#Impulse 1x06
Henry, at her best when whatever she’s dealing with isn’t her own problems
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
so what’s ur favorite thing abt mei that u feel like nobody else notices but it adds so much to her and you feel like everyone needs to be talking about it
everybody needs to realize that before MK was dubbed and knighted—i mean, before MK was titled the Monkey King's successor and wielded the trusty staff, Mei was the powerhouse of the group.
literally remember how our introduction to her character was her saving MK's ass while he was being chased by Red Son, and girlie only thought they were playing a game. my initial reaction to her was "oh, so she's the first hero of the city!" LIKE THAT WAS WHERE MY MIND WENT!
1x06 has a special place in my heart because it shows Mei in her element! she's the motorcycle gal, she's the OG mechanic (SHE LITERALLY BUILT AN HQ FOR MK IN S1), she's the descent of Ao Lie, she's the wielder of the DRAGON SWORD (you know, the sword nobody in her family was allowed to touch because it was a prized artifact and it chose HER)
it is honestly such a struggle (for me) to simply place Mei in the "warrior" category of the hero/warrior duo because yes, MK and Mei are a duo (a dynamic duo one might say), BUT it is so different to swk and macky's duo. they are both the hero and the warrior. their narrative pieces collide and parallel and align so well or clash and-- omg look, another topic to add to my "MK and the gang's ultimate goal is breaking the narrative structure/fate/destiny" folder! (BECAUSE NONE OF THEM PERFECTLY ALIGN WITH THE NARRATIVE EVERYONE IS PUSHING ON THEM. NONE OF THEM FIT COMPLETELY FOR FATE TO WIN DO YOU SEE WHAT I AM SEEING! DO YOU SEE- *gets dragged away*)
*comes back covered in blood* but yeah, everybody start pay closer attention to my gal because her main character energy is real and important and will be crucial for the upcoming seasons. listen, even if MK wasn't there when Red Son and the fam released DBK, Mei would still be there to screw with their plans (I mean, it would have been easier for DBK to wreak havoc because of the energy source, but also MK would still make the impulsive decision to dive into DBK's energy thingy later but this post isn't about him <3)
Mei's awesome and intelligent and intuitive but also impulsive and prone to emotions before anything but i love her
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1nightinoctober · 3 months
I think the episode from The Acolyte 1x06 - Teach/Corrupt (even though this seems like a preproduction temporary title) drinks a lot from The Last Jedi.
The Jedi are often presented as always righteous and always good and always ethically correct. When Anakin gives in into the dark side the give away message was that darkness was always in him, like an inevitable fate. That he was impulsive, and proud and couldn't let go of his attachments.
A shortcut to Anakin getting corrupted was that he did not understood the darkness in him, because none of the Jedi recognizes that darkness exists in them. That is human (or multi species in the star wars universe), that contradiction lies in us, but what is important is that no matter what might cross your head, you can always chose to do the right thing. Choosing to be good implies that you can be redeemed, that even if you have done bad actions that does not define that you always have to be on the dark side. Ultimately is why Luke cannot handle the darkness in Ben, and does not understands or knows how to deal with the darkness that this risens in himself.
Something we also see in episode vi of Obi Wan Kenobi with the Third Sister. Reva chooses not to kill Luke, not to give in into the revenge she feels.
In The Last Jedi we see this push and pull from Rey and Ben Solo. Can one be persuated into the darkness or the other persuaded into the light. Their path is not closed for or settled. Or else it wouldn't be possible for them to reflect upon their counterparts arguments. There is hope for Ben to turn for light and there is fear that Rey might join the dark side.
This is also an interesting exercise in The Acolyte. They shows us in episode 3, the childhood of the sisters, their foundations, where Osha is presented as in light, and Mae as in darkness. That is inate in them and predestines their futures (hell, even the name of the episode is "destiny") but by episode 6 this is not such as straightforward, as both of them reflect on their paths and values.
Nothing that Qimir says is particularly wrong, the arguments he uses are coherent and coesive, the same way Palpatine makes complete sense to Anakin. Because these characters are not allowed to feel this less than pristine feelings they go "well shit, if he is evil and he sees this in me, I must be evil too". Moreover, because they are not prepared for the evil within, they do not know how to identify it and resist it. Corruption it's easy. It's easy to fall into and easy to justify it to ourselves, especially when we do not recognise ourselves as vulnerable to it.
Depending how they go about the next episodes of The Acolyte I think it might be an interesting battle between good and evil. After all both lie within us.
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raayllum · 5 months
god 1x04-1x06 re: callum's impulse control ("i was just trying to scare her, i thought she'd back down" → wanting the nova blade; "you want to know why he's called bait?" "not really" "well i'm gonna tell you anyway" → all of 5x08 down to rayla being bait / doing dark magic again even after being told repeatedly not to; "this path is too easy" "no it's not, it's the exact right amount of easy" → "what if i'm on a path of darkness?" "then take another path, dummy?" + dark magic vs primal magic). arc setup for ages
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share-the-damn-bed · 8 months
Assuming that s5 does take place in the Fall, which Jonathan sweaters do you want to make a comeback?
Fantastic ask, Anon!!! If there’s one thing Jancy fans love, it’s Jonathan’s sweaters. I’ve always been partial to the cream colored one from season one with the holes. I also love the mustard sweater from season two (and impulse bought one right after season two because it looked like his even though the color looks awful on me. But that’s okay. It’s a comfy sweater.)
So those, based on pure aesthetics.
HOWEVER, if I had to choose one Jonathan sweater to reappear in season 5 I want it to be the blue and white striped one he wrapped around Nancy’s shoulders in 1x06… and I want it to reappear from Nancy’s closet…
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 months
Different anon, but I think this whole top vs. bottom thing is mostly a joke? I doubt anyone really thinks vampires that have an infinite amount of time to experiment with literally everything would have fixed roles like that lol. I guess it's mostly because Lestat did the seducing and is more extroverted, impulsive etc than Louis? It's like when people HC their zodiac signs, mbtis etc to me. It's a bit reducing and based on cliche stereotypes, but it's not meant to harm and just to goof around? But anyway, we've seen Louis having "top" energy on 1x06 and it was awesome. >>>>
Nonny, I was literally called racist for calling this debate ludicrous back then.
Unfortunately for some this is very serious. Or they take it as a fig leaf to use it for hate. Either way, I wished it was a joke.
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fictionz · 1 year
The top 31 spookiest Star Trek episodes (according to the Internet)
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It's spooky season and I'm also a Star Trek nerd and a list nerd, so here we go!
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I asked in a Star Trek discord, ran a bunch of searches, and assigned a point each time an episode was listed among the scariest/creepiest in Star Trek. The episodes are ranked from least to most spooky, so watch in this order if you want to build up to the spookiest stuff. I cut off the list at 31, one episode for each day in October.
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So without further ado...
Spookiest episodes of Star Trek*:
TOS 1x05: The Enemy Within
TOS 1x25: The Devil in the Dark
PIC 2x07: Monsters
VOY 2x08: Persistence of Vision
ENT 3x16: Doctor's Orders
DS9 3x26: The Adversary
VOY 4x25: One
VOY 5x18: Course: Oblivion
ENT 2x10: Vanishing Point
VOY 3x12: Macrocosm
VOY 3x18: Darkling
VOY 4x07: Scientific Method
TNG 7x14: Sub Rosa
ENT 2x04: Dead Stop
TNG 3x26: The Best Of Both Worlds, Part I
TOS 1x01: The Man Trap
TNG 7x06: Phantasms
DS9 5x05: The Assignment
DS9 2x14: Whispers
DIS 1x03: Context Is For Kings
TNG 6x21: Frame Of Mind
TNG 7x19: Genesis
TOS 2x14: Wolf in the Fold
VOY 6x25: The Haunting Of Deck Twelve
TOS 2x07: Catspaw
VOY 2x23: The Thaw
TNG 4x17: Night Terrors
TNG 1x25: Conspiracy
ENT 3x05: Impulse
DS9 5x24: Empok Nor
TNG 6x05: Schisms
Shorter list of the the spookiest episode from each of the 11 series:**
TOS 2x07: Catspaw
TAS 1x01: Beyond the Farthest Star
TNG 6x05: Schisms
DS9 5x24: Empok Nor
VOY 2x23: The Thaw
ENT 3x05: Impulse
DIS 1x03: Context Is For Kings
PIC 2x07: Monsters
LD 1x06: Terminal Provocations
PRO 1x12: Let Sleeping Borg Lie
SNW 1x09: All Those Who Wander
Data used to collate these rankings:
Star Trek Discord
* There was a 12-way tie for the final 8 slots, so the final 8 in the first list are randomly selected from among those 12 episodes.
** PRO did not make an appearance on any of the lists I found, so I selected an episode that felt most appropriate. Other series only had one suggested episode and are in the list by default.
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do you think mks cosmic backstory conflicts with the previous conflict of his insecurities of being the wrong successor?
Not at all!
When it comes down to it, MK's main flaw is his lack of belief in himself ("Just believe in yourself! Even a smidge makes all the difference")—that's him at his core. He's also identity issues the character ("I'm not the Monkey King okay!" "You're right—you're the Monkie Kid! You have to find your own way to win."), and I think s4 laid into this quite nicely.
Throughout seasons 1 and 2 MK was trying to live up to the legacy of "Monkey King". That's what 1x06 and 1x09 are motivated by—MK is trying to make himself stronger and more like Wukong ("I just wanted to be good enough—like you."). Really 2x05 just worsened a problem MK already had. He was already having doubts about being the Monkie Kid, and SWK leaving in 2x01 was a crack in an already unstable foundation. So then in 2x06 and 2x09 you have MK desperately trying to get stronger, to be a sort of Monkey King stand in ("Pretty soon, Monkey King won't even need to come back!"), and that all comes crashing down in 2x10. And, not only does MK fail, he loses the staff and his powers.
This takes us to 3x01, where MK IMMEDIATELY tries to be Wukong once again:
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Sun Wukong: "Kid, why did ya-" MK: "Uh, well yeah, I was trying to do you in the omelet story! Do the weird impulsive Monkey King thing and escape the bad guy."
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Sun Wukong: "Well, I mean- Ne Zha ain't really a bad guy but- did you forget about the part where I got really hurt?"
(3x01 On The Run) (Hi MK good guy v bad guy mentality)
MK doesn't refer to himself as the Monkie Kid again until after he's able to use gold vision in 3x03, listing off a few of his labels:
"But I, Monkie Kid, delivery boy, somewhat equal to heaven—saw right through your trick." (3x03 Smartie Kid; another label)
Which, MK and his labels are a big deal ("Hero"/"Warrior" in 2x07, Noodle Boy, Successor, the "Plan Man" in 4x12). It's specifically what the curse antagonizes MK with in s4:
Subodhi: “Who or what you are, even I do not know the answer—but of one thing, I am certain: fate has plans for you! Great plans, or foul? Time will tell.” MK: "I- I can't be! I'm just MK!" Subodhi: "The Monkie Kid?" MK: *Gasps*
Curse MK: "Tell me, what do you think we are, honestly, cause I have been DYING to hear us say it, out loud." MK: "What kind of a question is that? I'm just- I'm just MK, a noodle delivery guy with the powers of the Monkey King, no biggie."
Curse MK: "Seriously? You still think we're just some noodle delivery guy? You can't remember where you came from, and we got ALL this power, and you never once thought, why us? What are we, what is our purpose?" MK: "Of course I thought about it! I mean- maybe, I was gonna thought about it I just- I just want to be me. To be MK!" Curse MK: "Yeah well, we all know exactly where that leads, don't we." Lady Bone Demon Echo: "To pain."
Curse MK: "We're just like Wukong, a fraud! A trickster! Why would our legacy be any different?"
MK: "No, no you're wrong I'm- I'm not!" Curse MK: "Not what, some Monkey Demon thing destined to bring chaos upon the world? Come on, use your words big brained boy, say it, what are we?"
Curse MK: "You can see it, can't you? This is your fate. Your friends will turn on you, seeing you for the monster you will become! They will destroy you, harbinger of chaos."
There's all of these different things MK is either trying to be or trying to not be, which all plays back into his identity. It also all plays back to one thing: his lack of belief in himself.
He's either not enough like Wukong or too much like his mentor. He's either not strong enough or too strong, destined to cause nothing but chaos and destruction. He's either not going to be able to protect the people he cares about, or he's going to be the very thing that hurts them. It's the same problem, just on different sides of the spectrum.
The 3x14 "Do you still really think the universe wants anything, from any of us?" to 4x08 "Until I know what I am, what my destiny is? I can't risk hurting the people I care about—the one's I have left" pipeline is both wild and important to note. It's the switch from MK believing he's nothing special, to believing he's the very "harbinger of chaos". It's all about his self-perception.
And honestly, when it comes down to it, he probably still believes he's the wrong successor, just for very different reasons now. You and I both know that there was no other choice for a protégé—who else would have been able to wield the Monkey King's staff and have his powers—but I doubt MK is in a place to come to terms with that. I think that realization is going to be part of his downward spiral next season, along with being one of the things that instigates the SWK V MK fight.
It's very on point that the way MK comforts Wukong at the end of 4x11 is through reaffirming his role as the "Monkey King":
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MK: "Monkey King- I'm not ready to not have a mentor. Azure needs to be stopped but- we need you. I need you- to be the Monkey King."
(4x11 A Lifetime of Mistakes)
While the way he antagonizes Azure is to threaten his role as a Hero (also referencing his role as an Uncle, and before that his role as a friend):
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MK: "Come on! Come on! Come on Unkie Lion, you're the big hero right? Then prove it. Show me!"
(4x13 Rip and Tear)
*Gestures financially* IDENTITY
Bonus "What I am" parallels post because it's pretty relevant I feellmk
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princeescaluswords · 2 years
One thing I love about the sciles dynamic is that Stiles is never afraid of Scott. Maybe in s1, when the werewolf thing was new, but not after. Stiles is 100% sure Scott won't hurt him and he's RIGHT
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I once made a post here talking about Stiles's relationship with Peter Hale, only to realize, after I received your question, that I can make a similar statement about Stiles when it comes to Scott: Stiles's need for Scott is only exceeded by Stile's love for Scott and this fact remains unchanged throughout the seasons.
The most important person in Stile's life during the series, the one he would do anything for, is without question, his father. But the relationship between fathers and sons, particularly this one, has certain land mines, even at the start of the series, that Stiles and his dad have to navigate carefully around, mostly arising from the traumatic circumstances of Claudia. There are things they don't talk about and badly healed wounds, as the audience can tell by the scene in Co-Captain (1x10), Party Guessed (2x09), and The Girl Who Knew Too Much (3x09).
At the beginning of the show, that complexity didn't exist between Stiles and Scott. Stiles had no boundaries with Scott. He doesn't think twice about showing up in the middle of the night with an impulsive decision to go looking for a dead body in the woods, calling Scott a dumbass, mocking his dreams of being first line, all with perfect confidence that Scott not only wouldn't reject him but there is a very good chance, he'll follow right along.
For a person who endured the violent rejection of his own mother and her tragic death, a friendship seemingly without limitations is something to be treasured. It's something to be fought for. Please, as if something like the threat of bodily harm could deter Stiles from keeping the person he needs and loves safe. Derek scares him because he doesn't care about Derek; the danger Jackson finds himself in is "his own fault."
I know I've talked in negative terms about Stiles's demands on Scott in Heart Monitor (1x06) and going behind Scott's back in Formality (1x11) but those don't contradict this thesis. These actions may not be ethical -- in fact I'm absolutely sure they're not -- but they're designed to protect Scott, both physically and in terms of their relationship. Stiles wants and needs Scott whole but also unchanged, still the only person that Stiles can tease unmercifully or mess up badly with and yet still will ditch his girlfriend to come pick him up. That's why Stiles will insist that Scott do the right thing, no matter what, because that's part of who Scott is. Stiles will throw firebombs at serial killers and endure beatings from a geriatric sociopath in silence so Scott can remain Scott.
Every major relationship crisis between Scott and Stiles comes not from Scott disappointing Stiles but from the idea that Scott's new life and responsibilities will force Scott to stop valuing Stiles the way Stiles values Scott. That's the message behind "You still got me" in Master Plan (2x12): Stiles is stating that no matter how much this werewolf crap changes Scott, he doesn't have to worry about this -- about them. The fear and loss in Stiles's eyes during The Overlooked (3x10) isn't about Scott betraying him but about the realization that the forces of darkness may have finally changed Scott into someone who doesn't need him the way Stiles needs him. The nogitsune torments Stiles in Letharia Vulpina (3x19) by presenting a perverted image of their friendship -- the fox in Stiles's body manipulates Scott into doing the right thing (taking pain) torments Scott (with the ninja-to) and then takes what he needs from the relationship. Stiles puts himself in Eichen House rather than allow himself to hurt Scott that way again in Echo House (3x20) and hides his own pain in The Divine Move (3x21). He'd rather die than let the nogitsune get between them.
Season 5A, of course, is Stiles's greatest fear made real -- that he will go too far, that his own nature will end up destroying this love he values so much and that this friendship that he needs to cope with his life will be gone. There's a reason for that scene with the Jeep in the rain. Stiles could never possibly fear Scott's claws and fangs; the only thing that could make Stiles break down is Scott's indifference.
That's why, in both Motel California (3x06) and Riders of the Storm (6x10) Stiles's ultimate words are always "I need you." For Stiles, Scott could never hurt him as long as he's there.
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goodwhump-temp · 1 year
9-1-1 Lone Star Owen Strand (Rob Lowe) Whump
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1x01 Pilot - Discovery of lung cancer, in shock, saves son from overdose 1x03 Texas Proud - Chemotherapy, feeling the side effects, weak, drunk, throws up, angry outburst 1x04 Act of God - Chemotherapy, feeling the side effects, pale, throws up, confronted about hidden cancer diagnosis, comforted 1x05 Studs - Chemotherapy side effects (its not puking <_<) 1x06 Friends Like These - Threatened by "nemesis," reveals cancer diagnosis, threatened with retirement/betrayed 1x07 Bum Steer - Collapses/passes out, sweating, exhausted 1x08 Monster Inside - Emotional 2x01 Back In The Saddle - Emotional talk, risks life 2x02 2100 - Bottling emotions, watches friend die, in shock 2x03 Hold The Line - Helicopter crash, trapped in abandoned mine, passes out from lack of oxygen, collapse, carried, IV 2x05 Difficult Conversations - Emotional (but this man does not cry), falling in love again 2x06 Everyone and Their Brother - Life in jeopardy saving someone in a minefield 2x07 Displaced - Emotional damage 2x08 Bad Call - Son kidnapped, emotional damage/breakup 2x10 A Little Help From My Friends - Drunk, severely depressed, relatable talk with lonely child, depression intervention, dog health scare 2x11 Slow Burn - Recovery, tight lungs/coughing, "unmoored" (bro wtf), knocked unconscious 2x12 The Big Heat - Wrongfully imprisoned, unnerved from talking to a psychopath, bandaged/blistered arm 2x13 One Day - Stapled, gunpoint 2x14 Dust to Dust - Caught in dust-storm, almost falls down elevator shaft, betrayed 3x02 Thin Ice - Falls, unconscious, bleeding, headache, taken hostage 3x03 Shock & Thaw - Taken hostage by cartel, hurts his head, tense standoff, taken hostage again, dangerous fight 3x04 Push - Emotional 3x05 Child Care - Emotional Pain 3x07 Red vs Blue - Patience tested (failed), gets in a fight, bruised face, bandaged wrist 3x08 In The Unlikely Event of an Emergency - Plane engine blows up 3x09 The Bird - Scratched by bird, reveals depression/PTSD after 9/11, emotional, guilt, emotional talk with The Bird (;-;) 3x11 Prince Albert in a Can - Hurt hand punch, emotional moments with girlfriend, life targeted 3x12 Negative Space - Life targeted, two scary encounters 3x13 Riddle of the Sphynx - Strange argument with girlfriend (anger management issues) 3x14 Impulse Control - Talks about anger management therapy 3x15 Down to Clown - Anger management therapy, clown induced panic attack 3x16 Shift-Less - Facing trauma, emotional pain 3x17 Spring Cleaning - Punched 3x18 A Bright and Cloudless Morning - 9/11 PTSD, cancer resurgence, caught in building explosion, trapped under rubble, serious head injury, bleeding, hallucinating, emotional, hospitalized, rescued, weak 4x01 The New Hotness - Coping with loneliness 4x02 The New Hot Mess - Tense, risking his life 4x03 Cry Wolf - Mysterious black eye, paranoia 4x04 Abandoned - In danger, threatened by the Honor Dogs 4x05 Human Resources - Life targeted 4x06 This is Not a Drill - Upset, paranoid, facing the Honor Dogs, in danger, knocked down from explosion, risking his life with a bomb, jumps out of moving vehicle, exposed to laughing gas
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hazbinbossbrainrot · 1 year
Reasons why Loona does care about Blitz as a dad:
Season 1:
Pilot episode:
Blitz mentions that I.M.P are a family and that family doesn’t get left behind (pretty sure he stole that from Lilo and Stitch, but okay Blitz, you do you 😆)
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Loona ALMOST called Blitz “dad” (as if THIS indication wasn’t big enough! If you didn’t care or respect your guardian why would call them dad?)
Loona, despite disobeying Blitz’s orders instantly but decided to trust him and wait, until Millie overruled her. She does have at least some respect for him.
* Not to mention that she refers to him as “Blitz” not “Blitzo” (despite announcing that the ‘o’ is silent every time he introduces himself)
1x07 - Part 1 (Blitz’s POV)
• Whilst it’s not exactly familial Loona had left a letter for Blitz — platonically calling him 'B' — saying that she’d be out late and not to wait up for her
1x08 - Part 2 (Loona’s POV):
• Loona's first instinct was to call Blitz (when she had the options of calling anyone else other than her adoptive father) 🥹
• Loona practically begged Blitz - unnaturally acting more like a daughter wanting to go to a concert, I might add, to go with the hellhound she was crushing on - to go give the party another shot
* To me Blitz’s presence gave Loona the fortification (pun intended) to give the event another shot — almost like a metaphorical hand holding thing for emotional support — either that or she changed her mind because of the hellhound, but I’d like to think it was because of the former)
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• Loona encourages Blitz to a drinking game - as the supportive daughter she is - and yells out "YEAH THAT'S MY DAD!"
• Loona berates Vortex & Bee saying that they didn't know her adoptive father as she did
* I mean when you love someone in general, — especially when you live with them whether it’s family or romantically involved — it’s hard not know all the good and the bad — so to me this tells me that Loona does actually care about her dad and isn’t afraid to tell other people aggressively to butt out especially when it comes to family business
• Loona tended to Blitz and his drunkenness — as one would like an actual daughter — despite being annoyed with his impulsivity and it’s consequences behind it
• Loona directly calls Blitz “Dad” whilst he was in a blitzed — I’m sorry I just had to use this opportunity — state before telling him to go “the fuck to sleep” 😂
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• Loona showed both times— one witnessed by Vortex & Bee and another directly to Blitz — that she knew her father better than anyone else
* If you honestly have no interest in being a family member to someone you wouldn’t even say something like that or even ask in for concern , knowing full well they do “do you need to puke” and then chuckle softly with a “yeah you do”
• Loona even looked after Blitz by getting him some water and even talking to him kindly rather than be aggressive which soon ended when pulled she told him “to go the fuck to sleep” (😆)
Season 2:
Loona was actually shocked (at first at the “tough love” THEN she worried about Blitz replacing her as a daughter— you could literally see and feel the hurt on her face when he said that he actually might replace her — than a employee (because, hey, you can replace a receptionist, but ya can’t replace your daughter)
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• Also, might I point out, that you can’t get upset if you don’t care about someone. (Sarcasm) How fun is miscommunication 👍🏻😃
* Something that Blitz definitely seems to have a common pattern with both Stolas and Loona — the two people he deeply cares about but won’t say it directly to them — in regards of not communicating properly. Coincidence? I think not 😏)
Loona has the “Sleep Pillz” app on her phone, theoretically, for Blitz and track (?) his sleeping schedule (if it’s out of whack or something)
* Again why would she have this app if she genuinely didn’t CARE about her adoptive father? 🥹
(Or who knows maybe it’s the other way around 😂)
When Loona told Octavia to cut her dad some slack and that “dads fuck up all the time, but it doesn’t mean they don’t care”
* Whilst, yes, she was referring to Stolas a little bit, she was also referring (discreetly because it wasn’t about her, it was about Octavia) to Blitz since she looked at the I.M.P logo on her lighter; which NOT only has his image on it. But, it also was referring to his business which is associated with him since he’s, y’know, the founder of the whole thing; talk about a double whammy!
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After Blitz tried to hug Loona — after hitting him with the grimoire in the face — she gave him a slight daughterly smile (after returning to her — calling her his “sweet, baby girl” — and that he never wanted to replace her ever again)
* Then she smiled AGAIN when Blitz answered her her question whilst filming the fireworks - really this was such a wholesome “Stolitz family” episode. I LOVE it!
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• Blitz rejected to come help Stolas and had prioritised his daughter to take Loona to the hospital for her shot (which, if she wasn’t so scared at the time, would have probably secretly appreciated it)
• Loona was comfortable enough to be scared in front of Blitz — normally you would want to become vulnerable in front of someone you know you can trust and care about — when it came to getting her hellbies shot, which earned her a soft paternalistic reaction
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• NA
• NA
• Ironically, both Blitz and Loona as teenagers, had the same taste in spiky chokers
Although, Loona was already wearing hers by the time Blitz (as an adult) came to adopt her; so couldn’t possibly inherit the accessory from his adolescent days
* Even when reassuring Fizz of his talents, Blitz had given him a similar expression as Loona had with Octavia in 2x02 “Seeing Stars”
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• Both think the same way when someone gets “bored” of them (their worst fear— however Loona actually voiced, theorised, that maybe Stolas was getting “bored” of Blitz)
It’s confirmed by Viv — for Pride Month — that Loona is actually bisexual (which is pretty much similar to pansexuality so “like father like daughter” I guess 🤣)
2x12 (Finale):
Season 3:
Season 4:
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Rambling about how much the Succession series finale fucked me up.
Kendall realizing that the people who once supported him (Rava, Jess, and his kids) truly are gone, except his one true friend whom has already admitted that he can't trust him and that he'll "follow the money" told me how this whole shown will end early on. He got all of the weapons he needed for battle, just to stab himself in the foot.
Ep 9 he said he hoped part of his father was in him.
He got his wish.
He tried to get a vote of no confidence against his father in 1x06, yet it backfired, and it made sense why it did due to how poorly he handled it.
The finale was no different.
He also resembles Logan in the worst way by resorting to physically abusing Roman in private and public, and how he intimidated him during the voting. Now both of his siblings rightfully separated themselves from him.
Shiv's arc is the most tragic to me due to the fact that in S1 she wanted nothing to do with Waystar and worked with Gil against Logan, just to be ridiculed by him and called a coward for not competing.
In S2, Gil drops her and then she moves back into her father's "good" graces and fights to be CEO.
Logan promised that it's her, yet still sidelined her at any opportunity to the point where she embarrassed herself in front of the Pierce family.
It's funny how so many lines that I originally saw as petty insults like "Kendall is screwy, Shiv's not as smart as she thinks she is, Roman you're a moron" were accurate descriptions of the characters. Shiv swore she thought she would overturn her father, the man who runs a conservative media conglomerate, would appoint her as the CEO, as if these old ass yt men would take her seriously under any circumstances. She even had an odd dynamic with her own husband where she was the one with affairs and threw him under the bus at any time it was possible for her to.
In the end, she ended up exactly where she didn't want to be, the same position as her mother, a woman stuck in a hapless marriage with a child and a man whom she has a fraught relationship with. She had so much ambition, just for it to backfire horribly.
"A fucking waste of time" as Peter said.
To be fair, they did nothing but argue in front of them, cut family dinner short, or eat his prized cheese, so I get the annoyance. But you were part of why they are at odds against each other.
So boo hoo.
If any of the sibling resemble each other than being blood related, it's Shiv and Kendall. Both of them wanted to be the CEO of Waystar for their own personal reasons.
Kendall's reasons were very specific.
As he said, he was promised the role since he was seven years old. It's obvious that idea has followed him for years and years till he became an adult, like we all do, and it became bigger. It's how the show is started. He's ALWAYS wanted to succeed his own father.
He fought so hard to succeed his father since the first season and never stopped, he did have some pause during S3, but in that finale after confessing to his crime to Shiv and Roman and them comforting him In a way that hasn't been seen in the series almost ever was a huge change to their relationship as a whole, to see him lie about him speaking his truth just because he was scared that they'd rightfully use that information against him was hard to watch.
All of that fighting to overturn Logan, he became him in the process, using his intimidation against Roman to make him make a decision. I wouldn't be shocked if Shiv noticed that and decided to vote against Ken.
Speaking of Romulus, he's ironically the one sibling that escaped the waystar circle, but he was more kicked out of it.
After Gerri being the only person on his side, then dropping him after he impulsively fired her and had the nerve to act as of he didn't, after Mencken the neo nazi saw how he acted at the funeral (as a person who lost a loved one) and dropped him like a bad habit, and he burned bridges with Mattson, it's clear to say he doesn't have anyone else on his side.
He's not like Shiv or Kendall where they have intentions to be CEO, are the opposite sides of one coin, and the obvious fact that he ultimately doesn't care about almost anything.
He got out of the loop more than Kendall or Shiv did and yet he's still lonely, or at least that's what I interpret from that smile to a frown in his last scene.
After dealing with the physical harm from the protests, he ran back to his mother. (and let's be real, he's Caroline's favorite child). Shiv and Kendall would fight over who would be CEO, but he never cared that much.
For Roman to be the sibling that escapes Waystar, I truly didn't see that coming, but should have. Why would he subject himself to that kind of torture after he endured it for his entire childhood?
And this is the Roy sibling that I find the most annoying, but I will admit, he was fully aware of the bullshit his family was on 24/7.
So his ending makes sense, he smirks, but then frowns about the people waystar, employed or not, whom had his back and he screwed up the relationship with, but that whole place felt like a cage to him, so what loss is there anyways?
Connor, Connor, Connor. The eldest son, ready for what a long distance relationship with his own newlywed wife. He and Shiv and a similarity to their father when it comes to romantic relationships. His father dies and he gets married, Shiv suggests an open marriage to Tom on their wedding night. BANG!
Logan was with Sue-Ann when he was married to Caroline and with Kerry when he was married to Marcia. Oh how history repeats itself. Connor is the eldest son and only escapes half of the abuse just because he's the most neglected.
Connor and Roman have a similarity due to how uninterested they are in the battle to be the next CEO, Roman saw it as a cage and Connor saw it as a competition to see who could be loved by their broken father. (which at this point he knew was pointless)
It's sad to see Connor and Willa soon to be separated because, Out of all four siblings, Connor has Willa, one can say he bought a person, but she has had many opportunities to leave, but still stayed and had his best interest in mind, even reminding him to stay true to his original ambition. Can anyone else related to him say that?
Personally, I don't think so.
This finale felt right in the most tragic way for me because, the series had shown so many signs of how it would all end from S1-3
Kendall losing the vote of no confidence, Shiv being shanked by Tom, Roman losing his personal support, Connor being outcasted, etc.
Tom has been aware of how Shiv treated him for a while, there was no way he wouldn't get his lick back in the end, especially knowing the environment he's in. Yes as effeminate as he can be, he'll use what he can to get what he wants, just like the Roys do.
He used Greg as his own Shiv stand-in because he knew he couldn't overstep his boundaries with her while Logan was alive, when he died he did feel so much empathy for not only Shiv, but her brothers as well because he is still human and finding out your parent died in an airplane bathroom and you have a few seconds to say goodbye is a lot for a person.
Nonetheless, Tom and everyone persisted in their pursuit for power, meanwhile Connor took ownership of his father's residence, because I'm sure Marcia would love to let go of a home she shared with an unfaithful husband.
With the eldest son's rules of claiming what they want in a full mansion and then being pulled together by the old footage of their father, it's easy to still think they'll have some solidarity even after anointing Kendall as the best choice..
Choosing items with a simple sticker was a warning. Tom choosing Greg as his second is a win, but a loss. Mattson can just easily choose another U.S. CEO if he feels lole getting rid of Tom, but he is the current decision.
Tom 'the people pleaser' Wambsgans being CEO is a shock, but not as much as a shock for me as opposed to most of which saw this finale.
Logan called out his own children, them playing toy soldiers, being unserious people, and full-fledged morons.
He was unfortunately correct.
For Kendall to try so hard to be Logan 2.0, to the point where he lied to them, where Shiv said she can't stomach him, where he resorted to ignoring Connor and barely taking Ewan seriously when he was one of the only ones being honest with them,
Connor inheriting the delusion that Logan had with how he honestly believed his life will go on to be, Roman with his "I win" mentality his father has, or Kendall & Shiv having the cutthroat, "I'll demolish anyone who might oppose me" sense that their father had for years.
But the tragedy is that none of his children truly present that state of mind.
It's not surprise that the biggest people pleaser of all characters, Tom, would be the one to impress Mattson.
Tom has been a pick-me since episode one, but he showed how much he will and has worked in his own favor.
Greg was someone I thought would overthrow and fire Tom, but Tom being the one who was chosen as CEO feels so unexpected, but appropriate. He managed to reverse the dynamic of his relationship with Shiv, but maintain it with Greg, even though both relationships involve emotional manipulation, they still come back to each other, unfortunately.
Shiv and Tom have said some truly horrific things toward each other for a married couple under a few months and yet they never left each other officially, Greg has tried to throw Tom under the bus as well since he is a blood relative meanwhile Tom projected his own personal issues with Shiv onto her own cousin, whom she stole $20 from, and yet, Tom refuses to leave Greg alone.
Tom now being able to control Greg & overpower Shiv at this moment is shocking, yet hauntingly expected.
It haunts me how when shiv and Roman chose Kendall as the leader, they just casually mocked his way of speaking, when in reality, he used the same disturbing methods as their deceased father, Tom still having Gerri, but especially having Greg's back in the end. Shiv noticed how her brother was turning into Logan and his much her own husband outsmarted her in the end, Roman just ordered the same drink Gerri did just to feel some sort of accomplishment, and Kendall came to the conclusion that no one else was completely in his corner.
Shiv as CEO was never gonna happen, Roman was too silly to take seriously,  Roman had a whole speech prepared for his father's funeral and couldn't deliver it, Kendall spoke his and now in retrospect, it feels more like wishful thinking, Connor never got to say his own eulogy, and Shiv delivered one that was poignant, yet still unchanging to the environment around her.
Anyone who tells me or might tell me this series finale made no sense should keep it to themselves, because the writing was on the wall.
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House of the Dragon 1x06: Daemon Targaryen, impulsive, who only wants what he can’t have.
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eveningspirit · 2 years
The Ark 1x06 Meta
Watching The Ark feels a little like reading a very badly written fanfic, that includes the trope you desperately crave for. You (me, I mean it feels that way for me) read it, you curse and enjoy it at the same time, and then you comment that you “loved the story, and thank you so much for writing it!” Because, for one, that trope is so rare, so even if it’s not executed too well, it at least exists in the fanfic realm. Secondly, that person wrote the fic in their spare time, right? And maybe they are fifteen or whatever, and just trying their best. Or maybe you’re simply polite.
The TV show creator, who earns real monie for their effort, should try better I guess…
I’ll spare you teh scrolling... ;)
I wasn’t really going to write about The Ark, but episode 1x06 was about the trope I like to read about in fic, and I have thoughts. I’m not saying the show is problematic. I mean, it is, obviously (what media isn’t these days? But that’s another matter. And this one is badly written on top of that), but I want to say something about my personal impression, not so much about general “problematic-ness”. Although it’s probably one and the same in this case. Just. It’s not a general post about problematic things being problematic.
It is personal, from the point of view of a writer. This episode dealt with one issue I struggled with a little, a few years back, while writing a fanfic. Should a person who’s chronically ill divulge information about their illness to their co-workers?
It’s a delicate issue, because in an environment where other people’s lives depend on one person’s ability to perform their duties, well… What should you do? Or what can you do, what would be an okay thing to do, if you’re a colleague of the ill person? Can you demand they tell you all about it? Hmm?...
I think not.
And yet, my first idea was similar to what they did on this show: that the character owes their colleagues an explanation. It took some thinking and re-evaluating my principles to fully understand that the right to privacy trumps other people’s curiosity, or even their concerns. That everyone in this setting is an adult, and they take responsibility for their actions – including responsibility for managing their illness. And their colleagues are supposed to trust them, as they would any adult, about any other thing.
That’s why The Ark reads like a badly written fanfic. There is drama, a lot of it, but there isn’t any psychological or emotional truth to what they portrayed.
James Brice suffers from some kind (fictional) of terminal condition. As he begins to experience symptoms, his colleague, Eva witnesses it and starts asking questions. He’s really rude about how he tells her to respect his “effing privacy”, then he tells her again, in a little more polite manner, to leave it well enough alone; it is none of her concern.
And then the narrative frames it as him keeping secrets, and keeping secrets is wrong, because it may endanger others. Well.
While his actions (keeping it a secret and sort of ignoring it while making decisions) are true to his character – impulsive, risk taking – it also paints him as irresponsible. On a superficial level, but then, I don’t suspect the show of going any deeper than superficial. After the near-miss he, of course, tells Eva the whole truth, and, again of course, asks her to keep this secret from the others. At least the scene cuts there, and she doesn’t promise him anything.
Granted, the show already had the characters have a few secrets (Sharon being a “clone” – read “mutant”; Sanji’s addiction) that were revealed to the whole crew almost right away. So I don’t suspect this will remain secret for long. However, I think they way they dealt with Sanji’s problem, especially, was written better than this. At least it was her decision to tell others.
I wanted to make a note about a little deeper interpretation of James’s irresponsibility – he may actually be in denial about his condition. That would be very human of him, and I could get behind that. It’s a flaw. Heck, irresponsibility is a flaw too, and I like my faves flawed. ;)
So no, I don’t really complain about James Brice and his characterization (at least how I interpret it, lol). I may complain about the science of it all (the symptoms of said condition are… um… doubtful, to say the least), but then, who cares! I will keep watching anyway, and even though I won’t “tell” the authors that they did a great job, I plan to keep enjoying what little of my fave trope I can get. ;)
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katherine-mcnamara · 2 years
hey, dev i loved your macarena gifs. What else will you be releasing soon? x
Hi anon!! I'm so glad you love the Macarena gifs!!!!! She's such a comfort fave of mine so this made me SCREECH!!! I'm not sure if you meant in general or just of her so i've done in general and this can act as a sort of upcoming gif pack list. Also not in any order just in the order that I remember them/see them in my drafts/on my wip list.
Macarena Garcia in Mi Secreto 3 Macarena Garcia in Mi Secreto 4 Macarena Garcia in Mi Secreto 5 Macarena Garcia in Mi Secreto 22 Macarena Garcia in Mujeres Asesinas Katherine McNamara in Sugar Katherine McNamara in Trust Katherine McNamara in Love, Classified Katherine McNamara in Finding You Katherine McNamara in The Stand S01 Katherine McNamara in Happyland 1x01 Katherine McNamara in Shadowhunters 1x01 Katherine McNamara in Shadowhunters 1x07 Katherine McNamara in Shadowhunters 2x14 Katherine McNamara in Shadowhunters 2x20 Katherine McNamara in Shadowhunters 3x14 Katherine McNamara in Arrow S07 Katherine McNamara in Arrow 8x01 Katherine McNamara in Arrow 8x09 Katherine McNamara in Walker: Independence 1x01 Katherine McNamara in Walker: Independence 1x02 Katherine McNamara in Walker: Independence 1x03 Katherine McNamara in Walker: Independence 1x04 Katherine McNamara in Walker: Independence 1x05 Katherine McNamara in Walker: Independence 1x06 Katherine McNamara in Walker: Independence 1x07 Justin Johnson Cortez in Walker: Independence 1x01 Justin Johnson Cortez in Walker: Independence 1x02 Justin Johnson Cortez in Walker: Independence 1x03 Justin Johnson Cortez in Walker: Independence 1x04 Justin Johnson Cortez in Walker: Independence 1x05 Justin Johnson Cortez in Walker: Independence 1x06 Justin Johnson Cortez in Walker: Independence 1x07 Gabriela Quezada in Walker: Independence 1x01 Gabriela Quezada in Walker: Independence 1x02 Gabriela Quezada in Walker: Independence 1x03 Gabriela Quezada in Walker: Independence 1x04 Gabriela Quezada in Walker: Independence 1x05 Gabriela Quezada in Walker: Independence 1x06 Gabriela Quezada in Walker: Independence 1x07 Katie Findlay in Walker: Independence 1x01 Katie Findlay in Walker: Independence 1x02 Katie Findlay in Walker: Independence 1x03 Katie Findlay in Walker: Independence 1x04 Katie Findlay in Walker: Independence 1x05 Katie Findlay in Walker: Independence 1x06 Katie Findlay in Walker: Independence 1x07 Lawrence Kao in Walker: Independence 1x01 Lawrence Kao in Walker: Independence 1x02 Lawrence Kao in Walker: Independence 1x03 Lawrence Kao in Walker: Independence 1x04 Lawrence Kao in Walker: Independence 1x06 Mayra Serbulo in Texas Rising Grace Dove in Alaska Daily 1x03 Grace Dove in Alaska Daily 1x04 Grace Dove in Alaska Daily 1x05 Grace Dove in Alaska Daily 1x06 Grace Dove in Journey Of My Heart Triana Browne in Love At The Christmas Contest Roman Zaragoza in Ghosts S01 Roman Zaragoza in Ghosts S02 Jessica Matten in Tribal S01 Wesley French in Tribal S02 Jessica Matten in Burden of Truth Jessica Matten in Dark Winds S01 Kiowa Gordon in Dark Winds S01 Zahn McClarnon in Dark Winds S01 Amber Midthunder in Prey Julian Black Antelope in Prey Julian Black Antelope in Tribal S01 + S02 Kahara Hodges in Various Videos Caelynn Miller Keyes in Various Videos Carmen Moore in Nancy Drew Carmen Moore in The Flash Meegwun Fairbrother in Burden Of Truth S01 Meegwun Fairbrother in Burden Of Truth S02 Meegwun Fairbrother in Burden Of Truth S03 Meegwun Fairbrother in Burden Of Truth S04 Meegwun Fairbrother in Skymed Angeles Cruz in Malinche Angeles Cruz in  AquI En La Tierra Maria Mercedes Coroy in Malinche Braeden Clarke in Skymed Braeden Clarke in Outlander Braeden Clarke in Impulse Eugene Brave Rock in Dark Winds S01 Kheon Clarke in Skymed Aason Nadjiwon in Skymed Mercedes Morris in Skymed Praneet Akilla in Skymed Idris Elba in Beast John Boyega in The Woman King Daniel Kaluuya in Nope Ceren Yilmaz in Zumruduanka 1 Ceren Yilmaz in Zumruduanka 2 Ceren Yilmaz in Zumruduanka 3 Ceren Yilmaz in Zumruduanka 4 Ceren Yilmaz in Zumruduanka 5 Ceren Yilmaz in Zumruduanka 6 Demet Ozdemir in Dunyayla Benim Aramda 1 (shout out to the amazing tess for these episodes ily) Demet Ozdemir in Dunyayla Benim Aramda 2 Demet Ozdemir in Dunyayla Benim Aramda 3 Demet Ozdemir in Dunyayla Benim Aramda 4 Demet Ozdemir in Dunyayla Benim Aramda 5 Demet Ozdemir in No:304 54 Demet Ozdemir in No:304 56 Demet Ozdemir in Erkenci Kus 1 Demet Ozdemir in Erkenci Kus 2 Demet Ozdemir in Erkenci Kus 3 Demet Ozdemir in Ask Taktikleri Demet Ozdemir in Dogdugun Ev Kaderindir 1 Demet Ozdemir in Dogdugun Ev Kaderindir 2 Demet Ozdemir in Cilek Kokusu 1 Demet Ozdemir in Kurt Seyit ve Sura Hafsanur Sancaktutan in Dunyayla Benim Aramda 1 Hafsanur Sancaktutan in Dunyayla Benim Aramda 2 Hafsanur Sancaktutan in Dunyayla Benim Aramda 3 Hafsanur Sancaktutan in Dunyayla Benim Aramda 4 Hafsanur Sancaktutan in Dunyayla Benim Aramda 5 Dilan Cicek Deniz in Kusursuz Kiraci 1 Dilan Cicek Deniz in Kusursuz Kiraci 2 Dilan Cicek Deniz in Kusursuz Kiraci 3 Dilan Cicek Deniz in Kusursuz Kiraci 4 Dilan Cicek Deniz in Kusursuz Kiraci 5 Dilan Cicek Deniz in Kusursuz Kiraci 6 Melisa Dongel in Kusursuz Kiraci 1 - 6 Melisa Dongel in Ask Mantik Intikam 1 - 5 Melisa Dongel in Bizim Hikaye S02 Melisa Dongel in Sen Cal Kapimi 2 - 10 Melisa Dongel in Fazilet Hanim ve Kizlari 4 Jeff Satur in Ingredients Episodes 0 - 21 Hande Ercel in Azize 2 Hande Ercel in Azize 3 Hande Ercel in Halka Hande Ercel in Sen Cal Kapimi 2 Hande Ercel in Sen Cal Kapimi 3 Hande Ercel in Sen Cal Kapimi 4 Hande Ercel in Sen Cal Kapimi 5 Hande Ercel in Sen Cal Kapimi 6 Hande Ercel in Sen Cal Kapimi 7 Hande Ercel in Sen Cal Kapimi 8 Hande Ercel in Siyah Inci 1 Hande Ercel in Siyah Inci 2 Hande Ercel in Ask Laftan Anlamaz 1 Hande Ercel in Ask Laftan Anlamaz 2 Hande Ercel in Ask Laftan Anlamaz 3 Hande Ercel in Ask Laftan Anlamaz 4 Deniz Baysal in Fazilet Hanim ve Kizlari 2 Deniz Baysal in Fazilet Hanim ve Kizlari 3 Deniz Baysal in Fazilet Hanim ve Kizlari 4 Deniz Baysal in Fazilet Hanim ve Kizlari 5 Ayca Aysin Turan in Ada Masali 1 Ayca Aysin Turan in Ada Masali 2 Ayca Aysin Turan in Zemheri 1 Ayca Aysin Turan in Meryem 1 Ayca Aysin Turan in Meryem 2 Ayca Aysin Turan in Meryem 3 Ayca Aysin Turan in Meryem 4 Ayca Aysin Turan in Ariza 1 Ayca Aysin Turan in Ariza 2 Ayca Aysin Turan in Ariza 3 Ayca Aysin Turan in Ariza 4 Ayca Aysin Turan in Ariza 5 Ayca Aysin Turan in Ariza 6 Ayca Aysin Turan in Hakan: Muhafiz S01 Ayca Aysin Turan in Hakan: Muhafiz S02 Burcu Ozberk in Ask Mantik Intikam 1 Burcu Ozberk in Ask Mantik Intikam 25 Ilhan Sen in Ask Mantik Intikam 1 Ilhan Sen in Ask Mantik Intikam 25 Aslihan Malbora in Uc Kurus 1 Aslihan Malbora in Uc Kurus 2 Aslihan Malbora in Uc Kurus 3 Cemre Baysel in Ramo 2 Cemre Baysel in Ramo 3 Cemre Baysel in Ramo 4 Cemre Baysel in Senden Daha Guzel 1 Cemre Baysel in Senden Daha Guzel 2 Cemre Baysel in Senden Daha Guzel 3 Cemre Baysel in Senden Daha Guzel 4 Cemre Baysel in Senden Daha Guzel 5 Cemre Baysel in Senden Daha Guzel 6 Cemre Baysel in Senden Daha Guzel 7 Cemre Baysel in Senden Daha Guzel 14 Cemre Baysel in Baht Oyunu 1 Cemre Baysel in Baht Oyunu 2 Cemre Baysel in Baht Oyunu 3 Cemre Baysel in Baht Oyunu 17 Cemre Baysel in Sol Yanim 1 Cemre Baysel in Sol Yanim 2 Cemre Baysel in Elimi Birakma 1 Alina Boz in Elimi Birakma 1 Haya Maraachli in Qaid Majhol Haya Maraachli in Moment of Silence Maram Ali in The Platform 2 Shraddha Kapoor in Half Girlfriend Shraddha Kapoor in Street Dancer 3D Shraddha Kapoor in EK Villain Sidharth Malhotra in EK Villain Dorra Zarrouk in The Accused 1x01 Dorra Zarrouk in The Accused 1x02 Mayy Izzuddin in El-Brinseesa Beesa Ana Brenda Contreras in Toda La Sangre 1 Ana Brenda Contreras in Toda La Sangre 2 Ana Brenda Contreras in Toda La Sangre 3 Ana Brenda Contreras in Toda La Sangre 4 Ana Brenda Contreras in Toda La Sangre 5 Ana Brenda Contreras in Toda La Sangre 6 Ana Brenda Contreras in Toda La Sangre 7 Ana Brenda Contreras in Toda La Sangre 8 Ana Brenda Contreras in Toda La Sangre 9 Ana Brenda Contreras in Toda La Sangre 10 Ana Brenda Contreras in Dynasty S02 Ana Brenda Contreras in  Corazon Indomable 1 Ana Brenda Contreras in  Corazon Indomable 2 Ana Brenda Contreras in  Corazon Indomable 3 Ana Brenda Contreras in  Corazon Indomable 4 Ana Brenda Contreras in  Teresa 3 - 10 Amala Paul in Kudi Yedamaithe 2 Amala Paul in Kudi Yedamaithe 3 Bahar Sahin in Zalim Istanbul 2 Bahar Sahin in Zalim Istanbul 3 Bahar Sahin in Zalim Istanbul 4 Bahar Sahin in Gulumse Kaderine 1 Daniel Ezra in All American 1x01 (complete redo now im better at giffing) Daniel Ezra in All American 1x02 Daniel Ezra in All American 1x03 Daniel Ezra in All American 1x04 Jamie Campbell Bower in The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones Zeeko Zaki in FBI S01 Bill Skarsgard in Hemlock Grove S02 Elizabeth Lail in You 1x01 Elizabeth Lail in You 1x02 Elizabeth Lail in You 1x03 Elizabeth Lail in You 1x04 Elizabeth Lail in Countdown Joey King in The Kissing Booth 2 Jenna Coleman in Doctor Who 7x06 (Snowmen Christmas Special) Jordan Calloway in Black Lightning S02 Katie Stevens in The Bold Type 1x03 & 1x04 Josephine Langford in After Josephine Langford in After We Collided Josephine Langford in After We Fell Josephine Langford in After Ever Happy LaRoyce Hawkins in Chicago P.D. 7x03 Lewis Tan in Mortal Kombat Jessica McNamee in Mortal Kombat Jessica McNamee in The Meg Jessica McNamee in Upright S02 Lili Reinhart in Look Both Ways Lucy Hale in Ragdoll 1x01 Ozge Yagiz in Yemin 1 Ozge Yagiz in Yemin 2 Ozge Yagiz in Yemin 3 Remy Hii in Marco Polo 2x04 - 2x06 Camila Quieroz in Verdades Secretas II 1 Camila Quieroz in Verdades Secretas II 2 Camila Quieroz in Verdades Secretas II 3 Camila Quieroz in Pega Pega 2 Camila Quieroz in Pega Pega 3 Carlson Young in Scream 1x02 - 1x05 Willa Fitzgerald in Scream 1x01 Willa Fitzgerald in Scream 1x02 Willa Fitzgerald in Scream 1x03 Willa Fitzgerald in Scream 1x04 Willa Fitzgerald in Scream 1x05 Willa Fitzgerald in Dare Me 1x01 Willa Fitzgerald in Dare Me 1x02 Willa Fitzgerald in Reacher 1x01 Willa Fitzgerald in Reacher 1x02 Willa Fitzgerald in Reacher 1x03 Willa Fitzgerald in Reacher 1x04 Willa Fitzgerald in Reacher 1x05 Willa Fitzgerald in Dolly Parton’s Heartstrings 1x07 Marina Ruy Barbosa in Deus Salve o Rei 1 Marina Ruy Barbosa in Deus Salve o Rei 2 Marina Ruy Barbosa in Deus Salve o Rei 3 Marina Ruy Barbosa in Deus Salve o Rei 4 Marina Ruy Barbosa in O Setimo Guardiao 2 Marina Ruy Barbosa in O Setimo Guardiao 3 Marina Ruy Barbosa in O Setimo Guardiao 4 Marina Ruy Barbosa in O Setimo Guardiao 5 Neslihan Atagul in Kara Sevda 1 Neslihan Atagul in Kara Sevda 2 Neslihan Atagul in Kara Sevda 3 Neslihan Atagul in Kara Sevda 4 Neslihan Atagul in Kara Sevda 5 Neslihan Atagul in Kara Sevda 6 Neslihan Atagul in Kara Sevda 7 Neslihan Atagul in Dip 1 Neslihan Atagul in Dip 2 Neslihan Atagul in Dip 3 Neslihan Atagul in Dip 4 Neslihan Atagul in Dip 5 Neslihan Atagul in Dip 6 Neslihan Atagul in Gecenin Ucunda 1 Neslihan Atagul in Gecenin Ucunda 2 Neslihan Atagul in Gecenin Ucunda 3 Neslihan Atagul in Sefirin Kizi 1 Neslihan Atagul in Sefirin Kizi 2 Neslihan Atagul in Sefirin Kizi 3 Zahn McClarnon in Doctor Sleep Zahn McClarnon in The Last Manhunt Lily Gladstone in The Last Manhunt Zahn McClarnon in Reservation Dogs Zahn McClarnon in Westworld Zahn McClarnon in Hawkeye Zahn McClarnon in The Forever Purge Zahn McClarnon in Queen of The South Zahn McClarnon in The Son Zahn McClarnon in The Silencing Annabelle Wallis in The Silencing Annabelle Wallis in The Three Musketeers Annabelle Wallis in Peaky Blinders Annabelle Wallis in Annabelle Zahn McClarnon in Longmire
Okay I know for a fact I missed some but like...... my brain and hands are tired and this is the second time i’ve typed this out so jasdkfjsdfajf
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purpleplaid17 · 10 months
Jess Watches // Fri 10 Nov // Day 52 Synopses & Favourite Scenes
The Power 1x07 Baptism
As opponents of EOD pose an increasing threat, those who have the Power look to each other for strength, protection and new leadership.
If, in my mind, Adina Porter was telling me how important I am in such a soothing voice, I too would definitely choose to believe her. And if there's anyone who wants to confess their love for me, we can then hold hands and with the poer of our love blow out anyone's Christmas lights that have gone up way too early. Especially the blinking ones.
Sin huellas (No Traces) 1x07 La caza
Néstor is now the main suspect, and Desi and Cata turn to Eduardo to prove it. Irene receives an ultimatum from her boss: if she doesn't capture the girls, she'll be fired from the police.
Eduardo being so incompetent ofc he'd impulsively murder his own sister. Idiota. Desi & Cata were trusting him out of desperation, but still, he was always going to go back under the thumb of his brother. Also, Irene's ILY. She needed Desi to know that whatever happens next, Desi is her girl.
Curses! 1x06 The Japanese Painting
Russ, Sky, Stanley and Larry navigate a new crisis after Pandora is sucked into a work of art and surrounded by sinister spirits.
(The Japanese Gentleman cannot hurt me. The Japanese Gentleman cannot hurt me. The Japanese Gentleman cannot hurt me.) I too would occasionally like to murder my sister, but also miss her very much when she's not here. Also, If you were trapped inside a painting, which would you love and/or hate it to be?
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