#Indoor play place
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collectors-tablet · 1 year ago
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King what a mean thing to tell a forever child lol
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birgita24 · 4 months ago
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Drink with me?
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skinreflectsthesun · 5 months ago
Going to kids birthday parties solo with Beba is so exhausting my god,
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nobodybetterlookatme · 1 month ago
Are you and your boyf doing anything for valentines day? 👀 You guys are my fav snzblr couple!
I don't think so lmao but we're hanging out rn so 😌
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mer-se · 3 months ago
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nice way to spend new years
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unrestrainedbalderdash · 7 months ago
Think it's absolute bollocks that the baskets at the local ASDA are before gates where it then says "no entry" so you can't go back and get a basket if you forget
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beneathsilverstars · 8 months ago
(at the toy store with my five year old) not now honey, mimi's busy blorbotagging the stuffies
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neon-glowing-rainbow-stims · 9 months ago
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☣️ ~ Toxic Jumps ~ ☣️ (src1) (src2)
(Credit if you use!) (ko-fi)
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unproduciblesmackdown · 2 years ago
april autism acceptance month posting, the musings of (going for Self Acceptance as well) from the desk of milo unproduciblesmackdown....
mostly just having reflected on like, huh, might be that By And Large one is more nonspeaking than one thinks....that i've Been like "well sure in person i'm usually markedly Quite Quiet but also secretly a mile a minute chatterbox." like already aware of factoring in the Quietness in terms of like, generally always having been in everyday situations where i don't Want to talk. which also means being aware of like, someone the other day was talking about how the ""normal"" approach (which is not even simply Non Autistic, just the "ideals" in any sense that are Not That, yet positioned as such, to the disempowering Othering of others/anything else) is that verbal exchanges are often nigh exclusively about coming into it with some Goal in mind and just being dead set on that exact inflexible outcome / the other person's input can probably really only get in the way of that. used to be asked How Was Work by family and if i answered in the accurate negative would be told how it wasn't that bad actually; then why even ask. nowadays i know i'm virtually only spoken to to say something At Me; the other day frustrated by this & had an "exchange" where, when being [Talked At] for a sec, didn't really verbally respond at all, which was not considered a wrench in the proceedings in the least, as i expected........relevantly as well, i'm v aware of Talking becoming markedly more difficult if drained &/or stressed (or, w/immediate relevancy, the Talking being especially miserable atm, causing that exhaustion/stress w/high efficiency). that somewhat more Freestyle "normal" communication can include "you have to speak to acknowledge another person's presence, or its hostile" and that speaking is the especially Hollow Scriptathon of things like, getting hit with the "how are you [misgendering]" which, absorb the punch of misgenderment, gear up for Speaking which also is already "wrong," too much delay, remember that you never answer How Are You with how you are, and sometimes just not Pretending to answer and just repeating the question is not particularly more negatively regarded than any other way you approach it
musing on the [it's all bizarre but definitely getting shit for being audhd / nonbinary] childhood / first twenty yrs of life mysteries, like, well when being lectured as it were, which was nothing if not an intensified hollow scriptathon (see: the perfectly harmonious resonance in "how you navigate existing around an abuser" and "how you navigate existing anywhere but expressly personally friendly/safe spaces, being autistic") too demeaning to be borne, where it would be wrong to not make eye contact, then making forced eye contact (and learning how to just like, approach it as a [go through the motions] detached thing) was also wrong, it was wrong to not seem distressed and also to seem distressed; and it's like oh yeah back then & even now i can be as Stressed as anything but there's always a shift where if i make myself Talk i may cry like immediately, which i virtually never do out of otherwise being unhappy/stressed. there's how one of my most genuine friendships in elementary school (the autistic time as well of: many/more friendships from all public school times were other people Deciding we should be "friends;" sometimes this being like, the friend In Charge, and then: me, conveniently) was one where i don't think we actually Spoke. may not be a typical neurotypical thing. there's also the fact our being Distracted by interacting, that is, [not talking] during not even a lesson where the stakes were like "you haven't put this sheet in your folder at the exact time Instructions demanded you to, no sooner or later???" was punished more dramatically (and individually. classic) than i ever saw anyone get for Being Distracted / Not Paying Attention or certainly for talking. very nd of me for that too; like the Especial disdain teachers would have if i Was talking and too caught up in the exchange to notice it was supposed to be the quiet times now, which of course was wilfull disrespect for authority.....like oh but believe me i have that too lmfao, and these instances do not counter it. f for my friendship with jacqueline b/c we weren't allowed to sit next to each other and the disproportionate/extraordinary qualities of the response made it so it was hardly clear we were even allowed to interact at all, for all intents and purposes. great
certainly verbality at all can be a whole challenge too overall, but w/focus on the speaking....truly the mile a minute speaking / voluminous writing of things Happens, but it's sure when i get to talk About something, and the High Motivation boost of [whatever's being talked about] is quite necessary b/c it sure still takes effort lol....This is taking effort, to be sure. meanwhile there's also the damper of like, people's Disinterest / Dismissal meaning that just b/c you talk doesn't mean anyone hears you, to an extent it's nigh literal lol, beyond double empathy problem misunderstanding (plus that: ppl know they don't have to understand, &/or can choose to (pretend to) misunderstand / know they don't get it, but don't have to) there's also just like, not bothering to process what you say; being the one talked over like you weren't saying anything, lack of any response at all like you weren't saying anything, someone else cutting in and you may as well no longer be here / nth wheeling in any group. the times i've had to say something which needs a response / to be absorbed, and fighting for my life doing so / reiterating like half a dozen times / repeating this later, multiple times, b/c i know someone may give you the "politeness" of Looking At You / nominal spoken stock responses, while not absorbing it / forgetting it after 5 sec..........to be sure, times i've had an extensive, specific, belabored exchange (plus alllll the extra effort to emphasize Amicability in it) that got such responses, only to have it later clear they didn't actually absorb the point they'd apparently gone "right, okay" to. times i've [that] and then 5 min later had the person i'd talked to come over to be like "oh did you say [the thing i said to them]" only b/c some third party had overheard and actually processed it, then in turn had what They conveyed to that person i'd talked to actually listened to; had "i am once again asking" agonies multiple times over months & months only eventually fulfilled, spontaneously, by someone else entirely....
also that, when i Was able to having amicable, comfortable, in-person exchanges, my ""small talk"" friendly engagement to nonhostilely acknowledge someone / have an exchange involves Verbal Bits (running gag for Dinnermaking Convo to pretend to be on iron chef, and all named chef geoff, for example) or Nonverbal Ones (entering one's peripheral vision and dancing until acknowledged, to be funny, or ignored, also to be funny) or even simply that the amicability can come from other people, in spite of it all, by just not interpreting my operating while being myself and not constantly going out of my way to try to expressively reassure someone i'm friendly to them being met with [people just not deciding they hate me and/or i am beneath them] like, some great times lol. friendships where we didn't Really start talking for eons, and i go "guess people gotta be patient" like well sure lol. and then they gotta like how i Do interact
and the next bit of "can't believe you keep learning; realizing things" is just going like "ohh wait, was thinking of one's inherent value within a framework of [noninherent value you can so totally Bootstraps Earn we swear]" lol like....even in terms of like "nd people are the backbone of your fandom" type things like, well yeah they are; and that "sometimes people think it's neat that you can draw" like yeah it is and sometimes they really are; but that it's like, but Forget It re: thinking of that like "well so that Makes Up For [being autistic] as it might usually negatively impact socializing by 'normal' standards" like, to hell with making up for anything. i like to post about interests and draw about them and it's fun when people enjoy them and it can be fun to Talk About something / interact through that; it's not like "ableism: over" nor making up for anything, and what can really come of thinking it has to be Valued by how it might make other people see You as more inherently worthwhile yourself than they otherwise would've, right. i'm like "well i don't always express myself xyz ways but at least i do in other ways i suppose" but end the sentence before the But. i'm not As Good(tm) As Allistic through the [expressing myself] i do through drawing, and that's fine b/c autistic ppl having talents people value isn't the antiableism key lol. next i can be [tfw autistic ppl try to go Above & Beyond at work to "make up for" being autistic] or employers being like "hey maybe hire autistic people" not to be Inspirationally Inclusive in theory or whatever but b/c it's like, they'll be exploitable / valuable as exploited employee. like how autistic people get fired or burned out and then it's like whoops, we need like 5 new hires to replace them; who wasn't promoted, paid, or recognized as doing 6 ppl's work. everything being [popularity contest] actually. not to say Posting For Fun is the exact same as formal job lmfao nor randos like employers; but essences remain, see: that resonance with [reacting to abuser's attention] behavior and [interacting with randos out & about, trying to be deemed Friendly Normal Correct enough] behavior. the throughline that people won't regard you as having inherent value unless they regard people as having inherent value, on principle
i do have peak success like, an art post is very tl;dr billboard for Your Existence lol. and then if people are interested enough in whatever brand of [saying shit] i do? probably promising start to whether interactions with me won't be [their interest is exhausted within a day] lol. find some fellow nd people by crossing paths via interest, which is a Talk About Something thing. and even then, of course, you're not guaranteed friends with every other nd person. Spontaneous Alignments, everyone's friend....while at this juncture it's like, hmm, maybe i Am actually not like. theoretically interested in [i want to have new friendships] lmao. thinking about what they're supposed to be? what i could even think of them hypothetically being? invokes no [i want that] feelings. thinking of someone else saying, in a different context, how he doesn't think anyone's Guaranteed any kind of companionship, which i agree with (vs. ppl talking about it like Bootstraps Merit like yes you can Deserve a romantic partner, and Deserve friends too, and a general appeal/likability/personableness will be concomitant w/a Deserving person); thinking of someone else talking abt, in a different context, how her experience being racially othered means she just doesn't end up liking being around people at all / prefers being alone. the first guy talking about how he doesn't Preclude new relationships but he also approaches w/deliberation like, navigating being content being alone. thinking abt stuff talking about [autistic ppl who want romantic relationships] that mention ppl having to go ahead and work on being okay with the idea they may very well never have one. the questioning of [relationships] and [community] in a consciously political context; what's it mean for someone to have Relationships, be in a Community, would that be Required of them for them to deserve / get to expect to receive [xyz] that everyone theoretically would. thinking of relationality as acknowledgment of the realities of ways things, incl people, affect each other, the results of that
that's about all lol might "ideally" be more nonspeaking than i gave myself credit for; only shifting towards "i give myself inherent value on principle and can only be regarded as having inherent value by others Also on principle" like no [bootstrapping earning shit] as a way to also see value in what i do either lol
#extremely delayed BaDumTsh yesterday like ''oh yeah that fanbase that Was smallish for several years that i Was generally active in and Was#trying to socialize in b/c it seemed like the thing you do?'' like yeah i knew i could barely bring myself to talk in an overall groupchat#(b/c i don't like real time exchanges usually; hadn't really talked directly much w/many of the people in it lol) and i also know that this#trepidation was interpreted as ''well they were invited but guess they don't wanna participate'' lmao like classique. which in turn is like#yeah now i'm really loath to just pop in lol. and say something for a [oh shit did salsa kill someone's parents] effect#and i also already knew that there were like two or three Other groupchats for that fandom i was not at all privy to over the yrs lmao#but yesterday it was like ''oh that was a general groupchat everyone was in? yeah i never even heard of that one lmao''#which if The Person Reading This is who told me: do not be embarrassed lol it is Extremely Irrelevant emotionally#like i Already learned from those experiences [yeah i wasn't in the gcs] and [yeah i was peripheral socially] and [yeah i always felt kinda#out of place / agonized Trying to socialize More / Right b/c it was just clearly: gonna be like that lmao]#like being that backbone of a fandom ndly or being that [your posts are approved] contributor: you're still a rando; still autistique w/it#never ''made up for'' anything and would never have#shoutout to us second graders becoming friends through spontaneous indoor recess lego parallel play#enough of a:#long post xoxox
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headphonemouse · 2 years ago
Playing a musical instrument in public is so embarrassing even though literally no one cares and I'm not even that loud
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liketwoswansinbalance · 11 months ago
Trial run prompt thing: Does anyone get what I mean (in the way that I'm describing it or similarly) or does this sound strange?
It's nice to see someone articulate this actually, hence the fact that is is a reblog, of course.
(The thoughts of substance are in the tags, this time.)
does anyone feel the layer of plexiglass between themselves and the rest of the world or is that just a me thing
#rafal#maybe?#it just makes sense#in my opinion#as far as idk self-isolation goes?#sometimes it could just be me projecting since this is kind of an overly particular one (and I'm biased)#personal post#not sure if I can describe it without sounding like I'm chronically indoors or unobservant#(ok I sort of am—depending on what people define as real nature intake)#but this does make me think of a “parallel”/vaguely related feeling I've had#that then results from the “plexiglass”/surreal everything-is-part-of-a-play feeling?#like: oh real life is milling about out there... huh.#this may not be the right descriptor#but I'll try again to convey it: it's similar to when you get away from the flatness of the page or a screen of text#and you go outside or look out the window and stare at the tree boughs above#there's so much depth and dimension to the shadows and forms to marvel at#but you weren't paying attention before#or#alternatively#it's when you look up from something you're reading#realize there's actual noise around you in a public place#and it's like surfacing from being submerged underwater#it's just... when you tune into life and you KNEW it was there before#but did not register it at the time (since it was diluted)#and y'know what?#I'll tag this with#interiority#because it also happens to fit#if we want to look at things in a more narrative way than reality allows#EDIT: I forgot the canon “evidence:” Rafal watches the Nevers' torture without moving for days on end until he's interrupted.
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skedaddlekids · 11 days ago
Finding the Best Party Room Rentals in Milton, Ontario
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Planning a party is exciting, but finding the perfect venue can be a challenge — especially when you want a space that’s convenient, stylish, and suited to your guest list. If you're in Milton, Ontario, you're in luck! The town offers a variety of party room rentals that cater to different event types, from birthday parties to family gatherings. If you’re looking for a kid-friendly party venue that’s fun, safe, and hassle-free, Skedaddle Kids - Indoor Play Centre is a top choice in Milton. With spacious party rooms, exciting play areas, and customizable party packages, we make hosting a children’s party easy and enjoyable. Let’s explore why party room rentals in Milton Ontario are the perfect solution for your next event.
Why Choose a Party Room Rental?
Renting a party room comes with several advantages that can make planning and hosting your event much easier:
Convenience and Comfort
Party room rentals offer a dedicated space where you can host your event without worrying about space constraints or weather conditions. Many venues provide tables, chairs, and even catering options, so you don’t have to handle every detail yourself.
Customizable Space
Whether you’re hosting a birthday party in Milton Ontario, or a family celebration, party rooms can be decorated and arranged to match your theme and style. Some venues offer pre-set décor packages to make the process even simpler.
Booking a party room can often be more affordable than hosting an event at a restaurant or hotel. With options to bring your own food and drinks or work with the venue’s catering services, you have flexibility in managing your budget.
Less Cleanup and Stress
One of the biggest perks of party room rentals in Milton Ontario is that many venues handle the setup and cleanup for you. This means you can focus on enjoying the event without worrying about the mess afterward.
Top Things to Consider When Booking a Party Room
When searching for the perfect party room rental in Milton, keep these key factors in mind to ensure a smooth event:
Size and Capacity
Make sure the party room is large enough to accommodate your guest list comfortably. Overcrowding can make guests uncomfortable, while a space that’s too large can feel empty and disconnected. In such a case, you can consider choosing Skedaddle Kids - Indoor Play Centre. Being the best Oakville indoor playground area, we can be the kids most favourite play place.
Location and Accessibility
Choose a venue that’s easy for your guests to find and access. Ample parking and nearby public transportation options can make a big difference in guest turnout.
Amenities and Services
Check whether the venue provides essentials like audio-visual equipment, a sound system, and a kitchen. Some venues also offer on-site staff to help with event coordination.
Party room rentals in Milton Ontario makes event planning easier and more enjoyable. With a wide range of options available, you can find the perfect venue to match your style and budget. If you’re planning a kid’s birthday party or play place in Milton, Skedaddle Kids - Indoor Play Centre is the go-to spot for fun and stress-free events. With spacious party rooms, exciting play zones, and all-inclusive packages, Skedaddle Kids takes the hassle out of party planning.
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discoveryzone12 · 1 month ago
Bring Your Kids to Our Safe and Exciting Indoor Soft Play Activity Centre
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Discover a world of fun and safety at our indoor soft play activity centre in Cincinnati, Ohio! At Discovery Zone, kids can explore vibrant play areas filled with soft play equipment, interactive zones, and age-appropriate activities. Our facility is designed to provide a clean, safe, and welcoming environment where children can play, learn, and make new friends. Whether you're planning a casual playdate or an unforgettable birthday party, Discovery Zone offers the perfect setting for endless entertainment and family fun. Visit us today and Book your Slot
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sisilandkidszone · 3 months ago
Discover the Best Indoor Play Zone in Gurgaon
Are you looking for a fun and safe space where your kids can unleash their energy and creativity? 
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Consider Sisiland tht is Gurgaon’s favorite indoor play zone. It is planned & created to bring smiles and laughter for kids and their parents. Sisiland is a paradise for kids with exciting activities like soft play areas, thrilling slides, and engaging interactive games.
Whether it’s a family outing, a casual playdate, or a birthday celebration, Sisiland is the ideal destination. While the kids dive into their adventures, parents can relax and enjoy quality time in a secure and vibrant environment.
It is located at Elan Town Centre, Sector 67, Gurugram - Sisiland is not just a play zone—it’s a place where memories are made and one giggle at a time.
Plan Your Visit Today! 📞 Mobile: 096259 62101 📧 Email: [email protected] 📍 Address: Shop No. 302, 3rd Floor, Elan Town Centre, Sector 67, Gurugram, Haryana 122102
Let your kids experience the magic of Sisiland—a world of joy awaits them!
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melvinthedepressedrobot · 9 months ago
i'll be honest one of the things i'm most excited for is finding out if i still have an irrational fear of tube slides
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angeltism · 1 year ago
Since you mentioned media arts, do you take multiple art classes at your school, my lady? I'm not too sure what sort of subjects others schools offer, so I am curious.
My school offers a general art and music class (..maybe a musical theory class too ? some other music class uhh.. idk it isn't my thing) in-building, however we also get the option to take online classes. I don't think there were any other art related courses available online ? Umm but yayaya :3
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