#International Socialists
specterproducts · 2 years
the trotskyist shibboleth
imagine, if you will, small packs of self-important would-be revolutionaries talking down to everyone around them and calling this praxis
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sweet-potato-42 · 8 months
Ok so we know tubbo wants town of fobo to be an economic hub
however i can see it becoming an opposing group to the economic system of the fed
It seems their way of working contradicts the methods of the fed. Like no way tubbo and foolish will start grinding bounties to become rich
Instead they'll make factories to produce everything infinitely.
In a town of fobo why would you need money when you have eberything
i can see them deciding to reject the money and invite people to live with them communally. Like working together and sharing.
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newyorkthegoldenage · 5 months
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May 1 is International Workers' Day in more than 80 countries. In the U.S. in the 1920s and 1930s, socialist and Communist groups celebrated it, too. Here, women march in a column with upraised fists in a parade on May 1, 1935.
Photo: Murray Becker for the Associated Press
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oceanicmarxist · 7 months
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workersolidarity · 1 year
Another thing I'm really tired of hearing from so-called "Leftists" who say China is the biggest polluter on Earth, completely absurd. The world's biggest polluter by a mile is the United States, and no country on the planet is doing more to develop clean, green energy production and green manufacturing than China.
Historically, the United States has produced the most CO2 emissions globally.
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China on the other hand has invested in more than 80% of all clean energy manufacturing on the planet.
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China also produces more Solar power than the next ten countries COMBINED.
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Further, China is on track to produce more solar panels this year than the total installed by the United States in the history of photovoltaic solar panels.
There's just no comparison, China takes Climate Change and green production FAR more seriously than the United States or its allies in the Western bloc.
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comrade-onion · 5 months
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Happy workers day❤️🇵🇸
Creds to PFLP
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fruitymarcy · 9 months
Democratic Socialist Rashida Tlaib, the first and only Palestinian American serving in U.S. Congress, submitted South Africa’s genocide case against the Israeli government to the Congressional Record, and proclaimed that the Biden Administration and Congress are complicit in the genocide of the Palestinian people.
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finch-kid · 1 year
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remember to unionize and overthrow your local wealthy capitalist <3
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dykeulous · 3 months
patriotism isn’t malicious in marxist politics– quite the contrary, it’s even beneficiary. as marxists, we obviously fight for the liberation of the international proletariat; and we have the international proletariat’s best interests at heart– however, there is absolutely no issue with a marxist of a certain ethnicity treasuring their own. as marxists, we do fight to end class struggle on an international level, we do indeed fight to abolish the state– but before the state is abolished, the proletariat has to establish dictatorship. socialism isn’t built overnight.
slavic patriotism, chinese patriotism, palestinian patriotism, irish patriotism etc. cannot ever be compared with usamerican patriotism & white nationalism. there is nothing racist or chauvinistic about loving the national proletariat, as long as you’re still fighting for the international proletariat. communists (particularly anarchists) saying that patriotism inherently harms the socialist cause have never read theory (mao is great for this). there is also a great distinction between socialist patriotism & non-socialist patriotism in general. one cannot love the people of their country without firstly acknowledging that the system their people are forced to live under is one that exploits them, so a person truly has to be anti-capitalist to be a patriot. being patriotic ≠ being blind to your country’s entrenched problems. being patriotic ≠ being chauvinistic.
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eggcolomba · 11 months
Around the world, workers and youth have been mobilising in solidarity with the Palestinian masses, who are facing a brutal onslaught from the Israeli military. Comrades of the International Marxist Tendency (IMT) have joined these demonstrations, advancing communist slogans in support of the struggle of the oppressed people of Palestine.
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communistfeminist · 7 months
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Happy Women’s Day to all my comrades 🩷
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I had to log in to my computer for this. Let's go.
I. Hate. Nationalists.
I. Hate. Conservatives.
I hate self-proclaimed "Marxists" who are both Conservative and Nationalistic.
Marxism, Socialism, Communism, and all Leftist ideologies are incompatible with Conservatism and Nationalism. There is no compatibility between them, and the adoption of Conservatism and Nationalism by economically Socialist people and parties is not only revisionist, it is a total and complete betrayal of Marxism in all its forms, including Leninism and Stalinism, ideologies behind which many of these bastards hide behind.
The LGBT community benefitted thoroughly from Socialism in Eastern Europe, that is undeniable. Countries like the German Democratic Republic, the Polish People's Republic, the Republic of Cuba, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and the Lao People's Democratic Republic have brought freedom, in large part, to LGBT people, within the frameset of their times. The Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and the People's Republic of Bulgaria made enormous scientific steps to understand LGBT people. Lenin had liberated LGBT people in the early Soviet Union before Stalin undid that in one of the worst mistakes of his premiership.
For self-proclaimed "Socialists" and "Marxists" to deny this is to deny historical fact and give into the lies of Liberal propaganda, based mainly on a purposeful misunderstanding of history and on survivorship bias. Am I saying that LGBT people were entirely free? Of course not. Persecution was still common in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Macedonia, Romania, Albania, and -of course- the Post-Stalinist USSR, and even in countries where it was wholly legalised, often the governments didn't go further to ensure protection, but this happened at a time where in the Capitalist Bloc tens of thousands of LGBT people were executed and imprisoned compared to a few thousand in all of the Eastern Bloc in the same time.
The liberation of LGBT people is inherent to Marxism, and anybody who claims that not to be the case is not only a revisionist and a reactionary but a traitor to the revolution and the cause: Do not let their pitiful attempts at Identity Politics get to you. No war other than the class war means no war based on gender, no war based on ethnicity, race, nation, or anything. The only fight that Socialism must embark upon is that of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie war whose intrinsic goal is overthrowing the established order and liberating the proletariat, be they a woman, a man, neither, both, in between, or someone else entirely. Regardless of who they do or do not love.
Nationalism is against all the values of Marx and Engels, Lenin and even Stalin. Do not let them hide behind their excuses from Kim Il Sung and Stalin. Stalin never supported Nationalism. He explained in Marxism and the National Question that each nation has different material conditions, and thus they each have varying procedures to be taken to achieve the revolution. This is one of the few beliefs he shared with the Left Opposition of Trotsky.
The belief that the primary division of humanity is the nation is revisionist, not just revisionist but one of the main rhetorics of fascists and nazis, according to which the superiority of one nation over every other separates "Good" from "Bad". There is no "National Communism"; there is a "National Way to Communism", no Socialist Nationalism, no Left-Wing Nationalism. Any ideology that puts the nation before the people and culture before the workers, that ideology is not leftist, socialist, or Marxist, but rather some type of Falangism more or less moderate.
Be warned of these reactionaries and fascists pretending to be Socialists: do not fall for their rhetoric and stand your ground. The liberation of the proletariat includes everyone, all people of all nations, everywhere on Earth. No tolerance for the intolerants, no war but the class war, no enemy but the bourgeoisie. Remember, comrades, the revolution is red, rainbow, black, pink, blue, and every colour because the only struggle that unites us is against the oppression of Capitalism. The only things we have to lose from this liberation are our chains.
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comraderaccoon · 1 year
🌹 Happy May Day, Comrades!  🌹
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plzstopcorliss · 5 months
@rbreich on tiktok
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workersolidarity · 1 year
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straightlightyagami · 3 months
there is a subset of tumblr liberals that are always making posts like “i hate communism >:( i hope the commies die“ positioning this as some kind of brilliant insightful take only they thought up with their genius brain and they are soso unique and oppressed for. when they are from a former socialist country i can understand (still cringe when they say everyone who is a communist these days is a westerner. cmon we both know you know that’s untrue). but when they and their family are from the west and they act like they’re oppressed for being anticommunist it’s just deeply cringe.
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