#It really does still feel like im insane sometimes im glad I have people on this blog to remind me im probably not
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mcybree · 1 year ago
I found this post of mine again which is how I found your blog to begin with (you rbed it) and now that I’ve been following you for a while it’s kinda crazy how we both reached quite similar conclusions from completely independent starting points. Like I never thought about Scott too much and then I thought about him more and I was like?? Why do we act like this guy is an angel again? There’s not really a point to this lol it’s just I guess neither of us are completely insane 😭 there IS something there and we both recognized it
i believe that somewhere out there, there exists more people like us… and some day we will all come together and discuss scott smajor characterization like the great philosophers before us
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velvetvexations · 3 months ago
It is so unbelievable how many fucking anti transmasc losers there are!! It's unbelievable, it really is just like ace discourse. Every fucking blog, I have to search 'transmasc' and 'TME' just like I had to search 'ace' and 'asexual' back in the day People will JUMP at the chance to do this shit over again huh
You should read up on the Cultural Revolution because it just keeps happening.
Ok not to double send but...
Blogs like yours do WONDERS for my mental health. Knowing there are actually people in my corner while I realise I'm a trans man is phenomenal
I'm glad to help! <3
my passing status is nebulous. sometimes i pass, but mostly i dont. im a trans guy with a thing for crossdressing so sometimes i have actual, legitimate euphoria vibes over just... sitting in my car and looking feminine. like "you all think im a girl but SECRETLY IM A BOY!!!" and it feels really good because like. yeah. i can look like a girl but nothing will change that i am a boy 😊😊 trans guy crossdresser again, my passing status is also really weird because i am intersex. my mustache confuses people, and that's great
That's similar to how I feel. People think I'm misgendering myself when I call myself male but it's more like I'm asserting dominance over gendered expectations lol. I'm male and I'm still a woman anyway.
thank you for your blog. a musician i really respected went super anti-transmasc recently and its really hurt, and the stuff here makes me feel like. less insane for having an issue with it
I'm really, really sorry anon. I love you a lot. <3
love that this person is calling people who believe that trans men can be oppressed "chuds", a word that is mostly used to talk about right-wing conservative men
transandro reactionaries dontcha know
"internet tough guys" still exist in 2024?????????????
Someone said something like "no one wants to fight you" and I was thinking "no actually I'm dead serious I would actually."
anyone who tries to debunk transandrophobia by throwing in "you people" has automatically lost the argument imo. but also I need to rant. as That Guy in your inbox who hangs out in bear and leather bars it makes me genuinely want to chew through the floor when people are like "oh well queer people don't demonize masculinity" GO OUTSIDE. YES THEY DO. there is a REASON fat hairy balding men tend to have our own damn spaces, because no one else will take us. FUCK.
if people want to insist that everyone around them has always recognized their soul-gender and no one is ever treated like anything but what they identify as maybe they should stop talking about what genders that aren't theirs experience
I'm a bisexual trans man who does not pass and never will pass and I have spent over 30 years of my life being told my experiences aren't real mostly by other queer people and I am so, so, so, so, SO jaded by it. I'm done. If you tell me "your lived experiences are not a real thing" then you're the villain. I can't stand it. I genuinely cannot take it anymore. I have absolutely nowhere to go and I feel so unbelievably hopeless.
Try to hang in there anon. It's okay to disengage and avoid discourse. I know it's not always possible, but there's nothing wrong with unplugging from this shit as much as you can. You have to focus on your happiness.
I love you. <3
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eurydicees · 3 months ago
fanfic writing review!!
thanks for the tag @goatunderthebridge , i appreciate it lots and this was super fun to write out <3333
How many works do you have on Ao3?
89 total, 26 from this year! i've been publishing on ao3 since 2019. my grand dream was to reach 100 by the end of this year but uh. that was ambitious. clearly.
Your top 5 stories by kudos:
another word for wanting (zukka, 23119 words)
this one was super fun to write at the time but i do look back on it and like. think a lot about all the things i could improve about it lol. the perfectionist in me has a hard time with this one partially because it's my most popular fic. by like. an INSANE margin. like it's not even close. i mean overall i'm pretty proud of it and i'm SUPER happy and honored people read it, i just think i could do the concept better if i tried it again now.
clean hands to hold him with, a clean house to love him with (sakuatsu/miya twins genfic, 4070 words)
this one started as a short tumblr fic that i made into a longer thing to publish on ao3, and i'm really glad i did. i'm very proud of this fic i think, especially given that i'd never really written osamu before. i'm also really happy with the way atsumu turned out in this one.
where a laugh meets a cry (tamakyo, 5351 words)
i'm still really proud of this one lol. it makes me so happy that it's one of my most popular because i really did put so much love into it. i do think my characterization of tamakyo (kyoya especially) has grown a lot since this, but i'm still really happy with how this turned out. also the response it got was genuinely overwhelming with how kind and generous people were with it, so it has a special place in my heart because of that too.
another love letter you'll never read (stucky, 6419 words)
LMFAO i didn't actually realize this was one of my top fics. but i'm glancing through it now and honestly? not my worst work.
and oh, now speak this gentle love aloud (sakuatsu, 5913 words)
ok i'm gonna be real guys i'm not actually that happy with this fic. i'm so so so appreciative of how kind commenters were with it, and i love that people liked it so much! but it does not feel like my best sakuatsu, nor my best writing in general. idk im very grateful for the love this got, i just also think i have better works lol.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yeah, i respond to all of them! sometimes it takes me like. a month. but i will pretty much always eventually get back to a comment. i'm so so so grateful every time i get a comment, and i genuinely LOVE hearing people's thoughts on my silly little works! it makes me so happy to read comments and so i always want to give my thanks back :)
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
hmmm the first one to come to mind was "in the arms of loyalty and the hands of devotion" because it has MCD and i'm really proud of how i wove that narrative together to end with that, but then i thought about it and i've fully written multiple MCD fics lol. i think "all the things he left you with in the aftermath (& all you'd do to get him back)" does really interesting things with death and hope and tragedy, so i might say that one though.
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
i feel like i mostly write happy endings? so depends what you're looking for in happy tbh. "gonna build you a bridge over the pacific" has a really sweet ending imo and i'm really happy with the way that one turned out.
Do you write crossovers?
not really? i don't think i ever have, now that i think about it. i've written AUs of other media i like, but never a legit crossover. i don't really read them either.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
like yes and no. there was someone(s?) who was really offended by "i've got the matchmaker on speed dial" because kyoya is half-latino in that fic and i got an upset comment and ask lol. but that was resolved pretty quickly imo, so i'm not too hung up about it.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i would be too powerful if i was capable of writing smut so god gave me an extra dose of internalized shame and anxiety to keep my writing prowess in check.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
uh. not as far as i know? i sure hope not.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah!!! you can read "shakespeare for lovers" in russian here!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
back in my wattpad days i did!! me and a friend wrote a [redacted] fic about [redacted]. i haven't since then though. tbh i'd still be open to trying it out, but i think we'd have to have an established friendship already, and we'd have to be REALLY clear about responsibilities.
What's your all-time favourite ship?
this is an evil question and i refuse to answer it.
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
sighing. i am haunted by so many WIPs. i have two drafts for the next pieces to the hearts of our own design series but they've been sitting there for so long. i also have an iwaoi confession/coming out/feelings realization fic that sits and laughs at me while i struggle to write a sentence.
What are your writing strengths?
i think i'm good at capturing emotions in general? idk. i really enjoy figuring out how to describe feelings because they can often be so complex and contradictory. i also have a really hard time describing my OWN feelings, so i get a lot of satisfaction from being able to realistically capture emotion in a character lol. i think even if a character is in a deeply unrelatable position, i'm alright at making it understandable. idk.
What are your writing weaknesses?
dialogue fr. i struggle so much with making characters TALK. a lot of the storytelling pillars i'm at least decent or passable at: i can do the thought process, i can do the character analysis, i can do the scenic descriptions, i can do the sensory feelings. but oh my god i start writing dialogue and the whole time i'm in my head wailing WOULD HE FUCKING SAY THAT.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i don't actually have many opinions on this tbh. i think if it's done, like, badly then it's super jarring and frustrating to read. if it's done well, like go for it ig. but that's kinda just true of everything. all in all, you can make it work for sure if you do it right. it's not really something i'm interested in doing though, stylistically.
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for but want to?
i don't think there's anything really lined up right now! i'm chipping away at my holiday fics and my spotify wrapped prompts and having a good time with those. i'm not really putting anything off atm.
What's your favourite fic you've written?
"who's your favorite child, eurydicees" "which of your organs are you proudest of, eurydicees" "which part of your heart is the most important to you, eurydicees" i dunno man. it's honestly easier to tell you which ones i'm least fond of. but that's so negative and sad. idk. my top few in reverse order of publication are probably
well i did START making this list
it got too long
then i had a crisis over what to put
im done now
whatever. thanks for reading if u got this far<333 tagging anyone who should be writing right now but is on tumblr instead. you know who you are.
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aroacesigma · 9 months ago
okay massive loredump incoming so im terribly sorry if none of this makes sense lol
to understand valkyrie's dynamic in the most basic way possible, shu is an incredibly talented artist who might seem extremely standoffish and cold while also being very short tempered (especially during the earlier stories) but he is very tender to those who cares about. throughout his entire arc though he learns how to express those feelings better so its really sweet to see ^-^ he really loves antique dolls and admires any type of art form really. and hes a very big croissant enjoyer. currently in the story hes studying in france. and i dont care if its only like a silly gag in the game but you have to take shu having DID out of my cold dead hands. he sometimes speaks through the doll his grandfather gave him, mademoiselle.
and mika is, for a lack of a better word his biggest fan(tm). type of guy that would defend anything shu does on twitter lmao. but before getting into their relationship!! i need to gush about my silly first. mika is an orphan who ends up at yumenosaki because he remembers meeting shu when they were both kids and seeing shu perform once. and was like. "hey. i want to be next to him" and somehow??? got in???? but anyway. hes a very sweet guy but might sometimes come off as a bit of an airhead. doesnt help w the fact that he keeps saying hes dumb while that not being the case at all. he really likes plushies :3 he frequently picks up abandoned plushies and clothes from the trash to fix them up and everything. he also has a bit of a sweet tooth lol. but he prefers cheaper candy or sweets that are a little flawed like a cake thats slightly burnt and whatnot because he says that the nice ones make him sick.
oh wow this is already so long im SORRY but getting into them together, their entire arc is them growing and learning and trying to become the best versions of themselves as partners.
during ! era, the earlier batch of stories, when mika first joins valkyrie his relationship with shu is really not healthy at all. people still call them a proship sometimes because they will just ignore any development they had 💀 this was the time that mika was incredibly devoted to shu and very dependent on him. that his only purpose was to be shu's doll for him to control and lead him because he couldnt be trusted with himself or whatever. this being paired with shu's perfectionism resulted in this dynamic of a puppeteer and his puppet, basically. i will probably get to the war in another ask if you want me to bc. i feel like im rambling on too much nfmfnf <.< but after the events of the war their dynamic starts changing with time, in the later ! stories a few of them shows this switch to emphasizing mika needing to become his own person, and to live as a human instead of mindlessly following what shu says him to do. when we get to the !! era how much they've both grown is way more visible, by now shu has moved to france but visits japan frequently for valkyrie's activities or other things. shu cannot shut up about being partners in art with mika and is really proud of how far he has come. mika on the other hand, he really starts pushing for his own artistic taste more and also!! he calls shu out on his bullshit sometimes its really fun to read.
and if you want more tragic yaoi, id recommend listening to acanthe first and the lyrics then going onto le temps des fleurs, both have insane stories in the game accompanying the songs but i will . stop myself for now. all i will say is that the outfits in le temps des fleurs, half of it is supposed to be the groom while the other is the bride, so yeah theyre married to me now.
ohhhh theyre so silly. honestly love that character development for them <3 so glad gay marriage is real in enstars
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unfortunate--moth · 6 months ago
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So my school has a rival school where every year all the “girls” sports play each other!
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And for fun our school does a little dance competition for our teams!
We do it on stage in our auditorium with a song (PG/Radio edited) of our choosing per team and with costumes and everything.
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My team chose to do Power by Justin Bieber and since we couldn’t do anything with lights this year have blackout suits and glow sticks.
It was a disaster and we didn’t win but it was really funny.
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hearing about other people's school lives makes me feel insane because what we never did stuff like that. the best we had were talent shows. sometimes they went hard. never participated though. due to being the awkward shy weird kid that only talked to like 4 people. i always had like daydreams about it but i would never go on stage.
still that sounds like a lot of fun!!!! im glad you had a good time and im glad you didnt get put in a cult or some shit. you had me worried there JKHMSDFJBMASHDBMASF
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kamiversee · 1 year ago
oh em gee this whole fic has such a grasp on me??? i literally read this in one go and i have never felt more emotions in one sitting. AND HELLO? GOJO? CHOSO? who do i pick fr😝 but trust me its only because of how you write gojo because if this was a real life situation, i’m sending him to a fucking psychologist.
Anywho, I love how beautifully written your writing is to the point where it feels like I’m watching a MOVIE. I never want this fic to end and it’s definitely one of my favorites so far! Now, to talking about gojo and choso😈
I genuinely am so torn between the two. I know Gojo is straight up an obsessive manipulative weirdo who people try so hard to defend even though what he’s doing is so wrong?? and im not even gonna lie, sometimes i want to agree with them bc cmon..its my blue eyed princess :( and can you blame us when the way you write him is so core throbbing?? But regardless, I guess I have some sort of self respect to realize he’s very much CRAZY. But I still really want there to be a happy ending where he’s involved. I just really can’t help feeling like I need to defend gojo and his actions but i wont because yeah he’s terrribleeee😭 part of me still wants gojo=endgame though!
BUTTTTT, that does not mean we have to drag my beautiful husband choso down with us ?? Cmon now you guys, yes the tattoo was a little off and the apartment thing was a lill sus but choso still offered to get the tattoo removed AND there could be a reasonable explanation as to how he got back inside mc’s apartment. You gojo girlies just want to defend gojo so bad that you think flaming on my silly little guy choso will help with proving your delusions🙄.
AND WOOOW THIS RECENT CHAPTER?? Gojo almost made me feel bad for him..until he thought about blackmailing us again?? Like sir. And then that little moment with lord core throbber sukuna?? That was so very wholesome. Talking about wholesome, choso is just such a sweet boy isnt he?☹️ I am a choso defender for life, especially after how he talks to the reader. Also, I don’t really know what to make of Yuki and Choso..like i get what reader must be feeling but wasn’t she just kissing gojo like a second ago? But i can see where she’s coming from especially after having to put her feelings for gojo aside just so she can finally be with Choso and then she finds out that he’s hanging around with a girl he used to fuck around with? It’s all very very interesting indeed. AND KAMI. THE CLIFFHANGER?😓 I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT IM GOING INSANEEE.
Anyways, enough of my rant❤️ and can i claim “🐼” anon?
Oh how I eat these long messages UPPPPP😩
2. I love that this felt like a movie for you, I personally ADORE movies & entertainment so it rlly strikes my heart nicely that I was able to give you tht feel through my silly lil fic <3
3. Gojo girlies are insane, there’s absolutely no saving or getting through to them.
And 4. The parallels babes, the parallels. Just as Gojo is to the reader, the reader is to Choso (to some extent)
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soviet-siscon · 4 months ago
I want to follow more people who talk positively about incest, I follow you bc it's delightful to see another person in the world who feels similarly to me about incest. Sometimes I follow a blog that hornyposts about it only to find disclaimers that "it's all fantasy and I don't condone real incest!" all the fauxcest posters and such. Tbh I think that's only happened a couple times but in general most incest posts I see are hornyposts that I would believe weren't actually pro-incest. So I like when people post explicitly about actually literally wanting to do incest. It feels like there are so few of us... Your posts always give me a warm fuzzy feeling <3
yay im so glad to hear that. i totally get you lol, like i get that people sorta need to cover their asses but it really does make me feel insane trying to find people who aren't just in it for a purely fantasy kink.
honestly my fave thing about having this blog is seeing ppls stories about irl stuff and fantasies about real people and just like..actually being able to talk about politics and transmisogyny and how all these things interact with incest and relationships.
i'm not sure if people get the joke but i have a running tag of "fauxcest delenda est" (pun on "carthage must be destroyed") which is me making not very funny jokes about how i wish there were more blogs that talked about incest and not just slightly irritating kink blogs (i have solidarity with them of course but i still find them annoying)
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boltlightning · 2 years ago
ok. saw sweeney todd revival on broadway. i went from not knowing any songs to seeing two productions in one summer so. thoughts:
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because im me my immediate takeaway was: it's been a hot second since i saw a show with the orchestra in a pit down in front of the stage AND it was a 26-person orchestra with refreshed orchestrations! it was so crispy and tight and the energy of being able to see the conductor is difficult to put into words. i'm beyond glad they didn't hide the musicians backstage
there were a lot of people there just for josh groban — i was with family whom i persuaded to see this show because of josh groban, and i heard many people in line being like "hey so is josh groban the bad guy? how much does he kill" and there were some changes i feel reflected that. there was so much physical humor, and sometimes lines were added to further give context to someone's actions. i think it works overall, but you could feel the crowd paying less attention when mrs. lovett or sweeney weren't on stage lol
and it's so unsettling! the chorus has some incredible and strange choreography; the light coming through the steps up to the second story is so ominous; the harmonies SOAR through the theater. it's good stuff.
potentially spoily stuff about the production itself below:
and yes OF COURSE the leads were incredible. i feel like len cariou's sweeney is so angry and yet refined, and michael ball's goes hard on the madness and revenge, but groban's is so...sad. he's such a dad, he sings like an angel, it is so uncomfortable when he does something violent. groban's epiphany is HAUNTING and ELECTRIC and the way he interacts with the razors is incredible! and the way he plays a little priest is hilarious but makes it very clear that it is an extension of his mental break. genuinely and eye-opening experience thank you mr. groban
and ashford takes the more emotional cues from the 2007 movie, but makes you actually care about her lmao. like compared to lansbury's frenetic and absent-minded lovett, ashford is laid back and casual and almost lazy about all the weird shit happening around her. she feels bad about locking toby up, sure, but she's still gonna use it as an excuse to get sweeney to pay attention to her! she's funny she's heartfelt she's insane she wants to fuck sweeney todd so fucking bad. it's an incredible combo
and. yeah the rumors are true. she climbs josh groban like a jungle gym the entire time, and on the rare occasion sweeney snaps out of his brooding to reciprocate the flirting, it is HOT. their camaraderie on and off stage is potent. and it works in the other direction too — when he starts to flinch away from her in the second act it's painful.
i do think that the ending sequence in particular is kind of messy up until the last scene in the bake house; there's not a moment to breathe and not in a way that seems intentional? and some of the scenes with the judge/johanna/anthony subplot could have used some love. but. minor qualms. i am biased because kiss me through pretty women is probably my favorite section of the show 😵‍💫
my last takes are: johanna and the beadle in this production are unbelievably good. johanna leaned so into the bird motifs, as well as the idea that she is done waiting around and ready to do violence, much like her father. and the beadle is delightfully amoral and hates his job and delights in the power it affords him. i am so glad they didn't cut parlor songs and let him really eat it up
and. the last shot of sweeney and mrs. lovett is so so so good and i hope they do a professional filmed production of this so people can experience that alone. josh groban's in this it'll sell like hot cakes PLEASE just do it
my first experience with sweeney todd was a local production i saw this june, in a deeply intimate 300-seat theater. i was sitting so close i could've set my drink on the stage. the sweeney was elegant and suave and tortured; mrs lovett was so casually and affably mean. i will think about them forever! and it's very interesting to compare it to the big fuck-off money production considering they both got roasted for having a more emotional sweeney!! here's the theater's 40 second promo for it!!!
nothing will ever replace the original soundtrack in my heart. but i'm gonna be unwell about this revival for a bit
anyway that's all i got!! thanks for reading if you read this. attend the tale and all that (obligatory tag for @r-osehips thank you for the interest ❤️)
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souryoong · 2 years ago
1 year of souryoong — here’s some of ash’s all time faves! ☆
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☆ i truly want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for being with me throughout this year on this site. it’s actually so crazy how it’s been only a year? time really does fly by. Before I posted "at the studio" I was metaphorically blowing dust off of my writing chops. (kind of an odd saying lol) I was absolutely terrified to say the least about joining this site and sharing my writing. But I am so so so glad I bit the bullet and chose to post my story because it has brought me to so many great things and even greater people! I love every single one of my followers and mutuals, whether we talk or not, if youre a silent reader, or if you constantly like/reblog my works. Nobody is just a number to me, you all mean everything to me. Im hoping that the career path and education that I have chosen for myself is not ~too demanding~ so I can be here for more years to come. I'll cut myself off before I write a damn novel because sometimes I don't know when to shut up.
☆ I didn’t want to do some extravagant “game” to celebrate because I feel like most of my followers probably wouldn’t be into it, so instead I’m showing my love outward. listed below are some of my all time favorite works from some of my mutuals and other authors. Some of these works are ones that inspired me to start posting my own writing, and others are just some of my really old faves from when I first joined that I have yet to forget about. I’m not sure if everyone in this list is still active, but nonetheless here are some of my all time favorites!
list is below the cut!
*everything marked “18+” contains sexual content*
☆ cybersex – myg (18+) | @gimmethatagustd
the whole point of being a phone sex hotline operator is that you’ll never have to meet your clients. So what are you supposed to do when you find out your favorite client is your brother’s best friend? (wc: 14.6k)
☆ the sheets – kth (18+) | @kth1
on your night out with the gals you get hit up by the one and only, Kim Taehyung, who’s been eyeing all of your Instagram stories. It’s no shocker that he attempts to get you back to his place once you finally decide to leave the club because this isn’t your first rodeo with the determined and insanely hot, fuckboy. (wc: 6.8k)
☆ enemy – kth & jhs (18+) | @btssmutgalore
when your friend with benefits Hoseok becomes too busy to keep your thing going, Taehyung volunteers to fill the spot. fic is a series.
☆ message received – jhs (18+) | @minisugakoobies
hoseok sent you a message. will you listen? (wc: 1.7k)
☆ helping hand – jjk (18+) | @yoonieper
a double blind date was your suggestion. everything about it should make him happy, but this sinking feeling just won’t go away. allhe wanted was to get it over with. (wc: 23.4k)
☆ hard liquor – myg (18+) | @chateautae
your dull evening at a bar becomes hopeful when your mysterious, handsome boss min yoongi shows you the ropes on everything alcohol, but shows you much more when he ends up buried deep inside you. (wc: 8k)
☆ drip – myg (18+) | @here2bbtstrash
yoongi fingering you until you squirt. (wc: 4.8k)
☆ your yoongi – myg (18+) | @yoongiphoria
there is no one you could love more than your slightly tipsy, beautiful yoongi. (wc: 2.9k)
☆ untitled drabble – myg | @delugguk
playing with each others hair, they love each other. sigh...I want what they have. (wc: 598)
☆ love signs – myg | @norcula
min yoongi and producer reader going through daily life. (fic is a series)
☆ private lesson – myg (18+) | @dntaewithluv
Your little sister finds it odd how you've been taking private lessons from her piano teacher for over a month now, but she hasn't heard you actually play even once... (wc: 5.5k)
☆ the landlord – myg (18+) | @ppersonna
your air conditioner breaks right at the height of a recordbreaking heat wave. good thing your hot landlord, yoongi, knows how to attend to any needs you may have. (wc: 4.3k)
☆ suga’s how-to guide – myg (18+) | @sailoryooons
Min Yoongi has been a cam boy for a few years now. The work is easy, the money is good, and he has loyal viewers. When he approaches you and asks if you want to be his muse for a ‘how-to’ series, your view on the infamous Yoongi changes. fic is a series. (wc: 25k)
☆ mixtape – myg (18+) | @sailoryooons
Growing up with Yoongi as your older brother’s best friend was bound to manifest a crush. It was small, fleeting. Gone with age and time. On a holiday trip to the cabin, you’re reunited with Yoongi after not seeing him from two years. Maybe that crush wasn’t as over as you thought it was. fic is a series. (wc: 68.5k)
☆ lost in your light – pjm (18+) | @thepurpleghost
you and Jimin are the best of friends since fourth grade until the tables have turned one weekend wedding. Crazy confessions after some tequila body shots. (wc: 5.6k)
and btw, my official tumblr date of birth is 8.5.2022 🎂 posting this a day early because I don’t want to forget.
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steelycunt · 6 months ago
Hello Ridi!! I am currently reading crime & punishment and I am...not as bewitched as I hoped I would be :/ like it's good, but it's not awesome & lifechanging like I asumed it would be :// maybe c&p is just not my dostojewski or the translation is ehhh not wonderfull but all in all I am disapointed. Have you read c&p? Or, have you ever been disapointed by a perfectly fine book as it was not quite as lifechanging as you hoped?
After that I will probably read something by eco or something by joyce as I think it would be fitting to read an irish auther the first time I'm in ireland or I will miss eco. Were you ever in ireland? Have you read anything by joyce? I think I am going to go with the english original and not a translation. We will see.
Otherwise, your last year of uni starts! Do you have good-sounding courses? My semester starts in mid october, so I have a bit of time still. I am going to do latin next semester & hopefully not, like die, or kms. I am going to a birthday party today! We'll go bowling & I struggle to recall when the last time I went bowling was. Do you recall your last encounter with it? Actually, the birthday boy is a politics major, & the politics major of this group I know the most does not have time. So I only know said birthday boy & maybe another girl, if it is indeed her & the birthday boy does not know two people with this insanely common name. Oh, I have no idea what one wears for bowling. Well, it is way to hot still, so long skirt & t-shirt it is. What would you weare for a bowling birthday party were you know kind off noone & it is way to warm for most outfits?
Anyway, hugs & kisses & all the flowers: 🫂💕💞💜💙🫂💜🫂💞💕💐🌸🪷🏵🌹🌺🌻🌼🌷🪻⚘️
Agnes 🪻🪻🪻
hello my darling agnes it’s so lovely to hear from you!! i hope you’re well!! sorry to hear you’re not loving c&p so much..i feel like it’s one of those books which is a big undertaking if it’s not as life changing as people say ive definitely read classics like that before..i haven’t read c&p but the brothers karamazov is the big dostoevsky i am hoping to read next year!! i do find really big classics a bit intimidating sometimes..i havent read any joyce either (partly for that reason) but i think it’s really fun to read books set in the place you read them in!! i havent been to ireland but id LOVE to go and im hoping to go to dublin before the end of this year with a friend <3
my uni courses are really good this year im really excited for them!! particularly one im doing on politics and culture which i think should be really fun im so glad i got onto that one..latin sounds really cool!! have you done it before? we never did it at any of my schools but im always taken aback by how posh everyone at my university is since they always seem to have been to schools that taught it 😭 have fun at the birthday party omg!! hope it ends up turning out to be the girl you know and not someone with the same name..i havent been bowling for years but a tshirt and skirt sounds good…something loose fitting…thank you for stopping in my love have a wonderful day!! mwah!! 🌷
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lordofdragos · 7 months ago
Spoiler warning for In Stars and Time!! Do not read if you think you'll play it in this or any other lifetime!!
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HEY IT DIDN'T ALWAYS LOOK LIKE THIS RIGHT AM I CRAZY? (The spiral of self doubt and insanity begins)
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HEY GUYS NO IMAGE HERE BUT UH DON'T GIVE MIRABELLE THE BOW GIFT WHEN SHE ALREADY HAS IT DO NOT CAUSE TIME DISTORTIONS But for real The game doesn't exactly feel like a loop It definitely feels like more of a distortion instead of a true loop ...Am I destroying the worlds I leave behind...?
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LMAO Sif is not a fan of this counter
Also the entire country up north just Disappeared? Thats not normal? Everyone is so calm about this?? I guess they have bigger fish to fry but still.....
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... We'll get there buddy don't give up
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Ah yes. Blessing. I'm sure Sif won't regret thinking this at any point.
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That was definitely an 8/10 very good but could use more emotion I feel that though I'm not the greatest at emotions myself
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I literally already said this but Sometimes I really don't like Bonnie because I'm bad with kids and as it turns out Since characters are REALLY well written in this game Bonnie talks and acts exactly like a kid This however This is not one of those times Bonnie you are wonderful ignore me when I am annoyed at you because Im a crabby adult
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hehe butt
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Once again the game makes me appreciate Bonnie
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I'm- I'm glad I can be here I wouldn't want to be anywhere else
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Oh yeah thats a big lad ain't it Also capturing Frin's expression here was important
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Real Asgore energy opening up with "Young ones"
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(You've been spotted...!)
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Does he Does he mean like if I come back or or like that place no one can remember anything about anymore? CURSE YOU FUTURE KNOWLEDGE I DONT KNOW I WANT TO KNOW NOWWWWWWWWWWW
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fight time something tells me its not gonna be me Oh yeah he's gonna like freeze everyone then pummel mirabelle to death or something horrific Odile examine be like "Be Prepared For Anything" Thanks was hoping to get anything remotely concrete
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Sif appears to be in immense agony Me also being depressed because the game said allies instead of friends when talking about what happening when we were all dying
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I- I didn't I didn't choose anything it just... ACHIEVEMENT GET THOUGH :D
Ok post scheduling time I don't think Im gonna finish these before the first one comes out should've given myself more buffer but oh well!!!
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mausolealdrift · 2 years ago
Do you have a deathgasm notp??? Sincerely, a canon zakk/Medina was a fucking cosmic fuck up incident truther
oh you’re absolutely right i have So many thoughts about this. sorry this took me forever to answer i needed to collect all of my thoughts together and all of that i am Normal about Characters
so like . for obvious reasons the thought of ppl genuinely shipping zakk and medina as in like……… thinking theyd actually be good together or smthn is a fucking insane idea and im So very glad ive only seen maybe one person say some shit like that. (which like. honestly im starting to think i might have imagined the post in my head just to make myself mad bc i havent been able to find it since ??? but i SWEAR i saw someone shipping them once .) the two of em actually being in a relationship would just be. Awful and unhealthy for both of them
(and yeah zakk and brodie arent exactly healthy for each other either . but in the sense that they both make each other Worse yet neither of them can stay away from the other even if they want to etc etc. which is actually sexy and not just . y’know)
but anyway . yeah Definitely a cosmic fuck up. medina deserves better than that :( like she’s been objectified and treated like shit by pretty much every guy who looks her way and then zakk lies to her abt the one guy who actually respects her to manipulate her into hooking up w him. give her a BREAK
but as much as it was The dick move of the century i think zakk had his reasons for it aside from just boredom. Obviously this is all very much my personal and extremely biased interpretation etc. but i think it was out of frustration more than anything else because he just can’t fucking cope with having feelings for brodie. regardless of whether you see those feelings as romantic or not he Cares too much about him. and he doesn’t know how to handle that so he takes his anger and frustration out on medina in such a spiteful and destructive way because it’s all he knows how to do. and whether he knows why or not, the idea of brodie getting closer with medina bothers him so so deeply – enough for him to try and sabotage their relationship at every chance he gets (and then later trying to keep them apart to stop brodie finding out what he did because he doesn’t want to lose him) under the guise of just being bored or only caring about himself.
and i really don’t think there’s much of a possibility that he did it because he was into her, or jealous of brodie, or anything like that. zakk never showed interest in her at all until then (i.e. when she made a move to try and get closer with brodie) and just….. seemed generally pretty indifferent to her otherwise. if he really wanted to then he could’ve made a move before, but he didn’t.
he purposefully did something that he knew would hurt them both if they (inevitably) found out, maybe not because he genuinely wanted to hurt them but because he’s reckless and destructive in nature, (and maybe a little bit stupid sometimes), and just doesn’t know how else to handle or comprehend his feelings other than to take it out on other people.
i think a lot of the dickhead-ish shit zakk does in the movie seems kind of random and thoughtless and it’s difficult to unpick what his motivations are for the things he does aside from just ‘because’, but a lot of it starts to make a lot more sense when you see it as a result of him caring about brodie far more than he wants to, and not knowing how to handle it. he seems so cruel and uncaring, and he definitely wants to be seen that way, but i think he cares deeper than anyone else in his own (kind of incomprehensible) way. and yeah, it’s still shitty and selfish and fucked up, and he still took advantage of medina and used her regardless of why, but i dunno. i think the reasons for it were a lot more complex than he let on.
(again, maybe i’m reading too much into it all and he is just a fucking cunt who just did shitty things for no reason, but the fact that he still came back for brodie after everything, despite how mad he was, even though it led to him dying in the end, is more than enough to show that he really does care too much for his own good.)
so yeah uh. i don’t fucking know how this went from ‘yeah i think zakk/medina sucks’ to a full-on analysis of zakk. But i dont care actually i love being fucking insufferable about this stupid movie <3
sorry for the massive fucking wordvomit im tortured by the curse of Thinking about characters
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hongism · 1 year ago
Hey bestie heeeeeey~
I'm officially caught up with MOC so now I can tell you my feelings~
So, first of all, how dare you? There's no reason for the emotional whiplash I experienced reading this monstrosity (positive with all the love and respect in the world i promise) yet here i am... a further damaged woman lmfao
But forreal though, you have a great ability to pull emotions out of your readers and thats just amazing in my eyes, especially as a fellow writer myself :') theres nothing I love more than making the ppl who read my own fics suffer emotionally so congrats to you!
I love how you write everyone in the story, they are so incredibly flawed and fucked up and human that it just makes me shed a tear. Thats why MC frustrates the HELL out of me, even though I adore her. Her flaws make my ass itch but all i want for her is to heal and be happy in the end (same with the others! I be wanting to punch the shit outta them sometimes 😭)
ESPECIALLY Hongjoong cause my guy is just unhinged but i love his character the most honestly because unhinged is hot to me. Im still kicking my feet and twirling my hair lmao
The relationships are so real and just... messy. Messy messy in the best way. But i just have to cheer them all on.
That chapter when mc and yeosang banged I was quite literally going bonkers like HELLO?????????????? I didnt expect that but now i want more of it cause their dynamic (especially when it comes to wooyoung) is so juicy
MC is such a tragic character and I feel for her the most. I love how we started off thinking Jisung was this great person but turns out that hes a fucking lunatic. You, Caly literally manipulated us into thinking so, like how Jisung manipulated MC and idk if that was intentional or not but it was brilliant. And Hyunwoo turning out to be like *that* was a punch in the gut. MC being betrayed by the ppl she cared for so much makes her question everything on the crew, especially Hongjoong and that's why I cant be too frustrated with her lol
I dont want this ask to be so long cause i can go in about every little detail 😭 but youve dont such an amazing job. The world building is beautiful, and i dont rly read a lot of scifi like fictions set in space, but when i first got into ateez the first thing i thought of were pirates / space pirates and i even started my own fic with that premise bc i cant help myself but be self indulgent trash so 🤷🏼‍♀️ but thats beside the point
I cant wait to read more of this masterpiece and see how things go. I want everyone to be happy cause you are putting them through the fucking ringer 😭😭😭 please go easy on them I cant take more of this 😭😭😭😭
hehe emotional whiplash is my specialty!!! i too am very much damaged after writing moc. and the damage will continue. for the good of the plot!!!
i'm so touched you think so, i really love evoking emotion out of the reader in my works and i'm glad that im effective in doing so <3 one of my goals from the start of writing moc was to create an mc who isn't always likable or enjoyable to read bc i find those sorts of stories unrealistic and sometimes boring, because even tho the setting is very much not real, having characters who do feel real has always been huge to me! i love creating characters who have peaks and valleys, who grow and stumble along the way, and to really show a journey of growth!! hongjoong is just. pure insanity at its finest LOL he's gonna take a lot to fix but we'll see!
i honestly had way too much fun writing that chapter too, i love love looooooove a good hatefuck and it was just too tempting to NOT do >.<
it was fully intentional to sort of bring the readers in on the manipulation yes hehe! i like playing my cards very close to my chest and not giving anything away until the absolute last second i can!!! i think you hit on something lots of people who want her to just give into hongjoong forget - she's experienced so much betrayal from the people she trusted most and that does really stick in the brain and cause lasting trauma, and our poor mc is deeply traumatized by many things that have happened to her! it only makes sense for her to be retaliating and distrustful of those around her in these circumstances!!
thank you so much for enjoying everything so far and for all the lovely compliments they really mean so much to me i cherish them a lot 🥹🥹❤️❤️
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kermitmentality · 2 years ago
Hello, lovely stranger. I wanted to pop in here just to let you know how insanely proud I am of you. You don’t have to post this, but I just want you to know that I see you. I see the pain you’re in. And you are incredible for still fighting. I had an account like this when I was 13 and it was a catalyst for me still having an ED now at age 20. If you’re on the brink of deciding to leave this community or if you’re just joining, I cannot stress enough how much you should get out. But I know it’s not that easy. I know things are really scary right now. Take a moment to realize how amazing you are for still being here. You are so special, truly one of a kind. I promise one day you will wake up and your body will feel like home. You deserve better. You deserve comfort and love. You are not a burden and all hope is not lost. I know it’s hard to believe me, and that’s okay. You don’t have to believe me. Just keep hanging in there and striving for the day where you can believe me. It’s okay to not be strong, to just be sad. You have every right. You’ve been so strong for so long and I just want you to know that I see it. And I’m so so so proud of you. You are worth sticking around. You are worth fighting for. You contribute so much to this world and it won’t be the same without you. I don’t want to say it gets better because I know personally that that does nothing to help. So I just want to tell you that are worthy of life. You are worthy or self love. I see your pain; I see your struggle. I am sending you all of the love and well wishes from my 14 year old self who was in as much pain as your currently are. Things have gotten better for me, and they will for you, even if it doesn’t feel like it. You are not hopeless. You are not a lost cause. You are not inherently bad. You are not your body or your weight, no matter how much it feels like it. I’m rooting for you and I want you to keep fighting. I see how hard you’ve been working and I’m so proud of you. Hang in there for me. I promise it will work itself out even if it seems so dim. You are worth fighting for. The world is lucky to have you. Your body and your presence is a gift, no matter the size it comes in. You are okay. You are worthy. And I’m so beyond proud of you.
hello!! this is seriously so sweet and tysm, i really appreciate it. started tearing up hah
i’m really sorry you have had to go thru this for so long but i’m glad u can now use it to help people :) it’s very kind of u to send this
but yes, sadly i am a bit too far into my ed. i hope one day i will find the will to recover, but it is not today. i think it may come soon, but so many changes are happening in my life, which isn’t helping.
but there is a constant battle in my brain, one side saying what you said and another saying to continue. because of this battle, i think i will recover at some point in my life.
thank you again, i really appreciate this and it really does help with motivation and giving a reason to stop, which sometimes is difficult to think of
i hope u have an amazing day!! and im so proud of u for how far you have come and happy that u have begun your road to recovery!!! 🫶🫶
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lightningfilledsaber · 2 years ago
i read your tags on that one post and it's insane how close our experiences were. im certain it was a different trans woman but i had the EXACT same experience with a man-hating transphobic autistic sex pest trans woman who was afraid of being treated like a predator but was fine treating other people the same way. you're not the only one who's suffered this way and im glad you were able to get out of there too
While I do appreciate the support from this ask (and this is not meant with any aggressive/mean/etc tone toward you at all!) I do want to be very, very, clear; I would not describe my ex friend as a sex pest at all. Not even necessarily "man-hating," either, though she definitely had a gender essentialism issue she needed to deal with. I'm not comfortable going into detail but not only did I not have a single sexual experience with her, there are only two incidences I was made to feel sexually uncomfortable around/by her specifically, it was at worst a miscommunication issue. But really it was just sometimes you do or say something that accidentally makes someone uncomfortable but doesn't necessarily cause harm. That's how I feel about those instances, though in the context of all their other behavior, was still by virtue uncomfortable and something I would've liked to hold them accountable for (though AGAIN, not because I feel they were being sexually predatory, this is just a very nuanced situation)
The situation and relationship I had with both of them was very, very nuanced. I'm still struggling over how to identify certain things and processing the sheer amount of shit I was put through; but at the end of the day, most of the harm was perpetuated by her partner, my ex best friend. She was absolutely not innocent, and did blatantly cross and ignore my boundaries and made me uncomfortable frequently, but I can confidently say it wasn't sexual. Neither she or her partner are sex pests or sexual predators or anything like that.
Now that that's out of the way! Genuinely thank you for this ask. I'm deeply sorry you had a similar experience and it's very reassuring to hear I'm not alone lol. It's not something I always feel comfortable talking about, as I don't want to invite terf rhetoric painting trans women as inherent predators, but also there's been this idea in certain queer circles recently to "combat" that rhetoric (which only ends up spewing the same man-bad, woman-good gender essentialism but in a trans "INCLUSIVE" way) by saying that somehow trans women are incapable of doing wrong which is just as damaging (and isolating to any kind of victim of harmful behavior). In reality, your identity, your background, etc etc does not exempt you from nor does it make you more susceptible to harming others. You can cause harm no matter who you are, and that's why I constantly stress the fact that the issue I have with my ex friends is not just their treatment of me; but the fact that neither of them truly held themselves accountable or WORKED on their behavior at any point and in fact enabled each other's behavior toward me. I have never pretended to be a perfect friend but I know I tried my damndest every single day to communicate clearly and effectively what I would do better (not JUST when an issue arose, but ACTIVELY worked on myself even while things were "good") and what I needed and expected of them. I was instead met with blatant disregard for my comfort, my time, and again my boundaries. They did not give a shit about me, just what I could do for them. And it's isolating as hell when the people who hurt you are also trans themselves. Especially when they fear judgement and persecution just for being trans (or their disorders!), while in the same breath doing exactly that to you. I'm glad you were able to get out of your situation as well, thank you again for this ask.
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tw pedo, confusion, family.
sometimes i feel like my dad may be a pedo. not that i caught him with any porn of that sort, his stash was completely adult related when i used to see it scattered around the house and what not. i was hyper as a child and unfortunately viewed such things every time. he's never done anything to me that i know of, except once he roughly spanked me as a teen which i felt very violated from in a bad way type of touch feeling. i was pretty confused.. they also shamed me for being sexual (getting caught in school making jokes with a friend and drawing dicks n writing things about teachers) which they ended up seeing and ofc i felt guilt bc they were disappointed in me and shamed me, banned me from watching shows and what not. couldn't even have a phone bc they didn't trust me. this was up til 11 years old to 14.
ive been sexualised my whole life. shaming me for wearing clothes that expose my figure, I was only 14 when an uncle apparently commented on me saying how im dressed inappropriate bc he can see my shape.. mind you, i was fully clothed head to toe. i didn't know about this until my parents mentioned it in anger, implying its my fault basically. yeah u get the gist of it. my whole life ive felt uncomfortable. getting looks from people and even my own family.
i remember being in my early 20s my mom mentioned this to me bc I said how my dad would be harsh. she said its bc of ur actions, also holding what i drew and wrote in school still against me. i was only 11/12?? but what's even crazy, she said i wrote those things about my own dad. yes. my mind was shocked how she could even say such things. and yet she believed that even tho I said it wasn't even about anyone except a teacher. so, i know my mom holds jealously and resentment of this. probably thinking ill steal her man vibe, which is gross. I felt extremely gaslight, I always have with them.
since their messed up minds think that idk if that's why he behaves weird with me. i know he's a pervert but this is just. there was a show we would watch and he was very obsessed with the girl. (She was 17, same age as me) and i found that so bizarre. my mom simply didn't gaf. I even said its wrong but no one cares. his obsession was unhealthy, finding pics of her and searching up explicit scenes of her which I found on his search.
its like its so normalised. she's like the age of ur daughter wtf. ig since then its just been confusing for me bc I've been gaslight badly. idk if i ever got abused by him bc i don't really remember such happening. i only had a sexual dream with him once which was strange. he does take offguard pics of me which I hate and tell him to delete but he never does. he gives me weird looks and i hate dressing up bc of it. they make me feel ashamed of myself and disgusted. I feel like a whore, like im begging for this.
I'm glad I haven't had any weird touches or anything, but its still uncomfortable with the energy that lingers around. like im always reminded when they give me certain looks esp my mom. i feel like im going insane just thinking of everything. i wish things were normal but they really ain't are there
Hi anon,
I'm so sorry about what you've been through.
I can see how being shamed for being sexual or making sexual jokes may have influenced the way you view your own sexuality, especially at such a formative age. It's saddening and frustrating to hear that your family seems to normalize victim blaming. It's gross that your uncle made that comment, not only because you were a child, but because it implies he was looking to see your "shape". The comments that your mom made towards you are not okay either. The things that you found out about your dad are also quite disturbing and predatory.
Even if you dad hasn't touched you or anything like that, he still does some harmful things and it's valid to be upset or traumatized by that. I think a lot of this, especially with the example of your uncle, could count as sexual harassment.
It makes sense to be uncomfortable with the environment that your family creates. Your wish for things to be normal is completely understandable, and I'm sorry you've been having to put up with this. Please know that there's nothing you could've done to deserve being abused, and you don't deserve to be disgusted at yourself for things that aren't your fault.
If anyone has any comments or suggestions, feel free to add on. Otherwise, I hope I could help, and please let us know if you need anything.
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