#It's a very busy moment there's a lot going on I guess XD. But how do you forget your bro/crush PULLED A WZL ON WZL
phoenixcatch7 · 3 months
Wild how I never see anyone talking about that moment in the mdzs anime (donghua?) during the wen chaos torture scene, where wwx fights wzl and cores the man like an apple.
Not even that!! Not even that!!! He instantaneously removes a fully intact golden core with the skill and precision of a two day surgery bare handed. In battle.
I don't know if it was part of the book, or if it made it into the live action as well, but it was always a huge moment for me. I mean - he'd just lost his own core in a surgery meant to give someone else it, the volunteer victim taking implanting cores from theory to reality. All those months in the burial mounds were a matter of survival - learn or die. Learn or abandon the last pieces of his family. He mastered demonic cultivation, because there was no other path forward. He had no other option.
But in that moment, he's holding a perfectly intact (decently strong) golden core, just after escaping. He could have tucked it away, got his revenge, and gone back to wq to get it implanted in him. He could have kept it somewhere in stasis for however long while she worked on it, I don't know. He'd clearly developed the ability in the mounds, he'd clearly been thinking about it a lot.
He had that choice. He had the ability to put his demonic cultivation down and rejoin that well paved road, and no one would think twice. He could have rejoined the cultivation world with nary a blip. Lwj and jc would certainly have covered for him, even if they didn't understand.
But he didn't.
He held that little swirling core in his hand, looked at its glow of qi, its shining potential. And crushed it.
That, I've felt, is the true moment he committed to his path. Not in the mounds, not when he decided to hunt down and brutally torture the wen. Not when he decided to sacrifice his own core. That moment where he was granted this potential path out, a way back, a possible escape route. And he turns away.
Breaks it.
I wonder why it's never come up in fics or art or anything. Like, that's just such a visceral moment!! It was like 'oh he's serious serious'. And it has such angsty potential!! Wwx can just destroy the cultivation of anyone he pleases!! During the war everyone was petrified of wzl. There's no reason to think they'd be anything less than mortally terrified of wwx if it ever got out he could do the exact same thing. And he's even stronger! He crushed wzl like an ant!!! But who knows, it could have weird, fringe life saving uses like wq theorised.
But can you imagine all the possibilities!! Core assassin wwx. Chief cultivators husband wwx who gets called in for the worst criminals. Ylp wwx who cores a whole scouting group as a warning, leaving everyone too scared to touch him, letting him and the remnants live in semi peace. Time travel wwx who defangs the worst enemies in disguise, becoming the boogeyman of the jianghu. Lwjs core getting damaged or corrupted and wwx being forced or volunteering to remove it to save his life without subjecting him to the horrific surgery, revealing his secret. There's so many possibilities!!!
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fantomette22 · 4 months
Do you have any recommendations of bloodborne fan fiction? :3 I'm getting hungry for Laurence 👀
Heya!!! I'm very honoured you are asking me of all people! 👀 I mean maybe you did ask other people too x)
Hm I will try to put here a few links! But that really depends what you want to read 🤔
Do you prefer Fanfics very Laurence-centric? Some where he's just a character between many others? Do you want actions based fics? Something more calm but who are very thoughtful? Something very tragic where Laurence die or when he start to loose it maybe? At which moment of his life? Or do you prefer fics more based into relationships with other characters? And in this case which pairings? Are you more comfortable with something soft where there's just tension or maybe something more intimate? Are you alright with something more graphic and mature perhaps? (there's some very wild fics if you take the time to read some tags on ao3 but I really can't bring myself to read them XD).
Or are you the type of person that will take almost ANYTHING because you are so desperate for the slightest thing? 😂
So yeah it really depends what you are looking for.
But anyway if you are asking ME for recommendations should I understand it's really the ones I read and like? Well I was kinda busy this last few months to read fics. And when I did, I really tend to focus my time to read some featuring particular characters (like gehrman for ex). Fics focus on Laurence aren't my thing except in a few cases (even if he's in my top 5 characters)
But now I will have more time to read and finish written mine as well! That make me think...
Before I sent many link with fics mainly focused on Laurence I know I guess I need to put mine and my friend fic there as well x) They are mostly centred around Maria I supposed but also many other characters as well.
Christened in Blood written my dear friend @heraldofcrow
It's mostly focus on Maria & Bloody Crow backstory + her interpretation of how the lore went. Laurence is there a bit too XD he might show up more later as well.
My own fanfiction, A scholar's dream. It's one of my more complete headcanon/interpretation retracing all the events of the lore before the game. At least 1/4 of it for this first fic, that I haven't finished yet. It's mostly based on how the old blood was discovered by Byrgenwerth, how the healing church was founded, many characters backstory on how they meet. And university shenanigans. (I have 2/3 of chap 7 completed I will try to continue soon). It's focus on many characters and well Laurence is quite an important figure there. Not the most important but still important enough.
Alright now I tried to re find a few fics with Laurence as a main character i remembered reading too. There's some i didn't had time to read yet but are mainly focus on Laurence and written by a few people I know as well. or generally have many people on Tumblr who read them.
Bloodorne fanfictions by @mrslittletall like the Crazy Cat Vicar
Fics mainly focus on Laurence/Micolash :
Bloodborne fanfictions by @karnaca78
Bloodborne Fanfictions by @synthwayve
and fanfictions by @kiybee
@subzeroparade have written many fics where Laurence is the focus as well.
There's a lot of other fics focus on Laurence/Ludwig or with Laurence/Brador as well, even caryll/laurence. I had to dig in ao3 a little but go check it out you might found cool things! (sorry didn't had time to read them all for sure) there's also many little oneshots, focus with only Laurence or even bigger multi chapter fics with Laurence being a main character or not.
I remember reading Synchrony a while ago and it was cool I think. It's mostly focus on Ludwig and his adventures at Byrgenwerth.
I think there were why very cool entered around Laurence at Byrgenwerth as well + gehrman and fanfic.net. I tried to found it again but failed.
I can't just put the entirety and fanfic.net, ao3 and many others so I will stop there I think x) sorry I forgot anyone ;-;
If you want others based on other trope/characters please let me know I will try my best.
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amethystina · 1 year
When do you think Yo Han fell in love with Ga On? I've always speculated that he fell in love during the show but maybe I'm wrong. Was it after the show ended? What moment triggered that? Just wanted to hear what you think :D
I personally think he fell in love during the drama, yes. But whether or not he realised he was in love during the drama is another question entirely. Though there, too, I'd say yes for my personal headcanon, most likely during the one-month time skip between the explosion and the hearing.
In that very classic: he and Elijah go off to Switzerland, he's suddenly without Ga On for an extended period of time, and that makes him go: "... well, fuck."
Because Yo Han is nothing if not aware of his own emotions (even if he likes to pretend he doesn't have them) and he would notice just how much he misses Ga On. And that the way he does it is unlike anything he's ever experienced before. And, eventually, put two and two together.
So the trigger for him realising is distance and his trigger for falling in love? Just... Ga On in general? x'D Like, I don't think there was one specific thing that made him fall in love. I think it happened in stages, one little piece at a time as Yo Han kept building his understanding of Kim Ga On. Because Yo Han likes to know how things work and study their components, but he probably didn't expect just how many of Ga On's he'd end up loving.
Like: oh, challenges me. Oh, he's actually really clever. Oh, he can cook. Oh, he's kind to Elijah. Oh, he's loyal. Oh, he's cute. Oh, he learns quickly. Oh, he's cheeky. Oh, he's playful. Oh, he's fierce. Oh, he's kind to me.
And so on and so forth.
Basically just a series of puzzle pieces that Yo Han collects and eventually he's just there. He's in love. Because to someone like Yo Han — who sees so many facets of a person and can read situations and people so well — I don't think one moment or one aspect would be enough? I think it would have to be ALL of Ga On.
That's not to say that he has to find every single trait Ga On has to be good or lovable, but I do think he needs to be fascinated. Intrigued. Curious. And that's why he's so fond of Ga On's darker side because it's exciting — it's an interesting, unexpected addition to this otherwise soft, doe-eyed young man. It stands in such stark contrast to Ga On's morals and righteousness that Yo Han can't help but want to see more of it.
And that's also why Yo Han loves how quickly Ga On learns, adapts, and picks up on Yo Han's methods. How quickly he adjusts and fires back, how quickly he can start turning Yo Han's own tricks against him. It's like Yo Han is trying to solve a Rubik's cube but if he waits too long, the colours will have swapped places when he wasn't looking.
And he absolutely loves it.
Long story short, I think Yo Han needs someone complicated with a lot of depth to keep him busy and engaged, and while Ga On might seem plain at first glance, he's definitely not. That boy not only has hidden qualities but is also clever and stubborn enough to give Yo Han a run for his money. And, clearly, that made Yo Han fall in love — and will make sure he stays in love.
So yeah. Something like that, I guess? I hope that answered your question xD
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merrikiwi · 2 months
What we got up to in July 2024
Writing this blog post is an idea I came up with because it is fun but also because it forces us to reflect on the month and what we did. We've been trying (badly) to keep track of all the things we watched in the year so we can do an end-of-the-year retrospective of all the media we enjoyed so heeeeeeere we go.
July, July, July, what a busy month we've had. From L getting a new job to us running our first convention stall selling our art. We have truly been busy, but that has not stopped us from having fun with all kinds of media. Whether to relax or to research we watched a lot last month so lets talk about it.
Movies Movies are a good place to start. I've been trying to keep track of the movies we watched on Letterbox like I do with anime on MAL. I just like having a big list of all the things I've seen I can't help it XD. 
For my birthday we did a Gentleman-themed movie night. First, we watched The Gentleman a film I've been trying to get L to watch for ages and my birthday seemed like a great opportunity. And guess what she loved it. It's Guy Richie so you know the cinematography and editing are going to be fun a least. I didn't remember how homoerotic it was but I'm all for it. I think the gangsters should kiss. 
We also watched The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare... Also Guy Richie. It even had Henry Cavill but they couldn't save this story from being kinda meh. It sucks because I was looking forward to it but It just felt a little all over the place. You never really get to know any of the characters and the action felt excessive considering the real-life versions of these people managed to do this operation with only one injury. 
The last movie I can remember watching was Valerian And The City Of A Thousand Planets. Our hopes going in were so low but it was actually really awesome. The world and story are just so interesting and well-made. It feels like a passion project from the director. It's just plain fun times. 
For the small screen, we watched The 8 show, A tv adaptation of two Manhwa Pie game and Money game. The show chose elements from both  to create a kind of mish mash of the ideas from both. I hadn't read them but L had so I got to turn and go "Omg did that happen in the Manhwa". I wouldn't want to spoil anything but if you're a fan of death games its very compelling. 
My main criticism of the show as a whole was that the violence in the latter half was actually really hard to watch. It felt excessive and unrealistic. You will watch a character get their head bashed in with a baseball bat multiple times and will be fine the next day. It gives it this kind of unrealistic uneasiness where you're real-world perception of how much damage the human body can take is confused for the sake of plot convenience and shock. 
L: It made some interesting adaptations and outright changes that were mostly good but it is very different to both manhwa. Which is a good thing. I've read it already so show me something cool you can do with the idea!
Anime was a large part of what we watched as usual. We have completely stepped off the seasonal train and as a result have been enjoying anime from all over... anyway we watched Dungeon Meshi. If you have seen our most recent video you know we love this show. It's genuinely a 10/10 and I can't wait for the next season. I don't want to be basic and make more videos on it but I kinda do. 
Shangri-La Frontier was another anime we brought up in the last video as it was just overflowing with passion and skill. We still haven't finished it with 2 episodes to go.
I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince so I Can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability; was also fun but for very silly reasons. I can't sit here and claim it's inherently good but it was fun and easy to watch. Sometimes that's ok.
Lastly, for anime, we have Black Butler. omg, it's so fun. we're only 10 episodes into our rewatch at the moment but it's been about 10 years since I last watched it. The English accents in the dub are particularly awful I love it. 
Its interesting to look back on the anime we watched and see exactly how we went from watching these to writing the Passion and Skill video. I can see what elements of each show inspired what elements of the video. This is cool and fun and nice. 
Don't worry we are nerds of the highest order so we played some games too. I've been playing a few in the last week or so. Star Ocean Divine Force, Orks Must Die 3 and Circus Electrique just to name a few. I've been ping-ponging back and forth between all of them. 
The big game of this month however has to be Spellforce 2. I played 3 and really enjoyed it but the jump back to 2006 graphics was a hurdle I had to vault and I'm glad I did. The game has a lot of interesting elements that they stripped out for the sequel. Unsurprising considering the game changed hands multiple times between the 2 games. It really feels like a classic CRPG with strategy elements instead of a bunch of strategy maps with some RPG-style quests for good measure. It was fun and just as I thought I was finishing it the game kept going. I have no idea where it's going to go next.
L has been playing the Demo for Blue Prince pretty religiously. I don't think ill see her again once the full game comes out but I won't say too much because I think there's a little video/strategy guide on the horizon. You should see the spreadsheet. 
L: Spreadsheet :3c 
If I could conclude this rambling blog post for July in one word I would say Expanding. Because our tastes are changing and expanding. I'm excited to see what I get to enjoy next month. 
Anyway, this blog post is more for us to store thoughts than anything substantial at the moment but if you enjoyed reading it let us know. If you want better-worded thoughts check out our YouTube videos and if I actually stick to this new idea see you next month.
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piracytheorist · 1 year
I think it says a lot about my job that I was able to concentrate on it today and completely forget we GOT TRAILER
It was a mistake to check tumblr first thing in the morning, before I even got out of bed, but in my defense, I didn't expect it would drop at such a day and time! But anyway I did jump off of bed, turned on my laptop and recorded my face as I watched it. I needed to have that memorized XD
So, spoilers about the trailer below, and my own predictions about what each scene could be for! Reminder that I'm anime only, but have read the chapter that the first episode (probably) is based on, so for the most part I know what's going on, but for the rest I'm very much NOT aware :D Don't spoil me please :D
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Manipulative Anya at her best! We love our gremlin!
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Oh he's looking good :D
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I fucking love this image. Look at Twilight pouting in the background. He doesn't understand why a child finds news boring.
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your honour I love him. Why does he look like he's ready to cry!
Ok from a first hearing the OP song sounds super cool. I feel like it's got "Mixed Nuts" vibes and I love it! I gotta look it up later!
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Jeez Loid. Woman just woke up. Is that how he honeypoted all of his other missions?
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Yor having a meltdown in the foreground and Anya being cute waking up in the background <3 I love my fake fambly <3
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... okay. That's how his honeypots worked.
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Yellow roses, if I'm correct, symbolize friendship. Interesting.
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This is going to be a disaster and I cannot wait. Also I'm spotting Anya and Franky doing a horrible job at hiding in the left pic XD
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My heart skipped a beat when I heard Anya's voice say "Moja-Moja" :')
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Very sneaky. Much hiding. Wow. There's no way Franky thought this was working XD
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The way all of this could have been solved with a "I tripped down the stairs and fell on my butt and now it hurts to sit" but hey we're getting a funny date how can I ask for more
Also the way Yor says that line my god
I am so ready for more Yor you have no idea
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I gotta say, showing this moment is perfect for anime-onlies who haven't actually read this specific chapter. Loid just looks worried and Yor looks enraged. So many feelings for this episode XD
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Are those macarons? What were the fucking chances that yesterday I went like "Next morning I'm gonna pass by that bakery that makes macarons". I haven't had macarons in years, yet I see one (1) advertisement about that bakery and its macarons and I go like yeah why not. Macarons. And now this. The fuck.
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Honestly, her face in official merch is always a :D face with an almost unnaturally big smile all the time that I've missed her silly little face.
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Are those playing cards she's throwing? And is she reading someone's mind? I don't even care if she's cheating, good for you girl
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Yeah, buddy, welcome to the real world.
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I remember that line from the end of the bullet-in-butt date chapter, and I gotta admit I don't really like it... but the way Eguchi delivers it makes me think he's not like "Women amirite" but more like "All my years of training did not prepare me for how people are like in their day to day lives because spy training has skewed my perception of day to day 'normal'" and that's perfectly valid.
But also what the fuck is happening here. What is that cat. Why is Yor about to Thorn-Princess it. What.
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So Anya goes on a studying rampage, fails, and ends up crying on her penguin?
This only made me sad, what the fuck. It looks like Loid and Yor are looking at her failing grades, and Anya is disappointed in herself. I will don my clown wig again and say "If Loid doesn't go and reassure her so help me GOD"
I... don't like the ending theme song. But that's mostly a matter of taste, I guess.
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They dare throw this to anime onlies when they know we won't get romantic canon twiyor content until three to five business years from now at least
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The assassin group... I'm supposing he means the one Yor works for? How long does "for a while now" mean? Wasn't Yor working for them since she was a teenager caring for Yuri?
In any case, wow that's a very intense visual.
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omg omg omg
from the colour and the angle this looks like a vision Bond has. Loid and Yor are smiling and blushing but why does it make me feel sad!!
I don't know if it's because of what is said in that moment (they look like unrelated scenes since the line is being said by a woman who I'm guessing is a fellow assassin working with Yor or something) but then there's this
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And we just don't see Yor like that often, if at all in the anime so far.
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What is Franky wearing? It looks like a military jacket or something. I wonder if that's just stylistic choice or it's something more important.
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*snorts laugh*
Gotta admit, from a few tidbits here and there it looks like Twilight is finally gaining some more understanding of himself and his situation... but the way he says that just makes me think that realization makes him more concerned than anything else.
So I can say with conviction this did fix something in me. Though I guess the first episode will be the bullet-in-butt date, so it will take me another week to go into new territory. But! Bullet-in-butt date in 12 days! And new cool stuff to look for later on! I'm so happy!
(Again, I don't want spoilers for any of these. Just let me have my fun speculating :D)
screenshots taken from the unofficially subtitled trailer here!
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mrssimply · 3 months
🏜 🍄☁️ for the ask game :) HEHE
Thabk you for the ask <3!!!
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Well, I do love receiving pterodactyl screeches (meaning I've turned my readers non verbal with emotional damage), or threats, or tears. I consider all of them high honor and I will totally answer with an evil laugh. But I won't lie, my favourites are the ones that ask the most out of my readers: it's the detailed ones, where I get to know exactly which part made you scream, cry, go all fuzzy inside. I do write stories to make an impact on the readers: it's supposed to make you feel things, and I would love to know if yes, it made you feel things but what exactly, and which part. The fact that I can inspire some people to leave me detailed comments means I've sufficiently touched them that they took time out of their busy days to tell me how meeting my story (and myself through it), impacted them. It's just one of the greatest feeling on earth.
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Since you share the John Wick fandom with me I'll answer with a headcannon for this fandom, and our favorite ship. Keanu Reeves is 15 years older than Ricardo Scarmarcio, and I generally chose to keep a similar age gap between John and Santino. It also means that if they get to grow old together, John probably dies first. I HC that he stays relatively fit for a long time, and is mostly hindered by old injuries that pull worse as he grows old, probbaly needs to walk with a cane at some point (Santino gifts him one that has a working gun hidden in the handle xD). They can both feel it when the end is near, with the way John can't seem to find the strengh to get out of bed and he's not hungry anymore. But I HC that, by this point, Santino is a lot more mature and wise, and actually deals with it gracefully. He stays by John's side, helps him as much as he can with the nurses. He'll bring work by the bedside (because of course he's still working despite having named an heir, but he can't stay inactive) to do it while he keeps John's company. He stays to the end, of course, and I think much like in the movies, John dies as dawn rises over the horizon. Santino kisses him one last time and stays in the room, on the bed for a bit. Maybe he sheds a few tears but I'm not even sure because - they were just happy, by the end, and both their souls were appeased. I think after that, everyone is worried that Santino will just follows, but 1) the man is stubborn, and 2) he wants to honor his companion's memory a bit longer, so he's not in a hurry. He becomes maybe a little more spiritual, talking to John like one would pray to a saint, and people can often catch him gazing into nothingness, like he's not really here, but there is a soft smile on his lips in moments like that. Of course in the meantime they adopted other dogs, and the last one was maybe somewhat young, so she keeps Santino's company too! Now, lets pray no one kills her or...
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
This is a very underwhelming and disapointing story, I must tell you xD. My first username was LittleKisa, from the character Kisa, from the manga Fruit Basket. When I tried to sign up for Fanfiction.net (a cursed website that only the old guard remembers, AO3 is so much better), it was already taken. And since I didn't wanna add numbers, or symbols before/after, I started thinking up other options. But every time they were taken. There was also that captcha at the bottom of the page that asked you to type two given words to make sure you weren't a robot. As I was getting fedup with trying new username (and writing the captcha each time), I looked down at said captcha and this time the two words were "Mrs" and "Simply". You can guess the rest! The advantage of this username is that most often it's free, so when I sign up on a new website, I can generally use it as it is, and I like that all my accounts are cohesive from one place to another ;)
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lycanlovingvampyre · 1 year
MAG 154 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: apple cutting + sitting thrilled on the couch.
Ah yes, I remember it so clearly when I heard that episode the first time. I was almost done cutting apples, but I didn't quite feel satisfied after MAG 152 and 153, those are statement that were a bit subtle for me. So I thought "Okay, I'll give one more episode a shot" (even though the episode title didn't sound particularly interest-piquing) and then it’s a Gertrude tape and I had some problems following a lot of Gertrude statements before, I don't know, her voice makes me sleepy xD And I was already prepared to drift away during this episode again and felt a bit demotivated. But I kept going. Well, best fucking decision ever. As soon as I realized she's reading from the Catalogue of the Trapped Dead I was like "Ohhhhh!"
JON: "And I started to pay attention to the ones I… wasn’t drawn to. The tapes I instinctively wanted to discard." That's very clever, go against what the Eye wants!
JON: "There was one, this one, that my hand… pulled back from. I dropped it, twice, when I went to pick it up." Lol, that actually sounds funny. Like "Whoops! I dropped it... Woaa, dropped it again, ahaha, clumsy me."
JON: "I am the avatar of awful knowledge and revealed secrets." Oh Jon, you theater kid!
GERTRUDE: "“When he opened his eyes, he of course saw nothing" Ok, she already read that part and still couldn't guess what was necessary to quit. Already talked about this in MAG 111 - because of this I think those memory-ghosts of the Catalogue work like the appearances of people plugged into the Matrix, a mental projection of their self. How they most liked seeing themselves. So when it comes to depicting Book!Eric, I think he'd still have intact eyes. Cause he says he "destroyed them completely", I can't imagine how one could not see that, if the appearance is the same as in the moment of death.
I love how similar Eric and Gerry sound, and I don't think it's because of the ghostly echo. After all, we do have a recording of Gerry without that effect. Very good VA choice!
ERIC: "I know that I’m not really Eric; I’m just a memory someone wrote down. It hurts, most of the time." Primarily it's probably meant to be an effect of the Catalogue's nature, of the Fears just doing their job. But I guess the knowledge of not actually being you also makes it weird and uncomfortable. Sometimes I think about that, like what are we anyway? Isn't the memory of oneself's entire life basically what makes one that particular person (+ hardwired personality probably)? Because it still matters on which hardware we run. Otherwise, how would we explain body dysphoria?
ERIC: "You too. (beat) You got old." GERTRUDE: "Better than being dead." ERIC: (short sigh of a laugh) "Fair enough. To be honest, I’m impressed, more than anything. Hard to get old in this business. You either die, or you, uh, stay young. (short, uncomfortable pause) …How did Mary look?" GERTRUDE: (same sort of short laugh) "She got old, too." Well, let's see, this is in 2008. My educated guess from MAG 35 was that Gerry was born sometime around 1983 or 1984. Perhaaaps 1985 when we'll go with the most extreme numbers from MAG 35. We don't know when exactly Mary killed Eric, Eric says he left the Archives months before she killed him. So, Eric died.. what? 1984 or 1985? So he hasn't seen Gertrude in over 20 years! He probably saw Mary a few times since she summoned him to bounce off ideas of him. But even if she kept doing that for a few years and then stopped, 15 years would still be a long time with visible changes^^
ERIC: "And Gerry? Have you seen my son?" Nawwww... He actually calls him Gerry, like he always wanted friends (and probably loved ones) to call him.
ERIC: "Yeah, it doesn’t feel great. But being dead, I s’pose you don’t feel things quite as strongly. Little bit – flat." Ha, flat like a piece of paper!
ERIC: "Elias? Elias Bouchard, seriously?!" GERTRUDE: "Hm, he’s changed a lot." <.<
GERTRUDE: "So. What did they not want me to know?" ERIC: "I quit." GERTRUDE: "You – Sorry, you quit?" ERIC: "Yeah. I figured out how." Well, on my first listen I was sitting at the edge of the sofa at that point, staring wide-eyed at the TMA logo in the YT video on screen.
ERIC: "You know, you were never actually all that nice to me when I worked for you, Gertrude. Not like Michael, or Emma." Hahahaha, very good, let her dangle a bit! I'd like to say I'd do the same but I know that in the end I never want to give people, one: what they did to me, and two: something they could hold against me in return.
Eric: "I don’t know what she saw in me, not really." Not-really counter of S4: 20!
ERIC: "You were almost there, you know, with your theory that James could watch us from any eye, even an illustration. What did you do? How did you sever that link?" GERTRUDE: "My God!" Yeah, at that point I said "Fuuuuck" out loud... My spouse was sitting on the couch next to me was like ?? and I just kept saying "Fuck" over and over again. First: Eyes are one of the body parts I find the most horrific... I can watch every body horror torture splatter movie without problems but when it's about eyes... Fuck off! If I'd be in that position I'd be like "Yeah, you know what, I actually like the Archives! Screw that, y'all go ahead and do what you must do, but keep me out of it." Second, I love moments like this in fiction! The last one like this I remember was when I read The Last Wish (The Witcher) by Sapkowski, specifically The Lesser Evil. When that innkeeper (or whatever that guy was) explained what happened in Tridam and it dawned on me what Renfri was about to do (just like it dawned on Geralt in that moment. I love having the same reaction like characters. When I can discover huge things alongside them).
JON: "I know. I know what you said, but I just – (inhale) I think I’ve found a way for us to leave the Institute." [BRIEF PAUSE.] MARTIN: "O-kay…?" JON: "Yeah. But it’s – (heavy inhale) It’s pretty drastic." MARTIN: (hah) "What, you going to gouge your eyes out, or something?" [BEAT.] MARTIN: (gets it) "Fuck off!" Such an iconic piece of dialogue xD
MARTIN: "Erm… like, I mean… permanently? Or…" This has the same energy as answering "In general?" to the question of "Haven't seen a dog, have you?"... Those idiots^^
JON: "But we could leave here, you and me. Escape." Eeek <3
JON: (squawk) "Uh, I, I don’t know. I don’t – know. But… maybe it’s worth it? The risk – y-you and me, together, getting out of here –" [MARTIN SNIFFS.] JON: "– one way or another." MARTIN: "Jon." Double Eeeek <3
So what's going on here has a name, URST or UST. It stands for UnResolved Sexual Tension, although I don't like that term cause it's just as well used for unresolved romantic tension. Especially when we're talking about a couple with an ace character, or when it's used in a show for minors about minors (Miraculous is a textbook example). So basically it's a trope to keep suspense going on by having all kinds of obstacles to keep the love interests from actually getting together, usually also having them pine after each other over and over again + once in a while giving them a scene in which it looks like they finally get somewhere. Full disclosure: I'm a sucker for that trope. I loved that in Inu Yasha, I love this in Miraculous (although it's getting a bit destroyed by all the What-if-episodes with a subsequent time reset or memory wipe) and of course I love it in TMA.
JON: "I mean, whatever their plan is for me, I am damn sure that doing that isn’t it. I’d derail everything – we could derail everything, and then just – leave!" Time travel fix-it for TMA is extremely difficult because you basically have these powerful forces which had it all planned out. I think there are actually two points in TMA where it could really take a very different turn. One of them is here. If Jon blinds himself, he won't belong to the Eye anymore and can't complete the ritual. And given what Annabelle says in MAG 197 it sounds like Jon will even survive being cut off from the Eye. (There’s of course still the problem of just going ahead with a new Archivist, so it’s only a temporary resolve...)
MARTIN: "Nothing; It’s just – (one more laugh) It’s just ironic, that’s all." That's totally in the sense of "At any time before taking Peter's deal I would have run away with you in a heartbeat. But back then you never came to me and now when you do it's me who won't do it"-ironic, right?
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3milesup · 2 months
For the ask game 19, 22 & 29
HI DEAR, thank you so much for the ask!!! <3
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
Alriiight… at first i put this wip in the question 29. but then i thought better of it and realized that i still harbor the hopes of finalising it… so i moved it here, to give you a break from all the war wips, here goes teen wolf! xd i lowkey like this one, it was a lot of fun to write^^
“Is this still about the mate thing?” Derek sounded annoyed. “Sorry, Peter, but I have quite a few things above that on the list.”
“And what, pray tell, would these things be? Fraternising with a darach sounds fun, or have you found yourself yet another psychopathic girlfriend in the meantime? Or perhaps you are busy planning how to turn some more clueless teenagers to fill the ranks?”
Derek limited himself to glaring, so Peter continued.
“You have no idea what it feels like, the- the void inside that you-” He stopped himself, suddenly very aware of the audience and for as much as he loved being at the center of attention, this was not the case. He had a hard enough time explaining the odd feeling to himself, let alone that bunch of self-absorbed youngsters and his emotionally constipated nephew.
It was like a vacuum in the middle of his heart, he felt something achingly missing but couldn’t, for love of all that’s good and holy, find anything that would fit in to fill it. The empty place had been left by something - someone - specific that couldn’t be replaced, overlaid, erased. Furthermore, he was wondering why he only started having these feelings recently. Impossible to even pinpoint the exact moment it happened, it was more of a series of realisations that would hit him at randomest, like when he caught a whiff that smelled oddly familiar but he couldn’t connect it to a person or a place. Just take the tea room down the street: it had been there since forever, passed down for generations, yet now the jasmine white tea, of all varieties they had, was haunting him for reasons unknown.
“I am going out of my mind and you. Don't. Want that,” Peter growled, eyes flashing steely blue.
“No, we most definitely don’t,” Derek surrendered. “So, what is it now?”
“Morrell said something,” Scott explained. “She said, if you had an ounce of value, you would have been with your mate now.”
“Morrell doesn’t know what she’s talking about,” Derek snapped before he could think about it and winced at the stumble of Peter’s heart.
He turned around slowly, sternly looking for Derek’s eyes.
“You know.”
Derek shifted his gaze.
“What exactly do you know?”
Derek kept fixating the wall.
“Oh. Everything. Brilliant. Why am I not surprised? Bet it was my sister that took my memories.”
“She had me swear.”
“Swear what?”
“That I wouldn’t tell you, idiot.”
“Wh- and you listened to her?!”
“She was the alpha! Fuck, Peter, I know- I know, okay, but I couldn’t go against my mother.”
“She’s been dead for ten years now! I don’t think the vow still holds? Or has been holding, all this time?”
“You didn’t… you’ve never…”
“What? Come to you like, you see, Derek, I’ve been losing sleep over my mark and my shattered bond, don’t you happen to know who my mate was? Well, sorry if I didn’t find it quite opportune.”
“I still don’t find it quite opportune to tell you.”
“Oh but you will.”
Next thing Derek knew, a set of claws was digging into the back of his neck.
“Your choice,” he hissed ominously.
22. Do you know how your fic will end before you start writing?
Ahh, nice one! i usually write short fics so those are pretty clearly outlined. The long fics sometimes can take me where i wouldn't expect to go, i did write one that got completely out of hand, because two decisively very minor characters overgrew and formed a - totally unplanned - second main pairing (that had an insane dynamic almost better than the original main pairing). that one got even me by surprise but i rolled with it xd and it came out fine i guess^^ but mostly, i like to know what i am heading for, it helps me in the process of getting there. if i start writing the fic without an idea of the end, it usually falls apart and remains half-written and abandoned...
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
oh i have way too many of those xd i love this ask because it had me digging through my flash drive with some old fics from the pc back home :D i copied them on it to have at least some of my writing here with me, as i didn't want to carry all the boxes with notebooks and sheets xd they are a lot of original stories not in English, but there were also some fanfics... here is what i chose for this answer, as i truly don't think it will ever get posted but i had a lot of fun writing it, must be the most plot-thick piece i've ever conceived and a lot of passion went into it^^ A Mission: Impossible fic xd its premise: one day Ethan receives a recorded call warning him that Lane isn't going after who is most precious to him anymore, because the real pain isn't taking someone you are so hell-bent on protecting (read: Benji, whom Lane tried to off twice to no avail), but someone you don't, so that you live the rest of your life with regrets for neglecting something, for having made wrong choices...... a lot of anguish ensues while poor Ethan tries to figure it out and does, indeed, neglect. Here's the revelation that won't spoil anything bcs no one would ever read it anyways xd
"Been thinking 'bout it, haven't you, Mr. Hunt? Who could it be, who are you losing without knowing it... I'd love to let you wonder some more but I am too curious to see what you're going to do."
After the call ended, a picture arrived.
"Here we go," Benji sighed, "we've gotten to the point."
There was a hooded figure tied to a chair, from behind. A short description: "Expect a video."
"Now that's not the greatest hint of all." Benji zoomed in on the photo. "Luther would be glad if he were this fit, that one is for sure."
"Could it be Ilsa?"
"No idea. From this angle it's hard to tell... Shit, what kind of sick fucker does this?"
"It's from London..."
"Which means Lane is somewhere in Madagascar. Or, he's sitting there in London, playing his own recordings and laughing his ass off at us. There's no point, Ethan."
Wait, again. Idly wait, that was all they could do.
Seven excruciating hours later, said video was sent from the Bahamas. Now it was clear to them that Lane was playing around. There was a heartbeat of hesitation before Benji opened the file. Seeing the figure en face this time, they realised it was a man.
"Who the heck-" Benji began to say but air was knocked out of him as one of Lane's men took the hood off and held the hostage's head up by the hair.
Benji gasped; Ethan closed his eyes, the image of half-conscious William Brandt burned into his eyelids.
"How... how did they get Brandt?" Benji barely whispered.
"I am more concerned about what they got him for." Ethan gritted his teeth. They were watching and rewatching the video. Brandt was kept in some industrial area. Nothing more to say so far.
"We have to… wait," Benji sighed, defeated. "For now, we're completely on his mercy. Will is on his mercy."
"And we've lost the only authority we had. Clever move, you bastard. Without Brandt, we're nothing. We're... outcasts again. We need Luther."
Luther's arrival gave them some boost. They were still clueless, exhausted and dangerously close to desperate, but at least they were in three. That's definitely more than two. That makes three quarters of the IMF. Determined to find and save the fourth one.
Thanks again, my firiend, this was lovely!! <3 i only hope you enjoy the snippets at least half as much as i enjoyed looking for them xd
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commenter2 · 2 years
Exes and Oohs breakdown (spoilers)
Another Moxxie episode where we see his father AND ex-boyfriend.
This episode already gets points for coming out on the weekend, as a lot of people like myself didn’t like how the last episode aired during the work week.
Looks like Loona’s fat shaming/gas lighting is working, as Moxxie is now starting to believe it.
From time to time I have brought up the idea that Millie’s anger might be related to some kind of mental or psychological problem, and its moments like this that seem to hint/confirm it. It’s nice to see Moxxie being one of the things that can calm her down.
Looks like Moxxie and Millie aren’t the only people Blitzo likes to see doing it.
Heh it’s a Hell-icopter. Hey if Vivziepop can make the occasional cheesy joke in her videos then why can’t I, especially since I’ve already ignored several big ones of hers so far in the series.
Returning background characters. Well those kids are going to need therapy.
So this episode takes place in the Greed ring. Kind of hoping we would go to Envy, but at least we can learn more about the Greed ring.
Interesting to know that there is vehicle sized elevators available to take people to other rings while in their respective vehicles. Explains how Blitzo can bring the I.M.P. van to places.
Loo Loo Land is still a wreck.
Mammon is so cheap, he won’t pay to print his own logo on all of his things.
Improper toxic waste disposal. That’s the reason why the place is so green.  It’s probably more radioactive then anywhere in the Fallout series. Eh better than just having it represent money.
Before I forget, it seems like the theory of the shark demons being from Greed is true. It does make me wonder if there a sub-species though, as I’m sure there are some sharks in the Envy ring that look totally different from what we’ve seen, heck I think we saw some of them in “Ozzie’s”
In that wide shot where we see Crimson and that big shark guy, what is that red demon supposed to be? He looks like a Imp/Incubus mixed with something else that looks very bird like to me. Could he be the bastard child of a Goetia who slept with a lower-class demon?
Crimson says Blitzo is becoming famous but is it because of his business or because of his “relationship” with Stolas as the events of “Ozzie’s” still haven’t been showed yet. Has my wish of their relationship still being a secret coming true? I guess we will have to wait till the Ozzie X Fizz episode.
THAT’S NOT ANDY BERMAN!! Come on that would have been awesome for this episode, and I’m not even an Invader Zim fan.
WAIT HE DATED MOXXIE AND MILLIE! Now that’s a twist while still breaking away from cliché tropes.
Of course Blitzo is jealous of Chaz getting with M and M XD
Baby Moxxie and his mother! Looks like she wasn’t happy in the relationship, poor thing. At least it’s fitting and tolerable for this one time story compared to another cliche marriage but I’m not getting into that as today is all about Moxxie and Millie.
I will say, Moxxie’s mother is beautiful!
Love the flashbacks followed by the Titanic references, even Blitzo calls it out XD.
For robbing a bank owned by the demon of Greed, I’m surprised Moxxie only went to jail. You think a crime like that would be instant death or getting tortured from the demon himself.
MOXXIE AND BLITZO FIRST MEETING! I wished Moxxie had talked more in that conversation but it’s nice to see how it all started. It also seems to show that Moxxie likes Blitzo because he’s leagues nicer than his father and ex, betting its was how Blitzo wanted to get in touch with Loona that sealed their friendship.
By Moxxie saying “sissy lifestyle” I’m guessing Crimson is homophobic. I can see several HH/HB characters having issues with that.
Looking closer, Chaz’s hairstyle is very similar to Seviathan von Eldrtich’s hairstyle. I’m guessing that is a common style for aquatic demons.
Please tell me were going to get a “Princess Bride” scene later in this episode with Millie in the Westley role :D
So Crimson is homophobic. I’m also still surprised by what this series can get away with sometimes when it comes to visuals.
The flashbacks are education as along with getting more confirmation of Moxxie’s childhood and Crimson being a bad father and husband (not surprising) with very little words, but it’s also thanks to him Moxxie’s mother is gone. Damn. Hell just got a lot uglier without her in it.
It also seems like the HB fandom has another person to ship with Stella :3
Fourth wall break.
Imagine if before Chaz and Blitzo did the nasty, Stolas appeared with a camera, causing Blitzo to go “Are you F^&*ing filming us!”
Moxxie’s last name is Knolastname!
Moxxie X Millie FOREVER!
I honestly wasn’t expecting Chaz to have his own agenda, I thought we would see Millie learn about the wedding and try and stop it. Heck I’d be okay if Blitzo did this as he hasn’t done much in the episode, almost like he SHOULDN’ T have been in it.
“Says he’s better then he looks only to be knocked out” cliché. It would have been cool to see Moxxie do some action before getting knocked out, as that would be another reason why Crimson ties him up as he see’s that his son can be a problem.
I have been wondering what a demon wedding looks like, so it was nice seeing some elements of it.  I am surprised that the demon priest is wearing attire an actual human priest would wear. You think he would wear something more IDK… hellish, like wearing all red or something. Ooo what about gray as that could represent the groom (who wears white) and bride (who wears black) becoming one!
Want to point out that Wrath channel is playing a country like song, fitting given we know it’s filled of farmers and other stereotypical country stuff.
We’re getting our “Princess Bride” scene!!!!!
Mille gives Mortal Kombat’s Scorpion a round for his money on, I mean she pulls out people’s skulls and spines WAY better then him.
She literally just turned a shark into sushi XD
After all that, I would have just killed Crimson, and maybe Chaz, so they can’t cause future problem especially when they already have tons of enemies but that’s just me. At least I could see them returning in interesting ways but more on that later.
It honestly wasn’t surprising to see Loona still in that chair, heck I bet she could stay in any chair for weeks without having the need to get up.
NO KEEP THE HELL-ICOPTER GUYS! That would have been cool to have for later.
I don’t think Chaz is dead, however without his teeth I bet he wished he was.
Actually thinking back, I’m surprise that though he is a shark demon, he can’t regrow teeth like an actual shark. It makes me wonder if other animal like demons lack traits the actual animal has, like I could see bee demons being able to use their stingers without fear of it coming off naturally.
Another episode, another Hell enemy for I.M.P. though I do see this leading to a good episode.
(watching credits) DAMMIT Chaz is dead. Why couldn’t it be Striker! I really would have liked to have seen Chaz return with not only dentures to replace his missing teeth, but also trying the same plan on Helsa Von Eldritch in a Hazbin Hotel episode. I feel like this potential episode would have been a growing moment for Charlie who discover Chaz’s plans, and though she hates Helsa (showing similar traits to how her father hates people like Adam or Michael in that episode which are pointed out by the characters) she puts it aside and helps Helsa realize she is being used and maybe while the two still hate each other, there is some respect between them as maybe Helsa does something that helps the Hotel.
Another good episode that is fitting with this season’s theme of expanding more on the character’s backstories, though this one is the best so far. All the positives about the episode are the same as previous episodes so I’m going straight to the negatives.
Though I do like how Millie got some good screen time, I wish we could have explored more about her in it, like what if she always had a bad reaction when dealing with exes EVEN when said ex tries to be friendly with her?  It also would have been nice and fitting with her character if she tried to bond with Crimson during the episode or again figure out his plan’s with Moxxie and instantly tries to stop it.
As I mentioned in my Helluva Boss EXPO literature, I didn’t like Blitzo being in another episode that really would have been better off as a Moxxie and Mille only episode. I recently watched a DCAU Justice League/JLU review and it went over how though it was about a team, not every team member appeared in every episode which was a plus as it gave stories where the problem couldn't be solve in 5 minutes because this specific character was there but also gave us interesting character interactions and dedicated screen time for said characters. It would be nice to see that later on in Helluva Boss in some way. Same with how Crimson being another bad father since we’ve gotten plenty of those. Again I know bad parents is a theme in Vivzies’s shows but I think it be nice to get more “variety” like that headcanon I made about Moxxie’s father being an actor, but more on that in my eventual Helluva Boss rewrite. It IS happening but there is no big rush right now, which gives me time to focus on other things I need to catch up on. I at least hope HH’s Lucifer isn't like that as it would be nice if he was a character who loves Charlie but strongly think her redemption idea should be stopped as along with how he feels like his pride is being attacked a bit, he is scared of her failing and maybe because of something else as I suggested in my HH season 1 premiere post.
At least Crimson’s personality could lead to an interesting future episode where he tries to get revenge on Moxxie and especially Millie, which would hurt Moxxie more. He’d be perfect for the antagonist of my episode idea where Moxxie and Millie go and spend time with Millie’s family, as Crimson has orchestrated the events that led Millie’s father Joe in a bad position and unknowingly lures Moxxie to him in order to get out of it. Of course seeing how Crimson treats Moxxie, and realizing he isn’t going to let him go and plans on hurting Millie next, Joe goes back on his deal and the two (along with Millie and her other family members) defeat Crimson who I could see dying of natural causes because he refused to give up on getting back at Moxxie. This episode could also make Millie’s parents finally accept Moxxie as one of the family and maybe Moxxie starts seeing Joe as a new father figure.
This episode was worth the long wait, and luckily Spring starts soon so hopefully episode 4 will come out soon. I have to say I’m excited for the upcoming Blitzo centered episodes as they guarantee to give us some good stuff.
What are your thoughts on the episode?
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night-market-if · 2 years
AHHHHH The last chapter, just AHHHHHH, it was expected, but unexpected, I, I just can't.
I think, I dont know if this was an error or purposely, but when you are talking with <3Malcolm<3 and you have the options "I do/I'm sorry/ I could" talking about Milo and if you love him, in "I'm sorry" option, you go to the same page than "I could", again I don't know if you wanted in that way or not, but just in case I told you xD
I'm so hyped for the next chapter, I can already see my MC, someone who really are a "Kuudere stereotype" (more or less he is a "serious and sarcastic type of character who is often cold, blunt, and cynical without showing any signs of emotion". But this is all facade, inside they are very affectionate, at least when it comes to their loved ones) losing his shit with all the things happening and busting in flames and drama because:
"really, I was wandering like a lost puppy all over the market for so long meanwhile people here were busy making necromancy shit, broking spines, buying-selling people as prison system and my f-ing lover/boyfriend whatever we are, (BECAUSE I EVEN DONT KNOW WHAT THE HELL WE ARE) were more worried hiding the secret I almost died for a couple of times and telling shit like "be careful" ohhhh im going to be careful, dear of course im going to, I'm going to be very careful when I catch you cause im going to kill you" and "all the people here are just worrying about keeping their secrets and making shit decisions instead of worrying about the end of the world so f u guys"
The meme of a doggo saying "Im fine" meanwhile siping it's cafe in a house in flames? That is my mc outside, inside is the meme of "gimme yo f-ing money!!" CHAN CHAN LAW & ORDER Special victim unit Being the girl my MC and all the other character and drama the doll.
Can we please choose to lost our shit? I will love my usually calm MC losing his cool and exploding in a flurry of pent up emotions (I love drama)
The worst of all? I know im going to feel so bad about Milo that, surely im going to choose the meaner option only to know the way he will react but then im going to go back and choose the better option for his mental health cause, lets be honest, the poor guy needs not a therapy, but a whole psychological office, poor baby boy.
PS: Malcolm is the sexiest, charmer cutest boy ever and every time he talk my MC simp, a lot. I loved the head?canon about him talking with the lamp lights and now I cant stop thinking about it
Okey, maybe its better for me to stop rambling, thank you so much for all your hard work! Really, you are writing a master piece, I hope you have a beautiful day
That was for sure a bug! I got it all fixed up for the next update. Kicking myself that that one got messed because the "I'm sorry" portion was kind of important for a future romance. But! I guess that's why we have wips. LOL
I like the headcannon MC you got going. That is awesome. And oddly works really well I think for a Milo romance. I think Milo needs someone that can put him in his place occasionally and who is not afraid to call him out on his bullshit. In chapter twelve, it is going to much more be about getting the information he is holding back. There are going to be some moments to get angry with him but there is a lot going on in the last chapter that it won't be the focus. But I promise you, it is going to happen in book 2. There is no way Milo could even be in the game anymore without a confrontation of some sorts. I'll let the reader handle how they would like to see that confrontation but it will be there.
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hangeslefteye · 1 year
First of all CONGRATULATIONS! ❤️😌
Then, I'd like to join the matcup event please!
I prefer males
I'm an ambivert, Pisces, XSFP
My love language is Words Of Affirmation, thennn Physical Touch/Quality Time, it's a tie, they both come in second place.
So um, I'm friendly, optimistic, considerate and polite, funny, a gentlewoman~. Even tho I avoid conflict with all of my being, I'm not afraid of breaking stupid rules or openly going against silly norms.
I'm wise and mature, but also I slip into little-space frequently so I need to mention it. I get a bit clingy in that headspace and like to draw cute little things in any paper I can find, I prefer it if it's someone else's notebook or something 😂 I ask for permission ofc, but I like to leave them as little gifts or to test the limits as to see "how important am I to YOU? will you let me draw a little cow and his flower friend on this very important paper or not??" Lol
About my hobbies, sometimes I like to cook and bake. I'm an artsy person in nature but I don't always create art.
and I like researching out-of-body experiences so I've been experimenting with them for a couple of years now, that's what I'm passionate about at the moment.
Now the negative-ish traits, I'm sensitive, can't handle harsh behavior OR anything horror. I've been spoiled my whole life now I don't know what responsibility is x0 I need my free time and get anxious if I have a busy schedule. (I have anxiety in general)
I rarely get angry, almost never. If I'm upset or jealous I tend to sulk ^^"
A good thing about me in a romantic relationship would be that since I'm very mature and understanding, no silly drama will happen. It will be a peaceful flow but I have high expectations and standards too.
A red flag would be that because of my anxiety I can be a bit dependent on the people around me to accompany me through certain things. Like going with me to certain places 👉👈 also I'm scared of commitment so I tend to keep my walls up when it comes to serious romance and I get shy af about it. I'm a playful flirt-er but when it comes to actual ROMANCE- I get defensive and deep down embarrassed. So I guess it takes a patient person who's willing to push a little.
Few random things that I LOVE are: picnics! Watching the stars, swinging (yk, playground swings), swimming, pastel pink color, making new friends, and going to amusement parks🥰
That should be enough. Thank youuuu
Tumblr media
Sorry for the late reply and thankss <3
I'd ship you with Jeaaan!!! Ok, I recently mentioned Jean a lot but when I read your ask for the first time Jean flashed into my mind.A gentleman for a gentlewoman let's say.
First things first he'd literally be the handbag boyfriend, you can drag him to anywhere,he'd be quite clingy himself anyways.He might occasionally nag, but he'd find it cute anyways.
He's that one loud 'EXCUSE ME!! SHE WANTS TO ORDER FRİES!!!' bf xD
As a hopeless romantic,he's not the shy type and definitely he'd be the more assertive one that can initiate relationship steps.And this guy waited for Mikasa for how many years?Like pls, HE İS PATİENCE.
Also drawing little things to a paper is so... :') That's lovely and Jean would return such tiny acts so enthusiastically.He loves drawing too!
Jean is someone quite responsible and aware,he can keep you more grounded and safe with your responsibilities without overwhelming you.
And someone really needs to tell him how well he's been doing :') Words Of Affirmation is so needed for Jean because you know...he often feels incompetent and he needs someone to encourage him.
On the other hand he can really use someone energetic,bright and romantic like you.His tsundere-ish energy was made for you XD Even though he's a gentleman he surely has a tough-guy act that makes everything better :D
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aimless-passerby · 2 years
Who's your favourite dwarf and why?
I didn't expect an ask 👀
I will be dull with an answer and say I can't choose only one dwarf out of them all.
I think it was Bofur at the very first time when me and my sibling saw the movie, because they chose Bombur as their favourite. So I chose the older brother accordingly. I love these two and headcanon them being the most friendliest and kindest towards Bilbo. And their cousin Bifur, I love his black and white braids so much. He is also very funny, kind of an enygmatic character, with "two wolves" inside of him xD Although actor gave him some sad backstory. His fate in Sansukh (I will mention a fanfic, because I really love it) is so upsetting, though I am not yet aware of his canon fate (need to reread many things on English).
Then I thought of Dori. He is described being the strongest among the dwarves of Thorin's Company in the book, and in the movie I think he is supposed to be not the most masculine (I may be wrong at viewing it like this) dwarf, and I love when a character knits mittens and then kicks enemies' asses. He is also a mother hen to his younger brothers, who are also very wonderful. What I love in the movies is how different dwarven characters are. Nori's star-shaped hairstyle though! And funny to think that even after Nori stealing something from Bilbo's house, Bilbo is still friendlier to him than to Lobelia xD And Ori is an adorable and shy young dwarf, watching him on background is a lot of fun (like any other dwarf really, but they all deserved a proper screening time, maybe some of their background stories being brought up...), but now I am thinking of the scene in Moria...
So it leads to Balin. I love his movie version so much, they made him older than Thorin and he probably was like an older brother to both him and Dwalin (to Dwalin a real one asdfghjk), and their handwrittings are so similar, is it easy to guess who was busy teaching Thorin to write xD (maybe?). I love how he interacts with Bilbo too 😭 And Dwalin asdfghjk In the movie he is not the friendliest looking guy, but he is a good guy xD Man loved his cookies. Also for how long he lived asdfghjk My guy, your fam and friends are waiting for you in the Halls of Mahal, hurry up (I am joking of course). I also don't see a lot of people mentioning how he confronted dragonsick Thorin, which probably was so difficult to him, since he was extremelly loyal to his cousin and friend to step up against him.
Oin and Gloin are often forgotten and I am so glad to see bits of fanworks with them. You can see where Gimli got it xD Oin is a pharma guy, I guess it partially works for him to be a healer too (?). I don't mind him being an advanced healer as fandom often describes him. How else were they supposed to go on the quest without a healer? His movie design is wonderful, need to practice drawing him though. And I call Gloin a family guy xD He looks very fierce but in reality a very fond and loving father and husband. Love that. I am glad I can interact with him in LOTRO while he is in Misty Mountains, heh. He talks about his son and about Bilbo 🤗
Kili and Fili, another set of brothers :') They are just silly guys, who sometimes try to copy their uncle (unsuccessfully, thanks Mahal). I guess it is a rule that every Tolkien (movieverse) group should have someone like Merry and Pippin xD How can you not be fond of the boys. Also how Fili is a protective older brother :( And I also like Kili with Tauriel, though I don't like how it was played out in the movie (how could they be so disrespectful towards Tauriel's actress?). Oh, and of course I like Fili and Kili confronting Thorin. As well as the fond scenes with them (dwarven familial head bumps!)
I like movie Thorin. Nice singing voice, bro 👍 Although he is funnier in the book (as well as he is more of a prick), he has his silly moments in the movies too (thanks for them, he should be a silly guy too, not just a majestic and an epic hero) xD Topographagnosia and nearsightedness (probably common for dwarves unless they are in their mountains; also funny not the conditions itselves, of course, but how Thorin still stays overconfident); his exeggerated dislike of elves, although he uses an elven sword, which looks pretty cool actually; and then how he acts around Bilbo in last movies (I don't even know why actor decided to bring this, he is a Tolkien fan who read every bit of lore, but not that I mind, although it is still kinda strange). O, and I like his cartoon version, he is cool.
His papa and grandpa are also cool by the way. But movies (once again! 🧐) did disservice to Thrain! Such a disrespect, and this dwarf had such a bad fate..
Never can't stop being sad over Frerin and Dis 😭 I love how fandom made Dis very similar to Thorin, though she might be much wiser xD But still sad(((
Dain Ironfoot, of course! And his obsession with pigs as pets and steads xD He has a gorgeous beard, sad it had to be cgi-ed because it was too heavy. And I am afraid to mention Sansukh too often 😅 I think this story has a very awesome portrait of Dain. Also sad 😓
And Gimli! So sad they made him exclusively a comic relief in the movies. His eternal friendship (I am tend to broship them more, but I don't really mind the romance too!) with Legolas kind of brings some soft feelings. Also Lego LOTR Gimli is the cutest thing ever 😄
Narvi! Always appreciating Narvi, their (fandom sees this character very variously, which is awesome) bro Celebrimbor and the damn door they've made xD
I will also add Mim. Yes, he is a petty dwarf and kind of an antagonist, but I was rooting for him 😆
Honestly, I'd also name many dwarves from Sansukh, but it is a fanfic, and yeah, there are truly a lot lot of them to list asdfghjl
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megan-loves-surveys · 1 month
Have you ever had a sexually gay experience? Yep.
Do you find any of your friends hot? Not really. I love them though xD
Are your legs freshly shaven? I shaved them in the shower yesterday so fresh-ish lol.
Does your best friend wear glasses? No.
Have you ever woke up crying from a bad dream? Yes.
Who knows more about you: online friends or offline? Online probably.
Does your family own any land? No.
Who is the oldest sibling in your family? -
Are you close to any of your aunts/uncles? No, I barely see them.
When was the last time you were in a hospital? 2017.
Do you plan on losing weight any time soon? I'm losing some at the moment.
What do you think of people who get drunk every weekend? EVERY weekend? I'd side-eye them, cos that's getting closer to it being a problem for them and I'd ask if they were okay, but otherwise it's not my business.
Are you looking forward to anything? It's my birthday on Saturday - tomorrow my Mum and I are going for a big lunch and then on my actual birthday I'm going to a wrestling show yay!!! <3
What was the last bad news you heard? Dunno.
What was your GPA in high school? We don't have that thingy here.
Do you require a lot of private time? I guess?
Do you know how to play any odd instruments most people can’t play? I can't play any instruments, odd or otherwise lol.
Have you ever had a parasite before? No.
Have you ever been punched in the face before? No.
Are there regular trains in and out of your town/city? In and out? There's a few, but most of the trains are within the city itself.
Do you bathe your pets regularly? -
What was the last animal you saw, and was it a pet? It was a cat, and no it belongs to our neighbour.
Who was the last person you messaged on Facebook? Ngawari.
When was the last time you saw them? Today haha, we went to the gym and then had dinner for my birthday.
Where do you see yourself in a year? Who knows.
[TW: OVERDOSE/SUICIDE] Do you know anyone who has overdosed? No.
Where are your siblings as of now? -
Have you ever lost anyone close to cancer? Yes, one of my friends passed from ovarian cancer last year :(
Do you personally know anyone who is transgender? Personally, like we're friends? No. But I do know of a few people who I've said hello to a few times and that.
When was the last time you got a shot? Covid booster a few years ago.
Have you ever been into a car accident? I've been hit by a car, so I guess so.
When was the last time you spent over $100 in one transaction? What did you buy? Prob when I got my hair done.
Are you a breakfast person? I love breakfast, but I don't actually eat it that much.
What type of books do you like to read? All sorts, but I do love fantasy.
How do you get rid of hiccups? Drink water super fast.
Do you have any healthy addictions? Hahah dunno.
Do you pay much attention to speed limits while driving? -
Which parent was more strict when you were growing up? My Mum - she was always the one who said no when I asked her if I could do something. I always asked Dad instead cos he was way more likely to say yes lol, then when Mum found out I'd just say Dad said I could xD I also would tell Dad about things that I'd never dare to tell Mum about cos I knew how she'd react lol. Like one time a friend of mine drove me and another friend home from school when he didn't have the proper license to do so - I told Dad about it the next day, he thought it was funny but I knew if I told Mum, she'd go nuts LOL. Dad even said "I wouldn't tell your mother if I was you" haha.
Have you ever watched The Golden Girls? I've watched clips on YT, it's funny.
Do you like getting dirty? Not particularly.
Are you a very flirty person? I can be.
Who was your favorite babysitter? I never had any, it's not a big thing in NZ. If someone had to watch me, it was usually my Grandma lol, and in an emergency case it would be our next door neighbour.
Do you believe in the death penalty? It depends what the person did.
Name a person that you can’t stand and tell us why? I don't know tbh.
If you could have a video of one event in your life, what would the video be? Hmm.
What is the most illegal thing you have ever done? Dunno lol.
Last person you sang happy birthday to? Not sure.
What form of government do you like the most? (capitalism, socialism, etc.) I have no clue tbh, politics is boring to me.
Is there a song you can’t handle listening to, even though you like it? As The World Caves In, it's one of the most sad songs ever, and I cry just listening to it lol.
Last time you saw fireworks? Dunno, New Year's?
Do you have a black dog? No.
If you took someone on a tour of your town, what would you show them? Sky Tower, the museum, Kelly Tarlton's, Sylvia Park etc.
Have you been to the capital of your state? -
Would you be more in your element camping in a tent or an RV? RV, but I've never actually been in one lol.
Kissing someone with facial hair, do you mind? Not at all!
Would you ever enter any kind of pageant? No.
Do you have sympathy for hobos? Mostly, but some of them can be really pushy when they ask for money.
When holding hands, do you intertwine fingers? Yes.
What’s your opinion on Johnny Depp? Love him! Was totally on his side with the whole Amber Heard stuff. He's a phenomenal actor and can play so many different roles.
If you write, isn’t writer’s block the most horrible thing? Oh god yes.
How old were you when you met your first love? In my 30's, lol.
Did you get ice cream from the ice cream truck when you were little? Do they still have an ice cream truck where you live? I did! But they always seemed to come around at silly times like right before you'd be having dinner lol, they should have come around 30 - 45 mins later cos then it'd be time for dessert xD
Your last ex finds out you’ve fallen in love with another person? Who cares, I don't talk to them. Surveys are way too obsessed with exes when I barely think about mine lol.
Who was the last friend you added on Facebook? Not sure actually.
Have you ever encountered a black widow? No. THANK GOD.
What letter does your surname begin with? O.
Have you ever used a muscle stimulator before? Did it hurt? No.
How many times have you dated the person you’re with now? Once, currently lol.
Do you know anyone who has gotten pregnant despite using contraception? Yep.
Would your mom care if she found condoms in your room? I'm an adult lol, I can do what I like xD
Would you ever get band artwork tattooed on you? No.
Do you think the last person you kissed has ever lied to you? Probably, but unless it's huge, who cares.
Would you ever pick up a hitchhiker? God no.
Do you think it’s important for children to have a father figure in their life as they grow up? Sure, but if they don't, then that's how it is. But most people who don't have a father likely have other males in their life.
If you could have one more pet, what? I don't have any pets to begin with...
Something you want to buy real bad? Hmm, not sure actually. More merch probably xD
Could you wait until marriage for sex? I don't want to get married, so no LOL.
Do you know anyone who writes huge essays when they message you? Yep, but it's endearing.
Do you think your first love still loves you? Dunno.
Were you ever a flower girl or ring bearer in anyone’s wedding when you were little? No.
Has your father met the person you currently love? Yep.
[TW: SUICIDE] Have you ever written or received a suicide note? No.
Do women breastfeeding in public make you feel uncomfortable? Why or why not? No, it's babies eating. Who cares?
What band would you most like to meet? Blue!! <3
Do you think you have to be skinny in order to be beautiful? Nah, but I do want to be slim for my health.
What’s the most disturbing thing you’ve ever been through? Getting hit by a drunk driver who was blind drunk in the middle of the day.
Are you into PETA and all that? No, PETA are awful.
Does your family have a secret? Not really?
Any current family issues? Nah.
Have you ever picked wild flowers? No.
Which mythological deity or creature is your favorite? Djinn/genies. Thanks to the Weather Warden series xD
What’s the biggest spider you’ve come across? I don't want to think.
Have you ever been bitten by anything venomous? No.
Who was the last person you were with that smelled REALLY good? My boyfriend xD
What movie coming out are you most excited to see? Why? None, I don't like movies.
If you have one, do you and your significant other have a similar taste in music? Not really, though he does try to listen to stuff I recommend him even if it's not his thing cos he's open-minded.
Do you know anyone who has changed their first name? Yes.
Have you ever dated someone who posted a ton of selfies on social media? No.
Are you on good or bad terms with your most recent ex? Neither, I don't ever talk to him.
What’s your favorite YouTube channel? Loads - Call Me Kevin, ashens, LGR, Matt Rose, HeroVoltsy etc.
What’s the highest you can count in a different language? Dunno.
Where would you like to be buried? Not sure.
Which of the following areas is going best for you right now: finances, work, love life, social life or education? Why do you say this? No education, and the others are all pretty good.
Do you know any illegal immigrants? No.
Can you sit for long periods of time? Noooooooooo, I'm so fidgety lol, I change the position of my legs hundreds of times a day. Plus, I always stand up when I get a chance to. It's for this reason, I always sit on the aisle when I fly cos I get up and go to the toilet multiple times, and I don't want to be climbing over people.
Do you have any cavities? Not one.
Who was the last person to flirt with you, other than your lover? This guy at work yesterday xD I was polite, but didn't encourage him haha.
Have you ever read a book about a character in a psych ward? Dunno.
Have you ever been in a mental hospital as a patient? No.
Whose place did you last chill at and with who? My boyfriend's.
Do you plan on having both your parents at your wedding? -
Would you prefer cherry Cola or vanilla Cola? I don't like cherries, so definitely vanilla. Man I haven't had it for so long, need to get a bottle at some point.
Have you ever tried to draw an anime version of yourself? No.
At what point were your parents most disappointed in you? Never?
If you could have a neon light sign that said anything you wanted, or looked like anything you wanted, what would it be? Hmm, maybe ones of the Shield guy's logos!
Will you cry at your wedding? -
If your last ex said they hate you, you say? I don't care.
What do you get cravings for the most? Chips.
Where was your senior prom held? -
What was the theme of your senior prom? -
Do you know what you want the theme of your wedding to be? If so, what would it be? Why so many wedding questions? Not everyone wants to get married.
What color Christmas lights do you like best on your tree? We have all colours lol.
At what age did you start puberty? I got my period at 13, so around then I guess.
Have you ever passed out? Yes.
How old is the last person you kissed? 55.
Where does your best friend live? She lives about... 25 mins from me or so.
How many people have you truly fallen IN love with? One.
Has anybody ever called you a tease? My boyfriend has a a joke LOL.
Have you ever seen your siblings naked? -
What are you doing this weekend? Nothing planned, but I'll prob hang out with my boyfriend at some point.
What’s your favorite hair color for girls? Depends on the individual person, cos not everyone suits the same colours. For me personally, I don't suit super dark colours, I'm too pale.
Does your first crush know you liked him/her? He knew lol, cos he was also my first kiss xD
Has anyone ever taken your clothes off of you before? Yes.
What was the last seriously painful thing that happened to you? I threw my knee out at the gym the other day, ugh.
Do you believe in Judgment Day? No.
Do you have a picture of you kissing someone? Yes.
If you had $100 dollars, how would you spend it? Buy a new pair of Converse from the outlet store!
You were given the opportunity to get a new cellular device, what do you choose? Whatever the newest iPhone is at the time.
Ever physically fought with a member of the opposite sex? No.
What was the last thing you tried for the first time? Hmm, not sure.
When was the last time someone admitted to having somewhat of an attraction to you? The other day.
Do you prefer to have more or less in common with your significant other? More.
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starchild--27 · 10 months
Super late but 3, 11, 21 and 34 for the question thingy <3
hey-hey Feli ^-^ thanks for sending these~ i put my entire brain into answering them haha xD
3. 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
- Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain
- Juno
- Donnie Darko
11. what do you consider to be romance?
ok THAT sure is a question. erm. so. i always say (because i think it's very true) that Nothing Else Matters by Metallica has shaped my idea of romantic love a lot. The whole business of feeling afeectuon and a deep connection to another person, being interested in learning about them and learning about yourself through them, experiencing life not only as yourself but also as a pair, being able to trust in and depend on each other and to be truly authentic with each other, maybe more than with any other person. idk if it's naive or idealistic of me to think these things and maybe sort of expect these things but i know that it's the only thing i want to believe in at the moment. to have all that with a person. maybe not forever, but for a considerable amount of time.
21. are you a spiritual person?
that's interesting because i think about that a lot. and i think i kind of am? spiritual- ish? idk in situa tions where i desperately want for things to go a specific way (most of the time it's stuff like "please let everything be ok") i find myself crossing my fingers, physically, and i guess praying (actually mumbling short, pleading phrases) to some sort of higher entity. or entities. who even knows. it's kind of like an ritual. and i wouldn't keep doing it if it had not worked before. so that's that. nothing too specific i believe in but a very spiritual act i find myself turning to when i really need things to be good. another pretty weird thing: i think that i am "safe", as in "nothing bad can happen to me now", when i see dead animals on/next to a street. especially, when i am driving myself. i really hate seeing dead animals, it always makes me feel like i want to cry. but i have developed the little insane and superstitious assumption that now i am safe from bad things (like accidents) because the bad thing has happened to somebody else (the animal) already. i realize how macabre it is. but i guess it helps me deal with seeing dead things by making their deaths less pointless?
and now writing and explaining about it, i think my sort of spiritual beliefs are a weird coping mechanism for situations in which i feel very powerless or a lack of control over my own life, oh god...
34. any pet peeves?
when the people doing the remixes/mashups of songs i like, change the tempo or pitch of a song to match the other song(s). sometimes it's not all too much and then it's fine but i can't unhear when a voice is higher/deeper than it normally would be xD
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dzpenumbra · 1 year
I got lost in time watching an RP stream again. Night got away from me. I spent pretty much the entire day working on the desire path project in Blender. It's actually coming along pretty nicely. I think it's going to end up looking very close to how I was envisioning, and there's a LOT of room to customize the animations. I was thinking of having the paths themselves independently randomly flicker, like they're electric. I'm curious to see how it looks with 100 of them. I got about 30 done today.
The big standout of the day was... I went for a walk up to the pharmacy. It was about 70 degrees out. I put on my hoodie and my sunglasses and popped in my AirPods and walked the full mile uphill the entire way up to the pharmacy to find... it... closed. I have no idea why. Is April Fool's Day a fucking holiday now? Am I in fucking Bizarro Universe or something? The website said it was open until 8 and the pharmacy was open until 6, I got there around 5:30. And the whole place was closed and the parking lot was empty, and I was sweating and my shins were killing me. It was really frustrating.
When I was walking up... I came across some people that were... yeah. I mean... I don't know how to put this lightly as a person who has lived in a more rural area for like 20 years. People who made me feel... unsafe. And... in my reflection on it... I don't know if I'm just not being fair? But it was pretty overwhelming today. One guy was like... twitching as he walked, I'm guessing either tweaking or a neurological issue or something. I felt bad, I didn't want to judge. But I averted eye contact and kept a bit of a distance. I just felt like... like I was not in a good neighborhood, and I could get mugged. Again, maybe it's the AirPods that make me feel that way. I know the electric board did.
Maybe it's being alone? I think that's honestly probably a really big factor. But I did have an interesting moment, where I really felt a bit silly... I walked past two teenage girls that were just strolling down the sidewalk past me. And I was just like... these two girls are completely fine walking down here, and I'm freaking out that I'm going to get jumped on this sidewalk of a main fucking road.
And then I had a mirror-moment internally, where I was like... I'm walking up the street, with my hands in my hoodie pockets, wearing all black with sunglasses on, mid-30's male with a full beard. Am I not also one of the sketchy ones? XD Like... would I sketch out those girls?
After finding out the pharmacy was closed - some guy driving into the parking lot yelled to me to let me know, which was chill - I sat on some rocks to recover my leg strength. There was a highschool age girl alone on a bench nearby. And I was going through that whole reflection thing. Am I weirding her out being here? How is she so calm and cool with this, doesn't this feel unsafe for her?
It's hard to think of how I'm going to be functional alone in a city environment with this factor the way it is. It explains a lot.
So I might need to like... remind myself... I'm a bearded man wearing sunglasses and all black and a metal band t-shirt. And there's two teenage girls like a block ahead of me. We're on a busy main road in the middle of the day on a weekend. Why am I convinced I am the one getting robbed in this scenario?
It was at the point where I didn't want to walk on the side of the road that a convenience store was on over in that direction, because it looked like a kinda... rougher neighborhood convenience store.
So, to give myself a little slack here, let's open this up a bit. If something were to happen to me... no one would know and no one would care, really. I would take the L, give them what they want, probably my phone and headphones. I'd lose all my pictures, because apple wanted to get some extra cash out of me to store it digitally, and I didn't shell it out. The headphones, I care a bit less about. They're very nice, very helpful, very useful and practical, but not essential. And yeah, maybe my debit card or something. I'd go right home, go into crisis management with my card, and message my therapist on Betterhelp. And... that's probably it. I'd probably just order a new phone, take the loss and just... live without a phone for a few days. Which... is not the end of the world, I really don't use it a lot and the screen is cracked. And then... I'm good.
And that's the worst case scenario. Why the hell am I going to let that ruin a nice day? Why am I going to let that consume me?
Maybe it's just part of my... losing streak. I'm really just... looking around to see where the next loss is going to come from. Is it going to be my computer shitting the bed? Is my neighbor going to burst a pipe or something and water is going to leak through my ceiling and fuck up my shit? Am I going to find out that this twitching left eye for like 3-4 weeks straight wasn't stress and sleep deprivation, but actually a brain tumor? Am I going to finally get a date on one of the two apps that I literally never get matches on, and that person is going to be another manipulative trauma case that just unloads all their shit on me because I'm super supportive and nice and I listen, drain me dry and then peace out? Or worse, stay?
I'm not worried about something bad happening, I'm convinced something bad is going to happen and I'm just trying to identify what and where. And it's really hard to like... live a calm, peaceful, happy life like that.
Meanwhile, I see happy people walking on the street without a care in the world. This shit is all normal to them. They don't feel the fear like I do. It's really frustrating.
And the crazy part? I'm the least fearful one in my family. The most adventurous, the most risk-taking. And I can barely walk a mile up the road without going into survival mode.
Welp. I've been through a lot. I've seen a lot of dark shit, you know? And once that shit starts to get... real... It gets bigger. At least for me. I think it's just part of being fully emotionally in-touch. Like... I should be afraid of criminals and people who radiate bad vibes. I should be cautious. But it's so fucking visceral. That polyvagal element, you know? Maybe it's partly because of social isolation? Naw, honestly, I remember riding the subway in NYC back in... 2009? 2010? My ex and I went to the MoMA together - we went on a trip together, just the two of us, we went to where I grew up and then visited NYC proper, we saw the Tim Burton exhibit that was in the MoMA at the time. I was super overwhelmed any time we were in big groups of people. I remember being in the subway and it was just like... like that dream I had with the tigers climbing all over me, smothering me, trying to play. I have no idea how people can just... calmly be in that environment. The only times I have ever been even close was when I was on heavy doses of benzos and antidepressants. And then guess what happened? Ended up hanging out with predators and not giving a shit. Big surprise...
I don't know how to balance this, honestly. I miss nature. I feel so much more comfortable being around birds of prey and deer and foxes and snapping turtles than around fucking people.
Ugh, I'm not going to figure this out tonight. It's just upsetting, and it's something I'm just going to have to deal with regularly. And I guess today was just an especially difficult day.
Oh, and to top it off... I saw another No Skateboarding ($150 fine) sign... And it was right in the middle of the park where I was skating all winter. So... putting two-and-two together... Cops saw me skating there all winter, did not do a thing about it. Snowskates are not skateboards. But, technically, they could make a case that I was breaking the law there. If they wanted to. But they didn't. So... I think that's worth keeping in mind? My initial reaction was "oh for fuck's sake..." but my secondary reaction was, "well, I skated all winter there and no one said a damn thing, they had plenty of opportunities..." So yeah, just being real with myself here, I think the cops have bigger concerns than some guy in his mid-30's jumping around on a weird snowboard thing in the park by himself.
But... I want to round this out with good vibes, as always. I got out and got fresh air. It was a nice day. The view walking back down the hill was very pretty, seeing the river and all the old historic buildings and everything. I got a lot of exercise. I got a lot of work done on my desire path project, it's going to look way cooler than it did before so the extra work is paying off. And I made another pretty kickass chicken fried rice tonight, so that was nice.
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(from the fic writer ask post)
💞 what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language? Characters and their relationships. The best aspect of fanfiction for me is being able to take characters I find intriguing or that I can relate to in some way,  put them in a situation that makes them confront their relationship with (an)other character(s), and see how they (re)act. I’m really not a plot-driven writer, in the sense that I don’t have the patience to make things happen unless they directly contribute to developing the relationship I'm interested in. I don’t like writing fic where things happen to people, I usually write fic where feelings happen to people xD (Hence why I suck at writing long stories that require good plot development in order to be good, although that’s also because I have the attention span of a fly and one shots are my friends). 🎈 describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change? I don’t think I can define my own writing style, because I’ve written (fiction) very sparsely in the last 10 years compared to what I used to do before. It makes more sense to say what I admire in (fan)fiction and what I ideally strive for: sparse but meaningful prose with intentionally chosen words, good pacing, sustained tension, good character building within a believable narrative frame. A focus on portraying emotions but in a way that feels restrained; emotions are conveyed mainly through characters’ actions and non-verbal cues rather than dialogue and/or exposition. 🦋what are you most insecure about when you post a fic? Everything lol. From overlooking typos to under/over tagging to will-people-think-this-is-stupid to that-other-writer-is-better-so-why-should-I-bother-to-post-this. 🌻 what makes you want to give up on writing? what makes you keep going? give up: losing interest, life being busy, and obviously limited reader engagement. We all say ‘I write for myself first’ but the reality is that we also want people to read our stories and let us know if they enjoyed them, which most readers don’t do even in the easiest of way (kudos!). I guess reader-only folks just don’t get it, how validation-starved most writers are and how motivating it is for writers when readers actually give a sign they’re enjoying a story. keep going: loving certain characters/ships/dynamics too fucking much and being unable to get over the brainrot in any other way; supportive readers/friends; being in small fandoms (they are a curse too, but small fandoms motivate me more because I know that if I don’t write the thing, there’s very little chance someone else will do it, and I do want to read the thing). 🍉in what ways has writing helped you process trauma and/or navigate through your own life? (thanks for being so considerate, anon!) This is limited to my current fandom, but what I’m writing now reflects (in some ways) my experience as an aspec person who has been in a relationship for a long time (and doesn’t regret said relationship in the least) but that is only now starting to fully realize how being aspec has influenced that relationship and their approach to it (in good and bad ways). Re-engaging with fandom spaces has led to a lot of self-reflection, and now the discourse around aspec identities is much more nuanced than it was when I stopped actively being part of fandom a few years ago, which has led to a variety of 'ooohhh I get it now' moments xD
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