#It is definitely a threat.
the-genius-az · 5 months
About Mai's love for Azula: this is basically a defense of Mai.
Mai and Ty Lee are the only people that love Azula unconditionally (and Azula loves them, Zuko, Ozai and Ursa unconditionally, perhaps she loved Lu Ten too). Azula can burn the world down, Mai won't stop loving her.
But Mai is 15. She's 15 and spent the last year or so away from Azula, and Azula acted the same way, Mai didn't see what changed (what broke) in Azula in this period of time when Azula was all alone with Ozai. She's 15 and not an alpha, she doesn't understand how deeply, how intensely everything is for Azula. And she doesn't have the same experience with abandonment, with insecurity, she doesn't have the emotional maturity to see that she and Ty Lee are the people that can break what was left of Azula at that point.
Even if she did, her choice was between potentially breaking something in their relationship and definitely breaking Azula. She chose potential ("you miscalculated", and Azula was right. There's a chance the consequences of killing Zuko would lead to less trauma, less pain than fully breaking Azula's lack).
Loving someone doesn't mean you'll never hurt then. For all of Mai's love for Azula, she has so much power over Azula that it's almost impossible for Mai to not hurt her.
It's because Mai loves her that after the war, Mai's the second person to start constantly visiting her. (Aang's the first, he's the first to forgive her, and the first to listen to her, Aang's the first to see Azula the hurt child instead of Azula the "crazy" firebender.)
It's because Mai's love is unconditional that she keeps coming, and that she gives Azula space when it's too much. Mai's willing to take whatever Azula gives her, even if it's a "I don't want you in my life".
It's all a painful process. Mai's healing too (and with we go with an AU where there's a pup involved, Mai's also taking care of a child without her alpha. The Gaang helps, but none of them is what she needs – and as much as she wants to find a way of breaking Azula out and running away, she knows it'll only hurt Azula even more).
So, yes, Mai loves Azula. She's just another kid in the middle of a war making impossible choices.
- Ash 🔥🍌
About Mai's love for Azula: this is basically a defense of Mai.
Mai and Ty Lee are the only people that love Azula unconditionally.
It's sad how the only people who love Azula unconditionally leave her, it's kind of... ironic.
Azula has consequences while Zuko doesn't.
(if we ignore the scar).
she doesn't have the emotional maturity to see that she and Ty Lee are the people that can break what was left of Azula at that point.
No one is mature enough not to break someone who was about to break.
Loving someone doesn't mean you'll never hurt then. For all of Mai's love for Azula, she has so much power over Azula that it's almost impossible for Mai to not hurt her.
You're so mature, Ash. 🚬
Having someone like Azula at your feet, who could literally burn the world down... is very dangerous, for the world or for her.
It's because Mai's love is unconditional that she keeps coming, and that she gives Azula space when it's too much.
What is it like when Mai visits you for the first time? I would like to read that.
Mai's also taking care of a child without her alpha.
Did you have your baby without your Alpha around? That must have been devastating, especially since she was so young (Regardless of the fact that she is...eighteen?), Mai must have felt very sad for Azula, especially since she has no idea what will happen to her puppy.
I bet Azula fell deeper into her depression when she had the instinct/thought that her cub was born, she thought she would never meet him...
and as much as she wants to find a way of breaking Azula out and running away, she knows it'll only hurt Azula even more.
What would have happened if I had? Run away with your Alpha and cub away from everyone.
I know that would ruin Azula because she needs medical help, and Mai just did a desperate thing and didn't think it through, and ran away with her family.
So, yes, Mai loves Azula. She's just another kid in the middle of a war making impossible choices.
Thanks, Ash.
Now I want to post something happy where Azula accidentally gets Mai pregnant and they live HAPPY, do you understand that, Ash? "Happiness" is a human thing, do you want me to explain it to you so you can stop putting a noose around my neck?
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counting-stars-gayly · 9 months
I’m actually LOVING how Rick Riordan, and the other writers of the show, took his initial concept of a Percabeth rivalry fueled by that of their parents and kind of turned it on its head?
Now, instead of Annabeth being wary of Percy because he’s a son of Poseidon, he’s wary of her because she made a callous impression on him. They get off to a rocky start even before finding out who Percy’s father is, and when they finally do, Annabeth doesn’t care. Instead of them fighting because of who their parents are, they’re fighting over their own opposed worldviews.
Then, instead of them arguing over which of the gods is cooler and who was right in the story of Medusa, they realize that, just like Medusa, Annabeth is a victim of her mother and that, unlike Medusa, she is a far kinder and stronger person, unwilling to repeat the cycle of hurt. They realize that, like his father, Percy often acts without considering potential consequences and that, unlike his father, he is a far kinder and stronger person, willing to step up for someone he wronged and whom he cares about.
Instead of Percy and Annabeth’s rivalry being focused on that of their parents, it’s focused on who they are, themselves. But the path to friendship is still the same: a realization that they have each other’s backs, no matter what, because they’re not their parents after all.
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sydneighsays · 1 year
My take on moth!jon
Just a wee lil rag
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Some lil Jmart while I was at it
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starchasersunseeker · 1 month
"You're just like the nazis if you ship jegulus / if you like Regulus / Barty / Evan / any character that was a death eater"
What the fuck is wrong with you all??? That's not a good take you think it is.
My great grandparents were literally in concentration camps. How dare you make such an awful comparison? Comparing FICTIONAL CHARACTERS to real life events is actually very sick of you. To call someone a nazi or nazi sympathizers just because they enjoy exploring FICTION makes you a very gross person.
I don't care if you think you're superior for liking a different ship or for hating certain characters. You are not. You're actually well bellow everyone else for making such horrible comparisons. You are playing limbo with the underground with how terrible you are.
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mollysunder · 2 months
Arcane gives away the plot in incredibly unsubtle ways The most unsubtle hint is that Sevika's name can literally translate to "Servant of God". That's genuinely clever.
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The origin of nations are highly mythologized stories so it works that her role in the story and on a meta level is to assist larger than life characters with cults of personality that can make Zaun's story happen.
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The story isn't subtle about any of this! She worked for Silco, a man draped in anti-christ imagery with a cult clearly brewing in the background of Zaun, because he could make Zaun happen. Then when Silco's ability to put Zaun's independence above all else faltered in the face of his loyalty and love of his daughter he dies.
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In a bit of foreshadowing Sevika already revealed the trump cards she had in her deck in the face of Silco's absence, Jinx and Viktor. Two figures already set up for greater feats of grandeur and idolization than Silco had achieved alive.
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Jinx, whose been baptized and ressurected as often as Silco, is the character for without whom the plot could not exist (or keep going). Jinx's militancy against Piltover forced was the reason Zaun's independence into the Council's room. And throughout the show Jinx imagery has either absorbed or subverted Janna's symbolism.
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Janna is characterized by swirling blue winds, but in Zaun it's the blue of Jinx's cloud smoke that defines the land.
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Instead of Janna's blue bird meant to symbolize hope, Zaun is filled with Jinx's crows that call out Jinx's next act.
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Now Jinx has desecrated Janna's holy site in her own image by adorning the ruins with a shrine to her own life.
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Meanwhile we've seen Viktor in the Sump, shrouded like a prophet to heal those harmed from their long-term shimmer dependence. Viktor is not set to remain in rags though.
Half the time the Machine Herald is referenced it's always coded in power.
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In the first shots of Zaun post-time skip we see a well guarded building called "The Herald's Palace".
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In Sevika's playing cards Viktor's mask is given prongs to evoke the image of a crown. In both instances the Machine Herald's image is laced with Jinx's visual motif. First Jinx's blue swirls Frame The Herald's sign on his building, and her debut tag is centerd on his tarot card.
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It's only in past deeds is Jinx's presence unseen on Viktor's work. For example, the drains of the water treatment system Viktor is hinted at creating are decorated to resemble previous iterations of the Machine Herald's masks and are visually his alone.
It seems we're in for a double act next season!
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 100
John likes to trick beings to getting himself a good deal and screwing the entities over. So he does this with the new ghost king.
He somehow worded the deal to keep the king in his home realm. You know to keep Danny in the infinite realm unable to attack the earthly realm.
This backfires. And backfires hard. Danny’s home realm is still the earthly one. All John did was not let him back into the realm.
Danny is thrilled. And living his best life. No more council meetings, the paperwork is stuck in the keep, the Observants can’t force him to do kingly duties and above all else. He is passing all of his classes. Scheduled fights with his rogues help as well.
John. Well he’s not having a good time. The Observants are screaming at him, the new king is stuck in earth who knows what he is up to, and he’s had visits from all of Danny’s ghost guardians to yell at him.
John has to break the deal.
Danny doesn’t want to.
When Danny eventually agrees to discuss it. He shows up with a ghost lawyer, sam, and Jazz all in order to secure Danny a good deal. Maybe tucker as well.
Danny wants at least rated M and movie tickets for him and his friends for life, and of course Martian manhunters autograph.
Jazz wants him to get a guarantee that they would leave him alone.
Sam wants them to guarantee ghost protection and end the Giw.
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 252
“Sir, we’ve… There’s been an encounter with a Reaper class entity.” 
There were several classifications for ecto-entities. Several ways the Ghost Investigation Ward classified each. Several common ones that they could easily destroy, easily study. Others however… others were dangerous. Incredibly dangerous. 
There’d only been two other Reaper-class entities confirmed before- both contained but barely. RP-1, a large knight-like entity seemingly made from shadows, and RP-2, a child-like creature that could near perfectly mimic a human. 
And now, there was a third. A third entity that could- and judging from the reports coming in had- killed. Had done so several times even. Which meant it needed to be contained yesterday. 
“Send out the teams- I want this thing in Site X Now!” 
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brekitten · 6 months
Be Careful What You Wish For
Tucker could make fun of him for not reading comics all he wanted, but Danny really did enjoy reading them. He just didn't have much time to after the Accident, with all of the ghost attacks.
He had the time now, he supposed. There were no ghost attacks anymore, not with Vlad "taking care of them".
He was almost scared to find out what the Fruit Loop meant by that.
Danny sighed, staring up at the bare white ceiling of his bedroom. He missed the stars he'd had stuck to the ceiling of his room back home. Because Vlad's mansion wasn't home, was it? It wasn't ever going to be, no matter what.
Again, he began to think of the heroes he'd always admired, the ones that he had always fantasized about when he was younger, as if they would fly out of the comic books and take him and Jazz away, take them to parents that would actually pay attention to them. Now, Danny would take his parents not paying attention to him over them being dead.
Danny sighed, his eyes slipping closed. He wasn't tired, but he wanted to pretend that he was somewhere warm and safe, anywhere but here.
"Man, I wish superheroes were real... I could really use one right now."
Then came a gentle whisper in his ear, one that promised the safety and warmth he was desperate for. "Your wish is my command, little Prince."
Danny jolted upright, but it was too late. One moment, he was sitting in a bed that wasn't his own, could never be, no matter how hard he tried to pretend it was, and the next, he was sitting in a field, cornstalks swaying gently in the warm breeze.
Where... was he?
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cupophrogs · 7 months
Please tell me Drew has given CatNap the finger, or some other sort of insult. (That might've almost ended in death.) Shame the last thing he sees won't be Drew's fabulous Minecraft Creeper (Aw man.) boxers. Ú-Ù
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“I think I took a few years off my life, I laughed so hard! Ah… stuff’s funny as hell, I’ll tell you what.”
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moon-mirage · 14 days
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“You think you can handle 250G now?”
I wanted to draw a scene of them getting along (yes, even with a tiny Vegeta smile ... smirk) during those infamous three years because I believe there was more than just them fighting and screwing each other.
Not to say the latter didn't happen of course 😏:
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shroudthecursedone · 8 months
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bokutoasavillain · 9 months
In a modern au Wei Wuxian would invent the nuclear bomb
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daydreamerwonderkid · 9 months
I thought Sophie was my fave Studio Ghibli protag.
But Mahito was just so immediately down for murder that now I'm seriously contemplating if I need to rethink some things.
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itsdefinitely · 10 months
hey don't cry. the jeri/rys will never be able to share simple human intimacy. they'll never get to hold hands. why are you crying louder
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k-martins · 8 months
Do you know that Frozen short where Elsa gets a cold and every time she sneezes, several little snowmen appear out of control?
So, imagine Megumi waking up one day with a particularly bad cold, and every time he sneezes, five fuzzy rabbits flee from his shadows (the number increasing as his cold gets worse) and don't obey him.
Imagine how everyone at school would react to a herd of white rabbits running amok:
Gojo having fun and catching the rabbits (who insist on attacking him, why not?), Nobara being covered by some because they think her hair looks a carrot, Inumaki having a freak out because the rabbits destroying her garden and Panda running around scared by several kung fu rabbits (Maki definitely wouldn't suffer from this because the rabbits would be very afraid of her).
And of course, Yuji being a magnet for the bunnies who just want to be close to the one they love most and snuggle into his strong, warm arms.
Cut to Yuji taking care of Megumi during her cold surrounded by fluffy white rabbits sleeping peacefully around him.
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hijinxinprogress · 2 months
Civilian Gothamites realizing they can get vengeance through Sword!Robin
Gothamites figuring out if they happen to mention a rogue treating animals poorly within hearing range of sword!Robin that rogue will be in custody with at least four fractures and a concussion and Damian being completely aware that like 63% of these people are lying but it’s the only way he can get experience with the nonlethal takedowns he’s experimenting with bc everyone keeps complaining about how he treats his opponents and allies 
Like he’s guiding a civilian to safety and they mention that “this would be the worst thing to happen to me today if riddler didn’t stab my fucking cat” and this civilian does not own a cat but they did own a car that was just paid off but riddler fucking crushed it with a stupid ass hot air balloon that’s shaped like a fucking question mark and Damian is aware of this bc he was the one that verified the insurance claim (but he’s been looking for a reason to punch Nygma in the throat since his last Arkham escape when he called Damian a moron)
And he also knows that if he plays along with it and says ‘as if I’d let that gaudy and tactless imbecile get away with committing such atrocities’ when prompted that he’ll get away with barely a slap on the wrist like he gets three half hearted but long lectures he’s not going to listen to and an online sensitivity training seminar he goads Tim into completing (Damian and Tim 100% try to trick each other into doing work they don’t want to do and full heartedly believe the other has no idea what they’re doing)
Bruce’s tendency for finding small crashouts at risk of becoming future rogues in Gotham and deciding they need love & supervision but what actually happens bc he’s so fucking awkward is they get almost the same amount of supervision just with like an hour of intense helicopter parenting a week but honestly besides that they just have more money and resources to do fuck shit
Tim 🤝🏾 Damian: using the manipulation tactics they learned from their mothers then later improved on with help from an assassin cult and bat/cape interrogation questioning techniques on the homies
#Both central city and gotham are referred to as crashout central and no one’s ever sure which city is being mentioned unless a cape is named#random Gotham civilians outsourcing a rogue getting their ass kicked to a middle schooler with a katana is fucking funny#Damian & Tim 100% try to trick each other into doing work they don’t like and definitely believe the other has no idea what theyre doing#Whenever damian gets benched the civilians protest until he’s back on duty#and are just generally unhelpful like ‘answer your questions?? That’s crazy I got a question for you: where’s my guy??’#Random gothamite: Batman’s so mean like free my guy 😔 he didn’t even do anything?? He’s just a little guy#Their friend visiting from out of state who’s pretty sure they saw that kid fuck up a dinosaur with no backup: 🤨 ikyfl#the loa ninja who came for a welfare check: you’re joking right???#Sword!robin#robin 5#Robin V#gothamites definitely tried to count the robins but they change names heights & costumes so often that no one’s really sure#so there’s angry!Robin nerd!Robin emo!Robin blonde!Robin and sword!Robin#but there’s also the theories of robin being an amalgamation of every child ghost in Gotham or a shapeshifter with an emo dad#only in gotham#dc civilians#Damian Wayne#Damian Al Ghul#Damian Al Ghul Wayne#dc robin#robin#dc comics#Civilian Gothamites: that polite young man!!#The bats & everyone else that knows Damian: 🤨#Damian currently using psychological warfare against scarecrow a rogue w/ a doctorate in psych and winning: dr crane?? more like dr cringe#Damian: sometimes I just get the urge to weep inconsolably not out of fear but bc I know you believe yourself to be a threat & that’s false#Insurance companies in Gotham either make so much money it’s insane or every employee has 746 hits out on them at all times
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