#It is one of the like 40 drafts.
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bonefall · 1 year ago
I have a feeling it would be unlikely, but hypothetically how would clan cats in Better Bones react to colorpoint cats? I'm still trying to understand it, but are their any ethical problems with that, or health issues? I know Blackstar doesn't technically count, but I was just curious and kept him in mind.
No health issues with colorpoints that I know of, have no fear!
Generally if it's just a coat pattern, it's fine. Watch out for breeds that select for physical quirks, like the floppy ears of scottish folds and lack of hair in lykoi and sphinxes. Those usually are hiding something.
But anyway they're neutral on them. Except ironically in ShadowClan where there's several mean nicknames for them; Foodfoot, shroombean, rump-roast, chewsticktail.
This is because midges attack darker colors and the bite of one releases a pheromone for more to attack the area. So a colorpoint cat will just, constantly have itchy extremeties in ShadowClan's marsh lmaooo
Blackstar is used to it, though. It's not unattractive, ShadowClan is just mean.
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meamiki · 8 months ago
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my friend and i have this ongoing bit on stream where we are going to shave the king bald...... yeah........
((there are actually two ongoing bits with the king. but i do not think anyone wants me to illustrate the second one. including myself. perhaps i am a coward and that is okay. i will not be elaborating at this time. SAFSADASDAS))
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zukkaoru · 5 months ago
"create the art you want to see in the world" and "i wish more people would write fics/draw art of my favorite characters/ships/etc." are two statements that can coexist. btw.
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crow-caller · 5 months ago
my anonymous assumption is that you read warrior cats as a kid in an attempt to fit in with all the other kids reading it but you never really got into it. you liked the roleplaying at recess that came from it though
you're nearly right but underestimating my autism. cats were my first special interest (*i highly doubt this is unique for autistic babies). my first word was kitty. I made a songbook where I wrote out the lyrics to varuous public domain singalong songs and changed most of the words to 'Cat' or 'Kitty'. I made a warrior cats role playing card game and played it on my own. I was roleplaying at recess and friends' houses until we were 'too old'. I missed it terribly.
my username is based on an incident that happened when I was in the woods pretending to be a cat.
I belong with the warrior cats.
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hauntedpotat · 7 months ago
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Preview of something I'm working on! I can't get DCI uniforms out of my head so I'm kinda rendering some of my favorites, except I love them all soooo idk how many I'm going to do :P
This is from the 2024 Wyoming Troopers "Dance with the Devil" show. The reference isn't pictured, but it was from their Instagram :3
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immobiliter · 2 months ago
anyone who can answer all of their inbox memes/asks and/or reply to all of their drafts always have my complete and utter admiration because i don't think, in the decade i've been on tumblr, i've ever completely emptied either on any blog i've ever written on lmao
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duskerot · 7 months ago
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looove the poses used in some of the goodbye sengen music vids .. so cute
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givehimthemedicine · 1 year ago
it's exciting that 5 films soon but I'm not in any kind of hurry for it. in fact this almost seems too fast for me. yall dying off from content starvation after a year and a half with a 95% uneaten plate of food in front of you are weak
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cinnabeat · 8 days ago
reading crazy wedding demands and it just amazes me that people have such large weddings like. 200 people invited to your fucking wedding. why are you inviting so many people?? i bet you dont talk to half of them?? 200 is abt the size of my senior class????? i didnt even know half of them??? i didnt even know the names of all the people in my program which was easily around 50 theres no fucking way you know 200 people well enough to invite them to your god damn wedding
#admittedly my high school was small and i also was not very social but point still stands!!!!!!!#god how many people wouldni invite to MY hypothetical wedding#well immediate family is four#aunt and two cousins plus another aunt and uncle plus three cousins and their grandma bc shes a part of their family#i lost count#uh four plus three plus uhtwo plus three plus one#13? ok thats moms side#dads side is like. grandma grandpa grandma#16 plus aunt and uncle and teo kids is 20 plus aunt and uncle and? two kids i think thats 24 plus aunt and two kids thats three uh 27 plus#aunt plus uncle?#i dont know my dads side very well tbh#ill leave it at 24 the other ones arent guaranteed#ok thats fam so then? i have four besties#28#i would literally not invite anyone else#cuz its like#i dont know you?#oh this was in my drafts rip. anyways reading the tags again ive realized people usually include a plus one? so the number of people in my#wedding would probably go up to like idk. 40 minimum. and i also just realized i forgot my fucking wifes guest list#well actually the plus ones only apply to like the cousins i think? so yeah abt 40 sounds right i cant be assed to count my cousins rn#so my future wife is not allowed to have an absurdly large guestlist#if its like 15 more than mine thats too much im sorry#man. that would get it to almost 100........ i still think 200 people at your wedding is too much tho like come on really? u got that many#friends? the fuck? 98% of my guest list is family 😭#michi tag
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angerygoomba · 5 months ago
heyy... yeah i have a lot of social media
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krytus · 9 months ago
a week ago i was ready to give up on kings blood and today i just finished outlining each new chapter of the restructuring/rewrite im doing 😌.....
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#s.txt#here's the timeline of events. it takes me what? six months to do a first draft#i'm happy with it its good its great i move onto the sequel i move backwards to a weird prequel/in between thing#i spend way too long on that thang#i rewatch jupiter's legacy and i'm like. [biting lip emoji] split timeline narrative would kinda slay wouldn't it.#throw the prequel bits into the first draft it totally FUCKS everything up#its fine its okay because that first draft sucked ass anyways its so terrible its embarassing#i want to kms and break my computer etc etc no you know what [delirious] this could work...#i spent way too long on the wrong parts of it.#hate it. love it. complicated relationship with it. hate it again. SCRAP the introduction change so many details#only like 25% of the first draft has survived the purge its fine its good#break the first chapter into smaller chapters. kinda banger w the split narrative. kinda slays.#figure out how i need to restructure the rest of it.#and now i have all 40 chapters planned out babeyy the themes and motifs will kiss with tongue#i might name the parts really stupid things with total sincerity no one gets how funny heir to the sun / revenge of the night would be#as part titles. like its so funny. it's SO funny.#i'm delirious#revenge of the night revenge of the knight heir to the sun heir to the son its funnnnyyyyy#anyways. [unintelligible gibberish]#no one cares about kings blood i know no one cares about kings blood but how do i explain its literally#the only thing ive thought about for an entire year. im obsessed with it. not even gonna lie.
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scr-ppup · 11 months ago
Coming back to flag/term requests after cleaning out my drafts :3
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obnoxiousarcade · 1 year ago
my friends on tumblr: (saying things)
mee: screenshot moment? (Screenshots.) Screen shot?
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disabledcole · 11 months ago
im posting properly on this blog for like the first time in years bc im in love with the boop feature and i Cant let all these excellent jokes go past. so hello you havent seen me in a while im still alive
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y-vna · 1 year ago
The motivation leaving me even tho it's been only a few weeks since I started this 😱😞😒🤯
Also I might be flopping slightly 🫠🫠😭😭😭😢😥
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obsessedoverwater · 17 days ago
Born to draw Knuckles and Espio making out.
Forced to have shaky hands that can hardly write letters.
This may or may not be a reference to Sonic Highschool.
#it's totally a reference to Sonic Highschool#Big Knuxpio jumpscare that lasts about five seconds but i find the idea of them kissing after having the weirdest fight ever incrediblyfunn#Especially since Tails said what happens next is only after an 'extreme feeling of love' and Knuckles has a GIRLFRIEND it's so silly#if you don't know what it is i have to warn you it WAS written by a middle schooler who doesn't know how anything works#There's also slurs.. slight homophobia... and racism.. but like. What do you expect from a 7th grader. it's mostly humorous but DO KNOW THA#Anyway the idea makes me laugh. I'd do it myself if i could. If you haven't watched it do. or don't. it's super crazy the lore is WILD#I might post something about them for Valentine's day though. Maybe Sonic movie related I've been thinking a LOT about Knuckles' backstory#I read one story where they met in the past snd it's so good so depressing I am MORE than willing to drop a rec but they aren't romantic th#knuxpio#knuxpio mentioned but at what cost#i weirdly post more about them than Knuxadow and knuxadow literally is in most of my drafts i don't know whats happened#sth#that's all I'm putting I'm keeping this niche#the general public do NOT need to hear about Sonic Highschool or my weird knuxpio ramblings#hoky shit i haven't even talked about metal yet that's a post for LATE because guess who watched OVA a few days ago#I'm so writing something metonic related for Valentine's day i think they're tragic snd sweet and mean sm to each other#i hate OVA but I love OVA don't talk to me#it's 9:40 why is this whats on my mind.#H2O Rambles
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