#Instruments for Measure Humidity
buzzlift · 8 months
5 Modern Instruments Used to Measure Humidity
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Explore the world of humidity measurement with the latest instruments! Learn about hygrometers, digital hygrometers, and maintenance tips. Discover the cutting-edge technology behind weather instruments for accurate humidity readings.
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nasa · 1 year
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Roman's primary structure hangs from cables as it moves into the big clean room at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.
What Makes the Clean Room So Clean?
When you picture NASA’s most important creations, you probably think of a satellite, telescope, or maybe a rover. But what about the room they’re made in? Believe it or not, the room itself where these instruments are put together—a clean room—is pretty special. 
A clean room is a space that protects technology from contamination. This is especially important when sending very sensitive items into space that even small particles could interfere with.
There are two main categories of contamination that we have to keep away from our instruments. The first is particulate contamination, like dust. The second is molecular contamination, which is more like oil or grease. Both types affect a telescope’s image quality, as well as the time it takes to capture imagery. Having too many particles on our instruments is like looking through a dirty window. A clean room makes for clean science!
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Two technicians clean the floor of Goddard’s big clean room.
Our Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland has the largest clean room of its kind in the world. It’s as tall as an eight-story building and as wide as two basketball courts.
Goddard’s clean room has fewer than 3,000 micron-size particles per cubic meter of air. If you lined up all those tiny particles, they’d be no longer than a sesame seed. If those particles were the size of 16-inch (0.4-meter) inflatable beach balls, we’d find only 3,000 spread throughout the whole body of Mount Everest!
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A clean room technician observes a sample under a microscope.
The clean room keeps out particles larger than five microns across, just seven percent of the width of an average human hair. It does this via special filters that remove around 99.97% of particles 0.3 microns and larger from incoming air. Six fans the size of school buses spin to keep air flowing and pressurize the room. Since the pressure inside is higher, the clean air keeps unclean air out when doors open.
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A technician analyzes a sample under ultraviolet light.
In addition, anyone who enters must wear a “bunny suit” to keep their body particles away from the machinery. A bunny suit covers most of the person inside. Sometimes scientists have trouble recognizing each other while in the suits, but they do get to know each other’s mannerisms very well.
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This illustration depicts the anatomy of a bunny suit, which covers clean room technicians from head to toe to protect sensitive technology.
The bunny suit is only the beginning: before putting it on, team members undergo a preparation routine involving a hairnet and an air shower. Fun fact – you’re not allowed to wear products like perfume, lotion, or deodorant. Even odors can transfer easily!
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Six of Goddard’s clean room technicians (left to right: Daniel DaCosta, Jill Bender, Anne Martino, Leon Bailey, Frank D’Annunzio, and Josh Thomas).
It takes a lot of specialists to run Goddard’s clean room. There are 10 people on the Contamination Control Technician Team, 30 people on the Clean Room Engineering Team to cover all Goddard missions, and another 10 people on the Facilities Team to monitor the clean room itself. They check on its temperature, humidity, and particle counts.
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A technician rinses critical hardware with isopropyl alcohol and separates the particulate and isopropyl alcohol to leave the particles on a membrane for microscopic analysis.
Besides the standard mopping and vacuuming, the team uses tools such as isopropyl alcohol, acetone, wipes, swabs, white light, and ultraviolet light. Plus, they have a particle monitor that uses a laser to measure air particle count and size.
The team keeping the clean room spotless plays an integral role in the success of NASA’s missions. So, the next time you have to clean your bedroom, consider yourself lucky that the stakes aren’t so high!
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ankiebitez · 6 months
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art by @/artist_mindset25 on insta !!!
big thread about my mc judith, might update or add more whenever i feel like it but i need to stop for now bc its getting too long lmao 😭
more below under the cut !
age: 25
birthday: February 24th
sign: pices
height: 5'6
weight: 164
pronouns: he/him
hobbies: knitting, drawing, music and playing instruments, weightlifting
paraphilia: humiliation
length: 3.81 (putting this as bottom growth since he's trans lmao)
mental illness: borderline personality disorder
closest demons: Satan, Amon, Paimon, Bael
favorite weather: Sunny non-humid days during winter
ideal type: someone who loves and cares for people as deeply as he does
favorite food: cinnamon sugar toast that his dad made
favorite bodypart on himself: his arms
○ satan
- satan and judith are fairly close, having shared romantic feelings for each other. coming to hell and spending time with satan has definitely helped him with being more honest and open with himself, having someone who experiences a lot of emotions in a similar way he does and encouraging him to be more open with them.
○ amon
- amon is one of the demons judith feels most comfortable around, often spending time with him and talking to him. judith feels a lot more comfortable exploring a romantic type of relationship with amon, not having to worry about being too shy or messing things up, partially due to his philia, but also because he seems the most understanding. its almost like he can read judiths emotions without him even having to say them outloud.
○ paimon
- with their shared interest in makeup and fashion, paimon and judith are often seen together in their free time outside of war, much to satan and sitris dismay. judith also loves getting to design cute outfits for paimon too, though most of the time while trying to take measurements it either ends with paimon getting kicked by a overhearing satan, or in other activities. (👀) their relationship is a bit... undisclosed, being more like best friends (with benefits(sorry minhyeok))
○ bael
- judith often makes sure that bael takes care of himself while doing his 'fake king' duties, bringing him food he made, making sure he doesn't push himself too hard, convincing him to take breaks, and even dragging him to bed to rest when he nearly falls asleep at his desk. they also have shared romantic feelings, it being a common sit to see judith sitting in baels lap while he does paper work, or bael resting his head on judiths chest while he plays with his hair, worn out after taking care of his other 'needs'
○ minhyeok
- minhyeok is judiths closest friend, having known him since childhood. despite their differing interests and personalities, they always support each other. finding out minhyeok has feelings for him has definitely made judith a bit confused about their relationship though.
○ aniya
- aniya is also judiths close friend, they met in high-school when they were younger. aniya is helping take care of the shop while judith is away. before judith went to hell, the two would often spend time together either at work or hanging out on weekends, aniyas favorite thing to do was go to various goth clubs or shows on weekends together.
○ seth
- seth is another close friend of judith, as well as aniyas brother. he often comes to the shop to annoy the two during work hours, and is pretty sad to see judith hasn't been around lately. hes known judith since high-school as well, and often would show up at judiths house uninvited to hangout or play video games. seth is very teasing towards judith, they even had a bit of a friends with benefits situation going on before judith left. (sorry minhyeok x2)
○ Keith: judiths father
- keith didn't have much experience in being a dad, having been 19 when judith was born, but that didn't matter to judith. keith made sure that even if he didn't know what he was doing parenting, that his kids always knew that he cared, loved, and were proud of them, always.
○ Evangeline: step mom
- Evangeline is judiths step mom, and judith considers her like his real mom. she actually taught him how to sew by hand when he was younger and got him his first sewing machine, when judith was a kid he would draw out ideas for clothes and she would help him try to make them into physical pieces.
○ Anya: biological mom
- judith didn't have the best relationship with her, even as a kid arguments between them weren't uncommon. anya held very high expectations of him, varying from appearance, to grades, success, often being very controlling. as judith got older, he tried to keep as much distance between them as possible, only interacting when it was necessary.
○ Nicki, Emery: older step-siblings
- nicki and emery are from a past relationship of evangelines. nicki and emery were identical twins at birth, though they both changed their appearance a lot as they got older. they're both 29.
- nicki is a trans woman and actually helped judith realize he was trans as he got older, she is also the sibling that judith is closest to and although they dont see each other as often anymore, they still talk to each other over the phone often.
○ anton: younger sibling
- anton is the only close blood related family judith has left, Evangeline was pregnant with him when keith passed away. judith likes to help take care of him sometimes and spends time with him often.
Other Info
judith is a 25 year old fashion designer, he has his own small local store that he designs and sells clothing, jewelry and accessories for while also selling vintage or interesting pieces he finds. the store is mostly popular to local people within his city and he makes sure to remember most customers.
he lives with minhyeok in a shared apartment and has been close with him since they were kids.
when he was younger he was often bullied and picked on in school for his looks and interests by other kids, despite that though he seems to be very comfortable with himself as an adult.
he feels oddly comfortable in hell despite the war happening with angels he enjoys the directness and openness from most devils. he does not like hades however.
he's a kind and respectful person to people he meets unless he has reason to dislike them. he can be a bit stubborn at times, and can have issues controlling his emotions, but his heart is always in the right place.
even before coming to hell he had experience with past sexual partners, but he doesn't really have much experience with romantic relationships. he's a bit touch starved to soft shows of affection, he's the type thats comfortable in sexual situations but will melt and get embarrassed if someone kisses his cheek or plays with his hair.
he's a gay transman and was a bit surprised when he came to hell and saw how....open minded people were compared to the human world. it definitely felt like a breath of fresh air seeing how no one really cared about things like sexuality or gender even, simply going by the logic "if im attracted to you im attracted to you"
he has borderline personality disorder as well as depression and is a pretty sensitive as well as emotional person, and he has a habit of constantly bottling up and hiding his emotions until he explodes, usually taking his feelings out on himself. coming to hell and being told by satan that if he feels something then he shouldn't hide it has definitely helped with this a lot, not only with expressing his emotions but making him able to think about them and what causes them as well. it feels a lot better to just be angry when he's angry, be jealous when he's jealous, be sad when he's sad and be happy when he's happy.
his mom and dad split up when he was really young, and judith lived with his mother but was a lot closer to his dad. his mother was fairly abusive throughout his childhood, often even getting into arguments when he got older. he had a really good relationship with his dad and step family though, often staying over there instead of his own.
he was heavily affected when his parents were killed at 13, but most especially by his fathers death, even developing various addictions throughout his teenage years and early twenties. luckily he still had and was close with his step mom and siblings, treating them like they're his blood related family.
judith struggled a lot with alcohol and various drug addictions when he was younger, much to the dismay of his family and friends, especially minhyeok. he did eventually get clean though after a near death overdose, luckily minhyeok had been there to save him by giving him a nalaxone treatment and convincing him to go into rehab as well as get therapy. judith felt extremely guilty after this that minhyeok had to save him once again from nearly dying but by his own mistake this time. this was one of his main motivations to sober up.
judith takes after his dad a lot, not just by looks but in personality and interests too. even though judith didnt live with his dad, his father owned a coffee shop and judith would come by there everyday after school and on weekends. he'd stay there and spend time with his family until it got dark outside and he had to go back home to his moms house.
judiths dad was really into punk and goth music, having a bunch of records that judith enjoyed looking through and playing in the shop. when judith got a little bit older, his dad would take him to see some of the local shows in the area that were friendly for kids to come to. his dad actually met his step mom at one of the shows too.
after his father died, judith inherited the shop when he turned 18, eventually turning it into a store for him to sell his designs in. his stepmom is the one who gave it over to him, saying how his dad was planning to give it to him anyway when he retired, and it makes no sense to keep it empty after the coffee shop closed down anyway.
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nsfw alphabet
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
Sailor's weather superstition
Of course superstition doesn't stop here either and to be clear it's only a thing with sailors but also with farmers and so on. But here are a few:
A ring around the sun or moon, means that rain will come real soon
If you see a halo around the moon on a clear night, it could be an indication of bad weather. This is not a spooky prediction, but quite banal science. Although it looks like a ghostly ring, it is really just the light of the moon refracted (or bent) by ice crystals. These ice crystals form the cirrus clouds - the tuft-like clouds we find high up in the sky. These cirrus clouds don't cause rain or storms, but here's the thing: they precede some low pressure areas by a day or two, and low pressure areas bring precipitation.
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In other words: If you see these ice clouds refracting the light around the moon, it means that cirrus clouds are present, which could indicate a coming storm. also goes with the sun, but please don't look in there, it's not good for your eyes.
Mackerel sky, not 24 hours dry
A mackerel sky looks like a sky full of fish scales. These are cirrocumulus or altocumulus clouds formed by atmospheric waves at high altitudes.  As these high clouds gradually penetrate the sky and the air pressure begins to drop, precipitation associated with the disturbance can be expected in about 6 to 12 hours.
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A thickening and lowering of cirrocumulus to altostratus or altocumulus in the middle tier is a good sign that the warm or low pressure front has moved closer and rain may begin to fall within less than six hours.
Clear moon, frost soon
Well, that's what they say about clear nights in winter, clear moon, frost soon. And we can be sure to expect a cool morning. This is not untrue, because if there are no clouds, the heat that has been collected during the day can escape from the earth's surface through the non-existent cloud cover and can therefore cause frost in autumn and winter.
Red at morning, Sailors warning; Red at night, Sailors delight
Since I have already made a separate post on this, please forgive me for only attaching the link. https://www.tumblr.com/ltwilliammowett/670757025738866688/red-at-morning-sailors-warning-red-at-night?source=share
Hair curls at high humidity
Human hair is extremely sensitive to changes in humidity. There are even hygrometers that use human hair as a measuring instrument. Your hair can absorb water from the air through hydrogen bonds. Since humid air contains more moisture, a strand of hair can form more hydrogen bonds and you suddenly look like Curly Sue - of course not, but your hair can frizz.
Feeling a storm in your bones
Oh, every old slat is there, and will certainly stand on deck all the time and tell you from their aching bones and joints that the weather is going to be bad. Well, some people are sensitive to the weather and rheumatics and people with arthritis often react more sensitively to temperature and weather fluctuations (I can tell you a thing or two about that). This is because their body fluids are in a constant equilibrium with the ambient air pressure. So when the barometer drops - like an approaching storm - your tissues can swell, irritating nerve endings and causing you additional pain. However, not everyone is like this and therefore rheumatics are not to be used as living barometers.
Thermometer cricket
No thermometer on board for once ? No problem, grab a cricket, preferably the ecanthus fultoni, aka the thermometer cricket.
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Because as soon as the temperature rises, the animal chrips much faster, when it drops, it's the other way round. But not only that, you can even determine the temperature exactly. The chirp rate is counted in the time of 13 seconds and then the number 40 is added. This value corresponds almost exactly to the temperature in Fahrenheit.
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Eclipses create atmospheric gravity waves, student teams confirm
Student teams from three U.S. universities became the first to measure what scientists have long predicted: eclipses can generate ripples in Earth's atmosphere called atmospheric gravity waves. The waves' telltale signature emerged in data captured during the North American annular solar eclipse on Oct. 14, 2023, as part of the Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project (NEBP) sponsored by NASA.
Through NEBP, high school and university student teams were stationed along the eclipse path through multiple U.S. states, where they released weather balloons carrying instrument packages designed to conduct engineering studies or atmospheric science experiments. A cluster of science teams located in New Mexico collected the data definitively linking the eclipse to the formation of atmospheric gravity waves, a finding that could lead to improved weather forecasting.
"Understanding how the atmosphere reacts in the special case of eclipses helps us better understand the atmosphere, which in turn helps us make more accurate weather predictions and, ultimately, better understand climate change."
Catching waves in New Mexico
Previous ballooning teams also had hunted atmospheric gravity waves during earlier eclipses, research that was supported by NASA and the National Science Foundation. In 2019, an NEBP team stationed in Chile collected promising data, but hourly balloon releases didn't provide quite enough detail. Attempts to repeat the experiment in 2020 were foiled by COVID-19 travel restrictions in Argentina and a heavy rainstorm that impeded data collection in Chile.
Project leaders factored in these lessons learned when planning for 2023, scheduling balloon releases every 15 minutes and carefully weighing locations with the best potential for success.
"New Mexico looked especially promising," said Jie Gong, a researcher in the NASA Climate and Radiation Lab at the agency's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and co-investigator of the research on atmospheric gravity waves. "The majority of atmospheric gravity sources are convection, weather systems, and mountains. We wanted to eliminate all those possible sources."
The project created a New Mexico "supersite" in the town of Moriarty where four atmospheric science teams were clustered: two from Plymouth State University in Plymouth, New Hampshire, and one each from the State University of New York (SUNY) Albany and SUNY Oswego.
Students began launching balloons at 10 a.m. the day before the eclipse.
"They worked in shifts through the day and night, and then everyone was on site for the eclipse," said Eric Kelsey, research associate professor at Plymouth State and the NEBP northeast regional lead.
Each balloon released by the science teams carried a radiosonde, an instrument package that measured temperature, location, humidity, wind direction, and wind speed during every second of its climb through the atmosphere. Radiosondes transmitted this stream of raw data to the team on the ground. Students uploaded the data to a shared server, where Gong and two graduate students spent months processing and analyzing it.
Confirmation that the eclipse had generated atmospheric gravity waves in the skies above New Mexico came in spring 2024.
"We put all the data together according to time, and when we plotted that time series, I could already see the stripes in the signal," Gong said. "I bombarded everybody's email. We were quite excited."
For students, learning curves bring opportunity
The program offered many students their first experience in collecting data. But the benefits go beyond technical and scientific skill.
"The students learned a ton through practicing launching weather balloons," Kelsey said. "It was a huge learning curve. They had to work together to figure out all the logistics and troubleshoot. It's good practice of teamwork skills."
"All of this is technically complicated," Des Jardins said. "While the focus now is on the science result, the most important part is that it was students who made this happen."
IMAGE: Plymouth State University students Sarah Brigandi, left, and Sammantha Boulay release a weather balloon from Moriarty, New Mexico, to collect atmospheric data on Oct. 14, 2023. Credit: NASA
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Moving to some other country involves huge planning and care while sending all your stuff to the destination, much more so with breakables. International moving company have devised various methods of efficiently transferring all your fragile items over long distances. This article talks about some advanced techniques and practices used by international movers to help avoid damage to fragile items during transit.
1. Custom Crating Solutions
The most outstanding innovations in the movement of fragile goods are custom crating solutions. Moving companies design and build custom crates for the dimensions and requirements of each type of fragile item. Crates of this nature are developed with robust materials, such as wood or heavy-duty cardboard, and lined by foams or other cushioning materials in order to absorb shocks and restrict movements. Custom crates are very useful in moving large, highly valued, or oddly shaped items like artwork, antiques, and sculptures.
2. Advanced Packing Materials
The quality and grade of the packing materials used constitute another highly critical aspect for safeguarding fragile items. Various specialized materials that international movers use to protect fragile belongings include:
Bubble Wrap: Very good at cushioning and absorbing shocks, suitable for glassware, ceramics, and electronics.
Packing Paper: This is used to wrap each item individually. This will avoid scratches or minor impacts.
Foam Sheets and Peanuts: These fill up empty spaces in the boxes and avoid the shifting of objects within them. They provide extra padding, too.
Edge Protectors: Reinforce corners and edges of items; they are easily susceptible to damage.
These materials withstand the rigors of international transportation, ensuring your fragile items remain intact.
3. Double Boxing Technique
Probably the best measure to protect fragile goods in international moving is going to be the double boxing technique. The process consists of placing the fragile entity in a well-padded smaller box and subsequently in a larger box with more padding material. This double layering for protection of the items will help in absorbing the shocks or vibrations that may occur during transit, thereby providing extra protection from damage. This method applies very well to extremely fragile items, like fine china, sensitive electronics, and small antiques.
4. Climate-Controlled Shipping
These include items that are sensitive to temperature and humidity changes, such as fine arts, musical instruments, and antique furniture. International moving companies provide climate-controlled shipping for these kinds of items to help guard against environmental fluctuations. The use of climate-controlled containers or trucks helps to avoid damage by extreme temperatures, moisture, or dryness; hence, it is very important for the integrity and value maintenance of sensitive fragile items over a long-distance move.
5. Real-Time Tracking and Monitoring
The traditional way of handling fragile items by international moving companies has undergone a sea change with the introduction of technology. Real-time tracking and monitoring systems enable movers and clients to trace, at all times during the journey, the location and condition of their shipment. The progress of the shipment continues to be updated through GPS tracking devices, while temperature, humidity, and even vibration can be constantly monitored by sensors inside the containers. This level of control is very important in ensuring that any problem is addressed on the spot, thereby giving clients peace of mind and greater safety for items of a fragile nature.
6. Expert Handling and Training
The human factor is at work just as much in the safe transport of fragile items. A professional international moving company is serious about investing in the training and expertise of its employees so that fragile items are treated with the care that they need. Moving people have received special training in careful packing, appropriate lifting techniques, and how to handle delicate things best. Such expertise minimizes the risk of accidents and ensures that packing, loading, and unloading of fragile items are done safely.
7. Comprehensive Insurance Coverage
After all the precautions, there can be an accident. Reputable international moving companies provide comprehensive insurance coverage on your fragile items. This could provide clients with financial protection against damage or loss while in transit. Many insurance options will ensure that the values and fragile goods of clients are well protected.
Conclusion Innovative techniques and sophisticated technologies have dramatically changed the way in which international moving companies handle fragile items. This will ensure that treasured possessions are moved safely and securely through advances in custom crating, advanced packing materials, climate-controlled shipping, and real-time monitoring. Such methods, allied with investment in expert handling, help international movers provide clients peace of mind regarding the safety of their fragile items. Knowing the following new techniques can ensure that your fragile goods reach their destination safely when you have another international move lined up.
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musicinstrumentsins · 6 months
The Unexpected Can Happen: Protecting Your Investment with Bassoon Coverage
The bassoon is a woodwind instrument with its rich, expressive voice, which adds depth and color to orchestral pieces and solo works that take our breath away. To a bassoonist, the dearest instrument is not just wood and metal; it is a companion that walks together with him/her on the musical road. Although dedication and practice will be the primary factors that will help you to improve your skills, you should also remember to take care of your skills by using proper protection and care.
Here's why considering bassoon protection is essential for safeguarding your instrument and ensuring peace of mind:
Safeguarding Against Accidents
Sadly, incidents occur, and even the most careful musicians can make mistakes. A slip-on stage, an incident in transit, or falling off from the music stand – all these situations can cause severe harm to your delicate bassoon. Fixing the broken keys, the cracked joints, or the damaged reeds is expensive. Therefore, it may be difficult for you to pay for all these expenses, and you might not even be able to continue your music journey. The Bassoon insurance is a financial safety net that protects you from the costs of accidental damage and helps restore your treasure to you as soon as possible.
Theft: A Threat You Can't Ignore
Bringing your bassoon to a band practice, a performance, or a car trunk is not a good idea since it runs the risk of being stolen. These precious instruments are always in the view of opportunistic thieves. Although the case-locking option is a handy security measure, it can be easily broken. Insurance policies provide you with financial compensation to help you buy a new bassoon, thus allowing you to get back to playing.
Environmental Threats
Extreme heat, cold, or humidity variations can be a real problem for your bassoon. Scorching temperatures can cause cracks and warping, while arid conditions can result in loose joints and leakages. The pad and corks of an instrument are prone to mold growth when exposed to moisture. This can be an accelerating factor for its damage. The primary investment should be purchasing a good case with the correct humidity control features, but even then, unexpected situations can occur.
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Loss: A Stressful Ordeal
Being unable to find your bassoon at the moment of truth is a nerve-racking experience, and losing it on the way is even more stressful. Conventional homeowner’s or renter’s coverage might not be appropriate for expensive instruments. Bassoon coverage is a cover that protects you against loss and reimburses you financially to some extent, restoring the cherished instrument.
Investing in an instrument is not only about the instrument itself but also about protecting the investment that you have made. The bassoon is one of many expensive items that complete your musical setup. Mouthpieces, reeds, cases, and stands are all the primary instruments needed for instrument care and performance. Insurance policies usually cover these accessories as well, which in turn provides complete insurance protection for your total musical investment.
The Priceless Commodity is the Peace of Mind
Having the instrument, you love and trust gives you peace of mind and lets you focus on what is important – making music. You will be able to perform with confidence, rehearse without worries, and travel to places without always expecting damage, theft, or loss. Bassoon coverage is your guardian angel, giving you a confidence boost to enjoy your beloved instrument at total capacity.
Protecting Your Passion
Owning a high-quality bassoon is an investment in your love of music. Properly caring for the instrument adds years to its life and ensures it works at the best level. But, in this case, unforeseen events are still possible. The Bassoon insurance is an additional security layer that protects your investment from financial risks and allows you to continue your musical journey without disruptions.
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Hiii love your fics please would you write again gabrily teasing each other? I love th way you portray them
Thank you so muchh I'm so glad you enjoy them! I love writing them!
Context: this is part of a fic I've been writing since Chain of Iron came out (it's after the Leviathan attack), but it's so long, I never got around to finishing nor publishing it. But I'm glad it's finally going to be read by someone other then myself!
“What was it like to live in Wales?” Kit asked. 
His head was resting on Cecily's shoulder as they waited outside of the infirmary. His soft, delicate curls tickled her neck.
“It was lonely.” Cecily said. “I didn’t have anybody to keep me company. All I did was play the harp.” She kissed to top of his head. “I’m much happier here, with my family.”
“I like it when you play the harp.” Kit said after a while.
“I know, my darling. I’ll play it for you, if you like.”
Kit shook his head. “It’s okay.”
But the more Cecily thought about it, the more she wanted to. “You know what? It’ll be good for us. It will take our minds off of it.”
She ruffled Kit’s hair and stood up. She shifted Alexander so that he rested on her other hip and offered her hand for Christopher to take. 
Cecily sat down behind the harp in the music room of the institute and sighed, looking at her boys who were sitting on the floor to her left. Alexander was practically asleep in Kit’s crossed legs, but her older son looked up at her with eyes that looked like amethysts in the witchlight lamps.
She quickly plucked some strings from a couple of octaves to check if they were in tune.  The Institute music room wasn’t too humid or dry, to avoid damaging the instruments, therefore many of the instruments didn’t usually get out of tune. Not only that, but Harps rarely got out of tune to begin with, so it came to no surprise that the strings sounded as they should. Good riddance, too, since tuning a harp was a living nightmare. 
Cecily ran her nails softly through the strings so that they made a soft sound.
“What should I play?” She asked Kit.
“The twisty one.” He said, humming a little part of it.
Cecily smiled, knowing exactly which song he meant, and began plucking the first measures of Debussy’s Deux Arabesques.
Kit nodded and closed his eyes. 
She continued letting herself concentrate on the task of playing, on thinking about not the notes that she was playing, but on what notes were to come. She concentrated on bringing her foot down on the paddle and leaning forward to reach the lower octaves. 
Though she’d been playing this song since she was a girl, she couldn’t play the entire 10 minutes of the song without sheet music to guide her, so she skipped a couple of sections that were foggy in her memory. What was good about having played the harp so long was that she was familiar with how to transition, so that one who was unfamiliar with the song wouldn’t guess that she was altering it. She reached the part of the song (towards the ending) that she remembered vividly. Because of how delicate it was, she used to play it as a lullaby when little Christopher couldn’t sleep, while Gabriel paced around the room with him in his arms, hummed softly alongside the harp. Cecily’s mind began conjuring those memories, remembering them with a sudden clarity; the way Gabriel’s hair was muzzled from sleep, how she could barely keep her eyes open and her fingers moving. But most of all, she remembered how when Christopher had finally gone to sleep, they’d kiss the top of his head, put him to sleep and tumble into their own bed, exhausted. Even then, when they had been so tired they couldn’t even speak, Gabriel kissed the wedding rune on her forearm, and then her forehead, like he did every night.
She didn’t weep at this memory. She smiled at it, because it could never bring her anything but joy. As shadowhunters, there was always a possibility you would lose those close to you. Cecily and Gabriel have come to terms with the fact that they might not grow old together like they want to. Cecily is content with the fact that she was able to have a family with him, to raise at least two wonderful children together and have a third, though unexpected, beautiful son as well. 
It was later in the night and Kit had gone to James and Cordelia’s new house with Thomas. Cecily was thankful of that, because there was no point in him staying here waiting for Gabriel to wake up. It was better to be distracted, because distractions meant you didn’t worry. 
Cecily didn’t want to worry, but she also didn’t want to be distracted, which was quite a predicament she was in. 
She sighed and rested her head on Gabriel’s shoulder. She could see Alex from where he was sleeping at the foot of Gabriel’s infirmary bed. She smiled because she could see a little bit of her father in him: something about the shape of his lips. She looked up to the ceiling. Sometimes she didn’t like to be reminded of her parents, because it made her too sad. Though, she reminded herself, that mouth shape did not belong to her father now: it was purely Alex’s, because her father’s body didn’t exist anymore. Not after it had been burned, it’s ashes scattered across the mountains of Wales, just like he would have wanted. Cecily could smile at that. 
Other than his smile, she liked to think that Alex looked like his father, though everyone tells Cecily that he takes after her. Their darling Kit is the who resembles Gabriel the most, though she would have loved for one of them to inherit his lovely green eyes. Of course, they’ll never know until Alex reaches a certain age; Matthew Fairchild had light blue eyes until the age of five, where they darkened considerably, so one never truly knows. 
“It would be a shame to let your eyes go to waste, Gabriel.” Cecily sighed, looking up at him. “I didn’t have any idea my blue eyes would dominate with such an unwavering hand. If Alex ends up with blue eyes as well, perhaps we should have an—Oh my darling, your hair is in complete disarray. You must look presentable, at least.” 
Cecily stood, brushing his hair with her fingers, with the intension of tidying it up.
Gabriel regained consciousness, the last thing he expected was to be having his hair brushed. He opened his eyes about half an inch and saw his wife, oblivious to the fact that he was awake, fussing with his hair. She had her bottom lip drawn in between her teeth, his eyebrows furrowed in deep concentration. 
“Why am I not surprised?” Gabriel mumbled.
Cecily gasped, and drew back in surprised, her hand poised for attack. As soon as she realized it was Gabriel who had spoken, she rushed back to his side, reaching to grab the hand closest to her. 
“Oh, Gabriel darling, how do you feel.” Concern filled her eyes.
Gabriel brushed her knuckles with his thumb, “Relax Cecy, I’m quiet alright.”
She nodded, reaching up to cup his face on her hands and kissed his forehead.
He smiled at her before becoming rigid. “Is everybody else alright? Anna, Kit, Thomas–”
“Yes, yes there were no casualties in the battle.” Cecily said, taking his hand in both of her own once more. With shaking hands, she lifted his own to her lips, kissing his scarred fingers with more tenderness than Gabriel though possible. 
He tried to pull her in towards him, but winced at the movement, finding that he was limited by his extensive injuries. 
Cecily noticed this. “You snapped six ribs and bruised a couple more.” she informed him, “Your arms are miraculously unharmed, save large bruising and minor fracturing, though your left arm was dislocated, as was your collarbone. You’ll have to wear a cast for a week.”
Gabriel pressed his lips together.
“Well, if you don’t like it, how 
Gabriel was slowly blinking, his body easing back into calm. 
“Well, if you don’t like it, perhaps you’ll think twice next time before throwing yourself head-first at demons.”
“I think I’ll consider it.” He said.
Cecily rolled her eyes, though she leaned in closer to Gabriel. He leaned forward as well, kissing her softly. He couldn’t help but smile.
“You idiot,” she said suddenly, pulling away. “Don’t you dare smile. You scared me half to death.” 
He nudged her cheek with his nose. “You’ve done the same to me. On several occasions, mind you.”
“It’s different.” Cecily said, crossing her arms.
“How so?” Gabriel challenged.
“You expect it from me.”
Gabriel pressed his lips together. “That’s highly unfair.”
“Well, life is unfair, so I suppose you’ll have to take that up with the Angel.” Cecily said, begrudgingly taking his hand again. 
Gabriel shook his head. “You’re impossible.”
“I’m incredible.”
Gabriel didn’t deny it, because it was true, but he also didn’t admit it because he didn’t want to inflate Cecily’s ego; she was still a Herondale at heart, after all. 
“Alex shouldn’t have to be here.” Gabriel said, looking at their youngest child.
Cecily lay her head on his shoulder softly, even though it was the uninjured one. “He insisted on staying. Couldn’t be persuaded into going to sleep. He wanted to be here when you woke up.”
Gabriel could feel what she said deep in his heart. Before he had children, he couldn’t imagine the love a parent holds towards their child. It was like having a piece of you and a piece of the person you loved most mix into a single person, that was more perfect than you could imagine. perhaps the best part of it was raising them. Seeing how each day they grew a little bit more, the way they look to you for help or run to you when they’re scared. Perhaps the most beautiful thing is that Gabriel’s children loved him back. 
He’d loved his father with everything he had, and Benedict had only left him disappointed. Gabriel was proud that Alex loved him enough that he wanted to stay by his side while he was injured. That he’d given all his love and that it was finally reciprocated by his wife and children. It made the wait worth it. 
Cecily nudged him lightly with her shoulder, “We should probably wake him up.” 
Gabriel shook his head. “Let him sleep. He’ll wake up soon enough.”
“Alright, but if he gets angry that nobody woke him, the blame will be solely placed on your shoulders.” Cecily got up and filled a glass of water. “Also, you must drink something before you become dehydrated.”
She brought the glass close to his lips and Gabriel pulled away. “You don’t need to do that. I can hold the glass myself.”
Cecily lifted an eyebrow. 
Gabriel sighed. “Fine, but don’t make me chug the entire glass like you did last time. I almost drowned.”
“Don’t be ridiculous; I’m not going to drown you.”
She brought the glass to his lips and tilted the glass upwards. The water was cold and Gabriel could only drink a few mouthfuls before it began to hurt. Of course, when he tried to pull away, Cecily tried to get him to drink more. Gabriel turned his face away, forcing her to lower the glass. 
“Oh, Gabriel, that’s not nearly enough.” She said, frowning at how much water was left in the glass.
“The water is freezing! I can’t exactly drink it all in one go.” Gabriel said. “Also, that is the last time I’m letting you do that.”
“Why not?”
“Because every time I let you, I might as well be signing my death warrant!”
Cecily huffed. “I would never kill you. I need you for the bed.”
Gabriel smirked at her. 
“Not like that Gabriel Lightwood! Lord, you’re such a boy. I meant because you body heat warms up the bed.”
“Fair enough. But also a little bit of the other thing.”
Cecily rolled her eyes. “I’m not answering that.”
“And why is that?”
“Because there is a child sleeping a meter away from us, and if he just so happens to overhear this conversation, I would rather not explain it to him.”
Gabriel laughed, and then immediately winced at the flash pain. “Those bloody tentacles.”
Cecily looked at him sympathetically. “It might take a couple of days before you’re released from the infirmary.”
“Oh no, your bed warmer.” Gabriel said, with a grin.
“Those were the first thoughts that came to my mind, actually.” She said, kissing his cheek. “But I supposed I would have had to—”
“PAPA!” Alex said, sitting up.
Gabriel grinned at him and opened his arm to him, “Alexandros,” he said, “Defender of men.”
Alex laughed and threw himself at his father hugging him tightly. 
Gabriel bit his lip in pain, but loved Alexander too much to ask him to hug him softer. Gabriel rested his cheek on the top of his son’s head and saw Cecily looking at both of them, her eyes smiling along with her lips. Gabriel smiled back at her and brushed a stray strand of hair that was getting in her eyes with the hand that wasn’t hugging Alex. 
Alex looked up at him, his eyes filled with excitement. “Papa! I saw you fight the demon! You chopped off a lot of tentacles. Almost one hundred! Until you got caught.” 
Gabriel laughed and ruffled his hair. “Soon you’ll be defeating demons. But unlike me, you’ll be extra careful not to get caught, right?”
Alex nodded with wide eyes. “I’ll slay all of the demons.”
Cecily laughed, “Yes, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. You still have a lot of growing up to do.” 
Alex frowned, though Gabriel and Cecily both smiled. However unplanned he may have been, Alex came at the perfect time for Gabriel and Cecily; the thought of Anna and Christopher being all grown up already would have made them a little lonely. For course, they had each other’s company, but Alex brought a semblance of youth back to them. He brought out an energy in them they didn’t know still existed, deep down inside of them.
“Can I sleep here with Papa tonight?” Alex asked Cecily.
Cecily frowned. “Your going to abandon me? I have to sleep by myself?”
Alex looked at her innocently. “You can sleep with Kit.”
Cecily’s jaw dropped, pretending to be hurt by his comment.
“Or Anna.” Alex added.
Gabriel laughed out loud. Cecily shook her head. “Of course you can sleep here.”
She didn’t mention that she’d have to move him once he fell asleep, since the infirmary bed wasn’t exactly large enough for anymore than one person to sleep in comfortably. 
Alex smiled widely and Gabriel nudged him with his elbow. “At least try to hide your glee from your poor mother.” He said, taking her hand and pressing a kiss on the back of it. He looked at her as he did it, with a look that made Cecily blush like she was a little girl again. 
Gabriel grinned at that, clearly pleased with himself, causing Cecily to stick her tongue out at him. 
Sorry for the bad ending, it took me ten minutes of writing and rewriting before I decided to leave it at this.
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nursingscience · 1 year
The list of lab equipment needed for the psychology lab.
1. Computers and software for data analysis and experiment design
2. Psychophysiological equipment such as EEG, ECG, and GSR sensors
3. Eye-tracking equipment for measuring eye movements
4. Stereotaxic instrument for precise animal brain surgery
5. Skinner boxes for operant conditioning experiments
6. Virtual Reality headsets for immersive experience and behavioral testing
7. TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) for non-invasive brain stimulation
8. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) for brain imaging
9. Polygraph machines for lie detection
10. Sound-proof rooms for auditory experiments
11. Video recording equipment for observational research
12. Reaction time devices to measure response times
13. Stimulus presentation software and hardware, including monitors and speakers
14. Questionnaires and survey tools for self-report research. 
15. Digital voice recorders for recording interviews or focus groups
16. Psychometric tests for assessing cognitive or personality traits
17. Tactile equipment for haptic experiments
18. Olfactometers for investigating sense of smell
19. Weight scales and height measurements for anthropometric assessments
20. Blood pressure monitors for physiological measurements
21. Heat/cold pain stimulation devices for pain threshold experiments
22. Sleep monitoring equipment such as actigraphy watches and polysomnography machines
23. Specialized software for analyzing and visualizing data, such as SPSS or R
Climatic chambers for environmental manipulation in behavioral studies
24. Microscopes for examining cellular and tissue samples in behavioral neuroscience research
25. Mobile EEG devices for field research or studying participants in naturalistic environments
26. Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) for measuring brain activity in real-time
27. Motion capture systems for tracking movement and gestures in experiments or simulations
28. Biometric devices such as heart rate monitors, respiration sensors, or skin temperature sensors for physiological measurements
29. Experiment control software for designing, running, and analyzing experiments
30. Virtual assistants or chatbots for social psychology or human-computer interaction research
31. Social robots for studying human-robot interaction and social cognition
32. Biomarker assay kits for measuring stress hormones, neurotransmitters, or immune markers
33. Magnetic bead separation systems for isolating cells or proteins from biological samples
34. Chemical analysis equipment such as gas chromatography or mass spectrometry for analyzing biological fluids or tissues.
35. Eye-safe lasers and retinal imaging systems for visual neuroscience studies
36. Microdialysis probes for measuring extracellular neurotransmitter levels in vivo
37. Microfabrication and microfluidics equipment for designing and building micro-scale devices for neuroscience or behavioral studies
38. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) for analyzing brain chemistry
39. Automated behavioral testing systems for high-throughput phenotyping of animal models
40. High-speed cameras for studying rapid movements or reactions in experiments
41. Autonomic monitoring systems for measuring heart rate variability and other physiological signals
42. Neurofeedback systems for training participants to regulate their brain activity
Infrared thermal imaging for measuring temperature changes on the skin or body surface
43. Environmental monitoring equipment for measuring air quality, temperature, humidity, or lighting in experimental settings.
44. Animal behavior tracking systems for automated behavioral analysis of animal models
45. Optogenetics equipment for genetically modifying neurons and controlling their activity with light
46. Microscopy equipment such as confocal microscopes or two-photon microscopes for imaging neurons or brain tissue
47. High-density EEG or MEG systems for recording brain activity with high spatial and temporal resolution
48. Ultrafast laser systems for optoacoustic or photothermal imaging of the brain or other tissues
49. Microscale thermometry systems for measuring temperature changes at the cellular level
50. Animal housing and care equipment such as cages, bedding, and feeding systems
51. Laboratory safety equipment such as fume hoods, eye protection, and fire suppression systems
52. High-performance computing resources for large-scale data analysis, simulations, or modeling.
The specific equipment needs of a psychology lab will depend on the research questions and methods being used, as well as the available resources and funding. 
It's also important to note that some of the equipment listed here may require specialized training or certification to use safely and effectively.
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aptinstruments · 6 days
Digital Humidity Meter
APT Instruments provides a digital humidity meter known for its accuracy and ease of use in measuring relative humidity levels. This essential tool is used across various industries to monitor and control environmental conditions, ensuring optimal performance and quality. With its high-resolution display and intuitive interface, the digital humidity meter offers precise and real-time readings, aiding in applications from industrial processes to research labs. The meter’s robust design and reliable sensors make it a dependable choice for professionals needing accurate humidity measurement in diverse settings.
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integrating-sphere · 16 days
Analysis of the Technical Principles of RoHS Tester and Its Application Fields
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The RoHS tester is an instrument used to detect the presence of hazardous substances restricted by the EU RoHS standard, primarily detecting six harmful substances including lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), hexavalent chromium (Cr6+), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE), and polybrominated biphenyls (PBB). The RoHS tester typically refers to an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, with an analysis principle similar to that of X-ray fluorescence spectrometers. X-ray fluorescence spectrometers are mainly divided into wavelength dispersive and energy dispersive types. Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometers consist of excitation sources, spectrometer crystals and goniometers, detectors, and other components, while energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometers are relatively simple, requiring only excitation sources, detectors, and related electronic and control components. Specific excitation sources are required to obtain characteristic spectral lines of the elements to be tested, commonly including X-ray tubes and isotopic excitation sources. To obtain qualitative and quantitative information from the samples, appropriate sample preparation techniques are required, along with spectral analysis and data processing of the obtained spectral line intensities. Utilizing the principle of X-ray fluorescence spectrometers, RoHS testers can accurately and rapidly analyze the content of harmful elements in samples, providing essential support for product quality control and environmental protection. The application fields of RoHS testers are extensive, including but not limited to the following: • RoHS and hazardous element testing for large-volume components: Suitable for testing hazardous elements in large components to ensure compliance with RoHS standards. • On-site material testing of electronic components and parts: Used for rapid on-site testing of materials in electronic components and parts to ensure they are free of harmful elements. • On-site spot checks of toys, stationery, children’s products, and gifts: Used for on-site spot checks of items such as toys, stationery, children’s products, and gifts to ensure their safety. • Testing and validation of packaging materials: Can test various types of packaging materials to verify they are free of harmful elements, ensuring product safety. • Hazardous substance testing and validation for various types of batteries: Applicable for testing various types of batteries for hazardous substances to ensure they meet safety standards. • Testing of hazardous elements in electroplating solutions: Used for testing hazardous elements in electroplating solutions to ensure the electroplating process meets environmental requirements. • Detection of harmful elements in materials such as fabrics and shoe materials: Can detect harmful elements in materials such as fabrics and shoe materials to ensure product quality. • Testing of hazardous elements in jewelry and accessories: Used for testing hazardous elements in products such as jewelry and accessories to ensure they are safe and harmless. EDX-2A_RoHS Testing Equipment Maintenance Measures: • The equipment should be installed in a place free of electromagnetic interference such as motors, vibrations, electromagnetic, high voltage, or high-frequency welders to avoid interfering with the equipment spectrum shape or causing the equipment to malfunction. • Maintain the room temperature at 20-25°C and equip with air conditioning to cope with the impact of excessively high or low temperatures on the normal operation of the equipment. The relative humidity should be kept below 70% to avoid high humidity causing arcing and discharge phenomena in the high-voltage unit. • Keep the test window of the instrument clean to ensure no foreign objects enter. If the test window is exposed, ensure that no impurities enter the test window. • Below the instrument’s test window are the entrance detector and X-ray tube window, typically made of ultra-thin beryllium metal. To protect it from damage, pay attention to the following: • Try to avoid letting impurities enter the test window during operation. If foreign objects enter, carefully remove them or blow them out with a cleaning ball. • When taking or placing samples, handle them gently, and blow the test window clean with a cleaning ball before placing the sample. LISUN EDX-2A Instrument performance and configuration: • Analysis range: 1ppm to 100 % • Accuracy: RSD≤0.5% Au≥90% • Test the physical state of the sample solid, powder, liquid • Light tube voltage: 5KV ~ 50KV/ Optional imported light tube • High voltage power supply: 0 ~ 50KV; Light tube flow: 0μA ~ 1,000μA • Camera: HD camera; Collimatorfilter automatic switching system • Detector: Si-Pin/SDD(You can choose one) • Resolution: Si-pin160±5eV/SDD135±5eV • Multichannel analyzer; Testing time: 30sec ~ 100sec • ROHS analysis of common elements: Cl, S, Pb, Hg, Br, Cr, Cd, Ba, Sb, As and ect. • Qualitative and quantitative analysis software supports Win7, Win8 and Win10, Win11. Advantages and features of LISUN EDX-2A RoHS tester: • High-resolution, high-definition camera for easy operation. • All imported core technology and original parts from Europe and America. • Camera and cabin lighting system, real-time view the test position of the sample. • Reliable power supply over-current and short-circuit protection to ensure equipment safety. • Automatic control test system, convenient for customers to use. • Already include the standard silver plate and  standard EU ERM EC681m material with calibrate certificate. Read the full article
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Exploring the Latest Trends in the Dew Point Thermometer Market
According to the UnivDatos Market Insights analysis, the growing adoption of automated systems in manufacturing and processing industries necessitating accurate humidity measurements are driving the market growth of global dew point thermometer and as per their “Global Dew Point Thermometer Market” report, the market was valued at USD ~3 billion in 2023, growing at a CAGR of ~8% during the forecast period from 2024 – 2032.
Over the last few years, the dew point thermometer has also undergone huge changes and has achieved expansion in terms of growth and development due to the ever-improving technology used for the manufacturing of these instruments and also due to the rising importance of the correct measurement of humidity and temperature in different fields.
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The following is an indication of some of the latest trends that are evolving within the context of the dew point thermometer market and their effects on the market’s stakeholders.
1. Technological Advancements
A significant factor affecting the dew point thermometer market is the development and innovation of technology. There’s the addition of wireless connectivity, data logging, and incorporating the cloud to improve the manufacturer’s devices. Not only do these technological enhancements provide better accuracy and reliability of dew point thermometers but also provide the facility for advanced precision PT and remote generation which makes them suitable for diverse applications.
2. Growing Demand for Portable Devices
Another trend is the shift in the demand for dew point thermometers that are more portable than the ones currently on the market. Firms are becoming less bound by location, and, therefore, there is the need to have devices that could be carried around or usable in different locations. Although Dew point thermometers are firmly fixed and prevent portability in devices a great demand in markets like HVAC, construction markets, and agriculture markets it is preferred.
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3. Focus on Energy Efficiency
Controlling uses of energy has been an essential aspect in industries across the globe leading to the need to use dew point thermometers in industries for control of energy uses. With these devices, industries will be in a position to measure accurately the climate and make adjustments that will in the long run reduce energy consumption and hence lead to cheaper operations. As sustainability comes to light as a crucial point for materialization by corporations, the relevance of using energy-saving dew point thermometers should also increase.
4. Integration with IoT and Smart Building Technologies
Another emerging trend is the growing use of dew point thermometers together with the Internet of Things (IoT) and smart building systems. Such devices can also be interfaced to the central Building Management Systems for real-time control of the microclimate indoors. Not only does such integration in the designed facades optimise operations but also occupant comfort and productivity in built spaces.
5. Adoption of Remote Monitoring Solutions
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the biggest trends observed in the dew point thermometer market is the increased demand for remote monitoring solutions. There is a gradual shift from using physical devices to relying on cloud-base technology to manage and analyze the humidity and temperature data from industries and mobile applications. Such a trend should be expected to continue, given that companies are adjusting their operations to adopt measures that enhance health and safety sources.
In conclusion, the global dew point thermometer market is witnessing several key trends that are shaping the future of the industry. From technological advancements to the growing demand for portable and energy-efficient devices, these trends are driving innovation and providing new opportunities for manufacturers and suppliers. As industries continue to evolve, the role of dew point thermometers in ensuring optimal environmental conditions will become even more crucial, making it an exciting time for the market.
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UnivDatos Market Insights
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The Industrial process variable instruments market is projected to experience robust growth, with its value expected to increase from USD 18,240.36 million in 2023 to USD 24,687.33 million by 2032, reflecting a steady CAGR of 3.42% during this period.The industrial process variable instruments market plays a critical role in maintaining and optimizing industrial processes. These instruments are essential for measuring, monitoring, and controlling various parameters such as temperature, pressure, level, and flow in industries like oil & gas, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food & beverages, and energy. As industries strive for greater efficiency and automation, the demand for accurate and reliable process variable instruments continues to rise.
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/industrial-process-variable-instruments-market
Market Dynamics
1. Growing Demand for Automation
One of the primary drivers of the industrial process variable instruments market is the increasing demand for automation across various industries. With the advent of Industry 4.0, manufacturers are increasingly adopting automated systems that require precise measurement and control of process variables. This shift towards automation is driven by the need to improve operational efficiency, reduce downtime, and ensure product quality. Process variable instruments such as sensors, transmitters, and controllers are integral to achieving these objectives.
2. Technological Advancements
Technological advancements are significantly impacting the industrial process variable instruments market. Innovations in sensor technology, wireless communication, and data analytics are enabling more accurate and real-time monitoring of process variables. For instance, the integration of IoT (Internet of Things) with process variable instruments allows for remote monitoring and predictive maintenance, reducing the risk of equipment failure and unplanned downtime. Additionally, advancements in materials and manufacturing techniques have led to the development of more robust and reliable instruments, capable of withstanding harsh industrial environments.
3. Stringent Regulatory Requirements
Industries such as pharmaceuticals, food & beverages, and chemicals are subject to stringent regulatory requirements regarding safety, quality, and environmental impact. Compliance with these regulations necessitates the use of accurate and reliable process variable instruments to monitor and control critical parameters. For example, in the pharmaceutical industry, maintaining precise temperature and humidity levels is crucial for ensuring product quality and safety. Similarly, in the oil & gas sector, monitoring pressure and flow rates is essential for preventing accidents and ensuring environmental compliance.
4. Increasing Focus on Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiency has become a top priority for industries worldwide, driven by rising energy costs and environmental concerns. Process variable instruments play a vital role in optimizing energy consumption by providing accurate data for process control. For example, flow meters are used to monitor and control the flow of gases and liquids in industrial processes, helping to minimize energy waste. Similarly, temperature and pressure sensors enable precise control of heating and cooling processes, reducing energy consumption and associated costs.
Challenges and Opportunities
1. Challenges: The market faces challenges such as high installation and maintenance costs, particularly for advanced instruments. Additionally, the lack of skilled personnel to operate and maintain these instruments can hinder market growth.
2. Opportunities: Despite the challenges, the market presents significant opportunities for growth. The increasing adoption of smart manufacturing and the growing emphasis on sustainability are expected to drive demand for advanced process variable instruments. Moreover, the rising focus on Industry 4.0 and the integration of IoT and AI in industrial processes offer new avenues for market expansion.
Key Players
Siemens AG
Omron Corporation
Emerson Electric Co.
Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Honeywell International, Inc.
Endress+Hauser Group
Schneider Electric SE
Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Yaskawa Electric Corporation
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
By Instrument
Control Valve
By Technology
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
Distributed Control System (DCS)
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
Manufacturing Execution System (MES)
By End-User
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Chemical Manufacturing
Energy and Utilities
Oil and Gas Extraction
Metals and mining
By Region
North America
The U.S.
The U.K.
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
South-east Asia
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa
GCC Countries
South Africa
Rest of Middle East and Africa
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/industrial-process-variable-instruments-market
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Credence Research is committed to employee well-being and productivity. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, we have implemented a permanent work-from-home policy for all employees.
Credence Research
Please contact us at +91 6232 49 3207
Website: www.credenceresearch.com
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microlitseo · 18 days
Environmental Control in Liquid Handling: Tips for Accuracy
As liquid handling instruments are highly significant for the laboratory usage, it’s equally important to understand the environmental factors. Whether you are conducting basic research, performing clinical diagnostics, or engaging in high-throughput screening, accurate liquid handling is essential for reliability and accuracy of results. However, achieving accuracy is not solely dependent on the equipment used but also on the control of environmental factors. 
The Importance of Environmental Control
Environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, air pressure, and static electricity can influence the performance of liquid handling instruments like pipettes, dispensers, and automated liquid handling systems. These factors can alter the viscosity and density of liquids, affect the volume dispensed, and even cause evaporation or condensation, leading to inaccurate measurements. Understanding and controlling these environmental variables is crucial for minimizing errors and maintaining consistency in your experiments. 
Key Environmental Factors Affecting Liquid Handling
Temperature: Temperature fluctuations can affect liquid viscosity and volume. For instance, warmer temperatures decrease the viscosity of liquids, making them flow more freely, which can lead to dispensing a larger volume than intended. Conversely, colder temperatures increase viscosity, potentially reducing the volume measurement. It’s important to store reagents and samples at a consistent temperature and allow pipettes and liquids to equilibrate to room temperature before use. 
Humidity: Low humidity levels can lead to increased evaporation, particularly when working with small volumes. This can be especially problematic in applications like PCR or qPCR, where precise volumes are crucial. High humidity, on the other hand, can cause condensation inside pipette tips or tubes, also leading to inaccuracies. Maintaining a controlled humidity environment, ideally between 40-60%, can mitigate these issues.
Air Pressure: Changes in air pressure, particularly in high-altitude or climate-controlled environments, can affect the accuracy of air-displacement pipettes. This is because air pressure impacts the air cushion that forms between the liquid and the pipette tip, altering the dispensed volume. In such settings, positive-displacement pipettes or adjusting the calibration of air-displacement pipettes for specific conditions can enhance accuracy. 
Static Electricity: Static electricity is often an overlooked factor that can significantly impact liquid handling accuracy, especially with highly sensitive analytical techniques. Static charges can cause liquids to cling to pipette tips or cause droplets to jump, leading to volume discrepancies. Using anti-static lab gear and equipment and grounding metal instruments can help minimize these effects.
Tips for Ensuring Accuracy in Liquid Handling
Calibrate Equipment Regularly: Regular pipette calibration and other liquid handling devices is essential for maintaining accuracy. Calibration should be done under controlled environmental conditions to account for any potential deviations.
Use Compatible Tips and Reagents: Ensure that pipette tips and reagents are compatible with the equipment being used. Poor-quality tips or incompatible reagents can lead to inaccuracies due to leaks or improper fit.
Implement a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP): Develop and adhere to SOPs that include guidelines for environmental control, such as prewetting pipette tips, allowing liquids to equilibrate to room temperature, and standardizing the speed and angle of pipetting. 
Monitor Environmental Conditions: Invest in environmental monitoring tools to maintain and record temperature, humidity, and air pressure within the laboratory. This will help identify and rectify any potential sources of error related to environmental factors. 
Minimize Handling and Repeated Freeze-Thaw Cycles: Excessive handling and repeated freeze-thaw cycles can introduce variability in liquid samples. Minimize handling and use aliquots to avoid repeated exposure to environmental changes.
Environmental control is a critical yet often underestimated factor in achieving accurate liquid handling in laboratory settings. By understanding the effects of temperature, humidity, air pressure, and static electricity on liquid handling accuracy, and implementing strategies to control these variables, laboratories can enhance the reliability of their experimental results. Precision in liquid handling not only ensures the success of individual experiments but also contributes to the broader goal of scientific reproducibility and innovation.
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