#Inga valentiner
wfhandwatchingtv · 2 years
I love communication
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valentine1994 · 7 months
Idag bråkade jag med min hyresvärd... och jag pratar inte om en i synnerhet artig passivt aggressiv bråk, utan hon kallade mig respektlös och besvärlig - jag kallade henne ingenting för jag vill inte bli hemlös utan jag upprepade bara "är JAG respektlös??". Sjukt hur man efter ett tag börjar kunna bråka på ett främmande språk. Jag insåg det förra veckan när jag bråkade med A. Då gick det att liksom prata snabbt. Men idag sa jag ingenting för jag har ingen bostadsrätt, så jag lät en pensionär få ut en livstid av frustrationer på mig.
Det handlade om städningen... Vi turas om med städningen, på ett ganska otydligt sätt. Man gör det när man hinner, och sedan skriver man sitt namn på en lapp som sitter i köket. Under de 6 första månaderna gick det bra, men sedan blev det annorlunda. Det var i december det förändrade, när jag hade börjat på mitt nya jobb efter att ha förlorat min rätt till CSN, och jag jobbade så mycket jag kunde för att kunna betala hyran och inte hamna i samma situation som i 2018, när jag blev tvungen att flytta tillbaka till Frankrike för jag hade inga pengar kvar... Och nu i december jag fick alltså mindre tid att städa. Sedan blir det januari, en ny termin, jag pluggar på vardagarna och jobbar på helgerna. Och det är då det börjar, varje gång jag kommer hem så kommer hon fram till mig och frågar om jag tänker städa. Hon säger inte det tydligt utan säger "Det är inte ofta jag blir arg, men imorse blev jag arg när jag vaknade och såg hur smutsigt det var i lägenheten! Som tur är var [den andra som bor här] hemma och hjälpte till att städa." Och jag står där ordlös för vad ska jag säga? Jag vaknade kl.6 på en söndag och gick till jobbet. Tid för städningen fanns det inte..? En gång, det var en lördag, får jag ett sms när jag sitter på jobbet. Hon frågar varför jag inte är hemma och städar. Hon säger att [den andra som bor här] har städat. Men den andra som bor här behöver inte jobba på helgerna för att kunna betala hyran vill jag svara. Dessutom, om det är någon som smutsar ner lägenheten så är det inte jag som i stort sett bara är hemma när jag sover på nätterna. Men jag säger ingenting och städar när jag är ledig, dvs mindre ofta än henne och den andra som bor här och jobbar hemifrån. Sedan hittar vi en lägenhet med min pojkvän och jag säger upp mig och det är då hon börjar tappa det. Jag tror att det handlar om att hon vet att jag kommer flytta snart och hon behöver inte längre vara trevlig. Hon pratar inte längre med mig utan hon bara mumlar när jag är i närheten. Hon mumlar om hur smutsigt det är - smutsigt är det objektivt inte. Hon klagar över en skrynklig duk, en enligt henne dammig matta. Jag säger ingenting och går till skolan, går till jobbet, jag gör min grej. Varje gång hon säger mitt namn är det för att fråga om när jag tänker städa, eller om jag har bokat tvättstugan - vi turas om med tvättstugan som bara kan bokas en gång i veckan.
Imorse säger hon inte ens hej, hon står där i sin rosa morgonrock och stirrar på mig och säger "Valentine?" och jag vet att hon kommer att be mig städa. Jag har inte haft någon ledig dag förra veckan och har därför knappt varit hemma. Hon frågar "tänker du städa idag?" och jag är helt tyst först, för om jag öppnar munnen nu så kommer att säga "tänker du hålla käften?". Så jag tar ett djupt andetag och säger att idag ska jag plugga för jag har en tenta imorgon. Men jag ska försöka hitta någon timme för att städa i veckan. Sedan springer jag ut och går går går för att inte explodera. När jag har lugnat ner mig kommer jag hem och går fram till henne och säger att jag har märkt att hon inte ens säger hej längre och bara pratar med mig för att fråga om jag ska städa eller om jag bokat tvättstugan. Jag vill att vi ska prata om det, för annars blir jag galen. Jag säger att även om jag flyttar snart så ska man ändå vara vänlig? Jag säger också att jag är vuxen och att hon inte behöver påminna mig om att jag ska städa. Jag gör det när jag har ledigt. Och det är då hon exploderar, hon säger att hon är sur och irriterad, och "det är inte ofta hon blir det!" Och jag ser hur orden liksom rinner ur hennes mun, som om hon hade väntat länge för att få förklara för mig hur hon ogillar mig. Hon säger att det är respektlöst att inte städa och jag förstår då att det här inte handlar om städning för det var jag som städade sist. Hon har bara bestämt sig för att hon ogillade mig. Så jag säger ingenting, jag går bara in i köket, tar fram dammsugaren och börjar städa trots att det inte är min tur att göra det. Jag är arg och det känns bra att skaka mattorna. Jag har en lektion kl.13 och jag kommer att missa den men då spelar det ingen roll för jag vill bara få henne att vara tyst. När jag är klar går jag till affären och köper toapapper - 26 rullar. Det var egentligen inte heller min tur att köpa toapapper men jag vill bara försäkra mig om att hon inte heller klagar över toapappret.
Nu när jag har skrivit klart inser jag att det bara är en vanlig bråk, något som händer hela tiden när man bor med andra. Eller? Jag vet inte. Det enda jag vet är att jag känner mig utmattad av den där långdragna meningslösa konflikten...
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hatredofmusic · 9 months
I was impressed with Kurt Cobain's top 50 albums list so I mad one of my own!
50. Grouper - Dragging A Dead Deer Up A Hill
49. The Beatles - A Hard Day's Night
48. Gas - Pop
47. Daniel Barenboim - Chopin Nocturnes
46. Gary Wilson - You Think You Really Know Me
45. Acid Mothers Temple - Univers zen ou de zero a zero
44. Bob Marley - Legend
43. Panda Bear - Person Pitch
42. DJ Sprinkles - Where Dancefloors Stand Still
41. Brian Eno - Another Green World
40. Various Artists - I Don't Feel At Home In This World Anymore
39. Erykah Badu - New Amerykah Part One: 4th World War
38. Actress - Splazsh
37. Harold Budd & Cocteau Twins - The Moon And The Melodies
36. Gas - Zauberberg
35. J Dilla - Donuts
34. Madvillain - Madvillainy
33. Laraaji - Ambient 3: Day of Radiance
32. DJ Shadow - Endtroducing
31. Slowdive - Souvlaki
30. Smashing Pumpkins - Gish
29. The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground & Nico
28. Wu-Tang Clan - Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
27. Virgo - Virgo
26. Aphex Twin - Richard D. James Album
25. My Bloody Valentine - Loveless
24. Bjork - Vespertine
23. GZA - Liquid Swords
22. Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti
21. Radiohead - Kid A
20. Devo - Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!
19. Sly & the Family Stone - There's A Riot Goin' On
18. Susumu Yokota - Sakura
17. Neil Young - Tonight's The Night
16. The Jesus And Mary Chain - Psychocandy
15. Radiohead - Amnesiac
14. James Brown - Star Time
13. Portishead - Dummy
12. The White Stripes - Elephant
11. Barry White - All-Time Greatest Hits
10. Cocteau Twins - Head Over Heels
9. Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works 86-92
8. Dean Blunt & Inga Copeland - Black Is Beautiful
7. The Stooges - Fun House
6. Mobb Deep - The Infamous
5. Nick Drake - Pink Moon
4. Neil Young - On The Beach
3. Arvo Pärt - Tabula Rasa
2. Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin
1. Nirvana - MTV Unplugged In New York
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24hrsallnews · 5 months
Ranneeti: Balakot & Beyond review: The Ranneeti: Balakot and Beyond Web Series will be available for streaming on JioCinema starting from April 25th.
We will read about, "Ranneeti: Balakot & Beyond review: The Ranneeti: Balakot and Beyond Web Series will be available for streaming on JioCinema starting from April 25th." Since its announcement, fans have been eagerly awaiting the highly anticipated online series Ranneeti: Balakot and Beyond. There is a lot of craze, discussion and excitement among the fans about the web series.  
Ranneeti: Balakot and Beyond Web Series review
Ranneeti: Balakot and Beyond Web Series is based on a real incident. While a movie has previously been produced on the Balakot airstrike, Ranneeti: Balakot and Beyond Web Series delves deeper into the subject matter. In addition to showcasing patriotism, the series also highlights dedication,  courage, enlightening, and emotionally impactful. India conducted Balakot air strike in retaliation after the terrorist attack on India in Ranneeti: Balakot & Beyond series. In the show, Jimmy Shergill—a.k.a. Kashyap Sinha, a former RAW agent—plans his counterattack against Pulwama and encounters numerous difficulties. In the Ranneeti: Balakot & Beyond web series Point to point, nothing senseless and every little aspect has been considered. Jimmy Shergill will play a crucial role in the series, and his character has been outlined in length. Ashish Vidyarthi, aka Mr. Madhusudan Dutta, portrays the energetic part of NSA, while Lara Dutta (Manisha Bharadwaj) plays a news presenter. The Ranneeti: Balakot and Beyond Web Series also features Ashutosh Rana and Satyajit Dubey. The film features amazing performances from all of the stars, as well as excellent photography, action, suspense, and drama. Prior to the emergence of web series, films such as "Operation Valentine" and "Fighter" existed, but it is in the realm of web series where significant efforts have been made. The Pulwama attack has also been referenced in relation to Article 370 within the strategic series. The Ranneeti: Balakot and Beyond Web Series has sparked immense excitement, fervent discussions, and a great deal of enthusiasm among its fans. Taran Adarsh ​​reviewed it and wrote, " #RanneetiOnJioCinema is storytelling at its best, weaving together the complexities of geopolitics and human drama seamlessly. From the intense war room sequences to the personal sacrifices made by the characters, every moment in #Ranneeti is filled with tension and emotion… The visual effects in this web series are top notch. #JimmySheirgill’s portrayal is nothing short of captivating, grounding the series with his natural talent… A must-watch for anyone craving intelligent, gripping entertainment." Image credit: Jiocinema (Youtube) About Ranneeti: Balakot and Beyond Web Series The series is directed by Santosh Singh and written by Ramiz Ilham Khan, Maitrey Bajpai, Sanjay Chopra, Sudeep Nigam, Aniruddha Guha. The web series is produced by Sunjoy Waddhwa, Comall Sunjoy W, Sunnjana S under the banner Sphereorigins Multivision. The web series cast includes Jimmy Shergill, Lara Dutta, Prasanna Venkatesan, Ashutosh Rana, Ashish Vidyarthi, Akanksha Singh, Satyajeet Dubey, Elnaaz Norouzi and many others. Ranneeti: Balakot & Beyond series will be streaming on JioCinema on April 25.   Read More - The new look of Pratik Gandhi and Patralekhaa starrer Phule has been released. - The film Luv You Shankar, starring Shreyas Tanisha Mukherjee, has officially released. - The ultimate guide to Tillu Square: A must-watch film for romantic crime comedy fanatics - Prepare yourself for a comedy extravaganza! "Inga Naan Than Kingu" is set to premiere in cinemas on May 10th. - Aranmanai 4 Trailer: Sundar C's Aranmanai 4 releases in cinemas globally in April - Do Aur Do Pyaar Movie Review: Do Aur Do Pyaar is a delightful romantic comedy that explores the complexities of love and marriage. - Kasoombo Hindi Trailer out now - Dukaan movie review: The concept is intriguing but fails to achieve its maximum potential. - Pawan Kalyan met Chiranjeevi during the filming of Vishwambhara Read the full article
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screenwritinggym · 9 months
Chill Sentenza - Safe Haven in Morocco - The list of Gangsta women.
Chill Sentenza -
The meaning of a safe haven is a place of safety or refuge.
Vous devez encourager ces femmes à chercher refuge au Maroc. Elles seront protégées par le roi du Maroc Mohammed 6. S'il leur arrive quelque chose ou si elles se sentent en danger, elles doivent se réfugier au Maroc, c'est le foyer le plus sûr pour ces femmes. Le refuge du Maroc.
Ces femmes auront des palais au Maroc, elles seront protégées par l'armée marocaine. Elles seront en sécurité chez eux au Maroc. Une vie paisible.
Voici la liste des femmes gangsters:
1- Simply Jess
2- Debby Coda
3- YesJulz
4- Sommer Ray
5- Tanaya Henry
6- Aisha Thalia Hite
7- Claudia Jordan
8- Foxy Brown Inga DeCarlo
9- Nicki Minaj
10- Vashtie Kola
11- Beyoncé Knowles- Carter
12- Gwyneth Paltrow
13- Jennifer Garner
14- Judy Greer (Judith Therese Evans)
15- Natalie Portman
16- Gal Gadot
17- Kim Kardashian (Kimberly Noel Kardashian)
18- Kimora Lee Simmons
19- Penélope Cruz Sánchez
20- Salma Hayek Pinault
21- Margot Elise Robbie
22- Marion Cotillard
23- Colbie Marie Caillat
24- Cobie Smulders (Jacoba Francisca Maria "Cobie" Smulders)
25- Lauryn Noelle Hill
26- Nailah Thorbourne
27- Tracey Elaine Edmonds
28- Erykah Badu (Erica Abi Wright)
29- Mya Marie Harrison
30- Keri Lynn Hilson
31- Jhené Aiko Efuru Chilombo
32- Mariah Carey
33- Missy Elliott
34- Tamala Reneé Jones
35- Lauren Nicole London
36- Mary Jane Blige
37- Robyn Rihanna Fenty
38- Stacey Lauretta Dash
39- Raquel M. Horn (@raquelmhorn)
40- Shanti Hoffman (@shantihoffman)
41- Hencha Voigt (@henyvbaby)
42- Remy Ma (Reminisce Kioni Mackie)
43- JoJo (Joanna Noëlle Levesque)
44- Scarlett Ingrid Johansson
45- Malin Maria Akerman
46- Melanie Jayne Lynskey
47- Priyanka Chopra Jonas
48- Jameela Alia Jamil
49- Deepika Padukone
50- Jamie Jilynn Chung
51- Meagan Monique Good
52- Tracee Ellis Ross (Tracee Joy Silberstein)
53- Joy Bryant (born October 18, 1974)
54- Dawn Olivieri (born February 8, 1981)
55- Stacy Ann "Fergie" Ferguson (born March 27, 1975)
56- Yolanda Whitaker, also known as Yo-Yo (born August 4, 1971)
57- Robin Yvette Allen (born February 6, 1975), known professionally as the Lady of Rage
58- Rashia Tashan Fisher (born December 18, 1974), known professionally as Rah Digga
59- Stephanie Victoria Allen (born 14 December 1991), better known by her stage name Stefflon Don
60- Helen Folasade Adu (born 16 January 1959), known professionally as Sade Adu or simply Sade
61- Jessica Burns (@mrsjessicaburns)
62- Sarah Chapman (@CallMePumpkin)
63- Sofía Margarita Vergara Vergara (born July 10, 1972)
64- Jacquelyn "Jaci" Davette Velasquez (Jaci Velásquez, born October 15, 1979)
65- Roselyn Milagros Sánchez Rodríguez (born April 2, 1973)
66- Otmara Marrero (born March 1, 1989) (age 34)
67- Edurne Ganem, known professionally as Edy Ganem (born September 20, 1983 (age 40)
68- Janina Uhse (@janinauhse)
69- Nicole Scherzinger (@nicolescherzinger)
70- Melody Thornton (@melodythornton)
71- Shannon Thornton (@shannonthornt_n)
72- Ashley Monique Harper (@ashleymoniqueharper)
73- Natasha Marc (@natashamarc)
74- Tara Leigh Patrick (born April 20, 1972), known professionally as Carmen Electra.
75- Pamela Denise Anderson (born July 1, 1967)
76- Diamonté Quiava Valentin Harper (born July 2, 1993), known professionally as Saweetie
77- Antonia D. Reed (born April 22, 1966), known professionally as Bahamadia
78- Rachael Leigh Cook (born October 4, 1979)
79- Jennifer Love Hewitt (born February 21, 1979)
80- Jodi Lyn O'Keefe (born October 10, 1978)
81- Jenna Elfman (Jennifer Mary Elfman) (born September 30, 1971)
82- Julia Fox (born February 2, 1990) is an Italian-American actress and model
83- Marisa Tomei (born December 4, 1964) Italian-American actress.
84- Debi Mazar (Deborah Anne Mazar Corcos) (born August 13, 1964)
85- Zoë Isabella Kravitz (born December 1, 1988)
86- Katrina Laverne Taylor (born December 3, 1978), known professionally as Trina
87- Keyshia Miesha Cole (born October 15, 1981)
88- Taral Hicks (born September 21, 1974)
89- Vivica Anjanetta Fox (born July 30, 1964)
90- Vanessa Lynn Williams (born March 18, 1963)
91- Regina Rene King (born January 15, 1971)
92- Angela Evelyn Bassett (born August 16, 1958)
93- Viola Davis (born August 11, 1965)
95- Angela Martinez (born January 9, 1971)
96- Teri Hatcher (born December 8, 1964)
97- Nicollette Sheridan (born 21 November 1963)
98- Eva Jacqueline Longoria Bastón (born March 15, 1975)
99- Kristin Laura Kreuk (born December 30, 1982)
100- Erica Durance (born June 21, 1978)
101- Althea Rae Duhinio Janairo (born January 2, 1967), known professionally as Tia Carrere
102- Carrie-Anne Moss (born August 21, 1967)
103- Jill Marie Jones (born January 4, 1975)
104- Angelina Jolie (born Angelina Jolie Voight; June 4, 1975)
105- Kristen Anne Bell (born July 18, 1980)
106- Jada Koren Pinkett Smith (born September 18, 1971)
107- Kathryn Marie Hahn (born July 23, 1973)
108- Lake Siegel Bell (born March 24, 1979)
109- Hannah Dakota Fanning (born February 23, 1994)
110- Kirsten Caroline Dunst (born April 30, 1982)
111- Eliza Patricia Dushku (born December 30, 1980)
112- Gabrielle Monique Union-Wade (born October 29, 1972)
113- Essence Uhura Atkins (born February 7, 1972)
114- Tasha Smith (born February 28, 1971)
115- Kristin Landen Davis (born February 23, 1965)
116- Sharon Ann Leal (@realleal)
117- Jennifer Kate Hudson (born September 12, 1981)
118- Björk Guðmundsdóttir (born 21 November 1965)
119- Lupita Amondi Nyong'o (born 1 March 1983)
120- Carmen Elizabeth Ejogo (born 22 October 1973)
121- Milena Markovna "Mila" Kunis (born August 14, 1983)
122- Elise Demetria Neal (born March 14, 1966)
123- Lori Harvey (born January 13, 1997)
124- Chantel Taleen Jeffries (born September 30, 1992)
125- Nicole Camille Richie (born September 21, 1981)
126- Nazanin Aliza Mandighomi (born September 11, 1986)
127- Paris Whitney Hilton (born February 17, 1981)
128- Adrienne Eliza Bailon-Houghton (born October 24, 1983)
129- Raven-Symoné Christina Pearman-Maday (born December 10, 1985),
130- Keshia Knight Pulliam (born April 9, 1979)
131- Lilakoi Moon (born Lisa Michelle Bonet; November 16, 1967), known professionally as Lisa Bonet
132- Ming-Na Wen (born November 20, 1963)
133- Lucy Alexis Liu (born December 2, 1968)
134- Drew Blythe Barrymore (born February 22, 1975)
135- Cameron Michelle Diaz (born August 30, 1972)
136- Amanda Peet (born January 11, 1972)
137- Demi Gene Moore (born November 11, 1962)
138- Elizabeth Stamatina "Tina" Fey (born May 18, 1970)
139- Amy Poehler (born September 16, 1971)
140- Melissa Ann McCarthy (born August 26, 1970)
145- Lauren Graham (born March 16, 1967)
146- Charlize Theron (born 7 August 1975)
147- Maura Therese Tierney (born February 3, 1965)
148- Tisha Michelle Campbell (born October 13, 1968)
149- Tichina Rolanda Arnold (born June 28, 1969)
150- Janet Damita Jo Jackson (born May 16, 1966)
151- Vanessa Anne Hudgens (born December 14, 1988)
152- Kendall Nicole Jenner (born November 3, 1995)
153- Emily O'Hara Ratajkowski (born June 7, 1991)
154- Hayden Lesley Panettiere (/born August 21, 1989)
155- Jenna Marie Ortega (born September 27, 2002)
156- Melissa Barrera Martínez (born 4 July 1990)
157- Rachel Anne McAdams (born November 17, 1978)
158- Sarah Jessica Parker (born March 25, 1965)
159- Kerry Marisa Washington (born January 31, 1977)
160- Gina Torres (born April 25, 1969)
161- Rosario Isabel Dawson (born May 9, 1979)
162- Tara Donna Reid (born November 8, 1975)
163- Emmanuelle Sophie Anne Chriqui (born 10 December 1975)
164- Jamie-Lynn Sigler (born May 15, 1981)
165- Amanda Leigh Moore (born April 10, 1984)
166- Jessica Marie Alba (born April 28, 1981)
167- Marina Ann Hantzis (born 1988), known professionally as Sasha Grey
168- Verónica Rodríguez Fiño (born 1 August 1991)
169- Christine Mackinday, known professionally as Christy Mack (born 1991 or 1992) (age 31–32)
170- Kendra Lust (@kendralust)
171- Raylin Joy (born February 18, 1987), formerly known by her stage name Skin Diamond
172- Vicki Chase (@therealvickichase)
Voici le film "Safe Haven" la bande-annonce:
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kurtlukiraz · 11 months
Zengin sosyetik grubun geri kalanı bu habere kesinlikle karışık bir tepki verirken, Sam'in Yas'ı annesiyle tanıştırmasıyla işler daha da garipleşecek gibi görünüyor.RadioTimes.com'da yayınlanan özel bir klipte, Sam'in annesi Carolyn ile söz konusu kader buluşmasını görüyoruz ve Sam'e, Inga Valentiner ile en son gittikleri restoranda oturmanın "acı tatlı" olduğunu söylüyoruz.Sam Prince ve Yasmine Zweegers Made in Chelsea'de. Kanal 4Sam'in dağılması ve yeni ilişkisinin hızlı olması konusundaki kafa karışıklığını dile getirmekte hiç vakit kaybetmiyor: "Öyle bir şeydi ki [confusing] çünkü her şey çok çabuk oldu. Biliyorsunuz, siz almadığınız için Inga'nın Noel hediyesini hâlâ evde tutuyorum ve bu da sizin daireniz için olacaktı.""Eh, biliyorsun, işler yolunda gitmedi," diye cevap veriyor Sam beceriksizce.Carolyn, Yas'la tanışacağı için "heyecanlı" olduğunu ama "bu kadar çabuk yoluna devam ettiğinden endişelendiğini" itiraf etmeden önce şöyle devam ediyor: "Ayrılmana üzüldüm, onu özlüyorum." Ancak Carolyn, Sam'e bu kadar çabuk ilerlemesi konusunda soru sorarken, Yas'ın restorana girmesiyle sözü kesilir.Sonra ne olur? Öğrenmek için aşağıdaki özel klibi izleyin.Sam ve Yas'ın ilişkisi grupta dalga yaratmaya devam ederken, yeni sezon ilişkilerle ilgili birçok sorunu da beraberinde getirdi; Ruby Adler çifte yeni keşfettiği takdiri ifade ederken Miles Nazaire pek etkilenmedi.Önceki bölümlerin büyüyen odak noktası olan bir diğer filizlenen aşk ise Liv Bentley ve David "Temps" Templer'ın cilveli dostluğuydu.Devamını oku: Bir önceki özel RadyoTimes.com klip, Tristan Phipps ve Temps'in Liv konusunda çatıştığı ve Tristan'ın arkadaşlıklarına son verdiği tuhaf noktayı gösteriyordu.Ancak Güney Batı Londra'da işler ısınmaya devam ederken, popüler realite şovunun hayranları bir Avustralya yan dizisinin de yolumuza çıkacağını bilmekten memnun olacak.Londra çetesi Aralık ayı özel dizisi için yola çıkarken, aynı zamanda Made in Bondi'nin yakında ekranlarımıza ineceği ve zengin Avustralyalılardan oluşan yeni bir grubun arkadaşlıklar, ilişkiler ve daha fazlasını göreceği doğrulandı.Made in Chelsea'nin 26. sezonu 30 Ekim Pazartesi günü saat 22:00'de E4'te devam edecek. Eğlence kapsamımıza daha fazla göz atın veya neler olduğunu öğrenmek için TV Rehberimizi ve Yayın Rehberimizi ziyaret edin.Radio Times dergisini bugün deneyin ve yalnızca 10 £ karşılığında 10 sayı edinin; şimdi abone olun ve Doctor Who'nun 60. yıl dönümünü Radio Times'ın özel sayısıyla kutlayın. TV'nin en büyük yıldızlarından daha fazlası için The Radio Times Podcast'ini dinleyin.
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gundemburadadedim · 11 months
Zengin sosyetik grubun geri kalanı bu habere kesinlikle karışık bir tepki verirken, Sam'in Yas'ı annesiyle tanıştırmasıyla işler daha da garipleşecek gibi görünüyor.RadioTimes.com'da yayınlanan özel bir klipte, Sam'in annesi Carolyn ile söz konusu kader buluşmasını görüyoruz ve Sam'e, Inga Valentiner ile en son gittikleri restoranda oturmanın "acı tatlı" olduğunu söylüyoruz.Sam Prince ve Yasmine Zweegers Made in Chelsea'de. Kanal 4Sam'in dağılması ve yeni ilişkisinin hızlı olması konusundaki kafa karışıklığını dile getirmekte hiç vakit kaybetmiyor: "Öyle bir şeydi ki [confusing] çünkü her şey çok çabuk oldu. Biliyorsunuz, siz almadığınız için Inga'nın Noel hediyesini hâlâ evde tutuyorum ve bu da sizin daireniz için olacaktı.""Eh, biliyorsun, işler yolunda gitmedi," diye cevap veriyor Sam beceriksizce.Carolyn, Yas'la tanışacağı için "heyecanlı" olduğunu ama "bu kadar çabuk yoluna devam ettiğinden endişelendiğini" itiraf etmeden önce şöyle devam ediyor: "Ayrılmana üzüldüm, onu özlüyorum." Ancak Carolyn, Sam'e bu kadar çabuk ilerlemesi konusunda soru sorarken, Yas'ın restorana girmesiyle sözü kesilir.Sonra ne olur? Öğrenmek için aşağıdaki özel klibi izleyin.Sam ve Yas'ın ilişkisi grupta dalga yaratmaya devam ederken, yeni sezon ilişkilerle ilgili birçok sorunu da beraberinde getirdi; Ruby Adler çifte yeni keşfettiği takdiri ifade ederken Miles Nazaire pek etkilenmedi.Önceki bölümlerin büyüyen odak noktası olan bir diğer filizlenen aşk ise Liv Bentley ve David "Temps" Templer'ın cilveli dostluğuydu.Devamını oku: Bir önceki özel RadyoTimes.com klip, Tristan Phipps ve Temps'in Liv konusunda çatıştığı ve Tristan'ın arkadaşlıklarına son verdiği tuhaf noktayı gösteriyordu.Ancak Güney Batı Londra'da işler ısınmaya devam ederken, popüler realite şovunun hayranları bir Avustralya yan dizisinin de yolumuza çıkacağını bilmekten memnun olacak.Londra çetesi Aralık ayı özel dizisi için yola çıkarken, aynı zamanda Made in Bondi'nin yakında ekranlarımıza ineceği ve zengin Avustralyalılardan oluşan yeni bir grubun arkadaşlıklar, ilişkiler ve daha fazlasını göreceği doğrulandı.Made in Chelsea'nin 26. sezonu 30 Ekim Pazartesi günü saat 22:00'de E4'te devam edecek. Eğlence kapsamımıza daha fazla göz atın veya neler olduğunu öğrenmek için TV Rehberimizi ve Yayın Rehberimizi ziyaret edin.Radio Times dergisini bugün deneyin ve yalnızca 10 £ karşılığında 10 sayı edinin; şimdi abone olun ve Doctor Who'nun 60. yıl dönümünü Radio Times'ın özel sayısıyla kutlayın. TV'nin en büyük yıldızlarından daha fazlası için The Radio Times Podcast'ini dinleyin.
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hautedlife · 2 years
Because of SOMEONE, I've decided to write sparklez angst for valentines day.
And you can thank inga for the inspiration.
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teamfricndship · 2 years
🌹 to give my muse flowers [ Inga to Puss; she made it a flower crown ]
→ BE MY VALENTINE! - Accepting
Puss was not one to wear flower crowns, but he appreciated the gift from Igna. He took his hat off and put on the flower crown.
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"Thank you, Igna. I really like this gift." He spun around and did a heroic pose with the flower crown on his head. "I still got it!"
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yourdailyqueer · 2 years
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Inga Valentiner
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
DOB: Born 1991
Ethnicity: White - British
Occupation: Reality star, entrepreneur, artist
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dare-g · 3 years
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Once Upon a Time Twenty Years Later (1981)
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tilthedayidice · 3 years
Name Palettes:
This is a list of names I've completed or are currently sitting in my ask box waiting for me to complete them! I've put them in alphabetical order so they're easier to find!
Please keep in mind that some names have both "masculine" and "feminine" versions and will have the same definitions.
Aarasha, Adastra, Adriana, Agni, Aisha, Alannah, Aleah, Alexandria, Alexis, Amanda, Amaris, Ambrose, Amelia, Angie, Annie, Ant, Apollo, Archer, Ari, Ariana, Ariel, Ashley, Aura, Avalon, Avery
Belinda, Bianca, Birgit, Bo, Breanna, Brittnay, Bryana
Caleb, Calliope, Calvin, Candy, Carakyn, Carly, Casanova, Cassandra, Cepheus, Chandler, Charolette, Claire, Cohen, Corynne,
Damien, Darby, Deanna, Dustin,
Edith, Ela, Elior, Elisabeth, Elliot, Elyan, Emily, Emrys, Espen, Evie
Finnigan, Fira, Flavia, Fletcher
Gaeylin, Gams, Gordon, Gracie, Griffin, Gwilym,
Hannah, Hex,
Icarus, Inga, Isaac, Isabel, Iska,
Jacquetta, Jackalope, Jade, Jana, Janus, Jasmine, Jasper,, Jeffery, Jordan, Julia, Justin,
Katarina, Katjia ,Kathryn, Katya, Kieran, Krista, Kymberly,
Lacey, Lane, Laura, Leander, Leo, Levi, Lew, Libby, Lilianna, Lilly, Liora, Logan, Luna, Lynn
Madelyn, Madison, Mallory, Marina, Maris, Marjolijm, Mars, Mercy, Mes, Micah, Mikaela, Miles, Mitchell, Molly, Morven
Nadia, Naosie, Neko, Nicola,
Peregrine, Pie, Puck,
Ray, Ratatoskr, Rebbeca, Reese, Rene, Rhys, Richard, Rio, Rose, Rowan, Ruben, Ryan,
Sabrina, Samantha, Saorise, Sarah, Seanus, Sean, Selen, Seph, Shiki, Sid, Sigrun, Silas, Siobhan, Soni, Spade, Steph, Sydney,
Tabith, Taylor, Tessa, Theo, Tiernan, Tim, Tine, Toby,
Valen, Valentine, Vene, Vexikos, Vinsar, Vitoria, Vivianne, Vos,
Wolfgang, Wyatt,
Zadkiel, Zephyr, Zoe,
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smp-boundaries · 4 years
List of Boundaries: CaptainSparklez
Violence in fanworks: In one of his subreddit videos, Jordan reacts positively to a bloody drawing of him being accidentally stabbed by Tubbo, showing that at least in fanart, he is okay with violence and death.
Fanfiction: Jordan has done two videos where he read fanfiction, one of which was an x reader, and reacted positively both times. This shows that he is okay with fanfiction and the x reader did not appear to put him off, as he specifically chose it for a Valentine’s Day video.
Shipping: There is no distinct evidence for Jordan being for or against shipping as a whole. He seems comfortable with being shipped with Tom Cassell (Syndicate) as evidenced by various videos where they joke about kissing and being shipped together. On the other hand, in the third MC Ultimate, when AntVenom made a joking comment about SparkAnt (their ship name) being revived after they both respawned, Jordan replied with distaste, implying that he doesn’t like being shipped with AntVenom. He has also spoken on multiple occasions against being shipped with Lady Ianite (from the Mianite series), and shows discomfort when looking at romantic fanart of them.
AUs where Jordan is Tubbo’s and/or Crumb’s father: Jordan has reacted positively to fanart of Tubbo and Crumb as his children and is accepting of the AU. However, he seems to be unaware that it is an AU and not canon on the Dream SMP, therefore this cannot be used as evidence for his stance on AUs in general.
General PSA: Jordan does not like people prying into his personal life, which includes his IRL friends and relationship status. He doesn’t disclose this information and people should respect this about him.
Evidence: Jordan reacting to violent fanart, CaptainSparklez reads a CaptainSparklez fanfiction, Jordan reads an x reader, Jordan, Tom, and Mini Ladd joking about shipping, Jordan reacting negatively to the idea of SparkAnt (Jordan/Anteler), Jordan reacting negatively to Sparkanite, Jordan talking about Tubbo and Crumb being his children, Jordan talking about how it’s weird when people ask about his IRL relationships
clip transcripts below cut
reacting to violent fanart Jordan: (reading reddit post) uh, “blood. It was a mistake.” (opens post, revealing Among Us fanart) ah, no, dude.. (playing it up for the bit) ah no, back to back! I can’t believe I have to relive this moment again and again! I don’t think I - it’s - it’s - y’know, I don’t think I ever betrayed him, but I got betrayed in return. It was hard.
Jordan, Tom, and Mini Ladd joke about shipping Tom: (hugging Jordan and Mini Ladd) all in - all in, all in, all in - this feels good. hey, no kissing tonight, alright? Jordan: really? Tom: no kiss - (Mini Ladd kisses his cheek) okay. (looks at Jordan, points to cheek expectantly) Jordan: (kisses Tom’s cheek) Tom: (laughs) oh yeah!
reacting negatively to the idea of SparkAnt (Jordan/Anteler) Anteler: this is team Sparkant, being revived Jordan: no, not that - not that word.
reacting negatively to Sparkanite Jordan: alright people do this weird shipping thing with me, and Ianite, and I realize that it kinda stems from season two but let’s just - I feel like we need to keep it as a platonic relationship between a follower and their god, alright? Ianite is m’lady, my god, it doesn’t have to become like a romantic thing. Alright? alright. cool.
about Tubbo and Crumb being his children Jordan: (reading reddit post) “the Tubbo origin story is growing.” (opens post, revealing fanart) Is that Tubbo jumping out of the ____ to catch a bee? and then Crumb saying “there can be only one?” There actually - I’ve seen things on twitter though - Inga(?), who - who does lots of art and stuff and has done some of the MCC thumbnails, like, did a drawing where I was Tubbo’s dad in the Dream SMP server and I was like “is this a thing that’s actually going on?” I know nothing, I’m confused. But I guess I’m like - I’m Tubbo’s dad. on the server. I have no - I geniunely don’t know, but that’s what I’ve heard. And I’m like “oh, okay.” I guess - y’know. I did say I wasn’t having kids but there wasn’t anything about a kid that already has been had. So I guess it works. It doesn’t - yeah - doesn’t mess with my take. But also we have Crumb now. (laughs) “There can be only one.” But it’s been established that I’m his dad I guess, so - so, there has to be two. It’s already been said and done.
talking about it being weird when people ask about his IRL relationships Jordan: (reading reddit post) “Expose yourself, Jardoon. Did you break quarantine for a video?” (opens post, revealing screenshot of Youtube comments under his video) I can’t - I can’t, like, it’s so - it’s so weird.. to me, that every comment is just - who filmed the video - does any other channel get that? It’s bizzare - like I - I feel like other channels just have people film their videos and it’s - the entirety of the comments section isn’t, “who filmed the video,” it’s - it’s about the video content itself. I just - I mean, I don’t know for sure. Maybe that is a thing on other channels. But - also … and also, I do know other people who live in the general LA area. I’m not just completely solo without the ability to reach out to a single person. I know as much as I stay at home and am confined, I do know other people. Weird flex, I know. “Woah, this guy, look at him out here - knows other people? Who exist? Not just on the internet? Oh ho, mister fancy out here dude, okay. He’s got real life acquaintances and all that. Alright, way to flex on us all!” But I - oh my god dude, it’s so weird. And I made this comparison in my stream a couple days ago, that it’s like my mom when she’s asking about plans and what I’m doing, and I’ll be like, “oh, I’m going to such-and-such with friends,” …. she’ll be like “oh, what’s their name?” And I just think - I mean it’s - you’re not gonna meet them. Are you gonna look up their - like are you gonna look their name plus my name online to try to figure out who they are? I’m confused in that regard. It’s just a person who I know. And - and then, anyway, it’s just - you guys are my mom. (laughs) So that’s where we are with this.
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thecollagecabinet · 3 years
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Collage for Backa teater in Gothenburg, Sweden. 2021/22. For the play: Slottets Valentins mysterier (The mystery of the castle Valentin)
Text in Swedish: Ett mörkt, romantiskt fantasyäventyr om att lämna barndomen bakom sigDet enda Enya vet om världen bortom bergen är det hennes mamma berättat: där finns ett stort svart hav med människoätande monster och den blodröda himmeln brinner av en fruktansvärd eld. Det är strängt förbjudet att gå utanför skogarnas bevakade gränser. Men en natt sänker sig ett oväder över dalen. Åskan och stormen för Enya högst upp i bergen, och för första gången ser hon bortom dem. Där finns inget svart hav. Inga monster. Ingen blodröd himmel. Där finns slottet Valentin. Och Enya förstår att hon måste gå dit.I en värld full av magi och märkligheter får vi följa Enyas resa in i slottet Valentins labyrinter.Med inspiration av Ann Radcliffe, Kate Bush och gotiska myter ger vi er ett storslaget drama om begär, våld, kärlek och fruktan. Och om äventyret att växa upp. Det handlar om när barnets blick på livet och oss själva går förlorad. När vi får sätta ihop hela världen på nytt.
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chapter 34
chapter index
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December 1st, 1864
Dear Inga,
I’ll be mailing this letter when we arrive in Portsmouth tomorrow.  I can’t believe it’s December already. The weather is so mild this far south, though I never would have guessed we’d see any nice weather on this trip, as rough as the waters were in the North Sea.  To think, there was already snow on the ground when we left Arendelle last week! 
I would really like to stay in England long enough to see some of the country, but we’ll be booking passage on the first steamship out.  I suppose I should look on the bright side, that we’ll be settled by the new year.  A friend of Father’s has arranged for us to stay with his family for Christmas, so I don’t need to worry about doing anything for that.  I hope the holiday preparations are going well in Arendelle, though I am very sad to be missing it. 
 With love,
P.S. I just want to thank you all again for the wonderful party before we left Arendelle.  I’m sure you’ll object again that it was mostly Halima’s work, but it was so nice to see everyone there.
Elizabeth sighed, looking out the porthole of their cabin at the distant lights on the coast of England as they sailed along. Normally, she didn’t mind sailing, but this trip felt so terribly bittersweet.  There were so many possibilities where they were going, and she would see so many things that she had only read about, but she had really started to feel at home during those few brief months she had been in Arendelle.
“We’ll have an early morning,” Lars reminded her as he finished changing, “please come to bed.”
“I haven’t written to your mother yet,” she smiled.  “I thought of some things I forgot to ask her to bring with her from Corona.”
“She’ll be in Arendelle for another month; you can write from the inn tomorrow.”
“I am feeling rather tired,” Elizabeth admitted, turning down the lamp as she walked to the bed.
Lars dressed and quietly left the bedroom. A cold sleet was coming down outside, but the kitchen was warm.  It had been fairly mild when they first arrived in Boston more than a month before, and Elizabeth had been convinced there wouldn't be a real winter, but they had a thick layer of snow for Christmas, and the temperature had been below freezing nearly every morning for several weeks.  
Susan, the girl they had hired to help around the house, had already arrived, and she had even prepared some coffee for Lars to drink before he left for the stable. It wasn’t that long of a ride to the office they had rented, but the sleet made every minute feel like an hour.  There was almost no work so far, but the assistant keeping up the office in Washington had started forwarding all of the mail, which mostly consisted of a handful of applications for Arendelle travel visas.  The previous evening’s mail had been brought in, and there were a few official notices, plus the bundle that had been forwarded, and finally he noticed a letter personally addressed to himself, and opened it.
January 7th, 1865
Dear Lars,
Inga told me that Elizabeth has been writing, and I realized that you’re only getting official correspondence from us right now, so I thought I’d fix that.  I can’t say I’m as good at writing personal letters as my sister, but I hope you don’t mind getting another letter.  I won’t bore you with official updates and announcements, since I know we send them to everyone.  
There was a lot of snow last night, and everyone was outside enjoying it all morning, then we all packed into Hudson’s to warm up, then back out.  Do you get snow there? I know it’s much further south where you are.  If you’re not too busy, write back, because I’m curious what they actually have you doing there.  
The week after Christmas was quiet, with no business and just the family at the castle.  Things are picking up again this week, but Father is going to be taking me, Anton, and Peder up to the mountains for the first ice harvest in another week.  We’ll only be staying a week or two up there, and then the rest of the winter I’ll have to spend most of my time with the tutors if I want to be allowed to do the naval training trip in the spring.
Stay well!
Lars placed the letter in his bag. Elizabeth would like to read it, and Frederick hadn’t included anything that he would mind being shared, and he’d write back after dinner and send it out in the morning’s mail.
Elizabeth looked up.  “A valentine? Lars, you didn’t have to get me anything!”
“There was a shop full of them, I couldn’t help it,” he laughed, sitting down next to her on the sofa.
“But,” she sighed, “I have nothing for you.”
“Of course you do,” he replied, kissing her forehead.
“What do you mean?” she asked blankly, then looked up at him and got his meaning.  “Oh!” she giggled, lightly punching him.
Elizabeth looked up from the letter she was reading out loud, and sighed.  “This is dated two weeks ago, so Inga must already be up North.  She promises she’ll write to me when she gets back to Arendelle next month, but she didn’t say whether she’ll get any letters up there.”
Lars nodded. “It won’t hurt to write, if you want to. Is it any different from writing to your father while he’s at sea?”
“That’s true,” she smiled, looking out the bedroom window.  She set the letter on the nightstand and started fastening the front of her corset as Lars began to help with the back.  Today was the first day of spring.  It was still chilly, and the locals said it was likely to stay so through most of April, but at least the sun was up early. Elizabeth had again started waking up at the same time as he woke up, so he no longer had to leave the house while she was still asleep.
“I got a telegraph from Mother,” Lars said as he gingerly laced the back of her corset, “and she’s on a steamship arriving next week.”
“Oh, that’s wonderful news!” Elizabeth smiled, “she’ll be here for your birthday, too!”
“Yes,” Lars replied quietly, gently tying a bow at the bottom.
“Are you sure you can’t get it a little tighter?” she pouted.
“Absolutely not,” he chided her, holding her shoulders and kissing her cheek. “It’s not going to fall off, and…”
“I know, I know,” she sighed.
April 25th, 1865
Dear Inga, 
How are you doing? I feel very restless right now, and I hope you don’t mind that I don’t want to talk about anything serious, because around here they’re only talking about the President’s funeral and all that horrible business.  
On that note, Lars has carried the letters from your family on his trip to the capital.  He’s missing his own birthday, though of course it’s perfectly understandable.  It’s only me and his mother right now, though Susan still comes in during the day to help out.  Lars should be back in a day or two, and we’ll celebrate then, but I do feel bad, since he’s twenty-one now.   This evening I made his mother tell me stories about him as a child, and it sounded delightful. I tried to ask about the day he was born, but she said she was too tired and that I should be getting more sleep. Obviously, I didn’t mean about Lars in particular, just in general. I’ll need to know what it’s like eventually, right? She knows this, and I suppose she doesn’t want to scare me with details right now. I’m sorry I’m being so vague.  But, she’s certainly right that I should get some sleep while I can.  I hope everything is well with everyone there. 
With Love,
“Elizabeth, have we met a Mr. Curtis?” Lars asked, looking at the envelope that had come in the mail.
“No, you haven’t met him,” Elizabeth said casually, looking up from the sofa.  “I haven’t met him, either, exactly, but I wrote to him while you were gone last month.  He’s a ship builder, and you were talking about contracting with ship builders here.”
“Oh,” Lars hesitated, “I did say I would do that, didn’t I?”
“Do you mind that I did? I’m sorry I forgot to tell you, but so much was going on.”
“Not at all,” he said as he opened the envelope, “and it looks like he wants to have us over.  You’ll need to come with me, of course, to keep me from looking like an idiot.”
Elizabeth smiled, looking out the window. “Oh, good, your mother is home from visiting Mrs. Wirth.”
“Are you sure you’re up for this?” Lars asked as they came to the large lawn of Mr. Curtis’s house.  “It’s rather hot today, and I really don’t want you-”
“Your mother is here, and there are plenty of seats in the shade.  It’s not like I’m going to be on a train for twenty hours like you’ve been doing lately.”
“True,” he replied, “and I promise I won’t be away from you this summer.  At any rate, please don’t feel the need to act as a hostess today. That’s for Mrs. Curtis to take care of.  We’ve given them a contract for a new ship, and they’re throwing a party in honor of the Queen’s birthday.”
“So that’s already been approved? The contract?” 
“It’s in transit.  The sooner Mr. Curtis gets started, the sooner Arendelle can have the ship.  We’ll worry about the details later.”
July 20th, 1865
Dear Inga,
We received the invitation to your birthday party next month. It sounds like a wonderful day you have planned.  Obviously, we can’t be there, but hopefully we’ll be able to send you good news before then.  As always, I look forward to your letters.
I wish I could travel back there for the summer. The weather last summer was so pleasant, but it has been so unbearably hot and humid here.  Our neighbors all seem to be traveling to the shore or the mountains, but Lars is worried about being too far away from a doctor right now, and he assures me it’s worse in the city at his office, so in the meantime I’ve spent most my time in recent weeks in the shade in our yard.
With Love,
The baby was cooing softly in Elizabeth’s arms when Margit Nilsen quietly entered the bedroom.  The afternoon sunlight was peaking through the curtains, keeping the room from being completely dark.
“I have so many letters to write,” Elizabeth fretted from the bed, “as soon as the baby’s asleep, I want to get up.”
“You still need your rest,” her mother-in-law scolded her.  “Lars will write to everyone, don’t worry.  Nobody expects you to be writing letters yourself so soon.”
“It’s been three weeks,” Elizabeth sighed.  
Soon, the baby was asleep, and her mother-in-law gently picked him up and set him in the cradle in the corner.  “There, dear, now you should rest, too.”
“I’m going to get up in just a minute,” Elizabeth protested, closing her eyes for just a moment before falling into a deep sleep.
Margit quietly closed the door and sat down next to Lars at the table.
“You’re going to tell me I should sleep, too, aren’t you?” Lars sighed.
“If you’re tired, you should,” she told him, “but, no, that wasn’t what I was going to say.”
He looked up.  
“You still haven’t told her about Anna, have you?”
“We missed your birthday, but we can have a party on your anniversary!” Lars’s mother announced as he returned home from his office.  Elizabeth had dressed up and tried something new with her hair, which Lars thought looked rather nice on her, and the baby was asleep in the cradle. 
“I hope you didn’t think I’d forgotten when you left this morning,” Elizabeth smiled.
“I...  I’m going to pretend that I remembered what day it was today,” Lars laughed, coming over to sit next to her.
His mother went into the kitchen to check on how dinner was coming along, leaving the two of them alone.  
“I didn’t get you anything,” Lars confessed, “I really wasn’t kidding that I forgot what day it was. I’m sorry.”
“You have a lot going on now,” Elizabeth reassured him, touching his cheek. “Remember, you can tell me anything.”
October 2nd, 1865
Dear Lars,
Sorry I haven’t written in a while, but Inga has been telling me that you’re all doing well. I know you’re probably tired, Mother and Father always are with a new baby. Everything is fine here, basically.  We’re supposed to be getting another visit from a certain person from Corona in a few days, but I’m not sure if I’m supposed to tell you that.  It’s not an official visit.  
Anyhow, I said I wouldn’t bore you with official announcements, but you probably saw that they’ll be sending me to the naval academy in Corona at some point, but nobody can agree when.  Our Admiral says he would be perfectly happy to set up an academy here, but obviously that would take a while, and there are only a few of us right now.
I’ll stop here because I’m sure you’re quite busy.
Stay well!
Elizabeth sat with the baby in the chair by the front window watching the first snow of the season, thinking about how it was almost December again, and they had left Arendelle a year before. The baby was fast asleep, but she was comfortable and he was warm, and she felt no need to move.
Her mother-in-law brought her a cup of tea, then poured one for Lars, sitting down next to him at the table. They could hear Susan in the kitchen preparing something for dinner.  Lars sat reading the evening paper, and finishing the front page, did his best not to make noise turning to the second page, since the baby would nearly always wake up if the paper rustled.  He started to take a sip from his cup while he was reading, but set it back down abruptly and stared at the page, whispering something to his mother, who looked surprised.
"What is it, Lars?" Elizabeth asked, briefly glancing over, then returning her attention to the snow and the sleeping baby. Lars handed the folded newspaper to his mother, who brought it over to her.
Elizabeth took the paper, and skimmed over a few headlines about nothing astounding, then gasped, stopping herself before the baby stirred.
“Inga said there might be news soon, but nothing about marriage- did you know anything?”
"I thought I might hear something about their officially courting, certainly, or maybe even an engagement,” he muttered. “I suppose I’ll see tomorrow if any messages arrived since I left this afternoon, but they completely ignored any suggestions about getting a telegraph set up.  I dropped the topic this summer since it just sounded like I wanted faster congratulations about the baby.” 
Elizabeth stood up, handing the baby to her mother-in-law.  “I need to write to her!”
Lars sat down at his desk, opening the diary to December 15th.  He realized that it had now been one year since they’d arrived here.  He was growing to like this office, but there was increasing pressure to move everything back to the capital now that things were settling down.  He would need to consider that carefully: he could always spend time on the train, traveling back and forth, or they could all move South, and spend less time apart.  But then he remembered the constant threat of malaria, and what if there was another outbreak of Yellow Fever? That wouldn’t do at all.  
He heard someone ring the bell at the front door, and he got up to answer it himself.  With all the uncertainty about whether this office would be permanent, he had never hired an assistant, but there were so few interruptions that it really didn’t matter.
Opening the door, he saw a young man in a heavy winter coat, thick hat, gloves and scarf, even though the weather had gotten mild again for the last week or two.  
“Hello, I’m looking for the Ambassador.” The young man spoke through his scarf, looking directly at Lars with dark brown eyes that almost matched the bridge of his nose.  
“I’m the Ambassador,” Lars informed him.
“Oh! I’m sorry…  am I supposed to call you Your Excellency? I think that's what I read.”
“Just call me Mr. Nilsen,” Lars laughed, remembering how fastidious he had been with titles not that long ago. “Come inside.  You’re not from around here, are you?”
“No,” he said, coming inside.  He rubbed his chapped hands after he’d stuffed his gloves in his coat pockets, “in fact, I only got off the train two days ago. First thing I bought was this coat.  I’m not used to cold weather.”
“Where are you from?”
“Louisiana,” he explained, finally taking his scarf off, “and now you’re probably going to laugh at me for wanting to visit Arendelle if I can’t handle the cold.” 
“It’s quite pleasant there in the summer,” Lars offered, “but you do have me curious.”
“Well, I’ve always heard stories about it, and I started saving up my money while New Orleans was occupied, doing any odd jobs that I could. And now, I’m ready for an adventure, just for myself.  A few of my cousins went out west this summer, but I wanted something different.”
“I hadn’t realized the stories of Arendelle were that widely known,” Lars admitted, “but I’d be happy to get you set up with a travel visa, and answer any questions you have.”  He motioned for the man to sit down next to his desk.
“Thank you, Mr. Nilsen,” he said, taking a seat, still wearing his coat and hat.  “I found a few books at the library yesterday, but I’m sure they don’t tell the whole story. The books certainly told a different story than the ones I heard from the master’s family.”
“Oh?” Lars said, retrieving the papers from his desk.  The man seemed amiable enough, and Lars was interested in hearing some more about his interest in Arendelle.  He hadn’t even mentioned the fjords.  The handful of people he’d seen so far coming in person for visas had talked about nothing else. Besides, Lars didn’t get much conversation when he was at work these days.  “Were they…were they from Arendelle?”  
“Oh, no,” he laughed, “in fact, I didn’t really hear any nice things about Arendelle from them, but that makes me all the more curious to see the place for myself.”
“It’s a beautiful place,” Lars said, half listening as he started to organize the paperwork for a travel visa.  He glanced at the first space on the form. “I’m sorry, I realize I never asked you your name.”
“Right, you’ll need that,” he smiled, “John Westergard.”
Lars felt his stomach drop.  It could be chance.  It could be anyone. He needed to keep calm.
“Westergard?” Lars tried not to be obvious as he looked the other man up and down.  There was no resemblance, not even some quirk of his nose or the shape of his earlobe, to any member of the royal family of the Southern Isles. But the name, still, the name must have an explanation. “That’s an unusual name…”
“I’ve been thinking about changing it. It’s not really my name, you know how it is.”
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