#Inexpensive Earbuds
breelandwalker · 4 months
Life Hack - Office Worker Self Care Kit
Here's a little life hack I've developed as a person who's worked in some kind of office environment for most of their adult life. If you have a personal workstation with the capacity for a small storage bin and the security to leave personal items on a longterm basis (i.e. in a locked drawer), make yourself a self-care kit. It's a lifesaver on the days when you've run late or just aren't feeling your best.
All it takes is a shoebox-sized storage bin with a secure lid. You can use inexpensive items and travel-sized containers to save space, and personalize the contents to your own needs. Don't worry about keeping a huge supply of anything - just a few emergency backups. And don't leave anything in the kit that would get you in trouble with the bosses or that you'd regret losing, just in case.
Here's what I keep in mine:
Travel-sized toothbrush and toothpaste
Travel-sized deodorant
Mini bottle of dry shampoo
Folding hairbrush with mirror and spare scrunchie
Tweezers, nail clippers, and emery board
Travel-sized facial cleanser and small silicon scrub pad
Small tins of moisturizer and hand cream
Small bottle of hand sanitizer
Small bottle of medicine for aches and pains
Packets of medicine for stomach trouble
Period supplies (pads, tampons, and one of those warming packs for cramp relief)
A few bandaids and alcohol wipes
Bottle of clear nail polish (trust me)
Laundry pen for removing stains
Travel-sized bottle of fabric refresher spray
Spare bottle of energy drink
Spare earbuds
Spare charge cable
A couple of disposable face masks
Emergency breath-freshening gum
Emergency granola bar (replace often)
Emergency bundle of liquid concealer, mascara, brow pencil, and tinted chapstick (this covers MANY sins)
And yes, this all fits into the bin with room to spare. Some of it the smaller items are stowed together in cheap pencil cases, just to make it easier to find things quickly.
This is something you can also keep in your car or have ready to toss into your luggage if you travel often. It's also great for keeping in your locker (if you're able to do so) just for those OH NO moments during the school day. And you can customize the contents to your personal needs.
(Pro-tip: Makeup and skin care are for EVERYONE.)
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adhdo5 · 2 months
After 5 trillion years I have finally caved and bought an inexpensive gaming headset to replace the several incarnations of drugstore earbuds that have been my previous headphone experience and I'm a little mad at how much of an upgrade it is
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umbralundertaker · 3 months
Okay everyone please remember that good bluetooth earbuds are ridiculously inexpensive. Dont buy 200$ airpods. I got mine off some online store for 30 bucks 4 years ago and theyre still good as new. Bluetooth earbuds havent been a luxury for a while now. Go get some
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vivivougewrites · 7 months
Inexpensive Gift Ideas For Friends, Partners, and Family!
For Christmas, birthdays, or just in general. None of these are super expensive and overall are pretty easy to get!
Pins (For jackets, etc. Points if it's something they really love!)
Headphones (Earbuds and also larger headphones. If you have any lying around, they look very if you paint the exterior)
Food/Candy (Guaranteed last minute failsave)
AirPods Case (The little rubber/Latex ones. Good for friends who are constantly loosing them!)
Card Games
Little Dishes/Trays to put stuff in
Stuffed Animals!
Bookmarks (You can also make these yourself)
Tea bags/Hot chocolate packets
Water bottle
Phone Case
Little statues/figurines
Portable chargers
Funny/Silly Socks
Colored Pencils or Pens
Coloring Paper
May make a part two!
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A completely random post. Give me a pair of inexpensive wired headphones over any earbuds or wireless headphones as I find them more comfortable and better sound quality too.
Bring back headphones jacks in phones already. If you can put then in wireless headphones then you can put them back in phones.
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Voyager - One.
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Rating: Explicit Pairing: Oda Nobunaga (Ikemen Sengoku) x Original Female Character Characters: Oda Nobunaga (Ikemen Sengoku), Eri Davidson (Original Female Character of Color) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Slow Burn, Flirting (so much flirting), Teasing, Oda Nobunaga is a huge flirt and a huge tease, Angst with a Happy Ending, Pregnancy, Pregnant Sex, Slight Timeskip Near the End
A/N: This is an older story. I'm in the process of making sure my AO3 fics are posted here.
Next Chapter (Two): Waking Nightmare
Chapter Masterlist
The pain was crippling at first: a sharp, searing thing that seemed to be the only constant in her life for more days than she could count. It was like a tooth that had been pulled, leaving sensitive, exposed nerves behind. Waking her up in the middle of the night to remind her, to make her remember what she'd lost. Showing up to knock her down with random crying jags in the middle of the day. Her grief was overwhelming, overpowering... the only thing she could see for miles, for a very long time.
Read on AO3
Chapter One: Kyoto
Day 1,460.
Malbec is always a good choice; not too sweet, not too dry. It’s nice enough to not make her feel cheap, but inexpensive enough to afford on a regular basis. 
Her earbuds are sitting on the desk now, set there when she went into the kitchen to refill her glass, and abandoned even after she’d returned. The music is still playing, but the sound is so far away that it sounds tinny. She can’t hear the bass line, can’t feel the subtle changes in the time signature. Despite the absence of this, the song is still a masterpiece, and she enjoys it from afar. ‘I felt you more on Sundays,’ Sylo Nozra croons. She smiles a little at the lyric. 
1,460 days. 35,040 hours. 2,102,400 minutes. An endless number of seconds. 
On day fifty-nine, she’d finally stopped crying herself to sleep. She’d traded the tears for sleeping pills instead, and that lasted until day seventy-seven. 
She’d left the chain off at night until day ninety-two. It was a force of habit - there was never any need to put the chain on at night because Shinichi would always put it on himself when he came home. He’d always get home after she did. 
It wasn’t until day ninety-eight that it sank in: Shinichi was never coming home.  
The song goes off, and just for a few seconds, everything is silent and still… almost peaceful. Then she takes a deep, shuddering breath, and the illusion of calm is broken. The next song shuffles up, and the memory associated with it comes at her so swiftly and powerfully that she’s momentarily stunned. 
“You know,” she starts, the corners of her mouth twisted up into a sly smile, “you’re pretty skilled on the dance floor for someone who claims he has cinder blocks for feet.” 
"It’s all just counting,” he shrugs nonchalantly, but she catches - just for a second - the corners of his own mouth twitching up. 
“Mmhm,” is all she’ll say. She inclines her head then, resting it on his chest and closing her eyes. Faintly, she can feel his heart beating, and the sound is reassuring. “Forever, huh?” She murmurs it softly, thinking the music will drown out the words. 
“Yes,” he replies, lifting her chin so that he can look her in the eyes. “Forever.”
Forever was taken away from her, in the blink of an eye. 
The pain was crippling at first: a sharp, searing thing that seemed to be the only constant in her life for more days than she could count. It was like a tooth that had been pulled, leaving sensitive, exposed nerves behind. Waking her up in the middle of the night to remind her, to make her remember what she’d lost. Showing up to knock her down with random crying jags in the middle of the day. Her grief was overwhelming, overpowering… the only thing she could see for miles, for a very long time. 
Day 1,460, and the grief has become a dull ache. She often wonders if it’s to be this way for the rest of her life: if she will spend all of the days until she dies mourning the loss of the only man she has ever loved. 
The buzzing of her phone shakes her out of her thoughts, and she turns her attention to the device, peering at it closely to see who’s calling. She smiles a little at the name that flashes up on the screen. 
She swipes her thumb across the screen to answer, putting the phone up to her ear. “Hello?”
“Eri-neechan,” the warm, familiar voice on the other end of the line greets her. “Didn’t think you would pick up - shouldn’t you be sleeping?” 
“Ryu, hi.” She glances at her watch. “It isn’t that late, is it?” 
“Well,” her friend points out, “it’s a school night… although I suppose that doesn’t matter to you much because you’re not working tomorrow. But aren’t you catching an early train to Kyoto?” 
“Not that early,” she laughs. “Besides, I was planning on turning in soon. I was just…” She pauses, biting back the words. I was just wallowing in old misery and thinking about your brother, my dead fiance. “I was just having a glass of wine to help me get sleepy.” 
“Neechan...” The unsaid words are heavy in Ryu’s voice, and she closes her eyes, willing him to leave them unsaid. As if he can hear her thoughts, he sighs. “Will you be okay in Kyoto, alone?”
“I’ll be fine,” she tells him, hoping she sounds cheerful enough to make him think she means it. “Kyoto is one of the safest cities in the world.”
“I know, but---” He pauses. “That’s not what I meant. I know you’re taking this trip because you wanted to get away for the anniversary of Shinichi’s---”
“Ryu, please.” She cuts him off softly, her words a plea. “Don’t.”
“Eri…” There’s hurt in the way he says her name. She tries to ignore it. 
“I’ll be fine,” she repeats firmly, her voice quiet. “You don’t have to worry about me.” 
He wants to fight her on this. He can hear the pain in her voice. It’s slightly different from the pain in his own voice, but it is there nonetheless. He still mourns the loss of his older brother, and she mourns the loss of her fiance. It has been four years, and though the pain is not as fresh as it once was, it is still very much there. The two of them are connected by their pain, joined forever by the event that took away the most important person in both of their lives. He wants to scream at her to let him in, to talk to him about how she’s feeling, to stop tucking her grief away like some embarrassing secret. 
Instead, he sighs again. “Well, please be careful.”
“I will,” she assures him. “I’ll text you as soon as I arrive in Kyoto, okay?”
It’s good enough for him; it’s all she’s willing to give him, and so it has to be good enough. “Okay,” he relents finally, urging a smile that he doesn’t feel into his voice. “Okay.”
Well, this is nicer than I thought it would be, she thinks to herself, stretching her arms above her head. It’s only been half a day, but she’s already enjoying herself in Kyoto. The city has thus far lived up to its reputation as the cultural capital of Japan and a hot tourist destination. It was a good idea, she commends herself, deciding to come during the off-season. As it is, there are lots of people here - I can’t imagine what it would be like during peak tourist season. 
She pulls the guidebook out of her purse, chuckling a little to herself. A Traveler’s Guide to Japan’s Hottest Warlords. She’d bought it on a whim at the Visitor’s Center, mostly because the title had made her smile, but partly because the guidebook promised information on some good sightseeing spots. Her knowledge of said warlords was very limited; being a foreigner and not having had access to the history lessons taught in Japanese schools, much of what she knew about the country’s history had come from documentaries or research motivated by curiosity on her part about some name she’d heard in passing. She flipped through the book, trying to remember the name of the monument nearby. 
“Honno-ji,” she murmurs, when her eye falls on the page. “A stone monument at the temple’s original location… oh, I do remember this guy. Oda Nobunaga - the man who supposedly almost unified all of Japan under his rule.” She peers up at the monument standing a few yards away. “This is it?” Looking down again, she reads on. “In the year 1582, betrayed by Akechi Mitsuhide, Oda Nobunaga committed suicide amidst the fiery wreckage of Honno-ji.” 
I wonder if Oda Nobunaga would be disappointed with the monument, she thinks absently. She thinks of Shinichi then, and the simple headstone he was buried under. I wonder if Shinichi would be disappointed with his headstone. She cuts the train of thought off before it can go any further, shaking her head to banish it. It’s only then that she notices she isn’t alone at the monument. 
A young man is standing off to her left, and Eri immediately puts herself on guard, quickly scanning him up and down. There doesn’t appear to be any malice in his serious face, but he’s wearing a lab coat, and the strangeness of it is enough to keep her on-guard. 
He doesn’t seem to be paying her any mind, however; his eyes are fixed on the stone in front of them, staring intently at it. Eri opens her mouth to ask him if he knows anything about the monument itself, but a cold raindrop lands right on her nose, stopping her voice in its tracks. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” she mutters, looking up at the sky. Dark gray clouds gather in sheets above them, ready to burst. “There was no rain in the forecast---”
Before she can finish her sentence, the heavens open up into a downpour.
“What poor timing,” the young man beside her finally speaks up. “Are you all right?” He turns to address her. “Do you have an umbrella?” 
“I do,” she gasps miserably. “But it’s back at my hotel. I took it out of my purse earlier because it was making my bag unnecessarily heavy… and the weather report wasn’t calling for rain.” She looks up at the man sheepishly, ready to speak again, but the booming sound of thunder and a crack of lightning kills the words in her throat. 
The noise is deafening, and when she turns back to where the lightning struck, her mouth drops open. The stone monument has been shattered, fragments of rock scattered around where it once stood. 
“Oh my god--”
“Be careful,” the stranger in the lab coat warns, holding his hand out to her. Against her better judgment, she moves forward and reaches out to take it. Then the ground rushes up at her, and everything seems to bend and warp into the darkness. Vertigo? She thinks faintly as she closes her eyes to ward off the dizziness taking over her. What’s happening?
The dizziness passes, and she opens her eyes, intending to check on the stranger to see if he felt it, too. 
She can’t see anything. 
In all directions, her vision is obscured by heavy smoke. She takes a step forward, trying to get her bearings again, and it becomes immediately obvious that she is no longer standing in front of the destroyed monument to Honno-ji. Her feet land on ground that is softer than concrete, but firmer than carpet. It doesn’t take long for the alarm bells to go off in her head once the smell of smoke catches up to her. 
She is inside of a building that is burning down very, very quickly. 
Trying not to panic, she looks around for the young man in the lab coat, but can’t see him anywhere. Instead, her eyes fall on an unmoving lump on the other side of the room. Squinting, she moves closer. 
“What the hell?” When she gets close enough to make out what the shape is, her eyes widen. 
The lump is a man, dressed in a suit of ancient Japanese armor. 
And he appears to be unconscious. 
Eri acts without thinking, sprinting across the hot floor to the sleeping man. “Wake up!” She screams, leaning down and shaking him hard, with all her might. He opens his eyes, blinks at her once, twice, then sits up slowly. 
“Who are you?” He asks, his voice deep and commanding. It startles her a bit, the intensity of his gaze coupled with the power of his voice. 
“That-- doesn’t matter right now,” she stammers, motioning to the smoke around them. “We need to go before we both burn to a crisp in here!” She grabs this new stranger’s hand, pulling him up and towards the only exit she can see. She thanks the stars that he can run on his own - the armor and the man both look heavy, and she isn’t sure she would be able to drag him out on her own. The two of them run for their lives, not pausing even once to look back at the destruction behind them. 
Next Chapter (Two): Waking Nightmare
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callelectronics · 4 months
Best Cheap wireless Earbuds Find best cheap wireless earbuds at Call Electronics. Delve into our information hub for comprehensive insights, reviews, and comparisons. Explore budget-friendly audio solutions without sacrificing quality. Enhance your listening journey with trusted guidance on the finest inexpensive wireless earbuds.
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bloodypinata · 6 months
Headphones vs earbuds? Or both? Visual aids requested if I’m allowed ❤️
Ok this is really hard. I love both and it depends on the situation. I've used so many different pairs of each. I've had lots of Sennheiser earbuds and headphones, Skullcandy ones, Monster cable headphones, the original Beats by Dre, Sony, Philips, Panasonic, Logitech. I would often go from earbuds to headphones when buying new because the other had something I wanted. So now I use both!
My current headphones are the Sony 1000XM3.
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I bought them because I was getting really overstimulated at work. There were people in my office that would be very loud on calls at their desk and I found it unbearable. I think the sound quality is good and they feel nice on my head. Not very squeezing or heavy. Nowadays I used them wired and without the power (noise cancelling and amplification) on since I work from home in my quiet room. I take these on airplanes and public transport and they're great for blocking out the world. I used to wear these when I'd go shopping and walking but I started feeling really self conscious about them, since they're visible. I don't wear them when I'm cooking or things that require me to lean forward too much because they have a tenancy to tip forward and feel like they would fall off.
For earbuds, I've a pretty inexpensive pair of wireless earbuds from a pretty no name brand called TOZO. They're the TOZO G1 Gaming earpuds. They don't make them anymore.
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I take these if I'm going out anywhere by myself so I can block out the world. They're light weight and comfortable (once I realised I had to twist/angle them when I insert them). They sounds pretty good for how cheap they are. They have a low latency mode that uses more battery, and it actually sounds better than the "just on" mode, BUT the little green bars pulse the whole time and it's obnoxious and attention grabbing so I NEVER use it when I'm out. I used these when I'm cooking or cleaning and they're great.
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skywitchmaja · 8 months
does anyone have any recs for inexpensive airpod knockoffs ? i don’t want to spend over $100 on some earbuds i might lose but my over ear ones aren’t the mosssst practical
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vanshupatel · 9 months
WARNING: Cell Phones Maybe Cause Headaches & Cancer...Here's How To Protect Yourself
Are cell phones really dangerous? Or is that some kind of conspiracy theory cooked up by tinfoil-hat-wearing weirdos who want to keep us in the dark ages? To be honest, I never really thought about it… not until some people I respect started to express concern over the amount of electromagnetic radiation we’re exposed to every day.
Then, against my will, I started to think about it. There have been plenty of times when I’ve been talking on my cellphone and suddenly realize that my ear is hot, my phone is hot, and the whole side of my head feels kind of “off.”
You, too? What is that? Is that what they’re talking about when it comes to radiation?
Could that be why I’ve been having a lot more headaches lately? I started to do some research… and I discovered that there’s a lot of scientific evidence out there that says cell phones, WiFi, and 5G are harmful to our health. Not only that, but in places like France they actually limit the amount of wireless children are exposed to because of the known damage it does… 
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In fact, it’s not legal to have WiFi in nursery schools.
And in many European countries, phones must be sold with wired earbuds because technically, you’re not actually supposed to use your phone within an inch of your body!
 Why are the harmful effects of EMF radiation known in other countries, but not in America?
The good news is, you CAN protect yourself from the harmful EMFs that come from your phone…
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In fact, you can neutralize up to 99% of the radiation with one simple, very inexpensive solution! This sticker looks simple, but it’s a powerful tool that reduces EMFs emitted by your phone.
It’s made of many layers including a layer of 24k gold, 32 mineral layers, germanium, far infrared, and an absorbing layer that lies just above the adhesive patch. Together, these layers create a negative ion field that neutralizes and deflects the positive ions in EMF fields. And, it doesn’t interfere with your reception at all… so you can safely talk, text, stream, or carry your phone in your pocket… without getting exposed to EMFs that harm your health!
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Simply peel the sticker from its backing and paste it to the back of your phone, near the antenna (to the right, under the rear camera). The patch reduces radiation up to 90%, but will not interfere with your reception or interrupt your use. Just paste it and forget about it… It’s that simple!
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digitalshrutijain · 10 months
Top Accessories to include when buying your Old Phone Online
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Are you going to buy an old phone online, wow! It's a fantastic idea - inexpensive, environmentally friendly, and reconditioned to seem like new - but wait! Don't you think we should buy clothes and accessories together so we can match them? Similarly, accessories are required when planning to buy an old phone online.
What if I told you that you could obtain both in one place? Yes, your phone and their attachments, only on Mobilegoo you can get your refurbished phone and its associated accessories from well- known companies such as Philips and Nextech.
You may be wondering why it is beneficial to purchase phone accessories while adding phone in your cart . – Thinking about listening to a music in the middle of a journey, but don't have any earphones!
Thinking about listening to loud music and feeling the energy on your balcony but don't have a music speaker?
These accessories not only assist you but also improve the functionality of your phone. This is why you must bring both together.
After all, there's a reason why coffee tastes better with chocolate!
It is likely that there is someone who does not enjoy music. The genre may change from person to person, but what unites them is the music. Whether you are happy or unhappy, whether something is going well in your life or something is not going well in your life, you can tie it to music.
Let's make this music simple with the best accessories.
Everyone value their own space and does not want to feel lonely in an unfamiliar setting; listening to music through earphones solves these issues. There are various types of earphones available, including wired earphones, wireless earphones, neckbands, and earbuds. Just remember to choose better brands for you and your hearing, such as Philips.
To read more click on the link given below-
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accessorizehub · 11 months
6 Best Earbuds Under 100: Crystal Clear Sound on a Budget
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Are you searching for premium earbuds with outstanding sound without breaking the bank? Look nowhere else! The best 6 earbuds under 100 with remarkable features and crystal clear sound will be revealed in this post. These affordable earbuds are sure to satisfy your demands, whether you're a fan of music, podcasts, or simply immersive audio experiences. Let's explore the world of excellent audio at an inexpensive price.Read More
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ihqreviews517 · 11 months
Apple Beats Flex Excellent Sound But Lacks Stability
The Apple Beats Flex is the best value available. This headgear has many unique features as the AirPods, although at a lesser price. Despite the subpar sound and unreliable microphone, they are a solid pair of inexpensive wireless earbuds.
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iplaykora04 · 1 year
High-Quality Wireless Earbuds from Ghana  
It will be founded in 2022. Kora's mission is to become Ghana's go-to connected lifestyle brand, with the end goal of establishing Ghana as a global leader in the connected lifestyle industry and spawning the country's largest, most dynamic and active lifestyle community. Kora plans to dominate the Ghanaian market for wearable technology by offering consumers a wide variety of cutting-edge smartwatches and other devices. Because of their innovative products and services, Kora is the best choice for all of your fitness and entertainment demands.
Due to their portability and ease of use, wireless earphones have recently seen a surge in popularity. iPlayKora is a popular brand in Ghana that offers high-quality wireless headphones at an affordable price. In this piece, we'll take a look at some of the best wireless headphones on the Ghanaian app iPlayKora.
Audio headphones manufactured by iPlayKora TWS
Consider the iPlayKora TWS earphones if you need a pair of Buy best earbuds wireless in Ghana but don't want to spend a lot of money. They are equipped with cutting-edge Bluetooth 4.0 technology, allowing for instant and reliable connection.  The headphones have a microphone in-built, so you can talk on the phone without having to hold it. There's a charging case included so you can juice up your headphones on the fly.
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Q32 iPlayKora Headphones
The iPlayKora Q32 earphones are yet another great option for those looking for wireless earphones. They're stylish, come in a variety of colors, and were made recently. These headphones have a maximum four-hour runtime, interact with each other through Bluetooth 5.0, and require a fresh battery after that. Extra battery life of 10 hours is provided by the accompanying charging pouch.
Headphones (iPlayKora X10) The iPlayKora X10 Earbuds are a fantastic choice if you're in the market for premium wireless earbuds. One charge will get you six hours of listening time with these Bluetooth 5.0 headphones. The included charging case extends the headphones' playback time by up to 24 hours. You can make calls with them hands-free, eliminating a common source of discomfort.a built-in audio recording device.
Apple iPlayKora W01 Earbuds
The iPlayKora W01 are Buy best earbuds wireless in Ghana that are both inexpensive and very popular. There is a four-hour playtime on a single charge, and they employ Bluetooth 5.0, the latest and greatest version of this technology.  A charging case is included with the headphones that can add up to 12 more hours of listening time. They contain a built-in microphone and are ideal for people who are accustomed to making calls while using only one hand.
iPlayKora, in conclusion, sells wireless earbuds for a wide range of uses and budgets. All price points are covered by iPlayKora, from the cheapest to the most costly. It is recommended that you get one of the earphones from the list above, as they are among the best available.
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Smart Earpiece Can Rewire Brain Software Enabling Quick Recovery for Stroke Patients
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Smart earpieces, also known as wireless earbuds, have been available for several years now. But recent studies have suggested that they can be a valuable tool in rewiring the brain and facilitating faster recovery for stroke patients. These smart earpieces can be connected to a smartphone or other smart devices, allowing them to provide real-time feedback and assist in the recovery process.
Smart earpieces use sound frequencies and electrical stimulation to stimulate neural pathways in the brain. The stimulation helps the brain to rewire itself, resulting in improved cognitive and physical abilities in stroke patients. Furthermore, these earpieces can be used to track the patient’s progress, monitor their recovery, and provide them with personalized exercises and activities to aid in their rehabilitation.
Smart Earpieces for Stroke Rehabilitation with BCIs
Smart earpieces are a game-changing technology for stroke rehabilitation, thanks to their advanced sensors that can detect brain activity and send signals to a connected device. This innovative technology makes it possible to use smart earpieces in brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), which allow individuals to control computers or other devices using their brainwaves.
BCIs function by measuring the electrical activity in the brain and translating it into commands that can be used to control a computer or other device. This revolutionary technology has proven successful in various applications, including prosthetic limbs, communication devices, and even video games.
With smart earpieces, stroke patients can benefit from this technology and use their brainwaves to control their rehabilitation process. They can use these earpieces to track their progress and receive personalized exercises that will help them recover more quickly. Moreover, using smart earpieces in BCIs can help stroke survivors regain their independence and improve their quality of life.
Smart Earpieces and BCIs for Stroke Recovery
When a stroke occurs, it can cause damage to the brain, which can lead to a variety of physical and cognitive impairments. However, the brain has an incredible ability to adapt and rewire itself, a process known as neuroplasticity.
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For example, researchers have developed a BCI system using smart earpieces that provides feedback to stroke patients as they perform tasks such as picking up objects. The earpieces detect brain activity, and the feedback helps the patient learn to control their movements more effectively.
In another study, researchers used BCIs to help stroke patients improve their speech. The patients wore smart earpieces while listening to a computer-generated voice that spoke the words they were trying to say. The feedback provided by the earpieces helped the patients to relearn how to speak more effectively.
The Advantages of Smart Earpieces in Stroke Recovery and BCIs
One of the primary benefits of using smart earpieces in stroke recovery is that they are non-invasive and easy to use. Unlike some other BCIs, which require surgery to implant electrodes in the brain, smart earpieces can be worn like regular earbuds.
In addition, smart earpieces are relatively inexpensive compared to other BCI systems, making them accessible to a wider range of patients. This could be especially beneficial in developing countries where access to advanced medical technology is limited.
Another benefit of using smart earpieces in stroke recovery is that they can be used in conjunction with other therapies. For example, stroke patients may also receive physical therapy or occupational therapy to aid in their recovery. The use of smart earpieces could supplement these therapies and provide additional support.
Smart earpieces are a relatively new technology that could have a significant impact on stroke recovery. Researchers are exploring how they can be used in brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) to provide feedback to the brain and promote neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s ability to adapt and rewire itself.
Smart Earpieces: Easy and Affordable Stroke Rehabilitation
One of the primary benefits of using smart earpieces in stroke recovery is their non-invasive nature. Unlike other BCIs, which require surgery to implant electrodes in the brain, smart earpieces can be worn like regular earbuds, making them easy to use and accessible to a wider range of patients. Additionally, smart earpieces are relatively inexpensive compared to other BCI systems, making them a cost-effective solution for stroke rehabilitation.
Several studies have demonstrated the potential of smart earpieces in stroke recovery. For example, researchers have developed a BCI system using smart earpieces that provides feedback to stroke patients as they perform tasks such as picking up objects. The earpieces detect brain activity, and the feedback helps the patient learn to control their movements more effectively. In another study, researchers used smart earpieces to help stroke patients improve their speech by providing feedback while they listened to a computer-generated voice that spoke the words they were trying to say.
The use of smart earpieces in stroke recovery could be particularly beneficial in developing countries where access to advanced medical technology is limited. Smart earpieces are relatively inexpensive, making them a more accessible option for stroke rehabilitation. Additionally, the use of smart earpieces could supplement other therapies such as physical therapy and occupational therapy, providing stroke patients with additional support and aid in their recovery.
As with any new technology, there is still much research and development needed to fully realize the potential of smart earpieces in stroke recovery. However, early studies have demonstrated their promise as a non-invasive, cost-effective solution for stroke rehabilitation. Further research will be needed to determine the optimal use of smart earpieces in stroke recovery and to ensure that they are a safe and effective tool for promoting neuroplasticity and aiding in stroke recovery.
In conclusion, smart earpieces have shown great potential in aiding stroke recovery by stimulating neural pathways in the brain through sound frequencies and electrical stimulation. They can be used in brain-computer interfaces to provide real-time feedback and personalized exercises to promote neuroplasticity and improve physical and cognitive abilities in stroke patients. Smart earpieces are also relatively inexpensive and non-invasive, making them an accessible and cost-effective solution for stroke rehabilitation, especially in developing countries with limited access to advanced medical technology. While further research and development are needed to fully harness the potential of smart earpieces, early studies have shown promising results in promoting a quicker recovery for stroke patients and improving their quality of life.
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productsreviewings · 1 year
I spend lots of time listening to music from my iPhone or Android cellphone linked to any pair of wi-fi headphones or earbuds I am making an attempt for Tom's Information. For private listening, although, I discovered myself gravitating to wired headphones to listen to high-quality audio by means of a pair of analog cans. Though they're at present experiencing one thing of a renaissance, wired headphones are a distinct segment within the largely wi-fi world we reside in. Some manufacturers, like Sennheiser, nevertheless, proceed to supply a variety of conventional wired headphones, resembling the brand new HD 660S2 open-back headphones aimed toward audiophiles, with wi-fi variants just like the unimaginable Sennheiser Momentum 4 Wi-fi.From the uncompromising IE 600 in-ear monitor launching in the summertime of 2023 to the entry-level Sennheiser IE 200 introduced in January, Sennheiser's launch roster has just lately been stuffed with wired earbuds. (opens in new tab).How I improved my iPhone audio: DAC pleasure(Picture credit score: Astell and Kern)Wired has all the time overwhelmed wi-fi the place out-and-out sound high quality is anxious, however how do you join headphones or earbuds to a smartphone and not using a headphone jack?With nearly ruthless timing, I just lately obtained the Astell & Kern HC3 DAC/Headphone Amplifier — a USB-C plug-in machine that successfully boosts the audio high quality out of your cellular. I set about connecting it on to my iPhone's Lightning port (through the equipped USB-C-to-Lightning adapter) and plugging the IE 200 earbuds' braided cable into the DAC's 3.5mm headphone jack to see how they sounded.I've tried varied DACs with my iPhone earlier than, however the AK HC3 is essentially the most inexpensive. It is also actually neat, and the one factor I would wish to see is that the USB-C-to-Lightning adapter can often lose contact with the iPhone port and cease playback. It is undoubtedly a fragile system, and my iPhone and DAC wanted to be positioned on a flat floor to keep up the connection, however the audio positive aspects made it worthwhile.Regardless of the system's inexpensive price ticket in comparison with different moveable DACs and wired headphones, the sound from the AK HC3 and Sennheiser IE 200 combo sounds a lot better than their mixed $379 price ticket. The stereo soundstage was completely balanced to my ears, and there was an incredible sense of acoustic house across the devices they usually have been finely expressed wherever they have been within the combine or frequency vary. I've discovered some wi-fi earbuds are likely to current music that feels superior in some methods, however the Sennheiser and Astell & Kern combo does the enterprise of delivering music as naturally as attainable.Listening to "Outlands" by Daft Punk / Hans Zimmer from the film Tron The DAC and earbuds advised me all the things I wanted to know concerning the frequency vary, whereas the guitar enjoying on Pat Metheny's "Cinema Paradiso (Principal Theme)" confirmed me how the combo connects with my favourite music. It is definitely not flawless and there is some bass frequency suppression on some tracks, however I would wager that the combo outperforms equally priced over-ear headphones when it comes to ranges of hi-fi sound engagement. Whereas I felt the combo improved the sound of compressed music streams from Spotify, all through my listening classes I discovered myself gravitating to lossless downloads through Tidal. The music I wish to hearken to right here has extra depth and element, and the tracks in my very own rigorously curated playlist take me nearer to the high-quality studio sound I want. And I bargained for lower than that. What's a DAC?In the event you've by no means heard of DAC, don't be concerned; You aren't alone. Merely put, a DAC is a 'digital-to-analog converter' that, because the identify suggests, takes a digital audio sign (from the likes of a music streaming service, say) and converts it to an analog one.
You see it is analog alerts, not digital, that drive the audio system contained in the audio machine you are listening to So some conversion has to occur between the digital music file you are enjoying and the audio sign served up by the analog-powered audio system that attain your ears. DACs are present in every kind of audio playback units, together with the most effective telephones, the most effective laptops, and the most effective tablets, however including a standalone DAC will all the time make it sound higher. Chances are you'll surprise how an add-on DAC can enhance the audio efficiency of a digital machine when the digital sign conversion inside no matter playback machine your headphones are plugged into is effectively taken care of by the DAC. The factor is, music would not all the time sound that good with built-in DACs on many units, and including a top quality DAC like Astell & Kern's AK HC3 will make for a greater audio expertise for high quality audio followers and music lovers alike. LikewiseExtra from Tom's InformationNonetheless contemplating going wi-fi? Here's a checklist of causes to make you rethinkMost of the finest audiophile headphones are (or may be) wired for uncompromised sound high quality. In the present day's finest Sennheiser IE 300 offers
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