#Indiana Mehta
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lgbtqreads · 2 months ago
Fave Five: Gay Fiction Set in the 1980s
These are all Adult fiction; YA will be posted separately. My Government Means to Kill Me by Rasheed Newson Disco Witches of Fire Island by Blair Fell Swimming in the Dark by Tomasz Jedrowski The Line of Beauty by Alan Hollinghurst Rent Boy by Gary Indiana Bonus: For books that cover multiple decades including the 80s, check out Tramps Like Us by Joe Westmoreland, A Language of Limbs by Dylin…
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streamondemand · 1 year ago
'The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones' on Disney+
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones (1992-1999) was a labor of love from producer George Lucas. Originally broadcast on ABC as The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, each episode of hour-long weekly series took viewers on a globetrotting journey with young Indiana Jones and his parents, landing in historical hotspots and meeting legendary figures. Lucas himself wrote the stories for nearly half of…
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scienza-magia · 2 years ago
Un grande paese alle soglie del nazionalismo religioso
In India con l’ascesa di Modi fra crescita, nazionalismo e tentazioni autoritarie. Il presidente è inebriato da tassi di consenso elevatissimi, ma il suo partito Bharatiya Janata Party oscilla verso l’autoritarismo. Quando Jawaharlal Nehru dichiarò che L’India indipendente non avrebbe avuto «nient’altro che la democrazia», il più scettico fu Clement Attlee. Nel 1947 il premier laburista inglese incaricato di separare il “gioiello più prezioso” dal morente impero britannico, era convinto che l’India come i nuovi Paesi indipendenti, «tende a degenerare in dittatura». Attlee si sbagliava. Nonostante guerre, povertà, le grandi diversità etniche, linguistiche e religiose, per la sua demografia l’India sarebbe diventata la più vasta democrazia del mondo. Ancora lo è, sebbene i dubbi sulla sua tenuta siano crescenti. A febbraio il New York Times sosteneva che «l’orgogliosa tradizione della libertà di stampa indiana è a rischio». Secondo il quotidiano, il premier Narendra Modi e il suo governo nazional-induista minano «lo status di più grande democrazia al mondo». Nell’ultima indagine sulla libertà di stampa di Reporter Senza Frontiere, l’India è precipitata al 150° posto su 180 Paesi. La Russia di Vladimir Putin è dietro di cinque posizioni. Ma il problema non riguarda solo i giornalisti. Nelle università c’è una sistematica discriminazione verso docenti e intellettuali che si oppongono al potere dilagante del Bjp. Così nel sistema giudiziario, nella polizia. In molti casi il diritto di critica si è trasformato in un reato. Il partito di Modi «inebriato» dal successo Anche ai tempi del Congress della famiglia Nehru- Gandhi, c’era la tradizione di diffondere i ritratti dei leader. A Delhi tuttavia, l’immagine di Modi appare ovunque, anche più dei tradizionali canoni indiani. C’è perfino all’ingresso del Gandhi Smriti, il luogo ora diventato museo dove il Mahatma fu ucciso da un nazionalista hindu nel 1948. Oggi in Parlamento siedono deputati del Bjp che hanno riabilitato come eroe l’assassino di Gandhi. Con un eufemismo, un ambasciatore europeo a Delhi sostiene che il partito nazional-religioso di Modi «è inebriato dal suo successo». Il premier si avvicina alla fine del suo secondo mandato e il terzo, dopo le elezioni dell’anno prossimo, è dato per scontato: la vittoria sarà ancora più grande della precedente.
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Nell’attuale Parlamento di 543 deputati, il Bjp ha 301 seggi: potrebbe governare da solo ma ha aperto a un’ alleanza di governo, la National democratic alliance, che arriva a 329 deputati. L’anno prossimo l’obiettivo raggiungibile secondo i sondaggi, è superare quota 400. Come dice Pratap Bhanu Mehta, accademico e scienziato della politica, epurato dalle università indiane, «il nazionalismo hindu è nato con il progetto democratico dell’India moderna: non è un’aberrazione ma lo accompagna come un’ombra. Il dubbio è in quali condizioni l’ombra diventi tanto lunga da oscurare l’orizzonte della democrazia». L’ombra si trasforma in spettro, secondo Mehta, quando un eccessivo consenso popolare spinge all’autoritarismo. Il boom di consenso di Modi e l’assenza di alternative Il consenso per Narendra Modi è fenomenale: supera costantemente il 70%, grazie anche a una importante e perdurante crescita economica. Tradizionalmente il Bjp era il partito delle caste più alte; quelle più basse e la massa dei poveri sostenevano il Congress socialista. Modi ha ribaltato la consuetudine. Viene da una casta fra le più basse, le O.B.C., acronimo di “altre caste arretrate”. Con i suoi programmi sociali la percentuale dei poveri è calata dal 28 al 16%. Il Bjp vince e va a vincere anche per l’assenza di un’alternativa nazionale pan-indiana. Il suo successo è stato facilitato dal declino del Congress, incapace di liberarsi dal controllo della famiglia Gandhi: ora ha solo 50 seggi in Parlamento. Se il Bjp governa 10 stati dell’Unione indiana e altri cinque con alleati, il Congress controlla ormai solo quattro stati più tre in coalizione. B.R. Ambedkar, il giurista che scrisse la Costituzione, la più lunga al mondo, sosteneva che l’India è una collezione di minoranze: un insieme di caste, religioni, etnie, lingue. Forse è questa la singolarità dalla quale Narendra Modi non potrà prescindere; il tratto caratteristico destinato a ridimensionare il pericolo dell’ Hindutva, l’ideologia nazionalista dell’induismo, ad una forma di nativismo come altrove: Israele, l’America di Donald Trump, Ungheria e Polonia. Fenomeni preoccupanti ma correggibili. Il federalismo indiano, cioè la singolarità descritta da Ambedkar, sarà forse il baluardo della democrazia indiana. Il Bjp governa da solo in 10 dei 28 stati dell’Unione. I partiti regionali vincono in otto; in altrettanti Congress e Bjp non governerebbero senza di loro. Il Center for Political Research, un think tank di Delhi, ha contato l’esistenza di 3.892 partiti: statisticamente 139 per ogni Stato. L’Uttar Pradesh, con 250 milioni di abitanti, ne ha 618, il Bihar 431. Le caste continuano ad avere un ruolo importante. Come la religione. In India il laicismo non è un’ideologia che prevede la separazione fra stato e chiesa, ma tratta tutte le religioni come uguali davanti allo stato. Il contrario di ciò che vuole il Bjp. Spiega il Center for Political Research: «Gli Stati sono differenti nella loro composizione geografica, demografica e culturale. Non solo producono la domanda per uno stile distinto di governo ma anche permettono ai partiti dalle posizioni diverse, di avere successo». Sarà questo a fermare le tentazioni autoritarie del Bjp? Read the full article
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movies-to-add-to-your-tbw · 2 years ago
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Title: Work It
Rating: NR
Director: Laura Terruso
Cast: Sabrina Carpenter, Liza Koshy, Keiynan Lonsdale, Michelle Buteau, Jordan Fisher, Drew Tanner, Jayne Eastwood, Naomi Snieckus, Briana Andrade-Gomes, Kalliane Bremault, Bianca Asilo, Neil Robles, Nathaniel Scarlette, Tyler Hutchings, Indiana Mehta
Release year: 2020
Genres: comedy, music
Blurb: A brilliant-but-clumsy high school senior vows to get into her late father’s alma mater by transforming herself and a misfit squad into dance champions.
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chrisnaustin · 3 years ago
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If only I were she!
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Indiana Mehta on Work it (2020)
as Priya on Work it
Information on beautifulfaces
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newshindiplus · 4 years ago
हॉलीवुड में डेब्यू करने जा रही है ये इंडियन डांसर, ट्रेलर हुआ रिलीज
हॉलीवुड में डेब्यू करने जा रही है ये इंडियन डांसर, ट्रेलर हुआ रिलीज
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इंडियाना मेहता. इंडियाना मेहता ने बताया कि मैं सप्ताह में 3-3 पार्ट टाइम जॉब भी किया करती थी. जहां मैं काम किया करती थी, उन जगहों के नाम है मैकडॉनल्ड, ऑर्गैनिक फ़ूड स्टोर और बार ट्रेंडिंग. ‘कोशिश…
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hulnews · 4 years ago
Indiana Mehta on Hollywood debut Work It: ‘I did bhangra, garba to a Chris Brown song during audition and was selected’
Indiana Mehta on Hollywood debut Work It: ‘I did bhangra, garba to a Chris Brown song during audition and was selected’
Indiana Mehta, who had a small role in Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, is excited for her Hollywood debut, Work It. The 29-year-old has shared the frame with Sabrina Carpenter and Liza Koshy in this dance-comedy film. The choreographer-turned-actor had initially auditioned for a non-Indian character but after she showed her jazz, bhangra and garba moves during the audition, the role was changed to…
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latestbreakingnewsupdates · 5 years ago
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EXCLUSIVE: Gujarati dancer Indiana Mehta to make her Hollywood debut with Sabrina Carpenter starrer Work It  : Bollywood News – Times of India-latestbreakingnewsupdates.com Taking off her sneakers in entrance of a prestigious panel, Hollywood director Laura Terusso & choreographer Aakomon & performing Garba & Bhangra to a Chris Brown tune & a standing ovation later is precisely how this Gujarati woman from a center-class household in Mumbai bagged a task in a Warner Brothers and Alicia Keys produced dance movie…
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iajcnews-blog · 5 years ago
EXCLUSIVE: Gujarati dancer Indiana Mehta to make her Hollywood debut with Sabrina Carpenter starrer Work It  : Bollywood News - Bollywood Hungama
EXCLUSIVE: Gujarati dancer Indiana Mehta to make her Hollywood debut with Sabrina Carpenter starrer Work It  : Bollywood News – Bollywood Hungama
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Taking off her shoes in front of a prestigious panel, Hollywood director Laura Terusso & choreographer Aakomon & performing Garba & Bhangra to a Chris Brown song & a standing ovation later is exactly how this Gujarati girl from a middle-class family in Mumbai bagged a role in a Warner Brothers and Alicia Keys produced dance film Work It, starring Sabrina Carpenter, Lisa Koshy, and Jordan Fisher, 
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todaynewsindia · 5 years ago
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EXCLUSIVE: Gujarati dancer Indiana Mehta to make her Hollywood debut with Sabrina Carpenter starrer Work It  : Bollywood News – Bollywood Hungama Taking off her shoes in front of a prestigious panel, Hollywood director Laura Terusso & choreographer Aakomon & performing Garba & Bhangra to a Chris Brown song & a standing ovation later is exactly how this Gujarati girl from a middle-class family in Mumbai bagged a role in a Warner Brothers and Alicia Keys produced dance film…
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midnightfunk · 5 years ago
Is Biggs a bigot?
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corona-extra-newsletter · 5 years ago
3/17/20 corona extra: cracking open cold covid facts
Announcements & Thank Yous
Thank you to everyone who’s messaged me or sent asks! Specific thanks go to:
@catrope for verifying Netherlands information
@ruffboijuliaburnsides​ and @fleurdeneuf​ for helping me collect county level data and for extra sources
@ineloquent-tumbling​ and Dr. Mehta for sharing an excellent source of data
@stebuklai for info about NJ
@halcyonhowl​ for the homeschooling resources
@stone-stars​ for info about FL
@planb-is-in-effect​ for sources about Canada
Georgia anon for information about Georgia State
Twitter users @molly0xFFF and @goblinartificer for their continued help with the Wordpress site
@marywhal​ for the cat videos
@epersonae​ for the Gritty tipoff
If you have reliable information from a good source that I don’t seem to have, please shoot me a message/ask/pigeon!
Places now included in the newsletter are: Australia, Indiana, Missouri, New Hampshire, Arkansas, and Wyoming. Please send an ask or a message if you would like a place included! Germany will be included in full tomorrow.
I have started a website for the newsletter! Find it at coronaextranewsletter.com. If you know me from fandom, please be chill about my meatspace identity. Please.
Sorry the newsletter is late today. There was some late breaking news and also a lot of stuff happened today! Tomorrow I will make more of an effort to be on time. :)
Just The Numbers
Case numbers
Total cases: 179,112 (+11,526)
Total deaths: 7,426 (+475)
Mortality rate: 4.15%
WHO is now breaking cases down by region, and I will follow their lead from here on out
Western Pacific: 91,779 cases (+289), 3,357 deaths (+23)
Europe: 64,189 cases (+8,507), 3,108 deaths (+428)
SE Asia: 508 cases (+124), 9 deaths (+2)
Eastern Mediterranean: 16,786 cases (+330), 873 deaths (+3)
Americans: 4,910 cases (+2,234), 68 deaths (+18)
Africa: 228 cases (+42), 4 deaths (+1)
159 countries/territories reporting cases, 8 new including:
Guam (3), Somalia (1), Bahamas (1), Aruba (2), US Virgin Islands (2), Benin (1), Liberia (1), and Tanzania (1)
Italy is reporting 27,980 cases (+3233) and  2,503 deaths (+349)
Iran is reporting 14,991 cases (+0) and 853 deaths (+0)
Germany is reporting 6012 cases (+1174) and 13 deaths (+1)
International/General News
Italy has had approximately the same number of cases three days in a row. This means that their strict lockdown/quarantine procedures are working! GOOD NEWS EVERYONE!
China is endorsing the use of favipiravir as an experimental treatment for COVID-19. It has been used to treat influenza before and is showing some promise in COVID patients, by decreasing the duration of the illness and the severity of their lung disease. Watch this space for more!
Virology Corner
Today’s question comes from @greenfairyarmadillo​ and @heturnedleft​. Both asked a variation of the same question: Do we know yet if people who recover from COVID-19 are immune to reinfection or not? Do we expect COVID-19 to be like measles, like flu, or somewhere in between?
We don’t know yet! We know that people have protective antibodies, but my guess based on what I know about other coronaviridae is that the protection will wane pretty quickly, which is more like the flu. But we’ll see! Watch this space for data from China, where we’ll see hard data first.
The other thing to consider is the way that coronaviruses can attenuate, or get less strong, as they spread through populations. So it may be mitigated in the future less by herd immunity and more by attenuation of the SARS-CoV-2 strain itself. But I’m not sure! If I could predict the future I’d be super popular right now. Like, super popular.
If you have questions, ask them and they’ll appear here in the next issue of Corona Extra!
Tomorrow’s topic: Why 6 feet of separation? How does that help? How is COVID-19 spread? Stay tuned!
Regional News (if you want somewhere added just let me know. Don’t be shy!! I highly recommend you just skip to your area if you don’t wanna be overwhelmed.)
Australia: last updated 3/17 at 6 am
375 cases, 5 deaths, 27 recoveries
189 cases acquired overseas (US, Iran, Italy, UK)
Community spread not confirmed
States affected include: ACT (2), New South Wales (170), Queensland (68), South Australia (29), Tasmania (7), Victoria (71), and Western Australia (28)
I have to question why y’all have states called just “South Australia” and “Western Australia”, where’s the panache??? Where’s the creativity?
COVID-19 information line: 1800 020 080
Canada: last updated 3/17 at 10:30 am
Total cases: 424 confirmed (+100), 16 presumed (-1), 5 deaths (+4), 5 recovered
Symptoms began for these cases between 1/15 and 3/15
13% of cases have required hospitalization (no change)
74% of cases are in travellers, and a further 6% in their close contacts
Affected provinces include: Alberta (74, +18), BC (103, +30), Manitoba (7, +0), New Brunswick (7, +1), Newfoundland and Labrador (1, +0), Nova Scotia (5, +0) Ontario (177, +5), PEI (1, +0), Québec (50, +9), and Saskatchewan (7, +1).
Totals here include confirmed and presumptive positives
8 cases in repatriated travellers (+4)
No formal restrictions/closures at the federal level
Recommendation to cancel or postpone gatherings of >50 people
Recommendation to avoid non-essential travel, particularly cruise ships
All international travelers must self-isolate for 14 days upon arrival
Wash your damn hands
Federal information line: 1-833-784-4397
Alberta: last updated 3/17 at 1:40 pm
74 cases, 18 new, 0 deaths
Community spread confirmed in Calgary
Affected zones include: Calgary (52), Edmonton (18), Central (2), South (1), and North (1)
This is all of them I think
K-12 schools and in-person post-secondary classes/training are closed
Licensed childcare facilities, out-of-school care programs, and preschools are closed indefinitely
State of Emergency declared 3/17
Sit-down restaurants are operating at lower capacity
All events over 50 people are prohibited
Rec centers, bingo halls, casinos, theaters, other entertainment/public spaces are closed
British Columbia: last updated 3/16 evening
Dedicated phone line: 1 888 COVID19
103 cases (+30), 5 recoveries, and 6 critical cases
4 deaths, 3 new
Affected public health units include: Fraser, Interior, Island, and Vancouver Coastal
Clusters of infection have been reported at Lynn Valley Care Centre, Hollyburn House Retirement Residence, and Lions Gate Hospital (admin staff).
An exposure occurred at the Pacific Dental Conference 2020 (Vancouver Convention Centre, 3/6 and 3/7)
All present on those dates are in self-isolation until 3/22
Poor teeth man :(
All hospitals have postponed elective surgeries and are on Outbreak Response Phase 2
Lions Gate Hospital is going to open a dedicated COVID 19 unit and is in Outbreak Response Phase 3 (emergency patients only)
Long term care facilities have restricted visitors to end of life only
Public gatherings & buildings with >50 people are prohibited
All casinos are closed
Manitoba: last updated 3/17 AM
HealthLinks Line: 204-788-8200 or 1-888-315-9257 (toll free)
8 cases, 1 new
Affected regions include: Interlake-Eastern (1) and Winnipeg (7)
Hospital and long term care visitors restricted to only exception circumstances (incl. end of life care)
Licensed child-care centers are closed effective 3/20
Casinos are closed effective 3/17
Health care workers and first responders who need child care due to school closures are advised to call  204-945-0776 or 1-888-213-4754
New Brunswick: last updated 3/17 4 PM
8 cases, 2 new, 0 deaths
Affected areas include Zone 3
I don’t live in NB so I have no idea what this is beyond one of at least three zones
Schools are closed starting 3/16 for two weeks
Newfoundland & Labrador: last updated 3/17
1 case, 0 new
Sorry that’s all the info I have ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Nova Scotia: last updated 3/16 at 12:58 pm
7 cases, 2 new
Affected areas include: Halifax Regional Municipality (2)
Gatherings over 150 people are disallowed
Casinos are closed starting 3/16; VLTs are not allowed in bars
Childcare facilities are closed starting 3/17 through 4/3
Public schools are closed until 4/6
Long-term care facilities are closed to visitors until further notice
All incoming international travelers are required to isolate for 14 days upon arrival
Hospitals are limiting visitors but limitations vary by centre
Ontario: last updated 3/17 at 10:30 AM
Telehealth Ontario: 1-866-797-0000
177 cases, 69 new, 5 recovered, 1 death
Affected public health units include: Durham (1), Halton (1), Hamilton (9, +5), Middlesex London (2), Niagara (1), Ottawa (3), Peel (4), Sudbury (1), Toronto (11), Wellington Dufferin Guelph (1), York (6, +1)
Only cases from 3/16 on are counted under here based on how the site works
No hospitalizations since 3/16
All schools, restaurants, libraries, childcare facilities, theaters, public venues, and recreational spaces are closed
Events over 50 people (incl. parades and worship services) are prohibited until 3/31
P.E.I.: last updated 3/17 AM
1 case, in Queens County, connected to a cruise, no new cases
Libraries and community events are closed/canceled
Child care facilities are closed for two weeks starting 3/17
Public schools are closed until April 6
General queries: call 1-800-958-6400
Business-related queries: call 1-866-222-1751
Québec: last updated 3/17 at 1 pm
74 cases, 24 new, no deaths
Affected regions include: Capitale Nationale (3, +1), Mauricie - Centre du Québec (3, +0), Estrie (9, +6), Montréal (22, +4), Chaudière-Appalaches (4, +0), Lanaudière (6, +3), Laurentides (7, +4), Montérégie (13, +3), and undetermined/outside Québec (7, +3).
State of health emergency as of 3/13
Indoor gatherings of >250 people prohibited, many public buildings closed until further notice
Daycare/childcare facilities and all schools closed until 3/27
Elections scheduled for 3/15 have been rescheduled to after late April
Non-essential visits to hospitals and long-term care institutions are prohibited
Saskatchewan: last updated 3/16
8 cases (+2), no deaths
School K-12 is suspended indefinitely effective 3/20
Gatherings >250 people are prohibited, except for distributed places (malls, universities, etc)
Public gatherings >50 people with attendees who have traveled internationally in the last 14 days are canceled/prohibited
Hospital and long term care visitors are only allowed in end of life care
Dammit Saskatchewan, why are you making me download PDFs :(
Greece: last updated 3/17 at 6:45 pm local time
Note: I do not speak Greek, and I therefore am struggling to find official data from somewhere more granular than the WHO. I’m sourcing most of this from the WHO and from Ekathimerini, but if you know where I can find better/more up to date info, please let me know. Thank you!
387 total cases, 56 new, 14 recoveries
5 deaths (1 new)
All arrivals to the country are required to isolate for 14 days
Beginning 3/19 at 6 am, the country is closed to non-Greek and EU nationals unless exceptional circumstances warrant
Parliament has suspended all committee meetings and restricted each party to one MP in attendance at a time
Businesses are closed starting Wednesday 3/18, with the exception of gas stations, pharmacies, and groceries
Supermarkets are restricting the number of patrons to allow 1 person per 10 square meters
Migrant camps on various islands are on total lockdown for 2 weeks
Religion is canceled until 3/30
Ireland: last updated 3/17
292 total cases, 69 new (nice), 2 deaths (0 new)
Community transmission is confirmed
The following regional breakdown is available of the new cases: 48 eastern, 5 north/west, 3 west, and 13 southern
All pubs & bars are closed until March 29. House parties are discouraged.
Schools, colleges, and childcare facilities are closed until March 29
Indoor gatherings of >100 people and outdoor gatherings >500 people are prohibited
State run cultural institutions are closed until further notice
The Netherlands: last updated 3/17 at 2 PM local time
1705 confirmed cases, 43 deaths
292 new cases, 19 new deaths
314 hospitalizations
Average age of decedents is 79, with a range from 63 to 94
The report of a decedent aged 59 years was in error, this is now corrected
Provinces affected include: Drenthe (17, +1), Flevoland (24, +2), Friesland (14, +1), Gelderland (173, +38), Groningen (10, +0), Limburg (197, +48), North Brabant (634, +80), North Holland (152, +36), Overijssel (45, +9), Utrecht (173, +33), South Holland (175, +39), and Zeeland (20, +3).
There are 70 non-residents/unknown location patients
Schools, restaurants/bars, sports and fitness clubs, sex clubs, saunas, and childcare facilities are closed until April 6
If it’s fun it’s probably closed unless it’s your house
New Zealand: last updated 3/17 in the morning
13 cases, 5 new
12 confirmed, 1 probable
2 in Wellington contracted in the USA (sorry guys :c)
1 in Dunedin contracted in Germany
2 family members of the case in Dunedin
No hospitalizations reported
Exposures are reported on the following flights and in the following locations:
AA83 on 3/14, Los Angeles to Auckland, seats 4A and 10H
NZ419 on 3/14, Auckland to Wellington, seats 1B and 1C
Logan Park HS in Dunedin, now closed for 48h while contact tracing and thorough cleaning occurs
If you are concerned about possible exposure please call Healthline (number below)
Testing capacity: 770/day, expected to be 1500/day by the end of the week
Anyone coming into the country from anywhere except a small list of other Pacific islands is directed to self-quarantine for 14 days. This started on 3/16 at 0100 and is expected to continue for at least the next few weeks.
New Zealanders currently overseas should register with SafeTravel (https://register.safetravel.govt.nz/login)
Healthline number: 0800 611 116
Norway: last updated 3/17 at 10 pm local time
I still don’t speak Norwegian so if I screwed up lemme know
1469 cases, 3 deaths (+0)
67 hospitalized (+14), 15 critical (+4)
139 new cases during the 24h of March 16
423 cases acquired in Norway, 757 acquired outside of Norway, the rest are undetermined. Community spread is confirmed.
Locations where people became infected include Austria (513, +0), Italy (148, +0), Switzerland (20, +2), UK (15, +1), Spain (18, +4), France (8, -2), USA (7), Iran (5), Germany (5),  other countries with more than 3 cases (128), and other countries with less than 3 cases (18).
Breakdown of cases by area: Agder (67, -20), Innlandet (88, +0), Møre og Romsdal (20, +0), Nordland (11, +0), Oslo (329, +37), Rogaland (150, -14), Troms og Finnmark (24, +1), Trøndelag (61, -13), Vestfold og Telemark (59, -10), Vestland (141, +10), and Viken (358, -15)
I’m not sure if the numbers dropping means that those are people recovering or people being moved from place to place for intensive care/hospitalization. If you speak Norwegian and can clarify, please shoot me a message!
The whole country is under shelter in place type restrictions for two weeks. Hang in there, y’all.
Switzerland:  last updated 3/17 at 1:45 pm local time
2650 cases, 19 deaths (+5)
Whole country is on lockdown as of 3/16: no entry or exit until further notice (maximum of 6 months)
schools are closed until 4/19
all events are canceled
all personal service establishments are closed
United Kingdom in general: last updated 3/17 at 9 am
Boris is hopefully starting to realise how severe this thing is, fuck Boris and his stupid cronies for not acting earlier. I’m still furious about how this has been bungled in multiple countries.
Where’s that milkshake guy who got Nigel? He could probably hit Boris from 6 ft away to both do a public service and maintain social distancing.
Given the numbers, it might be too little too late. I personally would encourage everyone in the UK to shelter in place, but I have zero authority there.
1,950 total cases (+26.3%), 407 are new today
55 total deaths as of 3/16, deaths on 3/17 have not been announced
England: last updated 3/17 at 9 am
1,557 total cases, 361 new
Affected UTLAs with at least 10 cases are as follows: Barnet (24), Bexley (14), Birmingham (20), Brent (24), Bromley (23), Buckingham (23), Cambridge (12), Camden (20), Cornwall and Isles of Scilly (10), Cumbria (22), Devon (24), Ealing (21), Enfield (10), Essex (21), Gloucestershire (11), Greenwich (19), Hackney and City of London (22), Hammersmith and Fulham (23), Hampshire (69), Haringey (17), Harrow (15), Hertfordshire (36), Hillingdon (16), Hounslow (15), Islington (11), Kensington (49), Kent (18), Lambeth (43), Lancashire (15), Leeds (11), Lewisham (18), Liverpool (11), Manchester (14), Merton (13), Newham (17), Northamptonshire (12), Nottingham (12), Nottinghamshire (13), Oldham (10), Oxfordshire (25), Slough (12), Southwark (58), Staffordshire (10), Stockport (10), Surrey (30), Sutton (10), Tameside (10), Tower Hamlets (23), Trafford (12), Walsall (13), Wandsworth (21), West Sussex (10), Westminster (58), and Wolverhampton (18)
I had to download an Excel spreadsheet situation for this, hopefully it is being updated the way I think it is. Let me know if these numbers are totally off.
Also, I am alphabetizing starting today because the hardest-hit areas will change day to day. Tomorrow will have deltas and all that good stuff.
My dad is from Cheshire, I know a fair amount about the UK, I was still fucking SHOOK by the fact that Nottingham and Nottinghamshire are two separate places.
Also “Slough” is kind of a gross name for somewhere, are y’all ok?
Deaths are not being reported by the PHS but I will do my best to split these out in the next few editions using news reports etc. It will hopefully be included by the 3/18 edition but no promises? If you have a good source for deaths by county/area, please let me know.
Scotland: last updated 3/17 at 2 pm local time
195 cases, 24 new
2 deaths, 1 new
Affected health boards are as follows: Ayrshire and Arran (6, -1), Borders (7, +0), Dumfries and Galloway (1, +0), Fife (7, +0), Forth Valley (12, +2), Grampian (22, +10), Greater Glasgow and Clyde (49, +5), Highland (5, +3), Lanarkshire (21, +1), Lothian (30, +1), Shetland (15, +0), and Tayside (20, +3)
Maybe this is all of them? Time will tell.
If anyone knows whether negative numbers are patients dying, being moved, or recovering, please let me know.
Wales: last updated 3/17 at 4:30 pm
136 cases, 12 new
2 deaths, 1 new
Areas reporting deaths are: Swansea (1)
Affected areas include: Blaenau Gwent County (8, +1), Bridgend County (3, +2), Caerphilly County (15, +1), Carmarthenshire County (7, +0), Ceredigion County (1, +0), City & County of Swansea (22, -1), City of Cardiff (14, +1), Conwy County (1, +0), Flintshire County (1, +0), Isle of Anglesey (2, +0), Monmouthshire County (8, +0), Neath Port Talbot (11, +0), Newport City (24, +3), Pembrokeshire (2, +0), Powys County (7, +2),  Rhondda Cynon Taf County (2, +0), Torfaen County (3, +1) Vale of Glamorgan County (1, +0), and Wrexham County (2, +0).
Note that some of these numbers have changed more than you might see from looking at yesterday’s report; this is because residential locations of patients are being confirmed. 0 cases remain unlocalized and 2 are residents outside of Wales.
Northern Ireland: last updated 3/17 at 2 pm
62 cases, 10 new
Health dept is not providing more detail than this at this time as far as I can tell
If you know more or know where I can find more info, please let me know!
US in general: updated 3/17 at 4 pm
4,226 total cases, 739 new
75 deaths, 8 new (1.75% mortality rate)
54 jurisdictions are reporting cases: 50 states, DC, Puerto Rico, Guam, and US Virgin Islands
Shelter in place orders and curfews are coming into effect in lots of places
Alabama: updated 3/17 at 3:30 pm
39 cases, 11 new
0 deaths
Affected counties include: Baldwin (1, +0), Elmore (2, +1), Lee (3, +2), Jefferson (21, +4), Limestone (1, +0), Montgomery (2, +1), Shelby (4, +1), and Tuscaloosa (3, +0).
Newly affected counties include: Madison (1) and St. Clair (1)
State hotline: 1-888-264-2256
Arkansas: updated 3/17
22 cases, 0 deaths
Affected counties include: Cleburne, Cleveland, Desha, Garland, Jefferson, Lincoln, Pulaski, and Saline
Exact numbers by county are not available from the state department of health
Y’all have a county called YELL, that’s the best county name I’ve seen yet
Graphic design is their passion
State hotline: 1-800-803-7847
Arizona: updated 3/17 at 11:36 AM
20 cases, 2 new, no deaths
Affected counties include: Graham (1, +0), Maricopa (9, +1), Pima (4, +0), and Pinal (5, +0)
Newly affected counties include: Navajo (1)
Community spread is confirmed in: Maricopa, Pima, and Pinal counties
“Strong recommendation” that restaurants in areas of community spread close their dine-in services
Recommendation to cancel/postpone gatherings >10 people
Schools are closed through 3/27
State hotline (rolled into poison control): 844-542-8201
California: last updated 3/16 at 6 pm
The Governor has recommended the following:
Those with chronic health conditions and those over 65 should shelter in place.
Gatherings over 250 people should be canceled.
Drinking establishments should be closed but restaurants can operate at 50% capacity.
Hospitals and long term care facilities should prohibit visitors except for end of life situation
Total cases not including the ones at Miramar (discussed below): 472, with 11 total deaths
Deaths have occurred in the following counties: Los Angeles (1, +1), Placer (1, +0), Riverside (3, +3), Sacramento (2, +0), San Mateo (1, +0), Santa Clara (4, +2)
The following counties report recoveries: Humboldt (1), San Benito (2)
The following counties report numbers of hospitalizations: Los Angeles (2), San Diego (9, +1), Santa Clara (56, +4), Tulare (1, +0)
Affected counties include: Alameda (27, +9), Amador (1, +0), Calaveras (2, +0), Contra Costa (39, +5), Fresno (2, +0), Humboldt (1, +0), Imperial (2, +0), Los Angeles (144, +50), Madera (1, +0), Marin (9, +0),  Nevada (1, +0), Orange (29, +12), Placer (8, +0), Riverside (15, +0), Sacramento (40, +7) San Benito (3, +0), San Bernardino (2, +1), San Diego (51, +18), San Francisco (43, +3), San Joaquin (13, +5), San Luis Obispo (3, +0), San Mateo (64, +23), Santa Barbara (2, +1), Santa Clara (155, +17), Santa Cruz (13, +4), Shasta (1, +0), Solano (8, -1), Sonoma (6, +1), Stanislaus (3, +0), Tulare (3, +1), Ventura (10, +5), and Yolo (4, +2)
Note regarding San Diego: The four federally quarantined people are not included in the county statistics. Cases of non-residents diagnosed in San Diego are included.
Unaffected counties include: Alpine, Butte, Colusa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Glenn, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Lake, Lassen, Mariposa, Mendocino, Merced, Modoc, Mono, Napa, Plumas, Sierra, Siskiyou, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Tuolumne, Yuba
Counties with confirmed community transmission include: Los Angeles, Marin, Orange, Riverside, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Joaquin, Santa Clara, Sonoma, and Yolo
Newly affected counties include: Monterey (2)
Closures/Restrictions by County
Alameda: Shelter in Place until 4/7
Alpine: County activities are canceled, schools closed, no non-essential services
Contra Costa: Shelter in Place until 4/7
Del Norte: Schools closed through 4/20
El Dorado: Schools closed through 3/20
Los Angeles: gatherings >50 people prohibited
Marin: Shelter in Place until 4/7
Mendocino: Modified schooling starting 3/17, gatherings >50 prohibited
Mono: Schools closed through 3/30, Alterra Mountain closed, libraries closed through 3/31
Monterey: Shelter in Place beginning 3/18 until 4/8
Napa: gatherings >50 people prohibited
Nevada: Schools are closed until 4/13, libraries closed until 4/12
Orange: Shelter in Place until 3/31
Riverside: Schools & daycares are closed, gatherings >10 people prohibited
Sacramento: Shelter in Place until further notice
San Benito: Shelter in Place until 4/7
San Bernardino: County operated attractions are closed
San Diego: gatherings >50 people prohibited, restaurants are carry-out and drive through only, all schools are closed, and entertainment establishments are closed
San Francisco: Shelter in Place until 4/7
San Luis Obispo: Alcohol sales on site are banned through 3/18
San Mateo: Shelter in Place until 4/7
Santa Barbara: Dining is takeout/drive through only
Santa Clara: Shelter in Place until 4/7
Santa Cruz: Shelter in Place until 4/7
Siskiyou: gatherings >50 prohibited, hospital/LTAC visitors prohibited
Stanislaus: Gatherings of >1000 people are prohibited indoor and outdoor from 3/16 to 3/31
Tuolumne: Schools are closed from 3/16 to 3/30
Ventura: All schools and public libraries are closed starting 3/16 until further notice
Yolo: Many schools are closed at the local level, non-essential gatherings canceled through 3/31
School closures listed here: https://www.yolocounty.org/health-human-services/adults/communicable-disease-investigation-and-control/novel-coronavirus-2019;
Counties with no closures/restrictions beyond those mandated by the state: Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, Fresno, Glenn, Humboldt, Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Lake, Lassen, Madera, Merced, Modoc, Placer, Plumas, San Joaquin, Shasta, Sierra, Solano, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Tulare, and Yuba
Drive through testing is available in Marin County
Colorado - last updated 3/16 at 4:00 pm
183 cases (+52)
2 deaths (+1)
20 hospitalizations
Counties reporting deaths include: El Paso (1) and Larimer (1)
Affected counties include: Adams (8, +2), Arapahoe (18, +3),Boulder (8, +5), Clear Creek (2, +1), Denver (38, +14), Douglas (10, +2), Eagle (34, +12), El Paso (6, +2), Gunnison (11, +3), Jefferson (17, +5), Larimer (1, +0), Mesa (1, +0), Pitkin (11, +9), Pueblo (1, +0), Summit (3, +2), and Weld (5, +0)
4 cases are designated “unknown”
Out of state visitors are now included in the tally of the county where they were diagnosed/are being treated
Confirmed community spread
Newly affected counties include: Garfield (2), Routt (2)
Drive through testing is available in: Denver and Lowry
Residents of Gunnison, Eagle, Summit, Pitkin are recommended to minimize social contact due to potential exposures
Anyone who visited the Colorado Springs Bridge center in late Feb-early Mar may have been exposed, call the DPH for more information
Public places are closed, restaurants are takeout only until 4/16
Gambling is canceled
Schools are iffy, check your local district news
Colorado’s new website looks way nicer but takes 5ever to load
Dark colorado give me the forbidden numbers
Connecticut - last update 3/17 at 4:30 pm
68 cases, 27 new
The following counties are affected: Fairfield (48, +19), Hartford (7, +3), Litchfield (5, +1), New Haven (8, +4)
This continues to support my conjecture that Connecticut only has 4 counties
No gatherings >50 people until further notice
Nursing home visits restricted
Schools closed through 3/30
Restaurants are carryout/drive through only through 4/30
Fitness/recreation centers and movie theaters closed through 4/30
Gambling is canceled until the end of April
Delaware: last update 3/17 at 2:55 pm
16 cases (+8), 0 deaths
Affected counties include: New Castle (15, +7) and Sussex (1).
Update: you apparently have three counties
Events over >100 people are encouraged to cancel/reschedule
Schools closed through 3/27
District of Columbia: last update 3/17 at 7 pm
31 cases (+14), no deaths
There’s no counties in DC, you can’t trick me
Food service/drinking establishments are restricted to <250 people, <6 people/table, no standing or bar seating, and tables separated by 6 feet
Nightclubs etc are closed
Most government stuff is telework so if you want to report a Ponzi scheme you have to email them or call them
Florida - last updated 3/17 at 6:03 PM
216 (+61) cases and 7 deaths (+3)
Community transmission remains unconfirmed but highly likely
Affected counties  include: Alachua (6, +4), Broward (55, +16), Charlotte (1, +0), Citrus (2, +1), Clay (4, +1), Collier (7, +1), Duval (10, +5), Escambia (1, +0), Hillsborough (9, +4), Lake (1, +0), Lee (7, +3), Manatee (7, +2), Miami-Dade (43, +20), Nassau (1, +0) Okaloosa (2, +1), Orange (6, +3), Osceola (7, +3), Palm Beach (13, +5), Pasco (2, +0), Pinellas (4, +0), Santa Rosa (1, +0), Sarasota (4, +1) Seminole (4, +0), St. Johns (3, +1) Volusia (9, +2)
Newly affected counties include: Brevard (1) and Polk (1)
State hotline/call center:  1 (866) 779-6121
Georgia: last updated 3/17 at 11:34 AM
146 cases (+25),1 death (+0)
Affected counties include: Bartow (10, +1), Charlton (1, +0), Cherokee (7, +0), Clayton (4, -1), Clarke (3, +0), Cobb (25, +3), Coweta (3, +1), Dekalb (15, +5), Dougherty (6, +0), Fayette (5, +0), Floyd (6, +2), Forsyth (1, +0), Fulton (33, +6), Gordon (2, +0), Gwinnett (7, +2), Hall (1, +0), Henry (2, +0), Lowndes (4, +1), Lee (2, +0), Newton (1, +0), Paulding (1, +0), Polk (1, +0), Troup (2, +1)
Newly affected counties include: Barrow (1), Columbia (1), Rockdale (1), and Richmond (1).
USG universities are closed through 3/29 and will be online after that for the semester
Athens-Clarke County has a curfew in place from 5pm to 9 am probably. There’s a lot of uncertainty as I have heard. I will try to clarify this in tomorrow's edition provided the government clarifies things.
Asks from Georgia Anon can provide more details
Illinois: last updated 3/17
160 confirmed cases (+55), 1 death (+1)
Confirmed community spread
Affected counties include Champaign (1), Clinton (2), Cook (107), Cumberland (1), DuPage (26), Kane (3), Lake (7), McHenry (2), Peoria (1), Sangamon (3), St. Clair (2), Whiteside (1), Will (2), Winnebago (1), and Woodford (1)
ILDPH started publishing numbers for each county, YAY.
Med students have been infected (not at my school, but still yikes)
Deaths are reported in the following counties: Cook (1)
Bars and restaurants are closed (except for carryout and drive through) until 3/30
All gatherings >50 people prohibited
Gyms/fitness centers/clubs/theaters are closed
DMV is closed! I personally hate the IL DMV so this isn’t like, sad news in particular…..
Community colleges and public schools are closed - like in other places I will attempt to include county-by-county news soon.
The IL governor dunked on Trump for a really long time during his press conference tonight and it was totally fucking awesome.
Indiana: last updated 3/17 at 10 AM
30 cases, 2 deaths
Affected counties include: Adams (1), Bartholomew (1), Boone (1), Floyd (1), Franklin (2), Hamilton (1), Hendricks (3), Howard (2), Johnson (3), Lake (2), La Porte (1), Marion (9), Noble (1), St. Joseph (1), and Wells (1)
Deaths are being reported in the following counties: Johnson (1) and Marion (1)
Indiana, good job on your website. Thanks for making this easy on me.
Iowa: last updated 3/17
29 cases (+7)
Affected counties include: Allamakee (2, +0), Carroll (1, +0), Dallas (3, +2), Harrison (1, +0), Johnson (18, +3), Polk (1, +0), and Pottawattamie (1, +0)
Newly affected counties include: Adair (1) and Black Hawk (1)
Community spread confirmed
Schools closed for 4 weeks starting 3/16
Public places closed, restaurants carryout only until further notice
Kansas: last updated 3/17
16 confirmed cases (+5), 1 death
Affected counties include: Butler (1, +0), Franklin (1, +0), Johnson (10, +2), and Wyandotte (3, +2)
Newly affected counties include: Douglas (1)
Deaths are being reported in the following counties: Wyandotte (1)
Schools closed through 3/23
Gatherings >50 people prohibited
Public places must maintain a 6ft bubble
Phone line:  1-866-534-3463
Kentucky: last updated 3/17 at 4 pm local time
27 cases (+5), 1 death (+0)
Counties reporting deaths: Bourbon (1)
Counties reporting recoveries: Harrison (1)
Affected counties include: Bourbon (1, +0), Clark (1, +0), Fayette (6, +1), Harrison (6, +0), Jefferson (9, +3), Montgomery (1, +0), and Nelson (1, +0).
Newly affected counties include: Lyon (1)
Restaurants and bars closed to in-person service
State Capitol closed to nonessential personnel
Entertainment/nonessential services are closed
Schools are closed statewide
Phone line: (800) 722-5725 (rolled in with poison control)
Louisiana: last updated 5:30 pm 3/17
196 cases reported, 60 new
4 deaths, 1 new
Parishes affected:  Ascension (1, +0), Bossier (1, +0), Caddo (4, +1), Jefferson (35, +14), Lafourche (2, +0), Orleans (136, +42), St. Bernard (2, +0), St. Charles (3, +0), St. John the Baptist (1, +0), St. Tammany (6, +0), and Terrebonne (3, +1)
New parishes affected: East Baton Rouge (1) and Washington (1)
Parishes reporting deaths: Orleans (4, +1)
Maryland: last updated 3/17 at 10 am
57 cases (+20), 0 deaths
Counties affected: Anne Arundel (3, +2), Baltimore (6, +2), Baltimore City (1, +0), Carroll (1, +0), Charles (1, +0), Harford (2, +0), Howard (3, +2), Montgomery (24, +9), Prince George’s (14, +4), Talbot (1, +0)
Newly affected counties include: Frederick (1)
Community spread confirmed
Exposure risk advisory for Lorien Elkridge
Casinos, racetracks and other gambling situations are closed
Gatherings >250 people prohibited
All schools closed through 3/27
Senior centers closed until further notice
Elections postponed - vote by mail implemented for urgent elections
Massachusetts: last updated 3/17 at 4 pm
218 cases (+21)
Affected counties include: Barnstable (2, +1), Berkshire (14, +3), Bristol (5, +3), Essex (8, +0), Hampden (1, +0), Middlesex (89, +6), Norfolk (43, +7), Plymouth (5, +2) Suffolk (42, +6), and Worcester (8, +2)
1 case of undetermined location
21 hospitalizations (+7)
Michigan: last updated 3/17 at 2 pm
54 cases (+21), 25 hospitalizations, 0 deaths
Affected counties include: Bay (1, +0), Charlevoix (1, +0), Ingham (2, +1), Kent (5, +0), Macomb (8, +2), Monroe (1, +0), Montcalm (1, +0), Oakland (16, +2), St. Clair (2, +0), Washtenaw (7, +0), and Wayne (17, +3)
Wayne County includes Detroit (8 cases, +2)
Newly affected counties include: Jackson (1), Leelanau (1), Otsego (1), and Ottawa (1)
Two employees of the corrections department have tested positive
Jackson County Probation Office and Detroit Detention Center have both been exposed, contact the health department if you have been exposed
Bars and restaurants are carryout/drive through only
Public spaces (casinos, theaters, etc) closed
Public offices open by appt only
Minnesota: last updated 3/17 at 12:00
60 cases (+6)
Affected counties include: Anoka (3-5), Benton (1-2), Blue Earth (1-2), Carver (1-2), Dakota (6-20), Hennepin (20+), Olmstead (3-5), Ramsey (6-20), Renville (1-2), Stearns (3-5), Waseca (1-2), Washington (1-2), and Wright (1-2)
Still working with just ranges due to everything popping off today. I apologise for the imprecise data.
Drive through testing available in Olivia
13 cases, 0 deaths
Affected counties include: Boone (1), Cass (2), Cole (1), Greene (4), Henry (1), Jackson (1), St. Louis City (1), St. Louis County (4)
Hotline: 877-435-8411
Montana: last updated 3/16 at 7:22 pm
8 cases (+2)
Affected counties not being reported at this time, and due to everything being all the time all the time I haven’t sorted out where the cases are. Please forgive me and watch this space, I’ll try to get to it asap.
Public schools closed until 3/30
Many counties have closed libraries
State of Emergency
Nebraska: last updated 3/17
Community transmission confirmed: many locations in Douglas County are potential places where transmission has occurred; if you live or have traveled to Douglas County (Omaha), please check the Douglas County COVID-19 monitoring site at: https://www.douglascountyhealth.com/latest-news.
There were also two exposures in Knox County on March 5, at basketball games at Lincoln Southwest HS and North Star HS.
21 cases (+2), no deaths
Affected counties include: Cass (1), Douglas (18, +3) and Knox (1)
Nebraska, please update your shit. (Or possibly I can’t find the updated shit)
Hotline (bling): (402) 552-6645
New Hampshire: last updated 3/17 at 9 AM
26 cases, 0 deaths
Affected counties include: Carroll (1), Grafton (7), Hillsborough (4), and Rockingham (14)
Nashua (1) is included in Hillsborough county totals
Exposure reported at the Manchester DMV on 3/2, 3/3, 3/4, 3/5, and 3/10.
My desire to avoid the DMV at all costs continues to be vindicated
Your governor has a really good last name, btw
He announced a state of emergency
New Jersey : last updated 3/16 at 2 pm
267 cases (+89), 2 deaths (+1)
Affected counties include: Bergen (84, +23), Burlington (5, +2), Camden (3, +0), Essex (32, +12), Hudson (24, +5), Hunterdon (4, +3), Mercer (6, +5), Middlesex (22, +5), Monmouth (22, +8), Morris (7, +2), Ocean (3, +0), Passaic (10, +2), Somerset (7, +2), and Union (15, +7)
17 cases are unassigned to a county
No gatherings >50 people
Restaurants, bars, entertainment venues, and other public spaces are closed
Curfew in effect from 8 pm to 5 am, anyone out without a valid reason is committing a misdemeanor and is also a total dick, don’t expose people
New York: last updated 3/17 at 8 PM
1,374 cases (+424), 10 deaths
Affected counties include: Albany (23, +11), Allegany (2, +0), Broome (1, +0), Delaware (1, +0), Dutchess (16, +6), Erie (7, +1), Greene (2, +0), Herkimer (1, +0), Monroe (10, +0), Montgomery (1, +0), Nassau (131, +22), Onondaga (2, +1), Ontario (1, +0), Orange (15, +4), Putnam (2, +0), Rockland (22, +6), Saratoga (9, +4), Schenectady (5, +1), Suffolk (84, +21, Tioga (1, +0), Tompkins (2, +1), Ulster (8, +1), Westchester (380, +160)
NYC has 644 cases (+351) as of 3/17 at 2:30 pm
Areas/counties reporting deaths are: NYC (7), Rockland (1)
I can’t find the two others, if you have information leading to the whereabouts of these last two deaths in New York State please let me know. There is no reward other than my gratitude.
Newly affected counties include: Clinton (1), Rensselaer (1), Sullivan (1), and Wyoming (1)
Why do so many states name their counties after OTHER STATES
Drive through testing in New Rochelle, Long Island, Staten Island, and Rockland County
Bars, restaurants, entertainment venues closed
No gatherings >50 people
Public schools closed until 4/1
Village elections delayed until 4/28
New legal protections and stuff from the state came down today
Job protection and pay are guaranteed for those quarantined
Permanent comprehensive sick leave policy
If you are a retired doctor or nurse, New York needs you. Like, real bad. Contact the state or local health dept to see how you can help.
North Carolina: last updated 3/17 at 8:57 AM
40 cases (+7), 0 deaths
Affected counties include: Brunswick (1, +0), Cabarrus (1, +0), Chatham (1, +0), Craven (1, +0), Durham (1, +0), Forsyth (2, +0), Harnett (3, +1), Johnston (2, +0), Mecklenburg (7, +3), Onslow (1, +0), Wake (15, +1), Watauga (1, +0), Wayne (1, +0), and  Wilson (1, +0).
Newly affected counties include: Iredell (1) and Sampson (1)
Advisory for an exposure at Raleigh convention center on March 8
Please call Wake County if you were there, they are tracking exposures
Schools are closed statewide until 3/30
Events >100 people canceled
Restaurants and bars are closed
Ohio: last updated 3/17 at 2 pm
67 confirmed cases (+17)
17 hospitalizations (+3)
Affected counties include: Belmont (2, +0), Butler (6, +0), Cuyahoga (31, +7), Franklin (4, +1), Geauga (1, +0), Lorain (4, +1), Lucas (1, +0), Medina (3, +1), Stark (3, +0), Summit (4, +2), Trumbull (2, +0), Tuscarawas (1, +0)
Newly affected counties include: Coshocton (2), Lake (1), and Mahoning (1)
Bars/restaurants are closed
Gatherings >50 people canceled
Oregon: last updated 3/17 at 9 AM
65 cases (+26), 1 death (+0)
Counties reporting deaths: Multnomah (1)
13 hospitalized at time of positive test
The following counties are affected: Clackamas (6, +5), Deschutes (6, +2), Douglas (1, +0), Jackson (2, +0), Klamath (1, +0), Linn (15, +5), Marion (4, +2), Multnomah (3, +2), Polk (1, +0), Umatilla (2, +0), Washington (21, +8), and Yamhill (1, +0)
Newly affected counties include: Benton (2)
Pennsylvania: last updated 3/17 at 5 pm
GRITTY HAS SPOKEN: https://twitter.com/GrittyNHL/status/1239962668208779266
96 total cases (+20)
Counties affected include: Allegheny (7, +2) Bucks (8, +3), Chester (4, +2), Cumberland (10, +5), Delaware (9, +2),  Lehigh (1, +0), Luzerne (1, +0), Monroe (8, +0), Montgomery (32, +2), Northampton (1, +0), Philadelphia (10, +2), Pike (1, +0), Washington (2, +1), Wayne (1, +0)
Newly affected counties include:  Beaver (1)
Restaurants and bars are closed in the following counties until 3/30:  Allegheny, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery
Rhode Island: last updated 3/16
21 confirmed cases (+1), no deaths
Chanston High School West had an exposure; 1700 people are currently quarantined after this exposure
I will attempt to sort out county level data soon, since apparently y’all have counties
If anyone knows where to find more frequently updated information than that from RIDOH, please let me know. I apologise for this data being out of date.
South Carolina: last updated 3/17 at 4:35 pm
47 cases (+13), 1 death (+1)
Affected counties include: Anderson (2), Beaufort (4), Calhoun (1), Charleston (3), Fairfield (1), Greenville (2), Horry (4), Kershaw (22), Lancaster (2), Lexington (3), Richland (1), Spartanburg (1), and York (1)
Deaths are reported in the following counties: Lexington (1)
South Dakota: last updated 3/17
11 confirmed cases (+1),  1 death (+1)
Affected counties include: Beadle (1, +0), Bon Homme (1, +0), Charles Mix (1, +0), Davison (1, +0), McCook (1, +0), Minnehaha (5, +1), and Pennington (1, +0)
Schools closed week of 3/16
Tennessee: last updated 3/17 at 2 pm
73 (+21) cases, no deaths
Affected counties include: Campbell (1, +0), Davidson (42, +17), Hamilton (1, +0), Jefferson (1, +0), Knox (2, +1), Rutherford (1, +0), Sevier (1, +0), Shelby (2, +0), Sullivan (1, +0), and Williamson (21, +3)
Texas: last updated 3/17 at 12 PM
64 (+7) total cases, 1 death (+1)
Highly likely that there has been community transmission, unconfirmed currently
Affected counties include: Bell (1, +0), Bexar (3, +0), Brazoria (2, +0), Collin (6, +0), Dallas (9, +1), El Paso (3, +2), Fort Bend (9, +0), Galveston (1, +0), Gregg (1, +0), Harris (10, +0), Hays (1, +0), Lavaca (1, +0), Matagorda (1, +0), Montgomery (3, +0), Smith (3, -1), Tarrant (3, +0), and Travis (3, +1)
Newly affected counties include: Denton (1) and Webb (1)
Hail Satan for the best ever death metal band out of denton
(this is what the kids call a Reference)
2 cases are pending county assignment
Utah: last updated 3/17 at 12:45 pm
51 cases (+22)
Affected health districts include: Davis County (4, +0), Salt Lake County (22, +4), Southwest Utah (1, +0), Summit County (15, +4), Tooele (1, +0), Utah County (1, +0), Wasatch County (2, +1), and Weber-Morgan (4, +2)
Newly affected districts include: Bear River (1)
I wonder what Bear River has in its rivers
Definitely not bears
Community spread confirmed in the following counties: Summit and Utah
Exposure at Wasatch High School identified
Schools, Mormonism, skiing, and restaurants are canceled until further notice
The zoo and a bunch of museums are canceled too :(
Vermont: last updated 3/17 at 1 PM
17 cases total (+5)
Affected counties include: Bennington (3), Chittenden (4), Orange (1), Springfield (1), Washington (1), and Windsor (3)
County by county data was not updated on 3/17
Hospitalizations are reported in the following counties: Bennington (3), Chittenden (1), Springfield (1), Washington (1), Windsor (1)
No gatherings >50 people or >50% capacity, whichever is lower
Schools are closed starting 3/18
Bars/restaurants are closed until 4/6
Virginia: last updated 3/17
67 cases (+16)
Affected counties/cities include: Alexandria City (2, +0), Arlington (13, +4), Chesterfield (4, +2), Fairfax (12, +2), Hanover (1, +0), Harrisonburg City (1, +0), James City (12, +2), Loudoun (5, +0), Prince Edward (1, +0), Prince William (4, +1), Spotsylvania (1, +0), Stafford (1, +0), Virginia Beach City (4, +0), and York (1, +0)
Newly affected areas include: Charlottesville City (1), Goochland (1), Henrico (2), Williamsburg City (1)
Are we being pranked by the Commonwealth naming something Goochland? Studies are inconclusive
Washington State: Last updated 3/17 at 3:15
1012 total cases (+108), 52 deaths (+4)
Current mortality rate: 5.1%
Deaths have occurred in the following counties: Clark (2, +2), Grant (1, +0), King (43, +0), and Snohomish (6, +2).
Affected counties include: Clark (4, +0), Columbia (1, +0), Grant (7, +4), Grays Harbor (1, +0), Island (14, +7), Jefferson (3, +0), King (569, +81), Kitsap (7, +0), Kittitas (3, +0),  Lewis (1, +0), ,Lincoln (1, +0), Pierce (45, +7), Skagit (9, +2), Snohomish (254, +54), Spokane (4, +1), Thurston (5, +1), Whatcom (6, +3), and Yakima (5, +1).
70 cases are currently unassigned to a county
Newly affected counties include: Chelan (2) and Klickitat (1)
Closures/restrictions: widespread, will have county-by-county info soon.
Hotline: 1-800-525-0127
Wisconsin: last updated 3/17 at 2 PM
72 total cases (+25), 0 deaths
Recovery is being reported by the following counties: Dane (1)
This is updated every Friday, next update expected 3/20
Affected counties include: Dane (19, +9), Fond du Lac (11, +0), Milwaukee (24, +11), Outagamie (1, +0), Pierce (1, +0), Racine (1, +0), Sheboygan (3, +0), Waukesha (4, +1), Winnebago (3, +0), and Wood (1, +0)
Newly affected counties include: Kenosha (4)
Community spread is confirmed in the following counties: Dane, Kenosha, and Milwaukee
Schools closed starting 3/18 for minimum of two weeks
No gatherings >10 people until further notice
Wyoming: last updated 3/17 AM
11 cases (+1)
Affected counties include: Fremont, Laramie, and Sheridan
Today’s Hot Tips
If you’re a parent, you’ve likely been charged with homeschooling your kids, no small feat not in the middle of a pandemic. A kind reader (@halcyonhowl) hooked me up with a collection of resources that I’m excited to share with you all!
Find it here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rcV0cLYYj7TftfyTYU-3Z1bvI90tOqAz6yR7XenzYHA/edit?usp=sharing
I’m not a teacher by any means but I checked out some of these resources and they seem super super cool.
My personal favorite resource is SciShow, and they make a great podcast for curious adults called SciShow Tangents! Check it out here: www.youtube.com/scishow
Hand Washing Song of the Day
If you hate singing happy birthday while you wash your hands (I certainly do) try Bohemian Rhapsody!
Sing from the beginning through “as if nothing really matters” as dramatically as possible to follow CDC handwashing guidelines! Use soap and water for maximum efficacy. And then finish the song, you monster.
If you’re this talented, you can sing it on a rubber chicken. And then sanitize the chicken with bleach. And wash your hands again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDrdZM1iGrc
Good News, Everyone!
The Shedd Aquarium penguin adventures continue!
Check it out here: https://twitter.com/shedd_aquarium/status/1239661654629023747?s=21
People in Italy are singing from the balconies, whereas New Yorkers are yelling “GO THE FUCK HOME” to people who are out. Different ways of coping, I suppose…
Italy’s lockdown is working - transmission has slowed dramatically over the past few days!
Vaccine testing continues in the United States, where testing kits are finally becoming more widely available.
China has sent the United States a massive aid package with tests and personal protective equipment (PPE) since many hospitals in the States are completely out of materials.
Chill Cat Corner
This is a thread of cat cams for people in quarantine, it’s totally amazing and will provide you with so much fucking serotonin.
This makes me want to post pictures of my cats all the time though
About this newsletter
I’m Emily, I’m a 4th year med student w/ a degree in molecular biology. I started this because I’m an infectious disease and epidemiology nerd and also all my friends have questions & anxiety. Hi internet!
The archive/proper website is located at coronaextranewsletter.wordpress.com.
All this info is sourced from regional & national public health organizations, plus the WHO. It’s as up to date as humanly possible. I’ve been beaming information about this outbreak directly into my brain 24/7 but I still miss stuff. Please let me know if I miss something!
Most public health departments stop updating their information around 4-5 PM local time on weekdays. That means that the earliest this will come out is around 6 PM Pacific time on weekdays going forward. On weekends things update more sporadically and earlier, so who knows what I’ll do then, but I’ll do my best.
The excellent title is courtesy of @marywhal​ and the Wordpress site is courtesy of @molly0xFFF and @goblintinkerer, thank you all!
For More Information
JHU COVID-19 data center: https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
List of peer-reviewed publications: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/publications.html
WHO FAQ: https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses
CDC cases in the US: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-in-us.html, this also has links to each state’s health dept
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eastasiansonwesternscreen · 4 years ago
netflix work it had lots of asian actors/dancers! jordan fisher (part cambodian), liza koshy and indiana mehta (indian), bianca asilo and neil robles (filipino)
Hey! Thanks for the heads up, I’ll check it out!
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arko006-blog · 5 years ago
EXCLUSIVE: Gujarati dancer Indiana Mehta to make her Hollywood debut with Sabrina Carpenter starrer Work It  : Bollywood News - Bollywood Hungama
EXCLUSIVE: Gujarati dancer Indiana Mehta to make her Hollywood debut with Sabrina Carpenter starrer Work It  : Bollywood News – Bollywood Hungama
Taking off her shoes in front of a prestigious panel, Hollywood director Laura Terusso & choreographer Aakomon & performing Garba & Bhangra to a Chris Brown song & a standing ovation later is exactly how this Gujarati girl from a middle-class family in Mumbai bagged a role in a Warner Brothers and Alicia Keys produced dance film Work It, starring Sabrina Carpenter, Lisa Koshy, and…
View On WordPress
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theliberaltony · 5 years ago
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
UPDATED DEC. 13, 2019 AT 11:50 AM
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All Who’s ahead in the national polls?
Updating average for each Democratic candidate in 2020 primary polls, accounting for each poll’s quality, sample size and recency
APRIL 2019MAYJUNEJULYAUG.SEPT.OCT.NOV.DEC.01020304050%DEC. 13 LEADERDEC. 13 LEADERBidenBiden26.2%BidenWarrenSandersButtigieg
Average as of Dec. 13
de Blasio—
Our average includes all candidates that FiveThirtyEight considers “major.” Candidates with insufficient polling data are not displayed in the averages. State polling averages are adjusted based on national trends, which means candidates’ averages can shift even in the absence of fresh state polls. Read more about the methodology.
A+BCDAdded Dec. 11, 2019
DATES POLLSTER SAMPLE RESULT NET RESULT President: Democratic primary DEC 7-10, 2019 B-YouGov 497 LV Biden 26% More Biden +5 President: Democratic primary NOV 25-DEC 1, 2019 David Binder Research 1,200 LV Biden 29% More Biden +14
Dec. 10, 2019
President: Democratic primary DEC 4-9, 2019 B+Quinnipiac University 665 RV Biden 29% More Biden +12 President: Democratic primary DEC 4-8, 2019 A+Monmouth University 384 RV Biden 26% More Biden +5
Dec. 9, 2019
President: Democratic primary DEC 2-8, 2019 B/CMorning Consult 15,442 LV Biden 30% More Biden +8 President: Democratic primary NOV 27-29, 2019 C+Harris Poll 756 RV H. Clinton 21% More H. Clinton +1 President: Democratic primary NOV 15-21, 2019 B/CRealClear Opinion Research 987 LV Biden 30% More Biden +7
Dec. 6, 2019
President: Democratic primary NOV 27-29, 2019 C+Harris Poll 756 RV Biden 29% More Biden +13
Dec. 5, 2019
President: Democratic primary DEC 4-5, 2019 B-Ipsos 719 A Biden 19% More Biden +5
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Design and development by Aaron Bycoffe, Ritchie King, Ella Koeze, Dhrumil Mehta, Jasmine Mithani and Julia Wolfe. Andrea Jones-Rooy, Dhrumil Mehta, Nathaniel Rakich, Derek Shan and Julia Wolfe contributed research.
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UPDATED NOV. 5, 2019
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