#shinyshade does writing stuff
shinyshade8026 · 3 months
BombBerry V writing idea that I intend to use to make people cry
Written from V's perspective, we see the elevator fall and hear S scream out for her. Once the others can't see her anymore, she jumps back into fighting, cause she can't go down without a fight. She takes S's beanie and wears it, covering her head sensors so she can't et boot-looped as easy and keeps going. She goes until she can't anymore, where she hugs S's beanie and clings to it until she is bootlooped and killed by sentinels
Her last thought?
"I should've told them those three damn words.."
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shinyshade8026 · 4 months
Here's the writing!!! It is called:
Nobody will Lament for you
Writing under the cut. Warning! There is descriptions of death via stabbing.
If anyone wants to like,, do any drawings for this... I could supply refs... /nf
Thick silence filled the air, weaving its way through the halls and hanging in the air like a heavy fog. The silence was comfortable, as though a soothing melody was being hummed throughout the building. This comfort came undone, like a tugged-at ribbon, as light creaks made their way up the steps. A set of ominous yellow lit the hall just barely, the lights dimmed as they moved. The house was nearly empty, the silence caused by the lack of drones. L had never liked silence. There had never been a quiet moment back at her old squad, and she was fine with that. She dragged her tail over the ground, making a soft scraping sound to fill her head as she walked down the hall. She passed by a couple doors but didn’t bother peering inside, those rooms were never used. L looked in one room to her right, it was a bedroom with a large bed for two drones. They grit their teeth, glaring into the room before walking past it with a low hiss. V and S were gone so there was no point looking for anyone there.
They walked forwards, brushing past a bedroom that was barely open. No reason in trying that one when she knew Asmi was with her parents, so they kept walking down the hall. They looked in another bedroom, one that was kept neat and organized. She hadn’t gone this far down the hall before, but they didn’t doubt the room belonged to J. L had always thought J would have made a good addition to her and W’s squad, but that idea shattered the moment she arrived to help S. They passed by her room, tail leaving a light sizzling gash in the door.
There was one room left, and the door was left open. A malicious grin spread over their face as they stepped into the room, one of her hands switching into a gun. There was one resident left at home, and she was currently asleep against the wall of her room. They moved to stand in front of E, raising the gun to be pointed at her core. Her tail scraped loudly against the ground to make E wake from sleep mode, so they could see the fear on its face when they shot her through her robotic heart.
E stirs, her head sensors flickering on as her eyes reappear. She had a tired look on her face as she tilted her head up to see L, holding a gun at them. Its eyes hollow as both drones lock eyes. The drone’s smile widens as she sees E’s face.
“You know, I always wanted to teach S a lesson in some way. Maybe I should make them feel what it's like to lose their best friend, hm?” L inched closer, revenge plastered on her face. She would make S feel what they felt when W died, and they’d kill E again when she came back, to fully tear her away. “Just hold still and this won’t be difficult for you,”
As L stared down at E, she watched as their face suddenly took on a manic smile. L bristled, glaring down at her. “The hell are you smiling about?! I’m going to kill you. This is not an empty threat,” L snarled, she took a step forward but paused when they heard a sound. A sound she heard too late.
Pain bloomed through her body, starting at her back and working its way forwards, as though it was being driven through her. L let out a loud hiss of pain staggering slightly, but she suddenly couldn’t move. She looked down and saw a sharp steel blade protruding from her core. Her eyes hollowed as it came out further, holding her up as her legs threatened to give out. The blade was slick with oil. Her oil. L coughed, oil coming out and onto her hand, as a streak of it ran from her mouth. The blade was shoved even more through her, just barely lifting her up. L turned to look at the one who had stabbed her, but she couldn’t move her head as a hand kept her looking forwards.
L shivered as someone leaned forward, right next to her audio recovered and started to speak. “We gave you all the warnings we could, yet you still have the nerve to pull a stunt like this?” S’s voice was deep and angry, laced with a threatening tone. L hadn’t heard them talk like that for a long while. She tried to get the blade out, but S kept her firmly in place as it kept talking, “There is one thing I want you to do for me, L,”
The drone’s display quivered a bit at their words, trying not to cough up any more oil as S’s movements threatened to spin the blade while it was stabbed through her chest. “..what do you want,” she croaked, her lights flickering briefly. L kept staring at her wound, watching as her oil-stained her shirt and ran down her body to drip onto the floor in a black puddle.
“Say hello to W for me,” S growled, harshly turning the blade and completely destroying L’s core. She let out a scream as S pulled the weapon from her body and she collapsed to the floor. She wheezed as she clutched her core. The oil poured out like water from a steam, and she weakly looked forwards. S had come around to the other side, leaning down and offering E their hand to help her up, which she promptly took. As the drone stood, L could hear the faint chiming of the little bell in E’s hair as their vision permanently faded to black.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S helped E stand up, their other hand still being a blade. It cast a glare to L’s body, watching it stop moving as the oil slowly stopped seeping from the wound it had caused. They grimaced, knowing the oil would leave a stain in the wooden floor. “Let's move her out of here,” S says, nudging E with their elbow before the two of them lifted her together.
They carried her outside, putting her in the snow while they thought about what to do with her. S turned to E, only to frown when they saw her licking oil from her hand.
“Really dude?”
“Oil is oil, S!”
S sighs, rolling their eyes, but smiling at her still. They were relieved that they had gotten there in time to save her, it couldn’t imagine life without their best friend.
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shinyshade8026 · 3 months
New fluff idea you guys may love
S is working on something late, perhaps they are trying to figure out where W is if this is post Asmi kidnapping and pre S death, and they fall asleep at their desk. They are probably wearing something smaller than usual, maybe one of V's tank tops, and they fall asleep. Seeing this, V smiles softly and removes her jacket to drape it over their back and shoulders, providing some comfort while they rest. They need the charge, so she doesn't wake them.
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shinyshade8026 · 4 months
Hunting Issues
S is killing worker drones when suddenly, their tail gets caught in one. They can't get the body off and need to get some outside help, much to their own shame. (S gay panics the entire time)
Warning! There are Murder Drones typical worker drone deaths, a little violent.
All was peaceful on Copper-9, a thick blanket of snow over the ground and the smooth howling of wind. A group of worker drones were messing with something, numb to their surroundings. What a perfect opportunity for any drone with murderous intent! Gliding through the sky came S, its wings cutting through the snowflakes. They land silently in the snow, grinning a sharp grin as their visor displays a blue-teal cross. They giggle lightly as they scan the worker drones. Only five drones, this would be so easy.. Serial designation S slid open their tail with a small mechanical click which caught a blue-eyed drone's attention. His eyes hollowed as he opened his mouth to warn his friends but S shot a bullet clean through his robotic head. The four others whirl to them instantly, fear creeping into their systems immediately. S tackled one to the ground, their tail stabbing another in the side making its systems freeze up. They cackled evilly, killing the one underneath them with a clean bite to the neck and cutting the frozen one in two with their claws. S then plunges a blade into another's head and then starts to go after the last one...
"SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!" The worker drone cursed, running and stumbling through the snow. Its movements seemed sticky, like it had been jammed up by something.
"I've got you now!" S says with a sweet tone before stabbing their tail directly through the drone's body. It goes through, entirely, leaving the body at the base of their spade-shaped point. But when S tried to shake it off, it wouldn't move. S looked confused, flailing their tail to get it off, but it wouldn't budge. It hissed bringing their tail to themself to try and pull it off, but the odd angle aided them none.
They flail their tail around, hissing angrily and spinning slightly to try and get it off. They left score marks in the snow from their whirling, spinning, and flailing. They even tried slamming it into the ground, but that did nothing. S groans in frustration, before spotting an odd substance on the worker's body and clothes. They touch it, and their finger gets stuck for a second before they yank it back. They flail their tail more, and from an outside view, they look like a big cat in distress.
"Aw~ Need some help?" Came a familiar voice and tone.
S shoots up, eyes wide as they stare at the source. It was V, the last drone in the whole universe that they wanted to see right now. S blushes in embarrassment, hiding their face. "I got it, V," They mumble, slamming their tail into a wall to no avail. 
"I don't think you do," The female disassembly drone lands, her hands on her hips as she looks at S in disapproval. "How did you even get like this?"
S groans in pure embarrassment. "I stabbed my tail too far through the body and now my spade is preventing it from coming off. So yeah... My tail is stuck."
V laughs at S's situation, crossing her arms. "Want some help with getting it off?" S reluctantly nods, mumbling to itself as V grows closer. They brought their tail to V, whose eyes narrowed as she tried to figure out what the hell to do. She brought out her claws and started to cut at the worker drone, while S sat with their hands over their face. It screamed internally with gay panic due to the proximity of V. 
After a bit of cutting and pulling, V managed to get the body off of S's tail. She happily drank the oil from this one as S gathered the other bodies. "We are never, ever, going to tell the others about this incident," S mutters sternly to V, who raises a digital eyebrow.
"And what is stopping me from telling N and the toaster, hm?" She says with a small grin.
"You tell them, and I'll mention the fact Miss Murderer actually helped me," S says with a blank face, getting a glare from V.
"And what is stopping me from telling them anyway?"
"If you tell someone, I'll end your fucking existence."
V is barely fazed by the sudden curse from S, she then smiles smugly. "You would never,"
"What makes you think that?"
"Cause you love me too much to do that~" She says in an oddly sweet, sing-song tone.
S's eyes widen as they cover their brightly blushing face with a flustered noise. "AHH- SHHHH. YOU NEVER HEARD THAT CONVERSATION!!"
V summons her wings and expands them, ready to fly off. "Except I did, and I will forever use that knowledge against you,"
"Will you ever give me an answer about it though?!"
S doesn't get a reply, and V flies off. S stares after her, mouth open before they groan, tail flicking behind them. That was a clear no to getting a response.
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shinyshade8026 · 2 months
Terrible Transformation
Asmi has been hiding her solver from her parents for a while, and one day, while S and V are out and she's home alone, she starts overheating only to discover that they are out of oil.
It was a tranquil night at the restored home. Nearly nobody was present, making the building eerily still. The moons were high up, making the snow glow with moonlight. The sky was clear, only patches of clouds drifted through the night. Inside the house was silent, the lights off and the residence dark. It remained hushed until a tiny creak sounded down the stairs.
Asmi quietly crept down the stairs, her pale yellow socks muffling her little metal footsteps. Her hand ran down the railing as she headed downstairs, her eyes simple ovals as she reached the bottom. The young drone looked around, her hand remaining on the handrail before she let go to continue down the hallway. Nobody else was home other than her, and she had slept in. Asmi had checked her Mas’ room, but nobody was there. She grew worried that they had been gone for a while, and it made her fidget with her fingers. Her lime eyes looked at the few pictures on the wall, making her smile. Her parents weren’t the ones to take many photos, but the few they had were some of the best moments Asi could remember. She paused for a moment, staring at her hand. Her metallic appendage was steaming, making her eyes hollow. A warning popped up on Asmi’s visor, making her blink a few times before reading it. ‘HEAT LEVELS DANGEROUSLY HIGH.’ “Oh…” The drone mumbles, directing herself to the kitchen. She started needing more oil the more she used her solver, but she was musing about telling her Mas. She didn’t want them to be angry with her, that was the last thing she wanted.
Asmi came into the room, heading to the small storage closet where her family stashed their oil. Luckily her parents needed the oil to survive as well, so she never had to bother them about it, yet when she tugged open the door, her eyes hollowed once more.
The space was empty, the only things left were a few packets with minuscule drops of oil in them. Asmi walked forward, getting on her toes to check the higher shelves. Panic flared through her circuits. They were out of oil. She had nothing to cool down. Her only thought was to lay in the snow to smother the heat, but that was if she could get outside. 
She turned to the entrance, holding a shelf to keep herself steady as steam hissed from her arms and hands. Everything felt hazy, there was a warning on her visor that she had no energy to dismiss. ‘HEAT LEVELS TOO HIGH.’
“I know..” Asmi groans, stepping forward again. She tripped on her foot, catching herself just barely. Another warning flashed onto her screen, this one for her eyes only.
Asmi’s visor went dark as she lurched forward. Her arms caught her, yet her visor remained dark. The screen flashes, yellow temporarily coloring it until the lime green overtook it, though the yellow undertones remained. The little drone’s head snapped up, a savage grin sharpened her teeth and a wide cross spread across her face. The sound of something tearing through fabric echoes in the home as fleshy appendages build themself from her back. 
Everything went silent and still, the house returning to its previous state. That was until a tiny giggle sliced through it like a sharp blade.
S and V had only been gone a few hours, retrieving oil while S attempted to turn it into a mini-date. V had been unimpressed, it could tell, but that didn’t stop it from trying. The two flew next to each other until S chose to flip onto their back and glide underneath V.
“What are you doing?” V inquired, raising a brow at her partner. S smiled cheekily, their tail audibly buzzing.
“What, am I not allowed to fly like this?” They say, their smile growing wider as V rolled her eyes. 
“You know, that's how you run right into a building, S,” The yellow eyes drone sighed, adjusting her hold on the oil canisters she had.
“But I wanna look at you, V!” S stuck out their tongue, smiling at her, “Besides, you’d tell me if I was gonna run into something, right?” When V only responded with a simple smirk, S frowned. “Right?” V flew faster, diving towards the house and leaving S confused.
The two landed with a puff of snow, V grinning at how sad S looked. As they approached the entrance of the house, V elbowed her partner, smiling at them. S reached for the door handle but froze.
A crash was heard inside the house, making both V and S’s eyes hollow. They look at each other, worry spreading through their systems. They set down the containers, V tensing as S opened the door. What they saw inside made S’s rattle loudly in alarm.
Things were broken and tossed around, wicked claw marks on the wooden floor. An end table was splintered apart and strewn across the entrance room of the house. “ASMI?!” S called, eyes wide and hollow as they proceeded into the house. Another loud crash sounded upstairs before everything went eerily silent. V growls, one of her hands swapping to a blade as she steps forth. S held their arm out to stop her, eyes narrowing towards the stairs. There was the sound of scurrying, and there were a few flickers of light from the top. S’s tail sways back and forth, anxiety pricking through their circuits. 
A loud hiss sounded through their audio receivers as suddenly there was quick movement. As though in a flash, a winged drone was perched on the handrail, a monstrous, snake-like tail flicking behind her as fleshy wings spread from her back. “A-asi?” S’s voice trembled, their eyes thin hollow rings as they reached out a hand to her. Asmi hissed, her tail thrashing. It shot a glance to V, who looked torn, and S knew the reason. This wasn’t the first drone they knew to turn this way. It looked back to Asmi, urging itself to speak. “Asmi.. It’s us, baby… What happened? Are you okay?” The transformed worker drone was frozen in place, the only thing moving was her thrashing tail. That was until S took a step forward again. 
She snarled and her claws dug into the banister before she pounced forward. S fought the instinct to duck and instead caught the small drone. Asmi hissed and writhed in S’s arms, her newly sharp claws digging into their metallic skin. She seemed to be trying to get at something behind S and would do anything to get to it. Her little claws raked across S’s white casing, making small tears in their jacket and drawing oil to the surface. The scratches were shallow and healed over quickly yet they seemed to hurt more coming from Asmi. “V!” S hissed to its girlfriend sharply, jolting her from her thoughts, “Get oil for Asmi! If this is anything like Uzi, she needs it!” V nodded wordlessly, darting to grab some as S wrestled their daughter.
Asmi let out hisses and growls of protest, the cross on her visor glitching a slight bit. S kept her pressed to them, not caring about the clawing that she was doing. It noticed how hot to the touch the worker was, how her metal hissed against S’s cooler surface. How long has she been like this? Surely not since we left, right? They turned Asmi, pressing her back to their chest to calm her flailing wings as V returned with a cup filled with oil for their daughter. The worker drone calmed a bit, her attention latching to the cup which she snatched. As the kid drank it down and stopped squirming, S sighed. 
“She wasn’t actively trying to attack us, she just wanted the oil... Better than what happened with Uzi, but fuck is it just as worrying…” V doesn’t respond to what S says, her eyes trained on the drone in its arms as she calms down. Asmi had stopped her flailing in its entirety, now dangling from S’s arms and drinking the oil offered to her.
“Asmi..?” V finally spoke, looking at her daughter with a slightly worried expression.
The worker drone’s visor was still the cross and she didn’t respond. The disassembly drones exchanged another look.
“M-ma?” Asmi’s voice came out quietly, eyebrows appearing above the cross as she slowly came to.
“We’re here Asi,” S whispers, fixing their hold on their daughter so she wasn’t dangling in their arms.
The worker’s eyes returned to her visor, sitting as ovals until they hollowed and were pressed down by her eyebrows. “..what happened?” She asks, looking from her Mapa to her Mama. She glanced down at her hands, gasping slightly. She dropped the cup, staring at her palms. S caught the cup with their tail, gently rubbing their daughter’s back. Asmi’s fingers now had clawed ends, like her parents. Not only that, but they were coated in oil, and not from the cup. Asmi stared at S now, her display trembling.
S’s core throbbed, seeing Asmi make that face made them feel sick. It hugged Asmi wordlessly, V coming to hug them both as well. It knew she noticed the smeared oil on S’s back as well as the torn jacket when it heard her gasp. 
“D-did-” She choked on her words, pulling her head to stare at S with terror.
“I’m fine, Asmi. Are you okay? What happened?” S’s gaze remained calm.
“But... I hurt you!” Tears welled up at the edges of Asmi’s eyes.
“Asmi, tell us what happened,” V insisted, her tone firm yet worried.
She looked from between them, her eyes filling again as she looked away with guilt. Her small grip tightened on S’s sleeve. The disassembly drones moved to the living room, S setting down Asmi on the couch.
“We won’t be mad at you, alright? We just want to know.” At S’s prompting, Asmi nodded, the fleshy wings on her back drooping against the couch. The worker drone nodded, looking up and starting to tell them. She would tell them everything. She didn’t want to keep this a secret any longer.
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shinyshade8026 · 3 months
V and S going on a date hunting, but V or S gets worn out and the other comforts them and they snuggle :3
While on a hunting date, S swears themself out yet insists they're fine. V knows otherwise and knows just how to help them relax.
Normally, disassembly drones were pretty silent flyers, being able to creep up on workers without an issue. But on this night, a certain set was quite chatty.
S flew below V, their body parallel to hers as they flew with their back to the snowy landscape. The two had chosen to take today to spend time with each other. Asmi was at school, E and J were off doing their own couple things, so that left V and S with each other. Seeing as hunting was one of V's preferred pass time, S had offered to turn it into a date.
By then, V and S had killed around 7 worker drones. They had a list of wanted workers that they kept in their storage. Drones nobody would miss, and those were often their targets. Those or drones just wandering.
At this point, V was still full of energy, and she had noticed that S seemed to be slowing down, despite their sluggish flirting attempts. She frowned lightly, seeing the sighs of exhaustion in their body.
"You know, your hair looks like its glowing in the moonlight," It said with a giggle, staring up at V. She softly smiled at them, but noticed they were struggling to fly in one set direction.
"Thanks, S. Hey, you seem tired. Do you want to rest for a second?" V offered, a genuine look of worry on her face. S giggled sleepily, shaking their head.
"I'm okay V! Wide awake and ready to spend the day with you!!" They hum, flipping so that their back was to V's front. The shorter disassembly drone frowned, but then smirked at seeing a chance to get them to do as she wished.
"Hold on, I think I see a worker down there. Follow me," She swooped down, not waiting for their response.
It followed without question, the two of them landing in the snow at around the same time. V turned to S, seeing them wobble, which only confirmed her thoughts. She strode over to them, one hand on her hip. As it looked around, she crept up behind them before swiftly scooping them into their arms with an alarmed yelp from the blonde.
"Normally you hear me coming. Wow, you really are tired," At her words, S huffed, blushing and crossing their arms. V only chuckled at this, deploying her wings once more. "We're not staying out anymore, I'm taking you home tonight, for the final time, and we aren't leaving our home until you're feeling better,"
They made a mumble of objection, but the way they rested their head against her, and the way their tail wrapped with hers, told V that S wasn't planning on trying to get away from her.
With that information set in her CPU, V crouched down before launching into the air. She felt S curl closer to her and she smiled to herself.
The flight back home was rather quiet, aside from the buzzing of S's tail and their purring that was whisked away by the wind. As they were flying, it still honestly surprised her that someone so tall could easily be picked up by someone around a foot shorter. But hey, she wasn't complaining.
The two landed outside of their home, V walking up the steps with no hesitation, using her tail to pull open the door to let them in. She went up the stairs silently, placing her pointed feet carefully due to the added weight of carrying S.
When she got to their room and went inside, she didn't even bother with turning on the lights, the light from outside being enough. She came over to their large bed and sat S down. Upon being freed from its girlfriend's arms, S stretched their joints, moving in such a way that would be concerning if they weren't flexible.
V unzipped her jacket, taking it off and hanging it on the headboard, along with her scarf. She sat on the bed, snorting at a smiling and blushing S, whose tail was buzzing.
"S, you see me in my tank-top all of the time, yet your reaction never changes," She teases, poking where their nose would be.
S giggled, slipping off their hoodie as well and sitting cross legged on the bed. "What? Am I not allowed to like seeing you?"
"Oh you're such a dork,"
"As always! You love me for it,"
"Damn right," V laid back on the pillows, S shifting to lay with her. One way she knew to get S to relax was to cuddle them until they fell asleep.
S rested their head against V's shoulder, the smaller drone wrapping her arm around their torso. Its arm draped over her chest, going to hold her other hand and intertwine their fingers together. V's other hand found its way to S's back, resting there and little rubbing it.
Their tails wove around each other tightly, the spade-shaped one buzzing quietly as they grew more tired. V took off their beanie, setting it to side so she could now run her free hand through their hair, undoing any tangles gently. She felt them starting to quietly purr, their eyes closing as they nuzzled their face more against V.
"You getting sleepy there, love?" V asks quietly. S's response is a tired mumble while cuddling their face more against her. She chuckled, knowing the real answer. "I'll be here when you wake up," They whisper to it comfortingly.
S cracks open and eye, lifting their head enough to give their partner a light kiss on the lips before putting their head back were it was before. "mm.. you're comfy.." They mumble.
This prompts a chuckle from V, who leans down to kiss their forehead. "I know.. You tell me every time. Take your nap, you big dork,"
S nods sleepily, their visor flickering into ' SLEEP MODE ' for just a moment. "Love you.."
"Love you too," She returned the affection, smiling softly as she watched the text take over S's visor, showing them asleep.
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shinyshade8026 · 4 months
Back and forth banter
S and Uzi are left alone together (bad idea) and S starts to tease Uzi. She shoots right back at them and they go back and forth for a bit. Only for N and V to come back..
This one comes before Hunting Issues!
For once it wasn't snowing heavily on Copper-9, gentle snow drifting down and covering the ground evenly. The spire felt oddly quiet, with no added bickering or light banter. This was due to the absence of two disassembly drones, V and N. Two drones were left together in the landing pod, one spinning in their chair and the other attempting to finish remaking one of her old weapons. The small sound of S spinning in their seat as well as the sound of Uzi tinkering with her new railgun were some of the only sounds filling the pod, until one of them broke it.
"I can't frickin believe N thought I need a baby sitter!" Uzi grumbles, shooting a look to S. 
It paused in spinning, smiling innocently at Uzi. "Hey, your boyfriend wanted you protected while he was gone! I just so happen to be the drone for the job!"
S's boyfriend comment makes harsh blush lines appear under Uzi's eyes. She glares at the other drone. "BITE ME!! N is NOT my boyfriend!!" She says quickly, and defensively.
They giggle and spin their seat around again, speaking in a sing-song tone while doing so. "Oh but you so want him to be!!" This gets an angry huff from the purple themed worker drone.
"I do not!!!"
"Oh, but you do,"
The back and forth goes on for a while, S looking smug while Uzi blushes heavily in embarrassment. S had stopped spinning in their chair to look at Uzi, their hands in their hoodie pocket with a smile in the shape of a wide, sideways, three. Uzi's tail had come out and was sort of lashing in anger, this made S smile more. They didn't know Uzi was so easy to tease!! Eventually, S makes a comment about Uzi being lovesick, and this makes the drone pause. She then grins evilly, getting a confused expression from S.
"Oh, you're one to talk," She says smugly, crossing her arms and leaning back in her seat. S stares at her in confusion, and then realization.
"What do you mean?" They say quickly.
"You bring up me and N, but I can see the way you act with V," Uzi says, going right to the point. S' mouth falls open slightly, a few lines of teal-blue colored blush appearing under their eyes. "HAH! Caught you,"
S's eyes narrow as they shoot Uzi a glare. "You caught nothing!! There is nothing there. V never talks with me," 
Uzi puts her fingers together with a grin. "Oh but there are the times you do talk!!"
"That's besides the point, we were talking about you here, not me!!!"
"Let us talk about you then, Mx love-sick lesbian,"
S hisses standing up as Uzi's eyes hollow. Before S can do anything however, the hatch opens and in comes V and N. S freezes, towering over Uzi with their head turned to the disassembly drones, Uzi looks towards them while her body still faced S. Well that's some terrible timing isn't it?
"Who is love-sick over who?" V says with a smug look. S shrinks back into their seat, pulling their hood over their face, bright blush lines intense at the bottom of their face.
Uzi looks from V to N then back to V. "How much of that did you hear?"
"All of it..." N mumbles. Uzi mutters 'Bite me' under her breath while S dies of gay panic in its seat. They can feel V's eyes burning into them, making their blush worsen.
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shinyshade8026 · 4 months
Since you guys think I only torment S and the others (/j /silly)
Maybe I should open up BombBerry AU one-shot requests...
You can choose to give me Fluffy ideas or you can choose to give me Angsty idea
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shinyshade8026 · 4 months
People swooning over S aside (this writing will not help), here is another!!
S gets crushed by a building, brushes it off, V gets angy, and Uzi decides to do something for a SECOND time!
Stuck Together... again.
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shinyshade8026 · 5 months
|- -- Introduction post!!! -- -|
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Hey there, I'm Shade!! I go by a few names, so I don't care what you call me! The names I go by are:
My pronouns are They/It, so please respect that <3
Current hyperfixation: Murder Drones
Other interests: Pokémon, The Amazing Digital Circus, Wings of Fire, Five Nights at Freddys, there are more but that's alot to add
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I will tag certain things so they are easy to find!! These include:
#shinyshade's nonsense - For when I'm just randomly posting about something
#shinyshade answers - For when I answer asks!!
#shinyshade reblogs - Any reblogs!!
#shinyshade's infodumps - For when I'm info dumping/rambling about something! Most likely my Murder Drones AU
#shinyshade does art stuff - For when I post art!!
#shinyshade does writing stuff - For when I post writing!!
#shinyshade does edit things - For when I post edits!!
#shinyshade favorites - MY FAVORITE THINGS!!
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I often use tone tags, and if you don't know what they mean, I can clarify for you!!! I love making friends, so you just gotta ask!
I am happily taken!!
I'm an Asexual Lesbian who is Demi-Romantic and Ambiamorous!
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Blogs I run!!
@serial-designation-vee - V rp blog!
@unhinged-southern - Alice rp blog!
@the-chaotic-drones - OC rp blog
@ask-the-bombberry-au - Ask my AU!
@ethereal-botanist - 009 rp blog (OC)
@chaotic-cacti - Asmi rp blog (OC)
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That's about it! Have a good day!!
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