#Israel solar power
sugas6thtooth · 7 months
There are still families in Northern Gaza that could use your help! If you don't know, Israel has cut off the energy for Northern Gaza and families there are dependent on energy for survival.
A friend has reached out to me requesting help to share their GoFundMe, raising funds for solar panels to provide for their community.
If you can, please donate. If you cannot donate, please share. Your effort is extremely appreciated.
If you would like to reach out to said friend, their @ is @bosezz11233 :)
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German leftists are so incapable of separating Judaism and Israel that their heads practically explode when Israel does something bad, and then they end up stickering over a sticker than just says ‘free Palestine’ with a fucked up sticker saying ‘antifa means supporting Israel’ and think they’re somehow still leftist.
Like imagine your supposed principles being so malleable and your critical thinking so lacking that when a notably really right wing government commits genocide you have to pretend that’s compatible with antifascism because you can’t conceive of Israel as separate to Judaism.
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
Good News From Israel
In the 21st May 23 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
Israeli alpha radiation skin cancer trial was 100% successful.
Israeli medics saved the life of a Palestinian Arab heart attack patient.
A revolutionary new Israeli laptop needs no computer screen.
Veterans of one IDF unit have founded 25% of Israel’s most valuable companies.
An Israeli swimmer located a Roman cargo ship that sank 1,800 years ago.
An Israel won a world championship gold medal for Thai boxing, in Thailand.
A man named Moses has donated the world’s most valuable Bible to Israel.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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The upcoming Jewish festival of Shavuot (Pentecost) celebrates the Revelation at Mount Sinai. Appropriately, Israelis have been revealing more innovations and activities to benefit humanity.
Recent medical revelations include, why some Alzheimer's patients deteriorate more than others. Also, that a significant number of Parkinson's patients suddenly become creative. Sheba Medical Center is able to see patients without them coming to the hospital, while Wolfson hospital can see what's going on with cancer patients round the clock with Artificial Intelligent monitors.
Israeli technical innovations include a portable computer where the owner uses special glasses to reveal multiple pages of information, displayed in mid air. And an Israeli satellite system will reveal details of emergencies to international response teams.
Many institutional buildings were revealed during Open House Tel Aviv week; an Israeli swimmer revealed the location of a sunken Roman cargo ship; and a rare Mediterranean Monk seal has been revealed basking on an Israeli beach.
Many more recent international conferences, exhibitions and events in Israel have  revealed Israel's contributions to the world. They include Biomed Israel, EcoMotion Week, the International Writers' Festival and the March of the Nations.
The photo (as revealed by Sharon) is of the new pedestrian bridge suspended across the Hinnom Valley in Jerusalem, revealing a unique view of Israel's capital.
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In April 2023, BYD sold 1,377 EVs in Israel, accounting for about 40% of total EV sales. BYD has become one of the top automakers in Israel, with its primary export model, the ATTO 3, accounting for most of its sales in the country(..)
P.S. The entry of affordable EVs into the Israeli market will significantly improve the country's energy security and independence, as electric car owners do not need to buy either gasoline or diesel fuel, and Israel has a huge amount of solar energy resources as well. Whether we like it or not, along with Tesla, BYD is also becoming a very important company to reduce the West's dependence on fossil fuel imports and clean the air in our cities...
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greenprophet · 2 years
The 10 best marathons in the Middle East
The 10 best marathons in the Middle East
A competitor climbs a dune, during the third stage of the Marathon des Sables in the Sahara desert, some 250 miles south of Ouarzazate in Morocco. PIERRE VERDY/ AFP/ Getty Images The best marathon in the world? This is a hard question to answer and you will get answers as varied as the people you ask. There are the well known marathons, like the New York Marathon in November, the London Marathon…
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unrelaxing · 4 months
From a country where voting is not a choice, but a duty, it's interesting seeing American discourse every four years on whether or not voting matters. This year there's an added layer, because Joe Biden has been supporting Israel's genocide against Palestine. Now there's a pervading sentiment - both in and out of the US - that voting for Joe Biden supports Palestinian genocide, and it's an American's moral duty to withhold their vote in support of Palestine.
I guess the question I ask is: how is withholding your vote effective activism?
If you don't vote, and Trump wins, he says he will deport pro-Palestine demonstrators. He says he supports Israel's right to defend itself. If you vote independent, and Trump wins the same thing happens.
If Biden wins, he will continue his support of Israel.
So: Is voting really the battleground for the Palestinian genocide, when either outcome leads down the same road?
And what other battles are being fought in this presidential race?
Gun laws - Biden passed "the most significant gun safety legislation in more than two decades", the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. It includes enhanced background checks for gun purchasers, and prohibits individuals convicted of domestic violence towards a romantic partner from purchasing a gun (wherein the past a 'boyfriend loophole' had existed, wherein the law only applied if an individual was convicted of domestic violence against a spouse or cohabitant). Trump has promised to overturn Biden's new laws.
Healthcare - Uninsured Americans are at an all-time low under Biden's administration, with only 7.6% of Americans being uninsured in the second quarter of 2023. The number of people who signed up to Obamacare in 2024 is at 21.3 million - and Trump plans to repeal it.
Climate change - Biden's Inflation Reduction Act invests 300 billion dollars towards clean energy. Electricity generation from renewable energy sources — including wind, solar and hydropower — surpassed coal-fired generation in the electric power sector for the first time in 2022, making it the second-biggest source behind natural gas generation. At a recent dinner with oil executives and lobbyists, the Republican promised to eliminate Mr Biden's new climate rules and environmental regulations if they donated $1bn to his campaign.
Much has been said about Trump's second term beyond the above three points. @batboyblog posted a very clear and concise graphic on Trump's plans for his second term.
The BBC has also posted about Trump's plans for his second term, which I'll screenshot:
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Trump is now a felon, but I was really shocked to learn about how little impact this has on his ability to run as president. His supporters are likely to stay by his side, because they believe in these policies.
Biden does not have the same luxury. I don't think he should have the same luxury. Still, I feel like it's important to point out that Trump and Biden's opinions on Israel and Palestine align, but there are a plethora of other issues they do not align on. As a voter, as an activist, when given two political parties, why would you choose based on the similarities as opposed to the differences?
Ways to help Gaza.
Vetted gofundmes.
Other links to help Palestine.
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ahaura · 10 months
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from 🧵
the entire palestinian coastal plain from haifa to rafah is underlain by a large aquifer. gaza possesses a significant lobe of it, in large part because of this: this is Wadi Gaza, known as Nahal Besor in Israel, one of, if not the largest drainage basins in the Naqab.
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Wadi Gaza is a perennial stream in a country with very few of them. it's very small but occasionally subject to massive floods; the highly permeable coastal loess topsoil gives the coastal aquifer a relatively quick recharge time. photo shows the stream inside israel
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so in theory there's no reason gaza should run short of water, even with 2.4 million people relying on it. well... this is what Wadi Gaza looks like inside the Gaza Strip. you may notice some differences.
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inside israel, i.e., upstream from gaza, huge amounts of water are pumped out of the aquifer in order to make all those kibbutzim and moshavim the highly productive agricultural communities that they are, and in order to sell the water to palestinians at a markup.
the river also naturally loses water through the riverbed, and this is not recharged, it doesn't have the flow rate inside gaza to carry pollutants out to sea. so they penetrate into the topsoil. where do all the pollutants come from? industrial and household wastewater.
gaza cannot import components to maintain its own water treatment plants, nor can it maintain its own energy supply, because israel restricts the importation of building materials, fuel, and other power sources (e.g. solar panels). so most wastewater goes untreated
as a result, wells are dug deeper, because the surface layers of water are contaminated. this causes horizontal subsidence, because gaza is adjacent to the sea, and saltwater infiltrates the water supply, making the water brackish. only about 5-10% of the wells in gaza are usable
can israel pump enough seawater into gaza's aquifer to render it completely undrinkable? yes, for as long as they keep the pumps going, and a few months afterwards. once they stop, fresh water flowing downhill from the israeli part of the aquifer will increase water pressure
salt water is denser than fresh water, so when fresh water flows into a brackish aquifer and water pressure increases, the salt water sinks deeper into the crust. in general, the artificial injection of desalinated water could restore gaza's water supply this way
if, of course, there were sufficient power to run all of gaza's desalination plants and water treatment plants, and if israel's water company stopped depleting the upstream aquifer (and, of course, if the risk of subsidence- and swelling-related earthquakes was mitigated)
IOW: the only reason this is a realistic plan for israel is bc they've spent the last 30-40 years already doing indirectly. even then, they'd need a lot more than five pumps. but the "permanence" of the effect is only true if the occupation and siege are also permanent
whereas, if the occupation and siege ended tomorrow, and even if 5 million people lived in Gaza, the area could regain not only its habitability but its famous and historic agricultural productivity within, at most, a couple of years. end of thread
(Dec. 6)
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secular-jew · 11 months
From one of my Danish friends who works for an NGO in Gaza:
Every single day we hear from various humanitarian organizations that the situation in Gaza is catastrophic and that there is now only fuel, water or medicine for a day before the famous one diesel generator in Gaza stops, the lights go out and the sick can be treated due to a lack of medicines.
It must be remembered that these organizations have an interest in exaggerating and dramatizing the situation - to put it nicely. In fact, they often lie, and they must know that themselves, because they have their own representatives on site. One must also remember that there is no independent media in Gaza that could check the many exaggerations and lies. Hamas strictly controls what is published, and it is dangerous to question or correct Hamas' censors.
The Israeli defense has a special unit that deals professionally with the humanitarian situation in Gaza. The unit regularly receives information from international organizations that are represented in Gaza, and also builds on knowledge that is generally available. From this we see a more realistic picture of the conditions than what the humanitarian organizations provide:
There is NO shortage of food in Gaza, but sufficient stocks for several weeks' needs. As far as drinking water is concerned, Gaza is 90% self-sufficient. Only 10% comes from Israel through 3 water supply pipes. Israel has recently opened 2 more supply lines.
Hamas has full control over the distribution of medicine and hospital equipment and decides how much the hospitals will receive and when. (Hamas probably needs these things themselves now that they are suffering daily heavy losses given the targeted Israeli attacks on the terrorist organization's numerous military facilities)
Hamas' many rocket attacks against Israel, which continue, have destroyed several of their own electrical lines that supply electricity to Gaza from Israel - moreover, on a larger scale than the generator the media keeps talking about.
All hospitals in Gaza have their own solar powered electrical systems to supplement diesel generators. Other generators scattered across Gaza territory are controlled by Hamas, which also stores large quantities of diesel oil in the underground tunnels. Three weeks have passed since the hospital administrations in Gaza declared that they only had diesel fuel for the next 24 hours. But the hospitals continue to function because Hamas supplies them with fuel.
Hamas is interested in the hospitals functioning because Hamas has their military headquarters inside and under the hospitals, which they have thereby made part of the military infrastructure.
Red Cross employees in the Gaza Strip are from the Red Crescent, they are Palestinians, they protect Hamas. Their monthly salary comes from the organization.
The Red Cross in Denmark, for example, does not talk about the 239 Israeli hostages to which the Red Cross has not had access.
According to international rules/laws, the Red Cross must have access to the hostages, some of whom are babies and small children, others are young and elderly. The Red Cross does not talk about the lack of supervision of the Israeli hostages in the Gaza Strip.
Wonder why?
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nasa · 2 years
The Artemis I Mission: To the Moon and Back
The Artemis I mission was the first integrated test of the Orion spacecraft, the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket, and Exploration Ground Systems at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. We’ll use these deep space exploration systems on future Artemis missions to send astronauts to the Moon and prepare for our next giant leap: sending the first humans to Mars.
Take a visual journey through the mission, starting from launch, to lunar orbit, to splashdown.
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The SLS rocket carrying the Orion spacecraft launched on Nov. 16, 2022, from Launch Complex 39B at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The world’s most powerful rocket performed with precision, meeting or exceeding all expectations during its debut launch on Artemis I.
"This is Your Moment"
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Following the successful launch of Artemis I, Launch Director Charlie Blackwell-Thompson congratulates the launch team.
“The harder the climb, the better the view,” she said. “We showed the space coast tonight what a beautiful view it is.”
That's Us
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On Orion’s first day of flight, a camera on the tip of one of Orion’s solar arrays captured this image of Earth.
Inside Orion
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On the third day of the mission, Artemis I engineers activated the Callisto payload, a technology demonstration developed by Lockheed Martin, Amazon, and Cisco that tested a digital voice assistant and video conferencing capabilities in a deep space environment. In the image, Commander Moonikin Campos occupies the commander’s seat inside the spacecraft. The Moonikin is wearing an Orion Crew Survival System suit, the same spacesuit that Artemis astronauts will use during launch, entry, and other dynamic phases of their missions. Campos is also equipped with sensors that recorded acceleration and vibration data throughout the mission that will help NASA protect astronauts during Artemis II. The Moonikin was one of three “passengers” that flew aboard Orion. Two female-bodied model human torsos, called phantoms, were aboard. Zohar and Helga, named by the Israel Space Agency (ISA) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) respectively, supported the Matroshka AstroRad Radiation Experiment (MARE), an experiment to provide data on radiation levels during lunar missions. Snoopy, wearing a mock orange spacesuit, also can be seen floating in the background. The character served as the zero-gravity indicator during the mission, providing a visual signifier that Orion is in space.
Far Side of the Moon
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A portion of the far side of the Moon looms large in this image taken by a camera on the tip of one of Orion’s solar arrays on the sixth day of the mission.
First Close Approach
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The Orion spacecraft captured some of the closest photos of the Moon from a spacecraft built for humans since the Apollo era — about 80 miles (128 km) above the lunar surface. This photo was taken using Orion’s optical navigational system, which captures black-and-white images of the Earth and Moon in different phases and distances.
Distant Retrograde Orbit
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Orion entered a distant retrograde orbit around the Moon almost two weeks into the mission. The orbit is “distant” in the sense that it’s at a high altitude approximately 50,000 miles (80,467 km) from the surface of the Moon. Orion broke the record for farthest distance of a spacecraft designed to carry humans to deep space and safely return them to Earth, reaching a maximum distance of 268,563 miles (432,210 km).
Second Close Approach
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On the 20th day of the mission, the spacecraft made its second and final close approach to the Moon flying 79.2 miles (127.5 km) above the lunar surface to harness the Moon’s gravity and accelerate for the journey back to Earth.
Cameras mounted on the crew module of the Orion spacecraft captured these views of the Moon’s surface before its return powered flyby burn.
Heading Home
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After passing behind the far side of the Moon on Flight Day 20, Orion powered a flyby burn that lasted approximately 3 minutes and 27 seconds to head home. Shortly after the burn was complete, the Orion spacecraft captured these views of the Moon and Earth, which appears as a distant crescent.
Parachutes Deployed
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Prior to entering the Earth’s atmosphere, Orion’s crew module separated from its service module, which is the propulsive powerhouse provided by ESA (European Space Agency). During re-entry, Orion endured temperatures about half as hot as the surface of the Sun at about 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit (2,760 degrees Celsius). Within about 20 minutes, Orion slowed from nearly 25,000 mph (40,236 kph) to about 20 mph (32 kph) for its parachute-assisted splashdown.
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On Dec. 11, the Orion spacecraft splashed down in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of California after traveling 1.4 million miles (2.3 million km) over a total of 25.5 days in space. Teams are in the process of returning Orion to Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Once at Kennedy, teams will open the hatch and unload several payloads, including Commander Moonikin Campos, the space biology experiments, Snoopy, and the official flight kit. Next, the capsule and its heat shield will undergo testing and analysis over the course of several months.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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zestingbloodorange · 11 months
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anat.international on Instagram story :
Before the genocide, Gaza always had shortages with electricity because a certain amount of fuel goes in each day,so it's common for most homes to have no electricity for a few hours each day.
In recent years, many people, as well as other public places like hospitals, started installing solar panels as a way to generate power more frequently.
Today, israel's carnage is on schools,hospitals, and also solar panels in Gaza city. Israel wants to punish the people who stayed up north and refused to leave their homes by bombing their solarpanels.
Israel also just bombed the energy sources and electricity generators at Al Shifa Hospital, causing a massive fire.
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sugas6thtooth · 11 months
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phoenixyfriend · 7 months
Calls for Action, Call Your Reps: 3/12/24
This is USA-specific, as that is the place I live and know.
Find your elected officials.
As usual, most of my information on what bills are on the floor comes from GovTrack. I am including some suggested listening/reading (you can find text versions if you google the title and 'transcript') at the bottom of the post. I am also including a current event that is likely to be a very powerful argument, with the right politicians. The event is prefaced with a red warning tag, and followed by event-specific verbiage.
Suggested verbiage and strategies for calling your elected officials. We've recently seen politicians, including Biden, start to pivot towards the "Israel is increasing danger to itself" argument in public statements.
The most immediate and pressing issue at this moment is the famine in Gaza. The air drops are inefficient and dangerous (several people died due to a parachute malfunction), and the floating pier will not be ready any time soon. Trucks across land borders MUST be allowed in.
At this time, the three greatest factors in that famine are:
Israeli bombardment (destruction of existing food stores and farming land).
Israeli blockades of the Egyptian border into Gaza, preventing aid trucks from places like the US from reaching people, and turning away trucks on their own side of the northern and eastern border that contain items like medical scissors, solar panels, and anesthetic.
The cessation of funding to UNRWA, which has been the lifeline to Palestinian civilians for decades, and is currently the best and possibly only chance to save the one and a half million dying civilians
This information is being reported by the WHO, UNRWA itself, UNICEF, and more, along with journalists that are in Gaza at this time.
Both House and Senate:
Reinstate funding for UNRWA. While the claims made by Israel that employees of the relief agency were involved in Oct. 7th are troubling, THEY are not well supported, and western officials did not do their duty in investigating the claims before cutting funding. This arm of the UN is currently providing food, water, shelter, and medical care to the 2.3 million displaced peoples of Gaza. It is especially disturbing and concerning that the many children of Gaza, who are already suffering due to this conflict, are now having this support revoked. Many sources are also claiming that the evidence is flimsy at best.
Urge both Senate and House to refrain from funding Israel, or to at least put some strings on it. The IDF cannot be given funding without some regulations on what they can do with it. They have proven that they are unwilling to take steps to protect civilians.
Sanctions must also be placed on Israel for its continued impediment of aid intended for Gazans, including aid from the US.
Urge for the US to stop vetoing ceasefire demands in the UN. No, the suggested replacement written by the US is not an excuse.
Not directly related to Gaza: It looks like they’re gearing up for another push at KOSA. The canned email responses I’m getting are really proud of being in support of KOSA, which is… bad. It is also bad for people outside the US, including Palestine, apparently. VOTE NAY.
Not related to Gaza:
The US, France, and Canada are meddling in the Haitian government and pressing for "peace" under US terms. The international community cannot continue to seed problems in this country for their own purposes. Also, feel free to drop a note about how France and the US need to pay reparations for the double debt.
Domestic affairs: Press for a less harsh immigration policy than the one currently in Congress. Press for investigation into the Boeing whistle-blower death, and for stricter oversight and safety regulations on large corporations.
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eretzyisrael · 2 years
Last October, the New York Times described how forward=thinking the UAE is in diversifying its energy needs towards more green tech:
The Emirates plans to spend 600 billion dirhams, or $163 billion, over the next three decades to reduce the emissions from power plants that now burn enormous volumes of natural gas in part to cool buildings in the fierce Gulf heat. A lot of the money will go into solar farms, which can be set up across the sands of the Emirates. Another source of clean power will be a group of four nuclear reactors recently built by South Korean contractors in Abu Dhabi that are gradually coming online. Analysts say that spending so much money is bound to have a major impact in a small country of 9.9 million people that is already well ahead of neighboring petroleum exporters like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait in diversifying their economies away from oil. The Emirates, for instance, is a regional hub for finance, logistics and tourism. And more funding is likely to be forthcoming to support the green agenda, like retrofitting buildings so that they don’t suck up so much power for air conditioning, or converting transportation to electric power or hydrogen. The Emirates is one of those places with the riches and the will to implement “loss-leading projects that are about being at the cutting edge,” said Raad Alkadiri, managing director for energy and climate at the Eurasia Group, a political risk firm.
But when the NYT writes about Israel and green tech, things suddenly get more problematic.
This is the great solar tower of Ashalim, one of the tallest structures in Israel and, until recently, the tallest solar power plant in the world. “It’s like a sun,” said Eli Baliti, a shopkeeper in the nearest village. “A second sun.” To backers, the tower is an impressive feat of engineering, testament to Israeli solar innovation. To critics, it is an expensive folly, dependent on technology that had become outmoded by the time it was operational. Sometimes it feels like a dystopian skyscraper, looming ominously over the cows and roosters of a dairy farm across the road. The tower’s height prompts comparisons with the Tower of Babel, its blinding light with the burning bush. Its base looks like the hangar of a spaceship, its turret the pinnacle of a fantasy fortress. Using energy from the sun, the tower generates enough electricity to power tens of thousands of homes. Completed in 2019, the plant showcases both the promise and the missteps of the Israeli solar industry, and it is a case study in the unpredictable challenges that await any country seeking to pivot from fossil fuels to renewable energy. For many villagers, who moved to Ashalim for a flawless desert view, it was a considerable blot on the landscape. “I’m pro clean energy,” noted Mr. Malka, who runs the pool. “But they chose to do it on the road by the village.”
In the UAE, solar power is wonderful. In Israel, it is problematic.
Anyone wonder why?
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In Q1, the BYD ATTO 3 topped the charts in Israel with 5,852 registrations, followed by several models from Geely that managed to register 3,102 units all in total. In third place was Hyundai with 1,752 registrations, followed by Tesla with 1,369. Mercedes-Benz rounded up the top 5 with 493 units. It’s interesting to note that of the brands in the top ten, five of them are Chinese. SERES, Skywell, and Aiways are the other Chinese brands in the top 5. Outside the top 10, Leapmotor also makes a notable appearance with 204 units(..)
P.S. Another warning signal to the "old" car manufacturers who ignored the development of affordable electric car mass production technologies...! If you continue with your current short-sighted policies, you will simply be thrown out of the car markets of many countries...
In addition, the dependence of Israel and other countries on imports of oil and other fossil fuels will begin to decline rapidly. Oil will be replaced by electricity, which will be produced using local renewable energy resources...
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vaspider · 2 years
Do you like GAY JEWISH THINGS? Are you a BIG LEFTIST who likes WORKER STRUGGLES and also JEWISH THINGS? Do you want the self-revelations of a gender-indifferent angel to make you fucking sob in your kitchen?
If so, you need to read this book like FUCKING IMMEDIATELY.
Spoilers behind the cut, because I literally just sat and transcribed the part from the audiobook that made me sit down at my kitchen table and ugly cry for like five solid minutes. It was like being punched directly in the solar plexus in the best of all ways. FUCK! It's SO FUCKING GOOD.
One of the main characters is an angel who leaves, in the company of its partner, a demon called Little Ash, the shtetl in which it has been sitting in a room, studying Talmud so intently with its companion, a demon, that the two of them literally did not notice when a synagogue was built around where they sat and studied. It ends up becoming more and more human over the course of the book due to Events, and at one point finds himself in a union meeting to decide on whether the garment workers should protest over their working conditions. The angel is being called Uriel at this point because this is what is on its falsified immigration papers. A young woman is reading a list of people who have been injured, gotten sick, or been killed because of the working conditions. And then this:
The girl's voice rose and fell like a cantor's, and Uriel listened as to a voice from heaven, drinking in every word of the Yiddish that was starting to feel as familiar to it as a mother tongue. The words filled it up, and soaked into its heart, and it thought to itself, all of this time, I had been missing something, and I had no idea. Its heart was heavier with the weight of the young worker's words, but should a heart not be heavy in a world full of injustice? It looked down at its lap, twisting its tzitzis in its fingers. This was the world Essie lived in, and her family, and all of the people back in Shtetl, and it had never noticed. How many times had it said "Listen, Israel!" and not been listening? Oh, it thought, I have been terrible. Terrible. Uriel Fetterman needs to be someone who sees what is happening in the world around it. I must stay this way, this person, so that I won't forget. This is why Torah was not for angels. Angels forget what humans can remember. Angels skip lightly over ground that needs plowing with rough hands and sharp blades. Uriel had thought that it could not be doing wrong because it had no inclination for evil. But what had it been doing for hundreds of years? Studying, and forgetting that studying should lead to action. It would never have left Shtetl without Little Ash, would never have known it was missing anything. But it had missed the most important purpose it could ever have, something bigger than an angel could ever be.
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Video description: The Quora site is displayed and the narrator, who has a British accent and is speaking quickly and excitedly, opens by reading from it: "My MacBook Air weighs 2.3 pounds. If I download more files on it, will it make it heavier?
"This is Quora," he continues. "A place where once grand intellectual questions would be mused over. But if you recall, 2 years ago we sadly bid farewell to our friend, Yahoo Answers, a place where those sorts of questions didn't happen, and in that time it seems many Yahoo users have made Quora their new home.
"Do chimpanzees get pregnant? Does anyone live on the sun? How high do planes fly when landing? What percentage of people are going to die? Do lesbians get periods?"
(A response to that question is read in a gruff tone:) "Oh, come on! Where the hell are you getting that question?"
"You are sleeping with your partner and suddenly realize that he/she is a ghost. What would you do? Are there werewolves in Texas? Why does the sausage have two ends? What happens to the time it takes to actually time travel into the past/future? Which hole does an actress push out a baby in a birth sense?"
(Another answer is read:) "She doesn't. She acts."
"I heard that in the Middle Ages, nobles used to wipe their butts with ducklings. Is that right?"
(Response, gruffly:) "No!"
"Is it true that pregnant women should not sleep during a lunar or solar eclipse as it may cause harm to the unborn?"
(Response:) "No. That's the dumbest thing I ever heard."
"Can I sue Germany for putting my grandfather in prison for 7 years in the second world war?"
(Response:) "No, no, no, no, no!"
"Can you think of a sentence that contains the words 'book' and 'crabs'?"
(Response:) "Well, yes, I can."
"Why does the 'bros' abbreviation for 'brothers' end in 's' instead of 'th'?"
(Response:) "Because that would spell 'broth'."
"Do rich people get embarrassed that their servants know what their stuff in the toilet looks like?"
(Response:) "This is a very weird question."
"What happens when we wash vessel and use it with water in which a lizard was dead? Is it poisonous? What can we do?"
(Response:) "Uhh..."
"Why does the United States promote homosexuality and not consider what happened in the petrified village of Pompeii?"
(Response:) "Wha…?"
"How can I have sex with Asia?"
(Response:) "Pretty sure you mean an Asian girl."
"Is Israel on the world map? Are the Irish really from Ireland? My son speaks Arabic. (in a panicked, shouting tone:) What do I do? Does India have airports?"
(Response:) "Putin came to India in 2014 swimming in the ocean. I have a photo to prove." (A flash of a picture of Putin swimming can be seen briefly at this point in the video.)
"Where do animals live? Why are things? What is my date of birth? Do you know a microscope? Real mathematicians (in all caps): I have 5 live cows and then I multiply them by 0. How then do you come and tell me that I end up with 0? Where did the 5 go? Which is larger: 0 or 2+7? Math math what is angle?
(Narrator comment: "I do believe this Quora user was intending to ask 'what are the names of the most powerful angels?' but…) What are the names of moist powerful angles? I'm an atheist who believes in God. What should I do? Why do atheists watch fiction movies? During airplane turbulence, how do atheists keep calm?"
(Narrator comment: "This question I could only find an old link for, even Quora went nowhere, not even, that is way too stupid:) How do atheists know what foods are 'sweet' versus 'sour' or 'bitter'?
"I am 11 and stand at 5 foot 2. Am I obese? Do celebrities fart? What's the meaning of a single white egg left at my door? (narrator's comment: that is weird.)
"My mom slapped her own bum in front of me what does that mean? Is this correct, 'similarvgbhujkljhgtyhujk'? Why is Zelda so 'thicc' in Breath of the Wild? Do demons always say 'I am a demon' when they are introduced? Is it possible to balance your entire body on your penis?"
(Response:) " Yes, but I'm scared of heights."
"I saw the cop the gay eating a raw bird in my backyard. What should I do?" (Narrator comment: "I became a bit obsessed with this question, it's so indecipherable and googled it for clues to find apparently there was much debate on the site about whether this was a weird autocorrect from 'cat'. Which word was supposed to be cat?")
"Can deaf people laugh out loud? Can deaf people do surfing? How do def people know what facial expressions look like and how they're used outside of American Sign Language (ASL)? If so, how do they learn about them if there's no way to see someone else make that face?" (Narrator comment: "I mean, I don't think there's any intelligent questions actually left on this site, is there? Who's asking 'Can music cause candle to light?' Obviously, no!")
"Do people still eat mashed potatoes? (Yes!) Can semen travel up your foot? (No,, it cannot.) Is the word 'stay asleep' alwasy spelled 'J'? (I don't even know what that means.) Do lobsters pee from their faces? (Uh, ugh, are you mad? Obviously no!)"
(Response:) "Yes, as others have pointed out, many crustaceans have two different types of excretory organs, both near the head. Usually only one is used, depending on the age of the animal. Lobsters and crabs, etc, use their urine smell like cats, to mark territory, warn rivals, etc." (Uh..oh.)"
The screen goes white and the scene transitions to footage of the narrator walking up to a door. He places an egg on the mat, then runs away.
End video description.
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