thehandmaidofgod · 2 months
The Days We Pray for
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Woke up this morning feeling a bit vague, was this going to be one of those days?
Those days that entail a ton or at least some of the precious heart desires we’ve always had, those days in which our wildest dreams take flight, those days that play out varying answers to the long notes of request on our prayer boards, those days where for some reason; we become the center of attraction and have oodles of congratulatory wishes diving at us from all direction, those days where we’d crack out our ribs with laughter, or perhaps it definitely would be a day that we’d have that promise we have expected all week finally fulfilled, who knows?
I lay still in my mattress gawking at my blank ceiling, waiting for something to happen, for the day to unfold with me tucked tightly in its arms, the wall clock indicated that it was five minutes past 9am.
A husky voiced male announcer began a broadcast on the radio that sat close to my room’s door; his voice caught my attention, it sounded partly hilarious to me, moving my attention quickly to the content of his broadcast, I sat up a bit, resting my back against the wall of my one room apartment.
“Oh no…” I thought.
He spoke about hunger, wars, loss of lives and shelter displacements that were going on currently around the world, what does it matter then, if today eventually becomes one of those days for me or for you while it’s not for some other person out there?
It does matter anyway, because we’re all selfish after all.
I impulsively turned off the radio and resumed my sitting position, reflecting deeply on all I had just heard; I shifted my gaze to my prayer board, maybe a little modification will do a miracle somewhere in the world.
Shouldn’t be just about me anymore, there’s a lot of room to say a prayer for everyone in the world.
Wait a second!
There are also days beyond this realm and I hear they are eternal; oh boy… one is so caught up in the days here and more often than not, forgets to look forward to those days, these are the days we should pray for.
Greetings to you and the world around you.❤️
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thehandmaidofgod · 2 months
The Days We Pray for
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thehandmaidofgod · 2 months
Does God Love and Protect Sinners too?
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thehandmaidofgod · 2 months
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thehandmaidofgod · 2 months
What is Full Life in Christ?
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thehandmaidofgod · 2 months
Deep waters
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thehandmaidofgod · 2 months
Why is there so much suffering around the world?
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thehandmaidofgod · 2 months
How to Fulfill Purpose in Life
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The ability or potential of truly fulfilling one’s purpose in life is beyond physical efforts and can only be successfully achieved with the help of the Holy Spirit; this is as a result of the constant battle with the flesh in this realm.
From God’s word through the 43rd chapter, vs. 7 of prophet’s Isaiah, we get to understand that God created us all to bring Glory to him, this is obviously a spiritual assignment and clearly explains why this cannot be achieved by physical strength just like I stated in the previous paragraph.
Another point can be found in Prophet Zechariah’s book chapter 4:6b; where God said: “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit (the Holy Spirit), says the Lord God of host.
God is spirit and whoever must serve him must do so in Spirit and in truth.
But then, in addition to the Holy Spirit’s assistance to help us live a fulfilled life (a life that brings glory to God), we have some physical roles to play on our own part.
Here are some of those:
Ask God for the Manifestation of the Holy Spirit.
This is the first and the most important of all; it’s true that we receive the Holy Spirit the moment we confess Christ and maintain a righteous life, but having a car that is dormant is as good as having none, so you must genuinely yearn and ask God in prayer for the manifestation of the Holy Spirit’s gift and fruits in your life; this way, every other requirement becomes very easy to practice.
Now, the goal is to live a life that brings glory to God, right? You have to be intentional about it, by consciously incorporating this resolve into all aspects of your life, from basic life choices like thoughts, dress styles, manner of approach, actions we take on a daily basis, and choice of company, to secondary life choices and beyond, like life career, profession, spouse, source of livelihood, etc.
Total Surrender to God’s will.
You are no longer in charge here, because if you are; it’s the flesh at work. But when God is, it is the Holy Spirit at work, whatsoever he says; you do, hereby bringing glory to him.
Learn to trust the process, God knows just what he is doing; it might seem too slow a journey for you but, God’s got you.
Invest your Talent into the kingdom’s Business.
God created each and every human with a talent/ potential, yours could be singing, playing a musical instrument, playing football, or whatever you can name, we all have one; mine is writing and here’s what I’m using it to do, to bring glory to God, whatever it is that you have passion in doing; I mean whatever, please do it to bring glory to God, do it to draw souls to God’s kingdom.
Remember the parable of the three servants in the bible (Mathew 25:24-30), the servants were handed coins to take care of, two of the servants invested theirs and made extra coins in addition to the ones they were given earlier, while one dug a hole and buried his (in other words, did not invest his), the latter part of this parable revealed how the first two were handsomely appreciated and rewarded unlike the latter, who was severely punished.
There is another vital point in the parable; the faithful servants used the coins they were given in honor of their master and not for their own selfish interests.
Faith in God.
Like I said, God’s got you; rely solely on him and do so unwaveringly.
Here’s a personal tip on three will question I ask myself prior engaging in anything:
Will it please God?
Will it help someone?
Will I be happy doing it?
So far, the above will questions have greatly influenced my general life’s decision making positively, and I’m sure they’ll do same for you.
While applying the above key points, it’s also important to take note of some possible threats to watch out for that might stand as a hindrance to fulfilling our purposes; I call them “The Purpose Fighters”, of which it is the devil, our adversary, who is the mastermind behind all of it.
Sin Generally.
All forms of sin as listed out in various parts of the bible can stand as a huge hindrance to fulfilling our purpose on earth, sin is not of God, hence one can never fulfill his or her purpose (Living a life that brings glory to God), while living in sin.
Impatience makes one see how slowly a thing is going, instead of actually seeing the positive impact of that very thing.
Lust of/for money.
This has driven many astray, the path of righteousness is a narrow and crooked way, it is not always rosy, but the world looks so flashy, the devil then presents diverse easy avenues (that doesn’t give glory to God) of generating extravagant wealth that always end in sorrow unless divinely intervened by God.
Remember, money is the root of all evil.
There’s a popular saying: “The more money you have, the more money you want”, greed follows closely behind lust of money, and at this point, the money sub consciously becomes an idol to its victim.
Lust of the Eye.
Literally, everywhere we look these days are filled with pornographic materials, which ends up feeding the hearts of those that are caught in its webs with thoughts that in no way bring glory to God.
The eye is the gate to the heart, and the word of God tells us to guard our hearts with all diligence because out of it comes the issues of life.
Lust of the Flesh.
This mostly follows after the lust of the eye, fornication and adultery have become the order of the day and the lust of the eye hugely contributes to this.
Conclusion: Be alert, be vigilant, your enemy the devil, roams about like a roaring lion, looking for whom to devour. (1 Peter 5:8)
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thehandmaidofgod · 2 months
How to Fulfill Purpose in Life
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thehandmaidofgod · 2 months
Why is there so much suffering around the world?
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thehandmaidofgod · 2 months
Why so much suffering in the world?
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thehandmaidofgod · 2 months
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thehandmaidofgod · 2 months
Sacrifices and Rewards of living a holy life
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Living a holy life is entwined with bitter -sweet experiences, but the beautiful fact that gives us hope and keeps us going is the mouth watering eternal rewards attached to it.
 The sacrifices and rewards attached to the journey of living a Holy life is what stands it out from other lifestyles.
Rejection and hatred from the world
(John 15:19): “If ye were of the world, the world would love its own, but because ye are not of this world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hates you”
 (Matthew 10:18): “And you shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake.”
Self denial of earthly pleasures
(Matthew 16:24): “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me.”
Spiritual attacks
(Ephesians 6:12): “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers…”
Trials/temptations and tribulation
(Jon 16:33b): “In the world, you shall have tribulations; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world”
(James 1:2) “Count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations.”
Peace (With God and Man)
Living a life of holiness sets you apart and gives you inner peace with God and man, even in the face of challenges (John 16:33).
Indescribable joy
Living a life of holiness births an in-depth joy that words can’t explain, (Hebrews 12:2): “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross…”
Sense of fulfilment
You know there’s a huge difference between being successful in life and being fulfilled in life?
The only fulfilment there is, is in God Almighty.
Living a holy life is key to this.
Deep intimacy with God
Holiness grants access to a seamless encounter of God’s supernatural being.
Answers to prayer
The word of God says in James 5:16 that “The fervent prayer of the righteous avails much”.
Eternal Life
James 1:12 (KJV)  Blessed is the man that endures temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
This is but a tip of the Iceberg compared to what lays in store for living a Holy Life.
God be with you
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thehandmaidofgod · 2 months
How to live a Holy Life
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Living a holy life ordinarily sounds like an unattainable feat, doesn’t it? Well; it is not.
Firstly, what is Holiness?
Holiness can be described as the peak state of moral purity, without blemish, without any form of sin or condemnation, in other words being perfect.
We often hear the phrase: “God is the only holy one,” and that’s absolutely true, but the same holy God has called each and every one of us to live out a holy life in his spoken word through the first letter of Peter 1:16 which says:
“Be ye holy for I am holy”
Mind you, living a holy life and being holy are two different things that are simultaneously attributed with the same characteristic: “Holiness”.
I’d use an illustration to explain the previous line; living like a wealthy man and actually being a wealthy man are two different things, not so?
Note: Living holy is only attainable by the help of the Holy Spirit and impossible to achieve in the flesh, hence; if you live by the leading of the Holy Spirit, this feat becomes easy-peasy for you.
It is also very important to note that with the constant living out of this nature of God, (Holiness) we gradually replicate God’s image and eventually become direct expression of his supernatural being while on this realm, which comes into permanent manifestation after exiting this realm into the spiritual realm which is no longer subject to the battle of flesh and sin; that is then when we become Holy.
One fact that stands out from God’s word in 1 Peter 1:16 is the proof that this feat is very attainable, because God will never instruct us to carry out activities that are beyond our capabilities, he created us and he’s fully aware of just the right amount of capacity he put in us all.
Here are a few practical ways to practice living a holy life alongside the help of the Holy Spirit:
Living a holy life must be done intentionally; it doesn’t occur by chance; you operate in the awareness that you must live a life that pleases God and you’re all out for whatever it takes to do so.
Living a holy life involves detachment from every other thing that is unholy.
Spiritually minded
Holiness is a spiritual activity.
Unwavering faith
Faith is more like the basic ingredient here, without faith, it is impossible to please God.
Set your standards
Roman 12:2a says: “Do not conform yourselves to the standard of this world,” this explains that your standard must be set by the Holy Spirit and whatever is out of that shouldn’t be entertained by you.
Personal fellowship with God
Fellowshipping personally with God must become a constant and permanent way of life for you, because in fellowship with God; we behold him and in beholding him, we become more like him.
Total obedience to God’s word and instructions
This is one of the major criteria, hence; you must study the word of God deeply.
One can’t live a Holy life without being totally dedicated to God and the things of God
Total  surrender to God’s will and purpose for your life
You must trust in God’s purpose for your life and let him do with you as he wills.
Selfless service to God and humanity
Living a holy life requires selfless service to God and humanity because, now you no longer live for yourself (in the flesh) but, the life you live is now for God’s glory.
Flee from temptations
Steer clear from avenues that will naturally give room for temptations against holiness
Make living a life that brings glory to God a permanent way of life in all of your endeavors
This is a handy tool
Conclusion: The latter part of Zechariah 4:6 says: “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, (Holy Spirit) saith the Lord God of host.
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thehandmaidofgod · 2 months
What is our purpose on earth?
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Every average adult has asked him/herself the above question at one point or the other in their lifetime… and it’s a very necessary question!
Well, if you haven’t asked yourself the question yet, this doesn’t mean that you are out or place but there’s a need to always know the purpose for whatever it is you are involved in.
Note: Life is the pathway to every other thing within it, hence getting to know the very purpose of this realm of life itself is a very vital topic to pay great attention too!
Firstly, what is a purpose?
In my own term, I will describe it as a driving force or the motivation behind a particular thing, more like the reason why something was created or why something is being done.
Now we have that sorted out, let’s move one; shall we?
As we know that life consists of two realms:
The physical realm, and
The spiritual realm
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It is always important to take note of the spiritual aspect of everything, because of a fact; the spiritual controls the physical.
It is very important to note also that the Bible tells us in Romans 8:6 that
“To be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace”.
From God’s spoken word through the book of prophet Isaiah chapter 43:21, God said:
Isaiah 43:21 (KJV) This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise.
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Did you get something there?
“I formed for myself”
Now this was God speaking, the latter part said:
“They shall shew forth my praise”
God is speaking with so much assurance about us because he loves us with every bit of him.
In the same book of Isaiah chapter 43 verses 7, God said:
“Isaiah 43:7 (KJV) Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.”
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I want you to pick out just one line:
“I have created him (For) “My Glory”
This line above explains it all!
We are all created by God and it is for a sole reason, a very simple reason; to bring glory to God.
As simple as this feat sounds, it is easier said than done, this task requires significant intentional and conscious efforts, determination and selfless sacrifices, but the beautiful thing is that there is a huge mouthwatering reward attached to it! (Eternal life).
Now the question is…
If your answer to the above question is yes… Bravo champ!! Keep up the good work of faith.
But if your answer is no, then I want you to know that God developed this blog post just for you because he loves you soooo much; it is not yet too late to get back to your duty post.
Imagine being employed in a huge factory as a general manager and after employment, you abandon your duty post and take on the work of a cleaner or some other position not appointed to you, what do you think will be your fate at the end of the day?
You’ll either be fired, or
You’ll be paid the wages due to the service you rendered (very rare)
This applies to life in this realm generally, if we live our lives to the Glory of God, we are sure of an eternal life reward while if we don’t, reverse will definitely be the case (Eternal damnation).
Sadly, we have subconsciously and ignorantly swayed away from this purpose in one way/time or the other, and this is as a result of the constant ongoing battle with the flesh and the busyness/ distractions of this realm, we become so carried away with the ideology of having to earn a living for survival, forgetting that the real life (eternal life) is in Christ Jesus;
John 14:6: “I am the way, the truth and the life…”
Intentionally apply the consciousness of bringing glory to God in all aspects of your life on a daily basis and you’re sure to experience a greater sense of fulfillment than you can ever imagine.
I will be talking about Life purpose fighters and steps to fulfilling our purpose in the next post.
Stay tuned.
God loves you so much.
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