#Important Screenshots indeed
kindahoping4forever · 2 years
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here are two important screenshots as evidence for my assumption that both the shirt and jacket were just hacked off with some scissors. the screenshots are purely to show the fraying of the fabric and not to display anything else 🫡 hope you’re having a lovely day 😌✨
Meg coming in clutch with the receipts! I for one very much appreciate this contribution. For the research value and no other reasons 😌🙏🏻
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belle-keys · 1 month
A strong suggestion of plagiarism: Detailing the similarities between Anne Bishop’s The Black Jewels trilogy and Sarah J. Maas’s ACOTAR series
Anne Bishop released her The Black Jewels trilogy between 1998 and 2003. It is a dark fantasy book trilogy, part of a larger fantasy saga within the world of The Black Jewels. Sarah J. Maas released the first book in her A Court of Thorns and Roses fantasy romance series, which goes by the same name, in 2015. This popular series of Maas is still ongoing.
For the last decade, many individuals have noticed glaring similarities between Maas’ fantasy series and Bishop’s earlier books. From character names to world-building elements and plotlines, several readers have concluded it is highly possible that Sarah J. Maas has plagiarized major aspects of Bishop’s work in the ACOTAR series. For purely legal reasons, I am hesitant to say outright that Mass indeed plagiarized The Black Jewels in ACOTAR. However, I do believe that there is very strong evidence indicating that Maas may have done so. Please note all my screenshots here are all from The Black Jewels and I can provide more if necessary.
This post presents my observations of the similarities between Maas’ book series compared to Bishop’s trilogy. Indeed, there are several elements that are near-indentical in Maas’ series compared to Bishop’s. Whatever is in brackets is my shabby-MLA-esque way of referencing in which specific book you can find the content I'm talking about. I am aware others have made similar posts on Tumblr and Reddit, and I salute them! Here, I am merely outlining what I have noticed myself, and I imagine there will be significant overlap between his post and others online.
The Eyrians and the Illyrians
The Eyrians are a winged warrior race in TBJ, described as having tanned skin, black hair, gold eyes and "batlike wings". They are one of the long lived races and live thousands of years, based upon a lofty mountain range in their realm. They are a warrior race with a long history of physical fighting, often reputed to be "backward" by aristocrats in their realm (DOTB, HTTS). Their "dark, membranous" wings are the prized physical feature among their race and they have a tradition of turning to militarism and barbarism during skirmishes (DOTB). Cutting off or clipping an Eyrian's wings is the greatest torture and the worst dishonour for a warrior (HTTS). The Illyrians in ACOTAR are a virtually identical winged mountain warrior race with a similar culture and physical features including "black, membranous" wings and tanned skin (ACOTAR). The Eyrians, like the Illyrians, yearn for freedom of their expansive mountains and the war camps within them.
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Eyrian males are raised to be warriors in hunting camps in the mountains, while females are forbidden from touching weapons and are confined to domestic pursuits. Eyrian women are often mistreated and are usually expected to be docile and subservient to their militaristic males (QOTD). This is the same gender construct present among the Illyrians in ACOTAR.
The Eyrians in TBJ carry prejudices against half-Eyrians, similar to the Illyrians' prejudices against "half-breeds" like Rhysand in the ACOTAR series (ACOMAF). The word “half-breed” is actually used to describe an important half-Eyrian in TBJ, Lucivar Yaslana.
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The Eyrians have a practice known as the "Blood Run" which is a rite of passage taken by skilled Eyrian warriors in their mountains, rather similar to both "Nephelle's Run" and the "Blood Rite" which we learn about in ACOWAR and ACOSF respectively.
Powerful Illyrians, like Cassian and Azriel, use siphons—colourful, jeweled gauntlets that channel and hone their magical power. This is eerily similar to the way aristocrats in TBJ use jewels to channel and concentrate their power. The Illyrians also wear fighting leathers while the Eyrians wear black skintight leathers to go to battle.
Lucivar Yaslana and Cassian
Lucivar Yaslana is an Eyrian male who commands a large portion of the Eyrian troops. He is described as a "bastard", both as an insult and a jest in TBJ, because his father and his mother were unmarried and he did not grow up knowing his father who’s the High Lord. The same situation is pertinent to Cassian in ACOMAF whose "bastard reputation" precedes him.
In QOTD, Lucivar begins training Eyrian females to defend themselves and fight military-style, which is a radical move in the realm and receives a lot of push-back from fellow Eyrian males. Lucivar wants to make sure the Eyrian women tap into their strength, at least a little, to prevent them from being helpless when under attack or in battle. There's a few heartwarming training montages in QOTD where he whips them into shape. Cassian leads a similar initiative in ACOSF where he trains Illyrian women so they learn to defend themselves and some even become respected warriors.
Lucivar has gold eyes, big wings, big muscles, shoulder-length dark hair, and light brown skin. Cassian also has gold eyes, big wings, big muscles, shoulder-length dark hair, and light brown skin. Lucivar ultimately reports to the authority of his queen and serves her faithfully just as Cassian reports to authority of his High Lord and Lady and serves them faithfully.
Daemon SaDiablo and Rhysand
Daemon SaDiablo of TBJ was forced to serve as a sex slave in the court of an evil priestess, Dorothea of Hayll, and he has experienced a lot of trauma and pain for hundreds of years due to being forced to serve in the bedchamber of this abusive enslaver. Rhysand similarly serves as a sex slave to Amaratha for 50 years when she builds her court Under the Mountain. In TBJ, the evil queen who conquers the realm through cruelty and corruption, Dorothea, enslaves multiple males to serve her in bed and she even banishes Lucivar to land's brutal "salt mines" when he becomes disobedient. Daemon is known as "Hayll's whore" by the public in DOTB just as Rhysand is known as "Amarantha's whore" by the public in ACOTAR.
Daemon has jet-black hair, golden skin, and a frighteningly beautiful face. Daemon is also known as a natural Black Widow, one of the one only male Black Widows ever in their world. As such, Daemon is one of the most powerful males in all the realm. Rhysand, similarly, has dark hair, a stunningly beautiful face, and has unique powers making him the most powerful High Lord. Daemon, like Rhysand, becomes the highest ranking male in his "Dark Court" and he is also the main love interest (QOTD).
Daemon has a habit of putting his hands in his pocket when he's nervous and/or trying to intimidate people. Rhysand has the same habit. Daemon is feared for his sadism and power in TBJ but is, deep down, a good person and a devoted lover, similar to Rhysand’s persona being much crueler and sadistic than his real personality (ACOMAF).
Daemon originally starts seeing the protagonist of the series, Jaenelle, in his dreams and he recognizes while enslaved that she is the realm's salvation (DOTB, QOTD). Rhysand also begins seeing glimpses of Feyre in his dreams while enslaved Under the Mountain and he knew she was Prythian’s hope (ACOMAF).
We know that in the ACOTAR world, the wingspan of an Illyrian male is supposedly proportional to their, yunno, male parts. This is also the case in The Black Jewels where, in the second book, we learn a male's wingspan also corresponds to the size of his… down there.
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Scents and gender
In TBJ, magical figures have the abilities to identify or smell another person based on his or her "psychic scent", which is their unique scent. The psychic scent also allows them to sense the magical abilities, emotions and traumatic experiences of other persons. Romantic couples also have a keen awareness of their partner's scent. This is the likewise the case in the ACOTAR world where mates and fae can identify and read each other based on specific scents including their arousal.
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In TBJ, you can put up a "psychic shield" to stop someone from peering into your thoughts and reading you through your psychic scent. It's the same in the ACOTAR world, a concept introduced in ACOMAF, where you can put up a mental shield or barrier to stop someone like the daemati from breaking into your mind.
The males in TBJ can become quite territorial and possessive over their women and mates, almost animalistic based on their emotions. They purr and snarl and growl quite often, and Sarah J. Maas uses identical descriptive language regarding the bat boys.
Dragons and Amren
There's an older female character called Draca in TBJ who is a dragon in human form, trapped in a human body. Draca, who serves in the main character's Dark Court, has to decipher old texts in the TBJ because she is the only one who understands the ancient languages they contain. Draca is referred to as the "ancient one." This is exactly like Amren being known as the little "ancient one", a powerful angel in human form who is the only one that can decipher the Book of Breathings in ACOMAF.
There is a "creature" deep beneath the Keep and library of the High Lord of Hell in TBJ who, in HTTS, turns out to be a mighty dragon whose name is Lorn. Likewise, beneath the library in Velaris lurks Bryaxis who is a dangerous dragon-esque creature (ACOWAR).
Other worldbuilding plotpoints
There are “High Lords” of various realms in The Black Jewels and High Lord is not a traditional feudal title throughout history or mythology. One major character in TBJ is the High Lord of Hell, Saetan SaDiablo. His court, and that of his adopted daughter, is known as the Dark Court or the "Court of Darkness". Rhysand is the most powerful High Lord who presides over the Night Court which is also, in many ways, Prythian's own Court of Darkness.
The Dark Court in TBJ has a "first circle" that is comprised of the queen's most trusted courtiers. Rhysand's Court of Dreams in ACOMAF also has an "inner circle".
Jaenelle is known as "Dreams Made Flesh" because of her immense power and ability to deliver her lands from evil. Jaenelle was a saviour-figure who was dreamt up by the "dreamers" in her realm who were suffering and oppressed for many years, ruled over by cruel queens (QOTD). Likewise, the Court of Dreams and Feyre's defeat of Amarantha were, more or less, the product of dreamers who wished upon the stars (ACOMAF). Just like how Feyre possesses the power of all seven High Lords, Jaenelle is the magical figure to possess the power of all the various colored jewels in TBJ.
There is a character named Prythian in The Black Jewels who is a powerful priestess, and the main land that the ACOTAR series is set in is called Prythian. There's also an assassin-prostitute character in TBJ named Surreal, and the Suriel is character in the ACOTAR series.
The sigil/seal of Janelle's Dark Court in TBJ, we learn in the second book, is an image of a mountain with a unicorn’s horn above it. The main sigil of the Night Court in ACOTAR is a mountain below three stars. The vastness and freedom of mountains are a motif in both TBJ and ACOMAF.
Conclusion: There are others online who have pointed out the similarities between The Black Jewels and the Throne of Glass series, but it’s been many years since I read Throne of Glass and I’m rusty so I won’t touch it. Did Sarah J. Maas rip off Anne Bishop’s work? I think it could be proven in a court of law, but I’m quite hesitant to say outright that she’s guilty of plagiarism. Is Sarah J. Maas guilty of serious unoriginality? Yes, definitely. A preliminary search online will tell you that Sarah J. Maas has openly praised Bishop’s writing and she has even said that Lucivar is her favourite fantasy man of all time. Bishop's books were released when Maas was a teenager. Make of this what you will.
I’ve used a variety of tags on this post because, honestly, I’m not sure whether it falls into the “anti” category of posts or not. I think this post neutral in tone and exists just to catalogue the similarities between both series. I hence believe both fans and antis might appreciate it... for different reasons.
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muzyoshi · 2 years
Miles Edgeworth's Secret
This post is purely for documentation purposes, and also to inform anyone who may not be aware. This post will contain SPOILERS for the end of Phoenix Wright: Trials & Tribulations, so proceed with caution.
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During Case 5, Bridge to the Turnabout, while playing as Edgeworth, you are presented the opportunity to peer into Iris' heart. Specifically in regards to a secret she is withholding from Phoenix, someone she was romantically involved with. During which, if the player fails to present the correct evidence specifically for the second Psyche-Lock, an interesting conversation concerning the nature of secrets occurs.
I have seen talk of this dialogue, but no footage or screenshots, so I took the liberty of getting them myself. The full conversation and my further thoughts will be found under the cut.
You MUST present incorrect evidence during the second Psyche-Lock. This dialogue is laughably easy to miss, which is why I could find zero footage of it. (Sorry if the formatting for this sucks)
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(Interesting to note: the music stops playing here.)
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Incidentally, Iris' secret is that she developed romantic feelings for Phoenix while dating him in college (disguised as her twin sister). Edgeworth affirms her thoughts, confirming that he does indeed have a secret of similar nature deep within his heart and soul; "It takes one to know one." It cannot be said what exactly this secret of his is, but every real plot point behind Edgeworth has been more or less resolved by this point in the series. He found his path as a prosecutor, the truth behind his involvement in the DL-6 incident was concluded, so... What's left? Reading between the lines, this only really seems to lead us to one answer. It has something to do with romantic feelings. I truly can't see it being anything else, even with a critical mind.
Just mere moments ago, Iris had inquired as to what Edgeworth and Phoenix' relationship was. Edgeworth (famously) responds that Wright is a "dear and indispensable friend". Wonder if Iris gleamed something deeper from that comment, then? ;P Keep in mind: she makes these comments directly because Edgeworth avoided presenting Phoenix Wright's profile.
"he just like me fr" - iris probably
Now, just for completion's sake, let's see what happens when you present Phoenix's profile and break the Psyche-Lock.
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I have a lot of thoughts regarding this string of text from the two of them. This is a huge reach from an admittedly shipper-crazed brain, but aren't Edgeworth's retorts here... interesting? He does not know this girl, but he knows that the two of them are important to one another. We can assume it's likely that he is pushing for this for Wright's sake, rather than Iris'. At this point it's fair to say that Edgeworth has some basic understanding of her secret (the feelings, at least), and he doesn't benefit from her telling Phoenix her secret. So why is he adamant that she does it? Especially when he's, apparently, holding a secret of similar nature himself? Projecting, perhaps?
"But it's pointless..." "Why would you say that?"
Why indeed.
(EDIT) I was thinking about this feverishly, and I had another thought. What if the "darkness in his heart" and his "secret" has something to do with jealousy? Still in context of romantic feelings... it starts to make sense that this could fit into the puzzle as well. By this point it was already established to Edgeworth that Phoenix and Iris share an intimate connection of some kind, and with all of this pressuring (including the words the two of them share before Edgeworth leaves the Detention Centre), it sort of adds up. "Uncovering the truth" in order to "get rid of the deep-seated darkness in [his] heart" - could this refer to closure? As in, if Iris comes forth to Phoenix Wright with her secret, and there is some level of reciprocation, would this make Edgeworth's own secret/feelings "pointless" to confess? I wonder.
One last note I'd like to make is that this is the first time we view Edgeworth through the 'protagonist lens', and that a great deal of care was put into having the player truly feel like they are Miles Edgeworth in this moment. His mannerisms, choice of words and thought patterns are decidedly very different than Phoenix's when you are in control of them, as I'm sure most people would agree. Therefore, I feel comfortable proposing that a lot of what he says here isn't filler, and in fact is very deliberately worded.
I think this post also deserves a spot here.
Diehard Narumitsu/Wrightworth shippers are likely already aware of this conversation's existence. However, due to the circumstances necessary to see it, I wasn't able to find any screenshots. I hope this was interesting to read, at least... Thanks for reading!
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animasola86 · 10 months
Avid Reader
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Notes: So I took some smutty screenshots recently (see link at the end) and while putting them together I had an idea and decided to write down the little story those shots might imply. Remember: these are pixels in a game and characters who are old enough to do these things. And in the end it is just smut, you know the drill. Enjoy!
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!mc
Genre: Smut/Comfort // Words: 2.9k // [READ ON AO3]
Warnings: NSFW! MDNI! Explicit sexual content! Sex! Cock warming!
Synopsis: Sebastian has been hunched over that damn book for too long now and his girlfriend only knows one way to distract him.
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Warning: There are horny teenagers below the cut. Beware!
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Avid Reader
“There you are!” she called as soon as the gate rattled shut behind her. Sebastian was hunched over a table, his back to her, and of course he was staring at that blasted book.
He didn't even look up when she approached, only when she placed her hand on his shoulder did he flinch and turn his head, looking very surprised to see her. “Oh,” he just made and straightened up slightly.
“I've missed you at lunch today,” she said softly and watched him closely. The bags under his eyes told her that he had missed more than mealtimes today or the days prior. Ever since they had found Slytherin's Spellbook he had been holed up in the Undercroft, studying the damned thing. ���And dinner,” she went on, gently rubbing his back. “Actually, I've not seen you for quite a while, Sebastian...”
He sighed deeply and looked away, leaning on the table. “I have to read this, you know that,” he mumbled, looking back at the intricate writings and drawings in front of him. “I just know it holds the answers I need...”
She leaned closer, brushing her chest against his shoulder as she followed his gaze. “I know it's important, and I'm not saying you shouldn't read this,” she whispered softly, carefully choosing her words to not set him off further. “But you need a break. You need sleep. Something to eat.”
“I'm not hungry,” he muttered and flipped a page, his eyes moving over the weathered page. “And I'm fine. Don't worry.”
“But I do worry...” she replied quietly, her hands closing around his upper arm. “Also you have awful posture,” she added with a smirk, one hand running along the curve of his back. “Always hunched over like this.” She stepped behind him then and dug her fingers into his shoulders as she began to massage his stiff neck.
She heard him inhale sharply and he did straighten a little under her touch. But he didn't lose focus on what he was reading. “This is more important...” he said with a strained voice.
“I know it is,” she whispered and leaned closer to brush her lips against his ear. “But if you keep going like that, you'll just collapse and then you won't be able to read nor help anyone if you indeed find something in there...” She gently kissed his earlobe. “Give yourself a break, Sebastian...”
He stiffened and she felt him taking a deep breath, before he flipped yet another page. She exhaled loudly and leaned back, letting go of him. She could only think of one way to distract him and so she raised her wand and whispered: “Evanesco.”
“Hey!” he exclaimed and took a step away from the table as he looked down at his now completely bare body. “Why did you --” he started and slowly turned around, his eyes widening as he noticed that she had used the same spell on her own clothes.
They stared at each other's naked bodies for a moment, before she smirked and slowly walked closer to him, looking up hopefully. “Let me help you take a break,” she purred and slipped between him and the table, blocking his view to the book, giving him something much better to look at. With growing satisfaction, she watched how his eyes wandered over her chest as he took in what was happening. He was still struggling, she could tell, his gaze dark and a little unfocused.
He stepped closer then and leaned on his arms on either side of her body, caging her in as he looked deep into her eyes. “So that's how you're trying to distract me, eh?” he said darkly, but gave her a tiny smile.
“Only way I can think of,” she said with a shrug and leaned against the table, her rear pressed against the cold wood. She'd distracted him with her body before and it usually worked for the moment. But she didn't want to make it too easy for him, so she crossed her arms in front of her chest and tilted her head.
Raising an eyebrow, he watched her. “What a tease,” he muttered under his breath and the smirk on his face grew a little.
“Well, I need to get you excited for more, don't I?” she whispered smugly and let her eyes wander over his toned chest, following the thin trail of hair all the way down to his groin. “Not sure it's working yet...”
He gave her a disgruntled exhale and leaned in, his hands still on the table as he brought his face closer to hers, his hot breath ghosting her lips. She held his dark gaze, but leaned away playfully, moving back as he moved in. He narrowed his eyes, yet followed her squirming motions, never giving up until he finally captured her lips in a short, but hungry kiss.
She felt the tension of her arms loosening and eventually she uncrossed them, her fingers brushing over his torso as he leaned over her, still claiming her mouth while breathing loudly through his nose. She kissed him back a little more hesitantly, trying her best to drag this moment for as long as possible. When he leaned back eventually, his lips parted, she smiled at him equally breathlessly.
Still standing over her, he let his eyes wander down her body until they rested on her hands folded in front of her centre. She saw him clenching his jaw. Following an instinct, she pushed herself up until she was sitting on the table, or rather directly on Slytherin's book, the cold surface of the old parchment easing the heat she felt between her legs.
She half-expected him to throw her right off his precious Spellbook, but surprisingly he didn't seem to mind, he even pushed her slightly more up the table as he stepped closer and brushed his hand against her knee, before slowly moving his fingers along the inside of her thigh. She inhaled deeply, biting her lip in anticipation as he slowly worked her legs open and she let him.
Yet before she could feel his fingers touching her where she needed him the most, she noticed his fingertip gliding over the page she was sitting on. He was still reading that damned thing! Issuing a groan, she grabbed his wrist with both hands and guided him towards her eagerly waiting pussy. When he met her gaze, he smirked at her, letting her push his hand right between her legs.
She felt the back of his fingers brushing against her heated skin, but before he did more, he leaned in again and claimed her mouth for another kiss. This time she kissed him back with fervour, her own desire for him growing by the second. While their tongues danced around each other, he stepped even closer, his hand moving away as he propped his arms on either side of her body again, caging her in demandingly, his body pushing against her thighs, making her spread her legs even more.
Breathing heavily against his lips, she watched him out of half-lidded eyes. His gaze was just as hungry as hers. He eventually broke eye contact and looked down where she was sure to soil the important writings he had been studying with the wet heat she felt for him. She should have seen it coming, but when he grabbed her waist, picked her up and suddenly spun her around until her stomach pressed against the hard edge of the table, she still gasped, barely able to find her footing as he pressed his front against her backside.
Her legs were shaking as she felt him starting to grind against her, his now much more excited cock rubbing right between her cheeks as he folded his body over hers and placed heated kisses on her back and shoulders. She had to lean on her arms to not fall over, her breaths shallow as he kept kissing and teasing her. His hands moved over her curves, his fingertips ghosting her breasts before he leaned back onto the table with his hips pushing against her arse in a steady rhythm.
Her breaths turned into quiet moans as she felt him hardening between her thighs, his movements becoming more frantic. To help him or herself, she pushed her rear against him as well and coaxed a groan out of him. She noticed him leaning back, her skin wet and tingling from the ministrations of his mouth, before he grabbed her hips and pushed her forwards. She gripped the edges of the table in support, still trying to remain somewhat upright, as he moved behind her.
When he would press his tip against her wet folds, she shuddered, but she didn't complain. This was to distract him after all, this was all about him. She could have used a little bit more preparation, but in the end she let him push into her tight pussy with a confident thrust of his hips and she felt her knees shaking beneath her as he did so. Biting her lip, she inhaled sharply, trying to adjust to his girth and length as he slipped in all the way, stretching her clenched walls relentlessly.
Once he was settled inside her, he stopped moving and brought his hands up to caress her tense shoulders, pushing her hair aside gently, his fingertips sliding down her arms – and then he had the audacity to flip a page of the book in front of her. Issuing a noise akin to a strangled laugh, she turned her head slightly and stared at him out of the corner of her eye. She saw him smirking and yet his eyes were indeed moving over the writing below her.
Sighing deeply, she lowered her head before she shook it. “You can't be serious,” she muttered.
“Oh don't worry, love,” he whispered. “I can multitask,” he added and to underline his words he pushed his hips against her rear, coaxing a surprised whimper out of her.
And while he turned another page, he started moving against her, slowly retreating to push back in at the same pace, almost excruciatingly slow, definitely playing with her. She leaned down then, propped up on her forearms, right on top of the book, purposefully blocking his view.
She heard him exhaling loudly, before he grabbed her waist and immediately fell into revenge mode as he thrust faster into her, making the table sway beneath them. Her moans echoed off the damp walls of the Undercroft, mixing with the slapping of skin against skin and when he started grunting quietly, she closed her eyes and let it happen.
She felt her walls fluttering around his cock, the tension within her stomach building more and more, but before she could reach the desired height, she felt his movements becoming more frantic as he drove himself harder and deeper into her, his grip on her waist bruising as he pushed himself to finish before her for once. When he did, he gave her one final thrust, burying himself as deep as possible before she felt him prodding right against her cervix where he emptied himself with erratic twitches as he filled her with his warm seed.
Whimpering softly, she rested her head on her arms, her legs too shaken to support her any more. He remained close to her, her rear moulded to his front in a perfect fit, his shallow breaths ghosting her ear as he leaned over her to kiss her cheek, his body heavy on hers. “Thank you,” she then heard his low voice vibrating in her head. “I needed that...”
She smiled softly, keeping her eyes closed. “Told you,” she muttered with a chuckle. He gave her rear another push of his hips and coaxed a louder laugh out of her. “Why don't we stay like this for a while?” she offered in a quiet whisper.
“Am I allowed to read?” he asked and she felt one of his hands moving to grab the edge of the book she was still leaning on.
“No,” she said firmly and cracked open one eye. “Not yet.”
He sighed and pressed his lips to her cheek, before he leaned back, his hands returning to her waist. “Fine,” he said in a defiant voice and before she knew it, he moved back and pulled out of her, thick strands of cum following the movement as her walls clenched around nothing, pushing out the evidence of his intrusion. She was about to protest, but then he pushed back in, the quiet squelching sound enough to cause goosebumps to ripple over her skin. “Round two, you say?” he muttered hoarsely.
She replied with a deep moan and melted into the table once more as he moved his hips against her for a second time, this time seemingly focusing on her needs as he pushed and pulled his cock deliberately against her tight walls, in and out, as deep and as shallow as was needed to hit all the right spots within. She whimpered helplessly as waves of pleasure rushed through her, her limbs trembling, her hands closing around the edge of the table, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as she was engulfed by nothing but pure bliss.
He kept this rhythm until she came at least twice, her release pushing out of her with a force that sent the table rocking, her body quickly feeling boneless and too numb to do anything after convulsing so much. She didn't even mind him grabbing her by the throat as he pulled her up against his chest, her arms hanging loosely by her sides, and while he pounded into her at a faster speed, pushing her to yet another orgasm, he grunted deeply, his grip on her neck tightening with every thundering heartbeat that echoed through her clouded head.
She moaned and whimpered, the sensations inside her body varying from painfully tight tension to sudden explosions of pleasure, a constant up and down mirroring the rapid movements of his pelvis against her arse. Yet amidst all the noises they made, all the skin slapping to grunts and groans and heavy breathing, she could hear the faint sound of parchment being moved.
Opening one eye, she blinked against the fuzziness taking over her vision, before she saw it. He had one hand on her throat, yet his free hand was indeed turning pages while he fucked her. That cheeky bastard! She groaned and moved a hand to close around his wrist, trying to pry his fingers away from that blasted book, and to her utter surprise he grabbed her hand and held it to his lips, kissing her fingers with a softness she hadn't expected amidst his brutal thrusts.
She leaned against him and watched him out of the corner of her eye, breathless and boneless, yet she still managed a faint smile. He kept holding her hand and pressed it against her stomach, holding her in place as he continued his pace until she felt him shuddering against her. He let go of her throat and wrapped his arm around her waist, his chin heavy on her shoulder while he gave her a deep grunt and one final upwards snap of his hips, burying his twitching cock deep inside of her.
Impressed by his stamina and ability to fill her up yet again, she inhaled deeply as she felt him pump his seed into her once more, the tremors of his body mirroring hers before she slowly came down from her high. He remained holding her for a long moment after that, their breaths still heavy but no longer as frantic. She felt him warm and soft within her, spent and exhausted and hopefully also somewhat relaxed.
And while she was still leaning against him, too shaken to move, grateful for his arm holding her, he snaked his other hand away from her and went back to flipping through the book. She didn't even sigh this time, she just let him. He was too stubborn to stop anyway. At least she had been able to give him a little bit of a good time.
Though it didn't seem as if he wanted to let go of her just yet. Instead he simply included her in his studies as he hunched over the book, leaning his chin on her shoulder, his breaths deep and concentrated, and occasionally he would move against her, renewing their connection with another slow push of his hips, and she closed her eyes and embraced the sensation of her walls clenching lazily around him.
At least he wasn't alone any more, desperately mulling over those intricate writings, letting them go to his head and fill it with even more dread. Instead he had her warm body, a place to rely on and push into and relish in their intimacy. She knew she couldn't bring him to abandon his search and his inevitable trip down a path he really shouldn't take, but all she could do was be with him, stay by his side, show him that she was there for him, however he needed her.
Be it as emotional support or as a convenient cock warmer, she really didn't mind either way.
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End notes: This can be seen as part of my Nebbia DeLuca series (A Blessing and a Curse), I'm not at that point in the story yet, but I can imagine them doing this just like depicted here. They already spent A Night in the Undercroft after all.
Reminder: if you want to see the accompanying screenshots, they are right here. (They've been flagged on tumblr twice, so I uploaded them as another chapter to my AO3! They're obviously NSFW! So beware!)
Also I was heavily inspired to do my own takes on these spicy screenshots by @ultraviolet-x's post! 💚
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seetangus · 9 months
Ember island - Azula x reader os
Azula x gn reader, warnings: jelously, heavy arguing/fighting
1.844 words, this is not entirely proofread, so please point out mistakes!
This was requested, but since something went wrong with answering to the request directly I'm going to pop in a screenshot:
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I hope I got the request right, enjoy :)
Ty Lee looked at Azula. She sat on her chair, wanting to look more confident than ever, and she was succeeding at it. She always wanted to look even more confident when y/n was present. Why? Well, why would she? Everything was perfectly normal, wasn't it? And she surely did not have feelings for anyone at all, and even more surely she wasn't insecure about them not being mutual. No, everything was fine.
Then Ty Lee looked at you. You sat there, also wanting to look confident, failing quite miserably, but nobody present dared commenting on it, as everyone knew the reason for your misery; out of all the persons it could have been, your princess had for quite some time been the center of your tender love and admiration, but since she seemed pretty well off only admiring herself and not you, and since you did not feel worthy of being with royalty, you had yet to dare making your feelings official.
Ty Lee couldn't help but acknowledge how well the two of you fit together. She had rarely seen a duo emit such silence together, especially on a journey to beautiful Ember island where victory would be celebrated. Ty Lee decided to say something to rescue you from this situation. If it continued to be so silent, she feared you might lose your ability to speak.
But somehow talking in this atmosphere was hard even for Ty Lee, so her talking wasn’t much more than a few comments about how sunny it was. Still, you really appreciated her effort and responded by saying that it was indeed a very sunny day. Even Azula confirmed that the sun did shine more brightly than usual.
It was a delightful conversation.
Anyhow, once you arrived at Ember Island things got much easier, since you and Azula weren’t so close to one another now. You still were close, after all you somehow wanted to be, but it wasn’t the “it’s-awkward-if-we-don’t-talk” kind of close.
You had to say, this island really was pretty. You couldn’t wait for fun things to happen! Like, how funny would it be if Azula confessed to you, wouldn’t that be, like, really funny? You quickly got rid of that thought, as that would never happen, sadly. You shouldn’t let yourself go with these dangerous thoughts.
Luckily there were many other things to think about, such as the party everyone would go to this evening. You had been told that it would be in a beautiful villa next to the beach and lots of people your age would be there. It surely would be fun!
But since there was lots of time left until the party would start, the three girls and you decided to visit the beach. It really was a wonderful experience, especially after having fought against the Avatar for many months.
After some time you noticed that Ty Lee was being more and more blocked from your sight by an ever growing pile of dudes who held a biceps-competition of sorts to impress her. If they only knew she could defeat them in a heartbeat. You chuckled about the thought.
Throughout the day and much to your surprise quite a few girls wandered to your beach mat and started some kind of smalltalk, but since your only interest in a romantic way, Azula, laid only a few meters away from you on her beach mat and, unbeknownst to you, was giving you jealous looks, the girls all left when they realised you wouldn’t react to their hints.
< • ◇ • >
Then the party came.
Azula, Mai, Ty Lee and you were amongst the first ones to arrive. That probably had something to do with your training during the war, but you didn't really think about it.
Much more important was Azula. She wore a beautiful red dress with golden embroidery today, and the dim lights of the room made it seem as if it was glowing. And she was paying attention to you, making you wait eagerly for an opportunity to talk to her.
As more and more guests arrived and the general mood got more party-like, you dared starting a conversation with her. You very, very, very carefully tried to get the topic to be more intimate, and you noticed her giving some reluctant hints that she would like that.
But somehow, the two of you didn’t manage to warm up enough to get the conversation rolling, always ending up in small moments of silence. In one of these moments, a few girls who stood beside you in the now completely filled room, started talking to you.
You were hesitant in responding to them because you didn’t want to ruin the ‘conversation’ with Azula, but since neither of you said anything anymore or tried to get away from the girls your talk was now over. After a few moments, Azula walked away and the girls surrounded you completely.
You very much did not like what was happening. There probably were many people who would have rejoiced in your position; surrounded by pretty ladies, every single one of them seemingly wanting you, but you reacted quite reserved, to say the least.
Firstly, you never had something like this happen to you before. Well, except for the thing that had happened on the beach, but the crowd surrounding you there and the people who stood around you here probably consisted largely of the same members. Secondly, this went strictly against the intentions of your heart. Even if it was hopeless, you were devoted to Azula, and you were not going to become an unfaithful lover before any relationship even started.
So, turning down an ever increasing amount of gestures and advances from the people around you, you looked for Azula.
You made your way through the masses of people who attended the party, looking everywhere. Finally, you saw her red dress! She stood on the balcony, with a boy your age by her side.
You had been introduced to him, his name was Chan. They stood there, way closer than you had ever stood to her. The fabric of her dress shined under his fingers as he shamelessly touched her. And she was enjoying it! Feelings of pride and dignified contempt you had long not felt tried to cover up the deep cuts that opened up in your heart. Blind jealousy and despair flushed your consciousness to hide the pain you felt as Chan leaned in and … kissed her.
You were furious. Azula was wasting her first kiss on someone like this! Azula was a work of art, she was perfect, and now she let herself be tainted by the frivolous touch of this man? The purpose of your life, which Azula was, now was being held by the hands of that person and used to their liking. Your eyes burnt from what they saw; you couldn’t endure this horrible picture any longer.
You turned away, throwing your now pointless self into the pit of temptations that the party represented, hoping for them to make you forget what you saw; hoping to wash away the gruesome sight from your memory by letting yourself go.
< • ◇ • >
What felt like hours had passed, the party was now at its height. You had tried to let yourself go like Azula had. To show her that you were well off alone. You had flirted with anyone that came to your sight, but it had not worked. Even if they responded well to you, it did not feel right. You had underestimated your feelings for Azula… you did not only have a crush on her, you loved her! Your whole heart was aching for her, even after (maybe even more than before) you had seen her with Chan!
And it made you sick. You wanted to get fresh air, get away from all the people around you. You went to the balcony - Azula and Chan wouldn’t be there anymore. They had probably long ago gone to a more comfortable place. You scoffed.
You had finally reached the balcony. You inhaled the fresh air when stepping outside, but your breath hitched when you saw who stood before you.
She was here. Azula. Alone.
Suddenly, you did not hear the noise from the party anymore. Only the sound of the waves from the beach and your breath. Sometimes you thought you heard her breath too. The silence was deafening.
The looks you gave eachother were dreadful too. Her eyes resembled gemstones not only in how beautiful they were, but also in how clear and cold they were. She did not look at you, she looked inside of you.
“Alone again? Did that boyfriend of yours leave you for another girl?” You should not talk like that, but your blind jealousy made you say these words with a tremble in your voice.
“Like you are the one to talk,”, Azula immediately snapped back, taking a step towards you, “surrounded by a crowd of little lovers the whole day!”
You both were angry. The words you threw at eachother were hurtful, but something like this was predetermined; months of tension dissolved in this fight.
“Why should you care who tries getting my attention?”, you responded, mimicking her and also taking a step in her direction. “It's not like you wanted it instead! You don’t even appreciate me enough to talk to me properly!”, you continued, thinking about your conversation at the start of the party.
“Oh yeah?” Azula was furious to a dangerous extent. Normally she would have shown it by setting things ablaze, but this time her anger showed by her talking very emotionally: “I am the one who doesn’t talk properly? I am the one who doesn’t invest enough into our connection? Pah! Of course I don’t appreciate you; I love you, and if you even had the guts of a turtle-duck you would have kissed me before Chan got the chance, Idiot!”
In an instant, you forgot every thought of fighting. “You do?”, you asked very hesitantly, not wanting to believe your ears. Azula simply took another step forward and nodded. You felt her breath on your skin and her gaze resting upon your face.
Every bit of anger that had been in the atmosphere before had now been transformed to tender love; “I love you too, Azula” was everything you had to say to complete the moment.
Azula and you finally embraced eachother. After months of uncertainty you finally held her in your own arms. You only pulled out of the embrace for a very brief moment to look at her face - her crystal eyes were more beautiful than any star the firmament had to offer and her lips made yours feel incomplete without being connected with them.
Azula felt the same way and, having regained her usual demanding attitude, she looked up from your lips directly into your eyes. “Y/n, kiss me.”
Not only the lips of her and you, but also your souls united in this moment of love.
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mewsmagic · 5 months
Alright I did say I’d bring my infodumps and fantheying here to tumblr instead so lemme actually do this for once!!
Spoiler warning for Alrecchino’s animated short!
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If you haven’t watched it yet, here’s the link!
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Alright first things first! It looks like Clervie and Bulle Fruit girl were Alrecchino’s closest friends/sisters, which’s just so cute 🥺
From the visual storytelling and just how we saw Arle and Clervie together much more often than with Bulle Fruit girl, it also appears like Clervie was much much closer to Arlecchino, which’s so interesting!!
I love how Arlecchino is all about blacks, whites and occasional reds, she was always quiet and doing her own thing, and SHE HAD ACTUAL SHORT HAIR UNTIL RECENTLY ACTUALLY!!!! Gnc nation won!!!!
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Anyway ahemmm LOL and Clervie was the opposite. A pink, outgoing girl, full of life and wonder for the world she lives in. Also, she was “girly” and wears dresses, while Arlecchino doesn’t seem fond of them (like me omggg)
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Like, they’re literally opposites in everything, yet they were so close and so important to each other. Thinking about what comes next hurts my heart like nothing else just because of this.
Another thing I wanna bring up before we move on is: in this part, we learn that Arle’s deal with the black hand is indeed some kind of curse. And that’s probably why she was able to tell Furina’s also cursed, she had experience with one since birth after all
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I LOVE THAT THEY HAD THEIR OWN PLUSHIES MADE IN THEIR IMAGE!!!! Arlecchino’s plushie is so cute!!! I wonder if she kept Clervie’s after all these years 🥺
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In this part we also learn that their “mother” usually “argues” with her daughters, and for some reason Clervie has quite some injuries. From this, it���s not hard to assume she’s literally beating them up, which’s nasty.
A full grown woman beating up literal kids who cannot defend themselves? As a survivor of parental abuse, I felt this so hard, and I hate that hag so fucking much already.
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This part I didn’t get at first, probably bc I didn’t pay attention to the beginning; when I watched it again, I caught it however. Their “mother” not only physically abused them but also made them battle each other to death.
Resulting in Arlecchino being the very one that killed Clervie, and potentially Bulle Fruit girl too.
Naturally, she was full of rage. I would be too, if I were in her shoes.
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And that’s why I love her battle against “mother”. I didn’t take many screenshots because it’s a fast moving scene, but “mother”’s dialogue seems to hint that she’s the kind of mother that pretends to be caring and gentle but is actually cruel and ruthless in her actions. Which’s tbh the worst kind of mother probably.
Another detail that caught my eye was that Arlecchino was no match for her without her curse. But as soon as she released and embraced her curse, she not only defeated her “mother”, she blew up the entire building. Which’s epic as hell and I love that for her LOL
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I find it interesting that Arlecchino was actually pretty close to becoming a criminal because of killing “mother”. Which’s so tragic when you think that she had already killed Fatui members before (Clervie and Bulle Fruit girl), but they weren’t ranked enough for it to be a big deal, like their deaths didn’t mean anything. But to Arlecchino they did… Aaaaanywayyyy.
For some reason I thought the Arlecchino title succession was much more automatic, like 1. Kill your parent 2. You’re now king. I think it’s because I’ve seen this in other shows before, but here she was taken to Snezhnaya to be judged by the Tsaritsa herself.
Luckily, the Tsaritsa not only pardoned her crimes but also promoted her to Arlecchino. Also I gotta say, her words… “My poor, mad, cursed Knave” hit me so hard. The Tsaritsa does seem to not be that cold and to empathize with her. Based of her tbh.
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And at the end, we see a seemingly orphan child. At first I thought this was Freminet, but he has a more yellowish tone of eye color, so maybe this is a random kid?
Anyway, the thing that matters here is that Arlecchino says that she’ll be his strict and unfeeling “father”, which immediately stood out to me against her “mother”’s “kind and caring” approach.
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Looks like she decided to be a “strict and unfeeling father” to not become like her own “mother”. This is so real of her tbh. I already knew the previous Knave was nasty, but with this animation it really hit home to me, as a survivor too.
I wanna pull her even more now LOL may all Arlecchino wanters become Arlecchino havers!!!!! I’m so excited!!!!
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anti-lies · 4 months
Attention: After Talking to Another Real System, I've Come to Believe That the Endo Community is Being Infiltrated and Controlled by CIA Operatives
I need everyone to be aware and be vigilant because the threat is real. The endogenic community was invented to divide us and keep us distracted.
Having combed over several big potential CIA operatives, I've narrowed the field down to four possibilities. Remember that any or all of these could be CIA operatives, but I'm certain at least one has to be.
Possible CIA plants
@guardianssystem: This system claims to be a pro-endo "traumagenic" system as a way to give themselves authority. They have activity across multiple websites including TikTok and X. They're notable for compiling this document of "sources" to prove endos exist. This document is everywhere. It has suspiciously become the main compilation of endo sources that they love to link to at every turn.
@cambriancrew: They're a tulpa "system" who runs r/tulpas. For anyone who doesn't know, "tulpamancy" is essentially a form of brainwashing. Tulpamancers say they can change a person's brain to give them headmates, and they've convinced multiple "doctors" to back them. All of this sounds like MK Ultra stuff. Cambrian Crew, besides being an outspoken endo, appears to be well connected, and used those connections to help organize an AMA on r/tulpas. In this AMA, their CIA-paid doctors claimed to have conducted brain scans on tulpamancers that showed changes in brain activity when their tulpas were possessing limbs.
@sysmedsaresexist: A nefarious saboteur, Sysmedsaresexist posed as a prominent anti-endo voice for YEARS, building up a massive anti endo following on this site. Between their SysmedsAreSexist and JustAnotherSyscourse blogs, they practically single-handedly ran the "#shit endos say" tag dedicated to mocking endos. But then all of a sudden, they turn? And like CambrianCrew, SysmedsAreSexist appears to have a close relationship to "doctors," posting a screenshot of an email from Colin Ross, an expert in DID, that appears to support the existence of endogenic systems. All of this looks like a years-long psyop to gain people's trust and convert them.
@sophieinwonderland: Finally, that brings us to Sophie, another tulpa "system." She also has her own page filled with endo "sources" though not as detailed or widely disseminated as Guardians'. The more I looked into this one, the more disturbed I became. Sophie is, as far as I can tell, the system who started "The Future is Plural," the mass movement which we all know seeks to traumatize children en masse and give them dissociative disorders. She also openly brags about teaching people methods to dissociate and hallucinate, says that she believes she can rewire people's brains, and cheerfully is arguing in favor of propaganda.
Please, whatever you do, do not engage with these people. Not only to avoid harassing them, but because if they are indeed CIA operatives, it may not be safe to do so directly. I may be putting myself at risk just by talking about this aloud, and I believe they're already trying to discredit me, but I feel someone has to talk about this.
Community input in finding the spies is incredibly important.
Knowing all of the facts, I'd like to know who you all think is most likely a CIA operative.
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poemnic-tarot · 7 months
The Next 3 months Forecast - Timeless PAC Reading⛅️🍎
(Disclaimer: This is a general reading please only take what resonate. For entertainment purposes only)
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⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧 You Are Loved ⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧
Check out my master list: PAC Reading Master List
This is a PAID Reading example!!!!. If you resonate with is you can order a paid reading from me exactly like this here: Paid Reading
Don't forget to save it! screenshot for future Guidance!!
This is a Timeless PAC Reading, it will apply to whatever time you are reading this.
⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧 You Are Loved ⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧
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Pile 1🫧❄️
Energy check : The frog
"Treat yourself like how you want your parent to treat you"
Pile 1 you might feel a bit conflicted between to keep going or stopping or resting for a while. It is conflicting to you because you feel quite burdensome, like you have a lot of things to do and on your plate.You may have a conscious or unconscious high expectation of yourself to get everything done, even-though you don't really feel like it at all. You might feel depleted and in need of a break and it is vital that you do so. We cannot run with an empty fuel or even if we do we won't go far either.
It is time to nourish yourself with self care activities that you might have been putting off. Put down worries and stress for a while and if resting make you feel guilty, it is also the perfect time to examine on the reason why that is. Rest is your birth right, no need to earned it.
Pile 1 if this is your current energy then these are your next 3 months.
(Remember energy is alway shifting and changing depending on our present decisions)
❄️🫧1st Month - 5 of swords🫧❄️
"Freeing yourself was one thing, claiming ownership of that freed self was another" - Toni Morrison
The Artist greatest tortured has alway been the process of creation. It is when we have no idea if what we are currently working on will turn out like we hope for/or expected. That is how life is, a process, a work in progress. Remember that there is no destination to reach. It is indeed the journey that we must focus on.If things are up in the air right now and nothing has been decide yet, it is only because we ourself haven't make that decision. And deciding what to do is part of the process, instead of attaching fear, insecurity, nervousness, certainly uncertainty, around the process of not knowing yet. We can rewrite the story by changing it to anticipation, into excitement and entertaining what life have to offer you. Your life story is yours and you can change the genres at anytime.Is this life a tragedy?, a mystery?, a love story?, an adventure or just a slice of life. Whatever it is, you decide. By changing our perspective we changed our story suddenly.
And there is power in choosing, in giving yourself choices. God like power equivalent. There's a lot of fears attach to giving ourself choices that's why not a lot of people do it. "I don't have a choice" is a common phrase because it is easier to have everything up to fate. This is the time/opportunity to ask yourself what you want your fate to look like?. Freewill is on your side and whatever you decided, that is your fate. We do not know our fate by searching. We know our purpose by already done the deed then we decided that THIS is what we want to do. I want to do this, I choose this =your fate. Fate follow your decision. How many times/area in our life where we can 100 percent said that we choose this ourself?.
We are finally free from the unconscious drive, now it is time to live with intention. And that might feel uncomfortable and even hard but trusting in yourself is key. They say knowing is half the battle, so know thy self. Getting to know who you really are, what you really want to do will help you navigate this time easier.The most important thing is, you don't need to figure out the outcome of your decision or how it's going to turn out. All you need to make sure is that do you want to do this?.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 14. Ask for help
'What do you really need? be willing to accept support. There is so much support available to you. You only need to ask for help and you will receive it. Let go of fear and pride as they do not benefit you nor give you what you desire.'
Signs: 555, 1414, fishes, island, blue, water, Pisces, Aquarius
Songs: Is it love by Loreen
You'll find me in the echo of the dark Workin' on the riddle of your heart Lost you in a maze, now let me out Is it love? Is it love? Is it love?
Poem: Will You Fight? by @cant-find-my-name There's no beauty in this pain if incarnation exists I wish to never feel it again Life too hurt to live I have nothing else left to give Put me out of my mystery I demand to be free All these trials and tribulations You think you won't get over them But you did before So what's another one? But they go on and on You realised it won't be done The hardship are endless I have been giving my best That's the circle of life Will you give up now Or will you continue to fight?
Quote from Pinterest:
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🎐✨2nd Month - The fool ✨🎐
"It's okay that you're not who you thought you would be".
This is the time for experiment, for adventures, of discovering who you decided to be. We are alway learning about ourself so don't be surprise when a new side popped up. Be curious. What identity/story /belief are we so attach to or that we keep telling ourself?. I'm not the type to do that, or I cannot do this because I am not XYZ enough. How about we see ourself as a blank canvas for a change and that the empty space is not to be fear but to be fills with infinite possibilities. To achieve or want something new, firstly we must also become someone we never been before. For example, if you want to be a healthy person who is fit, then become someone who frequent the gym or do workouts. It mean tuning our frequency to match the vibrations of our desire outcome. For the little things and the big ones.
This world is our playground, this world is our oyster, and we are an avatar whose here to learn and have fun and become as many things as possible. Non attachment is key towards outcome, identity or how the story will unfolds. We do not know what will happen but one thing we know for sure is that every new day is a new lesson to learn from.
Embodies the energy of creation/ take inspiration from around you. Everything you go through or witness have a connection towards you one way or the other. Any ideas/creative projects that suddenly strike you is no coincidence, it find you deliberately. Every things that has been created was an idea once and if there's one that has found you, do not be afraid to answer the call. Be curious.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: Have faith. Trust your faith in this situation.
"When we honestly believe things will work out, our faith will confidently see us through. It can be challenging to move forward when you aren't sure what the outcome will be. Stay present with whatever is in front of you right now. You may have doubts or fear when you take a step forward or make a decision, but faith gives you the courage to continue"
Signs: daisy, dandelion, Sun, tiger, Golden butterfly, golden wings, crocodile, balloon, 33, yellow
Song: Coming back for you by Fireboy DML
Well I pray that the universe Gives you way more than you deserve When the tears fall like shooting stars Remember who you are Just look up to the sky you'll see
Poem: Who You Can Be by @cant-find-my-name
When you stop holding tight To who you thought you were And instead be open to new
Possibilities of you Then you'll see Who you truly are Or can become Weak foundation must be undone Old identity forgotten Mind full of limitations Cannot attract abundance Because you are not open To receive them It's time to wake up and see See the possible version Of Who You Can Be
Quote from Pinterest:
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🍭🍡3rd month - 2 of wands🍡🍭
"Every next level of your life will demand a different you".
Pile 1, in this time the way forward is open for you. Keep your momentum. You are unstoppable. Your energy is unstoppable. You are a force to be reckon with, take action towards your visions. If you have vision/ideas, a dream reality, this is the time to take action towards it. The need for movement is not from doubt or fears. From now on, 'I want to act with love' and you might learn that the decisions and action after that will be different than the way you operate before. Because when you operate from love, there's a certain confident, an inner knowing and an unshakable faith that everything is going to be alright. Because it has alway been that way.
Everything in this universe is right, nothing is wrong. When you realise that, whatever action you take, will alway be the right one. You will be able to clearly see the Success in your ventures as you move forward. The picture you painted in your head is coming together in real life. This reality is unfolding in a way that you alway know to be true. In a way, deep inside you know that this universe has alway favour you. Everything is working for you, it is time to accept this truth and work for ourself.
There will be a lot of energy within us this month, use this wisely to propel our goals forward, in any area of our life.
Richard L. Evans Quote: “Your direction is more important than your speed.”
When you finally pick a direction walk towards it with head held high. You choosing your own path/way is already success in itself.
Stars Dragons Oracle quote - Find your light and follow it home - until you realised that with every step you are already there.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 24. Focus on love. Look for the good in everyone.
"Focusing on the love will change and heal any negativity that is there.How you perceive a situation has a lot to do with how you feel about them."
Signs: Letter JJ, orange, sunset, Dragons, lantern, 2423,
Songs: Rise by League of Legends, Mako, and The Word Alive
Higher and higher you chase it It's deep in your bones, go and take it This is your moment, now is your time, so Prove yourself and RISE, RISE Make 'em remember you RISE Push through hell and RISE, RISE They will remember you RISE
Poem: Confident by @cant-find-my-name
So this is what confident feels like It's no longer undefined It's no longer random burst Unexpected, at the mercy of when it Will emerge Now I can call on it Anytime At the tip of of my fingers At the top of my tongue My body oozes of confident Trust in oneself is the definition To give it my all To not hesitate or keep myself small With my inner strength With all my might I will stand tall In the front line and face it all
Quote from Pinterest:
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⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧 You Are Loved ⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧
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Pile 2🌦🌕
Energy check : The wolf
"I understand if the wound is greater than an apology can cure"
Pile 2 You might be dealing with disappointment right now. If something or someone has turn out differently then you expected, this is an opportunity to let go. We think we might have a great idea of someone and if that person deviate from our view of them, life might suddenly does not make sense. That someone can also be yourself. If things or person actions does not make sense to you, we can only ask ourself if we align with their actions or not. We can't control people but we can control how we response to them. We human are a unique individual but we are not that different from each other. WE all have the same fundamental needs, the need to belong, the need to be loved, the need to fulfils our own desires, the need for stability/security.
What motive/base intention drive you?, and people close to you. The base alway determine the action. And what kind of action are you okay/align with to fulfils that particular need of yours. And what actions simply doesn't.
For you, the end doesn't justify the means. Even if the intention is good but the action to fulfil that needs is hurting you in some way either from others or even yourself, it is okay to acknowledge that that is not the way you want to proceed. Understanding what you can or cannot tolerate is key.
Pile 2 if this is your current energy then these are your next 3 months.
(Remember energy is alway shifting and changing depending on our present decisions)
✉️🪄1st month - 7 of pentacles🪄✉️
"You can try again tomorrow"
Pile 2 You have infinite chances.You might be questioning where is your reward for all the hard work you did?.The real question is, how can I become the things I want?. People might not realise it but even with the desires for material goals or material obtainment is to fulfil a certain need/emotion within us. For example, stable income for the feeling of security, a physical home to fulfils the feeling of belonging. We do not need to wait until obtaining those things to feel that particular emotions. We can cultivate a sense of security within us now. If you seek abundance, embody it, become it because you are what you attract.
We must ask ourself why we made importance certain goals in our life. And if our efforts did not show case in obtaining that goals, do we lose something in the process?. There is never a lost in trying and if you have try, you have already gain. Wisdom, lessons, getting to know another side of yourself. Different situations bring out a different you, different outcome bring out a different you. It ask you what do you truly value?, your hard work or the result of it?. Aren't both equally important?. So why do we disregard one when the ending is not what we expected?. If the same way hasn't work for you before, why not try a different way?. What are we trying to achieve here?. Who are we becoming in the process while we pursue our goals? do we feel lighter or heavier?. You have work hard to become who you are today, but strip away the obvious, who are you really?. What is your soul like?. Do you know what your soul feel like?. If the situation seem like it isn't working for you, it time to take back your power and make it work for you.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 33. Appreciate this moment. Every situation is an opportunity to grow and find love.
"Challenging circumstances rarely make sense at the time. It is important to face what is happening so you can learn the lessons. Ask the angels to show you what is important in this moment."
Signs: 333, Conch shell, seashells, angels, archangel Ariel, Yellow
Song: Thank God I Do by Lauren Daigle
I've started breathing The weight is lifted here With You, it's easy My head is finally clear There's nothing missing When You are by my side I took the long road But now I realize I'm home with You, I'm home
Poem: Why isn't That Me? by @cant-find-my-name
I look up at the sky And saw people fly My immediate thought was Why isn't that me? What else do I need to feel more free? To feel happy What is the formula for greatness? And why don't I have it? My confident is all but a grand Emulation What do I lack that they don't? How can they spread their wings without care And why don't I dare Going for it too? Is it hard work or talent Or is it bravery or passion? Both which I can't find within me So if I want to be up there too I have to find the success recipe I need to solve this inner Mystery
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🍓🫧2nd month - King of pentacles🫧🍓
"Because we can't see what's ahead, you have to trust that dots will somehow connect in your future"
Pile 2 This is the month to build a strong foundation on what you valued, what you truly believe in. We managed to get this far but we know we can go much farther. This life is a journey and in a way you have "made it". The trust you have in yourself never lead you astray. Your faith in your visions, instinct, your own path will alway lead you home. In a way, you were never lost, you alway know where you are heading to.
This has been a long journey for you but it is a worthwhile one. You have achieved so much, time to acknowledge THAT. You know who you are, you are stable inside yourself, you trust your path like never before. And it is these differences in you that will transformed your outer reality. As above so below, as within so with out. You can clearly see in front of you now, no obstruction, no confusion. You alway know that there's no need to rush, it is not the destination but the journey that is the most exhilarating and satisfying.The fulfilment is in the way there, life is a never ending journey and you cannot wait to invent a new path for yourself to embark on.
Slow and steady win the race. and you know that wherever it is you're suppose to go, you are never late. You are alway on time. And having fun, taking in the view, smelling the roses, on your way there is what define your experiences more than the destination.Life become fulfilling to you now as you seek more experience that feeds you rather than deplete you.
"I don't want to feel better, I want to know better. I should have known that God is not in the meal but in the sharing of the meal. I should have told you that holiness resides in needing each other, in acts of survival made generous."
Julian K. Jarboe ( I saw this post in tumblr and was call to put it here)
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 28. The union of Hearts. A love connection defies explanation.
"It is important to recognise the significance love has in your life. Shift your attention to the essentials in your relationships. Celebrate the wealth of love present in your life. This card is prompting you to redirect your awareness from your goals and desired outcomes, onto your relationships."
Signs: 111, 88, 28, constellation, Centaurus, open fields, Black knight, shield
Song: At All Costs by Ariana DeBose and Chris Pine
If happiness was a tangible thing It would be you If you'd have told me the feeling you'd bring I'd think it untrue And people search for a wonder like you All of their lives You still amaze me after all this time
Poem: This is Truly Tragic by @poemnic-tarot
Have I been worried about the result? Anxious about the outcome? And in the in between time Missed all the fun? Mind, what a tragedy This is truly tragic I've only lived for fleeting moments That in the big Picture Doesn't contribute to anything Now I get it, I will try not to live in stress Of course I have my worries But now I know when To let it rest
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❄️💫3rd Month - 7 of swords💫❄️
"One can be the master of what one does, but never of what one feels"
Pile 2 in this month you might feel quite independent. It is encourage you to go your own path. Solitute or spending time by yourself might be what you needed. No need to be agreeable with people if you have a different opinion. You learn more by listening, especially listening to what's not being said. If there is a revelation or a certain truth or even a shift in perspective revealing themselves this time we can take our time to come to term with it. No need to react right away, or identify with it. We can observe the behaviours of other to determine if it align with us. Feeling differently than what we should feel doesn't mean we are wrong or that we should conform. Accepting our individuality is key, our uniqueness is what will set us free.
If something is crumbling down let it fall. You cannot save a fake foundation. You know the truth will alway come out, and the truth is never meant to hurt you, but only to set you free. Free from flock mentality or the matrix. When you have seen you cannot unseen. And how ever you feel about it is up to you and yours alone no need to hold back on our feeling or frustration, or anger.
Original path mean designing your own blueprint. If this world seem fake to you suddenly, know that your mind, your belief is what makes your reality. Your belief will set your path, do you believe in freedom?. Because it become yours when you believe in it. You are not trap here, you are on a solo journey. Hang in there, discard the need for things to make sense. YOUR REASON can be different from other people that's why you are leading a different life than other people. You are the truth that this world need, if this world is filled with illusion, you are the real gold among plastic. A truth seeker, a truth speaker. Observe the truth, find it, become it.
Signs: 777, snow, white, crescent moon, Hummingbird, morning glory, sea, blue flowers, lava, magma, a record player
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 31. Love makes the difference. love helps heal past hurts and provides a sense of security and self - worth.
"Love is strong and can endure anything. if you trust love everything else will fall into place.When there are challenges, it is important to keep your heart open."
Song: Hummingbird by James Blake and Metro Boomin
And hummingbird I know that's our time (that's our time) But stay on Stay on, stay on with me And hummingbird I can never unsee What you've shown me Stay on, stay on with me
Poem: Four Of Wands by @cant-find-my-name
With hopeful seed You planted your needs And wish them well Hoping they grow To abundance more For you to sell But What are flowers? And what are weed? Which shall you keep? Which is which? You cannot tell In Four Of Wands You have built But slowly, reality seeps in Like stained water, dripping into your ideal dreams Your house must sustain Strong concrete standing Firm foundation as storm rolled in It won't be blown apart As you will make sure That you're not building a house of cards
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⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧 You Are Loved ⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧
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🌸⚡️Pile 3⚡️🌸
Energy check: The Lion
"This moment will just be another story someday"
"You can try again tomorrow"
Pile 3, you might be feeling sad or nostalgic lately. But there's no specific situation to cause this particular emotion.You might be feeling like you have outgrown your environment and people around you. You feel like you cannot relate to your usual people, things, or even hobby. What you used to vibe with, there isn't the same connection there anymore. You feel like the same things, people , places just doesn't do it for you anymore.
This is because you have gone through a massive transformation. You have ascended spiritually, at first internally, then the outer reality will let you know that it's time to go. You feel like the same thing does not satisfied you anymore. In a way, your soul is seeking something new, a new adventure, a new challenge. You are ready for the next level. You will slowly transition to new things naturally as the same old routine, hobby, places you used to frequent will not quench that thirst of yours.
Yes, it's okay to feel sad, even grieving the past, but also you can celebrate. You made it Pile 3, you have mastered your growth. A new chapter is awaiting you. In fact, you are already on your way there, the feeling of dissatisfaction is the first clue.
Song: The Hills by Rachel
Have you ever noticed That your house don't feel like home? (Home, home) In a room that you've outgrown Scrubbing at the writing on the walls (walls, walls) Everybody's been there So you try your best to leave (leave, leave) I was told the grass is greener But it's just a fantasy, it seems
Pile 3 if this is your current energy then these are your next 3 months.
(Remember energy is alway shifting and changing depending on our present decisions)
🍏✨1st month - 7 of pentacles✨🍏
"Stretching his hand up to reach the stars, too often man forget the flower at his feet."
Pile 3, this is the month of appreciation. You do not need to look far to feel satisfied. We can concentrate on what we don't have yet, who we want to be with, where we want go. Those empty spaces are not a representation of how worthy you are or not. You are worthy as you are, with or without what you seek. Put in effort and focus on what you actually vibe with. Ask yourself what you rather be doing. Work smarter not harder. You know you can do it when you decide to. Trust that whatever you put efforts in it will grow. Just like how you did yourself. Energy flow where attention goes.
You witness the result in yourself, when you poured into your self you notice how much you grow. Everything in life is like a plant, a tree, or a flower. Everything we want to build need focus, attention, efforts and energy, as well as the right environment and nutrient. Whether that is people, project, work or habits. Adjust accordingly, what do you need the most right now. To feel better physically?, rest, to grow a business? consistency. We know what everything need in order to become the beautiful flower we know it would. Give yourself three things this month Pile 3, Time, Patient and faith. When you apply this to your self or the things you want, you have everything. You reap what you sow, anything you focus on and put energy in will eventually grow. No matter how slow, the flower will inevitably bloomed.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 30. True Love. this love is once in a life time.
"Unconditional love is easier said than done. maintaining the love in a relationship takes more than good intentions. Positive intentions are a solid first step, but it is better to learn how to nurture your relationship each day."
Signs: 144, 72, 11, letter T, Pig, white snake, fireworks, better late than never, guitar, Elf, Ocean waves, sparrow
Song: On The Ground by Rosé
I worked my whole life Just to get right, just to be like "Look at me, I'm never coming down" I worked my whole life Just to get high, just to realize Everything I need is on the Everything I need is on the ground
Poem: Skills and Hard Work by @cant-find-my-name
Take up the skills and Devoured it Eat it up for breakfast The component you have it The natural talent and hard work Two plus two equals Our passionate love It's not hard at all It's who I am My habit is practice Putting formulas together For my benefit I want to conquered the world Then so be it If I can't make bread from scratch Then Victory? Forget about it
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🐇🌙2nd Month - The Tower🌙🐇
"Biggest lesson: Don't ever think it can't happen to you."
"Remember how far you've come instead of how far you've to go"
Pile 3, in this month you must remember that everything is going according to plan. It might not seem so but we have to accept that we are not all knowing. All we can focus on is trust in the process. Notice how every time we ask/pray for something we get the opposite?. For example, you wish for true authentic love, the universe will reveal where that is not present.Maybe even magnify it to you where true love isn't.A big red arrow pointing to show you that what you pray for is alway there, but we must transformed it into exactly what we ask for.
Keep calm and continue what you're doing. If the ground you're standing on is crumbling, let it fall. You asked for this.There's a quote that goes something like this"people witness The violent it take to change but no one knows the violent it takes to stay the same" Choose your hard. Nothing is wrong. Everything is right within this universe. What you're witnessing is transformation. The cocoon is transforming into a butterfly. But in between that, how violent, chaotic is the change?. Transformation is not pretty, it might even look like destruction. No matter what's it look like this month, remember that the transformation is alway in your favour.Keep that in mind. When the planet moves, it move in your favour, it moves for your greatest good. The process of transformation is not for the feint of heart, it require trust and calmness and the ability to breathe as illusion breaks.
'Demolish the fortress of yourself so that your truth may flow free from the ruins.' explanation of the Tower card from Tarot of Stars eternal.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 15.Practice Compassion. See things from a fresh perspective. Love and compassion always bring positive outcomes.
Signs: Red, purple, Mars, Fire signs, blue tit, blue feather, blue crystal cluster, forget me not, blue rose
Song: We Are The Champions by Queen
I've taken my bows And my curtain calls You brought me fame and fortune And everything that goes with it I thank you all But it's been no bed of roses No pleasure cruise I consider it a challenge before The human race And I ain't gonna lose
Poem: Peace Will Find You Somehow by @cant-find-my-name
If you're scare of things going wrong Then, you're scare of living Cause life will almost alway goes wrong Darling, Your lesson here is to learn To be okay with chaos Cause it will happen Or happening There is no stopping Peace cannot be found when all is all Peace can be found now Even in the midst of War During bloodshed and Violence All around If you take a deep breath Plant both feet on the ground Even then Peace will find you somehowQuote from Pinterest:
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☘️🌾3rd Month - 6 of cups🌾🍀
Pile 3, this is an intense time for you. Where you feel everything so deeply, you might notice that every senses is intensify.Your taste buds, scent of smell, especially your emotions. When you're happy it's so high and when you're low it's so low. This might feel like a rollercoaster time period. Pleasure and pain goes hand in hand, you could say one cannot exist without the other. But we do not have to be at the mercy of pleasure or pains. They do not or should not define our life experiences. Everything in this UNIVERSE is neutral. You are the one defining your experience as pleasure or pain or even both. It's doesn't have to be either or, it can be either and.
What experiences do you categorise as painful and which are defined to you as pleasurable?. It possible to have both in one day, if you define today as painful you have already limited it capacity. To define is limit. Remember you can have both in one, if this day start as not so good, the rest can change to better. You are the one who define your experience not the other way around.
You can either see the experiences you had as a mistake, or a lesson to learn or grows from. There is no mistake or accident in this universe, everyone you meet or everything you've been through is to shape you to who you are. Ask yourself who you want to become, and see every experience after that as a lessons to help you transform into that person. Reconnect to joy not pain.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 3.Back to what you love. Re-evaluate your desires.
"You are meant to live a life of happiness. Bliss, love, relationship and wealth are your fate. you can change your mind at any time and do something you have always longed to. when you do something you love, you reconnect to your bliss."
Signs: 33, scorpion, dove, Video games, Playground, tree roots, 66
Song: You say by Lauren Daigle
I keep fighting voices in my mind that say I'm not enough Every single lie that tells me I will never measure up Am I more than just the sum of every high and every low Remind me once again just who I am because I need to know Ooh-oh You say I am loved when I can't feel a thing You say I am strong when I think I am weak And you say I am held when I am falling short And when I don't belong, oh You say I am Yours And I believe (I) Oh, I believe (I) What You say of me (I) I believe
Poem: Turn It Around by @cant-find-my-name
Turn it around You have it the ability Trust it you do Turn Negative into Positive If that is too much Turn it neutral Nothing is against you It is all a projection Or your bias assumption As well as Misplace subjection In the grand schemes of things You are fine, you are doing alright Maybe you expect too much, Maybe you were expecting fireworks and parade To indicate Victory But small wins count The fact that you are here today Is proof enough for you to seeQuote from Pinterest:
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⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧 You Are Loved ⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧
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🫑Pile 4🐁🌽
Energy check - The Bear, Whale
"Getting no message is also a message" Pile 4 you just ended a big cycle recently and it was tiring. It was a long arduous journey. You might feel like you just run a marathon or the equivalent. Maybe in the outer reality it seem like you haven't done much but, energetically, you have just transmuted a big, big cycle. Well done. Great job.
When you decided that you deserve something better, instead of keeping yourself small, you want to not only survive but thrive. The inner work come first. And the inner work was the hardest part.You passed the hardest part, take a rest and give your self a pat on the back. You might think there's still things you want to do to build to try and you will.Look how far you have come. But we must acknowledge all that we did first before we can move on.
You have an inner knowing inside you that you want to follow, you know your purpose and you are eager to start. Preparation is key. Just like before running a marathon you must first train your stamina, your body, have a consistent routine, adjust habit accordingly, and whatever else you need in order to start your race and move forward in that direction.What small little foundation that need to be done in order for you to run a marathon? to start running?.
Song: Rise by Katy perry
I won't just survive Oh, you will see me thrive Can't write my story I'm beyond the archetype I won't just conform No matter how you shake my core 'Cause my roots, they run deep, oh
Pile 4 if this is your current energy then these are your next 3 months.
(Remember energy is alway shifting and changing depending on our present decisions)
🍥🪶1st month - The fool🪶🍥
Pile 4, this is a big month for you. This is where your journey start. You might feel magic in the air. Literal electric charge in the atmosphere. Luck is on your side. This is a favourable time for you to embark on the path that you alway dream of. Everyone have that thing on their mind, secret desires or wishes that seem impossible every time we think about it ( for example, moving to another country, change job) Do you have something like that in your heart?. This month is when we face it, surrender to it calling. We are finally answering and asking our desires what does it want us to do?. Give me the first step and I'll take it.Start your preparation to stay ready (for example, moving to another country, research the visa, law, and documentation etc,) What else should we do except follow our soul?.
Fear, doubts, is a natural part of life but they will be taking a backseat while you are literally flowing, walking on air, walking on water as you call it. Your intuition is quite strong and it's important to let it lead you at this time. Nothing have to make sense. We don't have to know everything, just the next step is enough. We don't have to know where we're going, that's part of the fun. You had ended a big cycle recently and if you were wondering, when will the next one start?because it starting to feel stale in the old chapter.
This is the time of a new chapter for you and it might seem like everything is up in the air, but that usually how everything start. Let the positive energy and the dawn enveloped you. Feel the sun on your skin and bask in your New world.Every new path is a path back home and home is where your heart is.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 3. Back to what you love. Evaluate your desires.
"You can change what you are doing at any time. You do not have to feel stuck. Go back to what you know and, more importantly to what you love."
Signs: Pink, Green,1010. Dove, golden energy, roses, sun
Song: The Last Of The Real Ones by Fall Out Boy
I was just an only child of the universe And then I found you And then I found you You are the sun and I am just the planets Spinning around you Spinning around you You were too good to be true Gold plated But what's inside you But what's inside you I know this whole damn city thinks it needs you But not as much as I do As much as I do, yeah
Poem: Divine’s Call by @cant-find-my-name
Heavy rain calls for Lightning
But it’s hard to predict when the strike
Will come
You hardly would miss the Rumblings
The electric energy as charged as the sun
You know we will intervene
For the greatest good of all
It’s time to step out into this world
Instead of keeping yourself
You know you can conquered earth
Ocean, Heavens
You did it many times before
And each time
Your name will never be mistaken
As nothing but
The Divine’s Call
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🌸🌕2nd month - 7 of Cups🌕🌸
“It was never a question of biology of nature or nurture. I know now that we heal up through being loved and through loving others”
Pile 4, Watch out for this month. There might be a lot of distraction. A lot of people or even tasks that might asked for your attention and it is important to be extra discerning this month. For we might find that the month has passed by and you might feel like you haven't got anything you want done.Things that you resonate with. If you want to finish a project, a book, a new hobbies/skills be mindful of how much time and energy you're putting in. Because if you find that the progress is slow, we must be realistic and ask ourself did we poured that much energy in it? if not then we might want to do more of it.
There might be a lot of options coming to you this month but the most important thing to keep in mind is, to choose the option that is the most rejuvenating, healing, the option that pour into you or return your energy. Whether that is people, project, jobs, friends, events etc. There is only one rule for you, do I feel drained or rejuvenate with this?. What would a person who love themselves do? Ask yourself this question again and again no matter what situation you are in, because the answer to it is the clarity you're looking for to avoid confusion. If you feeling extra muddy and blurry on your choices this month, do not make any important decision. Give your self time and patient and never pressure yourself to quickly choose, Because you have time alway.
If anything or anyone doesn't give you time and pressure you to choose quickly or threaten that it will be gone, whether it is a job, person etc. Do we want to associate with something that does not give us time to think about it? because what meant for you will never pass you by. Pile 4, what is yours will only wait for you.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 15. Practice compassion. see things from a fresh perspective.
"Walking in someone else's shoes can bring us to a tender understanding that may always bring positive outcomes."
Signs: blue tit, crystal Geode, squirrel, Wind chimes, ocean waves
Song: LIMBO by Keshi
I've just been goin' through motions, back and forth like a ocean I am a fraud, I am the shit, hoping that nobody notice Bang chest in the morning, head down in the night Drink less if I wanted, strike up with a light And square up, I'm the mightiest Myself in the fight, hurt twice, but I tried it No advice for this shit, might die for this shit Do I feel alive, feel alive, feel alive?
Poem: Blue Or Red? by @cant-find-my-name
Feeling lost but I know I am guided I don't hold the map I followed the stars The constellations showed me the path Only I can see I choose to go my own way And the journey is lonely And vicious Many times, I've thought to maybe Stop And let the conventional normalcy Control me Like everyone else Being different made you a target Everyone chooses Blue But I said Red Now they can all see My choice in all it's glory They all went for ordinary But I decided to create my own Fate
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🎏🪄3rd Month - Ace of Wands🪄🎏
"You don't notice your progress in life because you are always raising the bar"
Pile 4, Fist of all for this month please recognised that you have done a lot, You have come so far and this need to be recognised especially this month, by you. You might feel inspired to start a new project, new hobby or even a new chapter in life. One of the reason might be because you have clear out a lot of old energy, whether that is old relationship, friendship, past wounds, etc. You did so much to be at a place of non attachment. A blank/clean slate, you might feel like nothing is holding you back anymore, you might find that it's easier to go for or do the things you've alway wanted. And you are right. You can use this fearless/bold energy to birth that creative project, or book that ticket of yours. Whatever it is follow your courage and inspired action for it will lead you to the answer you might not know you seek.
In the past you might have asked yourself what am I doing this for?, why do I keep going? or why am I fighting so hard for my dream? These might be your question in the past that will be reveal to you this month. You will know why you chose what you've chosen. This is what you were seeking without knowing. This is what you were waiting for, your signs, your signal, your path. And when you encounter it you will not miss it or mistaken it for anything. Whether that is a person, a career, a life purpose, or even where you will live. And this meeting will set fire to your soul and ignited your passion once more. Which will propel you towards a new, long, but promising future/chapter. Please look out for it but do not seek it, it will find you especially when you feel inspired to act suddenly. Let your soul take the lead this month and watch it surprise you. Watch out for an important person, partnership, soul family this month, wink wink.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 27 Spiritual Connection. A relationship has a connection that goes beyond this lifetime.
"Everything happens for a reason. Some people come into your life to help you learn a lesson and they will make a real impact on your life. Whether it be with a lover, a primary partner or in a relationship for growth, a spiritual connection is important to you now."
Signs: Wands, Red, green, 444, 27, Saturn, crown chakra, Purple
Song: Taylor Swift - Begin Again
And you throw your head back laughing Like a little kid I think it's strange that you think I'm funny, 'cause He never did I've been spending the last eight months Thinking all love ever does Is break and burn, and end But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again
Poem: Song Bird by @cant-find-my-name
Song Bird you grew your wings
And strengthen your voice
Now your words glided ears
Like gentle melody
Of glowing river and easy breeze
The beat rhyme with the rhythm of the hearts
Everyone will hear your songs
But they might not understand it right away
And that's okay
No need to adjust the tune or
Filter it down
No need to be scare if
You are too loud
This volcanic sound
Will echoes around
And reaches the vibration
To the ones
That needed to know and get your lyrics
They would not question it
So Songbird
Sing your song
And speak your words
Every creatures will sing along
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⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧 You Are Loved ⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧
Thank you so much for reading!! 🧿See you soon!🧊
Check out @cant-find-my-name for more of my Original poetry or Follow my IG PoemNic🍤
Check out my YouTube channel for more Pick A Card - PoemNic-Tarot🍧
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nalyra-dreaming · 6 months
Hello! Hope it’s okay to message. I saw your post about Marius and the paintings in the series/trailer but I’m dumb and don’t understand them. Can you explain them screenshots of when they’re in the trailer and series? Thank you so much
Of course!
So in episode 2 we see Daniel in front of a painting.
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Armand: "It's Venetian. A contemporary of Tintoretto's." Daniel: ""Marius de Romanus." Never heard of him." Armand: "Little of his work survives. Mr. de Pointe du Lac covets the rare."
Now. it's probably important to know here that Marius is Armand's maker, and he painted him quite a few times. (Armand also was an icon painter in his mortal life, in the book, we'll see how they'll spin it here, though the art in that one shot in the trailer is very interesting.)
Supposedly Armand thought Marius dead for long periods of time. However, given that we're in a mixed timeline, and that there are indisputable elements of the last trilogy in the show (Fareed, for example.) I believe that we are looking at the show's version of "Trinity Gate". And in the Trinity Gate era Armand was more than aware that Marius was indeed not dead. In fact there had been reconciliation. For me the painting on the wall of that apartment indicates that a certain reconciliation between must have happened already. I cannot see Armand look at his maker's painting when he still harbors the negative feelings he must have felt after it all came down.
In the trailer we see this guy, played by Justin Kirk, who I think will be/is Marius. He says: "You should fear the other one."
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And right afterwards there is a shot of Louis hurling his glass with blood at a painting.
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However, that is not the painting by Marius (that would be behind Louis there). This is "Rembrandt's "The Storm on the Sea of Galilee" (something which Assad Zaman cheekily posted ages ago^^).
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Here you probably need to know that after the "chase" of the Devil's Minion arc (so when Armand hunted Daniel across the globe and eventually fell in love with him) there was a phase, where they hunted down art thieves. And kept the art.
That is stolen art from Daniel's and Armand's time together on the wall.
Edit: @cbrownjc pointed out that the timeframe of the theft doesn’t match the likely DM timeframe. So the painting might be from after DM! (But still stolen art^^)
And Louis throws blood at it in obvious frustration.
In the story referenced through the painting Christ calms the storm after his disciples panic, and he admonishes them: "Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?"
Given that (I'll just call him that until proven otherwise) Marius just talked about who Daniel needs to fear in the previous scene? Definitely not a coincidence :)
I also do not think the "presence" of Marius behind Louis on the wall there is any coincidence. (But it cannot be seen, and that is definitely no coincidence either, imho.)
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Marius has been foreshadowed, and quite heavily, imho. He is also necessary for both Armand's and Lestat's backstories.
It's... too early I think to fully analyze what it means. It could mean Daniel has fully remembered and he and Armand are in their own little bubble (after all Louis seems to be alone there). We'll see.
Last but not least:
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This - there's paintings.
Has Armand started to paint again? Has he shown Louis his paintings? Does he make himself vulnerable there for Louis, and Louis... accepts the invitation? Bites him there? Turns him to kiss him?
I would actually love that.
Because that would be a huge step for Armand. Huge. Cannot be overstated. Because Armand, too, carries lots of trauma. (They all do.)
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ingravinoveritas · 7 months
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(Note that @angelsadvocate96 also included a screenshot of AL's post, which I am omitting here since we have two already.)
I did see this Insta story yesterday, and again...wow. Before I go any further, I want to be clear that my issue with this has nothing to do with it being "inappropriate" (depending on your definition, of course). I am by no means a prude, and it is not and should not be shocking that Michael and AL have had sex. We know this, and we have proof of this, so that is not a big thing. I do, however, think it is interesting that just a few days ago, we had Michael being David's "boyfriend" and now here's AL seemingly marking her territory again. So that makes me wonder what has suddenly changed.
Also, as angelsadvocate96 mentioned, this does indeed seem to be a Georgia-style brag...but it falls flat. It doesn't help that "sleep next to" is just a really weird turn of phrase, and could as easily mean AL and Michael's beds are next to each other (a la every 1950s TV sitcom) as it does that they're sleeping in the same bed. It also stops short of being overtly sexual (because she didn't say "sleep with"), and so ends up in that weird place of trying to be scandalous, yet also not. But when you have Georgia out here five years ago talking about how much she and David enjoy anal sex and possibly her pegging him, Anna's "innuendos" just seem completely tepid in comparison.
The other thing that stood out to me is the mention of Ian McKellen, the #lifegoals hashtag, and Anna seemingly bragging about the fact that one of the most important parts of her relationship with Michael is meeting celebrities. We knew this already from the Dolittle premiere and the now-infamous picture of her meeting Rami Malek, as well as the fact that she follows many of Michael's co-stars and other famous figures connected to him on social media, and has had a history of replying primarily to comments from those people, to the exclusion of most everyone else. But I'm genuinely confused as to why you would ever want to give that impression of your relationship, especially on a post that's supposed to be promoting a TV appearance of his.
Her post also made me wonder how aware Anna really is of Sir Ian or his work, as I wasn't sure I could see her being a big fan of his...until I realized she shared this post from her and Michael's PR person (@dobbscld). The OP mentioned Sir Ian specifically, and knowing that, it suddenly all made sense. But it also struck me that, rather than make a post or story of her own to promote Michael, AL shared a post from PR...and once again made a post about Michael into a post about herself. Just as we've seen before.
Honestly, I don't think I would even mind this post or similar posts AL has made that much if it felt like Michael was even remotely a part of it. But it's the very fact that he never talks about her or their relationship (and not in a "he's a private person" kind of way) that makes it so awkward. And here he was going on Graham Norton to promote his directorial debut--a project that is hugely important to him--and Anna just brings it down to the most base level, making it seem like she does not take Michael or his work seriously. And I can't think of anything more embarrassing than that.
So yes, that was my reaction to AL's Insta story yesterday. Again, this is just my perspective, and I'm glad to hear from folks in the comments on this post with their thoughts. Thanks for writing in! x
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cannibalmetaphor · 2 years
the significance of hannibal and will’s sitting positions in hannibal
hannibal is a show that relies heavily on symbolism. it’s used to express what the character’s don’t - particularly hannibal and will, who tend to speak in riddles about their emotions. if you look closely, you can see how that the way they sit with each other is intentional!
let me show you what I mean
opposite one another
the way that hannibal and will’s relationship begins is through therapy. therefore it’s no surprise that one of their main motifs is their chairs being opposite each other (remember hannibal’s line about the chairs holding all of their conversations).
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several things to note about this sitting position
• they are facing each other, so there is some level of intimacy. they look into each other’s faces
• yet this is at a comfortable distance. while their friendship develops through sitting opposite each other and having conversations, this is a professional position and it allows some emotional distance
• they are positioned equally
when will imagines speaking to hannibal in season 3 about his past, he imagines them in this position.
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because will feels most comfortable talking to hannibal in this position. especially after the bloody aftermath of mizumono, this position provides will with a calm and familiar space to talk to hannibal in
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the last time we see hannibal and will sitting facing each other is before hannibal surrenders. this is the symbolic “end” of the polite distance between them. no longer can they sit and have conversations - indeed in the second part of season 3 speak through a prison cell. yes they are facing each other, but they are always standing up. that level of familiarity is gone.
one up and one down
if being opposite each other represents equality, then having one sitting down and one standing up represents a lack of equality.
for most of the series, hannibal is predominantly the one standing. he leans over will when he is vulnerable, physically crowding his space.
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in mizumono, hannibal strips will of power completely. both physically by hurting him, and emotionally by killing abigail. he is on the floor while hannibal stands above him, a malevolent god
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in season 3, after chiyoh shoots will, will is on the chair sitting and hannibal isn’t. however, unlike in the previously mentioned scenes, hannibal crouches down to his level.
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this is because although hannibal wants to be in control, he is also wounded. the power dynamic has started to shift, though ultimately hannibal is still in control
until the final episode, where will turns this motif on its head. he stands over a wounded hannibal and gloats.
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the power dynamic has been completely subverted. hannibal is now vulnerable to will- meanwhile, will has regained control and has the freedom to choose what happens next
beside each other
the last position is beside each other. it’s only in the second half of season 2 that we start to see hannibal and will next to, rather than opposite, each other.
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what is important about this position is that it is intimate. they are physically close. in emotionally vulnerable moments, we see them like this, particularly in dolce.
I also think sitting next to someone is more intimate because you can speak without looking at them - you might be more inclined to be truthful. when you do choose to look at someone beside you, you are closer to them so the moment is more intimate. you can see every detail on their face
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their true peace and happiness is obviously symbolised by the two of them sitting beside each other in their shared memory palace
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now what I want to add about this position is that we see them from behind. look at the screenshots - it’s like we’re looking in on a private moment. they are shutting out the rest of the world.
I hope this made sense!
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bylrlve · 7 months
Warning! Potential spoilers for Stranger Things 5!
To recap, Alex received this dm on 13/2/23, seemingly confirming mileven breakup
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She received this message on that day, which states that mileven are still together and happy. However it’s also instantly debunkable bc they’re absolutely not going to do the Hopper-Mike feud bs again. That is beyond clear.
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On this past Tuesday, 20/2/23, she received a second message outright stating Mileven breakup.
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Finally, on Wednesday, 21/2/23, she received this message full of pretty plausible statements, with mileven breakup included as fact. Interesting.
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This person claims it’s all fake, with no rationale or alt info - what, is Will not important now?
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Worth noting: Millie is currently doing promo for Damsels, so she’ll be out of commission re: filming for a few weeks. Early March is probably when she’ll come back, but Finn will be be busy with his Ghosbusters 2 promo.
Two conclusions:
1.) there will be no mileven scenes filmed for a few weeks. Filming schedules are very tightly planned to accommodate other actor commitments, so it doesn’t seem like this posed a massive issue. Hm.
2,) Millie will likely be doing any scenes she has with Sadie and Caleb, aka Max and Lucas, when she gets back. As this message says.
This person is probably just smart and well-informed enough to figure this out, but it’s interesting.
There has been some very intriguing activity on a stranger things set a few days ago - red UD ligthing, castle Byers.., and Will Byers. Will’s plotline for season 5 seriously looks like everything us Will stans have been dreaming of in terms of plot relevance, emotional catharsis, etc. This pic dropped yesterday, and the spoiler acc seems to have confirmed it’s Will:
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Lastly,this also dropped today:
(Credit to @1987byler on twt)
Very strange framework, here. If the goal is to set up Will being rejected gently by Mike, but understood and accepted, why not focus on that? Why not have Vecna say ‘you’re afraid he’ll be disgusted by you. You’re afraid he’ll see you as the disgusting, broken boy you are’ or something like that? Elsewhere in the game, it’s being reported by players that Will is being taunted about how his friends are all ignoring him, and how Max fits into the group better than he does. This is canonically a sore spot for him - not so much the Max part, but the general point. So why not emphasise his fear of Mike’s rejection, rather than his hurt at Mike picking El over him?
Maybe because, if this is carried into s5 and we get scenes of Vecna taunting Will about Mike choosing El, it’ll be certain that Mike will indeed pick Will. Maybe this is a means of hinting that?
(Side note: at this point in the time line, El was really just a concept to Will. The one time he met her, it was for barely a minute as a delirious, dying child. By s4, it’s very clear that they’re close and loving. I’ll hear no critique of him for apparently not wanting her to come back - it’s very obviously Vecna twisting things, as he did with Max in s4 to make it seem like she actively wanted to murder Billy.)
Also worth noting: the best Mike can say about the girl he supposedly loved at first sight, after a whole week with her, is that she’s ‘cool’, ‘different’, ‘awesome’. Very lacklustre. Compare to how Lucas would describe the comatose max to a newcomer in s4.
Finally: Will quite literally utilises a never-seen memory of Mike and him in Castle Byers as his happy menory, his safe place. You know,like the Snow Ball and those other memories of good times with Lucas that Max clung to in s4?
Credit to @will80sbyers
This post by @nebulousfishgills reports Vecna saying that Will is ‘the key’, manipulating Will’s memories, and directly saying “You’ll finally matter to someone, Will.” Byler kind of has to be endgame, right? For this to make any sense as a narrative? ‘We can still be friends’ won’t cut it, not if, as the messages Alex is getting make out, Will is still so achingly in love post-time jump that he’s staying by Mike’s hospital bed after everyone else leaves and kissing his forehead (a). Not if they’re still emphasising that Mike is his safe place, his home, his light, in (technically) pre-season five promotional material.
All of this is… interesting, to say the least.
I’ll leave off by sharing the posts made by the wonderful @solgmorell on the set leak (x) and the VR byler stuff (x, y).
ETA: two of the previous dms Alex has gotten state that Will struggles with his friendships with the other party member this season due to being closeted. This game touches heavily on Will’s feeling disconnected from his friends, at least partly bc of his sexuality…. One is above, the other is here:
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voidedaurora · 2 months
Alrighty guys, Since she decided to get her friend Gaia in the mix and write a big document stressing "LEGAL INFO LEGAL INFO LEGAL INFO " and didn't even really say much about the screenshots I provided (and when they did it was "omg look she's pressuring her to apologize for being horrible to people") which is crazy on its own, Overall her response is JUST as bad as I thought it would be and I have no choice but to prove my point by sharing alot of blatantly sexual texts/interactions :,) didn't want to do this for the privacy of everyone involved but she's currently trying to make herself into a victim and that is absolutely NOT what happened Alrighty then. sorry Mel but you've genuinely brought this upon yourself by being a lying piece of shit and trying to be the victim in every situation, you are a vile person Clover's messages will be censored/blocked out unless they absolutely need to be there for context
Context may be added to some screenshots to make sure they are not interpreted a different way TW: Sexual topics, coercion, S/A, general toxicity Firstly I'm going to go through a bit of their doc and what Mel apparently was "thinking" during this whole thing happening
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Clover and I never pressured, forced, repetitively insisted on, or anything else of the sort towards Mel and us all having "group activity" , Clover and I only were comfortable/did any of this to begin with to her to help her heal from her own sexual trauma, she was our friend and she had mentioned alot how it affected her and how she couldn't do "stuff" on her own, we essentially extended a helping hand that she did NOT have to take and had every opportunity and right to say no or back out at any point, we made that very clear to her. (2nd time) Her randomly letting us know she was horny/going to jackoff [please note that alot of what I said towards her was playful banter and not any attempts to coerce or force her into doing it]
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Skipped a bit of irrelevant convo (was mostly just laughing/Lmao's and doesn't add to the convo at all)
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Skipped a bit more irrelevant convo (to clarify if anyone needs the in-betweens I'm more than willing to provide, there's just a limit to what I can put in a tumblr post)
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As you can see with just this instance by itself, she was a willing participant and nobody pressured her into anything.
She could theoretically claim "they pressured me in vc" but just by using the context of these screenshots and her behavior AFTER we all fucked you can tell she wasn't in any distress or anything, actively making doodles about it and such. I'd like to state that even if what she is saying is true and she didn't want to do any of that with us that it doesn't change anything, it doesn't change the fact she lied about it being mutual to get into my pants, and It doesn't change the fact of it being assault. Additionally, the point I am making is not lack of consent that makes it assault, we all consented at the time BUT the important part of that is the fact that she'd lied to gain that consent and later admitted so to me personally.
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What Gaia wrote in the doc is indeed the definitions for coercion and assault BUT context is just as important, in situations like this if someone lies to you to get you to have sex or anything of that nature with them it is coercion and assault I and many others consider what Mel did Assault and I think that theoretically within a court of law this same conclusion could be reached, especially with the context I've provided. You should agree shouldn't you? context is very important.
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Furthermore If she continues to deny all of this and make excuses, I am more than willing to provide more context, more screenshots, and more proof backing up how willing she was. (I'll share the 1st instance which was a lot more sexually charged, along with some other personal things) I am not going to let her deny this and make herself out to be a victim, she needs to take responsibility for once and admit what she's done. Aswell, I don't believe she addressed the fact that she told me she'd only done things as a group to do things with me in that response. Here's some things to mention within your own document that support what I've claimed aswell
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as stated here, what mel did would fall under trickery.
I will state once again, none of this is out of spite, I'm not out to "get" mel, this isn't a overreaction or me spreading false information specifically to make her look bad just because we aren't friends anymore, its none of that.
All of this is things I (once again) stayed quiet about for a very long time and am only now coming out about because of the events that have gone on, I have no reason to keep it private anymore and she has proven (once again) she's willing to lie and lie to cover her ass. With the situation about the apologies
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There is alot of things wrong with this statement, Firstly she did NOT only apologize for the public discourse it created she apologizes for multiple things within this doc including the ones below (I say she apologized in airquotes because she didn't write any of these apologies as we all know) Here's a few relevant separate apologies within the doc that aren't just troubling the public 1. response
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2. apologizing for spreading misinfo about RED/MAGENTA
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3. Apologizing for the drawings she made of her and EX being all lovey as their child selves
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4. death threat apology for EX
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5. Honest (video) apology
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She did not JUST apologize for the public, she also offered personal apologies within the doc that obviously were not written herself and were not in any way, shape, or form genuine thoughts or feelings of hers, I think the screenshots in my previous post are more than enough proof. I'd like to also make a point that I know what Khai, Mel, and her friends/fans have all been saying about this whole thing in her server. Everyone, especially Mel and Khai/s attitude towards this entire thing absolutely disgusts me and proves just how bad you all actually are. If anyone in her server that's participated in making fun of me, the claims, etc. are seeing this right now then please stay safe and I hope you all become better less vile people. Absolutely wild that when Mel made her s/a claim even though she never provided a lick of proof everyone supported her but the second I open up about Clover and I/s experiences I have to violate our privacy to try and prove my words are true. Don't get me wrong, I have had people support us, and I'm extremely greateful for that fact, but knowing people are making fun of me for speaking up about this? Calling me crazy because of my bpd? Literally disgusting Not to mention initially when they all first told everyone "hey no misinfo! not true! wait for mels side!" none of them had actually read the doc and assumed I was talking about something else (guilty conscience I guess) That is all I have to say for now, if more evidence is demanded I can provide, I am extremely uncomfortable and honestly angry that I had to share any of this to begin with but it was to be expected with her denying everything once again, so sorry for this possibly not being written and formatted the best, I'm not a professional and I just wanted to speak on what's gone on. If anyone has any questions, there's something I didn't address, you need anything clarified/want to see the missing screenshots, have something to say, or anything else you are free to send an ask or possibly dm me on discord (mostly try and ask for stuff through asks but if you need to dm its ok!) Edit: since I've also caught wind of people being like "omg this should've been handled in private" I gave her 3 months to handle this in private and she refused to come to me to clear things up, apologize, or take accountability, seeing some of these people following her blindly when she's done NOTHING to refute any of my claims, no evidence, nothing is absolutely beyond disappointing , im not going to force anyone to believe me nor can I but I have every right to speak about all of this since nobody will ever get closure and what mel has done/does is not ok and hasn't been for a very long time. Edit #2: aswell for the people saying that the screenshots aren't proof of s/a, you are correct! that is not what the screenshots were for, the screenshots were to refute the claim that she was pressured and was an unwilling participant, I cannot prove what mel said to me (aka, the her admitting that she only slept with both of us to sleep with me) because it was said in a vc but I am providing literally everything I can and have been providing extensive amounts of context, proof, and information to back up what I've been saying Hopefully you decide to tell the truth mel
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darkmagicmirror · 2 months
The Dark Magic Symbol and Alchemy
I've been wanting to make this post since before S5 and never got around to it, and I decided hey, might as well try to get it out before S6, at least. SO here it is. I know S6 came out today, but I haven't seen it yet, so shh, this still counts.
So in a Reddit AMA back in 2020, Aaron and Justin answered a question confirming that they drew inspiration for the dark magic symbol from the Rod of Asclepius and the Caduceus.
Just because of Tumblr image limits, I put the screenshot and symbols (linked in the comment) in the same picture, but you can follow the link to the AMA comment and look at the image there if you need a bigger version.
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SO I got curious and started looking up some more info...
Here are just the first couple paragraphs of the Wikipedia pages for the Caduceus and Rod of Asclepius.
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So at first glance, just like the comment in the original question says, the Caduceus is associated mostly with Hermes, and the Rod of Asclepius is associated with health care and medicine.
But a little further down the Wikipedia page, we get:
Although the Rod of Asclepius, which has only one snake and no wings, is the traditional and more widely used symbol of medicine, the Caduceus is sometimes used by healthcare organizations.
And it turns out that there's an entire Wikipedia page dedicated to the Caduceus as a symbol of medicine. So, already, upon finding this, I found it fascinating that the dark magic symbol is inspired by not just one, but two symbols seen as medical symbols.
Onto the article focusing on the Caduceus as a symbol of medicine, I go on to find this:
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I have to come back to the Quicksilver thing, but first off, the being a symbol of alchemy is interesting to me. (Partially because I definitely think of Fullmetal Alchemist and the whole equivalent exchange concept there and the questions about whether people should be messing with life and death and how everything has a price -- all pretty relevant to TDP, but I digress.)
I looked at the article linked in footnote 16, which is titled The earliest medical use of the caduceus, and I found this fascinating image!
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Most importantly, this has a single snake with two heads. Which sounds familiar!
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I do think it's worth noting that the very first time an example of dark magic is discussed on screen, it's with the discussion of the two-headed snake, being held by Viren's staff. The spell isn't actually done, obviously, but it's the first impression we get of dark magic in the series!
Also I just find it interesting that the article mentions that:
Hermes had some medical roles in that he did assist in conducting the dead to the underworld and also received some credit for relieving plagues and epidemics in Asia Minor.
Another article linked on Wikipedia, called Snake and staff symbolism in healing, brings up the same point, saying:
The caduceus was indeed a magical wand, a gift from Apollo which protected Hermes and enabled him to guide departed souls along unknown pathways to the Underworld, and to awaken the sleeping. The latter aspect was sometimes associated with powers of resurrection — of awakening the dead, and also of curing the severely ill (Schouten 1967:119; Van Rooyen 1982:731-5).
So I just think it's interesting that it all ties into dark magic very well, especially considering that Claudia uses dark magic to resurrect Viren, and dark magic has been shown to be used for healing purposes (such as healing Soren -- both before and during show-canon).
The last mentioned article also goes on to mention the quicksilver thing, so I just wanted to say that I also find that particular point interesting considering that many people theorize that the different types of primal magic may have one underlying magical source that powers all of them, which to me reminds me of quicksilver being considered the basis of all matter.
But wait! There's more!
When I looked at the Wikipedia page for Alchemy, I found this interesting snippet:
An important example of alchemy's roots in Greek philosophy, originated by Empedocles and developed by Aristotle, was that all things in the universe were formed from only four elements: earth, air, water, and fire. According to Aristotle, each element had a sphere to which it belonged and to which it would return if left undisturbed.
This especially reminds me of the primal sources. Also spheres? Really? Funny how the primal stones are shaped that way,
The beginning part of the Wikipedia article also mentions how one of alchemy's aims was to create panaceas to cure diseases, and also that it played a role in the development of chemistry and medicine, which is fascinating!
And then I did decide to look at the Rod of Asclepius page as well, and it talks about how the snake and rod/staff were originally separate symbols.
Both the Oxford Illustrated Companion to Medicine and The New Medicine and the Old Ethics (links are to Google Books) talk about the snake/serpent as symbols of renewal/restoration of health because of how snakes shed their skin. The latter also has this snippet, which I think makes snakes sound like a great dark magic symbol as well:
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Back on the Wikipedia page, it also says:
The ambiguity of the serpent as a symbol, and the contradictions it is thought to represent, reflect the ambiguity of the use of drugs,[8] which can help or harm, as reflected in the meaning of the term pharmakon, which meant "drug", "medicine", and "poison" in ancient Greek.[11] However the word may become less ambiguous when "medicine" is understood as something that heals the one taking it because it poisons that which afflicts it, meaning medicine is designed to kill or drive away something and any healing happens as a result of that thing being gone, not as a direct effect of "medicine".
I looked at the source A History of Medicine as well, and this was where it talked about pharmakon:
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So it literally talks about magic there, which is really interesting to me.
TL;DR: All that to say that while the dark magic symbol obviously has influence from the caduceus and Rod of Asclepius, I think that the concept of dark magic in general also draws some inspiration from the meaning/history behind both symbols, especially with regards to the connection to alchemy, two-headed snake, and also the connection to healing/medicine.
Which all just contributes to my opinion that I hope the canon universe in the series doesn't eliminate dark magic use in the end but instead puts limitations on dark magic use so it can still be used for the healing purposes as well. And if alchemy ended up contributing to medicine, then... who knows?
... also that's without even getting into how the series refers to Sir Sparklepuff as a homonculus, which:
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And the page goes on to mention the "Arcanum of human blood" so... yeah.
Lots to think about!
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adhdtsukasa · 4 months
good morning everyone, rise and shine, have you thought about the world hasn't even started yet today? nope? then now you do! because with full emukasa and ruinene sekahaji alts finally releasing, it's time for me to (over)analyze my favorite and definitely one of the most underrated wonderlands x showtime's songs that is still haunting the narrative to this day. (haunting the narrative is actually a bit of a dramatic way to call it, but i like to be dramatic and so do wxs.)
in full seriousness, i just really, really like sekahaji's lyrics and it's such a shame it's not getting talked about that much anymore only because that's an old song, especially since pinocchiop is a lyrics genius. so if you're interested in my personal interpretation of sekahaji, including analyzing the foreshadowing of the future events included in the lyrics and analyzing the line distribution not only in the original ver, but in the alt vocals as well, then tune in! because i have a lot to say.
will be using the screenshots from vocaloid lyrics wiki, but i'm going to say who's singing the line anyways, so it's not that much of a problem. i think. (also the alts line distribution is not really that important, it's mostly ruikasa and emunene singing each other's lines with two exceptions. but some lines hurt more when it's the other who sings it, so who am i not to mention it?)
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"sekahaji is such a fun song" and then the first lines of the song after the bunch of hey heys and it's showtimes are already giving me a bunch of an emotional damage. oh, man. being a wxs fan sureee is so fun.
while we're at the topic of the first lyrics, it's kinda interesting that rui's the one who says "let's go!" instead of tsukasa, as this is expected from the latter with his position as the troupe leader — but i'm not going to read too much into it, because i doubt it matters lol. if i have to somehow explain it, then i'd say it's because rui's a stage director, so he's in charge of being the one to start the show. sort of. it's not really important.
"with a cast who can use magic and monsters who are burdened with trauma" is such a tsukasa line, honestly. it may seem more rui-like at first, but it fits tsukasa a lot, too. personally, i always interpret it as a spark contrast between who wxs were and who wxs are now — their pasts weren't the most pleasant thing ever (with exception of maybe emu, but even she is still haunted by the grief from her grandpa's death), they indeed were pretty traumatized (especially rui, but you cannot just ignore the rest). they were monsters, because they weren't perfect. and tsukasa is the type of person who strives for perfection.
they're not monsters anymore, however. (they never were, but try to explain it to four traumatized teenagers) now, it's their turn to be the magic-using cast! and the mentioned magic is them putting on shows and spreading shows, obviously. if you read into it a bit more, you can even say that the former cast, the one from when wxs were still these so-called monsters, was their idols, the people who sparked the dream of performing in them — seiichi amami, rakunosuke otori, yuka kazamatsuri and tom gray. (such an insane april fools unit)
in the ruinene alt, rui's the one who sings this line. and this stings a bit, because obviously... he'd think of himself as a monster burdened with trauma. rui...
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nene is the one who sings this line in original, and this makes sense. that's a rather logical line, and so is nene. "disappear" isn't meaning death here, as it often means in the proseka terms — "disappear" is just the another word of something passing, something ending. vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas, you can say. i'm sorry that was stronger than me.
the disband arc (i'm so sorry, i know we're way past it. but it is an important part of the wxs lore. i'm not going to shut up about it) had it very beginning in nene, after all. its first mentions appeared in mermaid admiration, which was just a mere start of both the second arc and the second rotation (wxs has only just started getting better, after all!), and then island panic started the domino that was curtain call, amidst a dream and so on, and so on. nene knew that everyone's destined to disappear — to part ways — someday. this was creeping up to her from behind almost from the very start.
in the emukasa anabo, it's emu who got this line. it makes it even worse, because it's what emu's perspective of the disband arc was about. she wanted to stay at wonder stage, nene, rui and tsukasa wanted to go further than it. everyone's destined to disappear someday, because her dream is just too simple for them to share it.
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okay, i'm gonna be honest here — i have no clue what to do with this line. i didn't want to skip it, as it's rui's solo line and is surrounded by such impactful words, it surely makes sense, i just don't really see it at this moment. sorry rui. the best i can do is to say that "heartbeat fading over time" may symbolize rui's deteriorating mental state in middle school, but, like... that's an awful reaching.
it makes a bit more sense when you look at it from tsukasa's pov, both because he has this line in the emukasa alt and because it's a song formed from his feelings — the heartbeat here is his real ambition, his want to make everyone smile and the way he forgot it in the main story. still don't know what to do with the ticket that's long past expired. my thoughts are kinda going in the direction of it being wonderland sekai, but i don't have any argument to actually explain it.
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finally coming to an end of this part, (not because it's bad, but because it hurts), at this point you can guess that it's a line sung by emu and oh god, it made me suffer so much when i was waiting for our happy ending to release. yep, it's the foreshadowing of the disband arc again, who would've think, right? looking back at it now where the disband arc is finally resolved (for now. it's going to come back one day, surely), it's one of my favorite lines in the song, as it touches emu's internal struggle during these days perfectly.
i'm assuming the "let's come" means "let's come here" as in: come to a certain place (in my interpretation, wonder stage) because i have no idea why the "here" isn't here, as i was pretty much convinced that it was. but whatever. the way i see this line is how emu was always happily inviting the rest of wxs to visit wonder stage, wanting to spend time with them and make everyone smile, yet deep down in herself still knowing that she shouldn't take it as granted. she would want to spend yet another year with wxs by her side, but, back then, it was not a promise. there was always this possibility that next year, she'll be alone once again — because wonder stage is their place to go, but it's not going to be this way for forever.
in the ruinene anabo, nene got this line. i'm not going to say a lot about it, as i've already covered this topic before — it's a mermaid admiration reference, once again. even more so in this very line, because when i think about associating this line with nene, the first thing i see is her mermaid admiration untrained.
i think it's also pretty interesting that while tsukasa and rui got the lines that are more similiar to main story/first arc, emu and nene got the lines about the second arc!
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i don't have much to say about it, it's just that rui sings this line and it makes me think about main story — to the wxs fall-out, specifically. the troupe didn't even properly start yet, just like the world!, and yet there are already bad things happening — tsukasa screamed at nene for messing up the show, rui got mad at tsukasa and decided not to come here again, emu is blaming herself for everything, for being unable to make them smile. it's definitely already no-good... just like most of rui's experiences.
as you can probably guess by the way the line distribution is arranged in the alts, tsukasa got this line in emukasa anabo. and this makes a lot of sense after all too, because, well... it was him who messed up. maybe it's about the moment when he finally realizes his true feelings?
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the only explanation for this line is that tsukasa's feelings are currently all over the place because he's experiencing overstimulation. the conclusion is that tenma tsukasa has ADHD, thank you, time to pack it up, analysis over, everyone go home
i'm just kidding, but this line has been permanently noted in my brain as "the ADHD tsukasa line" ("why not autism tsukasa line" take a good look at my url. the sole reason is that i'm a bit insane) so it's hard for me to see it as anything else. we're not discussing tsukasa's obvious neurodivergence today, though, so let's move on to me trying to actually make something out of it—
"there's too much noise" part belongs to nene, while the rest of the line is sung by emu. nene (more in the early game than nowadays, but still) is often seen complaining and flinching at loud noises, and this was my first thought, however! emu got this line as well, and she doesn't really have any issue with loud noises as she's a very energetic and cheerful person, right? (and so is tsukasa and yet for some reason he has this line in his very own song. but i'm not going to repeat myself) here comes my second thought — it's referencing the main story fight. it would make sense both for nene (she's the one who is screamed at) and emu (she thinks it's her fault for being "selfish") to have it. this is also one of the two exceptions where it's not just rks emnn singing each other lines — rui and tsukasa in their respective anabos got the "there's too much noise" part. if it was about the fight, it'd make sense for rui as well — after all, he's the one who has to look at his childhood friend getting blamed for something that is partially his fault.
on a slightly unrelated note, i'm a big fan of the way how in emukasa alt tsukasa sings "there's too much noise" in a voice that's close to breaking, while emu is happily going "so much noise! and it keeps getting worse!!" with sparkles and flowers all around her. i love her so much. never change emu.
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besides "just as i always have" that's sung by nene, this whole line belongs completely to emu — and i think this says a lot. the "deteriorating, abandoned room" is yet another metaphor for wonder stage, because that's how wonder stage was like when tsukasa sees it for the first time; deteriorated and abandoned, with emu as its only visitor. but emu doesn't give up. emu keeps on dreaming, keeps on wishing for it to return to its former glory.
i didn't say anything about the first line, because, uh. despite being sung by emu, i think it correlates to tsukasa and his ambitions more, etc, etc... but i also don't have a clear enough thought to elaborate on it. sorry!
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the deeper we are in the song, the more cheerful the melody and the vibe of it gets, while the lyrics are starting to go in a slightly... different direction. the lyrics are inviting you to a never-ending party, a way to cope with all the bad things that happen to you. it fits wxs a lot, doesn't it? they're the group that is sharing childlike wonder with everyone and wishes to make people smile, while themselves are being often paralleled with niigo and aren't really the happiest and healthiest people in the universe (and they have a habit of not talking about their feelings as well). it would make sense for them to want to cut the negativity in their lives off, not only for their own sake, but also for the sake of the others around them (after all, this was the whole point of smile of a dreamer). wonderland sekai is their place to go, a place where they can drown themselves in the never-ending fun and fight off the negativity. because... they still can do it, right? because the world hasn't even started yet.
at this point, they're much better, obviously. because we're almost four years in the game and now wxs isn't only their escapism anymore, it's the place filled with the people they all love so much. but when we were still at main story, it'd make sense for them to be just like that, as their bond still wasn't as strong as it is now back then.
this part came out a bit too angsty than i wanted and i'm not proud of it, but i don't really know how to express what i mean with it in words. if you actually understood my intention, then you deserve a gold star. i'll have to rewrite it a few months later probably eh
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while a lot of people think of this line as of a really dark one, i don't think that's the case! actually, it's a rather positive and optimistic one. the mention of hell can make someone flinch, that's for sure, but it's the same case as the mentioned earlier "monsters burdened with trauma" — it's just wxs self-deprecating themselves because of their past. for most of them, their past experiences surely could be called "hell", because everyone experiences trauma differently. but they're not in this hell anymore. their past is over, they're not alone anymore, they have each other now — this is their happy ending that plays out... from their phones, in form of the untitled.
after all, rui was right! the ending for sure will be a happy one, as long as they are together!
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i've noticed that a lot of the sekahaji lyrics are matching with the latter ones, and this is no expection: once again, the first line talks about the first arc events, while the second is leaning more onto the second arc, just like in the first verse.
i'm not a native english speaker, so i have to admit, i had to look up what does thick-skinned mean lol i'm a bit surprised that's actually a rather positive thing? with how tsukasa was acting in the main story, i was expecting it to be more on the negative side. i can't say that it doesn't fit, though. tsukasa's most famous (?) depiction as a king is his wonder magical showtime card, while wonder magical showtime itself is an event focusing on how tsukasa is not going to let go of emu's dream that easily, that even the criticism of the phenniland members that didn't want to help them at first is not going to stop him (although it's been a long time since i watched wms, so correct me if i'm wrong!) — and that's what i understood that thick-skinned means.
meanwhile, rui is the alchemist. he's often described as such and is even depicted as one in his revival my dream card (...but we don't talk about revival my dream). and while "full of desires" doesn't neccesarily mean greedy — it's normal to have wishes and desires, after all — rui is not only called that by himself, but by the game as well, since he, too, has his own desires. and... having too much desires is a dangerous thing. (it kind of sounds like i'm demonizing rui i'm going to cry. that is NOT my intention i swear.)
and as i said earlier, the second line is corresponding to disband arc again. presented as the happy, unbothered group on the surface, wxs is some kind of an utopia, a perfect world, and so is their sekai — but they're always being followed by this feeling of uncertainty, of impending goodbye. or rather, were followed. whether you think disband arc is going to come back one day or not, i think it's safe to assume that sekahaji's references are not going further than our happy ending. at the point of the wxs story where we are now, the disband arc is resolved. of course, one day their utopia will cease to exist and they'll truly be forced to leave their attachments behind, returning to the real world. but this day is not today. today, they can still be happy. because the world hasn't even started yet. (or has it, it's just more pleasant that they were expecting?)
i didn't mention who's singing these lines earlier, but... i've already covered this topic many times. tsukasa (rui in ruinene anabo) is singing the first, nene (emu in emukasa anabo) is singing the second. and my explanation for it is pretty much similiar to the verses from the very beginning, so... yeah, let's just move on to something more interesting, shall we?
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this fragment is matching the fragment starting with "there is too much noise", so that's my yet another argument for it referencing the main story fight — and this part is way more transparent in doing so. "there's too much conflict" is sung only by nene, but the latter part is sung by both her and emu. and as we already know, nene was the one who suffered the most in it, while emu was the one blaming herself the most (interestingly though, nene sings the "i couldn't help but worry" in the full group version!). the boys got "there's too much conflict" in their respective alts as well, so rui singing this line applies to his reaction to the fight, too.
"it's like when our arms are all tangled together" could be the failed show, because that's what happens when you mess up. it's also emu who sings this, and it's a very emu-like way of describing things.
and even though tsukasa is not singing the last line (it's still either emu or nene, depending on the version) it's still his untitled, so i can boldly say that it's about him. he brushed off the dust of his memories and rebooted himself, remembering his true feelings and entering his path to become a better person. the fight has ended and we're nearing the end of the song, just like we're nearing the end of the main story.
you can also say that it's about rebooting robonene. that... would work as well, i guess.
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haha, hey, do you know what's happening on nene's mermaid admiration untrained? wxs are playing with fireworks, together. and do you know what they also want to do together? stay like that for forever. it truly was out firework show that lasts a lifespan!
the motif of a firework show appears also in wonder magical showtime, where it's an ending for the show the phenniland cast put on to save phoenix wonderland from being turned into a place that doesn't resemble the old phoenix wonderland at all. it's no wonder wxs would want it to last a lifespan. after all, it's emu's dream for phenniland to never change and always be the place that she remembers from her childhood.
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and this is just a description of wonderland sekai, honestly. it has roller coaster in it + they are often seen in the background of various wxs cards. the starry skies are often present as well. it's not like we got two (2) songs with "starry sky" in their name for nothing.
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i feel like "the best of the worst of crappy plays" is the show that sparked the main story argument in the first place — it was messed up, so it was crappy and horrible, no doubt for that. but it's also the best — why? because if not its failure, tsukasa wouldn't find his true feelings and wxs wouldn't even form. when such a crappy play made you get closer to your best friends and turned your life for the better, how can you not feel at least slightly grateful for its existence?
the second line is included here as well, because i don't really have an idea what to do with it. it's such a great line, however, so it would be a shame to just leave it out. the only thing i'm going to mention is that it's interesting that the prospect of an ending was there with them from the very, very beginning.
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this one i see as a nod to smile of a dreamer and wonder magical showtime — because emu's family already had their own plans about what to do with phoenix wonderland. these were the plans that'd make them a lot of money, so it was their "harmonius future", even though emu didn't agree with it.
emu alone wasn't able to do much, but then she met wxs... and then the entirety of phenniland stood by her side. together, they were able to break the plans for a harmonious future. together, they were able to made her dream come true.
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and, finally, the last line i'm going to talk about today! the bell is a symbol for new beginnings, just like this lyric itself says, so the act of ringing it is a new era in tsukasa's, emu's, nene's and rui's lives beginning — the formation of wonderlands x showtime! especially since it's the last line in the song aside of the last the world hasn't even started yet (not counting the hey heys and it's showtimes once again).
this is not the only time the bell is referenced in a wxs song, though — because it made an appearance also in the 2DMV for sekai wo terasu tetrad, once again symbolizing a new beginning, a new era, although this time it's a sekai expansion. and because i mentioned sekai wo terasu tetrad, i can now swiftly go to the conclusion of this post:
sekahaji is such a great song, because despite being the first wxs comm, it's foreshadowing the events way up to the third anni and this is not talked about enough. is this still applying to the events after the third anni? nope! not because they cannot be easily altered so they could still fit the lyrics, but because sekahaji has simply fulfilled its purpose already. i haven't studied sekai wo terasu tetrad's lyrics that much in-depth yet and i don't think it has the same 100% lore value that sekahaji has, as i don't think there's anything that hints tetrad being a canon second untitled, but it's the song released by the occasion of a sekai expansion — and if there are going to be future events foreshadowed, then it's going to happen in tetrad. not going to think about it too much for now, as three events (world link not included) isn't enough to say it for sure imo (unless it's going to be as short as the first arc was), but that's definitely a possibility.
that would be all! there's too much of my rambling in here anyways. i haven't really checked it, so i'm sorry if i ended up saying nonsense — after all, as i always say, i'm a overthinker, not an analyst! everything i said here is just my personal interpretation either way. i hope that you at least enjoyed listening to me babbling about sekahaji for way too much words straight!
and i hope that my main goal has been accomplished and you've just went to listen to the world hasn't even started yet because now you, too, have thought about it. right? <3
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
hey!!! the walmart insulin post should be taken with a HUGE grain of salt. the reblogs explain it better than i do, but, it's not the kind made for humans. there's a reason why it's so cheap. you need to follow a strict diet or you could become hypoglycemic! i don't think that reblogging it without that additional info is safe!! again, there's reblogs that explain it way better than i do. reblog that ^^
Thanks for reaching out!
I did some digging both on the internet and through the reblogs, and based on multiple sources, it looks like it IS human insulin, BUT it is indeed an older, less efficient form of insulin than people are generally on today, so it's much more difficult to manage dosing, and therefore a much bigger problem for people who have type 1 diabetes in particular
Conveniently, there's actually a Snopes article about the very screenshot/photo at the top of the post in question:
I updated the post I originally reblogged with the new information, and including some extensive quotes from the article.
I also excerpted from this detailed guide to Walmart insulin, written by an author who was on this type of insulin in the 90s, before modern options were available:
Thanks for reaching out about this, because obviously these caveats are super important
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