#Impacts of Venus in Taurus
plutosunshine · 17 days
The ruler of your Ascendant — and its house
Understanding the house in which your Ascendant ruler (also known as the chart ruler) resides is a deeply personal journey in astrology. It provides intimate insight into the core themes that shape your life path, personality, and approach to the world. The Ascendant represents your outward identity, how you present yourself, and how others perceive you. Its ruling planet acts as a personal guide, and its placement in a specific house highlights the life areas where you are naturally drawn and likely to encounter significant experiences. This knowledge fosters a deeper connection to your own life story and experiences.
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Identify Your Ascendant: First, determine your Ascendant sign by calculating your birth chart. The Ascendant is the sign on the cusp of the 1st house.
Find the Ruling Planet of Your Ascendant:
   - Aries Ascendant: Mars
   - Taurus/Libra Ascendant: Venus
   - Gemini/Virgo Ascendant: Mercury
   - Cancer Ascendant: Moon
   - Leo Ascendant: Sun
   - Scorpio Ascendant: Pluto (modern) or Mars (traditional)
   - Sagittarius Ascendant: Jupiter
   - Capricorn Ascendant: Saturn
   - Aquarius Ascendant: Uranus (modern) or Saturn (traditional)
   - Pisces Ascendant: Neptune (modern) or Jupiter (traditional)
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 1st house
This placement makes your identity, self-expression, and personal impact on the world the center of your life. The 1st house is the house of the self, so having your chart ruler here means you're strongly connected to who you are and how you present yourself to others. It's like your core energy radiates through your personality, making you a powerful force in shaping your life path.
People can't help but notice you. Whether you're naturally confident or working on building that self-assurance, your presence is hard to ignore. You're likely to take the initiative in life, often driven to carve out your own path rather than following others.
With the Ascendant ruler in the 1st house, personal independence is not just important, it's a defining feature of your character. You possess a strong sense of what you want and are driven to achieve it, even if it means going against the norm. This placement is all about you taking charge of your destiny.
You're wired to express yourself authentically. There's a deep drive to figure out who you are and ensure your outer life reflects your inner truth. You're not one to fake it—being authentic is what matters most to you.
This placement also means that your self-development is not just a passing phase but a lifelong focus. You're constantly evolving, and the challenges that push you to grow often revolve around how you perceive yourself and how others perceive you. Personal improvement might feel like a never-ending project, but this continuous growth keeps you moving forward.
This placement makes you magnetic, driven, and authentic, giving you the natural power to shape your own world. It's a direct alignment between who you are inside and what you project to the outside world!
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 2nd house
You likely crave financial stability and material comfort. It's not just about money, though—it's about feeling secure and grounded in your life. This desire for financial stability is a reflection of your need for security and is completely understandable.
This placement makes you very attuned to your own value. You might tie your self-worth to how well you can support yourself or what you achieve in the material world. Learning to balance self-worth with what you have versus who you are is a key lesson for you.
Whether it's building wealth, a home, or even skills, you thrive on creating something lasting.
Your sense of self is deeply connected to what you personally find valuable, whether that's relationships, possessions, or even spiritual beliefs. These values guide your decisions and validate your alignment with your true self.
This placement drives you to create a life where you feel secure, self-sufficient, and aligned with what you truly value. You're not just looking for material wealth—you're building a life that reflects your deepest sense of self-worth and stability!
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 3rd house
You’re someone who’s always asking questions, always wanting to know more. Your mind is sharp, and you probably dive into new topics, pick up different skills, or constantly seek intellectual stimulation. You’re naturally curious about the world, and this curiosity shapes your sense of self.
Whether it’s through writing, speaking, or teaching, expressing yourself is key. You likely feel at home when sharing your thoughts or bouncing ideas off others. Your voice matters, and you probably thrive when you can interact with others, exchange ideas, or stay in the know.
You might have strong ties to your local environment, like your neighborhood or community. Siblings, cousins, or close-knit social circles often play an important role in your life. Your relationships are likely a constant source of learning and growth for you.
With your chart ruler here, learning doesn’t stop. Whether through formal education or self-taught experiences, you never stop growing mentally. Engaging with new ideas keeps you feeling vibrant and connected to your identity.
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 4th house
You're someone who finds a lot of meaning in your home environment. Whether creating a cozy space or being surrounded by loved ones, having a secure and nurturing home life is essential for your emotional well-being. You're likely someone who values privacy and needs time in your sanctuary to recharge.
Your family, especially your roots and ancestry, plays a big role in shaping your identity. You might feel a strong connection to your heritage or have a deep sense of responsibility toward your family. Exploring your family history or finding your place within the family dynamic can be a major part of your personal growth.
Beyond the physical home, emotional security is a huge focus for you. You might spend a lot of time reflecting on your inner self, working through emotional patterns that go way back to your childhood. Establishing a strong emotional foundation helps you feel grounded in who you are.
With this placement, you likely have a natural instinct to care for others. Whether you're nurturing family members, friends, or even your own inner child, creating a supportive and loving environment around you is part of your life's work.
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 5th house
You're naturally drawn to creative pursuits, whether that's through art, music, writing, or any activity that lets you express your unique self. Creativity is not just a hobby for you; it's a core part of who you are. You feel most alive when you're putting your own personal stamp on something.
Having fun and doing things that make you happy isn't just a nice thing to have; it's really important for your overall well-being. You enjoy experiencing happiness in many different ways, whether it's through hobbies, having fun, or appreciating the little things in life. You know how to let loose and embrace the moment, which makes you magnetic to others.
When it comes to love, you approach it with passion and excitement. Romance, flirting, and playful connection are likely a big part of your life. You might also find that your relationships bring out the best in your self-expression, making love a key theme in your personal growth.
This placement makes you a natural at bringing fun, creativity, and love into the world. You're at your best when you enjoy life, follow your passions, and share your vibrant energy with others. Letting your creative and playful side lead the way is what truly makes you shine!
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 6th house
Whether it's in your work, health, or personal habits, you're someone who thrives on getting things done. You might be the type who enjoys checking off tasks, organizing your day, and feeling productive. There's a profound sense of accomplishment in being efficient and dependable, and your efforts are truly commendable.
You likely find immense joy and satisfaction in helping others, whether that's through your job, taking care of loved ones, or simply being the go-to person when someone needs support. A natural part of you enjoys being of service and making life easier for those around you, and your altruistic nature is truly appreciated.
This placement often brings attention to your health and daily habits. You might be very conscious of how you take care of your body, mind, and spirit. Maintaining your well-being, whether through exercise, nutrition, or mental health routines, is a key part of feeling grounded and balanced.
The 6th house is also about self-improvement, so you always look for ways to grow. Whether picking up new skills at work, refining your routines, or focusing on personal development, you're motivated to keep evolving.
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 7th house
Partnerships play a big role in your life. You're likely someone who thrives in close relationships, whether it's a romantic partner, best friend, or business collaborator. You feel more complete when you're sharing your life with someone else.
A big part of your life is about finding a balance between yourself and others. You're probably someone who likes harmony in your relationships and may go out of your way to ensure things are running smoothly between you and the people close to you.
You're drawn to people who mirror qualities you want to develop in yourself. Whether consciously or not, you tend to attract partners who help you grow; through these relationships, you learn a lot about who you are.
Working with others or being part of a team probably feels natural. You're not someone who likes to do things completely on your own—there's strength and fulfillment in knowing you have a partner by your side, whether in work or life.
You're likely good at reading people and understanding their needs. You can easily put yourself in someone else's shoes, which makes you a supportive and thoughtful partner.
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 8th house
You don't like surface-level stuff. You crave depth, whether in relationships, conversations, or even understanding yourself. You probably want to dig into the "why" of everything, looking beyond what's obvious.
Change and growth are recurring themes in your life. You might undergo major transformations, either in how you see yourself or your life circumstances. You know how to rise from challenges stronger than before, almost like a phoenix.
Whether it's psychology, the mysteries of life, or even finances (like investments or shared resources), you're attracted to topics that others might shy away from. You have a natural curiosity for things that are hidden or misunderstood.
With your Ascendant ruler in the 8th, you might find that part of your life journey is learning to regain your power. Whether it's through overcoming personal challenges or helping others do the same, you're someone who seeks to understand power dynamics and work through them.
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 9th house
Whether traveling to new places or exploring different ideas and cultures, you have a hunger for adventure. You thrive when you learn something new or experience life from a fresh perspective, and you're probably always thinking about your next big trip or goal.
You're not just interested in the day-to-day details—you want to understand the bigger picture. Whether through philosophy, spirituality or even just pondering the meaning of life, you're driven by a desire to understand the "why" behind everything.
Education, whether in school or through independent learning, is really important in your life. You enjoy learning about new things, and you might like helping others learn, too. Lifelong learning is your jam.
You're likely open to different cultures, ideas, and beliefs. You see value in diversity and are always looking to broaden your perspective. You're curious about what's out there and aren't afraid to challenge your own views.
You have a strong desire to find meaning and purpose in everything you do. Whether through your career, personal growth, or spiritual journey, you constantly seek something that brings direction and fulfillment to your life.
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 10th house
You’ve got big goals and dreams and are not afraid to chase them. Whether climbing the career ladder or building a reputation, you have a strong drive to succeed and be recognized for your efforts.
Work and your professional life play a big part in your identity. You’re likely someone who puts a lot of energy into your career, and you probably feel most fulfilled when you’re making progress and reaching your goals.
How others see you, especially in a professional or public setting, matters to you. You’re likely very mindful of the image you project and want to be known for your accomplishments and integrity.
You’re not just thinking about short-term wins. You have an eye on the bigger picture, always thinking about how your actions today will impact your future. Building something that lasts—a career, a business, or a personal legacy—is important to you.
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 11th house
Friendships and connections play a huge role in your life. You’re likely someone who loves being part of a community or network of like-minded people. Whether through social groups, clubs, or online communities, you’re energized by sharing ideas and experiences with others.
You’re not just thinking about personal success—you’re focused on long-term goals and the future. You probably have big ideas about how you want to contribute to the world or make an impact, and you’re always looking ahead, planning for what’s next.
Collaboration is your jam. You’re great at working with others toward a common goal, whether a cause, a project, or even shared fun. You understand that teamwork makes the dream work, and you’re likely the one who brings people together.
This placement is not just about what you can do for yourself but also about how you can be part of something larger. Causes, humanitarian efforts, or even just supporting friends in their dreams are important to you. You’re motivated by making a positive difference.
The 11th house is linked to innovation and new ideas, so you might be someone who’s into technology, progressive thinking, or just thinking outside the box. You enjoy exploring new concepts and staying ahead of the curve.
The ruler of your Ascendant is in the 12th house
You spend a lot of time in your head reflecting on life, your emotions, and the deeper meaning behind things. You’re probably more comfortable with your thoughts and feelings than most people and might need a lot of alone time to recharge.
Whether it’s spirituality, intuition, or just an interest in what’s hidden beneath the surface, you’re drawn to the mysterious side of life. You might be naturally intuitive, with a strong sense of things that aren’t immediately obvious to others.
You likely prefer keeping parts of yourself private, not necessarily because you’re secretive, but because you value your personal space.
This placement often suggests a path of personal healing and growth. You might go through deep transformations throughout your life, learning a lot about yourself by facing fears, letting go, or dealing with the past.
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astrophilenorthern · 6 months
• mars in taurus/2nd house are super calm, they get rarely anrgy or when they do, they explode 🧨🌱
• the house where your saturn is represents what plays in your life like a movie 🪐📽
• libra/scorpio risings alwayysss look good, natural beauties 🌺🕊
• I feel like the ones who have 1st house mostly empty (0-1 planets) are emotionally really intelligent 🤍
• the house your sun is where you'll be happy, of what the house represents ☉🌻
• neptune in 12th house have spiritual dreams with a real meaning and are powerful 🪽☁️
• people you have 12th house synastry or just even 2 planets involved, you'll see them in dreams 🌙💟
• venus in 12th house synastry is hurtful, usually one-sided, but also very deep ❤️‍🩹
• saturn and the house its in is where you have delay in life, usually you get it when your saturn returns 😶‍🌫️🪐
• positive thing with saturn is where you're actually talented at and have what it takes 🍀
• houses matter more than the signs. in synastry the aspects help, but houses give more impact 😌
• scorpio risings go through many changes and life experiences through young age 🦂⭐️
• virgo mercuries are excellent people to talk to, so intelligent 🗣✨️
• sun in night chart means you could relate to your moon sign more (1H-6H) 🌙☀️
• having more planets in the night part of the chart could mean you're more introverted and day chart extroverted ☀️✨️🌙
• jupiter making harmonius aspects (conj, sextile, trine) with sun or venus are very charming, good-hearted and kind people, always positive 💕
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• taurus risings have a pear body shape mostly 🍐
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harmoonix · 9 days
Comforting Astrology
🍁 ~ Short Astrology Observations ~ 🍁
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🍁 Many people forgot that your safe space is found within your moon sign, 4th house, and its ruler
🍁 Everyone has karmic points in their chart, and these are the north node and the south node, respectively ketu and rahu
🍁 Your ascendant sign and its ruler can also be a good indicator of beauty and the way you look/your appearance
🍁 Lots of people with moon - saturn aspects tend to have a really pessimistic mind, but they also try to heal at their own
🍁 Mercury in the 4th house can have good connections with their family members, always being close to them
🍁 Where you have Sagittarius in your chart that's the area you will learn/explore the most, as well if you have Sag Placements .
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🍁 Pluto plays a big role in how does the society perceives you, how much do you impact other people
🍁 Moon Dominants have a healing/kind aura. A moon dominant native is full of nurturing inside and out. A moon's lover
🍁 Sun in the 3rd/5th/11th houses tend to be creative since young, that kid who's always coming with something creative
🍁 Moon/Cancer/Pisces/Neptune in the 6th house natives really get so deeply affected by the things happening in their life
🍁 Jupiter in the 10th house can have so much luck in their careers/life paths, which is one of those really lucky placements
🍁 Uranus - Venus aspects, you may often approach relationships with innovation and an open mind. Also, you may crave love in different ways than others
��� Your Lilith and Chiron placements talk about your traumas and, of course, how to heal/get past them
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🍁 Venus in Capricorn/10th house is such a good placement for setting standards in the relationship. Know your worth
🍁 Libra and Taurus Risings have a difficult life lesson, and that is to finally love themselves fully. What does loving yourself mean? To appreciate everything that you have
🍁 Sun in Taurus or Taurus degrees 2° 14° 26° makes the native to be lazy sometimes (its the dark traits of these placements), wanting to rest more than work, craving more free time
🍁 I love to see Aquarius & Leo combo placements in a chart is really the definition of ' bad bithces coming in twos'
🍁 Chiron in the 2nd/6th/8th/12th houses can make the native overall exhausted, too many things coming in your way
🍁 Where you have Leo in your chart is the area you will shine/get most attention from. Also, where you gain more popularity
🍁 Aries/Pisces/Libra/Capricorn Venus has really this vibe of 'I'm yours' or 'Do everything you want with me'
🍁 Sun harshly aspecting the Moon really shows the duality of the native, their complexity, Sun - Moon aspects are some of them most complex placements in astrology
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🍁 Pluto in the 2nd house natives can become wealthy or abundant in life, can also experience up and downs with money
🍁 Uranus in the 2nd house is the moment when the native sometimes is broke, sometimes is financially good, money can come unexpectedly
🍁 Uranus in the 7th house is the moment when relationships can come unexpectedly in your life, soemtimes even when you're not ready
🍁 Uranus in the 6th or 10th house may change their jobs more than usual, but these placements are good because sometimes you get offers for jobs randomly
🍁 Fire Moons definition will be 'Fire to my heart' due to their strong and impulsive feelings. Really passionate placements
🍁 Aries Mars natives have a bold energy, of course because Mars is at home but is also in their personality they will make you feel more confident and strong
🍁 Jupiter - Moon aspects will gift the native with kindness, really genuine souls, often soft but liked by the people
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🍁 Lilith - Uranus aspects can indicate a struggle with the natives freedom. Sometimes, you just crave it, can be any type of freedom like mental freedom, physical freedom, emotional freedom
🍁 Virgo in the 4th/8th/12th houses can create a sense of 'scared of death' to the native, can also talk about the native falling over misconception of death
🍁 Moon in your 6th house is an underatted people pleaser placement since the 6th house represents the service for others
🍁 When Pisces & Capricorn Placements are under stress, they tend to make false illusions of things going worse, they both share it
🍁 A Capricorn Saturn is heavily protected, somehow as a reminder that Saturn is at home here and is more easily for Saturn to send karma back
🍁 Sun in the 10th house can make you more career oriented, raining with money for you. Lots of potential for this placement
🍁 Neptune aspecting Venus, yes, is true that they dream of true love, but most of these natives experience intense relationships with these placements.
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'Everything is better after dark'
Good Thursday everyone 🍁✨️ also have a good start of autumn 🍂
Harmoonix 🍂🍂🍂
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majikkulu · 18 days
♱ 𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖔 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖘 by majikkulu ;P ♱
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━━ ❝ masterlist ❞
these are my personal observations and may not resonate with everyone. please take them with a grain of salt, as i'm not a professional astrologer! :))
♱ gemini risings with lilith in the first house or conjunct their asc often appear younger than their age, which can lead to past discrimination or exclusion. their youthful look might make it hard for them to be taken seriously or voice opinions, and they might have been teased for their appearance. as they age, they may receive comments about their agelessness and notice that people are hesitant to engage with them in conversations. they might also be seen as intimidating, standoffish, or even shy, and could be perceived as having a serious, sad or "resting bitch face."
♱ your saturn's sign, house, and degree can indicate people who impact you and teach important life lessons. these individuals often stay in your life long-term, offering both support and challenges. for example, my saturn is in cancer in the 2nd house at a virgo degree. many of my close friends and family have cancer, virgo, or taurus placements, and each has taught me something valuable. even though some cancers have betrayed me, those experiences were to shape me fr. take my bestie, who has saturn in cancer in the 11th house at a pisces degree. i’m a pisces with a strong 11th house stellium. i’ve noticed similar vibes with my favorite artists too.
♱ people with venus sextile saturn deeply value being appreciated and seen by others. they often seek long-term, serious relationships and handle challenges with maturity. they give their all and show great respect to their partners, often attracting or being drawn to older partners. those who meet them usually find them unforgettable.
♱ people with venus trine pluto crave intense, passionate love. their deep feelings are often transformative, with even short-term relationships leading to significant personal growth. they have a magnetic presence that's both striking and sometimes intimidating, and they connect on a profound, soul-deep level, drawing others in with their powerful emotional intensity and mysterious looks.
♱ people with jupiter in the 5th house are incredibly charming and approachable, drawing many people to them. they often connect easily with children and might have a natural talent for engaging with them. these individuals likely experience numerous crushes and pursue a wide range of hobbies with enthusiasm. they also have a talent for creative pursuits like music, art, or dancing.not to mention, their love life is often quite fulfilling.
♱ people with sun square ascendant may struggle with self-confidence and self-presentation early in life. however, as they grow older, they often develop a stronger sense of self and learn to embrace their unique qualities. over time, they become more confident and self-assured, appreciating who they are and how they express themselves.
♱ mars in taurus can take a long time to get genuinely upset. they tend to be slow to anger but can become easily frustrated. their anger is usually kept under control, but when it finally erupts, it can be intense and difficult to manage.
♱ chiron in the 9th house may struggle with faith and frequently question their beliefs. they might face challenges in school, but these often improve with age. some may have been pressured into church as children, contributing to their journey of exploration and self-discovery. as kids, they might have followed others' expectations instead of pursuing their own interests, leading to a continual quest for personal understanding and truth.
♱ virgo risings have great muscles and well-defined bodies.
♱ i've noticed that natives with a 4th house stellium often come from big families or have many siblings. they typically have a strong connection with their family, frequently staying in touch and valuing their relationships. their family can have a significant influence on them, playing a central role in their lives and shaping their sense of identity.
♱ i’ve noticed that individuals with pluto in the 10th house often receive mixed reactions from the public. they tend to be both admired and disliked, with their reputation evoking strong, polarized feelings. even if they’re not actually a “player,” their public persona might give off that vibe
♱ a lot of sagittarius moons, moon-jupiter aspects or moon in sag degrees are incredibly playful and flirty. they thrive on socializing and enjoy being the center of attention. their vibrant energy and enthusiasm often make them the life of the party, drawing people in with their lively and engaging personality.
♱ what i've noticed is that natives with cancer rising or the moon in the 1st house often attract a lot of popularity and are well-liked by many. they typically have an easy time connecting with others and are true social butterflies. females with these placements, in particular, often attract a lot of attention from men, thanks to their bubbly, fun personalities and their attractive, approachable appearance. on a negative note, i’ve observed that some people with these placements can also display deceitful, lying, or manipulative behaviors. (pls don’t come for me!)
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atrologynuances · 3 months
astrology observations pt1
(some are brutally honest and some are very very general)
all signs included!!
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- cancer mars actually hate everyone in their head but will never show it.
- unevolved cancer suns are one of the worst friends along with leo suns, maybe is their need to shine brighter than everyone else
- libra mars, especially men, are scared to look weak in society so they’ll do anything in their power not to be in such position-it usually involves lying.
-people with saturn in the 4th house have had a rough childhood filled with limitations and oftentimes had to be displaced from their home at a young age.
-people with saturn in their 1st house do not really know how they look or their impact in society, some just exist if that makes sense.
-capricorn risings will go through hell and back before they find a lover, this is because their 7th house of relationships with other and open enemies is ruled by the moon which rules over emotions, and the moon is in detriment in capricorn.
-same concept with pisces risings, I find that they date people or might surround themselves with people that have a lower educational level than them (mercury is in detriment in their sign)
-pisces risings have the most beautiful captivating eyes yes, but they’re also pretty intimidating, an energy one cannot quite put their finger on, which is what makes it intimidating and scary.
-I know libra rules beauty, but all the libra risings i’ve met always had something off with their face (i’m so sorry). with them is more about the beautiful vibe they exude once evolved, as opposed to their looks alone.
-most scorpio sun men do look like rats, they’re small, talk fast, and have sharp teeth, or noticeable teeth.
-sagittarius seem to not like school that much or they really do, no in between.
-sagittarius sun men are the dirtiest men i’ve met, they’re also chronic liars and cheaters, and have the biggest victim complex. they will drop you if they think you bring them “bad luck.”
-most taurus sun women are opportunistic and liars, they have the face card for it though, which is why they always get away with it.
-taurus sun men are the creepiest people i’ve met, there is always something sketchy with them. the type that will love bomb you two weeks into the relationship and then drop you the week after if they don’t think you’ll be useful to them.
-leo venus, specifically the men, will never be satisfied with their partner long term. they tend to “settle down” with partners they’re not that physically attracted to.
-i’ve noticed that aquariuses, regardless of gender always have pretty long hair (please confirm if this is you or if you’ve noticed this as well). if they don’t have long hair they have an eccentric hair colors like fuchsia pink or neon green.
-aries sun men look musty, or at least the ones i’ve encountered.
-on the other hand, aries women are the most gorgeous people i’ve met, they have a tall pose that exudes confidence; they do tend to be two faced though, still very beautiful. also, they always work hard for what they got! “mama i’m the rich man” vibe.
-people with north node in the 1st yearn for relationships, even if they don’t admit it.
it never seem to happen for them romantically, or at least not until the second part of their life.
-people with venus in the 7th are either loved of hated by people, they are mostly loved depending on the conditions of their venus but there’s something about them people can’t seem to shake off (something positive).
-a gemini anything will scam you and you won’t know until two years later lol.
-seriously though, am I the only one that has noticed gemini suns (only) being favored by the universe when it comes to them seeing the consequences of their actions. they could do half of the world wrong, and will still come out winning in the end. this is why most of them go about life like there’s no tomorrow.
-virgo risings struggle with their health from a very young age.
-virgo venuses are quite captivating, I know venus is at fall here but their elegance will have you second guessing why.
-since we’re talking about virgos let me add that virgo suns are very consistent with how inconsistent their personality is. they’re also picky eaters.
-if the ruler of your 5th house falls into your 6th house you might be a controlling and manipulative mother.
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astrobydalia · 27 days
Solar return observations
Virgo season is here which means my birthday is coming soon!!! I thought it would be fitting to share my first Solar Return observations with you. These are based on my experience, feel free to share yours!
Btw Ariel is my fave Disney princess I love her sm
work by astrobydalia
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Fire rising in SR - these years were characterized for being SO SO chaotic and all over the place tbh. It was always a mix of good and bad things like damn I couldn't catch a break. So many rollecosters, STRESS, situations were I was at the edge of my seat, unpredictable and random stuff happening...
Air rising on SR - one word: fresh. Total opposite from fire risings. Air risings were years that felt so light and fresh! I felt like I was floating through the year in a good way! Just going with flow. And I've said this before the best most chill years where I've found myself thriving were Libra risings on SR (also venus in the 1st house)
Moon-Lilith conjunction in th SR - I felt like my life being sucked out of me and overall felt kinda unlucky that year. I felt so empty inside during this year it was insane. Also I was having mayor issues and conflicts with my mom
Chiron is in SR is a bit catastrophized imo. It can not only mean areas in your life that can "break" but also areas that could find healing or resolutions as well. Whenever I've seen the breaking or ending manifestation of this asteroid it was always from a place of reconsideration and healing rather destruction, like making peace with something. For example, Chiron in the 7th house could mean ending a relationship on good terms or unlearning unhealthy relationship patterns. On time I had Chiron in the 6th house and during that year I got a nice job after a long period of struggling to find a job. Of course it's nuanced and it can often be painful and disappointing process but I think people don't mention enough how Chiron is about finding relief as well
One time I read the SR for a client who had Pluto in the 6th house for that year and turns out she was planning to undergo surgery during that time for health reasons
Leo rising in SR - These years were TERRIBLE for some reason. Maybe it was due to Cancer 12th house but I was really struggling to find happiness and fulfillment in my life during these times
Cancer mars in the SR - So emotional!! Like truly it was years that were clouded by emotion. It was either due to family stuff, friends or relationships, but I was running on emotion all the time and I couldn't act on logic to save my life. However it's not like I was in my bed crying all day but rather these emotions were giving energy and motivation in some way. Somehow being emotional was always making be feel.... alive?
Moon in 12th house of SR - I was getting ready to move and separate from my family during this year
Taurus rising in SR - these years were surprisingly.... intense, specially with my relationships. A lot of patience, resisting and enduring. Every event that happened felt like I was going through a 10-year-long process and really had a strong impact in my life. Years were I reconsidered my priorities a lot and was really faced with what is it that I truly value
Uranus in the 1st house of SR - literally a few days prior to my bday I received shocking news that turned my entire year (and life) upside down so you can imagine how this energy played out. Life forcing changes on my life that I was not ready for but had to make it through one way or another
Virgo rising in SR - I started a new job!
Look at Part of Fortune and Vertex in your SR chart, these will be significant themes!
Capricorn rising in SR - I was.... borderline depressed here ngl. Those kind of years that never seem to end ever. I was receiving pressure from both my career life and my family life. Overall earth rising in the SR were years that felt very 'heavy' if that makes sense.
Juno in the 1st house of SR - these were years were I meant new people!!! I significantly enlarged my network
^Same thing with Venus/Libra/Vertex in the 7th house of SR. I didn't get into a relationships or had anything romantic going on, I met new people and made new friends in general. I also bought lots of new clothes and invested a lot in my image
Scorpio rising in SR -you know when you go through a very intense experience out of nowhere and then come out of it soon after like nothing happened and you're left feeling like "wtf was that for"? That's this.
Yod configuration in SR - very karmic life-changing and ground breaking events in my life. Before and after vibes
Moon in Capricorn in the SR - my girlboss era!!!! These were years were I began new professional opportunities like my first job or my first year in college
Moon in the 8th house of SR - you guessed it: trauma. I'm talking canon event kind of trauma. A family member died.
Vertex in the 8th house of SR - this was playing life on hard mode honestly. Not necessarily traumatic, but very complicated events and situations here that put you to the test
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work by astrobydalia
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the-moon-devi · 9 months
Astro Indicators Of Being Curvy
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Reminder! This can change based off of genetics, and if you have any harsh aspects from saturn to any of these planets/placements.
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🍑 Jupiter Dominance~ Individuals with Jupiter as one of their dominant planets tend to have a curvaceous appearance or a particular body part that is noticeably larger. However, this trait usually manifests in conjunction with other factors. Jupiter governs the legs, which often leads to this body part being much more prominent than others.
🍑 Moon/Venus Dominance: Both of these are feminine planets. Having 1 or both of these as your top 3 dominant planets gives the native a natural, curvy shape and womanly appearance. Moon gives you softness and bust. Moon can also bring the weight, while venus brings in the shape and curves. Moon rules boobs and venus rules the butt.
🍑 Sag/Taurus/Cancer/Libra dominant
🍑 Ceres in 1h/ conjunct Asc~ This is the asteroid of motherhood. And from what I've notice this brings women specifically a plumpness and curviness to their appearance. Their womanly body parts are more accentuated. Usually the chest area is prominent too!
Ex: Marilyn Monroe
🍑 Saggittarius Ascendants- our centaurs bring the legs. Lol. Although it doesn't always have to be the legs but it's usually something nice about that area. Sag Ascendants are ruled by the planet of expansion (jupiter) so its never surprising when I see that they are thicker than most people in their family.
🍑 purva ashada Ascendants
🍑 Cancer Ascendants- cancer all around brings womanliness, and femininity. They can sometimes embody that motherly figure of having wider hips and being thicker especially once they get older. Most the times when we see Cancer Ascendants who are slim they usually have saturn or mercurial influence on the Ascendant. Cancer can also bring the tata's.
🍑 Libra/Taurus Ascendants
🍑 7th house lord (positively aspecting) jupiter/moon
🍑 Moon in 2nd,1st,7th,4th house
🍑 Venus - Jupiter
🍒 Venus - Moon
🍒 4th house ruler aspecting Jupiter
🍒 Jupiter in 1h, 2h, 4h
🍒 Punarvasu, Vishaka, Purvabhadrapada in big 3
🍒 Jupiter aspecting sun/moon, ascendant, ascendant ruler
🍒 Mars ruled nakshatras in big 3; dhanistha,Mrigashira, Chitra
🍒 Aqaurius Moon/ Uranus - Moon; The Curious Case of Aquarius and Curviness/
It's perplexing to think about how Aquarius or even Uranus could be related to body shape. However, these celestial bodies are known for ruling trends, and in recent years, it has become fashionable to embrace curves. Women who are curvier than the norm, especially those from diverse cultural backgrounds, have become the face of uniqueness. Aquarius, the outcast of the zodiac, can bring attention to unconventional body parts on women. This can be unexpected and may occur with age, causing body image issues in some women, especially those with an Aquarius moon. This sign also brings a taboo or otherworldly appearance, which is why I believe Sarah Baartman, who was treated like an animal for her appearance, was an Aquarius moon. Women with an Aquarius moon can stand out because of their unique nature, as this sign is associated with trends. Not all Aquarius moon women are going to be curvy, but it is understandable why some plus-size models with an Aquarius influence on their moon have been celebrated for breaking beauty standards.
Ex: Barbie Ferreira, Ashley Graham, Precious Lee, and Mia Amber Davis w/ Moon conjunct Uranus
🍒 Moon aspecting Ascendant
🍒 Moon- Jupiter
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The more you have the thicker you are. It usually takes a combination of these. If you have these and still aren't considered to be thick, check and see if you have saturn or mercury impacting your ascendant or ascendant ruler.
𝓓𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓓𝓮'𝓛𝓾𝔁𝔁𝓮
𝓒𝓱𝓮𝓬𝓴 𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓞𝓾𝓽.....
𝓗𝓸𝓽 𝓐𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓰𝔂
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©𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓵
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overcatic · 2 months
random astro observations pt. 2 (vedic)
1. sidereal aquarius is the most “hidden” and mysterious out of the zodiac. the heart of aquarius, shatabhisha, is the pinnacle of that energy.
2. jupiter in shravana can create a linguistic master, especially for people born in rahu or jupiter mahadasha. most likely to speak more than 3 languages.
3. any planet falling in uttara phalguni can make you attractive to women for the significations of that planet. mars: body, sex appeal, physical stamina, strength, masculinity. venus: your voice, eyes, charm, style, artistic talents, etc.
4. luminaries in chitra can make a person shine so beautifully in any group, setting, etc. unforgettable allure. people may find it hard to forget the chitra native’s influence and impact.
5. bharanis love chitras. bharani’s symbol is the womb (creativity), and chitra’s deity is the designer of wombs (muse and inspiration to the creative). chitra tends to generate a lot of creative energy, beauty and sensuality which inspire bharani to create, love, and wonder. however, this relationship could be draining to the chitra native in the long run.
6. venus conj. moon can make someone deeply sensitive and delicate. very fond of children. high fertility in women (if not afflicted). this conjunction has an energy similar to that of rohini.
7. ashwinis love wearing their hair down. a free, wild mane is their signature look.
8. in man’s chart, unafflicted ketu in the 1st house blesses him with a strong body and tall stature. jupiter makes him the biggest and tallest in his family, especially if it’s in sagittarius or aspected by ketu.
9. venus conj. rahu is the beauty expert — beauty guru. beautiful, big eyes. attractive voice. brilliant mind. may be detached from their sexuality. cerebal understanding of sex.
10. venus conj. ketu, especially in navamsa, is a sign that the soul will master unconditional love in this lifetime. deeply sensual and seductive. strong, spiritual connection with the lover or spouse.
11. taurus is the square (stability), leo is the triangle (power), scorpio is the rectangle (security), aquarius is the circle/sphere (unity). just a thought i had.
“ namaste & have a great day <3
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lilacstro · 3 months
your birthday and profections
hey!! I hope you all are doing fine. If its your birthday, then happy birthday haha(so random lmao) This is a long post, so you may need to read through :) Apart from your solar return, profection years are another way to check major themes of your year.
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At its most basic, every age that’s a multiple of 12 is a 1st House year. So that’s when you turn 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72 and so on.
Every year after is a 2nd house year, which is when you turn 1, 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73
3rd house year: 2, 14,26,38,50,62,74 and onwards
Once you know the house connected to your current age, you can plot your experience of life via the topics and themes of each of the 12 houses.
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Themes House wise:
1st House - Self, Identity, Beginnings (YOU CHANGE)
Self-image, appearance, first impressions, approach to life, early environment, physical body, persona
2nd House - Value, Possessions (YOUR PERSONAL BELIEFS CHANGE)
Finances, personal resources, material wealth, values, self-worth, assets, possessions, spending habits
3rd House - Communication, Learning
Communication, siblings, local travel, early education, writing, neighbors, short trips, mental processes
4th House - Home, Family
Home, family, ancestry, roots, real estate, emotional foundation, private life, parents
5th House - Creativity, Pleasure
Creativity, romance, children, play, entertainment, hobbies, self-expression, speculation
6th House - Work, Health (TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH)
Daily work, service, health, routine, fitness, diet, pets, responsibilities
7th House - Partnerships
Marriage, partnerships, close relationships, contracts, public relations, collaboration
8th House - Transformation, Shared Resources
Transformation, death and rebirth, inheritance, shared resources, taxes, sexuality, mysteries, occult
9th House - Exploration, Higher Learning (YOUR LUCK CHANGES)
Higher education, philosophy, long-distance travel, religion, law, beliefs, exploration, publishing
10th House - Career, Public Life
Career, public image, reputation, social status, authority, ambitions, government, recognition
11th House - Social Networks, Aspirations
Keywords: Friendships, social groups, networks, aspirations, community, collective causes, social activities, ideals
Subconscious, solitude, secrets, endings, spirituality, isolation, hidden enemies, mysticism
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Your Time Lord for the Year
The other thing profections will do is turn on a planet as the ruler or ‘lord’ of your year ahead. This is called a time lord. This planet will be the traditional ruling planet of the sign on the profected house.
For example, your profected house by age is the 7th House, look at the sign in that house. Gemini in 7th? Mercury is the ruler. Taurus in 7th? Venus is your time lord.
This planet becomes a guiding influence for your year ahead. Not that if you have Venus as your time lord you will fall in love daily lmao, But rather, you will experience rulership of this planet affecting your themes of the year. I hope im making sense.
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Planets in Houses
Next, check the placements and themes of your profected house in your natal chart. For instance, everyone turning 18 will be in a 7th house year BUT each person will have different planets in their 7th house, and a different sign ruling the house.
For example, my 7th house is empty, and in my 18th year nothing major or life changing has happened, I am on my gap year.
If you have Mars in your 7th House, then your Mars themes – developing or managing assertiveness in partnerships, dealing with a little tension, the impact other people have on your decision making process, that type of thing – are highlighted for that year.
If you have Pluto in your 7th house, then themes like power, struggles, isolation and transformation maybe highlighted that year.
I hope it makes sense, use this for both, your time lord and the ruler of your profected house: Sun: Vitality, Identity, Ego
Self-expression, leadership, creativity, purpose, individuality, confidence, recognition
Moon: Emotions, Nurturing, Instincts
Emotions, intuition, habits, home life, family, subconscious, nurturing, cycles, forming close relations
Mercury: Communication, Intellect, Movement
Communication, thinking, learning(even life lessons, or about yourself), travel, writing, siblings, negotiation, information, introspection
Venus: Love, Beauty, Harmony
Relationships, attraction, beauty, art, values, pleasure, social life, harmony, indulgence
Mars: Action, Desire, Conflict
Energy, drive, ambition, aggression, initiative, sexuality, competition, courage, assertiveness
Jupiter: Growth, Expansion, Wisdom
Growth, expansion, luck, optimism, philosophy, higher learning, travel, abundance, generosity
Saturn: Structure, Discipline, Limitation
Structure, discipline, responsibility, limitations, authority, perseverance, time, maturity, career
Uranus: Innovation, Change, Rebellion
Innovation, rebellion, change, freedom, individuality, technology, unexpected events, unconventionality
Neptune: Dreams, Intuition, Mysticism
Dreams, intuition, mysticism, spirituality, illusion, compassion, imagination, escapism, idealism
Pluto: Transformation, Power, Depth
Transformation, power, depth, rebirth, intensity, secrets, control, regeneration, shadow self
Chiron: Healing, Wounds, Growth
Healing, wounds, inner growth, wisdom, teaching, mentoring, empathy, vulnerability, self-discovery
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PLANETS RULED BY AGE Ages 1 to 4 of your life is ruled by the Moon. Ages 5 to 14 is ruled by Mercury. Ages 15 to 22 is ruled by Venus. Ages 22 to 41 is ruled by the Sun. Ages 42 to 56 is ruled by Mars. Ages 57 to 68 is ruled by Jupiter. Ages 68 to death is ruled by Saturn.
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I hope I explained it well, combining your profected house, time lord and the planets in the profected house and the ruling planet of your age, you can get some information about the themes and effects you might be experiencing in your life and use it as a guide for your betterment.
support me on ko-fi :)
Remember, nothing is bad/challenging and you always have free will for the most part of your life and you dont have to subscribe to things you dont wish for, all the best<33
If you want, leave suggestions and feedback for the next post in asks, and comments :)
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janesgms · 10 months
Asteroid Industria
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✨️ Industria (389) Persona Chart Edition ✨️
Having a 5th house stellium can indicate that you will work in the creative field or with children in general, it can also indicate that your own children will interfere in your career like bringing your children with you to your job (and this can cause problems to you depending on the planets we're talking about).
career examples: being a teacher, a pediatrician, a performer, an artist
Sun conjunct mercury indicates your job has a lot to do with communicating yourself/speaking in general, your job is a lot about languages or just communicating in general.
career examples: being a teacher (again), a singer, a mailman, etc. it reminds me of hermes in greek mythology
Having a 2nd house stellium is a huge indicator of having a job that brings you financial comfort and gains in general, you're probably the "official" supporter of the house financially.
Virgo stellium in this chart shows someone bery hardworker, to the point where it's even obsessive depending on the planets and aspects, people can even take advantage of you because you have no problem with doing the "dirty work".
7th house moon is an indicator you have a soft heart in your job space and a lot of peoole with bad intentions take advantage of your kindness, you need to set your boundaries, seriously.
3rd house venus = gossips about your love life in your job space?? 👀 just a guess
Neptune square moon can indicate that you're very uncertain or lost when it comes to choosing what your heart wants for a profession, you feel like there isn't a dream job for you and you'll just get on with life lol. I think this also applies specially if you have pisces personal placements or a stellium in this chart.
On the other side, and kind of surprisingly, moon conjunct neptune can indicate that you've always dreamt about a certain job and it fits you like a glove.
Mars in the 8th house can mean you like to work alone, secretly, you don't like to be ordered around much and you hate when people invade your privacy in your work space.
Having a libra venus in this chart can indicate your beauty and charm have a huge impact on your job.
celebrity example: Taehyung from BTS
Having a libra midheaven can mean your aesthetic has a huge impact on others, you can influenciate a lot of people from your profession.
celebrity example: Lana Del Rey
I think Taurus stellium is a huge indicator of talent and a gorgeous aura in general that makes people pulled in by you in your job space. You'll probably work in the comestics/fashion area (sometimes people forget that venus also rules taurus but let's give them some credits too here lmao)
Mercury in the 5th house: you communicate yourself so pretty, so beautifully in your job, your words and/or voice let people in awe, this has a siren effect but not necessarily a singing voice. Your words can be hypnotizing and your diction too
7th house venus or stellium can indicate your romantic life impacts on your job immensely, even negatively if you're not careful. Also, it can mean you'll find your significant others in your profession field.
Pluto sextile sun means you impose yourself beautifully in your profession, you have an impact on others in a gracious but unforgettable way.
1st house moon can mean you pour your heart out when you're really trying hard to leave an impression through your job. This can also means you care a lot about how others perceive your appearance and this affects you really personally
5th house venus is so pretty, I wish I had it in my chart lol, this person really knows how to use her creativity to make her job properly, she has a natural talent for what she does.
Having a combo of positive aspects between the moon/venus/asc in this chart can indicate your femininity is very in tune in your profession field, you can come off as really beautiful and "in form"/put together when you're working, you just know how to have the ideal vibes, you know? This is very beautiful.
1° Sun means you can show your ego pretty easily when you're in your job space, unless neptune is aspecting it or it's in pisces, then you can hide it pretty well, but you still can be very certain about your abilities and even your appearance, this can indicate a natural leader.
A Leo or Aquarius MC is the true trendsetter of their professional field, they have the best ideas and they're always ahead of others, they can be really inovative. Leo can do it in a more traditional way that still works and leave an impact, in a big and colorful way, aquarius make it in a standing way that leaves people shocked with their ideas, they do that crazy thought that others are scared. The Leo MC knows that they're the royalty and the Aquarius MC knows that they're the mastermind. This duo can work greatly together, their ideas mix pretty well.
1st house Mars in aries are such fast workers!! they do their job pretty fast
I've talked about virgo stellium, but Capricorn stellium are the TRUE workaholics and they do the hard job without an ounce of laziness, they're down for anything as long as it makes them satisfied with fulfilling a useful meaning to them and with ✨️money✨️ of course lol
Speaking of capricorn, having a Capricorn MC means you have fame of doing your job impeccably, you're not joking in your area lol.
If aries/1st house placements are fast workers, taurus/2nd house placements are the opposite. They appreciate the details very much and they hate doing a job for the "half", they can be slow workers but their talent makes it worth it.
8th house pluto and/or mars can indicate you're pretty envied in your job space 🤫 be careful with gossips, lies and secrets...
Scorpio moons do not put their souls in their jobs, their jobs ARE their souls, they pour everything in their profession. They turn their traumas in art
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astrocafecoffee · 3 months
Astro observation ( part 1)
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🔹For entertainment purposes only, enjoy🔹
✨ Uranus in the first house individuals may reject authority or traditions that feels restrictive to them.others may seem them as trendsetters or avant -garde in their approach to life.
✨ Venus in the 10th house of natal chart peoples are so workaholic that they prioritise their career, success over personal relationships or self care.
✨ your spouse's name asteroid could fall in your natal 7th house. ( Not necessarily, but it can be).
✨ mercury in the 5th house can indicate a communicative and involved parenting style. This individuals may encourage their children's intellectual development, creativity, and curiosity, fostering a supportive environment that values self expression and learning.
✨ Scorpio mars individuals have a strong sense of loyalty and protectiveness towards their loved ones. They can be fiercely protective of those they care about and may go to great lengths to defend and support them.
✨ regulus in 7th house of Composite chart - your relationship with your person may bring some fame/ recognition.
✨ Astrocartography mc lines - indicates which place may have a significant impact on your career or public life.
✨ Astrocartography Dc lines - you may meet your spouse/ long term partner there.
✨ Saturn in the 4th house individuals are very traditional 🙂
✨ solar return Jupiter/ mercury in 3rd house/ 10th house may indicate favorable year for cracking competitive exams.
✨ Earth dominate individuals may admire partners who take their commitments seriously whether it's in personal relationships ,career or other areas of life.
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✨ juno in 1st house of groom persona chart means your spouse may influence how you present yourself to others or how you are perceived in social settings. they could bring out certain qualities in you or play a significant role in shaping your public image.
✨ South node lines in your Astrocartography chart indicates where you lived in your past lives.
✨ Briede conjunct Devine asteroid in synastry - divine/ fated relationship.
✨ Union asteroid in your groom / briede pc can indicate where you will meet your potential life partner/ spouse :
♾️ Union in Aries - dynamic / stimulating environments suggest adventurous activities, sports events, or places that involved risk taking and exploration. Gyms, fitness classes, martial art studios, organizing events , can meet through social gatherings / casual meet ups where people gather for fun or socializing. , Business conferences/ academic competitions.
♾️ Union in Taurus -
Fine dining restaurants , art galleries/ elegant social events. Settings related to finance, banking, investments , or business networking events., Exhibitions , concerts, musical performance, through mutual friends, wellness workshops.
♾️ Union in gemini -
Intellectual or educational events, workshops, seminars, book clubs , social gatherings , parties , online platforms, social media, dating apps, local festivals , neighborhood gatherings , during travel, airport, train station, writing workshop, media production, related to communication and journalism.
♾️ Union in cancer -
Family gatherings , reunions, hospitals , caregiving facilities, charity events , volunteering activities, through mutual friends, at historical sites, museums, art galleries, cultural events, small town festivals, near Lake, river, beaches, cafe , restaurant.
♾️ Union in leo -
Theatres , music venues, art galleries, or during performances and artistic events, parties , weddings, festivals , or grand gathering, acting class, outdoor festival, sports event , amusement park, related to child's education, youth organization, casinos, comedy clubs , gaming centre etc.
♾️ Union in Virgo -
Office , workplaces, professional conferences, networking events, volunteer activities, community service projects, charitable organisations, gyms, fitness classes health food store, wellness center, university, school , educational seminars, pet adoption events, parks , botanical garden.
♾️ Union in Libra -
Social getherings, parties, networking events, through mutual friends, concerts, cultural events, museums, theatre performance, settings related to law, mediation or during discussions that involve finding mutual agreements or resolutions., Teamwork, collaboration, relationship focused workshop,fashion shows, design exhibition, cocktail party, formal gatherings, courtroom, law office.
♾️ Union in scorpio -
Psychotherapy session, support groups, detective work, reasearch fields or in setting that require deep analysis and understanding., Spiritual retreats, metaphysical shops, astrology or tarot classes, tantra workshop, relationship councilling, setting related to investment, joint ventures, estate planning, holistic health centres , transformational workshop, place focused on healing practices.
♾️ Union in Sagittarius -
Travel, airport, train station, in foreign countries, or while participating in adventures such as hiking, backpacking, or exploring new cultures, University, libraries, seminars, religious gatherings, philosophy group, outdoor activities, sports events, camping trips, cultural festival, international events, language exchange program, law, publishing house, that promotes justice.
♾️ Union in Capricorn -
Office, corporate events, buisness conference, while pursuing ambitious projects, leadership roles, ceremony, cultural events, context related to banking, investments, Financial setting, teaching activities , prestigious club , organization, or during events where recognition and achievements are celebrated., Formal dinner etc.
♾️ Union in Aquarius -
Activism, volunteer work, community organization, seminars, conferences, discussion groups, online platforms, social media, tech startups, through mutual friends, social circles, online communities, music festival, Charity work.
♾️ Union in Pisces -
May meet in spiritual retreats, meditation centre, yoga studio, art galleries, theatre, music concert, poetry reading,film screening , volunteer work, charitable organisations, near Lake , beaches , hospital, clinic, wellness center, music festival, dance class, spiritual chants or ceremonies, book clubs focused on fiction on fantasy genres.
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✨ Saturn in 1st house people often have RBF / Serious demeanor 👺
✨ Moon opposite/ square Saturn in solar return chart indicates emotional heaviness, feeling of loneliness or responsibilities weighing heavily on the emotions 😭.
✨ Jupiter/ Venus in 2nd house of Groom/ Briede pc indicates rich spouse.
✨ South node conjunct karma in synastry might suggest past life conflicts, power struggles or intense experiences that need healing or resolution in the current lifetime.
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My other posts :
🔮 your future spouse's career.
🔮 your past life.
🔮 marriage placement in synastry and composite.
And many more on my page-
See you soon ~
- Piko ✨
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kakiastro · 11 months
Will I be Famous?
Astrology of Fame
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When it comes to if you’ll be famous, there’s several indicators that can show you having the potential to be famous. Obviously, it’s still going to take work to achieve this but you’ll have certain advantages based on your chart
Leo + 5h placements + Leo degrees (5°, 17°, 29°) + Sun aspects
- Leo is the sign of fame. If you have any placements in Leo then yes, you have the strong potential to be famous or well known.
- The 5h is Leo house so even if you don’t have any planets in the sign of Leo but have it in Leo house, you still have strong potential for fame.
- Leo degrees is also a big indicator.
5°- short term fame. You can be famous forever but you’ll always be known for this one particular thing or a few, and won’t be in the mainstream media as much unless it’s about that thing you did
17°- moderate fame. Being more well known in the mainstream media. You’ll have quite a few well known projects that you’ll be famous for.
29°- long term fame, you’re constantly in the media and you have a long range of projects
-having close aspects to your Sun also influence if you have fame energy.
Example: Sun conj MC indicates being well known on in your chosen field.
Saturn + 10h + Capricorn placement and degrees (10° and 22°
-Saturn rules over your career and public image. Saturn also rules over our legacy after we retire. “What will people remember me for?”
-having your planet’s especially your personal planets (big 6)in the 10h can indicate being well known and highly respected.
-Now Saturn is long term fame but it’s also the planet that takes a long time to get to where you want to go. Consistency, Strong work ethic, being responsible are the keys for success
10° is the degree that represents respect and long term goals
22° is one of the most notorious degrees. It’s named “kill or be killed” degree. Now this doesn’t mean you will be killed or you will kill someone (I hope not anyway lol) I personally look at this degree in what are you willing to sacrifice or not to achieve your goals?
Uranus + 11h + Aquarius Placements + degrees (11°, 23°)
- Uranus rules over society, networking, and social friend group. It also rules over your collected wealth. Taurus and 2h rules over the wealth you are building but Uranus and 11h is what you have built.
-have your personal plant placements can make you very influential to a large group of people. Remember Aquarius is Leo sister sign. Leo is the stage but Aquarius is the people. Part of being famous is your fans and fandom. Uranus is a generational planet so having these placements means you impact on your generation.
Example: I’m from the Uranus Aquarius generation so being well known on social media and influencing large group of people. It’s in the 7h (placidus) and 8h (whole sign) so I’m building a business that talk about occult topics . I also talk about healing a lot on this blog
11° means you’re good at connecting with people, you may know all kinds of people for different purposes
23° means you are the one everyone knows or at least heard of. People go through you because you are the networker.
Venus + 2h and 7h + Taurus and Libra + degrees (2°, 14°, 26°, 7°, 19°)
-Venus is a huge fame indicator. Beauty and looks is a huge part of being famous. You can use your Venus sign to your advantage by matching the energy of the sign and house it’s in.
Example: if you have Venus Aries 5h, wearing reds, oranges, yellows, bangs or side parts are some of the ways you can show this energy
-libra rules over one on one connections and partnerships. It’s how we connect with people up close and personal. This is where enemies reveal themselves openly.
7° is one of the degrees that rules over beauty and aesthetics, may be really charming
19° is one of the karmic degrees. It’s the partnership degree. You may meet lots of past life people in this lifetime. You may end up being with a past life partner. This is also the business degree.
-Taurus rules over all of our finances and the things we are building in our life. It also rules fashion but more so our physical beauty features such as dimples ect; while Libra is the beauty and aesthetics.
2° is known as the powerhouse degree. You have the power and energy to build an empire if you want too.
14° and 26° are both the fashion, pretty face degrees. There’s also a natural beauty energy.
Do you have any of these placements?
Have you booked your reading with me yet?
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harmoonix · 7 months
🌻Spring's Dawn🌻
Astrology Observations (Natal and Sidereal chart)
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🌻 Sun in the 1st/7th/10th/12th house natives can be really exposed to the world, is like they can never hide themselves from the world
🌻 Sun aspecting Venus natives can be really talented into arts/music, they can be the most positive people in the room, easily liked by people
🌻 Sun in the 5th/9th/11th houses like to share their talents with others, they can inspire people with their creativity
🌻 Mars aspecting the ascendant, the native can be easily liked for their confidence or leadership behavior/personality! People feel so safe around them
🌻 Mars aspecting the Moon natives have an attachment dynamic nature, they can passionately get attach to things and hard let them go
🌻 Mars in the 9H/11H or in Sagittarius/Aquarius can manifest things easily
🌻 Saturn in the 11H sometimes make you to desire something and to achieve it in time, like not on the moment, but for sure is coming even if is a bit slower
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🌻 Midheaven aspecting Sun/Neptune/Venus can make someone very creative/talented/blessed with artistic talents
🌻 Sun having less to no aspects in a chart can indicate a native who can easily change their personality/mood
🌻 7H empty sitting in a chart has no negative impact on the native, they rather have it more easy in relationships since no planet influence that house
🌻 Jupiter aspecting Sun can be so lucky because of their personality and charm, the native can aslo have an selfish aura if is too spoiled
🌻 Lilith (h12) aspecting the Sun can make the native to isolate themselves to protect their energy, but is more about their self - expression and wildness who needs to be explored
🌻 Venus square/opposite/conjunct Ascendant gives native a flair of romance/stylish personality/maybe too flirty sometimes
🌻 Venus in in fire signs will love to be chased in a love relationship!! Like they will wait for you to make the first step into the relationship and then to fall for you
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🌻 Taurus Suns/Risings/Moons/Venus natives can truly be the kindest people ever, they love to share good vibes with everyone without having a conflict, they're so grounded which makes sense because of their earth element and I love this!
🌻 Ascendant aspecting Neptune can easily create an dependency/obsession over things/people and sometimes situations in their lives
🌻 Venus/Mercury in the 11H natives are really likable/loved by people, people can be so easy in sympathy with them
🌻 Sun in the 11H or in Aquarius can prioritize their friendships over anything, because their friendships can be everything for such natives
🌻 Pluto aspecting Lilith Asteroid (1181) can have an energy of a "bad person" but they're truly not!
🌻 Asteroid Lilith (1181) aspecting Asteroid Aphrodite (1388). The native can have the energy of a badass person yet very charming and romantic
🌻 Aphrodite (1388) aspecting Juno (3) can be easily by liked at first by people, because of their personality, their relationship can be known by people as well
🌻 Uranus aspecting Juno natives can be so unexpectedly in love/in relationships, they can marry someone they never thought to marry with
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🌻 Aries Suns/Moon/Risings and Lilith/Venus/Mars can feel like a forbidden fruit, like they can be so untouchable and yet so magnetic
🌻 Aries Saturn natives need to have better standards and to know their self worth, especially learning to have confidence
🌻 Saturn in Libra can sometimes give you karmic relationships. The same for Saturn in the 7H, take care at people who don't want to stay for long in your life
🌻 Neptune/Pisces in the 2H/4H/6H/8H can easily be drained by other people's energy, they're so sensbile to such things
🌻 Venus/Pluto or Aphrodite (1388) in the 8H can make you to ignore the toxic traits of a potential partner and see them as an attractive thing instead (Don't do it)
🌻 Venus in the 6th/10H/11th house axis can make you to engage in relationships with people from the same work field as you
🌻 Venus in the 1st house natives, people can appreciate their beauty but not always their talents. Like this placement can represent "I am more than beauty", they're aslo extremely artistic
🌻 Moon in the 8th/12th house axis are always in the middle of some sort of drama/fight purely for the thing that people can see them as "too" soft, which is not true
🌻 Saturn in the 5H or Saturn in Leo may not want to have kids early in life (some of them don't wanna have kids at all in other cases)
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🌻 Sagittarius in the 2H/4H/8H can have a large number of relatives in family. You know like that person who has 6-7 cousins??
🌻 Having Capricorn Sun/Rising/Venus can make people to appreciate your body silhouette. Especially the legs
🌻 It can be so hard for people with Capricorn or Pisces Moon to be understood by others, which in the end can make them sad, you have to find better people in your circle if such things happen
🌻 Sagittarius Mercury and in general Mercury in fire signs natives talk so fast that people need to ask "Can you repeat? I can't understand what you're saying" more times a day 🤣😭
🌻 Sagittarius Saturn/9H can make you have people who want to restrict your freedom and free will, and one thing with this placement is that you always have to keep your mind open to everything
🌻 Jupiter aspecting Venus natives share a love about discovering things, they love to research and dive into interesting topics
🌻 Jupiter aspecting the Midheaven can be like a shooting star for you especially if is in good aspects because it helps you to find your path in job/career
🌻Sun/Moon and sometimes Saturn in the 6H can possess allergies, they can be different types of allergy of course
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🌻 I think is very likely for Virgo/Pisces/Scorpio and sometimes Libra or Aquarius placements to study medicine because they get so well within this field
🌻 Saturn at 29° or 0° degrees can be very powerful for this planet, Saturn ends a cycle at 29° and starts a new one at 0° especially a karmic cycle!!
🌻 The time you'll have your Saturn Return. Which happens when Saturn returns back into the same sign it was when you were born. Lots of things can happen during that period. Things that will change your mentally/emotionally/physically/rationally forever
🌻 The fact that for Aquarius Risings, the next years can be very changing since Pluto is entering permanently in Aquarius this year... is so scary yet fascinating in the same time 🥲🥲
🌻 Saturn in Pisces/12H or Pisces Degrees 12°, 24° can receive lots of dreams, have lots of spiritual or subconscious awakenings as well and even new karmic paths
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🌻 Hey y'all, 2nd of March of today brings the start of the spring already. Winter finally is ended and we will all slay this whole season 💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼
I wish y'all a very good spring season 🌻🌻🌻🧚🏼‍♀️
Harmoonix ✨🌻
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reinen5astro · 1 year
Your Career/Reputation/Legacy Indicators according to astrology pt.2
This time I'll go over the 10th house. If you would like to see part 1 [the second house] go here:
~ First find the sign your 10th house is in by pulling up your birth chart
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As you can see their 10th House is in Scorpio [I circled it + pointed to the line that indicates what sign it's in]. If you don't feel like pulling up your birth chart right now, you can just think of the 9th sign after your rising sign. For example, a Sagittarius rising has their 10th house in Virgo [the ninth sign after Sagittarius], while an Aries rising has their 10th house in Capricorn.
~ Next, look at the ruler of that sign. This is the ruler of your second house. I've written them down below
Aries: Mars
Taurus: Venus
Gemini: Mercury
Cancer: Moon
Leo: Sun
Virgo: Mercury
Libra: Venus
Scorpio: Mars and Pluto
Sagittarius: Jupiter
Capricorn: Saturn
Aquarius: Uranus and Saturn
Pisces: Neptune and Jupiter
~ Lastly, find what sign your ruler/rulers are in. My interpretations are down below.
10th House Ruler in The....
1st House:
Your professional success is fully related to your personal expression, your confidence and your initiative. Your physical body and appearance will affect/have something to do with your job [you may be a dancer for example]. Your personality, view on life, body and physical appearance will also have a big impact on your status as well. Whatever you achieve in life, you will have to do it on your own and this contributes to your legacy, reputation, and pride. Try to avoid the tendency to become egocentric as again, your personality and view on life WILL affect your status, career and legacy. You may do best when self-employed. You tend to dress in accordance with your career; essentially, your career immensely affects your life, your career goals even affect your approach to life. You have an inert desire for recognition and respect and care about how you present yourself to the world. Overall, any career would suit you, but keep in mind that your career will affect you as a whole [more than most people], and your appearance/physicality may have something to do with your career.
2nd House:
Your professional success will be reflected in your income. Most likely you will make money through any profession/the profession you choose. Your resources and values play an important role in your future success. You may have a career involving finances. You require a career that fits your values and that provides you with financial security. Your self-esteem increases when you gain authority [gaining authority also tend to increase your net worth]. Your attitude/relationships with authority figures impacts your money-making ability. Your legacy will most likely be related to how much money you've made in this lifetime.
3rd House:
Your career is related to some form of self-expression. You feel a need to communicate and to express your own ideas through the profession you choose. Your career may need a lot of short-term traveling. The need to be seen as an authority influences the way you communicate. Your profession is always on your mind. Your career may involve, blogging, transportation, making connections locally, helping the community, writing, conferencing [online correspondences], language. You may also work as an early schoolteacher or guidance counselor. Your voice holds authority. Your legacy may be the way you communicate, and you pass on your professional experience through teaching and writing.
4th House:
Your profession is related to your home, and because of this, you may work out of your home or with one of your parents, possibly continuing a family business. This astrological influence also could lead you to try fields having to do with soil, property, land or those that have to do with your place of birth. The recognition you receive from the outside world affects your emotional security. Your social status impacts your family or your family's social status may impact your career. You bring an authoritative attitude to your home life. You set the rules at home. You may find a way to live out your true vocation from the comfort of your own home [virtual working]. Your reputation affects how your family sees you. You build a reputation for yourself as a family man/woman. You build a reputation for yourself as a nurturer or caretaker. You use your status to help your country. You may even gain recognition + authority for serving your country [military]. You become an authority on your personal heritage and culture. You become an authority on your family tree. You become an authority on your cultural roots. Your legacy could be related to your familial heritage, how you treat your family and your authority in your home/country.
5th House:
Your professional success is related to your creativity. No matter what profession you choose, you always show your originality and desire to do things your way. This astrological position leads you to find success, especially in sports or artistic careers. Working in your profession will be a pleasure for you. You may build a reputation for being a flirt, a creatively expressive person, a gambler, or a risk taker. Your professional life revolves around the arts., children, and athletics. You bring an authoritative approach to music, theater, art and dance. You attempt to add structure to your creative impulses. You may discipline children. You may even work as a choreographer. You are a professional stage actor. You bring a professional approach to your hobbies and may even make a career out of a hobby. You become an authority on music, dance, art, and theater.  Overall, your legacy will be related to your creativity, and your children.
6th House:
Your professional success is related to service. No matter what profession you choose, it will be more gratifying for you if you feel that you are helping others. You may pursue professions linked to medicine, therapy or nutrition. If you do not have a career, you are likely to work in a company that provides some kind of service. You build a reputation for your daily work performance, and you may become known as a workaholic. Especially since your vocation will most likely require you to work every day. Your career could be related to work with animals, involvement with fitness and diet. You may discover your true vocation through an apprenticeship or specializing. You may become a specialist in a certain area and therefore carry authority when you speak on that topic [professional weightlifters, professional animal activists, etc.]. Your true work most likely requires you to be an employee rather than a boss. Your vocation involves lots of employee and coworker interactions. Awards/recognition will come through your daily work. Overall, your legacy will be your aid/service to those who are in need.
7th House:
Your professional success is related to the public, society and marriage. You have a need for give and take with the public; your contact with the public could be on a large scale as well as people individually. Your professional progress will be stimulated by the training of some association or by the support you receive from your mate [husband/wife]. You gain recognition and social status through your partner. You gain awards and recognition for your efforts in a partnership [marriages aren't the only type of partnership]. You may work with your partner. Your profession involves working in one-to-one relationships. Your professional success is dependent on your ability to relate to other people. Your professional success is dependent on your ability to form significant relationships. You are an authority on marriage, and business partnerships. You bring a professional approach to marriage. You treat your marriage like a career. You lay down the rules in marriage. You bring your outer expectations of success to your marriage. You want your marriage or partnership to live up to society’s standards. People with this placement do not take marriage lightly subconsciously because they know how much marriage can help their life and its value, but they also know how much it can hurt their life as well. they tend to be very picky with marriage partners, but they usually choose the right one [of course unless there's other aspects or placements interfering [for example, Lilith/Chiron/mars/Saturn/Pluto in the 7th house]. What each partner does for a living can be an 'issue' in a relationship or marriage. Each partner’s social status can be an 'issue' in marriage or partnership. Ideally the partners should have equal status and equal standing. Partners should have balanced careers. Partners should have the same ambitions and goals in mind. Partners should want to have the same achievements [or rather same type of achievements]. Your legacy will be your relation to your marriage partners, your relation to the public, business partnerships, and your one-on-one relationships. [I personally have the placement and it's pretty accurate. I'll see how it pans out though because I am a minor, and have in fact not gotten married lmao]
8th House:
Your professional success is related to your ability to produce changes or transformations in yourself as well as others. This astrological influence brings financial support from others that will help your career. That help could come from a financial institution as well as your marriage. You may work in an investigative or financial field [journalist, researcher, scientist, detective, accountant, miner, archaeologist]. Your work may be related to your sexuality, death [mortician] or rebirth. You may turn your spirituality into your profession as well [astrologer, tarot reader, professional witch]. You may deal with confidential information and negotiate in secret. Somehow you always end up in "special" projects where there is secrecy [ you will have to sign NDA's]. Beware of shady dealings as it will affect your public status. There are often transformations in your social status, career, and reputation. Your legacy may be related to how many hardships you've gone through and made it through; it'll also be related to your financial status and spirituality.
9th House:
Your professional success is related to your ideals, university degree, higher studies, religion and traveling. You may establish yourself professionally in a different place from that of your birth or your work could necessitate you to travel often. You always feel the need to expand your knowledge and to make the most of each day; as a result, you may keep going back to school/college. You choose a profession that allows you to travel and interact with people from other countries. You choose a profession that falls in line with your faith. Your career may be related to your religion [ex. priest] You receive awards for academic achievements and religious work. You choose a profession that allows you to search for higher meaning. You bring an authoritative approach to religion, faith and belief, and academic learning. You may have a career in professing [professor]/lecturing. Having a profession, status, and recognition gives your life meaning. Your legacy will be related to your faith, ideals, and education.
10th House:
You are likely to put a lot of energy into achieving professional success. Your ambitions and goals are clearly defined, and you have a need to demonstrate to yourself and others what you can achieve through your own effort. Your career may depend on parental support or guidance, or you may follow in the footsteps of your parents. Either way, you always point out your individuality and personal ability. Getting out in the world and making a name for yourself is important to you. You want to be known for something and to receive awards and recognition. You want to climb to the top of the mountain in whatever you choose to do; you are ambitious for the sake of being ambitious. You have an authoritative approach to career and vocation. You want to reach the top of your profession. How much you know in your career builds your reputation. You become known for your achievements…"Oscar winner…”, “Nobel Prize winner…” etc… You become known as an authority on whatever type of work you choose to do. Your legacy will be your achievements.
11th House:
Your professional success is related to your participation in some organization, group, union, or club. The support you receive from your friends will be crucial and because of this, you have to consider sociability as an important part of your life. Your true vocation involves working with groups of like-minded people. Following your calling depends on your ability to gain friends and fans. As a result, you have a professional approach to friendship and bring your need for recognition to your friendships. You choose friends who will boost your social status, and who won't outdo you in social status. You choose friends who have won awards and made achievements. Your ambitions influence your friendships. Your career involves working for social causes and movements. You want to reform society’s standards, expectations, and role of authority. Your relationship with your parents influences what types of social causes you become involved with. You may eventually belong to a professional club or guild., be a member of a professional board, or even belong to a board of directors. Your ability to conduct yourself professionally influences how many fans you gain. Becoming famous results in a lot of fans. You want to be in a profession that has an audience. If you get famous, fan clubs will spring up. Fame allows you to help social causes. You have high hope and ambition for your career. Your legacy could be your hopes, wishes, friendships, and social activism.
12th House:
Your professional success is related to your ability to serve others behind the scenes. Your profession is likely to be performed behind closed doors or in private. When I think of this placement, I think of the people who make the sets in a movie or show. This position favors professions that require power behind the throne; that is to say that you make suggestions or decisions without conferring with the public. Activities linked to secret information, medicine or investigations would be very favorable. You may work in a hospital or prison, or charity.  Finding your true vocation helps you release grief and sorrow. Gaining recognition/becoming famous is the self-undoing but may help you release your grief and sorrow. Becoming famous causes you to isolate. Becoming well-known may be a fear of yours, but also a desire. Fame enables you to help your favorite charities. Fame allows you to pursue your interest in the paranormal. Your social status causes you to retreat and too much exposure makes you want to hide and escape from reality. Your relationship with your parents/authority figures makes you want to escape from reality. The best career for you involves working alone. Your true career involves working with prisoners, the insane, hospitalized or underprivileged, meditation or spirituality, working with the paranormal, developing psychic abilities or becoming a channel. You may not have much of a legacy but if you do, it would be your charity work, and your work with the underprivileged, hospitalized, or imprisoned.
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Yep, thats the 10th house ;). Hope you enjoyed, and I hope that it was accurate.
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aryana-thefairy · 1 year
Astrology observations part-3 🦋
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🦋Libra Sun have the best complexion and usually clear skin. The sun radiates from within. They act silly to confuse people but they are wise. I have never seen an unattractive Libra sun. There is something about them that makes them so pretty. Everyone’s crush.
🦋Venus in 11H has to do with glamour. They have classy rich social circles. Tend to have more friends from the opposite sex. The friends have a big impact on them. A desire for rich successful high profile life. Also, tend to be a hoarder. They are loved by all.
🦋I love how opinionated Aries women are. They tend to be feminists or environmentalists. They scare the hell out of men. It's their way or high way. Why do so many aries women have water sign children, it's cute.
🦋People with Saturn with 0-degree placement were independent from a young age. Since the time they were born, they were already done with everyone’s shit. Might not have the easiest childhood. Also, tend to be emotionally closed off as adults. But my god their sense of humour is dark, with the right crowd, they truly shine.
🦋Lilith in 1H or Lilith conjunct ascendant, so what is it like being accused all the time? Women accuse you of stealing their boyfriends and men accuse of you flirting even when you are not.
🦋Lilith in 12H, I already mention this placement in previous observations. Let's look at the positive side. Your sensual energy might not be too upfront. But people can’t forget about you. You haunt their subconscious mind. So there is a tendency for others to get obsessed with you. Your ex-lovers or friends can never get over you. It's impossible.
🦋The wit of Gemini mercury is so hot. Their memory is too good. An intellectual.
🦋Virgo mars are so logical and strategic with their actions. I would go to them for any kind of advice. They are the master planners. Ready for anything.
🦋Scorpio midheaven, they are people’s guilty pleasure. People hate them because they can not be them. At the same time they are appealing to others, everyone has eyes on them.
🦋Neptune in 1H have trail of copycats. It is what it is.
🦋I feel Sagittarius's placement have too many love interest. Best bodies. Amazing butt. Especially Sagittarius rising are some of the prettiest people I have ever seen.
🦋Venus in 2H tends to marry rich. They can become famous too.
🦋Sun in 1H or Sun conjunct ascendant are warm, charismatic, and regal. They appear radiant and have glowing complexions. Prominent foreheads. I don’t think this placement has any cons. Definitely makes life easy. Can be self-centred. Divine wisdom. Powerful leaders. 
🦋Aquaruis rising look exotic or unique. They often appear eccentric and would constantly say they are weird. Gives off maniac pixie girl or guy vibes.
🦋Cancer Mercury / Taurus Mercury are great listeners. They are the true best friends. Empathetic. Provide words of comfort to others. I think it takes great emotional intelligence to be understanding and empathetic. Cancer mercury is unbeatable in that aspect.
🦋Capricorn suns are frank and straight to the point. They are the least problematic people of all. If you have beef with them, it's mostly one-sided because they are focused on building their empire. They take no shit from others and might appear cold. They are real sweethearts. Capricorn sun/moon / rising are often the eldest children in the family.
Disclaimer: Take what resonates with you. Personal observations are biased.
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ms-taurusvenus · 6 months
Astro Notes 2
2H Plutos have the universe with them financially. Even when they reach a low point financially, the universe always catches them. Ei, a 2H Pluto naive has $20 in their bank account, a few days later they get an additional $150. Then a few days later, they get an additional $300.
Don’t mess with someone with a Cancer Moon with an Aries Mars. They know express and feel their emotions and how to translate them and aren’t going to hesitate when needing to express themselves. Especially when they’re yelling at someone. You can see and feel the impact and how they’re feeling and their anger is very intimidating. NGL, they’re kinda scary when they’re mad.
Moon in 8H, 12H, 6H or weakened Moons can indicate insomnia. 
Although Pisces may be good in the 5H, navies with this placement may feel self-doubt or have a god complex if they choose to indulge into the arts, creativity, & possibly even when it comes to how they view children. 
Complimenting others strengthens your Venus.
6H transits -> potential stomach issues/pain. 6H = Virgo and rules the stomach
3H & Gemini placements may have a tendency to unintentionally talk about themselves.
5H transits may indicate connecting with your inner child, no it doesn’t only mean your love life will get better.
Libra, Cancer and Taurus Mars should do Pilates and yoga when it comes to working out  and fitness.
Saturn-Venus/Moon aspects should study somewhere that they won’t get comfortable (bedroom, house, etc) and go outside (cafes, libraries, etc) to get work done.
Debilitated 11H tend to struggle with friend groups and having them and it often results to them having a lot of online friends and hanging out with people individually/one-on-one.
Thank you for reading until the end! Hope you enjoyed, my inbox are OPEN!
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