spmarkedpark · 4 years
I got a question. Did you delete the discord server?
//o yeah um i decided to reod the server and shit 👉👈
itll be up and ppl can join when I get everything situated and stuff.,.,.,
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spmarkedpark · 4 years
is this blog still active? im excited to see what comes next!
//Yeah!! I’m just being stabbed by art block so im 🧍‍♀️ rn but!! Itll b back dont know when but it will :O!
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spmarkedpark · 4 years
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spmarkedpark · 4 years
I mean, Doesn't everyone have a little crush on everyone!
DOUGIE: ... Yeah. I guess your right. BUT STILL— You dont just reveal someones crush to others if they’re uncomfortable about it.
DOUGIE: I just. Ugh. Tricia, can we start this Ouija board thing?
TRICIA: Hm? Oh yeah, sure.
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spmarkedpark · 4 years
HEY KAREN want to hear about Dougie's SECRET CRUSH
KAREN: Huh? Um..
DOUGIE: NO- N, no she doesn’t
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DOUGIE: I don’t even know what you guys mean by ‘secret crush’,,,,,!!!!!
DOUGIE: I trusted with you guys about it what the heck,,!
DOUGIE: N-, Next!!!!
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IKE: What do you mean Doug? Karen wants to know about your little secret crush
DOUGIE: Issac.
IKE: Ike.
DOUGIE: Issac. I will kick you if you say one more word.
IKE: As if.
DOUGIE: ... Excuse me.
KAREN: ,,,, I.. I dunno. Thats his privacy,,,,, um.., Maybe later,,,?..
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spmarkedpark · 4 years
How much do you guys like each other? Platonic of course!
IKE: A lot!! As Tricia said before, we’re kind of like family except we aren’t actually family and more like a group of friends thats been together for who knows how long.
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spmarkedpark · 4 years
What are your guy's fears?
TRICIA: I guess I have a fear of heights
DOUGIE: Fear of spiders
KAREN: Fear of clowns,,
FIRKLE: Fear of conformists. Fucking hate them.
IKE: Fear that all the big tiddy goths are taken
FILMORE: Bold of you to assume I even ha v e a fear
TRICIA: Its death.
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spmarkedpark · 4 years
Tricia why did you hate Sally?
TRICIA: Why did I hate her?
TRICIA: Pfft- Shes simply bad person, she couldn’t get enough of Filmore simping for her she just *had* to convince Hannah to date Dougie in order to hurt him emotionally, draining him to the point where he doesn't even feel like hanging out with us cause he's tired by Hannah.
TRICIA: Not only that but she tells Karen these lies about us that sometimes she doesn't even trust us, which is so fucking weird because she always trusts us!! We’re like family and Sally is just this thing that tries to tear us apart one way or another
TRICIA: And maybe it's just me but, yeah...
TRICIA: But does anyone listen to me? Of course, they don’t.
TRICIA: It's frustrating and exhausting sometimes trying to explain to them how horrible she is. I’m pretty sure Dougie and Firkle agree with me but Ike, Karen, Filmore? I think they're really falling for Sally's antics and its just so annoying.
TRICIA: If she is dead. I’d be soooo happy,,
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spmarkedpark · 4 years
How close were you guys to Sally?
TRICIA: I wasn’t exactly close to her, I only allowed her to stick with us because of Karen.
DOUGIE: And because you aren’t the leader of the pack. Tricia never liked Sally for some reason, she doesn’t even want to talk about it.
TRICIA: Because that's none of your damn business.
DOUGIE: Yeesh- 
KAREN: I’ll. Take over. I was personally close to Sally, the others,, not so much. I do remember she came into class one day and just asserted herself into our lives. Although our lives are already crazy, the moment she walked into that door years ago was as if our lives had changed forever.
FIRKLE: That's. Deep Karen, holy shit.
KAREN: Huh? Oh, shoot. I’m rambling. Heh, my bad...,.,
FILMORE: Yeah, she just. Came in one day and nobody said a word about it. As if she was always here. And over the years she’s gotten pretty popular, we were considered ‘the lucky ones’ when Sally would hang out with us
TRICIA: Fil. Can you not? Use ‘we’ and ‘us’? I don’t want to sound like a bitch but you arent really in the pack?
FIRKLE: That sounds like your being a bitch.
TRICIA: Shut the fuck up. 
FILMORE: Haha, nope. I hang out with you guys almost all the damn time how am I not considered part of the pack?
TRICIA: That- Ugh. Yknow what. We’ll talk about this later.
IKE: Normally we’d end it there but really, if Sally is, in fact, dead, she did have a ton of ‘enemies’ at school though I don’ think they’d harm a fly. But she might've been nicer before but really shes like the Heather Chandler of our school with Hannah and Flora being the other two. She had bad blood with Jenny for some dumb reason but it was just petty drama over some boy or something
IKE: Sally would constantly shit on Jenny for some reason, but she totally changed during summer break. I dunno, I’m probably sounding really dumb right now its like.. Almost 1 am... H
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spmarkedpark · 4 years
Who are you going to talk to with the ouji boerd?
TRICIA: I guess we. Never answered this question.
FIRKLE: Huh. Well, the ‘spirit’ we’re trying to communicate with is an old friend of ours. Sally Bands.
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TRICIA: She went missing months ago, declared dead a couple days ago.
FIRKLE: So, in order to see if she is in fact dead, we’re going to use that ouija board to see if shes actually dead
TRICIA: I still think that board isn’t real..
FIRKLE: Quit being so negative.
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spmarkedpark · 4 years
TRICIA started up a blog with her buddies, DOUGIE, KAREN, FIRKLE, AND IKE. FILMORE was suppose to join them but according to IKW, he bailed out last minute. For the rest of the blog they were answering questions from the anons (some being Dougies crush on Karen, jokes that Tricia and Ike dated or are dating, and a fuck ton of people hyped about firen.). Thats pretty much it? In this continuation of the blog, the camera was fixed and FILMORE decided to join them!! So now here we are, answering plot related questions and moving on from this sleepover.
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spmarkedpark · 4 years
Wait, are the events of the previous blog still canon?
(OOC) Yep!! Just a continuation since I cant get on the account. I might do a summary of what happened in case people need to get caught up
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spmarkedpark · 4 years
(OOC) stupid thing but uh heres the a discord server for the uh au 👉👈  https://discord.gg/cZmjEkn
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spmarkedpark · 4 years
Who likes who? Spill the tea sis
KAREN: Huh... After all these years of being friends we never.. Knew who liked who. TRICIA: I mean, we dated, Ike and I dated, Doug dated Hannah. But as of right now, we dont really know?
DOUGIE: Can we. Not talk about Hannah?
TRICIA: Oh, right.. My bad.
KAREN: You guys are so secretive about Dougs past relationship with Hannah,, why won’t you tell us?
FIRKLE: Kare, if they dont want to say they dont have to.
KAREN: Right.. Well. Back to the question, I guess either we tell you guys ourselves or we kind of figure out on the way?
DOUGIE: I already told them my crush so it doesn’t matter.
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spmarkedpark · 4 years
(OOC) So apparently my ask box wasnt open whoop so I think it should be working now :D
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spmarkedpark · 4 years
TRICIA: Ugh, the camera isnt working. It keeps on turning on and turning back off.
IKE: Maybe we gotta get another camera?
TRICIA: At this tim-
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TRICIA: Oh. Huh. The camera is working.
TRICIA: Thats... Kinda suspicious...
KAREN: Who could that be?
TRICIA: Its probably Craig.
FIRKLE: Doesnt he have keys?
TRICIA: I dont think so, he probably left it in his room as usual.
TRICIA: I’ll go check.
DOUGIE: Jeez, so impatient. I’ll come with, I need a drink.
TRICIA: Alright then.
. . .
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TRICIA: Finally, took you long enough to find a drink.
TRICIA: What???
???: I dont think hes delighted to see me
TRICIA: Is he ever?
TRICIA: Quit looking so anxious, you look like your going to piss your pants.
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FILMORE: OH- Oh oh oh. Uh. Yeah. Whoops
DOUGIE: You finally pulled your weight and decided to join us?
TRICIA: Holy fuck Doug, no need to get salty on Filmore.
DOUGIE: I’ll say whatever I feel like saying.
FILMORE: Nah its fine.
FILMORE: Hes just jealous.
DOUGIE: Jealous of what exactly?
FILMORE: Jealous of my big co-
TRICIA: ALLRIIGHT— Lets just head back up and answer more questions
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spmarkedpark · 4 years
TRICIA: Is this working??? Uhh, I hope you guys can hear me...
KAREN: Is it working?
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TRICIA: I have no fucking idea.
FIRKLE: Fuck Tricia, have you never ran a tumblr blog?
TRICIA: No??? You guys said I should when you are the only one who runs a popular gore blog.
DOUGIE: Oh my god, can we just get this over with?
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TRICIA: Dont mind him, he has sand in his vagina at the moment.
TRICIA: Wow, you cant even say vagina
KAREN: Guys!! Lets just explain whoever is viewing this whats going on.
IKE: I’ll take it from here.
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IKE: Welcome sexys,
TRICIA: Dont say that ever again—
IKE: You are just jealous that you arent called sexy by me.
TRICIA: I’d rather kill everyone in this town than be called sexy by you.
IKE: Anyways!!
IKE: As you can see, me and my lovely friends, Tricia, Dougie, Karen, and Firkle (Filmore was suppose to come... But he bailed out last minute like a pussy) are going to use a luigi board.
KAREN: Isnt it called weegee board??
TRICIA: Its pronouned Ouijia Board.
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IKE: Yeah, that thing. Anywho, we’re going to use it and communicate with spirits around midnight-
IKE: Whiiiich is in less than an hour. Sooo.. To spare some time, I guess questions are open??
FIRKLE: This is so fucking stupid- We arent going to attract any attention through this
IKE: Thats why hashtags exists, Firk.
FIRKLE: Ugh.. Lets get this over with.
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