#Isaiah 43:21
Ephesians 2:10, “For we are His workmanship [His own master work, a work of art], created in Christ Jesus [reborn from above – spiritually transformed, renewed, READY TO BE USED] for good words, which God prepared [for us] beforehand [taking paths which He set], so that we would walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us].” (AMP) When David first arrived at…
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graceandpeacejoanne · 4 months
Revelation 21: Template of Eternity
Many see John’s vision as a literal dissolving away of creation as we now know it and the creation of a new universe that is yet to be. #Revelation21 #AlphaandOmega #NewHeavens #NewEarth
John begins his oracle with the same sweeping away of creation he announced previously. Compare the two entries: “Then I saw a throne, immense, white, and the one sitting upon it, from before the face of him flew the earth and the sky, and a place not discovered for them.” “… Then I saw a fresh new sky and a fresh new earth: for the first sky and the first earth went away, and the sea is no…
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tom4jc · 9 months
Time For New Things
The year 2024 has begun. As one looks back on 2023, people have many different thoughts about it. Some may look at it as a time of turmoil and trouble, wars, violence, inflation, chaos, uncertainty and much more. Others may look back and have great memories of births, marriages, great vacations, great achievements and more. In this same way, looking into 2024 may bring about various thoughts.…
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When recognizing a mistake, don't you instinctively strive for improvement? Similarly, when life knocks someone down, don't they inherently seek to rise stronger than before?
Our inner light is the greatest source of guidance. Is it not fitting that celebrities are called stars, shining bright? When we close our eyes, darkness fades, revealing our own radiant potential. Didn't the dragon's tail sweep away a third of the stars and hurled them to earth, reminding us God's Word is our eternal illumination?
Please pick a color to read. Or read them all 📚
Revelation 18:1
Revelation 21:23
Ezekiel 43:2
Genesis 2:1
Genesis 1:26
John 1:4
John 1:5
Revelation 12:1
Romans 12:2
Revelation 22:5
John 8:12
John 5:35
Isaiah 60:2
Psalms 36:9
Psalms 119:105
Matthew 5:16
Proverbs 4:18
Proverbs 6:23
2 Corinthians 4:4
Revelation 12:4
2 Corinthians 11:14
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girlbloggercher · 7 months
how to read the Bible
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this is in order!
1. John
2. Mark
3. Matthew
4. Luke
5. Genesis
6. Exodus
7. Leviticus
8. Numbers
9. Dueteronomy
10. Romans
11. Galatians
12. Colossians
13. Proverbs
14. Ecclesiastes
15. Job
16. 1 Peter
17. 1 Corinthians
18. 2 Corinthians
19. Ephesians
20. Philippians
21. 1 Thessalonians
22. 2 Thessalonians
23. 1 Timothy
24. 2 Timothy
25. James
26. 2 Peter
27. 1 John
28. 2 John
29. 3 John
30. Jude
31. Psalms
32. Joshua
33. Judges
34. 1 Samuel
35. 2 Samuel
36. 1 Kings
37. 2 Kings
38. 1 Chronicles
39. 2 Chronicles
40. Ezra
41. Nehemiah
42. Jeremiah
43. Lamentations
44. Ezekiel
45. Joel
46. Amos
47. Obadiah
48. Nahum
49. Habakkuk
50. Zephaniah
51. Haggai
52. Zechariah
53. Malachi
54. Micah
55. Hosea
56. Luke
57. Esther
58. Jonah
59. Song of Solomon
60. Acts
61. Titus
62. Philemon
63. Hebrew
64. Isaiah
65. Daniel
66. Revelation
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The Word of the Lord, Your Redeemer
This is what the LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel says: I am Yahweh your God, who teaches you for your benefit, who leads you in the way you should go. — Isaiah 48:17 | Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) Holman Christian Standard Bible ® Copyright © 2003, 2002, 2000, 1999 by Holman Bible Publishers. All rights reserved. Cross References: Genesis 24:48; Psalm 32:8; Isaiah 28:9; Isaiah 30:21; Isaiah 41:14; Isaiah 43:14; Isaiah 45:11
Read full chapter
Isaiah 48:17 Commentaries
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awideplace · 3 months
Some sins are forgivable but unforgettable. I have no pain or hurt or desire to revenge, but also whenever I see her I remember it all. I sometimes wonder how she is able to watch me and not have it in the back of her mind that she’s not even said sorry. What will i do?
All sins are forgivable; the only unpardonable sin today is that of continued unbelief. There is no pardon for a person who dies in his or her rejection of Christ.
“I, I am He who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins." Isaiah 43:25. God does not remember our sins, meaning He doesn't hold them against us when we have repented (to turn).
I am sorry you feel very hurt by someone; humans do remember the pain. What can you do? Lay it at the feet of Christ, asking Him to help you, and not mull on the hurts and bitterness. Bitterness is a root that goes deep and defiles what it touches; be careful, it is drinking a poison and yet awaiting for the one who inflicted the pain to die. It constricts your own heart and hurts, as you know. It leads to pride; to feeling like a victim whose identity is in what other people have done to them, therefore giving them the power and control. I would pray, and understand as well we hurt others/sin against God and sometimes do not take those injuries as heavily as we view the wrongs done against us. I don't say this to hurt, because I have been injured by others as well, but I see I myself need grace. Therefore I can extend it, even to one who refuses to see the wound they inflicted. And:
"Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Carefully consider what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible on your part, live at peace with everyone. Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but leave room for God’s wrath. For it is written: '"Vengeance is Mine; I will repay", says the Lord.'
On the contrary, 
'If your enemy is hungry, feed him; 
if he is thirsty, give him a drink. 
For in so doing, 
you will heap burning coals on his head.'
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." Romans 12:17-21
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writing-whump · 1 month
Fic Masterlist 1-90
1. Sick and hurt Matthew, Isaiah and reluctant Seline help
2. Matthew defends Seline and gets sick
3. Matthew helping sick Isaiah
4. Matthew helping sick Isaiah p.2 (Isaiah's pov)
5. Matthew with stomach flu + caretaker Seline
6. Seline sick with Isaiah on the road
7. Seline sick p.2 + Isaiah and Matthew
8. Food poisoning Matthew + caretaker Isaiah
9. Isaiah poisoned at an event p.1 + Sonny and Matthew
10. Isaiah poisoned p.2 + Seline and Matthew as caretakers
11. Recovering Isaiah, panicked Matthew, moving in together idea
12. Sick Seline with a headache + Isaiah
13. Matthew mixing milk with bubbly drinks + Seline as caretaker
14. Matthew sick from roller coaster ride + Isaiah as caretaker
15. Isaiah stress sick during a movie night + Seline as caretaker
16. Hector with a broken leg + Isaiah reluctantly helps
17. Late night visit with bleeding hand Reuben + Isaiah angsting
18. Caleb sick from fear + Seline + Matthew
19. Seline crying + upset sick Matthew + Isaiah as caretaker
20. Hector sick from Seline's protective wards
21. Isaiah sick from a nightmare + Seline
22. Matthew sick from hiding an infected injury + Seline + worried Isaiah
23. Matthew with a stomach bug calls Isaiah to pick him up + awkward comfort Seline
24. Isaiah catches Matthew's bug + Seline + bellyrubs
25. Seline with a cold + Isaiah + fluff
26. Flashback: upset 18 years old Isaiah can't stop throwing up + crying + reluctant caretaker Sonny
27. Feverish Matthew + backstory reveal + Isaiah and Seline for comfort
28. Arnie with ear infection + Isaiah as caretaker + brotherly reunion
29. Isaiah + heart episode + sick at night + Matthew for help
30. Flashback fic: 17 years old Isaiah, abusive father, Reuben as prisoner
31. Drunk sick emotional Arnie + angry worried Hector
32. Emberassed in denial Isaiah sick from a gory movie + worried angry Matthew
33. Hector with food poisoning + guilty anxious Arnie + calling Isaiah for help
34. Hector recovering from food poisoning + emotional talk with Isaiah
35. Hurt Matt + Hector helps + brings him to Isaiah
36. Seline crying and stressing over trains + Matthew with a concussion for comfort
37. Isaiah comes home to find Seline and Matt huddled together in bed
38. Isaiah with a high fever and a nosebleed + calls Seline to come home to help
39. Hector with bruised ribs + Arnie sick with the flu hiding from he so he doesn't catch it
40. Part 2: Isaiah helping sick Arnie and hurt Hector
41. Seline with upset tummy + Isaiah gives her bellyrubs + fluff
42. Matt sick with heatstroke + Isaiah for comfort
43. Isaiah with heart episode at an event + meeting Matt's sister + Hector trying to help
44. Part 2: Isaiah with heart episode + Hector + Matthew argue
45. Burpy with little indigestion Isaiah + Seline fluff
46. Hector claustrophobic and motion sick on the subway + meeting Olive
47. Flashback: Seline and Isaiah first meeting + magic emeto
48. Hector and Arnie find out the truth about Isaiah + stress sick Hector + Arnie for comfort + angst
49. Feverish Seline cuddling with the boys
50. Stress sick Hector talks with Isaiah about the revelation
51. Arnie with a migraine at night from the revelation + Hector caretaker
52. Isaiah breaks down after the reveal + Matt and Seline for comfort
53. Hector invites Isaiah for breakfast with Arnie + emotional whump + crying + comfort
54. Seline argues with witches + gets attacked by their wolves + Isaiah for rescue
55. Cinema motion sick Matt + Seline + Isaiah
56. Hector gets sick + appendicitis + Arnie for comfort
57. Hector after appendicitis in pain + Isaiah + Arnie
58. Hector with appendicitis part 3
59. Isaiah overeats while visiting Seline's parents + Seline for comfort
60. Isaiah finds Matt coming down with something after the trip
61. Matt gets super sick and emotional during the night + Isaiah for comfort
62. Dylan meets Rip + sick from a hit to the stomach
63. Dylan with a cold + meets Isaiah + caretaker Seline
64. Sick Seline and Isaiah with Dylan's flu + Matthew caretaker
65. Hector + Arnie in a car accident
66. Arnie with stress migraine after the accident + Isaiah
67. Stress sick Isaiah angsting over the accident + Seline
68. Hurt Hector calls Isaiah for help in the middle of the night
69. Hurt Hector part 2: Isaiah, Matthew and Seline help
70. Seline emotional angsting + Isaiah mild food poisoning
71. Isaiah meets with Levi + Rip sick from nearly drowning + Dylan
72. Isaiah hurt hand + sick from pain + Matthew caretaker
73. Matthew with a brutal stomach bug + Isaiah
74. Isaiah violently sick with Arnie part 1
75. Isaiah super sick + Hector part 2
76. Isaiah sick part 3 + stress nauseous Hector + Arnie with a headache + Matt and Seline help out
77. Rip with a silver knife wound to his stomach + Dylan for help
78. Rip silver knife wound part 2: Dylan and Seline for comfort
79. Rip hurt part 3 + Dylan + Isaiah + Rip's backstory
80. Arnie with concussion + Hector and Isaiah angst/fluff
81. Matt sick from his shadow + Isaiah for comfort
82. Seline with period cramps at cinema with Isaiah + Hector and Arnie show up
83. Rip with a stress headache after a fight with Dylan + Isaiah
84. Matt passes out in the park + Hector + Olive
85. Matt fluff and comfort with Seline and Isaiah
86. Fluffy Isaiah and Seline date + slight overeating
87. Isaiah collapses from heart attack + Matt and Seline at the hospital
88. Waiting at the hospital Sel + Matt angst
89. Isaiah wakes up after the operation + nauseous Matt + Seline
90. Isaiah more coherent after surgery + super nausous + Matt
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theprayerfulword · 3 months
July 1
Proverbs 2:8 He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of His saints.
Hebrews 13:5-6 Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, "I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you," 6 so that we confidently say, "The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid, what will man do to me?"
Psalm 7:1 O LORD my God, I take refuge in You; save and deliver me from all who pursue me,
Isaiah 43:1 The Lord says, ��Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are Mine.”
Zechariah 9:16 The LORD their God will save them in that day, as the flock of His people. For they shall be like the jewels of a crown, lifted like a banner over His land—
Exodus 14:14 The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.
May you never listen to the lies of the enemy, or accept his offers of peace, lest he entice you to leave the refuge of the Lord with a promise of worldly goods which last only until he comes to take you to his own land as slaves. 2 Kings 18
May you despise and scorn the enemy who comes against you with insults and defiance toward the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, and may you lift your praise to your King as the enemy flees in the face of your resistance. 2 Kings 19
May the Lord your God deliver you from the enemy's hand so that all the kingdoms of earth will know that the Lord alone is God. 2 Kings 19
May you seek out the Lord when the enemy makes his boast against you, and turn to God in humility and repentance as you stand on His word to receive the strength and wisdom to keep your focus on Him, never once answering the enemy's accusations or responding to his defiance. 2 Kings 19
May you take root below and bear fruit above in the zeal of the Lord Almighty, knowing that He will preserve you against all that the enemy will try to do, defending and saving you for His name's sake. 2 Kings 19
May you always desire and seek out the company and fellowship of fellow believers, members of the Body of Christ, for the Lord will strengthen and encourage, exhort and provoke to good works, each member by the ministry of the Word and the moving of the Spirit through each other member. Acts 21
My child, I am your help, your strength and your shield. Trust in Me, for I hear the voice of your supplication, and you are helped. Take refuge in Me, My dear one; trust not in the strength of man, which will come to an end, or in the power of princes and principalities, which will use you for their own purposes. Look and see, My querying one, and declare to Me if a single one of the good promises which I have promised to My people have failed to come to pass. Though you be brought low, yet have I saved you, leading you by a straight way to a city with foundations which I have designed and constructed, where I am the light, that you may dwell in Me, and I in you, and you shall sing for joy in the shadow of My wings. Depend on Me, My seeking one, for I shall set a guard over you that will not fail, but will keep your mind, your tongue, and your hands from the enemy. My Spirit will instruct you on how to bring a pleasing sacrifice to Me out of the meditations of your heart, the words of your mouth, and the deeds of your hands. I long to walk with you, My loving one, and share My heart with you. Do not hide, My trembling one, for My love covers you, and when I weed the garden of your heart, it is with tenderness and prudence in order to bring out the beauty that I see. Still your spirit, My precious one, and wait before Me that you may know that I am God.
May you feel no surprise at the troubles and fiery ordeals that come upon you, as though something unusual was occurring, for through much tribulation will you enter the kingdom of God as you take up your cross and follow Him, seeking for the will of the Lord to be done, which is the wisdom and counsel of God, and brings great joy and much rejoicing before His throne. Acts 21
May you sing to the Lord a new song of praise whenever the merciful gather together. Psalm 149
May you rejoice in your Maker and be glad in your King, praising His name with dancing and making music to Him. Psalm 149
May you rejoice in the honor the Lord shows you when He crowns your humility with victory. Psalm 149
May the praise of God be in your mouth and a double-edged sword in your hand as you are obedient in carrying out God's sentence written and pronounced against the principalities and powers of the air which set themselves against the will and ways of God, to inflict vengeance on His foes and punishment on His enemies, binding their kings with fetters and their princes with shackles of iron, casting down every vain thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ. Psalm 149
Though the words of a gossip are swallowed greedily by many, may you have an appetite for the living Word which was broken for you, for it will be health and strength to your heart. Proverbs 18:8
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faith-avenue · 23 days
This people I have formed for Myself; they shall declare My praise. — Isaiah 43:21 —
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fundieshaderoom · 6 months
Which Bates Has The Most Nieces and Nephews?
50 nieces and nephews
21 from Esther's side
29 from Nathan's side
43 nieces and nephews
17 from John's side
26 from Alyssa's side
39 nieces and nephews
14 from Chad's side (there are likely more)
25 from Erin's side
39 nieces and nephews
8 from Brandon's side
31 from Michaela's side
36 nieces and nephews
7 from Evan's side
29 from Carlin's side
32 nieces and nephews
1 from Emmy's side
31 from Jack's side
31 nieces and nephews
1 from Travis' side
30 from Katie's side
Warden, Isaiah, Addie, Ellie, Callie, Judson, and Jeb
31 nieces and nephews
30 nieces and nephews
0 from Lydia's side
30 from Trace's side
30 nieces and nephews
0 from Tiffany's side
30 from Lawson's side
29 nieces and nephews
1 from Kelton's side
28 from Josie's side
27 nieces and nephews
1 from Bobby's side
26 from Tori's side
26 nieces and nephews
0 from Whitney's side
26 from Zach's side
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gritandgrace40 · 4 months
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Grief is a frightening and lonely thing. Praise God that He doesn't leave us to suffer in our grief alone. Instead, He provides us with hope. He gives us healing. He promises us the restoration of all things. There may not be a shortcut to experiencing freedom from grief, but we do know who holds the prescription: Jesus Christ. God grants us healing. God grants us peace. God gives us hope.
When grief seems like far too much to bear, and when the weight of it all lies heavily on your weary shoulder, preach to yourself the truth that in Jesus Christ the broken are healed and the grief-stricken are restored to a glorious hope.
PSALM 34:18
PSALM 119:50
ISAIAH 41:10
JOHN 14:1-4
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walkswithmyfather · 1 year
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God is good all the time (Psalm 25:8; 106:1; 119:68; 145:9; Matthew 19:17).
God is wise (Romans 16:27; Daniel 2:20; 1 Timothy 1:17; Jude 25).
God is holy (Leviticus 19:2; Job 6:10).
God is just (Deuteronomy 32:4; Psalms 92:15; 119:37; Zephaniah 3:5).
God is merciful (Ephesians 2:4; Exodus 34:6; Nehemiah 9:17; Psalm 100:5).
God redeems (Psalm 78:35; Proverbs 23:11; Isaiah 41:14; 47:4; 59:20; Jeremiah 50:34).
God saves (Isaiah 43:3-11; 45:21; 49:26).
God sanctifies (Exodus 31:13; 1 Thessalonians 5:23; Jude 1).
God is Judge over all (Genesis 18:25; Psalm 50:6; 2 Timothy 4:8; Hebrews 12:23).
Nothing or no one is like God (Job 11:7; Isaiah 40:28).
Amen! 🙌
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arizonanighthawks · 2 months
Nighthawks Weekly’s Projected 24-25 Roster
Jude Hartman, staff writer
AFTER A CRAPSHOOT of a 23-24 season filled with injury, drama, and Simon Dahlvig’s busiest season of his career playing 64 games, it was all but confirmed that the Arizona Nighthawks were going to enact some big changes. 
And yet the team looks largely the same going into the slowest part of the offseason. Sure, there was the trade at the deadline that sent C Phillippe Lemelin to Dallas in a one-for-one for C Hector Morales, the acquisition of RW Michael Yeung during free agency, and the news that winger Hugh Bishop is coming off IR, but all this happened in the bottom half of the lineup. In the end, Walter Bowen is still head coach, Isaiah Chambers is still GM, and why Vezina-winner Simon Dahlvig accepted a trade to Arizona and then signed an extension here is, as always, a mystery.
Of course, the biggest news is that of Anatoly Zikov, the Russian-Kazakh center whose KHL contract ended last season. Though the Nighthawks have been infuriatingly tight-lipped regarding him and no word of an ELC has emerged yet, it’s widely assumed that he’ll be dressing in teal and orange on opening night 2024. So, with all that in mind, Nighthawks Weekly presents our projected roster for the 2024-25 season.
Top line: Stanislav Dudek #52 - Lee Bartlett #21 - Mattias Almqvist #27
Look, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Alternate Captain Lee Bartlett’s top line was the Nighthawks’ top producing line in the 23-24 season, by a large margin. The guy’s a play-driving machine, the only moving part on an otherwise stale powerplay, and one of the best penalty killers in the NHL right now. When he’s on the ice, xGA% goes down by over 10%. The chemistry between Dudek and Almqvist can’t be denied either; just over half of Dudek’s 27 goals were assisted on by Almqvist.
2nd line: Michael Yeung #42 - Anatoly Zikov #? - Nicolas Proulx #14
It might be worth it to see if anything can get Nicolas Proulx going like he could in juniors, and if that thing is a Russian phenom, well, why not? We might sympathize with Proulx’s lack of production, but at some point, we hope to see the 2022 5th overall light the lamp like he used to. He topped his record skating speeds this year and if his trainer’s Instagram is to be believed, he’s only going to get faster. Yeung is a great addition to the team, a 26-year-old solid winger who’d already been taking younger players under his wing in New York, and we’d like to see him do the same with Zikov.
3rd line: Nick Torvalds #19 - Ezra Page #98 - Brodie Barnes #43
Page might be young, but he’s been in the league long enough that he’s gonna be able to center these two rookies. Calder winner two years ago and leading goal-scorer last year, Page is only getting better with age. If this is our third line center, then we might be golden. We expect to see Nick Torvalds, the 2023 1st rounder who spent last year lighting up the AHL, make the show this year. And as for Brodie Barnes, the 22-year-old college kid who only came down to Arizona last year to play for the Ringtails, why not give him a shot? He was certainly no Torvalds last year, but he’s a great two-way forward who can play either right or left with ease, and he deserves to get a chance.
4th line: Roger Smith-Sweeney #77 - Hector Morales #68 - Hugh Bishop #61
Put this line on the ice the second you see anyone even think about laying a hand on Zikov.
… I’m only half kidding. But really, this is a solid fourth line. Hector Morales was the return for Phillippe Lemelin to Dallas at last season’s trade deadline, and after racking up 4 goals and 7 assists in 16 games, the FO decided to sign him to a one-year deal, because why not? He’s a great fourth-line center that could certainly move to the third line, and Smith-Sweeney and Bishop are a proven pairing that can do some damage. Hopefully Bishop can stay healthy this year, because we’d love to see more of that combination.
1st pairing: 
Dion Martinez #55 - Michael Houck #90
Martinez might have been labeled a reach when the Nighthawks drafted him in the first round in 2019, but he has simply proven everyone wrong. This pairing was on fire last year, and now with Houck expected to have an increased leadership role on the team after being given the A this offseason, expect to see major production from this pairing.
2nd pairing: 
Howard McLaughlin #62 - Dennis Nadeau #71
The classic vet-rookie twofer. McLaughlin had decent numbers last year in 50 games for the Nighthawks as a rookie (8-17–25) but his immense production in the juniors still looms. Give him a solid defensive defenseman like Nadeau as a partner and you should see a meteoric rise across the board.
3rd pairing: 
Trey O’Brien #15 - Logan Larocque #8
Larocque is another Ringtail that deserves a shot at the big leagues. After putting up a whopping +23 in the AHL last season, his fiery defense and incredible skating earn him our nomination to the show, or at least to a third pair. 
Seventh defenseman: 
Quincy Martineau
Martineau is a curious player. A graduate of Colgate University, Martineau seemingly appeared out of nowhere when the Nighthawks invited him to last year’s development camp and he blew everyone out of the water. He was a fantastic rotating defenseman last year, a shot-blocking machine on the penalty kill, and would be a great guy to keep on the lineup this year.
Starting goaltender: Simon Dahlvig
Backup: Parker Wiley
Last season while Parker Wiley was out with an upper body injury, Simon Dahlvig went on an infamous eight-game point streak, starting every game for the Nighthawks during Wiley’s injury and putting up a seven-period shutout. He’s a Vezina winner, a Cup winner, and a future Hall-Of-Famer. He’s the starting goalie.
The backup shouldn’t be in question either: it’s Parker Wiley, who played well last year – at least for the 18 games that he did play. In the Nighthawks’ goalie pipeline, he’s the only one with NHL experience and that should put him head and shoulders above the rest of the group.
AHL starting goaltender: Julian Richards #36
While Wiley is the clear backup, Richards might be a difficult player to cut for Bowen and Chambers. At 23, he��s been putting up .900+ save percentages for the Ringtails for the past 4 years and playing over 40 games a season for the past 3. He’ll be in the AHL, but whether they trade him or move Wiley, he won’t be there for much longer.
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thehandmaidofgod · 2 months
What is our purpose on earth?
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Every average adult has asked him/herself the above question at one point or the other in their lifetime… and it’s a very necessary question!
Well, if you haven’t asked yourself the question yet, this doesn’t mean that you are out or place but there’s a need to always know the purpose for whatever it is you are involved in.
Note: Life is the pathway to every other thing within it, hence getting to know the very purpose of this realm of life itself is a very vital topic to pay great attention too!
Firstly, what is a purpose?
In my own term, I will describe it as a driving force or the motivation behind a particular thing, more like the reason why something was created or why something is being done.
Now we have that sorted out, let’s move one; shall we?
As we know that life consists of two realms:
The physical realm, and
The spiritual realm
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It is always important to take note of the spiritual aspect of everything, because of a fact; the spiritual controls the physical.
It is very important to note also that the Bible tells us in Romans 8:6 that
“To be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace”.
From God’s spoken word through the book of prophet Isaiah chapter 43:21, God said:
Isaiah 43:21 (KJV) This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise.
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Did you get something there?
“I formed for myself”
Now this was God speaking, the latter part said:
“They shall shew forth my praise”
God is speaking with so much assurance about us because he loves us with every bit of him.
In the same book of Isaiah chapter 43 verses 7, God said:
“Isaiah 43:7 (KJV) Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.”
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I want you to pick out just one line:
“I have created him (For) “My Glory”
This line above explains it all!
We are all created by God and it is for a sole reason, a very simple reason; to bring glory to God.
As simple as this feat sounds, it is easier said than done, this task requires significant intentional and conscious efforts, determination and selfless sacrifices, but the beautiful thing is that there is a huge mouthwatering reward attached to it! (Eternal life).
Now the question is…
If your answer to the above question is yes… Bravo champ!! Keep up the good work of faith.
But if your answer is no, then I want you to know that God developed this blog post just for you because he loves you soooo much; it is not yet too late to get back to your duty post.
Imagine being employed in a huge factory as a general manager and after employment, you abandon your duty post and take on the work of a cleaner or some other position not appointed to you, what do you think will be your fate at the end of the day?
You’ll either be fired, or
You’ll be paid the wages due to the service you rendered (very rare)
This applies to life in this realm generally, if we live our lives to the Glory of God, we are sure of an eternal life reward while if we don’t, reverse will definitely be the case (Eternal damnation).
Sadly, we have subconsciously and ignorantly swayed away from this purpose in one way/time or the other, and this is as a result of the constant ongoing battle with the flesh and the busyness/ distractions of this realm, we become so carried away with the ideology of having to earn a living for survival, forgetting that the real life (eternal life) is in Christ Jesus;
John 14:6: “I am the way, the truth and the life…”
Intentionally apply the consciousness of bringing glory to God in all aspects of your life on a daily basis and you’re sure to experience a greater sense of fulfillment than you can ever imagine.
I will be talking about Life purpose fighters and steps to fulfilling our purpose in the next post.
Stay tuned.
God loves you so much.
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orthodoxadventure · 11 months
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Angels in the Bible and the Liturgy
For an angel of peace... One of the things we pray for at every Liturgy is for an angel to guard us and guide us. Each of us has been given a guardian angel. It is about our guardian angels that the Lord Jesus spoke of when He admonished His disciples not to "look down" on children, "for I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven" (Matthew 18:10-11). And during Baptism, the celebrating priest prays specifically that an angel of light be assigned to the child being baptized. [...]
The Liturgy speaks over and over again about the reality of angels and archangels, the cherubim and the seraphim. The Scriptures witness to the reality of angels from beginning to end, from Genesis to the Book of Revelation. What are angels? The word 'angel' is a Greek word that means 'messenger'. Angels are purely spiritual beings that have often served as God's messengers at critical times in human history. In the Old Testament, the Archangel Michael appears to the prophet Daniel (Daniel 10:13) and is mentioned again in Jude 9 and the Book of Revelation (Revelation 12:7). In the New Testament, the Archangel Gabriel appears to both Zechariah to announce the birth of his son, John the Baptist (Luke 1:10-20); and to Mary the Theotokos to announce the birth of her son, our Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 1:26-37). An angel comforts the Lord Jesus in the Garden of Gethesemane shortly before His crucifixion (Luke 22:43); and angels announce His resurrection to the women who come to His tomb and find it empty (Luke 24:4-7). At the Second Coming, the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 25:31) tells us that the Lord will be escorted by "all the angels".
The Scriptures mention many different kinds or ranks of angels. The cherubim and the seraphim are mentioned throughout the Old Testament and are particularly associated with the Temple in Jerusalem and the Ark of the Covenant by the prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel. In fact, the angelic hymn that Isaiah (Isaiah 6:5) heard sung by the seraphim in the Temple: "Holy, holy, holy Lord God of Sabaoth: Heaven and earth are full of Your glory" is still sung at every celebration of the Liturgy to this day. In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul mentions other types of angels such as thrones, powers and principalities (Colossians 1:16; Ephesians 1:21). The role of angels has been significant in the history of our salvation as well as in our praise and worship of the living God during the Liturgy. We believe that if we listen carefully to the message of the angels, we can often hear the voice of God in our lives.
[Source of text: The Divine Liturgy of our Father among the Saints John Chrysostom (with Commentary and Notes)]
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