#ikesen nobunaga x oc
Voyager - Masterlist
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Rating: Explicit Pairing: Oda Nobunaga (Ikemen Sengoku) x Original Female Character Characters: Oda Nobunaga (Ikemen Sengoku), Eri Davidson (Original Female Character of Color) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Slow Burn, Flirting (so much flirting), Teasing, Oda Nobunaga is a huge flirt and a huge tease, Angst with a Happy Ending, Pregnancy, Pregnant Sex, Slight Timeskip Near the End
The pain was crippling at first: a sharp, searing thing that seemed to be the only constant in her life for more days than she could count. It was like a tooth that had been pulled, leaving sensitive, exposed nerves behind. Waking her up in the middle of the night to remind her, to make her remember what she'd lost. Showing up to knock her down with random crying jags in the middle of the day. Her grief was overwhelming, overpowering... the only thing she could see for miles, for a very long time.
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A/N: I don't own these Ikemen Sengoku characters; they belong to Cybird. Some of the dialogue from the first chapters is taken directly from the prologue of the game.
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Chapter One: Kyoto Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Two: Waking Nightmare Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Three: Lucky Charm Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Four: Journey to Azuchi Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Five: The Chatelaine of Azuchi Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Six: No Easy Conquest Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Seven: A Special Event Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Eight: A Familiar Face Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Nine: Coming Soon*
*I am in the process of putting all of my fics from AO3 onto Tumblr. Chapters of this fic will be posted to Tumblr as I have time to add them, but you can read the story in its entirety on AO3.
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oigimi · 1 year
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my blog is about posting content no human being on earth other than me would find entertaining. on that note here is nobunaga and my oc andy if they had cringe 2013core lock screens of each other
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not-krys · 6 months
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It's that time again! Time to count up all the words and reflect upon the past year.
And, friends, let me just say I'm really super happy with this years numbers, probably the biggest numbers I've seen in a long time.
This year, I had a new years resolution to post at least 1 writing thing per month, no matter its finished state, thus putting out a lot of WIP Wednesdays this year.
But, along with doing all those WIP Wednesdays, I found I was finishing more writing things this year because of it and... it's kind of amazing to see the progress across this year.
For previous Writing Summaries: 2020 2021 2022
For this year's art summary, click here!
And, as always, my masterlist, to see all my fics in one place!
Now, without further ado, let's crunch some numbers!
Posted Works to tumblr/ao3: 10
-The Traveling Adventures of Mister Fox and Miss Mouse [IkeSen AU, Mitsuhide x fem!Reader]: 986
-Happy Birthday, Vincent [Ikemen Vampire, Vincent x Abby (OC), NSFW]: 856
-Family Picnic [Ikemen Vampire, Vincent x Abby (OC)]: 1,021
-No Time [Ikemen Prince, Rio x Clara (OC)]: 1,110
-Bittersweet [Obey Me, Lucifer x Miri (OC)]: 1,975
-The Traveling Adventures of Mister Fox and Miss Mouse Part 2 [Ikemen Sengoku, Mitsuhide x fem!Reader]: 2,487
-Birthday Carrots [Ikemen Prince, Nokto x Clara (OC)]: 221
-Reaching Out [Ikemen Vampire, Vincent x Abby (OC)]: 2599
-Kitchen Talks [Obey Me, Solomon & Miri (OC)]: 1,050
-First Kicks [Ikemen Vampire, Vincent x Abby (OC)]: 1,649
Total Word Count on Published Fanfics: 13,954
Published WIPs (That were written in 2023 or Updated in 2023): 19
-Starvation [IkeSeries OCs; Houki, Abby, Maddie, Clara, Ophelia]: 1,716
-Love [IkeSeries and Obey Me OCs]: 2,449
-Grey [Ikemen Vampire; Shakespeare, Vincent x Abby (OC)]: 391
-No Time [Ikemen Prince, Ikemen Vampire; Rio x Clara, Arthur x Thea (OC)]: 1,012
-Nurture [Ikemen Revolution; Harr x Maddie (OC)]: 588
-Nurture [Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Vampire; Houki (OC) x Mitsunari, Ophelia (OC), Theo and Arthur, background Vincent x Abby (OC)]: 2,020
-Father [Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Vampire, Ikemen Prince, Obey Me; Houki (OC), Thea (OC) x Arthur x Theo, Vincent x Abby (OC), Clara (OC) & Mr. Akatsuki, Miri (OC) and Lucifer]: 2,375
-Flowers [Ikemen Vampire, Ikemen Revolution, Ikemen Prince; Abby (OC) & Vlad, Maddie (OC) & Loki, Clara (OC) & Silvio]: 1,227
-Introduction [Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Vampire, Ikemen Prince; Nobunaga & Houki (OC), Vincent & Abby (OC), Nokto & Clara (OC)]: 1,137
-Are You Challenging Me? [Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Vampire, Obey Me; Nobunaga & Houki (OC), Arthur & Isaac & Abby (OC), Lucifer & Miri (with minor appearances of other obey me characters]: 855
-Askbox Trick or Treat [Obey Me; Lucifer]: 254
-Askbox Trick or Treat [Ikemen Sengoku; Mitsuhide]: 157
-Askbox Trick or Treat [Ikemen Sengoku; Masamune]: 373
-Perfect Strangers [Ikemen Vampire; Comte]: 839
-Abandoned [Ikemen Prince, Obey Me; Clara (OC) & Rio, Leviathan & Miri (OC)]: 1,358
-Nobububu 2.0 [Ikemen Sengoku; Nobunaga]: 636
-Diavolo and Miri Snippet [Obey Me; Diavolo x Miri (OC)]: 389
-Unfinished Fictober 2023 Houki and Mitsunari [Ikemen Sengoku; Mitsunari x Houki (OC)]: 216
-Sugar and Spice and…? [Ikemen Vampire; Comte x Leonardo x Preg!Reader, NSFW]: 1,127
Total Word Count on Published WIPs (That were written or updated in 2023): 19,119
Unpublished WIPs (that were written in 2023): 1
-A Second Glance Part 5: 1,147
Total Word Count on Creative Works for 2023: 34,220
Essays/Commentary/Asks/Etc: 21
-Ikemen Series Tier List: 225
-Fanfic Writer Asks (Lorei): 371
-Three Characters, One Number Ask (Lorei): 722
-Fic Writer Asks (Lorei): 679
-Fanfic Writer Asks (Emojis, Lorei): 295
-Fanfic Writer Asks (Emojis, Mo): 248
-Let's Get Real Fanfic Writers (Lorei): 396
-Let's Get Real Fanfic Writers Asks (Scummy): 520
-Who Do You Ship Me With (Mo): 82
-Why Do You Follow Me? (Lorei): 512
-Character Opinion (Lorei): 317
-Fanfic Writer Emoji Asks (Mo): 468
-4th Anniversary Questionaire Ikevamp Edition: 1252
-OC Number Asks (Anng): 728
-Send a 💌 and I'll tell you something I love about you (Lorei): 78
-Writer's Truth or Dare (Scummy): 226
-Different Universe, Same Universe 2023 Ask (Julie): 154
-Napo Birthday Asks 1: 160
-What Ideas get completed and posted? (Scummy): 199
-Getting a comment on my old fic: 214
-Uncommon Questions for Your OCs (Houki and Clara, original and my reblog): 799
Total Word Count on Essays, Commentary, Asks, etc: 8645
Total Word Count for 2023: 42,865
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Thanks for all the good times this year and I hope we can bring this kind of energy into the new year too!
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rikumorimachisgirl · 5 years
This scene though...
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Me right now:
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I so love Nobunaga!!! 😍💕😍💕😍💕
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dealwithwarlords · 4 years
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Nobunaga x Victoria
My art pls don't repost
The background is from the movie "The Wind Rises" by Hayao Miyazaki
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hideoutpastel · 5 years
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A finished commission for @rikumorimachisgirl of their OC and Nobunaga <3
This is a paid commission.
Do not repost (reblogs are ok) without permission.
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otobabe · 5 years
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All Might is always right.
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Voyager - Five
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Rating: Explicit Pairing: Oda Nobunaga (Ikemen Sengoku) x Original Female Character Characters: Oda Nobunaga (Ikemen Sengoku), Eri Davidson (Original Female Character of Color) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Slow Burn, Flirting (so much flirting), Teasing, Oda Nobunaga is a huge flirt and a huge tease, Angst with a Happy Ending, Pregnancy, Pregnant Sex, Slight Timeskip Near the End
Previous Chapter (Four): Journey to Azuchi | Next Chapter (Six): No Easy Conquest
Chapter Masterlist
The young maid is waiting patiently for her. “Please don’t be shy, my lady,” the girl starts. “I have waited on a host of residents and guests at Azuchi. Some have been women, but most have been men. I think I have grown quite accustomed to seeing the human body in all its forms.”
Eri isn’t sure why this strikes her as so funny. “You poor thing,” she murmurs. “I’m sure you’ve seen much more than you’d like to.”
Read on AO3
Chapter Five: The Chatelaine of Azuchi
Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry.
The words repeat themselves in Eri’s head, over and over again like a mantra. “I have to do this,” she murmurs to herself, “before the water gets cold and it’s even worse.”
She stares down at the large basin of water and the small pouch of herbs and exfoliant she’d been given. For the umpteenth time, she curses the lack of modern technology available to her - no Google search to tell her how this is supposed to work - as she picks up one of the squares of fabric that acts as a washcloth. 
“You can do this, Eri. If you can pee and poop in the woods, you can bathe from a bowl of water. You have to do this if you want to get clean.” Indeed, she is filthy from the trip from Honno-ji to Azuchi, and the basin of water and the pouch are her only tickets to getting clean. With a sigh, she begins bathing herself, trying not to think about how badly she wants a modern-day shower. 
When she has finished, the water in the basin is brown, but she feels cleaner than she has in days. The maids said they would come back and retrieve the dirty water, she remembers. But I’d hate for anyone to see this… 
And then there is the matter of the clothes. 
Eri didn’t miss the strange looks she received as she followed Ishida-San to the quarters that had been prepared for her. Her tunic and leggings, she’s sure, must have caused quite a stir. She has been given a few kimonos to wear, but Eri has very little experience dressing herself in the traditional Japanese clothing. She’s standing in the middle of the room with several pieces of clothing in her hands when there is a knock on the shoji. 
“My Lady?” The maid is calling from outside of the room. “Excuse me, may I come in?”
Frantically, Eri opens the kimono in her arms and drapes it around her, trying to cover herself as she moves behind the bathing screen once more. “Yes,” she calls. “You may come in.” 
She hears the shoji slide open and then clack shut. Eri peeks her head around the edge of the screen. The young maid is standing in the center of the room uncertainly, and when she catches sight of Eri, she smiles almost shyly. “I-I’ve come to retrieve your bathing water,” the girl says. “If it pleases you.”
“Oh, right,” Eri scrambles to move aside and let the girl behind the screen. In her haste, she bumps the basin. Dirty water sloshes over the side of the bowl, spilling onto the tatami, and Eri feels the curses bubbling up in her throat. 
“Don’t worry,” the young maid smiles at her reassuringly. “I’ll bring something to clean up the spill.” She turns to go, but Eri’s hand on her shoulder stops her. Puzzled, she looks back at Eri.
“Please,” Eri says, bowing slightly. “When you return, would you… would you be so kind as to help me with my clothes? I’m… not used to wearing the kimono.”
The young woman seems surprised, but there is kindness in her eyes. “I would be happy to, My Lady,” she smiles after a moment. “I will return shortly.” 
True to her word, the young maid comes back quickly, carrying a bundle of cloths and a small basket of what appear to be oils. After wiping the spilled bath water from the tatami, she holds the basket out to Eri. “Please forgive me. We forgot to bring them in when we brought your clothes,” she explains. “They’re oils and creams, for your skin…” She hesitates. “And your hair, if you need it.” She looks shyly at Eri’s fluffy, tight curls. 
This makes Eri laugh. “I’m very grateful,” she says candidly. 
“I will wait, if you wish to apply the body oils before you dress.”
Nodding, Eri ducks behind the screen again, taking the basket with her. There is a large assortment of bottles and pots, none of which are marked, and so she opens the tops one by one, smelling them for an indication as to what’s inside. She uses the creamier concoction on her skin, pleased with the warm, spicy fragrance. I’ll do my hair later, she decides, looking wistfully at the combs that have been placed in the basket. She comes out from behind the screen, once more wrapped loosely in her kimono. 
The young maid is waiting patiently for her. “Please don’t be shy, my lady,” the girl starts. “I have waited on a host of residents and guests at Azuchi. Some have been women, but most have been men. I think I have grown quite accustomed to seeing the human body in all its forms.” 
Eri isn’t sure why this strikes her as so funny. “You poor thing,” she murmurs. “I’m sure you’ve seen much more than you’d like to.”
The girl shrugs, motioning for Eri to remove the kimono. “It’s all part of being an Azuchi maid, I suppose.” 
She watches and listens carefully as the young lady explains each piece of clothing and what it’s for before helping Eri don it. Eri is surprised to learn that there is no equivalent to panties here - there is merely something called a hadajuban. Eri compares it to a modern-day slip, though it’s much shorter. She is less surprised to learn that there are no bras; the young lady helping her dress offers her the option to lightly bind her breasts. Eri declines - the idea of a Sengoku-era sports bra does not appeal to her - but asks if there’s any way for her obi to be tied tightly and higher up to provide some semblance of support. 
Once the young maid has finished helping her dress, she leads Eri over to the full-length mirror in the corner of the room. “There you are,” she says, satisfied with her work. “I know that there are a lot of pieces to remember, but you’ll get used to them in no time at all.”
The fit of the clothing is much more snug than she would like, she notes. She supposes it can’t be helped - the woman who either made them or owned them before her was obviously of a different body shape and size. Still, they are clothes that she didn’t have before - clean clothes- and she is thankful for them. Gratefully, she turns toward her helper. “I can’t thank you enough,” she says, clasping the girl’s hands in her own. “Please tell me, what is your name?”
Surprised, the girl looks up at her. “Miya Haruka,” she answers politely with a bow. “I like to be called Haru, if it pleases you.”
“I’m pleased to meet you,” Eri says, offering her own bow. “My name is Davidson Valerie, but please call me Eri.”
“Lady Eri,” Haruka smiles. “It’s a pleasure to serve you.” She bows slightly again. “Oda-Sama would like to see you when you are ready.”
“Oh,” Eri exclaims softly. “Will you show me where I can find him?”
Of course his rooms are up here, she thinks to herself as she climbs the steps to the tenshu. Powerful man on top of his game chooses to live in the highest part of his castle. 
She pauses in front of the room Haru had told her Oda Nobunaga spends most of his time in. It’s lit from inside; she can see the soft glow of lamps through the thin paper of the shoji. 
“Do you plan to stand there all night, or are you going to come in?” His deep, heavy voice reaches her through the door, and it makes her jump. Of course, she realizes. He can see my silhouette. The shoji is thin, after all. 
She slides the door open and enters the room, sliding the shoji closed behind her with a soft clack . “Oda-Sama,” she addresses him, bowing slightly. 
“Come, sit.” He commands her without looking up at her. As usual, he is reading - this time, a thick book. 
She suppresses a sigh, moving over to where he is sitting and positioning herself on the cushion across from him. After a minute more of reading, he sets his book aside and raises his head to look at her. “I trust you’ve been shown to your quarters and given what you need.”
Eri nods. “Yes. Ishida-San and Haru - the young maid he assigned to help me  - were both very kind.” 
“Good.” He looks her over. “I’m quite fascinated by you,” he says openly. 
“I’m not sure how to respond to that.”
“I wish to know more about you.” He leans back, reclining on his armrest. “You appeared in the temple at Honno-ji just in time to save my life, yet you say you have no recollection of how you got there. You wear strange clothing. Your skin color and your hair are different. You speak fluent Japanese. You did not know who I was when you saved me.” He cocks his head to the side, studying her. “And you seemed to be offended when I asked about your husband.”
“I told you, I don’t have a husband.”
He laughs. “Yes, you did tell me that. Three times now.” He raises an eyebrow, his gaze turning serious, thoughtful. “And yet you will tell me nothing else about yourself.”
You wouldn’t believe me even if I did. “Respectfully, Oda-Sama, I don’t know what you wish to learn about me.”
“Where do you come from? Yasuke says you are not of his land.”
“I’m from the West,” Eri says vaguely. World history was never her strong suit, but she’s fairly certain that the America she comes from is a long way from existing in this world. “But I have been living in Japan for many years now.”
“‘The West’,” he repeats. “Someday I should like to know more about this West.”
She falls silent. 
“Do I frighten you?” 
He asks it casually, and briefly Eri wonders if it’s a trick question. She inhales deeply, considering her words carefully before speaking again. “I don’t believe that you mean me any harm,” she starts thoughtfully. “You’ve never been… cruel to me. You’re letting me stay in your home and giving me a large measure of responsibility.”
“But still you do not say whether or not I frighten you.” He laughs again. “You are, I have discovered, very skilled at answering questions without truly answering them. I should warn Mitsuhide,” he continues, “that his job may be in danger.”
Eri isn’t sure what that means, and she isn’t sure she wants to know. 
“You should go and see the seamstresses tomorrow,” he says, turning his attention back to his book. “They will sew clothes made for your measurements.”
Her face flushes with embarrassment. “I—”
“The women of Azuchi are shaped differently,” he interrupts her. “It will not do for the chatelaine of the castle to continue to be seen wearing ill-fitting clothing.”
Fuck you, she thinks. Her face is still warm with embarrassment, and she feels hot, angry tears prick at her eyes. Asshole—
“Have I offended you again?” He’s looking up at her.
“Yes, actually, you have,” she manages. “Don’t you know that it’s rude to comment on a woman’s body that way?”
Once again, her words seem to genuinely surprise him, and he sets his book aside. “You seem to be under the impression that I was commenting negatively on your body.”
“Weren’t you?”
He seems to find this amusing. “No, I wasn’t,” he says simply, holding her gaze. “If you must know, I find your body quite fetching.”
She falls silent again, unsure what to say. He studies her for a moment more, then turns back to his book. “You may go.”
It isn’t until their server has returned to the table that Valerie realizes she and Shinichi are the only patrons left in the restaurant. Glancing down at her watch, she gasps, realizing they’ve been sitting and chatting for just over three hours. 
“Excuse me,” the server says apologetically. “We are closing soon.”
“I’m so sorry,” she says, rifling through her purse for her wallet. “We didn’t mean to…” 
“You can put them both together on this,” Shinichi says, handing his credit card to the server. “We’re very sorry for overstaying our welcome.”
The server bows slightly, promising to return quickly. Shinichi turns to face Valerie. She’s gaping at him, eyes wide. “You didn’t have to,” she manages.
“I wanted to,” he reassures her with a sweet smile.
“I— thank you.”
“I should be thanking you,” he says, the sweet smile still in place. “I don’t think I’ve had a conversation that enjoyable in a very long time.” He hesitates. “I know that you’re just visiting here,” he continues, “but would it be alright if we exchanged email addresses?”
Oh, she thinks. Is he…? She considers his question for a split second, and finds she would like to see him again, to talk to him again. “Yes,” she says, flashing him a smile of her own. “I would very much like that.”
Previous Chapter (Four): Journey to Azuchi | Next Chapter (Six): No Easy Conquest
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xathia-89 · 5 years
Azuchi Coffee and Bar
I posted a new fiction up on Ao3. Link here:
It’s a little long to post on Tumblr, but please go and read it. A Nobunaga/Hideyoshi/OC trio. 
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lulidrafts · 5 years
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Nobunaga x Bedelia (Linda’s badass OC)
Requested by the lovely @unstoppablelinda  
Thank you ❤
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The Devil’s Wife
Chapter 4 is up! Here’s a sneak peak, you can read the full chapter in Ao3.
4-Azuchi Castle.
-Very well- I said stretching my fingers -Let’s see how it goes.  
-You’re feeling confident again- he grinned -Will you ask for a rematch when you lose?  
I opened my mouth in offense  -IF I lose, you mean. I’ve been practicing, just so you know.  
- I’m impressed. Do your best, Mia.  
With a sigh to take out the nerves, I prepared myself for our kind of battle. This time, I could see where he was going when he placed some of his stones and managed to prevent a few assaults. It wasn’t long until I stole a glance at him, and realize his attitude was quite different from our first game. He was more  focus ed, analysing the board to make his moves,  treating me like a real opponent.  
-It’s your turn, don’t get distracted- his voice suddenly got me out of my thoughts.  
-I’m not- I complained, even though he was right. It was evident how much he enjoyed the game, just like Mitsunari said.  It  sort  of made me forget about winning, which was probably a good thing, because shortly after, he’d placed his final stone.  
-I won - he declared, making me growl with a bit of annoyance.  
-So, you did.  
-Don’t let that get you down- he encouraged me, something I hadn’t expected -You’ve improved  admirably in very short time .  
That was flattering, but I couldn’t let it get to me -And I’ll continue to. Mitsunari agreed to help me and I’ve got every intention of winning.  
- So, you’ll keep fighting. I’m pleased to hear that- this time, his smile gave me goosebumps -Now, come closer.  
That’s why I felt uneasy. Whatever his next claim would be, I better prepared myself for the worst. Although if he went for anything lewd, there would be trouble. Hot warlord or not, I still had some dignity.  
He leaned back to watch me as I came closer, and that already got on my nerves. Why did he have to look so pleased  with himself? When I sat down to his side, he put an arm around my waist to pull me closer. My hands fell on his hard chest to keep balance. He stared at me as if he was studying  his options carefully .  
-I think I’ll go with both- he said, and I gave him a warning glance -I’m curious to see  which one is more sensitive.  
I didn’t like the sound of that, at all. But then he turned his head to a side and I was confused. He’d already conquered my neck, what was he after?  
Suddenly, he breathed on my right ear  -Is it this one? – he spoke so softly it was but a breeze,  but it  already made me tingle with fear.  
“My ears? Wait, wait, wait. That’s a spot even worse than my neck”. Dammit, this is because I overreacted when he whispered to me there. That’s probably how he got the idea. “Keep it together, Mia” I said to myself. Like that would help.  
He soon went to the other one, without doing anything to neither of them  -Or maybe this?  
“Ooooh, that’s just tortuous”. His lips didn’t touch me, he was only teasing me, making me anticipate his kisses as he slowly switched from one ear to the other. I kept my eyes close, but I could feel his face moving so near my own. When he went back to the  right , I felt his mouth open like he was going to devour it, before he kissed the arc of it, going down to my lobe. It was softer than I expected, more like a caress , yet the contact made me tremble .  
-How do you feel when I do that? - he whispered, knowing fully well the answer to it.  
“Oh, no you don’t. I won’t fall into that trap” I said to myself.  
He then changed to the other, and I could hear his breath in the silent room.   A gasp escaped my mouth when instead of just kissing, he bit and ran his tongue on my  lef t ear. I had to let a soft moan out, my throat seemed like it would hurt if I didn’t. My breathing was already a pant.  
-I think you like this one.  
“I can only imagine the   smile he must have on his face right now” . I was about to answer when he reassumed his task, making me  tingle, my chest expanding with each deep sigh.  
-Should I stay here? – his guttural voice was a torment even worse than his kisses.  
“Yes” .  
-No- I said, and he sighed a chuckle, moving his head again.  
-Here then? – he let out a long sigh on my other ear, which was all I could hear in the silent night. It made me straighten up and hold my breath at the same rhythm.  
“Alright, this needs to end already” .  
-I think I’ve had enough.  
I tried to make my command sound definite, but to my surprise he sounded kind of disappointed -Already? – the bit of sadness in his voice had me reconsidering, until he whispered so close to my ear, I could feel  his lips touching it  -I was looking forward to hearing more of those sounds you make.  
And that’s why I had to stop him -Well, I’ve had enough for today.  
He chuckled without moving from his place -Just remember you asked me to stop.  
“Where  is he going  with that?”. I shot a puzzled glance at him, wearing his usual smug grin. His eyes, however, seemed like they were dark with a bit of desire, even if his expression made him look like he had everything in control. That was the reason I found his conquests so frustrating, because he always kept himself so cool, knowing exactly how good he made me feel. It was hard to give into pleasure when  all  my partner seemed to want was making me feel weak .  
-Nobunaga, why did you marry me? – the question came out of me without even realizing.  It was him who gave me a curious look then.  
-You looked so terrified as if all you wanted to do was run away, yet you spoke to me without a hint of fear. I  knew  having you near would make things entertaining.  
I made every effort to find some emotion in his eyes or voice, but it was like reaching into the void. He simply showed amusement, nothing else. It was time for me to accept he didn’t think much of marriage. He’d probably do it again if he found another woman that delighted him as well.  I wasn’t sure why, but the idea really annoyed me.  
-Mia? – he called for me as I got up from my place.  
-I’m tired, I’m going to sleep- without even turning to see him, I went to get my sleeping clothes and changed behind the screen. He didn’t talk again, or do anything else, simply sat at the balcony after I got into my bed ,  without speaking either. That night he didn’t ask to join me, and I struggled to fall asleep even longer than last time, hating how cold the bed felt when I was laying there alone.
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aquagirl1978 · 2 years
Moments Like This - Mitsuhide Akechi x Saki Fukumoto (OC)
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A/N: This is my gift to @themysticalbeing in the IkeSen Gift Exchange - I hope you enjoy it. Thank you to @ikemenlibrary and @sunnyikemen for hosting this wonderful event!
Pairing: Mitsuhide Akechi x Saki Fukumoto (@themysticalbeing OC)
Word Count: 839
Warnings: fluff, a little spice towards the end, mentions of period
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The crisp summer breeze was refreshing as she made her way outside. The Oda forces had gathered this evening to celebrate Nobunaga’s birthday; with so many present, no one noticed when she slipped away. Taking in a deep breath, the quiet, while peaceful and refreshing, did little to relieve her of her monthly situation. 
Saki placed a hand on her midriff, gently rubbing herself, seeking some form of relief from this monthly curse. 
“Little Mouse,” a voice called out from behind her. “I’ve been looking for you.” 
Turning around, she found her lover standing there, a sly smile spreading on his lips. He approached her and wrapped her in his arms in a tight embrace. “What brought you out here? The party’s back inside,” he whispered in her ear before placing a kiss on her temple. 
Sighing, Saki looked up at him. “It’s nothing. It was just too loud in there.” 
Mitsuhide hummed. “If you say so. Come, I have somewhere I’d like to take you.” He offered his hand, which she accepted, his skin still cool this summer night. 
Escorting her through a maze of familiar hallways, she remained mostly quiet, engaging in small talk in hopes of distraction from her cramps. 
“Do you think anyone has noticed we’re both missing from the party?” 
He slowed his steps to gaze upon her face in the pale moonlight. “Hideyoshi is probably thrilled I am not there, I’m sure he’s chasing Keiji, lecturing him over this or that. Ieyesu is in the corner, hiding from Mitsunari, most likely wishing he never woke up this morning. And Lord Nobunaga...” His golden eyes gleamed, sparkling like the stars up above, as he spoke. “was gifted enough konpeito to keep him distracted for at least a few hours.” 
The air filled with laughter as they both joked about what the other warlords were up to in their absence, and for just a few moments, she didn’t feel the pain that was gnawing at her insides. 
Before she knew it, Mitsuhide had brought her to a familiar doorway. He opened it, ushering her in first.  
“Mitsuhide!” she gasped. The room was filled with the soft glow of candlelight – many, many candles in fact. He smiled softly at her as she took notice of the tray bearing a pot of tea and some treats from the earlier party.  
“I figured since you left so early, you didn’t get to partake in all of the sweets that were there.” He lifted one of her favorites, offering it to her. Realizing she hadn’t eaten much earlier, she accepted the treat, savoring both its simple flavors and the smile on Mitsuhide’s face.  
“Sit. The tea is still hot.” He helped her down, settling on the tatami mat next to him. Her eyes flicked around the room again, still in awe of all the work Mitsuhide must have gone to.  
He handed her a cup of tea, which she politely accepted. The warmth of the green tea was welcoming, soothing her insides, which seem to have settled down slightly.  
He peered into her dark eyes, his golden gaze warm pools of honey. “What’s on your mind?” 
“I’m in awe of what you’ve done here – the candles, the tea, the sweets. When did you have the time to do all of this with the party going on?” Looking into his eyes, she shared a soft smile. “Thank you,” she added in a whisper. 
“Some tricks are better left unknown,” he said with a wink. Leaning towards you, he lowered his voice. “But if you must know, I am well-acquainted with a certain Little Mouse and her patterns during a certain time of the month.” 
Blushing, she averted her gaze, taking another sip from her cup hoping it would cover your flushed cheeks.  
He took the cup from her hand. “No hiding that beautiful blush from me, Saki.” He stood up, offering his hand once more. “Let’s get ready for bed.” 
Taking his hand, he helped her up. Saki changed into your night clothes in privacy behind the screen and soon joined him in the bed, still feeling warm from the tea. 
He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close to him. Softly stroking her long, dark hair, he brushed it to the side before he started gently massaging her shoulders. Gently pushing the fabric down, revealing expanses of her soft skin, he placed sweet kisses from her neck down along her shoulders. 
Sighing, she melted into his touch, enjoying the way his hands ghosted over her skin. Roaming, his hands wandered down her back, his touch still gentle even through the thin garments.  
Saki rolled over to face him, her earlier discomfort now a faded memory; gently stroking his cheek with her fingertips, she brushed a kiss against his lips. It was moments like this that made her truly appreciate the love Mitsuhide had for her. Some may call him a trickster, but as long as he continued to surprise her like tonight, he would be her trickster. 
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rikumorimachisgirl · 5 years
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Pretty smooth, Nobunaga... 💕💕💕
For Your Eyes Only Event
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krys-loves-otome · 3 years
Writing Summary of 2021
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Time again for my writing summary for the year! For last year's summary, check here!
Didn't do as many writing challenges as last year so the totals are gonna reflect that. Still, it was a pretty productive writing year, all things considered.
Let's crunch some numbers!
Posted Works to Ao3/Tumblr: 6
-Second Glance, Part 3 [Ikemen Sengoku, Hideyoshi x Preg!Reader, long fic]: 3,251
-Reunion [Midnight Cinderella, Alyn Crawford x Custom!MC]: 2,165
-Family [Ikemen Vampire, Arthur Conan Doyle x Preg!Reader]: 934
-I've Waited For This [Ikemen Vampire, Theodorus Van Gogh & Abigail Clarke (OC), Fictober 2021]: 2,702
-Fine, I Give Up [Ikemen Sengoku, Mitsuhide Akechi x Reader, Fictober 2021]: 942
-That Could Have Gone Better [Ikemen Revolution, Harr Silver x Madeline Fleming (OC), Fictober 2021]: 772
Total Word Count on Published Fanfics: 10,766
Posted Original Works: 0
Published Headcanons: 0
Published WIPs (That Were Written in 2021): 8
-Panic! In the Ballroom [Midnight Cinderella, Princess MC]: 165
-Future Daddy Shingen [Ikemen Sengoku, Shingen Takeda x Preg!Reader]: 665
-Kissings [Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Revolution, Ikemen Vampire, Mitsunari Ishida x Houki of Jiyel (OC), Kennyo x Ophelia of Revaire (OC), Harr Silver x Madeline Fleming (OC), Dorothea Reid (OC) x Theodorus Van Gogh x Arthur Conan Doyle, Abigail Clarke (OC) x Vincent Van Gogh]: 1,534
-Sebby The Magic Guardian [Ikemen Vampire, Sebastian x Reader, Fantasy AU]: 207
-Second Glance Pt 4 [Ikemen Sengoku, Hideyoshi x Preg!Reader, long fic]: 703
-I'm With You, You Know That [Ikemen Vampire, Dorothea Reid (OC) x Theodorus Van Gogh, Fictober 2021]: 578
-Comte for Fictober [Ikemen Vampire, Comte de Saint Germain x Reader, Cinderella AU, Fictober 2021]: 393
-Updated Houki and Nobunaga Playing Go [Ikemen Sengoku, Nobunaga Oda & Houki of Jiyel (OC), Fictober 2021]: 695
Total Word Count on Published WIPs: 4,940
Unpublished Wips (That Were Written in 2021): 6
-Suitors + Jealous of the Baby (IkeVamp Edition): 96
-Napoleon Bday Week (IkeVamp): 133
-Thea/Theo smut (IkeVamp): 55
-Self Indulgent Comte Comforting Your Homesickness (IkeVamp): 260
-Scene Rewrite of Shigezane's Epilogue (SLBP): 71
-Scene Rewrite of Masamune's Last Love Standing Video (SLBP): 448
Total Word Count on Unpublished Wips of 2021: 1,063
Essays/Commentary/Asks/Other Writings: 6
-Writer's Ask Meme: 578
-Fanfic Asks Themed Around Time: 321
-OC Naming Conventions: 431
-Houki Asks: 535
-Masamune Act 2 Summary (IkeSen): 2,854
-IkeSeries OCs Asks: 2,199
Total Word Count on Other Writings: 6,918
Total Word Count for 2021: 23,687
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2021 still had its problems, but I am glad we made it this far, and like last year, I hope to see everyone in 2022 and that it's better than ever.
See you lovelies next year!
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hideoutpastel · 5 years
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I have no idea why but I have a feeling like Adeline would roast Nobu on regular basis...
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amenomiko · 4 years
Masterlist 3
IkeRev MC and IkeSen MC’s Dilemma
Merry Christmas OC Photo
Sleeping MC vs Me
My Male Cos vs Fem Cos
Another Meeting of Cybird’s MCs
My random OC
Attack on Titan x Cybird’s MCs
Masamune with ‘Traveling the World’
Tall MC
IkeSen Lords to their Son and their Daughter(Situation 1)
Lords x Twerking
Lords x Among Us
Lords x MC’s Asshole Boss
White Day
Lords x Eevolutions
Lords... and Museum
Games & Challenges to Win Her Heart
Lords x Southeast Asian Cultures
The IkeSen Guys to A Crying Baby (Not Theirs)
Closet Pervert MC
IkeSen Daddies and Pregnancy Test
Meow Meow Lords and Cockroach
Meow Meow Lords
IkeSen Guys Reactions when MC Smacked their Butt Playfully
The Lords and Crane Game
His Reaction When She Sleeps in a Weird Position
Child Lord and Santa
Lords and Mistletoe
When IkeSen Daddies Change Diapers
IkeSen Lords Meets SLBP Lords
IkeSen Guys x Pokemon
MC Brought Gadgets from the Future 
His Vassal and Him
Secret Relationship (Mitsuhide and Kenshin)
MC that Hides Her Real Feelings (Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, Masamune & Shingen)
How He Acts Around Her When He’s Drunk (Hideyoshi, MItsuhide, Ieyasu, Kenshin)
Not to Make Her Worry (Ieyasu & Mitsuhide)
Comparison - SLBP Ieyasu’s Retainers Meet with IkeSen Ieyasu
Comparison - IkeSen & SLBP’s Nobunaga and Ieyasu
Comparison - IkeSen & SLBP’s Ieyasu and Mitsunari
Compete (Kenshin & Mitsunari)
Musical Theater MC (Nobunaga, MItsuhide, Kennyo, Shingen)
Humble MC (Nobunaga & Kenshin)
Lords and Waterpark (Ieyasu, Mitsuhide, Kenshin, Yukimura)
Lord Turned into a Child (Nobunaga, Ieyasu, Mitsuhide, Kenshin, Shingen)
MC didn’t Exist (Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, Shingen, Sasuke)
Hideyoshi babysit Mitsuhide’s Daughter
MC that can turn into a Tiger (Masamune x Shingen)
IkeSen Lords as Werewolves
Onmyouji MC
Mitsuhide that Turned into a Fox
Mitsuhide x MC went to Italy
MC that Afraid to Tell Mitsunari that She is Pregnant
Retrieve that Smile Again Part 2 (Ieyasu x MC)
Retrieve that Smile Again Part 1 (Ieyasu x MC)
Ieyasu’s NIghtmares and Good Dream
Ieyasu’s Birthday Special - That Love & Hate Relationship
Mitsuhide - 0, Kyubei - 1
Come Clean (Mitsuhide x MC)
If Only this thing Happen to Kenshin
Pampering the Bunny Lord
Belly Dancer MC
Monkey See Monkey Do
Single Mother MC with Twins (Kenshin)
MC that Sneezes like a Thunder
Happy Birthday Hideyoshi!!!
Helping Her With Rice
Living in an Apartment
Mitsunari and Standee
Pointing Game
It’s about the Sword
Stop Being Cute
Huge Storm
Sengoku High School Random Moments
Sengoku as High Society Workers
Ieyasu’s Version of Barney Song
Pick-up lines (Mitsuhide x Hideyoshi)
April Fool
Kind Poo is Kind
Azuchi Lots and MC During Dinner
Road Block
Purple Cucumber
Mitsunari as Secret Agent
Cleaning Day
Ice Lemon Tea
Mitsunari’s WiFi Password
Azuchi and Getting Old
Sweet Talk
Hideyoshi in a Nutshell
Mitsuhide as a Cat
Mitsunari in a Nutshell
Breakfast in Azuchi
NO! I love you MORE
Hideyoshi’s Route
Framed Ieyasu
Mitsunari as a Diligent Worker
Pool Game
Mitsuhide as Kindergarten Teacher
Mitsunari as Tour Guide
Went for a Swim
How to Stop Hideyoshi from Nagging
If Masamune + Mitsuhide Combined
Yukimura or Muramasa
Be Glad Our MC is not like this
OH Crap
Flirts Like Nobody’s Business
Endure Like Armpit Hair
Kasugayama and Getting Old
Sasuke and Bottle MIlk
Chestnut Bun
Kenshin and Cutting
Call of Nature. Yeah Right.
Oh, Murphy’s Law...
Dat Ass
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
Kenshin and Thumbprints
Yukimura vs Can Opener
Method to Hold in the ‘Need’
Giving Attention
Hotel..? Trivago.
Grass vs Yukimura
Petting Zoo
Lords x C*nd*m
Their Secret Time Together (Nobunaga x MC)
Anxiously Good (Mitsuhide x MC)
You and I Knew (Kenshin x MC)
Enchantress Specially for You (Yukimura x MC)
MC Flashing her Bewbs Challenge
Soulmates in Pleasure (Shingen x MC)
Missing One Another (Kenshin x MC)
He Might be a Man of Virtue (Hideyoshi x MC)
Accompany (Yukimura x MC)
Sway of Lavender (Masamune x MC)
Thanks to Compatibility (Shingen x MC)
Even an Angel Could Change (Mitsunari x MC)
Mutual Needs of Pleasure (Nobunaga x MC x Shingen)
His Reaction on Sexy Body MC (Masamune, Kenshin, Shingen & Yukimura)
Them x Toaster
Taking Care of Sick MC
IkeRev Army Guys Reaction when Watching Horror Movie with MC
Red Army (Only) to IkeSen World
IkeRev Guys Reaction to MC that Brought Lingerie and BDSM Items
IkeRev Guys Reaction to MC that Forgot to Put her Bra on
Red Army Crack
Sirius as Asian Mom
Choosing Anesthesia Method
Stepped on SHIT
Pain of the Singles
Haunted House
Nothing can make me Faint
If Kyle is in Black Army
Nightmare x Love Story
Breakfast with the Armies
Happy Insect
Reason for Lancelot’s High Fever
If Lancelot is a Cat
If Magic Tower is Genius
When MC Give Birth (Lancelot & Ray)
Sequel to ‘Endless Teasing’ a.k.a Papa Harr
Plus Size MC (Lancelot & Ray)
Jealous Harr
When She Feeds Him Food (Nobunaga, Mitsuhide, Kenshin, Ray & Sirius)
MC is Pregnant (Ray & Jonah)
MC as Underground Hero (Lancelot, Sirius, Oliver, Edgar, Harr)
Baby’s First Steps (Lancelot, Edgar, Ray)
Him and Jealous S.O (Ray and Lancelot)
Getting Caught When He’s Being OOC - Edgar
Getting Caught (In Loving Their Child and Getting Out of Character Secretly - Baby Girl) - Lancelot, Edgar, Ray, Oliver
IkeRev Guys Reaction When MC Tells Them She is Pregnant (Lancelot, Jonah, Edgar, Kyle, Ray, Harr, Oliver)
Endless Service (Lancelot x MC x Ray)
Secret Fantasy (Lancelot & Ray)
Got Walked In When... (Lancelot & Ray)
When She Called him “Daddy”
Endless Teasing (Harr & MC)
First Time in History of Their Love (Lancelot x MC)
Wet Dream (Lancelot & Ray)
That 1% Chances is the Winner
His First Play (Sirius x MC)
What Have You Done to Me (Sirius x MC)
7 Minutes in Heaven (Lancelot & Ray)
His Reaction when she Squirts (Lancelot & Ray)
Scandal with the King (Lancelot x MC)
When the Impossible IS Possible (Lancelot x MC x Ray)
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