#Isaiah 55:1-13
Devotional Hours Within the Bible
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by J.R. Miller
The Gracious Invitation (Isaiah 55:1-13)
The Bible seeks in every possible way to make men know the divine love and mercy. A great novelist in one of his stories tells of a child who ran away from her home. Every night when it grew dark a candle was set in the window of the old home and left to burn there all night, that the lost one, if ever she crept back, repentant, desiring to return might see the light and know that it meant a welcome for her, that love’s place was kept for her within.
The Bible is like a great palace standing on some mountain top in the center of a dark world. It has a thousand windows in it opening on all sides, and in every one of them a bright light shines, to tell earth’s lost and weary ones, wandering in the gloom of a home where they may find a welcome if they but come to its door.
The fifty-fifth chapter of Isaiah is one of these Bible windows. The chapter opens with a call which falls on the ear of the lost like sweet music. “Ho! Every one who thirsts, come!”
There is a story of a thirsty traveler wandering in the desert. He had a compass in his hand but knew not whether its needle pointed toward a place of refreshment, or to a spot in which he must lie down and perish. He was utterly in despair. Turn which way he would, he seemed to be only wandering farther and farther away from hope. He had sunk down in the sands of despair, when a little leaf came, wafted by a passing breeze, and fell beside him. He picked it up, and new hope took possession of his heart. The leaf told him of life. It could not have come far, for it was still fresh and green. At the place from which it came there must be water, shade, and food. He knew the direction, too, for the breeze had borne it. So with the little leaf firmly clutched in his feverish hand he rose and hastened in the direction whence the leaf had come, and soon was resting in the shelter of a green tree and quenching his thirst from the springs that gushed at the tree’s roots! Like that little green leaf, dropping out of heaven, comes the call from God, of the opening words of this chapter to those who are weary and thirsty in spirit. Where it comes from there must be water, food, and rest! It is divine love that sends it!
The call for attention, “Ho!” is a call to life. It commands attention. It would arrest the most careless, those who are heedless and indifferent. It has a message, too; it is not an empty call. “Come to the waters! And he who has no money come!” The invitation is universal. “Every one.” It is to the poor as well as to the rich. “He who has no money.” It meets the universal human need. It fits the actual craving of men. “Every one that thirsts!” Who does not thirst? Who has not deep needs burning in his soul?
The blessing offered is precisely adapted to the need. “Come to the waters!” What water is to physical thirst Christ is to men’s spiritual needs. This world’s vanities do not satisfy but what Christ gives, quenches all their thirst!
Then there is more than water, more than refreshing. “Wine and milk!” These are symbols of nourishment and exhilaration. All is free, too! “Without money!” Nothing has to be paid for these blessings. Indeed, no money could purchase them. Only earth’s baubles can be bought with gold or silver. Yet, although free, there is a very real sense in which these blessings of salvation must be bought. “Buy, and eat.” Money will not buy them but like the man who sold all he had, to purchase the field with the hidden treasure in it we must give up everything to get Christ. We must pay ourselves, our life to win Him.
One of the saddest things in human life, is the wild search for things which will not satisfy men’s real needs. “Why do you spend money for that which is not bread?” It does seem strange indeed, that men never learn the folly of trying to find bread for their spiritual nature in what this world has to give. They have deep cravings and they try to satisfy them with money, power, pleasure, or fame. But these things are not bread for the soul and immortal lives cannot feed upon them. A hungry man is not satisfied by finding gold or pearls it is bread he wants. What can money do for one who is in deep spiritual distress, or when remorse embitters his life, or when he sits in deep sorrow by the coffin of his dead; or when, facing death himself, he looks into eternity? Nothing but Christ will do in such moments! An angel cannot be fed upon earth’s viands. Just so, a human soul finds no satisfaction in the possession of this world’s trinkets!
What the gospel offers is real bread, because it satisfies the heart’s cravings. God’s blessing comes to us through God’s Word. “ Hear and your soul shall live!” We are to listen to the invitations of divine grace. But there is a time when we must give heed to these divine calls or it will be too late. “Seek Jehovah while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near!” The candle burns now in the window but it will not always burn there. “Whoever will may come,” runs the Bible invitation but there will come a time when it will be too late to answer the call a time when God may not be found, when He will not be near when the door will be shut!
There is only one way of accepting the invitation. We cannot take it and keep our sins. “Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return unto Jehovah.” We cannot be saved and still keep our evil thoughts in our hearts and go on in our evil ways. God is very willing to take our sins, putting them away forever but He will not take our sins, without ourselves. We must give up our evil ways, even our wrong thoughts, and must serve God.
Men’s hearts by nature are hard, like trodden fields. But even the hardest heart, God’s grace can soften. “As the rain comes down and the snow from heaven ... so shall My word be.” We all know how the rain softens the dry and hardened ground. Its drops go to the roots of the withering grass and the fading flowers and soon new life appears everywhere. So it is when God’s Word falls upon a human life. It makes the barren life, fruitful. Sometimes it lies like snow on the earth, not melting for a time. The results of holy teaching do not always appear at once. But as at last the snows melt and fill streams and rivers; so God’s Word in a life will some day find its way down into the heart and bless it. Heavenly lessons have lain for scores of years, producing no effect; yet, at last, when the warm love of God touched the life it brought forth beautiful fruits.
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touchofgoddotworld · 28 days
The Armor of God (Part 3) (261) - August 31 2024
Choose your Podcast App to Play this episode Catrice teaches on the application of the Armor of God for today’s world. Effective spiritual Armor for spiritual attacks. This program covers the following Scriptures from the Amplified Classic version (AMPC): Ephesians 6:13-18; John 1:1; Philippians 4:7; Isaiah 55:11; John 8:32; 2 Corinthians 5:21; John 15:4; Romans 8:11; Romans 8:14; 2 Corinthians…
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girlbloggercher · 7 months
how to read the Bible
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this is in order!
1. John
2. Mark
3. Matthew
4. Luke
5. Genesis
6. Exodus
7. Leviticus
8. Numbers
9. Dueteronomy
10. Romans
11. Galatians
12. Colossians
13. Proverbs
14. Ecclesiastes
15. Job
16. 1 Peter
17. 1 Corinthians
18. 2 Corinthians
19. Ephesians
20. Philippians
21. 1 Thessalonians
22. 2 Thessalonians
23. 1 Timothy
24. 2 Timothy
25. James
26. 2 Peter
27. 1 John
28. 2 John
29. 3 John
30. Jude
31. Psalms
32. Joshua
33. Judges
34. 1 Samuel
35. 2 Samuel
36. 1 Kings
37. 2 Kings
38. 1 Chronicles
39. 2 Chronicles
40. Ezra
41. Nehemiah
42. Jeremiah
43. Lamentations
44. Ezekiel
45. Joel
46. Amos
47. Obadiah
48. Nahum
49. Habakkuk
50. Zephaniah
51. Haggai
52. Zechariah
53. Malachi
54. Micah
55. Hosea
56. Luke
57. Esther
58. Jonah
59. Song of Solomon
60. Acts
61. Titus
62. Philemon
63. Hebrew
64. Isaiah
65. Daniel
66. Revelation
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moontoonart · 22 days
Good and Evil in “Good Omens”: A Theological Reflection on Aziraphale and Crowley ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻
In the world of Good Omens, the eternal debate between good and evil is explored in unexpected and profound ways. The series, based on the novel by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, offers a theological reflection that challenges traditional concepts of divine justice, revealing how the boundaries between good and evil are not always so clearly defined.
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Aziraphale and Crowley: The Unlikely Pair of Good and Evil
Aziraphale and Crowley are emblematic characters who represent good and evil, respectively. Aziraphale, the angel, is often seen as a guardian of divine rules, but his tendency to deviate from celestial norms reveals an unexpected complexity. Despite his role as a bearer of goodness, he often questions divine decisions and acts according to his own judgment. For instance, his act of giving the flaming sword to Adam and Eve is initially seen by him as a potentially wrong choice, although Crowley reassures him that, as an angel, Aziraphale cannot truly do anything wrong. This resonates with James 1:17: "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."
Crowley, the demon, is also a surprising character. Although he represents Hell, his actions and motivations demonstrate that even a demon can have positive intentions. Crowley reflects on the issue of temptation and worries whether, by tempting Adam and Eve, he acted correctly. His reflection raises questions about the role of the demon in causing trouble or doing good, and suggests that even when a demon seems to act with good intentions, it can create chaos in unexpected ways. Romans 8:28 states: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." This verse suggests that even in the most controversial actions, there may be a divine plan guiding towards good.
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The Ineffable Plan of God
The concept of the Ineffable Plan in “Good Omens” is central to the plot and theological reflection. This plan, which transcends human understanding, implies that every action, whether good or bad, fits into a larger, incomprehensible divine design. The Bible itself mentions the ineffability of the divine plan in Isaiah 55:8-9: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” This passage underscores that human understanding is limited compared to the divine plan.
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The Act of Giving and Tempting One of the main concerns of the characters is whether their actions align with the divine plan. Aziraphale, worried about giving the flaming sword to Adam and Eve, reflects on whether he acted correctly. His concern is eased by Crowley, who reassures him that, as an angel, Aziraphale cannot do anything truly wrong. This reflects the idea that angels, as messengers and servants of God, always act in accordance with divine will, as highlighted in Psalm 103:20: “Praise the Lord, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word.”
Crowley, on the other hand, is troubled by whether his role as tempter may have had positive or negative effects. He wonders if it is possible that, even if a demon does something right, it could still create disastrous consequences. This theme is explored in 1 Corinthians 10:13: “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” This verse suggests that even in situations of temptation, God provides a way out and guides towards salvation.
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The Question of “What is Right and Wrong”
Crowley raises fundamental questions about the concept of divine justice and understanding what is right and wrong. In the series, his reflection poses a crucial question: if a person is punished for a mistake, why not instead guide them to understand where they went wrong? This reflection raises deep questions about the nature of divine justice. If punishment is the only response to errors, then the process of learning and moral growth is sacrificed. Crowley suggests that understanding and guidance are more effective than mere punishment, and that true moral progress comes from awareness and improvement rather than simple sanction. Proverbs 3:12 says: “Because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.” This verse highlights that correction and teaching are tools through which God guides and disciplines, rather than mere punishment.
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Conclusion: Beyond the Dichotomy of Good and Evil
“Good Omens” invites us to reflect on how categories of good and evil may be more nuanced than they appear. The complexity of Aziraphale and Crowley’s characters, and the concept of the Ineffable Plan, show us that morality is often a gray area rather than a clear-cut boundary. Actions that seem wrong or evil may ultimately serve a higher good, and decisions that appear right can have unexpected consequences.
The series challenges us to reconsider our ideas about justice and redemption, suggesting that true good and true evil are not always what they seem and that a deeper understanding of the divine may reveal a grander and more complex design than we can imagine. Ultimately, good and evil might be more interconnected than we believe, and actions that seem immoral or wrong could, in the grand scheme of things, serve purposes that transcend our immediate understanding.
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walkswithmyfather · 2 months
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Hebrews 4:12 (NASB) . “For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.”
“The Living Word” By In Touch Ministries:
“Through the Bible, God speaks personally to His children.”
“The Bible is the most amazing book ever written. God used human beings to record His thoughts and words in writing so that others could know Him (2 Peter 1:20-21). The One who spoke the universe into existence still speaks just as powerfully through the pages of the Bible that you hold in your hands.
At the moment of salvation, believers receive the Holy Spirit, and lines of communication with the Lord are established. Then, whenever the Scriptures are read, children of God can hear His voice, and the Spirit enables them to understand and put into practice what they have heard.
The Bible isn’t just a good book that’s filled with comforting words; Scripture is effective and always achieves God’s purpose (Isaiah 55:10-11). Today’s passage describes it as “active and alive,” and 1 Thessalonians 2:13 tells us the Word of God is “at work in you who believe.” This book has the power to change our life if we will believe the Lord and do what He says.
God uses the Bible to transform us from the inside out. Before reading Scripture, ask Him to help you hear and understand what He’s saying. As you believe and obey, your spiritual hearing will become more acute, and your time in the Word will become an intimate conversation with the Lord.”
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awideplace · 4 months
Is what you are seeking satisfying you? If not, why keep seeking from muddy waters that which you can only get from the fountain of living waters.
For My people have done two evils: they have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, to hew for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water. Jeremiah 2:13
For with You is the fountain of life; in Your light we see light. Psalm 36:9
Everyone who thirsts, Come to the waters; And you who have no money, Come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk Without money and without price. Why do you spend money for what is not bread, And your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, And let your soul delight itself in abundance. Incline your ear, and come to Me. Hear, and your soul shall live; Isaiah 55:1-3a
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writing-whump · 1 month
Fic Masterlist 1-90
1. Sick and hurt Matthew, Isaiah and reluctant Seline help
2. Matthew defends Seline and gets sick
3. Matthew helping sick Isaiah
4. Matthew helping sick Isaiah p.2 (Isaiah's pov)
5. Matthew with stomach flu + caretaker Seline
6. Seline sick with Isaiah on the road
7. Seline sick p.2 + Isaiah and Matthew
8. Food poisoning Matthew + caretaker Isaiah
9. Isaiah poisoned at an event p.1 + Sonny and Matthew
10. Isaiah poisoned p.2 + Seline and Matthew as caretakers
11. Recovering Isaiah, panicked Matthew, moving in together idea
12. Sick Seline with a headache + Isaiah
13. Matthew mixing milk with bubbly drinks + Seline as caretaker
14. Matthew sick from roller coaster ride + Isaiah as caretaker
15. Isaiah stress sick during a movie night + Seline as caretaker
16. Hector with a broken leg + Isaiah reluctantly helps
17. Late night visit with bleeding hand Reuben + Isaiah angsting
18. Caleb sick from fear + Seline + Matthew
19. Seline crying + upset sick Matthew + Isaiah as caretaker
20. Hector sick from Seline's protective wards
21. Isaiah sick from a nightmare + Seline
22. Matthew sick from hiding an infected injury + Seline + worried Isaiah
23. Matthew with a stomach bug calls Isaiah to pick him up + awkward comfort Seline
24. Isaiah catches Matthew's bug + Seline + bellyrubs
25. Seline with a cold + Isaiah + fluff
26. Flashback: upset 18 years old Isaiah can't stop throwing up + crying + reluctant caretaker Sonny
27. Feverish Matthew + backstory reveal + Isaiah and Seline for comfort
28. Arnie with ear infection + Isaiah as caretaker + brotherly reunion
29. Isaiah + heart episode + sick at night + Matthew for help
30. Flashback fic: 17 years old Isaiah, abusive father, Reuben as prisoner
31. Drunk sick emotional Arnie + angry worried Hector
32. Emberassed in denial Isaiah sick from a gory movie + worried angry Matthew
33. Hector with food poisoning + guilty anxious Arnie + calling Isaiah for help
34. Hector recovering from food poisoning + emotional talk with Isaiah
35. Hurt Matt + Hector helps + brings him to Isaiah
36. Seline crying and stressing over trains + Matthew with a concussion for comfort
37. Isaiah comes home to find Seline and Matt huddled together in bed
38. Isaiah with a high fever and a nosebleed + calls Seline to come home to help
39. Hector with bruised ribs + Arnie sick with the flu hiding from he so he doesn't catch it
40. Part 2: Isaiah helping sick Arnie and hurt Hector
41. Seline with upset tummy + Isaiah gives her bellyrubs + fluff
42. Matt sick with heatstroke + Isaiah for comfort
43. Isaiah with heart episode at an event + meeting Matt's sister + Hector trying to help
44. Part 2: Isaiah with heart episode + Hector + Matthew argue
45. Burpy with little indigestion Isaiah + Seline fluff
46. Hector claustrophobic and motion sick on the subway + meeting Olive
47. Flashback: Seline and Isaiah first meeting + magic emeto
48. Hector and Arnie find out the truth about Isaiah + stress sick Hector + Arnie for comfort + angst
49. Feverish Seline cuddling with the boys
50. Stress sick Hector talks with Isaiah about the revelation
51. Arnie with a migraine at night from the revelation + Hector caretaker
52. Isaiah breaks down after the reveal + Matt and Seline for comfort
53. Hector invites Isaiah for breakfast with Arnie + emotional whump + crying + comfort
54. Seline argues with witches + gets attacked by their wolves + Isaiah for rescue
55. Cinema motion sick Matt + Seline + Isaiah
56. Hector gets sick + appendicitis + Arnie for comfort
57. Hector after appendicitis in pain + Isaiah + Arnie
58. Hector with appendicitis part 3
59. Isaiah overeats while visiting Seline's parents + Seline for comfort
60. Isaiah finds Matt coming down with something after the trip
61. Matt gets super sick and emotional during the night + Isaiah for comfort
62. Dylan meets Rip + sick from a hit to the stomach
63. Dylan with a cold + meets Isaiah + caretaker Seline
64. Sick Seline and Isaiah with Dylan's flu + Matthew caretaker
65. Hector + Arnie in a car accident
66. Arnie with stress migraine after the accident + Isaiah
67. Stress sick Isaiah angsting over the accident + Seline
68. Hurt Hector calls Isaiah for help in the middle of the night
69. Hurt Hector part 2: Isaiah, Matthew and Seline help
70. Seline emotional angsting + Isaiah mild food poisoning
71. Isaiah meets with Levi + Rip sick from nearly drowning + Dylan
72. Isaiah hurt hand + sick from pain + Matthew caretaker
73. Matthew with a brutal stomach bug + Isaiah
74. Isaiah violently sick with Arnie part 1
75. Isaiah super sick + Hector part 2
76. Isaiah sick part 3 + stress nauseous Hector + Arnie with a headache + Matt and Seline help out
77. Rip with a silver knife wound to his stomach + Dylan for help
78. Rip silver knife wound part 2: Dylan and Seline for comfort
79. Rip hurt part 3 + Dylan + Isaiah + Rip's backstory
80. Arnie with concussion + Hector and Isaiah angst/fluff
81. Matt sick from his shadow + Isaiah for comfort
82. Seline with period cramps at cinema with Isaiah + Hector and Arnie show up
83. Rip with a stress headache after a fight with Dylan + Isaiah
84. Matt passes out in the park + Hector + Olive
85. Matt fluff and comfort with Seline and Isaiah
86. Fluffy Isaiah and Seline date + slight overeating
87. Isaiah collapses from heart attack + Matt and Seline at the hospital
88. Waiting at the hospital Sel + Matt angst
89. Isaiah wakes up after the operation + nauseous Matt + Seline
90. Isaiah more coherent after surgery + super nausous + Matt
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lotusmi · 2 years
No Permission Needed
📚PART 13: No Permission Needed
read more of my summaries | full post on reddit
⬸ [go to PART 12 "Personal Reality" ]
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How can any of us know we are Operant Power, the Cause of our worlds if we do not test it? Testing it radically I mean. Remember the outer-world is a reflection of what the INNER MAN has, is and does in their own Personal Inner Reality. That is you.
So, if we wish to have radical change, let's radically change the INNER MAN. Give the INNER MAN what they want. That is, radically change your own Personal Inner Reality. Now how do we change? Through FEELING. Read Neville's words here
“Arise! Go down to the potter’s house and there I will let you hear my words. So I went down to the potter’s house and there he was working at his wheel, but the vessel in his hand which he was making of clay was spoiled, so he reworked it into another vessel as it seemed good to the potter to do,” Jere 18:2-4. He didn't discard it! So someone seems beyond repair don't discard it, TEST this power this creative power. There is nothing more wonderful in this world, nothing more creative in man than to believe a thing into existence! I can't conceive anything more wonderful than that." - Neville
He did not discard it! He reworked it into what pleased him. That is you. You are the potter within. Now notice the language Neville uses, "someone beyond repair," don't discard him or her, rework it as it seems good to you!
Test this law on those who seem beyond repair, even if you think that is yourself. That is how we know whether or not this truly works. Neville does not say, "just assume something nice here and there," but instead he says, "DARE to assume." And remember an assumption is a FEELING. So DARE to FEEL what you want. Without doing that, you remain as you are. You want people to give you respect? Then receive it ENTIRELY in Imagination first. Don't wait for someone to come along and do it. Go down to the potter's house and rework the clay. Not matter how far we think we have fallen from grace, don't discard yourself. Go WITHIN, in your own PERSONAL REALITY and change what you would like, to what pleases you.
Now a lady wrote, saying: "This dream disturbs me greatly. In the dream I entered an exquisite jewelry store, [and] picked up many items, among which was a beautiful green gem. Then I left without paying for the articles I took. On this level I would never do such a thing and cannot understand why I would do it there." My dear, you should be thrilled because you did it. On this level you are eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but you are way beyond this tree, for you are now eating of the Tree of Life by fulfilling the 50th Psalm: "If I were hungry I would not tell you for the world is mine and all within it." If everything is yours, whose permission do you need to take it? As an in-current eyewitness, you do not function here save when you open your mortal eyes. In this world of Good and Evil you would never go to Tiffany's and walk out without paying for your purchases, but as the Spirit of truth, you are feasting upon the Tree of Truth and error in the world that is yours. In that world there is no need to ask permission of anyone to take anything you desire. - Neville
"Everyone who thirsts come … he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine, buy milk, without money, without price.” - Isaiah 55:1
"IN THAT WORLD THERE IS NO NEED TO ASK PERMISSION…" What world is Neville speaking of? The Personal Reality within.
THE INNER MAN NEEDS NO PERMISSION! THE INNER MAN DOES NOT CARE WHETHER OR NOT IT IS POSSIBLE! So in your Personal Reality, your Mind, understand you need no permission to FEEL what you want to feel. No permission whether not it is "possible." No permission if you want to feel it deeply all the time. No permission to experience what you want. Identify yourself with the INNER MAN who is FREE to do, feel and be what they want! You can go anywhere you want and take what pleases you. It is ALL YOURS. You can never know this if you identify yourself with the outer-man, the man of limitation. The INNER MAN is infinite and can feel what he wants, whenever he wants!
But if you do not make it radical, from experience there will be little change in your mind. When you identify yourself with the INNER MAN, what you are doing is experiencing the NOW in Imagination. There is no need to wait to experience. And as Neville says, "I may not have a dime but in Imagination I have much!" But don't just apply that to money, apply that to what you WANT. We all have different desires, so find what you want, and experience it in your own Personal Inner Reality.
"My imagination puts me in touch inwardly with that state. I imagine that I am actually where I desire to be. How can I tell that I am there? There is one way to prove that I am there, for what a man sees when he describes his world is, as he describes it, relative to himself. So what the world looks like depends entirely upon where I stand when I make my observation. So, if as I describe my world it is related to that point in space I imagine that I am occupying, then I must be there. I am not there physically, no, but I AM there in my imagination, and MY IMAGINATION IS MY REAL SELF! And where I go in imagination and make it real, there I shall go in the flesh, also. When in that state I fall asleep, it is done. I have never seen it fail. So this is the simple technique upon how to use your imagination to realize your every objective. - Neville
Please pay attention to what Neville says in bold there. That is what I am trying to get across to you. "My imagination is my REAL SELF!" He and I mean that literally. I am not saying that to sound mystical. I am being as serious as I can be and I am not embarrassed by it. The INNER MAN is the REAL YOU. That is the one you need to exalt, and don't be ashamed of exalting him. Don't fear giving yourself exactly what you want in your mind. You do have control over your feelings and you will see this with practicing this art.
Here is a very healthy and productive exercise for the imagination, something that you should do daily: Daily relive the day as you wish you had lived it, revising the scenes to make them conform to your ideals. For instance, suppose today's mail brought disappointing news. Revise the letter. Mentally rewrite it and make it conform to the news you wish you had received. Or, suppose you didn't get the letter you wish you had received. Write yourself the letter and imagine that you received such a letter." - Neville
Your Personal Inner Reality is not bound by the facts of this life. In the Reality Within, you can go back in memory and change what you want. It is YOURS to change! Don't revise to what you "think you should" want but to what pleases you. When Neville is speaking about revision notice how he is telling you to do what you wish you would have like to experienced instead. That is how we revise. We change it to what is loving and pleasing to us. This Mind of yours can provide you a wonderful life or a nightmare, WE ARE THE OPERANT POWER. All the Mind asks is, "What do you want?"
"There are those who are depressed all day long and remain that way all of their life. I remember back in New York City, when I would see certain people walking in my direction I would want to cross the street, because I did not want to hear their depressing stories. They would spend hours telling about their wife or husband, their children or grandchildren, and each story geared to depression. Never changing their mood, their world never changed. Seeing no change, they would not recognize a law between the inner world they maintain and the outer world of response.
But if you apply this law you can predict your future. FEEL a new mood rise within you. Sustain it and soon you will meet people who embody this new state. Even inanimate objects are under the sway of these affinities. In a certain mood I have gone to my library and removed a book I have not touched in years. And when I casually open it, I find confirmation of my mood. A table, though remaining the same, will be seen differently based upon your momentary mood, for everything reflects it. It is your mood which decides your fortune, not your fortune that decides your mood. People feeling poor attract poverty, not knowing that if they felt rich they would attract wealth." - Neville
Never changing their Inner Reality through the medium of FEELING, they see no change in their outer-world. We do not believe this Law is real until we actually have a radical change within us. Without the radical change, we will say it was "coincidence" or it would have happened away. But when we radically change Inner Worlds and we make it conform to what we want, and we identify with the One Within who HAS the thing we desire, desire ceases and is replaced with the experience of HAVING IT. This stirs within us a mood that we want to have. Since we want this mood, sustaining it becomes easier. Sustain (simply conjuring it up again in meditation) it one day, and it becomes easier the next and next. Then it feels like a habit, which then turns into a character. That is how we change. Daily FEEL what you want to feel and experience what you want in Imagination which is your true SELF, the SELF that is reflected in front of you.
Now, in order to play the game of life, you must know what you want to replace what you have. When you know what it is, you must assume the feeling that you have it. Although your reason and senses will deny its existence, persistence will cause your assumption to harden into fact and objectify itself upon your screen of space. Play the game this way. You may think it doesn't work, but that's because you have not tried it. You may believe the idea is stupid, but I tell you: the mood decides your fortune. Believe me, for I have proved this principle over and over again in my life. - Neville
I use my fear to simply show me what I want, I stopped fearing fear. Once I accepted that I am doing it all within me, I was given the power to redeem my world WITHIN ME! I changed what was unlovely to lovely. I raised those up who I saw down on, I am and continue to be the Savior in my own mind. Then I started to see a change. But I did not wait to do it! I did it NOW. This is the best time to start, right now. Raise everyone up and yourself, give yourself all what you want.
If I only had 10 seconds to give you advice I would say this:
Do not be afraid to give yourself the greatest feelings and imaginings.
[go to PART 14, "The God Of The World Of Imagination!" ] ⤑
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psalmonesermons · 3 months
Why be born again Part 3
The dialogue between Jesus and Nicodemus continues: John 3:5-17
John 3:5 Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. 6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7 Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ 8 The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
v5 This is not about baptism. The Greek word for both spirit and wind is the same word (pneuma). As a Pharisee, Nicodemus’ mind would begin to turn towards Exodus 14:21 (the Exodus) when the strong wind dried up the red sea and made a path to allow the children of Israel to walk into the promised land. God had to do a miracle with the wind and the water.
Israel in a sense, was reborn at this moment. Nicodemus was beginning to understand the direction of Jesus as he spoke about the wind and the water.
Born of water and the spirit.
Water has 3 main pictures in the bible:
1.the Gospel-see Isaiah 55
2. Word of God Eph 5:26
3. Holy Spirit John 7:37-39
In v5 its meaning is the water as the word of God.
v6 Our bodies are not suitable for heaven- we will receive a spiritual (resurrection) body in heaven. Theology is flesh, Truth is spirit.
v.7-8 Nicodemus is shocked! Jesus uses the illustration of the wind. No person knows where it begins or ends but we can clearly see and/or hear its effects, but we know it is real.
The new birth is as real as the wind! The effects are felt internally.
9 Nicodemus answered and said to Him, “How can these things be?”
10 Jesus answered and said to him, “Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know these things? 11 Most assuredly, I say to you, We speak what We know and testify what We have seen, and you do not receive Our witness. 12 If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things? 13 No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven.
v9 Nicodemus is shocked and cannot grasp what Jesus is telling him.
v10 Jesus suggests to Nicodemus that as the top religious person in Israel he ought to have deduced these things from the scripture.
v11 When Jesus says ‘we’ here he means himself and the Holy Spirit are witnessing to Nicodemus, but he still does not get it.
v12 Jesus says that if Nicodemus cannot receive earthly truth in his soul, then how much less can he receive heavenly truth in his spirit.
v13 Jesus prophesies that he will shortly ascend to heaven after his resurrection.
Jesus now continues talking to Nicodemus right though v14-21.
14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up,
15 that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.
16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
v14-17 Jesus now preaches his wonderful Gospel message. Although most Christians know the verse John 3:16, few realise it was part of Jesus' conversation with Nicodemus.
In Part 4 we will discuss whether or not Nicodemus became a believer in Jesus Christ and also learn how we can bring the message of the new birth to the unbelievers we meet in life.
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joseph4inspiration · 4 months
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(Psalm 13:1)
In Isaiah 55:9 God tells us that His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and His ways higher than our ways. But because this is so, the two most important questions to us - why and how long, are often the irrelevant questions. Not irrelevant because they are not important, but irrelevant because when it comes to the plan of God they are of little importance.
When we spend our time focused on trying to understand why God is allowing us to go through this or that and complaining to Him about how long will things be this way, we are not paying attention to what's most important to Him - changing us.
Am I saying we should never ask God why or how long? No, I'm not saying that. God expects that from us. But what He also expects is for us to realize that we can never fully understand His plans and to understand just how blessed we are to have a plan in God in the first place.
If you're always thinking about why and how long, begin to change your focus to trusting God and growing in God - the things most important to Him.
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The LORD Answers Again
I will stand at my guard post and station myself on the ramparts. I will watch to see what He will say to me, and how I should answer when corrected.
Then the LORD answered me:
“Write down this vision and clearly inscribe it on tablets, so that a herald may run with it. For the vision awaits an appointed time; it testifies of the end and does not lie. Though it lingers, wait for it, since it will surely come and will not delay. Look at the proud one; his soul is not upright — but the righteous will live by faith — and wealth indeed betrays him. He is an arrogant man never at rest. He enlarges his appetite like Sheol, and like Death, he is never satisfied. He gathers all the nations to himself and collects all the peoples as his own.
Will not all of these take up a taunt against him, speaking with mockery and derision:
‘Woe to him who amasses what is not his and makes himself rich with many loans! How long will this go on?’ Will not your creditors suddenly arise and those who disturb you awaken? Then you will become their prey. Because you have plundered many nations, the remnant of the people will plunder you— because of your bloodshed against man and your violence against the land, the city, and all their dwellers.
Woe to him who builds his house by unjust gain, to place his nest on high and escape the hand of disaster! You have plotted shame for your house by cutting off many peoples and forfeiting your life. For the stones will cry out from the wall, and the rafters will echo it from the woodwork.
Woe to him who builds a city with bloodshed and establishes a town by iniquity! Is it not indeed from the LORD of Hosts that the labor of the people only feeds the fire, and the nations weary themselves in vain? For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.
Woe to him who gives drink to his neighbors, pouring it from the wineskin until they are drunk, in order to gaze at their nakedness! You will be filled with shame instead of glory. You too must drink and expose your uncircumcision! The cup in the LORD’s right hand will come around to you, and utter disgrace will cover your glory. For your violence against Lebanon will overwhelm you, and the destruction of animals will terrify you, because of your bloodshed against men and your violence against the land, the city, and all their dwellers.
What use is an idol, that a craftsman should carve it— or an image, a teacher of lies? For its maker trusts in his own creation; he makes idols that cannot speak. Woe to him who says to wood, ‘Awake!’ or to silent stone, ‘Arise!’ Can it give guidance? Behold, it is overlaid with gold and silver, yet there is no breath in it at all.”
But the LORD is in His holy temple; let all the earth be silent before Him. — Habakkuk 2 | The Reader’s Bible (BRB) The Reader’s Bible © 2020 by Bible Hub and Berean Bible. All rights Reserved. Cross References: Genesis 9:22; Numbers 14:21; Joshua 24:27; 1 Samuel 12:21; 1 Kings 18:26; 2 Kings 9:26; 2 Kings 14:10; Job 20:15; Psalm 5:3; Psalm 11:4; Psalm 22:27; Psalm 55:23; Psalm 85:8; Psalm 135:15; Proverbs 20:1-2; Proverbs 29:1; Isaiah 5:8; Isaiah 5:22; Isaiah 10:13; Isaiah 11:13; Isaiah 28:7; Isaiah 33:1; Isaiah 41:1; Isaiah 50:11; Jeremiah 22:13; Jeremiah 25:15; Jeremiah 27:7; Jeremiah 50:14; Jeremiah 51:58; Ezekiel 24:9; Luke 19:40; Romans 1:17; Romans 15:4; 1 Corinthians 12:2; 2 Corinthians 1:21; Galatians 3:11; Hebrews 10:37-38; 2 Peter 3:9; Revelation 1:19
Habakkuk 2 Bible Commentary - Matthew Henry (concise)
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apocrypals · 2 years
Previously, on Apocrypals part 5: The Fifth One
As we begin our sixth (!) calendar year of Apocrypals, here is a list of the texts we have covered so far on the show in case you want to read along or catch up. They’re arranged in a way that appeases my systematic nature.  
Tanakh/Old Testament:
Genesis (episodes 16-20)
Exodus (episodes 33 and 35)
Leviticus (episode 59)
Numbers (episode 62)
Deuteronomy (episode 65)
Joshua (episode 73)
Judges (episode 80)
Ruth (episode 45)
1 Samuel (episode 89)
2 Samuel (episode 90-91)
1 Kings (episode 99)
2 Kings (episode 106)
Esther (episode 37)
Job (episode 101)
Ecclesiastes (episode 52)
Song of Songs (episode 34)
Isaiah (episode 4)
Jeremiah (episode 43-44)
Lamentations (episode 48)
Ezekiel (episode 55-56)
Daniel (episode 2)
Hosea (episode 108)
Jonah (episode 31)
Micah (episode 74)
Nahum (episode 74)
Deuterocanon/capital-A Apocrypha:
Tobit (episode 13)
Judith (episode 22)
Greek Additions to Esther (episode 37)
1 Maccabees (episode 27)
2 Maccabees (episode 28)
3 Maccabees (episode 53)
4 Maccabees (episode 78)
The Prayer of Azariah aka the Song of the Three Holy Children (episode 2)
Susanna (episode 2)
Bel and the Dragon (episode 2)
The Prayer of Manasseh (episode 6)
New Testament:
Matthew (episodes 8-9)
Mark (episode 7)
Luke (episode 10)
John (episode 11-12)
Acts of the Apostles (episode 1)
Romans (episode 5)
1 Corinthians (episode 25)
2 Corinthians (episode 42)
Galatians (episode 72)
Ephesians (episode 81)
Hebrews (episode 104)
1 John (episode 49)
2 John (episode 49)
3 John (episode 49)
Revelation (episode 50)
Pseudepigrapha (Jewish apocrypha):
The Testament of Solomon (episode 24)
The Story of Ahikar (episode 14)
The Ascension of Isaiah (episode 6)
1 Enoch (episode 39-40)
2 Enoch (episode 61)
3 Enoch (episode 86-87)
Jubilees (episodes 82 and 83)
The Letter of Aristeas (episode 70)
The War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness (episode 71)
Joseph and Aseneth (episode 93)
New Testament apocrypha:
The Protevangelium aka Infancy Gospel of James (episode 29)
The Acts of Pilate/Gospel of Nicodemus (episode 23)
Mors Pilati/Death of Pilate (episode 23)
The Acts of Paul and Thecla (episode 22)
The Acts of Peter (episode 3)
The Acts of Peter and Paul (episode 3)
The Acts of Andrew and Matthias (episode 60)
The Acts of Thomas and His Wonderworking Skin (episode 66)
The Life of Xanthippe, Polyxena, and Rebecca (episode 57)
Questions of Bartholomew (episode 41)
Resurrection of Jesus Christ by Bartholomew (episode 41)
The Book of Bartholomew (episode 67)
Acts of John (episode 46)
The Acts of Andrew (episode 97)
Syriac Infancy Gospel (episode 47)
Infancy Gospel of Thomas (episode 54)
Infancy Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew (episode 79)
The Adoration of the Magi (2020 Christmas bonus episode)
The History of Joseph the Carpenter (episode 103)
The First Apocryphal Apocalypse of John (episode 68)
The Second Apocryphal Apocalypse of John (episode 68)
The Third Apocryphal Apocalypse of John (episode 68)
The Apocalypse of Peter (episode 75)
The Apocalypse of Paul (episode 95)
The Gospel of Philip (episode 92)
The Gospel of Mary (episode 92)
The Gospel of Jesus’s Wife (episode 92)
The Gospel of Judas (episode 100)
The Greater Questions of Mary (episode Secret 69)
The Golden Legend of Jacobus de Voragine:
The Life of Saint Nicholas (episode 26)
The Life of Saint Lucy (episode 26)
The Life of Saint Christopher (episode 15)
The Life of Saint Benedict (episode 15)
excerpts from The Passion of the Lord (episode 23)
The Life of Saint Sebastian (episode 58)
The Life of Saint Blaise (episode 58)
The Life of Saint Agatha (episode 58)
The Life of Saint Roch (episode 63)
The Life of Saint Catherine of Alexandria (episode 77)
The Life of Saint Barbara (episode 77)
The Life of Saint Dunstan (episode 85)
The Life of Mary Magdalene (episode 94)
The Life of Saint Martha of Bethany (episode 102)
The Life of Saint Margaret of Antioch (episode 102)
Historia Trium Regum/The Legend of the Three Kings by John of Hildesheim (episode 30)
Muirchu’s Life of Saint Patrick (episode 36)
The Life of Saint Guinefort (episode 63)
The Life of Saint Mary of Egypt (episode 69)
The Life of Saint Pelagia (episode 69)
The Life of Saint Martin by Sulpicius Severus (episode 76)
The Life of Saint Columba (episode 84)
The Life of Saint Wilgefortis (episode 94)
Lives of cephalophoric saints (bonus episode cephalo4)
Stories of the Baal Shem Tov from The Golden Mountain (episode 96)
More stories of the Baal Shem Tov from The Golden Mountain (episode 107)
Solomon and Ashmedai (bonus episode double chai)
Listener questions (episode 32)
Bible trivia questions (episode 38)
Halloween-themed Chick tracts (episode 51)
Christmas-themed Chick tracts (episode 98)
Bible Adventures and the Wisdom Tree catalogue of video games (episode 64)
The Da Vinci Code, the movie (episode 88)
Guess the Bible character from Persona 5 (bonus episode Persona 5)
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron (episode 105)
You can find links to all these episodes with show notes and more on the Apocrypals wiki
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versebyverse · 4 days
2025 Bible Read Through:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
1 Samuel
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
2 Samuel
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
1 Kings
Week 15
Week 16
Week 17
2 Kings
Week 18
Week 19
Week 20
Week 21
Week 22
Week 23
Week 24
Week 25
Week 26
Week 27
Week 28
Week 29
Week 30
Week 31
Week 32
Week 33
Week 34
Week 35
Week 36
Week 38
Week 39
Week 40
Week 41
Week 42
Week 43
Week 44
Week 46
Week 47
Week 48
Week 49
Week 50
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theprayerfulword · 3 months
June 26
Matthew 28:20 Jesus said, “Remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Psalm 62:8 Trust in [God] at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge.
Judges 5:21 March on, my soul; be strong!
Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Isaiah 41:10,13 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand… 13 For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the One who helps you.
Psalm 73:23-24 Nevertheless I am continually with Thee; Thou hast taken hold of my right hand. 24 With Thy counsel Thou wilt guide me, and afterward receive me to glory.
May you know that the Word of God is sure, for He watches over the words spoken by His prophets to bring His will to pass, and though it takes years as men measure it, His purpose will be accomplished through willing vessels whom He raises up. 2 Kings 9, Isaiah 55
May you understand that when you see an arrogant heart in the midst of humbling circumstances, that God's judgment is near, for in His mercy He will bring a person to repentance or to ruin. 2 Kings 9
May your love for God and trust in Him be great enough that you are willing to turn from the “little” sins as well as the gross sins, from false worship as well as false gods, from “gainful” sins as well as wasteful sins, lest the Lord begin to deal with you to purify your heart and cleanse your thoughts, deepening your desire for His truth. 2 Kings 9
May you always rejoice when the Word of God is preached to all, and be willing to receive all who accept Him in repentance and conversion, not in jealous exclusion of others as some of the Jews did. Acts 17
May your hunger for God's truth and your thirst for God's ways daily lead you to God's Word, receiving it gladly and searching it diligently. Acts 17
May you stand before those who hold many beliefs and present to them the one truth that is needful for them, giving no attention to the naysayers but reaching out to those whose hearts have been prepared to receive the good seed of the gospel. Acts 17
My child, what promises are you building on? My promises of salvation and deliverance give you a foundation that is both strong and straight. My assurances of direction and guidance give you the building blocks which align your work to My will as you recognize Me as the cornerstone, true and unwavering. My pledge to send the Holy Spirit as Comforter and Teacher gives you the living mortar that binds the unchanging building blocks together, breathing life and vision into a loose pile of stone and bricks to form a strong and beautiful structure which illustrates My grace and reflects My glory. But you must always check your materials, My eager one, and seek Me to evaluate your work. It is ever the tendency of man to use what is in reach and try to incorporate wood for bricks, adding stubble to the mortar, but this will weaken the structure I am guiding you to build. It must be able to withstand the storms of wind that the world will experience, and survive the floods beating against it that I will unleash soon, and endure the fiery trials that will come upon the whole world. If you rely on your own promises, My precious co-laborer, all that you hang on it will fall to the ground. Do you proclaim, as Peter did, “Though all men be offended because of thee, yet I will never be offended”? My loving one, only in the promises given by Us can you place any confidence. Do not supplement My word, but rely on it totally.
May the Lord be the focus of your conversation and your lifestyle, your words and your deeds, your intentions and your actions, for no one is more worthy, though none will be more despised, but He will watch over the Word that you talk and walk to perform it, accomplishing what He wills, so that it will not return to Him void. Acts 17, Isaiah 55
May you take refuge in the Lord, your Rock, Who loves you and guards you, training your hands for war in the heavens and your fingers for spiritual battle, for He Whom you praise is your eternal stronghold and strong deliverer, your ever-present shield, Who subdues the unseen powers around you, placing them under you. Psalm 144
May the Lord reach down His hand from on high to deliver you from the mighty waters and rescue you from the hands of foreigners whose mouths are full of lies and whose right hands are deceitful, for though you are a mere mortal whose days are like a fleeting shadow, God parts His heavens to come down, sending forth His lightning to scatter the enemy and shooting His arrows to rout them. Psalm 144
May you sing a new song to God, making music to the One Who gives victory to His people and delivers His servants, redeeming you from the deadly sword and rescuing you from the hands of foreigners, for then your children will prosper and your barns will be filled with every kind of provision, while your livestock will increase by thousands; your defenses will not be penetrated, there will be no cry of distress in the streets, and no one will be taken captive, for you will be blessed when you make God your Lord. Psalm 144
May the knowledge God has given you be demonstrated when you set bounds on your words, and your understanding illustrated by an even temper and excellent spirit. Proverbs 17:27
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trustfallwithgod · 2 months
A Prayer of Surrender
Blessed are you Lord, King of the universe.
I don't know where I am nor where I am going.
But I know that you are Lord.
Not just Lord, but Father.
A Father who wants relationship not sacrifice.
A Father who would give up a brother and friend in Christ to save a lost one.
What good Father does not discipline His children?
What good Father would give His children stones when they need bread? You tell us in Isaiah 41:13 - For I am the Lord your God. I am the one who is holding on to your right hand. I am the one who says to you, “Do not fear. I myself am helping you.”.
If we are to be co-stewards of your kingdom, then yes, discipline is what we require.
You give us food at the proper time.
1 Peter 5:6-7 tells us:
Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.  Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Because you are my Father, I'm letting go completely. Because you loved me first, I am leaning into your embrace. Because you knew me before I was formed in my mother's womb, I am surrendering my life to you, the architect of creation. You already know what moves me and lets my heart sing your praises. I'm too exhausted to walk Lord, it's time for you to carry me.
psalm 55:22 - Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.
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albertfinch · 1 year
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With the almost non-stop flow of information that is coming at us these days, it is more important than ever that we be intentional about what we focus on. Amidst this swirl of 24-hour-a-day input it can be a battle to keep our eyes and hearts focused in faith on the good news of who our God is, our identity in Christ, and understanding our authority and our Christ calling to advance His Kingdom in the earth.
In Matthew 16:13-19 Jesus and the disciples are discussing some of the many things the world has to say about who Jesus is. Some say He is a prophet. Some say He is John the Baptist. Some say He is Elijah. And others say He is Jeremiah. But when Jesus asks Simon, Simon is able to FOCUS in on the reality of the good news, even when it seems the most incredible and impossible of all the reports.
Simon answers that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the Living God. Jesus erupts with praise for Simon, telling him that he is truly blessed because he was able to focus in on what his Father in Heaven was highlighting to him in the midst of the swirl of information. Simon's ability, in that moment, to focus on what Heaven was highlighting had a powerful and lasting impact – so much so, that Simon emerges from the moment transformed. He is given a new name, Peter, which means "rock."
Every born-again believer has a purpose destined by God that is connected to advancing and bearing fruit that remains for His Kingdom in the earth.
Much of the favor of God that we experience is tied to whether or not we are living our life pursuing that purpose.
Some of the steps ahead will be like walking on water.  Unfortunately, we do not get to pick the visibility of the water or the depth of the ocean that the Lord asks us to step out on. 
1. We will seek first the Kingdom of God (DISCOVERING AND ADVANCING GOD'S CALLING ON OUR LIFE). (Matthew 7:7)
2. We will not give heed to reports of  the world or listen to the distractions and discouragements of the enemy, but instead we will clearly hear what the Lord is highlighting to us and be encouraged (John 10:4-5).
3. We come to understand our authority and dominion in regard to our Christ identity so we will always be victorious in our Christian walk. Our goal is to be effective in bearing fruit that remains for His Kingdom. (John 15:16)
4. We will keep our focus on the ascended life of Heaven; we will bask in the love of Jesus; and we will dwell not on how temporary facts say things seem to be, but on how the eternal Word of God says they truly are (Colossians 3:1-12).
5. We will remain childlike in our faith, always trusting in our Heavenly Father to perform His Word and bring about His purposes regarding our Christ calling  (Matthew 18:3-4).
6. We will bask in the love of Jesus as we see it flow into our heart and into the lives of others; and cast our cares (concerns, fears, doubts, distractions, discouragements) upon Him, allowing Holy Spirit to comfort and strengthen us (1 Peter 5:7; John 14:26; Romans 8:37).
7. We will be pro-active in seeking to disciple others, equipping them in their Christ identity, right standing with God, and walking in the Spirit. (1 John 3:16, 2 Timothy 2:2, Hebrews 13:12)
8. We will praise the Lord in all things and at all times knowing that, no matter how things might look or seem at present, His Word never returns void but always accomplishes all it is sent to do (Isaiah 55:11).
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