#In a different world Hector and Achilles are friends
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differentnerddiplomatopera · 5 months ago
ok work with me here, see my vision
*At Clytemnestra’s and Agamemnon’s house*
*Achilles and Patroclus open the door*
Patroclus: Hey, sorry we are late. We brought th-wait, where is everyone?
Achilles, chuckling: Don’t tell me we are actually early. Oh I am gonna-
(Incoherent Yelling)
Patroclus: What in the actual-
(Whispering) Menelaus: If you don’t get under here right now…
Achilles: Where are you, who was-
(Odysseus and Diomedes drag Achilles and Patroclus under the kitchen counter)
(Helen, Menelaus, Odysseus, Penelope, Diomedes, Hector, and Andromache are all hiding under the table)
Achilles: So why are we hiding under the table?
Diomedes: Do you not hear didgeridee and didgeridoo screaming and yelling like their chi-
Hector: Maybe we shouldn’t mention the “C” word right now.
Penelope: I swear if I never hear them argue again-
Helen: I need alcohol
Patroclus: Could someone-
Menelaus: Helen, no-
Patroclus: please tell us-
Helen: Alcohol, neow
Patroclus: Ok! Can someone explain what the fuck knuckles is going on with these two?
Odysseus: Of course darling. We found ourselves-
Diomedes: Ok, nope quick version. We came over for a house warning party, and in the middle of that-,
Odysseus: Cutting me off when I am trying speak. You know you can be a real bastard, right pet?
Diomedes: Bastard loves bastard, darling. Anyway, in the middle of that, Clytemnestra showed us a custom puzzle she made of their daughter. Very cute, very nice. Weirdly detailed. However Agamemnon has to be Agamemnon, and ruin good things in life. A tiktok account called ArtemisDares had a challenge to break something of your partners, something they loved to see their reaction. So Agamemnon made the asinine decision to break the puzzle she spent— how long did she say?
Penelope: She said “2 hours to find the perfect picture, 5 hours to put in her order because the commission site kept collapsing, and three days to put it together.” It was 2,000 pieces, and she was going to put it in a frame. I can’t even imagine..
Odysseus: Sweetheart, I-
Penelope: Yes I know you would never do that, you are leagues above him. We know this.
Diomedes: Do we?
Penelope: Not now darling. What can we do to-
*More incoherent screams, breaking of glass, grunts of pain*
Hector: We need to stop them before Iphigenia grows up without her parents.
Andromache: Right. You can go first baby. Tell us how that works out.
Helen: Sometimes I just want rip out Agamemnon’s vocal chords, and shove them down his ass.
Diomedes: A capital choice. Would you like help?
Odysseus/Penelope: No.
Hector: Ok, ok, but we have to do something before we have to talk to the police about-
Iphigenia: Aunty Pen, what is a va-vacuous moron?
Achilles: ……
Patroclus: …….
Diomedes: …….
Odysseus: ………
Penelope: …..
Hector: …….
Andromache: ……
Helen: ……
Achilles: Ah shit.
Menelaus: Oh come on, Achilles
Penelope: Honey, how about we talk…outside?
Iphigenia: Why? Mommy and Daddy loudly talking is normal. They turn on the tv for me and loudly talk. Sometimes they forget to turn it on and I hear everything.
Odysseus: Ice cream. That is the only way to fix this. And a good therapist. Let’s start with ice cream
Diomedes: Ok, everyone we have to time this perfectly. I think we aren’t in the mood for taking sides. Everyone good?
(The group nods)
Diomedes: Ok…wait…NOW!
Agamemnon: Oh look, Hector would you-
Clytemnestra: Shut up, Helen please tell him-
*They make it out the door*
Iphigenia: sooooo, what is a vacu-vaco-
Penelope: Let’s just get ice cream ok honey?
Diomedes: Can’t wait to do this shit next year.
Achilles: Another housewarming party? They just got this one.
Helen: They also get run out of every neighborhood they stay in due to the noise complaints. Two months, max.
Helen: Welcome to the family.
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wlfhardinc · 3 months ago
@akhillaous This is in response to your comment because it’s too long to say it in a reply. Plus this will explain my post for everyone else
Ok this is going to be long. I’m not great at explaining so this won’t be coherent plus this would have been way easier if I had visuals but alas The song of Achilles is a book so I’ll just have to try. In season 1 I think Jayce has more similarities with Achilles and Viktor has more similarities with Patroclus. Achilles and Patroclus were very innocent in their beliefs and whatnot in the beginning of the book. Jayce and V too in season 1. However that’s when Thetis/Mel come in. Yes I know this is kinda weird- I don’t want to compare Mel to Achilles’s mom either but hear me out. Mel sort of manipulated Jayce to do what he did for her benefits . Thetis did the same to Achilles to get what she wanted. Anyway, when Achilles and Patroclus end up going to Troy to fight, it all begins fine. Achilles protects Patroclus as much as possible because Patroclus has no fighters genes whatsoever. Jayce was also kind of protective to Viktor in some ways. My point is everything begins well. Both ships have the same principles. Achilles vows to not kill Hector (because of the prophecy that if he does, he will die) which is what Patroclus also wants, Jayce wants to make the world a better place which aligns with Viktor’s ideology. It is only later on when Achilles starts to get too prideful with all of the newfound fame as aristos aichon (best of all the Greeks) He makes dumbass decisions and Patroclus starts to get a little pissed. This is similar to season 1 Jayce and Viktor. Also I just want to quickly mention the women. Sky and Briseis both have a platonic but great relationship to Viktor and Patroclus. Mel and Deidama both had a romantic relationship with Jayce and Achilles where it is unclear whether they truly loved each other. In the Song of Achilles Achilles seems to have been forced to have sex with her while other perspectives on the Greek mythology says that they loved each other. In arcane everybody has different opinions and perspectives on Jayce and Mel’s relationship. I think those are all the parallels I could muster up for season 1. Next is season 2. In season 2 Jayce=Patroclus, Viktor=Achilles. There are definitely more evident similarities in season 2 I feel like. Viktor obviously leaves Jayce, ending their partnership. Whilst Achilles doesn’t exactly leave Patroclus, they do get into more and more arguments and differences. Viktor goes back to the undercity and becomes Jesus 2.0 or whatever. Achilles becomes prideful and starts getting high on all of the glory he’s receiving. Although both characters still have the same principles, they execute it terribly which leads to some problems with their partners as we know. Viktor goes crazy, Achilles goes crazy. At the end because of Achilles’s mess ups and arrogance, Patroclus basically sacrifices himself. Jayce did the same with Viktor. In the end, Jayce and Viktor sort of die and just become eternal beings or whatever. Patroclus and Achilles are also both dead in the end and also meet each other in the afterlife, becoming eternal beings in a way. However in the Song of Achilles, Patroclus was at first not buried properly which is why he was just a wandering ghost for some time. When Achilles died his situation worsened as literally the only person who would have buried him was dead. Achilles was buried because everyone loved him so there was no way he wasn’t buried. It was only when Thetis decided to let him go to the afterlife that he was able to meet Achilles. I thought that was pretty similar to the ending of Arcane when people would write the names of their loved ones who died during the war and no one wrote Viktor’s name because the only person who would’ve was with him. Also as I said in my post, ‘historians’/the general audience will know both relationships as close friends or brother. I’m sorry that this is so badly explained but I tried my best😭😭
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lisaiese · 5 months ago
lyrics in EPIC: the musical that changed my life trajectory
I don't know if it is the fact that I spent five years of high school studying Latin and Greek classics that makes me do this, but here I am writing a long ass tumblr post about some lyrics from the songs of a musical based on The Odyssey, the Homeric epic poem.
Enough chit chat, let's start from the lyrics in the first very song of the musical, 'The Horse and The Infant' from The Troy Saga:
The blood on your hands is something you won't lose All you can choose is whose
UGH so good already! Here we have Zeus speaking at the end of the song, basically telling Odysseus that killing in war is his duty as a man and a hero. This obviously kind of sounds like bullshit for us, but we have to understand the ancient culture behind it: in ancient Greece going to war was a symbol of honor. Think of the scene where Hector and Andromache met again, Hector really embodied the "I know that I probably won't come back to you and to our son (opsie), but I have to go"
Andromache said: “Dearest, your own great strength will be your death, and you have no pity on your little son, nor on me, ill-starred, who soon must be your widow…Please take pity upon me then, stay here on the rampart, that you may not leave your child an orphan, your wife a widow.” Hector responded: “All these things are in my mind also, lady; yet I would feel deep shame before the Trojans, and the Trojan women with trailing garments, if like a coward I were to shrink aside from the fighting.”
A key word is shame: many times my professor told us students about the 'shame culture' in ancient Greece, which Hector clearly refers to here. Therefore, it's either honor or shame: for the Greek dying in war was better than living like a coward. Through these lyrics - and also the next song of the album ('Just a Man') - we can notice how the characterization of Odysseus is different from that of heroes like Hector and Achilles: he seems more human. After all, it is no coincidence that he is characterized not only by physical strength but above all by intelligence: he is a 'Warrior of the Mind' (quoting one of the most iconic songs of the musical). In the first verse of The Odyssey, Homer calls Odysseus πολύτροπος, a term that literally means "of many turns" and can be translated as multifaceted, versatile, cunning.
Next lyrics are from 'Remember Them' from The Cyclops Saga:
What good would killing do? When mercy is a skill More of this world could learn to use
I chose these lyrics for two reason:
they are so well connected with the first ones and show how Odysseus still has his morality here (you have a long way my friend)
it is such a good phrase honestly, let's appreciate it
Actually, something to reflect on could be the theme of mercy, but I don't really remember a lot of information about it and I don't want to write about things I'm not so sure about. In fact, what I rememeber pretty well is mercy related to the Roman/Latin culture, in particular to the figure of Ceasar: Cicero attributes to Caesar the virtue of clementia, which is the term used in Latin to represent mercy. Apparently he is the only one who, among all the military leaders, stood out for his goodness of soul, so noble that it is not enough to simply compare him to great men, but he must be judged similar to a god («haec qui faciat, non ego eum cum summis viris comparo, sed simillimum deo iudico»). That's basically everything I can give you about the topic. I would dive into it more by talking about the musical itself, analysing how this is connected to Odysseus' relationship with his morality, but then I would really be writing an essay here and now, which would ruin the order and logic of this very long text.
Let's move on to the next lyrics from 'Ruthlessness', from The Ocean Saga, which made me gasp so hard the first I heard them:
You are the worst kind of good 'cause you're not even great A Greek who reeks of false righteousness, that's what I have 'Cause you fight to save lives, but won't kill and don't get the job done
Speechless. Mind-blowing. The earth shook. You are the worst kind of good 'cause you're not even great Hello??? Sorry Ulysses, but Poseidon ate. 'Cause you fight to save lives, but won't kill and don't get the job done Like, where do I even start to talk about this. Poseidon is actually throwing the naked truth in Odysseus' face! Everything so far has a logic:
Zeus tells Odysseus that he has to kill Hector's son Astynax (which he does in the end, for the sake of going home)
Odysseus spares Polyphemus (maybe because of guilt? He is just a man, afterall...)
That mercy results in a literal god (Poseidon) wanting to have vengeance: if Odysseus had been ruthless, he would have put mercy upon himself (yeah that's a direct reference to the lyrics Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves)
Now we finally arrive at my favorite saga (aaaaa): The Circe saga. Starting from some very simple lyrics, but so impactful, from the 'Puppeteer':
But this was a hell of a twist, cause we are weak to a power like this What was it? A woman
Hell yeah, a woman! Clearly, you are just a man (another reference, got you!). Ok, return to serious talk. I think most of us know that women were often portrayed as bewitchers, source of evil and misfortune, in ancient times, especially in the Greek culture. Let's think about the story of Pandora's box: it is a myth narrated by Hesiod in the poem Works and Days. According to it, the first woman on earth, named Pandora, was gifted a jar by the gods. However, led by curiosity, she opened it and, by doing so, she released sickness, death and many other unspecified evils. She then closed the jar and only one thing was left behind: Hope. This story (one of many and one of the most famous) perfeclty exemplifies how women were considered dangerous and, at the same time, powerful, as bringers of evil.
Next, from the same saga, let me present to you the best lyrics from the song 'There Are Other Ways':
There are many ways of persuasion There are many modes of control Maybe showing one act of kindness Leads to kinder sould down the road
AAAAAAA. Circe you are such *incomprehensible adjectives of praise* woman. Here Circe basically gives Odysseus' morality hope, let me explain: until now we saw how Odysseus' kind soul and his mercy led him to antagonize a god, on the other hand (in theory) killing a child opened the doors for him to return home. From these observations the only "lesson" that can be deduced is that behaving like a "monster" is better than just "being a man" (yeah I love referencing). BUT Circe kind of destroys this reasoning, proving that a good soul can take him so far... aaaand of course it's a woman who does this
Moving on: The Underworld Saga, lyrics sung by our favorite prophet Tiresias:
I see you wife with a man who is haunting A man with a trail of bodies (who?)
This song? Chills. Literal Chills. The song in itself is a forshadowing, an oracle. I chose these lyrics specifically because they forshadow Odysseus' darkest moments in the journey, by specifically pointing out what he becomes: [...] a man who is haunting A man with a trail of bodies Who? Odysseus you ask. It's you. It's you in the future, and you know why it's "no longer you" (yeah, another quoting)? Because you will have lost your morality by then. Honestly? We kind of all expected that, sorry not sorry Odysseus.
And directly connected to that we have the lyrics from 'Scylla', from The Tunder Saga (it's orange because there is no yellow):
We are the same, you and I, I
Just this one final verse, so powerful. Odysseus encountered mermaids and was merciless with them, after that he went to the lair of Scylla. They are actually the same: monsters. Or at least, Odysseus has become like her.
And now, in The Wisdom Saga, we welcome back the badass of the arena: Athena! Let's hear what she wisely says in 'Little Wolf':
One young wolf has a larger heart than all these men combined
It's always the women guys. Athena's appearance to help Telemachus fighting the suitors is so crucial: her words and herself gift us that ray of hope and goodness that was lacking ever since The Underworld Saga. Here she refers to Telemachus, Odysseus' son, who is called a young wolf. While at the beginning of the song the suitors were using the term "little wolf" to basically mock him, Athena changes the connotation: he is not a little wolf, he is a just a young wolf, with a good soul and heart. Even a wolf (an animal) is more good-hearted than a man, but here who actually is the animal and who is the man? Athena, a godess, knows best.
Finally, The Vengeance Saga, from which the best song (almost cried listening to it) is, of course, 'Six Hundred Strike':
After everything you've done... ...how will you sleep at night? Next to my wife...
OMG. Literally OMG. Here, at the final showdown between Odysseus and Poseidon, our hero prevails. Poseidon asks: "After everyhting you've done... how will you sleep at night?". I don't know if my interpretation is right, but this is what I think Poseidon meant with his words:
after everything you've done (and been through) to get here... how will you sleep at night? -> will the trauma spare you?
after everything you've done as you became a monster... how will you sleep at night? -> will the guilt spare you?
And Odysseus just answers with a "Next to my wife", because that's what he wanted from the very beginning, to come home, and he will achieve his goal. His story is the story of a journey: obviously, a journey back home, but most importantly, a journey of someone who is 'Just a Man' (got you again with the reference). Odysseus is just a man, a human being who has encountered countless obstacles, who has had his ups and downs, who has thrown his morality into the sea to return home. And what is this, if not life?
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ladyartichokie · 1 year ago
Okay, I've kind of put this in tags of different posts but I want a full post about it.
Since the first time I listened to Epic: The Musical (what had been released thus far) certain parts of the story have bugged me a little bit. (STAY WITH ME, THIS ISN'T A HATE POST). Odysseus seemed different from Homer's Odysseus in a way that I couldn't fully explain. I thought that perhaps it was motivation (honor vs. family, etc), which it is to an extent, but that's not fully it.
Disclaimer: when I talk about "the ends justifying the means" I mean evil means justifying a good end.
BUT NOW I GET WHY. In "Keep Your Friends Close", Aeolus says, "The end always justifies the means" which brought me back to my high school freshmen lit class. We read the Odyssey (and the Iliad) and basically every conversation we had on it was either: 1. Can we trust literally anything Odysseus says? 2. Do the ends justify the means? I don't have examples off the top of my head (I'll likely reblog this later with examples) but Odyssey Odysseus was ruthless. He wasn't as trigger-happy as some other Greek heroes (*cough* Achilles *cough*) but he is an ancient Greek standard for intelligence: that meant being able to kill when necessary without getting emotions involved (i.e. that time he killed Dolon in The Iliad). For Odyssey Odysseus, the ends had to justify the means.
BUT for ETM Odysseus, the ends don't justify the means. He kills Hector's baby son but he is emotionally torn up about it. He refuses to kill Polyphemus--despite Athena's demands--because he wants to be merciful. (In the Odyssey Athena and Odysseus never have this argument, btw). For ETM Odysseus, mercy is more important than making sure the job gets done. This opinion is obviously a lot more palatable for modern sensibilities.
ETM Odysseus is clever, but he isn't cunning. He is a trickster but I wouldn't call him a liar. ETM Odysseus, as a whole, is far more similar to a modern hero than an Ancient one. (I could go into how Christian morals have shaped most of Western Civilization but I'll contain myself for now). AND NOW FOR MY THESIS: ETM is a story about a modern hero in a world of ancient morals. The Odyssey is a story about the ideal ancient hero in a world of ancient morals.
But, as I said, this is NOT a hate post. I'm the daughter of two philosophy PhDs: there is little I love more than a story that explores hypothetical morals. Coming to this conclusion about the difference between the Odysseuses just makes me even more excited to keep listening to ETM.
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pridepages · 2 years ago
Philatos: The Song of Achilles
I just finished The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller. I have thoughts...
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Here there be spoilers!
Madeline Miller’s The Song of Achilles is a classic in more than one sense. Any baby gay or ally looking for gateway LGBTQIA+ literature will inevitably find this book on every list (quite likely near the top). Its source material is classical greek poetry, and one of the most famous love stories of the mythology: that of Achilles and Patroclus. You’ve probably heard of Achilles and his infamous heel, Aristos Achaion, best of the Greeks. A demigod hero who felled mighty Trojan Prince Hector in the war for Helen--the face who launched a thousand ships and the tale of a war sung down the centuries.
You might be less familiar with Patroclus. He was, by his time’s standards, a nobody. Son of a lesser king who was exiled from his home, fully human and a shadowy figure who barely appears in the pages of Homer...but whose love changed the course of Achilles’s life.
It is said that only the love of Patroclus, and grief for his death, could spur Achilles to meet his destiny.
But there’s the debate: what kind of love was it exactly?
It seems strange after the success of Miller’s novel in popular culture that this is up for debate...but it technically still is. Search “Patroclus” in scholarly articles and you’ll find him identified as Achilles’s...friend.
His buddy. His pal.
Fucking. Yikes.
Some may say my insistence that their love is queer comes from my belief that everything is better gay. (Which...okay, yes, and I’m right!) But I’m gonna push back and point to one word:
This is a Greek word that Miller applies in her novel. One that was used between men in the ancient world. It means: ‘Most Beloved.’
It’s a loaded word, particularly when we consider homosexuality in the classical world which was...complicated.
People like to believe that history is as simple as: ‘the ancients were chill about homosexuality, it was only with the rise of certain religions--side-eying Christianity--that it became criminal.’
To which I answer: um...not quite.
Let’s be clear: it’s totally true that the immortal philosopher Plato set forth models that classified different kinds of love. And that one of them, eros, was desire so strong that it was akin to a force of nature. Plato theorized that eros could be harnessed and leveraged as a way to strengthen the bonds between soldiers, giving them better motivation to fight and thus making them more effective. 
For example, the Sacred Band of Thebes. You probably know them as the 300, but historians know them as 150 pairs of lovers! The best part? It worked! (At least for a while...but that’s another story.)
And how about Alexander the Great, who conquered most of his neighboring countries and amassed an empire of over two million miles? He had Hephaestion, his constant companion, of whom Alexander said: ‘He is me. I am him.’ So make of that what you will. (I’m gonna go with: gays get shit done!)
That sounds pretty straight-forward (so to speak), so what’s the problem?
Miller actually puts her finger on it in Song. As Patroclus tells us, “Our men like conquest; they did not trust a man who was conquered himself.” Let’s rephrase: being gay is chill...if you’re the top. If you’re not, then you’re the lowest of the low: Feminine. Weak. Disgraced.
I repeat: Fucking. Yikes.
So there were people then and now who would be perfectly ready to handwave away the bond between Achilles and Patroclus. They cry: why it gotta be gay? Why can’t the love of friends be enough? Why do you have to shove it down our throats?!
(I invite you to picture my eyes rolling all the way back.)
Let’s put this argument to bed: there’s nothing wrong with a love that is neither sexual nor romantic. (I see all my sibs under the aro-ace umbrella, y’all are valid!) The problem is when the existence of said love is weaponized to erase or deny other forms of queer love and make them lesser or shameful.
Because that’s what it comes down to: Honor. Reputation was everything to the ancients, and queerness put your reputation on thin ice. So much so that in Song, Patroclus even offers to hide their relationship so as not to endanger Achilles’s legacy: “Your honor could be darkened by it.” But Achilles won’t have it: “Then it is darkened. They are fools if they let my glory rise or fall on this.”
Miller saw this quiet, ever-present bond between Achilles and Patroclus in the pages of ancient texts. And she saw the unsung eros between them, the kind that drove the Sacred Band of Thebes to fight and Alexander to forge an empire. She saw how historians scoffed and dismissed it in a couple of lines to focus on the violent, tragic triumph of Achilles.
Rather than try and recast the great hero, she decided to tackle this relationship from another angle...she gave voice to Patroclus.
It’s a powerful choice to draw him from the shadows. Patroclus figures very little in the myth, and the one time he really does is when he’s disguising himself as someone else: he dies donning Achilles’s armor to rally the Greeks and rout the Trojans with the illusion that Aristos Achaion has returned to the field. One brave deed for an otherwise unremarkable life.
But was it?
Miller’s Patroclus is in many ways an everyman. He’s a mediocre swordsman, but a better healer. He’s the kind of guy who will remember your name and ask about your family, and make sure you have a comfortable place by the fire.
He’s perfectly content with his lot in life. All he really wants to do is tell you how much he loves his boyfriend.
It sounds like the stuff of ‘homeric fanfiction,’ as one boyfriend apparently scoffed at Miller’s work. (I hope she dumped him for it!) But it’s a pretty brave take for a spin on the myths. While Patroclus has respect for honor and glory, and would convince us that Achilles is the better man...that’s not the impression we are left with.
This isn’t a story of heroism by war. This is a story of the heroism of love.
Whether in a palace or on the battlefield, Patroclus’s life is defined by love. Of Achilles, of Briseis, of Chiron, of his homes, of his work, of his world.
This Patroclus says: Plato got it right. Love is what makes all of this--no matter how we live and die--a worthy endeavor.
And I think that’s what makes The Song of Achilles the philatos of queer lit. It both honors its roots, reading with prose that fits the poetic sensibilities of the Iliad, and challenges them. 
Ancient people and modern historians have something in common: an ongoing struggle to genuinely accept queer people and queer love. The Song of Achilles is a necessary book. One that bridges past and present. One that speaks softly but clearly, uncompromising in its demand that we allow gay people to be seen and honored in cultural memory.
In the words of another spin on the myths: “It’s a love song / It’s an old song / We’re gonna sing it even so!”
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streets-in-paradise · 2 years ago
I truly would enjoy seeing the story go that route! It fits in with both their characters! It’s be so interesting and wonderful to read. I love your writing!
Thank you so much!
Once I will finish writing a few more chapters i'm getting ready for the main fic, i will write one piece to give this AU a chance. Ever since we started talking about this i have been daydreaming a very particular scene i can't get out of my mind and it is so cute so i will share it with you:
The standard wedding ceremony on that period centers a lot in the experience of the bride. The end of the ritual consisted in the bride being accompanied by singing maids holding tortches to light her way to the nuptial bed. Once there, her personal servants were in charge to get her ready for the later arrival of the husband. Most of the preparations consisted on normal beauty rituals like applying special perfumes all over her body to make her the most desirable possible for the expected consummation.
And like, having this in mind, i began to imagine their wedding night as a soft moment of mutual comfort.
The handmaids of the princess did the best they could to cheer her, Tal speaking of how good she looks and Eny rambling of how handsome Hector would be looking like once he would cross the bedroom door. They know that's not how she daydreamed her wedding night to be, but they didn't even want to mention Achilles fearing she would start crying…
And when she is left alone and Hector arrives, she cries. Not because of being afraid of him, what she would never because she knows what kind of man he is. She sobs from the sorrow of seeing her dreams crushed.
Hector can tell that's not the crying of a scared maiden who fears unwanted touch. That's a hopeless girl lamenting loosing the chance to be with who she considers the love of her life. He has never seen her this fragile, she is broken and that is shocking to witness for him.
He approaches her like a friend. Although they both wear garments expected for the context of a wedding night, making it an awkward paradox at first. He splits the covers of the bed by himself, allowing her to get inside and cover herself so she wouldn't have to feel exposed in front of him anymore because the cloth of her attires is traslucent.
She struggles to get back into a composed attitude, but hides it behind her typical ironic humor.
" Do i really look so ugly that you won't even look at me?" She jokes, face still wet from the sobbing. " I worked hard on this clothes. You won't believe me, but i have been planning this moment for a long time."
" … I'm the detail that escaped your planning. " He replies ríght away. " I can tell you conceibed that following the preferences of another man. "
He glances at her for an instant in contemplative silence.
" I don't share his apparent urge for seeing you undressed. A normal nightgown would have been alright. "
His words make her get deeper into the covers.
" The choir singing the himeneus didn't follow me here to watch over my sleep. I have to act convincent for the rest of the world … and i didn't got time to make any other discrete dress for this moment."
She never imagined a different fate, her faith on Achilles was once so strong that all her previous preparatives only contemplated him. Laying there with any other man was unthinkable, she was convinced that he was the one meant to become her husband.
" I am aware I'm not the man of your dreams. " Hector frankly comments. " Maybe i will never be, but you don't need to hide that from me for the sake of performance."
She looks directly at him for the first time since the arrival and finds a sweet smile across his face.
" You don't have to be my wife tonight, you are still my friend. " He reminds her. " Am i your friend? I don't want you to loathe me over this, neither of us have choosen it. "
Calmly but still hesitantly, he takes the spot beside her in the bed just to lay close.
" You got the worse part of the deal. My condolences, Agamemnon is now your in law while I got Priam and Paris. "
In her often indirect ways, that seems to be a confirmation for his ask.
" It could have been worse, i could be marrying a stranger and so could you… Can't you see how extremely lucky we are?"
Settled in her cynical pessimism, she puts her sharp tounge on point.
" Luck for you would have been to marry Andromache. You would be making love to her ríght now instead of drowning in my negativity."
To her surprise, he isn't frozen by that ironic mention.
" I'm already used to your wicked sense of humor, you can't weaponize it anymore. " He clarifies to her. " It's true, we are not here out of love, but we don't have to make it be the end of our lives."
She remains silent for an instant, meditating in the meaning of his words.
" In all my life, i have envisioned only two possible fates. Marrying the love of my life or letting my father win. That meant, accepting whatever horrible choice he had for me and ending tied to a man i would surely despise. "
Thinking she is classifying him as the second option, Hector feels slightly hurted. Despite he is not in love with her, he doesn't want her cold rejectment.
Out of sudden, she accomodates closer to him in chaste seek for physical comfort.
" I never imagined i would be getting married to a friend. "
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thewolfisawake · 1 year ago
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Just so it is not locked in drabbles and so that it is clarified...Donovan's first life, arguably his original life is that of a minor Greecian prince, Patroclus. He is technically half-phoenix with a mortal father and phoenix mother. Because of the nature of a phoenix is why there are many names listed for his mother, as they are all her but different lives. Most major stories about him are true. How he got kicked out after lashing out (and killing) a kid as a kid over a game. And how he came to be 'squire' or right-hand to Achilles.
They had been childhood friends that became lovers over time. And Patroclus had been the compassionate, tender yet wiser elder to Achilles although he knew he never matched the demigod as a warrior. In retrospect, Donovan viewed them both as reckless and had never weighed the burden of their fates. Achilles who had disclosed his mother's prophecy had entered into war. Patroclus who had followed so loyally despite his nature. 'We thought ourselves invincible, how because of our camaraderie and our inhumanity that nothing could stop us. It seemed the Fates were not fond of such hubris.'
Patroclus did end up dying on the battlefield to Hector but because of his nature, he would return...but never the same as before. Even if he was present in physical body, he was no longer the same. And bereft of what made him 'Patroclus.' And it was this loss and gravitas of what it meant to die as phoenix that had driven Achilles into his rage. Patroclus had witnessed this but had not known exactly what driven it, only that he felt such a pain witnessing the frenzy that occurred through blood and tears. But unfortunately it was forgotten through the myriad of deaths suffered through the rest of the Trojan War.
Fast forwards centuries upon centuries later, Donovan, not yet named such, had drifted a long way. He had been a mercenary that had been basically put in a 'timeout' because of growing heedlessness. Being brought to where, in theory is quieter, is when he met a fae. Now, because of his long standing friendship with certain individuals, Donovan did know about nonhumans around. Although this was his first time dealing with one personally. But he was well-taught and clever enough to not be fooled by the fae. This led to the birth of his daughter, Ceilidh.
His time with her was one-sided antagonism since Ceilidh's uncle, her adoptive father, had poisoned the child to see her time in the mortal world as punishment. And Donovan being much weaker because of their agreed time being in winter, could not do too much to pull that thinking for quite a while. However he considered himself stubborn and had ended up staying in the area much longer than he expected. But he was patient in dealing with his equally stubborn daughter, whom he saw as lonely but one that perseveres through all.
While their relation did get better, he knew where she wanted to be. And he knew that his 'break' couldn't last forever. So, he offered her to break his deal with her mother if she would visit in the spring. That way, at least to him, he could see her off in celebration. Which is what he used the May Day to do. And it didn't really occur to Ceilidh until afterwards that Donovan had been around for a 'long time' in mortal realm without a sign of aging.
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levi-of-lesbos · 1 year ago
Hi so this is my first au thing in glee and I have no idea if this has been done before if it has pls reply to this post with it! Id really wanna see it
Okay so
Spoilers for Song of Achilles if you haven't read it!!
Brittana song of achilles au
The hair colours coincide - Brittany is Achilles and Santana is Patroclus
The personalities fit - brittany is free spirited, kind, popular, the vibe (esp at the start of the book) fits with each other, santana is wary of a lot of things, kind of ooc but I've seen a lot of fics portraying santana as quiet but snarky and tbh it kinda fits in canon too, esp when you compare them - Patroclus is quiet but he is loyal as hell and is the only one who dares to talk back to Achilles, he will fight you if needed
The story kinda goes the same, they meet as kids and bond and everything but just to outline
Santana arrives at the palace (?) she's kind of a loner at first, but she doesn't really wanna bother interacting with the other kids (this part is actually pretty accurate to canon imo cause when santana lives in new york she doesn't actually make a lot of friends she just interacts with the same few people, this could be taken to be cause she's a side character but it's a fun look into her personality), brittany on the other hand is very friendly, the new girl catches her eye and she does all sorts of tricks to catch her eye, shes also a very bold character I think, so she def would be the one to make the first move plus be bold enough to ask her father for the new, quiet, murderer kid to be her lifelong closest companion
For the sake of this au we are going to villainise their parents (sorry), and so brittany still gets sent away to chiron and subsequently the place where she has to disguise herself to avoid the war but santana still goes to find her every time
I also think that it would be fun for brittany to say with a grin to santana "what has hector ever done to me?"
Anyway so the war comes, there's the whole thing about achilles losing his innocence and part of what makes us root for him so much in the first place and we know that brittany is portrayed very much as a cinnamon roll in fanon (much like Achilles too tbf) and I think dark brittany would be interesting to see once her view of the world is gone
In this au puck is briseis cause I'm a sucker for puck-santana friendships in fics (I do not support or condone anything m*rk s*lling did irl I just like the character in fanon), the scene where briseis and achilles yell at each other because they both loved patroclus in different ways but they loved him all the same would be cool with Puck and Brittany, the anger between them and the grief would be so good
So anyway santana ofc dies in this, just imagine santana being scared to fight, but she knows that to protect brittany she has to go out and put herself in danger for her because she's the love of her life and she doesn't want her to die, but she ends up getting kind of ahead of herself and gets killed by hector (quick reminder that achilles slept beside patroclus' dead body for days before burning it so just picture that but brittana), brittany hearing the news that a great soldier has fallen and thinking "santana will come back and tell me about it", brittany discovering santanas the one that died and being unable to function afterwards, her innocent and sometimes naive view of the world just falling apart because santana is dead and never coming back, brittany killing hector to effectively kill herself so that she gets reunited with santana, only to arrive in the afterlife unable to find her
Santana on the other hand has to watch brittany grieve for her, unable to do anything to lessen her pain, only to get left behind by the ignorant survivors and has to wait for god knows how many years before she can finally see the love of her life again
So anyway I love angst as you can tell, if someone's done this before pls send links, this is just my take on it, please feel free to add on cause I have no idea where the rest of the glee kids would be in this au, I might or might not add on more stuff afterwards if I have more brainrot so yes
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skyrim-forever · 2 years ago
oooo for the Asks to Spread The Love: 2, 15, 16, and 18!! ~throughtrialbyfire
Thank you friend!
2. Tell us why you love one of your OCs or an obscure canon character (link to any fics/art you have featuring them!)
I'm gonna talk about my Breton Mage turned Telvanni Wizard Rochelle <3 The thing I enjoy most about her, and especially when I was first developing her character, is that she is a little weirdo and an outsider in her family. First of all, she has two living parents and two siblings; I tend to make my ocs without families and I'm trying to add more variety into the types of characters I make. But she's also this weird lady, she ends up finding peace and acceptance on Solstheim of all places, particularly working with Neloth. She's my funky weird lady and I think more woman should be allowed to be weird. She's not particularly pretty, she's bad with social cues and that's okay! A lot of her personality is based off of a younger me. I'm gonna plug my fic A Solstheim RomCom because I had a lot of fun writing it (I wrote it in 1 day!) and it's basically Rochelle and Neloth pretending to be married to full her older sister. It's silly and that's all it needs to be, it brought me joy :)
15. A topic you never get tired of discussing
Religion, I think religion as a framework is so cool. I wasn't raised religious at all and have gravitated towards the occult, but I am deeply interested in a variety of religious topics, but mostly female saints, mysticism in Europe during the Middle Ages and texts like Paradise Lost and the Divine Comedy. The dance between what is religion and what is occult is very fascinating, which is probably why I enjoy religion in Skyrim so much because there's so many different aspects that provide so many ideas for world building.
16. One of your favourite tropes 
I'm a big fan of character parallels, whether it be between hero and mentor, hero and villain or simply two characters on opposite sides, such as Achilles and Hector .
I also love romance tropes especially fake marriage. I think I prefer fake marriage to fake dating because the stakes are higher, and with the formalities of marriage you can have a lot of fun <3
18. Something you initially did not like but came around to
Elenwen, at first I didn't pay much attention to her but I saw fanart and started thinking more about her and now I'm Elenwen's number 1 simp <3 Hence, Elenwen/Rikke was born <3
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thxnews · 2 years ago
The Iliad: Uncovering the Timeless Power of an Ancient Epic
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  Oral Tradition: Passing Down the Poem Through Generations Theories abound surrounding the origins of the Iliad, one of the oldest surviving works of literature in Western culture. One popular theory suggests that the poem was a product of the oral tradition of ancient Greece. Passed down orally by bards and poets performing for audiences over time, the Iliad's stylistic qualities align with the tradition of oral storytelling.   Multiple Authorship: Collaboration Over Centuries Another theory proposes that the Iliad was not a single work, but rather the product of many authors and storytellers over centuries. This idea is supported by the differences and contradictions found within the text itself, reflecting the contributions of various voices and styles over time.   Homer as a Single Author: One Voice Behind the Epic Finally, the most widespread theory posits that the Iliad was written by one person named Homer. This theory is based on the poem's consistent style and voice, a composition likely occurring within a specific time period, and numerous allusions to earlier texts. The attribution to a single author, Homer, is widely accepted, though the true origins of this classic work of literature may forever remain a mystery.  
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Homer seated. 4th century BC, İzmir Art and Sculpture Museum, Turkey. Photo by Carole Raddato. Flickr.  
Unveiling Homer's Life and Influence
The Enigmatic Life of Homer The Greek poet Homer considered the father of Western literature, left an indelible mark on the literary world with his epic poems, the Iliad, and the Odyssey. However, much of Homer's own life remains shrouded in mystery, with details obscured by legends and myths.   Oral Poet: Composing Works Through Recitation What we do know is that Homer was an oral poet, meaning that he composed his works by reciting them aloud rather than writing them down. This oral tradition made it difficult for historians to determine the exact date of the composition of his works. The Iliad and the Odyssey were likely transcribed by scribes many years after their initial recitation.   Enduring Legacy: Influencing Literature, Art, and Film Despite the scarcity of information on his personal life, Homer's influence on Western literature is undeniable. His works have been widely read, translated, and studied for centuries. The Iliad and the Odyssey have inspired countless works of literature, art, and film, becoming foundational pieces of the literary canon.  
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Sarcophagus with scenes from the Life of Achilles, dated between AD 170 and 190. Photo by Carole Raddato. Flickr.  
Captivating Characters and Timeless Themes
Achilles: A Tragic Hero Consumed by Rage and Grief The Iliad introduces a rich tapestry of characters, each with their own motivations and backstories. At the center of the narrative stands Achilles, a mighty warrior nearly invincible in battle. Consumed by rage and grief after the death of his close friend Patroclus, Achilles embarks on a path driven by overwhelming emotions.   Hector: Balancing Duty and Love Another essential character is Hector, the prince of Troy. Hector embodies a complex blend of warrior and family man. Devoted to his wife and young son, he faces the challenging tension between his duty to his city and his love for his family. Hector's eventual demise at the hands of Achilles is a poignant and heartbreaking moment in the poem.   Themes: Clash of Civilizations, Destructive Power of Pride The Iliad delves into several central themes that resonate across time. One such theme is the clash of civilizations. The Greeks and the Trojans find themselves locked in a bitter struggle, each side convinced of their just cause. Yet, the poem also reveals the humanity within the enemy, showcasing the Trojans mourning their dead and defending their city against the Greek army. Pride emerges as another powerful theme in the Iliad, highlighting its dual nature as both a source of strength and a tragic flaw. Achilles' pride and anger drive his actions, leading to devastating consequences. Similarly, Hector's pride as a Trojan prince ultimately seals his fate. The poem calls on readers to examine their own pride and consider its impact on their lives.  
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Trojan War engraved print. Photo by Walters Art Museum. Flickr.  
Fate, War, & Divine Intervention
The Power of Fate: Shaping Lives and the Trojan War The Iliad revolves around the concept of fate, a powerful force that shapes the lives of its characters. The Greeks believed that fate was predetermined by the gods, leaving no escape from its grip. The poem's extensive use of prophecy and divine intervention underscores this theme, as the gods manipulate events to achieve their desired outcomes.   The Trojan War: A Conflict Foretold The Trojan War itself exemplifies the workings of fate. Though sparked by the abduction of Helen by Paris, it was a conflict that had been brewing for years. The gods had already decreed the victory of the Greeks over the Trojans, and the war was destined to happen.   Divine Intervention: The Hands of the Gods Divine intervention permeates the Iliad, with gods frequently intervening in the lives of mortals. They aid or hinder characters according to their own desires, manipulating events to achieve desired outcomes. Apollo's plague upon the Greeks and Athena's interventions in battles exemplify the gods' roles as puppet masters, shaping the course of events.   Brutality of War: Portraying the Horrors War serves as the central theme of the Iliad, and the poem unflinchingly depicts its brutality. Graphic descriptions expose the grim realities of battle, showcasing amputations, decapitations, and impalements. The warriors, portrayed as fearless and honorable, are willing to risk everything for the glory of their city-states. The poem forces readers to confront the dark realities of armed conflict.  
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Storytelling – The Old Story in All Lands – Harper's Weekly. Photo by Winslow Homer. Wikimedia.  
Relevance of Ancient Stories Today
Timeless Lessons and Enduring Power of Storytelling The stories of the Iliad continue to resonate today, offering timeless lessons that transcend time and culture. They remind us that war has always been a part of human existence, often driven by pride and arrogance rather than rational decisions. The influence of fate, the complexities of human characters, and the enduring power of storytelling make The Iliad a work that continues to captivate readers worldwide.  
The Iliad stands as a testament to the enduring power of an ancient epic. Its origins and authorship remain subjects of debate, but the impact of its characters, themes, and storytelling resonates across time. From the clash of civilizations to the influence of fate and the horrors of war, the Iliad offers valuable insights into the human condition, encouraging contemplation and reflection on our own lives and the world around us.   Sources: THX News & Ancient Literature. Read the full article
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gingermintpepper · 6 months ago
It's always a toss up whether or not I directly add things to posts I like in reblogs, but I wasn't able to throw my hat into the ring for Troilus Memorial Hour, so I absolutely want to do so now for Patrochilles/Hyapollo comparison conversations. OP - as always, you make fantastic, salient and really poignant points but I do want to bring something else to the table that I generally see go unaccounted for when we talk of Apollo's feelings on Achilles and Patroclus in the Iliad.
And that's, very vitally, that Apollo does not recognise what Achilles feels for Patroclus as grief.
No doubt, at some point it was. But Achilles, like he tends to do, completely oversteps the bounds of grief and Apollo calls those feelings something more like anger.
No doubt, a man can suffer loss of someone even closer than a friend— a brother born from the same mother or even a son. He pays his tribute with his tears and his laments—then stops. For Fates have put in men resilient hearts.
(Iliad, Book 24. Apollo speaks on the nature of human grief. trans Johnston)
And just like OP says - the Iliad is a war story, companions are expected to die. Who was Achilles to think Patroclus so special that he would be exempt from death when the whole business of this war is blood and violence? Furthermore, Apollo argues that the grief Achilles has inflicted on Priam and Hecuba is worse than that which he and Hector inflicted on him by killing Patroclus - in Apollo's eyes, a mother who loses her son suffers a greater loss than that of a man who loses a friend. Who is Achilles to want the world to stop for his tears when he has done nothing but take sons from mothers and kill brothers before their brothers?
Most importantly though, grief, in Apollo's eyes, must come with some measure of compassion.
...Achilles, whose heart has no restraint. In that chest his mind cannot be changed. Like some lion, he thinks savage thoughts, a beast which follows only its own power, its own proud heart, as it goes out against men’s flocks, seeking a feast of cattle—that’s how Achilles destroys compassion. And in his heart there's no sense of shame,...
(Iliad, Book 24. Apollo on the nature of Achilles' anger. trans. Johnston)
Even if you want to put aside that Apollo personally and very emphatically hates Achilles, I think something that's worth keeping in mind is that the Iliad is not a story about Achilles' grief, it is a story about Achilles wrath. No matter what emotion Achilles starts off with after the point of Patroclus' death, ultimately, it is not grief which makes him drag Hector's corpse through the mud on the back of his chariot day after day and it is certainly not grief which makes him snap at Priam for bringing up Hector to him when they spend an evening weeping for all they've lost.
At the end of the day, Achilles emotions are a fair bit more complex than straight grief for Patroclus and the divide between Apollo's perspective on grief and Achilles' performance of grief are different enough that it's difficult to see where Apollo would ever see himself in a portrait of Achilles' grief-anger.
is it only me, who goes like "Apollo must have flashback to hyacinth dying , when he saw Achilles and dead Patroclus,
Am I the only one who thinks of this? Okay
If that’s your personal head canon, go right ahead. Believe what you want to, nobody will stop you. 👍😉 I think its definitely a sweet sentiment, and a fun little brain worm.
But, I don’t think Apollo would react that way for for quite a few reasons. The first is mythology and the second is psychology and the third is genre.
The mythological reason is that Apollo is directly and purposefully responsible for Patroclus’s death, and he definitely hates Achilles. Like actually. The List of Top Ten People Apollo hates has Achilles twice on it. If he was in a room with Hitler, Stalin, and Achilles, and he had a gun with two bullets in it, he would shoot Achilles twice. He wants Achilles to suffer, and when Patroclus dies he tells Hector that he’s the third guy to kill him, but Apollo was the first to kill him. Because I think everyone in the Trojan war knows Apollo and Achilles hate each other. Apollo because Achilles murdered his sons (plural) and Achilles because he knows Apollo’s going to kill him. Reasons for their bitter rivalry can be found in this post here. There are more probably too.
As far as the psychological aspect, let’s assume Apollo’s psyche is like a human’s (which I do not think it totally is, but that’s another post). Trauma and Grief are two completely separate experiences. Grief is a normal human thing which we are given excellent coping skills to overcome by nature. People die. It’s a fact of life. But, HOW people die can be traumatic. For example, if your in a war and you watch your buddy die from a mine exploding and he doesn’t die right away, that’s traumatic. The grief is still separate from the trauma. Its closely aligned, but its separate. Trauma on the other hand is a situation that humans are not equipped to handle—its a situation outside the psychological norm. So our brain adapts normally to an abnormal situation.
I think the only true similarity between Patrochilles/Hyapollo deaths is that they were gay and one of them died before the other. If anything, Apollo was feeling a little vindictive when Patroclus died. He was the arm of fate that killed Patroclus, and Achilles absolutely deserved the death and destruction of everything he held dear in my POV. He was a serial assaulter and a war criminal.
Another reason why flashbacks just don’t work is because flashbacks are a trauma response. I think there’s a separate issue where one might live in the memories of a loved one’s passing, but that’s separate from a flashbacks. Flashbacks from PTSD are when the subconscious fear overwhelms the conscious. It requires a trigger, which can be anything and sinister—subtle and terrible. We know from the ancient authors that one of Apollo’s trigger is a westerly wind. @gingermintpepper had an excellent post providing several sources about Apollo’s approach to Hyacinthus and Asclepius’s deaths.
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A flashback is a fear response in a situation that does not require this response based off of a trigger that puts the sub-conscious into a flight/fight mode and makes someone relive a previous traumatic experience. So for example Apollo might feel a western wind and relive Hyacinthus’s death or fear that Zephyrus is about to hurt him or the person he is with. This also depends on coping skills, and whether the person has developed grounding skills to put them back in the present.
I don’t believe that the situation with Patroclus/Achilles is triggering in the right way to elicit a flashback in Apollo. Patroclus and Achilles deaths are pretty different from Hyacinthus’s. So even if he had a grief response it would be minimal. At least from my perspective, one of my parents died when I was a child, and I had to take care of them while they were sick. I take care of a lot of sick people in my day to day, and I will say I rarely ever experience something that puts me back into the mode I was in when my parent died. I walk past the room my parent died in sometimes, cause I work in the hospital that they died in, and I am alright because I recognize the situation and I’m able to accept they died there. Alternatively, what does illicit a response in me is a certain smell my parent had when they were dying. I recognize it in patients sometimes, and I can have a visceral response to that, but again, I have learned how to appropriately deal with these sorts of things because “improve, adapt, overcome.”
Trauma is absolutely just a part of living in the world. Everyone has their own life story and troubles and triggers and struggles. But I don’t think Apollo/Hyacinthus connects to Patroclus/Achilles in any intense way.
Alternatively, I think perhaps something Apollo might have a more visceral response to is Hermes and Crocus, who are quite nearly the same dang story. That’s Apollo’s brother, and he loses someone the same way Apollo lost someone. That would open up gateways of intense suffering.
As far as genre goes, Apollo and Hyacinthus have a horror story parading as a romance story. Zephyrus is a sinister, invisible monster—he causes violence in a place where violence does not belong. On the other hand, Patroclus/Achilles is a war story—violence is expected. They both absolutely knew they were going to fie in that war, so their agony is expected from the beginning. Hyacinthus’s loss is unexpected and therefore, grievous. Not that losing your lover/cousin in a war is less horrific—it’s just prepared for, while losing your lover in a meadow while playing discus is…not.
I don’t mean that your personal view is wrong in anyway. Apollo is a divine character and anybody can have any view of him they would like. A lot of people view him as the antagonist of the Iliad and Achilles’ story, which to me, he just isn’t. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I love perspectives and opinions. I like sharing mine, so I love it when people share theirs.
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bbygirl-aemond · 2 years ago
Helaena and Cassandra parallels
If any of y'all are into Greek mythology, you'll know the story of Cassandra, a Trojan priestess who held the power to see the future. Some versions of the story hold that the Greek god Apollo gave her this power, hoping she would fall in love with him. When she did not, though he was unable to revoke his gift, he added a curse: that no one would ever believe her.
Cassandra was the daughter of King Priam of Troy (yes, that Troy). She had two brothers, Hector and Paris. Notably, Paris started the Trojan war because of his love for Helen, who was supposedly the most beautiful woman in the world. And Hector killed the demigod Achilles’ best friend (and lover, if you believe that), sending Achilles into a spiral of rage that ended in him gruesomely murdering Hector.
So Cassandra is a tragic figure, surrounded by brothers who fall into war and bring about their own ruin. A figure who knows, in excruciating detail, the tragedy that will befall her loved ones, but is powerless to stop it, and is completely isolated in bearing the burden of this knowledge.
Sound familiar?
The show has delved deeply into the idea of Helaena as a dragon dreamer, capable of seeing the future. It’s a known fact in A Song of Ice and Fire lore that some Targaryens have this power of prophecy, and Viserys even references this towards the beginning of the show.
There are two main examples of Helaena’s dreaming that I noticed. The first is when Alicent promises Aemond he’ll have a dragon one day, and Helaena absentmindedly says “he’ll have to close an eye,” foreshadowing how Lucerys will cut Aemond’s eye out over a dispute centered around Aemond finally claiming a dragon. The second is when she tells Alicent to “beware the beast beneath the boards,” foreshadowing how Rhaenys will burst through the floor on her dragon at Aegon’s coronation.
And, both times, Helaena’s dreams go unheeded. Neither Aemond nor Alicent seem to even really hear her when she fortells Aemond losing an eye; and Alicent disregards her words entirely and hugs her when she fortells Rhaenys crashing Aegon’s coronation. So it seems as though she, too, is cursed with this inability to be acknowledged or believed. It makes me wonder, how many people, like Alicent, has Helaena tried to warn? How many times has she done her best to prevent a terrible vision from coming to pass, only to be helpless to stop it?
Book readers, you will understand the depth of how awful that curse would be. All of Alicent’s children are tragic figures, in very different ways; but in my opinion, Helaena’s tragedy is particularly heartbreaking.
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eden-dum · 2 years ago
bestie i need u to give me an idiots summary of the iliad bc i was reading the one on spark notes & there r TOOO many words !!
BESTIEEE i’m so sorry i only just saw this. i’ll try summarize this as simply and interestingly as possible.
the story starts off in two different places: in the mortal realm and the divine realm. in the mortal world, there are a king and queen of a kingdom called Troy, who are expecting a child. shortly before the child is born, the Queen Hecuba has a nightmare—the priests interpret this dream to mean that the soon-to-be-born prince will cause the downfall of the kingdom. When he is finally born, she and King Priam decide to leave him out in the mountains to die, but he is found by a shepherd, who decides to raise him as his own son. The prince is named Paris, like the city but not actually the city. He grows up not knowing he is a prince, thinking he was always a farmer instead.
Around the same time, the gods are having a great wedding. This is going to sound a lot like the Sleeping Beauty, so just think about that. All the gods are invited to this wedding, except one—Eris, the goddess of disagreements. She shows up, angry, and throws a golden apple into the crowd, saying only the most beautiful will catch it. Problem is: three goddesses catch it. Aphrodite, Athena and Hera start fighting over the apple, so they agree they need a good judge to do the deciding for them. They choose Paris, who is famous for his honesty. Each one of them wants to win this beauty contest, so they secretly bribe Paris, who in the end chooses Aphrodite. Some things happen and Paris finds out he is actually a prince, and the royal family takes him in. Anyway, Aphrodite had bribed him with the most beautiful woman on earth as his wife, so that is what he would get.
Now, this most beautiful woman on earth is Helen, Queen of a different kingdom called Sparta. She is already married to a man named Menelaus, King of Sparta. Years ago, when she was ready to marry, many, many men wanted her hand in marriage. So many men in fact, that her father was scared they would start a war. To prevent this, he made all these men swear an oath that they would a) not do this and b) they would join their armies to protect her and Sparta in case anything happened.
Paris is sent to Sparta on a diplomatic mission, where he sees Helen and falls in love with her. Since Aphrodite had promised her to him, he takes her and they go back to Troy together. When Menelaus finds out about this, he is livid, and goes to Agamemnon, his brother, who is king of a nearby kingdom. Together, they go around to all those men that wanted to marry Helen in the first place and make them unite as Greeks to join a war against Troy.
Now that was all backstory, I’m afraid. The Iliad starts 9 years after the war begins, in the middle of a different fight.
Agamemnon, who is chief general of the army, is arguing with Achilles, their strongest soldier. They’re technically arguing over some war prizes that Achilles earned, but Agamemnon took, but it spirals into Achilles telling Agamemnon the war is stupid and that there is no reason Achilles should be fighting for Menelaus’ wife. Agamemnon tells Achilles that he is stupid and nobody needs him, so Achilles decides that he doesn’t want to fight anymore. He and his army step out of the war.
Many, many things happen, but the most important thing is that without Achilles, the Greeks start losing the war. Hector, crown prince of Troy and Paris’ brother, can push back the Greeks and at one point even breaks their defenses. Agamemnon gets so desperate that he sends some men to apologize to Achilles and offers him the war prizes back, but Achilles is stubborn and tells them that he has decided to leave Troy entirely (he doesn’t). Many, many Greek men have died because Achilles refuses to fight, so Achilles’ close friend/boyfriend (up to you) decides to go against Achilles’ decision and fight in the war. He is called Patroclus.
Patroclus tells Achilles this, but Achilles still refuses to join him. Instead, Achilles gives Patroclus his own armor to wear, so the Trojans will think that it’s not Patroclus fighting, but Achilles, and run away. He also tells him to not go further than a certain point in his attack. The plan works, and most of the Trojans run away when they see “Achilles” (who is actually Patroclus). But Hector stays, desperate to kill Achilles, who has killed so many of Hector’s soldiers.
Patroclus, confident that he can continue to defeat the Trojans, goes further than the point that Achilles had told him to stop at. Even worse, Achilles’ armor, which doesn’t fit him (since it’s not his), falls off Patroclus and he is completely vulnerable. Hector takes the opportunity and immediately kills Patroclus.
When Achilles finds out that his closest companion was killed by Hector, he goes batshit crazy. He wears different armor and finally goes back into battle (much to Agamemnon’s relief). He slaughters everyone in his way until he finally reaches Hector. After a long chase, Achilles catches up with Hector and kills him. He keeps the corpse for three days and absolutely destroys it, until Hector’s father (King Priam, from the very beginning) literally begs him to give it back, which Achilles does.
The Iliad ends about here, but the war continues for another year. In this year, Achilles is killed by Paris. Paris is killed by some guy. Odysseus, a smart Greek guy I didn’t introduce, comes up with a strategy to win the war once and for all. He has the army build a large wooden horse, which they will present to the Trojans as a peace treaty. The twist here is that the horse is empty in the inside, with enough room to fit many, many Greek soldiers. The Trojans see the horse, are happy that the Greeks supposedly gave up and bring it into their city.
At night, while everyone is sleeping, the Greeks inside the Horse sneak out and open the gates for their fellow soldiers. Together they start killing people from the inside of the city and win the war.
That’s the story of the Trojan War finished… there are many details and characters and such that I left out that you might want to research on your own, and also the entire Odyssey, which is basically a continuation of the story from Odysseus’ point of view (it’s about his long journey back home). If you’d like, you can start reading my fics now! The update I told you about is out now :D
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foxssleeplessness · 4 years ago
Hi! It's
Pride Month
So here are some known queer books recommendations:
- Red, White & Royal Blue
This one is about the son of the first female US president and the prince of Britain. It's an enemies to lovers with perfect female and POC representation. The book is 14+ and please read the trigger warnings. MLM
- Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe
Again, amazing POC representation. Strangers to friends to lovers This one is a story about understanding the world and ourselves and learning how to thrust. It's sweet and beautiful in every way imaginable. 1st person POV tho. MLM
- Bloom into you
This one is a serie of mangas, but it's still amazing. It's the story of these two girls who meet at a school club and who will learn from each other. This book is about confidence, courage and self-growth. When reading the first one, you might think "Whoa, this moved fast", well, no. It's not the end after the first kiss. It's not even the beginning! You can also watch it streaming. WLW
- Good omens
Good omens is a book open to interpretation. There is no romance depicted, but it's a love story between a demon and an angel. It follows them from the beginning of humanity until Armageddon. The story also follows side characters, like the Them, the 4 horseman and a witch. This one is about trust, family and the fact that not everything is black or white. Hell, angels are the bad guys too in this! Great female and asexual/aromantic representation. You can also watch the mini-serie on Prime Video. It's worth it.
- Bloom
A graphic summer novel. The illustrations and the story are masterpieces, the characters are well-developed and it's overall heartwarming. The story follows Ari, a teen who wants to leave for the city, Hector, another teen who loves to bake, and their friends and family. Ari wants to leave the family bakery, so he needs replacement. Instead, he gets a co-worker, Hector. They learn from each other the entire book, live the summer of a lifetime and talk about their dreams. This book also has good POC and female representation. You should read it, it's not long. MLM
- They both die at the end
Yes, they do. It's not a spoiler, don't worry. This one will leave you crying on your bedroom floor at 3 am for hours. It's destroying in its beauty. The story follows two deckers, people who will die today, as they try to live an entire life in 24 hours. They, too, learn from each other and grow into happiness rapidly. Like I said, heartbreaking, so please look up the TW. You should definitely read that one. Bisexuality rep and POC. MLM
- Felix ever after
You might think "Can we have trans rep book?". Well, here it is! Felix ever after is the story of a trans male who still isn't sure of his identity. He was a boy, he knew that, but sometimes, it doesn't feel right. He also seeks first love and ends up in a love triangle involving someone he never thought he would fall for. Sadly, the story happens because of a transphobic character. So this books talks about that. It includes subjects like racism, transphobia and homophobia, but it's also a story of self-discovery and first love. Totally worth it! Amazing trans and POC representation. Read the TW. MLM
- are you listening?
Not a love story, but the characters are queer. It's a graphic fantasy novel, pretty long, but the illustrations are worth it. It follows two lesbians who are running away and a magical cat. They encounter magical beings, some friendly, others dangerous. As they try to escape them and their past, the two girls get to know each other more profoundly and they unpack their trauma to one another. This story is about recovery and self-love. Totally worth it. Please read the TW.
- The House In The Cerulean Sea
This, this one^ It's THE one! Totally heartwarming book about difference, family and love. The story follows Linus Baker, a case worker, when he comes to Marysas Island to investigate an orphanage for magical youths. During his one month stay there, he learns what it's like to have a home and a family to go to. He also falls in love with the master of the orphanage, Arthur Parnassus. But Arthur has secrets too. The story of The House In The Cerulean Sea is an enchanting love story masterfully told. Really worth its critics. POC representation. MLM and side WLW
And finally
- The song of Achilles
Oh was that one an emotional rollercoaster. The book is historical fiction, it's the story of Achilles and Patroclus told in the Illiad. It will also leave you crying your eyes out at 3 am, on your bedroom floor. It's an amazingly told story of a romance while in time of war. The story is one of self-discovery, growth, love and trust. It is simply beautiful. We follow the characters from age ~10 to their death, which are young, but there are time skips to get to interesting parts. The heroes get seperated, reunited, seperated again, but their love for each other never ceases. Read the TW. MLM
And that's it for today! I thought I would put the JohnLock fanfiction novel in there, but I chose more straight up queer ones. Anyway, hope this list helps you find your next read!
Love y'all, guys ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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sunshinenpigeon · 4 years ago
my favorite quotes from The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
i wrote them in the order they appeared in the book, i made my top ones balder (and put🦋next tothem). also for obvious reasons i couldnt type all of the first kiss, first time (cave scene), the whole “I don’t think I’ve ever told you about...” scene or the deaths, so just know that if i could post those pages, i would because those scenes are absolutely iconic.
Those seconds, half seconds, that the line of our gaze connected, were the only moment in my day that I felt anything at all.
There was a vividness to him, even at rest, that made death and spirits seem foolish.
When he smiled, the skin at the corners of his eyes crinkled like a leaf held to flame.
Some people might have mistaken this for simplicity. But is it not a sort of genius to cut always to the heart?
As if he heard me, he smiled, and his face was like the sun.
This feeling was different. I found myself grinning until my cheeks hurt, my scalp prickling till I thought it might lift off my head. My tongue ran away from me, giddy with freedom. This and this and this, I said to him. I did not have to fear that I spoke too much. I did not have to worry that I was too slender or too slow.
I lean forward and our lips land clumsily on each other. They are like the fat bodies of bees, soft and round and giddy with pollen. I can taste his mouth—hot and sweet with honey from dessert. My stomach trembles, and a warm drop of pleasure spreads beneath my skin. More.
He smiled. “Now I know how to make you follow me everywhere.” The sun sank below Pelion’s ridges, and we were happy.
“You would not be displeased, I think. With how you look now.” My face grew warm, again. But we spoke no more of it.
I will never leave him. It will be this, always, for as long as he will let me.🦋
We were like gods at the dawning of the world, and our joy was so bright we could see nothing else but the other.
“Does it matter? I would not stop.” His voice was warm with desire. I felt an answering flush across my skin.
“Name one hero who was happy.” “You can’t.” “I can’t.” “I know. They never let you be famous and happy. “I’ll tell you a secret.” “Tell me.” “I’m going to be the first.” He took my palm and held it to his. “Swear it.” “Why me?” “Because you’re the reason. Swear it.”
We reached for each other, and I thought of how many nights I had lain awake in this room loving him in silence.
Later, Achilles pressed close for a final, drowsy whisper. “If you have to go, you know I will go with you.”
Had she really thought I would not know him? I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world.
His eyes flicked around the hall, catching for a moment on my face. I could not help myself. I smiled.
“I would not care,” I said. The words scrabbled from my mouth. “Whatever you became. It would not matter to me. We would be together.” “I know, I know,” he said quietly, but did not look at me.
When he died, all things swift and beautiful and bright would be buried with him. I opened my mouth, but it was too late.
He was spring, golden and bright. Envious Death would drink his blood, and grow young again.
He would sail to Troy and I would follow, even into death. “Yes,” I whispered. “Yes.” Relief broke in his face, and he reached for me. I let him hold me, let him press us length to length so close that nothing might fit between us.
You must not kill Hector,” I said. A sly smile spread across his face; he had always loved defiance. “Well, why should I kill him? He’s done nothing to me.” For the first time then, I felt a kind of hope. (this is just hearbreaking for obvious reasons!!! the forshadowing!!)
“Your honor could be darkened by it.” “Then it is darkened.” His jaw shot forward, stubborn. “They are fools if they let my glory rise or fall on this.” “But Odysseus—” His eyes, green as spring leaves, met mine. “Patroclus. I have given enough to them. I will not give them this.” After that, there was nothing more to say.
He had light enough to make heroes of them all.
You can use a spear as a walking stick, but that will not change its nature.
He is half of my soul, as the poets say.
The last thing I think is: Achilles.
“That is—your friend?” “Philtatos,” Achilles says, sharply. Most beloved. 🦋
I am made of memories “Go,” she says. “He waits for you.” IN THE DARKNESS, two shadows, reaching through the hopeless, heavy dusk. Their hands meet, and light spills in a flood like a hundred golden urns pouring out of the sun.
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streets-in-paradise · 6 months ago
Hello! I was just wondering if you had any sneak peeks into and chapters where Hector married the Mycenean Princess. You have no idea how excited I am to read that. I’d also love to see some sort of conversation or something between Hector and Achilles after the marriage. All of it is going to be so incredible! I literally check every few days to see if anything had been posted.
Hi, welcome back!!! It's so nice to read you again!!!
Thank you so much for asking :) Right now I am finishing the hard process that was completing my first full draft for the next chapter of the original fic. It's a convoluted one, with many interactions needed to advance the plot happening all at once, and for this complexity it took me more work than usual.
An entire month of hard, non stop work, to be more exact lol. Due to this chapter taking me eternity to finish, I delayed the work on everything else ( requests, previous wips, and among other things, the AU fic of the fic) because I didn't have extra time to dedicate. I apologise for that, but I hope the result will be worthy.
This next chapter I am about to post prepares the settling for a first meeting of Hector and Achilles to take place, moment of the fic that has me super excited for because of how the different environment would affect the dynamic. We have a peacefull context where they have practically stumbled on each other accidentally, and their point of encounter is this princess Achilles has fallen for, but the world would rather see with Hector despite for him she is just the friend he made in a diplomatical trip.
It's a huge change, and it completely reverses the logic of their meeting in the canon of the film. In war, Achilles wins. Hector can only keep fighting while feeling quite powerless to the amount of destruction his rival causes. He survives the first encounter because Achilles didn't want to slaughter him without an audience. In a time of peace, and specially in what comes to matters of royalty, Hector holds the advantage. It's his natural environment, he is the image of a perfect prince to be king. Tables are turned, Achilles can't brag. He is moving on Hector's grownd.
It's fascinating and challenging to rethink the characters.
Back to the point after my rambling lol. Unfortunately, I don't have any advances to show you on the AU, but I do can show you a sneak of some Hector scenes in the chapter i'm working on for the original fic. He has moments as this protective friend for her that are frankly so adorable, and there is one big moment for them.
Let me know if you would want to see a bit of it, because for how long it is it will take me a few more days to finish but can easily copy a fragment of a scene for you to take a look.
I hold inmense appreciation for the interest you have in the AU fic. If I find time, I will release at least an oneshot showing my ideas responding some of the interrogants you presented.
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