#In others it was Buddha
So I've actually seen an interesting theory that the Scroll of Memory is actually a joint project between the Underworld and the Zodiac. The Zodiac's a timekeeping tool with people being associated with certain animals, we've seen a lot of Zodiac symbolism, we've even met a former member of the lesser Zodiac (Kui Mulang, who is associated with the Tiger)...etc. A monkey is even a member of the Zodiac.
Now, you've pointed out that it seems that there is a connection between MK and the Underworld. But I'm gonna raise the question: with this theory, what do you think of the possibility that it might be pointing to MK's connection with the Zodiac?
I honestly know so little about the Chinese Zodiac that I feel like I don't have an answer to this.
I will say that I tried to do some research into the Scroll of Memory and it's JTTW origins and found that...there aren't any! As far as I can tell the Scroll of Memory is not part of JTTW, it's a LMK original.
What I did find however is information on Meng Po, the individual who "ensures that when you are reborn you can start with a clean slate". She does this through giving you a sip of her Five-Flavored Tea of Forgetfulness so that as you leave Di Yu (Chinese Hell, of which there are 10 Courts) you can reincarnate without any memories of your past life.
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shysideho · 8 months
Lil Nas X is doing to christianity what christians have done to other religions for literal centuries: using their religion as an art form and inspiration while not giving a shit about what they think.
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chase-omega · 2 months
If it was not for God I would not be walking. I should be in a wheelchair right now. Other gods (if they were real) have done nothing for me. Where was Buddha? Where was Baal? Where was Zeus? Where was Ameterasu? Where was Allah? Where was Ra? Not giving a fuck whether I live or die is where they were. Wouldn't piss on me if I was on fire. So I think I'll side with the one God who actually cares about me.
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speadrunner · 3 months
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When I first saw Mystic Flour, I joked with my brother how funny it was that we went from a blueberry Ronald McDonald…to EVIL BUDDHA!
It’s hilarious to see that I was kinda right
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sisterdivinium · 5 months
It’s tempting to think of Jillian as an atheist given her connexion to science, her confrontation with the church in s1 and simply as a counterpoint to all the religious characters around her. I’ve used the word for her myself in fic before, but I did it fully knowing that Jillian is perhaps the character who most wants to believe.
There’s an implication that she speaks from experience when she tells Kristian one doesn’t ever really leave the church…
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… And her firm principle of proving faith and science can coexist shows she has no intention of dismantling faith in itself or the value people find in spirituality.
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When Luther supposedly nailed his objections to that fateful church door, he didn't intend to shake the core of what faith actually is—quite the contrary, one could argue.
Neither is Jillian trying to destabilise faith in itself... The difference is that she just decided to build her own door instead.
The church might stand in her way, yes, but one could could make a case about how it is more due to their keeping of divinium than to the criticism she directs at Vincent on the subject of Hell and the subjugation of women. She might well believe it—or any part of her performance during most of season one, really—but her conflict with the institution lies less in the way of ideology than in matters of practical consequences.
Were it not so, wouldn’t she have been a little more resistant to her son’s visions of an angel? Why believe in a child’s prophetic drawings otherwise? Even if she by any chance didn’t consider the giver of those visions an angel, the very fact of taking a vision seriously would suggest some degree of fidelity to the very idea of there being something more, something else than the life we know in this plane of existence.
If she doesn’t admit the existence of a god outright, she at least lends credence to the idea that there is something. We might not be able to take her fully at her word in the scenes where she’s playing her part as a seeker of knowledge maligned by the Vatican, but there is some amount of truth to what she says. She might not have truly found Heaven, she might not be able to prove her portal actually leads there...
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… But she most certainly wants to be right. For Michael’s sake, there must be something else, even if not precisely what has been foreseen by scripture.
And, even so, she finds worth in that very scripture she doubts.
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Perhaps she’s being honest when she tells Vincent she likes the stories—there’s a lot of knowledge to be found in even the simplest of them to she who knows how to seek it.
Perhaps there’s an underlying attachment of hers to the Bible, a past she cannot really abandon. It’s not all that common for people with absolutely no ties to Catholicism to have something like the image of a saint as decoration hanging in the background.
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Sure, there are other religious elements scattered in her workplace including a Buddha, but it’s a man who used to be an archivist at the Vatican she hires, not a defected monk or rabbi.
Yes, she will work with anyone who is equally willing to work with her. It’s not from the goodness of her heart as there is a component of selfishness in such cooperation—one to which she admits herself—but her attitude is also a testament to the openness she has concerning the results she might obtain. Maybe the OCS is right, maybe there’s a God and saints and Heaven and Hell…
It doesn’t really matter as long as there is something, something to work towards, something to seek.
Or it didn’t matter—while Michael was alive.
She has had her proof of there being more... And she has paid a high price for learning of it.
It’s a pity we don’t know what she would have done with this information. How do we react when what we believe is confirmed to be true but not in the way we expected or desired?
Whatever shock the nuns have experienced to their faith in this business with Adriel, the perversion of the power of prayer and all else they've survived during season two, Jillian is likely to have felt the very same blow right alongside them.
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thepersonalwords · 2 months
If you cannot find and appreciate the beauty of your own thoughts, how can others appreciate you?
Debasish Mridha
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yamsgarden · 8 months
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two chill guys
i meant buddha and snorlax
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ilikedetectives · 1 month
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It could happen.
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crybaby-writings · 9 months
my fictional others as "my girl can wear whatever she wants because" tweets
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"my girl can wear whatever she wants cause i can fight" : OROCHIMARU
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"my girl can wear whatever she wants cus im scared of her" : KOZUME KENMA, HANGE ZOE
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"my girl can wear whatever she wants because shes a hoe and i knew that before we started dating" : BUDDHA, GETO SUGURU
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Aoi Twitter 2023:
10 Jan: "I've been working on melodies with Ruki's voice in mind for the first time in a while, and my head is so filled with Ruki that it’s almost like I’m in love. …Maybe, just maybe, I’m actually Ruki, and he's Aoi… Ugh, my head!"
10 Jan: "By the way, I’m just playing around, trying to figure out what kind of approach would be interesting—like a sketch or something—so, sh-sh-sh-sh-sh, it's not hinting at a new release or anything!"
13 Jan (Taujan QT): "I’m sorry to bring up something personal, but I just want everyone to celebrate this with me. Hara-san turned one of the few genuinely straight feelings in my twisted heart into a new item. I’m heading to Hiroshima to get it stamped. 🫶"
19 Jan: "Happy birthday to me Happy birthday to me Happy birthday dear myself Happy birthday to me ふぅ🎂🤧"
21 Jan: (*゚ω゚)っ The drawings you all made were beautiful and super cool, and I was really happy. Thank you!"
26 Jan: "Recently, I occasionally get the urge to live deep in the mountains. I wonder if it's some kind of sign? 🤔 Nah, it's probably because I’ve been watching videos of people building cabins in the mountains on YouTube before bed. The sounds of chopping wood or digging the earth in the quiet help me sleep well, that's all. But while the guy looks satisfied making a bed out of wood, I’m thinking, 'No, it’s way too hard…'"
1 Feb: "Man, I was just thinking, 'Oh, it's still only 11:30,' and now the next moment is already here—time flies. For real. HBD RUKI 🎂 I’ll send him a message in the morning. 💌"
17 Feb: "There are only a few left, though there’s a slight chance some remain. by Nietzsche"
25 Feb: "By the way, this time the bear is a rabbit because it's the Year of the Rabbit. There's no twist, but I think it turned out looking cool and kinda like me, don't you think? 🤔 Oh, and by the way, the hood can’t be taken off, so if you try to pull it off forcefully, the brain will jiggle."
10 Mar: "Everyone is really good at drawing. I’m super grateful, really grateful. ┏○))"
15 Mar: "It seems like there's a camera around here somewhere... nichaa (grinning mischievously)"
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16 Mar: "I tried to look cool and show off a bit. There's this book called Daimyo Tōsan (The Daimyo's Bankruptcy) that seems interesting—it’s a two-volume set. Since I’ve already got it, I’ll read it on my way to Tokyo."
27 Mar: "It's cloudy today. But I believe there is light ahead."
27 Mar: "Right? This band is so cool. Walking this path with them and all of our fans, I’ve never had a day where I didn’t want that to continue. During the MASS tour, I was so happy to enjoy it to the fullest again today. I can shine because the members are here, and you’re all by my side. I’ll continue to grow and return before you even better! Thank you again for today 😘."
27 Mar: "I selfishly hope you’ll witness who we are now. Precisely because we’ve been through so much, I want to share this space with you all, as a kind of turning point, and take steps toward the next future together. So, let’s meet at Nippon Budokan on July 15th! I’ll be waiting for you <3."
31 Mar: "I’ll let you in on a little secret: my headbanging masters are you band girls. It’s beautiful, isn’t it? All of you headbanging."
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4 Apr: "I generously gave water to quench everyone’s thirsty (probably about now, I’d say) hearts, yet there aren’t enough likes. And now my heart has dried up. Oh no, should I cry now? glances"
6 Apr "Seeing Kai’s tweet made me wonder, what was I called again? Was it Aoi-sama⤴︎ぁ🫶 or something like that?"
8 Apr Uruha: "I missed the timing to post this during the tour, so here's a shot with REITA from Sendai that's been maturing in my folder for a while‼︎"
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Reita QT: "Call me the guardian deity of Wi-Fi 😎."
10 Apr: "That thing on Ruki’s Instagram, it’s totally premium content. On one hand, I feel like you should accept it as a special discount service item, but honestly, I took an even better pose just before that. I bet it was so divine that Ruki thought your hearts wouldn’t be able to handle it. But still, I kind of want to break your hearts before Budokan."
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10 Apr: Ruki 🫴
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Aoi QT: "Good evening. It's VISUAL GOD."
10 Apr: "Ahh, sorry about that. While everyone’s excited before the show, we were just messing around backstage 💦 But once the show starts, we’ll shine like stars. I mean, a light that can’t be contained is a crime, right? 💁 On a different note, anyone who calls me Professor Snape is getting Sectumsempra’d. I haven’t seen a single movie, but it must be amazing, right?"
12 Apr Reita: "The correct answer is 'DECADE.' You all are amazing. Since there are so many correct answers, the rhythm section will give you a present 🎁."
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12 Apr: "While I’ve been secretly practicing, the deadline for the super fast pre-sale is approaching. Worship me."
15 Apr "Lately, my morning routine has been waking up and checking Twitter for the GazettE-related topics, but this morning I came across something unpleasant, and even a Buddha like me couldn’t help but turn into a hannya. I guess there really are people out there with rotten hearts—I thought it was just an urban legend."
15 Apr "Since I am a Visual God, I’d prefer to avoid making statements like this, but since the opportunity has presented itself, I thought I’d make things clear. Anyway, that’s how it is. I truly want everyone to enjoy themselves, and we’ll do our utmost to make sure that happens. See you later ✋"
18 Apr "Thanks so much for all the applications for the fastest fan club pre-sale! I'll be pouring love into you on the day, so look forward to it 🤤"
25 Apr "I've opened a new door. I am satisfied 🫶"
28 Apr ‹‹\(´ω` )/››‹‹\( ´)/›› ‹‹\( ´ω`)/›› m9っ`・ω・´)<OHAYO!!
11 May "Did you know that I’m the type who wants to be left alone but also wants to feel wanted?"
14 May "Today is Mother's Day, a day to give thanks to Mother Earth and the great oceans. Dedicate yourself to me 🕴"
22 May "This is an ad 💁I watch. You watch. We are friends 👯‍♀️"
25 May "It seems I’ve been away from here for two days. The human heart is fleeting, so maybe no one remembers me anymore. How sad."
26 May "Ngogogogogo… (The sound of the gods stepping down on the earth as they now prepare to rise)."
27 May "I’m planning to celebrate the 20th anniversary with you all again in the digital realm starting at 9 PM today. (☝︎ ՞ਊ ՞)☝︎ Let’s get hyped!"
27 May "HBD MY BRO."
Uruha: "I’m really sorry for completely ignoring Aoi-san during the solo in REGRET! 🙇haha"
Aoi QT: "It’s okay. I’m used to it…"
27 May "I forgot, but I’m actually in the GazettE. Watching their videos, I realized again how cool they are, and now I’m feeling embarrassed about my previous tweets…"
9 Jun "HBD URUHA🎂"
14 Jun "I'm sure you're all lonely without me here, right?"
24 Jun "I don't really need it for live shows, but I ended up buying an amp♡"
5 July "Honestly, I can manage to do pretty much anything. The only thing I'm really bad at is probably love. July 5, 2023 - Cloudy the GazettE Aoi"
5 July: Uruha: "The first day of band rehearsal is over! I had a problem with the LCD display on my pedal not showing anything and I couldn't use the touch controls, but I guess it's just a scratch. 😭
Aoi QT: "A scratch can be a fatal wound, you know. ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ Well, it’s quite sensitive."
12 July: "The string broke. That’s a bad omen. I thought a hannya was reflected in my phone as I typed this, but it was just me. Cursed."
16 July: "(It might seem random, but I want to leave here what I wanted to say on stage yesterday. Despite how I may seem, I’m actually the type to carefully draft my love letters to everyone multiple times.)"
"Everyone, thank you so much for coming today.
It’s been a little over two years since we released 'MASS.'
We've faced countless hardships, but thanks to being able to perform live so many times and receiving energy from all of you each time, we've safely made it to this stage today.
When what was 'normal' was no longer normal, we wanted to respond to the feelings of everyone who still came out to see us. So, we approached each performance with even more dedication and care than before. Through this process, I discovered my own potential and the band's possibilities, and I've come to realize that you all are more important to us than ever.
To carry forward the discoveries and the important connections that 'MASS' has brought to us, we want to keep moving forward, step by step, steadily.
I want to do more with all of you and see new sights together. That’s how I’m feeling right now.
Thank you so much for today. Please enjoy yourselves to the fullest until the very end!"
19 Sep "I left my youth at Nippon Budokan on July 15th, and now there’s a void in my heart. Back then, my hair only reached my shoulders, but now it’s grown long enough to use it as a jump rope. I’d love to do MASS tour again."
23 Nov "I’m guessing that by now, everyone’s starting to feel a bit starved of the GazettE."
24 Nov "Good morning. I'm glad I was able to go for a run before things get really busy. The weather feels great ☀︎"
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14 Dec Uruha: My AirPods Pro Max broke, so I came to get them repaired. It looks like it’s going to take a while to fix… When did they become the number one thing that would be a pain if it broke?
Aoi QT: For me number one thing is the bond with the fans and the members, but it's different for Uru-pon? 🥺
Uruha QT: "Our bond should be fine, if you are calling me Uru-pon. Lol"
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iaf · 10 months
Gay people
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cringelordofchaos · 3 months
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littlemut · 7 months
how i feel when i tell someone i have never watched a Mr Beast video
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falldogbombsthemoon · 5 months
Ok ok. Poll time.
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blooeyedtroll · 1 year
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Yuni & Buddha!
A chibi commission for @ameliaoxx who asked for a gift for @xyuniconnijix. A cute piece, featuring their Oc: Yuni, with Buddha (from Shuumatsu no Valkirye).
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