inhaled deeply. You looked over at your father who seemed to be too preoccupied with his steak to bother with the staredown you and his friend were having.
“Lucky guy…”
Your dad heard that.
“Lucky? Ha! I worry for the kid, she’s gonna eat him up and spit him out, this one.” He gestured to you. “Been saying it all along, she needs someone tough like you.” Your father laughed loudly, “this kid she’s seeing tomorrow ain’t shit.”
“Hm,” Jake’s lids lowered, “like me you say?”
“Mm, someone who doesn’t take shit from anyone.”
“Thanks dad, I think I can figure out what I need.” You got up and took your plate to the sink. You didn’t want to discuss your lovelife with him and his friend any longer. “I’m going to bed. See you in the morning.” You left without looking back to see his expression.
You didn’t sleep, you just lay there scrolling through your phone for a couple of hours. Your father had gone to bed almost a half hour before you heard Jake working his way upstairs. You thought for sure he would walk right by your room and go to the guest room, but he didn’t. Jake twisted your door handle and walked in, closing the door quickly while he stepped inside. You sat up and looked at him quizzically, rubbing the fatigue from your eyes.
“What are you doing in here!?” You asked, brows raised in surprise.
Jake was already removing his tie and approaching you with it in hand. He didn’t say anything, but you knew what he wanted from you. He bit his bottom lip and looked at you expectantly. There was no good reason for you to offer your wrists to him like an obedient little thing. No good reason for you to let him tie you up to the headboard so easily. No good reason for you to stare the way you did when he took off his shirt and put his head between your thighs.
“I think you’re going to have a lot of fun on that date, bebita,” you felt his warm mouth as he kissed the space on your panties that rested right over your cunt, “you must be excited.”
“W-what do you mean? Do you want me to go on the date?” You moaned when he tucked his finger in the band where your right thigh was, brushing the back of his index over your pussy lips.
“Si, I think it’s a great idea,” he said, letting the pad of his finger slide between your folds, “I’m very curious to know how it’s going to play out.”
He tugged the waist of your panties, bringing them down over your ankles and tossing them to the floor. He got his face close to your mound again, inhaling deeply. He hummed an approval before touching you again, circling his middle finger over your greedy clit. You arched into him, biting your lip hard with need.
“I just thought…I think we should–fuck–Jake–I’m–t-trying–trying to talk,” you had to press your lips together tightly to keep yourself from being too loud when you whined out a moan.
“Then talk cariño , I’m not going to stop you.”
“I just don’t think we should be doing this, we’re going to get caught and–oh!”
He put his mouth over your mound, sucking and slurping at your folds like a man starved. You were nearly in tears trying to keep yourself from screaming and alerting your father to your secret rendezvous with Jake. You looked down and saw Jake’s eyes narrowed playfully while he made a meal out of your cunt. He shoved a finger into you suddenly, and you managed to hold back the shriek that nearly escaped your lips.
He continued fingering you while he spoke, “I’m interested to know if this boy will make you feel good hermosa. You seem eager to get away from me, I can’t wait for you to tell me if he makes you feel the way I do.”
“It does–doesn’t–oh–m-matter Jake, he’s not my dad’s fr-friend,” you managed to say through gritted teeth.
He brought a second finger in to meet the first. He flicked his tongue over your clit now while he dragged his two thick digits over your walls in a come hither motion. You felt like you were made of nothing but air, your body melting into his touch with every gliding movement. He looked up at you again.
“Think he can do this to you? Think he can make you feel like this?”
“Maybe he can–fuck!”
His tongue was working on you again, moving so fast it felt like it was vibrating over your clit. Your lips were pressed together so tight you thought they might bleed. His fingers were pumping faster, you felt his lips pucker over your burning nub, sucking it between his teeth. You inhaled deeply, squirming underneath him, pulling your wrists against the silk tie holding you in place and forcing the bedframe to creak.
The truth was that this guy, Joey, probably couldn’t make you feel this way. Jake had a lot of experience, that much was clear. He was older, wiser, and something about the way he made you feel had no parallel. You knew in your heart that no man would ever be able to meet the standard he’d set, but you needed to try.
“I can feel you getting close, hermosa, you gotta keep quiet so your papá doesn’t hear you come…hm?”
You weren’t sure it would be possible for you to keep quiet. You wished you were able to cover your mouth with your hand at the very least, but the restraints made that impossible. He looked up at you while his tongue continued swirling over your clit, eyes etched with a bit of humor in the creases. You dug your heels in, pushing your hips further into his mouth, deepening the reach of his hooked fingers.
The overwhelming pleasure melted over your body in a wave. The way his tongue softened when he felt you reach your climax told you how well he knew your body. You felt the burning deep in your core with each strong contraction over his thick fingers. Somehow, you managed to keep your lips sealed against the onslaught of pleasured cries that threatened to escape you.
He pulled his fingers out of you, spreading them to admire your sticky slick and then licking your juices off each one. He chuckled, untying your hands and then walking over to a towel you had laying over your vanity chair. He wiped his mouth and chin with it, along with his hand and wrist. You’d really made a mess of him. No wonder he’d taken off his shirt.
“Did you really mean that? Do you want me to go on that date?” You asked, accepting the towel when he handed it to you.
“Si.” He started putting his shirt back on. “You want out so bad? Go find yourself a good little boy who will make you squirm the way I do cariño.”
His boldness always left you speechless. He gave you a borderline cruel grin as he leaned in and kissed you gently, making your stomach spark with excitement. Every little thing Jake did was so mind numbing. You wondered if you were too addicted to him to actually give anyone else an honest chance at dating you.
“Fine then…I’ll go.”
You’d never felt so stupid.
You were sitting inside the restaurant wearing a tight red dress that you’d dug out of your closet just for this loser who couldn’t be bothered to show up. You’d been waiting for a half hour, checking your phone every few minutes to see if he’d texted you but with no luck. How long was too long to wait? In your mind, if someone was interested, they would’ve been there on time, or perhaps even early. You should’ve known better. Maybe this was why Jake didn’t care if you went on this date or not. He knew that most men paled in comparison to himself, and that you’d see that for yourself soon enough without his interference.
The bell above the restaurant door jingled, catching your attention. You looked over and felt a strange combination of relief and anxiousness fall over you.
He always looked so cocky, carrying an expression that you’d learned to love and hate equally. He nodded to the host, smirking and pointing in your direction before walking toward you. Jake took his jacket off and put it on the chair behind himself and then pulled it in as he sat. He didn’t say anything right away, putting his elbows on the table and resting his chin on his hand while he ogled you.
“Hola hermosa.”
“What the hell are you doing here?” You whispered harshly, looking around at the restaurant to make sure no one who knew you or your dad was in there. You relaxed a little when you realized it was safe.
“I came by to see how your date was going,” he flashed a handsome smile at you and brushed a stray curl out of his face. “I’ll be honest with you, you look too good to be sitting here all alone like this. I thought you could use some company.”
You were still feeling anxious about the possibility of getting caught, but the way Jake was eyeing you all over made you feel a spark of arousal between your tightly pressed thighs. The server came by and Jake placed his order and asked for two glasses of wine while you managed to choke out what you would like to eat. When the server left, Jake took your hand in his, pressing his lips to your knuckles and then letting both of your hands rest on the table together. You tried to tug your wrist back but he had a strong grip on you.
“Jake,” you hissed, “we could get in trouble if we don’t stop this. I’ve been telling you it needs to end.”
His brow furrowed and he leaned in closer, “you want this to end bebita?” You could punch him for smiling at you like that, “por qué?”
“If my dad finds out, he’ll lose his shit. Your friendship with him will be over, he will probably kick me out of the house and…I mean…can you imagine how much that would hurt him?” A stray tear trickled down your cheek. You wiped it away quickly, noticing that some of your makeup came off with it. “Shit. I’ll be right back.”
He let go of you, and you made your way to the bathroom. You’d been in such a hurry you hadn’t heard him sneak in directly behind you. He was already grabbing you, one hand reaching up under your dress to tuck between your thighs and the other nestling around your neck while he walked you toward the sink.
“Jake what are you–oh!”
You gasped when his fingers found their way past the thin barrier of your underwear and to your pulsating, needy clit. Jake swirled his digits over the sensitive nub masterfully while he kissed the soft skin of your throat, his other hand still holding purchase around your neck. He looked at you in the mirror, smiling at you mischievously.
“Do you want me to stop?” He asked, moaning while he pressed his lips against you even more.
You felt the incessant prod of his cock against your rear. Of course you didn’t want him to stop, but that didn’t mean he should continue. With a large hand he pushed you over the counter, freeing his other hand from your pussy lips in order to lift up the back of your dress. 
“I don’t ever want you to fucking stop, that’s sort of the problem isn’t it?” You willingly pulled down your panties to your thighs and then spread your asscheeks out wide for him.
“Oh–estas tan mojada cariño,” Jake’s voice was already like gravel in his arousal.
You felt the thick head of his cock throbbing as he dragged it between your pussy lips. He pushed between them, gliding so easily into your slick walls. You groaned, grabbing the counter for stability.
“No, no, no, spread yourself back out for me. I wanna see how good you look while I fuck you wide open bebita.”
You did as you were told, pulling apart your cheeks for him once again. You felt him reach under your arms to secure his hands around your waist, leveraging himself to hit inside of you deeper. Keeping yourself quiet in that position was nearly impossible. Jake was unrelenting in th speed at which he fucked you.
“Oh–fuck, wish you could see the way your little pussy looks splitting around my fat cock. Can’t–believe–how–fuck–how good you feel.”
The wet sounds of his slick coated thighs slapping against yours filled the bathroom walls. You tried to stifle your cries by biting your bottom lip. You glanced up, seeing him in the mirror. His curls were in his eyes, bouncing against his forehead with every powerful snap forward. He looked concentrated, brow furrowed and lips pursed out while he huffed like he was running a marathon. When he looked up, catching you peering at him in the reflection, his face changed back to the usual smug facade.
“Like what you see? Huh?” He nearly growled out, “oh–feel that cariño? You’re like a damn vice grip, shit.”
Jake lurched forward, extending his right hand out to stop himself from falling. Losing your balance, you had to put your hands out too, grabbing the counter for stability. That’s when Jake took your hand in his, intertwining your fingers and making your stomach flutter. He was being so intimate, as if this were more than just a random fling in the bathroom of a fancy restaurant with his best friend’s daughter. You couldn’t spend another day of your life without him, you decided in that moment. You needed Jake, in more ways than just the physical.
“Mm,” Jake leaned in so his lips were against your ear, “te amo bebita,” he said in a gruff tone.
As if he’d said the magic words, your cunt started contracting around him in your orgasm, turning you into a panting mess over the bathroom counter. He wasn’t far behind, cock pumping and stretching you out while he filled you with his hot spend. The bathroom was filled with both of your pleasured moans while you covered each other in your juices. When you were both finished, Jake pulled out of you, letting his cum trickle down your leg.
“Go get yourself cleaned up,” he said, wiping his cock and thighs off with a paper towel and buttoning his pants back up. “I’ll be waiting for you.”
He leaned over and kissed you before exiting the restroom. With shaking knees, and with equally shaky hands, you wiped your legs and thighs as best as you could before fixing your makeup in the mirror and then stepping back out to the restaurant dining room. You were smiling wide, unable to contain the feelings you were finally letting yourself feel, until you were almost at the table and you stopped dead in your tracks. Your heart dropped through your stomach.
There was Jake, sitting where you knew he’d be…but he was sitting next to…
Moon Knight DBF Masterlist
Moon Knight Masterlist
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wonder-mei · 5 months
Not mine to have (Honkai : Star Rail’s Boothill)
Reminder : I do not write accurately to the lore of the world I am writing. I write whenever there’s an idea
P.S: This is kinda rush and clunky but hey this is my comeback!
The moon is brighter than the nights before. The moonlit the people of sleepless city but that does not bother the lovely loving small family living in a small apartment.
“Hey, why are you still awake?” Boothill eyes her sitting in a chair beside the window under the moonlight he drops his heavy on the floor and walks to sit in front of her “Something happened?”
She smiles looking down at him. His metallic hands lay on her lap. “Nothing is wrong. The moon is so bright today” She returns her gaze to the moon but Boothill keeps his eyes on her
“Yes it is”
She looks at Boothill who still stares at her. She chuckles and runs her thumbs on his knuckles. Everyone says his hands are cold but to her, they are warm like how humans should be. An insecurity of his ever since he came back to her life after years disappearing without a goodbye but she makes sure he is more human than anyone she ever met.
Her eyes shift back into his eyes showing adoration and love. She bites her lips from trembling, she looks away once again feeling the guilt she always feels “Why are you not mad at me?”
That question again. She always asks this for hundreds and thousands of times but Boothill will always smiles at her “Not a single thing in this world can make me hate you”
And the answer always makes her tears up. Boothill holds her face, his thumbs wipes the tears and caresses her cheeks. His eyes softened as more tears kept flowing “You should be with someone better. Should have left right after you know the truth”
Boothill doesn’t say anything. He smiles watching her cry again for something that has been resolved for years but he knows the guilt in her still stays in her “You asked me to wait but i didn’t”
“But you actually did” 
Few days before his disappearance, Boothill went to her home late at midnight telling her the stories he encountered that day; chasing people and being chased. He laughs at the danger he consistently got into. Then out of nowhere, before he jumped out the window he asked “Wait for me,okay?”
She didn’t know what he meant at that moment. She thought he was talking about not to sleep before his casual visits every night. She eventually knows the meaning of it. He left. 
Since that day, from day and night she always listens to the radio and watches the news to find any information about him. Just a glimpse of him is enough to aid her sorrowness but he is difficult to catch or take a photo of. She tried to forget him after a year of his disappearance. She tries the hardest she can but her heart craves for his presence. 
After 5 years, he finally came back. She ignored him at first but his attempt to pledge for forgiveness makes her heart ache. Even though she forgave him, she kept something from him. Boothill didn’t force to tell the truth instantly. He remained calm and waited for her to tell when she wanted to. One day, the truth was revealed. The reason why she persisted with him coming to her new home. She has a daughter. 
His life went downhill right after the words coming out from her mouth ‘She’s my daughter’. Once again, he disappeared but it didn’t take him long finding his way back to her. He was being selfish. He had abandoned her in a time where she needed him and yet she forgave him. That was just how pure and loving she was towards him.
“I may not be her biological father. But Sunny certainly came from my heart”
Sunny is his most precious treasure in this whole universe, no one can deny his love towards that toddler is pure. He went miles away just to get the finest clothing for her and the mother. He works from dusk until midnight just for them. Boothill comforts her, forgetting how tiring the day was towards him. She sleeps before him. He stays awake making sure those two are safe and comfy inside their house. 
The next day and the day after that, she did not ask the question but soon,will when she feels sad which Boothill will answer it nevertheless. 
“Papa look. Birdie” Sunny happily points at the birds flying above them
“Yes,Sunny. Birds” Boothill repeats her words holding her tight in his embrace and his other hand squeezes the mother’s hand not letting go in this crowded place. The city is having a small festival. Stalls are everywhere promoting their businesses and small fairs in the middle of the city. 
The small family have their fun together in the festival. Playing the fairs and buying any foods that peak their interest but something is bothering Boothill. He has been feeling someone is watching them. He doesn’t mention this to her, not wanting to end their fun.
Boothill and her sit on a bench near the playground where Sunny happily plays with random kids around her age. She leans on him. She can feel his tenseness “What’s wrong?”
His eyes wanders everywhere looking for something “I feel like we are being followed”
“What?” She straightens her back and looks around too “Who?”
Unexpectedly, Boothill stands up turning around ready to punch someone that was approaching them “Woah woah. Calm down. I’m not here to cause any trouble”. That voice is too familiar to her. The man she was with for a night at her sorrowness after a year Boothill disappeared which resulted in the birth of Sunny.
“You… what are you doing here?”
Gallagher puts his hands in his pockets. He looked at Boothill then at her “My bar opened a stall for this small festival”. His eyes shift to the playground. He immediately recognize which is his
“Don’t even think about it” Boothill blocks his view and hides her behind him 
Gallagher sighs “Look. I’m not here to take her away nor-” he looks Boothill straight in his eyes “-taking them away from you,Galaxy Ranger”
“Then what?” The gruff tone of Boothill worries her. She holds his hand calling his name softly
Gallagher takes a glance at their intertwined hands and looks away “Children aren't my thing. I’m not mad at you for keeping this from me. But you know, you gotta see them some time right?” he continues, “Trust me. I am not taking her away” 
There is no denying Gallagher has rights to see his own child. He was not a bad man. They conceive just from one night and that night was the first and last they see each other. “How can we trust you?”
The bartender takes out a small pouch from his back pocket and toss it to Boothill “Take that as the delayed child support”.The pouch is heavy with coins
“You really shouldn’t have done this,Gallagher… It’s also my fault for not telling you” she takes the pouch to give him back but he raise his hand stopping her to do so
“Please take it” he looks at Sunny chasing some other kids “She's a very healthy kid. 4 right?”. He eyes her for confirmation. He’s right. 
“She won’t be looking like that if it was me. She has one good hella of a dad,ya know?” As Gallagher watches Sunny running around, there’s a hint of regret. He knew being a father does not fit him but seeing his daughter now; healthy and happy makes him smile “Can i meet her?”
Boothill and her look at each other. They can’t keep Sunny away from him “Of course. Sunny loves to meet new people” she replied
Gallagher smiles “Sunny…” he then starts walking towards Sunny still running around the playground. Gallagher catches her in time when she trips “You gotta be careful,sports” He chuckles as he balances Sunny on her foot. Gallagher can see his features in her face that makes his heart warm.
“And what’s your name?”
“Sunny is a cute name” 
The child smiles wider “Your name?”
“It’s Gallagher”
Sunny tries to pronounce his name back but fails. He just laughs “It’s okay kid” He pats her hair smiling widely 
“You friend with mama and papa?”
Gallagher suddenly stops patting. The word ‘papa’ is not directly to him and never will be “Yes. Your mama and….papa are my friends”
Sunny just giggles,being a child herself she is still gullible and naive. “Let’s go back to your parents,ay? You must be tired”
Sunny nods and raises her arms up. Gallagher stops in his tracks seeing Sunny wants to be carried. He gently leans down and carries her in his arms. She is so small and skin soft like milk. He walks back to where Boothill and her have been eyeing them both from afar. Gallagher cherishes these small moments he has with the daughter who never knew he is her biological father. 
“Here you go” Gallagher hands Sunny to her. His eyes never left Sunny. The regret of not witnessing her as a baby until she is at the state of this makes him want to go back in time. However, he can’t separate this family apart. They are already one. He has no heart to do so.
“Say goodbye to uncle”
Sunny did what her mother asked. She waves at Gallagher before leaving for their sweet comfort home. Now, Gallagher once again alone in this universe. Even the aeons gave him the faith of having a child and a family. At the end, they are not his to have. 
Headcanon: Gallagher would sings I bet on losing dogs by Mitski every night after meeting Sunny
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dearanakin · 11 months
embers of affection - part 3
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Summary: Anakin has to deal with so many emotions. This time, he tries to ask you to go on a mission with him after a while, but it doesn't go as expected.
Warning: Mentions of injury, fluff, slight kiss. (Note: I know these images aren't Anakin exactly but it fits this chapter!! This isn't the last chapter btw)
Word count: 2.2k
previous chapter
Anakin has been struggling to make amends and reconnect with you since that last fight. You’ve been bumping into each other a lot more lately, greeting each other whenever it’s possible.
It had been a while since you had fought alongside each other in a battle, and he knew he needed to make things right.
One day, he found you in the courtyard of the Jedi Temple, lost in thought as you observed the serene landscape. Your focus on the sight got interrupted by the sound of his footsteps approaching. As he reached your side, he hesitated for a moment before he spoke.
"Lovey, there's something I need to talk to you about" Anakin began, his voice filled with sincerity and a hint of desperation. You turned to face him, your eyes searching his for answers. 
You had noticed the change in him, the weight of his past actions taking his good side.
Before choosing his words carefully, he took a deep breath. “know I made a terrible mistake on Mortis, and I understand that it may be hard to fight by my side again. But I want to make amends, to show you that I'm committed to being better than I can be.”
Even though you were still in your forgiving phase, you could see the torment in his eyes, understanding the depth of his regret. Slowly, you nodded. He placed his large hand above yours before taking another deep breath. 
“Y/N, I'm asking you to go on a mission with me. It's been too long since we fought side by side, and I need your guidance, and your presence. I can't make things right without your help.” For a moment, you hesitated. 
You were torn between your desire to support him and your concern about his reactions towards you during a battle. “Alright, Ani. I'll go on this mission with you. But remember, we're in this together, and I won’t tolerate another bad behavior."
You watched as his eyes filled with gratitude while he nodded. He felt his body become lighter after your response. The Jedi smile widened when he squeezed your hand, and you followed his gesture. 
You were on a perilous mission to confront a group of dangerous Sith, and the battle was fierce. Anakin and you had been holding your own, your lightsabers dancing through the air, deflecting blaster bolts. But the odds were against you, and the Sith were relentless.
In a moment of distraction, you were caught off guard. One of the Siths landed a powerful blow, sending you flying across the battlefield. You crashed into a pile of rubble, your body battered and bruised, and you felt your lightsaber being knocked out of your hand.
Engaged in his intense battle, Anakin saw it unfold in a heartbeat. He felt a surge of panic and desperation, unlike anything he had ever experienced before. Without a second thought, he rushed towards you, feeling his heart pounding in his chest.
He fought with a ferocity he had never known, his rage and fear moving him forward. Blaster bolts buzzed by him, but he didn’t care about getting himself hurt. All that mattered was reaching you.
As he reached your side, he dropped to his knees, cradling your battered form in his arms. Your breathing was shallow, and your eyes reflected your pain. Anakin's hands trembled as he desperately tried to reach your injuries.
"Lovey," he whispered, his voice choking with emotion. "Hang on. You're going to be okay."
But you could only manage a weak, pained smile. "Anakin," you voice almost faltered. "Take care of the mission. Protect the Republic."
Anakin's eyes filled with tears as he realized the gravity of the situation. He had always cared deeply for you, but in this moment, he couldn't deny the depth of his feelings. 
It was as if a barrier had burst inside him, and he was flooded with a love he had never fully acknowledged.
"No" he said, his voice trembling. "Shit. I can't lose you, Lovey. Not like this."
Your eyes widened in surprise, and a faint blush colored your cheeks. "Anakin..."
But before you could say more, a group of Sith attacked you, and Anakin was forced to fight to protect you. He fought with a ferocity born of love and desperation, but the battle was far from over.
Amid the chaos, he couldn't help but think about the words he had spoken. He had finally admitted his love, and he didn't know if he would ever get the chance to tell you he loved you.
As the battle raged on, Anakin was consumed by a sense of urgency. He had to protect you, not just because it was his duty, but because he couldn't bear to lose you.
At that moment, he knew that his feelings for you were stronger than he had ever realized, and he was willing to do anything to keep you safe.
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Anakin had been on the verge of leaving for his new mission, but the realization of the seriousness of the situation weighed heavily on his shoulders.
His former master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and the Jedi Council had been pressuring him to depart immediately, emphasizing the importance of the mission's success. 
Yet, he found himself torn between serving the Jedi Order and the Republic and staying to watch over you.
As he paced back and forth in the sterile confines of the medical bay, Anakin made a difficult decision. He approached your bedside, and taking a deep breath, he whispered.
"I can't leave you like this, darling. I can't turn my back on you when you need me the most. The Republic and the Council may demand my presence on the battlefield, but I can't ignore the bond we share."
Anakin continued, his voice was determined, with a hint of regret. "I know I'm supposed to be a Jedi and serve the greater good, but right now, the greater good is right here."
"I'm going to stay with you, watch over you, and ensure you recover. I'll find a way to make this right with the Council. We've been through too much together for me to abandon you." He was still hopeful.
With that, Anakin made a bold decision. He deactivated his comlink, effectively cutting off communications with the Jedi Council and his superiors, and he settled into a chair by your bedside. 
As the door to the medical bay slid shut behind him, he knew that he was making a choice that could have consequences, but he also understood that his loyalty to you was more important than any mission. 
Anakin was willing to give up on the orders and risk his own future as a Jedi to ensure that you would recover safely under his watchful gaze.
The Jedi Council had grown increasingly concerned about Anakin's prolonged absence from the battlefield, but they could not deny the genuine care and devotion he had for you. 
They allowed his deviation from his mission with a warning that his actions would be evaluated later, a message that Anakin received with an unspoken understanding that he might have to face the consequences of his choice eventually.
As a matter of fact, though, Anakin's heart was heavy with guilt as he watched you being airlifted to a nearby medical facility that day. He couldn't shake the feeling that this mission had been a grave mistake.
Day by day, he would sit by your bedside, talking to you as if you could hear him, sharing stories from your past missions together and the adventures that had developed your friendship. He couldn't help but blame himself for your injuries.
He felt a deep regret for bringing you on this risky mission, knowing that it had resulted in you getting hurt. He wished he had made a different choice, one that might have spared you this pain.
As the weeks passed, Anakin's initial hopefulness began to fade. He would clasp your hand, sometimes whispering promises of hope, scolding himself for not being able to do more.
He even spent long hours researching ancient Jedi healing techniques, desperate to find something that could awaken you from your deep sleep.
But then, on one quiet evening, as the dim light in the room cast long shadows, something happened. Anakin had been holding your hand as he often did, his head hung over in an exhausted sleep. 
The gentle rise and fall of your chest and the soft beep of the medical equipment were the only sounds in the room. It was in this silent, intimate moment that your eyelids slowly opened.
Weak and disoriented, you slowly took in the unfamiliar surroundings, the sterile smell of the medical bay, and the room. 
As your gaze shifted, you saw Anakin, his eyes closed, his breathing steady, and his hand still holding yours. A mix of relief and gratitude rose inside you, knowing that he had been there all this time, watching over you.
A faint smile adorned your lips, and you gently squeezed Anakin's hand, causing him to wake from his sleep. His eyes slowly opened, and for a brief moment, he found the sight of you, awake and conscious.
It took a moment for the realization to sink in, but when it did, his eyes widened with a mix of joy, surprise, and relief.
"You're awake" He breathed, his voice filled with emotion as he leaned closer, still staring at you. He hadn't expected this moment to come so soon, and it overwhelmed him.
You nodded weakly, your voice barely a whisper "I am, thanks to you."
With a tender smile, you watched as Anakin's eyes filled with tears of joy. He reached out to gently brush your cheek and then leaned in to give you a warm and affectionate hug.
One of his strong arms enveloped you in a tight squeeze. He grasped his metal hand gently on your jawline, stroking your soft skin. 
In that moment, you both knew that your bond as friends and allies had deepened, and the sacrifices Anakin had made to watch over you were worth every moment.
He slowly pressed a delicate kiss on the corner of your mouth, lingering on the touch for several seconds.
Resting his forehead against yours, the Jedi let out a sigh. He felt his heart flutter with emotion. "I couldn't let anything happen to you. I... I love you, Y/N."
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, and your eyes widened in surprise. You weren’t expecting to hear those words from him, especially not in such a vulnerable moment.
You reached out a trembling hand to touch his cheek, your fingers brushing against his temple.
"Anakin," you whispered. "I love you too."
A mixture of relief and joy washed over his face as he took your hand in his hands, his fingers trembling. "I'm so sorry" He said, his voice choking with emotion. "I should have told you sooner, and I should have been a better partner to you."
You smiled weakly, your eyes filled with tenderness. "You're not perfect, Anakin, but neither am I. We can learn and grow together."
Anakin leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "I promise, Lovey, I'll do better. I'll be the partner you deserve, and I'll protect you with everything I have. I will never do that to you again, ever."
Your heart swelled with love and forgiveness as you looked into Anakin's eyes. Just then, you both knew that your bond had deepened in ways you couldn't have imagined.
It was a new beginning for you, and you were determined to face the challenges ahead as a team, your love stronger than ever before.
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In the entrance hall of the Jedi Temple, bathed in the soft, golden light of the setting sun, Anakin stood waiting with a bouquet of freshly picked flowers in hand. The vibrant colors of the blooms were contrasting, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of nervous excitement.
You made your way through the towering doors of the temple, your steps hesitant but determined. Your gaze fell upon Anakin, and your heart skipped a beat when you saw the earnest smile on his face. Anakin approached you, his eyes filled with warmth and joy.
"Welcome back, Lovey" He said, his voice gentle and affectionate. He extended the bouquet of flowers towards you, a mixture of bright, colorful blooms and soft, delicate petals.
"Anakin, this is beautiful," You said, your voice filled with gratitude.
"I'm so glad to have you back, Y/N. The temple wasn't the same without you” Anakin’s face was bright and his smile was soft. 
You couldn’t help but smile at this demeanor and his actions towards you.
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