#Imagine someone made fanart for this lmao
shinyshade8026 · 3 months
V and S going on a date hunting, but V or S gets worn out and the other comforts them and they snuggle :3
While on a hunting date, S swears themself out yet insists they're fine. V knows otherwise and knows just how to help them relax.
Normally, disassembly drones were pretty silent flyers, being able to creep up on workers without an issue. But on this night, a certain set was quite chatty.
S flew below V, their body parallel to hers as they flew with their back to the snowy landscape. The two had chosen to take today to spend time with each other. Asmi was at school, E and J were off doing their own couple things, so that left V and S with each other. Seeing as hunting was one of V's preferred pass time, S had offered to turn it into a date.
By then, V and S had killed around 7 worker drones. They had a list of wanted workers that they kept in their storage. Drones nobody would miss, and those were often their targets. Those or drones just wandering.
At this point, V was still full of energy, and she had noticed that S seemed to be slowing down, despite their sluggish flirting attempts. She frowned lightly, seeing the sighs of exhaustion in their body.
"You know, your hair looks like its glowing in the moonlight," It said with a giggle, staring up at V. She softly smiled at them, but noticed they were struggling to fly in one set direction.
"Thanks, S. Hey, you seem tired. Do you want to rest for a second?" V offered, a genuine look of worry on her face. S giggled sleepily, shaking their head.
"I'm okay V! Wide awake and ready to spend the day with you!!" They hum, flipping so that their back was to V's front. The shorter disassembly drone frowned, but then smirked at seeing a chance to get them to do as she wished.
"Hold on, I think I see a worker down there. Follow me," She swooped down, not waiting for their response.
It followed without question, the two of them landing in the snow at around the same time. V turned to S, seeing them wobble, which only confirmed her thoughts. She strode over to them, one hand on her hip. As it looked around, she crept up behind them before swiftly scooping them into their arms with an alarmed yelp from the blonde.
"Normally you hear me coming. Wow, you really are tired," At her words, S huffed, blushing and crossing their arms. V only chuckled at this, deploying her wings once more. "We're not staying out anymore, I'm taking you home tonight, for the final time, and we aren't leaving our home until you're feeling better,"
They made a mumble of objection, but the way they rested their head against her, and the way their tail wrapped with hers, told V that S wasn't planning on trying to get away from her.
With that information set in her CPU, V crouched down before launching into the air. She felt S curl closer to her and she smiled to herself.
The flight back home was rather quiet, aside from the buzzing of S's tail and their purring that was whisked away by the wind. As they were flying, it still honestly surprised her that someone so tall could easily be picked up by someone around a foot shorter. But hey, she wasn't complaining.
The two landed outside of their home, V walking up the steps with no hesitation, using her tail to pull open the door to let them in. She went up the stairs silently, placing her pointed feet carefully due to the added weight of carrying S.
When she got to their room and went inside, she didn't even bother with turning on the lights, the light from outside being enough. She came over to their large bed and sat S down. Upon being freed from its girlfriend's arms, S stretched their joints, moving in such a way that would be concerning if they weren't flexible.
V unzipped her jacket, taking it off and hanging it on the headboard, along with her scarf. She sat on the bed, snorting at a smiling and blushing S, whose tail was buzzing.
"S, you see me in my tank-top all of the time, yet your reaction never changes," She teases, poking where their nose would be.
S giggled, slipping off their hoodie as well and sitting cross legged on the bed. "What? Am I not allowed to like seeing you?"
"Oh you're such a dork,"
"As always! You love me for it,"
"Damn right," V laid back on the pillows, S shifting to lay with her. One way she knew to get S to relax was to cuddle them until they fell asleep.
S rested their head against V's shoulder, the smaller drone wrapping her arm around their torso. Its arm draped over her chest, going to hold her other hand and intertwine their fingers together. V's other hand found its way to S's back, resting there and little rubbing it.
Their tails wove around each other tightly, the spade-shaped one buzzing quietly as they grew more tired. V took off their beanie, setting it to side so she could now run her free hand through their hair, undoing any tangles gently. She felt them starting to quietly purr, their eyes closing as they nuzzled their face more against V.
"You getting sleepy there, love?" V asks quietly. S's response is a tired mumble while cuddling their face more against her. She chuckled, knowing the real answer. "I'll be here when you wake up," They whisper to it comfortingly.
S cracks open and eye, lifting their head enough to give their partner a light kiss on the lips before putting their head back were it was before. "mm.. you're comfy.." They mumble.
This prompts a chuckle from V, who leans down to kiss their forehead. "I know.. You tell me every time. Take your nap, you big dork,"
S nods sleepily, their visor flickering into ' SLEEP MODE ' for just a moment. "Love you.."
"Love you too," She returned the affection, smiling softly as she watched the text take over S's visor, showing them asleep.
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skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
Roleswap anyone??
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Tell me Fernando wouldn't make a fantastic general/emperor, and that Napoleon wouldn't make a fanastic driver/tp!!
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king-dumbasz · 6 months
Hi🫶🏻🫶🏻 could u do a mammon oneshot that takes place after fizz quits.(pretending the twins don’t exist) Like the reader is like the new face of his brand. Ppl start shipping the reader and him online, so he goes along with it for clout and money. But they both eventually end up catching feelings. ( ik it’s rlly specific but I keep thinking about it) also I like ur writing 💜
The internet is a magical place💚
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I immediately liked the request and had an idea in mind. It's not something too difficult so my mind was happy Lmao
TW:why do I even put it in if there's never anything to worry about except for swear words, but c'mon, it's Helluva Boss
Mammon x GN! Reader
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The news were full of what happened at the last clown pageant. Everything was about Fizzarolli and his relationship with Asmodeus and how Mammon was ridiculed...
Mammon was FURIOUS
He needed a new face, a new someone to put everywhere and make money. He did everything until he finally found it... He found you.
You were perfect! You were funny, good looking and great for the audience! The perfect clown to replace Fizzarolli!
Mammon immediately made plushies, cereal, service bots (you choose what kind of service), hell, even a body pillow of ya!
Phone cases... Halloween costumes for kids... Lamps... Everything!
You became a star!
But like every star, you were a victim of the internet effect of the rule too
For some unknown reason, people shipped you and Mammon
No one knew why, but when you opened your phone, on Envybrl (Tumblr), on Sintter (Twitter or X), there were fanart of you and Mammon
All kind of Fanart! (I know I don't do NSFW, but when I say any kind, I mean any kind)
Mammon saw it too, a lot of it too
"What is that? Wh- why are we hugging in this one?"
He says, pointing at his phone, looking at a fanart of him and you cuddling
"i don't know, sir... The internet scares me"
Mammon didn't understand why. When Fizzarolli was there no one made these things, but with you it was different
The more Mammon watched, the more he realized how beautiful you looked, and how he liked these fanarts
Mammon started to like every post and imagine these things were true...
Every day, you find a new gift at your door from an unknown person, even if it wasn't that unknown because the wrapping was green black and yellow
One day though, Mammon decides to Rizz you up, because obviously he won't do it normally
"Sir, you wanted me here?"
You said after being called in his office, only to find Mammon in his special valentine outfit (It's just the old one but pink and with hearts)
"Hey, Are you a Wi-Fi signal? Because I’m feeling a strong connection"
That was horrible, adorable, but horrible
"Sir... What?"
"oh, shit uh... Well, I'm out of lines"
"What is happening?"
"Well, I never thought that would've happened, since you're a lower class and shit- but, I found myself liking these fan arts mentally unstable people post of us.."
You were stunned. Mammon. THE Mammon... Likes you?"
"Well... If I'm gonna be honest... I also found myself liking some of those posts..."
Mammon didn't realise at first and looks at you confused (Idiot)
"I like you too"
Just after you tell him he realises. Mammon smiles widely and hugs you with his four arms, so tightly you couldn't breath
"oh, you're a bloody legend, Y/N!"
"Eh... The internet is really a magical place..."
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oddzo · 7 months
I’m excited to finally be able to share my drawing of my favorite Camp Camp X Gravity Falls crossover idea! :D
A long string of my thoughts regarding the crossover under the pics, you have been warned lol
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It’s crazy to me that despite all the jokes that Harrison looks like a human Bill Cipher there is absolutely no fanart (that I have found) of him interacting with any of the Pines.
Yeah there’s art of him with Bill, but the Pine’s family are the ones that have trauma from him and therefore would have the best reaction.
Just imagine them meeting the one kid that not only looks like someone possessed by Bill but also does real honest to god magic and has an affinity for fire!
With how much shit the Pine’s have dealt with it wouldn’t be a stretch for them that Bill came back as a kid. They’d probably assume Harrison was being possessed or something.
Harrison especially looks like Bipper so I’d imagine he’d be especially unsettling to Dipper and Mabel. (Probably gonna draw him and Mabel interacting next)
Dipper immediately being super suspicious of Harrison and doing that stalking thing he does to try and figure him out. Dipper seeing Harrison make a mistake with his magic that makes him not look great and Dipper just freaking out more.
Mabel being uncomfortable with Harrison but trying her hardest to be nice to him because he hasn’t actually done anything yet. Becoming friends when she realizes that Harrison is just a kid and not anything like Bill personality and morality wise.
Harrison enjoyed coloring in that one episode so she could probably get him to do art with her. They’d have so much fun with him showing her his magic tricks, he’d be so happy someone is genuinely interested. His magic would probably improve with the encouragement she would give him.
Mabel being reminded of Bipper whenever Harrison gets a bit arrogant. The thought goes away pretty quickly though cause he usually gets humbled really quickly and just accepts it lol
Ford also immediately being suspicious of Harrison but not doing anything rash yet until he can test him. Losing his shit the first time Harrison does magic in front of him.
Someone on here posted a mini fic thing where they said Ford almost dropkicked Harrison the first time he does magic and I love that (I’ll look for the post later and tag it here) Edit: here’s the link! https://www.tumblr.com/the-sprog/659871894550577153/i-just-had-an-idea-could-you-imagine-a-crossover
Stan giving Harrison the benefit of the doubt but keeping a close eye on him whenever he interacts with one of the twins. Not outright hostile to him but not exactly kind either.
Stan somehow finding out about how Harrison accidentally made his brother disappear and immediately noticing the similarities to what happened with him and Ford. He probably gains a bit of a soft spot for Harrison after and gives him pointers on random things, probably a few pep talks.
Oh also I know it’s just a difference in the two art styles but CC characters tend to have more yellow sclera and oval pupils/irises and it really doesn’t help Harrison’s case lmao
I can keep going but this post is already really long so I’ll stop for now haha 😅
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 6 months
Hiiii me again
Related to the post about the ownership of characters and the tags you put-
I just wanted to mention that you’ve given me a lot of confidence. I used to be the type of person who believed “if your oc even breathes in the direction of a canon character, it’s cringe and Mary Sue and you’ll be ripped to shreds for it.” I’d have to tread so lightly with characters I enjoyed and love them from afar because I felt if I made even a joke post someone would bring it up.
I’ve only just gotten into the cod fandom, found your blog a couple months ago, and it’s given me a lot of like. Idk!! Just “fuck it, do what you want” kinda vibes in the best way? It’s really hard to word this lmao. But since finding your blog I’ve made a 141 character, a shadow, literally shipping an oc with ghost now, and I’m having fun that I wouldn’t have if I didn’t find your blog
So thank you <3
Hello! (。・∀・)ノ゙
Well, It's been an apparent issue in this fandom. idk why, but when I visit other fandoms, the sense of ownership and possessiveness to the characters is not that high, like what's up with these people I don't know. Like, the characters in media, especially in games, don't belong to anyone except the studios that made them 😭
We as fandom members can create original characters, alternative universes, and stuff for them. I can't imagine a piece of media without fanarts, fics, and OC's really. Heck, that's what keeps the fandom alive. If there's one thing we can learn from history of media, is that you can't hold back people's creativity. OF COURSE, there are cringe ones and unhinged ones, but it's fandom, of course, it's filled with different types of people from normal to bizarre ones.
Here's the thing, just because one person has already shipped their OC with one character, that doesn't mean that character is LOST forever to that one particular OC like it's a damn popularity competition 😭.
I've also seen some people saying that they're so emotionally attached to this one character, that if they see him with someone else's OC. they get super emotional and super angry?? Okay that's just-- WOW.
If you feel uncomfortable seeing your favorite character being shipped with someone else, then that just means that you're NOT ready and not mature enough to be an OC creator and be in a fandom space. Full stop.
and if I may speak from experience, I've lost a few friendships due to being... quite popular OC shipper with Ghost 🥲 I personally don't feel anything when I see other's OC's with Ghost, or any character I like with other OC's -- I EVEN DRAW OTHER OC'S WITH GHOST FOR COMMISSIONS 😭
But yeah, before I yap too much, thank you so much for the good words in the last paragraph! It's very very lovely, and I'm glad you have your own OC to have fun with! Happy creating and happy drawing💖!
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limerenceheart · 1 year
ruin me all you want, i don't mind if it's you.
starring - yan! jing yuan
trigger warnings - implied stockholm syndrome and physical violence
i saw a fanart this quote and i liked it so much that i'm turning it into a hsr fic lmao.
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you never thought that you would be in this mess. the odd horror story of another person becoming too infatuated with someone else never fazed you a lot.
the thing is you never paid enough attention regarding the ending, it should be logical that cutting off ties should be the ending.
but when feelings are involved, anything could happen.
feelings should never been underestimated and your current predicament is a prime example. living with an acquaintance that offered short accommdation for an exploration trip should just been a simple thing.
absence make the heart grow fonder though and you under evaluated how a certain man like you that much.
he say love, you say obsession but is what the difference? love mean letting someone go but treating someone like a doll trapped in a dollhouse is not love.
obsession is a dangerous thing, clouding the ability of judgement so your pleas to Jing Yuan would always fall on deaf ears.
"stop this nonsense, exploration trips mean facing the unknown which is dangerous. "
"at least with me, you will always be safe even if i'm away."
you felt the second half of his statement, you could roam freely outside but the cloud knights and lower generals would always offer a helping hand.
it was unnerving, almost like jing yuan created a surveillance unit just for you. the general wasn't that impulsive though, unwanted attention was not ideal so he played a charade of being his partner by forcing you to attend a political party with him.
you remember the jealous stares that others shot your way with your arm interlinked with the general at the ballroom but you just wanted to let out a bittersweet laugh.
and when you did, jing yuan asked you what was funny where you snapped and dug your heel into his shoe.
the next day, you made a vow never to make him angry again, the general become a whole another person with rage. the scars still lingered on your arms.
so you decided to give in, you could not beat him so might as well make your life easier. maybe one day, he might change his mind and let you go.
a slim chance.
you still couldn't help but imagine it though.
jing yuan did started interrogating you when your behaviour started changing from no longer rejecting his acts of affection along with actually engaging conversation with him.
it was startling how things just click into place, almost like friends from lovers trope. maybe jing yuan was your soul mate but he was too impatience to win your heart over.
but you no longer care about consent. you would do anything to make your life easier.
so when jing yuan guided you to the bedroom with your hand grasped in his, you broke the silence first.
"ruin me all you want, i don't mind if it's you."
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sunandflame · 10 months
Thinkin about Kyojuro playing with Senjuro, spinning him in his arms, chasing or doing artsy thing and letting Mitsuri join the fun!! Carrying Senjuro on her shoulders and running away from Kyojuro
Now lets do a small time-skip and now Kyojuro is the one being spinned in Senjuro's arms LMAO, lil baby grew taller thanhis big bro and gets too comfortable looking like the older one now. Meanwhile Kyojuro just like ._.
Oh gosh this is like the sweetest thing ever. I love the brother/sister dynamic between Mitsuri, Kyojuro and Senjuro so much. Especially since Mitsuri is so good with children and has herself like several siblings who she gets all along well.
And so much yes to the taller Senjuro, because I also have this personal headcanon that a full-grown adult Senjuro is actually taller than his big brother and not only by a few inches but significantly where he has to look up. I can totally imagine how Kyojuro looks up to him with his bright smile and eyes and his boisterous voice be like “I guess you are the bigger brother now!” He would be nothing but proud of Senjuro. I know it🥹
Also reading this made me immediately think of this one fanart that I have on my phone since you mentioned the spinning around. It always makes me laugh, even when I am in a bad mood. If someone knows the artist then please tell me. I will immediately credit them, but omg look at them. Look how defeated Shinjuro just lets himself hang and Senjuro holding onto his dear life while Kyojuro creates flames with his spins.
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satancopilotsmytardis · 4 months
"He thinks his instincts might make him explode from his joy and the purrs coming out of his chest when, halfway through the night, Shigaraki loosens up and pulses out the scent of his own contentment. It blankets the nest in the scent of summer rain and Dabi all but turns into a puddle."
Dabs is so messy in this, love it. If any of the league has been around cohabitating alphas and omegas before they're probably side-eyeing him so hard 
Side note how insane must dating shows get in the omegaverse 💀
"His mouth settles on his neck, licking and nibbling at the place where his glands should be strong-- and Dabi whimpers."
Swirling him around in a wine glass. Mm notes of insecurity. Delicious
"And since you're the only alpha around, and I don't want to be fucking myself stupid while everyone else is out on the summer camp job--" 
Lmao poor shig no wonder he wore a cage. Dabi cringes at the idea of being bonded, hides his growing affection with his weaker scent, really does not give him much hope at first
I love needy shig so much, and I like how rarely you write him, he deserves to be a special treat
The position in this is so good. I'm assuming it's based off that oxygen fanart <3 
"Knot me, please, want your cum in my cunt. Pump me full of your pups --"
Oh god that's what made him cum 💀 I'm imagining him clarifying later, "No I don't want pups, you just made me that horny"
You've given me such a soft spot for the pet name precious
"After the summer camp, during my next heat, mate me?" *insert honey, you got a big storm comin gif* 
it's okay guys, I wouldn't be shocked if you've already bonded without a real bite like Ujiko mentioned. If not, can't hurt to get to know each other a little more
We LOVE messy bitch Dabi!!!! He should be a conflicted over-emotional mess who has a hard time with regulation!!! It's as what was foretold in the texts!!!
A dating show in the Omegaverse would be WILD. Like the DRAMA??? Two alpha's going in for each other because one is a service/soft top the other thinks is an omega and the other is sadist dom that everyone thinks is a bratty omega with a complex. The producers not letting anyone hook up or do anything more risqué than kissing because if they did they might figure designations out. Betas being the ones who are the best at actually guessing what everyone's designations are and consistently demonstrating the best ability to connect with the others and form strong relationships because they've been socialized their whole lives to know that they will never be an alpha or omega's first pick as a partner because they can't satisfy their instincts. Everyone tunes in for a dating show but it ends up being a social experiment lol
Tomura was bound and determined to not do a damn thing that would cause pack instability and he was absolutely not going to mate Dabi without him wanting that, a week locked in a cock cage was a suffering he would happily endure! But God damn that man's ego was getting rocked at every turn from Dabi, like how do you recover from admitting you have a crush on someone who wants to use you as a dildo and then seems equal parts disgusted and amused by your crush? Devastating, but he persists!!!
Absolutely utilized reverse cowgirl because Oxygen has done a lot of art (both newer and older) in that position and it is delectable
Lol Shig knows he's sterile, and he'd get that Dabi was just trying to play to his instincts, if anything Dabi would laugh at him because that worked and Shig would be sitting there with his head in his hands for a few seconds out of embarrassment before he pins Dabi down and gives him like 6 more creampies murmuring in his ear how pretty he'd look carrying their babies until Dabi's instincts triggered and he was FURIOUSLY going around base baby proofing things KNOWING he was being fully irrational and that neither of them actually want kids, but they have to pretend that maybe they do because otherwise the rest of the League will catch onto their breeding kink
I'm so glad that "precious" has become a staple petname for my fics and you guys like it! I live my life waiting for a gollum comment every time I use it
Lol the funny thing is that they've BEEN mated!! For almost the whole story!! Like Dabi starts calling him his alpha during his heats almost immediately and it didn't take them fucking or anything! It just took Dabi trusting Shig to take care of him and Duster proving he would do that and both of their brains latched onto each other!! But they can be official soon, I imagine in a month or two (held off by the stress of being homeless again) they have their shared cycle, take their bites, and then realize literally nothing feels different and have to go back to the doctor and he's just like: You Stupid Motherfuckers
Thank you so much for commenting!
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alun1r · 3 months
Love the homies I’ve met in the fandom but man is it weird to see people hate others just because of the age they’re enjoying Hogwarts Legacy at.
Like hating someone for being 25+ who’s making art, writing or whatever to make some thing creative is a wack concept.
Especially when the original media was created by people above that age anyway. By people who had a lot of love and passion for the franchise to begin with.
Being creative and extending or imagining a franchise is hella cool. I do not care how old you are.
I was 13 making fanart and fanfiction. Was it shit? Hell yeah it was. Now I’m 24 and have refined my skills a bit. Is it still shit? Honestly yeah I make a lot of shitposts generally on purpose (lmao) but I’m just having fun bc the only things guaranteed for me as an adult is that I am to pay taxes and die.
So hey why not make my silly little jokes about a franchise I’ve loved since I was like 7.
Anyway yeah I encourage any and all to be creative in this fandom. There’s some rude people. But I promise the good outweigh the negative. I’ve seen it firsthand with how many friends I’ve made.
And I am forever greatful to those homies 💚
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venjamyra · 3 months
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Lyrics – Same Shade as Concrete by Circle Takes the Square
feels a little funny to be making fanart of a manga that started before I was born with music that came out when i wasn’t even one year old yet…
lineart and various inane ramblings (manga spoilers ahead) about this comic that haunts my mind below the cut (its a lot…)
Okay, here’s the line art for anyone who wanted to see it without spoiler talk:
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wow, so cool. Sometimes I like the lineart better in some ways and the colored version in other, different ways… I wonder how to find a good middle ground…… such are the mysteries of life
Onto the brain rot!!!
Okay, so this whole piece is kind of showing Wolfwood’s journey toward ‘accepting’ that he is an assassin. He has killed people. And his belief that he is irredeemable, this is just who he is now, stained with blood.
I’m gonna talk about panels 1,2,3, and 4. Those are just in order from top to bottom, so panel 1 is him firing the gun, and panel 4 is him in the river of blood.
So panel 1 is establishing that this is teenage Wolfwood, and he’s killing someone. YES I used that one painting as a reference (The Fallen Angel by Alexandre Cabanel). I don’t know anything about it, but it looks cool and I like the idea of an apparently evil character crying dramatically. Throw a gun in the mix and you have me curled up in a ball crying about Wolfwood. Wolfwood isn’t crying here, but I hope the reference shows the implication that he’s crying internally.
Panel 2 is directly contrasting with panel 4 with the volume of blood. I chose the blood to just barely cover his hands on purpose, NOT just so that I didn’t have to draw more hands lmao. Lots of blood on his hands symbolism throughout, because he has his whole thing about it. Anyway, this is like, the specific amount of blood where Wolfwood finally feels too far gone. It’s reached his hands, he can’t come back from this.
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shout out to the people who helped me find this panel earlier 😅 @markcampbells @grymmdark
The crosses are there to establish his being surrounded by the Eye of Michael, trapped into this pool of blood. I know with the three crosses there’s some heavy crucifixion symbolism going on. It was honestly unintentional, but if I had to come up with something for it, I’d say in Wolfwood’s mind in this moment, he is the one crucifying people (Jesus, whomever). Again with that ‘too far gone’ stuff. He ‘knows’ who he is now, and it is not a savior. I’m not Christian as an adult and the only thing I did in Sunday school was question the adults or quietly judge them for their logical fallacies so idk if this makes sense in Bible-lore 😭 lol sorry.
Panel 3 hits home on the bloody hands thing, big motif. And then the gun pokes through the panel to give us this connection to the final panel, where we see a second drop of blood, coming from Wolfwood’s own hand, presumably filling the river he’s in. So the entire river is made specifically of blood from his hands, not just blood he spilled.
Panel 4. The big one. Okay, I heard that willow trees represent peace. I don’t know if this is bullshit, but I guess they can mean whatever I want ✨. Wolfwood is not fighting the flood here, just floating along, basically. He’s not relaxed, he hates this. But he’s come to some kind of acceptance. He feels (false) peace that this is just who he is. If he doesn’t get to control who he is or what he does, at least he knows that. This is not the time or place that I’d like to talk about themes of control and bodily autonomy in Trigun--we’d be here forever lol--but its totally that stuff. The willow trees contrast with the crosses here. It is no longer the Eye of Michael holding him in, trapping him in this pool of blood. Now, the willow trees (peace, acceptance) that are grown from his own mind/coping methods are what keep him trapped. I like to imagine the crosses are still beyond the trees, causing the trees to serve as both a wall keeping Wolfwood in and a wall keeping the antagonism of the Eye of Michael out. This is also visual because willow trees look much nicer than mysterious creepy crosses.
The comic basically ends where Wolfwood begins in Trigun. Yeah, he’s got his silly moments, but on a deeper, less superficial (sub-superficial…ficial…?) level, he really believes himself to be stuck in life, unable to change. In the last panel, he’s naked because he’s vulnerable; this isn’t the suit and a charming smile, this is him as he sees himself.
This idea of Wolfwood feeling acceptance with his shitty life drives me insane. In volume 8, after he kinda does his normal assassin work again, he is so fucking sad and angry. I think he tries to tap back into that idea of acceptance, but he can’t. He’s been through so much and seen so much with Vash that he just can’t accept it anymore. Like with the song lyrics as they’re used in this comic, is someone (Eye of Michael, Chapel) goading him into standing in this pool of blood and staying there even as it rises. And then here, he gets a little taste of freedom and just fucking pulls himself out!!! If I feel inspired I could make a part 2 one day where he’s pulling himself out of the blood river or something idk.
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All manga panels are courtesy of Trigun Manga Overhaul!
Oh and some fun drawing things before I go. Important disclaimer: I do not claim to know what I’m doing.
The first pic has the guidelines I used to create shape and draw attention. I saw someone say that using simple shapes helps with composition so I’ve been trying that? It seems cool, I like it. And the second one has my lines to remember where my light source is. I kind of shade based on vibes, which I want to work on, but for now is fine. But the idea is that even though each of these panels has days/weeks to years between them, they all have one light source that extends across the comic. It comes across as a ‘lower’ source relative to Wolfwood in the first panel, which feels dramatic. By the time we get to the last panel, it comes across as the sun, high in the sky. I did this because it felt cool.
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okay love and peace and go listen to the emo music my older brother showed me yippee!!!
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I have been away since the MCC, and I haven't been really posting things or keeping up with the group activity. Imagine my fucking reaction when I wake up on a Sunday morning to Discord exploding over night.
I have some conflicting emotions towards CCs talking so openly about fanfics. Part of me is glad that they acknowledge our existence, like I know a few of them are here, and even seen my own posts, like OMG MY STREAMERS KNOW I EXIST. And fanfics, it's huge! It's a step up from liveblogging and headcanon posts, it's a fanart in its spirit, but painted with words, and similarly poured the author's soul into.
But there's like that thing with...prejudice? I've seen people mention fanfiction in Chilled's streams before, and in yt as well, and there were not exactly positive opinions. I know they were talking about there being very few smut works, but it feels like they were bringing them up the most, and it's just frustrating to not be understood in the right way. After all, everything we do here, and everything we write on Ao3 is us expressing our love and support in the ways we can, none of us have any malicious thought or want to be hurtful and spread hatred or smth.
Do you think there's a world where they could speak of Tumblr/Ao3 part of their community from a bit of a different angle? Do you think that fanfiction should be acknowledged and spoken about more?
(Also, I know it's stupid, but I feel just the tiniest bit salty. I wrote good stuff, why won't they talk about me too?!)
Yeah, I have very conflicting emotions about it too. (Mostly I feel betrayed by whoever was linking Platy fics LMAO)
Tumblr and Ao3 get a bad rap for being “cringe” I guess. Personally I think that they are the only places left on the internet that are well-known and not too corrupted by capitalism and algorithms (especially Ao3 my beloved). But I really don’t give a shit - I hate cringe culture with a passion.
But yeah. It’s the whole thing of like. You can’t post works on the internet and expect people (especially the streamers themselves) to just not see it? Because it’s out in the public. They have every right to view it.
But, I’d personally rather my fics NOT be spoken about on a livestream, in front of thousands of people. That’s just my preference, because honestly the reason I post fics at all is this is a very small fandom, and they won’t blow up or be noticed and judged by multitudes of people. I’m far more comfortable with a small audience, and I would not want my fics to be mentioned on stream where lots of people (far too many for my liking) may go looking for them. (This is why I post more about PR1 than mcyt, even tho I love both equally).
But i think if the streamers are fine with fanfic being posted, I see no reason for people to hate on fanfic??? In fact, I see no reason for people to hate it at all? You can inform someone that a creator is uncomfortable with fanfic/certain types of fanworks and ask them to take it down without being a hater. Decency is not difficult, and when you’re in a fandom that is not against fanfic and stuff I don’t see why you’d ever waste your energy hating on something that literally doesn’t effect you?
It’s the same thing with any type of hate comment. If there’s no reason to be upset by something other than the fact that You Don’t Like It, take some preschool advice and walk away. It doesn’t concern you. (Btw Tasha, I don’t mean you specifically, I mean the Royal You!!! Sorry if this was confusing I just realised lmao)
Sorry for getting pretty serious, but I am just quite upset by people who discourage artists when they haven’t done anything wrong.
That said, if a creator has expressed a desire to not have fanworks made of them, then I implore you to respect their boundaries. It’s just the kind thing to do.
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a-lost-crow · 9 months
Tomas headcanons part 2
Was meaner back then when he was adopted by the Lin Kuei
Him and Bi Han would have more arguments. Some were friendly or just plain bitter
Tomas got nicer when Bi Han became grandmaster because he could only imagine his older brother’s peer pressure
Eventually that made him nicer to everyone else
Mother’s knife is stored below his bed. It still is when he brought it to the Shirai Ryu
Kuai Liang tries to toast bread for Tomas using his powers but over burnt it. He burnt the toaster to save the humiliation
Tomas would ask Bi Han to add ice to his drink. Instead Bi Han would freeze the whole drink 💀
Used to smoke but people thought it was out of character of him. So he stopped
Bi Han asked Tomas to teach him how to smoke. But he failed to do so
Tomas purposely taught him the wrong way
Once called Kuai Liang a malewife (Johnny Cage told him) and never explained what it is
Knows internet jokes but can’t explain them to people. Johnny and Kung Lao get them. Raiden only knows the ones from Facebook (Tomas never downloaded Facebook).
Thought of Mileena as a sister once or twice (totally not because of Bi Han’s betrayal or his sister’s death ahahaha)
Played the story mode of Mortal Kombat, said “lmao” to Kenshi losing his eyes, and had to pause the game because he felt bad
Eventually brought up vodka to take a shot for every time Baraka mentions tarkat
*Pauses the game* “How did Johnny get all of this information???”
“Omg there’s fanart of me! … I’m naked in this one :O”
Doesn’t get cold as much. But wears a jacket incase someone is cold
Cats run away from him
When Tomas goes out, Bi Han would clean his room. And Tomas would go home thinking Kuai Liang did it
He eventually found it was Bi Han after the betrayal and forming Shirai Ryu
That Kuai Liang just doesn’t clean sometimes
So now he cleans Hanzo and Kuai Liang’s room
Headcanon list accidentally became a character analysis for future fanfiction project (that I have a 50/50 chance of making)
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moeyoon · 1 month
Hi !
I really love your art and have a personal question if you don't mind ?
I used to draw a lot (like a loooot) when I was younger, even though I would go have a career in art etc... But a personal and familial trauma made me stop drawing when I was a teenager/young adult and since then (so nearly 15 years) I never ever drawn anything... But lately I really thought about drawing again and especially Bucktommy but I don't know how to come back to drawing... It's really hard to take a pen again....
I saw your answer to someone else question "since when do you draw ?" etc... So I wanted to ask : do you have any advice to begin to draw again after a long time not doing so ? How did you have the motivation and courage to do it ?
If it's too personal and you don't want to answer, I will understand 😉
Thanks anyway and again love your art 👌🏻
hi!! first of all sorry for my bad (really bad) english 🥲 (and thank you so much 💗)
i hope that my experience could help you even if only a little bit !
it can sounds kinda sad but there are just a few thing that makes me feel good; doing what you like or in this case drawing, it can help you in many ways. At example, after certain situations that happened to me it's difficult for me to sleep and when i feel bad i start to drawing, it helps me to relax (especially the mind) , i can distance myself from all the negative feelings. I won't lie, for me was hard to go back to drawing after a long time because maybe you can't fully apply or nothing comes out as you wish..like you hate everything. Don't push yourself at the limit, for me it was a "process" that took time. Relax, have fun and remember that it always has been something that you was passionate about and there's nothing more beautiful to that :)
If i imagine me without drawing i feel so empty aa
That passion or tranquillity you had in the past will slowly return because it has always been there and will not go away (it's a part of you trust me).
I still have problems, if i created this account was thanks to my sister lmao ( i was ashamed to show my art even in the past) but i was the one who started drawing so..
you will not regret nothing, don't stop drawing ! I really would like to support you (no pressure ofc) ! please don't give up on something so beautiful to you💗
(also the fandom needs more bucktommy fanart 🥰)
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gay-gambler · 2 months
Since there's no updates today I decided to get a lil self indulgent
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Meet my slasher oc :3
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Their slasher name is The Watcher!
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They use any pronouns btw
Their backstory below!
Tldr; the average fanfic reader LOL
After their canon event they became obsessed with relationships, romantic or not.
They stalk couples and live vicariously through others showing affection to each other, taking a picture of the moment so they can archive it for their own pictures album.
They aren't really into the whole murder thing, they just like watching people and their lovely moments but they can and WILL kill if there's no other choices.
for example if the couple found out they're being watched and try to find the watcher, they will send warning for them not to, and if they ignore it... Don't say that they didn't try to stop them.
Then they will take a picture of the couple final moments and put it in their "special" album.
Their story is set in the 80s-90s, they could definitely buy a phone but the watcher prefers something more... physical.
I made them after reading surviving the game part 1 fic by @blot-squisher so its like oc insert for a fanfic for a fandom lol
I want there to be someone who captures all the cute moments Marcus and his harem (lmao) get up to, so it's like an explanation for all the textpost and fanart i do hehe
They're pretty good at stalking mostly because they give off absolutely no bloodlust, they just like watching the sillies :]
I imagine no one found them until they made themselves known by sending a couple of Polaroids of Marcus and his boyfriends chilling with little comments like "this was so cute <3" "I like this one the most!!!" Etc etc... and let Marcus know they're watching by making the camera flash outside his window.
Please be patient... They're very shy hehe
Might do some textpost with them in it when there's no updates <3
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hoshinasblade · 2 months
Hi hi I just wanted to say i love you, your writing makes me feral at all hours, tbh the speed at which you were outputting them makes my head spin, seeing ur handle on my dash ALWAYS makes me giddy and happy, and I would like to smooch ur brain. I come bearing a fanart gift i found that you might have already seen but w/e
omg thank you so much 😊 i very much enjoy writing hoshina and i am hoping a lot of other people would do too hehe
anyway thank u for that link... hear me out: hoshina being the second in command in a mafia (he's the vice-captain in the defense force so i think this would be appropriate). he specialises in blades and cutting people up so he is infamous in the underground scene. imagine a reader who made the mistake of being involved in some dirty business because of a predicament. unfortunately since you're not built for it, you fucked up and had to face the consequence - the consequence namely meeting one of the bosses in the organisation: hoshina soshiro. you know how they say that death is the worst thing to happen to someone? you would soon realise that being kept alive beside hoshina is worse.
i dont know if someone had written a mafia au yet but i would like to write about it after the 28393934 other fics i am planning on writing lmao. i appreciate the support, please feel free to let me know if you have other prompts!
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mysticbeaver · 2 months
9, 12, and 17 for Kevin and Rolf (((:
9. Write a recommendation of someone else's fic you enjoyed!
I'll be honest... I'm currently not thinking of fics much 😅 the first thing that comes to mind is your Ed Is Thicker Than Mud cause the way you wrote Eddy really stood out!
You know what, I'm gonna go out on a limb (and embarrass myself 🥴) and mention an ancient fanfiction.net fic called Kevinbound, which was basically an Earthbound-inspired story involving all the characters, and just happened to have Kevin as sort-of-protagonist lmao. It was a crazy thing but it left me reeling and I always cherish the memory... Not exactly a recommendation but I thought it would be nice to just drop this bit of my madness here.
12. What's the funniest or craziest AU idea you've ever come up with?
Although I was never big into AUs, I've also mentioned the zombie survival AU before... but when I made that "Kevin and Rolf on a truck" fanart doubledyke described it as "gay trucker AU" I guess that counts 🤣 perhaps the Eds are involved in this transport enterprise...
17. What's a book, movie, or show you think Kevin and Rolf would like?
I imagine Kevin discovering the TV show The Grand Tour/Top Gear because it involves cars and then slowly becoming a fan of the trio of mad lads... Probably reminds him of the Eds too (in a good way 😁). Right now I'm thinking Rolf could get into The Lord Of The Rings, mmm... And if there's any farming-related show on TV he ain't gonna miss that (are those even a thing?) Not to mention antique shows. What if Rolf actually loves watching anything on TV? Just curiously transfixed by american media, staring wide-eyed at fiction movies... or muttering in annoyed confusion at infomercials 🤣
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