#Inspiration For Afghan People
oneworldearth · 10 months
The Peril of Supporting the Taliban: A Message from Count Berxcribble 'Patron of Earth’
The Peril of Supporting the Taliban: A Message from Count Berxcribble 'Patron of Earth’. #AfghanistanInPeril #StopSupportingTaliban #JusticeForAfghanistan #MotivationForChange #InspirationForAfghanPeople #WisdomForABetterFuture #OracleOfPeace #Imajica
The Peril of Supporting the Taliban: A Message from Count Berxcribble ‘Patron of Earth’ OneWorld: Count Berxcribble ‘Patron of Earth’, ‘Familiar, Destroyer’ – Oracle: Andrew Rogers. “The message served to the Afghanistan People from the world indicates great peril for the future of the Afghanistan People and the World if the Taliban is continued to be supported, it was an indication to remove…
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earthcovenant · 9 months
Defending the Afghan People: The Morrigan's Insight
Defending the Afghan People: The Morrigan's Insight. #SuperbActions #AndrewRogers #SecureTheRights #DefendAfghanPeople #TalibanSupporters #CelticGoddess #AfghanJustice #MotivationInspiration #OracleJustice #ImajicaAgency #TheMorrigan #Morrigan #Celtic
Defending the Afghan People: The Morrigan’s Insight The Celtic Society: The Morrigan ‘The Phantom Queen, Destroyer’ – Oracle: Andrew Rogers. “Superb is the actions of and from Andrew Rogers to secure the rights and defend the Afghan people against the Taliban and the Supporters and those of who placed the Taliban in position of authority in Afghanistan which has serious threat implications…
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neolithicsheep · 1 month
I've been meaning to write this down for some time because there are some fundamental errors that people keep making in crowdfunding/sales that shoot their campaigns in the foot. So here's a list of easy principles.
Who am I and why should you listen to me? I am a freelance chaos marketer who has raised well over $100,000 when totaling up various crowdfunding campaigns, mostly for aid to Afghanistan. In addition I've managed to successfully market everything from stuffed plush koalas to hydration salts. Why am I putting this out here for free? Because despite a years long track record of success in social media marketing no one will hire me because I don't have a college degree, so I might as well help people out who can't afford to hire full time marketing. 
If you'd like to hire me to help you evaluate your marketing and sales and teach you better skills on a 1 to 1 basis then hit me up, I am often willing to barter, esp with artists in a variety of mediums! 
TL;DR: use positive messaging that humanizes everyone involved and make it as easy as possible for people to give you money.
1. Shame and guilt are demotivators. They will not inspire people to give you money. “Why aren't people helping” “I guess people don't care” “This isn't getting enough shares/donations” etc etc. Online fundraising is often frustrating, heartbreaking, and will make you angry, especially when there's a humanitarian crisis involved. It is critical that if you are raising funds for someone else that you have a place to vent that is not the audience you would like to donate to the cause. 
2. Use motivating messages instead! “You can help!” “Even a small donation is important because it tells Recipient they're not alone, and people care” “We can't fix the whole world, but we can make this one thing right, and that means something”. Emphasize that this is a problem that the reader can help fix with even a small effort. With items for sale, tell a story. "I drew this thinking about how safe I always felt under a tree in my childhood backyard". "I chose the colors in this shawl to remind me of sagebrush and piñon pine in my favorite place."
3. Make it easy for people to give you money. Never talk about your product or cause without a link that leads directly to where people can give you money. They should be able to click one link on your post and land at the fundraiser or your shop. Every required click is going to lose people, so minimize the number of them required. This also means if you have a list of fundraisers for people to choose from the ones at the bottom will be neglected - people will hit the ones at the top. Be sure to take those off when they're met or periodically shuffle the list around to make sure everyone gets a chance to be in the first 5 spots. In online stores people will often only look at the first page or two of items so be sure to shuffle things around and remove out of stock items that are taking up prime real estate.
4. Humanize the recipient - this can be tricksy when raising charitable aid because you don't want to be exploitative. But to use my last Afghan campaign as an example, “We need to raise $500 for an Afghan family” is less effective than “This Afghan family's home was damaged in heavy rains that caused extensive flooding. They only need $500 to repair and rebuild so they can stay in their home and not become displaced.”  If possible, tell as much of the recipient's story as they consent to. Eg “Fred is seven and loves dinosaurs. His favorite is brontosaurus, and he carries a stuffed one with him everywhere. He wants to be a paleontologist when he grows up and discover a complete brontosaurus skeleton that he can give the same name as his stuffed friend. Unfortunately he's also a trans boy living in Texas and his family needs $1500 to rent a Uhaul and get to Colorado so he can grow up in safety and do that.”
5. If you're not the recipient, humanize yourself while you're at it! “I'd be really grateful if you all could share or donate” “This fundraiser really means a lot to me because…” “Thank you so much for any help, whether sharing or donating” 
6. Treat the audience like humans. Speak to them like they are people you're having a conversation with, not ATMs. This ultimately is the goal of not using shame/guilt and humanizing yourself and the recipient. 
7. Set low goals and bump them up when met. One of the weird things about people is they prefer to give to successful fundraisers. Yeah I don't know either. So you're more likely to get the full amount you need if you set a partial goal initially and then raise it when that's met. Raise it in small increments and raise it repeatedly as those goals are hit to keep momentum going. You can't always control this so if you're boosting someone else's fundraiser you can do it artificially via asks like “Hey y'all can we get together and put $500 on this?”
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eameseames · 9 months
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Posting the final product one more time because I’m so proud of it! Taught myself crochet this summer with YouTube, then spent all of this fall making Persian Tiles during my down time at work (there’s a lot). Sized it up from an afghan to a queen size because 1) go big or go home 2) worsted weight acrylic yarn is dead cheap. Learned a lot! Also talked to so many people who saw me working on it and told me their own stories about crochet- old projects of their own that fell to the wayside, the blanket their grandma made. I got inspired to make this after I saw the pattern online, then spotted a finished one at the fair in the crafts barn. Felt like full circle when someone else told me they felt inspired to pick the craft back up!
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onceinabluemun · 11 months
Wallah all that’s been in my mind the past two months are the Muslims suffering. Seeing so much coverage on Gaza showing how high Iman these people have, and how much they’re suffering not a day goes by. Seeing them I remember there are other Muslims being oppressed. The Uyghurs. The Kurds. The Afghans. So, so many.
They smile and say
"‏حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل"
"‏حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل"
Allah is sufficient for us, Allah is sufficient for us
Even as they look at the blue, limp bodies of their loved ones they smile with so much pain in their eyes, point their finger to the sky and smile. This level of faith; I pray to be close to that strength at least. To smile despite all my hurt, to fear nothing. Absolutely nothing.
My throat stings every day. I open my phone and see new coverage on the genocide happening right now. Fathers pulling rubble with their bare hands calling for their children. Animals suffering. Plants burning. Families, entire bloodlines mercilessly wiped out. I cry. I choke tears back. Sometimes I slap a hand to my mouth to cover the gasp, when I see organs lying in the dust or a child’s ripped scalp. Remnants of human beings that laughed and loved and believed in Allah just like me. The pain cracks me. Not a day goes by where I forget.
And some people are already going “why you talking about it so much stop” this is all thats in my mind. It is the reason I say Hasbunallah Wa nimal Wakeel, the reason why Ive been praying more, making more dua, more dhikr. Its the reason why Ive been letting people go and trusting that Allah’s plan and his justice is near. I count my blessings. I don’t know when I’m going to die. Am I ready to face my Creator? I want to be honored with martyrdom, with the gift of being a Mujahida. I must be worthy of that first. This remarkable hope and strength is the most precious gift anyone has ever given me, and this was a gift from the beloved people of Palestine.
Wallah it’s in my mind every second of the day and in Jannah I want to thank the martyrs and kiss the martyr childrens’ hands and tell them how much they’ve inspired me. Palestine has freed us.
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edenfenixblogs · 8 months
The Jews who argue against the word “genocide” do not do so because they support what is happening; they do so because they are arguing that what is happening is better described by the term “ethnic cleansing,” which is also a horrifically bad and inexcusable thing. It just also doesn’t have the antisemitic connotation here.
Hey, need to point out using Ethnic Cleansing (which i only saw used by slightly less radical left) is just as bad and inaccurate to use as Genocide- Jews have experienced Ethnic Cleansing and to label this war as such disregards the actual ethnic cleansing Jews experienced for centuries- most recently SWANA Jews! And I would argue Ethiopian Jews too. Individuals willingly and temporarily leaving their home because it is a war zone (due to a war their leadership systems!) is not ethnic cleansing. We can look to what is happening to Armenians, and Afghans in Pakistan- that is ethnic cleansing.
I really need people to brush up not only on their dictionary terms but on the legal definitions that help determine something. Definitions and the correct usage of them matter! Languages matters- when we use definitions wrongly we water them down.
This is why we have people screaming genocide at something that isn’t one! Because their definition of genocide has been watered down- because every war is suddenly a genocide and every bad person I disagree with is a Nazi.. You get my drift. I’m very sensitive to correct usage of words and definitions.
I absolutely understand this perspective and I refrain from using either term personally with regard to this conflict.
I respect your sensitivity, which is one of many reasons I urge people to try to understand the impact of these words on the Jewish community.
That said, I am sensitive also to the fact that there are dictionary definitions of things and legal definitions of things and scholarly definitions of things. I try to keep in mind that everyone is approaching this conflict from their own cultural context so I am not as intense personally about correcting people's usage of these terms, simply because I'm not expert enough to determine which definition is "best." I think legal definitions should definitely always be used in the context of legal discussions, but I don't know if the legal definition is best in a sociological context.
I want to be clear: I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm just respecting my own limitations on this subject matter.
Rest assured, we agree on the main point here: It is important to be specific and accurate in the usage of terms. We cannot allow emotions running high to justify the watering down of such serious terms.
People of all identities affected by this conflict should approach discussions of terms in the same way they approach everything else about this conflict: with good faith, an open heart, and a goal of peace.
I respect that you also disagree with the use of the term ethnic cleansing. However, I personally do not agree that it is "as bad." This is not me trying to tell you that you're wrong. I just think this particular discussion point has a lot of equally valid takes. Your take is absolutely valid. But allow me to explain my take on the situation, which I consider to be equally valid:
I think there is a lot more wiggle room in the term "ethnic cleansing" than there is in the term "genocide." When I use the term ethnic cleansing, I am referring to the United Nations Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect.
The key takeaways I have from the United Nations here is that ethnic cleansing is not actually a crime under international law. The two very loose definitions offered here are:
… rendering an area ethnically homogeneous by using force or intimidation to remove persons of given groups from the area.
a purposeful policy designed by one ethnic or religious group to remove by violent and terror-inspiring means the civilian population of another ethnic or religious group from certain geographic areas.”
I consider Palestinians to be a an ethnic group. I know some critics do not, but I disagree with those people. So if you do not agree with me on that, I doubt we will agree on the specifics that follow. I think recognizing Palestinian identity is vital to fostering a peaceful future for all currently residing in the Levant. However, I know that there are also politics and political realities in Israel between those who call themselves Arab-Israelies vs. Palestinians. I do my best to stay informed about topics, but this is too fraught for me to parse with any authority. I believe in Palestinian ethnic identity because of several reasons I won't elaborate on here, but can elaborate on upon request.
I am not particularly swayed by the first bullet point. I do not believe that Israel is trying to render Palestine as ethnically homogeneous, even though they are using force on the area.
The second bullet point has merit to me. I do not believe all Jews or all Israelis wish to eradicate and remove Palestinians from the Levant, so I do not consider Israelis in general or Jews in general responsible for the cleansing. Furthermore, even though I am personally a pacifist, I am also pragmatic. I believe there are much less violent ways to eradicate Hamas than the heavy bombing currently taking place. I also know Hamas has been firing rockets into Israeli civilian areas for quite a long time and Israel has every right to treat Hamas like the hostile, terrorist organization it is.
But I do hold Netanyahu and the Likud party responsible for their affect on Palestinian civilians. I was disgusted when Netanyahu justified his violent actions by invoking Amalek. And I believe that by invoking Amalek he did in fact cause all of his actions as commander of the military to be in support of ethnic cleansing. I do not deny the parallels between the Amalekites relationship to the ancient people of Israel and Palestine's relationship to the modern state of Israel: namely, repeated attempts to destroy Israel, repeated attacks on Israeli civilians (including the taking of hostages and the attack of women and children and the elderly as a terror tactic). However, what I cannot and will never endorse is the implication that we should treat Palestine the way ancient Israel treated the Amalekites.
G-d ordered the people of Israel to blot out the living memory of the Amalekites from the earth--to eliminate every living Amalekite as well as their city and livestock so that they would only be remembered for the horror they inflicted.
We cannot and must not treat modern Palestinians in this manner, and by invoking a religious precedent in this manner as justification for the modern assault on Gaza, I cannot really conceive of a way in which this is not a specific, religious directive to violently target a civilian population on the grounds of their ethnic identity.
Before anyone uses this as an excuse to demonize all Israelis or Jews, I want to explicitly shut that down as well. I know for a fact that not all Israelis or Jews support or agree with Netanyahu here. And while Netanyahu's horrific invocation of Amalek must be rejected, that rejection does not mean that there should be no consequences for Hamas terrorists and those who support their terror. What it does mean, is that as long as Netanyahu is directing the military response, he is, in my personal opinion, carrying out an ethnic cleansing. And we must be able to criticize him for that and respect Palestinian civilians enough to give them the grace to use the phrase "ethnic cleansing" to describe the horror they are experiencing. Criticizing this does not mean Israel has no justifiable military response. Hamas has been engaging in antisemitic terror and mass violence against Israelis and Jews for a long time, even prior to 10/7, in a way that must be stopped by force. However, the main goal for all people of good faith affected by this conflict should always remain peace, not retaliation or attacks on ANYONE (Jewish or Arab) based on their ethnic identity.
I fully respect that you may disagree with this. As there is no legally widespread accepted definition of ethnic cleansing, you may be operating under a different set of criteria to define the term "ethnic cleansing." That's OK, too. I would not call myself uninformed on the topic of the i/p conflict. I have been actively affected by it for over 25 years. That said, I'm also no scholar or international expert on the topic either. I would rate my knowledge and familiarity with the conflict and relevant terminology to be much higher than average and steeped in years of observation and personal experience. So, if I still view his as a matter up for a variety of interpretations, I cannot fault others for feeling the same way, even if that means they disagree with me. I hope this makes sense, and you are able to see my stance as legitimate, even if you disagree with it.
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stationintern · 10 months
black dog
inspired by black dog by arlo parks <3. a bit of animagus harry, a bit of pet-owner/loving boyfriend draco. also a farmers' market.
There’s a shaggy black dog in Draco’s sitting room. A shaggy black dog with a canvas shopping bag between its teeth.
“Alright, dear,” he says, and grabs a coat– he knows what kind of day this will be, “Onwards, then.”
They trot down the street, stopping to sniff around trees and greenery, receiving tender pats from their fellow walkers. The farmers’ market is buzzing with people this morning, and Draco stops for his own bout of sniffing around the stall of a candle maker– who finds it a bit odd when he makes sure his dog likes the pumpkin one just as much as he does. 
Fruit stands, some lovely bracelets, a woman who sells hand-knitted afghans in both of their favourite colours. The dog sniffs out the perfect sourdough loaf, and wags his tail as its baker wraps it with nimble hands. They meander until the market closes, buying whatever sparks interest in either of their eyes. 
Tired, they climb the steps back up to their town house, loaded with two new bags and enough fruit to supply the nearest brunch spot for a few weeks. The dog curls up on the couch, breaks into a yawn, and by the time his teeth clack together, he’s tripled in size.
“Did you have a good time, love?” Draco asks, digging his thumbnail into the flesh of an orange, peeling it back.
“Mmm,” Harry replies, stretching his limbs, whole and returned to himself.
Draco divides it into slices and reaches out, watching as Harry bites into it, a dribble of juice on the corner of his mouth.
“These are lovely.”
“I have a nose for the good ones,” Harry says, and Draco knows it's true. 
He’d eat them for every meal until the end of time if it meant getting Harry out of the house on his dog days. If only to sniff oranges and return to the couch. If only to watch him walk with purpose.
if you want to, feel free to leave some love over on ao3!
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beardedmrbean · 17 days
WARSAW, Poland (AP) — The German government says it is cracking down on irregular migration and crime following recent extremist attacks, and plans to extend temporary border controls to all nine of its frontiers next week.
Last month, a deadly knife attack by a Syrian asylum-seeker in Soligen killed three people. The perpetrator claimed to be inspired by the Islamic State group. In June, a knife attack by an Afghan immigrant left a police officer dead and four other people wounded.
The border closures are set to last six months and are threatening to test European unity. Most of Germany’s neighbors are fellow members of the European Union, a 27-country bloc based on the principles of free trade and travel. And Germany — the EU’s economic motor in the heart of Europe — shares more borders with other countries than any other member state.
The Polish prime minister on Tuesday denounced the closures as “unacceptable” and Austria said it won’t accept migrants rejected by Germany.
Here’s a look at some of the issues:
How do Europeans travel currently?
The EU bloc has a visa-free travel area known as Schengen that allows citizens of most EU countries to travel easily across borders for work and pleasure. Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland also belong to Schengen even though they are not EU members.
According to the EU, member states are allowed to temporarily reintroduce controls at the EU’s so-called internal borders in case of a serious threat, such as one to internal security. But it also says border controls should be applied as a last resort in exceptional situations, and must be time-limited.
Such limitations are often put in place during major sporting events, including the recent Olympic Games in Paris and the European soccer championship this summer.
What’s Germany doing now?
Nine countries border Germany and all are part of Schengen. Germany already imposed restrictions last year at its borders with Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria and Switzerland.
Germany’s Interior Ministry on Monday ordered the extension of checks at those borders, as well as controls at borders with France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark.
Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said the aim was to limit irregular migration and protect the nation from “the acute dangers posed by Islamist terrorism and serious crime.”
Growing backlash against migration
The government and many Germans welcomed refugees fleeing conflicts in Syria and elsewhere from 2015-16, when more than 1 million asylum-seekers entered the country.
But as large-scale migration to Europe continues nearly a decade later, a backlash is fueling the growth of far-right parties.
Some people say social services are overwhelmed, and extremist attacks by asylum-seekers have led to security fears. It has added up to growing support for firmer immigration policies — and in some cases, backing for the far-right parties that champion such limits.
The unpopular coalition government of Chancellor Olaf Scholz is trying to crack down on irregular immigration after the far right did well in two recent state elections in eastern Germany. Another comes Sept. 22 in Brandenburg, the state surrounding Berlin.
Economic worries
As the EU’s largest economy, Germany is a key trading partner for neighbors. The interior ministry’s announcement has prompted economic worries for the main Dutch transportation lobby group, the Dutch Association for Transport and Logistics. It said the decision was undermining the Schengen principle of free trade and it fears major economic damage.
At home, Germany’s DSLV logistics and freight association urged a selective approach that would spare trucks moving goods across borders — which would mirror what occurred during the European soccer championships. Those checks avoided economic disruptions because officials focused on individuals and not trucks, the association said.
Dirk Jandura, the president of the Federation of German Wholesale, Foreign Trade and Services, said in an statement to The Associated Press that restrictions on the free movement of people “always mean delays and thus cost increases for the economy and especially for wholesale and foreign trade.”
He added: “However, if migration policy findings require restrictive measures, then this is understandable. For us, it is important to implement the measures with a sense of proportion.”
Political repercussions
The ruling conservative government in Austria — which is facing a tight race against the far-right party in an election this month — says it will not accept refugees who are turned back from Germany.
Interior Minister Gerhard Karner told reporters that Germany has the right to send people back if another EU country is responsible for their asylum application. But that would require a formal procedure and the consent of the member state concerned.
Meanwhile, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk called Germany’s plan “unacceptable” and called for urgent consultations by all countries affected. Poland has struggled with a migration crisis on its border with Belarus since 2021. Warsaw accuses Belarus and Russia of luring migrants from the Middle East and Africa there to destabilize the West.
Agnieszka Łada-Konefał, deputy director of the German Institute of Polish Affairs, said random checks at the German-Polish border create traffic jams that make it more difficult for people to cross for work and discourage Germans from shopping in Poland. Poles also argue that Germany first introduced a policy of openness to refugees but is now pushing them back to Poland.
“Due to the negative perception of the influx of migrants in Poland, any report of migrants being returned by Germany also negatively affects Polish-German relations and Germany’s image in Poland,” Łada-Konefał told the AP.
But in the Netherlands, where the anti-immigration Party for Freedom won last year’s election, the minister for asylum and migration pledged to step up Dutch border controls as well.
Slovenia, Austria and Italy also have extended temporary border controls in some areas or all along their frontiers.
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jobaaj · 3 months
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🔴BREAKING NEWS: Big move by Germany! It is deporting terrorist supporters!! 🤔 What's happening?
▪ The German government has a new plan to make it easier to deport people who praise or support terrorism.
▪ Even posting about terrorism on social media could lead to deportation under this new law.
▪ This change aims to take away the right to stay in Germany from immigrants who support terrorism.
▪ Chancellor Olaf Scholz says promoting terrorism is an insult to victims, their families, and Germany's democracy.
🧐 Why?
▪ Recently, an Afghan asylum seeker killed a young German police officer and injured four others in a knife attack.
▪ After Hamas's terrorist attack on October 7th, there was a big increase in hate posts on social media in Germany.
▪ There have also been several pro-Palestine protests, especially on student campuses.
😲Interestingly: ▪ The national chairman of the police union, Jochen Kopelke, welcomed the Cabinet’s decision, which he described as a clear signal to terror sympathizers. ▪ However, the bill has drawn criticism from some politicians. ▪ Critics claim that the move clamps down on the freedom of speech and is similar to the measures imposed by authoritarian regimes!! 🥸Analysis: ▪ This move by Germany is meant in good faith. ▪ Germany is trying to counter the growth of anti-Semitism in the country and trying to preserve an atmosphere of peace. ▪ However, the lack of clarity in this law will make it a tool of discrimination if used inappropriately. ❓Should more countries follow Germany’s example? Will this help the situation or worsen it?? Follow Jobaaj Stories (the media arm of Jobaaj.com Group for more)
About Jobaaj Stories: Jobaaj Stories started as the storytelling branch of Jobaaj. Over time, it has grown to cover news, inspiring stories, and informational resources. Our mission is to educate and inspire budding professionals and students through storytelling. We exist to enrich you with information and inspiration!
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bas-rouge · 1 year
I saw you want to talk about dogs... Here is your invitation to talk about dogs with some random questions if you need inspiration.
What breeds (aside from the obvious) do you like best from each breed group?
Are you interested in showing or working or doing sports with a future dog?
What is your favorite/most interesting/most impressive trick or task you've come across?
What do you think of Tibetan Terriers? (Obviously the best breed of dog, I'm not biased at all.)
🥺❤️ thank you so much.. for enabling me lol
The obvious?? What on earth could you be talking about?? 🤣 - besides Beaucerons, I assume:
Herding - Rough Collies. They're not what I'm looking for Right Now but I know I want one down the road a little more. My friend breeds the most fantastic Collies and I 🥺 keep dropping hints like hey... when is your next litter planned for... etc. I also like Bergamascos.
Hound - Cirneco Dell'Etna. They're so so so so cute I cannot exaggerate how cute these little guys are. They're spunky and fun and they're the sweetest, happiest little dogs. I also like Borzoi, Afghan Hounds, Pharaohs, and Ibizans.
Toy - English Toy Spaniel. I'm literally obsessed with them. They're adorable and sweet and are always in such a pleasant mood. I also like Chis and Pugs.
Non-Sporting - Schipperke. They're so funny. They're so violent and spiteful I love it. They are little demon dogs and I love them. I don't think I want one but they're always such a blast to hang out with. I also like Finnish Spitzes.
Sporting - Chesapeake Bay or Curly-Coated Retriever. I don't really like the sporting group (they're fun, but not even remotely for me). These two seem to have the sharpest brains in them. I also really love Clumbers, despite having maybe 1.5 brain cells on average, because they're ridiculously cute and kissable.
Terrier - Rat Terrier. They are such awesome dogs. Super fun, super versatile, and so loving. They're not like other terriers (lol) in my experience. I also like Bull Terriers despite the fact that they are always intent on breaking my nose and Border Terriers for the same reasons I love Ratties.
Working - Dogo Argentino. They are such gorgeous dogs with such big hearts. I love them so much, I just wish the breed were in a better place. The working group is my second favourite... I also really love German Pinschers, Dogues de Bordeaux, and all manner of LGDs.
I'm interested in showing and sports. I want to do confo mainly, but I also really love herding and want to get involved there. Obedience and rally seem super fun, and Beaucerons tend to excel at weight pull, nose work, and other sports that seem like a ton of fun to try out. Herding and conformation are definitely my top two, though!
Um, hm. Most people I know don't train their dogs to do much beyond what's required for the sports they do or basic manners. I'm a sucker for "sit pretty" and a solid heel.
I STILL HAVEN'T MET A TIBETAN TERRIER which is such a shame because I realised too late that they had a specialty? Supported entry? Something and there were like 20 entered at a recent show... I just missed them because that happened to be the weekend I was running around actually doing things 😅 I think they're adorable and awesome and that a lot of people really, really, REALLY seem to love them lol
What about you???
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dlea203 · 1 year
5 years - Hannix AU
A/N: Hello☺️! Seems like I'm getting a little better at updating at least a little more frequently, but don't hold me to a specific pace, please😅! Inspiration has been flowing these past few days and I'm pretty happy with how this chapter turned out. I hope you like it too😌. As always, comments/reblogs/likes/ideas are greatly appreciated and very welcome🥰!
ALSO: Thank you to all of you who have continuously interacted with this story🥰! You guys are the best!!!
Taglist: @carsgeek24 (as requested, my love😉💗) @sweetwhispersofchaos
Warnings: angst, fluff (I'm trying to put as much fluff into the chapters as possible to make up for the angst, I hope it's still bearable😬)
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Chapter Seven
September 16th, 4 years ago…
He wished he had a camera with him. To capture the magnificent sight currently presented to him. The gold and orange rays of sunshine were slowly crawling up the rocks, spreading their warmth as far as possible. From the rocks they jumped onto the walls of the houses in the village. You could feel them warming up the clay if you put your hands flat on the walls. And with that, as if the sunlight acted as its energizer, the village slowly came to life. 
The men and elder boys left the houses, farming equipment in hand. Yes, farming equipment. Although this region of Afghanistan was rather sandy and consisted mostly of never-ending deserts, the “high lands” around the rocks had quite some fertile soil. That’s why most of the villages were built there. There weren’t thousands of acres of fertile soil, but it was enough to supply the whole village. Sure, rain wasn’t too common around here, but the Afghan people, as Jake had come to learn over the past year, were pretty creative when it came to providing the village with sufficient supplies. 
The women said goodbye to them, sometimes even with small kisses on the forehead or cheeks. And, most importantly, never without the promise of being home for lunch. 
Jake sat on the steps in front of their house and faced the rising sun, his arms braced on top of his knees. He just watched, as practically every morning. But this morning was different. Not because something was out of order, but rather because today was a special date. And the reason why he wished he had a camera to capture this view. Today was Lynn’s birthday. Her first birthday.
And he wasn’t home.
If he had a camera, he could snap a pic and put it into a frame to gift his daughter. Although she would still be too small to comprehend the meaning behind his gift, he wished so desperately to be able to do it, nonetheless. Because this view was a metaphor for what he felt when Lynn came into this world. His whole damn world lit up when his princess made her grand entrance. Lynn, together with Nat of course, was his sun. His girls were the reason he kept fighting when his jet fell from the sky. He knew, should he give up, there would just be darkness on the other end of the tunnel. But his girls, back at home, they were the light. And just as beautiful as this sunrise here.
“Hey Jake!”
He didn’t even need to turn around to know who just called his name.
“What is it, Zahra?”
“Ma looks for you. Breakfast is ready.”
The sixteen-year-old girl plopped down onto the steps next to him, smiling brightly at him from the side. Jake smiled back, offering her a fist-bump. She bumped her fist against his, furrowing her brows.
“I still don’t understand why you do that. It’s… what’s the word again? It’s not silly, but…”
“Weird?”, he offered, smirking.
“Yes! Weird, that’s it.”
Jake laughed, shaking his head, and proudly listened to Zahra rattle off numerous reasons why the fist-bump-thing was weird and how many other not-weird-ways-to-greet-each-other there were. Why proudly? Back when the people of this village helped him out of his misery, at least to the best of their abilities, Jake felt this need to give something back for their help. At first, they refused, but then he had an idea. Jake offered to teach the kids, and later the grown-ups, basic English. Isaad presented his idea to the people of the village, explaining how beneficial it would be if the kids understood and spoke English. Especially if the American troops would find their way into the village. First, the men agreed to let Jake teach only the boys, because they were afraid that the Taliban would find out that the girls were taught too. But then Jake was able to convince them of letting him teach both girls and boys. And Zahra was an eager student. She practically soaked up the English language like a sponge. After only a few weeks, she was able to form grammatically correct sentences and speak freely about easy topics. Jake was sure he’d rarely been this proud before in his life. Now, after a year of practice, she was able to speak very freely about different topics and rarely made grammatical mistakes. Sometimes the words didn’t come to her right away, but the ones she knew she used correctly. And while he taught the kids English, they taught him their Afghan dialect. Although he wasn’t quite as fast as Zahra, she was a very patient teacher and spent hours on end going over the words and grammar with him. What he quickly did, was understand. He was able to follow dinner or lunch conversations between the family members and he understood what Isaad was translating when he spoke with someone of the village. Speaking was a different topic. But it came too, with time. The one thing he’d never forget was her reaction when he spoke his first Afghan sentence without a mistake. She’d jumped up from her spot at the kitchen table, squealing like she wanted the walls to burst and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. Jake had felt a rush of pure happiness speed through his veins. A very emotional moment that he’d treasure for the rest of his life.
“Hello? Are you still there?”, Zahra interrupted his train of thoughts.
“Sorry. What did you say?”
Zahra narrowed her eyes, mused at him, before her gaze fell on his right fist that was tightly clasping something. She reached for his hand, gently untangled his fingers, and took a piece of paper out of his hand. A photo. Zahra smiled at him knowingly and a little sad, mirroring his expression.
“You miss her, yeah?”
“Every day, yes.”
Zahra carefully brushed her index finger over the photo.
“What was her name again? Something with an “N”, right?”
“Natasha”, Jake answered absentmindedly, staring at the orange ball that was the sun.
“Right… Natasha. Beautiful name for a beautiful woman.”
“She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met”, Jake agreed, smiling dreamily for a short second before the longing feeling took over again and squeezed his heart tightly inside his chest.
“You never talk about her. Why?”
Jake sighed, dropping his gaze onto the sandy road, mentally steeling himself for this conversation.
“Because it hurts when I talk about her. Or when I think too much about her. I miss her so much, and there’s no chance I get to see her anytime soon. So, I’m trying not to think about her too much or else I’ll go crazy.”
Zahra nodded, understanding. Her gaze rested on the picture of Natasha. Jake’s gaze joined her. It was a picture he’d taken last summer at the beach in San Diego. It’d been a pretty hot day and since Natasha had been 7 months pregnant at the time, they’d had no choice but to go out and spend a few hours at the beach. He’d taken many pictures over the course of the afternoon, but this one was without a doubt his favorite. She was sitting on her knees, her left profile facing him. Her right hand was hugging her baby belly, her left hand braced on her lower back. She was looking down at her belly with the biggest smile on her face. Her hair was up in a cute and kinda messy bun with a few stray locks that framed her face. The lighting made her look like a vision. That photo was one of those once-in-a-lifetime-shots, which was the reason why Jake used to keep it in the chest pocket of his flight suit. Now, he kept it within the tunic he wore. Where it was always safe and with him, just like his girls who were always in his heart. The other picture of them he kept with him in the jet must have burned in the flames…
“And the baby?”
Zahra was, as Jake had come to learn over the past year, a very curious girl and loved to cut straight to the point. He chuckled sadly.
“It’s a girl. She was born on this day last year. Her name is Lynn”, Jake answered, doing his very best to keep the tears at bay.
“You were there when she was born?”
“Yes. It was a long night”, he laughed, gently shaking his head at the memory.
“How long?”
“Almost 20 hours of labor… but Nat was an absolute champ. She did fantastic. We were both a little panicked at first when her water broke on the kitchen floor, but then we looked at each other and we knew – okay, we’re doing this now.”
Zahra chuckled, nodding her head, and focusing back on the picture.
“Then your daughter is one year old today?”
“Yeah, my princess is growing up fast. And I’m not even there to witness it…”
He averted his gaze, looking back at the rising sun. Zahra carefully placed her hand on his arm, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“You will see her again one day. I’m sure.”
Jake looked at her, smiling thankfully. He didn’t need to say it out loud, Zahra’s eyes told him that she knew. They enjoyed the silence for another couple of seconds, when suddenly their names were called: “Zahra! Jake!”
Amira appeared behind them in the doorway, her hands braced on her hips. She scolded them for not coming inside for breakfast and threatened to put them on dish duty for the rest of the month if they didn’t hurry. Jake and Zahra shared a worried look before laughing heartily and hurrying inside to join the family at breakfast.
But even if he’d talked about it for a few minutes, the painful thought of home didn’t leave his head for the rest of the day. He was uncharacteristically unfocused, which didn’t go unnoticed.
“Jake, what is going on with you?”, Isaad asked when he joined a few other men for a cup of tea in the late afternoon.
“What? Nothing.”
“Yes, of course. And I’m the American president”, Isaad retorted, earning a few laughs from the rest.
“Come on, what is wrong?”, Jahan pressed, gently shoving Jake, as if to give him the literal push over the edge.
Jake took a sip of his tea to buy himself some time. But he knew very well that he wouldn’t get out of the spotlight this easy. The expectant looks from his friends told him so as well. Sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose, he conceded.
“Today’s the first birthday of my daughter.”
While Isaad, Jahan and two other men sucked in a breath, a few others looked confused and waited for Isaad to translate. When he’d done so, they reacted about the same way. Jahan patted Jake’s shoulder this time, an apologetic smile on his face.
“I’m very sorry”, Isaad whispered.
“Yeah, it’s hard right now, but it’s gonna be fine. Hopefully I can go home soon to be there for her next birthday.”
“What’s her name?”, the man with the name Behnam asked.
“Lynn. L-y-n-n”, Jake spelled, “well, her full name is Lynn Helen Seresin.”
“Beautiful name”, Behnam’s neighbor, Hussain, commented, earning a few nods.
“Thank you. She’s a beautiful girl. One of the few things I did right in my life… besides making my wife marry me, obviously”, Jake laughed.
“What’s the name of your wife?”, Cirus asked, adding a spoon of sugar to his tea.
“Natasha Seresin since she became my wife, but her maiden name is Natasha Trace.”
“Natasha… very beautiful name also. She is a beautiful woman, I think?”, Cirus asked, chuckling.
“She is indeed.”
“Jake has a picture”, Jahan jumped in, motioning for Jake to show it to the others.
He carefully took it out of his tunic and showed it to the round. The men eyed it closely, Hussain even whistled through his teeth. Bahiri, the eldest of the village, took it out of Jake’s hand and held it into the light for a better view. 
“Very beautiful”, he nodded, handing it back to Jake with a smile.
“Thank you.”
Jake had never talked much about his home or his family. In the past year, he’d used most of his time to get to know the families here in the village and work his ass off so as they wouldn’t regret that they helped him. Besides teaching the kids English, he helped the men with basic repair work on the farming equipment or houses. Whatever was needed. On top of that, he helped with farming the fields as often as he could and lent Amira his hands within the household. There wasn’t much time to talk. And the people had been too busy adjusting to the fact that he was living with them now. They barely knew anything about him, and they rarely asked any questions. But of course, now that some time had passed and the topic had come up, they started to ask those questions. Beside talking about his familial life in San Diego, Jake offered a lot of stories from his time in the Navy. He told them how he’d met his wife, how they fell in love, what missions they’d been on together and which he’d done with his squadron. The men listened attentively, occasionally relying on Isaad and his translation skills. But Jake had gotten really good at explaining things in Afghan, so Isaad’s skills were becoming more irrelevant as time progressed. Slowly but surely, Jake was becoming a part of the village. But, although he was so grateful that they helped him and saw him as one of them, he couldn’t wait for the day where he got the chance to go home. Hopefully, that day would come soon…
Monday morning 6 a.m. came way too soon for Natasha’s liking. When her alarm went off, she huffed out an exasperated breath, hit the snooze button a little harder than usually and closed her eyes once more. A low chuckle greeted her at that, sending her heartbeat through the roof for a second.
“Still not a morning person”, Jake whispered, his devilish smile on full display.
“And I’ll never become one”, she retorted, scrunching up her nose without opening her eyes.
Jake laughed, before scooting closer to her, and wrapping his arm around her waist. He nuzzled his face into her neck and peppered her skin with little kisses, making her smile.
“How’d you survive the academy, flight school and all your deployments as a non-morning-person?”
“Guess I’m a surprise box”, she answered sleepily, pulling his arm tighter around her.
Jake chuckled again, pressing one last kiss to her cheek, before attacking her sides with his hands, tickling her. She immediately shrieked in shock.
“No, Jake! … Stop! … Stop!”
She tried to squirm away from him, but he kept her where she was, still tickling her.
“Jake, please!”
He had mercy on her but pulled her on top of him to kiss her properly. Straddling his hips, she sighed into the kiss, finally opening her eyes to look at him. He brushed a lock of hair behind her right ear, looking at her in wonder. Sometimes he still couldn’t believe that she’d agreed to marry him. And that she had taken him back, even though he’d been away for five years.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”, she asked, searching his eyes.
“I’m not looking at you like that.”
“Yes, you are”, she chuckled, “do I have something on my face?”
“Besides unmatched beauty?”
She rolled her eyes at his cheesiness, shaking her head.
“I’m trying to make earnest conversation here, Jake. So please don’t behave like a child. Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I was just thinking… Over there in Afghanistan, I was wondering if the things I know about you are still true”, he answered hesitantly, tightening his grip on her hips.
Natasha furrowed her brows, cocking her head slightly to the side.
“Why that?”
He shrugged, averting his gaze, but she made him look at her again.
“A lot can change in five years. I thought… that maybe, well… I don’t know.”
“What did you think?”
“No, it’s dumb. Forget it.”
“Jake, what did you think?”
Her gaze was as insistent as her voice, letting him know that he wasn’t getting out of this this easily.
“I thought that… you discovered new things about yourself in the meantime, maybe with a different partner too… that the things you liked or disliked aren’t the same anymore as before Afghanistan.”
She sucked in a breath, spiking his insecurity even more.
“I said it’s dumb. Please forget I ever said that. I-I just… I’m sorry.”
He tried to push her off and climb out of bed to go bury himself somewhere in the backyard, but she didn’t move.
“Jake, I…”, she started, cupping his cheeks, and looking deep into his eyes, “I never had someone else.”
Now it was his turn to suck in a breath. He definitely hadn’t expected that answer. Not because he knew that she hadn’t been happy with him and would’ve jump at the first opportunity to find someone else, but because he knew what an amazing woman she was and how many men would gladly take his place if presented the opportunity. Although he’d always wished she would wait for him when he’d been in Afghanistan, he'd known that he couldn’t ask her to. He would never have. She more than deserved to be happy, and if he wasn’t able to make her happy for whatever reason, he couldn’t trap her in this marriage. He’d half expected to come here and find her with a new man at her side, maybe even already married. 
“You didn’t?!”
She furrowed her brows again before pulling them up.
“I’m sorry, what? Are you mad I didn’t?”
“No! No, of course not, I just – “
He stared at her, disbelieving and slightly dumbfounded, before grabbing her face and smashing his lips on hers. She gasped into his mouth but gladly accepted the kiss.
“You waited for me, baby? All those years?”, he asked in a whispering tone, still disbelievingly.
She smiled at him, tears welling up in her eyes at the hell that were the last five years.
“Oh Jake… I thought you were dead. They told me you died in a crash. I didn’t wait for you, I was grieving – mourning you, like a wife who loved her husband wholeheartedly, does.”
A tear made its way down her cheek, getting caught in the corner of her mouth that was stretched into a sad smile.
“So, tell me – who should have wanted me, hmm? Who should have wanted a grieving woman as their partner?”
He chuckled, gently brushing the wet path of her tear away from her cheek with his thumb.
“Well, let’s see… how about that one neighbor that used to look over his fence whenever you went jogging?”
“Vincent?”, Natasha laughed.
She gently swatted his arm before shaking her head, still laughing.
“You know what? I actually expected him to shoot his shot when it was evident you wouldn’t return. But he never showed up, not even brought any flowers over. I’m not sure how I would’ve reacted if he came over though… probably not very friendly. I think I would’ve told him off. Or I would’ve held Lynn in his face, telling him that that little girl has just lost her father and he comes over to flirt with her mother… I don’t know, I surely wasn’t in a good place back then.”
Jake cupped her cheeks, pressing his forehead against hers.
“I’m sorry, darlin’. I’m sorry for making you go through that”, he whispered, taking a deep breath afterwards.
She shook her head, kissing him.
“No, don’t! Baby, you came back to me! You came back home; to Lynn and me. That is more than I ever could have asked for.”
Natasha brushed her thumb over his cheek, enjoying the feeling of his skin under hers.
“I love you, Jake Seresin. I always have and always will. But I will not let you out of my sight for the foreseeable future, my beloved husband”, she said, chuckling and pointing at him with her finger.
He chuckled too, kissing said pointer finger.
“Don’t worry, Misses Seresin. I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart.”
Hand in hand, their daughter a few strides in front of them, they strolled up to the kindergarten building. More than a few curious looks from other parents followed them on their way to the front door. Jake’s grip tightened a tiny bit when they entered the foyer and followed Lynn to her place in the wardrobe space. But Natasha smiled at him and as fast as his worries arose, they disappeared again. Jake crouched down in front of Lynn, took her little backpack, and proudly watched her untie her shoes, all the while keeping up the conversation they started before. Natasha stood a little bit aside, watching them, when the kindergarten teacher, Ms. Janine Robinson, walked up to her.
“Misses Seresin, it’s good to see you again! It’s been a while. How are you?”
“I’m very good, thank you. How are you?”
“Good too. It’s gonna be a busy day, but I’m sure you know how it is.”
Ms. Robinson crossed her arms over her chest, setting eyes on Lynn and Jake for the first time. 
“Oh, I see a new face! May I ask who that is?”, she asked carefully, eyeing Jake up and down.
“That’s Jake Seresin; my husband and Lynn’s father.”
Ms. Robinson turned her head sharply, her eyes widening and her mouth just so staying shut.
“Your husband?! But I thought you told me… I mean… didn’t you say that he died?”
“That’s what I thought for the past five years. But apparently, I was wrong, and so was the Navy.”
“Are you sure?”
Natasha raised an eyebrow at that, fixing Miss Robinson with a daring glare.
“I think I’m very well able to recognize my husband and the father of my daughter, but thank you for your concerns, Janine.”
The young teacher immediately averted her gaze for a second, looking down at her shoes in shame.
“I’m sorry, that was inappropriate. It’s just, you know… I’ve seen a couple of movies and reports where someone returned after a long time, but it wasn’t the person that originally left and the families were fooled, because so much time has passed and stuff – “
“I know what you mean, but trust me, he’s the real Jake Seresin.”
Natasha snorted.
“I’ve spent the last five years memorizing every last detail I know about him. I can confirm, without a doubt, that that man is the man I married.”
Ms. Robinson nodded, watching Jake’s interaction with Lynn with great interest.
“And Lynn is taking it well?”
“Yes, why?”
“Oh, you know, I’ve talked to her about her father a few times over the last year… I was surprised how much she knew about him since she never met him consciously. But she told me a lot about him, and that she knows that he’s with the angels.”
Natasha nodded.
“When the Navy told me that he’d died, Lynn was just over two months old. I realized pretty soon that I had to make a decision… either I tell her the truth about her father and who he was from the start, or I lie to her and make up excuses until she’s old enough to know the truth.”
Ms. Robinson nodded understandingly, following Natasha’s explanation attentively.
“I went for the first route, obviously. I wanted her to know who her father was. I wanted her to know where she came from. That she’d been born into a home full of love, into arms who’d be there for her for the rest of her life. And that those weren’t just my arms… Jake loved her from the first moment that he knew of her, just like me. He was so on board, it was frightening”, she chuckled, shaking her head. 
”I sometimes even questioned if the same man that I married still lived with me.”
Janine laughed, not tearing her eyes away from how Lynn dragged her father straight into the main room of the kindergarten to show him where she liked to play.
“She was always supposed to know who he was and what he and I had. On some nights, when she wouldn’t go down without crying for an hour because he wasn’t there, I wondered whether I really made the right choice… whether I caused her more pain by telling her the truth… but then I looked at old pics of our time before Lynn and I saw where she got her green eyes and big smile from, and I just… I just couldn’t lie.”
“I get that”, Ms. Robinson answered, gently touching Natasha’s arm, “I’m glad that it’s going well. How long has he been back?”
“He came home Saturday noon. I had our friends over for one of our monthly gatherings. You can imagine the chaos that followed when he suddenly appeared at the door, looking as if he’d never been gone…”
“Oh, yeah, I can picture that!”, Ms. Robinson laughed, nodding her head.
Natasha chuckled, checking her watch when the bell went off. Ms. Robinson did so too, gasping in surprise.
“Oh, I swear, time is running faster these days! I have to get the kids gathered together… I’m very sorry to leave this conversation hanging in the air, Misses Seresin. Would you excuse me?”
“Sure. Have a good day.”
Natasha watched her run off to the entrance, welcoming the last kids that were brought by their parents. Then, she peaked her head around the corner into the main room, chuckling to herself at the scene presented to her. Lynn was proudly showing Jake all her drawings, going over them with him in an almost analytic way. Natasha walked up to them, weaving her fingers through Lynn’s light curls, that were tied into a ponytail.
“Hi baby. Are you showing daddy all your drawings?”
“Yes, mommy!”
“They’re beautiful, princess. You should make more, you’re talented. Maybe you become a famous painter one day”, Jake said, wiggling his eyebrows.
“You think so?”
“Woah, okay, there’s still a lot of time until then. For now, daddy and I have to say goodbye, sweetheart. We’re gonna pick you up in the afternoon, okay?”
“Can’t you stay?”
“No, and you know why. But you’re a big girl, you’ll be fine. Right?”
Natasha crouched down and adjusted Lynn’s hair tie, cupping her cheek.
“I love you, baby. Give me a kiss, yeah?”
Lynn kissed her on the lips, before throwing her arms around Natasha’s neck and squeezing her tightly.
“Love you too, mommy.”
Then, she turned to Jake and flew into his arms, giggling at him pressing a loud kiss on her cheek.
“I love you so much, princess. Be nice and behave, can you do that for me?”
“Yes, daddy. Love you.”
When Ms. Robinson walked in with the rest of the kids, that was their cue to leave. They walked to the door, looking back once more to watch Lynn take a seat on her chair in the circle, waving at them before engaging in a conversation with the girl sitting next to her.
“She’s such a big girl already”, Jake whispered in awe.
Natasha nodded, taking his hand in hers and looking at him for a second before looking back at Lynn.
“Our little princess.”
After they left the kindergarten, they drove straight into the city center, heading for the town hall. Although they’d only called this morning, they had managed to get a spontaneous appointment with the civil registrar in order to sort of “reorganize” Jake’s life from a legal point of view. He’d been considered dead for the past five years, not only from a familial and military point of view, but also legally. They needed to set Natasha’s civil status back to “married” and made sure that Jake was still correctly listed as Lynn’s biological and legal father. A lot of paperwork, but the civil registrar was a nice and funny guy, which made the hours fly by quickly.
“What would you say if I took you out for a lunch date?”, Jake asked, when they left the town hall hand in hand.
“A lunch date?”
“I’d say, I’m starving and if you don’t get me food within the next half hour, I will become your worst nightmare.”
Jake laughed, kissing her cheek.
“Lunch date it is.”
Although it’d been a while, he still remembered their favorite restaurant for lunch dates. Stealing glances at each other over the edge of their menus was still a thing, too. To celebrate their reunion, they enjoyed a glass of wine. They did some small talk here and there, nothing too deep. Well, at least until they finished their main courses. The waiter had just picked up their plates and promised to be back with the dessert menu, when Natasha cleared her throat, picking at a breadcrumb.
“I… I don’t want you to feel pressured or anything, but you know that I’ve not been blessed with the ability to be patient. And we won’t have much time to ourselves in the next few days or weeks. I took off work today, but tomorrow I have to go back, and you’ll surely have to report to base within this week to get things sorted out… we’ll have to call your parents, my parents, my brothers – they’ll probably all want to visit us as soon as possible! It’s gonna be a lot of stress–“
“Nat, what is it?”
She sighed, taking a deep breath. Hesitantly, she met his gaze, pursing her lips.
“When will you tell me what happened to you?”
His face fell and he moved slightly back, letting go of her hands on the table. His hands disappeared into his lap and his gaze switched over to the window. Natasha sat up straighter, desperation washing over her face.
“Jake, I – please, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to–“
“I already told you, Nat, I can’t just… I can’t just talk about that on a lunch date. It’s–“
“But you can tell me anything, Jake, I promise!”
“This has nothing to do with you! Nat…”
Jake sighed, squeezing his eyes shut, focusing on his breathing for a moment, before looking at her again.
“It’s not that I can’t tell you. But it’s… it’s so much, and so much of it is ugly and heavy. I don’t want to burden you with it. You’re working almost full-time, there’s Lynn, our friends, our families, the house… You have so much on your plate already, I can’t put this on your shoulders too just like that.”
“Jake, you don’t have to worry about me, I can handle it.”
Jake shook his head, pulled out his wallet and waved the waiter over. Out of politeness, Natasha kept quiet, but inside, she was raging. Her husband knew how much she hated it when he babied her, when he tried to play the macho.
They left the restaurant in a hurry, heading straight for their car in the parking lot. But there, Natasha crossed her arms over her chest, planting her feet and staring him down.
“You know perfectly well what I can handle. So don’t worry about that.”
“Yes, I do worry about that. And yes, I know what you can handle, but this is another caliber–“
“Do not treat me like a child, Jake Seresin! I’m your goddamn wife! We vowed to treat each other as equal partners in this marriage, so live up to that!”
“I’m not treating you like a child! I’m trying to protect you from knowing what I’ve been through, because I want you to be able to sleep at night!”, he shouted, standing mere inches from her and fixing her with a hard glare.
She gasped slightly at that. Seeing naked fear flickering in his eyes made her insides squirming. Jake tried getting his breathing back under control, turning away and rubbing his hands over his face. She stood frozen where she was, processing what just happened. Slowly, he turned back around and walked up to her, cupping her cheeks tenderly. There were tears in his eyes, making her heart drop into her stomach.
“You don’t want to know what I’ve seen, Nat. Trust me, you don’t. I’m just trying to protect you, I swear, that’s all I’m doing”, he whispered, barely keeping his tears at bay.
She grabbed his wrists, pressing her forehead against his.
“I want to help you. Please, Jake, let me help you. Let me help you carry this burden. Please”, she whispered, choking on a sob.
He sighed, deeper than she’d ever heard him sigh. Some of the tears in his eyes escaped, sliding down his cheeks.
She pulled back slightly and looked deep into his eyes, carefully drying his cheeks with her thumbs. He stared at her, contemplating. He knew she wouldn’t give up and it would only cause more flashbacks for him whenever she brought it up. He knew too, that he needed to talk to someone about it. And who did he trust more than his wife?
“Please Jake. I know how much you suffer; I can see it in your eyes. They don’t hold the same light anymore as they used to. Let me help you, I beg you”, she sobbed.
Jake didn’t want that she cried because of him. She must’ve done enough of that over the past five years. He didn’t want to hurt her, and he knew that he would continue to do so as long as he refused to let her in on the past five years of his life.
His voice was no more than a whisper. She sucked in a breath, her lips curling into a small smile.
“I will tell you, once the stress of the next few weeks is over. Once we’re settled in, once our families know about me and had the chance of visiting us. I promise you, by my sister’s honor, that I will tell you everything then. Can you live with that?”
She nodded, kissing him deeply.
“I love you, sweetheart”, Jake whispered against her lips.
“I love you, honey”, Natasha whispered back, falling into his arms.
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earthcovenant · 9 months
Marduk: Patron, Destroyer - Challenging Perception of Justice in Babylonian Society
Marduk: Patron, Destroyer - Challenging Perception of Justice in Babylonian Society. #JusticeFraud #BabylonianJustice #AfghanPeoplesTruth #MardukInspiration #MotivationFromBabylon #AndrewRogersOracle #AfghanistanJustice #BabylonianSociety #BabylonGod
Marduk: Patron, Destroyer – Challenging Perception of Justice in Babylonian Society The Babylonian Society: Marduk, ‘Patron of Babylon, Destroyer’ – Oracle: Andrew Rogers. “Your perception of justice is a fraud, as the occurrences of what has occurred prior to present for the Afghan Peoples, and you stand in position and say it is justice, this is not the truth, which you also do not honour” –…
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Hijab is Islamic religiously compulsory garb, not culturally Iranian, Somalian, Yemeni, Afghan, etc. It is obligatory by virtue of Sharia. Indeed, Islam obliges men to adhere to religiously mandated hijab (covering) rules too; they’re just not that noticeable compared to what’s expected in public society.
Hijab is mandated by Allah. It’s not a suggestion, it’s not a request, it’s not a human-developed tradition, it’s not local societal mores, it’s literally a commandment from the Islamic god.
And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, their brothers' sons, their sisters' sons, their women, that which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women. And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed.
O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.
Narrated Aisha:
Sauda (the wife of the Prophet) went out to answer the call of nature after it was made obligatory (for all the Muslims ladies) to observe the veil. She was a fat huge lady, and everybody who knew her before could recognize her. So `Umar bin Al-Khattab saw her and said, "O Sauda! By Allah, you cannot hide yourself from us, so think of a way by which you should not be recognized on going out. Sauda returned while Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) was in my house taking his supper and a bone covered with meat was in his hand. She entered and said, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! I went out to answer the call of nature and `Umar said to me so-and-so." Then Allah inspired him (the Prophet) and when the state of inspiration was over and the bone was still in his hand as he had not put in down, he said (to Sauda), "You (women) have been allowed to go out for your needs."
The Command of Hijab
Here Allah tells His Messenger to command the believing women -- especially his wives and daughters, because of their position of honor -- to draw their Jilbabs over their bodies, so that they will be distinct in their appearance from the women of the Jahiliyyah and from slave women. The Jilbab is a Rida', worn over the Khimar. This was the view of Ibn Mas`ud, `Ubaydah, Qatadah, Al-Hasan Al-Basri, Sa`id bin Jubayr, Ibrahim An-Nakha`i, `Ata' Al-Khurasani and others. It is like the Izar used today. Al-Jawhari said: "The Jilbab is the outer wrapper. `Ali bin Abi Talhah reported that Ibn `Abbas said that Allah commanded the believing women, when they went out of their houses for some need, to cover their faces from above their heads with the Jilbab, leaving only one eye showing. Muhammad bin Sirin said, "I asked `Ubaydah As-Salmani about the Ayah:
(to draw their Jalabib over their bodies.) He covered his face and head, with just his left eye showing.''
(That will be better that they should be known so as not to be annoyed. ) means, if they do that, it will be known that they are free, and that they are not servants or whores.
People who tell you that it’s “cultural” or “it’s her choice” are either ignorant or lying. To not hijab is literally to disobey the direct, unambiguous command of the Almighty.
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siren-ej-exe · 2 years
Mods: The Progressives
Background on the 1960′s fashion world:
When you think of the 1960′s you most likely think of the fashion associated with Mods like shift dresses, mini skirts or go go boots as well as fashion icons like Twiggy, Jane Birkin or Nancy Sinatra. Between  the 1950′s and 1960′s there was a transition in fashion as in the 50′s fashion was focused on French designers and was controlled around the wealthy elite. But with the new decade there was the creation of youth fashion where designers focused more on what young people were wearing. The cycle of fashion changed. It went from designers being copied by retailers to sell to consumers but they were taking inspiration from people on the streets and basing their design off of them. We also saw a shift in fashion capitals, London was fashions new muse, in particular Carnaby Street and in the Soho area in general.
Notable designers of the decade would be Mary Quant, Ossie Clark, Paco Rabanne, YSL, Givenchy and Andre Courreges to name just a few. Designers worked with man made materials to create their clothes and experimented with synthetics such as PVC and Polyester. Boutiques were made popular by Mary Quant setting up her first boutique in 1955. This was so that customers could combine items whilst still being accessible in urban environments like London. 
Their seems to be a debate on who first created the mini skirt between Mary Quant and Andre Courreges when I was researching but some come to the conclusion that Andre created it whilst Quant popularised it. Breakfast at Tiffany’s was known for the black dress designed by Givenchy and created what we now know as “The Little Black Dress.” Now the most popular 60′s icons would be twiggy, Audrey Hepburn, Jean Shrimpton and Peggy Moffitt. However, people fail to mention Donyale Luna in that list, even though her impact has been important to the culture we know today. She was the first black women to appear on the cover of British Vogue and coined the first black supermodel. She also was reported as Andy Warhol’s and Salvador Dali’s muse. I recommend looking into her story.
Mods in the 1960′s:
Mods derived from the word modernists were teenagers from the baby boomer generation who’s families had benefited from the economic boom after WW2 in Britain. It was also a way to escape from the political issues that were going on at the time as they were seen as “adult problems” as it is reflected in the emphasis on being or dressing childlike as a divergence from adults. There were 3 stages of 60′s fashion. The early 60′s was the introduction of the ‘new look’ showing the new boxy silhouette that contrasts with the hourglass body type of the 50′s. Then there was the mid 60′s when the mini skirt and shift dress is introduced. In the late 60′s garments were more flowy, often associated with the hippies movement. This style was also influenced by south Asian clothing with pieces such as the Afghan coat coming from it as well as many patterns inspired from Indian clothing. 
 Bands like The Who, The Beatles and The Small Faces were influenced by this style as The Beatles were known for wearing skinny ties which were popular at the time. They were commonly associated with vespas as they were sleek and clean but also fast. A lot of teenagers preferred to go to coffee shops that opened late or jazz clubs. The style had evolved from their ancestors of the Teddy boys and ‘50s Betniks. Men’s style was influenced by suits from the Edwardian era as well as those of the French and Italian kind which were sharp and tailored. They also wore turtle necks and heavy jackets to survive UK winters.  The women also wore clean lines and bright colours and controversial above the knee hemlines (Knees! How scandalous, How horrifying!)  At the time they were seen as progressive which on reflection can seem quiet shocking for how far we have come today, even though today is far from perfect. The style to some extent was seen as quiet androgynous with women adopting short hair styles and were becoming more independent as the second wave of feminism influenced ideas of women in the 1960′s as women believed that they should build a life outside of the home. This style was quiet popular to say it was a subculture but it did also clash with the equally popular rocker crowd of the time in England.
When writing this I thought back to trends have realised that the 60′s in fashion has forever impacted culture but the mods can still be seen today in terms of trends with bright pastel colours and mini skirts being a forever staple. Although now I believe that there has grown to be subcultures but also an emphasis on personal style. There are so many icons from this decade that I wish I could all mention and explore. Not only in fashion but in music as well.
Hey guys, sorry it’s been a while, been focusing on school. I hope you are all doing well. Thank you for the love on my last post, I really appreciate it!!! Hopefully I will post more soon. 
Lots of Love,
~Siren~ <3
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jazzypizzaz · 9 months
Crochet Craft Projects!!!
all the stuff I want to do and have limited time for 😭😭😭
forest floor blanket (WIP): leaf shapes in a variety of greens & browns, as applique to a cloth blanket. for hobbit themed bedroom.
space hexagon blanket (WIP): each hexagon is a different space-inspired design, mostly sparkly black with interspersed orange/blue/green hexagons. for the atomic midmod vibe in our living room
catghan sweater: there's this vintage cat afghan that Internet people have reworked into a sweater pattern. I've got a bunch of stash yarn that could work for this + I've never done a wearable! yellow, pink, navy, green, grey or white
6 hats??? or maybe socks (knitted)?: my family's going on an Alaskan vacation in June!!! and I want to make everyone something matching to wear 😆😆. I'm not sure if it's cold enough for hats or if everyone would even want one, so maybe socks is better?? I don't have a pattern in mind yet, but something Alaskan wildlife, foresty mountain something
temperature hexagon blanket: found a cool pattern but I'm not prepared to do this for 2024. maybe 2025
I've also bookmarked so many cool blanket patterns... gotta find people to give them to though haha
Tom Bombadil plushie. hehehehehe
all sorts of fun critters amigurumi.....
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hestiacrow · 2 years
Raven's Bracelets!
Time for a more in-depth look at my partner's, Raven, bracelets!
Once again, here is her link:
She currently has 3 different kinds of bead types: Regular, Manmade (both of which are exactly what they sound like), and VIP or VIB as we like to call them. The latter is of higher quality than the other two, but there are fewer options. It is likely that a bead type may appear as both a Regular and a VIP bead, the only difference being their quality.
Please see the full bead list below:
Regular Beads:
Afghan Jade
African Bloodstone
Alashan Chalcedony (dyed)
Amazonite Chalcedony (dyed
Apatite Chalcedony (dyed)
Apple Agate (dyed)
Bamboo Agate
Black Flower Agate
Black Lace Agate
Black Obsidian
Black Onyx
Black Rutile
Black Tourmaline
Blossom Chalecedony (dyed)
Blue Adventurine
Blue Lace Agate
Bronzite Jasper
Clear Quartz (8mm)
Coral Fossil Jasper
Crazy Lace Agate
Dalmatian Jasper
Dragon Bloodstone
Dragon Vein Agate
Evil Eye Agate (laser engraved)
Firefly Agate (dyed)
Gold Sheen Obsidian
Golden Lace Jade
Golden Mica/Plum Blossom Jasper
Grape Chalcedony (dyed)
Green Adventurine
Green Chalcedony (dyed)
Green Jade
Honey Calcite
India Agate
K2 Jasper (enhanced)
Kambaba Jasper
Lava Beads
Lemon Jade
Light Blue Chalcedony (dyed)
Lucky Jade
Mahogany (Red) Obsidian
Matte Black Onyx
Morgan Chalcedony (dyed)
Moss Agate
Navy Chalcedony (dyed)
Ocean Jasper
Onyx Mantra (laser engraved and painted)
Orange Chalcedony (dyed)
Orca Agate
Peach Chalcedony (dyed)
Picasso Jasper
Pink Adventurine
Pink Chalcedony (light/dark dyed)
Pink Lace Jasper
Pink Opal (dyed)
Pink Tourmaline
Pink Zebra Jasper
Polychrome Jasper
Purple Chalcedony (light/dark, dyed)
Purple Mica
Que Sera
Rainbow Obsidian
Red Adventurine
Red Chalcedony (dyed)
Red Jasper
Red Lace Agate
Red Tiger Eye
Rhodonite (enhanced)
Ruby Zoisite
Silver Sheen Obsidian
Smoky Agate
Sodalite (light/dark)
Strawberry Quartz
Tea Jasper
Teal Chalcedony (dyed)
Violet Quartz
Watermelon Chalcedony (dyed)
White Agate
White Chalcedony
Wood Jasper
Yellow Chalcedony
Yellow Tiger Eye
Manmade Beads:
Manmade Imperial Jasper
Manmade Opalite
Backbone (Black Moonstone)
Black Rutile
Black Tourmaline
Blue Tiger Eye
Clear Quartz (8mm)
Fire Quartz
Flower Agate
Galaxy Tiger Eye (dyed)
Peach Moonstone
Pink Opal
Rainbow Moonstone
Selenite (Satin Spar)
Smoky Quartz
I do have pictures of each of these bead types, so if you would like to see them, please let me know and I will make another post showing what each one looks like! Here's a selection to get you started:
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If you like the look of any of these, consider giving Raven's Ko-Fi a look and maybe even commissioning her! Don't worry, you're not restricted to one type of crystal, you can have several types on your bracelet. She has even gone as far as considering character-inspired bracelets as commissions too, and when I say we have lists of characters, we had to make a list of the lists so we could keep track of them!
As a final note, I'm not one to beg for exposure but at this point it would be wonderful, even if you don't think you'll order anything from Raven, please hit the reblog button. You will have my eternal gratitude if you do, the more people who see this and consider her craft, the better.
Thank you so much everyone!
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