#Immigration Officials
isawthismeme · 5 months
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alabs1 · 9 days
Breaking News: NIS Detains Omoyele Sowore, Confiscates Passport
The publisher of SaharaReporters, Omoyele Sowore who arrived Nigeria from United States of America few few hours ago has been detained and Passport confiscated by Immigration officials. Sowore who made this known via his verified social media accounts said that upon his arrival to Nigeria, he was detained and had his passport confiscated at the airport. “DETAINED BY THE @NigerianImmigration, my…
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"CANADIAN OFFICER WHO DEPORTED MAN SHOT AND KILLED," Vancouver Sun. July 26, 1912. Page 1. ---- G. Herbert, Travelling Inspector of Immigration Department, Murdered by Undesirable. ---- SHOOTING OCCURRED ON AMERICAN SHIP ---- Detroit Police Have Difficulty Keeping Back Crowd - Lynching Threatened. ---- (Sun's Leased W. A. P. Wire.) DETROIT, Mich., July 25. - H. G. Herbert, a travelling immigration inspector of the Canadian government, was shot and instantly killed by William Auld Ferguson shortly after on today, after the boat was within a few feet of the dock at the foot of Woodward avenue, in this city. Mr. Herbert, whose home was in Ottawa, this morning signed an order that barred Ferguson from Canada. He happened to be on the same boat as the deported man, intending to stop at Detroit, take the steamer Bois Blanc and go to Amherstburg to make inspection there.
Remembered Face. Ferguson, who claims to have been night watchman in an olive factory at California, remembered Herbert's face and as the boat approached the dock, drew a 38-calibre revolver and before he could be stopped, put five bullets into the inspector's body.
Ferguson was regarded as an undesirable citizen by the Canadian govenment.
About fifty people were on the cat and crowded close to the rails, fearing that the man would turn the weapon in their direction.
Threaten Lynching. When the boat landed a throng gathered on the dock. Ferguson was shed into the United States customs office and the crowd jammed closely about the doors and windows. Several threats were heard and one deep lunged fellow shouted for a rope.
A wagon load of officers from the central police station was rushed to the scene and pushed the crowd back. Detective Cotter snapped a pair of handcuffs on the prisoner and he was hustled into an automobile patrol and taken to the central police station..
Subject of King. "Why didn't they let me land?" Ferguson exclaimed again and again, while he was in the customs office. Then taken to the police station he said he was a Scotchman by birth and still a subject of King George.
"I was on my way to Hamilton, where I have work," he said, "when I was turned back by the Canadian officials. They say they warned me back because I am a cripple."
In U. S. Jurisdiction. Inspector Thomas Robertson, of the immigration staff, notified William D. Scott, superintendent-in-chief of imigration at Ottawa.
Prosecuting Attorney Tuttle, United States district attorney for the eastern strict of Michigan, will, as soon as has had an opportunity to look to the matter, take measures to prosecute the murderer.
The ferry boat is a registered American vessel; the crime was committed the Detroit river within American waters and there is no question whatever as to the prosecutor's jurisdiction. Arguments have been put up to the contrary.
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musings-n-museums · 6 months
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being an immigrant child / growing up + away from your parents
"anak" by freddie aguilar // laundromat photos by @sunflowrrbabe // "everything everywhere all at once" directed by daniel Kwan, daniel Scheinert // "ladybird" directed by greta gerwig // "a letter to my 13 year old self" by laufey // "class of 2013" by mitski // "be brave be free" by zeppelinmoon
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americanmarketplace · 8 months
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flokali · 3 months
I knew Natlan would disappoint in terms of diversity but damn… this is so bad I can’t even lie (TT)
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tatatatatara · 4 months
Really wish Tokyo Ghoul got the Ryoko Kui treatment. I want to own artbooks/fanbooks with everything that's not in the canon
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ruthlesslistener · 8 months
The most disgusting fucking thing that zionists keep circling in response to palestinian suffering and people crying for an end to a genocide is the fucking cries about the thousand killed on october 7th
I don't care how many settlers died. I don't care. I don't care because 1,000 dead does not ever equate to 100,000 murdered and lost. It doesn't equate to all the horrendous suffering and the torture that Israel inflicts on innocents. It doesn't equate because human lives are not a fucking math equation and yet it becomes extremely fucking apparent that to these people it is because they view palestinian lives as so much lesser than those of the settlers that thousands of them cannot pay back the life of one colonizer
'Civilians shouldn't be killed' is the most neutral thing that can be said about a war and is IMPLICIT to saying that the Hamas attack on october 7th was poorly planned. But when israeli civilians are actively participating in the genocide of people they already were tormenting then it becomes really fucking hard to think of the people killed as innocents, and when they are being used as the justification to set military dogs on 4 year olds and to selectively target and destroy safe havens and ignore peace treaties then it is altogether. I dont care that nearly two thousand filthy fucking colonizers died because there is NO justification for the river of blood spilled in retribution, nor the painting of a race of people as terrorists despite only a scant handful of them being willing to bloody their hands in retribution for decades of torment
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orthodoxxing · 2 days
trying to explain to my extremely offended and disbelieving mum and grandma why i find farage getting milkshake in his face funny was. an experience today
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wyllsravengard · 6 months
alhamdulillah my palestinian friends whole family made it out it today with nothing but minor injuries
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gammija · 10 months
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ok. tijd om te emigreren 🥲
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transboysokka · 2 months
Holy shit did yall know that there’s a significant connection between autism and fibromyalgia??
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commonsensecommentary · 3 months
“The disconnect between the government-run utopia we have been promised for generations and the current implosion of our country is going to make this year’s elections particularly important because nothing is working in America today.”
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immigrationbyvalueadz · 8 months
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Canada Immigration Consultants - Trusted Services for Global Mobility
Valueadz Immigration offers exceptional immigration and investment plans to people around the world. Apply to travel, study, work or immigrate to Canada with top companies. Trusted by millions of candidates and recommended by thousands of students.
VISIT US NOW : https://immigrationbyvalueadz.com/
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the-light-of-stars · 10 months
President of the Central Council for jewish people in Germany Josef Schuster criticising the German Government for mostly focusing on the Shoah as their reason for supporting Israel, saying that Germany should instead support it because it is more similar to western countries and [paraphrase] cares more about freedom and human dignity than any other country in the region:
"What is often left is a shortening of the german stance to a special responsibility towards the Jewish State because of the shoah. (...) But the solidarity with Israel must not be limited to that." Because: "Rather, it is necessary to stand at the side of Israel because the country is so similar to our system of governance and our kind of society as no other country in the region is." - referring to individual freedom, liberality, and the absolute priority of human dignity. In many aspects - emancipation, innovative power, balance of modernity and tradition, will for military defence - Israel is "even some steps ahead."
With this Schuster is stating blatantly what has always been clear: That the real reason why Germany (and for that matter other western countries) supports Israel - or in Schusters opinion why it must support Israel no matter what - this much is not because it cares about the safety of jewish people or simply because of guilt for the holocaust - no it is because Israel is essentially a western country as well and according to people like Schuster is an upholder of "freedom, liberality and the absolute priority of human dignity " "like no other country in the region" that according to him is even "some steps ahead" of Germany in that regard.
Statements like this clearly show that conservative officials like Schuster and western politicians in general do not consider any of Israel's actions in Gaza as a problem or in any way bad at all, instead considering the country an upholder of western values and a bastion of freedom and upholder of human rights despite them - and not just that, they consider the country uniquely 'good' , uniquely 'civilized' , uniquely 'humane' in comparison to every other country in south west asia.
It blatantly shows that western support of Israel has never really been about antisemitism , historic guilt or protecting the lives of jewish people at all: it has always been about securing the position of western power structures , western political interests and supposed western values in south west asia by any means necessary.
The same official has called the usage of the term genocide for Israel's actions in Gaza "crude twisting of history, demonisation and conspiracy thought" btw.
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bafflement · 1 year
Deaged Oz AU - Bureaucracy In Vacuo
"Name?" The official asked, looking tired. Processing this many new people into Vacuan records was a round the clock task. It had been bad enough when they'd had several hundred people from Vale, but all of Atlas and Mantle? There weren't enough people to do this quickly, but at least these two were just children so probably shouldn't take too long? The younger of the two looked strangely familiar, though, maybe they'd met before somewhere?
The boys looked at each other and shrugged, then the older of the two smiled, looking as tired as the official felt.
"I'm Oscar Pine. I'm from Mistral originally if that helps?"
The official nodded and started leafing though her scroll, having typed the name in. She found him pretty quickly and nodded, satisfied. "Got you, thank you, you're entered into the records. And your... friend?"
Oz sighed. "Do I really have to say the full thing?"
"It will make it easier to find you and I do have... far too many other people to see today..."
Oscar just grinned at him again.
"In that case... Wintertippetarius Pine. I probably need to spell it for you, though." Oz sounded fed up. The full thing was so ridiculous, yet he'd already been called it far too often for his liking. What was wrong with just calling him Tip? Or Winter, he supposed... though Atlas' council always had sounded strangely possessive when they said it.
"So that's Winter... tip... yes I think I need you to spell it from there, please."
"W i n t e r t i p p e t a r i u s" Oz said slowly, not looking her in the eye and blushing slightly.
"Thank you. Ah, there it is. This should all be in order, go on in. Nice to meet you two."
"She was nice, so what's wrong?"
"I just am not comfortable stating my full name, Oscar. Wintertip was okay, but then after, well, Salem, someone went looking..." He looked almost dejected. "To an extent, it was a relief not to have 'Tippetarius' as part of my name, but... what is, is. I suppose it could be worse, after all."
"Yeah, they could use all three surnames... come on, let's go find the others."
After far too long a day looking people up, the official in question wound up in a local bar, nursing a tankard of beer with, thankfully, not too much sand in it and looking exhausted.
"Had a rough day?"
"Merely a long one. Though some parents should not be allowed to name children..."
"Yeah, one of the names kinda stuck out. The older brother's was something normal, but I swear the little one's was about fifteen letters long... how would a little kid even spell that?"
"Yeah, I've met a few like that. Don't worry too much, if that's the highlight of this utter stupidity, you'll be luckier than most. Everybody who lived in Atlas AND Mantle? All at once? The sheer amount of political crap this'll take to smooth over... the amount of food they'll need..."
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