#Impact Advisors
bettermentinc · 1 year
Impact Advisors’ Crucial Role in Mortgage Arbitrage: Unlocking Profit Opportunitiesy
Mortgage arbitrage is a complex investment strategy that involves taking advantage of the price discrepancies between mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and other related financial instruments. 
This practice requires in-depth market knowledge, sophisticated analysis, and strategic decision-making. Within this arena, Advisors has emerged as a prominent player, offering their expertise and guidance to investors navigating the intricacies of mortgage arbitrage.  In this blog, we will explore the significant role played by Impact Advisors in facilitating profitable opportunities in the realm of mortgage arbitrage.
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Understanding Mortgage Arbitrage
Mortgage arbitrage revolves around exploiting inefficiencies in the pricing of mortgage-related securities. It typically involves borrowing at a low-interest rate and investing in higher-yielding mortgage-backed securities or other related financial instruments. The goal is to profit from the spread between the cost of borrowing and the return on the investment.
What is the Role of Impact Advisors
In-depth Market Knowledge
Advisors possess extensive expertise in the mortgage market, enabling them to provide valuable insights into the dynamics and trends that influence mortgage-backed securities. They stay abreast of changes in interest rates, prepayment rates, credit spreads, and other critical factors that impact the profitability of mortgage arbitrage strategies. This knowledge empowers investors to make informed decisions and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
Risk Assessment and Management
Mortgage arbitrage involves inherent risks, such as interest rate fluctuations, credit risks, and prepayment risks. Impact Advisors assist investors in assessing and managing these risks effectively. Through thorough analysis and modeling, they identify the optimal investment opportunities with a favorable risk-reward balance. 
By evaluating risk factors and implementing appropriate risk management strategies, they mitigate potential downsides and enhance the chances of success for their clients.
Strategy Development and Execution
Advisors are pivotal in developing mortgage arbitrage strategies tailored to their client’s investment objectives and risk tolerance. In order to design effective strategies, they consider various factors, including market conditions, available investment options, and regulatory considerations. 
Furthermore, they assist in executing these strategies by facilitating the acquisition or disposition of mortgage-backed securities and optimizing portfolio positions. Their guidance helps investors navigate the complexities of the mortgage market and make strategic moves at the right time.
Technology and Analytics
Leveraging advanced technology and sophisticated analytics, Advisors provide investors with powerful tools for evaluating and monitoring mortgage arbitrage opportunities. Their access to comprehensive data and proprietary models allows for accurate pricing analysis, risk assessment, and performance monitoring. 
By harnessing these tools, investors can make data-driven decisions and respond swiftly to market changes, increasing their chances of achieving profitable outcomes.
Regulatory Compliance
The mortgage market is subject to stringent regulations, and adherence to these regulations is crucial for investors engaged in mortgage arbitrage. Advisors stay well-versed in the regulatory landscape and guide their clients in navigating compliance requirements. They ensure that investors are aware of relevant regulations and assist them in structuring their investments to align with legal and regulatory frameworks.
Mortgage arbitrage presents a complex and potentially lucrative investment strategy requiring specialized knowledge and expertise. Use of advanced technology and analytics empowers investors to make informed decisions, capitalize on opportunities, and manage risks effectively. 
As the mortgage market continues to evolve, Impact Advisors’ role remains crucial in helping investors unlock profit opportunities in this dynamic landscape. Visit Betterment Inc. to learn more about how to invest money in a smart way.
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lostacelonnie · 4 months
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i want you to tell me that you don't think this is a mistake!
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+ no text version because i worked HARD on the patterns on misty's dress
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angstics · 4 months
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the terror that just struck me to the bone. i just felt the filmmaker of my life use the dutch angle to represent my descent into madness. we cant be talking about Queliot in PhD dissertations for Ohio State University. this is small community trauma that should be kept a secret in respect of the hundreds affected. oh i feel sick
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Title: Poison On The Tongue
Head advisor reader held the same vote as Noble reader at 7.5%, yet this one has the highest word count so far. Kinda popped off on this one ngl, just a little.
Noble | Head advisor | Civilian | Royalty | Librarian | Witch (canon)
Wc: 3k Warnings: Talks of Murder and Arranged marriage.
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The plan is almost ready to go, and you're glad, not nervous. You tire of this meeting, long and droll as it has been, and maybe these people would be more behaved if the king was here. The Prince is young, and they think that means he is weak and naive.
What fools they are. You'll be glad to wheedle them out.
Young, does not mean soft, and the prince has a spine of steel, and bored molten eyes. They keep trying to tie back to the idea of pushing him into marriage. Your eyesight bleeds red every time you think of those eyes trained on another, but he doesn't even look at you, or entertain these notions. A muscle under his eye twitches.
You are satisfied with this response, it is right and appropriate. Nevermind the tiny crush you have in the prince, never mind that. You kinda wish he would mind.
He dismisses these proposals and stays focused on internal affairs, allocation of funds, taxes. Unlike other times the council members are persistent, and you know it's because the king is not here, and this is the first meeting His Highness has attended without him. They think they could take advantage.
Councilman Amar has been staring at his Highness's cup, glancing back to it on and off. He wrings his hands, and sweat is beading on his brow.
"--a tax cut for the nobles would only encourage the commoners into dissent. It does no good for anybody."
"But we may pad up the royal coffers in case of an emergency."
"What sort of emergency?"
"Like a royal wedding--"
"Councilwoman Nathalia, no. On the contrary, we should–"
You're not worried about Amar. He is new to the council, and soft spined, and you knew he would not last. He had earned the position through nepotism after all. And there were others he had to prove himself to.
Prove himself useful for. And Nidi had been growing anxious, with the people's growing annoyance with him, so of course he'd go after the bait. He's been in the council too long, with far too little favor and good work. He, amongst them all, has been pushing the prince to marriage the hardest now, even bringing some insipid list of suitors to look over. He annoys you greatly.
Finally, your prince meets your eyes, and you know the cue.
"Councilman Amar, you've been awfully quiet. You don't have any remarks?" Amar startles, just slightly, from his seat, and you watch as he tries not to stutter.
"No, nothing to add."
"Is that fact? Considering your father, your predecessor's, principles, I'd figured you'd be all for a tax cut."
"O-of course, that would seem so, but points have been made and I've changed my mind."
"Then why are you so anxious? You've been staring at His Highness for some time now. Is it about his potential prospects for marriage?" The room's eyes fall on him, and his shoulders hunch. But he trudges on.
"I'm just curious. And worried."
"About?" You say, encouraging.
"The council has been pushing for His Highness to take a spouse for years now. I hear that many have offered their own hand, or their children's, even among the council. But he has refused them all. I'm worried that this will create...animosity all around." You see Nidi frown at the young man, the confusion in his eyes.
"Councilman Nidi has been pushing especially for this. As a senior member in this council, I worry what makes him so worried to be in such a rush, or what tension this will spark, with that you repeatedly brushed him off, Your Highness." He mumbles towards the end of his sentence. A shy and meek man, his tongue is certainly blunt and careless. Council members silently shoot each other incredulous looks.
"There is no need for conflict or animosity in the council." The Prince speaks, sighing over his words.
"There is no need to worry. Councilman Nidi is a respected and long standing member of the council, so I will take him for his word if he says there is trouble. Councilman Nidi, what say you?"
Nidi strokes his beard, and tries to look humble. Fails.
"I agree wholeheartedly. Trust must be nurtured and fostered, and the young folks should defer to their elders' wisdom. Especially when they say a crisis is in the rise. That is how you learn and pass down knowledge."
"Of course, of course." Al Haitham traces the rim of his cup with a finger, almost droll.
"Councilman Amar?" 
"Yes?! Your highness?" He stutters.
"Tell me, where is my Father?"
"Your…? His Majesty is currently out of the country, foreign affairs."
"So tell me, who is the highest ranked official here?"
"You, Your Highness."
"And then."
"The High Advisor." You perk up like a smug cat. You think you see the prince's mouth twitch.
"And then Councilman Nidi amongst the other senior members, am I correct?"
"Yes, Your Highness." The people are currently looking amongst themselves, confused, while you sit back and enjoy the show. You're sure your grin does not ease their worries.
"Councilman Nidi, before we were talking taxes, you proposed a list of people that I could court. Among the list is your daughter."
"Well, yes. My daughter would be a lovely partner for you, Your Highness."
"Compared to the many princesses and Queens and warriors and such, no, she wouldn't be. Your army is not particularly large and your land is run just adequately. She wouldn't even be a safe choice. Considering other senior members have eligible children and greater might or forces, more land. Or the nobles and royalty all vying for me. No significant gains on my end.
"Meanwhile your daughter would be a princess, and eventually queen of the realm. She'd probably try to bear a child of mine quickly to secure her role. And then…"
"...Then?" He swallows.
"What is to stop her from planning my assassination?" The room gasps, and falls into murmurs, but he continues.
"Your daughter has been married before, hasn't she? Your eldest son as well. You married them off quite young, and how strange that they are both widows. With no children. Councilman Amar, did your sister say anything about her husband?" 
The scandal is unfolding at a rapid rate, and you're loving where this is going. You can't hide the mirth in your eyes when Al Haitham meets yours for a quick second.
"My sister was married to Councilman Nidi's eldest son. She was a timid, kind soul. She often spoke of how standoffish her husband was, and weeks before her untimely death, she rejoiced over the sudden change of heart he had. He was suddenly kind and attentive and loving. She died quietly in her sleep, leaving behind a small fortune. Councilman Nidi and his two children arrived at her funeral to give their condolences."
"How strange that your daughter's husband died the same way! No one batted an eye though because he was so old, I'm pretty sure people were actually relieved because your daughter was so young, freshly fifteen, yes?" You smile, blood in the water. "So young. Another young widow left behind with a small fortune." You pop in, leaning your cheek in hand.
"How strange."
"I see where this is going." Nidi is not far from you, and he smiles bitterly. He leans back in his seat, still stroking his beard.
"I understand your concerns and suspicions. But I assure you, I'm only trying to assure my daughter's future to a man well off and mature enough to treat her well. My son and daughter in law had tragic deaths, but not by design."
"Is that so!" Nidi laughs at your question. It wasn't a question.
"My children are well off through their own fortunes, and my own, to not covet your position, Your Highness. Furthermore, I can assure you I would never make an attempt on your life."
"Not you directly, of course, but perhaps someone you thought you could manipulate into doing so, perhaps. Like the meek brother of your late daughter in law? Who us still in mourning? Councilman Amar." Only now does Nidi's face truly pale, and his hand clenches under the table.
"He wanted me to put this," Amar pulls out a small vial from his sleeve, "into His Majesty's drink. But once it was made apparent that the king would not be able to attend, he told me to set my sights on His Highness."
"Preposterous! I don't even know what that is!" Nidi yells, shooting from his feet and slamming his hands on the table. You click your tongue.
"Allow me to speed up your memory then." This is where you shine. You stand from the table and slowly walk your way around it, languid and stalking.
"It's essentially an aphrodisiac. With His Majesty's frail condition, it would increase his heart palpitations, which would be a common side effect of the potion. Which would rule his subsequent death as a heart attack. But with the prince, it would work as intended, giving you time to introduce your daughter, who is on her way to the capital now, who would surely fall for the prince with his own…condition." 
You trail your hands over the backs of chairs you pass, even daring to brush the napes of the people in them. They shiver under your touch and gaze. Head advisor. Snake of the court. The Prince's Witch.
"But, you never told Councilman Amar how much to put in his drink, did you? You told him to put the whole vial in the King's drink, but didn't change the order when you switched your sights to the prince. Him not knowing such a strong dose would also incapacitate His Highness."
"If that was my plan, how would I benefit from that?"
"He wouldn't immediately fall ill. Your daughter would have enough time to lay with the prince. After all, it's an aphrodisiac, not a love potion." The old geezers' faces turn red, and you snicker under your breath.
"With the fertility potion you bought her, she'd be sure to fall pregnant, and with the prince out of commission, and the king frail, she'd have the chance of being named queen consort, pregnant with the future king or queen." You wave your hands in a show, stopping behind the prince. 
"I don't know what nonsense you're spitting. How do you even know what that vial is? Or what potions my daughter has been taking?!"
"Why, because they are the one supplying you." Al Haitham steeples his hands together.
"Their potions and spells are the highest quality, we both know. And that's what you were aiming for, yes?" Al Haitham beckons and Amar reaches over to place the vial in his hand.
"You said it's important to foster trust, yes? Then let us all drink from the same cup." He pours in all the contents of the vial, topping it, then mixing it all with his sugar spoon.
"Also, your daughter has been supplied with a truth potion and not a fertility potion. We'll question her when she arrives."
"Wait!!" Al Haitham pauses with the cup halfway raised to his lips.
"You accuse me, but how do we even know if it's safe? What if it is instead a poison that he switched it with to frame me, hm?" Stupid man, he looks so victorious.
"Fine then, I'll test it." You take the cup from the prince's hand, and take a swallow. It's mellow, and sweet, just like you made it. It's not poison. Even if it was, you could've countered it.
"It's fine. Just like I made it." Al Haitham nods, and takes it back to take a sip. He holds it out for Amar, who also takes a swallow.
"Take a sip, Councilman Nidi." You encourage, placing your hands on the table. You're caging the prince in a little, but his eyes are sharp and focused on the man, and not on you. Too bad. Atleast you got the indirect kiss.
"You'll be fine. We have our esteemed witch here, and they'll make sure you'll survive. We still have to hold you and your children for questioning after all." Nidi glares, balefully at councilman Amar whose face suddenly breaks out into a grin even wider than your own, its such a delightful look, and you laugh, nodding at Nidi to take the cup. He's not off the hook.
Nidi gulps, but looks at you all, and takes the cup. There is only a slight tremble to his hands as he brings the cup to his lips and takes a sip.
Immediately he drops the porcelain, and it shatters the ground while he coughs and splutters. You walk smoothly to him while he chokes.
"Just like I thought." You grab the back of his head and face him towards the prince, who hums in thought, his analytical brain at work.
"The tongue and the drink have turned black. It seems your extra ingredient worked." 
"Of course it did."
Al haitham stands, and addresses the room.
"Councilman Nidi will be detained and held for questioning, along with his children. As for the rest of you, you will be subjected to the same potion as he has. If you are truthful and hold no malcontent for the crown, you will be let go. If you refuse, you will not be forced but you will be detained. You will be tested immediately."
 He claps his hands once and the guards spring to action. 
They grab Nidi, who is still sputtering but no longer choking, and the rest of the room is anxious and tense. You hand the other vial you were holding towards the prince, who takes it upon himself to put a few drops in everyone's drink.
A guard taps your arm, and nods towards the doors. You follow her, and you step out to find Cyno waiting for you. He wears a simple cloak, with a fine layer of dust. There is a wariness always present in his eyes.
"General Cyno, you're back earlier than I expected."
"Hunting nobles is easier than hunting ragabonds and illegal rings. I have all the evidence." He hands you a folder that was under his arm, and you take it gingerly. Inside, you find what you were hoping for.
"Well, that's one more piece of vermin out of our court. Nidi and his children can easily be put on trial with this."
"I'd rather call them snakes."
"Oh? And what would you call me?"
"A king snake. You eat your own kind." You grin and look at the general. Only now do you see how worn he is, the bags under his eyes. He hasn't even made a joke yet.
He mistakes your staring for questioning. "They were sneaky, but grew careless. Leaving plenty of breadcrumbs."
"Good. We'll tell you if we need you and your people to investigate any of the others. Al Haitham is testing them now."
As if on cue the doors open, and a couple of guards are dragging away black tongued advisors, spluttering on their own lies and deceit.
"Got it. Nidi's children are already detained, but they still need a fair and thorough process. They'll be questioned and brought to court."
"Thank you Cyno. Take a nap, take a bath, relax. We'll deal with it till you've rested."
"You know I'm not going to do that." He sighs, pinching his brow. You feel worry pool in your belly. Footsteps step behind you, and Cyno glances over your shoulder.
"I'll bring you the report later. See you." He turns, but you stop him with a hand to his shoulder.
"Hey, Cyno, " You ask.  "Did…something happen back there? You don't seem yourself." He looks over your shoulder again, but nods.
"It will all be in the report." And he just leaves.
Al Haitham appears at your side.
"I suspect the others weren't working with Nidi. His plan seemed to only include himself and his children, but we won't know until we question them all. The rest are fine." His voice is low and steady, nearly monotonous.
"After this ordeal, they must be shaken. We must be sure to reward the others for their good behavior, lest they grow bitter. Any ideas?" You ask.
"No. I can't really think much of anything right now." 
"Well that's very much not like you-" you cut yourself off when you look at him, and you want to smack yourself.
Of course! He just took an aphrodisiac. His skin is flushed and beaded with sweat, and his pupils are blown out. He doesn't pant or writhe but his eyes feel heavy on your skin, and his hands clench and unclench by his sides.
"Oh, goodness, here, I have an antidote." You reach for the bottle in your sleeve, but his wrist grabs yours before you can pull it out.
"Is there enough for everyone back there?"
"...A good amount, but no. I'd have to run back to my supplies."
"Why didn't you bring enough?"
"I figured more would be guilty. When the tongue turns black the aphrodisiac effect is negated, and the whole body has a sort of burning, pins and needles feeling. I thought I'd leave them like that, but more are innocent than I supposed." Al Haitham sighs, and releases your wrist to pull at his collar.
"Then I won't take it till everyone has had theirs. They'd be furious and feel betrayed if they thought we purposely made them suffer longer." His sharp eyes cut to you, and you jolt a little.
"Why doesn't it work on you? Is it because you made it?"
His eyes are finally on you, and you are trying not to blush or wriggle like a worm. You'd thought you'd be more charming when the time comes!
"Because... it's an original recipe. I've tested it on myself so many times I'm immune to this potion."
"...You've tested it on yourself?" Oh my stars why did his eyes dilate like that. You really hope you're not blushing.
"Of course? Who could I involve with something like this?" He opens his mouth to speak, but he closes it just as fast. You don't know what he was about to say. You're not sure you want to guess. You don't even notice he was reaching for you until he lowers his trembling hand.
He turns his back to you, and starts walking back towards the council room.
"I'll wait with the others then. Hurry up with that antidote, will you?" There's a tenseness to his shoulders and you nod, even if his head is only half turned towards you. The muscles in his back are poised, like he's ready to spring.
"Oh, and one more thing," he stops you right before you run off.
"Yes, Your Highness?"
"You said that your own aphrodisiacs won't work on you. Would any others work?"
"Um…yes? Since I wouldn't have had a hand making them. So I wouldn't have immunity unless I had a hex on…? And even those don't last long."
"...Alright. Duly noted." He walks off before you could question why he asked that, and you run off to get more of that antidote.
He finally put his eyes to you and it was like nothing you had daydreamed about. Maybe you don't have immunity to your potion, because your heart is certainly pounding a mile a minute.
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Taglist: @tigerpriestess @hypernovaxx @certaindreampost @tanspostsblog @escapeis
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110 notes · View notes
sigwa · 2 years
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Me: ill feel better after the surgery is booked
Me, like 2 minutes post surgery being booked: actually im gonna spiral about this a bit
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iamthepulta · 2 months
I've actually been scrounging for an ending to Ellenville, because it's hard to actually 'end' a tragedy with something that feels complete, and that last post hit me with yeah, that's right. Because we live in a world where blood is protection and the cost of safety; and it fits in so neatly with the themes of death as stasis and longevity.
The 'end' is the regulations in place. Not even watching it happen, but success. This is The Pushcart War but epic fantasy.
#ellenville#ptxt#Jean Merrill is up there with Jean Craighead George for the imprinting I did on Pushcart War and Toothpaste Millionaire.#Which is ironic as FUCK because my curriculum definitely wanted me to take away 'You can be entrepreneurial too! Which is killing big truck#And undercutting big toothpaste business by packing yours in sterilized baby jars!' when I actually took away what Merrill#wanted which was: 'Hey isn't it fucked up that large companies think they can push you around and we need a capitalist underdog#success story to feel happy about our lives and role in the ongoing oligarchy of capitalism?'#Homeschooling with sonlight was fucking wild. I read so many good books as a kid and credit it to the fact I grew up with empathy#But it also meant I grew up with States Rights narratives and libertarian propaganda I had to unlearn.#Total aside because this is a tag essay anyway and I don't want to make a new post: I found out my advisor was also homeschooled#Which is probably why we're the exact same person I'm just 12 years behind them without the accent. My own brother almost#mistook them for me from behind and he gets pissy about it lol. 'There are two of them now!'#BUT I SWEAR I'M NOT COPYING THEM. WE JUST HAPPEN TO HAVE THE EXACT SAME HISTORICAL INTERESTS AND#SLAVISH DEVOTION TO GEOLOGY THAT TRANSFORMED INTO THE APPLICATIONS OF GEOLOGY AS A SCIENCE.#In my defense they have a much broader and recent focus on geology: usually for the impact of mining/geology on historical events.#Whereas I like the economic and logistical side of things. Like who hated who because they had beef over the same mines Nitrate War style
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lizpaige · 3 months
Snippet Sunday 🎓
snippet from the next chapter of fare well (aka the post-gw pre-epilogue adam has to deal with the consequences of his actions fic and maybe has a sorta breakdown about it)
Opening his university email didn’t help ease his anxiety. 
Subject: Meeting Request to Discuss Scholarship Requirements From: Hilary Jeanes<[email protected]> To: Adam Parrish<[email protected]>
Hello Adam,
I would like to schedule a meeting with you to discuss your scholarship requirements. Ensuring your academic success and continued eligibility for scholarships is a priority for us at Harvard, and I would like to review your current standing. 
Please follow this link to schedule a time on my calendar. I would like to speak with you before the new semester starts if possible. 
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns in the meantime. I hope you had a wonderful and restful holiday break.
Sincerely, Hilary M. Jeanes Associate Dean of Academic Affairs Harvard University
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robertsbarbie · 3 months
going into the ninth episode of season 2 i think shae, the youngest stark, theon, and maybe tywin or genry are gonna die
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writing the phil ochs chapter is proving to be the hardest part of my dissertation process so far; not because i don’t have lots to say but because the work itself is making me very sad lmao
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lostparadise-found · 1 year
The Demon Prince, Kaeya Alberich
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Birthday: November 30th
Race: Demon
Likes: Being a step ahead
Dislikes: Being alone
The only son of the Demon King, he stands as one of the most powerful beings in Hell. Demons and other such beings residing in his domain can trust him to deal with any problem that might arise. The love his people have for him keep them blind to the secrets he holds.
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lostacelonnie · 6 months
For the outfit art meme: Kira in 4c? :]
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shigure kira you will always be famous!!
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keeganbee · 2 years
lmao so my advanced abnormal psych class is off to a terrible start
prof just posted syllabus 24 hours before first class (should have posted it at least 2 days ago. how am I supposed to read all this shit by tomorrow when I have other work to do??)
prof will not provide lecture slides, you are fucked if you miss class for illness/emergency
recording lectures, even for personal use, is not allowed, fuck you if you're disabled
the textbook is the same as the intro level class, meaning I've already read it all a year ago, and the only new info will likely be in the 4 seminars we do
university is such a god damned joke sometimes. a class about cognitive/social/emotional outliers and it's the least accessible class I've had in 3 years of school. at this point I'm assuming the prof will just call me a retard when I ask for accommodations for my documented disability
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kajmasterclass · 11 days
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Did a bunch of small administrative tasks this AM which unfortunately did not give me any sense of accomplishment and did not help my nausea go away
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jantanow · 1 month
भारतीय नवप्रवर्तकों के लिए हंड्रेड का निमंत्रण, शिक्षा में नवाचार को मिलेगी वैश्विक मान्यता
हंड्रेड ग्लोबल कलेक्शन 2026 ने भारतीय नवप्रवर्तकों के लिए एक अनोखा अवसर प्रस्तुत किया है। इस पहल के तहत, हंड्रेड उन नवाचारों को पहचानने और उनका प्रचार करने की कोशिश कर रहा है जिन्होंने शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में महत्वपूर्ण सुधार किए हैं। यह भारतीय शिक्षकों, ग्रामीण समाजसेवियों, और एनजीओ के लिए एक विशेष मौका है, जो अपने नवाचारों को वैश्विक मंच पर प्रस्तुत करना चाहते हैं। भारतीय नवप्रवर्तक, जो सीमित…
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