#IoT Division
mobiloitteptyltd · 11 months
IoT development solutions for hospitals in South Africa Revolutionize healthcare in South Africa with Mobiloitte's IoT Development Solutions tailored for hospitals. Our cutting-edge technology enhances patient care, streamlines operations, and improves resource management. Monitor equipment, ensure patient safety, and reduce costs with our user-friendly solutions. Embrace innovation and deliver world-class healthcare. Partner with Mobiloitte, your trusted South African IoT development experts.
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quasi-normalcy · 8 months
So here's something that someone said to me a few days ago which seems kind of obvious once you've heard it, but which merits mention nonetheless: In the past, before the world wars, inventions were made primarily by individual inventors or small groups of inventors looking to apply them to actual human concerns; now, new technologies come about largely through industrial r & d divisions, and were made specifically to boost shareholder value. The present seems bewildering and the future unknowable and kind of horrifying because huge sociotechnical transformations like AI and IoT are being driven not by actual human concerns or desires, but purely by the interests of capital. Human agency is no longer in the driver's seat, and we are going somewhere that most of us very much do not want to go. It's the difference between the late-Victorian inventor-hero and cyberpunk.
Anyways, we need to seize the means of invention.
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cyberpunkonline · 11 months
Cyberspace Sentinels: Tracing the Evolution and Eccentricities of ICE
As we hark back to the embryonic stages of cyber defense in the late 1990s, we find ourselves in a digital petri dish where the first firewalls and antivirus programs are mere amoebas against a sea of threats. The digital defenses of yore, much like the drawbridges and moats of medieval castles, have transformed into a labyrinth of algorithms and machine learning guards in today's complex cybersecurity ecosystem. The sophistication of these systems isn't just technical; it's theatrical.
The drama unfolds spectacularly in the cyberpunk genre, where Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics (ICE) are the dramatis personae. Let's peruse the virtual halls of cyberpunk media to encounter the most deadly, and delightfully weird, iterations of ICE, juxtaposing these fictional behemoths against their real-world counterparts.
We commence our odyssey with William Gibson’s "Neuromancer," where ICE is not only a barrier but a perilous landscape that can zap a hacker's consciousness into oblivion. Gibson gives us Black ICE, a lethal barrier to data larceny that kills the intruding hacker, a grim forerunner to what cybersecurity could become in an age where the stakes are life itself.
CD Projekt Red’s "Cyberpunk 2077" gives us Daemons, digital Cerberuses that gnash and claw at Netrunners with malevolent intent. They symbolize a cyber-Orwellian universe where every keystroke could be a pact with a digital devil.
The chromatic haze of "Ghost in the Shell" offers ICE that intertwines with human cognition, reflecting a reality where software not only defends data but the very sanctity of the human mind.
In Neal Stephenson’s "Snow Crash," the Metaverse is patrolled by ICE that manifests as avatars capable of digital murder. Stephenson's vision is a reminder that in the realm of bytes and bits, the avatar can be as powerful as the sword.
"Matrix" trilogy, portrays ICE as Sentinels — merciless machines tasked with hunting down and eliminating threats, a silicon-carbon ballet of predator and prey.
On the small screen, "Mr. Robot" presents a more realistic tableau — a world where cybersecurity forms the battleground for societal control, with defense systems mirroring modern malware detection and intrusion prevention technologies.
"Ready Player One," both the novel and Spielberg's visual feast, portrays IOI’s Oology Division as a form of corporate ICE, relentless in its pursuit of control over the Oasis, guarding against external threats with a militaristic zeal that mirrors today's corporate cybersecurity brigades.
And let’s not overlook the anarchic "Watch Dogs" game series, where ICE stands as a silent sentinel against a protagonist who uses the city’s own connected infrastructure to bypass and dismantle such defenses.
Now, let us tether these fictional marvels to our reality. Today’s cybersecurity does not slumber; it's embodied in the form of next-gen firewalls, intrusion prevention systems, and advanced endpoint security solutions. They may not be as visceral as the ICE of cyberpunk, but they are no less sophisticated. Consider the deep packet inspection and AI-based behavioral analytics that cast an invisible, ever-watchful eye over our digital comings and goings.
Nevertheless, the reality is less bloodthirsty. Real-world cyber defense systems, as advanced as they may be, do not threaten the physical well-being of attackers. Instead, they stealthily snare and quarantine threats, perhaps leaving cybercriminals pining for the days of simple antivirus skirmishes.
But as the cyberverse stretches its tendrils further into the tangible world, the divide between the fantastical ICE of cyberpunk and the silicon-hardened guardians of our networks grows thin. With the Internet of Things (IoT) binding the digital to the physical, the kinetic potential of cybersecurity threats — and therefore the need for increasingly aggressive countermeasures — becomes apparent.
Could the ICE of tomorrow cross the Rubicon, protecting not just data, but physical well-being, through force if necessary? It is conceivable. As cyberpunk media illustrates, ICE could morph from passive digital barricades into active defenders, perhaps not with the murderous flair of its fictional counterparts but with a potency that dissuades through fear of tangible repercussions.
In the taut narrative of cybersecurity’s evolution, ICE remains the enigmatic, omnipresent sentinel, an avatar of our collective desire for safety amidst the binary storm. And while our reality may not yet feature the neon-drenched drama of cyberpunk's lethal ICE, the premise lingers on the periphery of possibility — a silent admonition that as our digital and physical realms converge, so too might our defenses need to wield a fiercer bite. Will the cyberpunk dream of ICE as a dire protector manifest in our world? Time, the grand weaver of fate, shall unfurl the tapestry for us to see.
- Raz
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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Boeing F-15EX completes first phase of integrated testing
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 09/14/2023 - 11:00am in Military
The F-15EX recently completed the first phase of its initial operational test and evaluation (IT&E) program with the launch of an AGM-158 joint air-surface missile (JASSM), the highest-range air-to-ground missile in the U.S. Department of Defense combat inventory.
The JASSM has a range of about 230 miles, according to a U.S. Air Force information leaflet.
The F-15EX is the first U.S. Air Force aircraft to undergo an integrated program of tests and evaluations. The combination of the IOT&E and DOT&E effort is unique to the program, in that the existing test data of the legacy F-15C/D and F-15E can be compared with the data from the new EX, with a special focus on the new features unique to EX, such as its advanced processor and fly-by-wire control system. The EX also has more weapon stations than the F-15E, allowing it to carry more war material.
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In November 2022 tests, the F-15EX demonstrated that it can carry up to 12 AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air missiles.
“Proving the ability of the F-15EX to employ three JASSMs after witnessing the validation of the air-to-air domain paper with a load of 12 AMRAAM that it can fire is incredible,” said Major Calvin Conner, commander of the F-15 division of the 85º Test and Evaluation Squadron. "The firepower that four F-15EX jets bring to a combatant commander is tremendous."
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JASSM was launched during the Combat Hammer exercise, held at Hill Air Base in Utah in August. The shot was performed simultaneously with the 53ª Wing Weapon System Evaluation Program, which required a collaborative effort between the 83º and 86º Fighter Weapon Squadrons. The details of the shot - the targets, ranges, etc. - are confidential, but have been strongly evaluated, from the construction of the weapon to the use and analysis of the missile routes, to the target.
"This test shows innovation and results in the rapid delivery of state-of-the-art capabilities to the fighter. That's exactly what our fighters need from us," said Mark Sears, vice president of Boeing Fighters. "The F-15EX is the most affordable and immediate way to renew the capacity and upgrade the capabilities of the U.S. Air Force and we are ready to deliver additional aircraft later this year."
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With Phase I of the F-15EX IT&E completed, the data from this phase will be analyzed for the final report to guide a total production decision determination in the coming months.
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The U.S. Air Force plans to buy 104 F-15EX fighters, although this number could rise to 110 if some changes to the 2024 fiscal year defense bill are enacted.
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Boeing begins delivering fighters with combat capability to U.S. Air Force squads later this year.
Tags: Military AviationBoeingF-15EXUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Daytona Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work throughout the world of aviation.
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Looking forward to China’s industrial development prospects in the next 10 years
Looking forward to China's industrial development in the next 10 years, analysis and predictions can be made based on existing development trends, policy orientations and the global economic environment:
Industrial upgrading and structural optimization:
China will continue to promote the upgrading of its industrial structure from labor-intensive to technology- and capital-intensive. Mid- to high-end manufacturing will be the key development direction, including aerospace, high-end equipment, new energy vehicles, new materials and other fields. With the deepening implementation of the "Made in China 2025" strategy and subsequent planning, China will accelerate the in-depth integration of industrialization and informatization, and promote the development of emerging industries such as intelligent manufacturing and the industrial Internet. Innovation drive and technological progress:
Against the background of intensified global technological competition, China will further increase investment in technological innovation, especially in fields such as 5G, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), quantum information, and biotechnology, to enhance the core competitiveness of the industry. Industry 4.0 related technologies and digital transformation will become mainstream. Enterprises will improve production efficiency and product quality through automation and intelligent transformation, and achieve personalized customization and flexible production. Green and sustainable development:
Environmental protection policies are becoming stricter, and low-carbon economy and circular economy will have a profound impact on the path of industrial development. China's industry will be committed to energy conservation and emission reduction, clean production, and the development of green manufacturing systems, such as new energy, energy-saving and environmental protection equipment and services.
Globalization and industrial chain reconstruction:
Taking into account the rise of trade protectionism and the adjustment trend of global supply chains, Chinese industry will actively build independent and controllable industrial and supply chains, seek a higher position in the global value chain, and enhance international competitiveness. While low-end industries are being transferred, China will strengthen international cooperation in some areas, actively participate in the global industrial division of labor, and build international brands and multinational companies. Talent training and system reform:
Facing the challenge of aging, China will pay more attention to the cultivation and introduction of talents, improve the quality of the labor force, especially the construction of highly skilled talent teams, to support the development needs of high-end industries. Deepen institutional reform, create a better business environment, encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, promote the development of small, medium and micro enterprises, and stimulate market vitality. To sum up, in the next ten years, China's industry will focus on high-quality development, focus on technological innovation, industrial chain upgrading, green development and improvement of global competitiveness, and strive to achieve the leap from a manufacturing country to a manufacturing power. At the same time, we will also respond to the challenges brought about by changes in the internal and external environments, continue to deepen reforms, and ensure the stable and healthy development of the industrial economy.
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suntelecomcn · 1 year
Closer Look at 400G QSFP-DD Optical Transceiver Module
Recent years have seen the evolution towards the 5G, Internet of Things  (IoT), and cloud computing, increasing pressure on data centers to ramp up both network capacity to 400G and driving providers to search for new solutions to achieve their 400G Data Center Interconnects (DCIs). 400G QSFP-DD optical transceiver module is becoming one of the most popular cutting-edge 400G DCI solutions. This article will provide a basic understanding of QSFP-DD optical transceiver modules.
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What is the QSFP-DD Optical Transceiver Module?
Quad small form-factor pluggable-double density (QSFP-DD) is designed with eight lanes that operate at up to 25 Gbps via NRZ modulation or 50 Gbps via PAM4 modulation. It supports data rates of 200 Gbps or 400 Gbps and doubles the density. QSFP-DD is backward compatible with current 40G and 100G QSFPs. It is compliant with IEEE802.3bs and QSFP-DD MSA standards. QSFP-DD is available in single-mode (SM) and multi-mode (MM) fiber optic cables and includes digital diagnostics monitoring (DDM) to monitor parameters such as power, temperature, and voltage.
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Types of 400G QSFP-DD Optical Transceiver Module
400G SR8 QSFP-DD optical transceiver module is suitable for short-distance interconnection or multi-channel data communication. The transmission rate is up to 425Gbps, and the central wavelength is 850nm. The transmission distance is up to 70m or 100m through multi-mode OM3 and OM4 fiber.
400G DR4 QSFP-DD optical transceiver module achieves the transmission over single-mode fiber (SMF) with an MPO-12 connector. It supports a max transmission distance of 500m on SMF.
400G FR4 QSFP-DD optical transceiver module supports link lengths of up to 2km SMF with a duplex LC connector. It uses wavelength division multiplexing(CWDM ) technology, eight channels of 53Gbps PAM4 signals on the electrical side, and four channels of 106Gbps PAM4 signals on the optical side, which is twice the rate of the electrical side.
400G LR4 QSFP-DD optical transceiver module is designed with a built-in Gearbox chip that multiplexes the two channels' electrical input data into a single-channel outputs signal and then modulates it to the optical receiver end. The digital signal processor (DSP) basis gearbox converts eight channels of 25GBaud PAM4 signals into four channels of 50GBaud (PAM4) over an SMF cable with duplex LC connectors. It supports a transmission distance of up to 10km.
The 400GBASE-LR8 optical transceiver module supports link lengths of up to 10km over a standard pair of G.652 SMF with duplex LC connectors.
The 400G ER8 QSFP-DD optical transceiver module supports link lengths of up to 40km over a standard pair of G.652 SMF with duplex LC connectors.
400G ER4 QSFP-DD optical transceiver module supports link lengths of up to 40km over a standard pair of G.652 SMF with duplex LC connectors. It has only four wavelengths for 4 LAN WDM channels 1295.56/1300.05/1304.58/1309.14nm.
Advantages of 400G QSFP-DD Optical Transceiver Module
Backward compatibility: Allowing the QSFP-DD to support existing QSFP modules (QSFP+, QSFP28, QSFP56, etc.). It provides flexibility for end-users and system designers.
 Adopting the 2x1 stacked integrated cage/connector to support the one-high cage connector and two-high stack cage connector system.
SMT connector and 1xN cage design: Enable thermal support of at least 12W per module. The higher thermal reduces the requirement for heat dissipation capabilities of transceivers, thus reducing some unnecessary costs.
ASIC design: Supporting multiple interface rates and fully backward compatible with QSFP+ and QSFP28 modules, thus reducing port and equipment deployment costs.
400G QSFP-DD optical transceiver module is used in 400G Ethernet, data centers, telecommunications networks, cloud networks, Infiniband interconnects, high-performance computing networks, 5G, 4K video, IoT, etc.
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400G QSFP-DD optical transceiver module offers high speed, performance, scalability, and low power in 400G Ethernet. Sun Telecom specializes in providing one-stop total fiber optic solutions for all fiber optic application industries worldwide. Contact us if any needs.
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anidealvenue · 2 years
A list of Automotive Engineering Service Companies in Germany
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Bertrandt AG, https://www.bertrandt.com/. Bertrandt operates in digital engineering, physical engineering, and electrical systems/electronics segments. Its Designing function includes designing of all the elements of the automotive.
Alten Group, https://www.alten.com/. ALTEN Group supports the development strategy of its customers in the fields of innovation, R&D and technological information systems. Created 30 years ago, the Group has become a world leader in Engineering and Technology consulting. 24 700 highly qualified engineers carry out studies and conception projects for the Technical and Information Systems Divisions of major customers in the industrial, telecommunications and Service sectors.
L&T Technology Services Limited, https://www.ltts.com/. LTTS’ expertise in engineering design, product development, smart manufacturing, and digitalization touches every area of our lives — from the moment we wake up to when we go to bed. With 90 Innovation and R&D design centers globally, we specialize in disruptive technology spaces such as EACV, Med Tech, 5G, AI and Digital Products, Digital Manufacturing, and Sustainability.
FEV Group GmbH, https://www.fev.com/. FEV is into the design and development of internal combustion engines, conventional, electric, and alternative vehicle drive systems, energy technology, and a major supplier of advanced testing and instrumentation products and services to some of the world’s largest powertrain OEMs. Founded in 1978 by Prof. Franz Pischinger, today the company employs worldwide highly skilled research and development specialists on several continents.
Harman International, https://www.harman.com/. HARMAN designs and engineers connected products and solutions for automakers, consumers, and enterprises worldwide, including connected car systems, audio and visual products, enterprise automation solutions; and services supporting the Internet of Things.
EDAG Engineering GmbH, https://www.edag.com/de/. EDAG is into vehicle development, plant planning and construction, and process optimization.
HCL Technologies Limited, http://www.hcltech.com/. HCL Technologies Limited is an Indian multinational information technology services and consulting company headquartered in Noida. It emerged as an independent company in 1991 when HCL entered into the software services business. The company has offices in 52 countries and over 210,966 employees.
Cientra GmbH, https://www.cientra.com/. Cientra expertise across VLSI, ASIC, FPGA, SoC engineering, and IoT accelerate our delivery of customized solutions to the Consumer, Aviation, Semiconductors, Telecom, Wireless, and Automotive industries across their product lifecycle.
Akka Technologies, https://www.akka-technologies.com/. AKKA supports the world’s leading industry players in their digital transformation and throughout their entire product life cycle.
IAV GmbHb, https://www.iav.com/en/. IAV develops the mobility of the future. Regardless of the specific manufacturer, our engineering proves itself in vehicles and technologies all over the world.
Altran Technologies, https://www.altran.com/in/en/. Altran expertise from strategy and design to managing operations in the fields of cloud, data artificial intelligence, connectivity, software, digital engineering, and platforms.
Capgemini Engineering, https://capgemini-engineering.com/de/de/. Capgemini Engineering is a technology and innovation consultancy across sectors including Aeronautics, Space, Defense, Naval, Automotive, Rail, Infrastructure & Transportation, Energy, Utilities & Chemicals, Life Sciences, Communications, Semiconductor & Electronics, Industrial & Consumer, Software & Internet.
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kramlabs · 2 years
mRNA drugs, digital currency control, UBI, and medical passports -—may be the same op
IOT and graphene nano particles in mRNA drugs:
“…remote contact tracing of all vaccinated humans worldwide who will be or are now connected to the to the “internet of things" by a quantum link of pulsating microwave frequencies of 2.4 gHz or higher from cell towers and satellites directly to the graphene oxide held in the fatty tissues of all persons who’ve had the mRNA vaccines…”
CBDC, FedCoin, and a biometric control grid:
Tom Luongo on The Fed vs City of London and the battle for digital currency control:
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timesofinnovation · 11 days
Intel is making headlines with its recent decision to cut jobs as part of a strategic maneuver to restore its status as a leader in the semiconductor sector. The company faces fierce competition from industry giants, which has prompted these cost-cutting measures deemed essential for recovery. As part of this initiative, Intel is poised to lay off employees across various divisions. The rationale behind this move is not merely financial; it reflects a broader trend within the tech landscape where companies are reassessing their workforce in light of market pressures. For instance, competitors like AMD and Nvidia have made significant strides, squeezing Intel's market share and pushing the need for urgent action. This move is not without precedent. During the tech downturn of the early 2000s, many firms, including IBM, faced similar crossroads. Their decisions to streamline operations allowed them to emerge stronger. Analysts predict that Intel's cuts may eventually lead to more focused innovation, enabling it to pivot more effectively in a rapidly changing market. Furthermore, these layoffs come at a time when the semiconductor industry is experiencing fluctuations due to supply chain disruptions and fluctuating demand. Instead of merely returning to pre-pandemic level performance, Intel aims to evolve its business model to align with emerging technologies, such as AI and IoT. In conclusion, while the decision to cut jobs is undoubtedly challenging, it may pave the way for Intel’s rejuvenation in the competitive tech arena. The steps taken today could very well determine the company's resilience and adaptability for many years to come.
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adityarana1687-blog · 12 days
Pharma 4.0 Market Size To Reach $35.79 Billion By 2030
The global pharma 4.0 market size is expected to reach USD 35.79 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 18.96% from 2024 to 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The pharma 4.0 market is being driven by several key factors, including the rising demand for personalized medicine, the need for improved efficiency and cost reduction, supply chain optimization, and an increasing focus on patient-centric approaches. The growing prevalence of chronic disorders and rare diseases has heightened the demand for personalized medicine. Pharma 4.0 technologies, such as additive manufacturing (3D printing) and modular production facilities, enable the production of personalized medicines and small batches tailored to individual patient needs, supporting this trend.
In addition, increasing adoption of digital technologies is driving the market growth. These technologies optimize, improve, and revolutionize drug development, manufacturing, distribution, and patient care. Blockchain technology has significantly reshaped supply chain management by offering transparency, traceability, and optimization, reducing stockouts, preventing counterfeiting, and enhancing overall efficiency and patient safety.
Furthermore, the market growth is being driven by increasing investments from pharmaceutical companies in adopting Pharma 4.0 technologies. For example, AstraZeneca signed a deal worth up to USD 840 million for the target identification of rare neurodegenerative and neuromuscular diseases. As part of this deal, AstraZeneca’s Alexion division will collaborate with Verge Genomics to identify drug targets for these conditions. Over the course of the four-year, multi-target agreement, the companies will utilize machine learning to analyze Verge’s genomic datasets, which are derived from human tissue rather than cell or animal models.
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Request a free sample copy or view report summary: Pharma 4. 0 Market Report
Pharma 4. 0 Market Report Highlights
On the basis of type, the software segment dominated the market in 2023, owing to the increasing adoption of software due to various benefits such as efficiency enhancement, improved compliance and productivity. In addition, the IoT enabled software help in real time monitoring and tracking of manufacturing process, leading to better process control and reduces the downtime
On the basis of technology, the AI & ML segment held the largest market share owing to growing adoption of AI and increasing investments. For instance, as per a survey, over 75% of pharma executives plan to apply AI to speed drug discovery by 2025
On the basis of application, the drug discovery & development dominated the market in 2023 due to increased investment in AI for drug discovery startups
Pharma & biotech segment held the largest market share of 49.8% in 2023. Pharmaceutical companies are increasingly adopting Pharma 4.0 technologies to enhance efficiency, productivity, and quality in their manufacturing processes thereby driving the segment growth
North America dominated the global market with a revenue share of 41.12% in 2023. The growth is attributed to the increasing government initiative, technological advancement in the healthcare industry, and a strong presence of key market players
Pharma 4.0 Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global pharma 4.0 market based on type, technology, application, end-use and region:
Pharma 4.0 Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Pharma 4.0 Technology Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Big Data Analytics
Blockchain Technology
Others (Digital twin, Advanced robotics, AR &VR)
Pharma 4.0 Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Drug Discovery & Development
Supply Chain Management
Others (Product Lifecycle Management, Personalized Medicine, Regulatory Compliance)
Pharma 4.0 End Use Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Pharma & Biotech companies
Healthcare Providers
Pharma 4.0 Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East and Africa (MEA)
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
List of Key Players in the Pharma 4.0 Market
Microsoft Corporation
Amazon Web Service (AWS)
GE Healthcare
Siemens Healthineers
Dassault Systems
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mobiloitteptyltd · 11 months
Mobiloitte’ IoT Application Development Services in South Africa Empower homes across South Africa with the future of smart living through Mobiloitte's IoT application development services. Our experts utilize IoT technologies like MQTT, IoT protocols, and cloud integration to create intuitive, energy-efficient, and secure smart home solutions. Experience heightened comfort, convenience, and energy savings. Choose Mobiloitte for cutting-edge IoT applications that enhance lifestyles across the nation.
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Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller Market Size, Share, Growth & Forecast
According to a new report by Univdatos Market Insights, The Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller Market was valued at 1.05 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a steady rate of around 24.5% in the forecasted period (2023-2030) owing to the rising penetration of IoT devices. An Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller is a type of microcontroller that is designed to operate with minimal power consumption. These microcontrollers are typically used in battery-powered devices that require long battery life, such as wearable devices, Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, and medical devices. The increasing demand for wearable devices and smart homes has led to a rising demand for Ultra-Low-Power Microcontrollers.
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The rising demand for medical devices and energy-efficient devices has had a significant impact on the ultra-low-power microcontroller (ULMPC) market size. The increasing need for portable and wearable medical devices, such as glucose meters, heart rate monitors, and blood pressure monitors, has driven the demand for ULMPCs that can operate for extended periods of time on a single battery charge. In addition, the growing trend towards energy-efficient buildings and homes has also led to an increase in demand for ULMPCs in building automation and energy management systems. These systems require microcontrollers that can control lighting, heating, and cooling systems in an energy-efficient manner, which is where ULMPCs come in. Moreover, IoT (Internet of Things) devices are becoming more and more common in our daily lives. These devices are often small and low-power, which makes them well-suited for use in IoT applications. To power these devices, many manufacturers are turning to ultra-low-power microcontrollers (ULMPCs). These chips are designed to use very little power, which allows them to run for long periods of time on a small battery or other power source. This is especially important in IoT applications, where devices may be scattered over a large area and may not always be connected to a power source. As the number of IoT devices continues to grow, the demand for ULMPCs is also likely to increase.
Access Sample PDF Here- https://univdatos.com/get-a-free-sample-form-php/?product_id=47387Some of the recent developments are:
In Oct 2021, Renesas Electronics Corporation revealed the establishment of a new division within its 32-bit RA Family of microcontrollers (MCUs).
In Feb 2021, STMicroelectronics recently introduced a new line of microcontrollers, the STM32U5* series, which are ultra-low-power devices that offer advanced performance and enhanced cybersecurity features.
The ultra-low-power microcontroller (ULMPC) market is expected to grow significantly in the coming years due to the increasing demand for energy-efficient and portable devices. The market is driven by the need for low-power devices that can operate for extended periods of time on a single battery charge, which is particularly important for IoT devices and medical devices. The development of advanced ULMPCs with increased processing power and more features is also contributing to the growth of the market. Furthermore, the rising demand for energy-efficient buildings and homes has also increased the demand for ULMPCs in building automation and energy management systems.
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uniathena7 · 26 days
Best Practices In Building Service Management
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Everybody looks forward to feeling secure and safe in the places they spend their time in, it might be at the workplace, at home, or at play. This is the reason why many people hardly pay any attention to Building Service Management. It plays a very crucial role in the daily lives of every one of us when anything goes wrong. This article is going to give you an introduction to the best practices in Building Service management and will also tell you which Building Management certification is the best if you are starting from scratch.
Best Practices in Building Service Management
Mapping the assets- Proper identification and mapping make the work of the team easier. This makes it much easier to know where the next work order is or where the breakdown was filed.
Consideration of the Equipment’s Life Cycle- The equipment availability and reliability may also be affected by several factors ranging from planning through procurement, operation and maintenance, and disposal of the asset. During the planning phase, the above aspects should be identified and defined depending on the specific users’ needs, criteria, quality, and costs of maintenance during their life cycle.
Create Economies of Scale- Another best practice in Building Management is to purchase equipment that can interconnect with other equipment currently in use hence ease of usage and maintenance. It also helps to eliminate the need for so many spare parts to be in stock at all times, in addition to its application in the training of technicians.
Adapt to IoT- If Building Services Management means preventing change in a building and shaping its further functionality then do not stay still within the time. It can be concluded that IoT-connected device installation and building renovation is undoubtedly one of the optimal management practices in a facility.
Division of tasks and SLA — As this is one of the most popular models, it is crucial to identify who will be managing internal and external responsibilities to avoid misunderstandings. There must be communication means and an SLA with definite characteristics.
Train employees — An important aspect that must be considered is training technicians and other employees on properly using equipment and security systems. The staff often fails to use various equipment procured by the manager appropriately; hence, it affects Building Management and return on investment.
Are you ready to advance your Building Management abilities to the next level? One course that meets those requirements is UniAthena’s Diploma in Building Service Management course. The BMS online course gives students a general overview of Building Service Management including heating, ventilation, air conditioning, electrical systems, and plumbing. Furthermore, with this flexible and free online course, you can study at your convenience and be confident in your ability to lead effectively. If you want to be amongst those successful building managers then enroll in the BMS System course today!
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fxpremiere00001 · 27 days
Lenovo: A Global Leader in Technology
Lenovo, a prominent name in the technology industry, has established itself as a leading innovator in personal computing, smartphones, and enterprise solutions. With a commitment to quality, performance, and innovation, Lenovo continues to push the boundaries of technology.
 Origins and Growth
Lenovo was founded in 1984 in Beijing, China, as Legend Holdings. Initially focusing on the distribution of imported computing technology, the company quickly shifted to manufacturing its own products. By 2003, Legend Holdings rebranded itself as Lenovo, combining "Le-" from Legend and "novo," the Latin word for new, to symbolize innovation and a fresh start.
 Acquisition of IBM’s PC Division
A pivotal moment in Lenovo's history came in 2005 when it acquired IBM’s Personal Computing Division, including the iconic ThinkPad line of laptops. This acquisition catapulted Lenovo onto the global stage, bringing advanced technology and a strong brand reputation. The ThinkPad series, known for its durability, reliability, and performance, remains a cornerstone of Lenovo's product lineup.
 Innovation and Product Range
Lenovo’s product portfolio is diverse, catering to various market segments. The company offers a wide range of laptops, desktops, tablets, smartphones, and smart devices. The Yoga series, introduced in 2012, showcased Lenovo’s innovative spirit with its flexible 2-in-1 design, combining the features of a laptop and a tablet.
 Enterprise Solutions
Beyond consumer electronics, Lenovo is a key player in enterprise solutions. The company provides servers, storage, and networking products, catering to businesses of all sizes. Lenovo’s Data Center Group (DCG) focuses on delivering reliable and scalable infrastructure solutions, ensuring businesses can operate efficiently and securely.
 Smart Technologies
Lenovo is also at the forefront of smart technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), and Internet of Things (IoT). Products like the Lenovo Smart Display and Lenovo Mirage AR headset illustrate the company’s dedication to integrating cutting-edge technology into everyday life.
 Commitment to Sustainability
Lenovo is committed to sustainability and corporate responsibility. The company has implemented various initiatives to reduce its environmental impact, such as using recycled materials, improving energy efficiency, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Lenovo’s commitment to sustainability is evident in its products and operations.
 Global Presence
With a presence in over 180 countries, Lenovo has a truly global footprint. The company’s diverse workforce and multicultural approach enable it to understand and meet the needs of customers worldwide. Lenovo’s strong market position in Asia, Europe, and the Americas underscores its global influence.
Lenovo’s journey from a small Chinese startup to a global technology leader is a testament to its commitment to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction. As technology continues to evolve, Lenovo remains dedicated to pushing the boundaries, delivering cutting-edge products and solutions that enhance the way we live and work.
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Modern Urban Planning: Township Master Planning & Design
Over the years, urban planning has changed greatly to meet the complexity of contemporary cities and the rising needs of their inhabitants. Aiming to provide sustainable, efficient, and livable communities, township master planning and design are vital elements of this evolution. Emphasizing their significance in determining the direction of urban living, this article investigates the ideas, concepts, and issues in township master planning and design.
Principles of Township Master Planning
Township master planning involves the comprehensive development of a large tract of land into a cohesive and functional community. Several core principles guide this process:
Sustainability: Emphasizing environmental care, sustainable planning combines renewable energy sources, energy-efficient buildings, and green areas. Reducing the ecological impact and advancing long-term environmental health is the aim.
Mixed-Use Development: Combining residential, business, and leisure spaces inside a township helps to create a live-work-play environment, thereby lowering the demand for long-distance commuting. This method reduces transportation congestion and pollution while enhancing convenience.
Connectivity: The efficiency of transport planning is absolutely vital. Well-designed public transit systems, pedestrian paths, cycling lanes, and well-considered road networks guarantee seamless connectivity within the township and to nearby areas.
Community Engagement: Including residents in the planning process helps to build community ownership and a sense of pride. Participatory planning ensures the consideration of population needs and preferences, thereby promoting more dynamic and inclusive communities.
Resilience: Building infrastructure and systems that can resist and recover from other crises, climate change, and natural catastrophes is part of resilience planning. This covers strong construction codes, emergency response plans, and flexible infrastructure.
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Challenges in Township Master Planning
Despite the clear benefits, township master planning faces several challenges:
Land Acquisition and Zoning: Obtaining sizable land parcels for development may be a difficult and divisive process. Zoning laws must take social, environmental, and development demands into account.
Funding and Investment: Large-scale township projects require significant financial resources. Getting money from both public and private sources can be difficult, especially in erratic economic times.
Infrastructure Development: It can take a long time and money to build the public services, utilities, and roads that are required. One of the biggest challenges is coordinating various components to guarantee timely and effective development.
Environmental Concerns: Maintaining the environment while balancing development is essential. We must thoroughly evaluate the ecological impact of planners' initiatives and implement mitigation measures.
Social Equity: It's critical to make sure that township development benefits all facets of society, particularly marginalized and low-income populations. To prevent social segregation and inequality, careful planning and policy implementation are necessary.
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Innovations in Township Master Planning and Design
Modern urban planning is leveraging technological advancements and innovative approaches to address these challenges and enhance township development:
Smart Cities: The design of smart cities integrates digital technologies and data analytics into the framework. These cities employ sensors, IoT devices, and data-driven insights to maximize resource utilization, increase public services, and improve resident quality of life.
Green Infrastructure: Integrating green infrastructure, such as natural water management systems, parks, and green roofs, can promote environmental sustainability. These characteristics lessen heat islands, improve biodiversity, and efficiently handle stormwater.
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD): This approach promotes sustainable means of mobility by focusing development on public transportation hubs. In addition to lowering greenhouse gas emissions and traffic congestion, TOD also lessens dependency on private automobiles.
Inclusive Design: The prioritization of inclusive design ensures that townships are hospitable and accessible to all residents, regardless of age, financial condition, or ability. This involves creating inexpensive housing, community facilities, and public areas devoid of barriers.
Modular and Prefabricated Construction: The use of modular and prefabricated construction techniques leads to a reduction in costs and an acceleration of the building process. Using these techniques also reduces environmental impact and building waste.
Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): Public-private partnerships, or PPPs, are a means of working with private organizations to obtain the capital and know-how required for major development projects. These collaborations can promote efficiency and creativity in urban planning.
Creating sustainable, effective, and livable communities requires modern urban planning through township master planning and design. Planners may design townships that satisfy the various demands of their citizens by upholding fundamental concepts including sustainability, mixed-use development, connectedness, community engagement, and resilience. In spite of these obstacles, technological advancements, environmentally friendly infrastructure, and inclusive design present encouraging prospects. Careful township master planning will shape the future of urban living as cities expand and change.
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industrynewsupdates · 2 months
Managed Security Services Procurement Intelligence: Unlocking Opportunities
The global managed security services category is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 15.4% from 2023 to 2030. It is witnessing growth owing to the factors such as rising adoption of services offered in the category due to increase in security breaches, stricter government laws pertaining to data security, rise in complex cyberattacks, growing requirement for economical & reliable platform to monitor security incidents, and rising need for security intelligence & early threat detection tools. However, restricted capacity to offer services for incident response and thread hunting, and insufficient technical know-how and skilled manpower may hinder the growth of global category. In addition, these services can be very helpful to the enterprises that need specialized security deployments because of their very large or complicated architecture or because they have particular implementation requirements involving several systems.
Technologies that are driving the global category include cloud-based security, AI (artificial intelligence) & ML (machine learning), MDR (managed detection & response), zero trust security, DevSecOps, IoT (internet of things), blockchain, and email authentication. Cloud-based security, such as CASBs (cloud access security brokers) CSPM (cloud security posture management), and CWPP (cloud workload protection platforms), are now being offered by managed security services providers (MSSPs). These services give enterprises visibility into their security posture and assist them in safeguarding their cloud environments. In addition, the delivery of security services is being revolutionized by AI and ML. By utilizing these technologies, MSSPs may automate security procedures, identify and address threats more quickly, and lower the possibility of human mistake. MSSPs are offering predictive analytics and threat intelligence through AI and ML, which can assist enterprises in staying ahead of new threats.
The category for managed security services is fragmented and highly competitive with the presence of several global players offering plethora of services. The category has become more active as clients continue to grow internationally and strategic players pick up new competencies. In addition, enhancing and broadening the scope of offerings has emerged as a prime investment opportunity for private enterprises, uniting several small and medium-sized firms to augment the magnitude and cooperate with these divisions. It is projected that the industry will witness a large number of joint ventures, mergers & acquisitions, and service introductions as businesses continue to make strategic investments in order to satisfy client demands. Buyers in the industry possess high negotiating capability as the presence of large pool of service providers offers them opportunity to select the best option based on number of services and price.
Order your copy of the Managed Security Services Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030, published by Grand View Research, to get more details regarding day one, quick wins, portfolio analysis, key negotiation strategies of key suppliers, and low-cost/best-cost sourcing analysis
Software & hardware costs (expenses associated with purchasing and managing security tools, such as antivirus, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, etc.), labor costs, and services cost (expenses associated with consulting and support) are the major cost components for managed security services category. Key factors that influence the price of the services offered in the category includes how big a business or network is, the intricacy of a business enterprise’s network architecture, and the quantity and gravity of the risks that the business could encounter. Furthermore, the pricing model that players in the industry follow include per-data usage pricing (costing over USD 9 - USD 499 per user / device / month), per-device pricing (costing over USD 74 - USD 249 per user / device / month), per-user pricing (costing over USD 74 - USD 249 per user / device / month), cloud-based pricing (costing over USD 124 - USD 299 per user / device / month), and tiered pricing (costing over USD 29 - USD 149 per user / device / month).
North America region dominates the global managed security services category, holding over 34.4% of global market share. Growth of the category in the region is being propelled by the presence of numerous managed security services providers (MSSPs), and growing demand from various tech titans for outsourcing services. It is supplemented by managed service options that better address individual demands and the rising need for data protection, network security, and cloud computing. In addition, the Asia-Pacific region is anticipated to witness the fastest growth rate over the projected timeframedue to the dearth of internal security specialists and the short supply of security equipment to shield data from sophisticated cyberattacks. Furthermore, assessing the specialization and relevant experience possessed by an MSSP, ensuring that an MSSP leverages latest technologies & tools that offer effective security, looking for customer feedback / testimonials of MSSP, and comparing prices offered for different services by MSSPs are some of the best sourcing practices considered in this category.
Managed Security Services Procurement Intelligence Report Scope
• Managed Security Services Category Growth Rate: CAGR of 15.4% from 2023 to 2030
• Pricing Growth Outlook: 5% - 10% increase (Annually)
• Pricing Models: Fixed pricing, competition-based pricing
• Supplier Selection Scope: Cost and pricing, Past engagements, Productivity, Geographical presence
• Supplier Selection Criteria: Geographic service provision, industries served, years in service, certifications, managed identity & access management, managed antivirus / antimalware, managed firewall, managed risk & compliance management, managed security incident & event management, managed unified threat management, and others
• Report Coverage: Revenue forecast, supplier ranking, supplier matrix, emerging technology, pricing models, cost structure, competitive landscape, growth factors, trends, engagement, and operating model
Browse through Grand View Research’s collection of procurement intelligence studies:
• Web Hosting Services Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
• Payment Processing Solutions Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
Key Companies 
• Accenture plc
• Alert Logic, Inc.
• Atos SE
• Broadcom Inc.
• CIPHER Security Limited
• DXC Technology Company
• Fujitsu Limited
• International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation
• NTT DATA Group Corporation
• Secureworks, Inc.
• Trustwave Holdings, Inc.
• Wipro Limited
Brief about Pipeline by Grand View Research:
A smart and effective supply chain is essential for growth in any organization. Pipeline division at Grand View Research provides detailed insights on every aspect of supply chain, which helps in efficient procurement decisions.
Our services include (not limited to):
• Market Intelligence involving – market size and forecast, growth factors, and driving trends
• Price and Cost Intelligence – pricing models adopted for the category, total cost of ownerships
• Supplier Intelligence – rich insight on supplier landscape, and identifies suppliers who are dominating, emerging, lounging, and specializing
• Sourcing / Procurement Intelligence – best practices followed in the industry, identifying standard KPIs and SLAs, peer analysis, negotiation strategies to be utilized with the suppliers, and best suited countries for sourcing to minimize supply chain disruptions
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