#nobunaga x oc
lausterdomyamong · 2 years
Collection of Various character x OC in Hogwarts au.
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Voyager - Masterlist
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Rating: Explicit Pairing: Oda Nobunaga (Ikemen Sengoku) x Original Female Character Characters: Oda Nobunaga (Ikemen Sengoku), Eri Davidson (Original Female Character of Color) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Slow Burn, Flirting (so much flirting), Teasing, Oda Nobunaga is a huge flirt and a huge tease, Angst with a Happy Ending, Pregnancy, Pregnant Sex, Slight Timeskip Near the End
The pain was crippling at first: a sharp, searing thing that seemed to be the only constant in her life for more days than she could count. It was like a tooth that had been pulled, leaving sensitive, exposed nerves behind. Waking her up in the middle of the night to remind her, to make her remember what she'd lost. Showing up to knock her down with random crying jags in the middle of the day. Her grief was overwhelming, overpowering... the only thing she could see for miles, for a very long time.
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A/N: I don't own these Ikemen Sengoku characters; they belong to Cybird. Some of the dialogue from the first chapters is taken directly from the prologue of the game.
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Chapter One: Kyoto Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Two: Waking Nightmare Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Three: Lucky Charm Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Four: Journey to Azuchi Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Five: The Chatelaine of Azuchi Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Six: No Easy Conquest Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Seven: A Special Event Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Eight: A Familiar Face Tumblr | AO3
Chapter Nine: Coming Soon*
*I am in the process of putting all of my fics from AO3 onto Tumblr. Chapters of this fic will be posted to Tumblr as I have time to add them, but you can read the story in its entirety on AO3.
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oigimi · 1 year
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my blog is about posting content no human being on earth other than me would find entertaining. on that note here is nobunaga and my oc andy if they had cringe 2013core lock screens of each other
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(so ummm the Microsoft ai chat came up with some canons about Vida for some reason. and it looks like she needs a huge update now!)
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so far so good....
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ok so apparently she has a scar now so that's one update i got to make
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ok i can see her doing that.
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Nobunaga thinks she is annoying and loud lamo!!!!!
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so this is her Nen? i don't believe it!
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maybe she when by herself looking for cards
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maybe watching from behind tho
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Izunavi knows Phinks?!?!?!?!?
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pffffff lol
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so her ture love is Feitan and not Shalnark!!
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more is coming soon!!!
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shalscumbunny · 4 months
hi omg i love ur writing sm! i was wondering if you could just write a small story about shalnark getting jealous ? :) it could be for whatever reason or maybe because his s/o kept hanging out with the other troupe members for too long 😭 thank you in advance 💖💖
I hope you like it and everything is fine, I think I made it too short, with too much fluff, maybe even half OC… I hope you like everything!
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Jealous boy | Jealous! Shalnark x Reader
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Summary: Shalnark's beloved Y/N does a couple of extra jobs for the Gen'ei Ryodan and he can't help but get jealous.
Pairing: Shalnark X GN!Reader
Warnings: Shalnark being a needy, jealous, adorable little baby of 180 cm.
Author’s note: I always mention it in all my writings in English, but better safe than sorry, English is not my native language so it is very likely to find many mistakes and also that I know practically nothing about writing "X character and Y/N"
Sites: AO3
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Shalnark is a conceited and jealous baby, in fact he likes that you pamper him and your attention is 1000000% focused only on him, he was completely proud that his girlfriend was useful to Gen'ei Ryodan, although it hurt him that you would give him less attention.
Your Nen skill is not very complicated, you can simply see the age of the objects and thanks to that avoid falling into the theft of false and worthless objects.
He was happy, I mean he was when Chrollo offered to give you temporary jobs to help them, what he didn't expect was that he would send you to search for the treasures with other members of the Ryodan other than him.
His brow furrows and his cheeks puff out slightly when he sees you chatting happily with Nobunaga or helping Feitan remove dirt from his umbrella, it's like an anvil falls on his head.
One day Phinks was eating one of the cookies you brought before going out in search of a necklace that he had been trying to steal for a couple of days, but he felt like he was being watched. While he was eating next to you, Shalnark's eyes were observing him penetratingly, almost not even was blinking.
"Don't you have the feeling that someone wants to kill you with their gaze?" Phinks asked you while your mouth was full of cookies, so you shook your head.
Of course, Shalnark never thought of sabotaging you, but a somewhat sadistic and childish giggle formed when he came up with little ideas to embarrass his friends in front of you.
He was simply watching from a distance when Nobunaga's sandal flew out of nowhere and he fell on his face without you being able to help him.
When you arrive somewhat confused and holding back your laughter at the Ryodan shelter, Shalnark is waiting for you there, with that innocent and sweet expression, it doesn't even seem like he would be capable of killing a fly.
"How did it go? Everything okay?" He asks and then picks you up, spins you around in the air a couple of times and kisses your lips briefly.
"Good!" You respond a little blushing as he lowers you to the floor. "I just felt sorry for Mr. Nobunaga, he slipped and hit his face."
"Really? What a shame!" Shalnark feigned pity and surprise, but something in his expression gave it away completely, making you raise your eyebrows.
You soon took his hand leading him to an empty room and cupped both of his cheeks in your two hands.
"What did you do?" You asked with a somewhat serious but calm voice.
"I don't know what you're talking about," he lied, pretending to be indignant.
A small smile appeared on your lips, he was adorable even pretending to be offended and you knew him like the back of your hand.
"Are you jealous, Shal?" You asked bluntly.
"No" He lied, denying you his gaze.
"Aww!!! You're super jealous!!!" You laughed hugging him "But why? Did I do something to upset you?"
Shalnark didn't even have a chance to react, he just snuggled into your hair and hugged you.
"No... it's just... what if you think the other members of the Gen'ei Ryodan are cooler than me? What if you want to leave me!?" He said nervously clinging to your body.
You couldn't help but be moved by his words and you stood on tiptoe to kiss his right cheek repeatedly.
"To me you will always be the most amazing, smart, handsome and charming member of the Gen'ei Ryodan" You said affectionately.
"You promise?"
"I promise, jealous boy" You said softly, delicately kissing his lips.
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Thanks for reading this shit 🤍
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the12thnightproject · 14 days
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Chapter :  The Kitty Equivalence - Mitsunari’s strategy for affection confuses Okatsu, while Shohime’s scheme to avoid marrying the daimyo ... could use some work.
Mitsunari x OC; Nobunaga x Mai
Previous Chapter
Logline - In order to protect a political alliance, Katusko and Mitsunari must pretend an engagement. But this “all business” arrangement is threatened by a coup against Nobunaga… and by feelings.
From the Military Notes of Ishida Mitsunari…
Decision-making occurs in a recurring cycle of observe-orient-decide-act. An entity (whether an individual or an organization) that can process this cycle quickly, observing and reacting to unfolding events more rapidly than an opponent, can thereby "get inside" the opponent's decision cycle and gain the advantage.
Personal Comments: When Kitty first appeared in the gardens of Azuchi, she wanted nothing to do with me. I set out food out for her every day, until finally she allowed me close enough to touch her. I discovered that if I brought a temari ball or a bit of string out to the garden, she would enthusiastically jump at the string and chase after the ball (side comment: was unsuccessful in teaching her to return ball).
Eventually Kitty followed me inside and slept in my bed. Conclusion? Food + Play = Affection.
Might not this calculation be similar for a human female?
Okatsu eats.
Okatsu likes games.
Feeding and playing with Okatsu, should result in affection.
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I slept better than expected after my nightmare and only woke up at the sound of a rattle of dishes. In the light of day, my fears always seemed ridiculous and in my residual embarrassment, I considered pretending to be asleep, but the noise got closer. Cautiously, I peeped through half closed eyes to see Mitsunari setting a tray of food on the floor between the cushions.
“Breakfast in bed?” I asked before I could censor the modern out of my speech.
“Oh? Do you want me to put the tray on your futon?” Mitsunari picked up tray again, and I stopped him to prevent breakfast on bed.
“Thank you, but no. It was just an expression.” I scooted to the edge of the futon and examined the tray… and… Wow… that was a lot of fish. “Thank you for bringing it into the room.”
Since today’s agenda had Mitsunari meeting with Hideyoshi and Nobunaga in the archives room, I’d expected to have to hunt down the kitchens for a tray. It was sweet of Mitsunari to feed me before he left.
Ah, hot… tea? Huh. Nothing was coming out of the pot. I peeked under the lid – it was packed tightly with the tea leaves. Right. Masamune had warned me about Mitsunari’s tea making skills (or, lack of said skills). “It just needs to steep a bit longer.” I’d get rid of it after he left.
Mitsunari hovered anxiously over me.  “Is it to your liking? If you want anything else, like a bowl of milk, I can get it.”
“It’s all good.” A bowl of milk? Though I was getting better at understanding the Mitsunari-isms, that one was a head scratcher. Mentally shrugging, I mixed some of the fish in with the rice and… Mitsunari was … watching me. No… he was studying me. “Will you be eating too?”
“It’s nice of you to ask, but I have already eaten.” He continued to stare at me, and I could almost hear his internal circuits whirring.
Fine then. But it was freaking me out to be the only one eating. “If you want to read, I don’t mind.” Stop looking at me. I took a tiny bite, hyperaware of what I might look like chewing. Finally, I could stand it no longer. “It’s getting late… you don’t want to keep Nobunaga and Hideyoshi waiting.”
Looking startled, he leaped to his feet. “You are correct. I will see you in the archives later.”
Once he was gone, I hurried to finish what I could of the food, then decided to use the early morning time to get in some archery practice, as, according to the maid I flagged down, there were targets set up in a clearing beyond the courtyard.
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It wasn’t a great course for distance, as there were too many trees on the far end, but perfect for accuracy, and I was enjoying the peace and quiet and steady whump of my arrows, when Shohime joined me. As always, she looked like she had stepped out of a fashion magazine, had such a thing existed in this era. She was followed by one of Mozumi’s pages, who glared at me, either for daring to sully the presence of the Princess’s perfection, or because my existence was making her unhappy.
Unlike the page, Shohime was perfectly polite. “Is the training course to your liking?”
“Yes, the targets are well set up. Nice variety of sizes. Thank you.” A perfectly polite answer to a perfectly innocuous question. She was probably building up to something else.
“I think so too.” She set up and immediately hit every target with nearly as much accuracy as I had.
Ooh. It is so on.
I had been considering packing up and leaving her to it, but this was not a challenge I could back away from.  I went through a speed round and hit every target dead center. Ha! Take that Princess Perfect!
The page glared at me. Yeah. I ought to have let the princess win, but that’s a dangerous precedent. I wouldn’t want my muscles to get into the habit of missing shots.
Shohime stared at me for a long moment, then also performed a speed round. Her accuracy rivaled my own on the closer targets, but her distance shots weren’t as consistent. She side-eyed me as she waited for her page to bring back our arrows.
Hm. I could take a few steps backward and increase the distance, but I sensed that what Shohime really wanted was to talk to me… and that was confirmed when she turned to the page. “Maru, please leave us.”
He did, but not without a final glare in my direction.
Right. I waited patiently for her to state her case. Was she going to warn me away from her man? Break into a chorus of Jolene? Go mafia princess and make me an offer I couldn’t refuse? Would I wake up tomorrow with Moonlight’s head next to me on my futon?
She threw herself into my arms. “Lady Okatsu! You’ve got to help me!”
Ok. I hadn’t expected something this… wet. Where was Mai when I needed her? She might be better suited to dealing with an overemotional teenager. “Um, Shohime… shhhh… here… use my handkerchief.” I awkwardly patted her on her back. “What’s wrong?”
Her sobs grew louder.
What… what if something is really wrong? Just because she was still half a kid at seventeen didn’t mean there weren’t real world problems she was dealing with. “Are you in danger? Or… in trouble?” Was… she pregnant? Pregnancy would explain why her father was so desperate to have her engagement to the Tsuruga daimyo confirmed.
“Noooo.” She pulled back finally and looked at me with glistening eyes – Mai was right, Shohime is a pretty crier. “You’ll think I’m being a child, but you’re so smart and strong and brave.”
“You think so?” We’d just met. Sure, I like to think I’m smart and strong and brave but is it that evident to a stranger? Maybe it was.
“You must be. You’re old, Lady Okatsu, and you managed to avoid getting married until now, and now you’re engaged to someone as nice and beautiful as Mitsunari.” That last bit ended up as a wail.
I forced myself past that, because… “Shohime, is your fiancé abusive to you?”
Blink. Teardrop. Blink. Blink. There were tumbleweeds where her brain cells ought to be.
Sigh. “Is he mean to you?”
She sniffled. “He’s nice. He isn’t an ogre. Lady Yone thinks he’s terribly handsome and that I ought to be grateful that he has hair and teeth. But he’s older – like you. And he’s not Mitsunari.” The wail was back, as she said Mitsunari’s name at a decibel and pitch that likely broke glass somewhere in the castle.
I patted her on the back while she continued to sniffle. “I feel so guilty because he is so nice… he smiles at me all the time, but I don’t want him. I want Mitsunari.” Wail. Dogs were probably barking across the country. To be honest, I bet she could give Fume a run for her money.
Sniffle. Wail. Hiccup. Wail.
Well. Now she was just being dramatic.
It sounded like her fiancé was acceptable, albeit slightly out of her preferred age range… and possibly unexciting. But given who Mozumi could have chosen, she ought to count herself lucky. And… my job was to keep her away from Mitsunari, so I wasn’t going to help her with him. On the other hand, if I didn’t at least agree to find a solution, I was likely to be stuck patting her back all day. If she didn’t stop crying, I might even drown. “I’ll try to think of a way to help.”
She looked so immediately relieved and happy that I felt guilty, given that the odds of me being able to help her were pretty low. After all, what sort of future was there for her except for the one she had been raised and trained for? Accuracy in archery aside, I couldn’t see her crossing the country as a courier the way I did. True, I hadn’t been that much older than Shohime was now when I started working for Aki… but I’d had gymnastics and freerunning training already… and … well, Toshiie and I had pretty much raised ourselves. I had never been a pampered princess.
“Thank you, Lady Okatsu. I am certain that if you say you agree to the plan that Hideyoshi and Nobunaga will be happy for me to marry Mitsunari, too.” She gave me the puppy eyes, but they had no effect on me because my brain had needle scratched on “too.”
I must have looked appalled because she added quickly, “Don’t worry. I would be happy to be the second wife and leave you in charge of household duties. In fact, it’s an ideal solution as I imagine you’re too old to bear Mitsunari’s children.” She hugged me again and ran off.
What… just… happened?
I shook my head to clear it of the image of me as a house crone, bustling around to make things easy for Mitsunari and Shohime, their three adorable babies and forty kittens.
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My archery zen spoiled, I packed up my things and head back to the castle. As I passed through the main entry, I caught a movement on the staircase. Looking up, I saw Lady Yone watching me. She inclined her head, and I got an ice cream headache from the look on her face. Brrr. I bowed briefly in return and hurried to the archives.
I timed my entry well, as Nobunaga and Hideyoshi had just finished prioritizing which books they most wanted Mitsunari to read. I stood in the doorway watching, wondering if I was indeed closer to Hideyoshi and Nobunaga’s ages than I was to Mitsunari’s. Maybe? Or maybe he just looked younger and more innocent next to them.
Nobunaga noticed me first and held up a book. “Okatsu, Mitsunari tells me that you’re practicing your Portuguese. Instead of reading poetry, would you do me the favor of translating this book?”
He opened it up and handed it to me. It took me a moment of squinting at the text to conclude I would not be able to translate it. I flipped to the cover to confirm my suspicion. “This is in Italian, not Portuguese. The languages are similar, but not close enough that I’d even begin to be able to translate it beyond a word or two here or there.”
“Ah. A pity. I shall have to wait until it is available in Japanese. Or until I can acquire an Italian.” (I think he was joking. Maybe.) He put the book back on the shelf, and I was very glad it was not available to him. Nobunaga and Machiavelli would have been a dangerous combination.
He bowed and left us alone…
… with Hideyoshi.
Mitsunari settled happily down with what seemed like a thousand pieces of paper, while Hideyoshi loomed over me. “Where were you this morning?” He sounded just like a school administrator scolding a truant… I ought to know. I’d been a truant often enough.
“Keeping Shohime occupied on the archery field.” I settled down with the poem in my lap like an obedient little princess. “She is still… fixed on the idea of Mitsunari.”
The man in question didn’t even twitch at the sound of his name. He was already deep into his work.
“I don’t understand why.” Hideyoshi sounded like he was talking to himself.
Really? Way to diss your own vassal, Hideyoshi. “He’s smart, kind, young and attractive. Why wouldn’t she?” I shot another look at Mitsunari, who was smiling happily, beautifully over his book, oblivious to everything from the topic of conversation to the stultifying heat of the room. I picked up the poem and fanned myself with it.
Hideyoshi’s hands tightened on the scroll he was holding. He set it down. “I’m aware of that. However, Shohime’s fiancé is said to be all of that as well.” He reached over and plucked the poem out of my hands. “This is a book. Not your fan – which you appear to have left in your room.”
Oops. I had. Well. Too late for that now. I pushed the conversation away from Hideyoshi’s favorite ‘let’s criticize Katsuko’ topic. “You mentioned that she’s had a crush on Mitsunari since last summer. Maybe she’s not ready to give that up. Sometimes people can’t help wanting what they cannot have.”
“I know that.” Hideyoshi’s mood altered in a flash. He handed the book back to me, then straightened his spine and marched out of the room. Crap. I had forgotten his feelings for Mai.
Glancing at Mitsunari, I wondered how much, if any, of that he had heard. His mild gaze was already fastened on me. So… a change of subject was needed. I gestured to the stack of books in front of him. “They want you to read all of these books while we are here?”
“Yes. It’s wonderful.” Mitsunari smiled like Nobunaga had just given him a box of kittens. His enthusiasm for the task made me laugh. “Why are you laughing?”
“No reason. You seemed so happy it made me want to smile too.”  I’d had a mental image of Mitsunari sitting in a box with kittens climbing all over him – my brain filed that as cute overload. But I would keep that to myself.
“Interesting.” He didn’t elaborate. Instead, he picked up a book and began his “homework.”
I made myself as comfortable as I could on a cushion a couple meters away and forced myself into that Portuguese poem. While I was glad Mitsunari had a task he enjoyed, this poem was not nearly that exciting. Face it, Katsuko, you’re not much of a reader.
Still, I managed to focus and once I got into the rhythm of the language, I found it less of a slog. It was no “Song of Ice and Fire” but there were Gods and battles and sea voyages (I think) so there was that.
All was quiet, and peaceful, until--
A wadded up ball of paper landed in my lap. I looked at Mitsunari, but he was intent on making notes for Nobunaga. Had he meant to toss it away? Or was it a note?
I uncrumpled it – was blank. Flipped it over. Still blank. When I looked back at Mitsunari, his head was down, eyes focused on his task.
It was a mystery.
In case he wanted it back, I crumpled it up again and tossed it to him. My aim was perfect – it landed by his elbow. He didn’t acknowledge the paper, but the corner of his mouth lifted in a half-smile.
Shaking my head, I returned to the poem.
Twenty minutes or so later, the paper had returned to my lap.
Again, Mitsunari seemed oblivious to flying paper.
With a shrug, I tossed it back.
If it happened again, I would be ready for it. I pretended to be reading but kept my peripheral vision on Mitsunari. When the paper ball came at me a third time, I reached up and batted it out of the air. “Why are you throwing paper wads at me?”
“Do you not like it, Okatsu?” He frowned, and I felt guilty for asking.
“I neither dislike, nor like. I was simply wondering why.” Maybe he had overloaded that brain of his. “Do you need a break? It might be good for you to get outside for a little while.”
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The afternoon was as lovely as the morning. Hopefully the fresh breeze would blow away whatever fog that infected Mitsunari’s brain and contributed to the paper-tossing incident.
It looked like Hikosane had escaped his minders too. He was running around the courtyard with a temari ball, kicking it up into the air with his feet and knees, and laughing with kid-glee. Mitsunari nudged my shoulder with his. “We should join him – that looks to be fun play.”
Strange suggestion coming from Mitsunari, but it did look like fun, so I didn’t offer much protest. After all, healthy body, healthy mind, right?
Hikosane had invented a game with the temari that was somewhat like hot potato – whoever had the temari was ‘in danger’ as long as they were holding it. The object was to throw the ball to another player as soon as possible before you were caught by the others. It didn’t completely make sense – but the game had been created by a ten-year-old, so some allowance was needed. “I ought to have refined the rules more,” he said in that miniature adult way of his. “But none of my sisters will play with me.”
“None? There are more of them?” More Shohimes? That was… a frightening process.
“Yes. Shohime’s mother is my father’s first wife. She lives in Kyoto as part of the Emperor’s court. My mother was my father’s second wife, but she died when I was born, and I do not remember her. My four younger sisters are Lady Yone’s, who is my father’s third wife. Now second, I suppose.” He tossed the ball up in the air and caught it again.
As I said, the rules of the game didn’t make complete sense and although I couldn’t run as well in Okatsu’s kimono as I could in Katsu’s clothing, the modifications that Mai had designed at least let me move about relatively freely.
It came as no surprise to me that Mitsunari’s ability to aim was somewhat south of negative forty-two. His tosses got nowhere near the person he threw to, but that just added to the silliness of it. It went on this way for a good half hour or so, until I had the temari and Mitsunari ran straight toward me. I tossed it to Hikosane, but Mitsunari, distracted by the sudden appearance of Hideyoshi in the yard, was unable to stop his forward motion.
… and that’s how Mitsunari and I ended up in the ornamental fish pond.
Though to hear Hideyoshi tell it… it was my fault for encouraging the game to begin with.
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Awesome commissioned artwork by @fighting-and-drawing
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@katriniac @lorei-writes @bestbryn @lyds323 @briars7
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istanbulite · 11 months
Masterpost try #368
last updated: 9.6.2024
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Fave LIs in no order bc why not :
Lann (Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous)
Heinrix (Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader)
Casavir (Neverwinter Nights 2)
Alistair, Fenris, Blackwall (Dragon Age)
Garrus, Jaal (Mass Effect Trilogy)
Danse (Fallout 4)
Torian, Aric (Swtor)
Elliott (Stardew Valley)
Astraeus, Alain, Reiner, Nav, Darius (Lovestruck)
Asra, Julian (The Arcana)
Too many lol Friedrich, Liod, Chris, Andvari (Romance Club)
Cole (Blush Blush)
Hanzo (My Ninja Destiny)
Jumin Han, Zen (Mystic Messenger)
Lucifer, Mammon (Obey Me)
Masamune, Shingen, Nobunaga, Kennyo (Ikemen Sengoku)
Heath, Randal (Red Embrace: Hollywood)
Virion (Oathbreaker)
Hanzo (Nightshade)
Raze honestly all 3... (Demonheart)
Sirath (Demonheart the Ice Demon)
James (Tailor Tales)
...well -> (A Date with Death)
Zhu (Relics of the Lost Age)
Preston (Tin Star)
Tosh, Jun/ko (Samurai of Hyuga)
M, A (The Wayhaven Chronicles)
Lady Argent, Herald (Fallen Hero)
Hades (Fields of Asphodel)
Marco (Bloodmoon)
Flannan (The Good People WIP)
Blade (Shepherds of Haven WIP)
all of them Laurent (Perfumare WIP)
O, G, Sebastian (Infamous WIP)
Ash, Rin (Vendetta WIP)
S. Ryder (The Bureau WIP)
...all of them (Defiled Hearts the Barbarian WIP)
Playlists :
Astraeus (Astoria Fate's Kiss - Lovestruck)
Astoria MC (aka Eos just below)
Sails in the Fog (Romance Club)
Shepherds of Haven WIP IF
Infamous WIP IF Band
Mason (Wayhaven Chronicles)
Some of my OCs/MCs :
*Vorawin'ther Vandree 'Vora Winter' (Neverwinter/1/2, Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous — a drow in one and dhampir in the latter) #oc: vora, #oc: vorawin'ther
Anna Arslanowicz (Fallout 4) #oc: anna
Elnara 'Ellie' Krymsky (Saints Row) #oc: ellie
Balta Granar (Elder Scrolls Online) #oc: balta
'Lia' Shepard (Mass Effect Trilogy) #oc: lia
Valentina 'Tina' Ryder (Mass Effect Andromeda) #oc: valentina
*Ayka Delgerdzaya Aeducan (Dragon Age Origins #oc: ayka
Aurora Hawke (Dragon Age 2) #oc: aurora
Aisha Adaar (Dragon Age Inquisition) #oc: aisha
*Berra H'akan (my first bounty hunter, cathar, Mandalorian by birth, daughter of Clan H'akan's chieftain, Danyal) #oc: berra
Alma Ethelwulf (Star Ward the Old Republic, Zabrak Jedi Knight) #oc: alma
*'Nino Balkish' (Star Wars the Old Republic, Chiss Mando Bounty Hunter) #oc: nino
Kartili (Kelborn) 'Solus' (Swtor, Twi'lek ex-Mandalo Republic Smuggler) #oc: kartili
Cattie Pallas (Swtor, Cathar Jedi Consular) #oc: cattie
*Emija 'Prizrak' (Swtor, Chiss Republic Trooper) #oc: emija
*Eos Eremenko (Argent in fantasy settings) (MC of Astoria Fate's Kiss / Lost Kisses, various other interactive fiction, Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader & my WIP interpretation of the Titan with the same name) #oc: eos
*Ela Anka (The Arcana, Fictif & Choices stories + the MC of the WIP work Perfumare:Amalgam) #oc: ela
*Eve Mac Diarmada (Obey Me, Nightbringer & my interpretation of Eve herself) #oc: eve
* main or more developed™
Others :
Star Wars Clan H'akan (original Mandalorian clan settled on Werda, led by Danyal H'akan - also the father of Berra) #clan h'akan
Star Wars Clan Strillir (also my Mandalorian clan on Werda, led by Sidar Strillir) #clan strillir
ASOIAF House Dawnbreak (a semi-noble household) here
Cultist Simulator (Follower) OC here
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Homecoming, gen but Lucifer being Lucifer (OBEY ME)
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otomefoxystar · 4 months
Finding the Light - Chapter 9
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Pairing : Mitsuhide X OC ( Evelyn)
Genre : NSFW
TW : n/a
AN: This is a long chapter, sorry!
Walking carefully to Mitsuhide’s room, Evelyn gently knocked, holding the serving tray tightly in one arm so she wouldn’t drop it. “You may enter.” She slid the door open and walked into the room. As she put the serving tray on a nearby table, Mitsuhide looked up from what he was writing, still holding the brush between his fingers. He watched her as she turned to slide the door closed again.
“What is happening here?” Mitsuhide asked as he watched her turn around from sliding the door shut. “Drink with me? Mitsuhide felt the concern wrap around him as soon as the words left her lips. She definitely shouldn’t be drinking. With how small she had become, her tolerance wouldn’t be what she was used to.
He knew she had enjoyed drinking in the past when Nobunaga would have one of his big feasts, but she was never out of control; she always seemed to know her limit. “Why?” He asked, still holding the brush. “Why not?” She replied. Mitsuhide studied her as she sat at the small round table off to the side of his room. “Did today make you feel anxious?” He asked as she poured the sake in both the cups. “I’m relieved it’s over, is all.” He glided over to the table and sat where she had set his cup down.
“I know it was hard, but the important thing is you got through it. You didn’t panic. You didn’t shut down. You should be proud of yourself. You did well.” Mitsuhide took the cup and put it against his lips, taking a sip, but was surprised when Evelyn downed the drink in one gulp.
He wanted to voice his concern, but he had to slacken the ropes occasionally, and he poured the rest of the sake down his throat, matching her pace. Evelyn poured them another drink. They had drink after drink, both of them getting quite inebriated. Mitsuhide stuck a piece of cheese in his mouth, and Evelyn watched. “I am happy that you ate today.” She grumbled, “It was only one meal.” He finished chewing and swallowed; clearing his throat, he said. “It’s the most you’ve eaten since you’ve been here. It’s a good start.”
Mitsuhide swallowed the cheese. “Evelyn, why is it so hard for you to eat? You used to love food.” She looked down and tilted her cup so that the sake inside swirled. “Truthfully? It keeps me from thinking about what happened. The pain from the hunger helps me focus on something else.” Mitsuhide gently took hold of her hand to show his support. “We just need to find something else for you to focus on.” She looked up from the cup and at him. “I don’t know what that would be.” Mitsuhide squeezed her hand. “It might take some time, but I’ll help you figure it out, but you’re hurting yourself by not eating.” She sighed, “I know, and I feel it too. I’m not as strong; I’m always tired.”
Evelyn hadn’t opened up like this before. He was going to let her talk about whatever she needed to say. She looked away from Mitsuhide and out the window. Far away, further away than he could ever be. She was lost, and he wanted to bring her back.
As he watched her, he saw tears drip off her face and onto her hand. He immediately scooted closer to her and put his hands on her face to force her to look at him. His thumbs wiped her tears away as he held her face. “You don’t have to be brave in front of me, little one. I can see how much pain you are in.” Her eyes connected with his golden irises. He had a look of seriousness and determination in them. Something that told her that he wasn’t lying. He took a breath as her tears kept coming. “I cannot take your pain away, but I am here for you; I will keep you safe, and I will do everything I can to help you move forward so that you can keep on living.”Evelyn lunged herself onto him, wrapping her arms around his neck and sobbing into his chest. “They are still out there, Mitsuhide. What if they come looking for me? What if they find me?” Mitsuhide rubbed her back soothingly. “They won’t find you, Evelyn; even if your attackers tried looking for you here, they’d get captured and thrown into the Azuchi dungeons before they could put one foot on the property.” She took some deep breaths, and her tears finally ceased, but Mitsuhide continued his calming efforts.
“Mitsuhide, what does everyone think I’m staying here for?” He pet her head. “They know you are unwell and need to take some time for yourself, and I decided to stay here with you because I don’t trust that you won’t go snooping.” She lifted herself off Mitsuhide and looked at him, “They don’t know any of it?” He combed her hair behind her ear. “No, only myself and Ieyasu, and neither of us has said anything.” She exhaled with relief.
She sighed, and Mitsuhuide raised his eyebrows, questioning her. “What is it?” She swallowed and started fiddling with the sleeve of her kimono. “I want to get better. I want to face my fears. I don’t want to be weak anymore. I have one fear I can never face.” He knitted his eyebrows together. He hated it when she got down on herself, but being attacked had stripped her of everything but her bones. She was bound to get into her head on occasion. “There is nothing you can’t overcome; you are stronger than you think.”
She shook her head, “Not this.” He had an idea of what she was referring to, but he wanted to hear her say it. “And what may that be?” She lifted her head and took another drink. “Romance, intimacy … Sex. “Precisely as he thought. “That is going to take time; you will get there, eventually, when you’re ready.” She shook her head, “Who would want me after I’ve been tainted? Besides, I don’t want to be with anyone like that. I’ve accepted that I won’t have romance in my life.” Mitsuhide hadn’t expected her to be so honest with her feelings. It hurt his heart that she was so afraid of moving forward in that area of her life that she would accept being unhappy. Again, he is reminded that she has changed; the old her would have never accepted this. He has to stop comparing this new her to the old her and take her for what she is now.
“Is that how you truly feel? Everyone deserves love, especially someone like you. Everyone should be able to experience intimacy and sex. It is instinctual, human nature. We need sex as much as we need air to breathe.” She shook her head. “Not me, not anymore.” Mitsuhide took her hand, “Even a woman has sexual needs.” She shook her head in defiance. “I’ll help you face those fears if you’re ever interested.” She looked at Mitsuhide, afraid of what he was offering.
“Mitsuhide?” He gave her a gentle smile. “If you want, I’ll show you there is nothing to fear. If it’s too much, I’ll stop. I would never force or push you to do something you don’t want to do.” He looked at her thoughtfully. He wanted to convey that this was her choice. He combed his fingers through her hair, soothing her and trying to relax her. Then he kissed the top of her head, then her forehead. Then, the top of her hand, as his eyes met hers.
His lips were soft and warm; she had never considered Mitsuhide a gentle lover. She imagined him being rough and fast. Fucking for his own needs, never thinking about his partner. Then again, that’s how she always had sex. Fucking just to fuck and never really feeling that high.
He took her hand in his. “We’re friends, right? You know I won’t hurt you. You know I’ll respect you and your body. It’s a safe option.” He squeezed her hand. “I meant what I said. I will stop, no questions asked. No hard feelings. I’m doing this to help you heal, not to make you fearful. I expect nothing in return; this is for you and you alone.” Her mind was racing, and her heart was beating so fast she thought it might burst out of her chest. “Mitsuhide, I don’t think we should do this. I think we both had too much to drink.” He smiled, “You are probably right, but if the opportunity is there, sometimes we have to take it. What do you say, little mouse?”
She stared at Mitsuhide for a good thirty seconds, mulling over the offer he had given her. He looked sincere, but the one thing keeping her from saying yes was her fear. It was all about the fear. She didn’t want to live in the shadow of her fear anymore. “It’s okay to be afraid. Try with me, and if you can’t, then you can’t; at least you tried. That would be a step forward.” How did he always know what she was thinking? It was aggravating.
“Okay, I’ll try.” Mitsuhide combed her hair behind her ear soothingly. “Okay.” He said as he nodded, confirming her decision. He stood up and held out his hand for her to take. Reluctantly, she placed her hand in his, allowing him to pull her to her feet. Still holding onto her hand, Mitushide looked her over and saw the uncertainty written on her face.
Taking initiative, he picked her up, her legs draping over his arms. She yelped, not expecting him to pick her up. She grabbed the lapel of his kimono in an attempt to steady herself. She must have finally lost her mind completely. Was she genuinely going to allow Mitsuhide to drink in her body and make love to her?
He carried her over to the futon and laid her down delicately. After he removed his arms from under her body, he settled in next to her, turning on his side so that he could get a better view of her. He waited patiently, letting her get her bearings together. “It’s going to be alright, I promise.” She had a petrified look in her eyes, and Mitsuhide cautiously took her hand and rubbed her skin with his thumb. She looked at their connected hands, which had become a regular occurrence. “Then why is this so awkward?” Mitsuhide, still rubbing her hand, studied her.
She was nervous and tense, clutching the blankets and holding her breath. “Evelyn, take a breath. Just breath. You’re fine. You’re not in any danger. You are safe.” She nodded apprehensively. He put his hand on her cheek, turning her head to face him. “I’ve got you.” He said as he looked her over, tracing her jaw with his index finger. He smiled gently at her. He was stroking her long hair to ease her anxiety. Even this kind of intimacy was new to her. He was being so careful, so gentle.
Her cheeks were flushed, and she looked flustered and a bit confused. “I don’t know about this Mutsuhide.” His expression softened, and he put his hand on her cheek. “Look at me, Evelyn.” Her eyes connected with his, showing him her fear. “Let me show you what it feels like to be loved.” She bit her lip, “I-I’m not ready.” He stroked her hair lovingly. “You’ll never be ready if you refuse to try. You must move forward; you can’t live your life refusing to let yourself have intimacy or love. Be kind to yourself.”
She shook her head. “I don’t want to be in love.” Mitsuhide continued stroking her hair. “Maybe not right now, but you will.” He moved her hair to the side and gently kissed her neck. “Trust me,” he whispered lowly in her ear.
She was overwhelmed. Why was Mitsuhide doing this? “Relax, mouse. Focus on me. An immediate blush of embarrassment crossed her face. Mitsuhide smiled. “There you are. Mitsuhide kissed her forehead. “I will be here every step of the way. If you get scared, you can hold onto me as tightly as you need. We are going to do this together because that’s what sex is about. Togetherness” How had she never known he was so kind and caring? Still lying on his side beside her, she looked at him, and he gave her a tender smile, “Turn towards me.” He helped her turn on her side so they were facing each other. He reached between their bodies and took her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers. She watched him do so, and he was silent as she processed what was happening between them. He looked into her eyes and squeezed her hand as he caressed her arm lightly.
He bent his head down and kissed her neck again. He laid kiss after kiss down the side of her neck. Her heart was beating hard and fast. He kept dropping gentle kisses on her soft skin, making the tiny hairs on her skin rise. He pulled away from her neck. “I’m going to untie your obi; don’t be startled.” She squeezed his hand tightly and closed her eyes. “No, look at me. Focus on me. See that I am the one who is doing this. If you close your eyes, the fear might come back.”
She understood his point, so she opened her eyes, watching as he bent over her to maneuver her obi to loosen her kimono. He was so gentle, untying it with ease. He laid back down and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. He opened her kimono to expose her collarbones. He shifted his body, bringing her with him. She laid on her back with him above her, with a sweet smile on his face. He could see the uncertainty flash in her eyes. “You’re doing great,” He reassured her as he bent down to kiss her collarbones. His free hand explored her curves, sliding over her stomach, along her rib cage, just beneath her breasts.
Her chest heaved up and down, and she swallowed thickly. “Evelyn,” He said with his deep voice. “Are you with me?” She blinked as he paused to ensure she was alright. “Y-yeah.” He lifted his head so he was at her level. “It’s okay to be scared. If something becomes too much, you tell me as soon as it happens. Do you understand me? I do not want to be part of your pain.” She nodded. “Say it, so I know you understand.” He had to be sure she understood that she was safe with him and that he would never do anything to scare or hurt her. “I’ll tell you if it’s too much.”
His expression softened. “Good… How are you feeling right now?” She looked straight into his solemn eyes. “Scared and, uh, nervous.” Mitsuhide brushed her bangs back, trying to soothe her. “We’re going to go nice and slow, okay?” As he stroked her head, he looked dead into her eyes. “I’m going to undress you.” She began to understand that he was telling her what he would do to her before he did it, so she was prepared. Her eyes searched his with a conflicted expression on her face. “Talk to me.” He said in a soft tone. “How is this a turn on? I’m pathetic.” Tears filled her eyes, and she turned her head away. He placed his hand on the side of her face, forcing her to look at him. “You are desirable, Evelyn.” She pressed her lips together. “Don’t think about such things; I want to do this. I want you to feel the pleasure I’m going to give you.” She bit her lip, embarrassed by what he said.
He began to open her kimono, revealing her body, as he finally slipped the kimono off her. There were yellowing bruises and cuts that were healing on her body. She reflexively covered her body with her arms. He didn’t try to remove her hands, letting her hide her body.” You’re alright, focus on me.” She kept his face in her vision as she started shaking. “Evelyn, you are safe. I will not hurt you.” She was breathing hard, and panic was rising. He cupped her face, looking deep into her eyes. “Breathe. You’re okay.” She was listening, but the panic was uncontrollable. She started hyperventilating. “Okay, come here.” He sat back on his heels, bringing her with him.
He held her shaking form to his chest as he petted her head. “I’ve got you. He looked down at her, wiping her tears away. “I need you to take some breaths. Do what I do,” Mitsuhide said, taking a deep breath in and exhaling slowly. He kept doing this until she could finally copy him, their breathing in sync. “Good girl.” He connected his eyes to hers. “There you are.” He smiled at her, “You’re okay now.” He smiled that smile he only ever showed for her and leaned forward, lying her gently back down on the futon, her hair splaying around her. He once again tangled his fingers with hers, but he paused. “Would it make you feel less self-conscious if I undressed as well?” He asks, “Your body isn’t bruised and beaten.” She replies, and Mitsuhide shakes his head in disagreement. “Maybe not right now, but I have plenty of war scars. My body isn’t beautiful.” He didn’t wait for her to answer. He let go of her hand, stood up, and undressed slowly, taking each article of clothing off as she watched nervously. He pulled down his fundoshi, exposing his whole self to her.
He was not yet ready to be one with her, but he was letting himself be a little vulnerable, only to help her relax. He climbed on top of her. “Remember to focus on me.” His eyes took in her nude body. “you are most beautiful. Being complimented like that from him felt so good. “You’re drunk.” He chuckled. “So are you.” Then he kissed her neck and put his lips to her ear. “That doesn’t make you any less beautiful.” Her face heated up, her cheeks and ears turning pink. “And cute when she blushes.” Mitsuhide cupped her cheek, taking a long look at her. He never intended to kiss her to keep some semblance of friends and not lovers; instead, his primal desires took over all reasoning.
He leaned his head down and put his forehead against hers, looking into her green eyes. “May I kiss you?” She looked deep into his eyes, making him feel awkward as if she were looking into his soul. “Yes,” and with those words, their noses rubbed together as he positioned his mouth over hers. He pressed his lips against her full lips, feeling their softness.
Their eyes fell shut; his hand went into her hair, and her hands went to the back of his neck. He was gentle, taking his time, giving her peck after peck until he couldn’t contain his needs, and kissed her harder. He broke the kiss, and They opened their eyes silently, gazing at each other. Both realized that this was happening, and there was no going back. He returned to her warm lips, kissing her harder, their mouths moving together in unison. She sighed into the kiss, letting him slip his tongue into her mouth.
Mitsuhide had his fair share of casual flings, but never had he been this intimate with a woman. Mitsuhide wanted this for her, but somehow it had also become for him as well. His tongue tangled with hers as they both breathed heavily through their noses. He could feel his cock hardening as they continued to ravish each other’s mouths. Kissing had never turned him on this much before. He pulled away from the kiss, looked at her, and smiled. “Evelyn,” He said her name in a husky voice laced with desire. “I’m going to touch you.” She nodded in understanding, still feeling high from his kiss. He rubbed his thumb over her bottom lip and gave her another peck.
His hands went to her sides, feeling the curves of her body. Her hands were still on the back of his neck. Her hands found their way into his hair. He smoothed a hand over her stomach. He leaned down, kissing her chest sweetly and slowly, taking in the scent of her skin. He pulled away, looking at her while his hands explored her soft skin. His fingertips ran between her breasts, and her chest heaved harder. With calloused hands from years of using a gun and sword, he ran his fingers over her skin. With feather-light touches, he caressed the contours of both her breasts. Her pupils started to dilate, telling him that she was aroused. He gave her a mischievous smile as he placed his hand on one breast, kneading and massaging. Then, he began to caress the other side.
As he bent his head down, he licked her nipple with the flat of his tongue. She jerked, and he looked up, questioning her. “Uh, k-keep going.” He squeezed her arm in reassurance. Mitsuhide pinched her other nipple and rolled it between his forefinger and thumb. He circled her areola with the tip of his tongue, making her breath hitch. “mmm.” Pleased with the sound of her pleasure, he smiled. He then latched his mouth onto her nipple, pulling the flexible skin with his teeth. She looked down at him with heavy, lidded eyes as he switched sides to do the same thing.
As he released her nipple from his mouth, he looked at her. “How do you feel?” Her breathing came out hard and ragged. “Good, don’t stop.” He chuckled. “I wouldn’t dream of it.” He laid another kiss on her lips as his hand drifted down her body to her legs. With his other hand, he intertwined his fingers with hers. “Evelyn, keep your eyes open and focus on me.” He spread her legs further apart, and his fingers went down her leg, and she squeezed his hand tightly. His fingers slid into her labia. He stopped and looked at her. “Are you doing okay?” She looked apprehensive. “I’m scared.” He knew she was. “relax, breathe, and let me take care of you.” He said as he found her clit and put a little pressure on it. “Ohh, “Mitsuhide smiled, “Does that feel good?” She was breathing heavily. “Y-yes.” He began to move his finger in circles. She bit her lip, and as he looked at her face. Her eyes were clouded over with lust. He switched between rubbing and pinching her clit.
Her hips bucked up involuntarily; she was turning him on like nothing else. His member was fully erect and leaking. Then, he adjusted his position at her center. He lifted her legs over his shoulders and lifted her hips and put his face up to her core and licked up her clit up then down. She tilted her hips, needing more friction. He brought her clit into his mouth, sucking. Her moans were turning him on more and more. Her legs started to tremble, and her body began to tense. He pulled away from her needy core. To look at her, “Are you okay with me putting my fingers inside of you?” Her body paused with his question, and he waited for her answer. Finally, a soft “yes,” but with how meek her answer was, made him question her. “Are you certain? You don’t have to let me.” She cleared her throat. “I’m sure.” He reached up and rubbed her belly in reassurance.
He kissed the inside of each of her thighs. His mouth went back to her clit as he slowly pushed in a finger. She focused on her breathing and soon felt him add another finger. She was becoming so wet, but he wouldn’t comment. He wanted her to feel good. He curled his fingers inside of her and began pumping them as his tongue worked on her sensitive clit.
She curled her toes, and her thighs tightened around his head. Her back arched as her moans sang a beautiful song. He pulled away, cupped her cheek, and bent down, kissing her with a need that he didn’t know existed inside of him. He searched her eyes, then put her hips down and hovered back over her. He kissed her deep and slow, then looked at her. “Focus on me, see me, and feel me. I’m going to go slow; at any time, if you need to stop, then I’ll stop.” He kissed her nose, and then he sat back on his feet.
He put his hand around his throbbing member rubbing it over her clit, eliciting a sweet moan until he found her entrance pressing the head just barely inside. “Look at me.” She squeezed his hand tightly as he slowly pushed in. She felt so good, her walls stretching to allow him in. He pushed in further and further until he was fully inside of her, and he sighed from the delicious feeling of her; it took so much of his self-control not to pummel into her right then and there. Seeing the uncertainty in her expression brought him back to reality. “Are you still with me?” She took a breath she had been holding in and blinked. “I -I’m okay. I just need a minute.”
She squeezed his hand so tightly that her nails dug into his skin. He wanted her to feel comfortable, so he would patiently wait. “Whatever you need.” She swallowed, looking into his lust-driven eyes. She tried to imprint his features in her mind. Finally, She reached up for his face and traced his features with her fingers. She outlined his lips and put her hand on the back of his head, pushing him to her lips. It was a sweet kiss. Their mouths moved together, both melting into the other. Evelyn pulled back to look at him and cupped his cheek. “I’m ready.” Mitsuhide was sure that she needed reassurance that it was him who was inside her and not one of the monsters that assaulted her.
Mitsuhide put his weight on her so they were skin to skin. She reached for his hand, and they threaded their fingers together. With their bodies pressed together, Mitsuhide kissed her forehead. She looked at him expectantly, “don’t look away; keep your eyes on me.” he said lowly, and then he moved his hips, thrusting into her gently. Both of them started breathing heavily, and as he continued with the slow pace, sweet moans began falling from her lips. Likewise, Mitsuhide was sighing and grunting. “You’re doing so well.” He said as he looked at her flushed cheeks. "Kiss me, Mitsuhide.” He did, but it was sloppy and wet as they breathed hard into each other’s mouths. He broke the kiss and put his forehead on hers. He looked into her eyes and saw it the moment it happened. Something behind her eyes changed like a dark veil had been lifted. She took him in completely, letting the pleasure fill her up. She began rocking her hips in rhythm with his thrusts. She let go of his hand to feel his body. First, she held onto his strong shoulders, then she moved her hands to his back, dragging her fingers up and down his back, feeling his soft skin, touching the raised skin from his scars.
Mitsuhide had never been touched in that way before. It was electrifying. Evelyn put her hands on his biceps, and she could feel his muscles flexing as he rocked his hips into her. Getting caught up in the moment, Mistuhide nuzzled into her neck and kissed her there, then gave her a bite, leaving a nicely sized welt there. Both of their bodies were damp with sweat. Mitsuhide could feel her walls spasming around him. He put his hand between their bodies, finding her clit. “I’m going to make you come,” He spoke seductively. He began rubbing her clit in tight circles. He shifted positions, and the angle of his member hit a sensitive spot, and she cried out loudly. He was sure the whole manor could hear her.
Her toes started to tingle, and warmth radiated throughout her body. Pressure started building up. Something was happening to her that she had never felt before. “Mitsu-ahh.” He smiled and bent down to kiss her lips. Her grip on his arms tightened, and her nails dug into his flesh. Her legs began to tremble, and the pressure exploded, making her body stop moving altogether. All she could see was a bright white light, “Mitsuhide, mmmn, fuck.” Her walls clamped around his cock, squeezing it making Mitsuhide shudder. “That’s it come for me.” Mitsuhide slowed his ministrations but kept going to help her ride out her orgasm.
Evelyn blinked several times before her vision came back into focus, and her body, which had tensed during her orgasm, went limp as she caught her breath. He brushed her sweaty hair off her face. She leaned her face up, kissing him passionately, her fingers threading through his hair. He was so close, and she began moving her body with his again. How he wanted to ram into her in that moment and fuck her, but he had to let his needs fall back on the wayside. He would get there eventually. When she broke the kiss, she angled her hips in such a way that his pubic bone was hitting her clit with every thrust.
He noticed how her walls were fluttering again. He had planned on pulling out, but when her walls tightened around him yet again and squeezed his sensitive cock so deliciously, he had no warning before his essence spilled inside of her, causing him to tremble. He bit the side of her neck, then moaned in her ear as he came, and she could feel him expel his seed inside of her. Then his breathing evened out, and he leaned down, kissing her. When his cock softened, he slowly pulled out of her. As he broke the kiss, he searched her eyes. She looked utterly blissed out, making her look incredibly sexy. “How do you feel? “He asked, feeling concerned. “Really, really good. I’ve never had sex that felt that good.” Mitsuhide smiled, “neither have I.” He smiled and kissed her forehead. “I’m glad you’re satisfied.”
Mitsuhide rolled off of her and pulled the blanket over both of them, not caring that they were both nude. Evelyn turned to face him, and he intertwined his fingers with hers, holding her hand while he held her close as they slept. “Mitsuhide.” His eyes were already closed. “Hm?” She drew circles with her finger on his pectoral. “Thank you.” He opened his eyes and kissed the top of her head. “You are most welcome, little mouse. Now, let us sleep.
Next Chapter
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mynameiskan · 25 days
[Samurai Love Ballad: Party x OC]
My OC, Miki, is Nobunaga's friend. She is an introvert, grumpy and sassy girl. She is from a merchant family that sells cloth, female accessories and sweets. Miki is taking baking lessons from a nearby restaurant.
Nobunaga usually sneaks out of his castle and then takes Miki to play with the kids or simply goes to the outskirt to relax. Miki is always annoyed at his behaviour because she dislikes hang out with kids or random strangers (because she is an typical introvert).
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Nobunaga: Hey Miki! I've successfully escaped from Mitsuhide. Let's go to the river bank and play some games.
Miki: Gosh... Why do I have to do this?
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7 notes · View notes
not-krys · 6 months
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It's that time again! Time to count up all the words and reflect upon the past year.
And, friends, let me just say I'm really super happy with this years numbers, probably the biggest numbers I've seen in a long time.
This year, I had a new years resolution to post at least 1 writing thing per month, no matter its finished state, thus putting out a lot of WIP Wednesdays this year.
But, along with doing all those WIP Wednesdays, I found I was finishing more writing things this year because of it and... it's kind of amazing to see the progress across this year.
For previous Writing Summaries: 2020 2021 2022
For this year's art summary, click here!
And, as always, my masterlist, to see all my fics in one place!
Now, without further ado, let's crunch some numbers!
Posted Works to tumblr/ao3: 10
-The Traveling Adventures of Mister Fox and Miss Mouse [IkeSen AU, Mitsuhide x fem!Reader]: 986
-Happy Birthday, Vincent [Ikemen Vampire, Vincent x Abby (OC), NSFW]: 856
-Family Picnic [Ikemen Vampire, Vincent x Abby (OC)]: 1,021
-No Time [Ikemen Prince, Rio x Clara (OC)]: 1,110
-Bittersweet [Obey Me, Lucifer x Miri (OC)]: 1,975
-The Traveling Adventures of Mister Fox and Miss Mouse Part 2 [Ikemen Sengoku, Mitsuhide x fem!Reader]: 2,487
-Birthday Carrots [Ikemen Prince, Nokto x Clara (OC)]: 221
-Reaching Out [Ikemen Vampire, Vincent x Abby (OC)]: 2599
-Kitchen Talks [Obey Me, Solomon & Miri (OC)]: 1,050
-First Kicks [Ikemen Vampire, Vincent x Abby (OC)]: 1,649
Total Word Count on Published Fanfics: 13,954
Published WIPs (That were written in 2023 or Updated in 2023): 19
-Starvation [IkeSeries OCs; Houki, Abby, Maddie, Clara, Ophelia]: 1,716
-Love [IkeSeries and Obey Me OCs]: 2,449
-Grey [Ikemen Vampire; Shakespeare, Vincent x Abby (OC)]: 391
-No Time [Ikemen Prince, Ikemen Vampire; Rio x Clara, Arthur x Thea (OC)]: 1,012
-Nurture [Ikemen Revolution; Harr x Maddie (OC)]: 588
-Nurture [Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Vampire; Houki (OC) x Mitsunari, Ophelia (OC), Theo and Arthur, background Vincent x Abby (OC)]: 2,020
-Father [Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Vampire, Ikemen Prince, Obey Me; Houki (OC), Thea (OC) x Arthur x Theo, Vincent x Abby (OC), Clara (OC) & Mr. Akatsuki, Miri (OC) and Lucifer]: 2,375
-Flowers [Ikemen Vampire, Ikemen Revolution, Ikemen Prince; Abby (OC) & Vlad, Maddie (OC) & Loki, Clara (OC) & Silvio]: 1,227
-Introduction [Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Vampire, Ikemen Prince; Nobunaga & Houki (OC), Vincent & Abby (OC), Nokto & Clara (OC)]: 1,137
-Are You Challenging Me? [Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Vampire, Obey Me; Nobunaga & Houki (OC), Arthur & Isaac & Abby (OC), Lucifer & Miri (with minor appearances of other obey me characters]: 855
-Askbox Trick or Treat [Obey Me; Lucifer]: 254
-Askbox Trick or Treat [Ikemen Sengoku; Mitsuhide]: 157
-Askbox Trick or Treat [Ikemen Sengoku; Masamune]: 373
-Perfect Strangers [Ikemen Vampire; Comte]: 839
-Abandoned [Ikemen Prince, Obey Me; Clara (OC) & Rio, Leviathan & Miri (OC)]: 1,358
-Nobububu 2.0 [Ikemen Sengoku; Nobunaga]: 636
-Diavolo and Miri Snippet [Obey Me; Diavolo x Miri (OC)]: 389
-Unfinished Fictober 2023 Houki and Mitsunari [Ikemen Sengoku; Mitsunari x Houki (OC)]: 216
-Sugar and Spice and…? [Ikemen Vampire; Comte x Leonardo x Preg!Reader, NSFW]: 1,127
Total Word Count on Published WIPs (That were written or updated in 2023): 19,119
Unpublished WIPs (that were written in 2023): 1
-A Second Glance Part 5: 1,147
Total Word Count on Creative Works for 2023: 34,220
Essays/Commentary/Asks/Etc: 21
-Ikemen Series Tier List: 225
-Fanfic Writer Asks (Lorei): 371
-Three Characters, One Number Ask (Lorei): 722
-Fic Writer Asks (Lorei): 679
-Fanfic Writer Asks (Emojis, Lorei): 295
-Fanfic Writer Asks (Emojis, Mo): 248
-Let's Get Real Fanfic Writers (Lorei): 396
-Let's Get Real Fanfic Writers Asks (Scummy): 520
-Who Do You Ship Me With (Mo): 82
-Why Do You Follow Me? (Lorei): 512
-Character Opinion (Lorei): 317
-Fanfic Writer Emoji Asks (Mo): 468
-4th Anniversary Questionaire Ikevamp Edition: 1252
-OC Number Asks (Anng): 728
-Send a 💌 and I'll tell you something I love about you (Lorei): 78
-Writer's Truth or Dare (Scummy): 226
-Different Universe, Same Universe 2023 Ask (Julie): 154
-Napo Birthday Asks 1: 160
-What Ideas get completed and posted? (Scummy): 199
-Getting a comment on my old fic: 214
-Uncommon Questions for Your OCs (Houki and Clara, original and my reblog): 799
Total Word Count on Essays, Commentary, Asks, etc: 8645
Total Word Count for 2023: 42,865
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Thanks for all the good times this year and I hope we can bring this kind of energy into the new year too!
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Voyager - Seven
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Rating: Explicit Pairing: Oda Nobunaga (Ikemen Sengoku) x Original Female Character Characters: Oda Nobunaga (Ikemen Sengoku), Eri Davidson (Original Female Character of Color) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Slow Burn, Flirting (so much flirting), Teasing, Oda Nobunaga is a huge flirt and a huge tease, Angst with a Happy Ending, Pregnancy, Pregnant Sex, Slight Timeskip Near the End
Previous Chapter (Six): No Easy Conquest | Next Chapter (Eight): A Familiar Face
Chapter Masterlist
"Valerie, you should know that I never say anything I don't mean."
She glares at him.
"Calm yourself," he laughs. "It isn't as if I've never seen a naked woman before."
Read on AO3
“You did well today.” The Lord of Azuchi says the words as he helps her dismount from the pretty chestnut mare she’d chosen for her riding lessons. “How do you feel, having completed your first lesson?”
“Like I’m going to be really sore tomorrow morning,” Eri laments. “I can already feel the tightness in my legs.” 
“A soak in the baths tonight will ease the soreness,” he tells her, leading the horse back to the stable to brush and feed it. 
“Baths?” Eri raises an eyebrow, unsure if she’s heard him correctly. 
“Mm.” He grunts in response, his attention focused on the horse. 
“Wait… you did say ‘baths’, right?” She shakes her head. “As in, baths?”
He looks up at her. “I didn’t think there was anything unclear in what I said.”
She squeezes her eyes shut tightly. “You mean to tell me,” she starts, “that there have been baths at Azuchi all this time?” 
This seems to amuse him. “They were there before you arrived, and they will be there after you leave.”
Exasperated, she clicks her tongue. “No one told me!”
“I just did,” he replies simply. 
“Where are they?”
“Not far from here.” He motions vaguely toward the area behind her. At Eri’s blank look, he sighs. “Help me feed her,” he starts, motioning to the horse, “and I’ll show you where they are.” 
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” She murmurs the words, her eyes taking in the sight in front of her. She turns to him, incredulous. “I can’t believe this has been here the whole time, and I’ve been wasting away in my room wishing for a hot bath where I could soak.”
“Why did you never ask?”
Because I’m a moron. Eri shakes her head. The maids must think I’m a nutcase. “Because I just… I guess I just didn’t think to,” she admits. “No one ever offered me anything different, so I didn’t know another option existed.” 
He cocks his head to the side curiously, studying her. “Surely they have baths where you’re from.”
“Actually---” She stops herself. “You know what? It doesn’t even matter.” She shakes her head again. “So it’s alright for me to use this tonight?” 
“As much as you like.”
“I get to wash my hair,” she croons happily. 
“Is that a special event?” 
This makes her laugh. “You have no idea.” 
“Well then,” he says thoughtfully, flashing her a smile. “Perhaps I shall come by tonight and observe this special event for myself.” 
Is he… serious? Before she has time to contemplate it further, he has turned on his heel and is walking away from her. 
“Lady Eri,” Haru calls from the other side of the shoji. “I am here.” 
“Oh, Haru,” Eri calls back, as she gathers her clothing into a bundle. “Come on in.” 
“I’m sorry for the delay,” Haru apologizes, bowing low as she closes the shoji behind her.
Eri waves a hand. “No, it’s alright. I just wanted to see if I could get your help with something.” 
“Anything,” the young lady smiles. “I’m here to serve you, My Lady.”
I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that, she thinks, shaking her head. “Tomorrow morning, before tea with Yasuke-San and his family, I’d like to go into town to buy a few things. I’ve already spoken to Ishida-San, and he’s given me a list of places I might find what I need and the money with which to buy them. Would you be available to go with me?” 
“Of course,” Haru beams at her. “I’m so glad you asked. There’s a new vendor I heard about who has the loveliest hair pins. I’d like to go see for myself, if we have time.” 
“I think we can arrange that,” Eri smiles. “I’ll send for you mid-morning, if that’s alright.” 
“As you wish, My Lady.” She bows once more before leaving the room, and Eri turns her attention back to gathering the clothing she needs for her trip to the baths.
If there is a more luxurious feeling than the one she is experiencing now, Eri has yet to find it. 
She sighs in contentment as she lowers herself into the steaming water. The baths at Azuchi are laid out much like the more modern ones that she has seen occasionally during her time in Japan, and she is grateful that just like those modern baths, there is an area for her to clean her body and hair before soaking in the steaming hot water of the large bath. She has purposely waited until late in the evening, when most of the estate’s residents have retired for the night. Her patience has served her well, as the baths are deserted by the time she gets there. 
I haven’t felt this clean in days, she thinks to herself languidly, watching the steam rise over the surface of the water. She submerges her head, re-wetting her hair before reaching up to grab her comb and oils. She has just started working the camellia oil through the first section of her hair when she hears his voice.
“It appears I have arrived too late to witness the beginning of your special event.” 
Eri lets out a yelp, dropping the comb in her hand onto the stone lip of the bath. Frantically, she reaches for her robe, but realizes that she is too far away from it to retrieve it without coming part of the way out of the water. “You--!” She gasps, letting herself sink deeper into the water and trying to cover her breasts with her arms. “What are you doing here?” 
The Lord of the castle gazes at her, genuine confusion in his features. “I did tell you that I wanted to witness it for myself,” he says logically, as though he hasn’t just scared her nearly to death. “Did I not?”
“I didn’t think you meant it!” She’s still curling away from him, mortified, trying to hide the private bits of her body. 
“Valerie, you should know that I never say anything I don’t mean.” 
She glares at him. 
“Calm yourself,” he laughs. “It isn’t as if I’ve never seen a naked woman before.”
She sputters, trying to come up with a snappy retort and finding she is utterly unable to. It becomes even harder to speak once he removes his own robe and Eri realizes that he intends to join her in the bath. “Oda-Sama---!” She averts her eyes, her face burning. 
“I think,” he starts, “that in such a casual setting as this one, it would be appropriate to use my given name. Don’t you agree?” He submerges himself completely, moving to the other side of the bath. “Please,” he continues, motioning to the abandoned comb and oils, “don’t let me stop you.” 
Stubbornly, she keeps her arms crossed over her chest. 
“Would it make you feel more comfortable if I looked the other way?” 
“Do whatever you want,” she snaps, refusing to look at him. 
“I told you, it isn’t as if I’ve never seen a naked woman before.”
“You’ve never seen me naked before.” And I was hoping to keep it that way.
“One could argue that I still haven’t,” he chuckles. “You’ve been keeping yourself covered, but even if you hadn’t, night has already fallen, and the darkness of the water covers what you don’t want me to see.”
She can’t refute that point. “Are you really that curious about what I do with my hair?” 
“I really am,” he answers. 
“It isn’t that interesting,” she rebuts. 
“Perhaps not to you,” he shrugs, the water lapping at his collarbones. “But the things we find uninteresting because we do them often are the things that are most interesting to people who have never seen them done.” He offers her a smile. “I promise to keep my eyes above your neck.”
Eri sighs. She knows that if she doesn’t resume detangling and moisturizing her hair before it dries, she will have a tangled, shrunken mess on her hands very soon. “You give me your word?” 
“You have my word,” he tells her solemnly, raising his right hand. “I would ask you for the same, but the truth is that I don’t really mind if your eyes wander.” 
Son of a bitch. “My eyes won’t be wandering anywhere near you,” she snaps. 
True to his word, however, he keeps his eyes on what her hands are doing in her hair, studying the way she parts the thick curls into sections and works oil through each section from root to tip. Even without her arsenal of modern styling and holding products, her hair takes well to the camellia oil, shining in the light of the lamps placed around the tub and curling into its natural z-pattern. 
“It’s beautiful,” he muses, once she has finished doing the same all over her head. 
Eyes wide, she looks over at him. “Thank you.” 
“You seem surprised,” he remarks. 
She shrugs, her arms instinctively crossing over her chest again. 
“The mere fact that something is unfamiliar to me doesn’t make it any less worth admiring,” he reflects. “Do you think me so incapable of recognizing beauty in all its forms?” 
Eri isn’t sure what to say to that. “Oda-Sama---”
“Nobunaga,” he interrupts her, laughter in his voice. “We’re naked in each others’ company. I think you can drop the formality.” 
Her face goes warm. “Nobunaga,” she tries quietly, the name fitting strangely in her mouth. 
“How sweet it sounds coming from you.” She can’t tell if he’s flirting or just teasing her. 
“I’d like to get out now,” she tells him. 
“I won’t stop you.” 
She huffs indignantly. “Can I ask you to please look away?”
“If that’s what you want me to do,” he shrugs. 
“Yes,” she tells him firmly. “I’m going inside to dress.” 
“As you wish.” He turns away from her, and she scrambles up out of the water, snatching up her robe and wrapping it tightly over herself. 
She takes her time drying and moisturizing her skin before dressing in her newly-cleaned modern clothing. She exits the bath house just as Nobunaga is pulling himself up out of the water, and a gasp escapes her. 
“Oh, you’re finished,” he says conversationally, as if he isn’t standing in front of her stark-naked and dripping wet. “I’ll escort you back to your room.” He seems to realize then that he’s still naked and reaches down to pick up his robe and drape it over himself. “So your eyes did wander a bit,” he smirks. 
“It isn’t as though I’ve never seen a naked man before.” She throws his words back in his face. 
“But you’ve never seen me naked before. Did you see anything you liked?” He asks her, that teasing lilt back in his voice. 
She ignores his question. “What do you think I am?”
“I think,” he starts seriously, holding out his arm for her to take, “that you are a mystery that I would like to solve.” He looks down at her, watching as she accepts his arm and loops her own through it.  
“You know,” Valerie starts, looking past her reflection in the mirror to gaze at his, just behind her, “you’re being awfully distracting.”
“Me?” Shinichi chuckles. “I’m not even doing anything. I’m just watching.” 
“Yes,” she says, “but it’s very hard to concentrate on what I’m doing when every time I look in the mirror, I see you lying there.” 
“Would it help if I helped you?” 
“Maybe,” she giggles. “It would help even more if you’d put some clothes on.” 
“But I’m comfortable like this.” 
“What you are, is a distraction,” she reiterates, wagging a finger at him playfully. 
“Alright,” he says, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed and standing up. “How about a compromise? I put on a pair of pants and help you.” 
“That sounds like a fair deal.” She watches his reflection go into the third drawer of the bureau, pull out a pair of blue pajama bottoms, and slide them on. His reflection turns to her. 
“For now.” 
Her boyfriend closes the distance between them, bending over slightly to press a kiss to her lips. “Want me to get the back?” He asks, motioning to where her hair has been divided into two large sections. 
“Yes, please,” she tells him gratefully. 
They work together in a comfortable silence then, each tackling a section of her hair with moisturizer and a wide-toothed comb. More than once, Valerie stops moving, relishing the feel of Shinichi’s gentle hands working through her hair. Every now and again, he presses his fingertips to her scalp, softly massaging it and eliciting a pleased hum from her. 
It isn’t long before her hair has been completely worked through, divided into large two-strand twists. Without her even having to say a word, Shinichi reaches over and grabs the length of satin she uses to tie her hair up at night. He hands it to her with a smile. 
“Thank you,” she says, turning her face up for another kiss. 
“You’re welcome,” he says, obliging her and pecking her on the lips. “So now that you’re done and the danger of distraction isn’t an issue anymore, is it okay for me to get naked again?” 
“Well, I guess it’s alright now,” she giggles. “But I can’t promise I’ll be able to keep my hands to myself.” 
“I honestly don’t expect you to.”
“Valerie?” Nobunaga is calling her name, concern lacing his deep, heavy voice. 
“Oh, yes?” She looks up at him. “I’m sorry, you were saying something?”
“I was, but it was of little import.” He pauses, looking down at her curiously. “You seemed to go somewhere else for a bit.”
“It’s nothing,” she tells him, trying on what she hopes is a reassuring smile. “I was just… thinking about something from a long time ago.” 
He looks as though he wants to ask her what, but thinks better of it and decides not to. “A mystery, indeed,” he says instead, almost as if to himself. 
“Thank you,” she says quietly. “For walking me back.” 
“Does this mean I have your permission to join you some other night?” 
The question makes her laugh in spite of herself. “I promise to make less of a fuss if you warn me before you decide to show up,” she tells him sternly. “But you’ll have to keep your hands - and your eyes - to yourself.” 
“Hm,” is all he’ll say. 
Previous Chapter (Six): No Easy Conquest | Next Chapter (Eight): A Familiar Face
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kaeyankat · 2 years
What I'll write for
Oneshots, headcanons (All x reader, no ocs or canon x canon)
Some au's or themes I'm good with: Yandere, poly, love triangle, celebrity, monster au, etc. Themes I WILL NOT WRITE FOR ANY CHARACTER: Angst (Death of character or reader included), cheating, r^pe, abuse, certain Kinks (Non-con, bathroom kinks, extreme pain, etc)
In mature posts, all underage characters are AGED UP past 18.
Seven Deadly Sins
Meliodas, Ban, King, Gowther, Howser, Gilthunder, Griamore, Slader, Arthur, Helbram, Gloxinia, Zeldris, Estarossa, Monspeet
One Piece
Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Ace, Akainu, Smoker, Coby, Mihawk, Doflamingo, Shanks, Benn Beckman, Marco, Kid, Killer, Law, Buggy, Crocodile, Cracker, Katakuri, Bartolomeo
Fairy Tail
Natsu, Gray, Gajeel, Loke, Laxus, Bickslow, Freed, Elfman, Lyon, Hibiki, Ren, Eve, Bacchus, Sting, Rogue, Orga, Rufus, Jellal, Midnight/Macbeth, Erik/Cobra, Zancrow, Mard Geer, Jackal, Zeref, Acnologia, Larcade
Vampire Knight
Kaname, Zero, Ichiru, Akatsuki,Hanabusa, Senri, Takuma
My Hero Academia
All Might, Aizawa, Present Mic, Vlad King, Aoyama, Iida, Ojiro, Kaminari, Kirishima, Shoji, Sero, Tokoyami, Bakugo, Monoma, Mirio, Tamaki, Shinso, Enji, Keigo, Fat Gum, Shigaraki, Dabi, Twice, Kurogiri, Mr. Compress, Overhaul
Hunter x Hunter
Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio, Hisoka, Illumi, Pokkle, Silva, Chrollo, Nobunaga, Feitan, Phinks, Shalnark, Uvogin, Wing
Potentially Others, Ask. But these are the main characters. I do not do Females.
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lorei-writes · 8 months
Winter Flower
Chapter XIV: Shut up
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Masamune x OC [Hana] Summary: Hana wakes up in the gardens of Azuchi castle without any recollection of her past. Who is she? What was she doing there? And most importantly – what is she supposed to do now? Placed under supervision of Lord Date, Hana has to find her footing in the unfamiliar reality of the warring states. Series Masterlist
Content Warnings: none
The relief is quiet, or quieting, the way guilt is loud. But what am I to do about that now? There isn’t a brave fibre in me left. I am ashamed, but as insufferable as it is, it also means my hands can work freely while my mind is occupied – just as it has been up until now, although this time for slightly different reasons.
“I see,” Kojuro sighs, arms crossed in front of his chest. He nods thoughtfully, seemingly mulling over my request, his eyes darting all around the tent before closing. His forehead creases as he brushes his hair back, another sigh emerging from his lungs. “It… certainly would be advantageous if we could arrange that. Are you certain you’re willing to go? You may not be able to come back, and managing injured while on the road can be troublesome.”
“I’m well aware of that.” Perhaps, it is also part what I’m hoping for, but I swallow that thought.
“We most likely won’t be able to assign many soldiers to escort you either. You’ll be an easy target for an attack,” he adds, carefully searching my face for any signs of doubt. I do not wish to show him anything of the like.
“I did… consider the possibility. However, if nothing changes, those men are as good as dead.” I attempt not to waver. Not now, me, not now…
“You’ve struggled to even get here.”
“I did.”
“How will you manage by yourself then?”
“I think I’ve hardened since then,” I reply, my hands rolling into fists by themselves. Please, Kojuro. Please.
“Do you even know the way? You’re knowledge of the current day is severely limited,” he points out, prompting my jaw to clench, my tongue seeking an asylum behind the border of my teeth. However, I need it to speak for me, so I force it to cooperate.
“I will not be the only person accompanying the wounded, though. I’m certain I will be able to rely on others for guidance if needed be, although I do not expect that to happen,” I force the words out like through a sieve, careful not to slip.
“What if you’re attacked?”
“We will not be.”
Kojuro stares at me questioningly, my mock confidence seemingly only giving him reasons to question me further.
“We will depart as soon as you engage their main force. We… will not be able to transport all the wounded, so I suppose we should reach a relatively safe terrain before sundown. From what I’ve gathered, it is unlikely for the enemy to go after us, is it? What advantage would be there to killing a few men who would not make it back to fight in time either way?” I continue in one breath, hoping that the words I put together hold some semblance of sense even when outside of my head. “If we manage to connect with lord Nobunaga, we may gain reinforcements, no? So… so –”
“I’ll think about it some more,” Kojuro sighs. Clearly, this is the furthest he’s willing to go… But I do appreciate even that much.
“Thank you. Thank you so much.”
“Don’t. I’ll still have to present the idea to lord Masamune. Nothing’s certain just yet.”
“Nevertheless, it’s plenty,” I disagree,
Kojuro does not seem to be exactly of the same mind, but I am quite convinced this outcome is rather positive. I am not sure why, but in a way, for the first time in days I am certain things will end well, whatever this well may entail. The thought seems to soothe that dormant consciousness within me… Or much rather, even what remains of past me can be soothed by it.
Night has arrived sooner than expected, blooming clouds shedding their petals, withering away for ink depths to take their place. Ripples form around starts, their light clinging firmly onto the canvas behind them, as if wishing to trace and thus reveal a hidden path. They do not spare much of their shine for us mortals between the plains, but no matter. There is still some fire around. There will still be some when the sun rises – and so, I use the flames as a guide, my very dim, very own shadow following me with caution. It is not a long walk this time, and no matter how much I stall, the time runs too fast. I take a deep breath, hide what needs not be seen, hide it even from myself… I clench my fists. I need not tremble. I shouldn’t, just as I shouldn’t fear. Soon… Soon all will clear, I am sure of it, so please, me, cause no further worry. To anybody. Especially not him. I step forward and into a familiar tent.
There are no lanterns here, but it is fine that way. A similar scenario occurs each day, and this night is no exception. Masamune shifts over his bed (although that may be a somewhat generous word to be used here), a sense of guilt welling up inside of my chest.
“It’s just me. Go back to sleep,” I whisper out before seating myself down in my own place.
“I wasn’t sleeping,” he murmurs in a somewhat rasp voice… I suppose he did need to strain it a fair amount. “Where have you been?”
“I went to see Kojuro.”
“Nightmares again?”
“Yeah,” I lie. He, however, does not seem to realise that much.
Masamune moves again, this time to push his body to the edge of the bed, and just as I realise it, he speaks up, “C’mere.”
“Come on. You’ll get better rest,” he insist.
“I don’t want to.”
“Just to sleep, I promise.”
Oh. Perhaps I’ve misunderstood the situation. “Fine,” I yield.
His chest is warm against my back, but oddly enough, there is only cold to his touch. My heart pounds, so I try to distract myself away from his arms, and from the way his breath tickles my ear. In the most literal sense of the word, his embrace is secure – there is no harm there, no lingering threats waiting patiently to fulfil themselves. His words are worth more than gold, after all, more than silks, or gems, or… a golden sea of delicious broth… My stomach speaks for me, or at me. It complains through a loud growl. How could you give up my dinner? it seems to ask. Well, I could, and I did, and now it appears I have a more pressing issue on my hands. Thank you, stomach. I’ll remember it, you fiend.
“Kitten, did you invite a bear in?” Masamune lets out a weak laugh.
“I did not.” And I am not nearly hissing right now. Most definitely not burning up in embarrassment either.
“A dog then?”
“Stop it.”
“It definitely wasn’t a cat purr just now,” he shamelessly chuckles. How dare? And here I am trying to be modest about being hungry.
“You’re terrible.”
“Your stomach thinks just that about you,” Masamune jabs back, his finger – cruelly! – poking at my side. “Since when are you skipping meals, hm?”
“I’ve been busy and forgot!” I whisper-shout. He does not believe me, or so I reckon based on the tickling assault that he launches. Damn you, you —!
“You know, if you asked nicely enough, I would have whipped you something up.”
Oh. Stop it, stop it, stop that…
“Maybe next time.”
“Make it so that there’s no next time,” he grumbles back. His embrace grows tighter, and so I let out some of the breath I’ve been holding back.
“Fine. I’ll do better tomorrow.”
The silence that follows feels thick, the back of my throat itching for the unspoken words to be freed. I close my eyes, however, and let it be. We do not talk about the things that are the hardest to say out loud, do we? Not here, not there, not then… Not now. Certainly not now.
I welcome the morning by myself, but it is not long before the sense of guilt resurfaces to keep me the company. On any other day, I’d be beyond worried, but today… I am relieved. Of all the feelings, relieved. It does not seem appropriate, but the relief does not appear concerned about that – about that, or about bloodied bandages, festering wounds, fevers, sprains, broken bones, cries, sleepless eyes… Dead bodies that, although they may not be piling up, do need to be carried out. Or even the fact that nothing is certain.
The relief is quiet, or quieting, the way guilt is loud. But what am I to do about that now? There isn’t a brave fibre in me left. I am ashamed, but as insufferable as it is, it also means my hands can work freely while my mind is occupied – just as it has been up until now, although this time for slightly different reasons. The thought that I may be leaving does keep me afloat.
You shouldn’t have come.
Shut up. I know that much. I’m fixing it now —
“Hana,” somebody calls from just above my head. I peel my eyes away from the man I’ve been restraining, his arm flexing against mine as I do my best to hold him still for the (actual) medic to do the work.
“Switch with me. We’ll need you to help in the evening. It’ll be no good if you’ll tremble all over from tiredness,” the man explains. I purse my lips – be that as it may, he has been a patient of mine just yesterday, so to let him move this early… Well, I do suppose he already has, and will go out on the field soon enough just either way. Nevertheless, I waver, so I look towards others to gauge whether that indeed is not too much to take.
I walk out of the tent, one unsteady thud of my heart at a time. The camp is much quieter now than it has been at night, so much so that my ears ring as I look around. Guilt strikes, relief answers – meanwhile, I just step forward, further and further, until I cannot hear them talking anymore… until nobody groans.
Where to now?
Shut up. I’m trying to be in control now. So lock yourself up and stay quiet, just the way you were up until I allowed you to come out.
My mouth has dried up completely, each breath having me believe somebody has fed me sand. I frown, something inside of me crumbling at the thought that I’d have to go back to the injured to get a cup of water. I do not want to, not now… Just give me a moment of peace, just for a little longer. Is that asking for too much?
The answer dawns on me as I realise that I could very well bring in more water. We need it, don’t we? So why not let me go? Granted, I will not be able to carry as much as others would… But some is better than none. Everything counts. Here, now. Everything. Counts.
It does not take long for me to convince the soldiers standing guard to let me out. It was a short exchange at best, but it was so inconsequential that it has slipped my mind completely. What matters is the river cutting across the plains, its shy murmurs that seem to inquire about me, each splash a song of a…
Perhaps it is my attitude that is the issue. If it is me that talks, then it is not a conversation, but an act of remembering. I should not reply – but all those thoughts fade away quickly enough, carried away by the stinging cool that embraces my hand as they slip into the water. I bring it to my lips, greedy and much too preoccupied with drinking to even make sure that I am safe now. All I need is in front of me. I can think once I’m satiated, think once I erase the traces of this nagging, think once —
Don’t move.
I lift my eyes and fall back onto my behind. The man I’ve met back in Azuchi is standing on the opposite riverbank… and it is only now that I realise that this sweetly medicinal scent that seems to follow him has permeated the plains around.
Series tag list: @cheese-ception @nuttytani
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cherrysha · 1 year
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• ShaSha • 25 • She/Her•
Minors/Ageless Blogs will be blocked
Dark content and +18 Writing
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Come Reap What You Sow
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Newest Works:
Feel - Uvogin x Reader
Warnings: Masochism, Pain Play
To Be Alone - Sukuna x Reader
Warnings: paranoia, weed, dubcon (since reader is under the influence), slight body horror
Craving - Vampire!Phinks x Reader
Warnings: Blood, Death, Allusions to Sex, (Phinks could be seen as yandere in this piece)
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Coming soon:
Untitled Poetry Professor!Nobunaga, TA!reader
Warnings: tbd
Untitled Yan!Phinks x reader
Warnings: neglect, physical/emotional abuse, OC death, noncon, alcohol consumption, sadism, blood, choking, degradation
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About Me
Rec blog
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Sha’s Listening To:
Home - Good Neighbours
Tek It - Cafuné
Stung - Brakence
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the12thnightproject · 2 months
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Chapter Three: Dearly Beloved - 'Okatsu' meets Kitty, Mitsunari meets Okatsu, Hideyoshi meets the end of his patience, and someone's face meets a plate of stewed eel.
Mitsunari x OC; Nobunaga x Mai
Previous Chapter
Logline - In order to protect a political alliance, Katusko and Mitsunari must pretend an engagement. But this “all business” arrangement is threatened by a coup against Nobunaga… and by feelings.
From the Military Notes of Ishida Mitsunari…
Diversion: The act of drawing the attention and forces of an enemy from the point of the principal operation; an attack, alarm, or feint that directs attention elsewhere. Two: a change made in a prescribed route for operational or tactical reasons. A diversion order will not constitute a change of destination. Three: a rerouting of cargo or passengers to a new point or destination or on a different mode of transportation prior to arrival at ultimate destination.
Personal comments: I have the worrisome notion that there is something important I have forgotten. Also, it seems I have misplaced my cat. Am more concerned about the latter, as if it is the former, someone will inevitably remind me.
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If I were writing up a society puff piece for a newspaper about my “engagement” party, I would likely write that the food, prepared by Date Masamune, was excellent. The article would note that the entertainment, in the form of Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide’s bickering was… a choice. The bride-to-be wore a pale lavender kimono embroidered with sakura blossoms, with matching sakura blossoms pinned to her hair. And the groom-to-be was… a no show.
I’d been left at the altar by my fake fiancé.
While Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide went out in search of him, Masamune stayed behind to encourage me to eat my feelings. “Here, what do you think of this?” He poked a chopstick full of steamed eel toward my mouth.
Though I had been a vegetarian before landing in this era, I had since learned – out of both necessity and politeness - to eat what was set in front of me. In this case, it was no hardship – the one-eyed man I (as Katsu) had once gotten into a horse race with was an excellent chef. “Delicious.” Since he looked like he was going to try and hand feed me my entire dinner, I asked, “Are you flirting with me at my own fake engagement party?”
“Were I fake engaged to you, lass, I would personally make sure you had a wonderful time at our party.” He leaned a little closer than mere politeness should allow and gave me a you-gotta-love-me grin. “You would never need to fake anything – anything- with me.”
No. Probably not. Masamune was hot, charming, and charismatic. But as fun as I imagined a ‘fake’ relationship with him would be, it was a relief that he wasn’t my ‘fiance.’ A little of that flirting went a long way.
There was a disgusted snort from the other man at our small table. Eeyore – no, Ieyasu, must remember that – had refused to join the searchers, choosing to stay behind and eat in peace (his words). “Masamune, go flirt with the hired help elsewhere. You’re giving me indigestion.” He turned those gorgeous green eyes on me, then he frowned.
Correction. Frowned more.
“Have we met?”
Masamune looked up from where he was spooning more stew into my dish. “Now who’s flirting?”
More staring. More frowning. “No, truly, she looks familiar.”
“Ieyasu, you’re doing it wrong.” Masamune shook his head in mock dismay, before giving me another one of those grins. “If we had met before, I definitely would remember it.”
“Actually, Lord Ieyasu is correct, we’ve met before. And you too, Lord Masamune. I was dressed as a boy on both occasions.” It was better that Ieyasu remember the time he helped me care for my horse, than to make the connection between myself and the old man in the booksellers. Nobunaga already knew about the boy, but I didn’t want him to learn about the couple weeks I had spent in Azuchi earlier this summer… observing.
While the two of them quieted, both, looking at me as if they were trying to picture what I looked like as a boy, something caught my attention – a tiny grey moving blob, darting in and around people. Awww. It was a cat! I set my hand on the floor and snapped my fingers, trying to get its attention, but it didn’t notice me.
The poor thing was going to get kicked or stepped on though. I excused myself from my dining companions and hurried to perform a feline extraction.
However, the cat seemed perfectly (purrfectly?) capable of performing its own extraction, and I ended up following it into the corridor, where it meowed at me, then gave me one of those disdainful looks that said, ‘now that I have your attention, I don’t want it anymore,’ and padded into the gardens.
Feeling the need for some pet therapy after being dissed by my yet unknown fake fiancé, I followed the cat. She was sitting near the shrubbery, legs splayed, grooming herself. I stopped in front of her and held my hand out. “Hi sweetie. What’s your name?” Of course, the cat wasn’t going to answer… but it seemed the right thing to do.
The cat ignored me, her head tilted at something on the far side of the gardens. I heard it too… soft footsteps, that preceded the reappearance of that absentminded bookworm. Unsurprisingly Mitsunaru was reading and walking at the same time.
He stubbed his foot on a rock, and stumbled several steps, finally managing to halt his forward motion in time to prevent a fall.
Ok. He was reading and trying to walk at the same time.
Unalarmed by his near face-plant, Mitsunari tucked the book under his arm, then finally noticed me and the cat.
“That’s Kitty,” he said as if we had been in the middle of a conversation. He crouched down, put his arms out, and the cat – who may or may not have been named Kitty – jumped into them. “Kitty, did I lock you out again?”
“Hello Ki-.” No, there was no way I would be able to utter the phrase, ‘hello kitty,’ with a straight face. It would get filed away with ‘yes, master,’ which Aki had reluctantly deleted from our conversations after my third uncontrollable giggle fit.
I extended my hand to Kitty who sniffed it and decided I was acceptable enough. She bumped her head into my palm, demanding a good scritch. The was something so comforting in a tiny animal willing to accept attention… and I still missed my old ginger tomcat Tony Stark. He’d died a couple years before I ended up in this era, but the best cats all leave permanent pawprint tattoos. Hm, could I talk Aki (or, more accurately Fume) into getting a cat?
With his own head slightly tilted, Mitsunari looked at me, apparently searching his memory bank, then officially introduced himself to me and bowed.
After bowing in return, I said. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Overly formal, but it was time to try out the Princess manners on this semi-stranger. “I’m Okatsu.” Huh, Mitsuhide hadn’t given me a surname. Should I use Akihira’s, or wait for future instructions? Not that it seemed to matter in this case, as Mitsunari didn’t comment on the omission.
“Are you paying a visit to Lord Nobunaga and Lady Mai?” He looked around the garden, which was empty of other people.
“In a sense.” I stalled and covered that by dangling my obi tie in front of Kitty. Who here, aside from Nobunaga’s inner circle, knew about this scheme? It seemed safer to presume ignorance until further notice. “Actually, I’ve just escaped my engagement dinner.”
“Dinner! I wondered why I felt hungry.” He unconsciously rubbed his belly, disturbing the folds of his wrinkled kimono and revealing a surprising amount of muscle definition.
Recalling my attempts to feed him earlier this summer, I asked, “Did you lose track of time while you were reading?”
“Yes! I take it you do that as well?” Mitsunari beamed so happily that I was nearly scorched by the rays. One of the sakura blossoms in my hair was so overcome that it fainted and drooped over my eye. Huh. He ought to come with a warning. Caution: smile is deadly.
“I’ve been known to get absorbed in something to an extent that I lose track of time.” Generally, that would be riding and archery, not reading, but those were not exactly the most princess-like hobbies. I sent him an attempt at a mysterious-princess semi-smile, jammed the wayward blossom back in place, then turned my attention to the footsteps – two sets – rushing through the garden. I was pretty sure they belonged to… yep – Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi.
“There you are!” Hideyoshi said in a strained tone that I suspected would become his default mode when dealing with me.
“I’m sorry. I saw the cat, and-” Oh. He wasn’t talking to me. His attention was fully on Mitsunari, as he viewed the younger man with a mixture of impatience and affection.
“I see you’ve already met.” Mitsuhide looked from me to Mitsunari, who was cheerfully accepting Hideyoshi’s mild scolding about being late for dinner. “And here everyone at the party was waiting for you both.”
Is… ?
Since Mitsunari’s attention was taken up by Hideyoshi, I inconspicuously tilted my head in his direction and mouthed, ‘him?’
Mitsuhide smirked and nodded.
I’d expected my ‘fiance’ to be an unapologetic flirt, wild and free, like Masamune. Not… a human ASMR video.
That sakura blossom fainted again, this time falling out of my hair completely, hitting me on the nose. I sneezed violently, and the petals scattered everywhere. Several of them lodged in Mitsunari’s hair, where I imagined they’d be very happy to stay.
“Why were they waiting on me?” Mitsunari looked from Mitsuhide to Hideyoshi and back. I hadn’t thought he’d heard Mitsuhide’s comment, but maybe he’d been paying more attention than he appeared. “Lady Okatsu said it was her engagement dinner.”
Hideyoshi closed his eyes. He took a deep breath, then opened them again.
“We’re still here,” Mitsuhide said.
Yeah, that had been a close your eyes and wish for someone to beam the rest of us out of here. Too bad transporter technology hasn’t been invented yet. Maybe it never would be.
Ignoring Mitsuhide, Hideyoshi turned to Mitsunari. “We discussed this last night.” His tone was patient. His posture was defcon level three.
“Last night?” That was said with so much confusion that I again recalculated how much attention he paid to the world around him.
“You’re supposed to remove all reading material from the vicinity when you’ve got something important to tell him.” Obviously Mitsuhide liked poking the Hideyoshi.
“I did.” This was said between gritted teeth. Defcon two now.
It would be tempting to sit back and just watch the two of them snipe at each other, although such entertainment would likely be improved with popcorn. Which had been invented, but not in this part of the world.
Meanwhile Mitsunari looked like he had remembered… something. “Oh, you did take my book away last night. But I was at an interesting point in it, so I went back a few chapters in my head and re-read them until you left.”
He has an eidetic memory? Well, that explained a lot. He had read almost all the books on military strategy in Aki’s booksellers in only a couple weeks. But it seemed more likely now that he’d just been scanning them into his hard drive for later.
“Were you aware that he could do that?” Mitsuhide murmured to Hideyoshi.
Hideyoshi shook his head.
“What was it you wanted to tell me?” Mitsunari belatedly appeared to realize that he’d missed something important. “I am sorry that I did not listen last night.”
“Tonight’s party is for Lady Okatsu and you,” Mitsuhide began, only to be interrupted by Hideyoshi.
“Mitsuhide had a plan to bring in someone to pretend to be your fiancée.” To gain attention, Hideyoshi stepped in front of Mitsuhide, partially blocking him from us. “Initially, I agreed, but only if-”
Mitsuhide didn’t move, but his interruption was as successful as Hideyoshi’s physical block. “In order to ensure that Shohime-”
“-if you are willing to take part in this farce-”
“Tactic. It is a tactic that will, in essence, allow you to-”
“-but rest assured if you’re not willing-”
They interrupted each other so fast that it was unlikely anyone would be able to understand. Mitsunari looked from one to the other, his face looking increasingly worried. Kitty, wisely, jumped out of Mitsunari’s arms and got the hell out of there.
“-Okatsu is highly trained and will do all the work, you’ll only be required to-”
Lie back and think of England?
“-and the more I think about it, the more I believe it’s an ill-advised idea-”
“-it will work perfectly well -”
I stuck my fingers in my mouth and whistled. Everyone finally shut up. Military strategy. That was Mitsunari’s programming language. “Mitsunari. They want to use me as a diversion so that you will be able to study at Genba Castle in peace.”
“Oh, that is an excellent strategy. I would appreciate having uninterrupted time to study unbothered.” He said that completely innocently, but I wondered if underneath that was the hope that ‘no one’ would include McCoy and Spock over there. “Thank you, Lady Okatsu.”
“But when we are in Kanamori territory, you and I will need to pretend we’re engaged.” Hm, better clarify. “Getting married.”
“You will not be required to actually marry this… girl.” Hm… what had Hideyoshi been about to call me? He steered Mitsunari out of the garden. “I will go over the details while I help you pick out something more appropriate for the celebration.”
With a glare at Mitsuhide and clearly fake smile in my direction, Hideyoshi escorted Mitsunari away.
As they exited, Mitsunari looked over his shoulder at Mitsuhide and I. His prior confusion seemed to have been replaced with annoyance at being treated like a toddler who couldn’t dress himself. For that matter, I was rather annoyed on his behalf.
Once they were out of earshot, Mitsuhide calmly brushed sakura petals off his shoulders. “Did you… whistle at me, brat?”
I waved that away. “It got everyone to shut up, didn’t it?”
“I’m not questioning the result, only the method used to achieve it.” He rubbed his chin. Interesting. He and Aki have the same tell. I wonder if they taught that at Spymaster University. And really… he was going to lecture me about method versus results? “We’ll have to give you remedial instruction on manners and behavior before we leave for Genba.”
Translation, he was going to make me pay for that whistle. Truthfully, I felt a bit ashamed of that too. Aki had always encouraged me to speak my mind and stand up for myself, but I shouldn’t have acted that way in front of men who were virtual strangers. “I do know how to behave in public, and how to follow orders. I promise you won’t have to worry about any further insubordination.” I gave him a meek, eye-lowered bow.
“Don’t overplay it.” Mitsuhide laughed. He steered me back toward the banquet. “You wouldn’t be working for Yamaoka if you couldn’t follow orders.” I relaxed slightly, until he added, “you’ll still need to report to Hideyoshi for instructions on behavior. This is for his peace of mind.”
“Of course.” Mitsuhide didn’t care at all for Hideyoshi’s peace of mind. He was sending me to Hideyoshi so that we could annoy each other.
As we approached the main hall, the sounds of merriment and celebration had increased – well, they didn’t really need a bride and groom to party hard. When Mitsuhide slid open the door, a dual blast of heat and noise slammed into the corridor. “I’ll leave you here. I have every confidence in your ability to carry this off, and meanwhile I have made it my personal mission to get Masamune drunk at least once a week.”
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Once Hideyoshi returned with Mitsunari, who had been spiffed up in a clean, wrinkle-free kimono, and his hair combed (mostly) and de-blossomed, the fake engagement resumed with 100! Percent! More! #Awkward!
“Lady Okatsu. Do you like… blue?” Mitsunari’s ears turned red, and he ducked his eyes to his plate. Apparently, Hideyoshi had impressed upon Mitsunari the importance of acting the doting fiancé in public but neglected to give him any suggestions on how a doting fiancé behaved. This led to Mitsunari attempting various conversational overtures, but not feeling confident enough to finish a sentence, so he was constantly rebooting and starting over. Each time that happened, he would look a little more flustered and flushed. The only good news was that our table with Ieyasu and Masamune was separated from the rest of the others enough so that from a distance, he looked like a proper blushing bridegroom.
The whole situation was motifying at best – before this fiancée scheme had been dumped on him, Mitsunari hadn’t had any problems talking to any version of me – whether I had been the old man, Katsu, or Lady Okatsu. “Yes. It reminds me of lakes and the sky… and…and...”
Oh hell, it’s contagious.
“My eye is blue.” Masamune winked at me for emphasis.
Ignoring the “help” from the peanut gallery, I asked Mitsunari. “Do you also like blue?”
“Yes. It is very… blue.” Blush.
Loading… loading…
Until Mitsunari finally ran default.weather.smalltalk.exe and asked me about the weather where I was from.
Ieyasu threw down his hand towel. “This inanity is putting me off my dinner. Can’t you talk about anything else?”
Mitsunari turned to him. “I’m sorry you are not feeling well, Ieyasu. I could make you some tea?” He looked prepared to sprint across the castle in search of tea.
Ieyasu’s big green eyes got bigger and greener. “Don’t you dare.”
Masamune leaned in too close to me and said in my ear, “Mitsunari makes terrible tea. Don’t ever drink it.”
Good to know, Mr-no-conception-of-personal-space. I scooted slightly away from him and turned back to Mitsunari. “My home is inTogakushi mountain range, and it’s nice in the summer and cold and snowy in the winter.”
This was acknowledged with a nod, then followed by BSOD.
Ieyasu snorted.
Right. Military tactics had worked before. At least it was a topic I knew Mitsunari felt comfortable discussing. “Where I live is rather isolated, up a narrow mountain path. If you were leading an attack force, how would you go about it?”
“It would be unadvisable to travel in strict formation. Rather the most effective tactic would be to conceal smaller units under the cover of darkness and for a surprise attack.” Mitsunari smiled and proceeded to play toy soldiers with his dinner, as he explained the schematics. Once he got into the topic, he came alive, with broad and mobile hand gestures that likely would have sent a dish of food into someone’s lap, if I hadn’t kept moving cups and bowls out of the way.
It was kind of like playing ‘whack-a-mole’ in an arcade, and I was enjoying testing my hand/eye coordination, when Mitsuhide swooped in for a fly-by teasing. “You all look like you are having fun.” He leaned over Masamune’s shoulder. “How is the happy couple? Are you enjoying getting to know each other?”
“Lady Okatsu is interested in battle strategies.” Mitsunari once again gestured widely. I tracked the path of his hand and moved my bowl out of range.
“Yes.” I directed my response to Mitsuhide. “So lovely to get to know Mitsunari-” I paused to move my teacup away from his elbow, “in front of so many people. Most people are forced to have to do this in private.”
I was not allowed to get away with the sarcasm. “Yes, it’s fortunate for you that we needed to get the word out so quickly,” Mitsuhide said mildly as he – wait… did he just pour something in Masamune’s tea? “So that Kanamori Mozumi will have word of your existence before you appear with Mitsunari on his doorstep.” With that, he thumped Masamune’s shoulder again, and moved on.
I should warn Masamune about-
“He’s correct.” Mitsunari had flipped the switch and self-promoted from space cadet to general. “If the purpose of this ruse is to get unimpeded access to the Genba archives, then the sooner our engagement is accepted as common knowledge, the better.” Whoa. Ok. He could indeed focus on something besides books when the mood took him. Mitsunari then reached for his bowl – which wasn’t where he had left it, and the sleeve of his kimono knocked his chopsticks to the floor. He leaned over to grab them and bumped the table. A bottle of sake teetered toward Ieyasu.
“I knew it was too good to be true,” Ieyasu grumped, right before I caught the bottle.
Close call.
Ieyasu let out a long sigh.
Which was when Masamune’s eye fluttered shut and he pitched forward onto the table, his head landing in Mitsunari’s bowl, sending a shower of food everywhere.
Well, it’s not really a party until someone faceplants into a dish of stewed eel.
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Dear Aki. Please come rescue me. These people are insane…
I stared down at the blank sheet of paper. I absolutely could not write the words that had formed in my head. He was counting on me to both behave professionally around the Oda, as well as look into the politics in Hida. The denizens of Azuchi weren’t actually insane – I was simply just not used to them yet, that was all. And if I was feeling slightly lonely, without anyone to really talk to (Mai was lovely, of course, but she and Nobunaga were obviously in that stage of a relationship where they formed an entity unto themselves), well… I would be just as lonely back on the Mountain, with only Fume for companionship.
Yawning, I gave up on the letter, plopped myself onto the futon, shuttered the lantern, and did my best to try to sleep. I’m not a great sleeper in the best of times, and definitely not while in an unfamiliar place, so I was still tossing and turning when something squeaked in the ceiling above me.
Or worse?
Maybe it was my imagina-
Swish! Squeak!
Too heavy to be a squirrel.
I rolled out of bed and grabbed my dagger.
It was too dark to see much more than the shapes of the furniture. Plastering myself against the wall, I tracked the path of the noise. Then a ceiling panel moved, and a human shape dangled above the room.
The human shape said, “Tok.”
That was a weird battle cry, but she who waits to be attacked loses the element of surprise. I made the first move and yanked the person down. He (or she) landed on their feet, so whoever it was had been ninja trained.
That… would fall into the category of “or worse.”
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@bestbryn @katriniac @briars7 @lyds323 @lorei-writes
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krys-loves-otome · 6 months
WIP tag game
Inspired by @solomons-poison's post!
rules: post the names of all the files in ur wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send u an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! tag as many people as you have wips!
Was not specifically tagged but I am also an individual that has a lot of WIPs! A lot of them I post on WIP Wednesdays (and the up to 2023 one's are here near the bottom of my masterlist), but, I'll put the ones I'm most interested in continuing below. I also have some stuff started for 2024, so peeps can ask about both the ones on my masterlist and the entries listed below the cut.
Forewarning as a few of them are OC related, and, no, I'm not sorry about that.
I'm also including art wips bc those are wips and I have an art wip folder too so… yeah.
Tagging whoever wants to do this, no pressure tagging, just go if you wanna play too!
Onto the list!
A Second Glance Part 5 Ikemen Sengoku (Hideyoshi x preg!Reader)
Nobunaga's nephews are making the march to Azuchi to get some answers from Hideyoshi. Hideyoshi, however, is catching feels for the castle chatelaine.
The Traveling Adventures of Mr Fox and Miss Mouse Part 3 Ikemen Sengoku American Old West AU (Mitsuhide x Fem!Reader)
Now that Mitsuhide and Miss Mouse have established a working relationship, the limits of their budding partnership will be tested.
Perfect Strangers Ikemen Vampire (Comte x Fem!Reader)
Based on the event of the same name, Comte had a one night stand with a lady at a masked ball, had fallen in love with her, and searched for her far and wide to be reunited because she's his soul mate. When he finally finds her, he discovers that she is not a lady, but merely a meekly maid with a secret to hide.
Abandoned Ikemen Prince (Rio & Clara (OC))
Clara is about to be married to her Rhodolite prince, so she needs to care of some business before her wedding. Namely, returning Rio's belongings she found that fateful rainy day.
Spiral Obey Me (Simeon & Miri (OC))
Taking place between Seasons 2 and 3 of the OG game, Miri talks with Simeon about why he suddenly opened up a café in the Human Realm and how she's thinks it's strange that she can't sense magic from him anymore. Part of my 100 Themes Challenge.
The Final Pact Obey Me (Lucifer x Miri (OC))
After the events in Cocytus, Lucifer finally agrees to make a pact with Miri. A retrospective in comic form where I look at the events of the end of Nightbringer Season 2 through Miri's perspective.
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