#India’s security challenges
Addressing India’s Security Challenges
The Delhi Policy Group delves into India’s security challenges, offering expert analysis and strategic insights. From border disputes to internal conflicts, our research explores the complex issues impacting national security. By understanding these challenges, we aim to contribute to informed policy-making and effective solutions.
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prabodhjamwal · 5 months
Striving For Peace: Complex Path To Stable South Asia
Mehr-ur-nisa Rehman* The legacy of colonial-era border demarcation in South Asia continues to cast a shadow over geopolitics, highlighting how historical territorial decisions can have a lasting impact on politics in the region. The fixation with maintaining secure borders has long dominated national security discussions in South Asia, often overshadowing the potential for joint economic…
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reasonsforhope · 3 months
Note: I super don't like the framing of this headline. "Here's why it matters" idk it's almost like there's an entire country's worth of people who get to keep their democracy! Clearly! But there are few good articles on this in English, so we're going with this one anyway.
2024 is the biggest global election year in history and the future of democracy is on every ballot. But amid an international backsliding in democratic norms, including in countries with a longer history of democracy like India, Senegal’s election last week was a major win for democracy. It’s also an indication that a new political class is coming of age in Africa, exemplified by Senegal’s new 44-year-old president, Bassirou Diomaye Faye.
The West African nation managed to pull off a free and fair election on March 24 despite significant obstacles, including efforts by former President Macky Sall to delay the elections and imprison or disqualify opposition candidates. Add those challenges to the fact that many neighboring countries in West Africa — most prominently Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger, but other nations across the region too — have been repeatedly undermined by military coups since 2020.
Sall had been in power since 2012, serving two terms. He declined to seek a third term following years of speculation that he would do so despite a constitutional two-term limit. But he attempted to extend his term, announcing in February that elections (originally to be held that month) would be pushed off until the end of the year in defiance of the electoral schedule.
Sall’s allies in the National Assembly approved the measure, but only after security forces removed opposition politicians, who vociferously protested the delay. Senegalese society came out in droves to protest Sall’s attempted self-coup, and the Constitutional Council ruled in late February that Sall’s attempt to stay in power could not stand.
That itself was a win for democracy. Still, opposition candidates, including Faye, though legally able to run, remained imprisoned until just days before the election — while others were barred from running at all. The future of Senegal’s democracy seemed uncertain at best.
Cut to Tuesday [April 2, 2024], when Sall stepped down and handed power to Faye, a former tax examiner who won on a campaign of combating corruption, as well as greater sovereignty and economic opportunity for the Senegalese. And it was young voters who carried Faye to victory...
“This election showed the resilience of the democracy in Senegal that resisted the shock of an unexpected postponement,” Adele Ravidà, Senegal country director at the lnternational Foundation for Electoral Systems, told Vox via email. “... after a couple of years of unprecedented episodes of violence [the Senegalese people] turned the page smoothly, allowing a peaceful transfer of power.”
And though Faye’s aims won’t be easy to achieve, his win can tell us not only about how Senegal managed to establish its young democracy, but also about the positive trend of democratic entrenchment and international cooperation in African nations, and the power of young Africans...
Senegal and Democracy in Africa
Since it gained independence from France in 1960, Senegal has never had a coup — military or civilian. Increasingly strong and competitive democracy has been the norm for Senegal, and the country’s civil society went out in great force over the past three years of Sall’s term to enforce those norms.
“I think that it is really the victory of the democratic institutions — the government, but also civil society organization,” Sany said. “They were mobilized, from the unions, teacher unions, workers, NGOs. The civil society in Senegal is one of the most experienced, well-organized democratic institutions on the continent.” Senegalese civil society also pushed back against former President Abdoulaye Wade’s attempt to cling to power back in 2012, and the Senegalese people voted him out...
Faye will still have his work cut out for him accomplishing the goals he campaigned on, including economic prosperity, transparency, food security, increased sovereignty, and the strengthening of democratic institutions. This will be important, especially for Senegal’s young people, who are at the forefront of another major trend.
Young Africans will play an increasingly key role in the coming decades, both on the continent and on the global stage; Africa’s youth population (people aged 15 to 24) will make up approximately 35 percent of the world’s youth population by 2050, and Africa’s population is expected to grow from 1.5 billion to 2.5 billion during that time. In Senegal, people aged 10 to 24 make up 32 percent of the population, according to the UN.
“These young people have connected to the rest of the world,” Sany said. “They see what’s happening. They are interested. They are smart. They are more educated.” And they have high expectations not only for their economic future but also for their civil rights and autonomy.
The reality of government is always different from the promise of campaigning, but Faye’s election is part of a promising trend of democratic entrenchment in Africa, exemplified by successful transitions of power in Nigeria, Liberia, and Sierra Leone over the past year. To be sure, those elections were not without challenges, but on the whole, they provide an important counterweight to democratic backsliding.
Senegalese people, especially the younger generation, have high expectations for what democracy can and should deliver for them. It’s up to Faye and his government to follow."
-via Vox, April 4, 2024
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zapreportsblog · 11 months
Moves Like Jagger
➥ summary: when in need of an distraction (y/n) is your gal
➥ a/n: this was requested by @alathan13 once again I deeeply appreciate your request, they explained it to me in detail in my messages/inbox and I’m happy to comply and get this out there for you. The name of this story is based off the song and was actually the first thing that came to mind for me when writing this
➥ spider gang x reader
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The sun was just beginning to set over as Miguel O'Hara, the leader of a highly skilled and diverse team, stood in his office, contemplating the imminent mission that had been brought to his attention. He knew it was not a task to be taken lightly, and assembling the perfect team was crucial. Each member had unique talents, and he believed their combined skills would work harmoniously for this mission.
Miguel took a deep breath, picking up his communicator and sending out the call to action. First on his list was (y/n), the woman with an uncanny ability to adapt to any situation and a remarkable talent for understanding and connecting with people. As the communicator buzzed, (y/n) picked up and greeted Miguel with enthusiasm.
"Hey, Miguel! What's up?" (y/n) asked cheerfully.
"Hey, (y/n)," Miguel replied. "I need you to come to my office. We have a mission that I think your talents would be perfect for."
Intrigued by the promise of a new challenge, (y/n) agreed without hesitation. She quickly made her way to Miguel's office, a sense of anticipation building with each step.
Next on the list was Miles Morales, a skilled and resourceful young man with incredible agility and the ability to blend into the shadows with ease. He answered the call, and Miguel extended the invitation for him to join the mission.
"Miles, we have a mission that requires your stealth and quick thinking," Miguel explained. "I need you here."
Miles was eager to accept, knowing that his abilities would be put to good use. He swung through the city's skyline using his Spider-Man powers, arriving at Miguel's office in no time.
Miguel's next call was to Gwen Stacy, also known as Spider-Woman or Ghost Spider to some. With her impressive acrobatic skills and scientific genius, she was a valuable asset to the team. When Gwen received Miguel's call, she immediately agreed to join the mission.
"Pavitr Prabhakar, I need your help as well," Miguel said when the next call connected. Pavitr, also known as Spider-Man India, was a skilled fighter and had the ability to harness the power of a mystical amulet. He gladly accepted the mission and prepared to join the others.
Finally, Miguel called Hobie Brown, also known as Spider-Man or Spider Punk to some. Hobie was an expert in stealth and technology, making him a vital member of the team. Hobie was ready for action and was eager to contribute his skills to the mission.
With the team assembled, they all arrived at Miguel's office, their faces filled with determination and readiness. Miguel wasted no time and began explaining the mission.
"Thank you all for coming," Miguel began. "We have a situation that requires all of your unique abilities. A dangerous criminal organization has obtained a highly advanced piece of technology that could wreak havoc on the city. Our mission is to infiltrate their hideout, neutralize the threat, and retrieve the technology."
As Miguel laid out the plan, he highlighted how each member's special talents would be crucial for the success of the mission. He emphasized (y/n)'s ability to gather valuable intel, Miles' agility for reconnaissance, Gwen's scientific expertise to handle the technology, Pavitr's combat skills for confrontation, and Hobie's knowledge of stealth and technology to disable security systems.
Each member nodded in understanding, fully aware of the gravity of the mission and the responsibility that rested on their shoulders. Their unwavering commitment to protecting the city and its inhabitants fueled their determination to succeed.
Miguel concluded, "This won't be easy, and it won't be without risks. But I believe in each and every one of you. Together, we can take down this organization and keep our city safe."
With newfound determination in their hearts, the team prepared for the mission ahead. They knew that this mission would test their limits, but they also knew that their bond as a team and their unique talents would give them the edge they needed to prevail.
As they headed out into the night, a sense of camaraderie filled the air. They were not just a team; they were a family, united by their commitment to protect the city they loved. Their journey had just begun, and they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that together, they were unstoppable.
Inside the dimly lit building, the team found themselves facing a group of guards standing watch near a heavily secured door. Gwen assessed the situation with a furrowed brow, knowing they needed a distraction to get past the guards without alerting others inside.
"We need to get past those guards without raising awareness to the others that may be inside," Gwen said, her mind working quickly to devise a plan.
Miles nodded in agreement. "So basically, someone needs to distract them," he added.
Pavitr hesitated for a moment before speaking up, "Well, it can't be me."
"Why not?" Gwen asked, placing a hand on her hip.
Hobie chimed in with a smirk, "Cause those bloody guards are men, and in case you haven't noticed it, love, so are us three.... That leaves you and (y/n)."
Gwen turned to (y/n) with a knowing look, and a determined glint appeared in (y/n)'s eyes. "Oh hell yeah, I've been waiting for this," she said with a confident grin.
Gwen nodded in approval. "Alright, (y/n), you're up. Time to work your magic."
The plan was set, and the team positioned themselves strategically, preparing to execute their diversion. Miles, Gwen, and Hobie took cover, blending into the shadows while keeping a close eye on the guards. Meanwhile, (y/n) took a deep breath, her heart pounding with adrenaline.
Moving with grace and confidence, (y/n) sauntered out into the open, catching the guards' attention. Her confident demeanor drew their focus away from the others, and they turned their gaze towards her, intrigued by the sudden appearance of an unexpected guest.
"Hey there, handsome," (y/n) purred, putting on an enchanting smile as she approached the guards.
Miles watched in awe as (y/n) effortlessly captivated the guards with her charm. Gwen and Hobie exchanged impressed glances, realizing they had made the right choice. (y/n)'s ability to connect with people and disarm them with her charisma was truly remarkable.
As (y/n) engaged the guards in conversation, she skillfully weaved her way through the questions they threw her way. While she had their full attention, Miles, Gwen, and Hobie quietly moved past, making their way closer to the heavily guarded door.
Gwen skillfully disabled the security system with her scientific expertise, while Hobie kept an eye out for any unexpected threats that might be lurking nearby. Meanwhile, Miles used his stealth to scout the area for any additional guards that might pose a risk.
(y/n) continued to hold the guards' attention, making light conversation as she skillfully steered them away from the entrance. Her wit and charm kept them captivated, and she didn't miss a beat, subtly leading them further from the team's location.
All was well, up until Hobie accidentally knocked something over. “Oops”
As Hobie accidentally knocked over a loose metal crate while trying to maintain his balance, the loud clatter echoed through the otherwise silent corridor. The guards' eyes shot towards the source of the noise, and their suspicions were immediately aroused. They had been trained to be alert and vigilant, and the sudden noise was enough to trigger their instincts.
Gwen, Miles, and Pavitr quickly took cover, preparing for a confrontation. However, (y/n) remained unfazed, as if the unexpected turn of events had simply become part of the choreography. Her heart raced with adrenaline, the thrill of the impending challenge fueling her spirit.
As the guards rushed towards the team, (y/n) sprang into action, moving with a fluid grace that was almost hypnotic. She twisted and swayed like a tango dancer, her movements calculated yet mesmerizing, effortlessly evading the guards' advances.
With a swift and elegant spin, she ducked under the first guard's attempted punch, her body twisting gracefully as she slid behind him. Before he could react, (y/n) delivered a swift and precise kick to the back of his knee, causing him to buckle and collapse to the ground.
“Oh my god!” Pavitr says watching (y/n)’s every move. “Oh my god she’s doing the thing!”
“What thing?” miles asks.
“That thing from that movie! You know the fight scene thing! She’s fighting those guards and dancing!”
Her every movement was like a dance, each step flowing seamlessly into the next. As the second guard lunged towards her, (y/n) stepped to the side, seamlessly guiding his momentum to miss her entirely. Her movements were as fluid as the steps of a tango, each one calculated and harmoniously connected.
In one swift motion, she reached out and grabbed the guard's arm, twisting it behind his back with such precision that he could do nothing but follow her lead. The two moved in perfect synchronization, their bodies dancing in harmony with the rhythm of the fight.
As the dance of combat continued, (y/n) used her agility to her advantage, effortlessly evading the guard's strikes and retaliating with her own well-timed moves. Every punch and kick were executed with the grace and precision of a dancer, leaving the guard bewildered and off-balance.
With a final flourish, (y/n) sent the guard spinning away, leaving him sprawled on the ground, disarmed and defeated. She stood tall, her chest heaving with adrenaline, a triumphant smile on her lips.
“Yessssss Queen!” Pavitr screams out jumping up and down in excitement only to be stopped and hit on the shoulder by Hobie.
“Sorry,” he whispers having noticed just how loud he was being.
The team watched in awe, realizing they were witnessing something extraordinary. (y/n)'s unique fighting style was a breathtaking display of skill and artistry, blending the grace of a dancer with the precision of a master martial artist.
As the echoes of the fight dance scene subsided, (y/n) turned to her teammates, a spark of excitement in her eyes. "Shall we keep going?" she asked, her voice laced with confidence.
Gwen, Miles, and Pavitr exchanged glances, reinvigorated by (y/n)'s energy. Together, they stood ready to face any challenge that lay ahead, knowing that with their collective talents and (y/n)'s extraordinary dance of combat, they were an unstoppable force.
With renewed determination, the team pressed on, knowing that the mission was far from over. But in that moment, they felt a deeper connection than ever before, united not only by their shared purpose but also by the unique bond they had forged through the artistry of their fight dance scene.
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Black Americans should visit Ghana
To know more about black slave trade in Ghana
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Monuments of shame
Cape Coast Castle - now a World Heritage Site - is one of about forty forts in Ghana where slaves from as far away as Burkina Faso and Niger were imprisoned. This former slave fortress could hold about 1,500 slaves at a time before they were loaded onto ships and sold into slavery in the New World in the Americas and the Caribbean.
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Male captives who revolted or were deemed insubordinate ended up in the condemned cells - a pitch-black room where slaves were left to die in the oppressive heat without water, food or daylight.Rebellious women were beaten and chained to cannon balls in the courtyard
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Built in 1482, Elmina Castle on Ghana's Cape coast is the earliest European structure erected in sub-Saharan Africa. Originally Portugese, it was later captured by the Dutch, who used it as a base for the Dutch slave trade with Brazil and the Caribbean. Under the flag of the Dutch West Indies Company, around 30,000 slaves a year passed through Elmina until 1814 when the Dutch abolished slavery.
The Portuguese position on the Gold Coast remained secure for almost a century. During that time, Lisbon leased the right to establish trading posts to individuals or companies that sought to align themselves with the local chiefs and to exchange trade goods both for rights to conduct commerce and for slaves whom the chiefs could provide. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, adventurers--first Dutch, and later English, Danish, and Swedish-- were granted licenses by their governments to trade overseas. On the Gold Coast, these European competitors built fortified trading stations and challenged the Portuguese. Sometimes they were also drawn into conflicts with local inhabitants as Europeans developed commercial alliances with local chiefs.
The principal early struggle was between the Dutch and the Portuguese. With the loss of Elmina in 1642 to the Dutch, the Portuguese left the Gold Coast permanently. The next 150 years saw kaleidoscopic change and uncertainty, marked by local conflicts and diplomatic maneuvers, during which various European powers struggled to establish or to maintain a position of dominance in the profitable trade of the Gold Coast littoral. Forts were built, abandoned, attacked, captured, sold, and exchanged, and many sites were selected at one time or another for fortified positions by contending European nations.
Both the Dutch and the British formed companies to advance their African ventures and to protect their coastal establishments. The Dutch West India Company operated throughout most of the eighteenth century. The British African Company of Merchants, founded in 1750, was the successor to several earlier organizations of this type. These enterprises built and manned new installations as the companies pursued their trading activities and defended their respective jurisdictions with varying degrees of government backing. There were short-lived ventures by the Swedes and the Prussians. The Danes remained until 1850, when they withdrew from the Gold Coast. The British gained possession of all Dutch coastal forts by the last quarter of the nineteenth century, thus making them the dominant European power on the Gold Coast.
During the heyday of early European competition, slavery was an accepted social institution, and the slave trade overshadowed all other commercial activities on the West African coast. To be sure, slavery and slave trading were already firmly entrenched in many African societies before their contact with Europe. In most situations, men as well as women captured in local warfare became slaves. In general, however, slaves in African communities were often treated as junior members of the society with specific rights, and many were ultimately absorbed into their masters' families as full members. Given traditional methods of agricultural production in Africa, slavery in Africa was quite different from that which existed in the commercial plantation environments of the New World.
Another aspect of the impact of the trans-Atlantic slave trade on Africa concerns the role of African chiefs, Muslim traders, and merchant princes in the trade. Although there is no doubt that local rulers in West Africa engaged in slaving and received certain advantages from it, some scholars have challenged the premise that traditional chiefs in the vicinity of the Gold Coast engaged in wars of expansion for the sole purpose of acquiring slaves for the export market. In the case of Asante, for example, rulers of that kingdom are known to have supplied slaves to both Muslim traders in the north and to Europeans on the coast. Even so, the Asante waged war for purposes other than simply to secure slaves. They also fought to pacify territories that in theory were under Asante control, to exact tribute payments from subordinate kingdoms, and to secure access to trade routes--particularly those that connected the interior with the coast.
It is important to mention, however, that the supply of slaves to the Gold Coast was entirely in African hands. Although powerful traditional chiefs, such as the rulers of Asante, Fante, and Ahanta, were known to have engaged in the slave trade, individual African merchants such as John Kabes, John Konny, Thomas Ewusi, and a broker known only as Noi commanded large bands of armed men, many of them slaves, and engaged in various forms of commercial activities with the Europeans on the coast.
The volume of the slave trade in West Africa grew rapidly from its inception around 1500 to its peak in the eighteenth century. Philip Curtin, a leading authority on the African slave trade, estimates that roughly 6.3 million slaves were shipped from West Africa to North America and South America, about 4.5 million of that number between 1701 and 1810. Perhaps 5,000 a year were shipped from the Gold Coast alone. The demographic impact of the slave trade on West Africa was probably substantially greater than the number actually enslaved because a significant number of Africans perished during slaving raids or while in captivity awaiting transshipment. All nations with an interest in West Africa participated in the slave trade. Relations between the Europeans and the local populations were often strained, and distrust led to frequent clashes. Disease caused high losses among the Europeans engaged in the slave trade, but the profits realized from the trade continued to attract them.
The growth of anti-slavery sentiment among Europeans made slow progress against vested African and European interests that were reaping profits from the traffic. Although individual clergymen condemned the slave trade as early as the seventeenth century, major Christian denominations did little to further early efforts at abolition. The Quakers, however, publicly declared themselves against slavery as early as 1727. Later in the century, the Danes stopped trading in slaves; Sweden and the Netherlands soon followed.
The importation of slaves into the United States was outlawed in 1807. In the same year, Britain used its naval power and its diplomatic muscle to outlaw trade in slaves by its citizens and to begin a campaign to stop the international trade in slaves. These efforts, however, were not successful until the 1860s because of the continued demand for plantation labor in the New World.
Because it took decades to end the trade in slaves, some historians doubt that the humanitarian impulse inspired the abolitionist movement. According to historian Walter Rodney, for example, Europe abolished the trans-Atlantic slave trade only because its profitability was undermined by the Industrial Revolution. Rodney argues that mass unemployment caused by the new industrial machinery, the need for new raw materials, and European competition for markets for finished goods are the real factors that brought an end to the trade in human cargo and the beginning of competition for colonial territories in Africa. Other scholars, however, disagree with Rodney, arguing that humanitarian concerns as well as social and economic factors were instrumental in ending the African slave trade.
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A new study launched this week highlights the work of Andhra Pradesh Community-Managed Natural Farming (APCNF) and the remarkable untapped potential of agroecological natural farming in Andhra Pradesh, India.  Spanning over 6 million hectares, and involving 6 million farmers and 50 million consumers, the APCNF represents the largest agroecological transition in the world. Amidst the diverse landscapes of Andhra Pradesh, this state-wide movement is addressing a multitude of development challenges—rural livelihoods, access to nutritious food, biodiversity loss, climate change, water scarcity, and pollution—and their work is redefining the way we approach food systems. Farmers practicing agroecology have witnessed remarkable yield increases. Conventional wisdom suggests that chemical-intensive farming is necessary to maintain high yields. But this study shows agroecological methods were just as productive, if not more so: natural inputs have achieved equal or higher yields compared to the other farming systems—on average, these farms saw an 11% increase in yields—while maintaining higher crop diversity. This significant finding challenges the notion that harmful chemicals are indispensable for meeting the demands of a growing population. The advantages of transitioning to natural farming in Andhra Pradesh have gone beyond just yields. Farmers who used agroecological approaches received higher incomes as well, while villages that used natural farming had higher employment rates. Thanks to greater crop diversity in their farming practice, farmers using agroecology had greater dietary diversity in their households than conventional farmers. The number of ‘sick days’ needed by farmers using natural farming was also significantly lower than those working on chemically-intensive farms. Another important finding was the significant increase in social ‘capital’: community cohesion was higher in natural farming villages, and knowledge sharing had greatly increased—significantly aided by women. The implications for these findings are significant: community-managed natural farming can support not just food security goals, but also sustainable economic development and human development. The study overall sheds light on a promising and optimistic path toward addressing geopolitical and climate impacts, underlining the critical significance of food sovereignty and access to nourishing, wholesome food for communities. Contrary to the misconception that relentlessly increasing food production is the sole solution to cater to a growing population, the truth reveals a different story. While striving for higher yields remains important, the root cause of hunger worldwide does not lie in scarcity, as farmers already produce more than enough to address it. Instead, food insecurity is primarily driven by factors such as poverty, lack of democracy, poor distribution, a lack of post-harvest handling, waste, and unequal access to resources. 
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1stpoliticalcartoons · 2 months
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“South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem’s bid for Donald Trump’s VP slot on the Republican ticket blew up in recent days, unless the Trump team grossly underestimates how much Americans love their dogs and other animals.
Ahead of upcoming release of Noem’s new book, “No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward,” The Guardian news outlet obtained a copy, and the biggest revelation appears not to be what’s wrong with politics, but what’s wrong with Noem.
Noem, who served in the South Dakota House of Representatives and the U.S. House of Representatives prior to becoming governor, is also a hunter. Guardian writer Martin Pengelly reports that Noem writes in the book about her 14-month-old (still a puppy) wirehair pointer named Cricket.
These dogs require vigorous exercise and can be rowdy and highly exuberant when not exercised sufficiently, particularly when young. They need a confident owner.
Cricket was a female with an “aggressive personality” who needed training to hunt pheasant, wrote Noem. So Noem took Cricket out on pheasant run with other older dogs for training. But, young girls just want to have fun. Cricket was “out of her mind with excitement, chasing all those birds and having the time of her life.”
After the outing, which Noem considered ruined by Cricket, she stopped to talk with a local family, and Cricket, apparently not secured in Noem’s truck, escaped and headed for the family’s chickens. Chaos and chicken death ensued. Cricket was just having fun, with no idea of what was about to befall her.
“I hated that dog,” Noem recounts in the book, finding young Cricket “untrainable,” “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with” and “less than worthless … as a hunting dog.” Noem appears to place the blame for that on the dog, not herself.
Summary execution from Noem was near.
After her day of frolicking and joy, Cricket was then led by Noem to a gravel pit where she was executed.
By then, perhaps all fired up to dispatch any creature that didn’t fit Noem’s view of acceptable behavior, Noem shot a male goat she viewed as “nasty and mean,” because it wasn’t castrated (again, whose fault was that?), and who chased the kids and smelled “disgusting, musky, rancid.”
The goat also met his unnecessary fate in the gravel pit, in a story that sounds like the South Dakota version of Tony Soprano.
Since the Guardian story and wide pick-up of the animal executions, Noem has not backed down on her position that the story was an illustration of making “tough, challenging decisions.” Defining the dog as a “working dog,” seems to justify for her the act of putting it down. But the more Noem responds to what the majority of people see as indefensible, the bigger the hole she digs for herself in her own gravel pit.
Death for these animals was the only option in her mind? What about rehoming, sending the dog to training with someone else? How about letting the goat have its own enclosed space and keeping the kids away? Could the goat still be neutered? Would a hose down have helped with its smell?
As a potential VP pick, the concern is that her judgment is this poor. We’ve already endured nearly four years of a president and VP with poor judgment – this country can’t endure more.
Noem’s story reminded me of a friend who said when he was an older teen, he took Halloween candy from the younger children. Even as a grown man, he didn’t seem to recognize that what he had done as a teenager was wrong. He still thought taking candy from kids was funny. And like Noem, he didn’t have any awareness that it was a story you don’t tell other people because it reflects very poorly on him.
Mahatma Gandhi, who used nonviolent resistance in the campaign he led to obtain independence for India from British rule, said, “The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” Noem doesn’t pass the sniff test.”
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mariacallous · 2 months
Elon Musk will be pleased that his surprise jaunt to China on Sunday garnered many glowing headlines. The trip was undoubtedly equally a surprise to Indian prime minister Narendra Modi, who had been scheduled to offer Musk the red carpet on a long-arranged visit.
The billionaire blew off India at the last minute, citing “very heavy Tesla obligations.” Indeed, Tesla has had a tumultuous couple of weeks, with federal regulator slap-downs, halved profits, and price-cut rollouts. Yet, in a very public snub that Modi won’t quickly forget, the company CEO made time for Chinese premier Li Qiang. And well Musk might. Tesla needs China more than China needs Tesla. After the US, China is Tesla’s second biggest market. And ominously, in the first quarter of the year, Tesla’s sales in China slipped by 4 percent in a domestic EV market that has expanded by more than 15 percent. That’s enough of a hit for any CEO to jump in a Gulfstream and fly across the Pacific for an impromptu meeting with a Chinese premier. Globally, Tesla has lost nearly a third of its value since January, and earlier this month, Tesla’s worldwide vehicle deliveries in the first quarter fell for the first time in almost four years. As they are wont to do, Tesla investors continue to complain over repeated delays to the company’s rollout of cars with genuine driverless capabilities.
One of Tesla’s stop-gap technologies—a now heavily-discounted $8,000 add-on—is marketed as Full Self-Driving, or FSD. But, like the similarly confusingly named Autopilot feature, it still requires driver attention, and may yet still prove to be risky. Among the deals said to have been unveiled at Sunday’s meeting with Li Qiang was a partnership granting Tesla access to a mapping license for data collection on China’s public roads by web search company Baidu. This was a “watershed moment,” Wedbush Securities senior analyst Dan Ives said in an interview with Bloomberg Television. However, Tesla has been using Baidu for in-car mapping and navigation in China since 2020. The revised deal, in which Baidu will now also provide Tesla with its lane-level navigation system, clears one more regulatory hurdle for Tesla’s FSD in China. It does not enable Tesla to introduce driverless cars in China or anywhere else, as some media outlets have reported. Press reports have also claimed that Musk has secured permission to transfer data collected by Tesla cars in China out of China. This is improbable, noted JL Warren Capital CEO and head of research Junheng Li, who wrote on X: “[Baidu] owns all data, and shares filtered data with Tesla. Just imagine if [Tesla] has access to real-time road data such as who went to which country’s embassy at what time for how long.” That, she stressed, would be “super national security!” According to Reuters, Musk is still seeking final approval for the FSD software rollout in China, and Tesla still needs permission to transfer data overseas. Li added that a rollout of even a “supervised,” data-lite version of FSD in China is “extremely unlikely.” She pointed to challenges for Tesla to support local operation of the software. Tesla still “has no [direct] access to map data in China as a foreign entity,” she wrote. Instead, Tesla is likely using the deal extension with Baidu as an FSD workaround, with the data collected in China very much staying in China. Despite this, Tesla shares have jumped following news of the expanded Baidu collaboration. Furthermore, Li said there’s “no strategic value” for Beijing to favor FSD when there are several more advanced Chinese alternatives. (We’ve tested them.)
“Chinese EVs are simply evolving at a far faster pace than Tesla,” agrees Shanghai-based automotive journalist and WIRED contributor Mark Andrews, who tested the driver assistance tech available on the roads in China. The US-listed trio of Xpeng, Nio, and Li Auto offer better-than-Tesla “driving assistance features” that rely heavily on lidar sensors, a technology that Musk previously dismissed, but which Tesla is now said to be testing. Although dated in shape and lacking in the latest tech, a Tesla car is nevertheless more expensive in China than most of its rivals. Tesla recently slashed prices in China to arrest falling sales. Musk’s flying visit to China smacked of “desperation,” says Mark Rainford, owner of the Inside China Auto channel. “[Tesla] sales are down in China—the competition has weathered the price cuts so far and [the Tesla competitors have] a seemingly endless conveyor belt of talented and beautiful products.” Rainford further warns that the “golden period for Tesla in China” is “at great risk of collapsing.” Tesla opened its first gigafactory in Shanghai five years ago, and it is now the firm’s largest—but the automaker has been playing tech catchup in China for some time. In addition to Xpeng, Nio, and Li, there are other Chinese car companies competing with Tesla on autonomous driving, as Musk will see if he visits the Beijing Motor Show, which runs through this week.
Beijing is now arguably the world’s preeminent automotive expo, but Tesla is not exhibiting—a sign that it has little new to offer famously tech-hungry Chinese autobuyers. Pointedly, the Cybertruck is not road-legal in China, although that hasn’t stopped Tesla from displaying the rust-prone electric pickup in some of its Chinese showrooms. Likewise, Tesla has just announced plans for a European Cybertruck tour. But, just like in China, the EV pickup cannot be sold in the EU, either—and according to Tesla's lead on vehicle engineering, it likely never will be.
Speaking on tighter pedestrian safety regulations in the EU compared to the US, Tesla’s vice president of vehicle engineering, Lars Moravy, told Top Gear that “European regulations call for a 3.2-mm external radius on external projections. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to make a 3.2-mm radius on a 1.4-mm sheet of stainless steel.”
The “Cybertruck Odyssey” tour—as Tesla’s European X account calls it—may titillate Tesla fans, but it could prove to be about as useful as shooting a Roadster into space.
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mapsontheweb · 5 months
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Terrorism in South Asia has been a persistent and complex issue. The region has faced various forms of terrorism, often fueled by political, religious, and ethnic tensions. Countries like India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh have witnessed acts of terrorism with different motives.
🌐 Regional Dynamics: Tensions between India and Pakistan have fueled cross-border terrorism, with militant groups operating in disputed regions like Jammu and Kashmir. Afghanistan has been grappling with the Taliban, contributing to instability. 🛑 Extremist Groups: Several extremist groups, such as Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed, and the Taliban, have been active in the region, carrying out attacks and posing significant security challenges. ⚖️ Counterterrorism Efforts: Countries in the region have engaged in counterterrorism efforts, including intelligence sharing, military operations, and diplomatic initiatives. However, the effectiveness varies, and challenges persist. 🕊️ Peace Initiatives: Despite ongoing challenges, there have been occasional peace talks and diplomatic efforts to address root causes and find lasting solutions. However, achieving sustained peace in the region remains a complex task. 🔍 Ongoing Concerns: South Asia continues to face threats from both domestic and transnational terrorist groups. Socioeconomic factors, political instability, and historical grievances contribute to the persistence of terrorism in the region. Addressing terrorism in South Asia requires a comprehensive approach, combining security measures with efforts to address root causes and promote regional cooperation.
by themapsdaily
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Navigating India's Security Challenges: Insights from the Delhi Policy Group
In an increasingly complex global landscape, India's security challenges demand a nuanced understanding and strategic approach. The Delhi Policy Group presents a comprehensive analysis of the multifaceted threats and opportunities faced by the nation. From regional power dynamics and cross-border tensions to internal security concerns and emerging technologies, our in-depth research examines India's security challenges through a lens of pragmatism and foresight. Gain valuable insights into the intricate geopolitical realities, policy implications, and potential solutions that shape India's security paradigm.
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simply-ivanka · 3 months
Trump Was Good for America’s Alliances
He pushed NATO to spend more on defense, expanded the Quad and facilitated the Abraham Accords.
By Alexander B. Gray Wall Street Journal April 3, 2024
Foreign-policy experts are predictably fretting over Donald Trump’s re-election campaign. They fear that the former president threatens the alliances and partnerships that have sustained global peace since 1945. Should Mr. Trump return to the White House, the thinking goes, he will be unconstrained by the guardrails that prevented him from torpedoing America’s alliances in his first term and will permanently damage both U.S. security and the international order.
This narrative concedes a point that undermines its premise: The U.S. alliance system didn’t crumble during Mr. Trump’s first term. On the contrary, the Trump administration strengthened relations with partners in the Indo-Pacific, Central and Eastern Europe and the Mideast. Anyone who believes that Mr. Trump was once bound by conventional wisdom but won’t be again—and will wreak havoc on the global order he ostensibly detests—hasn’t been paying attention.
To understand Mr. Trump’s record, recall what he inherited. The Obama administration’s disastrous “red line” in Syria, its ill-conceived Iranian nuclear deal, its failure to deter or respond adequately to Russia’s 2014 aggression against Ukraine, its toleration of Chinese malign activity in the South and East China seas, and its promise of a “new model of great-power relations” with Beijing had brought U.S. relations with allies and partners like Japan, Taiwan, Israel, the Gulf Arab states and much of Eastern Europe to a historic low point. Much of Mr. Trump’s tenure was spent not simply repairing those relationships but expanding them in innovative ways.
Mr. Trump appalled many foreign-policy veterans, who thought his rhetoric threatened the world order. In one sense, that fear was absurd: Nearly every American administration has publicly scolded North Atlantic Treaty Organization member countries for shirking their defense-spending commitments. Mr. Trump did likewise—and, perhaps unlike his predecessors, was seen as willing to take decisive action to secure change. Through public and private cajoling—also known as diplomacy—he secured a commitment from NATO members to beef up their contributions. From 2017 through 2021, nearly every signatory raised defense spending, contributing substantially to the alliance’s ability to respond to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022.
These efforts resulted in a significant redistribution of U.S. forces from legacy bases in Germany to facilities in Poland and the Baltic states, where they are far better positioned to deter Moscow. Along with NATO allies, Mr. Trump provided long-sought Javelin antitank missiles to Ukraine, imposed sanctions against malign Russian actors, and worked with partners to stop the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which would have increased European allies’ energy dependence on Russia. These weren’t the acts of a retrograde isolationist; they were the work of a pragmatist seeking novel solutions to 21st-century challenges.
The administration’s goal of strengthening America’s standing in the world bore fruit, including the Abraham Accords between Israel and several Arab states, a significant upgrade to the Quad alliance among the U.S., India, Australia and Japan, stronger diplomatic relations with Taiwan thanks to unprecedented cabinet-level visits and record arms sales, and an unexpected deal between Serbia and Kosovo.
At each step, Mr. Trump asked his staff to think of creative ways to resolve issues that had bedeviled their predecessors for decades. Doing the same things over and over and expecting different results rightly struck the president as insane.
After three years of press adulation over America’s supposed return to the world stage under President Biden, one might ask: What have Americans and the world gotten from a supposedly more alliance-friendly U.S. president? So far, a catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan, the failure of American deterrence in Ukraine, an Iranian nuclear breakout inching ever closer, and an accelerating Chinese threat toward Taiwan. Allies in the Mideast, Eastern Europe, and Asia have begun to chart their own course in the face of an uncertain U.S. trumpet.
The global foreign-policy elite is sowing needless fear around the world by willfully misrepresenting Mr. Trump’s first term and scare-mongering about a second. Should Mr. Trump return to the White House, there will doubtless be sighs of relief among officials in friendly capitals who remember his time in office. It isn’t difficult to understand why: Mr. Trump’s language may make diplomats uncomfortable, but his actions strike fear among those who matter most to American security: our adversaries.
Mr. Gray is a senior fellow at the American Foreign Policy Council. He served as chief of staff of the White House National Security Council, 2019-21.
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chaiaurchaandni · 8 months
is hamas = isis?
i've been seeing zionists say that 'anti-zionist and pro-palestine jews who oppose israel are not real jews' and ... first of all. who are you to decide who is and isnt a real jew?
and secondly!!! guess what this is a disturbing parallel to? ISIS.
because when the islamic state declared a caliphate, they also said smth similar: that any muslim who opposes the caliphate of the islamic state, is an apostate.
also interesting to note that, according to isis, hamas would also be apostates + isis also opposed hamas bec isis believed that nobody besides the caliphate of islamic state had the right to declare jihad -> so isis declared war on hamas
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on the other hand, israel has provided free treatment to isis and other syrian militants in israeli hospitals
obv the tactic of equating hamas with isis is pure hasbara done for the sake of creating mass hysteria against hamas and convincing the usa/nato to sanction the mass killing of palestinians (in the name of eliminating hamas). macron even said the same coalition fighting isis should also fight hamas
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some more differences + links mentioned below the cut:
some other differences:
isis is a salafi/wahabi org (look into islamic statism) /// hamas is a sunni org
isis is a transnational org /// hamas is a palestinian nationalist org
the aim of isis is to eradicate all 'bad' muslims+non-muslims & establish their rule all over the world /// the aim of hamas is to secure complete liberation of palestine
isis has conducted militant operations in different countries beyond its territories /// hamas does not conduct operations beyond historic palestine
isis kills anyone who does not adhere to its extremist interpretation of islam (including yazidis, jews, christians, shia & sufi muslims) /// hamas has been tolerant to different sects (alliance with shia hezbollah org) + different religions (palestinian christians/foreign aid workers)
isis literally legalized slavery which afaik no other islamic militant org has done (besides boko haram i think?)
isis is extremely anti-shia and opposes hamas for having links with iran and hezbollah
isis also feels obligated to kill any other muslim that does not pledge loyalty to the caliphate (even attacked some of their own previous allies) /// hamas has an alliance with several other palestinian resistance organizations regardless of different ideologies as long as they share a common goal of liberating palestine (palestinian joint operations room)
pls lmk if any info here is incorrect/needs editing!
What Effect ISIS' Declaration Of War Against Hamas Could Have In The Middle East : NPR
Hamas Is Not ISIS. Here's Why That Matters | TIME
UN Report: Israel in Regular Contact with Syrian Rebels including ISIS - IBTimes India
Ideology of the Islamic State - Wikipedia
Why Islamic State has no sympathy for Hamas - Al-Monitor: Independent, trusted coverage of the Middle East
France’s Macron says anti-ISIL coalition should fight Hamas | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera
Salafist ideological challenge to Hamas in Gaza - BBC News
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Assessing Brazil’s Potential to Act as a Peace Enabler in the Russo-Ukrainian Conflict
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The result of the 2022 presidential elections in Brazil was celebrated domestically and overseas by those who were looking forward to Brazil’s return to the international stage after the country’s isolation under the presidency of Jair Bolsonaro. The narrow victory of the Workers’ Party candidate, Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, and his January 2023 inauguration, coincided with a particularly auspicious moment for Brazil’s international engagement: the country was occupying a non-permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council (it left the Council at the end of December 2023) and the country was also due to occupy the presidency of the G-20 (for 2024) and serve as the host of the 30th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC COP 30), to be held in the Amazonian city of Belém in 2025.
Brazil’s return to the global stage, its participation in groups such as the G-20, the G-77, IBSA (India Brazil, South Africa Dialogue), and BRICS, combined with the characteristic of being one of the few countries in the world with diplomatic relations with all United Nations member states also meant that Brazil could play a role regarding the Russo-Ukrainian conflict. For Brazil, the challenges in playing a more active role regarding the conflict include both domestic and international dimensions. At the domestic level, one of the biggest challenges is achieving economic development and reducing social inequalities in a country that, according to the World Inequality Lab, is one of the most socially unequal countries in the world. Given the magnitude of this challenge, Lula has been criticised for giving too much priority to presidential diplomacy in his first year in government and travelling abroad several times.
Internationally, the competing issues that hold back Brazil in developing a more active role in the Russo-Ukrainian conflict are related to the need to address issues close to home. These include: 1) the rivalry between Venezuela and Guyana on the Brazilian border, as Brazilian mediation credentials could be more useful regarding neighboring countries, and 2) the need to balance the bilateral relationship with Argentina, as right-wing President Jair Milei has explicitly criticised President Lula and expressed an interest in obtaining global partner status with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). In addition, President Lula is working to persuade Nicaragua’s President Daniel Ortega, a historical ally of the Workers’ Party, to ease the repressive measures against the opposition. Meanwhile, the ongoing security challenge in Haiti, where Brazil held the command of the military component of the UN mission (MINUSTAH) for 14 years (2004-2017), also highlights regional demands for Brazil’s engagement.
Additionally, recent international events have also captured the attention of Brazilian authorities, with a potential for domestic repercussions. Brazil’s condemnation of Israel’s military actions in Gaza may become a focal point in domestic political debate, potentially undermining Lula, as Bolsonaro and other right-wing politicians in Brazil remain close allies of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Looking ahead to the 2024 and 2025 domestic elections, conservative religious groups, particularly among the fast-growing neo-pentecostal communities, have explicitly endorsed Israeli policies, further complicating the situation.
Brazil may also face conflicting issues related to the Russo-Ukrainian conflict. For instance, as the host of the G-20, Brazil may welcome Russian President Vladimir Putin to the high-level summit in Rio de Janeiro in November 2024. However, since Brazil is a party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, representatives of the Ukrainian-Brazilian community have urged Brazil’s Minister of Justice to arrest Putin if he enters the country. According to the media, Brazilian officials prepared a document which legally sustains the justification for not arresting Putin in his visit for the G-20 summit, based largely on the fact that Russia withdrew its signature from the Rome Statute in 2016.
Continue reading.
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Gayatri Devi
Gayatri Devi, born on May 23, 1919, in London, United Kingdom, was a prominent figure in Indian royalty, politics, and fashion. She was the third Maharani consort of Jaipur from 1940 to 1949 through her marriage to Maharaja Sawai Man Singh II. She has left a significant impact on the cultural and political landscape of India. Gayatri Devi was a trailblazer in Indian politics. In the 1962 parliamentary election, she achieved a historic victory, securing the largest majority vote of any candidate. A member of the Swatantra Party, she served as a prominent critic of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's government during her 12-year political career. Despite facing political challenges, including imprisonment during the Emergency in 1975, she remained steadfast in her commitment to public service. Her commitment to women's empowerment extended beyond politics. She established schools in Jaipur, including the Maharani Gayatri Devi Girls School, providing education to thousands of girls and women. Her passion for education was evident in her efforts to promote the first steps of development through learning. An avid sports woman, she excelled in polo and shooting, reflecting her adventurous spirit. She was also known for her love of automobiles and was credited with bringing the first W126 model to India.  Maharani Gayatri Devi was listed as one of Vogue's 10 most beautiful women. Crediting her mother as her style inspiration, she said, “she was one of the most fashionable, most independent and most modern Maharanis ever. She always knew the best places to buy anything and she shopped all over the world.” Gayatri was known for her signature chiffon saris, crafted in Lyon, France, which were adorned with pearls and emeralds.  After retiring from politics, Gayatri Devi spent her later years in a quiet life on her large estate, engaging in hobbies and leisure. She passed away on July 29, 2009, due to paralytic ileus and a lung infection
https://www.financialexpress.com/life/lifestyle-meet-gayatri-devi-the-maharani-of-jaipur-who-started-the-trend-of-chiffon-sarees-know-the-politician-who-is-a-passionate-rider-and-a-social-worker-3229152/ (shows images of gayatri) https://books.google.co.in/books/about/A_Princess_Remembers.html?id=5CoWAQAAMAAJ&redir_esc=y (her autobiography)
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nividawebsolutions · 4 months
How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the Future of IT Services
In an age dominated by technological advancements, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a revolutionary force, reshaping the landscape of IT services globally. As businesses strive to stay ahead in the digital race, it becomes imperative to understand the transformative power of AI in the realm of Information Technology. In this blog post, we explore how Artificial Intelligence is not just a trend but a fundamental shift that is redefining the future of IT services.
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Embracing AI for Enhanced Efficiency
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As an innovative IT company in Gujarat, Nivida Software understands the diverse needs of businesses. AI allows us to create tailored solutions that align with the unique requirements of our clients, ensuring maximum impact and value.
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The integration of AI in IT services goes beyond efficiency; it's about fortifying digital landscapes. Nivida Software employs AI-driven security measures to safeguard sensitive data and protect against evolving cyber threats, setting new standards for IT security in Vadodara. Pioneering AI at Nivida Software
5. Cutting-Edge Development:
Nivida Software is at the forefront of AI development, constantly pushing boundaries to create innovative solutions. As an IT company in India, our commitment to staying ahead in the technological curve positions us as a reliable partner for businesses seeking cutting-edge IT services.
6. Nurturing Talent:
The future of IT services lies in the hands of skilled professionals. Nivida Software invests in talent development, ensuring that our team remains well-versed in the latest AI advancements, delivering top-notch services across India, Gujarat, and Vadodara.
Artificial Intelligence is not merely a technological evolution; it's a paradigm shift that is reshaping the future of IT services. Nivida Software, as a forward-thinking IT company, embraces AI to deliver unparalleled solutions to clients in India, Gujarat, and Vadodara. The journey towards a digitally transformed future begins with Nivida Software – where innovation meets excellence in IT services.
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mariacallous · 20 days
BRUSSELS (AP) — Far-right parties made major gains in European Union parliamentary elections Sunday, dealing stunning defeats to two of the bloc’s most important leaders: French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.
In France, the National Rally party of Marine Le Pen dominated the polls to such an extent that Macron immediately dissolved the national parliament and called for new elections. It was a massive political risk since his party could suffer more losses, hobbling the rest of his presidential term that ends in 2027.
Le Pen was delighted to accept the challenge. “We’re ready to turn the country around, ready to defend the interests of the French, ready to put an end to mass immigration,” she said, echoing the rallying cry of so many far-right leaders in other countries who were celebrating substantial wins.
Macron acknowledged the thud of defeat. “I’ve heard your message, your concerns, and I won’t leave them unanswered,” he said, adding that calling a snap election only underscored his democratic credentials.
In Germany, the most populous nation in the 27-member bloc, projections indicated that the AfD overcame a string of scandals involving its top candidate to rise to 16.5%, up from 11% in 2019. In comparison, the combined result for the three parties in the German governing coalition barely topped 30%.
Scholz suffered such an ignominious fate that his long-established Social Democratic party fell behind the extreme-right Alternative for Germany, which surged into second place. “After all the prophecies of doom, after the barrage of the last few weeks, we are the second strongest force,” a jubilant AfD leader Alice Weidel said.
The four-day polls in the 27 EU countries were the world’s second-biggest exercise in democracy, behind India’s recent election. At the end, the rise of the far right was even more stunning than many analysts predicted.
The French National Rally crystalized it as it stood at over 30% or about twice as much as Macron’s pro-European centrist Renew party that is projected to reach around 15%.
Overall across the EU, two mainstream and pro-European groups, the Christian Democrats and the Socialists, remained the dominant forces. The gains of the far right came at the expense of the Greens, who were expected to lose about 20 seats and fall back to sixth position in the legislature. Macron’s pro-business Renew group also lost big.
For decades, the European Union, which has its roots in the defeat of Nazi Germany and fascist Italy, confined the hard right to the political fringes. With its strong showing in these elections, the far right could now become a major player in policies ranging from migration to security and climate.
Bucking the trend was former EU leader and current Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, who overcame Law and Justice, the national conservative party that governed Poland from 2015-23 and drove it ever further to the right. A poll showed Tusk’s party won with 38%, compared to 34% for his bitter nemesis.
“Of these large, ambitious countries, of the EU leaders, Poland has shown that democracy, honesty and Europe triumph here,” Tusk told his supporters. “I am so moved.”
He declared, “We showed that we are a light of hope for Europe.”
Germany, traditionally a stronghold for environmentalists, exemplified the humbling of the Greens, who were predicted to fall from 20% to 12%. With further losses expected in France and elsewhere, the defeat of the Greens could well have an impact on the EU’s overall climate change policies, still the most progressive across the globe.
The center-right Christian Democratic bloc of EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, which already weakened its green credentials ahead of the polls, dominated in Germany with almost 30%, easily beating Scholz’s Social Democrats, who fell to 14%, even behind the AfD.
“What you have already set as a trend is all the better – strongest force, stable, in difficult times and by a distance,” von der Leyen told her German supporters by video link from Brussels.
As well as France, the hard right, which focused its campaign on migration and crime, was expected to make significant gains in Italy, where Premier Giorgia Meloni was tipped to consolidate her power.
Voting continued in Italy until late in the evening and many of the 27 member states have not yet released any projections. Nonetheless, data already published confirmed earlier predictions: the elections will shift the bloc to the right and redirect its future. That could make it harder for the EU to pass legislation, and decision-making could at times be paralyzed in the world’s biggest trading bloc.
EU lawmakers, who serve a five-year term in the 720-seat Parliament, have a say in issues from financial rules to climate and agriculture policy. They approve the EU budget, which bankrolls priorities including infrastructure projects, farm subsidies and aid delivered to Ukraine. And they hold a veto over appointments to the powerful EU commission.
These elections come at a testing time for voter confidence in a bloc of some 450 million people. Over the last five years, the EU has been shaken by the coronavirus pandemic, an economic slump and an energy crisis fueled by the biggest land conflict in Europe since the Second World War. But political campaigning often focuses on issues of concern in individual countries rather than on broader European interests.
Since the last EU election in 2019, populist or far-right parties now lead governments in three nations — Hungary, Slovakia and Italy — and are part of ruling coalitions in others including Sweden, Finland and, soon, the Netherlands. Polls give the populists an advantage in France, Belgium, Austria and Italy.
“Right is good,” Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who leads a stridently nationalist and anti-migrant government, told reporters after casting his ballot. “To go right is always good. Go right!”
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