#It’s always the ela teachers too
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girlboytroylougferd · 7 months ago
im that rat guy in my class, i keep those freakin rats
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supernaturalkickparty · 10 days ago
Just wondering why did you choose to do homeschooling?
So my son is autistic and has adhd, prior to this I had him a few months before the covid lockdown and with my husband's health issues along with everyone else's health issues in the household I was already thinking of doing it for the family's safety.
Then Uvalde happened, that was way to close to home for me.
I have been a teachers aide and a sub and had training on what to do in the event of a school shooting and that was terrifying for me but that shooting was what made me say "I'm homeschooling him."
We're about hour and a half to 2 hours away from Uvalde but that's too close for me. I always see these horrible stories of senseless tragedies happening states away and for me that was like right in my backyard.
Evaluation time came and we got assigned a therapist for him and both his pediatrician and therapist recommend we try to put him in school and see how he does.
We never made it past Meet the Teacher and were judged by the principal and staff.
It was a horrible experience for me and him and I had went into that night with a positive mind and it just went really wrong.
We met back with both pediatrician and therapist and they were so upset with how we were treated during the meltdown he had at the school and were upset that they weren't going to accommodate him to be in SPED even though he needs to be in special education/life skills.
It was in his IEP/504.
We did Splashlearn for a bit but it's not accredited in Texas so we had to choose something else, so Time4Learning.
A former classmate of mine had told me how all her kids use it and she had similar issues with the school district as well.
I like homeschooling him, he needs lots of breaks, he likes to snack a lot during class, and sometimes he needs a nap and I like knowing that I can be like fuggit I need a nap too so let's log off and nap.
Today he ate breakfast while we did ELA and he was fine the whole lesson.
Homeschooling works for me and him because he needs one on one and the school wouldn't be able to give him that. Like they flat out told me that if and when he was moved to SPED he wouldn't have someone one on one with him because that class was a class size of 23 kids.
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advanced-procrastination · 4 months ago
One thing that has always bothered me is that in nearly every ELA class i had, we had a unit that involved analyzing text/media, and the teacher would give us a variety of media to analyze including music. But music (and other forms of media) take time to process, re-experiencing it over and over as you let the meanings and emotions stew in your mind until a coherent thought suddenly pops out.
But we were never actually GIVEN that time to stew on it. We would listen to the song once, maybe twice, and the teacher would immediately ask us what it meant. Then, when nobody had a good answer, the teacher would just TELL us the meaning. If the purpose is to foster the ability to critically analyze text, then that is absolutely the worst way to do it.
To be fair, they would then usually give us a homework assignment to listen to our favorite music and write about the meaning, which is much better… but the modeling stage had already been ruined by making it seem like something you can do after listening to something only a couple times, so that’s what we were trying to do on our own and that generally ended up flopping as well (even for the kids who actually tried; the kids who just googled the meanings of songs is a whole other story)
I know the issue is less “the teacher is impatient” and more “the teacher has way too many standards to teach in a year to be able to do so at an appropriate pace”, but still. I feel like a large part of the media illiteracy issues today stem from people being taught that media analysis is a quick process that can be done in 50 minutes, rather than an ongoing process that never really ends from the moment you first encounter a piece of media
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karatekels · 5 months ago
not a question, but: it’s super cool that you wanna go into teaching on the ELA side of things! i wanna teach high school/college mathematics so i’m with you on the fact that teaching others is such a fun calling — captaining my high school mathlete kiddos has been so fun and i’m glad to see others enjoy teaching too :-)
(also, i’m gonna TRY and watch vampires this week. it is halloween after all!)
Thank you so much! Learning depends so much on your teacher, and having one that cares is so important (even if it does lead to some stress on my part). WE WILL SHAPE THE MINDS OF THE YOUTH! 😤
...omg let us know what you think! I would schedule a group rewatch but the only day that works for me is Halloween itself and I presume other people have more of a life than I do.
He's so wonderful and (as always) criminally underused in that movie 😍
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ry3breadl0rd · 2 years ago
my take on the 7 at school
percy: he’s that one guy whose always got snacks, and shares with his friends. you never see him do any work, but he’s somehow passing?? he’s best friends with one teacher, and all the other ones hate him, because this guy has the worst luck you’ve ever seen. it’s never his fault, he is literally the definition of wrong place at the wrong time. he’s also freakishly good at one subject
hazel: chill with everyone. everyone likes her, even some of the most closed off, quiet people in the class will start a conversation with her. she’s really good at history, and knows a lot of random fun facts. all the teachers like her, and she’s usually the one to do a task for a teacher if it’s needed. she’s got a mouth on her, but nobody believes it, even if they’ve all heard it
frank: ela teachers best friend. he’s really shy, and doesn’t really branch out from his group of friends, but he doesn’t mind it. everyone wants him on their team in pe, he’s a beast. he likes to draw, and does it a lot in class. i feel like he’d take every art class he could.
leo: he is a class clown, and he gets away with it. even the most strict teachers come around to his antics. hes straight a student, and if people realized how smart he was, they’d be begging to cheat off of him. people either love him or hate him, depending on their mood, because his energy never changes. he’s the kind of guy who’d be able to convince the teacher for an extension when nobody else could. nobody knows how he does it
annabeth: the teachers hate her. she’s a straight a student, but she doesn’t try. you’ve never seen her actually take notes, or pay attention to the lesson, but she knows the material. most people like her, but hate how she always messes up the curve. if someone needs answers, she’s the first person they ask, and she gives away her answers too, which is why the teachers hate her. she’s friendly with most people, and always has a book recommendation, which is weird considering she’s dyslexic, but i feel like she’d just read more just out of spite.
jason: bless his heart he’s so nice, but he is a stickler for the rules. he’s the guy who would remind the teacher about homework, but it’s always a complete accident. some people hate his guts, but most people don’t mind how he does it. if you ask to copy off of him, he’d let you, but he’d also make you study with him to make sure you actually know the material. he’s also totally on student council.
piper: the rumors about her are brutal. she’s always at the center of the drama, no matter how much she’d rather not be. she loves english, and is good at it too. she’s the type of girl to take the new kid under her wing, no matter who they are. she dominates in pe, and looks fabulous while doing it. she hates all the people who try to get buddy-buddy with her because of her dad, and she can always sniff them out
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1mlostnow · 7 months ago
“This teacher is so weird and awkward, they’re mean too…literally no one likes them”
SHUT UPPPPP she gave me a home. Go fuck yrself. She let me wait in her classroom after school before I went to GSA because it was always really loud in the beginning. She was the first to inform me of any trans-related news. When I first described my situation to her, she was silent, and just gave me a hug.
My history teacher taught me how to be assertive and how to be a good man. He gave me good feedback on how to improve. He trusted me because he said ‘you’re a good kid’ which doesn’t sound like much but ultimately that’s awesome. He actually inspired me to start writing poetry :3
My band director gave me a home away from home for four years. The entire time, he’s the first one I’d go to for anything. I literally sobbed my eyes out in that office multiple times. Fav.
My ELA teacher gave me an escape. I could be myself and be free and accommodate myself. She let me sit down if I was having trouble with my legs or back. She let me draw and write while we did the lesson. That was my favorite class. I took naps on the couch in her classroom during my study halls when I first started struggling with sleep.
My civics teacher let me grow and thrive in ways I didn’t know i could. He pushed me and encouraged me every step of the way. I cut out the notes he made on one of my tests and taped it to my wall because it means the world to me.
My science teacher let me be free. He always encouraged me, gave positive feedback, gave compliments on my work, and at the end of the year we had a conversation that genuinely changed my life :)
More teacher appreciation. Stop calling them awful things because they told you to stop talking. They literally changed my life. Shut up.
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circular-bircular · 8 months ago
Hi, we are a traumgenic system and we want to get into the field of special ed. However, we find it scary to get a real job as a system. We want to ask how you guys are doing with being a 6th grade teacher (thank you for being a teacher!) And if you have any tips for us. Thanks
Hey there! A new ask today, since I haven’t closed my ask box here :P
Happy to give insight into teaching as a system. It’s genuinely one of my favorite topics. Firstly, bless your soul for going into special ed; that’s something I don’t think I’d be able to do, for a lot of reasons. Take this all with a grain of salt, as I’m not special ed, but from my experience:
SpED has a lot of paperwork. Like. A lot. I can’t stand needless forms and red tape, so that would drive me way more up the wall than the shit I already have to do as a teacher. There’s also a lot of repetition; hot sheets that spell out packets of info from info you got separately and had to skim down twice. Ough.
SpED hits conflicting needs issues for me, primarily with my autism. I can’t handle one-on-one with autistic students without draining myself severely. Now imagine a caseload of 30 students. 🫡 I salute any and all SpED teachers.
SpED is booked. I get 2 planning periods every day, one of which usually has a meeting. My SpED teachers usually are permitted two… but rarely do they actually have those periods, because when they have no direct classes, they’re asked by other teachers to help provide accommodations. That’s so we can legally meet IEP/504 requirements. I already do so much work at home due to a lack of time at school. I can’t imagine how much the SpED teachers do.
None of that is meant to scare you away; it’s just some things I’ve noticed as a 6th grade ELA teacher with frequent co-taught classes. It’s why I’ve leaned further away from SpED since starting my teaching career — but I’m only me, and certainly not you. If you have a passion for it, there is absolutely no harm in diving in and trying.
For me, teaching has been going remarkably well, and my system really doesn’t impact that much. The most impact it has is that I struggle more with my memory. So… if you do too, ask for help! Reminders, calendar invites, etc.
Here’s some of the tips that came to my mind:
Get to know the kids. They are bundles of joy, and I mean that genuinely. They have so much to share and it’s always so good. Plus, if you don’t have a relationship with them, then straight up, they have no reason to listen to you.
Get to class on time. For fucks sakes, that’s what my co-teacher cannot seem to be able to do. Every SpED teacher I know says it’s because they take their planning time in hallway transitions, catching a quick chat — and honestly, that’s fine. The issue arises when it’s 20 minutes into my 47 minute class and I still have no co-teacher. If you have to miss class-time, call the teacher you’re with and let them know there’s going to be a delay — BEFORE the class starts, whenever possible. Just… in general-
Clear communication. Just. Clear communication, with staff and students, is vital.
I’m not really sure what else, SpED specifically. I just… really hope it all goes well for you!! Teaching really is not that scary, even if it is hard. You’ve got this! Let me know if you have anymore questions, I am thrilled to answer.
(And thanks for the compliment :) )
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ragana62 · 14 days ago
You know what really gets me about the whole death of comments debate in fandom spaces? That at least for me, it just fundamentally feels absurd.
Little me, reading in my room at 3 AM, could not have dreamed of writing a message to the person who wrote the thing that was keeping me alive in that moment, just somehow appearing in their inbox like ‘hi! I just wanted to say I really like your words, so and so is my favorite character, did you do the thing where they always play with their hair when they’re focusing on purpose? Why? Not in a mean way but I just noticed it and think it’s super cool and kind of interesting and maybe possibly a stim? I do those too, so it was nice to see.’. The idea of them reading it, even responding to it with answers to my questions instead of some assistant at their publishing house just sending back a form letter on their behalf? Unfathomable.
Now I can actually do that, all the time, and I know that whoever wrote the words I’m reading in the middle of the night when I can’t sleep and everything feels like shit will see my little ‘hey, I just thought you should know I really like this and hope you have a good day, thanks for making it.’ and maybe they will feel a little less like shit too. Why would anyone not want to do that? Or to interrogate the writer of your favorite things over every little detail like you’re back in high school ELA and your teacher is swearing the curtains are blue because the character is sad?
Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like there’s just something amazing about that one tiny little ridiculous dream of my childhood self coming to life perfectly. I can talk to the people who wrote the words I like so much. They can hear me. Maybe we can even become friends. At the very least I can have a tangible impact on the life of the person who did something that impacted mine, even if it’s just a tiny little one in the form of a small smile when they see a handful of emojis or a ‘this is really nice!’ when they open their email.
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kang-yina · 9 months ago
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You can call me Raven and my pronouns are she/they/it. I am an adult and though I dont post explicit nsfw content and tag as "nsfw" whenever I reblog a meme thats is slightly nsfw, I do not recomend to very young people see my tumblr.
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I am an ADHDer (late diagnosed, but i have severe adhd and its combined type lol) and i have an anxiety diagnosis, though i suspect of some other thingies.
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I am a lesbian and although I mostly use the word lesbian to describe my identity, I am also asexual, demiaro and nonbinary (tme), I'm one of the people that would describe my gender as lesbian, in my case I'm totally okay with being refered as a girl but i know not everyone is okay with that so please don't do this with others!
As some would've noticed my english is not the best, my first language is brazilian portuguese (ela/elu) and i can communicate in english and spanish (ella/elle). I'm currently studying korean an plan to be a polyglot at some point, I'm also constantly exercising my english and spanish cause i really want to be fluent someday.
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My tumblr account is mostly dedicated to my hiperfixations, current or not, I'm also always reblogging posts and sometimes saying bullshit. My fandoms are: eah, mh (any gen), paperteeth, amphibia, toh, su, sci, bottoms, tlok and atla, rwby, she-ra, mean girls, wicked, heathers (other musicals too), the green manga and datm. And i probably read or watched anything sapphic so if you like something sapphic and needs to talk about it, you can totally use an ask, i accept recommendations too.
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Something that i really enjoy is music, so I might post something music related once in a while, I'm a kpopper since i was a pre teen and I talk a lot about the girlgroup Loona and its extensions (units, solos (ofc this includes artms, loosemble, chuu and yves)). I am also a new bat (goth), so I'm really invested in rock music, my other fav music genres are eletronic and pagode (brazilian genre). Something that i deeply love are solo acts made by women, my fave singers are always women, my faves are, in that order: Mitski, Fiona Apple and Solange Knowles. Coming back to the kpop talk, i love girlgroups and woman soloists, my utt groups are loona, exo and 2ne1, and my utt bias are Choerry, Hyunjin and Suho.
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My other interests are biology (which im majoring to), and literature (which i plan to major someday lmao), i love some good old classics, I'm studying to be a teacher so this might be considered an interest i guess (?). I love queer and goth media in general. Other subjects that i enjoyed in school were sociology, history, portuguese, english and spanish, oh and I'm an artist and often post fanart, i plan to make comics someday. I also enjoy a lot of craft related things, my adhd makes me want to learn everything lol... Oh and I'm a poor eah collector that have 2 monster highs and im very normal about the things that i ship.
My curious cat: https://href.li/?https://curiouscat.live/to-com-fome?fbclid=IwAR2c6W6pzcv7BAx1EO9_QYt8mgVkV_irMyPtAeD91vCAAKi9fFKJ64C472A
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its-pinkyyy · 10 months ago
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This post will function as the main info source for Roswell at the time being.(all info is subject to change,post will be edited as lore changes and grows)
Name:Roswell Jane Incognito
Pronouns:All pronouns
Occupation:History and ELA teacher,head of the photography club at his school.He is also a very high ranking member of the cult,they refer to him as either Reverend or Prophet.
-he actually has a giant eye on his chest,he can see out out it somewhat.he doesn't like when people above a certain height hug him straight on,instead of from an angle.he also has a few other eyes in other stops on his body,like one of his forehead,his hands,his back,the back of his head,and some other places.In his regular eyes,the ones that people see he is rendered completely blind in,so his vision isn't the best unless he is practically naked,even then his vision isnt the best,since his hair does cover alot of his eyes.He cant really swim in salt water because of how many eyes he has,it burns his eyes.He often wears looser clothes to prevent his eyes from hurting,and whatnot.He also often wears clothing that if you pulled them over your head you could still see out of it somewhat so he could still see a little.
-Roswell is a fairly handsy person,not in an inappropriate way,but in a very affectionate way. He often gives unsolicited hugs,the whatnot,etc.When he sense/when people show/when they state they are discomfortable/uncomfortable he will do his absolute best to stop,though it is a habit of his.He also really loves physical affection in return.
-He grew up very wealthy,he has no idea where all this money came from since he never saw his father working growing up.Because he grew up in immense wealth he often attended high society events with his father,who is rather close to Richard and Carmen.Though Roswell isn't close with either of them,and Roy isn't very found of him either,though he is one of Roy's teachers.
-Roswell always has a camera and a few rolls of film in his bag,he never goes anywhere without 2 of those things.He also has his white cane with him at all times,though he doesn't really use it much.He usually carries a bottle of water and a few water flavoring drink packets,a pocket knife,and a chain with the cult charm,though he always wears one of those anyway.
-Roswell's mother is dead,she passed away when Roswell was around 3 or so,he remebers when she died but not why she died.He asked his father,but he couldn't get an answer from his father.
-As I've stated in previous posts about Roswell he is The Prophet for Eyes.At the time I didn't really know how that worked,but practically its primarily parasitic thats the best way I can desribe it anyway,Roswell is more of less a vessel for Eyes,a part of Eyes lives inside of Roswell thriving off of Roswell's energy.The part of Eyes that lives in Roswell is connected to eyes as a whole,Eyes can feed that peice info and whatnot henceforth feeding Roswell information,visions,etc.Roswell didn't get too much out of having a price of eyes implanted in him(I couldn't think of a better way to phrase it lmao),Eyes took his vision from his 2 normal eyes,is siphoning energy off of Roswell,adding all sorts of eyes all over Roswell making it harder for Roswell to do things.Roswell barely benefits from this,though he can't complain at all.Some benefits from this arrangement are he knows things that the average person would never know,he sees things that will happen in the future,he can see things that the average person can't see with normal eyes,he can hypnotize/disorient people by just staring them in the eyes effects font last terribly long and its hard fo him to do since he had to use his default eyes(idk what term to use,his human eyes hes had since birth) and he cant see out of them so its hard to stare someonein the eyes with his default eyes,his eyes can glow all of his eyes,his senses are heightened for the most part,he has alot of Eyes' power to s waaaaayyy lesser scale.Most things in the arrangement are neutral,like he can grow limbs like tentacles(he can't really control it a whole lot,they mainly come out when he's feeling intense emotions,and they can only be around the same size as his arm,and they dont tend to last very long when they appear),and the fact that Eyes and Roswell are emotional connected literally,Eyes and feel was Roswell is feeling and Roswell can feel to a degree what Eyes is feeling,same thing also works with pain.
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Roswell's family,Jaune, is his aunt,sister of his father,though Jaune and Mr. Incognito(Roswell's father,he doesn't have a full name yet) do not share a father so they have different last names,since Jaune is Roswell's aunt,that makes Aaron(I'm pretty sure that's Jaunes husband's name) and Ross family as well,uncle and cousin respectively.While on Roswell's mother's side,one of Roswell's mother's siblings is John and the other being unnamed/unspecified parent of robert,radford,and the unnamed sister.So Robert,Radford,whatever the sisters name is,and Hope would all be Roswell's cousins.
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More info is subject to change/be added in the future.
All of this was practically thought of as I was writing,and the majority of this was written in the middle of the night,so sorry if the writing is bad or confusing.
Questions about Roswell are welcome and encouraged as I am trying to flesh out his character.
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james-is-not-here · 5 months ago
Imagining random shit to try and fall asleep when it full on hit me that I'm an age regresser...
Like I knew I wanted to be smaller so to speak and I wanted to be like a child but it finally hit me. Not only that, it hit me that I think I'm doing it to cope.
The last few years of my teen hood weren't that great. I lost my Papaw, lost my best friend. Then we were scammed out of a house and had to move in with my grandma and during the time at my grandma's I was experimenting and while doing so I kept secrets. I hid everything from my parents and at the same time someone in my family was going down a dark path, went to a shitty hospital for it which made the dark path even darker and my secrets were apart of that too, I started to feel safer at school rather than my own home.
Then I graduated, my family finally moved out of my grandma's house and slowly but surely the tiny thread I had connected to the family member started to weave itself back together but only now am I realizing that I didn't feel like being "small" until after all this happened.
I use to feel independent and could do things on my own but now? Now I'm scared. I'm scared that my art won't get me to where I want to be, I'm scared that I'll always be by myself and my friends will forget me, I'm now scared to be independent and this all happened after a graduated. I don't have a schedule to follow, I don't have anywhere to go, I don't have a set plan to follow anymore and now all I do is sit around and do random shit on my phone.
For crying out loud, I can't even finish a fucking request or stand alone fics. I start it but then I stop and I feel so shitty for leaving all of you hanging but I also appreciate that no one has hated on me for it, that you're still waiting and I'm sorry that it's taking me so long to get things out.
This started out as me realizing I want to be cared for and held and babied but now I realize just how fucking scared I've become. How Co-Dependent I've become all because I'm not at school anymore like seriously? What happened to the person that willingly auditioned for their first solo in band? What happened to person that helped create a club for their school? What happened to the person that literally offered their skills to a teacher to make posters? What happened to the person that would give more than 100% in school projects that included drawing something?
Why did I step back into my shell? Why did I go back to that shy person in the back of the class that stuttered and tripped over her words when put on the spot? Why did I go back when I was so high up?
My old ELA teacher, god I loved him. Student/Teacher love I mean. He, too, had ADHD and I didn't know that but when he told me I felt so seen. He helped me so much. He helped me understand better and he came up with "The Graph". I'm tearing up just thinking about him cause he was amazing. "The Graph" is what we referred to as my progress. I was to push to keep the graph going up, to not stop and keep it from going down.
Yeah, if I was to see that teacher again he wouldn't be happy that my graph is plummeting. He wouldn't be happy that my graph hasn't peaked in a year, almost two.
I just don't know what I'm doing wrong and I'm fucking scared. I don't know how to get back into the groove I had and I feel so left behind. I know I shouldn't compare myself to others but I feel so behind with all my friends in college or in the military. I know I work differently but I feel like I should be up there with them, I should be doing something beneficial rather than doing nothing. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I'm even starting to doubt my art which I'm also scared of cause I'm so fucking good at what I do.
I just don't know what to do anymore.
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foxluvrz · 5 months ago
YIPPEE DUDE 🦔 decided to create a seating chart for his social studies and math class and before the seating that me n my friend L had always sat up front in thr class cuz theres like two seats at the very front of the class n stuff idk his layouts weird, but he moved EVERYONE ELSE around the room except us so me n her are still seated up front and its silly cuz he usually picks on us and we joke around and what not :3 Also i was literally BETTING in my head that he wasnt gonna move my seat from where i had sat originally and i was right LMAO (hes actually so handsome up closer bro...)
also i might literally idk IMPLODE because we have a four day weekend cuz of conferences on thurs and friday i might actually die without seeing 🦔 or 🐢 😭😭. ive been begging my mom to take a few of my friends and I to an escape room where 🦔 works parttime on fridays at just because i want to see him i dont think my obsession with him has gotten any better especially because of where i sit now ☹️ IM NOT COMPLAINING ABOUT WHERE I SIT NOW THOUGH!! also i like NEED to prove myself to 🦔 in some way i think because my ela teacher mrs W is actually so nice to me and like trusts me and she always has me do stuff she needs help with for her and what not and puts responsibility on me for (i dont mind at all), and same kind of mostly with 🐢, but never 🦔. i mean like i dont see him too much during the day except math n ela and im not super close w him bcz i had 🐢 all of last year and mrs w for study hall last year, but like i just met this man this year but like other girls in my grade have gotten super close to him and it makes me slightly jealous😔 ANYWAYS LIKE 🦔 TAPPED ME ON THE BACK LIKE TWICE TODAY WHICH IDK SCARED THE CRAP OUTTA ME AND I THINK IM OVERANLYZING THIS BUT LIKE once it was with the paper he was holding for the seating chart and honestly he tapped me with that pretty hard and then the second time during ss it was like with his hand because when he was speaking about the seating chart for that class and he got to my seat he was like "hey (my name), i need to talk to you about something in a few minutes" while like touching my back a little bit NOT IN A WEIRD WAY OBVIOUSLY AND HE JUST WANTED TO TALK ABOUT A SPEECH THING IM DOING AND TO TELL ME TO GO TO ANOTHER TEACHER DURING THIS PERIOD BUT LIKE fr im both overreacting AND overyapping but i NEED to yap about this to someone or something like guys.. ALSO BEING UPCLOSE TO THE FRONT OF THE ROOM IS SORTA SCARY BECAUSE HE USES OUR DESK TO LIKE SET HIS EXTRA PAPERS ON AND TO LIKE TAP THEM ON THE DESK TO KEEP EM STRAIGHT AND HE DOES IT KINDS HARD AND IT SCARES ME SO BADLY SOMETIMES. but this mans hands r like rlly hot IM SORRY somebody SEDATE MEEEE PLEASEEEE OH MY LORD. ALSO WHEN HE LIKE CAME LIKE KINDA CLOSE TO LIKE MY NECK TO WHISPER TO ME ABOUT THE SPEECH THING WHEN EVERYONE WAS QUIET AND IT WAS SUPER DARK IN THE ROOM HOLY SHNIDER
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hazalyildizs · 9 months ago
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Name: Hazal Ayşe Yildiz
Faceclaim: Melisa Asli Pamuk
Gender & Pronouns: CIS-woman & she/her
Age: 33
Birthday: February, 21, 1991
Occupation: Software Developer
Neighborhood: Masonboro
Does your character have a secret? No.
Hazal Ayşe Yildiz was born on February 21, 1991, in Izmir, Turkey, just minutes after her twin sister. Their parents, Ela and Kemal Yildiz, were overjoyed at the arrival of their twin daughters. Ela worked as an elementary school teacher, while Kemal ran a small grocery store in town. The family lived in a modest apartment above the store, where the twins often helped stock shelves and bag groceries after school. Growing up, the twins were inseparable. They spent their summers playing in the nearby olive groves and helping their grandmother make traditional Turkish dishes. She particularly loved math and was always eager to help her father calculate prices and inventory for the store.
When Hazal was 12, her parents decided to move to the United States for better job opportunities. They settled in a diverse neighborhood in Philadelphia, where Ela found work as a teacher's aide and Kemal started driving a taxi. The move was tough on the family, especially the girls, who struggled with the language and making new friends. Because of this Hazal threw herself into her studies, finding comfort in the universal language of mathematics. She joined the school's math club and slowly began to make friends. By high school, she had become fluent in English and was excelling in her classes, particularly in computer science.
After graduating high school, she earned a scholarship to study Computer Science at Penn State. During her freshman year, Hazal experienced a brief rebellious phase. Away from her parents' watchful eyes for the first time, she dove into the college party scene. She attended wild parties, drank more than she probably should have, and had a few casual flings. However, this lifestyle quickly lost its appeal, when some of her partners started wanting more, Hazal realized this wasn't the path for her. By the end of her first semester, she had refocused on her academics, channeling her energy back into her computer science coursework and extracurricular tech projects. She joined the international students' club, where she enjoyed sharing her Turkish culture with others. She also discovered a talent for coding and spent many late nights in the computer lab working on projects.
Upon graduation, Hazal landed a job at a mid-sized tech company in Philadelphia. She enjoyed the work but found herself missing her twin sister, who had moved to Wilmington for a job right. But she couldn’t leave her position just to be with her twin. That's when Wright Inc., a tech company in Wilmington, offered her a position. With a higher salary, and the chance to be near her twin—the offer was too good to pass up. In October 2023, she packed her bags and made the move. Unfortunately, Wright Inc. hasn't been the dream job Hazal hoped for. The CEO, Lincoln Reid, was a nightmare to work with. She often clashed with the guy. To say she hated the guy would be an understatement. Still, she wasn’t going to leave just because she couldn't stand the sight of him. He could suck on sour lemons for all she cared—she wasn’t going to leave.
Hazal Ayşe Yildiz, 33 was in Izmir, Turkey. She’s a twin. Her family moved to Philadelphia when she was 12. Struggling initially, she found solace in mathematics and later excelled in computer science. After a brief rebellious phase in college, she refocused on academics, graduating with a Computer Science degree from Penn State. She started her career in Philadelphia but moved to Wilmington to be closer to her twin sister—accepting a job at Wright Inc. Despite enjoying proximity to her sister, she finds her new workplace challenging, particularly due to conflicts with the CEO, Lincoln Reid.
Wanted Connections
(Boyfriend) Him: He's her boss, and the pain in her ass. They kissed at a work gala, slept together and are now dating. Lincoln Reid
Twin: Alara Yildiz
Friends: Shivani Rao, Armi De Leon
Best Friend: They met in California at a club. Each thought the other was attractive, but they worked better as best friends and have been friends ever since. Liliana Johnson
Pilates: Seyda Seven
Volunteer: She volunteers at the animal shelter
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a-sip-of-milo · 1 year ago
Sorry if you dont like me ranting in your inbox like this but your recent post really resonated with me
My old school was literally named after having a community, and it was all about community and loving each other and whatever. But it had such an...outcast- I suppose- problem that the staff literally barely did anything about. The students outcasted the "weird" ones (like me) and we always were made fun of. The school was very obviously against blatant bigotry, but they were really bad with anything discreet, even when they were told directly about it by kids like me. You know it's bad when the students literally felt safe enough to say the n slur (a white kid said it, against a poc) multiple times. Yet it always seemed they cared more about kids writing in the stalls in the bathrooms than the community they always preached about. (Literally they made a whole "write your name and time you went to and came back from the bathroom" thing because of that yet did a horrible job at "fixing" the bullying/outcast problem) Hell! My mom said how she got a little annoyed too that she was never invited to or told about the facebook group that the parents apparently had despite the school being all about community. One year, the year I left, the year that was too much for me, last school year, several new kids joined the school. Apparently they were a lot more blatantly bigoted and bulliers, and rubbed off on a lot of the other students there. So suddenly they had a big bullying problem ("oh no the outcast problem we've been told about so much is now too obvious to keep avoiding") Yet they still did barely anything about it. They acted like they were trying but they really weren't doing a good job. So much of the pressure was put on the teachers (god bless those teachers btw, especially the ELA teacher, they were literally the sweetest teachers I've ever known I hope they never have to deal with something like that again), who couldn't do much because they didn't have enough power. Also the teachers were struggling to teach (and they made lessons fun!!!!) bc of the students :( I was being very blatantly verbally bullied near the end of my time there, and I remember my bully shouting out her mean comments very loudly in class (while the teacher was trying to be silly with me). And I could see the teacher know he couldn't do anything except say "just ignore it." I could tell he wanted to do more to help but... he literally couldn't. Because guess who was ignoring it? The fucking staff. The motherfuckers who talked about community soooo much Oh yeah also very very blatantly ableism last year against another classmate of mine (or well, wouldn't come across as ableism to people who wouldn't know why but definitely obvious bullying), and the staff handled it so horribly (I could rant about another thing here but you probably dont wanna hear it and this has already gone on too long lol)
Very very sorry if this was tmi/oversharing or something it's just that what you said in that post sounded like it would've come directly from my mouth so I felt like sharing /gen
(I'd get if you didn't wanna post this btw 😅)
yes, this is exactly what i mean when i say that while individuals might care, schools as a whole generally don't. I'm so sorry your school experience was so bad, that sort of thing shapes so many aspects of your life going forward and in my opinion, it's extremely important for children and teens to have positive experiences at school.
my inbox is available for people to rant in, it's okay <3
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my-castles-crumbling · 10 months ago
hi cas, it’s Swiftie anon!
My concert went okay, my cello section was off by a beat, and so were some a violins, and the violas went to fast. No one noticed tho, so it was fine.
I forgot to mention this in my last message but my sister’s band concert was like a barbecue kind of and all my friends were there, and it was nice to hang out with them out of school, bc it felt like I was, idk, breathing better, I feel lighter with them, safe ig. It was, really nice. It kind of made me remember what it was like to be young, careless, happy without worry.
second thing, I got my culinary teacher to sign my yearbook, which I’ve been trying to make myself do since I got my yearbook (Wednesday-ish, I think, Tuesday? Idk), before it was too long to be embarrassing. She’s one of my favorite teachers, with my 6th grade ela and social studies teacher, and my 5th grade teacher, probably my favorite since I like talked to her and stuff when I had her class last semester. so I went to her class during study hall, and it was really nice to see her. She was playing the eras tour movie bc someone bought movie in class but said she could pick. She smiled when she saw me, and called me a nickname for my actual name. She’s been doing it for awhile now, and usually I don’t like it, (for example I had a friend who was called Syd, she didn’t like the sound of it in general and people called her Sid the science kid) and like, my pe teacher calls me that bc 2 syllables is too long to say. But when she says it it doesn’t feel like she’s rushing through my name, idk, it makes me feel good. she signed my yearbook, and I asked about the movie, so she explained what was going on, and said I could stay, which I like really wanted to, but I left after. While she was signing my yearbook she was smiling, even tho I was standing there awkwardly thinking about what to say and when she put her hand on my shoulder (she put her hand on my head once, and I didn’t mind that either), and said something like, it was good to see you! I hope I’ll see you next year! And I nodded and said mm-hm, (and I really do want her class next year) bc I got nervous standing in a class that wasn’t mine, yk? I still haven’t gotten to my point yet, so when I got home, my mom put her hand on my shoulder, the same shoulder and it made me uncomfortable. Maybe it’s cause she gripped my shoulder tighter, and she was saying how she prayed that “I show people the garden inside instead of the weeds” and I kind of realized then that it’s like, not supposed to be like that. I should be ok with my mom, more comfortable with my mom touching me than one of my teachers.
and about the church thing, it is bad. Like, I grew up going to church (my mom and her side of the family are Christian) and I didn’t really believe in god then, it was just to make my mom happy. And I stopped going during Covid, and didn’t go back, bc I didn’t believe in anything in 6th grade, and I still say “God, you’re stupid,” like as a swear. And it always pisses me off when my mom says “it’s part of god’s plan” bc my life kind of sucks, and if god is real he’s an asshole. And like I have trouble believing in stuff bc my life still sucks, and so does the general stuff that’s happening, and if there’s like any godly entities, they’re all assholes.
About the crying thing, my dad has always hated when we cried, bc “it doesn’t do anything” that’s probably a him thing, since he’s a 50 year old Malaysian (gender roles are a lot more emphasized there), that grew up poor as shit. Like one time our family was in me and my sister’s room, and they just finished yelling at us and they all left except him, and then when all I wanted to do was cry myself to sleep, he told me to stop crying, which maybe he thought was comforting, but it was just, suffocating. He’s gotten better, I started crying bc I lost my pencil he gave me from Malaysia, and what’s worse was that my mom said “idk why she cries sm” and she’s always said it’s okay to cry, to my dad when I did when I was younger.
I can never message the hotline when I’m doing like, really bad bc usually my parents are yelling at us for being on our phones too much, and I can’t get on my phone without panicking about their reaction for the next day or so. I usually just put forever winter on loop and I get a bit better. oh and my brother’s graduation is tomorrow so I have to worry about my parents being transphobic to his friend, (I’m also stellar anon *dramatic music*) my dad recently was talking about my brother’s friends and said with (friend) and (deadname—I mean, a) but my mom was there and she made a face. And two of my aunts are coming for his graduation.
thats all for now, that was way longer than intended, sorry! Have a good day/night cas!
Hi hon!
Honestly, my mind is blown that you’re two anons, but it makes sense lol. *goes to adjust spreadsheet*
I think what you said about touch is super important because touch is, when it comes down to it, about trust. And it seems like you trust your teacher more than your mom. Which is definitely sad to realize. But I think trust has to do with feeling accepted, and it seems like your teacher has shown more acceptance than your mom, unfortunately. I mean it even shows that with your dad and the whole crying thing.
And yeah, religion is hard. I get that so much. It’s hard to believe in something when things suck, especially when that belief is forced on you.
As far as the hotline, do you have access to discord? I can give you my discord if that’s helpful.
Sending love 🥰
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sugarchains · 1 year ago
im trying to figure out how i can complain about this white man without talking too much about my school but when i tell you!
ricky!! wheni catch you ricky! WHEN I CATCH YOU RICKY
our school as a whole has never just had the state tests for our teacher ratings. we always had state tests AND the other MOSLs (measurements of student learning)
and so you have the statewide ela and math, and then just your school one where the kids are only compared to themselves beginning and end of year. sometimes you do all 4 core subjects, but usually its Math getting grouped with Science and Social studies getting grouped with ELA
ok? OK SO
this man. who is acting principal for rn, and our AP who ppl are starting to dislike, have decided that we are ONLY going to do the state exams and have EVERYONE be attached to EVERY kid
not just the students/grades you teach-the WHOLE SCHOOL
theres a committe who votes for it, and everyone voted AGAINST THAT and he still sent out an email saying theyre rejecting our proposal
so they want all of us to be responsible for everything, even tho its bullshit
and EVERYONE is upset now, bc its asking us for A LOT, especially when it effects your teacher rating.
also were also all still mad bc they wanted us to do bulletin boards for september back on the 14th, with student work, feedback and standards. mind you, that was a week into the school year
and now theyre mad about the bulletin boards bc what a lot of ppl put up wasnt grade level work
yeah no fucking shit sherlock???????? it was literally like 4-5 days in the year. what grade level work that included peer and teacher feedback were you expecting to get????????????????????/
like are you stupid??? are you dumb????
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