#Is totally Ace's SI name
novankenn · 6 months
Head Count
/== Master Post List ==/
Pyrrha, Glynda, Weiss and Penny were all standing around a table littered with pictures and dossiers. On the wall behind them were lists, showing the complete breakdown of who was part of the court of the "Red Queen" and "Golden King".
Glynda: So as you can see my Queen...
Pyrrha: Please Glynda we are sisters in this cause.
Weiss: I must object. You are the "Red Queen" spouse to be of the "Golden King" and we are you loyal advisors, and ladies in waiting.
Pyrrha: We are all united in the want to give the King Mother grand-babies. That makes us sisters.
Penny: I am sorry my majesty. You are betrothed to his Majesty Jaune. While we are happy and honored to be brood mare....
Pyrrha: NO! Do NOT speak of yourselves as such! You will sisters wives and the mothers to the greatest family Remnant has ever witnessed. You are NOT broodmares! Do not refre to yourselves as such!
Glynda: Understood, but you must also understand as Jaune's betrothed and the first accepted by his mother... you are the queen.
Pyrrha: We are sisters.
Weiss: Yet you are still our queen.
Pyrrha: Shall we continue? Neo will only be able to occupy Jaune for so long.
Glynda: Yes my queen. Our count is as follows. You and Jaune are not included as you are the progenitors of this family. Neo as well is not included in the listings as her semblance allows her... versatility.
Progenitors : Jaune Arc & Pyrrha Nikos The "Wild Card": Neopolitan
Weiss: So in the BBMs side we have...
Pyrrha: BBM's?
Penny: Blonde Baby Mamas.
Pyrrha: Ah. So then RBMs would be Red Baby Momas?
Penny: Correct.
Weiss: So in the BBM's we have, myself, Glynda, Arslan, Fiona and Dew. So five sisters.
Blond Baby Mamas: Glynda Goodwitch, Weiss Schnee, Arslan Atlan, Dew Gayl, Fiona Thyme
Penny: In the RBMs we have myself, Octavia, Neon, Ruby, and May, which also gives us a total of five
Red-Head Baby Mamas: Ruby Rose, May Zednog, Octaiva Ember, Penny Polendina, Neon Katt
Glynda: So not including myself, we have eleven young women capable of bearing children, with an estimated theoretical maximum of 15 pregnancies each... that is approximately 165 children if each pregnancy is of a single birth.
Pyrrha: Not enough.
Penny: My Queen?
Pyrrha: It's not enough!
Weiss: We estimate if we all start getting pregnant now, including Sister Glynda's age, we should be able to provide Jaune and the King Mother with around 172 children, again if every pregnancy only results in a single birth.
Pyrrha: It's still not enough. We MUST be a family of no equal. A force of our own!
Penny: How many do you feel would be an adaquate number to show our devotion, and be as you put it a "force of its own?"
Pyrrha: 200.
Penny: Then we will require two more sisters, at minimum.
Pyrrha: But the question sis whom. The King Mother has very specific requirements.
Glynda: We are aware. Blonde or Red-haired. But we considered that we may need to expand our ranks... so we have made a list of "potentials"
Weiss: For Blondes we have the following individuals... Robyn Hill, leader of the Happy Huntresses. Harriet Bree of the Atlas Ace-Ops, and possible in a young woman named Trifa, she is a member of the White Fang.
Pyrrha: Her hair appears to be bluish-grey.
Penny: It can be possibly considered as Ash-Blonde... but that is up for debate.
Pyrrha: Keep tabs on her, just in case.
Glynda: For Red-heads we have Deery, she is also a member of the White Fang, but unlike Trifa who is in Mengarie, Deery is here in Vale. We also have Carmine Esclados formerly of Shade and reputedly a member of a group calling themselves the crown.
Weiss: So how should we proceed?
Pyrrha: All of them. We NEED all of them.
Glynda / Penny / Weiss: As you wish.
/=====/ A/N so thank you again to @segmentaldragon for all his suggestions and research in finding "Probably Initiates"
Note on Trifa - if you guys want to "stretch" ash-blonde hair to include shades of blueish-grey... then she'll be brought in.
As for Salem... I'm not sure... yet, and I would need to locate a Red-Head to off-set her... maybe the "Blacksmith"? Don't know... but she's not forgotten.
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tied-ash · 7 months
Is it midnight? Yes. But I’m fixating on my Opposite AU - specifically Hu - so here’s a fun fact!
Hu has nicknames for everyone in the cast. Some of them change time to time, so… ya! Here they are:
Teruko - Babe: Starting off real strong. Occasionally, Hu would change it to “Baby”. It’s unclear if she means this in a romantic sense, but Teruko seems to think otherwise.
Alexander - Xander: To Hu, it’s just a cooler name. However, Alexander doesn’t like it when Hu uses the name on him. Maybe if somebody like Teruko does, he’ll be merciful. And Alexander is not feeling merciful with Hu. They hate each other.
Charles - Bill: Bill Nye the Science guy. Need I say more?
Ace - Mr. Blank-Slate: Considering that Ace seems to lack in personality, Hu thought that this name was fitting. However, she is constantly trying to change his name because even though it fits his personality, she wants something that fits his looks.
Arei - Sis: Always said in an aggressive and harsh tone. She tried calling Arei “mom” in the same tone, but hated it. So she changed it to that.
Rose - Hoo-Ha: Seeing as how Rose is constantly panicking over something, Hu thought it was fitting.
Eden - Shorty: Hu hates the fact that this name is so uncreative. She’s been trying to come up with something, but she doesn’t seem to care enough to find the right one.
Levi - Bestie: Levi and Hu seem to get along the best. And given Levi’s almost diva-like personality, Hu knew that Levi wouldn’t mind being called that. Not like she cared, though.
Arturo - Pretty Boy: She doesn’t have much of a reason for this. Kinda just because Arturo deals with ugly people and makes them pretty. That’s totally it.
Min - Lazy-ass: The only one in which Hu swears, she used this nickname when she found out that Min was a large procrastinator.
David Chiem - Star-Boy: David is the one with the most set-in-stone nicknames. Star-Boy, Mr.Goodietwoshoes, Xander’s boyfriend, Little Miss Perfect… he has a lot. David doesn’t seem to mind all that much - although he gets a bit confused with the second to last one.
Veronika - Weirdo: She chose this name because she KNOWS Veronika hates it. While she doesn’t talk much about Veronika’s interests, she just calls her weird and hates on all of her horror.
Julia - Doll-face: To Hu, it just seemed fitting. After all, she’s the newest face of the Rosales family.
Whit - Cupid-Boy: She also calls him “crybaby” (which is a complete reference to the Amazing Digital Circus quote “Which leaves crybaby and Hoo-ha to go handle the Zooble situation.”)
Nico - Pipsqueak: Considering Nico’s considerable size, Hu knew it was fitting. Besides, Nico finds it cute.
MonoTV - The thing: She has little to no respect for MonoTV, so often times, she won’t even say it’s name. Whenever someone asks what she’s talking about, she makes dog ears with her hands.
Also, I’m working on introductions for each character!! :D Watch out for that!
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my names are dee, beathan, silas and any abbreviations of silas (si, sile). mutuals can call me dorris alexander challenge. i use they/she pronouns, but i prefer masculine or neutral honorifics (sir, dude, mr, mx, gentleman, etc). you may call me 'my liege' if you desire
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i'm white and british. at the moment i'm learning more about my scottish and irish heritage. i'm also autistic. my special interest is the nez perce war.
🌻 my interests 🌻
nature, celtic reconstructionist paganism, the wild west, medieval europe, codes and spying during ww2, the ancient egyptians, bison, small fluffy things, nature, hiking, folk music, scottish stuff, bbc and cbs ghosts, lord of the rings, animal crossing, horror novels, found footage stuff, space, plushies and the history of maize. as you can see, i am a very well-rounded individual.
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dni: terfs, general homophobes and transphobes, racists, conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers, pro-lifers and zionists. ik that if anyone in that list really wants to interact with me then they will, but i promise you WILL get blocked.
byf: i do complain a lot lmao. i'm trying to escape from my family's conservative beliefs that i have believed for years. i'm very bitchy about it. also, i swear a lot, in case you haven't noticed
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what to do if someone has hypothermia
executive dysfunction tips
suicide helplines
debunking the lies your abusive parents told you
how to adult successfully
just nice things:
time is a flat circle
the sound of every forest in the world
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internet guide
bison (!!!!)
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
No stake in it, but the fallout 5 discourse is going to be FUUUUUUUN
Oh got a division and ac game anon back to back
Here a dev bts on how they created dc
And here a comparison
Now I asked about the MLK library because I went “huh?” when I was sent to go there as I didn’t know it existed. There also a aero and space museum.
I also learn that division 2 executed the landscape of dc so well that a lot of people who visited, lived, or been there can walk around in game without every look at a map. Now keep in mind this was created to cash in on the looter shooter trend but still impressive
Didn’t we have a lot of museums and tourists traps in dc.
Now got assassin creed
This exhibit make think of the collabs ac red can do with Japanese museums. Of course Ubi already went to the museums (actually I wonder how it feel like how to Japan. Doing exhibits and talk to historians and you need to make sure you don’t break the ndas?)
Now I vaugely knew, but learning about who Naeo historically dad is and the importance of Iga province is to ninja culture and boom they have ninja museum
In red I can totally seeing it (unless the Templars blow it up) the iga Provence being the main hub for the Japanese assassins. And I would have turn into the ultimate parkour experience like you can seeing assassins running atop rooftops, being trained, you can use secret tunnels and passageways
I would also make Ai programs of npc kids who are ninja trainees that you are see being taught or even use the pathways as you do
Oh sorry, now I’m thinking about a sidequest in the ninja village where a trainee (poorly) took something and you track him down and figure out what place he trying to escape out of. Only for you see him as he get out or put something a top of the exit until he admit he does it
He get reprimand, but it to make sure he don’t make the same mistakes when he become a full fledge ninja
Also my kids npcs training thing is meant to show that most ninjas were born and raised into ninja clans hence why it so difficult to learn about the ninjas as it was often family secrets or methods
In fact Naeo being part of a known ninja is probably going to tied her to this
TLDR, most ideas and foundations of the Shinobi image we know today is because the Fujibayashi clan created and edited the great ninja book for centuries
Side note I can’t really find a historical painting of Naeo father. Fujibayashi Nagato, hmm Ubisoft probably going to do a collab with the Ninja museum and probably make a model for Nagato
But it will be funny if I see hi res promotional images of nagato used for exhibit
Sorry rambling, please have a discovery tour for red ubi! Because I want to walk around Japan WITHOUT every animal wanting to kill me.
No stake in it, but the fallout 5 discourse is going to be FUUUUUUUN
Ya, never played the games or any of that and I know just enough to stay out of it and watch the fireworks.
They did a good job with the modeling on the DC stuff.
Now I asked about the MLK library because I went “huh?” when I was sent to go there as I didn’t know it existed. There also a aero and space museum.
Air and Space Museum is my fav part of the Smithsonian (shocking I know) managed to make it there a few times and just nerded out each time. Went to a private school through 8th grade and the 8th grade class does a trip to the eastern US namely the stuff in the DC area, Williamsburg, Gettysburg, and DC all that good stuff. I managed to wind up having people not from my school following the little group I was in there because I couldn't shut up about absolutely everything I saw and what it was.
I also learn that division 2 executed the landscape of dc so well that a lot of people who visited, lived, or been there can walk around in game without every look at a map. Now keep in mind this was created to cash in on the looter shooter trend but still impressive Didn’t we have a lot of museums and tourists traps in dc.
Very Impressive, and yes
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Haven't been to the Castle, American Art, Anacosta, and the African Art one. US mint does tours we did that and we went to Arlington National Cemetery see the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and Kennedy's grave, I managed permission to wander off with a friend so I could go visit my dad's parents who don't live there's graves.
Side by side in Arlington, they got their spots early, can't get that now.
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This looks rad
I would also make Ai programs of npc kids who are ninja trainees that you are see being taught or even use the pathways as you do
I'm having a "revenge of the sith" younglings moment in my head right now, 'Yasuke Sama are we in danger'
TLDR, most ideas and foundations of the Shinobi image we know today is because the Fujibayashi clan created and edited the great ninja book for centuries
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Interesting. I always figured the ninja you actually learn about were the ones that weren't good at ninjaing, best spy in the world is one that the only the person that gives them their assignments knows exists.
Side note I can’t really find a historical painting of Naeo father. Fujibayashi Nagato, hmm Ubisoft probably going to do a collab with the Ninja museum and probably make a model for Nagato
Japanese art was never too focused on being photo realistic anyhow so even a good one isn't likely to look like the dude.
But it will be funny if I see hi res promotional images of nagato used for exhibit Sorry rambling, please have a discovery tour for red ubi! Because I want to walk around Japan WITHOUT every animal wanting to kill me.
Should be interesting, and no worries I ramble all the time, even did it with my little personal tangent about DC in this ask, lol
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blueberrywhale123 · 5 months
Meet the Parents
Hi! So my patient Violetta fans, I finally got the chapter out! It's a two-parter because Vilu had a lot of emotions that she wanted to talk about 😅 hope you don't mind. I wanted to have a lot of the dinner part so that had to turn into it's own chapter. hope you like it! I posted it on my Ao3 account too! It's under blueberrywhale with the same title.
Chapter 1
The bright afternoon sun streamed through the trees and hit the bold colors that painted the face of the large building, making it glow vibrantly. The building’s name was pasted over the front, proudly displaying “Studio 21” for all to see. The studio’s entire look and atmosphere - from the kaleidoscope of coordinating colors and abstract designs to the constant stream of music seeping through the walls - would alert even the most unobservant to the fact that it was a school for the arts. It was a prestigious and well-loved school - meant for those young people who were truly passionate about making music their career - and prided itself on the dedication both student and teacher applied to their craft.
Inside, the students who had completed all their lessons were heading home for the day, herds of people swarmed the lockers and the doors as they packed and left their precious sanctuary of musical delight. Four students had clustered around their lockers: Maxi, Camila, Francesca, and Violetta.
“I totally aced that assignment, you guys! I just know it!” Maxi’s smile was infectious, and the girls all returned his grin with equal force. He had been complaining about his composition for Beto for the past two weeks, and it felt like the weight of its competition hadn’t only been lifted from his shoulders.
“And what are you planning on doing to celebrate this achievement, musical genius?” Francesca hooked her arm over her locker door to lean forward, swinging with the hinge gracefully as she shot him a cheeky smile.
“Sleep!” Maxi fell against the wall, head tilting back and eyes closing as he tucked his hands by the side of his head in a gesture representing the blissful state he wanted to be in.
“Are you crazy?” Camila yelped, a big smile stretching her lips, “We should go out! Have some fun. What do you say? Arcade? Karaoke? Roller-blading? Roller-blading karaoke? I’m open to suggestions.”
“So long as it’s not where Luca can bother me, I’m in,” Francesca countered, finger pointed in the air to emphasize.
“Deal,” Camila and Francesca shook hands and turned to Maxi with devious grins.
Maxi took five seconds to cave, his laughter ringing through his surrender. “Alright, sounds fun.” He turned to his left. “You in, Vilu?”
Violetta had been watching her friends silently, her mouth pulling upwards in a fond contented smile. When their eyes locked on her, Violetta’s smile turned rueful with a pinch of her eyebrows and pursing of her lips.
“Sorry, León’s … well - León’s taking me to dinner to meet his parents.” 
The words tumbled from her lips and Violetta only managed to blink before Camila and Francesca tackled Violetta in a hug, pulling back to bounce in place and squeal, heedless of any onlookers’ strange stares. Maxi hung back, just as happy but wise enough to keep himself safe from the whirlwind that was Camila and Francesca. Violetta’s cheeks flushed a soft pink and her eyes shone with anxious excitement as she nibbled on the bottom of her lip.
Francesca spoke with her cheek pressed against Violetta’s hair, “You definitely get a pass. I’m going to need as many details as you can give me afterward. Understand?”
Camila gripped Violetta by her shoulders, staring deep into her eyes. “Vilu-” she said earnestly- “this is really big. Like, crazy big. You and León are heading to a different level now. You’re meeting his parents. This is so big.”
“I’m so happy for you,” Francesca ran her hand comfortingly down Violetta’s arm, a mothering smile on her face. “Camila’s right, this is great.”
“Excited for you, Vilu,” Maxi squeezed his way through to the other side of Violetta.
Her friends’ happiness for her left Violetta light and giddy. She gripped each of their hands in turn, giving them a gentle squeeze to help convey her feelings. The weight of the evening had been on her shoulders all day. What usually happens when you meet the parents of your amazingly wonderful boyfriend? Surely Mr. and Mrs. Vargas were expecting someone worthy of their son. Would they be measuring her against their idea of who was good enough for León? What if the Vargas didn’t like her? This was the only worry that Violetta could calm; León had broken up with Ludmila of all people just this year. If anything, all she had to do was make a better impression than Ludmila and all would be well.
And yet, even that wasn't enough to assuage her fears. Violetta had no delusions about her conversation skills; she got far too in her head and tried to create the perfect conversation only for it to fall flat a majority of the time. She stumbled over her words and had the hardest time initiating any topic of substance with adults. No, no, Violetta was much better at being talked at.
At the very least, she could hope that Mr. and Mrs. Vargas wouldn't be as overbearing as her father. León wouldn't be looking forward to it as much as he was if that were the case.
“I can't believe you’re meeting his parents already,” Camila mused. “Time really flies. It feels like just yesterday when you were telling us about your first kiss.”
“They grow up so fast,” Maxi crooned, tugging gently on the side of Violetta’s hair. Violetta laughed with Francesca as she swatted his hand away.
“You’ve got to try and make a good impression,” Camila said.
Francesca frowned, “Vilu is very charming, Cami. She’s like an innocent little lamb.”
“Of course she is. That’s not what I meant,” Camila waved away Francesca’s defense. “I just mean that this is a really important step so you want to make an extra effort. Sure, you don’t need their blessing or permission or all that, but it’s so much easier to date someone when their parents don’t hate your guts. Get it? Just saying it’s good to run onto the battlefield after you’ve strategized and have proper weaponry. Am I making any sense?”
A battlefield? Violetta’s mouth went dry at the comparison. 
“No,” Francesca furrowed her brows in confusion. “What does a battlefield have to do with any of this?”
“Oh, you know. They want to ask you everything from your hobbies to how many cows you’re able to give in exchange for their son’s hand in marriage.” Camila wrinkled her nose like she had a personal grudge against this imaginary question in particular. “And it’s like a landmine, one wrong answer and they’ve decided you’re the worst, no ifs, ands, or buts.”
Oh no. Violetta hadn't felt this nervous since she had tried to run away from her singing audition. The very tempting idea to run away now dangled in her mind despite knowing she wouldn't take it. This was so important to León and she would suffer through it if she had to. Would it be rude to refuse to speak the entire dinner? What if she feigned losing her voice? All Violetta knew for certain was that she would feel the smallest she ever had at the dinner table that night. Every flaw that she possessed came stumbling forward in her mind. You’re too shy, they whispered. You don’t have enough experience, they mocked. They’ll think you need León to do everything, they jeered. In the wake of all that awaited her tonight, Violetta was woefully underprepared.
“Vilu, you okay?”
Violetta drug herself up from the depths of her mind and saw Francesca huddled in her face, a frown pulling her features into the very picture of concern.
“Yeah … yeah, I’m fine. Just nervous, I guess.”
“That’s totally normal,” Francesca rubbed up and down Violetta’s arm but she paid it little mind. Some of her anxiety must have leaked through across her face because Francesca spun around with a disapproving frown. “Cami, look at what you did!”
Camila turned abruptly from where she and Maxi had bent their heads together, murmuring about where to hang out later. Violetta watched as Camila took in Francesca and herself, watching as the state Violetta was in tipped her off to the severity of her anxiety over the event. With a sweet croon, Camila swept near and took both Violetta’s hands in hers.
“Girlie, sorry, I just got a bit overboard. But Fran’s right, you’re charming and sweet, they’ll love you.”
“You don’t have to say that, Cami,”
“But she’s right,” Francesca said firmly. “They’d have to be fools not to like you.”
 Maxi butted in, “And León’s parents aren’t going to ban him from dating someone he likes. I mean, he dated Ludmila.”
If Violetta could wish for a superpower in that every moment, it would have been the power to stop time. The ticking of her clock had continued to push on with merciless speed no matter how much she glared and begged for the hands to cease. Her room was a mess, piles of clothing littered the bed, her desk, and any surface she could find room on; nearly every item she owned was out in a haphazard display as she endlessly circled through different combinations, trying to find the perfect outfit.
This one was too short. This one was too casual. This one was too formal.
Violetta would have thrown herself across her bed in anguish if it wasn't so piled high. As it was, Violetta decided that burrowing her face into her pillow was an adequate replacement.
She was still buried in the fluffy plush of her pillow, a silent scream on her lips when a hesitant knock rapped against her locked bedroom door.
German stood in the open doorway, looking for all the world that he would rather be doing anything else than getting ready to send Violetta off to meet the parents of her boyfriend. “Are you almost ready, Vilu? I was hoping to talk with you for a minute.”
Violetta groaned in dispair. German jerked back as if the sound had shocked him with a current of electricity.
“What’s wrong, Sweetie?”
“I won’t be ready until I have something to wear, Dad,”
“Oh, having trouble?”
Violetta withheld the eye-roll that she wanted to make, choosing to simply walk back toward her pile of clothes. Why did it always feel like her words were falling short at some invisible barrier when it came to her father; she could talk and talk, but he only ever seemed to hear half of what she said, and even then, it was hardly what she meant for him to understand. She left the door open, however, and German stepped through into her room after a few seconds of deliberation.
“I know, I’ll clean it later. Promise.”
But German did not say anything. His eyes roamed the room; the piles, the walls, and finally Violetta herself were swept along in his gaze. Violetta watched him in turn, taking note of the growing lines gathering on his forehead and around his mouth. It was a look she knew well, though it had more than one outcome.
“Your mother had a white dress with flowers all over,” Whatever silent war he had raged within himself had been concluded and the lines along his face softened, though they merely took on the mask of dull heartache. “She wore it when she went to meet my parents. She was so nervous, she kept twisting her skirt over her finger. Wore a hole in it before dinner was done.”
Violetta smiled, mirroring the distant grief that her father’s involuntary smile possessed, if only different. But if one thing was similar between their sadness, it was that neither felt the time they had with Maria was enough.
“You look beautiful in anything, Sweetie,”
Violetta turned her smile onto her father before turning to root through her pile on the bed. She emerged with a pale blue dress with little white flowers scattered across the fabric, the closest thing to what German described. Her mother might not be there to see her off, but at the very least, Violetta could feel like Maria was with her throughout the whole thing. Just the touch of the fabric on her skin was enough to ease the churning in her stomach.
“Thanks, Dad,” and Violetta hoped that he could hear the many things she was thanking him for in her two simple words.
German smiled, kissed her head, and walked out the door. Violetta pretended not to notice the tears he swiped away from his eyes as he turned out of sight.
Her outfit chosen, Violetta sprung into action. She slipped her white heels on, brushed out her hair, and deftly applied her bit of makeup. By the time she had double and triple-checked that everything was in order, her phone chimed with a message from León announcing his arrival.
The text gave her wings and Violetta was flying down the stairs just as the front door was closing behind León. Already breathless in anxious excitement, what little breath she had was caught in her throat at the sight of him; his clothes were smart yet comfortable, hugging him in a way that flattered his form and added to the effortlessly charming confidence that laced his every move. She paused for a second or two on the stairs to take him in but he caught her stare and she almost averted her gaze, conscious of the swirling heat that enveloped her neck and cheeks. But Violetta didn't look away and so was rewarded with watching León’s momentary lapse as he stood - dare she say - stunned by her. His reaction sent a thrill through her just as much as it embarrassed her to be the cause of it.
It took a moment to notice that Ramallo and German were also present. The latter was talking about curfews as sternly as if it was the first time that León had received this spiel; Ramallo made no attempt to stop his boss aside from sparing Violetta an amused look. León, for his part, endured the conversation with grace, once more reassuring German that Violetta would be home by his required time like he did every time.
“Good,” German was saying, satisfied with his reprisal of the rules. “Do you want anything to drink or eat, León? I think Olga is making chocolate chip cookies.”
Violetta hurtled herself forward with all speed to León’s side and latched on to his arm just as León was taking a breath to answer. “Dad,” Violetta moaned, stretching out her one word so amply lace it with chiding, “we have to go or we’ll be late.”
León nodded exaggeratedly beside her, his hand lifted to gesture to Violetta as if to draw German’s attention to some wonderful point she had made.
German flung out his hands in surrender, his words of acquiescence bubbling up with a light and unconcerned air. Violetta smiled and embraced her father, kissing him quickly on the cheek before bidding Ramallo goodbye as well. León and German shook hands.
“Bye, German. Don’t worry, I’ll return her in one piece,”
They were halfway through the door when German hastily announced he wanted to drive them so they wouldn't be late. Ramallo was by his side in the blink of an eye, his hand gently laid on German’s shoulder. Steering him off, Ramallo promised León had it all sorted; why, he’d even brought his own transportation for the special occasion. Ramallo shot a wink over his shoulder as he nudged the door closed with his foot.
Violetta and León’s eyes met and amusement brimmed behind their eyes, lips pursed to hold back the quiet laughter threatening to spill out. León took her hand softly in his.
Violetta took a deep breath and nodded. León’s smile was sunshine itself - warm and nourishing - as he slipped her hand through the crook of his elbow and wound it around his forearm. They scurried down the driveway and Violetta almost stopped short at the sleek red and black motorcycle that was leaning on its kickstand just tucked out of sight behind the house’s wall. No wonder Ramallo had been so intent on keeping German in the house. León led them up to the contraption; he let go of her hand for a moment to swing himself over the seat and pull the two helmets into his lap. Settled, León grinned at her but trepidation kept Violetta’s feet firmly planted on the ground. Her stomach roiled and her mind whirled.
“León, you’ve been driving for a while, right?” She didn't bother to hide her fear as she stared unblinkingly at the bike.
It did not go unnoticed.
“Since I was sixteen,” León’s answer was soft, his eager smile sliding off. She felt his warm strong hand take hers but he didn't tug her closer, just wiggled one of her fingers to get her eyes on him instead of the bike.
“I figured we’ve already conquered one type of bike, why not the other?”
Violetta was still unconvinced. This was not the same as learning to ride a simple peddle bike. “You’re sure I won’t fall off?”
León grinned, crooked and mischievous, “Only if you don't hold on to me really tight.”
Violetta huffed a laugh at his bouncing eyebrows and made up her mind. Though she was still tense as a plank of wood, Violetta plopped the helmet over her hair with care and settled behind León, her front pressed against his back, arms locked around his middle in a grip of steel. He wouldn't have brought the motorcycle if he didn’t think he could handle the drive and really, new experiences were never as scary as they could be when León was with her.
Before he started the bike, León grew still and serious. “We can walk if you’d rather. It’s no big deal.”
His offer, so earnest and given without a thought except to make her comfortable, was enough to swell her heart with love and bolster her courage. Always so thoughtful. Violetta bumped her helmet against his. “I’m good. You’re with me.”
León patted her hand and turned forward. The engine reeved to life, the bike rumbling beneath them. Violetta vibrated under the machine's steady droning, the feeling oddly reminiscent of the way the bass thrummed through the stage floor despite the motorcycle being far louder by far. She squeezed León once and he was off; the wind pelting against her legs, the neighborhood whipping by, and her heart pounding with the exhilaration of the freeing speed.
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reflections-of-mobius · 11 months
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Hello, and welcome to the pinned post! My name's Writer, and I'm the mun of this odd little multimuse.
☢ This blog will contain upsetting content from time to time- please make sure you have the proper tags blocked off just to be safe, but I will always try to leave disturbing content under a readmore and tag it appropriately. ☢
☢ This blog is 18+ only. The content here will range, and I don't feel like making an NSFW sideblog. It will, of course, be tagged for those who don't want to see it- but if you're under eighteen, for the love of sanity, stay away. ☢
☢ If you have a problem with self-inserts, selfships, powerful OCs, or incredibly AU Canons, then leave. ☢
[Rules | Muse Roster | Promo Post | Universes | Relationships]
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As for me- I'm Writer, a twenty-three year old nonbinary mate (they/them) who's really just here to have fun, hang with friends, and build worlds. I identify as ficto (a subtype of the aro-ace club, yes I know how to separate fiction and reality, you're not original if you try to ask me that), and I'm a Pisces/INFJ/Metal Snake, for those who would want to inquire. I'm mostly a gamer and an anime fan, so I flip between playing games and watching television... A lot.
I've been diagnosed with Depression and Social/General Anxiety, and my friends tend to think I might have undiagnosed ADHD/BPD, but I have yet to be tested. I get overwhelmed pretty easily, and stress can make me totally shut down and go into hiding to recover. So if ever I suddenly vanish for a few days- it's nothing against you, I'm just recovering.
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⚠️ I do not claim ownership of Mephiles the Dark, Dark Gaia, or Sonic the Hedgehog. I claim ownership of my personal spin on each character, as well as the headcanons I've made for all the worlds present here- but not for the base idea of 'Mobius', 'Chaos Emeralds', and things generally seen in the Sonic Franchise. ⚠️
⚠️ While I do claim ownership over Arwen Conch, Cinnamon Curl (and their pet cat Milky), Fin Freja, Node Gate, and Tempest Lock, I was not the one to come up with the designs for Cinnamon Curl and Fin Freja. I adopted the designs from kandaarts (here on Tumblr, Fin) , Blayris6 (on DeviantArt, Milky) and dart22345 (also on Deviantart, Cinnamon), respectively. Arwen Conch's design was made on a whim via this picrew. ⚠️
⚠️ This blog is 18+. If you are under eighteen, leave. I will (at times) roleplay sensitive topics, and smut may come up every here and there (mostly on Sunday/Sinday, if at all). I don't want minors to see that stuff. ⚠️
⚠️ This blog does have a selfship, as well as two self-inserts- and at times will delve into selfships. The OCs are all relatively powerful for their given worlds, and the self-inserts are given power on par with the canons. The canons (namely, Mephiles and Dark Gaia ) have been heavily rebuilt on this blog, and will not function as they would if you just pulled them from their given games. If you came here to interact with a sneaky Mephiles who hates your character, or a Dark Gaia that just wants to see the world burn, you will be disappointed. If you came here seeking target practice from OCs, you will be disappointed. If you came here to escape selfshipping, you will be disappointed. ⚠️
⚠️ Note: when I say 'selfshipping', I mean writing a self-insert and then shipping that SI with the characters in a given series. ⚠️
⚠️ DNI if: Nazi, pedophile, MAP, racist, homophobic, under eighteen, proship, don't 'believe' in mental illnesses, intolerant, hater of selfships, hater of OCs, hater of canon divergence. ⚠️
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🔘 This blog runs on a queue system. For the most part, I will space out replies to post once a day unless I have several days off from work in a row. If you don't like a blog run on a queue system, that's on you, not me. 🔘
🔘 Event threads will take precedence over regular threads. I will space out events at my leisure. 🔘
🔘 The Sonic Franchise is my secondary interest. My main is MHA/Toshinori Yagi. 🔘
🔘 I work early morning shifts, so I'm usually asleep by a decent hour and awake before the sun's even up, most days. (EST) 🔘
🔘 My energy ain't always the best.- So please don't bug me for replies. Sometimes I forget, so if it's been over a month, you're welcome to ask me if I spaced on answering your thread (please send me the link to the most recent response you made, if you can!). 🔘
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And if you made it this far, let me just say- congratulations! How you read all that and didn't keel over is beyond me.
My personal favorite Sonic games are: Sonic Unleashed, Sonic 06, Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, and Sonic Riders. I also loved the Sonic X anime, though I was never particularly invested in Chris Thorndyke.
Some credits aside from those I put down for the character designs that I adopted...:
The 'caution' tape dividers that I plan to use on this blog for adult content, dark content, and triggering content were all originally made by cafekitsune (on Tumblr). They're free and public to use, but if you do use them, please do as I did and like, reblog (I threw them all into my queue, but they will reblog bit-by-bit), and credit from the original posts.
Adult Content Tape Source Dark Content Tape Source Triggering Content Tape Source
Hopefully, that's enough rambling. For now.
May your day/night be fun, and may your rest be enjoyable!
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And remember- you are amazing, as you are.
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Stuff about my FlameMooon fanchild, Rob (CW for some sensitive topics)
Rob identifies as an Agender Polyromantic and is on the ace-spectrum
They use They/Them and any neopronouns
They are 16 y/o and 5'3
Their personality is a lot like Flame's, but less arrogant and selfish
Rob likes clowns, the night, campfires, cartoons, the smell of gasoline, philosophy, partying, playing the keytar and the drums, chickens, sunflowers, cake, getting compliments, designing clothes, art, fashion, horror movies from the 60's-80's, 80's culture in general, video games, history, math and the color orange
But they dislike their ex, whenever they lose their temper, whenever they see any of their favorite characters in a proship/comship, bees, violence, gore, getting misgendered, when a game glitches, bullying, yelling, loud things (Very sensitive to those), flashing lights, slurs, people who chew with their mouth open, any kind of bug (Except for moths and ladybugs), people who hurt/insult their fathers, trauma, and homophobes
They have something called "The limit" (Reference to Claws of rage) in which one becomes a "horrific monster" when pushed to a limit. They discovered this when their ex-girlfriend, Julie, broke up with them and started ruthlessly bullying them. This is why they don't have normal pupils
They also have PTSD, epilepsy, GAD, and autism. They're also semi-blind in both eyes and have sh issues
Despite being very mentally ill and being very sensitive to gory stuff, Rob likes watching old horror movies (Their favorite being killer klowns from outer space)
They went vegan once when they were 10 cuz their ex was vegan but stopped at age 13 after the incident happened
Their favorite foods are chicken, cake, pancakes, elote corn, tacos, any spicy food, and salad (even though eating it gives them PTSD flashbacks)
If they were human, they'd be mixed black-Latino since Flame is also mixed
Rob likes any kind of cake, but their favorites are tres leches and red velvet (I can agree lolz)
Their favorite drinks are hot chocolate, grape juice, mango juice, red slushies, and water
They listen to Your favorite martian, Linkin Park, Lady Gaga, Mitski, Tone Loc (The irony of this), Tally Hall, Nicki Minaj, Doja Cat, Gorillaz, yfm, MARINA, Grandson, Lemon Demon, Yung Buttpiss, Kevin Temmer, Or3o, Stolen Babies, and Billie Bust Up
They have a spotify playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0qGpiWQ9zckYzllROgJQ6q?si=8538c344a5a94fc0
They also identify with xenogenders, 56 in total
Underneath Rob's hat, they have fish "gills". No one knows how, they just do
They know ASL
Rob's full name is Robin Albatraoz "Rob" Fieri
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PART II [go back to one if you didn’t start there, if you want the experience offered when taken properly from beginning to end as it should be]
—->HERE RESUME: track selfiness —Oh hello great and full, still with Me are You well-informed friend *READING THIS NOW* …insistence wheat no nasty-hey! Yay, you-who we a “yoo-hoo!” cat turret unk-hunk awl Will 1:Carrie ow! text a cute function: diss to rack count Awning an all woN: all an “owie! We added up a sage oh, hey, form me in twoses sin tour offer a “ ‘nough, Earther: I Do. wall —How? This way: all ill, all ow, meow ohh, hiss at this Author: Matching butt um — ein ist dee eye enter up to dodgy & hurt ace, my, oh my, yup… as sighs a thought, philos(emphasis as assass us he, aka, like a sea: moroan but dune ought do, say “tomb ate a pin a nasty habit a tour or ‘arr!’ Steel, depend an ear un N on top of fair mast, guide, heron-or error elder umami, if: fell a lathe verse inter are a newt tin, eye on an un-date, 8 i saw dust to us sun come pander, reaper rough up, up, a pair, end dollar resist: a rinse cistern is water hoot t’offer, learn to: sign-lent-ache a puppy buttering of all old how some of um… E? if i transpose a match at uh, say - Now—>Tune into G(gee, muse ich is it hope and daze a fucker as caw will kiln nigh kite to flight took me pull us inane and done too OOH!—The Key is, and per Sand, it is ‘I’: Me, in when won as peck, as respect form i hold on all for the ‘Yoo-hoo’ are you: chalk and and all let tear ah, halal[hall-all there i helped out to you inter us(oh K let him as me yes sass at this la fan tap past terse surrily—they are wise and up, pat D’s letter rock gone-neck…uncut-tan necked-deadass IS. Essential(a snaky in mow-ray a me-as-in:divide you all into itch, shun be : And Sir, know sis and these, your Count sent[Compounded in two, gather randy He: dude deletes undating nouveau ‘R’-[say aloud this symbolic a small lie? A: Naw - just in: say… name it, proper hint: rhyming with sash] wing of Heiress Rehab or Recovery. in flu, in essence, totality reached: Last wording coming soon nigh, this is accepted a new kind of message that since you have read fully with clear consent, magic it works now taken within Your unveiling begins with this period here: . Mind anchor a point singular dot stacatto noting now underavelling web My Mind Design forms inside your Mind a wing, too, now you Begin. Start again and now END now.***Return, new line made train of thought choo caw! Kachoo!
[Epilogue:] Seal this unhinging read by thoroughly Shaking out Head fingers toes, to distractify: Forget. by: a Watch comedy flicks or something fresh do find to take off your mind all this freaky word salad eyeworming its way weaving into the You that will waffle Leggo… complete the phrase and complete is your accomplished first steps to cue madness ensuing engrained when the new You shows up let Me know compelling the rest to take up residence minding inside your nest
0 notes
September 23, 2022 - Thursday
Third entry yey! Surprise guys may blog si accla niyo kasi gusto ko lang maglabas ng sama ng loob. Nadamay kasi Tumblr ko don sa NGL link ko, I mean, bro kung ayaw mo sa mga blogs ko, don't read it. I am still being nice so yeah, don't read my blogs hindi ka kawalan and I don't care if I have no readers. Blog ko to. Plus, tumblr account ko to gagawin ko lahat ng gusto kong gawin dito kahit idisable ko ang anonymous dito sa pagtatanong sakin wala kang pakielam bro. Nakikibasa ka lang ng blogs ko. :)
Anyway, after nyan, chika ko sa inyo ang week ko---well hindi pa naman totally natatapos ang week na to but I don't care. Exam week namin and halos lahat nausod next week kasi suspended class namin bukas and yung ibang subjects ay nalipat next week so bale we're having prelim exam ng two weeks. Extended mga beh. For me, okay lang sa akin na two weeks exam, why? Sa dami naming subjects sa isang sem hindi talaga kaya ang one week. Imagine we're having 5 major subjects and three of them have laboratory class pa. So all in all may 12 subjects ako. Minus sa isang subject namin na pang school, wala siyang exam so yeah. 11 exams ang need ko itake sa isang semester. Kaya sinong hindi mapapagod diba?
So far, apat na yung natatake kong exams kahapon at ngayon. I aced my Filipino exam kasi madali lang talaga siya. I can say that I did well sa PSTMLS ko having 78 out of 100 points, yesh I know 78% is pasang awa but contented na ako dyan kasi mahirap talaga yan and nakakalito ang mga meanings. Okay din ang score ko sa PE 3 ko 43/50 di ko kasi alam yung castling sa chess so yeah yon alam ko mali ko yon don HAHAHAHA. ANAPHY LAB, I think I did great kanina, however, I'm still nervous sa outcome ng score ko kasi hindi ako nakapag review ng ayos sa cell----thanks to Cytogenetics may naalala pa akong part ng cells and yeah, I survived my exam a while ago.
Dapat bukas ang exam ko ay lab and lec ng BioEpi kaya lang walang klase so yeah nalipat yung lec exam sa Monday and TBA pa ang lab. Yung f2f exam namin sa Saturday ay dalawa na lang imbes tatlo---THANK YOU talaga kasi dalawa na lang sya. Cytogenetics, Biochemistry, and ANAPHY lec ang itatake dapat namin sa Sabado pero nalipat yung ANAPHY lec next Saturday. So yeah HAHAHAHA. Final boss ang ANAPHY lec.
Paano ako nag-aaral? Well, sa susunod ko ichichika yan. But for me, best strategy ko ay basa and sulat talaga. After ko magbasa ng buong lesson nagsusulat ako ng mga important words sa isang notebook then basa ulit and sulat. Or, para akong nagtuturo sa mga bata, naglelecture ako mag isa sa kwarto ko. It may look like a crazy woman but it is freaking effective y'all. MUCH BETTER if you have study buddy or having vc's with your friends. <3
Pero sa susunod na yung mga tips ko na ewan ko kung may matutunan ba kayo pero I am just an ordinary student na super struggle pa rin sa schedule na meron ako but I'm still coping up and I am moving in my own pace, di ko sinasabayan mga classmates ko. One step at a time.
Sa susunod na din yung ibang sama ng loob. :) HAHAHAHHAHAA
Song of the Day: Serendipity - BTS JIMIN
Love y'all~ ask questions don't hesitate, as if kilala niyo ko in person---well, sa mga nakakakilala saken dyan, gora lang as if naman kilala ko mga usernames niyo, and please, refrain from asking some sexual question, know privacy guys. Wala ba kayo non? Lol.
0 notes
sanjuno · 6 years
For self-indulgently tropey ideas - Time travel in either direction, big Ace meets little Ace? Could be in TWFF (in which case depending on the timeline, little Ace and Luffy might even be the same age) or in canonverse or some other happy AU. I'll be Pi Anon!
(Ideas of March Prompt Fill 10/15)
Fire burns. Fire is stubborn about clinging to life, lurking in sparks and embers until a touch of wind sends it blazing up again. There is fire in the earth, warming the roots of the trees. There is fire under the waves, escaping in bubbles of steam. There is fire in the sky, in the sun’s rays and the lightning carried by the clouds.
There is fire in a human heart.
The body of Portgas D Ace burned. Not on a pyre or a funeral barge, but on the deck beside the body of his chosen father. Marco doubled over with the force of his sobs, cursing Akainu and the Marines and understanding to the depths of his soul the rage that drove some Morganeers to inhuman malice.
Marco’s brother would never have a proper sendoff. All that was left of Ace, by the time they got the the island where fallen Whitebeard Pirates were laid to rest, was his hat and his knife. They only had even that much because Ace had been stripped of his things before the execution.
So Marco wept, and Ace burned.
Grey Terminal burned.
Ace woke up with a roar, voiceless and agonized. Explosions drove the flames higher as caches of blackpowder and oil were consumed by the blaze that covered the shanty town.
Another scream, high and thin and desperate. The air rippled, discoloured by pressure as that scream drilled rage and denial into every mind within hearing distance. The flames hung frozen as the world paused, bowing down to the Will of a Conqueror.
Ace was the fire consuming the dump where he had grown up, still reeling from the blow that had killed him. Ace was desperately fighting to keep his little brother alive as a man who was older and stronger was determined to kill them.
This nightmare again. The reason why Ace had worked so hard to master his fire powers. The day he had lost Sabo, the day he had almost lost Luffy. This nightmare that would never let Ace go. The only reason Luffy had lived back then was because Dadan…
… Where was Dadan?
The fire swirled in confusion, drawing back from the paths the people of Grey Terminal were using to try and escape. The guards waiting outside the fire to kill the fleeing ‘vermin’ raised their guns as the first figures escaped from the flames. Those guns exploded in their hands as the fire lashed out, daggers of flame cutting through the barrels and searing into their flesh.
Strangers in cloaks stepped up and started leading the escaping people away. Ace’s attention flickered over a tall man with facial tattoos who seemed to be in charge of the evacuation. Familiar not familiar who was he?
Not important. Where was Dadan?
There was fire in the trees, in the forest on the Mountains, set by more of the hired soldiers from High Town as the tried to burn out the Bandit nest. Dadan was up there with her men, frantic and fighting with a savagery Ace had only seen once before. Machete in one hand, wood axe in another, Curly Dadan killed a man with every swing. My boys where are my boys they’re supposed to be home soon no I won’t let you where are my boys I won’t let you touch them won’t let you take them no no no ACE! LUFFY!
No. Wait, that was… that was wrong! The bandit camp was safe! Dadan was supposed to be here, in Grey Terminal! Ace needed Dadan’s help to save Luffy!
Don’t touch my brother! LUFFY!
Reeling in confusion, Ace screamed, chest burning with pain and rage and heartbreak. Sabo had died in this fire. Ace refused to let it take Luffy too!
When Ace was a skinny, malnourished, touch starved ten year old, Bluejam had been a monster. As an adult with three years on the Grand Line under his belt, Bluejam was nothing.
“KEEP YOUR FLITHY HANDS OFF!” The other pirate’s face caved in with a wet crack as Ace formed out of the flames, blood sizzling as it hit the heated stone under his feet. Bluejam went down hard, and Ace stomped down hard on Bluejam’s neck to make sure he would stay down. “Don’t ever, touch my little brother.”
Chest heaving, Ace spat to the side, ignoring the way the spittle was mostly blood and sparks. He was pulling on the fire around him, drawing it into himself at the same pace he might eat after starving for awhile. It was all backwards. Ace had made flames from his body before, but he had never turned it around to make his body out of normal fire. Still, he kept doing it, because it was saving his life. The organs and bone destroyed by Akainu’s blow were being repaired, flesh and blood filling in faster than he was loosing them. Give it another five minutes and Ace would be able to live without needing a fire the size of an entire city as makeshift life support. Another ten minutes and Ace would be entirely healed.
“… brother?” The tiny voice behind him was rough from screaming and smoke inhalation. Ace spun, and stared into grey eyes that were far too familiar for comfort. Too old for the young face they were part of, tired and worn down after a too-short lifetime of being told they were a monster who deserved death. Skinny arms, scraped raw and covered in burns, winched tight around their little brother’s too-limp body.
There was blood on Luffy’s face.
Breath hitching, eyes burning with tears, Ace swallowed hard and carefully knelt down by the past versions of himself and his baby brother. “Hey. You’re Ace, right?”
“Who are you?” The smaller Ace growled, pulling Luffy closer and shoving back with his heels to try and put more space between them. “You came out of the fire! Why do you look like me? Who are you?”
“Hey… little brother, it’s okay.” The choice was an easy one to make. There was no telling how this had happened, but Ace was not going to waste his second chance. “The name’s Portgas D Riot. And I’m your big brother.”
“… what?” The boy looked shocked, but his grip on Luffy never loosened. “Why are you here now?”
“It took me this long to find you. I was only eleven when you were born.” Formerly-Ace-now-Riot shook his head and sighed, not wanting to grab Ace when he knew how badly the kid would take being touched by a stranger, but they needed to get out of the blaze. Even if Riot could keep the fire from burning them, Ace and Luffy still needed to be able to breathe, and the heat was dangerous to such small bodies. “Please, Ace, I’ll explain everything later, but we have to go. I need to get you and… and our little brother somewhere safe.”
Ace swallowed, the movement harsh and dry. Grey eyes flickered down to Luffy and then back up to Riot, clearly suspicious but also clearly desperate. “… promise you won’t hurt Luffy?”
“I swear Ace. I swear on our mother’s grave, I won’t let either of you get hurt.” Riot held out his hands, praying that it would be enough because he was not risking Haki on kids this young. “Please.”
“… okay.” Ace leaned forward, eyes closed as his exhaustion and the stress caught up to him all at once. Riot moved without hesitation, scooping the kids up into his arms in a tangle and racing for the nearest exit into the woods.
“Hang on, little brother.” Riot sucked in flame as he ran, building up his reserves in anticipation of the next few days. “Big brother’s here now. I’ve got you.”
The day after the fire was mostly taken up by arguments between Riot and Ace. Luffy just watched them go at it, head swivelling and eyes wide as he looked from his-Ace to and even bigger Ace who was actually Riot. It took some careful editing of the truth, but Ace eventually believed that Riot was his older brother. Luffy required no convincing after the first hug. Riot knew that he was going to take care of Ace and Luffy in order to give them the happy childhood Riot had always wanted more of for himself. Mostly this involved hugging Luffy whenever he did or said something cute, and making exaggerated sad faces at Ace when Riot’s miniature-dopplganger refused cuddles.
Two days after the fire, Riot allowed the kids to convince him to stay at their treehouse while they went to check on the bandits. Riot knew what was going to happen, what they were going to learn when they got there, but there was nothing kind about hiding the truth from them. Riot knew how much it hurt to lose a brother, and the age you were when it happened did nothing to soften the blow. All Riot could do was be there when the boys came back.
So he was there.
Riot was there when Luffy stumbled out of the bushes, sobbing to hard to see and clutching Ace’s hand in a death grip as the other boy pulled him forward. Riot was there when Ace never broke stride, barrelling into Riot’s chest at full speed. Riot’s arms closed around both boys, Ace’s back shaking as he ground his forehead into Riot’s collarbone. “… Ace?”
“… Sabo’s… my brother… Sabo’s dead.” Voice cracking around the truth, Ace sobbed. Once, a harsh, guttural noise, and then he howled. The same raging storm of grief and agony that Riot remembered suffering through while tied to a tree. Luffy’s tears turned into wailing, and both boys clung to Riot with all their strength.
“I’m here. Ace, Luffy, I’m here.” He could remember losing Sabo as a child, and Thatch as an adult. Riot grit his teeth against old pain, his tears silent as he held his little brothers close and let them grieve. They needed this, and they needed to feel safe enough for this. Riot could give them this much.
A week after the fire, after the worst of the storm of grief had passed, Ace looked up at Riot and asked the question that would change everything. “Do we need to stay here?”
“Eh?” Riot looked up from where he was butchering their fourth alligator of the day, to look at his little brother. “What do you mean?”
“You must’ve had a life before coming here. You know what’s out there. You said you’ve been to the Grand Line.” Ace always sounded like he was accusing Riot of something when they talked. It was one of the most adorable things Riot had even seen. Seas and shells, no wonder Pops had done nothing but laugh when he was recruited. It was the cutest fucking thing when that little freckled face scowled at him. Riot tamped down on the urge to giggle and just raised a brow at his brother. Ace huffed and crossed his arms. “You can’t really want to stay here.”
“You… want to leave Dawn Island.” Riot put down his knife and sat back on his heels to consider the new concept. It had never occurred to him that he could take Ace and Luffy away from their home island before they turned seventeen. “What about you, Luffy? What do you want?”
“… Wanna be a pirate. Wanna be free.” Luffy rocked a little on the stump he was seated on, clapping his feet together and staring at his toes. “I’ll miss Makino, but I hate bandits and Sabo…”
“Fucking Celestial Dragons.” Riot spat to one side, going back to preparing their meat with a vengeance. “Only thing on the seas worse than the shitty fucking Marines is them and their gods damned slavers…”
Ace blinked like Riot had said something new, and then grinned. Dark and sly and far too evil for his tiny body. “Shitty gramps will probably arrest you if he finds out you’re here.”
Freezing under the surge of sheer existential dread, Riot could feel every muscle in his body lock up. Oh shit no he had forgotten about Garp.
“Pack your bags!” The boys cheered and Riot knew the rictus on his face was probably communicating exactly how pants shiningly terrified he was over the idea of Garp the Fist finding out Riot was going to steal his grandsons. “We need to leave right now.”
Fuck, okay. Maybe not right now right now, since according to his memory they still had something like four weeks until Garp actually showed up to check on them, but as soon as possible was the goal.
He hated having to do it, but it was necessary. The only good news was that the scars left on his back and chest had left the Whitebeard jolly roger an unrecognizable twisted smear. Even if the likelihood of an East Blue back ally ink shop knowing Whitebeard’s flag was a slim chance, Riot knew it was a good thing that the jolly roger was gone. Riot was simply not going to risk someone noticing the wrecked tattoo and trying to puzzle it out. It would put his little brothers in danger.
So even though it broke something inside him, Riot had a new tattoo layered over the old one. It extended further than the jolly roger had, covering the scars and working with the remains of the Riot’s old allegiance. It was impossible to leave the past behind entirely though, so he picked the phoenix image knowing full well what it meant to him. The firebird covered most of his back, curling around his ribs on a field of hibiscus flowers and ocean waves to taper down his stomach.
The finished product was art and Riot cheerfully and with great relief took immense pleasure in forgoing any and all shirts for the rest of their journey.
Two years later, Riot was the Captain of a Pirate Crew again and he was still not entirely sure how. He was sure, however, that he had given Ace and Luffy some really interesting views on how to recruit their own future crews. Which Riot had decided would still happen even if he had to drop the little shits off on Dawn Island himself the day they each turned seventeen.
So there. Casualty could suck salt.
“Hi!” Pirate Bars are not usually a place where on encountered children. Pirate Bars in the New World are absolutely the last place people should allow their children to hang out. Marco blinked at his tankard and wondered if it had been spiked with seastone powder. The Phoenix looked down into wide dark eyes all but shining with excited curiosity. “You’re that bluebird Niichan has a crush on!”
Thatch spat out his drink, choking on his giggles as the rest of the Whitebeard Pirates seated nearby started hooting with amusement. Marco was going to make all of these idiots pay for witnessing this. He was the First Devision Commander, he had the power.
“I don’t think you’re supposed to be in here, yoi.” Marco told the kid, hoping he would just take the hint and go away so he could start the bar fight his brothers were sorely asking for. 
The kid blinked in innocent incomprehension, and the door to the bar crashed open. “Portgas D Luffy!”
“Oops.” The kid looked like he was contemplating hiding behind Marco’s chair when a strong hand clamped down on the back of his vest and lifted him straight off the floor without any apparent effort. “Hi Niichan!”
“Luffy, what have I told you about speaking with other pirate crews?” The long-suffering tone was at odds with the colourful body tattoo and the aggressively orange hat. Marco was still trying to find his brain, because his libido had taken one look at the artistically tattooed musculature on shameless display and punted his higher thought process out of the way to wolf whistle aggressively. Marco would break his own rule about not sleeping with fans more often if they all looked like this. Silver-grey eyes turned to Marco as the dangling boy giggled, and the man sighed. “Hey, sorry about him bothering you. The little shit’s too friendly for his own good sometimes.”
“He was no trouble, yoi.” Marco was impressed with himself, he had never dealt well with speaking to people who attracted him. As long as he kept his eyes up he should fine… oh no he had freckles they were adorable. Shifting in his chair, Marco leaned back and nodded at the kid. “Might want to keep a better eye on him though. Kids can get into bad trouble out here.”
“This little shit can take care of himself.” The man was still holding his little brother off the floor with one hand. “It’s the bar I was worried about.”
“Aw, Niichan.” The kid pouted, crossing his arms. “I just wanted to meet the bluebird! Does he really look like the one on your back.”
“How the hell should I know? Not like I’ve ever seen his zoan transformation.” Thumping the kid down the older brother shoved his head down into an approximation of an apologetic bow. “Sorry for interrupting you drink.”
“Sorry!” The kid chirped, still laughing. Man, that was one happy kid. Marco relaxed a little. No kid could be that honestly happy with someone who would hurt them.
“Luffy getting in trouble again?” The new arrival was an identical, smaller version of the man Marco was still subtly enjoying the sight of. Minus the tattoos and about ten years of age. Must be another brother.
“Ah!” The smaller kid wiggled free and bounced over to the older child. “Ace is mean!”
“Ace isn’t the one who gets kidnapped every week because he can’t stay out of other people’s business.” The preteen snorted and thumped the younger boy on the head. “Now come on, Niichan’s taking us hunting and you’re wasting daylight in this stupid bar with a bunch of has-beens.”
Thatch started choking again and Marco tried to figure out if a twelve year old had really just insulted the strongest pirate crew in the world to their faces.
“Ace, stop being an instigating little shit.” The tattooed man, who Marco still had no name for, grabbed both of his younger brothers and dragged them bodily out of the bar. Marco stared at the red and gold firebird that stretched across the man’s back and firmly reminded himself that drooling was inappropriate, even if the man was all of Marco’s private fantasies come to life and already wearing Marco’s sigil. The door was kicked open in a mirror of how the man had arrived. “I swear the two of you do this deliberately just to see me get into fights. I think we’re going to do some Gramps style training…”
The door slammed shut just as the boys started protesting the oddly labeled punishment.
Thatch finally managed to catch his breath and paused, face creasing in thought. “Aren’t the animals on this island the ones resistant to Haki?”
“You’re an interesting man, Wildfire Riot.” Whitebeard examined the young Captain glaring up at him from where he stood in front of his crew. The younger brother’s Marco had spoken about were standing just behind their older brother with bared teeth. “From an East Blue no-name to a potential Warlord in only a year.”
“If you know that much you know that I also told the Marines to fuck off.” Despite being confronted with the Strongest Man in the world, Riot was relaxed. Not insolent, simply unconcerned, as if he knew that he had nothing to fear from Whitebeard. The younger Captain grinned and tipped his hat. “Speaking of which, Whitebeard. Care to tell me why you’ve decided to ambush me?”
“Well, it’s come to my attention that you have an interest in my First Division Commander.” Whitebeard grinned as his first child whipped around to stare at him in horror. “What are you intentions towards my son, Wildfire brat?”
“Pops!” Marco’s attempt to interfere was thwarted as he was dogpiled by his siblings, who very much wanted to see this play out.
Riot blinked. Looked from Whitebeard to the scrum between Marco and the rest of the Commanders. Gave his delighted little brothers a warning look. Turned back to Whitebeard and raised his chin. “All due respect, sir, but the fact that I want to bang Marco like a screen door in a hurricane is none of your goddamned business.”
Marco wheezed, collapsing under his brothers and hiding his face in his hands. What the fuck had he done to deserve this? Who even said something like that to someone’s father.
On his part, Whitebeard’s eyes were wide with surprise.
“What’s your problem now?” Riot crossed his arms with a grumpy scowl. “I answered your stupid question.”
“Maybe it’s because he’s old.” Picking at his ear, the smallest of the Portgas D brother’s offered up his explanation as the rest of the Anarchy’s crew nodded along.
“Yeah, his hearing is probably going.” The middle child added, hands laced behind his head as he smirked. “People start loosing their memory when they start loosing hair, don’t they?”
A deep, agonized sound of suffering escaped from Marco as he covered his entire head with his arms. He should never have let Thatch see him check out Wildfire’s ass. Never.
“Are we done?” Riot demanded loudly over the sound of the Whitebeard crew loosing their collective shit. “Because if your son isn’t up to dicking me down I’ve got meat to eat.”
Despite himself, Whitebeard is impressed. The brat has guts.
(Spoiler: Even after the most embarrassing confrontation of his life, Marco is totally up for dicking Riot down.)
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pineapple-coco · 3 years
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Twisted wonderland x Obey Me!Mc
Mc was five when they first went to Devildom and they got adopted by Lucifer as they had no family. They are now 16 yeas old and they get transported to Twisted Wonderland, how will everyone react with Mc having a fucked up sense of humour, can blackmail people in minutes, just to cute to say no to and really innocent (the brothers protected her innocent a little too much).
Mc has NO fear at all. After you have face Lucifer enough times nothing scares you anymore. Mc has eaten stuff that should have killed them... but it didn’t.
Crewel: Yuu! Why did you eat that, bad dog!
Mc: We eat this all the time back at home! It’s totally normal.
Crewel: That was highly poison to humans!
Mc: Oh. Well I’m fine!
At random day Mc will have one of the demon brothers following them or sleeping on them. The first time it happened was with Belphegor, he slept on mc for the whole day and they had to drag him around the school.
Ace: Yuu who’s that?
Mc: He’s Belphegor Avatar of Sloth.
Ace: What is he doing?
Mc: He’s sleeping dumbass
Deuce: On your head.
Mc: Yes.
Deuce: Are you use to him sleeping on your head as you drag him?
Mc: Of course, he dose this all the time. Now let’s go to class.
*At class*
Crewel: Yuu! Who is that sleeping on you?
Mc: He’s Belphegor the Avatar of Sloth.
Crewel: He can’t be here as he is not a student.
Belphegor: I will do what ever I want you stupid mortal being!
Crewel: What did you just say!
Belphegor: Fuck you! I will sleep wherever I want to!
Mc: He’s a demon.
Crewel: Please tell me sooner if someone is a demon puppy.
The strongest demon that had ever followed Mc around would be Mammon, which people weren’t scared of as he my be powerful but is actually really nice. Night Raven College has only seen Belphegor, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Satan and Mammon. So after winter break Lucifer arrived at the school, sending everyone into shock.
Lucifer: Yuu! Where have you been!
Mc: I have been going to a school called Night Raven College in Twisted Wonderland.
Lucifer: You can’t use magic in that world.
Mc: I know. I have a cat raccoon thing named Grim that can do magic.
Lucifer: I will be following you around today. Now where are you from you surely don’t sleep in this place.
Mc: I do sleep here...
Lucifer: Take me to the headmaster so we can have a little chat about your living conditions.
Ace: Yuu ready for another d-
Lucifer: *Smiling and glaring at ADeuce*
Deuce: Umm. H-hello s-si-sir Lucifer!
Mc: He’s my papa!
Grim: He came in the middle of the night.
-Later in Crowley’s office-
Mc: Headmaster someone needs to see you~
Crowley: If you are asking about the way home I’m not d-
Lucifer: No. I want to talk to you personally.
Crowley: Mr. L-Lucifer! What brings you here?
Lucifer: I want to know about the dorm you put my child in and how you treat them.
Crowley: Uh um. Ohhhh yes. We can talk about that.
Mc: I have to go to class bye.
Mc and Grim had now gotten Ramshackle dorm renovated and their allowance has been raised. In the end it is now school known that Mc is the adopted child of Lucifer Avatar of Pride.
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volturialice · 3 years
How did you figure out that you were ace? I have trauma in my past so I don't know if that's why I don't care about sex. My only sexual encounters were mediocre and/or traumatic. But I don't CARE enough to try and go have "good" experiences. I barely have sexual interest and even my SI fantasies and fanfics never really focus on sex. Am I ace? Am I demi? Do I just have a low libido? Any advice would be lovely!!
hmmm. most of what I have to go off of is personal experience (and hopefully some other aspec friends and followers will chime in too!) but based purely on what you've said here, I would guess you do fall somewhere on the ace spectrum. but take my opinion with a grain of salt!
figuring out I was ace was a long process—I can't recall any one Eureka moment or epiphany or anything, it was more like years of going, "am I? could I be? I think I am." pretty much the same thing you're doing! basically, the more I learned about what being asexual/aspec was, the more it fit with my own identity and experiences.
I think I first heard of the concept of asexuality in my late teens, and by then I had noticed I was Different. I had kissed/made out with a few guys and felt...absolutely nothing. no attraction or repulsion, no desire to go further, just sort of a "huh. this is boring. do other people actually like this? am I doing something wrong? but he seems into it."
of course my first thought at the time was that I must be a lesbian, but I found the prospect of sex/physical stuff with girls equally meh. I felt the same way about them as I do about guys (and enbys, agender people, the whole gender spectrum) namely: "some of them are good-looking and cool and I would like to date them, but when it comes to the prospect of sex with them I am utterly indifferent." (spoiler alert: I am sex-indifferent.)
[very long reflection and some links under the cut]
which is a disconnect I had always felt, tbh. when I hit puberty and everyone started obsessing over sex and physical stuff, I was deeply confused. why had all my friends lost their minds? why were they letting guys treat them so badly, or hooking up with someone they didn't even like just because he/she was "good?" (were the people I made out with just "bad" at it somehow, and that's why I didn't enjoy myself?) people would casually talk about feeling horny or wanting to fuck some celebrity or classmate or whoever as if those feelings were a universal experience I could totally relate to, and I would kind of, like. nod along and laugh uncomfortably because I absolutely couldn't relate to them. but I was told that I did. all the adults in my life assumed that as a teenager, I must be a horny little libido monster, and treated/educated/socialized me accordingly. to say nothing of how hard pop culture was telling me I definitely, totally wanted sex.
tbh my first clue that I was ace should have been that everything physical I did with romantic partners felt like something I was checking off a list, or like I was trying to fit some invisible rubric of Normal Level Of Sexual Activity For Teenager. oh, I'm sixteen? Taylor Swift told me I should have had my first kiss last year, better get on that. The CW is telling me I should lose my virginity and learn to give blowjobs/oral right around now; I'll add those to the list.
but none of it was anything I was particularly eager to do—it felt like homework. like, "here are the hoops you must jump through to be seen as Normal." there didn't seem to be space for someone who didn't want to do those things with any gender—that meant you were deviant or broken in some way. (it doesn't, of course.)
let's talk real quick about being sex-repulsed vs. sex-indifferent (there are also various other subcategories, but those are the two I hear most often). they're pretty much exactly what it says on the tin: sex-repulsed people find the idea of sex actively uncomfortable or gross or off-putting, and generally don't want to think about or see sex, much less have it themselves. sex-indifferent people don't particularly want sex, but for the most part don't mind exposure to sexual stuff.
I identify as sex-indifferent. like, sure, I'd have sex if I was in a committed relationship and my partner wanted to, but I'll never just want sex for the sake of sex, y'know? at no point have I ever wanted to hook up with a stranger, or a friend with benefits, even under the safest, most hygienic circumstances ever.
for me there's a disconnect between my own libido and other people. I can masturbate. I can look at other people and feel mental or emotional or even aesthetic attraction, but even when all three of those are going on I don't usually feel sexual attraction (I can count the number of people I have felt sexual attraction to in my entire life on one hand, and still have two fingers left. I think technically this makes me grey-a or demisexual, but I find it easier to just say "ace" most of the time unless someone asks follow-up questions.)
so let's compare my experience to yours a little closer. now, I personally can't speak much about the role of past sexual trauma here—I don't have any myself and I haven't researched the intersection of trauma and ace-ness much, except to know that the two are often confused for each other but are actually neither mutually inclusive nor exclusive. but there are definitely people out there who have experienced the whole enchilada and can probably speak about this much better than I can, if you go looking!
"My only sexual encounters were mediocre and/or traumatic"
I would say this on its own is a neutral when it comes to ace/allo-ness. follow-up questions I might ask myself in your place: what made the mediocre encounters mediocre? was my partner inattentive or inconsiderate in some way, or were they doing everything "right" but just not doing it for me?
"But I don't CARE enough to try and go have "good" experiences."
this one is a bigger indicator of probable aspec-ness, IMHO. one of the ways I realized I was ace was hitting a certain age and going, huh, why haven't I lost my virginity yet despite having tons and tons of opportunities? I'm an attractive woman in college, surrounded by other attractive young people, many of whom would jump at the chance to have sex with me and are probably very good at it. why have I just never done that? and why doesn't the idea appeal to me at all?
questions to ask yourself: if the perfect opportunity to have sex fell into my lap (whatever those circumstances look like for you) and all I had to do was consent, would I?
"I barely have sexual interest"
could just be a low libido, but sounds pretty aspec to me. I'd examine the whys and hows here: do you only experience sexual interest under highly specific circumstances? is it ever directed toward real people in your life, or only fictional characters and celebrities?
"and even my SI fantasies and fanfics never really focus on sex."
big same on the self-insert fantasies. growing up, the self-inserts I wrote or imagined were always a canon character's sister or daughter or friend, and never ended up in a romantic/sexual relationship with any of the canon characters—that idea made me uncomfortable and I didn't get why other people's self-inserts existed for that sole purpose, lol. these days I no longer make self-inserts, but I read/write smut because a) it feels like a fun challenge, and b) I see it as another way to advance plot/reveal character/build intimacy between characters, kind of a neutral thing.
"Am I ace? Am I demi? Do I just have a low libido?"
at the end of the day, I can't answer this definitively. no one else can tell you that you are or aren't aspec, because you know yourself and your feelings (or lack thereof, lol) best.
I can tell you that based solely on this ask, I think you're somewhere on the ace spectrum—but I could be dead wrong (I've never met you, and even if I had, I am tragically not a mind- or emotion-reading vampire.)
also, like, there's no pressure here! you can identify as ace today and change your mind tomorrow, and that's completely 100% fine. there's not like an objective, quantifiable truth to be found about whether you are/aren't aspec—it's a label you can take or leave based on your own experiences and feelings.
and however you decide to identify, I hope this helped! I'm gonna link some articles that pose more questions and frame things in different, useful ways.
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i just saw your tagalog headcanons and you know what. you're absolutely right. now i wanna ask. who has the most creative "anak ng _______" swear. tbh, wala makakatalo sa "anak ng siomai" para sa akin AHAHAHAHA
Brainstormed this with @spindlebeforesunset and honestly, the people who’d probably say the “anak ng _______” swear would be Leona, Vil, Idia, Jade, maybe Floyd, and probably Riddle if he lost his temper ngndndkkdk
For non-Filipinos out there, the swear is basically “anak ng puta” aka ‘son of a bitch’ but people got... very creative 😂💀
Vil to all Pome first years in the prologue: “Mga anak ng patatas, gagandahin ko kayo”
Leona @ Jamil in that one card story: “Oi, ikaw, anak ng ahas, mukhang papatayin mo yung anak ng buko (Kalim)”
Floyd @ Riddle when he wants to piss him off: “Ehehehehehehehe ayaaaaaaaan yung anak ng kamatiiiiiiiis”
Sebek to Leona at more than one point: “OI ANAK NG HAYOP TAHIMIK KA”
You CANNOT tell me Leona and Ruggie weren’t staring at Azul’s breakdown in 3-31 while thinking “ay, anak ng balat ng sibuyas pala si Azul—???”
Actually, Floyd and Jade probably call him that on a daily basis 💀
Divus obviously calls everyone “anak ng aso” on the daily that at this point, no one calls him out on it
Riddle loses it and calls Adeuce “MGA ANAK NG BOBO” and Deuce internally cries because he has been called dumb once again and Ace is just pissed af at the fact he was called dumb
Octavinelle trio catching Adeuce gang in the VIP room in ch3: “talagang anak ng hipon kayo ah”
Leona @ Malleus: “bobo ba ang Valley of Thorns? Kasi bakit ba nilagay nila isang anak ng ampalaya sa trono”
E v e r y o n e @ Rook: “HAY NAKO, ANDYAN NANAMAN YUNG ANAK NG EPAL” (hepi berthday Rook ❤️)
Pretty sure Leona and Vil have called Idia “anak ng tipaklong” due to how jumpy he is when scared
Sebek called Silver anak ng ahas as kids because of the time Silver fell asleep when they told each other they’ll stay up all night during Halloween
Ngl, I wanna call Sebek anak ng buko 🗿 I always think of him wearing a coconut shell as a hat for some reason
Students forced to work in the Mostro Lounge: “hay nako, gusto kong sipain yung anak ng demonyo na nasa VIP room”
Idia is NOT afraid to shade fkdjfnkdkjf he’s def said “ayoko magpunta sa Savanaclaw dahil lahat sila anak ng hayop” at one point to Leona via tablet
Then we have Jade .
“Yung mga anak ni Hudas, itatali ko para hindi sila gumagalaw at itatapon ko sa dagat . E, bakit ba? Para mas malapit sila sa impiyerno :))) andyan naman ang tatay nila diba :))))”
Aside from that, he’s def gonna use a creative mushroom name which I am totally not too lazy to look up 🗿
I’ll tl in the reblogs for non-Filipinos! Ngl, I’m kinda tired to do it right away lmao
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rose-in-my-heart · 2 years
Hola! How are you, my friend? Ummm, this is the account of my sister. I asked her if I can ask you through her blog and she agreed so here we go. can I ask for one tmnt Bayverse match up, por favor?
My name´s Casey, I´m 16 years old boy from Slovakia, I´m Cancer and I am 5´2 ft tall. I´m slim and tall but my sis is taller. My birthday is on November 4 and my sis is older.
I have deep blue eyes, short, straight, blonde hair, and cute freckles all across my nose and cheeks. I love working out.
I´m half Spanish, Russian, and Slovak, and these languages are my native languages and my family members are from these countries. Yeah, we have a big family, and I am so proud of it.
I and my sister both have a Russian/ Spanish accent.
I´m an extrovert, optimistic, very talkative person. I always smile and I am all heart and no brain. I´m not a thinker, I just feel every moment. I am overprotective, silly, adorable, charming, and a total wild card. I´m sensitive and I HATE when someone calls my sissy a freak or a monster just because she has fangs, really white skin, and can´t go out during the day because she is allergic to sunlight.
I love playing video games and eating pizza. Pranks and jokes are my life and I enjoy reading DC comic books too. I love to flirt with pretty girls but I don´t have a girlfriend.
Like every Latino like me and my sister, we love to sing and dance. She´s the brain, leader, muscle of our team and I am heart. We always speak Spanish together, and we don´t care if someone around us understands or not. We have separate bedrooms but I always hang out with her in her room. Or as she calls it: My Lair.
We had a bedroom together, but alas, we wanted our own space.
Her match is BayRaphael and they are literally like twins. Well, except for that she wears glasses but they´re still twins. I´m just like BayMikey.
I know that I may talk about her a little too much but she´s my inspiration and my hero. You see, I´m adoptive. Her family took me under their wings when I was 5 and from that moment, Luna and I, we are inseparable. I love to call her: my little vampire. I absolutely adore it when she calls me Angelo. I love her to pieces and I can´t imagine if something happens to her. She took care of me when I was little and she made me a lot of jewelry and clothes. She saved me from bad people, bad parents. She gave me a second chance.
I and Luna, we have matching black bracelets and we wear them all the time. It´s our symbol to when we are apart, we are still together.
Our grandpa gave them to us and said this sentence along with this one to Luna: " Never wear them off! It´s the symbol of your love for each other and of that, when you will be apart and something bad will happen, you still have each other. Remember that. And Luna, my lovely granddaughter, you are a natural-born leader. Take care of your brother and family, promise me!"
And she never breaks a promise. That´s why I call her LEADER GIRL all the time. Grandpa, when he was coming to a hospital, he promised that he will come back to us. He never returned.
Our grandpa died 4 died years ago, and it´s painful for us but mostly for Luna. She was closest to him. We are Latinas! I love Latino music, Pop, Rap, and Rock. my favorite band is AC/DC, Fall Out Boy, and my idol is Ariana Grande. I love when Luna HITS HER NOTES! It´s freaking amazing and awesome!
I love cats and we have a lot of cats. I love everything!
My main sentence: " When someone kidnaps us, we will find a way to each other. Don´t worry, Leader Girl".
Luna´s main sentence: " I just wish that people will accept me and they didn´t see me as a freak or monster! I just wish to be normal to others".
I wrote it cause these sentences are describing us. I feel like our grandpa is just like Splinter: Wise, calm and collected, and an awesome father and parent.
That´s everything. Thank you so much for doing this. Sorry for any mistakes and sorry that I got so emotional with our grandpa. I cried while I was writing. Luna helped me. Thank you again. See ya and have a wonderful day or night!
Let's see who I will match you up!
I match you with Donatello!
- He thinks you are cutiepie. Freckles! That blond hair! He is fascinated by your hair color and wants to play with it even if it's short. “It’s like gold.” He would say.
- This turtle will learn few sentence of each of your languages. Donnie will ask you to teach him. You make learning language fun. "Translate this to Russian: What did Batman say to Joker?" You would suddenly appear next to him while he works on computer and drop pop quiz with DC comics.
- You both can be very talkative especially when it's about things you like. You can teach Donnie a thing or two about going with a feeling and heart instead of brain. He would do the same with you about using head when heart can't know what to do or when you need to balance things using your head too.
- You would prank together with Mikey but oh boy.... When you and Donnie do pranks: No one expects what will happen!
- You can often talk him into doing some pranks together, especially if the target is Raph. Your plans can be simple or very advanced, victims never know since you are wild card whose ideas evolves by your genius boyfriend.
- Donnie loves you flirting with him. You are so smooth with your words! Using your native languages and accent is so unfair He loves it, never stop! He is happy blushing mess. But watch out! He can flirt back too and make you blushing mess!
- Talk about smoothness: Your dance moves! Donnie will make playlist of song that makes you dance: Your favorite bands, songs and adding some new ones that he thinks you may like.
- He does everything in his power to make you smile and laugh.
- You talked few first times lot about your sister. It didn’t took too long for Donnie to understand that you love your sister to the moon and back. He doesn’t mind. Listening your stories about your sister, he also learns about you. Donnie hopes you talk like that to your sister about him...
- The bracelets you and your sister own? He will have back-up plan if they ever break.
- The passion you have for protecting your sister, he can feel it. He loves that you are love and protect your sister like he does his brothers.
- You love cats? He sends you cat related things to brighten your day. He likes them too. “independent creatures yet goofy.”
- He makes sure you have the latest and every one of the bands and songs you like. Will find remixes as well.
There! All done! I tried to include as much as possible.
It's okay to get emotional. Happens to me time to time. I hope you are feeling well today or will feel better!
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astrxealis · 2 years
YES I LOVE THE DYNAMIC TOO 😭 totally not projecting myself onto kiyo 💀💀‼️ also U GOT THEM SO ON POINT i can see kiyo get tired rlly easily bc she does nothing but talk all day TELL ME ABT UR OCS ASWELL I NEED TO KNOW 👁
I LOVE YOUR OCS YO THEY SO COOL 😭😭💞✨ and omg... i see 👀✨ hehehe <3 ;D
wiehwjdbwj wah OKOK THEN 😳👉👈 ok uh the lowkey idealized self-insert is named joie/astria, & my biggest ocs are lyra + merle + sol(ace) + nyx(ion) + elesthel + crystl !! all are part of this original world of mine i just have stuck /pos in my head so hahdjsb <3
so joie/astria is technically a self-insert but also/or an oc !! she's just yeah aihdsjbdks me but a bit different WHHSDJSB <333
lyra is vv vv lovely !! shes a music kinda person, plays guitar, very sweet but like... the enabler to astria's chaos AKSJWKJS so yeah not as pure as she might seem </3 highly thoughtful, she/they (but any is fine tbh), i'd compare her to the sun! cottagecore & aerith vibes, she's astria's partner in crime but also her comfort so yeah... <3 literal soulmates tbh
ok so merle is, first things first, probably a bit annoying JABDKWJ saggi/scorpio cusp, he's p cheeky and snarky, getting on ur nerves often but he's observant, caring, just pretty cynical and "no nonsense" even if he does joke around a lot too <3 he's technically well. he/they but call him by anything and he won't bat an eye <3 he and astria understand each other a lot but both r stubborn so. painful mutual pining AUBSKDNS
sol and nyx are kind of like "guardian angels", who are kind of twins but not really? complicated !! both have he/they prns, they're kind of opposites of each other but also vv much similar too <3 sol seems all lively and cheeky but hes actually p dark, nyx seems tsun and aloof but is vv soft n shy ...
elesthel is a 300 or 500 yr old scholar who is ... extremely pretty. and tall. she/they prns akbdkwjs she's pretty mysterious and like ice queen vibes but just yeah smooth, pretty witty, she loves to tease <3 she's cold yeah but also very warm idk ... big sis vibes but in a more chill way + chaos enabler
crystl big bro type !! he gives thoma vibes tbh but ive had him earlier WHAHAHSB <3 he prns but fine w any, but not as fond of female leaning terms bcs he's teased a lot for his "girly" name WHBSJDB he has... a ponytail. yeah. he's vv kind and caring but wld definitely scold you but also yk read you stories and take care of u when ur sick .
regulus is another tbh, he's the half brother of merle (they have a p complicated relationship, mostly bcs merle had gotten shy w/ him LOL) !! he has diff colored eyes, grey hair ... he seems oblivious but at the same time mysterious and hiding smth beneath. all that. he's a prince he's very charming idk ajbdjs he/they <33
theres also al ... idk what name yet tbh but smth like alseri !! big sis vibes on the other hand, she's just earnest and lively but very observant and emotionally wise ... her and crys are AKNDKSJ but also its complicated at 1st bcs uh crys's fiance was al's sister. but now she's gone so. ALDNKSJA but they were all childhood friends and idk angst to fluff albdksjs <3 she's deep n all that tbh but it doesn't rlly show at 1st/on the surface ! she/he<3
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probskay · 3 years
Playing Defense
A ball landed in my backyard. It was a soccer ball. Kids in this neighborhood usually played football, so a soccer ball was a new sight. It came from the house on the other side of the block. I hadn’t seen a soccer ball besides my own back here in years. I picked it up and walked to my front door, waiting for whomever would eventually ring the doorbell, asking for the ball back. It was clearly a well used one, covered in scuffs and with the leather flaking off on the corners of every stained-white hexagon.
The ring came, eventually. The kid who knocked spent a few minutes just standing in front of the door, maybe trying to psyche themself for it. He stood in front of me. His kneepads were scuffed to hell, and the ends of his shorts were torn, with loose threads flaying out in all directions. His black bowl cut was totally mussed up from the wind, and sweat poured down his cheeks. He was probably 15.
“Your ball?” I asked, holding it up.
“Yeah,” he replied. “Been getting some reps in. Trying to make the team.”
“What have you been running?” I asked.
So we chatted about soccer. He told me about the drills he ran, and I told him about what drills I ran. I wound up inviting him inside, then outside, to practice some drills and watch him play. Gave him some pointers. Once we were done, we sat inside to cool off and drink water. I let him take the first shower.
He came out wearing some slightly less tattered shorts and a tank top that didn’t have straps so thin that his nipples poked out each time he pulled one arm over the other.
We talked a bit after I came out from my shower. His name was Danny Valdez. He’d recently moved to the area, because his dad got a new job out here. No one had really greeted him. Suburbs.
We would meet like that every weekend for a while. We’d practice soccer, run reps and shoot against each other. I was a way better goalie than he was. He was a striker, and I played defensive midfield. Boys liked to show off with their shots a lot, so they like to ignore defense when practicing alone. Though, practicing defense is hard when you do it alone.
Danny started to join me during lunch, too. Me and my friends sort of took him under our wing. He didn’t really like the other boys on the soccer team, because they were far more into machismo than he was. I had a feeling they were probably racist towards him, too. I knew some of them were resentful that he quickly became the best striker on the team, and pushed the previous ace aside. 
I didn’t used to pay much attention to the boys’ team, but after befriending Danny I paid more attention. It was easy to figure out they all acted. Boys are simpler, and teenage boys especially. I never saw them run any trick plays, instead relying solely on raw speed and skill to win. Not like the teams they played against did any better.
Danny asked me to a dance late that semester. I didn’t have any idea he was into me, but he insisted on the way there that he had had a crush on me for a while.
“Danny, I’m 17. You’re too young for me.”
“No, I’m not too young. Besides, I know you wouldn’t take advantage of me.”
“You don’t know that, Danny. I don’t know that either. Dating isn’t the same as being friends.”
“Valentina, don’t worry so much. I like being around you. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, okay? I won’t do anything unless you suggest it first. I won’t even make jokes.”
“That’ll be the day, Danny,”
Danny laughed. “See, and now that I can’t make jokes you’re picking up the slack. Now please let me make jokes again, it’s weird seeing you not serious.”
I sighed and said “Okay. Sure, we’ll try for a little bit. We’ll check in every week and see if things still feel alright. And you can still make jokes.”
So, that’s what we did. We practiced soccer, we sat very close to each other at lunch, and sometimes cuddled at my place. Nothing ever went further than that. Our friends teased us, saying he acted like a little brother more than a boyfriend.
“Cut it out,” I said, once, in response to the teasing.
“No, it’s okay. I don’t mind the teasing, I know they don’t mean it.” Danny smiled at me. 
“Sorry, Valentina,” one friend said. 
“Yeah,” said another, “We were just teasing Danny. Sorry if it made you feel weird.”
Did it make me feel weird? I guess it must have. I hated the implication that I was dating a sibling. 
“Besides,” Danny said, “If I were anyone’s little brother, I’d be Michelle’s.”
She laughed. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” he said. “I would say ‘Oy Mami, maybe you should let me have some of your milk.” Danny began making suckling noises and exaggerated motions with his face.
Michelle slapped Danny on the chest and said “I am NOT a momma’s girl, I am a daddy’s girl at best.” Everyone laughed. I didn’t.
Eventually, Danny asked me to come over to his place and meet his family. He didn’t seem especially excited about it.
“Danny, do you want me to come meet them? Really? We’ve been dating for a month and haven’t even kissed.” Not that I really wanted to kiss him. I felt strangely comfortable just doing what we did.
“Si, Valentina. I’ve told them about you and they’re excited to meet you.” He halfheartedly passed his ball to me. I caught it and kicked it up to my knee, bouncing it and keeping it airborne.
“This Friday. It’s my birthday. They want to make empanadas and tamales.”
I nodded. “Alright, come over on Friday and we’ll head to your place.”
When we did get to his place, Danny was much more forward about our relationship. He seemed hesitant to let go of my hand. He hugged me more often. His parents spoke to him in a deep spanish, one that I could only barely pick up bits and pieces. My parents reprimanded me when I tried to speak spanish at home, so I wound up avoiding it more than I should have. It never really came up again until I had met Danny. It was something we should’ve shared, but we didn’t.
So I didn’t realise that they were calling him slurs. Making fun of him for never having a girlfriend before. I knew what machismo was and I knew that was it, but I didn’t know it was happening until far too late after. After someone called him something especially egregious, he tried to kiss me. It surprised me, but he pulled away too fast for me to push him away. He seemed embarrassed. His family just laughed.
“Danny, I think I need to go.”
“Let me walk you home.”
“No, I can do it myself.”
I sighed. “Okay.”
We walked home, and it was quiet. Danny kept his distance from me, physically. Quite a few times he stepped on the grass next to the sidewalk.
“Lo siento,” he said, after we were finally in the threshold of my home. “Yo no quise hacer eso. Estaba asustado. Soy gay.”
“Sorry, no hablo,” I replied. “I don’t know what you’re saying, or what they were saying either.”
“They were calling me unkind things,” he said. “I don’t want to tell you what they said. They think I’m gay, and they didn’t believe we were really dating.”
Oh. That made sense. “Well. Are you?” I asked, then added “You don’t actually have to tell me. I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s okay. I already told you, but it was in Spanish. I’m gay. My family’s right.” Danny laughed, but it was forced.
That made even more sense. Everything added up.
“Are you going to break up with me?” He asked.
“I don’t think we were ever really dating in the first place.”
Danny laughed. “No, I guess not. I think in english I would call you a beard. I don’t know how to say that in spanish. I can’t even grow a moustache.” Another forced laugh.
“Yeah, yeah,” I said. “A beard. That makes sense.” We had made it to my house at this point, and I stepped inside. Danny followed me, and we stood in the foyer and talked more.
“I didn’t want to make you feel bad,” he said.
“No, no,” I interrupted. I think this is good. Like, no, not like your parents and stuff, but I don’t think dating works for me. I’ve tried it before. It… it didn’t pan out.”
“Danielle?” he asked. “Feels like you have a thing for our name,” he teased. He immediately stepped back on the joke. “Sorry. That’s not a good joke. I don’t need to joke around. I’m still nervous from the party.”
“Yeah. I dated Danielle. How did you know?”
“She told me,” he said. “She also called you a lot of rude names afterwards.”
I sighed and leaned against the wall. “I thought we were still friends.”
“Breakups are hard,” he said. “Makes friendship hard, too. She doesn’t totally hate you, though.”
“Maybe that’s why I don’t want to date.” I slid down the wall until I was sitting on the floor. Danny sat next to me.
“For what it’s worth,” he said, “I’m breaking up with you. I can’t do this to you if you’re aromantic.”
“I’m what?” I asked.
“Aromantic. Probably. Maybe asexual, too. You don’t like dating and sex and things. Probably. I can’t tell you what you are or not. It’s just what I think. It made me feel like dating you would be safer. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have used you like this.” Danny’s hand twitched, as if to reach for mine. To comfort me.
I hadn’t heard the terms before. Well, I knew ‘asexual’ from science courses, but I wasn’t a single celled organism.
“This is weird,” I said.
“Yeah,” Danny affirmed. “Very. Our parents hate us for it. At least mine do.”
“Yeah,” I said. I wasn’t sure about my parents, but they hated a lot of things that weren’t normal. “Yeah.”
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